horribleauthortm · 2 years
Based on that one time Charlie said he wanted to go haunt some rich old lady's house and sleep in there.
Prompt: Scared Shitless || Dark Places
Words: 2274
IBVS by @onebizarrekai
Charlie looked ahead.
The mansion standing in front of him was gorgeous. Behind the high fences, a pebble pathway surrounded by perfectly-trimmed grass led up to the two-storey build of white stone walls and dark wood outlining the windows. Four marble pillars stood high, two holding up a balcony over the entrance, the other two supporting the roof-overhang by the corners. Right behind a smaller brick wall, hedges circled around the house, leaving an opening only where the path connected with the porch. Two trees-acorn, Charlie thought them to be-grew on either end of the hedges.
The young boy smiled to himself, phasing right through the fences.
He learned from around town that this house was inhabited by an old lady, a widow whose husband had left his entire fortune to back in the 70’s or something.
He went up the few stairs leading to the front entrance, stopping momentarily to admire the intricate details on the door. He moved to the windows, finding the windowsills just as detailed.
Someone must have paid a lot for this mansion.
He peered inside, where he found what seemed to be the living room. No one, exactly as he had hoped.
The ghost let himself in.
The house seemed even bigger on the inside. The room he was in was probably three times the size of their own. On the left was the hall, a wide set of stairs led to the second floor, branching at the top into two smaller ones.
He poked his head into the kitchen, also finding it 1- bigger than necessary and 2- completely empty. Same went for the dining room, which had a little too many chairs for a house where a lonely old lady lived by herself.
Charlie passed through the hall. The walls were crowded with picture frames, many were black-and-white pictures of a young couple, with a variety of different-clearly important-people. One portrait featured the young man, whom Charlie concluded was the dead husband, in his 40’s or 50’s. Up front, hung alone on the opposite wall, in such a way it’s the first thing you find when entering, was a large colored portrait of a woman, barely resembling the woman in the other pictures, who looked maybe 113 years old.
Damn, she’s OLD old. He giggled to himself. Hope I don’t find her dead right now.
He backed up slightly, peering upstairs. Still so much to explore.
The second storey had a much different floor-plan. There were two hallways opposite each other. Two simple arm chairs sat on either side of a high table with a vase on top.
“Hm…” Charlie looked at the hallways. “Eenie meenie minie moe.” His finger pointed left. “Alright, left it is, let’s go.”
Minutes later, he returned, having found nothing but empty rooms making up an office, three spare bedrooms, and yet another, slightly smaller, living room.
The other hallway was very similar, containing a fancy bathroom, another office, and the master bedroom. The bedroom caught his attention the most. It was a wing by itself: A king-sized bed with a silk canopy in the center, a large dresser to its right, and an even larger closet on the opposing wall. Next to the dresser was a door, presumably leading to a private bathroom.
Charlie went in, looking around. The wallpaper, the chandelier and lamps, everything down to the fabric of the blankets screamed expensive, and taste, too.
He went up to the dresser, which had all types of jewelry and perfumes scattered around it. A picture frame of the supposed-dead husband was perched on the mirror. Charlie opened the drawers slightly, finding more sets of jewelry, makeup products, and hair-styling pieces rolling in it.
The lady sure liked to take good care of her looks.
A door handle rattled next to him.
He didn’t have time to look before the bathroom door swung open, leaving him less than a second to duck under the dresser.
An old woman-the one in the portrait downstairs-took slow steps into the room. Charlie held his breath, not knowing why exactly he did so. The steps sounded slower than ever, shuffling against the carpeted floor. The boy peeked out, seeing the elderly lady still barely halfway through the room.
The woman stopped, taking a quick glance to her right, right where Charlie’s head was poking.
He jerked back, scooting as back as he could as the steps-much quicker than they had been just moments earlier- approached him. Why Charlie hadn’t just phased out of there was a mystery, even to himself.
“Roberto, is that you again?” She sighed loudly.
She bent over, looking under the dresser.
“Umm…hi?” He waved awkwardly. She looked slightly better than she did in the photos.
“Oh…You’re not Roberto…”
He coughed, recomposing himself, “I am the cursed spirit of this home-“
“Oh you poor thing!” She wailed, putting a hand on her chest. “You’re just a child! What could have possibly happened to you to end up like this?”
Charlie blinked. Well, this surely wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.
“Come out here, sonny, I don’t bite.” She gave a reassuring smile and extended her hand to him. Charlie stared at her wrinkly hand, looking up at her face for a moment before grabbing it and hoisting himself up from where he was hiding.
“What’s your name, honey?” She asked him, cupping his face in her palms.
“Um…I’m Charlie?”
“Such a cute name for an even cuter child.” She pinched his cheek. “Come on downstairs and drink a cup of tea with me, won’t you?”
Charlie looked around for a moment, then he turned back to her. “Alright? I wouldn’t mind…”
The woman turned to the door, pulling Charlie behind her.
“It’s been so long since I last had any visitors,” She spoke as they headed down the stairs, stopping at the bottom. She gestured to the living room. “Would you go wait for me there? I’ll be right back with the tea.”
Charlie nodded and headed for the living room as the woman stepped into the kitchen.
Now that he was waiting, he actually paid attention to the contents of the room. A glass chandelier hung from the ceiling, illuminating the entire room. A TV sat on a stone counter extended from the wall straight ahead, a set of maroon couches around a low coffee table gathered in front of it. A knitting basket was placed beside the only armchair in the set. To the right wall, an old bookshelf of some type of dark wood towered high, its shelves filled to the brim with all types of books. An old grandfather clock ticked slowly beside it.
This was going much smoother than he had thought. He didn’t need to haunt or scare the little old lady to stay in here, as fun as that would have been. Sure, he would feel guilty, but it’s not that bad. She seemed desperate for company, he could probably convince her to let him stay effortlessly.
“Hope I didn’t leave you waiting too long.”
Charlie turned around, finding the elderly lady shuffling her way into the room, a tray in her hands.
“Really nice place you got here, Ma’am,” he said as she set the tray down in front of him, then started to pour the tea.
“Thank you, dearie.” She handed him his cup, taking one herself then sitting on the chair opposite of him. “Did my own renovations to it lately.”
Charlie took a sip from his cup, still checking the details of the room.
