#i've gotten requests for 22 4 and 23 already
eumenidaes · 2 years
22 for the Spotify ask meme!
It didn't take nearly as long as I expected it would, but the short story's finished! Thanks for exchanging requests for art with our number 22 songs with me lol, this song is Oh No! by MARINA (tho for some reason it looks like spotify moved around some of my songs and it's not there anymore??? idk, I'm not changing it to be another song when that other one was also requested lol)
I tried to incorporate themes from the song of things like neglecting personal relationships due to a desire to succeed and make a change in the world/life. This is focused on my RWBY OC, Chae-Yeong Vermeil, and you can also read it on ao3!
“Miss Vermeil! Chae-Yeong!”
Chae-Yeong turns at the sound of her name to see the familiar cheery face of Ashley Linden making her way through the first floor of the Vermeil Foundation building. 
The musician has become a familiar face at the charity’s headquarters over the past couple of months, and as much as Chae-Yeong’s inclined to believe people are good, she can’t help wondering if Ashley’s just here out of a desire to help people in Mantle. She’s well aware that Ashley insists on making her donations to the charity with Chae-Yeong personally, and that she’s been known to leave upon finding out that Chae-Yeong isn’t there today. It's clear that she doesn’t like staying in Mantle for long. That combined with how even now, Ashley casts a quick glance downwards towards Chae-Yeong’s chest makes her main intention for being here clear— she’s attracted to Chae-Yeong, and she wants to get close to her. 
If she were twenty years younger and not used to people who don’t even know her pining after her, Chae-Yeong might be flattered. But she is forty-six, and Ashley is twenty-eight, and Chae-Yeong has long since moved past enjoying people she barely speaks to wanting to date her. There are far more important things in the world, like running her company, working on developing space travel, and trying to improve Atlas and Mantle for everyone in it. 
But Chae-Yeong knows how to play nice. She has an image to upkeep, and whatever feelings she holds privately don’t need to be shared with anyone. 
“Hi, it's Ashley, right? How are you?” Chae-Yeong asks. She knows exactly who Ashley is, but pretending she’s bad with names is all part of the act. It also might deter her from continuing to pursue her. 
She hopes this won’t take long. She has work to do. Neither the Vermeil Foundation of Vermeil Industries run themselves, and even if her job as CEO isn’t meant to keep her involved with what’s happening in her company, she likes to be. Chae-Yeong would rather sit through mind numbingly boring meetings and seemingly endless emails than do nothing but play golf and only ever interact with people that are inordinately wealthy. Besides, her involvement in her company’s practices and its charitable offshoot means that she can make sure that everyone working for her is getting treated well. 
“I’m great, for sure,” Ashley says. She fiddles with the end of some of her long blonde hair. “Actually, I was just looking for you.”
“Yeah?” Chae-Yeong prompts. 
“Are you doing anything tonight?” 
And there’s the question Chae-Yeong had been waiting for. Honestly, she’s impressed. It usually takes even less interaction with her for someone to get bold enough to ask her out. 
The answer will, of course, be no. The question is how to phrase the rejection without upsetting Ashley too much or letting her get far enough to feel humiliated. 
“I’ve actually got a date later tonight. I don’t know how well it’ll go, but I might be, ah, unavailable for a long while after that,” Chae-Yeong says. It’s a complete lie, but those can make the best excuses. Plus, it helps her to maintain the playgirl reputation she’s cultivated over the years.  
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in a relationship,” Ashley says, and she’s mastered the Atlesian art of burying your feelings deep inside. There's disappointment clear in her eyes, but her expression remains bright as if she hadn't been hoping that Chae-Yeong was single. 
Chae-Yeong is in a relationship, but that’s not something that anyone is supposed to know about. Everything between her and James is supposed to be private. If she were telling anyone about it, the last choice would be a pop star that would tell the tabloid’s that Atlas’ general and the CEO of Vermeil Industries are dating. 
“It’s nothing too long term, just our second date,” Chae-Yeong says. It’s best to keep these made up relationships short, that way it’s harder to fact check. 
“Yeah, that’s pretty early on,” Ashley agrees, and Chae-Yeong recognizes the way her eyes regain their light at the thought. With a short relationship, she sees opportunity. If they’re only in the getting to know you phase still, it could be brief. Maybe Ashley won’t try to ask Chae-Yeong out now, but she will again in the future, after this fictionalized relationship has fizzled out. 
