#i've got designs galore i just need to write the thing
scrambledlikeeggs · 11 months
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Martyn and Ren in the au that's been eating my brain, more details below:
Martyn: after his best friend disappeared Martyn's done what anyone else would look. it's been about a decade since his disappearance but he's still looking, it's felt like he's looked everywhere every town every village- even the capital, Vitas, he even infiltrated the goddamn university the only thing he got in return? the key into understanding something he wished he never came across, something he fears both he and his friend play a much bigger role in than expected.
so he leaves the university without word and heads to the one place that might hold answers- the place they aren't allowed to go- beyond the boarder (like a game world boarder) and that's where he's been for the past- it doesn't actually matter because he's been going in circles and is no closer than before just bitter and lonely and older.
Ren: his kingdom burnt down and he just ran- or correction was ordered to run, and run he did. All the way to the border, and when he got there he went past it. after being raised to rule he doesn't really know what to do without a kingdom, so he tries to build one stone at a time- Martyn finds him and wonders how long he's been able to survive alone not being destroyed by border mobs.
(Ren's a dog hybrid- his ancestors were gifted by the old gods the ability to transform into wolves and its been passed from ruler to ruler to defend their kingdom hence his survival rate)
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
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[background template source!]
hmm yknow what. maybe i was supposed to describe the unique magic in that bottom box. oh well teehee!!!!!
updated references for twst rsa ocs Char and Dañarte!!!!! for now. i'll add them to artfight soon!!! I was gonna do another one for Dañarte's Scarabia Era but I worked on these all week.... so i'll just do that one separately sometime maybe lol. anyway i've posted about these guys a lot as u can see from the tags i gave them on my blog, BUT my main origin post about their soap opera lore is really long and intimidating to read.... I have a shorter lore post here, but JFKSJLDJFKLDS.... finding these templates made nice, more condensed intros for them lol. and I [slightly] updated their looks so they aren't just carbon copies of what the seven dwarf characters are wearing!!!! but i'm bad at clothing design so i didn't really change them much!!!!
also i tried to be careful but my handwriting is Bad so i'll retype the info / talk more under the cut.
First guy: CHAR
Age: 18
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Birthday: March 19
Class: 3-C
Club: Fencing [does rsa have a fencing club. idk. they do now.]
Height: 175 cm
Hobby: Horseback Riding
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Arts & Crafts, Shellfish
Dislikes: Keeping Secrets, Beets
Unique Magic: Unknown [I haven't decided one for him yet, and I may simply make him a late bloomer who hasn't discovered his yet lol]
Extra info:
Favorite Stones: Pink Opal & Chrysoberyl
Older Cousin to Dañarte
Long-lost childhood friend + new love interest to Cater
Source Character: Prince Charming from Cinderella
Second guy: Dañarte*
Age: 17
Best Subject: Ancient Magic
Birthday: February 13
Class: 2-C
Club: Equestrian Club
Height: 182 cm
Hobby: Writing Speeches
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Planning, Grain bowls
Dislikes: Tenderhearted people, Undercooked meat
Unique Magic: Kiss of Frost: He kisses something or someone and temporarily freezes them ICY STYLE!!!!! or something like that. idk it doesn't kill people[???? maybe it could. idk.] but it don't feel good. Perhaps the area of frost can vary as well, like a small smooch spot vs spreading through the whole body? We gotta workshop it a bit more I'll get back to u on that someday. maybe.
Extra info:
Favorite Stone: Apatite
Char's younger cousin
"Love interest" to Cater + later on, Jamil...
Source Character: Hans from Frozen
RSA -> NRC -> Scarabia [He gets expelled and/or leaves RSA for whatever reason, I still haven't come up w/that part LOL... and ends up at NRC post breakup with Cater and gets sorted into Scarabia.]
* Disclaimer bc I feel the need to point out whenever I bring him up about his name lol- Dañarte isn't truly a name, it's just a spanish verb that's like "to hurt you". his character literally spawned from a convo I was having with a friend when I was trying to think of a name for Char, and something I said got autocorrected to Dañarte, and we made jokes about an evil princely character... so he became his own thing and I just kept that as his name lol.
anyway. i like talking about them but i also get shy and embarrassed about it klfjslfjks. also i probs did not draw them to scale bc life is hard. so are colors. i went very basic bc im scared but im trying to remember how colors work again in our year 2024 or whatever. WAHOO FUNNY LITTLE GUYS!!!!
shoutout to op of this template [@unfinished-projects-galore] making me sit here and consider the lives of these boys a lil more w/that bio layout. i was tempted to put summoning as Char's best class but WHAT do they summon. tell me idia what does that MEAN - jk it's probably like how juice bb summons cauldrons lol. I also considered Potionology for Dañarte but I think he'd like stuff like history and all that jazz and older [perhaps FORBIDDEN] ways of doing things.
