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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
"Naruto... what did you think about those flowers... that I got you..." A flustered Kyosuke stood in the hokages office. He told himself he should go and apologize for his mistake, but the minute he saw the blonde again, his mind went blank. "I know you're busy, sorry if I'm just bothering you." //twinuchiha >:3c
Naruto shook his head rapidly, displacing sun-yellow strands that were slowly growing to add an even stronger resemblance to Minato as he gestured for Kyosuke to sit-down;;;.
"You're never a bother!!" He said cheerfully,,-- "Ahhh,, sorry,, I didn't mean to make it weigh on your mind that much,,,. Don't worry,, your hanakotoba is perfectly fine-- I was just teasing you."
Naruto propped his chin on his palms,, looking a lot cuter than a grown shinobi should warrant without a genjutsu as he winked at Kyosuke.
"You make it too easy, sunshine~..." He ribbed,, tone light and soft as a genuine spark lit in his Uzushio blue eyes. "Feel free to bring me more,, I'll plant them next to your other ones in my garden..."
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
Ahem ahem Kyosuke surprises Naruto in a naughty outfit ahem
"Oh Kyosuke..." Naruto licked his lips, leaning back in his chair with an absolutely salacious look on his face,,,. "You shouldn't have, sunshine..." Chuckling, he pulled down the blinds of the meeting room that had just emptied as he crooked his index finger at the Uchiha. "Lemme give ya a kiss since you dressed all nice just to visit me right now..."
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
"Kyosuke!" Kyosuke heard his wife before he saw her, perking up and immediately turning found to be met with a body crashing into his. The Uchiha yelped as he fell, wincing slightly as he hit the ground. "My Dahlia..." He wrapped his arms round her, breathing in her scent. "I...how did you-?" "Naruto." His eyes widened at the sound of his sister-in-law, looking up as best he could to see Sakura helping a pouting Naruto up, the blonde pouting about being blamed for things- and Sasuke, who stood there with a burst of emotions on his face, Sharingan scanning over Kyosuke frantically before he finally spoke. "...You're okay." His voice held his usual stern tone, but the other Uchiha knew otherwise. He smiled in reassurance at his brother as Daria pulled back, cupping his cheeks with a scolding look. "Where have you been?! Do you know how worried you had everyone? Where even are we-" "In another Universe." Kyosuke smiled awkwardly. Then remembered he had an audience, turning back with an awkwardly. "Everyone... meet everyone. heh."
Sasuke blinked once at his- well,, his actual doppelganger this time,,, crossing his arms as he narrowed a sharingan-laced stare at his Naruto;;;. "Dobe." "What- Hey, this wasn't my fault!!!" The Hokage this side of the dimension puffed out his cheeks, waving his arms wildly. Tenten leaned a little harder on his shoulder, oak-brown eyes accessing the new intradimensional, hopefully even more temporary guests to their little slice of Konoha;;;. "Heya Sakura," she called out warmly. "Who's that better looking version of you standing next to Kyosuke-san over there??"
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 1 year ago
“Respectfully, Lord seventh, I don’t think swirling around in your chair is working.” GB!Saku for Naruto hehe @musesofchaos
"Shows what you know Sakura-chan~~,," The resident Nanadaime said while spinning around with a little more force,,, grin bright and toothy,,,. "It helps me think~..... Though you're quite the distraction,, hime~......." He couldn't help stealing glances,,, the nanadaime poorly hiding his wide-eyed appreciation....
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
🌹Kyosuke for Naruto (cause I need more of him lol)
Naruto beamed at Kyosuke, the force of his delight almost physically lifting the air around him with unadulterated cheer as his eyes squinted shut. "Oh you charmer~..." The Nanadaime Hokage purred, suddenly leaning forward over his desk as the hand that wasn't crinkling the important papers on his desk went to caress the delicate, soft-pink petals. He was a fraction closer than what was properly polite, but clearly Naruto was more than alright with that as his fingers just barely ghosted past the exposed skin of Kyosuke's wrist.
