#i've put in active effort into finding cool people to talk abt it with but The Situation still exists
burinazar · 2 years
the situation with people who keep liveblogging in my blorbos’ shows’ main tag is actively making me a mean fandom elitist help
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mono--chromatik · 8 months
Heyy!!! your ocs are so cool. I'm sorry if this is a rly dumb or annoying question [or if it has been asked before!], but can you summarize your ocs' lore?? As in, the general conflict/background/plot/story whatever?? Im so interested in it, but I genuinely have only a small clue of what's going on!! Thank you!!
nono you're totally fine! i like talking abt my ocs anyway (i tend to get asks regarding some, but if i havent answered them its because im still fleshing them out
I've been spending a lot more time with worldbuilding as of recent as opposed to characters in specific so in terms of written-down stuff i dont have much, which is what my toyhouse is for! it's only greyscale, saturate and my sona (whos unrelated) on there atm but i dooo plan on publicizing character pages in bulks when i have them ready. that said, i'll be using this ask as a dumping ground for the current information swimming in my brain soup tyvm
Also the actual story itself isn't fully written so i cant offer much on that end, so srry. I'll answer what i'm able to
Lost Connection is set in a world where government bodies have created a dome situated far out in the ocean with the purpose of creating a re-enactment of human society using machine bodies and AI. They first started as basic but large machines with barebones programming, enough to get them moving. They were supplied with material and tech used to create more machines that gradually got better as the years went on.
Fast forward to today, with slight assistance from human moderation without their knowledge they had created a similar society to humans that caters to the robots (mechanic facilities, clinics specifically for accessorizing because god knows the trouble a machine would go through having to get an ear piercing without damaging wiring, that sort of thing).
The surface of the dome is split up into separate parts in the same sort of sense the world is split up into countries, since the robots don't know anything outside the dome and as such perceive it as just, the world. There is also the underground of the dome which was initially intended as a prison system but overtime became more of a dog-eat-dog world packed with criminals. Machines beneath the ground are much more physically imposing and are prone to violent behavior.
LC has 3 main characters. Greyscale, Saturate and Inforn.
Greyscale is a 11'8ft disproportionate white cat who has earned notoriety through media coverage, some being truthful while others being made up and muddying the waters. Despite the stigma however they would never go out to actively hunt down someone without a good enough reason as to not put herself at risk. It prioritizes self preservation and is often reserved.
Contrasting him is his daughter, Saturate. A 1'9ft Frankenstein of a robot who was illegally built out of parts found in a junkyard, including her CPU, which wasn't wiped of any previous data and effectively made her start off life with the programming of a 10 year old kid and miss out on almost an entire childhood, only being updated a few times before being left at 13. Due to the unorthodox way she was built she has been mistaken for a rodent more than she has been identified as being a bear. She is constantly anxious to some degree and actively makes an effort to keep people far away by being hostile.
The two of them live in an old hotel where they mostly have to hide in. Unfortunately due to trespassers or journalists they find themselves threatened with being discovered quite a lot. To combat this, Greyscale is incredibly territorial and would go out of their way to make sure the person who set foot in the hotel wouldn't leave. Most of the time, the body of the trespasser is later on utilized as a source of components, skin and motor oil. Greyscale has no qualms harvesting these whether or not the person is dead or alive, and the parts tend to go towards repairing Saturate, the weaker of the two. As a result, she has experienced dying on a couple of occasions, only to be unethically brought back from the dead.
And opposing these two is Inforn. A 6'5ft black cat who works in a news network as a reporter and anchor. He is responsible for most of the misinformation on Greyscale, yet could never bring himself to go near her. By indirectly putting the two in a dangerous living situation they have developed an immense hatred for him overtime. Stakes would most likely raise if he somehow found where they were hiding.
wagghhge I THINK. i think i've spilt my brains enough. theres ofc some other guys too but if i went on about more ppl this ask would quickly turn into a book chapter, so i'll leave it with the main information
AND for future reference i'll tag this post in particular incase the question is repeated
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