I feel like V deserves way more love and Saeran’s AE did him so dirty. But my blue bby will always be my fave 💙
I’m so happy that I’ve found someone who’s still doing MM headcanons and asks after so long 💗
But headcanon/thoughts on V’s reaction that MC is pregnant and they’re gonna have kids. And him holding his firstborn for the first time. My heart is just melting thinking about it 🥺💗
V is determined to be a good father. When you first adopted Lucy, he knew that he was going to make things right this time. It was a choice made with a lot of respect to his family goals. Your family goals. The ones you've created together. It wasn't made lightly. This choice was made after he spent hours thinking about what it would be like to be a father. If he could be a father at all.
These thoughts aren't easy for him. They plague him like no tomorrow on the worst nights. He knows that if he chose to be a parent, it would be a choice made with a world that could be prepared for anything.
If he chose to avoid parenthood, it would be a choice made knowingly in respect to what his priorities and feelings are.
He knows his mistakes from trying to take care of the twins but he’s learned through fire that he will have to accept hiccups and be willing to confront them instead of shying away. To be a good father means to be someone who is willing to admit when something isn’t right and to work harder on being willing to accept criticism and learn from it. 
That's a hallmark his father will never be able to achieve as he won't own up to his mistakes.
It’s not easy, and it’s something he works on every day since there’s no way to be perfect. He can only strive to be better than the day before. He does feel much more confident in the parenting situation these days. He wants to do better and he spends a lot of time communicating with other people and reading everything he can get his hands on. If he can learn something, he wants to be able to get into it and divulge the answers from top to bottom.
It's not simple, but it's important to him to not make a mistake. He can't imagine screwing up the same way he did as a child. He doesn't want a child to be haunted like he was.
He knows that's nothing compared to getting your hands super messy and putting yourself into that situation; but, it's important for him to feel like he is making progress and seeing that there are lessons that he didn't even think about. It's a process. He needs time and space to figure out where he went wrong and how to correct himself.
There are things he didn't unpack from his own childhood that he's trying to work on. It affects his parenting process. a part of his becoming a parent will come from the healing process. He can't feel like a father until he has done more work to recoup from his feelings of neglect, abandonment, or shame.
The regrets that he has from his relationship with his mother aren’t something that he wants to relive. He learned a lesson in a very hard way and he wants to make sure that his children never have to do that. He wants to make sure that they always understand that he will be there for them. He won't leave them and he won't run away.
Even if times get hard and he makes mistakes, V wants to do things the right way. He may not be a perfect person and he will be honest about that. But he will say that he is trying his best and that he wants to understand how to be better. Just be warned that his shame over what he did as a teenager hangs over him like a rain cloud.
As far as pregnancy goes, the only thing you have to worry about is him being a little bit too attentive. It may sound silly but it's not. He won't go anywhere you don't want to go. He wants to make sure that you have everything that you need and sometimes that means that he goes over the top. It's not a bad thing, it puts him in a place where he makes sure that you have anything that you could ever need at your beckon call instantaneously even if you didn't ask for it. Call him out if you see him neglecting any of his needs, though.
Old habits did hard, after all.
It's all okay when he holds his child, though. He smiles. He cries. He knows that he will do anything for this child. He won’t stop if his child needs something to be happy. Name it, and he’s on it. It’s the same way he cried when he held Lucy for the first time... the same way he felt when he wanted to protect the twins. He is determined to do things right and be the best father he can be. Even if he might make mistakes, he knows his love for his child will always outweigh everything else in his life.
If there's nothing else he knows, he knows that. No matter what comes next in life, he knows what he'll be looking out for. He'll be looking out for his partner and their kids. He's only going to be able to hold himself together for so long until he sees you, and then he just weeps. Which, will probably warm your heart in the process because he often doesn't let himself show what he's feeling, and this is a sign that he's still getting better all these years, and this is a sign that he's still getting better all these years later.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Sabotage in love - Hesperia/Betterfly x fem!reader
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warning : fluff, tiny hurt/comfort, teen angst from adrien, use of Y/n, female reader
Summary : Time has passed after the death of Emelie, and although his wife is still there in Gabriel's mind, he has found a new love. But his son is anything but pleased when he meets her...the only thing to do as an emo is to ruin the dates.
Info : So this One-Shot came from a comment by @iamallthingsasian and her idea of Adrien try to sabotage the dates of his father with his new girlfriend. Have fun reading :)
Since his father Gabriele had fallen into mourning after the death of his wife, some time had passed. The fashion designer had cried at the funeral, in the evening and the days, weeks and months after. But after almost two years he had finished with it.
He had accepted that his once beloved Emelíe had died and knew that holding on to it was not good. He knew that as much as it joked him, his son had to let go. It counted that he remembered the good things and not the last moments.
Gabriel had initially tried to be there for him and they had become closer. But since his father had applied himself in Adrien's eyes to look for new love, the blond clung to the grief.
