#i've never written hashirama like this before
frosty-mango · 5 months
Reanimated Madara x Shy!Forest Goddess!Reader
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@opheliasadventures1 :- Reanimated Madara with a shy and easily flustered forest goddess reader
A/N :- I gotchu with this one first, headcannons coming later I promise. Just bear with me, it's been a minute since I've written on Tumblr 😂
Warnings :- Flirting, mild language, Madara, gender specific reader (fem)
Word Count :- 1.2k
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Life has a funny way of things doesn't it? One second you're living fine, alone, happy, content. The next your falling head over heals for a man that can kill you with one fatal jutsu. After that... You're mourning the loss of that man because of a negative spiral for power and revenge. And then your back to square one for god knows how long. The heart can be something so great and so hurtful in these times.
And much to your own dismay it really is. You lived in near solitude after the death of your late husband, Madara. You were fine with this, you couldn't get hurt if you didn't make any new connections. Plus... It's more painful to watch all that you know change and leave when you're immortal. It was like this for years, but until now you hadn't had a reason to leave your sanction till you heard it.
And not just by someone who just so happened to come across your home, but by the very Senju that killed what was your brother inlaw. Tobirama Senju, an old friend yes, but a sour one at the most. Seeing as he wasn't looking completely together told you enough that he was completely there. One of the Senju brothers needing your help wasn't uncommon from back when they breathed and bled, but this was far different. Being asked to stop your husband who is trying to make the world submit to an eternal genjutsu was something else.
And that's why you're here now...
Currently using your abilities to your advantage on the battlefield. You weren't near Madara yet, but you could tell he was there and what he was doing was sickening. Everyone had a show for it too, Hashirama fighting the Ten-tails, Saratobi and who you now know as the fourth hokage, Minato, fighting the reanimated, you and Tobirama on the other hand, were tracking the slippery Uchiha. A plan set and ready, all you needed to do was distract Madara, now how hard could that be?
"How hard is it to track him if you're able to sense things from the ground and roots?" Tobirama sneered at you while you leapt around the battlefield.
"Easier said than done, the less vegetation the harder it can be. So don't act all high and mighty like you can do it better." You rolled your eyes looking softly at the younger Senju as he sighed looking around.
"Just try and focus, the sooner we can seal him away the better-" just as he finished his sentence he was sent flying by a fireball sent straight for him. "Damn bastard! If you don't watch where you're shooting you'll hurt your own plans Madara!"
You had leapt back a good distance when the fireball had come close, earth and fire don't mix well in your conditions. When you scanned the area of the fireball you spotted the spiky haired Uchiha just as he seemingly teleported right before Tobirama. They both locked their hits stopping one another from bashing the others.
"And what do you know about plans? If I recall, you had almost died from two pathetic idiots all because they ate their way out of the Nine-tails." Madara jerked back against the white haired Senju and both backed away from one another. As he was about to call his susonoo again you had jumped at his side and by a miracle tackled him to the ground.
"You damn Shinobi pest never know when to quit-"
"Finish that sentence and so help me I'll make you remember what being slapped feels like." You looked down at him and his stunned face as he was mid jutsu sign. You grinned softly at him as you straddled his waist. "Hi baby.."
Madara just looked at you as he moved to sit up and slid you down to his lap. He looked down at you, scanning over you slowly as a smile formed on his face and his hands moved to your waist and face.
"So, you really weren't lying about being immortal then huh?"
"Why would I lie about that? We had plenty of moments that showed off the truth of that very question." You scrunched your nose a bit and furrowed your brows. Despite trying to look upset and angry, it was rather difficult when he was caressing one of your cheeks and rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone.
"Because, despite that, it just means I get to experience your eternal beauty~" he winked as he brought you to stand up with him. A heavy blush formed on your face while he began laughing at your reaction, his armour shaking as he did.
"Cheeky move Mada.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face away into him whilst he hugged you tight to him.
Silence fell over the two of you while you held one another. Taking in one anothers present, this alone made your grip on him tighten as your eyes began to burn, before long you had a small stream of tears rolling down your face. Madara moved you away, grabbing your chin and making you look up into his shining red eyes of his mangeko sharingan. Before you could say anything he only traced his thumb over your lips, hauling your words in your throat.
"I know, I know, my sweet girl... I know..." He spoke softly as things started to come to a stop around you. You shook your head and pulled him close again as your lips met in a tender and longing kiss.
Your hands made their way to the sides of his face and in his hair. As the kiss broke away you heard someone clear their throat. You both turned to look at Hashirama scratching the back of his neck with an awkward grin, Tobirama next to him looking away as irritated as ever, and Saratobi looking away while shaking his head with a small smirk.
"Glad to see your love is as strong as ever!" Hashirama looked at the two of you and rocked on his heels before Tobirama smacked him over the head.
"How about instead of your nonsense you let them talk." Tobirama glared at him before turning to you and Madara before nodding to you directly. Madara lifted his brow as he glared at the three in front of him before looking back down at you.
"Heh- Mada, I love all that you do and all that you've done...but this isn't part of that. You're hurting what was our home. The place we built back then, look at all of this. I've watched it all change and grow and I ask that you don't destroy it. Madara I want to watch what we did grow till I can't no longer, will you grant me that? Please..?"
Madara looked at you with a panned look till it softened, he wrapped his arm around your waist making you blush. As he leaned down and planted a kiss to your forehead.
"I suppose it isn't very fair to make you watch your- our home crumble, especially with you watching over it my sweet girl." He pressed another soft kiss to your head while he looked at his fellow reanimated Shinobi and back down at you.
"Even if I'm gone, I'll be close to you, I promise."
"I know you will Mada, I never doubted your words, not once." You pulled him into another hug that he returned without hesitation and held each other tightly knowing what was to come.
"I love you, my God of the Uchiha."
"I love you too, my Goddess of the land and earth."
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viridian-house · 2 months
Do you have any favorite naruto fics you’d recommend? Any pairing, complete or not, on-hiatus, gen, oneshots, anything is fine lol
I was legitimately just pruning my bookmarks the other day!! thank you so much for asking.
I don't read too much fanfic these days, and I'm picky when I do--only about grammar/punctuation and immersion though. I ship a LOT of stuff (I guess The Youth would call me a proshipper) and although I never read darkfic, I don't shy away from weirder kinks and unhealthy relationship stuff.
categorizing by pairing, if applicable. some of them are smutty, and please note that the first 3 come from FFN which doesn't have a tagging system, but there is some SA CW I'll give in advance.
KAKASAKU | my first OTP! formative fics that totally reshaped my understanding of what fanfiction could be, and how well-written chemistry can make it or break it
HOUSE OF CROWS is the quintessential kakasaku fanfic. it was written during shippuden and so is canon divergent because of that, but also tells a comprehensive story of its own right that is intriguing and well planned. excellent characterization and world building. leaves me gutted in the best way on my yearly reread.
