#ibu world cup
postoctobrist · 2 months
Just making sure you know that all IBU World Cup events are streaming on demand for free should you need to get a biathlete fix
this is huge for me
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laeana · 4 months
“It seemed to us that their results weren't good enough to get them into Group A,” Stéphan Bouthiaux, Director of the French teams, tells Nordic Magazine.
To explain the Vosgien's relegation, the French biathlon boss points to a "sporting trajectory that stagnated at an insufficient level". "Emilien [Claude] is already twenty-five years old, and he's been in A for two years now [during the summer], then had almost similar seasons, with a good month of November, a decent start to the season, then disappeared for the rest of the winter," laments the Pontissalien native.
As for Antonin Guigonnat, the oldest French biathlete at thirty-three, Simon Fourcade reveals that the decision "was more complicated to accept, given his extensive World Cup experience and the training group he occupied". “His age played a big part in the decision," admits Stéphane Bouthiaux. He's on a downward trajectory in terms of results. For the first time [in a long time], he didn't go to the Worlds [last winter], and the few bright spots in his season simply don't merit selection in an A group at his age."
“This could be an opportunity for him to take a fresh look at himself, try to raise his level and get back into the group," confirms Simon Fourcade. The doors aren't closed, as they were for Emilien Claude, because there will be two places available at the start of the season, which will allow many athletes to aspire to the World Cup."
Excuse me, biathlon fandom, I need to vent and to rant for a bit. I know this is a bit biased because I obviously hold a lot of affection for Antonin, but I have to talk in front of such bullshit.
So recently French selection took Antonin and Emilien out of the A group. And this article then appeared as the explanations. Now, as to why I’m wildly unhappy with it;
The French team reduced their group from 7 to 5. We could argue that taking Emilien out could be justified as he had time where he didn’t race, but I feel like if you take that in account it’s even worse. He had to take a break in his season, he even thanked the trusts of his coaches, and then he’s evaluated as “he’s been stagnant for two season, he needs to be out”. When he couldn’t even compete.
Now onto the biggest case that makes me annoyed the most, Antonin. Antonin has experience, and maybe his performances aren’t stellar but he’s mostly capable and he’s a good relay (a thing France has clearly been lacking during last season - they had literally four people to do every relay).
For me Bouthiaux’s words are those of an hypocrite. Antonin did amazing results in the European championships, and yet he wasn’t selected. It’s not his fault he wasn’t at the worlds, yet it’s displayed as if it was. The French team didn’t even take six people to the worlds and Oscar didn’t do a single race.
They expect him to rival the Norwegians in the IBU cup, but let me tell you one thing. I’ve spent my year watching the IBU Cup and those Norwegians are freaking talented. Some of them have World Cup level, and what I mean by that is top ranks on the World Cup. Johan-Olav Botn is one example. And yet, Antonin still manages to get a win, podium and good positions.
When I look at Antonin and Oscar’s seasons, I find them pretty similar. But it’s not to say one is better than the others, but that both of them should be on the World Cup.
What I really mean is that the French team is playing dangerous game now. They’re not realistic. They want to pretend they can do the same thing as Norway, they want to prioritize only five people as they’re the “best”, but not everyone is Eric. They should use the people they already have in the team, instead of doing this. We saw the results of using only four people for a relay the entire season.
They keep using the arguments that “this will help them to get motivated again and bring results again”, but even when there are results, they are not rewarded.
At this rate if they want to push Antonin to retire, they wouldn’t need to do anything else.
They pushed people out of the A group, to replace them … with nobody. Honestly at some point the French team could encounter a bigger crisis and I wouldn’t even be surprised, I would say I know what caused it :/
I can’t bring myself to like those decisions and I feel like they deserve better.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
*mic drop*
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sportsallover · 8 months
So, I made this trying to understand why the Norwegian staff had chosen to give Vetle's spot to Botn, and not another of the guys, and I figured I could just as well share it now that it's done.
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Each athlete's spot in the individual races, their average spot in 2023 (> before Oberhof) and their average spot for the whole season so far (not including Sunday's pursuit, because I did this on Saturday and I'm too lazy to update it)
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Corresponding graph
Before Oberhof, Vetle's spot average was better than Sturla's, but Sturla did uncharacteristically bad* in the first few races, and then really well in the next two weeks. So I guess that's why they chose to keep Sturla over Vetle. Given that he made it to the podium in both Oberhof races, we can't fault them here...