“So,” she started, looking up at the fascinated boy, “What are you, if you don’t mind me asking? I know you’re not a spirit that haunts this place, I’ve been here for decades.”
He looked up at her, looking to the side and smiling awkwardly. “Yeah…About that, sorry. I just… wanted to stay here, I don’t really have anywhere to stay.”
She smiled, “Don’t worry about it, dear. Now tell me, what are you, really?
His eyes lit up. “Oh! I’m a superhero!”
“Is that so?” She chuckled. “And what does this ‘superhero’ do?”
He took another sip from the tea. “I go around kicking asses and serving justice where it’s lacking!”
The woman chuckled again, setting her tea down and picking up her knitting equipment. “I hope you don’t hurt yourself when doing that.”
“Oh, no, it’s not that bad.”
“I’m guessing it’s because you are a ghost, isn’t it?” She looked up at him for a moment before turning back to the project at hand.
“Maybe,” he shrugged, “but I think it’s because I’m just that good at my job. No one can hurt me.”
She chuckled again. “Well, that’s what Roberto used to say.”
Charlie took another sip, tilting his head slightly. “Wait, who’s Roberto?”
“My late husband,” she answered, not looking up from the yarn in her lap.
“Oh.” He pursed his lips, looking away, “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be, honey. He was a prick.”
“Really?” He slid to the edge slightly, moving his weight forward. “Why? What did he do?”
The woman took a deep breath, setting her knitting needles on her lap, then sighing a sad old lady sigh.
“Oh, baby, he was hard-headed. Always must have his way and no one else’s.”
Charlie listened intently as the lady spoke, sipping his tea every now and then. The description of the man didn’t fit the pictures he had seen of him around the house. At first, he had seemed a really nice, kind man to Charlie. But the more the woman spoke, the less he sounded a remotely decent guy. He even wondered why she would keep his pictures-including a small picture frame on the table beside her-if she hated him so much.
“And you know what the worst thing is?” She looked at the boy on the edge of his seat, literally.
“What?” He asked.
“He had a mistress.” She spat the last word out, her heartbreak clear in her tone. “And he had the nerve to bring her here one night.”
“No…” Charlie straightened his back. “That bastard.”
The woman only nodded slowly, her eyes seeming to fill up with tears. “It’s true.”
“And what did you do that night?”
“What could I have done?” She glanced at the boy momentarily, then looked away to the side. “I could only watch.”
Charlie took a deep breath, drinking from his cup in an attempt to fill the silence.
The woman sighed loudly, picking the needles back up. “But, fortunately, that didn’t last for long, for he died not too long after, leaving little old me all alone in this house.”
The ghost’s head perked up, and he lowered his drink. “He died after that? He kinda deserved it to be honest.” He shrugged. “But how did he die?”
She looked up at the boy. “I killed him.”
Charlie almost choked on his drink.
“Wha- You what?”
“I killed him.” She simply repeated, sparing the wide-eyed boy a glance before turning to the yarns again.
“And, uh, how did you, um, kill him?” He asked, sitting up straight, cracking his knuckles as he spoke.
“I poisoned his drink.” She didn’t look up, but she clearly heard Charlie set his cup on the table to his right.
“O-oh, wow,” he laughed nervously, glancing around the room.
“He came back to me years later as a ghost.” The woman continued, still not looking at the boy.
“Oh, he, uh, he did? And, um, what did you do then?”
“We eventually came to a truce, and he ended up staying here for the night.”
“So he stays here now? As a ghost?”
The lady laughed, placing a hand on her chest. “Oh no, honey, of course not,” she smiled up at Charlie, “I called an exorcist that night, and I got rid of him for the second time.”
Charlie forced a smile to go along with hers.
Okay, this wasn’t fun anymore.
He needed to get out of here asap.
”Anyway, enough about me,” she looked at the boy, smiling again. “You said you wanted to stay here, Charlie?" She set the needles down again, scooting forward slightly. “You're more than welcome, I’d love the company.”
“Oh, but you didn’t get to taste my cookies!” She protested, also standing up and following him as he practically ran backwards for the door. “Surely you can stay a little longer!”
“Um, actually, I, uh, I should probably go find my family.” He said, rising to his feet as the old woman’s eyes followed him. “They must be looking for me.” He took a couple steps backward as he spoke.
“Oh well,” she sighed, “Make sure to come visit me, alright, Charlie honey?”
“I’m really sorry, Ma’am,” he held his hands up, “I‘m....lactose intolerant? Thank you for the tea, really awesome place you got here.”
“Of course I will! Goodbye, Ma’am, see you later!”
With that, he bolted out the door, down the porch, and on the path, and within moments, he was nowhere to be seen.
The old woman chuckled to herself, dropping the curtains and heading back to her seat. She picked up the frame next to her, which held the picture of her loyal, loving husband, who had tragically died of a heart attack some 40 years prior.
“Oh, Roberto,” she smiled, sighing and placing the portrait to her chest. “How I wish you were here to see his face.”
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zuzuma-katpaws · 4 years
IBVS Week! I'm a bit nervous about posting anything still, so I hope you like it.
Day 1 - Sleeping
IBVS - @onebizarrekai
He slowly opened the door and little by little crept in, without making a single sound. He saw his target, Drew, sleeping ever so peacefully on his back and blissfully unaware of what awaited him. He had fallen asleep reading his book again. A soft red blanket covered most of his body which contrasted his yellow shirt and blue denims. There was a small lamp on that provided light, but it was dim and not very reliable. Like a ninja, Nevin maneuvered around the darkness of the room till he reached the edge of the bed, where his twin laid upon. 
Drew breathed in and out in hypnotic rhythm that even made Nevin tired. One of his hands was hanging off the edge of the bed which was perfect for what Nevin had in store for his unsuspecting victim. Bringing out the can of whipped cream, he carefully covered the hand with the sweet edible foam. Drew’s right eye twitched ever so slightly, causing alarm in Nevin and his nerves. After waiting for  another minute, Nevin continued spraying the whipping cream with caution until it was slightly overfilling the hand. 
Nevin then put away the can before pulling out the softest feather that he could find. It was one of those colorful feathers that Abuela kept for her arts and crafts, barely long enough to tickle anyone with. Nevin smirked evilly as he raised the feather just a few centimeters away from the nose. 