DUTY BEFORE HONOR is another silvershine classic. I don't reread is as often as House of Crows but they are just about equal in quality. again, the chemistry between them is off the charts, and the world feels so alive.
WILL OF FIRE for me is up there with House of Crows in being essential kakasaku reading. cynchick is a multisaku champion and a wonderful storyteller. the stakes in this one are stressful, the romance tense and believable, and we once again get lovely world building and great chemistry.
ITAKISA | a pairing near and dear to me, because men who do everything wrong are so deeply relatable. they both know they don't deserve anything good ever again but they found each other!!!! ARE YOU GUYS SEEING THIS--
A SHARK HIDDEN INN THE LEAVES doesn't have my favorite version of Kisame, but he's plenty close enough. it's a lengthy oneshot that got me into certain *ahem* kinks. it is a very fun and wild fic that is entirely self-aware of how absurd it's being, and manages to have nothing but sincerity at the same time (and I highly recommend the author's other stories as well)
AN ORCHESTRA PLAYING ON, INSANE is a modern AU (extremely rare in my bookmarks) that absolutely tore my heart out. god is it SO much to ask for these losers to be happy?! yes, it is, and I love every moment of it
MADAMITO | a rarepair I am SUCH a sucker for that has some of the most talented authors writing for it. lots of them have ot3 elements between them and hashirama, often angsty, but stuff like that is part of the appeal for me, lol
A HANDFUL OF SKY is an unfinished fic that I genuinely think about like once a week. if it ever updates then I will be over the moon. technically hashimadamito but it hadn't quite gotten there yet
LIKE ALTARS is just such a beautiful piece of writing, mostly on madara. it is everything, that is all
BLOOD AND RIVER WATER is more mito-centric but has one of my favorite madaras of all time
YOURS ARE RATTLED BONES is another short, mito-centric but gut-wrenching piece featuring the opposite type of madara from the last one
OTHER | character-centric stuff that isn't necessarily shippy but also doesn't have a very "gen" vibe either?
A SERPENT IN THE RICE is a little series about orochimaru that makes me feel so so so many things. highly recommended
HERETIC is such a love letter to kushina, and kurama too. cannot stress enough how much I adore this one
there's a few others that I probably won't link on tumblr, mostly unhealthy and/or "problematic" smut hhfhdj but maybe I'll make a public rec list on ao3 for these different categories and stuff like that.
but yeah that's pretty much it!!! I know it's not a huge list with a lot of variety but it's what I've enjoyed over the last 15+ years in the naruto fandom.
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 4 months
Hello, I hope you are very well, I love your content, thank you very much for solving our existential doubts ❤️ 🥰 I wanted to ask you if at some point, haven't you thought that Madara hasn't had a child? Well we know that Hashirama had children but you don't know who he is. Don't you think that could be the case with Madara? Before Izuna's death she was a normal person (as far as possible) what do you think? remember to take care of yourself and drink water ❤️
Thank you darling to remind me of hydrating myself on this very hot topic!🔥
I think I've already answered it somewhere but it's still good to refresh my thoughts.
Yeah so basically there is two options:
1- We take Obito's words literally when he said that Madara was his ancestor, but his direct ancestor. And then Madara must have had a child at some point and considering he was the first born of the Uchiha leader and the life expectancy was short during the warring states era it's not crazy to imagine he had been married at a very young age like 16/17 years old. And he was already father in his early twenties. It's the easiest solution. But I don't like this answer I'll explain why.
2- Madara never had children. there is two main traits about him, the first his entire life up to Izuna's death was to protect his family and his clan. the second trait is that he's Hashirama's nemesis. Like a reverse mirror. and that something Kisimoto uses with many characters : Naruto/Obito (Hokage's life goal), Naruto/Gaara as sucessful and failed Jinshuriki. and obvioulsy Sasuke/Naruto. Sasuke choosing solitude and vengeance while Naruto staying with the village and keep believing in their friendship. And finally Ashura/ Indra. So this being said what is Hashirama? A shinobi who realised his dream and had everything in life : a wife he loved, a brother still alive, a village who adores him, a lineage by blood and a spiritual lineage through his students Hiruzen and Danzo, a philosophy "the will of fire" and the title of god of shinobi. It makes sense that in contrary Madara lost and/or abandon everything : his last brother he couldn't protect, the support of his clansmen, his choice to left the village and find his own way, and after the valley of the end he chose to live completely cut off from humanity. Like Indra he wanted to save the world alone and like Sasuke is cut all the links to his past life. And in my opinion (but that's just me) I can't imagine him leaving behind his child in konoha, and saying to Hashirama that he has nothing left to protect after Izuna's death and later that he hates having someone on his back ~meaning people following his path. So no it seeems to me Madara was written in the manga as the epitome of lone wolf. Then no wife, no children. no clan, no brother. no friends and finally no dream anymore. And for Obito he was saying ancestor in a general way. Him, Itachi and Sasuke may descent from Izuna rather than Madara which could make sense Izuna, Mikoto and Sasuke being carbon copy of each others.
But thanks God, fanfics and Headcanons exist and we can still dream anything we want for our King😏
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pretty-rage-machine · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I got tagged by meikuree! You should go read her excellent fic. 8)
I can't remember whomst among my mutuals does fic or not 😭 consider yourself tagged if you're interested! Let's all toot our own horns
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
63. My account is here, btw.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
AO3 informs me it's 244,098, which feels like SO much and yet almost nothing based on the time I have theoretically been writing.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Gonna call out ones where I've written more than a single fic and where I feel it is at least somewhat likely I'll return and write more: Animorphs, Naruto, Blade of the Immortal, and Shingeki no Kyojin, but there's loads of one-offs and smaller fandoms there too. I'd like to write more Gravity Falls, as well.
The rest are under the cut.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
With All Brightness (Lilo & Stitch), The Girl In The Water (Spirited Away), beauty, her artificers (Greek mythology), I've got Four Voices on the Line (the only one I hear is mine) (Animorphs), and love what you see in the mirror (TWEWY). Perhaps significantly, four of these were written for Yuletide, and one was written as a new year's resolution treat, so also for Yuletide.
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes, I try to.
