riza-hawks-eye · 2 years
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Totally reasonable prediction:
Caitvi and Timebomb sex scenes happening at the same time
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dkshameless · 1 year
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alchemisland · 2 years
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paleopinesofficial · 2 months
15 mins⌛!
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Get cozy and get your questions ready for our Reddit AMA! See you there 💕
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chlodovetch · 1 year
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springledongle · 10 months
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ascendandt · 2 years
tom hulce voice iam amonster You Know
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justcallmesakira · 2 months
I know why you can't respond!
You run out of excuses :3
And I love talking to you too hehe
What excuses um!!! (it better not be abt ran-)
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babyjujubee · 5 months
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From the IAMA Theatre Company's Facebook page. February 4, 2024. Playwrite Catya McMulle and Alden Ehrenreich at the opening night of IAMA Theatre Company's "Arrowhead" at Atwater Village Theater in Los Angeles California on February 8, 2024.
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riza-hawks-eye · 2 years
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I always knew Finn’s “bigger fish” was foreshadowing for *something*.
The comment about it being “one of the things we wanted to connect” suggests that whoever is gunning to be Silco’s replacement may have had a scene in Arcane at some point, maybe a full blown deleted scene or maybe something that got left in the early drafts. 
The comment also makes it sound like this is someone who’s already established and well known in Zaun. Basically when Finn said there are bigger fish than Silco he was in fact referring to one specific fish. Sevika mentions to Silco that there will be “others” after she kills Finn possibly meaning she might also be aware of this person?
The person who asked this question was thinking about Urgot and I definitely think that’s a possibility, definitely one of our possible candidates.
I feel like there could be a chance that it might Renata Glasc. 
The only reasons I really think this is because Renata has a line with Viktor where she suggests that she partially funded his whole “glorious revolution” bit. That’s just an interesting choice on Riot Games' part to have this new character be such an integral part of the lore for this more established character that’s in Arcane. 
I know Renata might be a little too new to end up in Arcane but then why would Riot make her part of an Arcane champion’s lore like that if it isn’t going to lead to something? 
Another thought I had was that Arcane began production around 2014-2015 and Ekko was official released to League of Legends in 2015 which isn’t that far off from when they presumably started writing the story of Arcane. It seems like the writers have very close ties to whatever the main League team does with champions so I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that the story is going to feature newer champions, maybe even champions that haven’t been released yet.
I can’t think of any more theories on who this is beyond those two, but I’m sure there are plenty.
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munnchausenzip · 6 months
im Literally eating Mars Bar Right Now. Okay, this is EPic
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rhodrymavelyne · 6 months
Secondary Characters Speak Out: Quartz, Blanche, and Iama
A pair of enchantresses meet over an enchanted (yet worried dwarf), scheming to take the princesses they desire by magic.
A shadow moves from the Forest of Tears to the clearing where a crystal coffin lays with a dwarf sleeping inside.  He’s so still. He almost seems one with the crystal in a way only he was.  The shadow’s billowing dark cloak reveals the maiden hiding beneath it, a maiden with snow white skin. Tresses spill forth from a hood as ebon as the garment concealing her.  She drops to her knees before…
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solibrie · 6 months
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paleopinesofficial · 2 months
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We're holding a REDDIT AMA! Join us on r/iama this Sunday at 9pm BST and ask us… well, anything! 🙏
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thenerdsofcolor · 7 months
A Los Angeles Theatre Review: 'Radical or, are you gonna miss me?'
A Los Angeles Theatre Review: 'Radical or, are you gonna miss me?' at IAMA Theatre
The ‘Sweet 16’ season of IAMA Theatre launches with the world premiere of Radical or, are you gonna miss me? written by Isaac Gómez and directed by Jess McLeod and what a vibrant way to kick it all off. While there are some aspects of the show that had me question what truly constitutes as a “radical” these days, I definitely commend the entire creative team and cast for truly giving it their all…
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I've been on an Oscar Isaac binge since watching moon knight and i thought to myself hmmmmm why doesn't he have any social media accounts?
then i saw his reddit IAmA answers and realized OHHHH MAYBE THATS WHY
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and honestly after watching a bunch of his interviews where he let his intrusive thoughts win.... yeah it makes sense now.
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