(Naruto snickered giddily as the extradimensional Uchiha left his office, a distinctively foxy smugness radiating from his form as his unseen ANBU exchanged looks. Of course.)
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
Kyosuke gently pressed a kiss against Naruto's cheek, eyes bright, smile bashful, and cheeks flushed. "A thank you kiss, for everything you've done. For me and everyone else. I really appreciate you, Naruto. I just wanted you to know that." //twinuchiha - for cuteness sake
Red burst into bloom on Naruto's cheeks as he grinned,, the points of his eyeteeth gleaming as he clasped Kyosuke's hand with his;-- his palms were rough with callouses and warm, like a comfortable sun,,,. "Thanks!! Y'know,, it really isn't fair that you don't come around to pester me while I'm in the office..." He winked, pecking both of Kyosuke's cheeks with surprisingly soft lips. Naruto's whisker-marks stretched and distorted as he winked, one brilliant blue eye sliding over him foxily. "I'd almost feel neglected that ev'ryone else is getting more attention that me, yanno, Kyosuke-san~~?"
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
Unflinchingly settling your head into your lover's lap while they watch television/are reading a book/doing their favorite hobby. Then asking your lover to explain what's going on/what they're doing. (For Naruto and Kyosuke)
"Huh? Oh, I'm just setting aside seed-packets for the rest of the year,," Naruto carded his fingers through Kyosuke's hair, marvelling at the silkiness. He smiled, setting the box of rattling seeds aside to bury both of his hands into the black strands,,,.
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
Kyosuke gently cups Narutos cheek
The man leaned into the warm-touch,, closing his eyes as his hand continued to write on the small stack of papers he was working-through;;;. "Hmm..."
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
❝  you have a way of lighting up even the darkest moments.” Kyosuke for Naruto cause ahhhhhhhh
The Hokage felt his heart flutter, a surprised softness slipping through his features as he looked up at Kyosuke,,,. "Oh, you--" But was it the same? He wasn't quite Kyosuke's Naruto, he knew that, but he already treasured the other Uchiha, like an iryō-nin loved a comfrey balm,,, -- and Sasuke adored him, like he would adore just about any wayward family members he could so easily claim. He just hoped he was providing just as much comfort to Kyosuke as the other did to him,, someone alike yet not of his friends and more,,. "-Thank you, Kyosuke-san;;;. You're precious to me as well,,."
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
��� cuddles “ For Naruto and Kyosuke
"C'mere Kyosuke~!" Naruto snickered mischievously as he jumped the Uchiha from behind,, wrapping his arms around his chest with a squeeze.
He flipped him over, tumbling so Kyosuke ended up back-to-chest to him between his legs as Naruto collapsed on Kiba's couch,,,. "Hokage privilege for cuddles..."
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
Naruto, what do you and Gaara get up to in your office? I walked by once and heard some interesting sounds.....
Naruto blinked, smile not wavering,,. "Pshaww, all that boring Kage work, you know??? Negotiating, coordinating, all that important stuff. But it's wayy easier when me 'n Gaara are friends, hahaha..." There was no way they could've heard anything incriminating... Between Gaara's Sand and Naruto's Seals whenever one of them was feeling... well,, the room was entirely silenced whenever they got up to it;;;.
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
Nsfw question, sorry, but uh, Naruto? Exactly how many people have you... ahem had time with in the hokages office?
The Nanadaime Hokage chuckled, tapping the side of his nose as his Hat slanted over his brow,,,.
"I'm a gentlenin,, I don't kiss and tell..." Mostly just members of their friend-group,,, though if he thought back about it Shikamaru probably was the most likely suspect,,,. Then again,, they did work very closely with each other all the time,, so hey Naruto couldn't be blamed when Shikamaru wanted... a little incentive to stay working in the Tower after strictly the hours were over...??