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ummm. Hmm. One of my friends once told me my fics were "gloomy" but I have a hard time calling out the angstiest ending. 😂Maybe it's Preludes (Naruto), a Kakuzu/Madara fic with Hashirama dying nearby? Or maybe it's On Moths (BOTI), a fic about Makie dying of tuberculosis back when it seemed like that might happen.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
With All Brightness (Lilo & Stitch) is so fluffy I think it has to be it.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I never have! Touch wood
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes! I write the kind that feels right for the characters to me. I like smut as character study and I like insane mindfucks and fucking as another manifestation of a battle of wills between characters.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
Like, a little drabble of one back in high school, Invader Zim/Kingdom Hearts lol. I really respect authors who can do a compelling crossover, but I don't feel like I'm that good tbh! Crossovers I want: Machineries of Empire/She-Ra (I need to see Kujen and Horde Prime go toe to toe), Gravity Falls/Attack on Titan (Hange and Bill Cipher being buds), Revolutionary Girl Utena/Narnia (ANTHY IN NARNIA. THE PROBLEM OF ANTHY)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had a fic's framing device lifted! It was like. Not a songfic but a poem fic. It was that Monday's Child poem, and I had a line of the poem and then a short bit of writing after each line. Someone commented telling me they liked the Batman version more (lol), when I knew mine had come first based on publication dates. It was weird but I was a lot younger at the time and didn't really know what to say.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, with an ex-friend.
14. what's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmmm I don't have an all-time favorite! I'm not so much about the shipping, though I enjoy shipfic.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All my currently-in-progress fics are oneshots. The WIPs that are unfinished, I know I'll never finish lolol
16. what are your writing strengths?
Uhh... (digs toe in the ground) character voice and tone? I feel like I don't know my own strengths lol. I used to get praised for beautiful imagery and having a "simple" style (though people would say this and then hastily clarify that they meant it in a good way, which tickled me) but not for a while.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I wish I was better at snappy dialogue and twisty plot, I really admire authors who are great with plot and can write things that give the feeling of like... things going wrong in a way that makes sense, characters dealing with that in a way that makes sense? Hmm.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can be handled very well or very poorly. I don't know if I myself ever would if canon didn't model doing it, or if I couldn't find someone fluent in the language to check that I wasn't butchering it.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Invader Zim babyyyyyy
20. favorite fic you've ever written?
Hmm. Hard to pick just one, but here are some both old and recent that I especially like:
quelled and quenched in leaves (Stardew Valley) - a spooky fic I had a blast working on, very well received.
🐻🌠👋🗻FRIENDS🍦💎🔪🏄LEND💞🦆🕵️😲A👊👌🤟🙌HAND🤝🧙🔎💖 (Gravity Falls) - a doofy Gravity Falls casefic centered around some pretty rare characters. I jammed as many puns and gags into this as I could and tried some new things in general while I worked on it, and I'm still proud.
Chimera (Gemini) - exchange fic written for an obscure movie, another stretch in genre and tone that I still am proud of.
A Season Under the Kandrona (Animorphs) - fic about Aldrea and her family on an alien world. I just... love Animorphs so much
long still sea (Blade of the Immortal) - fix-it fic for the ending when I really needed that, written over the course of a single day in a borderline fugue state. I wish I could call on that productivity at will lmao
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
5. do you respond to comments?
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what's your all-time favorite ship?
15. what's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favorite fic you've ever written?
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
🗣️ (is this an excuse to hear you possibly talk more about shisui? Why yes it is 🤣)
Hey Ara--a ☺️
Lmao I'll talk your ear off if you let me, be warned 🤭
So if it's Shisui you're looking for (not hard when it comes to me 🥴)... I get a lot of ideas, not all of them are more than an errant though, so I like to write them all down in this massive bulletpoint list of ideas. Most of these will never see the light of day (or AO3) so I have no worries about spilling the details on one of them! So, if anyone gets fiendishly attached...rip to you 😅 it's only written out with a vague chapter plan but oh well~
So this is another Time Travel Fic where, as soon as Shisui awakens his Mangekyou at 8 years old, he freaks the fuck out and accidentally activates it whilst desperately wishing to "get home", picturing the Hokage monument... Only to land smack bang in the middle of the Senju brothers breakfast 🤣
Note: the idea of using Kotoamatsukami to time travel is something I've explored in And All The Stars Seemed Closer, as it questions how Shisui would intimately know what a technique he has never ever used could do or how to use it
Shisui is only saved from Tobirama immediately skewering him by Hashirama begging that Shisui is a panicking little kid.... that they can use to barter Uchiha peace, especially when Shisui freaks out that No He's Not Here To Kill Senju! ... He's taken as a prisoner of war, they send a missive to the Uchiha Clan saying that the child assassin failed and they will tear out his mangekyou Sharingan if the Uchiha don't submit to the senju (cue the Uchiha Compound exploding).
Hashirama is distraught and Tobirama, whilst trying to harden himself, can feel Shisui's terror and longing for home in his chakra signature. Hashirama is caught trying to heal him (Shisui Time Traveled from the deaths of his Genin Team after all) so is barred from the holding cells and begs Tobirama to go in his stead.
Cue very slow bonding moments where Tobirama begins to soften because Shisui's chakra is nothing but shining with sincerity and Tobirama might be a Shinobi but he's also so so soft to children. Shisui tells him about time travel, about the future and his feral devotion to peace and bawls his eyes out over his dead Genin Team and never seeing his baby cousin, Itachi, again, and Tobirama thinks he's crazy or trapped in a genjutsu or trying to trap Tobirama but.... His chakra is never anything but painfully honest and Tobirama... He begins to suspect....
Meanwhile, with the Uchiha, Madara and izuna go on a *insert scooby doo chase sound effect* headhunt for the mysterious Uchiha kid that no one seems to be related to but has the (mangekyou?!) eyes from their mother's side of the Uchiha family... Tajima is frothing at the mouth that the senju might have an Mangekyou held hostage so sends Izuna to confirm the reports whilst Madara attacks from the from and draws attention. Hashirama meets Madara head on, managing to convey between blows that he wants to help Shisui and how he's been barred from seeing him... Meanwhile, Izuna has found the cells but is met with an enraged Tobirama with a katana and, before he's forced to flee, Izuna manages to glimpse Shisui's wide baby eyes before Tobirama chases him out of the compound.... 🤭
Tobirama & Shisui are strictly platonic-familial, ironic because I know I literally talked yesterday about Shisui/Tobirama romance but it's called being multifaceted
So yeah! I didn't post the ending of the fic, this is just a very long premise lmao, because I do have a chapter plan worked out but... Will I ever write it properly? 🤷 Who knows, certainly not me lol
Thanks for playing!
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nevsclowntown · 2 years
do you have any particular fic recs? 🤲 could be rdrd2, naruto, or whatever!
hi anon!♥ I've got some things I could recommend. But everyone's cup of tea is different! Maybe it's something for you too♥
Also I've read so much, I'm just gonna give you a few of my favourites each rn! Fandoms: Naruto, Red Dead Redemption and Jujutsu Kaisen ( plus two honorable mentions)
(and because this is getting long - read more under the cut!♥)
Naruto [now I've mostly read HashiMada fics and GaaLee]
Man of Dreams by ckret2
Hashirama put his highest hopes, dreams, and delusions into Konoha's creation. One was that, maybe, Madara didn't really hate him. Another was that, maybe, he didn't really love Madara. From Konoha's birth to the First Hokage's death. Onesided HashiMada.
