#i've started fleshing out dick's design and i'm doing it with all of them
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batfam members as genshin impact characters (6/7): Duke Thomas
his right hand looks weird but otherwise i like this. i wasn't sure whether to make him a claymore or a catalyst but i wanted more balance so he's a claymore now
@cosmicpoutine part 6 of the project!! home stretch
part 1 (dick)
part 2 (jason)
part 3 (tim)
part 4 (steph)
part 5 (damian)
part 7 (cass)
edit: YIKERS tumblr nerfed the quality please for the love of all that is holy click for better quality goddamn
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After four solid years of working on this series, here we are! Finally at the finish line! All that's left is Day 31: wildcard, so I'm super stoked and wanting to include my friends in this since they've supported me along this cracky, cracky journey...
I had to write sporadically since even I, prince of porn, must be in a certain headspace to write smut in general, much less kinky, filthy smut.
I started this series on October 02, 2020. On Ao3, the "Kinktober is 20/20" series, where I've been grouping these fics, is 82,269 words. I created a new pseud for this series, so that readers could differentiate my more serious works from the shameless hentai. I tested myself, wrote to the fullest extent of the kink, tested the boundaries of what's hot and what's not, and decided to be utterly shameless. Some pieces I love. Some, I can't believe I wrote, let alone published.
It's been a great, wonderful time.
From what was meant to be a series of unrelated one-shots exploring depravity, a number of actual series emerged.
A crumb or more - Where I joke that someone holding Sasuke down and fucking some sense to him might have prevented him from leaving the village, and then write Time travel!Sakura to do just that-- only it turns out surprisingly wholesome, with ot3 team seven time skip as a sequel. Astonishingly one of my favorite verses
King of the World (if I wanna be)- A series where Izuku gets a sex quirk. Stunningly, this is not a unique phenomenon for kinktober. I wrote more than one universe where Deku gets a DIFFERENT sex quirk. Amazing. In this series, he has a subtle mind control/hypnosis quirk that's like a "notice-me-not" spell, projecting an aura of "nothing to see/be concerned about" that lets him get into all sorts of mischief. It also serves to explain why Kacchan is Like That™-- literal years of being exposed to an uncontrolled "don't worry about it" quirk that prevents him from worrying about the consequences of his actions. It has six fics and is 23,447 words.
Love on top (baby it's you)- A two-part series where Sasuke is actually trans and not just Magically Given a Pussy for my own enjoyment (and yours).
Puppy Plays- Probably one of the most depraved series to come out of this experiment. MIND THE TAGS if you go here. When I wrote the first fic, I had to be cajoled for days to actually post it. When I wrote the sequel the day before yesterday, I posted it without any editing so I could hurry up and do my college homework, utterly unashamed. It's puppy play and it's noncon, Bakudeku (Dark Izuku).
And most recently, Konoha "Omega Verse" (Team Hole), which is not actually alpha/beta/omegaverse. It's just a free use/sex AU where one member of each team is designated as free use/fuck whenever and explores the social reality and worldbuilding of such a dynamic. Naturally, I chose Sasuke. For spice, the team omega uses a jutsu to give them a vagina, and any non-vagina-owners on the team use the reverse to get a dick. This keeps things nice and simple for the "use a member of your team like a flesh light for stress relief" agenda.
Describing these is wild. It's kinktober, though. Kinktober's gonna kink!
Aside from the series that developed, there are a number of one shots that were actually good. My personal favorite is probably the Shikamaru fic where everything actually is safe, sane and consensual-- all the way through a gangbang where he gets to be a pillow princess.
Honorable mentions: the Sakura/Hinata fic where Hinata is jealous of ot3 team seven and Sakura shows her a good time; my first foray into actual omegaverse, with Kiribaku (cute); these two hot wing (dabi/hawks) fics that actually have really nice writing and icarus vibes; an actually wholesome bakudeku fic where they're pro heroes and pass OFA back and forth with bloody kisses after a fight; and some post-canon wholesome team seven ot3 where they'd rather make out then go to a dinner party.
Now: the wildcard space. I've considered continuing one of the favorite series. I've considered finding a different kinktober prompt-list and finding one that wasn't represented in my original list. I've considered making a poll of entirely friend/tumblr submissions of ideas.
I want it to be fun! But also a big finale to wrap up this series I've spent four years of my life on. I feel like it has to be so kinky, so ridiculous, and so much fun that it neatly showcases what kinktober's all about-- or at least, what it has been all about, for me.
