#i've made a vow to never drive in the city - being a passenger while city driving is stressful
vagueiish · 3 months
kind of unfortunate that the only trans support group in my area that isn't geared towards minors seems to be inactive :/
#im sure that the website *not* being updated in over a year doesnt inherently mean the group is inactive#and i could probably just...confirm with an email. or something#but. idk#maybe i could crash a youth group like 'how do you do fellow kids'#(thats a joke btw)#i could in theory go to [nearby Big City] to check out groups there but like#i've made a vow to never drive in the city - being a passenger while city driving is stressful#im not exactly timid on the road but ime city driving involves being pushy af. or at least the highways into the city#so thats a No there#and trains exist but then you have to figure scheduling. walking or taking the subway and such isnt an issue for me#but if i take a late meeting for example and i miss the train out of the city... i dont have anyone whose couch i could crash on#online groups exist i guess but then Everything Lives Forever on the net#it's easy enough to stay mum about stuff that could get me doxxed#and while i have put some identifying things on here i dont think ive put enough to connect to the me irl#but idk#but it's kind of strange#before i was kinda just... not quite meh about the whole thing. but i hadnt really examined my feelings about all this beyond#'well when i imagine myself like this it makes me happy'#that wasnt the full story though. im certain it's not. i just.... was trying not to dig too deep into myself#i didnt really want to connect with myself#i feel like transitioning inherently involves (re)connecting with yourself physically - in addition to all the mental and emotional stuff#and like. theres a lot of shit i need to untangle re my relationship to my body#i know in my bones that transitioning is the right step for me. i just....havent really considered what all that means for me#im being told that i have a right to take up space. im just not sure what shape i want to take#idk. anyone know any good not shitty online spaces for this? hmu#gender stuff#to the void with love
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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Misery Loves Company Part 2:
Meet Esmé Squalor:
The city's sixth most important financial advisor, powerhouse fashionista, and fixated on revenge coke addict. Esmé takes no time showing the orphans that she is just as scary and dangerous as Olaf and sometimes they think she is the worst of the two. Esmé has one thing on her mind and that is her precious sugar bowl which she vows she will steal back or she will burn the entirety of VFD down trying.
Esmé has no problem with any of the vicious acts that Olaf suggests. She is down for just about anything he has in mind. Murder? Yes. Very in. Kidnapping? Yes. Completely In. Arson? Yes. The innest thing since aqueous martinis. And making sure a young child is never able to sleep peacefully again? In her words that 'deliciously in'. The children have a new villain to watch out for and believe it or not...shes more unstable than Olaf.
[Trigger warning: subtle and not so subtle hints at Esme and Olafs hideous and devious intentions with teenaged orphans. Please read with caution]
Olaf was driving like an absolute psychopath as he raced from the burning hospital to the rundown carnival in the hinterland. He was angry. He felt defeated. Not only did those three blasted orphans escape his clutches AGAIN, now apparently someone had survived one of the fires...which one? He did not know. But that bastard, Jacques Snicket, seemed so sure of it when Olaf was watching that video. *stupid fucking VFD and their stupid fucking members escaping their well deserved deaths!* he thought as he growled as loud as he could. And to make matters worse while he was driving this way all he could think about was the woman who broke his heart so many years ago and so many times since then because he was driving just like her.
"YOU IDIOTS LET MY PRETTY LITTLE PET RUN AWAY!" He yelled hitting his fists as hard as he could on the steering wheel.
"Well technically boss..." the bald man spoke up. "She didn't *run away* the bookworm rolled her away on a gurney,"
Olaf growled again. "Oh. How I *cannot* wait to obliterate *that* brat! Oh, he thinks I've been brutal before, he hasnt the faintest fucking idea! And if you dont shut your mouth YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH AS WELL!" Olaf yelled.
Now everyone in the car shifted a little, even Esmé who was unamused at the whole situation but kind of fearing for her life as he drove like a unpredictable madman. But...when I say that everyone in the car shifted a little...I mean *everyone* and even the three secret passengers in the trunk shifted a little especially Klaus Baudelaire who started to shake.
