#i.     mani moon moon  awoo   !       (      ooc.    )
hatigave · 21 days
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Because I lost the other one. STARTER CALL. Hit the ♡ for a starter ( length will be two paragraphs minimum but might be longer. ) Please specify muse on both ends if you're a multi too - or provide me with a vibe that you're looking for when it comes to my kids. Mutuals only, please !
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hatilead · 3 years
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i have zero self control so consider this a STARTER CALL FOR SINGLE PARAGRAPH STARTERS  !     all muses with the exception of on request muses without some plotting prior to this point.  you must specify at least one muse    (   and if you’re a multi too,  specify who you want it for  !   )    
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hatigave · 1 month
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Hit the ♡ for a little something from one of my kids. Please feel free to request a specific muse, or at least to give me a general vibe you're looking for ( If you're not familiar with the canon of my kids, this is generally the easiest way to connect and get started ) Other multis, please specify who you want it to be for too. Mutuals only.
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hatigave · 17 days
Memes call ! Let me send you things while I suffer through a meeting that most likely could and should have been an email.
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hatigave · 1 month
He wants everyone to see his stick ! ( aka puppert beneath the cut )
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hatigave · 24 days
I won't be here much today, and extensive plotting ooc is on hold for the moment. My husband's aunt died, and while they weren't close, it still affects my in-laws and my man himself. Obviously, that takes priority on the braincells, and I've found that I can't dedicate as much thoughts to plotting as I'd like at the moment. Still feel free to reach out ooc, but I can't promise adequate thoughts that go beyond 'ah yes a vibe'
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hatigave · 1 month
small starter call ! Specify muse (or a general dynamic vibe you'd be interested in if that's easier !)
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hatigave · 21 days
Big fan of OCs and female muses. Big fan of the characters you rarely get to write. Big fan of listening to metas and ramblings about characters you never get to talk about.
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hatigave · 20 days
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Okay I don't know if these are still in fashion (but I have anxiety so -) anyway ; give this post a good old like if you'd be interested in basically being on my hitlist for affection being open to starters / memes / interactions whenever my muse(s) feel like it. All in all, it's just a little 'yes please' to my need to change these characters on a monocular level ; change them, influence them. Hand in unlovable hand etc etc.
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hatigave · 1 month
plotting call to get this show back on the road <3
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hatigave · 2 days
Ok but who will go apple picking with Vicki?
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hatigave · 1 month
PLOTTING CALL (2.0) because I'm more than ever mostly interested in plotted dynamics 💕
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hatigave · 1 month
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Willem: anything pre-curse. Preferably when he has already been selling bits and pieces of his soul.  The cracks in his person, the shift between human and the ghost he will become. Back when he could still step on land, and he felt like he didn’t belong there anyway. A friendship or something else to see him fade, to explore the bitterness taking hold which will eventually ruin him. 
Gilderoy: post-cos interactions where he's slowly regaining his ability to form memories. The moments where he doesn't know who he is but where he knows enough that he cares. Exploring the person he's going to become when the pressure he's put on himself is no longer relevant in the slightest.
Victoria: having a soft heart in a world where kindness is exploited. Giving everything again and again until there's nothing left to give, but then still trying to figure out a way to give more. She's so gullible and trusting, someone could and should take advantage of that.
Jackson: dealing with the aftermath of his loss. Losing the only one who ever really mattered to him, and still needing to keep going because there's nothing else for him to do. The grief being shoved deep down until he finally breaks near someone who might or might not know how to keep him upright.
James: being a mentor figure to someone. Passing on the lessons he's had to learn the hard way. Being protective and caring over someone who doesn't expect anything more from him in return. Learning that not all teachings have to be cruel, and wisdom can be passed on with kindness.
Raoul: someone he cannot follow. A person so off-grid that there is no trace of them left in the world, no trail of breadcrumbs for Raoul to chase after. The anger, annoyance and rage when he searches and searches but still comes up empty time and time again.
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hatigave · 6 days
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this is me bewitching you all to send memes to my active muses at the moment : Gilderoy, Dennis, Gale, Tanwir, James, Willem.
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hatigave · 19 days
Activity update - my overall activity here will be lower as I'm going back to work tomorrow. I haven't been active in the rpc while working this specific job, so I have no clue how draining it's all going to be. I should still be around during the evenings and bits and pieces of the weekend until busy season dies down. Queue is stocked for at least the first week, and you can naturally always reach out on the IMS/Discord etc etc.
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hatigave · 1 month
scurrying around like a feral dog trying to figure out where all of my friends have gone in these trying times.
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