( it's one of those fics recommended everywhere you look and really it's just THAT good. I've been losing my mind over it while reading and afterwards too. I'm still thinking about it sometimes and it's incredibly heartbreaking. Though it was written at a time where we didn't know about HashiMada's childhood story, it's still SO GOOD.)
Fading Light by Imarion
Without thinking much about it, Hashirama tilted his head slightly and something inside him purred as Madara's next breath was a shaky one. "Go ahead," followed a dangerous request that passed Hashirama's lips by itself. A thought warned him that he was losing control. Something like that had never happened before and yet goose bumps spread on his neck as Madara actually came closer after a contemptuous hiss. The Uchiha took his time to analyze his scent up close, while Hashirama had to force himself to keep his hands still with each warm breath on his scent gland. There was no way he was going to touch Madara without his permission, but for heaven's sake he wanted to do the same as the omega. It would even be enough if he could dig his hand into that black hair just once.
( It's Omegaverse HashiMada and it's been one of the reasons why I have started to draw omegaverse founders! The tension of Hashimada in this one is killing me! It's still being updated♥)
Bloodied Hands, Bruised Heart by FiresFromOurHearts
In a world where Izuna lives, rather than dying on Tobirama's blades, one would imagine that things would take a turn for the better.
Things do not. Instead, they get worse, and Hikaku watches as his clan suffers and suffers and suffers. They are dying more than they ever have in the past. Something has to change--and if no one will do it, then Hikaku must do it himself.
( It's the big bang fic I did artwork for! And WOW, Firesfromourhearts still has me gagging over the amount of lore in this fic. SO GOOD.)
Diplomatic Relations by Maldoror_Chant
Rock Lee, Diplomatic Envoy to Sunagakure. There are so many ways that could go wrong. But Lee is determined to succeed! And to befriend the feared Kazekage too, while he's at it. Good thing Lee loves a challenge...
(THIS!!!! THIS FIC!!!! IT'S SO GOOD!!! It's Lee x Gaara and I swear - I SWEAR it's the best I've ever seen of them. It beautifully paints the absolute complex relationship of the two of them. It does show Gaara's struggles so well and Lee's too! Lee whose never thought he'd end up falling for Gaara and Gaara who doesn't really understand anything of it at the start. It's so so so good. It's one of those fics that keep sitting in my mind for the rest of my life.)
Native Birds of the Land of Fire by bombshells
Neji survives the Fourth Great Ninja War, but his actions have permanent repercussions on his life. Confronted with a destruction of everything he stood for before and tired of the cycle repeating itself, he becomes disillusioned as his uncle refuses to acknowledge him. Neji refuses to bow to him any longer, as he tries to determine the true nature of his relationships with his family, his friends, and with Tenten.
(The amount of tears I've shed over this fic is crazy. Nejiten is just so doomed and so beautiful. I loved every single word that has been written down in this fanfiction and I wholeheartedly give it out to anyone who wants to read a bit of NejiTen)
Red Dead Redemption 1/2 [truth to be told I've just started reading fanfictions here haha, so here comes what I've read so far. This is just the big ones I'm reading rn, there have been some small ones but these really struck me so far. There might be more given the next months if I continue to ball my eyes out for the sad cowboys. Like I've got some Dutch and Hose centred ones open that sound really good but I gotta read everything I've found first]
the night has opened my eyes by pinkchem91
"All he’s known is fighting and rage, he doesn’t know anything but. His father was all rage, died in it and with it. He passed it down to John, anger was in his DNA and he’d solidified it at eleven years old when he took his first life, just a boy with the blood of a priest on his hands. He should have felt bad, repented to the corpse perhaps but instead, he unsheathed his father’s old blade from his tiny boot and thrust it into the dead man’s chest three times, next to the bullet wound he’d haphazardly put there just moments before. He deserved it. Even though he still believed that to be true, a strange guilt prickles at John when he’s plagued by the memory of it. Rage, guilt and liquor were John’s most perpetual companions."
a canon-compliant character study of john marston
( This is Javier x John and also John x Abigail! Plus just camp things around and so far I really really like it! We're at chapter 4 now but the first thing I did after reading was to subscribe to it! So here you go!)
Brothers by gaslight
Out of all the ideas Dutch and Hosea have schemed up, thrusting Arthur into the role of older brother had to be the most ill-advised yet. Taking care of others, especially a boy with fire in his eyes and mischief in his heart, was far beyond his skill set. Destruction seeped from Arthur's fingers, laying waste to every good thing that ever came his way. It was only a matter of time before he would lead the boy to ruin.
This story follows John growing up from Arthur's perspective. Arthur struggles with the responsibility of being an older brother, particularly being looked up to, as his own actions cut away at his soul and his self-worth continues to erode. He teaches John different things along the way--with varying degrees of success--and strives to protect him from harm. This is easier said than done, as is Arthur's desire to prevent the kid from becoming like him.
( I'm a little weak for the sibling dynamic between Arthur and John. I admit it. And this I just found last night and I'm at chapter 3 right now. So far I absolute adore and love it! Got the right amount of being adorable and heartbreaking I need at the moment! )
Jujutsu Kaisen
found in translation by hiraethia
Suguru reached out, wiping the trail of blood from Gojo’s mouth.
“You are not a god, Gojo Satoru,” he murmured.
Something like feral delight danced in the other boy’s eyes. He bared his teeth in a cherry grin, half-teasing, half-pleading.
fragments from three years of geto suguru’s youth.
( This is my favourite but srsly everything of this author is so GOOD. The way hiraethia writes is astonishing, I've never read anything like it before and for the writing style alone I'd read about any topic tbh. It's really really really good.)
lovesick lullabye - pastelcoloreddreams [NSFW!!]
"Satoru, you can't pretend like there's nothing more to us," Suguru appeals, grabbing the crook of Satoru's elbow. That certainly makes Satoru freeze but his eyes remain hard, an impenetrable fortress to the soft and vulnerable boy he knows still lives inside Satoru. "I still love you."
"Love? Is that why you left me?"
( I originally didn't want to include any smutty content, so just a warning heads up. BUT this author has written some of the most beautiful smut I've ever read. I don't really know how but the words the author uses just paints a realistic scene in front of my eyes. It's just incredibly good.)
Honorable mentions
(meaning I'm not really in the fandom anymore)
ghosts in the daylight by blueskiddoo
“So that the angel of death can’t tell the living from the dead,” he says. “So our ancestors can come back to us, just for the night, and the angel can’t take their souls back to the afterlife until morning.”
