#i've deadass been holding off on this for months whoops
kittyandco · 5 years
someBODy once told me i was gonna be writing completely serious and unironic self insert fanfic about a sh/rek character one day... be the change u wanna see... 
Living in a swamp really showed, once you went out to the civilized world. The grassy stench of nature wafted off you like you'd been in down the dirt all day. There were probably speckles of mud on your ankles. There might've been slugs following your footsteps.
Such a pretty girl didn't belong in a swamp. That's all it was, every time. Every "civilized" pest that crossed my path said so. But it was the only place that felt like home. No human had ever learned respect sufficient enough to keep me around. Blah, blah... 
Wait. Why are there Far Far Away knights galloping through the forest? Ruining a good time? Wait again, there's just one. He carried the energy of many.
"We just left... there's no way... are they really here for us again," was my first thought. The second hardly came to fruition. Not before...
"Oh," I nearly forgot to stifle the excitement in my voice at first. He was one of the few people I get happy to see. That Charming... "You."
"You're beautiful as ever."
With a sigh, I quipped, "What're you doing all the way out here?"
"I had to return to you?" He shot back, like some agreement was made. I abandoned him in that cesspool of privilege and frivolity. I want him relegated there only. 
“No... you didn’t. You should stay where you belong,” I huffed, feeling a tinge of harshness from the statement, but too proud to revoke it. This was some joke.
“It’s you I belong with, Kitty. Darling." Trademark confidence wavered, his features hardening. I had to be slipping through the cracks of his facade. But was it really because of me...?
"You already have a place of your own... for you," that stupid anger-induced accent broke through my practiced stoicism, particularly on the last word. 
"It is mine no more... ever since I fell for you..."
"No way... you get everything you want. Don't believe you."
"You think I would come here willingly? Here?"
"I don't ever know what you're thinking. Do you even think?"
He sighed. Glanced around. At the patches of grass in the firm mud and dirt, the moss on the trees, the murky puddles. "I'd be miserable here; I am now. But I'd be with the woman I love," he choked, veneer surely melting. Did he want sympathy? Sympathy was gone. "There is nothing for me."
Nothing? Nothing! The man who had everything now has nothing! He manipulated so poorly.
"Did... anyone find out... about us?" Not that I meant to admit close to anything, but it had to be the only way to coax an answer. "Whatever we had."
"Everyone knows! And I cannot return... why don't we run away together?" Oh. He was holding my hands now. 
“Go... where? I’m... staying here.” The thought of leaving the swamp placed a hard weight on my heart. 
“You wouldn’t think once of leaving this...” he searched for a fitting word, but I cut in. 
“This is my home! I can’t leave; I can’t leave with you; I can’t leave for any reason. I won’t! Now go before I make you.” 
I started to walk off prematurely; despite the threat, I was done. I heard a harsh gallop behind me. I couldn’t make it out. I ran. I heard something. I heard him calling after me, something to the effect of: You will be mine, Kitty. You will be mine. I love you. 
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