"Klaus...Klaus...you're fine," Violet whispered desperately reaching around for his hand. Once she found it she squeezed his hand tightly trying to keep him in reality with her and Sunny.
"We shouldnt have gotten in this trunk," Klaus whispered back. "He is going to kill Sunny and I...and..." he stopped talking when he looked towards Violet, who frowned. Both older orphans knew what Olaf would do to Violet if given the chance. Hell, both older orphans knew what Esme wanted to do with Klaus if given the chance. They both feared that even Sunny, by now,  Had a faint idea of what Olaf was talking about. "Why did....you *make me*... get in his trunk," klaus cried as he began to sob. Sunny turned her head towards her brother.
"Shhhh," Sunny pleaded. "Quiet," she reminded Klaus.
"We're going to die..." he whispered fearfully.
Violet frowned as she held klaus' hand tighter and grabbed Sunnys hand with her free hand. "I got you guys," she whispered. "I'll always protect you,"
"We know," sunny whispered back.
"Can you believe there is a SURVIVOR!?" Olaf shouted and then he screamed in pure anger. "Just when Ithought I was winning! I framed them for my MURDER for fucks sake! I HAD that pretty little brat!" He screamed angrily.
Violet shuddered and Sunny put a comforting hand in hers.
Esme scoffed and rolled her eyes when he mentioned Violet being 'pretty' again. He turned to her. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"
"HOW THE FUCK IS THIS *MY* FAULT!?" She asked angrily. "It was YOUR idea to use the girl as bait!"
"But you let the Baudelaires take the Snicket bitch right out the operating theater!"
"YOU SET THE HOSPITAL ON FIRE! I GOT THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!" she yelled. "He was standing right next to YOU. Why didnt ypu do anything!"
"HE WAS HOLDING THE LARGE KNIFE YOU GAVE TO HIM!" Olaf yelled back. "The plan was to use the girl as BAIT! NOT have him actually kill her! She is our key to BOTH fortunes!"
Esme gave a wicked smirk. "Oh...that was the plan? I must've forgot,"
"You pathetic jealous bitch!" He yelled.
"Oh *Im* pathetic? You've lost to these children for MONTHS now!"
"If I was in charge of this entire thing, those two girls would be dead and the boy would be our little prisoner," Esme replied wickedly smiling.
This made Klaus shiver and Sunny put her free hand in his the same way she had for Violet.
"You wouldnt have the SNICKET fortune if you killed the Snicket bitch you dumb bitch!"
Esme smiled wickedly at Olaf again. "I dont need Lemony's fortune...hell, unlike *you* I dont need Beatrice's fortune either," she laughed. "No what *I* want is to make *Beatrice's little mommy's boy suffer* " Esme tapped her long nails against her window. "Of course I also want back what's *mine*!"
Olaf rolled his eyes. "*So do I*!" He screamed. "But NOW one or two of them might not be inheritors of ANYTHING! SINCE THERES A FUCKING SURVIVOR!"
"Darling...youre honestly looking at *that* all wrong. I think this is good news," Esme replied
 Olaf responded by pushing his foot harder on the pedal.
"How is that a GOOD THING!?" hr asked.
"Well...think about it. Whoever it is. We will get to kill," esme pointed out. "I personally hope its Beatrice. I'd love to kill that sugar bowl snatching bitch...ooooh and we could make her children watch!"
"Or we can torture her children in front of her," Olaf pointed out smiling.
"Who do you think the survivor is boss?" The hook handed man asked.
"I dont know. If its Bertrand...well that's the least exciting option. But Esme's right...if its Beatrice, torturing her or her precious son and daughter would be fun."
"What about Snicket?" The henchperson of indeterminate gender asked.