Hawks’ expression softens. His hands are sunk deep in the pockets of his stupid coat, his hair messy and windblown. “That’s beautiful,” he says.
“It’s not meant to be beautiful,” Dabi snaps. “It’s ours. Just ours.”
every year the people of dabi's village paint their faces with skulls for the burning the fields. every year, dabi burns.
(Yk. ... I've read a lot of stuff back in the bnha fandom and a lot of it was dabi stuff, majority of that dabi x chisaki stuff BUT this one - THIS RIGHT HERE - jesus. I remember sitting in the car, on my way back from berlin, my fiance and mom in law in the front of the car and I was in the back. I read this oneshot and all I wanted was to sob. I can't tell you why it hit me as hard as it did but it did and I often think of it.)
ANYTHING BY oxmoxic on AO3 if you're into Good Omens
Okay I think thats it! At least what I can spontaneously think of right now!
Thank you for the ask! I hope there's something you'll like!♥
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raendown · 7 years
Pairing: HashiramaSakura Soulmate au: The one where you can see their soul and heal their emotional wounds as you get closer to each other
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
To be perfectly honest, Sakura sort of hated the catch-all excuse of ‘because we’re soulmates’. She didn’t like that so many people used it to explain away so many things just because they didn’t want to take the time to actually look in to the deeper reasons for why things happened, what decisions led to that event, or even what the resulting repercussions would be. More than that, Sakura didn’t like that even if someone did take the time to look in to all of that and drag it all out in to the light, it could still be summed up by simply saying ‘because we’re soulmates’.
This might have been why she spent so long denying her own soulmate when she finally found him. When she met the reanimated Senju Hashirama during the Fourth Great Shinobi War, she definitely had not expected to look in to him, down in to the very depths of who he was as a person to see his very soul shining brightly within. She also hadn’t expected her own soul to reach out to his and bring him back to life! She absolutely refused to accept that he had come back to life simply because his soul had bonded with her own. The ‘almighty power of soulmates’ was her least favorite trope in those stupid romcom movies Ino always tried to force her to watch and she was not going to take being a victim herself of such absurdity.
In her mind there had to be some sort of medical reason. Her theories mostly revolved around the regenerative properties of the Mokuton and quite possibly how it interacted with Edo Tensei. In the months after the war, Sakura subjected her newly alive-again soulmate to endless tests and experiments. She explored his DNA more thoroughly than anyone’s had ever been explored before, constantly frustrated to come up without answers.
For his part, Hashirama seemed less thrilled to have been given a second chance at life than one might expect – although she definitely understood why when he told her. He knew very little about this new world he had been reborn in to. The technologies of this new Konoha were foreign and slightly alarming to him. After having been levelled and rebuilt, none of the buildings or streets were the same. Not even the people were the same; all of the people Hashirama had known and loved had passed on years ago but for one remaining grandchild. As thrilled as he was to have finally discovered his soulmate, Hashirama was lonely in this new world. And Sakura could see it.
Day after day she forced herself to look away from the cracks that marred the light shining inside of him. They resembled the patterns of shattered glass, the golden brilliance of his soul shimmering through them as if to say ‘here I am, I am broken but still here, please look at me’. Much the same as the way Hashirama willing came to her again and again and again, allowing her to poke him with needles and takes samples of whatever she liked, all for the chance to smile hopefully at her and make a bit of conversation as she worked. She could see all the small damages his soul had taken and she very much wished she couldn’t. What could someone like her do for someone like him? Her, with her big forehead and her civilian heritage and her tendency to always get left behind. Sakura had long been used to being forgotten by the men and the boys in her life, surely it was only a matter of time before this man forgot her too.
Yet a man like Hashirama was hard to ignore, and for more reasons than just his overwhelming physical presence. He was tall and broad and stunningly gorgeous but those were not the traits which gave her pause and caused her to catch herself staring almost longingly time and time again.
Hashirama was bright in the same manner that Naruto was, though in a more mature way. He was a naturally upbeat person, always trying to make her smile or laugh or simply take a moment to appreciate some small moment in her day. He was also much smarter than the history books ever mentioned. His brother was the venerated genius, which usually caused his own rather impressive mind to be looked over. As humble as he was, though, he didn’t really care. He was kind and generous and an absolute terror to spar with, where he even showed a very satisfying respect for her own skills. He was everything she could have ever wanted in a partner.
And it took her three stupid years to appreciate him. Somewhere in between taking a blood sample and asking him to demonstrate his Mokuton when exposed to certain stresses, Hashirama had absently noted how tired she looked and offered to bring her lunch so she would be able to enjoy her break here in the privacy of her labs. When she accepted, somewhat surprised, she hadn’t expected him to bring a lunch of his own and stay. She didn’t expect him to regale her with stories of his younger years in the days before Konoha had even been built. She didn’t expect to enjoy his company so much she hesitantly asked him to stay for lunch the next day as well.
Before she knew it they were taking extended lunches in teahouses and cafes, meeting in the park on weekends to feeds the pond ducks, strolling arm in arm through the marketplace as she sought the perfect present for Ino’s birthday. Her research and her experiments fell slowly to the wayside, bit by bit, until one day she realized she hadn’t set foot in that lab for several days and had little interest in doing so.
What did she care for why he was here? Wouldn’t it be better to just accept that he was and enjoy their time together? His presence filled her life in a way no one else had before. He made her happy the way her father made her mother happy, the way Sai made Ino happy. After so long of closing her eyes and refusing to see what was in front of her, Sakura finally stopped to wonder why she couldn’t just let herself accept the happiness being offered to her so freely.
Three years after Hashirama was reborn, three years after she looked in to him and bound their souls together, Sakura looked again – really looked. She could hardly imagine that anyone else could ever have a soul more beautiful than Senju Hashirama’s: the rich golden color of it, the brilliant shine, and the way she could feel its warmth whenever she stood close. And now that she had finally allowed herself to look she saw something new. The thin cracks that had shadowed the light were closing, the edges melting together and leaving fewer and fewer each day.
In a moment of bravery, Sakura told him about the healing cracks. Instead of seeming surprised or even mildly interested, Hashirama only laughed like she had stated the obvious.
“But of course they’re healing,” he said to her. “That is the power of soulmates, is it not? To heal one another’s souls.”
“I suppose.” Sakura replied slowly. She had rather deliberately not thought too hard on what soulmates were supposed to do for each other while she’d been busy trying to disprove…she couldn’t exactly remember what she had been trying to prove or disprove.
“Besides, how could they not? After all, that is the very first thing that you and I discovered we had in common.”
“What do you mean?”
Hashirama reached out and stroked one finger down the line of her jaw, more bold then he had ever been before. The touch was almost intimate compared to the careful distance he usually maintained, ever conscious to respect her boundaries and allow her to always be the one to come closer. When he spoke his tone was soft yet firmly confident.