*bad for a Norwegian. His worst results are 12, 20 and 25!
The graph is not very easy to read, but I thought it was still striking because it highlights how all the Norwegians are acing this season. Not one of them out of the top 30 so far.
I did not include Botn's results, but even his worst spot was 26 (in the sprint, 24 in the pursuit). For additional context, he had won or finished 2nd in every single IBU Cup race before Oberhof.
One of the things I love about biathlon is how all the countries are given at least one spot and so are allowed to compete equally, no matter the results, and I wouldn't change that for the world. But still, when I see the density in the Norwegian team, I can't help but feel that it's unfair to the IBU Cup guys like Botn.
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Whumptober Day #1
Quote: "But now this room is spinning while I'm trying just to fill in all the gaps. Prompt: "How many fingers am I holding up?" Pairing: Kenny Omega/Kota Ibushi
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Kenny still couldn't believe how low his uncle, one of the few people in the world Kenny thought he could trust, had sunk. Using Konsuke Takeshita as his new meal ticket, using Konsuke to attack Kenny was one thing. He could handle himself. But going after the rest of the Elite? Going after his one and only love Kota Ibushi? That was something else entirely.
Tonight had been something else entirely.
Don and Konsuke had broken into Kota's home and broken him down in the ring in the gym that was in the basement of his home. Kenny had felt the blood in his veins boil, the hatred welling up in his heart. How could they do this to the one person he loved the most? As anger came with the realization that they had done this because Kota was someone he cared deeply about.
Kenny had rushed to get to Kota as quickly as he could, nervous breaths about what kind of stat he'd find his Kota in. There he lay, still in the ring almost motionless. The way his chest heaved was almost peaceful. Kenny slid into the ring, pulling Kota into his lap. He brushed his partner's hair out of his eyes and drew in a sharp breath. "But now this room is spinning while I'm trying just to fill in all the gaps," Kota murmured as his eyes fluttered opened.
"You trying to be romantic even when hurt?" Kenny gave a small chuckle, "you are so damned good."
"You're surprised, my knight?" Kota raised a hand to cup Kenny's face, "My bravest knight, did they hurt you?"
"You shouldn't be worried about me," Kenny shook his head, "how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Hm, no, new question," Kota protested as he tried to stand up. He nearly got to his feet and took a step, but went back down to one knee. Kenny rushed to his feet, supporting Kota, "Thank you, my bravest knight."
"You can't just deny medical help, especially not right now," Kenny protested with a shake of his head. He knew it was like talking to a brick wall sometimes with his Ibu. "We're going to the hospital."
"If I go to hospital, they will not let me share the greatest honor in my life," Kota gave a gentle laugh. He clung to Kenny's arm, resting his head on his partners shoulder.
"And what is that, hm?" Kenny kissed the top of his head.
"Sharing the ring at your side."
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spicykaraage · 11 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Shinji Ibu
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Birthday: November 3rd (Scorpio)
Blood Type: AB
Relatives: Father, Mother, Two Younger Sisters, Younger Brother [23.5]
Father’s Occupation: Public Servant
Elementary School: Fudomine Central Elementary School
Middle School: Fudomine Junior High School
Grade & Class: 2nd Year | Class 2-2 | Seat 2
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: None
Strong Subjects: Physics
Weak Subjects: English (hates pronunciation)
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Tennis Club Room area
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Favorite Motto: “Make good on your promise.” ➜ “Be grateful for the blessings, and thankful of the virtue.” [TP]
Daily Routines: Singing lullabies to his sisters, talking to Kamio over the phone
Hobbies: Listening to music, LexiData ➜ Watching foreign dramas, nukazuke (pickling) [TP]
Favorite Color: Grey
Favorite Music: Folk music, Rock
Favorite Movie: A certain splatter film about a doll “What’s the title again…”
Favorite Book: TV magazines ➜ Salaryman Senryu books [TP]