Olaf pushed hard on the brakes causing everyone to ram forward a bit. His car came to a screeching halt. Violet, who had the misfortune of getting into the trunk first was squished harshly against the end of the trunk as Klaus tried to shift himself away from violet to give her room. Violet had let go of Klaus' hand in attempt to shield Sunny from hitting anything. Olaf turned around to face his henchperson. "I doubt that its Snicket...but...if it is...let's just say when I find his pretty pipsqueak daughter...I will make him watch as I *destroy* her entirely and then I will make her watch as I murder her father agonizingly slow and then I'll murder that stupid fucking bookworm and biting brat in front of her too," he hissed causing Violet to start shaking.
He took a deep breath and began driving again. Esme huffed in annoyance as the hook handed man did his best to hide a disgusted face.
Klaus looked to Vi. "Speaking of that...did he...?"
Violet wiped a few tears from her eyes. "I dont know...while I was conscious, no. Esme kept barging in before he could do more than touch my face or leg. But... when I was unconscious...I dont know. Wouldnt I know? Like...wouldnt I feel different?" She whispered as she began to sob quietly.
Klaus sighed. He didnt know the answer to that. He just gave Violet a small smile. "Yes, I think you would feel different. So if you feel the same then he didnt," he lied as he shifted his arm under her head to give her head some support. He had no way of knowing...and he feared that Violet would never get a true answer.
Violet nestled closer to Klaus and Sunny as she shivered form the cold mountain air that seeked in through the bullet holes of Olafs trunk. Klaus and Sunny could hear her whimpers and shivers. Klaus tried his best to take off his suit jacket from where he laid but he couldnt. Sunny shifted to lay more on Violet to act as a blanket for her. "Violet..." klaus whispered.
"Yeah," she replied back in a hushed tone as she wiped a few tears from her eyes.
"I just wanna say this... if I ever find out that he *did* hurt you or if he ever *does* hurt you like *that*...or if he continues to try to hurt you like *that* **I'll castrate him myself...**" klaus whispered. Violet looked towards her brother and even in the cold, dark trunk of their worst nightmare's car, she could see the dark look in his eyes.
"Klaus...you dont..."
"Oh you're right," he replied. "I'll hold him down and let you do it if youd rather.."
Violet gave a small chuckle to that.
"Darling! I've been thinking about what you said back in crow town,"
"What did I say back in crow town?" Olaf asked confused as he continued to drive like a psycho.
"Well... you said that the boy was much more fun to torture than either one of the girls...and *you're right!*" Esme recalled. "So why dont we just keep him,"
Olaf growled. "Wr are keeping the Snicket bitch! That little tease has another thing coming..."
"We are keeping the boy..." esme demanded in a tone that made Klaus shudder.
"Why dont we just keep who we catch first?" The hook handed man replied. "Besides when we left the hospital the brats were stuck in a utility closet...I doubt they all made it out,"
Olaf snickered at this. "It would be nice if one or two of them burned to a crisp...just like their parents," he began smiling and laughing.
"Well, except the survivor," the henchperson of indeterminate gender replied.
This sent Olaf into another screaming and raging fit.
Esme rubbed her temples. "I just want my sugar bowl...that's it...that's all. I'm down with murder, kidnapping, and making it to where little children cant have another peaceful night of sleep but I AM NOT DOWN WITH THE YELLING AND THE INSANE DRIVING!!!!"
"Fuck off...we are almost to Caligari Carnival. Then we can ask Madame Lulu where to find that little Snicket tease and the two other ugly brats," Olaf replied.
Esme rolled her eyes. *I will kill that fucking brat. Hes not touching any girl related to that bitch Katherine* she thought as she continued to rub her temples. 
Esme was not someone who was used to someone telling her that she cant have her way. She was too rich, beautiful, and powerful for *that* bullshit but as she sat in the passenger seat of Olaf's car she was beginning to think that shed have to take matters into her own hands if she was going to get what she wanted. Olaf seemed determined to have the Snicket brat as a captive...and Esme would rather have the infant than the Snicket girl.
"Do we have any wine? I'm parched and I heard wine is very in this time of year,"
"We have some in the trunk. I would be happy to get it if we stopped," the hook handed man replied.
The three children froze. Violet put her arm around Sunny tightly as Klaus put his arm around Violet to hold her and Sunny, who laid on top of Violet hoping to keep her warm, put a loving hand on Violet and her other on Klaus. Their hearts stopped as Olaf stopped the car.