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glitch-e-stardust · 10 months
should wait until i'm done with loop to do this, but i'd like to actually sleep tonight SO
theories and tidbits to remember is.at masterpost is a go - SPOILERS GALORE UNDER THE CUT.
is siffrin their real name? they seem to be poking at themselves at least once when they ask what kind of person can't remember their own name... is siffrin one they made up? like the king did?
obvious big question is the island. no mention of a scent of sugar i can find, and similarities to the time flashes we get when picking up stuff we already have suggests time shenanigans
BUT the red meaning breaking could also mean it's like.. some kind of shield? a shell? someone WANTED the island to be forgotten but its still there...? again i've seen enough to think i can get better info from loop so that's a big pin in that. heh...
the sadnesses that smell like sugar. i tried really hard to get siff to comment on that, especially after they fully understood what wishcraft is, but no dice. so for now i'm rolling with the idea that, given how helpful they are, the smells and the stars in their design/battle screen that they are part of siffs wish.
....sorta makes you wonder if they show up when siff isnt there
...maybe loop sent them...? that. would also provide enough prove of their ability to interfere (somewhat) subtly with the party to explain how they made it through without siff that one time..
they could also be a part of the kingdoms wish. little friends to help the saviors with their savior-ing..
why are colours gone? they didnt forget how to see them - they're just gone! where did they go. did it happen around the same time the island vanished? it sounds like that was p recent (bonnie 'remembers' forgetting, they are quite young) whereas colours disapearing is treated as a great historical mystery... so no? maybe not...
who. who cloned themselves? wheres the other one? i think this is a loop related quandry.
did the king stay at the house before taking it over...? the observatory seems to be being set up as his space, the attempts to write a forgotten name in a forgotten tongue.. the stars... idk i know there are others from their island around so it may be a co incidence
i dont think the other room is his. it's clear whatever happened there happened a long, long time ago. the books are moldering away - thats not a recent thing.
the death song sounds like laughing. its a fun touch. are the mal du pays laughing at us...? they probably should be..
that boss name is a kick in the teeth (/pos)
how do get in locked house in village? it needs a word to unlock but i never learned any more phrases for that. i know the person comes out at the end but there has to be a way in.. right?
what the heck kinda high level craft user is siff? they pull off major wish craft BY MISTAKE???? a forgotten art likely unique to their land. combined with the cloak i feel like. they used. to be someone very important... i wonder if we'll ever get info to follow up on those tidbits, given particular attention is drawn to the cloak on purpose.
OH I FORGOT. the sweet smell during wish magic and the fact siff is perpetually hungry, as well as the way they loop being a tug on the stomach. that feels... at least somewhat likely to be connected right? it still doesnt explain why siff has the ability but it might at least explain what's fueling it and why he has to eat so much (and why not eating for two days is what finally stopped him)
...i think that's all i got for now. i'll. probably come back and add more as i go. little frazzled tbh.. it's. a lot. and my brain will be rolling it around for weeks no doubt.
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delta-83 · 1 year
Even though the lamp shines a bright light,
It's always the deep night, eternal twilight.
Try to write what I think is right, always failing with my sight.
Soon all of those demons watching shall unite, soon they'll bite.
Maybe I should ignite the light so I can fight and rewrite,
But it's too late to incite courage, to gain insight.
So here with a keyboard I write here in the daylight,
Although all that exists is twilight and night.
Try to mask it all,
Yet to no surprise I fall.
Grown up too fast,
Memories I hold close to last.
Have to be the best,
Ace every test.
Now I look back and all I see,
Is someone that doesn't look like me.
Hold it all inside,
Despite being what I abide.
My mistake,
I let it all out in one take.
I try to pay attention,
But all I focus on is inner tension.
Trust me please when I say I try to try.
It's not visible to the naked eye.
I'm not made of atoms but of remorse,
Gaining more with each painful course.
I ponder my death often, all the ways
Never with caution, the wasted days.
