#i've never been bothered by anyone for what i post so πŸ‘πŸ‘
spinnysocks Β· 12 days
spinny!! I’m curious, what got you into the lion guard?
EHEHEE YAY I LOVE ASKS LIKE THIS!! don't mind me rambling about how i got into it :3
i watched the lion guard originally as a young teen! my memories are foggy, so i can't say how much i liked it, but i do remember ono being my favourite and that i watched enough to remember a lot of the episodes when i revisited it a few years later. i rewatched it out of childhood nostalgia and curiosity - i wanna say around 2020 maybe? - and developed a hyperfixation on it, specifically on janja! back then, i kinda only cared about his character and a few others such as timon, pumbaa, scar and kiburi, though janja was the character who i was actually interested in. i had even bought a lion king notebook to write a snippet of an au i had for him, i still have it lmaoo
because of how my hyperfixations work, i get obsessed over one fandom for a while until it switches to another. for instance, most of last year i hyperfixated on the madagascar movies - those periods of hyperfixating would last anywhere from hours to months until shifting to, for example, the lion guard. it also wasn't my main fandom at the time, madagascar was. that changed in november last year, when i found that there was a LOT of cool lion guard content on here (especially @devilsrecreation's outlanders posts!). i began to interact a little bit which made me hyperfixate on it even more. i made my first lion guard post in december, and that's where my posting and very long hyperfixation on it began!! since then i've had like a landslide of constant thoughts about this silly show, and i've picked up a lot of new favourite characters along the way (such as kiburi and his float, beshte, goigoi, dogo, literally all of the outlanders...). i've barely shifted hyperfixations since then and the show has very swiftly become a favourite media of mine! :3
so, i guess seeing content being made AND making my own has made me hyperfixate on it endlessly (/pos btw). i've specifically hyperfixated on the outlanders as you can probably tell lol. essentially, ✨the power of hyperfixations✨ lead me to being on and posting on this site, but the show has always been for me since i was a teen c:
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dairy-farmer Β· 2 years
Hi! I think the links for your masterlists are broken 😞. Just a quick FYI.
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thank you all for letting me know!!! I really appreciate it and don't worry this isn't a bother at all!!!
i didn't realize that there was an issue and since I haven't checked tumblr in a few days I hadn't realized anyone had been trying to let me know about this issue!!! (in case something like this happens again and i dont respond within the day i'm more likely to see it on twitter- just in case!)
i'd also like to thank the two asks I included above they were the ones to catch it early! on what seemed to be the 14th.
so I believe I know the cause of this issue of not being able to view the masterlist especially in regards to the the second ask where it mentions an issue with a browser. the only thing I've changed about my tumblr recently was I messed with the visibility settings to be as I set below
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I changed it to hide my account from people without an account about 4 days ago because of something that happened on twitter (nothing bad! just my realizing that underaged people could view the content and follow when it's something I prefer they didn't and since turning of anon on the inbox to prevent underaged people from sending asks would be hurting others who want to retain anonymity I decided to do this instead.)
however this seemed to have the unintended conseqeunce of messing up the masterlist link for people on mobile it appears (desktop as well possibly?). the masterlink issue seems recent since it's never happened before and this is the only change I've done recently so I think the only fix i can do is to undo it (which I've done and the masterlist should be working as of my posting of this askπŸ‘)
I'll just be more clear in the description box and header that the content is nsfw and 18+ and if any underaged person sees this and decides to read the matierial anyway that is just something I have to be okay with as a possibility, I really have no say in what anyone does on the internet and I doubt every person who has visited a porn website or read an E rated fic on ao3 was an adult so I do get the curiosity.
but with the anonymity factor of the inbox and just the overall blanket of assumption that everyone on the internet may be lying- i can't actually stop an underaged person from sending me an ask but I can state that i'd greatly prefer they DIDN'T.
underaged people stumble across and seek out nsfw content I get that but what they shouldn't be doing is sending asks, interacting with, messaging, or following that content and its not just about the kind of matierial it is that makes it a problem.