“You are a healer, Sakura. As am I. And I do not mean the jutsu that we use or the chakra we expend. We are the people that will stay when all others have turned away. We are the people that will listen when all others have closed their ears. We are the ones that hold firm when all others have given in. We are the healers, the ones who will offer comfort to a friend or help to an overburdened old women. We protect others. We help them. And we heal them. Under such kind light as that which shines every time I see your beautiful smile, what else could I do but heal?”
Tears filled her eyes and Sakura blinked rapidly to chase them away. The strangely archaic cadences of his speech only made his words more touching, in her opinion. The way he spoke always seemed to her to carry the weight of words well-thought out and these words in particular he seemed to have given quite a bit of thought to.
“That is also not to say that I am disparaging your abilities as a medical shinobi, and a prodigious one at that.” Hashirama’s eye twinkled. “Trained by my own kin and with such incredible natural talents, how could you not be?” Sakura gave a watery giggle.
“Stop, stop!” She cried softly. “I can only take so many compliments!”
“Ah, I could shower you with compliments from sunrise to sunset and never run out of things to say, my beautiful blossom.”
Sakura blushed fiercely, turning her head to hide her smile. Her expression dimmed quickly, however. “How can you say such nice things about me after the way I’ve treated you? You…are my soulmate.” It was the first time she had admitted it out loud and she was surprised by the wat the words tasted so sweet. “But I pushed you away and I treated you like some science experiment and – why are you laughing?”
“Forgive me, I pray, I don’t mean to laugh.” Despite his words, another chuckle escape before Hashirama calmed himself enough to smile and go on. “I received worse treatment from my own brother when the mood for his experiments took him. Always for the greater good, he insisted, and he did mean well. It isn’t evil to seek answers, Sakura. It isn’t bad to want an explanation before you trust in something.”
“I trust you,” Sakura blurted. Only once she had spoken did she realize she meant it wholeheartedly. Hashirama looked pleased.
“I wonder if you would allow me to say something rather bold,” he asked, such sweet hesitance in his face. Sakura tilted her head to one side, curious.
“Of course,” she told him. “You can tell me anything you like.”
She was startled to see the faintest hint of color rise to paint itself across his tanned cheeks. Hashirama reached out with both of his hands to grasp her own, sliding his fingers under hers ever so gently to hold them as though each were a delicate, precious jewel.
“I find myself quite in love with you, Sakura. Even if I could not see the bright beauty of your soul I would wish to have no other. If you would allow me, I would spend the rest of my days devoted only to your happiness.” She had always thought his face so open, yet right then she realized she had been missing out. His expression was more earnest than she had ever seen before, so warm and soft and kind. She could see the love he professed right there in his eyes, ready for the taking if she were so inclined.
“Oh Hashirama,” she breathed. “I don’t know what to say to that.” His fingers tightened around hers just the slightest bit.
“Say yes,” he suggested. It wasn’t a command, he would never command her emotions. He was such a good man.
“Yes,” she whispered, almost helpless to give him any answer but that one. “I don’t feel as if I’ll ever deserve you but yes!”
The look on his face when she fell against his chest was one of unadulterated awe. His smile was like sunlight blooming through a week’s worth of rainy day clouds and it warmed her right down to her very bones, filling her with such light feelings she thought she might have floated away if not for the strong arms that wrapped around her. With her hands now free, she gripped the front of his yukata to pull herself ever closer.
He smelled earthen, of growing things. His chest was like a solid wall of muscle and his arms softened steel bands. Sakura had been a self-sufficient woman since the day Tsunade taught her the trick to channeling her chakra through her arms; she could and had taken on the most dangerous people this broken world had to offer. She needed no one’s protection. That did not stop her from reveling in just how safe she felt inside her soulmate’s embrace. She knew instinctively that he would protect her, not just from physical hurts, but from emotional ones as well. Here she was safe. Here she would always be wanted, always be loved.
“My dear Sakura,” Hashirama whispered in her ear, “you deserve the world and all the good things in it.”
Flushing again with delighted pleasure, Sakura lifted her head to trace his handsome face with her eyes. Now that she had allowed herself to look she wondered how she had managed not to for so long. He was more than handsome, he was beautiful – inside and out. She could hardly believe that he belonged to her.
It seemed only natural for her to lean forwards and press a chaste kiss to his lips. Hashirama hummed, a delighted little noise, and held her tighter while tilting his head for a better angle with which to deepen the kiss. Sakura was lost immediately, lightheaded and dizzy with the rush of sensations flooding through her. She could hardly believe how right this felt. It was like puzzle pieces falling in to place, a riddle solved after three years of searching for an answer that had been right there in front of her all this time.
Hashirama kissed her until she happily conceded to the idea of never breathing properly again, so utterly filled with happiness that she rarely recognized herself. When they pulled apart she nearly squinted her eyes against the brilliance shining from deep within him and tears filled her eyes when he described to her what he saw of her own soul.
Cracked and bruised and broken it had been, riddled with the gaping chasms of personal hurts. But those breaks were healing just as his own were. Day by day the wounds upon both of their souls had been healing for quite some time already as each spent more and more happy time in each other’s presence. Hashirama and Sakura were healing each other, healing together. And as he had said, it was more than just because they were soulmates. Hashirama and Sakura were born healers; they could hardly do anything less than they were meant to.  
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mokutone · 3 years
after seeing ur hiruzen/third hokage thoughts i was wondering what u think abt tsunade ?
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thank you for the question! well as far as villains go she's—
no im just kidding. i know she's not a villain. of all the hokages, she's probably my favorite, but...i suppose that's not saying much, since i dislike literally every other hokage skdjghsdkjghdkgh (it's true i don't dislike kakashi or naruto. but i don't like that they become hokages)
i struggle a lot with her because she's one of the most compelling female characters in the show, but she's also written into a lot of sexist tropes.
mostly, when i think of her, i think of this quote from john berger's Ways of Seeing
“You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.”
obviously, tsunade is not naked, but she is a 50+ yr old woman, who is drawn to look like she's in her 20s because she's doing a henge to look youthful always. all of the characters make asides about this, condemning her for her vanity, and we the audience are meant to agree. she never gives a solid reason for wanting to look like she's in her 20s, so we're meant to assume that she values her own beauty over everything else, and is afraid of losing that beauty. i have a lot of trouble getting over this point when it comes to her.
there could be something really interesting and fucked up to explore about a woman who is unable to let go of the youth that, due to war and loss and trauma, she never got to live out! about hanging on to that impossibly because she doesn't know how to grieve or move past a loss like that—but. the fact that nothing in the series gives that visual choice any emotional weight aside from a punchline about the vanity of women mean's that's not what's happening. she's just "vain." lol.
the reason she looks like she's in her 20s is probably just because kishimoto didn't want to draw a middle aged woman. that sucks. i have a really hard time forgiving him for things like this.
but, ah, whatever. this is turning more into me talking about kishimoto than it is talking about tsunade.
