#i've watched this 8 years ago and it's still my all time favourite romance movie
linusbenjamin · 18 days
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Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. A Walk To Remember 2002, dir. Adam Shankman
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haellen-o · 1 year
Get to know me
Tagged by: @otherworldseekers a surprise to be sure. but a welcome one
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The last song you listened to: Bloodshot by Enter Shikari hopelessly addicted to them. i've totally not had the new EP on repeat... i swear
Currently Reading: Nothing actually. I don't really read anymore, outside of video game lore and roleplays, however. last thing i actually read/e-booked was adrians undead diary. i quite enjoyed it. but that was a couple years ago
Last Movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring! but the fancy extended cut. watched it with a few friends and it was highly enjoyable. we're figuring out a time currently to sit down and watch two-towers extended cut
What are you wearing right now: A pair of jog pants that i turned into shorts with some expert tailoring skills:tm: and a limited edition enter shikari hoodie. its bright pink and has some flower power asf font with the bands name on the back
How tall are you: Last time i checked... i think around 6'3? (182.88 cm according to google)
Piercings: None currently. Although i would like to potentially look into getting my ears pierced
Tattoos: None currently. But i do have some plans for tattoo's
Glasses? Contacts? Neither! i'm pretty sure i have perfect vision. admittedly its been awhile since my last optician visit
Last drink: Tea. Strong. Dash of milk. Three sugars. Yorkshire tea preferably but i'm not picky. Still drinking it while writing this
Last show: uhhhh... I don't remember, i started episode 1 of breaking bad a few weeks back but i've yet to pick it back up. i've been busy doing other things
Last thing you ate: [Nervous laugh] my dinner... which i ate last night... It's currently 4:22 pm... i ate my dinner at around 8 pm yesterday... Oops?
Favourite colour: its hard to pick. its always a toss up of 3 depending on the day. a deep/maroon red, a green-ish yellow known as charteuse. or neon green
Current obsession: Enter shikari. But it'll probably go back to FFXIV at some point
Unrelated Obsession: I don't think i'm capable of being obsessed with more than one thing at a time tbh. i guess haellen and ophelia's OC lore would be the closest thing? but that's just a given at this point
Any pets: Yes! i take care of 3 dogs and only one of them is mine. he is a jack russel named timmy (timothy when he's fucked up) and he is the bestest
Do you have a crush on anyone: i used to have a crush on someone from my friend group. but sometime a few years ago i sort of... "Gave up" on romance and romantic feelings. it started to exhaust me
Favourite fictional character: you cannot make me pick one so i will instead list a few of my favourites, as i adore them all equally. robot-ky, baiken, emet-selch, garrus vakarian, saltzpyre, and last but not least, the drifter
Tagging: @hdawg1995 @home-halone @idyllruin @moonchildrenffxiv @the-unending-journey
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stitched-mouth · 4 years
True Love (Death the Kid x Fem!Reader) (SongFic)
Based on the song True Love by P!nk. I recommend listening to the song as you reader! Also I wrote this for my Wattpad page almost two years ago! So, I’m sorry the writing is a little messy. I have improved as a writer since then! Follow my Wattpad Just_For_A_Laugh
Edit: I edited this nearly 5 years later cause my grammar was so bad it was painful. I only fixed the layout, grammar and spelling. This is not a re write.
This might be my cheesiest cringiest work ever. To be fair, I was 12 I think when I wrote this (2018). I’m 18 this year (2023). Imagine 2018 me knowing that in 5 years I’d still be writing fanfics but almost exclusively smut. I didn’t even know what the word smut meant back then, I called nsfw works lemons back then. I was such a Wattpad girl.
Paring: Death the Kid x Reader
Warnings: Proposal? For those of you who don’t like the idea of marriage.
Word Count: 1161
W/N = Weapon’s Name
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"Shut up, Y/N."
I laughed in response.
Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say
"Why should I? You love me." Y/N laughed.
"I hate you." He hissed.
I continued to laugh.
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face
"No you don't, you love me." I chuckled.
I had moved everything in the house to be asymmetrical.
There's no one quite like you
You push all my buttons down
"Help me fix this! Everything must be symmetrical!" He cried.
"Nope, I'm out with Maka and Crona!" I giggled running out of the house.
I know life would suck without you
——(TIME SKIP!)——-
Today was Kid’s and I’s anniversary. We had been dating 8 years.
At the same time, I wanna hug you I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
However, it seems although Kid had forgotten. Which was unacceptable, we had been practically married 8 years! 8!