-interacting with strangers online (not just nsfw ones) should always be conducted carefully don't give out your age, name, personal details without thought for the very serious repercussions they could carry if the person turns out to be a not-so friendly stranger.
-if you're underaged and leave your phone or computer out: a parent could see the kind of content you watch/read and the consequences could range from mild embarrassment to pretty severe depending on the household.
-nsfw work is not a how-to guide or an instructional manual. there's a 'right' way that sex works in real life and if you're young you may not fully understand that and try to use what you've "learned" from fics, porn, etc and you could hurt someone or yourself.
sorry if this seems preachy or that this ask about a simple issue with the masterlist led to a spiel and small PSA.
tumblr hasnt proven to be an issue with this kind of thing recently so id ont want anyone to feel discouraged but I just wanted to make sure anyone who was curious about it understood the 'why'.
hopefully the masterlist is back in order! from what I can tell the links themselves in the lists work fine and it was just the masterlist link itself that was the issue!
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Laying low.
Alright, seems like the Big Bossy Spife has to take a course of action.
Now, initially, me responding to fatherless bitch over here (iykyk) was for MY shits and giggles. Did I ever intend for ANYONE else involved?
This was MY drama and I hate the fact that brainless nematode had to involve others when it clearly didn't concern them. For anyone wondering (you're not probably not), I've been getting harassed by said anon ever since this little situation here started. Even after artist and I resolved this,
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As you can see, this an actual conversation Arkdraws and myself had.
bitchass twitter dweller found the need to call me an "n-word" (which Spife canonically is, but dude... Srsly?) tell me to literally die, and basically saying some really racist shit about my ancestors being black, and for some fucking reason comparing the fact that white people can actually see their shit stains while black people can't??? What does that even have to do with anything...?
On to the actual point. Big Bossy Spifey over here is here to take accountability for their actions.
Was it right for me to constantly engage with discord mod and basically make it hell for everyone else?
No. Big Bossy Spifey should've been the bigger person and just deleted the asks and kept their mouth shut, but as I said, it was for my shits and giggles and I wanted to troll. For anyone else who got bothered by said anon and felt uncomfortable with all of this, you have my sincerest apologies for my reckless and immature behaviour. It was not my intention to get you involved. I had not even the slightest notion of such things but it seems as if satan's fetus did.
Will I ever be answering to Plankton wannabe again?
For the sake of this not EVER happening again, no. It seems like no matter how much I try to keep others out of my online business/drama, it will always somehow end up involving them anyways, which I do not enjoy and I'm certain those who are harassed don't either.
So, what have we learned here today, fellers? Don't give people without a life the attention they didn't get from their mother. They will leech off of your very core until you fall dead, then they'll be satisfied.
As for Big Bossy Spifey over here.
Thanks to depressed bitchless person, who ruined it for everyone, Big Bossy Spifey will be stopping the anonymous asks.
Will they still be posting content?
Yes. Spifey, will. But unfortunately, Spifey won't be accepting any anonymous asks, harmless (or not) as they may seem. Not until this braindead of a Tumblr user and coward who hides behind the anonymous button finally gets a life and fucks off my page. Spifey's asks will be off until then.
Spifey will turn off all asks should the harassment continue.
And finally, for all who were involved in my business which really should have a never happened in the first place, I again apologise for unintentionally bringing this mess to you. Spifey was only trying to amuse themselves which unfortunately led to the discomfort of others because somebody simply can't stand still while emitting large amounts of dumbass behaviour. I would also like to advise that all who were involved to turn off anon asks for a while since that really is the best thing you can do in this situation.