I'm disappointed that we see more of lady chiyo working with sakura than we do lady tsunade. not that i didn't enjoy the fight vs sasori but. tsunade is sakura's shishō...why don't we get to see them together....that would be so entertaining...
her gambling addiction and tendency to lose are interesting too, but i feel like i want to see that influence her decision making? like, the choices we actually see her make for the most part, she seems like a very cautious and calculating person, somebody who stares at tempting problem for a long time before deciding it's not worth it to risk that.
why is she so different at a gambling table?
i think i want to see a little more dysfunction from her. she's maybe the most functional hokage konoha has ever seen. I think I would've liked to see her try and make really rash calls, and either learn from the mistakes, or have to rely on the people around her to help her NOT risk it all on an off chance they'd succeed. basically. i want her to have a bigger character arc about handling power than "no i dont want to!!!" —> "oh well this little blond guy convinced me. guess ill do it."
her having lost her family is a backstory. I don't really have much to say about it. It's fine, I guess.
her relationship with the other sannin...i dont know what to say. i think i've seen more fanworks of them interacting than actual interaction, so I don't want to speak on that, my opinion will be skewed.
I think it's fucked up that she's the best medical ninja in the world, but technically Yamato's self healing properties are probably on par, let alone Hashirama's. don't you think that's fucked up? like, that's the one title she's got to herself, and just.........ugh. whatever. sorry im ranting about kishimoto again.
i think a lot about her relationship with yamato. it seems, in canon, that she doesn't feel she has any duty or connection to him (and! rightly so. just because he's connected by her former squadmate to her grandfather doesn't technically mean she's in any way responsible for him)
BUT obviously. i personally think it would be interesting regardless, if she did. I think that her having tea or meals with him sometime and just connecting with him over this shared fucked up little attachment would be funny.
I'd like to see both of them (Yamato who never had any family) and Tsunade (who lost her family) try and forge a connection where there really doesn't have to be one. I think that would be sweet. Not necessarily a mother and son thing bc. well. Idk.
like tsunade seeing naruto as like her son, canonically, is kind of sweet, but it sucks that its like. you know. she has to be hot. she has to be a mom. and we can say she's a total trainwreck but we can't actually explore what that would look or feel like for her because she has to fulfill those rolls, and being a trainwreck is neither hotcoded, nor momcoded and also she can't be old. we're kishimoto and we hate women. blarg blarg blarg.
i don't knoooowwww. i struggle with her a lot. I wouldn't have this many problems with her if kishimoto was better at writing women, or if he wrote more of them and gave them more screentime so I didn't have to look at the few crumbs he offers as intensely as I do.
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
Hi!! I'm new here (sort of)! Huge fan of your writing and also a huge fan of Madara🥵. . .I noticed someone else is ALSO a huge fan of him as wellllll🥰 I know you said youre busy and taking care of yourself which is good! I'm so happy things are looking up for you and you are writing here and there. . .if it's alright, I'd like to request from the newest prompt starter list. . ."I'm not jealous" with Madara. If you've reached your limit it's ok and also probably my fault cause I was WAYYYY to nervous to msg you in the first place cause I'm so hasftsruft okaybyeee😩😬
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warnings: smuttiness, kissing, toxic behaviors(it's Madara), slight violence, mentions of unfaithfulness. |prompts.|a/n: Sooooo sorry this took so long to post this. I hope you enjoy it and I'm really happy you requested this. I haven't written for Madara in so long and I've been missing this mean man.
You didn’t want him to find out. You did everything you could to keep this all a secret. If Madara found out, you’d be so screwed. He would literally not be able to handle it. Especially not because it was his best friend. He was starting to suspect something was going on when you left the house for long hours. You'd come home, looking a little guilty but you kept your act up as best as you could.
What Madara never realized was that you had been planning his birthday meticulously with Hashirama, and the two of you were working tirelessly to make sure everything would go well. Madara deserved to have a nice birthday, and you and Hashirama would work together every waking hour to make sure that you could pull all of this off.
The day before his birthday is when everything fell apart. Madara was getting tired of you running off all the time. He was getting fed up with you sneaking off without him and he knew you were being unfaithful at this point. He found out through a few people that you were meeting with the Hokage, and this made him very angry.
He spots you just before you enter the building, and he pulls you down the nearest alleyway. You cry out when his hand is tangled in your hair, pulling you into the private space. He slams you against the wall, pushing you down.
“Why would you do this to me?” He asks, his tone is ice cold.
You struggle with what to say to him. At this point, you figure it’s best if you just tell him what you’re up to. You didn’t want him to think you were being unfaithful. You lick your dry lips, coming up with a suitable explanation.
“I’ve been planning your birthday. Hashirama helped me.” He slams you into the wall again, and you moan. But he looks into your eyes and he sees that you aren’t lying.
He leans in to kiss you, a flood of guilt filling him. After all this time, you had been doing something for him. He had let his jealousy get the best of him. His tongue slides into your mouth, solidifying his feelings for you. You groan when his hands soothe up your body to squeeze your tits.
“I knew you’d be jealous. You’re so possessive, Madara.”
He grunts, “I’m not jealous.”
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mylittlesyn · 2 years
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These are solely posted on AO3 but I do occasionally post previews here. They are always Character x OC
To: My Loving Star Series
Kaiyo and Kakashi: 2.8K
This is a companion piece to chapter 13 of Cherry Blossoms in the To: My Loving Star series. Kakashi and Kessho (Here her alias is Yoshida Kaiyo) have dinner with Minato and Kushina, but it ends up with the two of them sparring. After the sparring match, they each have their first...?
Pancakes: 159K
A long whirlwind of deep passionate love between to emotionally stunted and broken shinobi (Kessho and Kakashi) who grow together while they fall in love. This story follows canon and this part covers everything during Naruto.
Extra Syrup: 16K
A series of one shots that are mostly all going to be fluff between Kakashi and Kessho (OC from the series) in the form of slice of life. I might also add in some Kessho and Asuma moments, or bar nights. But so far almost all the ideas have been Kakashi fluff. Very sweet, domestic, tooth-rotting fluff with the usual playful teasing and banter that is the Kessho and Kakashi dynamic. It takes place during the 2.5 year span between Pancakes and Cherry Blossom.
Cherry Blossom: 193K
A long whirlwind of deep passionate love between to emotionally stunted and broken shinobi (Kessho and Kakashi) who grow together while they fall in love. This part takes place during Naruto's return until after the war is over.