You're an asshole but I love you And you make me so mad I ask myself Why I'm still here, or where could I go
I had left a symmetrical painting of us together framed above our bed for him. I don't know if he had seen it yet though.
You're the only love I've ever known
He had been ignoring me all day too, well, this morning at least. I was at work most of the day and so was he. We both worked as teachers at the DWA but we were both really busy with work so I didn't think of it much.
Right now, W/N and I were hanging out. Not many people knew this, but I am actually both a meister and a weapon. However, when someone asked what I was, I always said meister. The only one who could use me as a weapon, was Kid.
But I hate you, I really hate you So much, I think it must be
"Hey Y/N and W/N!"
Both W/N and I turned to see Black Star running down towards us, he was also dragging Tsubaki with him.
They both had ridiculously big smiles on their faces.
"Hi Black Star, Tsubaki. What's up?" I smiled.
True love, true love It must be true love
"Wanna a showdown?" Black Star smirked.
I looked at W/N with a smirk and they smirked back, "Sure."
——-(TIME SKIP!)——-
We had fought for at least 4 hours. We were now both extremely tired and wanted to go home.
Nothing else can break my heart like True love, true love It must be true love
"See you tomorrow!" We yelled from our own directions.
Once I arrived home, I looked at my watch, it was 7:32pm. I sighed, Kid should be home soon.
No one else can break my heart like you
I walked in and flopped on the couch. My feet hurt like hell. I kicked off my shoes and turned the tv on.
Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings
A note on the coffee table caught my eye. I picked it up and read it out loud.
"Darling, I have something to show you. Something truly show my love for you. However, to get it you'll have to find all the clues by exactly 8:00pm. 'Beauty and the Beast."
Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E Come on I'll say it slowly (Romance) You can do it babe
A smile made it's way on to my face, this was so sweet! I already knew where I had to go for this one.
Beauty and the Beast was my favourite book and Disney movie. Kid and I read a chapter to each other every night before bed. I had to go to the library upstairs and find the book.
At the same time, I wanna hug you I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
I ran up the stairs and to the library. I quickly found the book and flipped the pages, inside was another note.
"Well done my dear, you have found the location of the second clue! However, that one was a little too easy, so this one will be slightly harder. '8 pointless places'."
You're an asshole but I love you And you make me so mad I ask myself
8 pointless places? What the hell? I tapped my chin repeatedly....the 8 pointless bedrooms!
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
Normal people have 1 guest room, possibly even 2. But Kid wanted 8! I referred to them as '8 pointless rooms'.
I ran up to the 3rd floor (yes we have 3 floors,I was NOT have 8 as that was just taking the piss).
You're the only love I've ever known
The first 7 rooms had no clues, but the 8th did.
"Very well done, Y/N. Just one more clue to go. Cafe Rouge."
This one was definitely the easiest. Cafe Rouge was the place we had met, and I had dropped coffee all over his white shirt. I facepalmed at the memory.
But I hate you, I really hate you So much, I think it must be
I arrived at Cafe Rouge at exactly 8pm. I took a deep breath in and walked inside. The cafe was closed but yet the door was open. Strange.
True love, true love It must be true love
"Kid?" I called.
I got no answer at first. But two arms wrapped around my waist, "Hello my dear."
I gasped and turned to face him. Kid was wearing (what he wore to the party in Ep20 just bigger as he is now 20).
Nothing else can break my heart like True love, true love It must be true love And no one else can break my heart like you
"Oh my symmetrical beauty, you found all the clues." Kid smiled giving both my cheeks a kiss.
I giggled in response and hugging him, "I love you Kid."
And no one else can break my heart like you
"I love you too, Y/N." Kid chuckled hugging me back, "Do you want to see what I got you?"
I nodded with a small smile.
Why do you rub me up the wrong way? Why do you say the things that you say?
He pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket and got on his knees. I gasped.
Sometimes I wonder how we ever came to be But without you I'm incomplete
"Will you Y/N L/N , make me the happiest person on Earth by becoming my wife?"
"Yes!" I screamed tackling him in a giant kiss.
I heard Soul and Black Star's shouts of excitement 'Congratulations!' and Maka, Crona and Tsubaki claps.
This was True Love.
I think it must be True love, true love It must be true love Nothing else can break my heart like True love, true love It must be true love And no one else can break my heart like you (like you) No one else can break my heart like you (like you) No one else can break my heart like you
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