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 10: Changing Crime Scenes
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hyeonji would be eternally grateful that other people pounced on Hoseok as soon as they entered the club, because she was in a state of shock. Good manners had her smiling and saying the right things on automatic pilot, but it was a real relief that she couldn't have a private conversation with Hoseok at that point. She needed to assimilate what had just happened, what he'd agreed to. She needed time to calm the panic within.
But time brought little calm, only the most debilitating cluster of nerves. Her mind whirled with a possibly inaccurate memory of saying which was perversely apt for the occasion, and went something like this: Careful of what you might want, because one day you might just get it.
Naturally, she could not eat any of the dinner placed in front of her. Not a bite. Hoseok, however, was not similarly stricken. He ate his food while chatting casually with the others seated at the official table, acting as if nothing untoward on his mind. Clearly, his agreeing to deflower his best friend after the dinner was over did not rate sufficient reason to go off his food. He might have lost his head but he hadn't lost his appetite.
Men, Hyeonji decided with growing cynicism, were a different breed altogether. Their egos, never their feelings, dictated all their actions. Hoseok was only taking her to bed because he could not bear for Jungkook to. It had nothing to do with desire for her and everything to do with male competitiveness.
She moved her food around the various plates, trying to make it look as if she'd eaten something. She found comfort in continuously sipping her wine, an easy task since her glass was never empty. The very attentive waiter kept topping it up, perhaps because from his elevated position he could peer down her cleavage.
When he went to top it up again during dessert, Hoseok's hand suddenly appeared over the glass barring the way. Not a word was spoken but the waiter got the message. After he'd moved on to attend to others at the table. Hoseok leant towards her.
"Under the circumstances, a reasonable alcoholic consumption would be beneficial," he said quietly. "Too much, however, would definitely be counter-productive. Unless of course, you wish to be close to unconscious when I take you to bed," he added on a dry note. "I do realize I'm not your first choice for this honor, but I would like you to at least remember who was responsible next morning."
Hyeonji felt totally miffed. So she'd been right. Hoseok's decision to be her first lover was just a matter of ego. She vowed to find something cutting to say in return, nut floundered abysmally.
The Master of Ceremonies' introduction of the night's guest speaker put Hyeonji out of her misery. Hoseok rose up from his chair to walk up onto the stage which had been set up at one end of the long rectangular room, standing to one side of the podium while the MC ran through praise-filled resume of Hoseok's achievement in business. She was too busy staring at Hoseok, at this absolutely gorgeous man whom she adored for many many years, and who in a couple of hours' time, would hopefully do what she'd always wanted him to do.
And she'd been stupidly sitting there, finding fault with him and indulging in all sorts of insecure female rubbish. Good God what was wrong with her? This was the stuff romantic dreams were made of. She'd accuse Hobi once of never stopping and smelling the flowers yet here she was, letting panic and pride spoil what should be the happiest night of her life.
Well, from this moment in tonight, she was going to stop and smell the flowers. She would not question Hoseok's motivations for making love to her. She would not worry about tomorrow. She would simply enjoy each moment for what it was and let the rest of the world go by.
Her eyes softened as they watch Hoseok step up to the podium, looking so sophisticated and impressive. With her silly anger gone, she listened to every word he said, quickly rapt in power and sincerity of his speech. He spoke of achievement in terms of faith in one's own ability and that unswerving tunnel vision which refused to accept defeat and called every seeming failure an experience. He did not gloss over the necessity of hard work, nor the difficulties of the present economic climate. He was passionate and inspiring. You could hear a pin drop in the room. Hyeonji felt so proud.
That's the man I love, she wanted to call out to everyone. But of course she did not. She sat there silently, vowing that tonight she would show Hoseok that love, in every touch, every caress. She might not have Tinashe's expertise in bed, but she would give him something the other woman could not. True love. And true passion. Nothing feigned nor faked.
When Hoseok finished his speech, the room erupted with applause, Hyeonji clapping as enthusiastically as everyone else.
