#ic commentary | krane
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“can you both stop eating rocks. you’re scaring the humans.”
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orretaken · 1 year
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"children should be allowed their childhood." bold words, krane.
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schattenfanger · 2 years
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tfw u get recruited as a consultant at ten and are now stuck cop-adjacent
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silently considers violence against the head of interpol.
reconsiders it because michael needs to be protected.
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“children. . .” there’s a deep contemplative look on his face. sharp eyes would see a flash of deep guilt. “are often our last defense against the evils of the world. we must respect them as such.”
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“don’t anger maxie. you will regret it. hell of a right hook.”
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“. . . she was a good kid, before.”
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@fatedforglory​ said:  Maxie: I will literally die in Orre if I don't
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“then tell them it’s rock candy.”
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meanwhile, in orre...
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fc hashiratani kogorou from gokukoku no brynhildr
canon: professor krane is the director and lead scientist of the orre pokemon hq lab, which focuses on relationships between humans and pokemon, as well as the study of the orre environment as it slowly becomes more hospitable for humans and pokemon. he also reverse engineered (with his team) the snag machine and led development on the purification computer system to make it more easier to heal shadow pokemon on a larger scale.
my addition: larch krane was born a wood nymph (using @fatedforglory​‘s lore. bless them) who traveled to orre after learning of the state of it’s land with the intention to help heal it. he hadn’t realized quite how bad it was, but there was something about it that he couldn’t help but love. as a young scientist, cipher recruited him to help their operations, telling him they were focusing on solutions to make the land habitable and that was part of why they had so many pokemon coming in and out through the base.
it was during the first shadow pokemon crisis that he leaned the truth and, with help from some people inside cipher uncomfortable with the direction they were going, left. he set up the pokemon hq as a way to actually do the work he had come for and to prepare for the chance that cipher returned. many of his fellow scientists were either cipher defectors, or entered the profession just after the first crisis.
over the seven years he’s been based in orre, he shifted from wood nymph to dark nymph. he’s certain that the nature of orre will be the death of him eventually, but he’s okay with that. he loves it too much to leave when he can still do so much more.
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