Chae-Yeong knows that she’s only creating an endless cycle with this by lying and acting like if she was single, Ashley would have a chance with her. But outright rejecting Ashley would only upset her. At least this option gives her hope, even if it is a false one. 
“Sorry if you wanted to do something, though,” Chae-Yeong says. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry. I hope your date goes well!” Ashley says, even though she definitely doesn’t hope it goes well. 
“Maybe we can get a rain check?” Chae-Yeong suggests. “I should be free at… some point. I’d have to check my schedule, it’s hard to keep track of everything.”
It isn’t, and Chae-Yeong knows exactly when she’s free. But this is another part of her public persona, and it gives her a good way to postpone any future attempts by Ashley to ask her out. 
“Yeah, we can figure it out later,” Ashley says. She rocks back on her heels. “I guess I should let you go, huh?”
“If you don’t mind. I have a lot going on, well, pretty much all the time,” Chae-Yeong says with a laugh. That’s not a lie, but it’s also a good way to get out of this conversation. 
“No worries,” Ashley assures. 
“Thanks so much.” Hoping to avoid getting caught up in more conversation if Ashley thinks of anything else to say, she starts walking towards the elevator. “See you later!”
With a press of a button, the elevator is called to the first floor. It arrives with a ding as Ashley says her goodbyes, and Chae-Yeong steps in, waving one last time before the doors close. 
Alone for once, Chae-Yeong allows herself a second to take a deep breath and let her shoulders drop. 
That went well. She was able to prevent Ashley from even outright asking her out, which would have helped to prevent her from getting embarrassed at an outright rejection. Even though it wasn't the most public forum in the world, there were other people in the lobby, and everyone loves to gossip about the love lives of celebrities. Ashley may have been disappointed by the polite no, but that’s for the best. Chae-Yeong’s too much for most people, especially when it comes to relationships, anyway. 
Authenticity is hard for Chae-Yeong to do— she has too many secrets that could potentially destroy her life as she knows it. There’s too much anger and sadness and passion inside of her to be palatable for the average person. Letting people get close would mean she has to lower some of her walls, and that’s not something she can risk doing when the consequences of honesty could be disastrous for herself and others.
She’s too busy for relationships anyway. Her social life has never been her priority, and she would much rather pour herself into her work. Dedicating herself to Vermeil Industries and public services and everything else she puts her time into helps people, and that’s much more important than anything else. 
It’s for the best that Chae-Yeong avoids any deep relationships, even if she can admit that it gets lonely. It’s not like she’s completely alone, though. No matter what, she has James, and there’s no need to pretend around him. 
Chae-Yeong forces herself out her head before she can get too caught up there. She has work to do, and there’s no time to waste feeling bad for herself. 
She knows what she wants out of life, and if that means she needs to make sacrifices in her personal life, so be it.
If she’s able to change the world for the better, it’s all worth it.
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leqonsluv3r · 3 months
ask/prompt game
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in my asks, request a number and i’ll write a prompt about it. give the specific leon kennedy you want (or if you don’t have a preference)!! totally up to you guys <33
completed ones listed here !!
i will cross out the prompts that have been requested/used below :)) i did a mix of smut, fluff, and some angst. just to give you guys some options. i will write a drabble or a oneshot (again, whichever you guys request) based on the prompt you choose.
prompt creds: (1-50) — @animupiglett
(51-85) — @alwayskaysanova
(85-100) — mine
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1. "i love it when you moan my name.”
2. "i want you now.”
3. "please don't stop.”
4. "open your mouth.”
5. "spend the night with me.”
6. "just a little harder.”
7. “i wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.”
8. “don't give me that look.”
9. "make me.”
10. "i promise I'll be good.”
11. "be a good girl and spread your legs.”
12. "you can get louder can't you?”
13. “do you like that?”
14. “just shut up and fuck me.”
15. “stay quiet.”
16. “you need a place to stay for the night?”
17. “don’t be gentle.”
18. “i just want to please you.”
19. “i told you to stay still.”
20. “i’ve never done this before.”
21. “i love the way you look with my fingers inside you.”
22. "there is no way anyone is that innocent.”
23. "don't worry i'll take of you.”
24. "these walls are pretty thick which means you and i can be as loud as we want.”
25. "bed. now.”
26. "we're in public you know?”
