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eschergirls · 4 months ago
November 2024 Escher Girls Updates & Patreon Thank You!
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Hi everybody!  It's November, so it's time for a monthly update and to thank all our wonderful Patreon subscribers!
For a quick update about Tumblr, if you've been following the blog you probably noticed that in late September/early October, the Escher Girls Tumblr ran into the infamous "shadowban" bug, which is not actually a shadowban but just a bug that happens to random blogs on Tumblr (more info here). After bugging Tumblr about it a few times, they finally fixed it, which means everything is back to normal and I can send and receive DMs and messages as normal on Tumblr (just in time for the Caption Contest which was handy for giving out prizes to the winners!)
I appreciate everybody who helped me figure it out and especially @haveievermentioned who messaged me to let me know that they weren't getting updates from the EG Tumblr! In the future if you run into any issues with Tumblr or the main site, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Also, if you missed it last month, I've been fixing up the main site and I updated the submission guidelines and also the submission form which now lets you choose a name to submit with and also let me know if it's okay for me to reply to your email address if I need more info about your submission. The new and improved form can be found here: https://eschergirls.com/form/submit-content
And, all new posts on EscherGirls.com now link to the corresponding Tumblr post so site users can easily navigate to the Tumblr cross-post and see what Tumblr users are saying. And when I fix up old posts, I'm now fixing up the Tumblr version as well and adding a cross-post link. It's twice the work but given that many people still view the site on Tumblr, I figure it's worth it to everybody. :3 There are some posts without a Tumblr cross-post link because the Tumblr post has been deleted/hidden because of Tumblr's mercurial algorithmic flagging which can't tell the difference between stuff like a coloured body suit and nudity.
As usual I've spent a lot of time this month working on fixing up old posts, restoring broken images or finding higher res versions of old images, and fixing broken links, etc, also fixing all the formatting of older posts and finding sources.
Here are some of the posts I fixed up this month (for any that want to check them out, the links to the Tumblr versions are included in every post):
This "How To Draw" book depicting women's waists as a ball joint (which explains a lot about why artists think women can just swivel around like rotor blades), and an associated post with that infamous Jennifer Blood cover
The infamous "muscleboobs" how to draw page depicting women's breasts as muscles 
Two different Soul Calibur posts: one with Talim in a boobs and butt pose (and a redraw fix of it), and another with Xianghua, Talim and Ivy in various states of rubberization
Black Canary described by my friend as a miracle of modern plumbing
War Goddess giving up War Goddess-ing and instead going into the butt-selling business
The infamous Glory/Avengelyne cover (the first time I posted Liefeld on this blog after the first 800 posts without him to prove a point that it wasn't just him putting out the insectoid women art) and an associated post
And a caption contest with Avengelyne and Ravyn in pretty hilarious poses and also the winners of that contest
And now I want to give a big thank you to Escher Girls' Patreon subscribers for October!
Thank you so so much to:
Anne Adler Cat Mara Chris McKenzie Em Bardon First Time Trek Greg Sepelak Ken Trosaurus Kevin Carson Kim Wincen Kristoffer Illern  Holmén Leak  Manuel Dalton Mary Kuhner Max Schwarz Michael Mazur Miriam Pody Morgan McEvoy randomisedmongoose Rebecca Breu Ringoko  Ryan Gerber Sam Mikes Sean Sea SpecialRandomCast  Thomas 
And a very very special thank you to JohnnyBob8 for buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi!!!
Thank you so much for helping to keep the site running! The Tumblr technical issues and algorithmic flagging are reasons why Escher Girls has a dedicated self-hosted site, and why I appreciate the support on Patreon and Ko-Fi so much as it helps me pay for hosting, domain costs, and site upgrades and keep the site running.
And thank you to just everybody, all of you interacting with the blog on both Tumblr and on the main site, and who participate in caption contests, and submit things to me, or just generally send me kind words. Thank you all! You make running the site so worth it. :)
PS: As a reminder, we added a button that links to the Escher Girls Tumblr and to our RSS feed for those who want to follow that way. (For newbies, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is basically a feed you can read using an RSS reader. Simply copy and paste https://eschergirls.com/rss.xml into an RSS reader and it will keep you up to date on Escher Girls!)