After that, it was time to get on with the award-giving, Jungkook coming lucky at last. When he strode up on stage to accept the award, Hyeonji tensed a little. But no one would have guessed the two men were anything but best of friends, both of them smiling broadly while the photographer snapped them together.
But Jungkook whispered something after the photographer had finished, something which had Hoseok frowning momentarily over at Hyeonji. He said something back to Jungkook, who made another remark then laughed and slapped Hoseok on the shoulder. By the time Hoseok sat back down next to Hyeonji, she could not contain her curiosity.
"What did Jungkook say to you just then?" She asked tautly.
"When? Jungkook never says anything of importance." Hoseok replies. "But you did frown at me afterwards." Hyeonji pushed.
"It was nothing. Just Jungkook being Jungkook. He's always a bad loser. Come on. Let's go." When he stood up abruptly, Hyeonji gaped at him. "Now? You want to go now?"
"Yes. Why not? Surely you dont want to stay here and make meaningless chit chat? It's already ten thirty. It'll be nearing midnight by the time we make it to my place. If I'm to deliver you back home before the dawn. I think we should shake a leg, don't you?" Hoseok smirked at Hyeonji.
"Well, I...I..." to tell him that her mother would not worry if she didn't make it home before dawn would have met with much skepticism. "Fine," she finally said, her voice not much more than a squeak.
Swallowing, she stood up and let Hoseok propel her shaky legs from the room and the club. "Where exactly is your place?" Hyeonji queried on their way to the car. "Just bought a new apartment in one of those new inner-city high rises a couple of months back. I only moved in this last week though."
"A new car, and now a new place," Hyeonji remarked casually, though her heart was singing with the thought that if he'd only moved in this last week he'd never spent time alone with Tinashe there, never slept with her in that particular bedroom. Who knew maybe even the bed was a new one?
Thinking about bedrooms and beds brought resurgence of nerves which reminded her forcibly of her empty stomach. Maybe she should have tried to eat something. The last thing she wanted was her hunger pains making embarrassing noises while Hoseok was making love to her.
They reach the car and Hoseok opened the passenger door for her. Their eyes met and Hoseok's were irritatingly unreadable. If he was nervous about the rest of the evening, he certainly wasn't showing it. "You're not the only one who's decided to make changes in their life," he said matter-of-factly. "Turning twenty five made me realize time was moving on."
Oh my God, she though. He is thinking about marrying Tinashe. "Twenty five is not that old Hobi," she said hastily. "I mean, not for a man. Now it might be for a woman because she has to have babies, but in a man's case there's no need for him to rush into marriage."
"Marriage? I wasn't talking about marriage! I was talking about enjoying some of the money I've worked so hard to make. Oh, do just get in. And don't gabble me all the way to the apartment. I like to listen to music when I drive. And I like to concentrate."
Hoseok slotted a Bangtan Sonyeondan CD into the built-in player before easing out of the parking space. Maybe he founf their music relaxing and upbeat, but Hyeonji discovered that these Idols were one of a kind. Singularity playing on the background, Hyeonji found the music disturbingly erotic in several ways.
The next hour seemed eternal. Hyeonji stared through the passenger window, first into the blackness of the countryside, then later the city lights. She tried every method known to mankind to still her churning stomach. Deep, even breathing. Meditation. More common-sense reasoning of the type she'd soothed herself with at dinner.
This is what you've always wanted. Stop being a silly ninny. Hoseok knows what he's doing. He's and experienced lover. It won't hurt. It's going to be wonderful. These last thoughts had small measure of success till they drew close to Han River, after which butterflies in Hyeonji's stomach reached plagued proportions.
"You know, you don't have to do this is you don't want to," she blurted out. His side ways glance carried total exasperation. "If you think for a moment I'm going to let you back out now, then you have another thing coming!"
"Yes, but if you don't really want to..."
"Don't want to?" He grated out. "Are you mad? I'm sitting here in fucking agony, I want you so much. Hell, I've thought of nothing else all night!"
