#i've been told the name of the Big Boy circled in red
plaidpyjamas · 1 year
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new design about to drop on my teepublic >:3c check my pinned post for the link!
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 days
Full Family AU Part 23
Vee had just finished her drawing, which was a little doodle of Luz. To her it was, at least. She still hasn't gotten the hang of it, but Vee thought she nailed most the important details. There was Luz's pigtails, which were just little scratches of brown at the end of a big round circle that was meant to be Luz's head. There was her big smile, that also left no room for a nose and barely any room for the eyes. Speaking of, the eyes were two little dots with a bit of blue to them to show that they were shiny.
As far as Vee was concerned, it was an accurate drawing of Luz. Looking down at it made Vee smile. She felt as though Luz was the nicest out of all the Nocedas, and it made her feel good to have perfectly drawn her exactly as Vee saw her.
She was going to get started on the body when Vee smelled...something.
Something that she hadn't smelled since leaving her cage.
A certain something that was even nearby.
'Is that...?'
Vee sniffed the air and then got out of her seat to follow the scent. It led her out from the breakroom, down the hall, and, soon enough, into the waiting room.
There weren't many people there. Some big guy with a dog who had a splinter in its paw. A girl with tattoos holding a snake that had some lump in its body. And even an old woman with a parrot singing the blues as it had what looked like a broken wing.
But none of them had the scent. The one who did was a woman at the front desk. Her dress was bright red, her short hair was a vibrant orange, and she had a green bandanna covering her ears.
"Look, lady," she growled. "I've been in this dirthole of a town for two days straight because your vet was the only one available to me. I have an appointment, so check me in."
"I'm sorry, Ma'am," Tanya told her, looking nervous. "But we can't really heal your pet if you don't have it with you."
"I have him with me!" The woman exclaimed. "He's right...Uh, give me a sec..."
She turned around and walked to a corner. There was a small puff of yellow smoke, all of which smelled delicious to Vee. The woman then walked back to the front desk and pulled out a tiny black puppy out from a messenger bag. It didn't bark, but it did go, "Weh!"
"Here he is."
Tanya stared at the puppy, her eyes wide. And sparkly. "That is the cutest little thing I've ever seen."
"I know he is. It's why I took him when I...found him. Now are ya going to give my baby boy a check up or not?"
"Oh, of course!" Tanya turned to the computer. "What's your name, miss?"
"Marilyn," the woman announced. "Marilyn Rosenstein."
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emotionalcadaver · 5 months
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Part 9: Bound in Blood
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: To some, the blood bond is as sacred as marriage.
Word Count: 1,979
Notes: Today (April 29) is Lucy's birthday! This might be the sappiest thing I've ever written. Also, I couldn't find much concrete information on blood bonds, so apologies if I got some of the details wrong or had to fudge any of the real-life aspects of these bonds to accomplish what I intended in this fic. Don't try this at home, kids; blood-born illnesses are a thing. Warnings for depictions of blood, self-inflicted injuries, and smut.
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The knife stung as it bit into the flesh of her left palm. Blood, like red pearls, beaded at the first prick, then rushed from the wound in a small gush as she increased pressure on the blade and it sliced deeper into her flesh. She dragged it across nearly the full length of her palm, leaving a diagonal, bleeding line from the base of her index finger to the heel of her palm opposite the side of her thumb in its wake. 
When Tommy had asked her what she thought about marriage, she had been honest with him. Her feelings were conflicted. All her life, marriage had seemed to be akin to a cage. She’d watched women–not just her mother, though she was certainly the most potent example–have their entire beings almost entirely stripped away, until nothing, not even their name, remained. Nothing but a maid, housekeeper, nanny, and whore all rolled into one.  
Perhaps she was being a bit harsh, but that was the example of marriage she had been exposed to for almost her entire life.
And it did not ultimately matter what Tommy wanted, either. She knew it was never his desire to cage or chain her. But it would not be up to him. Society had a very particular expectation for women who were married. And if he wanted to stand even a miniscule of a chance of being accepted into the circles he longed to be a part of, he could not have an unconventional wife. At least not now. 
Perhaps someday, with the changing times and more modern outlooks…if equal rights for women ever truly properly took off, then maybe. But not right now. 
And she would be a rubbish wife. Bored out of her mind. She detested cleaning, was an absolute disaster when it came to knitting and sewing, and she was certain that sitting at home with the knowledge that her husband and his boys were out enjoying all the action and thrills of the life without her, would eat away at her. 
She never had handled the feeling of being left out very well. 
She’d grow to resent it. Resent her life. Maybe even resent him. And that was not something she was willing to risk. 