A process that Gabriel could not oppose, especially since he had to concentrate on the villains of the city Shadybug and Clawnoir and did not want to lose hope himself. Until the day came when his father brought home a woman and it was not a new secretary. ,,Adrien, I'd like you to meet Y/n...my girlfriend," his father said after a moment's pause, reaching for her hand.
The younger woman next to him, perhaps a few years older than Emelie, smiled kindly at his son. Before she broke away from Gabriel and held out her hand to Adrien, ,,Hello Adrien nice to meet you" the blond teenager looked like he had been punched.
The eyeliner that was carefully drawn began to smear as he gave his father a hateful look and tears welled up in his eyes and he wiped them away. ,,Traitor! You and your-your money-grubbing bitch!" he hissed, slapping her hand away before running up the stairs to his room, the slam of the door echoing throughout the house.
She felt two hands on her shoulders and he hugged her from behind, ,,I'm sorry he was like that, I hope he didn't hurt you...he hangs on to his mother" the older one said and closed his eyes for a moment before she turned to him.
She carefully took his hand in hers and kissed it, a gesture that brought a smile to his face. ,,It's okay...not just a teenager he lost his mother I can't imagine how hard that must be" she said understandingly knowing it wouldn't be easy.
But she also knew that she would try everything to make him understand that she would not replace his mother and here was for Gabriel not for Adrien.
A relationship that the two continued anyway and even Nathalie was pleased that Gabrile had found a partner and the two women understood each other much to the chagrin of Adrien who liked her less and less each day.
But instead of reaching for his power and just wiping her out because he knew that even this was too conspicuous. Instead, the emo thought of other things to get his father away from her.
After a few weeks and months she moved in with the Agrestes and slept in bed with Gabriel. She had her own room where she she stayed from time to time, but most of the time she helped Nathalie and Gabriele either as a secretary or in designing clothes.
Gabriel always fell into a love frenzy and recited her the most beautiful poem while he used her as a model. Gestures and words that Adrien tried to block out with My Chemical Romance what was coming from his room.
Not only was the side of the bed she was sleeping on suddenly cut and torn, but the side of his mother's bed where Gabriel was sleeping was completely intact. But this only led to the couple sleeping together on the couch or simply in one of the other beds and this closer and sweeter than ever before.
The morning came over Paris and Y/n decided to make breakfast for their loved ones. It was to be pancakes with syrup nothing particularly exciting but sweet.
While she went to the kitchen and slept out of the room before she gave Gabriel a light kiss on the head and checked that Nathalie was still asleep she went to work in the kitchen. Humming lightly, she got to work on the dough before she went in search of snow. A time that the blonde took advantage of and poured the white spice into the dough.
Giggling, he hurried out of the kitchen and ran into Y/n, who held him so he wouldn't fall. ,,Are you alright?" she asked and was about to offer him a cup of cocoa or something else in the hope that he would say yes.
But he hurried out of her grasp and ran to his room. The surprise was yet to come as everyone gathered for breakfast. ,,Good morning, everyone!" she said cheerfully and put out their favorite drinks.
Gabriel his lavender tea, Nathalie her coffee and Adrien she had even bought his favorite energy. ,,Thanks" he mumbled and the three adults looked at each other in confusion before they hurriedly continued before they all had a pancake on their plate.
,,I hope you like them" Y/n said and took a bite of the pancake like the others and Adrien seemed to almost break the cutlery. ,,Oh...this is just...so good" Gabriele murmured and Nathalie agreed while pleasurable noises came from the three of them and Y/n hastily waved it off but was happy that it tasted good.
,,What!" he shouted way too loud and took a bite of his pancake but it was true it was sweet instead of salty. He had mixed up the salt with the sugar and poured sugar into it.
A fact that made the blond run back to his room before he took his energy and ran away again. ,,What's wrong with him?" asked Nathalie and her father said, ,,Maybe he doesn't like sweets?" before the three of them continued to eat and spend the day. With the condition that they Gabriele and Nathalie had to write down the recipe and the three ate together for a while.
But this was only one of the many pranks that Adrien tried to bring his father apart. Whether it was the trip to the park in which the two made an excursion. Hand in hand the way along went and it always smiled when Gabriele butterflies observed and her about the kind something told while she made photos of it.
The two complemented each other in this matter and she even got a necklace in the shape of a butterfly from Gabriele. While they were walking she felt him stroking her fingers when suddenly a teenager with a hood on his face came towards them.
Before it happened he took out a water bomb and hurled it at the woman. With a splash it burst and the woman was completely wet while the teenager ran away. But the force almost knocked her over. Adrien had used his strength and only a fraction of it.
Gabriel caught her before she stumbled and held her close, afraid something might happen. ,,Are you all right? Are you hurt?" Gabriele asked immediately ignoring the young man and taking off his coat, the dark purple coat wrapped around her form as she began to shiver from the icy water. ,,Y-Yes, thank you, it's just water...even if it was weird" she replied and gave him a grateful smile as he rubbed his hands over her arms.