“This is for changing my mouthwash, dear brother” Nevin cackled softly, very sure of his victory. 
“SILLY STRING AMBUSH!” cried out Drew as he quickly sat up and revealed his other hand that happened to be under the blanket the entire time, which held the weapon of choice. Nevin gasped and tried to back away, however it was in vain. Yellow string covered Nevin all over from head to toe, rendering the teen in full shock. The icing on the cake was that Drew decided to place the whipped creamed hand gently on Nevin’s face, covering it completely. 
“Gotcha” Drew said gleefully, pulling his hand away so that he could see his brother’s face. Nevin licked some of the whipped cream off his mouth while the rest started melting off his face. “Congratulations brother. You have bested me at my own game. Well done.” 
They both stood up at the same time, with some of the excitement settling down. Drew was so sure that it was over, however the smug Nevin was not done. “Now then Drew, give me a hug” Nevin said with his arms open, having much of the cream covering his clothes now. Drew’s eyes widened before taking off into a sprint, screaming out, “NOOOO!” 
Nevin guffawed as he ran after his twin, ready to tackle him and spray him with the rest of the can. 
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onebizarrekai · 6 years
IBVS Insomnia: My Secret (Part two)
I couldn’t stay away from this for too long. Here’s part two! I’m just gonna say now some stuff is gonna go down. So be prepared! (Also Drew and Edward spent the time together for the hour, that’s kinda important to know right now) (Also they didn’t make out for one hour, that’s just weird)
After Drew and Ed separated from another kiss Drew stood up. 
“I should probably get back home.”
“Isn’t Cross still over with your brother?”
It took Drew a minute to realize Cross was a nickname for Chris, “It’s past eight, he probably left.”
Ed nodded, “Okay, be careful though. If Nevin knew about this he would probably kill me. ”
Drew gave Ed a quick goodbye kiss and started walking back home.
His mind was racing, A secret relationship with Ed, who would have known?
He put his ear buds in again and listened to the calming piano music.
He was filled with questions, How long will this be a secret? How will we tell everyone that we’re dating? What will Nevin do when he finds out?
Drew shook his head, he was sure Nevin would support him in his relationship.
Fifteen minutes later
Drew turned his music off and put his phone and ear buds away. he then entered the house and yelled, “I’m back!”
In a flash Nevin went straight to Drew. He was staring him down. Drew felt uneasy, “Uh, Nevin?”
Once those words left his mouth Nevin pinned him to the wall. A shout of surprise left Drew’s mouth.
“Why. Did. You. Lie. To. Me.” Nevin looked furious.
“I didn’t! I just…um…uh…” Drew was struggling to find an excuse.
Nevin tightened his grip on Drew. Drew whimpered in pain. 
“Stop it. I know everything”
Drew blinked, “Everything?”
Nevin frowned with disappointment, “Everything.”
Drew stared at Nevin in shock, “What? How?!”
Nevin’s frown grew, “I was there, I saw everything between you and Error.”
“I-I…” Drew was lost for words.
Nevin let Drew go then he started to go towards the front door. Drew was leaning against the wall, holding his arms in pain.
“Nevin? Where are you going?”
Nevin faced Drew, “I’m going to get my brother back from that monster.” And with that, Nevin dashed towards the park.
Drew collapsed, Nevin believes I’m someone else…he thinks Drew would never fall in love with Ed.
With that, Drew collapsed into tears. He knew Nevin was going to try and kill Ed.
A thought crossed Drew’s mind, I can protect him.
Then Drew raced to the park.
At the park
Drew reached the park hoping he wasn’t too late.
Then his heart sunk.
Nevin seemed to be covered in black goop with tentacles.
And those tentacles held Ed.
Ed looked like he was trying to fight the tentacles. But he was failing.
“ED!” Drew screamed.
Both them turned their heads, Nevin looked enraged but Ed?
Ed looked relieved. 
Did Ed know that he was coming to save him?
“Well, well, well,” Nevin looked insulted, “It’s the brother lookalike.”
“I’m NOT a lookalike! I AM YOUR BROTHER!”
Nevin rolled his eyes, “My brother would never fall in love with a monster.”
Another tentacle formed, “I need you to tell me where my brother is, now.”
Drew gulped, “You’re looking right at hi-” Drew was cut off by the tentacle, nearly stabbing him.
He looked over at Ed, he mouthed the word “Run.”
Drew ran. He couldn’t do this alone. He needed help.
Drew darted behind a tree, pulled his phone out, and quickly dialed Barry’s number. He heard it ring a couple of times before he heard a familiar “Hello?”
Drew rushed his words out, “Barry! Nevin’s trying to kill me and Ed! We need he-" 
A tentacle had crushed the phone. Drew gasped in surprise and looked right at the tentacle.
And everything went black.
"We need he-” then the line cut out.
“Drew? Drew?!" 
Barry set his phone down.
"Barry? What’s going on?"  Isaac was confused.
"I’m not entirely sure, but I think Drew and Ed are in trouble.” Barry stated.
Isaac had a look of surprise on his face, “What happened?”
Barry sighed, “Drew said Nevin was trying to kill them.”
Isaac stood up, “What?! Nevin’s trying to kill Drew?!”
Barry nodded, “Apparently. But I don’t know what would make Nevin want Drew dead.”
Isaac whipped his phone out.
“What are you doing?”
Isaac was focused on his phone, “I’m texting Chris, we’re gonna go save Drew.”
“And Ed,” Barry added.
“Yeah sure, we’ll save him too.”
“I’m going with you,” Barry declared.
“What can you do?”
“I can deal with injuries.”
“Alright, did Drew say where they were?” Isaac was still focused on his phone. 
“No, but I know Ed was at the park.”
“Okay,” Isaac pocketed his phone, “Chris is meeting us there. ”
Barry nodded and they both dashed out the door and to the park.
Now you have to wait for the next part! It’s probably going to be written this afternoon. Listening to Skillet made this story have angst. Jk, I just wanted it to be dramatic. Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading part two!
(Also the message with the weird symbols from the last part was “So he would never be happy”)
(Kai are you proud of me? I wrote this part in an hour as well.)
submitted by anonymous
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horribleauthortm · 2 years
Actual Day 3 thing cause that Isaac/Monika thing doesn't count-
Prompt: Pay Attention || Games We Play
Words: 821
IBVS by @onebizarrekai
Weird colors and shapes.
