#i've hinted at their kids before i think but haven't directly mentioned them here
queen-scribbles · 5 months
"You definitely needed the sleep." Would be the PERFECT Shenko prompt :3
You are correct! Have some Emily/Kaidan fluff. ^^ ---
Emily woke with a heartbeat in her ear.
She lay still, face down, warm and cozy, as she pieced together where she was and whose heartbeat she was hearing. On the couch, in the living room, to the first. Kaidan's, of course, to the second.
She was laying with her head on his chest, their legs tangled together and his arm loosely draped over the small of her back. One of her hands had dropped to brush against the rug, and she could feel the warmth of Mo nearby even if the dog wasn't touching her.
The vid. It hit like thunder and Emily muttered in annoyance at herself as she jerked fully awake.
Kaidan was watching her. "Hey, sleepyhead."
"Sorry," she mumbled, letting her head fall back against his sternum.
"Hey you don't need to apologize." He kissed the top of her head.
"We've been tryin' to watch this for weeks and I drift off the first real chance we get?" Emily tipped her head, resting her chin on his chest so she could meet his eye. "Seems like it might be warranted, Kay."
Kaidan chuckled. "Nah, if you were tired enough to go out that fast, you definitely needed the sleep." He rubbed her back. "Were the girls that much of a handful this morning?"
"Not in a bad way," she said with a sigh. "But they're always excited about going to stay with Meema and Papa-Tom. And no one who warned me about three year old energy levels included the addendum that it compounds rather'n just adding or multiplying when you have more than one who are equally excited."
"Infinity times infinity?" he asked with a sympathetic smile.
"Mm. I love 'em with all of my heart, but those two can be more exhausting that N7 training some days." She grinned. "Best of luck to your parents, along with my heartfelt gratitude."
"You know they love it, Em."
"Mm-hm. And I love the chance to relax." She smiled sheepishly. "Even if I relaxed too far and missed the vid."
"Seriously, don't worry about that, we can try again later if watching it means that much to you." Kaidan's eyes glinted mischievously. "Far as I'm concerned, there's much worse ways to spend a couple hours than watching my wife sleep."
Her face heated. "Hours?! Babe, why didn't you move? You know I sleep like the dead."
"First of all, who says this isn't right where I wanna be?" He arched a brow and shifted to settle even more into the couch cushions. "Second, you've done the same for me through more migraines than I can count. Third," he rolled on when she opened her mouth, "I did think about it, but I drifted off, too." His dimple showed when he smiled. "I guess we both needed the sleep."
Mollified by the fact he hadn't been awake and trapped the whole time, Emily stretched up to kiss him. "I think I could stay awake through the vid now, if you wanna try again?"
Kaidan laughed softly. "You sure, sweetheart?"
"Mm-hm." She nuzzled in against his chest. "Or we could just snuggle some more."
"Ooh, I like that plan."
I knew you were a smart man. "Good, me, too."
The vid would keep.
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been a long while since I've been back, so here's something before i disappear again ✌️
so here and now, i would like to introduce to you all,
The Levels Of Self Awareness in SAGAU
(aka, the ones I've seen so far)
Warning(s): Cursing(probs), possible misinformation?, not really accurate?, my opinions, my humour and experience, and more.
Not proofread, we die like Guizhong in the Archon War.
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1. None. Just- Just none.
As the name suggests, none. Just your average game.
No, literally, there's nothing to worry about here.
No worrying about getting sucked in while you're sleeping or anything of the like.
Nothing strange happens (for now) while you're playing, nothing like that.
No extra items, no extra friendship exp, no extra anything.
It's best to savour it while you still can.
2. "Since when did i get that??"
This is when the "getting extra stuff" and/or "extra luck" happens.
Either your characters have been doing some offcam grinding themselves, or you've just been collecting stuff for a while now and haven't really looked into your bag other than to switch gadgets.
Normally, you probably just caught one crystalfly, and yea it shows that, but either 1. it shows you got multiple, or 2. you have a tiny bit/alot more crystalflies in ur bag the last time you checked.
Maybe that's what they want you to think, who knows.
You'd also probably get lucky with a pull or more - usually nothing more than ten or so.