In light of that, and me still decided, feel free to send in ideas-- ship ideas, opinions, random thoughts, kinks you'd like to see, a kink I already used that you'd like to see more of--- the sky's the limit. I just want to do this with the input of the people who have read and enjoyed the series, and the input of my friends who have supported me along the way. And thrown things at me. And squealed. And blushed. You know who you are.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Your blog is so inspiring,
Like truly I’m finding it easy to design and flesh out my monster OC’s because of you!!
Your world building is spectacular, and the way you connect your characters to one another? Chef’s kiss.
I adore your art so much! I especially like how you draw Claws! And dicks
Whats your process when designing your monsters? All their designs are so cool and it makes me jealous lol
[Hhrnsg- Thenk! /////]
It's funny you mention being jealous, I'm never content with what I make (which is typical for creative types), and I often avoid exposing myself to things I know will make me jealous unless I'm doing it to learn. Anyhow, I assume you're talking about visual design?
It's... Well, I don't really have a standard process. I doodle a lot. A whole lot. See, the fun thing about making monsters for me is that you don't have to adhere to anatomical standards, you're not confined to anything unless you want to be. So I just like making shapes go stupid. Most of the time, I don't even have a concept of personality and role yet, I just draw monsters aimlessly, save sketches and then slowly piece a narrative together. In fact, I've used sketches I had laying around for years to make newer characters. Hellion is one of those examples, as his concept sketch was left sitting in my gallery for months and used as soon as I acquired a concept.
I'm not too sure what to say, because sometimes designs come very easily to me, other times I spend months on them (*cough* Vorticia *cough*).
The narrative started out as something very small. First there was Ludwig, then there was Krulu, and I strung them together. Many other characters came and went before I started putting together a "beta" cast of characters with no real affiliation to each other, then the idea of an establishment came to mind. I spent a lot of time mulling over it, and up until then, the narrative only existed confined to the walls of The Clergy's Eye. I tested the waters, adding more and more exterior lore onto it, and now I basically have a whole world in my hands that, while pretty undefined, holds potential to be coherent. Point is, I'd recommend starting small and going with the flow, unless you already have something very defined in your mind.
Nowadays, my character design is a little less spontaneous and moreso born out of necessity. To fill important holes in my lore I previously never had to consider. That's not to say they're any less fun, I enjoy having some guidelines.
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wyn-n-tonic · 3 years
I think there are so many talented writers on this site that can write 100x better than most books I’ve read.
Honestly I fell in love with Frizzy and I’ve started to write stuff for Benny because you’ve inspired me. I’ve started to write it up as one shot reader inserts, like how you’ve done, but honestly the “reader” just fully becomes their own character. I think my issue is that I know more people will read it if it was a reader insert rather than in third person.
I’ve had another fic, probably nearly 3k words in and I keep going back and changing it from first person to third, and then changing it back again. Sometimes it’s just exhausting to write on here. You want to create original work, but people won’t read it because it’s not a reader insert.
okay i've decided to answer this not privately because i think a lot of people feel so similarly to you. i know that i did/still do.
first of all, the fact that i inspired anybody to do anything is mind boggling. that is such an honor and so fucking cool, you have no idea.
so here's how i feel about reader insert and the second person: besties, i don't really like it. for a variety of reasons!
1.) i feel as though it stunts the creativity of writers because they are so anxious and worried about making everything as blank of a slate as possible that the only character that is truly fleshed out is the one the fanfiction is about. writing it makes me feel like i'm writing half of a story in all honesty. reading it is also hard, because i have to come up with a character for myself, it's a lot of work and takes a lot of brain power.
2.) if you fuck up one (1) blessed little thing, you're fed to the wolves. there's no grace and patience with creators who are trying so hard as it is in order to make second person/reader insert something that anybody can fit into. one little mistake and you're intentionally triggering people/don't care about others/a malicious dick. IT'S A LOT OF PRESSURE!