Purple, with hints of lime green, a few yellow sparkles here and there.
Was he seeing things?
Blue, a couple reddish ovals sprinkled between.
Drew couldn’t help but stare at the floating shapes, which he had been seeing since he woke up that morning. At first, he thought he was still sleepy and half-dreaming when he looked at his brother and found the cloud of randomly colored ‘bubbles’ around him. He even found it funny, Nevin’s grumpy morning-face through all the blues, reds, and purples.
It wasn’t funny anymore.
What even is this?
Is he going crazy or what?
He’s not mad, come on. What are you thinking?
Maybe it’s some neuro-thingy disorder. This type of thing was a symptom of some of them, right? He read about something like that before, what was it called? Synesthesia? Synthetic hallucinations? Maybe some type of schizophrenia, could that be it?
But it wouldn’t show up suddenly, right? Just yesterday everything was normal. Nothing could have happened between the evening and this morning. It’s not like it would just ‘awaken’ randomly. That’s not how it works.
What else could it be? It’s either that or he’s going crazy, and frankly, he preferred the first possibility.
Okay, he’s not crazy, he’s just got some hallucinating disorder.
Should he tell someone about this? If it is some disorder like that, he would need to address it, right? What if it evolves and gets worse, or branches out into more life-altering side-effects? He’ll need treatment, wouldn’t he?
He really didn’t want to have to tell anyone. Would they even believe him if he did? They’d probably think he’s lying or playing around.
And even if they did, they’re too busy to take him for diagnosis.
There’s no need to bother them with it. It’s not that bad. If it gets worse, then he’ll think about telling them.
What if he tells Nevin? Would he laugh at him and think he’s joking too? What if he thinks he’s crazy?
No, Nevin would believe him.
He glanced up at Nevin, who was sitting across the table from him.
Forget it, it’s not like he would be able to do much about it, either.
Nevin was looking back at him.
Drew jerked his head up, looking at the man sitting to his left.
Red, orange.
“Yes, sir?”
“Were you listening to me just now?”
“Of course, Mr. Baker.” He smiled nervously.
The tutor stared silently at him.
Orange, green.
“What’s the answer then?”
Drew glanced back at his brother. The shapes were now of a red-purple palette. He was looking at him weird. “Five,” he mouthed, after making sure Mr. Baker was focused on Drew.
He turned back to the older man. “Ummmm…five?”
Red, green.
“Nevin,” Mr. Baker said sternly, side-eyeing him, “I’m asking him, not you.”
Drew looked at his brother.
Blue, red, purple.
“Sorry, sir.” Nevin huffed under his breath, propping his elbow on the table and leaning his head on his hand. He looked up at the other.
“Solve the next one, Drew.”
Drew took a deep breath, gulping then turning to the book sitting open in front of him.
What was he supposed to solve again?
“I’m sorry,” the boy mumbled, looking up at the formally-dressed man, “What number do you want me to solve?”
Orange, magenta.
The man sighed. “Drew, are you alright?”
“You’ve been distracted since the beginning of the lesson, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, that.” Drew laughed nervously. “I, uh, didn’t get much sleep last night?”
He did not like this.
The man raised an eyebrow, “Oh? And why is that?”
Please just tell me what to solve and move on.
“I…had a nightmare.”
“Uh huh.” He nodded slowly, “Well, I hope it didn’t scare you too bad.” He gave him a small smile.
Magenta, reddish-pink.
Drew chuckled, hoping this conversation was over.
“Which one should I solve?”
“Thirteen. You’ll need your notebook for it.”
Drew pulled his notebook from the side, turning to a blank page somewhere near the end.
Find the GCF and LCM of the following numbers, then write each fraction in the simplest form:
He copied the numbers to his paper when a phone rang. Mr. Baker picked it up.
“Hello? Yeah, this is Derrell Baker, who’s with me? Oh, Jenny! Sorry, I didn’t save your number yet.”
The conversation was tuned out. Drew side-eyed the teacher.
Yellow, sparkles of magenta.
Drew took a deep breath.
“Psst, Drew.”
He turned to the black-haired boy.
Blue, orange, some reddish-pink here and there.
“What’s up?” He mouthed, sparing the tutor, who was looking off into the wall as he spoke, a side glance.
The boy smiled and gave his brother a quick thumbs-up. He then turned back to his work, noticing that Nevin was still looking at him.
But Nevin wasn’t.
He was looking only slightly higher.
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onebizarrekai · 6 years
IBVS Insomnia: My Secret (Part one)
It’s currently midnight, I’m listening to Skillet and writing an IBVS Insomnia fan-fic…yup, a completely normal night. The time frame of the story is a day in December in the evening. Enjoy part one of the story! 
Chris was coming over for the fifth time this week and Drew wasn’t sure what to do.
Chris and Nevin began dating about a month ago. At first Drew stuck around the house whenever Chris came over and Drew played the part of the awkward third wheel. Then he had the idea to go hang out with friends while his brother and Chris spent their time together. 
But right now, no one was available. Not even Barry. Apparently Isaac was drawing one of his cats so Barry had to stay with him. There was only one option left.
Drew looked outside his window. It’s not too cold, I won’t need a jacket, Drew thought. He threw on a sweater and headed downstairs. He could hear Nevin cooking something, probably waffles for Chris.
“I’m going to the park!” Drew yelled. Nevin yelled back “Are you going alone?” Drew froze, he knew Nevin wouldn’t allow him to go to the park alone. 
Probably because of Edward.
It wasn’t a secret, Nevin and Edward hated each other. So it was normal for Nevin to not want Drew to be near Ed. Nevin once chased Edward around the school because he had called Drew “Cute.” But preventing Drew from going to public places alone was a step too far. 
So Drew chose the last thing he wanted to do.
“I’m meeting some friends there.” Drew lied. There was a pause. Drew held his breath. “Alright,” Nevin finally replied, “Be back by eight okay?” (Nevin is such a mom xD)
Drew exhaled, “Alright!” And with that, he left the house and began walking to the park.
Fifteen minutes later…
Drew sat down on a bench. It was getting dark. He didn’t think about what he was going to do for the hour. Maybe he could just relax. Drew pulled out his phone and some ear buds. He put the ear buds in and scrolled through the songs he and Nevin listened to. He passed by at least three Skillet albums before finding some piano music. He closed his eyes and listened to the calming music.