Your characters would also glitch a lil. Things like the sudden cancelling of idle animations, not switching onto the character you want/need, accidental skill/burst activation, and more.
Though, those only happen on occasion. It's not common enough for you to notice and just interpret as misclicks, but also rare enough to set off a raised eyebrow or red flag inside of you.
Nothing happens out of the ordinary outside of your phone.
Apps like Youtube, Google, Chrome, Photos/Gallery, etc. aren't tampered with.
You're good ... As long as the characters don't break through the 636f6465, that is.
3. "Yo," - Kaeya, 2022
It's probably time to delete and redownload Genshin at this point.
You might see hints of you - i.e statues, your favorite color/thing appearing here and there, characters mentioning someone by "Their/His/Her Grace" or some other title, etc.
Your Gallery might be affected, a few photos of a character and/or a view from Genshin.
Getting extra stuff also (probably) gets more frequent
Either you get them through mail or it just gets sent to your storage/bag directly.
The character glitches also happen a lil more frequently.
Oh, you wanted [thing] but didn't have the chance to do so? Don't worry, we'll get it for you, Your Grace. Just occupy yourself with some other miscellaneous tasks and you'll have it in no time.
Your luck also increases a lil more.
The character you've wanted for some time now but didn't get the chance to get them before? Yep, you guessed it, you lost your 50/50 atleast 4 times now.
Lmao I'm kidding
But seriously, if it's what you've been wanting for some time now, you're at least bound for one or a few 50/50 losses (unless you're guaranteed)
It's also why you (probably) get that one unwanted 5* because you wanted to try your luck/build pity.
Jealousy runs in the family, as they say. It's almost unavoidable, really. (looks at my lost 50/50s)
Hey, don't blame them! They were just... excited that you wanted to even pull on their banner, y'know?
Level them up and ascend them to level 20. I dare you.
I mean hey, atleast you'll get a free acquiant fate after you ascended them.
It only takes 7 Hero's Wit, 1 Wanderer's Advice, and their ascension mats.
It's basically a win/win, is it not?
You get a free fate, they get strength. It's fair for everyone.
You don't even have to give them a new weapon or any artifacts! Just leveling them up will do the job, will it not?
4. Caught You Slippin'
Oh, and if the Barbatos statue at Mondstadt actually changed into you, it's best if you just, yk, just look at the first • on this #.
It's too late to turn back now.
This is the "isekai" part of SAGAU, aka, where most fics take place.
This might be a major jump from the previous #, but hey, i started making this at 5AM.
But besides that, what AU you end up is all based on chance.
I'm sure you get the gist of this #. If you don't, i don't blame you.
Remember that one machine in Albedo's cave? That big rectangle/oval one? You don't? Good cuz neither do i.
Either you got sucked in and woke up somewhere in Teyvat, or you woke up to a bunch of hot people staring at you.
This part of the post is very sensitive to change, so I can't really say much here.
Just know that if you manage to find yourself at this point, you probably don't have a chance in getting back to your normal life without getting atleast a tiny bit of trauma.
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C/N: Yea, it's me Your broy, chips ahoy, Cake.
Didn't expect me to post, did you? Well, you probably did, but hey, i like imagining nonexistent things
Anyways, have this while u still can cause i'm going back to nap again
Oh wait right i just remembered i haven't done my commissions
Nevertheless, thank you for all of your patience.
Peace — ★
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
So. Chapter 11. I have many thoughts.
First things first, absolutely amazing, every interaction the characters had felt so natural and fit together so well, and gosh I just...do not have the words to describe how much I adore your writing.
Now time for what I'm here for: you've got me all fired up again! It's been quite a hell of a while since I've done any real theory or predictions, so I might be slightly out of practice, forgive me if I get any details wrong!
And I don’t really know what all of it means yet, but let’s try to get the simple facts laid out first:
Bronte and Oralie send cryptic messages.
Sophie finds a dragon scale in a random desk.
Linh has a connection to the dragons, like Marella.
Dragons are connected with thunderstorms.
So, are we getting dragon!Linh? Because I am so here for dragon!Linh. At the very least, there’s some connection between them. But there’s…something else.
