#iaw ballet drabble
indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
fake love for an hour or so 👁👄👁
Ah, my failed attempt at a ballet fic! Here you go, love!
🩰 Fake Love (For An Hour Or So)
Louis Tomlinson, the ABC’s wunderkind danseur, is finally back in New York after his three year long stint with Pacific Northwest Ballet, and rumour has it he’s choreographing a dance for this year’s Academy recital. The timing of his return, however, is really quite peculiar - it comes right on the tail of Tomlinson’s ex-boyfriend and former Academy classmate Sacha Gaspard’s engagement to ABC’s director Lucien Powell.
Unbeknownst to all, this is Louis’ last ditch effort to win Sacha back, and though Sacha pretends not to be the least bit interested, Louis knows better - the sight of Louis chasse-ing in his tights has always been enough to stir any pot, especially one he’s dipped his finger in before. But when an entire month in close quarters has passed without any headway, Louis begins to get desperate. Luckily, there’s a sweet little aspiring soloist by the name of Harry Styles that seems all too willing to be Louis’ arm candy. It seems heartbreak is inevitable now - but for who?
And, just for fun, a little snippet too!
God, a cigarette. What he would give to have a cigarette right no–
“Ow!” Louis yelled – more from surprise than pain – as his body collided harshly with the absolute dufus that decided smack-dab in the middle of the quad would be a good place to just stop.
Louis snapped his head upward, an irritated reprimand ready on the tip of his tongue, when the dufus in question wobbled precariously close to the edge of the large fountain, his arms flapping outward awkwardly, desperately trying to regain his balance. Reflexively, Louis reached out and snatched him by the elbow, pulling him back a couple of steps lest he tumble head first into the dirty water.
“Steady there, Bambi,” Louis quipped, smirking as he watched him fumble still, though his feet were flat on the concrete.
“Sorry about that,” the apology came out muffled, what with the dark curtain of curls shielding Bambi’s face, his head still turned down in embarrassment. “I’d say it doesn’t happen often but that would be a lie.” Louis could hear the sheepish smile in his voice, before he offered up a shy shrug.
Then, as if in slow motion, the stranger finally peeked up at Louis, his eyes going comically rounder with every inch he lifted his head – an exact replica of the way his mouth had fallen open.
Louis barely had time to raise an eyebrow in question when Bambi let out a squeak.
“O-oh my God,” he stuttered, and Louis was a little alarmed by how red his cheeks were right now. Was this boy alright? “You’re – you’re Louis Tomlinson,” he breathed, and the blatant awe in his voice made Louis want to laugh.
Ah, he thought with a nod. A dancer. (Only a dancer would ever say his name like that – like he might be as famous as George Clooney or those kids from that One Direction band his sisters were always screaming about.)
“So, you’re a dancer,” Louis repeated aloud, smirking as he crossed his arms over his chest.
And though he still looked dreadfully embarrassed, Bambi managed a slow grin, his green eyes twinkling.
“What gave me away?” he asked, ambling back a few steps to where he had left his bags, his long, gangly legs like jelly, knees buckling at odd angles like he had only just learned to walk. “My stellar coordination?”
Louis chuckled amusedly at that.
“Everything but,” he deadpanned.
Bambi didn’t seem the least bit offended, sticking his tongue out at Louis playfully.
Charm, a winning smile, and a deadly pair of dimples. Honestly, if Louis was still in Seattle (or anywhere but here really) he’d be so, supremely fucked. Thankfully, that was not the case, though Louis made sure his mind didn’t wander too far in that direction either – there would be enough time to obsess over the incumbent mischief he was about to wreak later.
He shook his head to clear it just as Dimples shouldered his duffle bag.
“‘S my first day and I’m super nervous,” he admitted, cheeks pinkening slightly again. He bit his lip, and it really shouldn’t have struck Louis as adorable, but it did.
“You’ll be fine,” Louis scoffed easily, striding towards him.
He nodded, and blew out a nervous breath. “Any advice?” he asked.
Louis tipped his head to the side, making a show of trying to think. After a long moment, he nodded once, like he had finally settled on something sage and important. He sidled up close then, thoroughly enjoying the obvious hitch in Dimples’ breath as Louis raised himself on his tiptoes.
“Try to stay on your feet,” he whispered tauntingly, tapping Dimples’ chest twice. Louis lowered himself on flat feet, throwing a soft chuckle over his shoulder as he walked away swiftly, immeasurably pleased at the bright, burning blush that had settled on Bambi’s cheeks once again.
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