Drew couldn’t believe he actually lied to Nevin.
In the fifteen years they had lived together Drew had never lied to Nevin. Drew started to feel the sinking feeling of guilt.
“What are you doing here?”
Startled, Drew pulled the ear buds out and turned to face the person who spoke.
It was Edward. (If I wasn’t so nice I would end this part right here)
“I thought your brother banned you from going to the park alone.”
Drew tried to think of an excuse, “Well…um…he let me go alone this one time?”
Edward rolled his eyes, “You lied to him, didn’t you?”
Drew lowered his head in shame.
Edward sat next down to Drew, “Why the fuck would you lie to Nevin?”
Drew couldn’t hold it in anymore, “I’m sick and tired of being the awkward third wheel! I didn’t want to be around while Nevin and Chris do whatever they do when they’re together!”
There was silence for a moment.
“I’m sorry, I just had to get that off of my chest.”
More silence. Drew shivered, the temperature had gone down. The sweater he was wearing wasn’t keeping him warm enough. Edward seemed to take notice.
“Here,” Edward took off his scarf and handed it to Drew, “I’m not that cold anyway.”
Drew wrapped the scarf around his neck, he was feeling warmer already. He looked over at Edward, Is he blushing?  Drew wondered. Edward was indeed blushing.
Even more silence.
“Hey Edward?”
“Call me Ed.”
“Oh okay.”
Guess what? More silence.
“Ed, why did you call me cute? ”
Ed turned red, “What?!”
“You’ve called me cute before. I remember from the chase,” Drew stated, “But why?”
Edward seemed to turn into a tomato. “Well, I…"  he trailed off.
Then Edward put his hand up to Drew’s face. (IT’S HAPPENING!)
"Ed? Are you alright?” Drew was starting to feel worried.
At that moment Edward pulled Drew’s mouth to his and their lips met. The kiss was sweet and Drew understood what it meant. Ed was in love with him. That’s why Ed referred to Drew as cute.
Why hadn’t Drew noticed it sooner?
Then it all clicked. Nevin knew. He knew Ed loved Drew.
That’s why he tried to keep Drew away from Edward. 
So Drew would never know his feelings for Ed.
$• h3 W•u1D n3V3® £3 H@¶¶¥.
They pulled apart. Now Drew was a tomato.
“I’m not too great with words so…you get the message, right?”
Drew nodded, still red, “Yeah, I got it.”
Awkward silence.
“Ed, I…” Drew tried to put his words together, “I love you too.”
Edward let out a sigh of relief, “I’m glad you feel the same way, or that would have been extremely awkward.”
Drew nodded his head in agreement and started to laugh, “It really would have been awkward!” Ed soon joined in with his laughter.
Drew then realized something.
“What will Nevin think of this?” Drew questioned after they had stopped laughing.
Ed smirked, “He doesn’t need to know, we’ll keep this between us. You lied to him once, you can do it again.”
“But what about the scarf?”
Ed replied, “No one’s seen me wear it yet, you can just say a friend gave it to you.”
Drew nodded and the space between them closed again.
However, they were so deep into their kiss they didn’t notice the glowing cyan eyes watching them…
I’m going to end part one there! I’ll start working on part two tommorow! I hope you enjoyed this Kai! Now I should probably get some sleep…
Also, see if you can decipher my message!
About the music, I have a feeling that Drew and Nevin would share an Apple music account so…that happened.
(I spent a whole hour writing this, are you proud?)
submitted by anonymous
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onebizarrekai · 7 years
His Plan (IBVS Errink)
Finally! I did it. Jeez, so much work- So long too. Hope you enjoy, though, I really enjoyed writing it!!
It may be almost midnight for me. Oops.
submitted by @jackalsfangs
“So, why did you want me here again?” Error asked, flopping down on the couch and huffing. This was gonna be boring. “I mean, you just wanted to meet Ink-”
“Of course! We’re going to bond.”
“Wait, what,” Ink cut in, actually majorly confused. “I thought I was here to draw cats.”
“Well, you are, but I figured we could become friends, too! All three of us.” ‘Blueberry’ shot a pointed glare at Error, who mumbled something under his breath and turned away, puffing his cheeks out.
There was the strong desire from Ink to just leave now, but seeing how much Error was bothered by it… he couldn’t help but grin, holding out his left hand for Blueberry to shake, after taking off his winter gloves. “Sounds good. Am I drawing out back?”
Blue shook his head, bending down and picking up one of the tiny kittens that had scampered over. “I’ve taken my animals inside for the winter! Who would leave them out in the cold?” He pet the small black and white creature, allowing Ink to reach over and pet it as well.
Ink shrugged, glancing over at Error, who was staring at Ink. He didn’t turn away, as he realized Ink had caught him, narrowing his eyes and scoffing lightly, Ink winking at him. Hadn’t that… happened before? But this time, Error flushed a bright red before he turned away, crossing his arms for a moment, only to bring one hand up to touch his own face gently.
Ink blinked a few times, mostly in confusion, before turning back to Blue. “I wouldn’t. I just didn’t know when you took them in or put them back out,” he explained, eyes lighting up as Blue let him hold the small kitten, about thirteen weeks old now.
“I take them in around the time it starts getting cold, but I might bring a few out if there are some warmer days.” Ink nodded in response, focused on the squirming animal in his grasp. It bit his pinkie finger gently, gnawing on it.
“Are you ready to draw? I had the perfect model… where did he go-? I’ll go look.” Blue walked off, leaving Ink with the wriggling bundle in his arms. He bent down to let it free, as it seemed to be getting a bit antsy.
He began to take off his hat and coat, as well as his winter boots. He shuffled over to the couch, sitting down on it as far away from Error as he could get. He glanced around the interior of the home, pulling the ponytail holder out of his hair and trying to make it look less messy (Error thought he looked really cute with his hair down and quickly looked away, trying to distract himself with his own hair).
Ink looked over, raising a brow. “What are you doi-”
“None of your business!” Error cut in, pulling out his phone to check his hair. But that’s even when he started questioning himself; would Ink like it? Would he care if even one hair was out of place? Was Error handsome to him?
Error’s face flushed once again as he realized what he was thinking, and he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Whatever, didn’t matter. Nope.