27. "if you interrupt me one more time— so help me god.”
28. "you're more than just a one night stand.”
29. “did you touch yourself while i was gone?”
30. "the only way you're getting off is on my thigh.”
31. "i haven't even touched you and you're already wet.”
32. “you taste like fucking candy.”
33. "you're so fucking hot when you're mad.”
34. "i don't know what to do" "then let me teach you.”
35. "are these handcuffs?”
36. "why so shy?"
37. "we've been at it like rabbits and you're still horny.”
38. “show me.”
39. “use your mouth.”
40. “what are you going to do about it?”
41. “bend over and spread your legs.”
42. “you feel amazing.”
43. “i want you to touch yourself.”
44. “i’ve been thinking about this all day.”
45. “friends don’t do this kind of shit.”
46. "I'm going to fuck your so hard you're going to forget that guys name.”
47. "no, i'm supposed to make you feel good.”
48. "y-you're not... w-wearing anything under that are you?”
49. “you wanna have sex with me?”
50. "i really want to kiss you right now.”
51. "What the hell are you wearing?"
52. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you. That's the problem.”
53. "I can't stand the thought of losing you."
54. "Of all the people I could've gotten stuck in an elevator with and it just had to be you."
55. "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
56. "I love you. I'm completely and utterly in love with you. Please don't get married."
57. "It's only one night, we'll just share the bed."
58. "Our first date is a picnic on a beach under the stars? Have you swallowed a romance novel? Do I need to call a doctor?"
59. "Stop running from this. I know I'm not the only one who feels it."
60. "Kiss me, quick!"
61. "Why the hell are you bleeding!?"
62. "I'd die for you. Of course, l'd haunt you in the afterlife but really, it's the thought that counts."
63. "You're so beautiful."
64. "Teach me to fight."
65. "We shouldn't be doing this."
66. "You were never just my friend."
67. "I can't do this anymore."
68. "I tried, but I just can't stay away from you anymore."
69. "I bet I can make you scream my name."
70. "That's the third time I've saved your life!"
71. "How can you think I'm anything but hopelessly in love with you?"
72. "I will never apologize for saving your life, even if it costs me my own."
73. "There's no going back if we do this."
74. "What do you want me to say?"
75. "I never thought you'd hurt me but I was wrong. You hurt me the most."
76. "I want you and I know you want me too."
77. "I can't watch you with someone else. It's tearing me apart."
78. “I’m dying.”
79. "Don't panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married..."
80. "I want you and I know you want me too."
81. “I can’t watch you with someone else. It’s tearing me apart.”
82. "I'm not leaving you!"
83. "Tell me to go and I will, but if you ask me to stay l'll never leave you again."
84. "Are you ticklish?"
85. "I will knock you on your ass if you even think about it."
86. “did you really have to be that honest?”
87. “of course it meant something!”
88. “i gave you everything i had.”
89. “can we do it again?”
90. “you just can’t help yourself, can you?”
91. “go ahead. touch it.”
92. “i’m not jealous of them!”
93. “the center of your attention is a very bad place to be.”
94. “i’ll admit, i’m very possessive.”
95. “you kissed me first.” “i definitely didn’t.”
96. “you mean more to me than anyone else, you know that.”
97. “i’d spoil you rotten if i had the chance.”
98. “come here, i’ll keep you warm.”
99. “pretend to date me? please?”
100. a quote of your choice <3
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ijwrsmff · 12 days
October Gacha Monster Fest!
I'll update this list as the characters get sent in! When a character is requested I'll add them to this list after I spin the random wheel!
The rules are:
-Request a character from one of these fandoms (all gacha games I'm familiar with, so it's a gacha game for the gacha games)
Genshin, Food Fantasy, Twisted Wonderland, Love and Deepspace, Project Sekai, and Obey Me!
-When you send in a character (a couple characters are already picked from close friends who I spun the wheel for) I spin a random wheel, and whatever it lands on, is the kind of monster that character is. In all cases, it will be mostly fluff with some angst if the idea leans that way. No NSFW topics will be covered in this challenge, to counteract Kinktober (which I've gotten numerous stories done for already, so there will be two updates per day in October! Exciting right!?)
-No repeat characters! So if they're already taken, I'll let you know in the instance of people sending in the character multiple times when I get the asks!
-All reader pronouns will be gender neutral, or even unmentioned, for each story, to make it inclusive for everyone!