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
“Dattebayo! Okay!!” Sasuke did sigh this time at Naruto’s immediate agreement, snagging the back of Naruto’s collar before he could do anything. “Dobe. Think about it first.” Naruto stuck out his tongue, childishly. "I don't need Shikamaru here, I know what I'm doing!!" He punctuated his statement by setting down his bowl loudly. "That's a first," Sasuke quipped,,. "Teuchi-saan!!" "How many questions can we ask you? Or is it simply based on how long the bowl lasts? Because you know that isn't very long," Sasuke asked Kyosuke directly, trying to discern,,. "Get a smaller bowl Naruto!" That way, both Naruto would have technically less excuse to stay at Ichiraku's,, and he would take more time to finish his last bowl;; Naruto instinctively went to savour smaller bowls due to how quickly he could eat-them up,,.
“Sasuke?” Kyosuke paused in his walk, looking over his shoulder in surprise and confusion. Didn’t Sasuke send him a letter that he wouldn’t be back for another while? What was he doing this close to the village then? //twinuchiha - for walking by Sasuke
"Yes? Did you need something?" Sasuke asked calmly, not recognizing what should have been familiar features-- for he had let go of his restless gaze for family After everything, now that he truly was the Last. Not to mention Sasuke's penchant in the last months of avoiding his reflection. Was he needed back for a mission? Or paperwork?
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
“Always!! -for my dear sunshine of course!!!” The Hokage belted out as he leapt from one rooftop to another-- the trip surprisingly comfortable for all that Naruto kept his grip firm and warm,, and his steps sure and steady as all too soon they neared the walls of the Uchiha compound;;;.
Dropping down with a small cloud of dust Naruto beamed at Kyosuke, not putting him down just yet as he stood outside the Gates with the Uchiha comfortably squashed against his chest,,. "When you see Sasuke tell 'im that I said hi, okay, sunshine? -Oop, speak of the kami..." The native Uchiha in question was striding over to the both of them from the house.
"Naruto... what did you think about those flowers... that I got you..." A flustered Kyosuke stood in the hokages office. He told himself he should go and apologize for his mistake, but the minute he saw the blonde again, his mind went blank. "I know you're busy, sorry if I'm just bothering you." //twinuchiha >:3c
Naruto shook his head rapidly, displacing sun-yellow strands that were slowly growing to add an even stronger resemblance to Minato as he gestured for Kyosuke to sit-down;;;.
"You're never a bother!!" He said cheerfully,,-- "Ahhh,, sorry,, I didn't mean to make it weigh on your mind that much,,,. Don't worry,, your hanakotoba is perfectly fine-- I was just teasing you."
Naruto propped his chin on his palms,, looking a lot cuter than a grown shinobi should warrant without a genjutsu as he winked at Kyosuke.
"You make it too easy, sunshine~..." He ribbed,, tone light and soft as a genuine spark lit in his Uzushio blue eyes. "Feel free to bring me more,, I'll plant them next to your other ones in my garden..."
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sixtymillionoverdueideas · 2 years ago
"T-They're not my--" The Uchiha stammered uncharacteristically on reflex;; he turned the stove on with a flicker and wiped his hands before starting oiling a pan,,,.. "--...Well, I suppose, but..." He thought about his offspring, trying to imagine... "...It's definitely not like that with them. They are... nothing like me at all. I'm glad." Self-deprecation may have twisted an iron spike into his words as he continued, not thinking about it. "They may be Uchiha, but they're nothing like me. Like... Itachi..." His voice trailed off as his hands mindlessly went through the motions of cooking. "They're going to be such good people when they're grown."
“Sasuke?” Kyosuke paused in his walk, looking over his shoulder in surprise and confusion. Didn’t Sasuke send him a letter that he wouldn’t be back for another while? What was he doing this close to the village then? //twinuchiha - for walking by Sasuke
"Yes? Did you need something?" Sasuke asked calmly, not recognizing what should have been familiar features-- for he had let go of his restless gaze for family After everything, now that he truly was the Last. Not to mention Sasuke's penchant in the last months of avoiding his reflection. Was he needed back for a mission? Or paperwork?
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