Ink was just leaning against the armrest now, watching a few of the cats jump all over the furniture. Some of them were pretty fluffy, leaving a little bit of fur anywhere they sat for… over five minutes? Probably. Blue had been gone for a while now. Ink sighed, resting on the back of the couch instead of the armrest, pulling out his phone to check text messages.
Nope, nothing from Cross.
How long had it been, a month? Yeah, a month.
… He turned off his phone and put it away, looking away for just a second only to feel a weight on his legs. He glanced down, his right eye twitching as he saw what, no, who, was on his legs. Error had just apparently decided it would be a good idea to lay his head on Ink’s lap.
Was that gay? That was really gay to Ink.
He shoved Error off the couch.
“Language!” Blue called down from the second floor. There was a thump and a crash, though, and- “F#ck sh#t oW!”
“You really do try, Blue!” Error called, pulling himself off the floor. He sat back down on the couch, this time in the middle, resting his arm on Ink’s shoulder and his chin on Ink’s head.
“What are you doing?” Ink asked, trying to push him off, to no avail.
“Taking advantage of how short and weak you are,” Error replied, wrapping his other arm around Ink and covering his mouth with his sleeve. “now shut up.”
Blue came back eventually with a huge gray, fluffy cat in his arms, only to find them in that same position. Ink had crossed his arms and looked a bit annoyed, but other than that, the same.
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Error, unless you and Ink are going to suck face, could you please free him? We don’t have time for this.”
Ink gagged, while Error just kind of choked and turned red as a tomato. Ink was a bit red, too, but that was easily hidden by the thin, beige scarf he had chosen to keep on. Error quickly let go of Ink, who jumped up. “Alright so, where am I supposed to set up?” He asked quickly, trying to ignore the temperature rise of his face.
Blue just grinned, leading Ink into another room, where he had already set up a canvas, paint and a chair, along with a cat bed, which he placed the cat in. “His name is Puffball, by the way,” Blue said, watching the large cat get comfy. “You should have a few hours until he gets up and moves.”
Ink nodded, sitting himself down in the chair and adjusting the canvas placement to his liking, and began once Blue moved out of the way.
Eventually, Error decided to come in and watch, bringing a chair with him. He sat down next to Ink in the chair, watching him as he continued to sketch. He… had to admit, it was pretty good, even for just a half-finished sketch.
What the two didn’t realize, was that it had just began to snow, and the intensity was quickly picking up.
“Done!” Ink exclaimed, putting down his paintbrush and admiring his art. Error had to bite his tongue in order to hold himself back from complimenting Ink too much, but a little, “That’s good,” may have slipped out on accident, causing him to blush and stutter out a tiny “I mean-” in order to try and redeem himself. Too late.
Ink chuckled at the comment, rolling his eyes and glancing over at Blue, who was looking worriedly out the window. Well, that’s what Ink and Error thought, in all honesty he was smirking. Phase two… complete? Yeah. He turned to the two other males, now appearing guilty. “Well, sorry to tell you guys this- But it seems the snow flurries I thought would pass quickly… weren’t really flurries,” he proceeded to show the two the window, where there was so much snow falling they could barely even see a few feet out. “You guys will have to stay over, there’s no way I’m letting Error drive in this weather.”
As Error and Ink panicked a little at the thought of staying with each other, with Blue, overnight, Blue shut the blinds, picking up one of the shorthair kittens and snuggling it, trying to keep the small cat warm.
Luckily, when Error and Ink finally agreed and each texted their parents, they agreed wholeheartedly with Blue, telling them to be home as soon as they could, though.
Phase three.
Blue snuggled himself up in blankets on the couch, giving Ink and Error two blankets… total. They were sort of thick, not enough to keep them warm if they each used one, though. He watched as they eventually resorted to sharing the blankets after much debating, putting them extra close together. They seemed much warmer after that… especially their faces.
They had agreed on a movie, eventually, and were watching it with popcorn, chips, water and some sour cream & onion dip. It was an okay movie, could be better in Ink’s opinion. He did get into it after a while, gently entangling his legs with Error’s to keep them warm. Blue had lent Ink some of his fuzzy socks, and then told Error his feet were too big and he would rip any pair he tried to put on.
So Ink was just laughing internally at him as he tried to put the blankets over his feet as well, and well, failing. Eventually Error did give up, though, allowing Ink to tangle their legs together.
Before the movie ended, the power ended up going out, making the three teens groan in frustration, all of them getting their phones and turning on the flashlight.
“Bed, then?” Blue asked, tossing the blankets off of himself. Error and Ink nodded, each grabbing one blanket.
“Where are we sleeping?” Ink asked, glancing around the dark room.
Blue’s grin twitched as he tried to stop a smirk from making it’s way onto his face, but his smugness was heard even through his voice. “You and Error will be sleeping in my bed, I’m on the couch.”
“Oh, f#ck no! I’m not sleeping with him!” Error exclaimed, throwing a piece of popcorn at Blue. Blue caught in his mouth, grinning.
“You guys are my guests, I insist! My bed is way comfier than the couch!”
“Fine, I’ll sleep in your bed,” Ink blurted out, walking past him. “where is your room?”
Blue grinned, grabbing Error’s wrist and pulling the taller with him as he began to lead Ink up the stairs. “I’ll show you! Error already knows where it is, but clearly he won’t come willingly. I shall be your guide!”
Error’s face flushed as he finally gave in, only trying to pull away when they got to the top of the stairs. Unfortunately, Blue knew his friend more than most, and Error was unable to escape.
“God dammit, Blue-” Error cursed, shaking his free fist angrily at his friend, only getting a small laugh out of the blue eyed boy.
“Come on, Error, I’m doing you a favor!” Blue insisted, opening the door to his room, letting Ink in, and shoving Error in after him. “You’ll thank me later!” He assured, not even surprised that soon after, he could hear shuffling and two figures flopping onto the bed… one hit the floor soon after, but that was fine! … he hoped.
He stayed up there for a little while to make sure Error didn’t try and leave, listening to the two argue and one hit the floor every so often. He left before their arguing was done, though Blue was sure it would end soon, they sounded like they were getting tired…
“Sleep on the floor, Ink!” Error shoved him off the bed once again, spreading himself out on the king size, only to get pushed off again by the (surprisingly strong when he wants to be) artist nerd. It went on for a while, each male determined to… claim the bed as his? Yeah, sure. Are males territorial now? Maybe they’ve always been and the author’s just too lesbian to figure it out because she doesn’t hang with guys? Yep.