"Oh" Hyeonji was stunned, then thrilled by the dark frustration in his voice. She would certainly never have guessed by his manner. Maybe he wasn't doing this just because of ego after all. Maybe he really wanted her, Kang Hyeonji.
Or maybe any attractive female would have done as we, came the added dampening thought. Clearly he'd been celibate since his separation from Tinashe started over four weeks ago. Maybe he was just dying for some sex, and she tipped him over the edge tonight with her provocative dress and flirty manner. Hadn't he said he'd agreed to sleep with her that he'd lost his head?
"Look just in case you're languishing under misapprehension here," Hoseok went on quite irritably, "I am not sacrificing myself on the altar of friendship tonight. It's passion that sends men to bed with women, not compassion. I wanted you the moment I saw you tonight."
Hyeonji took little comfort from his confession. It sounded like a case of uncontrollable male frustration to her. "So you can stop sitting there worrying I might stop this time," Hoseok informed her with a savage sideways glance. "My conscience is well and truly routed. And you can stop acting like a nervous bride on her wedding night. You kew exactly what you were doing tonight, you wicked little minx. I finally realize that. No one comes out on a date dressed like THAT without a preconceived game plan. You were determined to seduce some poor, unsuspecting male tonight no matter, weren't you?"
"Something like that," as Hyeonji answers.
Less than twenty seconds later he was easing his Mazda into the allotted parking space for unit 3234.
Hyeonji swallowed hard.
The curtain was about to go up on the biggest show of her life. For once, she was center stage, the heroine of the play, with Hoseok her hero. Ten days ago this would have been unbelievable, unthinkable. Yet here she was.
This is your one last chance Hyeonji, a voice whispered in her head. Don't waste it.
Suddenly, the knots in her stomach began to unravel and a strange calm overtook her. Without waiting for Hoseok, she reached for the door handle and let herself out of the car. She felt oddly ethereal as she watched him climb out of the car and walked around to join her. Almost as though she was having an out-of-body experience. She was here, yet she was also watching from afar.
"Are you alright Hyeonji?" Hoseok asked, frowning. Her smile was dreamy. "Yes, I'm fine." His frown deepened. "You're not drunk, are you?" Hyeonji simply answered him by shaking her head.
"You knocked back a lot of that wine over dinner and you didn't really eat much."
"I didn't have much appetite," she admitted. "I was thinking of you, Hobi. And this." Again without waiting for him she slid her arms around his neck, reached up on tiptoe and Pressed herself against him.
He just stood there, deliciously acquiescent, while her lips found his in a series of light kisses which fluttered over his mouth like angels' wings. Hyeonji was in seventh heaven, making soft satisfied little noises in her throat. Her fingers stroked the back of his neck, her thumbs caressing the soft skin behind his ears.
Finally, Hoseok's lips parted as he sucked in a long., quivering breath. Hyeonji's tongue immediately darted forward, connecting with his own tongue tip before it could retreat. She felt his hesitation, ruthlessly ignored it, snaking her tongue deep into his mouth then winding it around the full length of his.
She was the original Eve, tempting Adam with the pleasures of flesh, but combining her seduction with an even more subtle force. Her love for him. It gave her power she could never have guessed at. And the will to exercise that power. She undulated her tongue and her body against his, and urged him on as females had been urging their menfolk since time immemorial.
His tortured groan startled her as his hands came up to grip her shoulders. His fingertips dug into her flesh and for a few moments his tongue took over and gave her a glimpse on how Hoseok would make love.l, once he really lost his head.
Just savagely he yanked her away from him, holding her at arms length while he glared down at her with a blistering reproach in his blazing brown eyes.
"No, damn it," he ground out. "No!"
"But you said you wouldn't stop." She cried in dismay.
"I'm not stopping, you little fool. I'm changing the scene of the crime." And taking her hand, he began dragging across the car park. "The crime?" She echoed.
"Yeah. What you were doing to me just then was criminal. But don't worry, Miss Moving On. I'll let you do whatever you fancy once we're in the privacy of my bedroom. In fact, I'll insist upon it."
Chapter 11
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