Djinn - Zhongli (Genshin)
2. Grim Reaper - Alhaitham (Genshin)
3. Zombie - Soufflé (Food Fantasy)
4. Vampire - Blue Cheese (Food Fantasy)
5. Sea Serpent - Simeon (Obey Me)
6. Giant - Rui (Project Sekai)
7. Manticore - Sylus (Love and Deepspace)
8. Ghost - Lucifer (Obey Me)
9. Dragon
10. Fairy - Vil (Twisted Wonderland)
11. Phoenix - Leviathan (Obey Me)
12. Drider - Bonito Rice (Food Fantasy)
13. Golem - Azul (Twisted Wonderland)
14. Kitsune - Tsukasa (Project Sekai)
15. Gorgon
16. Hydra
17. Werewolf
18. Centaur - Raindrop Cake (Food Fantasy)
19. Dullahan
20. Kraken - Deuce (Twisted Wonderland)
21. Siren
22. Ghoul
23. Mothman
24. Demon - Mammon (Obey Me)
25. Chimera - Malleus (Twisted Wonderland)
26. Basilisk - Riddle (Twisted Wonderland)
27. Mermaid/Merman
28. Selkie
29. Hellhound - Opera Cake (Food Fantasy)
30. Naga/Lamia
31. Neko/Inu
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
'A Bit of Light Chop' Liveblog!!!
Finally, FINALLY, I can watch episode 2. I'm so damn excited. I had a sammie, a snack, and some tea, so let's get at it.
Spoilers under the cut :))
0:30 god I love the recaps
0:39 first of all the shortcut is beautiful. Second of all this music opened so intense
0:58 "what percentage of tonage" LMAO GIRL HUH
1:05 "boat jail. Let's avoid." Solid plan bbg 😂
1:16 KATE'S FACE AGDJDJJDJD she sees pirates in a whole new light now
1:48 okay teddy roosevelt
2:08 "elegance doesnt float either" damn all of their comedic timing and on-screen chemistry has gotten super fucking smooth
2:14 the EYEBROWS
2:35 omfg he's still going. Icon behavior
2:39 "I've always wanted to live through a mutiny." Well if you count overthrowing a whole ass school, you have lived through a mutiny 😂
3:13 the first thing she thinks of for a cover story is child ghosts. how very Constance of her
3:23 ooooh water polo strikes again
4:08 nooooo they're on the ship toooo
4:22 d'awwww they're beyond formality
4:25 "I strongly request formality" this dude. THIS DUDE
4:31 damn, he counted everyone??? What's it like to be able to rely on your brain, can't relate
4:40 something about "cardinal maritime sin" really hit my funny bone
4:49 daaaamn they have a lot of trust in each other
5:07 "I need to see them walking the plank!" "Captain, that is no longer legal." LMAO THIS EXCHANGE
5:25 the opening my beloved
6:31 my guy maybe you should sit down, you're not looking too good
6:38 I'm glad he sat down but damn does he look defeated 🥺
6:57 that analogy was stupid and embarrassing and he should feel stupid and embarrassed
7:05 "you're delusional and your demonstration is meaningless" THATS WHAT I SAID
7:10 "I rather liked it" I hate that that made me laugh
7:15 "well what does the blueberry represent 🧐" number two my love my baby girl, you're fucking hilarious
7:19 that was the sweetest thing ever wtf 🥺🥺 the way she immediately goes over to him and tries to help him ground himself
7:30 damn right she's no mere associate
7:46 "a word like that just fuels the cycle of anger" okay than what the fuck else is it, you plucked them out of the street and drove them to the middle of nowhere
7:58 "think of it as an opportunity" if I can think about it as an opportunity for number two to sock you in the face then I'll deal with it
8:03 "I dont want. your. tea." the PURE VENOM in her voice
8:13 I'm kind of surprised they even have rooms, part of me thought they would just be left at the table
8:30 "I want you to get out of here" BRB CRYING SHE'S ALREADY TRYING TO PROTECT HIM
8:45 ohoooooh is it time for Constance's powers??
9:01 valid 😂
9:27 oh noooo poor Reynie
9:32 "you can choose when to connect" okay so why did you not choose to connect with Reynie all summer. Unresolved tension
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9:47 oh shit Constance backstory???
9:51 ......really? Polar bears and clowns?
