#i've got the game so i can replay it for inspo
retro-system · 26 days
wgat if i wrote a noir sam fic inspired by hotel dusk
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
You did indeed scratch an itch with your Micah fic 😳 wasn't expecting a dark rdr fic with him but now I can't get it out of my head 🥵 Found your fic on ao3 and giiirl was it amazing !! I really hope you'll bless us with another chapter for "Through the briar" or a lil suite 🥺💛
No pressure though, and thanks a lot for this lil diamond 💎✨️
💕💕!! Thank you omg, that is so sweet of you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who needed darkfic with him out there - because (in my opinion haha) that's just how he is in canon. A really nasty man, we don't even have to imagine him as some kind of 'dark!' au character. He is just like that... And when I replayed the game this summer it got me thinking - I am someone who falters at any show of (even only perceived) authority and become super meek - and then that thought led me to 'through the briar'. I was downright possessed by this fic and I gotta be honest - there is still so much I wanna say about reader, Micah and even Arthur in that context. A sequel isn't entirely off the table but I think I would need to replay Chapter 6 and the Epilogue first for more inspo. (And I do have another fic in the works! It has a/b/o and I would say it is a little ooc for him but the omegaverse setting kinda raises the stakes and I am still working on it, so who knows how it'll turn out! One thing I can 100% guarantee is that it has noncon and reader gets pissed on because it just fits. That is set in stone lol) But I can drop some thougts on where a sequel would go (because I have thought about it. A lot.) I put them under a readmore because they got long lol 😭😂 - it's just me rambling about 'your' future after the fic haha
I've mentioned it in a comment reply on ao3 but reader's future hinges on her getting pregnant and/or her 'snitching' on Micah. The pregnancy is probably the bigger one of these two because if she was with child I think he could turn terribly possessive down the line. Imo he'd never love you - not really - but if you are carrying his child (especially a little Micah IV, oh no) you become a part of his. Property. Simple as. It would tie you two together for life and that's something I don't wish on reader. It's not like he'd take you with him (looking at Mount Hagen and his hideout) but you'd spend your days in some mingy cabin barely scraping by, probably. With him visiting you ever so often- but if you think you can simply pack your child and make a run for it - oh goodness, do not. We've seen how he shot down Strawberry for his guns (and you're not as appreciated as them but you are his), he'd drag you back, kicking and screaming. It would be a very bleak existence for you, especially if you do end up having a son. (That'd be a really interesting part to write out, for example. Because it would be damn gritty!) Another thing that is heavily on my mind is reader's 'reputation' after 'through the briar' - while I don't think that Micah would do it again, I do think he would allude to it and lowkey jokingly threaten you with it. It would be very obvious to anyone listening in that something happened (they wouldn't know it was coerced, though). And I really think about how the women and Arthur especially would look at you afterwards, you know? Would they be disgusted? Would they worry about you, would they instinctively know that something happened? How heartbreaking it would be for them to turn their backs on you for this. And Arthur! He and reader had something special and I left it up for interpretation if reader had a crush on him or not, but they were close. And Micah tore a gigantic hole into that because either reader would tearfully confess to what happened and we'd get a big blow-out in camp with Arthur going nuclear (but ultimately, I really don't think it would change much, just make Dutch wary of you because Micah would be in his ear) or she lets it eat her and they grow apart. It's really sad, actually. In some alternative timeline Arthur never had tbc and him and reader rode off into the sunset to spend the rest of their days together after helping with Beecher's Hope (romantic or platonic, it's your pick really haha). They are both insecure little shits with a soft spot for the other but together they just. Click. You know? And then the credits roll, bam. (oh and Micah never bothers them again!!!1111 😂😂😂)
Sorry for the ramble but also thank you for enabling my scattered thoughts over here! I am so glad you enjoyed 'through the briar' and thank you again for your sweet comment. It's almost 6 am and you have me smiling like an idiot 🥰🥰🥰
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bluerose5 · 2 years
tag 10 people you want to know better
tagged by @skittidyne AND @acrylicsalts-inspo thanks for the tag 🥰
relationship status: a single pringle
favourite colour: purple (a bit of red, a bit of blue. the best of both worlds!)
favourite food: hmm... can I say it depends on the day? Can I give the cheesy answer and say pizza? (I'm so sorry for the pun.) In truth, I would say chicken fajitas at the moment, if done right. 🤤
song stuck in your head: been replaying DA so naturally I have the DAI tavern songs stuck in my head on repeat, not ashamed to admit it
last thing you googled: "sopapilla" (my coworker and I went out to a Mexican restaurant and she asked what that was, so I showed her :p)
time: 2:11 AM
dream trip: Greece or Italy or both
last book you read: what do you mean fanfiction doesn't count? Alright, I think The Handmaid's Tale.
last book you enjoyed reading: Honestly can't recall. 🤔
last book you hated reading: 1984 and The Handmaid's Tale. Not because they were bad, far from it, but because I hate how scary relevant they can be to today's society. 😅
favourite thing to cook/bake: Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!
favourite craft to do in your spare time: writing, or trying to. Would it be considered a craft if I daydream about my writings more than I actually write them?
most niche dislike: don't know if it's niche or not, but the texture of coconut. Also, the sound of smacking. Our dog will smack when he wakes up and stuff and just the sound alone is weird. 😂
opinion on circus(es) now and in history: honestly haven't been to a circus. I prefer fairs, if anything. Although I haven't been in years. Don't see the appeal of profiting off of someone's differences by deeming them a freak. I've watched The Greatest Showman and The Quarry (video game), although obviously fiction isn't meant to be an accurate depiction.
do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: No. Luckily, I don't have a story of being lost off the top of my head. I'm the type to live and breathe by my GPS's sacred powers.
Tagging: @angstyastro @yellingaboutmasseffect @mtreebeardiles @jtownnn @scottysketches @fuckerunk @parker-of-loxley @dekudoodle @missysdiabolicalmusings @ferusaurelius
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