Kessho and Danzo’s Dark, Dangerous, and Dreary Adventures: 4K
This series is a companion piece to Cherry Blossom. They depict the much more dangerous and graphic content of her time in the root.
The first chapter of KDDDDA is the companion piece to chapter 16 of Cherry Blossoms.
Sunrise: 220K
Kessho (Female OC) and Kakashi are now living married life, with Kakashi now as Hokage and twins along the way. The war is now over and the ninja that does not exist is starting to grow... A little restless with the lack of chaos. Plus, how are two emotionally stunted ninja supposed to parent?
So far the way I've written it, it's pretty ok to read on its own without having read parts 1 or 2. (Pancakes is their safeword, forgot that part)
Nights in Cartagena: 78K
Imagine an AU where Kakashi (and maybe eventually others) were originally in the army in a modern day setting where COVID does not exist. Only now Kakashi was medically discharged because of his eye injury. Instead, he now works for the CIA gathering intelligence and is set to go on a mission with the female OC. The female OC is ex-army herself, though they had never met before seeing each other at the airport for the first time. What's the first mission? The first mission is to pose as a couple on their honeymoon traveling to Colombia. There they will infiltrate and convince someone high up in the rankings of a drug cartel to spy for them. They spend their nights taking in the wild latin nightlife, dancing away and enjoying themselves and each other in more ways than one. She knows it's part of the mission, but she swears there's something there... Is there?
Also features Colombian American Tobirama and Hashirama. Tobirama Is CEO and CSO of a biotech company, while Hashirama is mayor of San Diego.
Darte Un Beso: 31K
AU to my nights in cartagena AU.
Basically Modern day AU (without the COVID) where Dr. Tobirama Senju is the CEO/CSO of a biotech company. OFC is a Post Doc in his company. She's very casual, laid back, tomboyish, has ADHD and is kind of an airhead except when it comes to actual hard science stuff. She's charasmatic, much like Hashirama who is the mayor of San Diego. Certain subtleties will still be included and laced in throughout the story.
It will be written in the form of keeping a diary while having 'memories' laced throughout. At least that's how it's being written out now. Also might contain some spanish, at which I will include translations at the end of each chapter in the author's notes, such as I did for Nights in Cartagena.
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These works are posted on tumblr and AO3. They’re around or less than 10 chapters.
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Mean Kakashi:
Your husband, Rokudaime Hatake Kakashi is bored as hell at this land of fire meeting. You're also bored, and by his side as the Anbu commander. Kakashi, being the sly (and occasionally very mean) dog he is, decides to find some entertainment for the rest of the meeting between your legs.
Chakra Exhaustion: Kakashi Week 2021
Companion piece in Extra Syrup for Kakashi Week. Kakashi comes back injured from a mission, and can't seem to rest the way he needs.
Nights in Cartagena Rewrite: Kakashi Week 2021
Rewritten in a you/reader format. CIA AU, where both of you are sent as tourists on their honeymoon to Colombia to infiltrate into a cartel to find and establish a mole who will feed you info long term. You also get to dance with Kakashi.
Bleeding Out/Monster Inside: Kakashi Week 2021
Wrote an absolutely horribly depressing piece for Kakashi week. I’m sorry. Feel free to ignore it.
Happy Birthday Kakashi!: Kakashi Week 2021
Just some fluff to celebrate Kakashi's birthday.
Nidaime's Wife:
I was speaking with @gmoonlight01 and I couldn’t help but feel utterly feral for Tobirama.
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Headcanons, Imagines, and Drabbles
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Down for Days:
I wish you would write a fic where Kakashi dicks me down so thoroughly I can't walk for four days.
Does that count? sksksskskskkssks
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sage-thrasher · 6 years
I've read all of your OC-insert fics, and I love all of them! Especially Sanitize, which I feel has really great pacing and detail in all the right places. So as an aspiring fanfic writer, I'm curious as to how you plan your stories. As in, do you have a super-detailed outline of every scene? Or just a general outline? How long is it? Do you have the entire plot planned out, or do you wing it? Sorry for bombarding you with questions, I'd just really like to know a bit about your writing process!
Since I’m brushing up the last parts of Chapter 8, this seems like a good time to answer this question. (And don’t worry about all the questions; I love discussions about writing!) Click below if you want to read a full description of my writing process.
First, you should go ahead and put “usually” in front of every single sentence. This is a general description of how I plan, but it varies depending on the story.
So, I plan in stages. The first stage is just the general idea and a few scenes that come to mind. It’s really vague and messy.
If I get into the idea, about 1k words or so of actual writing, I take a step back and make a general outline. This general outline has the various scenes I want to touch, cornerstone arcs, and so on. I also try to figure out how the story ends. My outlines are always bullet-points. At this stage, my outline is still vague: point a, point b, point c, but the how I get there is left blank.
When I start writing the chapters, I copy-paste the scene descriptions from the general outline to the chapter doc. I may add a little more detail to the scene description before I actually write it.
As I write the chapter, I might find that Scene A doesn’t really fit in part of the story so I move it to later, or Scene B sucks and I need to rewrite it/combine it with another/throw it out. Other times, I’ll get a new idea for a scene that I just have to incorporate. (One or two main subplots started this way.) There’s a fair bit of details that shift around during the actual writing.
My scene descriptions range from two words (like “[character] arrives”) or just lines of dialogue or paragraphs of details. They’re usually two or three lines, though. Here’s an example of the scene description I had for Hashirama’s scene in Chapter 7:
Dad dies? Hashirama shows up in the middle of the night, shaken up, doesn’t know why he came here, sorry, didn’t know who he could talk to. Was guarding a caravan, someone attacked, killed them off hand, was a kid. Is shaking. Yui helps him clean up. I’m a monster. I hate this. She never deeply considered it before. Just… treated.  Confides in him bout her failure to save a patient.
That scene was supposed to be in Chapter 6, and I’d written the scene out completely before I decided to move it.
As for how long my general outline is... hmm. It depends on the story. An average story for me will have 2-3 pages of outlines, and the longer ones will have 5+. I’m constantly going back to this general outline, tweaking things, adding scenes, deleting subplots, and so on.
George R. R. Martin divides writers into “gardeners” (who just see how things grow) and “architects” (who plan out every detail). I’d put myself in the middle, leaning slightly towards the garden-style. I’d say I’m a very attentive gardener with a trellis, who is constantly pruning and guiding the story. At the same time, I’m willing to let the story go in a different direction if I think the story will be better that way.
Now, that’s just my style. I have writer friends who refuse to write without a fully detailed plan, and I know others whose attitude is “Outline? What outline?” I know even more who are somewhere in the middle. No one method is better than the other. If I were to give advice, I’d say to experiment a bit until you find one that works for you.
... wow, that was long. Well, I hope it was at least a little insightful!
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