#i've talked before ab how interesting it would be to delve deeper into how the great beasts feel ab being spirit animals
bayofwolves · 11 days
I’ve been obsessed, obsessed, obsessed with Raisha for a while now. I know you’ve said little things about her in the past and i want to know what’s up with her/Gerathon if you’d be willing to talk about it.
I really like Raisha as a character, too! We know so little about her, but in my opinion, she's one of the most fascinating characters in the series. Unfortunately, she meets a sad end in A Revised History of Erdas.
All we know about Raisha post-infection is that she was present at the final battle in The Burning Tide, still under Zerif's control and in pretty bad shape. She vanishes off the grid after that, never mentioned again, not even in the concluding montage of Great Beast summoners reuniting with their fallen spirit animals. My retelling offers some closure, but not the good kind.
In my version of events, Raisha is flanking Zerif when he emerges from the ship with his Great Beasts. Zerif, in an act of cruel irony, saw fit to keep Raisha by his side even in her mindless, infected state. Shane, up in the archers' keep with Abeke, hardly recognizes the girl who helped steal Halawir months earlier. Later, she reappears to restrain Abeke when Zerif brings the defeated Redcloak forces to the Wyrm. When the Wyrm is killed and the parasites lose their power, though, Raisha collapses to the ground and doesn't get back up. The Wyrm had pushed her finite body to an extent that it couldn't recover from. Many people and animals in Zerif's army are the same; their possession eventually killed them. The Wyrm was a child playing with toys, the mechanics of which it couldn't possibly understand. Thankfully for it, its parasites could go on controlling a body in the event of an untimely death. Indeed, Stead raises the possibility that Raisha had been dead for some time, and the parasite was only animating a corpse.
Like I've said before, I didn't do this out of dislike for Raisha or anything like that. She was ultimately another victim of Zerif -- a young, lonely, impressionable girl he took advantage of -- and didn't deserve anything that happened to her. I'll always support AUs where she is alive and well. In my eyes, though, her story was always meant to end in tragedy. By the time she realized her mistake and reached for the light, it was too late.
Gerathon, after reemerging in Southern Zhong and feeling the loss of her human partner, disappeared into the brush and is currently at large. She is only an adolescent cobra at the moment, hardly a threat... but the Great Beasts are growing, and Gerathon's time will inevitably come again. (I like the idea of her becoming a maneater as she slowly regains her former size and power, terrorizing the locals and gaining a place in their legends.) Who knows how she feels about losing Raisha. I expect, under the excruciating pain that may one day drive her to madness, there is a sweet sense of relief.
#sorry this took so long to get out!#i've said it before but i do not think gerathon would take kindly to being a spirit animal and absolutely nothing can change my mind#if raisha hadn't died of her own accord gerathon would have ended up killing her to escape the confines of their bond#i've talked before ab how interesting it would be to delve deeper into how the great beasts feel ab being spirit animals#no longer independent‚ now bound#even if they love the children they are bonded with‚ do they ever wish to be free? would they leave them behind if given the chance?#i can sort of accomplish this with gerathon‚ who actually loses her human partner#although her feelings ab it are not as complex as the others' might be bc there is simply no way she would accept being tethered to a human#gerathon who once controlled a whole army of people like they were ants would never‚ and i mean never‚ endure a partnership with one#the others all might. even kovo and halawir might come to love theirs. but not her. never her#fun fact: long before i envisioned path of the heroes‚ i had a very different concept of a fourth arc that had raisha as the villain#(truthfully it was gerathon manipulating her)#this was a next gen arc so the four heroes and all the great beast summoners were adults. their kids were the protags#in fact raisha's own daughter was one of these protags#crazy times lol#maybe at some point i'll share those very old plans. it's all hilarious and nonsensical bc i was 13 but#it paved the way for path of the heroes and for that i am eternally grateful. my sacred texts#text#asks#a revised history of erdas#spirit animals#spirit animals books#spirit animals series#raisha#gerathon#zerif#the wyrm#abeke#shane#stead
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