Favorite Food: Pickled vegetables, pot-au-feu [TP], Captain Tachibana’s spring rolls [TP]
Favorite Anniversary: The day he met Captain Tachibana
Preferred Type: A cute girl (with beautiful teeth) ➜ A foreign person [23.5]
Ideal Date Spot: Going to the movies
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His Gift for a Special Person: “A relaxing time or something…”
Where He Wants to Travel: Moscow
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: Star projector
Dislikes: Loud people, people who can’t read between the lines ➜ People who sing to themselves out loud, people who point their camera at you without your permission [TP]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Writing, flower arrangements, making apple rabbits [23.5]
Spends Allowance On: CDs and renting videos
Routine During the World Cup: Cleaning his room (he doesn’t want the hotel staff in his room)
Height: 165cm ➜ 166cm [23.5]
Weight: 55kg
Shoe Size: 27cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 0.9 Left | 0.6 Right
Play Style: Counter Puncher
Signature Moves: Spot, Kick Serve
Time Spent Fixing Up His Hair: Two hours and forty minutes
Favorite Brands:
Shoes: NIKE (Air Clutch Extra II PLUS)
Overall Rating: Speed: 2 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 2 / Technique: 4 / Total: 14
Kurobe Memo: “In Ibu’s case, both his strength and weakness lies in his mental capabilities. If he can maintain an equilibrium with his mental state, his play style would be more consistent. There are no problems in terms of his techniques.” [RB]
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usaphilomaths · 2 years
Start Lists and Start Dates Friday - Cross-Country Skiing - USAPhilomaths
The start lists and start dates for the Friday competitions are now ready. See the facts and program for Planica’s ski toilet, World Cup and IBU Biathlon Cup at the bottom of the article Cross-country ski toilet, Planica– 12:30: Men’s 4x10km relay (Viaplay and NRK)Start menus, start times, details and results Also read: This is the WC relay for Norway Biathlon World Cup, Nove Mesto16:10: Women’s…
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Dubai, UAE (2022)
Part 1
Sebenarnya ke Dubai karena ada rangkaian paket tour dari Travel Umroh. Ekspektasinya tentu saja ibadah Umroh dulu baru jalan-jalan. Tapi dari penjelasan pihak travel, mereka dapat charter pesawatnya yang ke Dubai dulu. Berangkatnya sama siapa? Sama Papa dan Ibu, tujuannya menemani mereka aja.
Dari Makassar, kita ke Jakarta. Flight dari Makassar ke Jakarta sekitar 2 jam. Nginap sehari semalam dulu di Wisma Haji dan Umroh Mampang untuk manasik. Manasik isinya seputar penjelasan tata cara Umroh. Di sini ketemu juga sama suami istri dari Makassar, yang kebetulan suaminya anesthesiologist.
Perjalanan ke Dubai kurang lebih 7-8 jam dari Bandara Cengkareng. Seru banget dari travel kebetulan dapatnya pesawat dari maskapai Emirates! In flight entertainment-nya sangat up to date, space antar kursi ekonominya luas, dan pramugarinya super baik dan sabar dibandingkan maskapai lain (mohon maaf nih). Walaupun makanannya tidak se-enak Singapore Airlines, tapi masalah hospitality dan kesabaran crewnya juara!🤘🏻
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Dalam pesawat, kalau lampunya diredupkan ada projection bintang-bintang! Hahahaha maaf jadi norak soalnya baru lihat di maskapai ini😆
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Begitu duduk dalam pesawat, kita ditawarin foto pakai kamera polaroid sama pramugarinya. FREE! Mau berapa kali take pun boleh, asal tahu diri aja. Hasil jepretannya dibungkus rapi dengan bingkai karton. Warna-warni, dengan latar belakang berbagai destinasi, pas banget buat kenang-kenangan.
Oh iya, kebetulan pas berangkat juga di Qatar lagi ada FIFA World Cup. Jadi dari pesawat bisa nonton match secara live. Bisa dibayangkan selama perjalanan rata-rata penonton pada heboh nonton bola. Tak terkecuali ibu-ibu jemaah Umroh.
No wonder Emirates ini maskapai urutan ke-3 terbaik di dunia menurut Skytrax 2022, setelah Qatar Airways dan Singapore Airlines. Minusnya mungkin ada di makanan sih. Mereka memang menyediakan makanan ala Timur Tengah, jadi nggak akan cocok di semua lidah penumpang.
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Kita sampai di Dubai pukul 22.00 waktu setempat. Dubai International Airport (DXB) is the wolrd’s busiest airport by international passenger traffic (according to Wikipedia). Tiang-tiangnya gede banget. Langit-langitnya pun.