3.) i actually don't think reader insert accomplishes diversity in fanfiction at all. it's designed to be a blank slate that anybody can fit themselves into, right? so explain to me how it's supposed to achieve inclusion if i'm reading it as a white girl reader insert and somebody else is reading it as a Black nonbinary reader insert?
do you know what made me fall in love with literature? it was the way that people could take these simple words and string them together to show me what it was like to walk in another person's shoes. literature stretches and builds empathy, it opens eyes, it exercises the muscle of imagination and it teaches me things that i never knew about before and then it makes me want to learn more about it.
i started writing fanfiction for the internet at ten years old, i thrived on building OCs, i thrived on reading them. i loved seeing people build things that were meant to represent them in the worlds (LOTR, HP, Star Wars) that we loved and they got to see themselves there and i got to see them there too. i miss seeing that because reader inserts by and large have wiped that away.
and then there's the pressure of nobody reading your shit/giving a shit if it's not reader insert. at the end of the day, we writers do like validation for things we've worked hard on. reader insert is popular and so we stress ourselves to change what we've worked on and built in our heads in order to instead have something that will be seen. because otherwise it's lonely! and we want to build community and connection, no? so we try to create within what's popular instead of what we feel in our hearts/souls/emotions. and idk about you but it's ended up making me feel lonelier because, at the end of the day, i feel like i'm just used as a machine to pump out tailor made porn for people who then do not even acknowledge the time and effort it took to make it, they just want more. or they want to eat you alive for not doing it well enough.
at the end of the day, babe, write for you. write what moves you. write what feels right to you. some stories need first person. some stories need third. some stories need a revolving door of first person POV. and i'm personally nosy af so i love a third person omniscient because i want to know what everybody's thinking. but it's your story and only you can tell it and you're writing it because you want to read it. and i guarantee when you approach it with that kind of passion, it will shine through no matter the tense you utilized and it will move people. i think that part of the reason why people love Lizzy is because of how passionate i am about her and that shines through. her story is important to me, she is important to me. and somehow that's become important to others. so many more people than i could've ever imagined. and i don't think that would've been the case if i had followed these rules that are popular in fanfiction at the moment.
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helloooo kelsey my dear :)
what about 1-8 for the oc asks with any of the gals?
omg Krysta ILYSM <3
1. Talk about a book or media piece that was influential to your OC. For Melanie, it was a lot of old movies. The way she talks, her mannerisms, all come from things I watched Old Hollywood actresses do. Her story is more personal, I drew a lot from my grandmother who grew up in Mount Airy. For Juliet, the most influential piece for inspo is The Newsroom. Fabulous show, and Mackenzie McHale is a huge influence on Juliet's character. Followed very closely by Fleabag.
2. Do you have any OCs without a story right now? What’s stopping that story from happening. (‘Time’ is a legitimate answer.) Yes, poor Rita is still without her fic. It has mostly to do with time and that I'm focused on Mel and Jules right now. I'm also nervous because Rita's story is almost entirely post-war and I'm not super confident in readers' interest. I also have a 1917 OC that I'd like to explore a little more, but time and research are still in the way with that.
3. We’ve talked about OCs being ‘cringe’ - what have you done - or seen other writers do - to create characters that you like and feel strongly about? I mean this kindly, but I genuinely do not give a fuck if people find my OCs "cringe," so I make no effort to necessarily avoid that. Obviously, I want my writing to be relatable and fun. But tbh, everything is cringe to one person or another, so you might as well do what you want. My OCs are self-indulgent! They are kinda self-inserts! And I do not care! I do this for free and for fun, so I do it my way. And people still like them so that's awesome!
4. OFCs, in particular, are often criticized for being self-inserts - representations of the author in the story. Do you think your character is a direct reflection of you? In what ways? Absolutely, I do. I've actually spent an entire session in therapy talking about how both Melanie and Juliet are facets of my own personality that I've adapted for the story. Melanie is my softer side, kinda who I wish I could be, but with all my issues regarding confrontation and speaking up for myself. Juliet is a way for me to voice a lot of things I wish I could say. I'm much more like her in my thought process, but I'm like Melanie in that I don't say those things aloud.
5. Shakespeare famously wrote that we should 'fit the action to the word, the word to the action.’ Do you find that you create a character and then find a story for them to inhabit, or does the story or premise come first and the character follows after? I usually create OCs for already established media, so they are designed to fit the world I create them for. Actually, I tend to base them on the love interest. Melanie was created with Dick Winters in mind. Same with Juliet and Ron Speirs. But Melanie especially. She was written to be a love interest and I'm cool with that! Juliet has more going on for herself and I'm cool with that too! But my fics focus is almost always going to be a love story, which I absolutely do not apologize for.
6. How has your character changed over time - either in their story, or as you’ve continued writing them? Melanie has grown up a lot and gained more confidence, which was supposed to happen for her. Juliet actually was only going to be a companion for Melanie at first. But she ended up demanding more and I wanted to explore that, which developed her story with her brother and all that.