Make sure it is eschergirls.com and not eschergirls.tumblr.com, as that is Tumblr, and not the self-hosted site.
If you have any issues with the site or suggestions to improve it, please do not hesitate to contact me and let me know!
If you wish to support Escher Girls, you can subscribe to our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/ami_angelwings or donate through Ko-Fi at: https://ko-fi.com/amiangelwings.
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theillerbunch · 4 years ago
This record represents “The Vision” of the COLORS EP
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hgfnynas · 3 years ago
Karins oväntade gäst i lägenheten: illern Siw
Karins oväntade gäst i lägenheten: illern Siw
Karin Nyblom letar efter Siw som gärna gömmer sig om dagarna. Illern på bilden är en annan. Lyssna: Illern Siw har flyttat in hos KarinI september hörde Karin Nyblom hur något tassade omkring i hennes lägenhet i Vallentuna, tillslut fick hon syn på vad det var: en vit iller, som numera går under namnet Siw.Karin…Karins oväntade gäst i lägenheten: illern Siw
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sportfiskeitranas · 4 years ago
Pimpel på Illern & Stråna
Pimpel på Illern & Stråna
Idag blev det en ny dag ute på isarna med pimpelfiske på Illern och Stråna. Vi började dagen på Illernsjön och det visade sig vara riktigt trögt fiske så det blev bara någon timme på denna sjön. Sedan for vi vidare till Stråna och där var Abborrarna mer huggvilliga. Det blev en helt ok fångst med 40 Abborrar på en totalvikt av 3660 gr och den största vägde 660 gr. Det är alltid roligt att få fisk…
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thickvapor-blog · 7 years ago
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Test av ny smak. Illern Göran kommer att bli en hit!! #vape (på/i Thickvapor.se)
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zandrama85 · 7 years ago
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When you work from home you get to cuddle with the best Ferret in the world 😍 På tisdag ska hon få gå över regnbågsbron 🌈 Det är det jobbigaste beslutet jag någonsin fått ta i mitt liv, trots att jag vill fortsätta kämpa och ha henne i livet så är det inte snällt om hon lider. Majsan kommer alltid vara den bästa, snällaste, gulligaste och gosigaste illern för mig. Mommy loves you 😍❤️
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njurpaj-blog · 7 years ago
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Ok, att ge sig ut att springa klockan 21 är väl sådär. Elljuset var inte ens tänt så jag fick köra med mobilen tills nån sensor kände av mig. Det blev backträning för att testa maxpuls. Hm det var som jag befarade illa. Kört igång med betablockerare och maxpulsen har sjunkit med 20%. Nä jag får sluta med dem och testa nåt annat. Sprang vilse tre gånger når jag skulle tillbaka till bilen. Inget jäkla ljus de sista 200 metrarna. Pannlampa!!!! Well, got out at 9pm. The light was not even lit up when I started, but it had a sensor that woke it up. Tried some hill training to test my pulse. It sucked. I started with betablockers and it lowered my max with 20%. Have to change meds to something else. Got lost three times on my way back to the car. No lights the last 200m. Note to self - head torch! #njurpaj #kidneytransplant #transplanterad #älskalöpning #rwpasset #jagspringer #running #runhappy #laufen #training #tränahårthållkäft #garmin #fenix5x #2xu #getfitorcrytrying (på/i Illern)
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
Don’t forget to subscribe
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
Episode 4
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
Lead Single From the COLORS EP
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
Chocolate City By Owlfa
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
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Our New Gen VS. Cult Fans 😂😂😂
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
Episode 5 Hot Is Block Tha🔥 #iLLerNationTV
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
First Single Off The Upcoming Colors EP.
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theillerbunch · 5 years ago
Our leaders each left us with a piece of knowledge that collectively unlocks the secrets of existence.
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