Di imigrasi Dubai kita dikasih free SIM card, didalamnya sudah free 1 GB. Tapi ini untung-untungan juga ya! Ada yang dapat, ada yang nggak. Mungkin tergantung persediaan juga. Sebenarnya di Dubai nggak perlu khawatir karena ada WiFi gratis hampir di seluruh public area. Yang unik juga dari bandara Dubai, petugas imigrasinya pakai pakaian khas mereka, namanya Kandora lengkap dengan penutup kepalanya, Kufiya atau Ghutrah.
Nah, di Dubai ini juga banyak pendatang yang kerja di bandara. Rata-rata petugas bandara santai kok kalau kita bikin konten entah foto atau video asal jangan videoin mereka aja. Dan jangan foto dan video di imigrasi ya! Ya, kalau ini sih, berlaku di imigrasi manapun.
Setelah dapat bagasi, kita naik bus ke hotel. Nginapnya di Flora Inn Dubai, cuma 10 menitan dari bandara. Dengan fasilitas yang lumayan oke. Breakfastnya pun selera internasional, nggak ke-Timur Tengah-an banget. Alhamdulillah, di Dubai ini makanan enak-enak!
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Karena lagi Piala Dunia, hotelnya bikin lapangan bola beserta gawangnya di dalam lobby! Cakeplah buat foto-foto.
Yes, that’s all for Part 1! Next, kita lanjut lagi Part 2 ke tempat wisatanya Dubai✈️
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chumpped · 2 years
'Konate' comeback ready to help the swan fight the fox
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Ibrahima Konate has returned to training and is ready for Liverpool's return to action against Leicester City tomorrow night (Friday).
Konate hasn't played much for Liverpool this season after injury limited him to just two Premier League games, but he was a key part of France's run to the World Cup final.
The 23-year-old has now returned to training with the Reds and will be available to feature against  Game Baccarat  Leicester.
“Good things from our break, made us feel fresh again. We are excited and determined to play again, another match. And the other game, of course, that's what we have to show now,” said Jurgen Klopp. “Now everything is fine, no more injuries after the last game. Not that there will be many players returning to help the team, apart from Ibu who has trained with us, he will be ready to play as well.
“It's all good now. But we know this is going to be a tough game.”
However, players like Roberto Firmino, Curtis Jones and James Milner are still waiting for days to come back.
As for Diogo Jota, Luis Diaz and Arthur Melo, they will not return to the field soon.
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choiboyee · 2 years
JK confirms 'Hong' will shop again if he meets the right person
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Jurgen Klopp, the top manager of "Reds" Liverpool, insists on not closing the door on shopping this winter. But it only happens when you meet the right person.
Army "Reds" just created a surprise. Performing a swift mission in front of Manchester United, grabbed Cody Kagpo, winger from PSV Eindhoven, to join the Baccarat team before the second market opened for £ 44 million.
“Every penny has to be worth the money we can afford, the same for everyone,” said Klopp ahead of Leicester City's meeting.
“But we know what we want. And we'll see if we can do it. Of course it's about the money. about how it's been done over and over with the right players.”
“We are really happy to have Cody join our team. It's about timing. with getting players to come in at the right time He always went one step further.
“We believe in our process. when a player enters especially in offensive games They are all moving forward because of the way we work. We can help them.”
In addition, the big boss, Red Swan Also updated the readiness before the match against Leicester City, confirming that no one was injured and will have Ibrahima, the French World Cup defender, ready to return to use.
Klopp is expected to continue with the team from the 3-1 win over Aston Villa and will add Konate as another option. After having a short break and returning to training since the beginning of the week
"There are no further injuries," Klopp confirmed.
“There is nothing more than Baccarat Ibu's return. He's training with us and ready to play. The situation is very good right now. But we know it will be a tough game.”
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thesportish · 2 years
The President of the RBU said that he did not intend to watch the broadcasts of the Biathlon World Cup
The President of the RBU said that he did not intend to watch the broadcasts of the Biathlon World Cup
Viktor Maygurov / Photo: © RIA Novosti / Alexander Wilf President of the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU) Viktor Maigurov said that he did not plan to follow the live broadcasts of the Biathlon World Cup due to the non-participation of Russian athletes in it. Earlier, the International Biathlon Union (IBU) extended the suspension of Russian athletes from international competitions under the auspices…
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tesopuncat · 4 years
Since this season four worst races are removed from the points at the end in terms of the overall cup; does anyone know if DNF races are also counted in the four? Just a thought I had.. Not that familiar with all the rules
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sportsallover · 2 years
Julia 2nd at 27sec and Sophie 7th (from 26th) at 1min04!! I'm so so proud of Sophie.