10:05 for a second I thought she was throwing shade at Milligan but then I realized last year was the Institute LOL
10:31 "where are your parents?" Loaded question, guy
11:00 they both look so good stop
11:16 ooooh are they taking a fancy train??
11:25 "it's not you. Its him." LMAOOO
11:28 LLAMAAAAA. I'm overjoyed.
11:49 "every exit is an entrance if you think about it" whoooa they're drinking the koolaid
11:53 LMAO they just had a whole damn moment
12:05 this child looks so forlorn wtf
12:20 "they're giving color to their emotions" honey I dont know how to tell you this but every canvas is entirely yellow
12:46 have I mentioned I love Number Two
13:05 uncanny valley vibes looking at his face
13:46 "or wait for an opportunity to present itself." "Are you talking about the bathroom?" NUMBER TWO CONTINUES TO BE THE BEST 😂😂😂
14:06 "I've seen enough" WOW. If even *he's* seen enough, you know it's bad. He's a stubborn as they come
14:20. Again, absolutely gorgeous shot
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14:43 agent of chaos strikes again
15:01 "I'll look in the fruit basket" she said, intending to eat the fruit
15:10 Kate popping up from behind 😂😂 also how the hell did she notice that?
15:43 I know I said this last episode but I still love the shoes
15:58 awkwaaaard
16:18 uhuh, I bet you're real tired. Bet you'll need the bed for that
17:13 this poor man has seen some shit
17:55 whatever "situation alpha" means
18:12 yes please continue having this conversation at full volume in public
18:43 what on earth
19:14 i think my eyes just rolled into the back of my skull 😂
19:28 awwwww he's jelly and Constance knoooows
19:38 "you... process" even SHE knows Reynie's upset
20:07 I dont know what's happening but I like it a lot 😂
20:41 number two, poster child for beetroot powder (allegedly)
21:11 jumpscare
21:43 something something back of neck
22:23 oh NOOOOO he sees them without their "parents"
23:17 the bastards did it
23:20 why dont you just.. leave their suite 😂
24:36 babe maybe you shouldn't glue them to the ceiling??? Just use tape?????
24:55 is Miss Perumal giving him parenting advice?? 🥺 ohhh my heart
25:11 Milligan you're such a sweetheart omfg
25:16 Rhonda is passed tf out 😂 good for her, she must be exhausted from all the stress
25:49 damn, they've been walking a while, it's already dark. How big is this place??
25:58 I love her so much hahahaha
26:10 Number Two is canonically fueled by rage and hanger. Relatable.
26:15 SHIT I knew this was coming but still startling
26:23 is this bitch really signing copies
26:25 damnit he is
26:29 SQ!!! BABY BOY
26:29 the hell is a walkabout????
26:54 "we're protecting the vibe." I HATE THAT HE MADE ME LAUGH
27:08 "Nicholas, I've moved on." No you haven't, that much is obvious. And fuck you
27:24 Curtain, the vibes are rancid. Maybe you need to walk into the fence
27:35 Ohhh shit is he trying the thing on him oh shit oh shit
27:44 wtf is happening
27:57 daaamn what??
28:22 "who's actually going to benefit from all that except you??" EXACTLY. EXAAAACTLY
28:31 everyone seems to think he's jealous. Like, everyone. I really dont think he is, I think he just wants to reach his brother, really and truly, and have an actual heart to heart with him
29:08 it's the jumpscare man again
29:15 and there's the creepy again. This is really fucking weird
29:21 noooo I dont like this
29:24 they're so cute
29:51 what the fuck 😂😂😂
30:04 as if those kids dont have enough to worry about, now they have a ship crew on their tail
30:06 is he a caricaturist??? That's pretty good 😂
30:13 they really dialed up the creepy this season. Is that the polo team?
30:24 ayyy that's the reason Apollo is on Reynie's screencard in the op!!!
30:38 ayyyyy it *is* the water polo team
31:03 Reynie baby 🥺🥺🥺
31:08 "no one's gonna make fun of you." *Everyone stares pointedly at Constance.*
31:23 I really hope that they just busted down the door for the newlyweds LMAO
and that was that!! So far I'm very impressed with this season. I can't wait for the angst, and I cannot wait for the community involvement. This season will bring a juicy amount of fanfiction.
What did you guys think of this episode??
Edit from future Charity: DAMN IT I just realized there was no "roll credits" moment in this one either :(( sadge
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