So, the messages from Oralie and Bronte are absurdly cryptic, and that’s so fucking cool and I love it, but I really really want to dig into what they’re saying now. So that’s what I’m gonna do!
Bronte’s message: Secrecy and redundancy compose the toolkit of those trying to hide. It takes a special someone to see the darkness in the world and not participate. Your infectious light is spreading.
Oralie’s message: Secrecy and redundancy compose the toolkit of those trying to hide. Play a melody for me, and tell me what it says. History will have something sweet to say about you.
And you (via Sophie) put a special focus on the words “infectious light” and “history”.
And I will eat my boots if that is not connected to some grand underlying secret underneath the entire story. Now, given that these two are Councillors and have access to confidential files, and Bronte as old as dirt, and the focus on the word history, I’m willing to bet there’s some dark secret within elven history (shocker, I know) that somehow relates to all this monster business. Cause like…it’s hard to make monsters! It’s crazy that the Neverseen and whatever the new group is called have managed to make so many!
(And I haven't figure out the Secrecy and Redundancy part yet, but I will tell you when I think I may have understood it.)
And what’s even weirder is how easy it was for Sophie and the rest of the kids to develop specific monster traits instead of just. Literally dying. And from weird potion mist, too.
Is there something about elves that allows them to turn into monsters? We know the monsters are unnatural, and when I’ve brought up the idea that elves are being turned into monsters you haven’t really denied or confirmed it, just kind of skirted around the topic. And this could also be the reason the humans haven’t been attacked by the monsters- the monsters are made of elves because elves are…somehow compatible with whatever the Neverseen are doing, and they attack other mythical creatures because I’m assuming they share traits similar enough to elves that the monsters have an interest in them.
But it’s also weird how Bronte’s letter (while actually being kind of a compliment, which I find so funny because it absolutely does not read like it, 100/10 characterization points) implies Sophie is spreading something, something infectious, and I’m sure the usage of the word “light” isn’t coincidence either.
Light is really important to elves, like really important, and it doesn’t seem like something Bronte would say, either, what with his…seeming respect for it (from how he acted when at the Point of Purity and journey back). He’d more likely say something like “bravery” or “strength”, given that (iirc) he’s even used those words to describe Sophie before. So there’s something about the word light specifically that was important, and something about the light being infectous.
And now, elves are living underground. And the monsters were said to appear out of nowhere, too, just…out of the blue. Are the Neverseen using the light to create more monsters? What are the monsters for? Can they turn whatever they’re doing off? Are the Council somehow aware of what the Neverseen is doing because they have access to lots of knowledge the main crew don’t, and that’s part of why they fled underground?
And what’s the connection with the dragons?
(I nearly forgot about the dragons.)
From what you’ve posted, you seem to really enjoy the part of dragons that is unknowable and out-of-reach, so much greater than pretty much every other creature in the world. And that also sounds like a way you could describe the void!
And if dragons could access the void, then that would explain how they appear and disappear so fast, and if they control weather that would be how the thunderstorms don’t come in over the horizon, and simply just happen.
But what does it mean? Why did Marella go to them in…what chapter was it again? I can’t remember. Why did Linh react to strongly to the dragon scales?
And Marella may have the wings, but Linh has the scales on her face (although iirc they’re a different color to the one Sophie picked up, so I don’t think it’s hers and I don’t see why she’d attack if it was), so is she a dragon as well? And if they are, are they different kinds of dragons? And since dragons are extremely territorial (from what we’ve seen and can infer so far) is that going to create problems? Linh already reacted terribly to another scale, so if her and Marella’s dragon instincts get worse, I can see how that would go terribly. Or is Linh a different kind of creature?
There’s just…so many thoughts. I barely got into any actual theories here, oops. But that’s…most of my thoughts for now. Hope you enjoyed? I know I personally enjoyed Chapter 11 immensely, thank you for this wonderful AU!