Tried to give her warmth before he realized that this wasn't completely effective. ,,Close your eyes, we'll be home soon," he murmured, stroking her hair before turning and picking her up in his arms.
Transformed, he jumped from roof to roof back to his house where he set her down and transformed back. Before Nathalie made her friend a tea and Gabriel disappeared with his friend in the bathroom.
There he ran her a warm bath and sat down next to the tub while Nathalie brought the tea and seemed to be having a conversation with Adrien when the music stopped. ,,Don't you think your care is a little too much?" she asked, taking a sip of the tea as the foam sank into the lilac lavender water.
But the white-haired man just shook his head with a smirk as his fingers slid through the water. ,,No, I mean you are the most important thing in my life next to Adrien and Nathalie. You're my family...but you I'm afraid of losing...my heart couldn't take it" he confessed and looked at his shot confessing his inner self and touching her heart with his words.
Putting the tea aside she sat up slightly and reached for his hand while placing her other on his cheek. ,,Gabriel I had no idea...thank you my love" she said softly and pulled him into a loving kiss before she felt him come closer to her and return the kiss.
After the conversation with Nathalie, Adrien didn't seem to accept his father's girlfriend as his mother, but he respected her somehow and seemed inwardly happy that she was somehow doing his father good.
Even if the attacks on the dates suddenly stopped, the occasional hissing from Adrien and the evil glances were still there. But Gabriel and his love stayed together they had found their future and their true love.
@irenea666 , @vavandeveresfan , @a-reading-dreamer, @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese
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ghostvoi · 3 years
I was rereading m your fic and with the context of what long memory does I just find it so funny that Ozpin nearly activated a nuke in his school 😂 and the fact that Ozpin and Oscar both carry a nuke with them is so funny to me now. No wonder Ozpin kept it with him at all times 😂.
Can you imagine that time training with ozpin in mistral, but instead he whacks ruby with the cane and the long memory accidentally goes off and mistral's wiped off the face of the map. Haven, White Fang, Cinder's group, no problem anymore! A-Along with you know, rwby, jnr, qrow ...Ozpin and Oscar's guilt bc wow how could you be so irresponsible increase by infinity...
(For what it's worth, I imagine you have to be very intentional to actually set it off, but you know...)
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
What if ? - Adrien becoming a big brother
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warning : angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, no use of Y/n
Gabriel Agreste x fem!reader
Info : So I needed to wrote another idea of @iamallthingsasian of what could have been when Betterfly's wife (adriens stepmother) got pregnant. Have fun reading this little thing ;)
°What could be?
°It could have been that in one of the many parallel universes Adrien was not an only child. That his father, who found hope and love in Hesperia or Betterfly, and his two former enemies Shadybug and Clawnoir, the latter being his own son Adrien, found hope and became good.
°They all saw hope and love in a new future Adrien with his Marinette finally came together and his father eventually found love. A stroke of fate that the blonde could not immediately cope with. He fled to his girlfriend and the two together in drawings, music and concerts tried to process the fear that they felt.
°But after Adrien realized how happy his father was with his new girlfriend. How kind she was to Gabriel, Nathalie, Marinette and himself, his resentment against her had slowly subsided and together they were all the good that now fought against evil.
°A team that one year later had a message to announce. Adrien would have a half-sister and become a big brother. Is it true?" murmured the blond, looking at the ultrasound image as they sat together at the table. Gabriel nodded and Y/n put a hand on her belly.
°Yet you couldn't see anything, but in a few months you would start to see something. They both feared that Adrien would get angry or even run away. The reaction was understandable. To their surprise and relief, the blond stood up and hugged his parents. He had finally taken his stepmother more than just into his heart.
°The family would grow before a little girl was born months later. ,,Adrien your little sister Emelie" said Gabriel and stepped aside. He put a hand on his son's shoulder before Adrien saw his sister in his stepmother's arms. The little baby looked at him curiously and gurgled before taking a finger from him.
°,,Emelie...like mother" he said and his voice became brittle Marinette took his hand and Gabrielle put a hand on his shoulder and stroked his head. The family seemed to have finally found peace...at least in this universe.
°But they wanted to share the happiness with Ladybug and Catnoir from the other universe. They traveled there with the help of Alyas and had a meeting. Ladybug was completely enraptured by little Emelie and Gabriel held his wife supportively while Adrien held the baby. ,,Emelie...she's so cute...you're lucky" the only child murmured and his friend held his hand. Before he gave the baby back to its mother and she rocked it slightly.
°They all knew about the pain, the mistreatment of his father and fine Hawkmoth. They knew that Adrien was suffering until Hesperia had an idea. ,,How about we visit more often and train together and you could see Emelie" he suggested and saw the blond's look turn from disbelief to gratitude.
°He fell into his "father's" arms and stroked the baby's head one last time, knowing that in this pain he was feeling there was also hope.
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