But whatever.
The two eventually did get tired, Ink sooner than Error because he didn’t play sports… and he had to deal with Error’s bullsh#t which was even worse than simply pushing him off a bed.
He let Error fall asleep before crawling onto the bed again, not even surprised to find that Error had barely taken up a half of the bed, and stretched out on his own side, not bothering to push Error off. Don’t poke a sleeping bear, jeez.
Ink found himself falling asleep sooner than he thought, only covered in a sheet and a sort of thin blanket. Cold, too, cause the heater was off.
He heard the bed creak a little as he drifted off, but didn’t even pay any attention to it, he was too tired.
Ink woke up earlier than Error, not surprising, but the surprising thing was how warm he was. Had the power turned on again?
He opened his left eye, finding his vision full of white… was there a cat on him? The answer was yeah, one of Blue’s fluffier cats. But there was something else. He slowly opened his other eye, surprised to find most of his vision blocked by a surprisingly familiar shade of brown.
He then started wondering what the hell he was hugging. And, well it wasn’t too obvious to figure out what, or who was holding him, therefore not hard to figure out who he was clinging onto so tightly to. He would’ve wiggled out, but the cat on top of them was still sleeping.
Should he? Nah, it would wake up soon enough. Around dawn would be when it would wake, probably, and judging by the darkness of the room, it was around 4 AM. Since when did he wake up that early… ?
He didn’t care anymore, he was still tired, he couldn’t move, so he went back to sleep.
Error awoke a few hours later, probably around 8. A miracle Ink had been able to fall asleep and stay asleep for that long. The cat was gone, so obviously Error had no reason (in his mind) not to scream, pry Ink off him, and fall off the bed. Which he did, blushing like mad.
That woke Ink up, who was pretty shook at that. He shuffled over, looking down at Error. He snorted, spotting the other’s blush. “Damn, you must’ve really liked cuddling with me or I don’t think you’d have slept that late-”
He listened to Error splutter out incoherent words, just a bunch of gibberish to him honestly. He stepped out of bed, stretching and cracking his knuckles. “Morning, by the way.”
Ink laughed quietly and grinned as Error pulled himself up, shaking and blushing. He left Error, heading downstairs, where Blue was making pancakes and giggling at something on his phone.
Ink narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but sighed, grabbing his beanie and a blanket and wrapping it around himself. Still cold. “Hey Blue, is it safe to get going yet? I kinda want to get home-”
“Nonsense! You’re at least staying to eat breakfast first. Besides, knowing Error he’ll be asleep for a few more hours,” Blue said loudly, handing Ink a plate of pancakes.
‘How is he so peppy?’ Ink wondered, sitting down at the table. 'It’s only eight!’
Ink finished up as Error was coming down, putting his plate in the sink as Error stumbled into the kitchen, looking more awake than he should’ve. Thinking that Blue would question him, he had prepared himself with an answer, but Blue just grinned up at him knowingly as he handed him a few chocolate chip pancakes. Error squinted in confusion at him, gaping as Blue held up his phone, a picture of the two sleeping together up. Phase three complete. Phase four??
“You-!” Error placed the plate on the counter, making a grab for the phone, Blue leading him in a five-minute chase all over the house. Luckily he hadn’t been making any pancakes at the time.
Error eventually flopped down onto the couch, groaning. “Blue- Give me that phone, I swear I’ll tell everyone about your crush-”
Blue giggled, bouncing around with energy. “What crush, Error? I hope you don’t think I have a crush on that Jovel boy!”
Ink was a bit confused, raising a brow at their actions as he got ready to go. “Which Jovel? Drew or Nevin?”
Error sat up, huffing, “Never mind. It’s not important. You better delete that, Blueberry!” He got up and grabbed his pancakes, as well as a fork and some syrup, drowning his pancakes in the sweet liquid and munching angrily on the breakfast food.
“No promises!” Blueberry just laughed as Error shot him a glare, putting his phone away and using up the rest of the batter on pancakes.
Ink zipped up his jacket, silently urging Error to hurry up so they could get out of there.
Error eventually finished, leaving his plate on the table and shooting another glare at Blue as he went to get ready. Blue grabbed Error’s plate and put it in the sink, walking over to them to wish them both goodbye, of course telling them to stay safe.
He did manage to swipe Error’s phone from his pocket, if only to have an excuse to go out and catch them, but doing what? Only Blue knew.
Bonus that I wasn’t gonna put in but my friend wanted me to.
He waved Error and Ink goodbye as they walked out, quickly putting on his shoes and waiting.
Error unlocked the van, hopping in on his side as Ink got in on the passenger’s side. Ink and Error both closed their doors, Ink fixing his hair while Error practically copied him and did the same, staring at the other out of the corner of his eye.
Ink glanced over as Error finished fixing his hair, snorting quietly. “Dude, what are you doing? Your hair looks fine.”
Error froze, stopping and slowly taking his gloves off to drive. Ink buckled his seatbelt, raising a brow.
“What?” they both asked at the same time, stopping to process that. Only Ink laughed, but as his eyes were closed, Error found himself leaning in and in a split second, Ink’s laugh was silenced by a soft kiss, his eyes shooting open in surprise.
It lasted only a second and Error felt all too soon he was pulling away. He stared at Ink for a moment, his face slowly heating up. “F#ck, I just did that, I’m so stupid, I don’t even know why-”
It was a surprise to find Ink’s lips pressed to his once again, but this time they both had a chance to kiss each other, not even bothering to speak as they did it again and again, both asking why and how and when.
“You know, I can see you guys.”
Blue grinned as both teens jumped, facing him. Error let go of Ink, opening the door. “What do you want?” He was a bit upset that Blue had interrupted, but he was trying not to let that through, obviously failing.
“You forgot your phone,” Blue stated, holding out Error’s phone to him. “thought you might want it.”
Error snatched it, blushing. “Thanks.”
Blue didn’t ask any questions before he went back inside, he already knew. Besides, this was his plan, his fault that it happened this early. Error didn’t know whether to be amazed or downright mad.