7. Have you learned or realized something about yourself from writing this character? Idk if I've learned anything new about myself, but writing Melanie has been extremely therapeutic for me. I watched BoB again after a terrible breakup, and decided to explore the fandom. I had created an OC when I first joined back in 2015, but OFCs were not super well received at that time, so I never published anything. But I came back and started fleshing out Melanie's story and her romance with Dick (who is my dream man so it was fun to sort of go there to forget about my ex), and then it turned into more OCs like Juliet and Rita and Bonnie and Sybil (the 1917 OC, but i'm not sold on that name just yet), and writing has helped me in my healing so much. I'm over that guy now and moving on, but my OCs were like my friends during that time.
8. Can canon characters become OCs? To some degree sure. Maybe not main characters, but I've seen great stories of canon side characters adopted by an enthusiastic writer that are awesome!
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psychomorphary · 2 years
I've never connected with my agab, but I didn't realize I'm nonbinary until this February. I'm agender or neutrois, or just nonbinary for simplicity's sake.
I figured out then that I'm nonbinary, but I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do for transition, or how I wanted to come out/who I wanted to come out to. I didn't realize my transition goals until this past month. I'm just writing this out to flesh out my plans a bit and go through them in better detail for myself.
My last period was pretty bad. The pain was worse than usual, and the dysphoria was just terrible. I've never felt comfortable with a period. The sight of blood always made me feel disgusting. Not that periods are shameful. But I realize now it's always been because I'm not a woman and periods are a painful reminder that my body doesn't match how I feel. That my body is designed for a "mother's" role to be pregnant and give birth always made me hate my body and myself. Because that's not what I want at all. And yes, I realize there are childfree women; but the fact is that I'm NOT a woman. And I might be simplifying it a little bit, but my dysphoria is so much more than me just not wanting kids.
I don't want a dick, but I don't want all the insides that I have. If I'm ever able to, I'd LOVE to get a hysterectomy. I'd love to get the ovaries removed as well, but I'm worried that any doctor would only agree to do that if I went on T. I'm not sure if I want to do that. Some of the changes would be cool, but I don't want all of the changes. I'm not sure of what all changes from T that I'd be ok with, and some are permanent. But I do know that I'd love to get my uterus removed so I wouldn't have periods anymore. Unfortunately, I'm unable to take prescription birth control. I've tried several hormonal ones, and they always wreck my mood. I already struggle with ptsd, depression, and anxiety. The hormonal birth controls always made those way worse, even to the point of me being unsafe. I've tried the non-hormonal iud, but that made my pain worse and it also fell out. And once one iud falls out, it's more likely that it'll happen to you again. So I don't really have any other way to stop periods. This reaction to hormones though is also another worry I have about starting T. I'm worried it'll make my mental health worse, just like the other stuff I've tried.
The other thing I know I want to do for transition is top surgery. I've never been comfortable with my chest. I loved it before puberty. But when I started going through puberty, I started getting my body. My chest has always been on the bigger side, and it's always made me so uncomfortable. I finally realized recently that I want top surgery because of weight loss and a new sports/comfort bra I found. The last several months, I've been working on losing weight. I've lost about 30 lbs so far, so I've had to start finding some new clothes. I was trying to looking for bras that fit. I realized that shopping for bras was making me hella dysphoric. I hate, hate, hate shopping for them. I've always felt like I shouldn't be shopping for them, like I shouldn't need them at all. And I found a sports or comfort one that fits me well with minimal stuff. No wires, no defined cups. I sometimes wear it as a "shirt" around my house. It's so comfy. Wearing it as a "shirt" made something click for me. I realized that I really like walking around without a shirt. And while I still hate my chest, it's not nearly as much of a pain in the ass now that it's somewhat smaller. But walking around with nothing on my top but that bra made me realize that I want top surgery. It, along with losing weight, helped me imagine what it's like to have a flat chest. And I gotta say I freaking love it!
I'm not sure how much of a pain it'll be to get top surgery or a hysterectomy. I'm not sure how many bs hoops I'll have to jump through to get those done. But I definitely plan on those. I think I'm gonna try to get top surgery first. I hate periods, but at least it's only once a month that I have to deal with that. On the other hand, I have to deal with the chest dysphoria all the time. Plus, I'm not sure if I want to go on T or if I'll even be able to get everything removed or not. And a hysto would help me, but it wouldn't really help my outward presentation very much. If I get top surgery and have a flat chest, that'll relieve so much dysphoria for me. Plus, it might help me not to get misgendered as a woman as much. That's not a guarantee, of course, but top surgery will help with my presentation more than a hysto would.
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