Although, I should be safe from the Reaper.
You can't kill what's been killed, sorry creature.
He can collect the corpse, all of it.
I've apparently already sold my soul for a profit.
Every night, making a vow.
To change my ways.
Although somehow,
That 'vow' withers and decays the next day.
I need will, I need motivation,
Something to prevent further devastation.
Act like I've done a one-eighty,
Yet all I've done is a three-sixty.
Slowly going crazy,
Now I've started to hate me.
I need will, I need help,
Soon enough I can't be dealt.
I write poetry about my woes,
Praying that they'll magically go away.
Thou fine being above who knows,
Help thy child, show her the way.
But reward never comes without work,
Work that'll surely cut the heart like a dirk.
Twinkle twinkle little star,
Why must you stay like a scar?
Up above the world so high,
Like my dreams that said goodbye.
To reach it, I crawled up the water spout,
Heavy was the rain that washed me out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
Only in dreams did that happen though, with no pain.
Just to think, I sat on a wall of buried emotions, quite very tall,
Soon, the dark caved in and I lost sight, had a great fall.
And nothing at all,
Was able to put me back together again.
Stay back, stay away,
Don't say sorry, some advice.
Leave me be, just please.
A simple design,
Compressed and cold, hold it in.
What can I say, really.
The sun and moon swap,
And everything gets worse here.
So lonely, cold, dark.
It fills, the feeling trills,
It encases, coming anew with new faces,
It's what kills, interesting skills.
Plagues the mind of all places, no traces, heart races.
Pace raises, simple phases.
My strongest fears contained in nimble phrases.
The sweetness of knowledge.
Everything has a sensible answer,
One that will be found I pledge, almost fall off the ledge.
And everything must have a paired question I swear, right there.
Everything must have reason, no teasin',
Everything I must doubt, no way out.
Only things that's pleasin' my mind, disease ridden,
Although what is this route, what am I going without, what is this all about?
I fear I'll be consumed by this need and desire,
That it'll go higher, transpire, turn dire.
But why should I worry when I got my friends,
They got my back now right?
Not when I pain them again and again, no end.
"Nono it'll be alright, don't fight, it's alright," I recite.
Try to change my ways, many days, time withered away.
Am I supposed to be alone, deaf to lovely major tone, lost out in the zone?
At night, fears come out to play, in the absence of day, while I lay.
And this amongst them has been grown, the idea of lone, engraved deep into the bone.
Nothing suffocates more, nothing has debates galore,
Like this idea of being alone forevermore.
Contradictions tear my sense of self apart, damaged soul and broken heart,
Can barely remember what I was like, broken psych,
Somehow can break a self with simple thoughts, many parts, a fine art.
Hits like a strike, struck by a spike, unlike many of the like.
Should I even try anymore?
Shouldn't I at least make an attempt?
Reality isn't real, not now, not before, not at my core that's been tore.
Yet I may be wrong, just a thought unkempt, from order an exempt.
I should stop writing, fighting, inciting, igniting,
I should be rewriting, righting, alighting the mind, might be delighting.
In a coffin six feet under, a horrible blunder, body and soul asunder,
A love for death yet a fear for its arrival, the rival of my survival.
Dream of it day and night, always in wonder.
When I get the chance, I'll run away from the final trial like a scared coward, no denial.
I fear my heart making its last beat, the final feat, the sizzling heat of Hell beneath, need I repeat?
Yet always I recite "Take me away Death," with every breath.
How about I go take a seat before I call defeat and retreat,
Before I descend into the pit of incredible depth.
And let's not forget my aching heart,
Hit by Cupid's own sneaky dart.
A simple art,
Always lingering in my mind, it simply tears me apart.
Letting go and dismissing all these feelings would be smart,
Yet here they remain, a subpart.
And what would happen if they knew?
The tension is thick, and I have no clue if it shrunk or grew.
I know I don't deserve them anyway, through events true,
Yet no matter what I do these emotions, I can't subdue.
To deserve this, what did I do?
No matter, I'll just keep my affection hidden from their view.
I'm on the tightrope ready to fall and shatter,
Cause deep inside I've damaged myself, that's the matter.
Been beating my own dead corpse, making myself sadder.
Just one slip up and I fall, tattered and battered.
Deep breaths, deep breaths,
It's either stress or death and I'd rather not take the latter.
Yet, some days I wonder if that's even a choice anymore.
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