He went with both. Ink went with amazed.
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onebizarrekai · 7 years
IBVS,, I guess
I don’t even want to know why my brain came up with this. I was bored. Take some- mild angsty fluff stuff relating to some theories I made before.
submitted by @jackalsfangs
Dude, this is so interesting?? Like wow!
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onebizarrekai · 6 years
IBVS Insomnia: My Secret (Part Three)
I don’t know why but now I’m listening to Doki Doki Forever on loop while writing this part. I seriously need to sleep. But seriously, this is the last part of this story and I’m pretty proud of myself! My Secret is the first fan-fic I’ve ever written! So enjoy!
As Isaac and Barry ran into the park they spotted Chris ducking behind some bushes.
They also saw Ed fighting Nevin with his strings, and then there was Drew unconscious in one of the tentacles.
As they ducked behind the bushes Chris asked, “Does anyone have an idea of how to take my boyfriend down?”
Isaac shook his head, “Nope, are we even sure this is Nevin? I mean, why would he attack Drew?”
Chris took a deep breath, “Okay, so Charlie thinks that Nevin is being controlled by something. Or he’s just lost in his anger.”
Barry tilted his head in confusion, “Charlie?”
Chris waved his hands around, “That isn’t important right now!”
“Uh guys? I’ve got an idea.”
Both Barry and Chris faced Issac.
“What’s the idea?” Chris asked.
“Okay,” Isaac started to draw on the ground, “You’ve still got your knife Cross?”
“Alright, so we’re just gonna charge Nevin.”
Chris snorted, “Great plan.”
Isaac glared at Chris, “We’ve got three people attacking him at once so I think it’s a good plan. Unless you’ve got a better idea.”
Chris held his hands up in a surrender motion, “Fine, you win. But what’s Barry gonna do?”
“He’ll just stay behind the bushes.”
Barry nodded his head in agreement, “Sounds good to me.” (I don’t know Barry’s powers get so he’ll just watch shit go down)
Chris summoned his hack knife and charged at Nevin, “OI! PUT DREW DOWN!”
Isaac charged at Nevin as well, holding a sword that he drew just then.
Barry just stayed in the bushes.
Ed looked over at Isaac and Chris, *What are you two nerds doing?“
Isaac rolled his eyes, "Saving you and Drew.”
Ed shrugged, “Sounds good to me.”
Cue the battle scene.
Ed was trying to tangle Nevin in his strings, Isaac was slashing the tentacles with his sword and found a way to use his Ink magic, and Chris was just slashing the tentacles with his hack knife.
Nevin was trying to hit the three of them with his remaining tentacles.
He then set Drew down so he could use those tentacles.
That’s when Barry ran out, grabbed Drew, and ran back to the bushes.
After about thirty minutes Chris shouted, “BEGONE THOT!" 
Then he gave one last slash and Nevin vanished.
Chris looked at the spot where Nevin used to be, "Holy shit did I kill him?” (No Chris he teleported back home)
“I dunno,” was Isaac’s reply.
“Uh, guys?” Barry called out, “What are we going to do about Drew?”
 In an instant Ed was right beside Drew and held him in his arms.
 Isaac held back laughter, “Ed, are you turning soft?”
 Ed scoffed, “He’s my fucking boyfriend Isaac, of course I’m soft.”
There were mixed reactions, Chris choked on air in surprise and Isaac gave him a “Are you fucking serious” look.
Barry just went “Aw, that’s sweet!”
There was silence.
Slowly Drew began to wake up, “What…What on earth happened?”
Isaac shrugged.
Drew then realized Ed was holding him, “Ed, you can put me down now.”
Ed gave Drew a quick kiss and then set him down.
“Do they know?”
Ed nodded, “If they didn’t know then why would I kiss you?”
Chris cleared his throat, “This is cute and all but it’s nearly nine, we should all probably get home and work on homework and shit.”
Everyone agreed to that idea.
Ed then picked Drew up and started to carry him.
“Ed,” Drew mock whined, “I can walk on my own!”
“I’m still going to carry you.”
Nevin woke up on the couch, What the actual fuck happened? 
The memories flooded back, Ed and Drew making out, him nearly killing Ed and Drew, the fight with Isaac, Chris, and Ed.
Oh God, Nevin thought, burying his head in his hands, I hurt Drew.
Nevin remembered Drew’s look of terror, What have I done?
He saw how happy Drew was with Ed, why did he prevent that happiness? Why was he against it?
He had let his anger take over, now he would pay the consequences.
He heard talking, then the front door opened. Nevin looked up.
Chris was there. So was Ed, he was carrying Drew.
Ed gave Nevin a death glare, then he carried Drew upstairs.
Chris sat down next to him, “Guess I didn’t kill you.”
“So…” Chris started, “ What happened?”
Nevin sighed, “I saw Error and Drew making out and I let my anger take control of me.”
More silence.
“You know, Drew has to live his life too. If he loves Error, let him love Error.”
Nevin leaned against Chris, “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
Ed came downstairs.He made an “I’m watching you” motion with his hands and walked out. 
“Should we do double dates with them?” Chris suggested.
Nevin coughed loudly, “I don’t think we should do that yet.”
Chris gave Nevin a kiss, “I’ll see you tommorow, alright?”
Nevin smiled slighty, “See you tommorow.”
With that, Chris left.
Nevin inhaled and exhaled.
He went upstairs and knocked on Drew’s door, “Hey Drew? Sorry for lashing out at you and Ed.”
There was some silence.
“It’s alright Nevin, I forgive you.”
Nevin smiled, “Goodnight Drew.”
“Goodnight Nevin.”
And  that’s the end! I’m not super great at writing fight scenes so use your imagination. Towards the end of the story I started listening to Broki Broki Forever on loop and thought of this random IBVS Scenario:
Dez: So this is called Broki Broki Forever.
Isaac: Alright, let’s see what this is.
A minute into the video… 
Isaac: whEEZE
Chris: What the hell?!
Edward: What…the…fuck…
Dez: Isn’t it wonderful?
Isaac: YES
I’ll probably write a few more fan-fics in the future, I hope you enjoyed My Secret! (My next fic is probably gonna be Dankswap),
Also if you haven’t watched Broki Broki Forever you should probably go watch it.
(Kai did I make you proud with my story?)
submitted by anonymous
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