Also Juni Arnekleiv from the IBU Cup to 3rd after two shootings in the World championships pursuit?? What a perf!
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vinterqn · 3 years
Me every time I see a new biathlete arriving from IBU cup to world cup
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Also me after 1-3 weekends:
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leeenuu · 3 years
ukraine's biathlon federation announced that due to the invoking of the martial law in ukraine, ukrainian biathletes will not take part in the world cup and the ibu cup stages till the end of the season.
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spicykaraage · 11 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Akira Kamio
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Birthday: August 26th (Virgo)
Blood Type: O
Relatives: Father, Mother, Older Sister
Father’s Occupation: Company Employee (travel agent)
Elementary School: Fudomine North Elementary School
Middle School: Fudomine Junior High School
Grade & Class: Second Year | Class 2-3 | Seat 4
Club: Tennis Club (Vice Captain)
Committee: None
Strong Subjects: PE (short and long distance running), Music
Weak Subjects: Chemistry, English
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Class 2-2
Favorite Motto: “Hard work does pay off.”
Daily Routines: Choosing which CD to wake up to in the morning
Hobbies: Looking for music that will get him into the rhythm, karaoke ➜ Checking out mascot character programs, BMX [TP]
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Favorite Color: Neon Yellow, Neon Pink [TP]
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Movie: Action films
Favorite Book: Music magazines, books about outer space [23.5]
Favorite Food: Pot-au-feu, spinach ohitashi [removed], takuan [TP], Captain Tachibana’s gratin [TP]
Favorite Anniversary: The day he met Captain Tachibana
Preferred Type: A girl with a cute smile
Ideal Date Spot: “I’m fine with just being able to go to school together!” ➜ “Let’s go to a fast food place after school!” [23.5]
His Gift for a Special Person: A matching keychain
Where He Wants to Travel: “California is the place of my dreams!”
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: A new bicycle ➜ An idea that would surprise Captain Tachibana [23.5]
Dislikes: Rain (since he can’t run) ➜ Maid cafés (Sengoku took him to one) [TP]
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Skills Outside of Tennis: Tap dancing, can talk to cheetahs(?) [TP]
Spends Allowance On: CDs
Routine During the World Cup: Finding local keychains
Height: 165cm ➜ 166.5cm [23.5]
Weight: 52kg ➜ 53kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 27cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 2.0 Left & Right
Play Style: Counter Puncher
Signature Moves: Sonic Bullet
50m Run: 5:09
Favorite Brands:
Shoes: NEW BALANCE (WCT 800)
Overall Rating: Speed: 5 / Power: 2 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 2 / Technique: 3 / Total: 15
Kurobe Memo: “Kamio has yet to fully make use of his speed. He should learn to use his abilities in a subtle way and not by showing off to his opponents.” [RB]
What’s in His Bag [20.5]:
Headphones // High performance, state-of-the-art headphones. The sound quality is excellent, and the bass is very resonant
MiniDisc walkman // The source of his rhythm, it is resistant to vibration and has a long-lasting battery
Cell phone // An ordinary cell phone with a camera. Ibu calls him very week and complains for long periods of time…
Chocolate bar // Meiji milk chocolate, to help replenish his energy
Two tickets to a concert // He’s had them in his bag for about a week, trying to find a way to ask out a girl he has a crush on
MiniDiscs // Techno, dance, rock, and hip hop… He has random songs that can get him into the rhythm
Hairspray // Cape brand. He uses it to maintain his bangs whenever he gets a break
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usaphilomaths · 2 years
Start Lists and Start Dates Thursday - Cross Country Skiing - USAPhilomaths
Start lists and start dates for Thursday’s competitions are now ready. See the facts and program for Planica’s ski toilet, World Cup and IBU Biathlon Cup at the bottom of the article Finally, she’s ready for one of the most exciting competitions at the Ski World Championships: the women’s 4×5 km relay. Moreover, the Biathlon World Cup is taking place again after the WC in Oberhof in February.…
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