- pyro
woa this is a lot!! pyro!! i am speechless!! I am. I am ahhh!!! I'm glad the interactions felt natural, I was a little worried they'd feel too out of character but sometimes my need to let them mess around with each other takes over
those first four facts you've laid out do seem to be what I'm hinting at--whether you're correct though, I'll let you find out in later chapters. I have more to say about Bronte and Oralie's messages but I'll get to that later. also, I do have more planned for the dragons, which will be fun!!
will be entirely honest i forgot you all don't know what wings Linh has--but!! her connection to the dragons may be related to her wings! everyone has a pair of wings unique to them, so how that translates to her remains to be seen. Marella with the dragon wings and the interests may seem more obvious, but I think Linh is gonna have a lot more mysterious, confusing connection to the way everything works.
Now! onto Bronte and Oralie's messages!! these stumped me for a while because I needed them to be cryptic, but also riddle-like with some kind of meaning that sophie could figure out if she gave it enough thought. of course, as of chapter 11 she hasn't even tried to figure it out, but it's planted that seed in her mind
a cool thing that I just want to point out: there are a few lines throughout the au that i have taken the structure of directly of from the books and altered their wording. One of those was in a previous chapter where I took the "but her mind was stronger than her body" from book one and changed it. I don't remember exactly what i changed it into as it's been a while, but I know that's one of them. and i did it again in this chapter! if you remember the message Bronte had Mr. Forkle give Sophie, "It takes a special someone to see darkness inside of someone and not condemn them," that's the quote I based his unique portion of the message off of. Oralie's also has a meaning tied to an interaction with her, but it's not tied to a specific quote.
for the "infectious light," you are right, that does have a meaning, and it was important it was those exact words. what it turns out to be, however, may not be entirely what you're expecting. and then there's the "history will have something sweet to say about you" which is a little hint to Sophie, whenever she figures that one out. they are trying to send her a message but she needs to figure out what they're trying to say first!! also, the secrecy and redundancy part does have something more to it, but I'll let you continue theorizing about that one.
my apologies if i'm focusing on this part for too long, but I legit spent like half an hour trying to figure out how to word this to set up future scenes and reveals, so I want to share some of that process!
and it is curious how the elven world is the only one affected...
there's a lot of theories for why it was so easy for them to develop those features, maybe their minds adapt to abilities so suddenly that they're predisposed to other changes as well, or they go quicker. maybe it's fragile, guilty minds that enable them to be taken over by horrors like these, whereas humans are exposed to violence and guilt and grief on a daily basis. I might touch on this later in the chapters, so I don't want to spoil anything, but there so many possibilities!!
moving on to the dragons!! you're right, i do think very highly of dragons and like the inachievability of them in this context. they're not just mindless creatures, they're a lot more complex, as we saw with them having abilities like elves. Sophie doesn't know exactly what it was, but she thinks it was tied to the explosive sounds she heard and the change in the weather. and I could tie them to the void! if we going with intelligent creatures having access to the void (like silveny, though her intelligence is very different) then it would make sense to continue that pattern. and it could explain a few of the mysteries left behind after chapter 7 (6? i forget which one)
like i mentioned before, I do have more planned for the dragons, and that does involve both Linh and Marella specifically. so!! I think some of your questions will be answered in the upcoming chapters, but for now I can't exactly answer without spoiling. but! you are asking the right questions!! you are on the right track!!
and it wasn’t exactly scales on linhs face, more they had they same pattern (the iridescent one) but I might've worded it weird so I can see where that came from. as for whether or not she's a dragon, the only thing I can tell you right now is that she doesn't have the exactly same wings as Marella, and i told you in chapter 9 (i think?) that she could easily hide them like Sophie, Wylie, and Biana. The whole mystery with the scale, however, is one of the things that i can't answer without spoiling, so I guess that tells you there's a lot more to that too.
i also have so many thoughts about the au and !! I loved reading all of yours!! I enjoyed it thoroughly!! chapter 11 may seem slower than some of the more action packed chapters, but it sets up a lot of the lore and background we'll need for future endeavors, so i'm glad you liked it!! I think i introduced a lot of questions in this one too...
I might've missed some of your points (there were a lot, which is excellent!!), so if there was something important I glossed over feel free to send another ask so I can go back over it!!
but thank you for reading this au!! talking about it motivates me to write more and make it more complex!! I mean, we're about 84,000 words in and I'm still going, so. there's a lot more to come!!
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