That was all Spifey had to say. As for you goofy fellers, love yourself because you are worth it! πŸŒπŸ‘
And a very special message to braindead anon from Spifey themselves. Wow! The attention you so craved for‼️‼️‼️
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If you know, you know! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
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dumbdomb Β· 9 months
Can CNC blogs interact? Sorry was a little confused for r4pe kink def that’s all. Also, what about people who reblog from some of the turn offs you mention but not those specific kinks? I reblog some stuff from (respectful, non transphobic, usually trans, have to check because it can be really bad) de trans blogs but never de trans stuff. Also thank you for your users who don’t consent, blocked the icky daddy or whatever that guy was trying to be. I’m into hard kinks but w consent always :/ that guy has been sort of creepy abt young girls too though. I just want to understand and respect your boundaries fully πŸ‘
this IS a cnc blog... so, yeah... i don't like how people talk or play around with "rape kink" bc it's usually very rough, forceful, doesn't include foreplay, always centered around painful and fast penetration (no lube style) and that's NOT what i'm into... at all. ever. i don't want people to treat me that way, and idk how else to make that any clearer when i get asks like this... (asking an overtly cnc blog if it's ok for cnc blogs to interact, like.. ya know what i mean... lol it's silly. and people ask me really basic questions like this all the time. i genuinely don't know how i can be more clear about these things!! x3 ahh).
my DNI and Turn Offs are two separate lists. if something is a turn off for me, i just don't have any interest in it and don't want to be treated that way. i've been on kinkblr for a while now, and unusual or less popular kinks are not something that offends me. some items in my dni are actually just turn offs, but because people have treated me in ways i super don't like- now they are criteria for getting blocked. if people can't understand my role and interests in kink, and keep treating me badly bc of that, the only solution i could think of was to sound more strict about my boundaries: so dense people would actually read it and not immediately message me shit talking down to me like a sub and projecting every squick on me, then getting super defensive and wound up when i tell them i'm not into it or try to steer the conversation in the direction of what i actually like and am into.
detrans is one of those kinks that i simply don't care about, it's not my thing and i wouldn't have much else to say on the topic if it weren't for sooooooooooooooooo many people being really disrespectful and shitty to me, forcing that onto me... not caring that i explicitly said, "NO."
you may not post detransitioning content, but if detransition kink blogs follow you and you've put MY content on your "detrans kink safe" blog, then most will assume I'M into something that i'm NOT. they will harass me, intentionally, bc that's what people with icky and detrans kinks do around here. it's not kinky behavior. it's unhealthy, unwarranted, unprovoked, and abusive behavior (their actions, not the kink or fetish). it doesn't matter if the person with detransitioning kinks is trans, they can still be transphobic by harassing people that don't have these particular kinks: misgendering, corrective rape, detransitioned... i've written about this so much, and i wish people would stop trying to involve me in something i have no need to be part of- i'm not into this kink!!!!!!! why do people keep talking to me about it?! does it bother you that i'm simply not interested in any of it? (serious question)
you say you're into "hard kinks" but what does that mean exactly? i didn't create that tag to protect anyone, it was to make a point about how incessant and obtrusive certain blogs have been about ignoring their lack of my consent. if any information there is useful for you, that's your business in how you run your blog. i don't condone reporting anyone here bc it only means having to block the same person repeatedly, ad nauseum. and i don't post anything for anyone to dislike or send hate to anyone else! i am only trying to maintain a respectful, consensual space here. if a blog truly has harmful content, it's better to leave their blog as is and report them to a government agency or organization known for handling whatever offense applies.
it seems the question you really want answered is whether it's ok to interact with my blog if you don't post or reblog detrans content, but allow other people who do to interact with your blog. let me ask you this: would you be ok with an adult blog reblogging your content, knowing they allowed underage users to interact with them (by stating something like "14+" in their pinned and reblogging kinky posts from children onto their blog)? how would that make you feel, if a kinky adult were sharing your blog in that way, and every time they did that you got notifications and messages from blogs without an age (or actual pedo bait blogs and teens) messaging you about their... "creepy" hard kinks.
like, can you understand by framing it around something you don't view positively? (i'm using your expressed negativity in the ask you sent to rephrase and reframe the question you're asking me.) does that clear things up?
i do not want to see or be seen by detransition, misgendering, corrective, breaking kink people.
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