He had been startlingly understanding, all things considered, when she explained her feelings to him. He knew her so well, he probably had half been expecting it. He’d just stroked her hair, kissing the top of her head. 
“I don’t need a ring and a certificate to know that I’m going to love you forever,” he’d told her. She’d locked her arms around his neck, stretching up on her toes to touch her forehead to his. 
“I plan to love you forever too,” she’d affirmed. And she meant it. Just because she could not say yes to being his wife, did not mean that they didn’t intend to be together for the rest of their lives.  
“But the door is always open. If you ever decide someday that you do want it,” Tommy had promised. Her brows raised, she’d looked at him with eyes that were only half joking. 
“Really? What if you end up marrying someone else?”
He’d scoffed at the mere suggestion, but must have caught the seriousness behind the teasing tone in her voice, because he’d pulled her closer, fondly kissing her nose. “Doesn’t matter. The promise still stands,”  he’d shrugged as if it were no big deal. “You decide you want me to marry you, and I’m already married, I’ll just get divorced.”
Laughing, she’d shook her head. “I don’t think you can ‘just get divorced,’ love. It would fuck your reputation.”
He shrugged again. “Would be worth it,” her laughter faded at the dead seriousness she saw in his eyes as he tucked a stray curl behind her ear. “I’d do anything for you.”
There was something about the way he’d said it, the complete and total certainty, that made her nearly want to cry. No one had ever loved her like this before. 
Completely. Passionately. Unconditionally. 
“There’s something else we could do. In the place of an official, legal marriage. If you’re interested,” he’d suggested, voice but a tempting purr in her ear. And when she looked at him, brow raised with intrigue, he smirked devilishly. 
And so here they were, kneeling in front of each other on the rug in the bedroom of her flat, each of them clutching a dagger in one hand, drawing it across their palms. Lucy watched the blood ooze from her cut, slightly flexing her fingers. She set the knife aside, looking from the warm, red gush to see Tommy doing the same, the dark red of his blood striking against the pale white of his skin.
He looked up, sky blue eyes glimmering in the low light of the candles they’d lit. Her eyes traced over the sharp lines of his jaw and cheeks, softened slightly by the freckles dotting his skin. Those eyes that could be as cold as ice or as warm as a sunny sky boring into her. Dark fringe falling over his forehead. When it was less styled, like it was now, he could have almost been described as a little boyish.  
The blood pooling in both of their palms dripped between their fingers. Sticky and warm.
Slowly, being careful so as to not jostle the cuts too much, they pressed their palms flush against each, then, just as slowly, interlaced their fingers.
Lucy gasped quietly at the feeling of his cut kissing hers. Their blood mixing together. Pouring into each other. Running through the other’s veins. 
If they had not already been one being simply split in two before, they certainly were now. Lucy shuddered, Tommy’s free hand going around her waist and pulling her a little closer, keeping their bleeding palms clasped tightly together. She tilted her head up, nose brushing along his neck and jaw as she did. He dipped his head to kiss her, deeply and open mouthed, the slow stroke of his tongue against hers making her moan softly against his plush lips. 
To some, the blood bond was as sacred as marriage. An unbreakable intermixing of the two bloods. The closest thing one could get to entwining their soul with another. Not only was it a symbol of the deepest possible love and trust, but also a silent promise of eternal devotion. A bond that would last as long as the scars remained present on their skin. A permanent mark tying them together for as long as they both lived. 
Of all the scars marking her flesh, faded but never truly to disappear, this was the only one she would ever truly be happy to have.     
His blood ran in her veins, now. He was a part of her. Forever.   
She’d have wanted it no other way.  
She kissed him back hard, the hand not clasped in his landing on his chest, feeling the steady rise of his breathing and the thump of his heart. Their palms squeezed impossibly tighter against each other, the blood coating them slick, smearing all across their palms, impossible to tell which belonged to whom. 
When they finally parted for air, foreheads resting against each other, they looked down together at their still clasped, bloody hands. 
It was done. 
Tommy’s arm around her waist tightened, somehow pulling her even closer to him, his lips on her forehead. Lucy closed her eyes. He was so impossibly warm, body large and strong and safe around her. She could have stayed like that forever. 
“I love you more than anything,” he said, and the words left tears brimming in her eyes. The weight of those words was not lost on her. 
“I love you too,” she said, angling her face up to his. “More than anything.” 
He smiled at her softly, head dipping to kiss her one last time before they parted, and his fingers flexed a little around hers. Their mixed blood was starting to run down both of their wrists. 
“We should get bandaged up. Before we both bleed everywhere,” he mumbled. 
“Mm,” she nuzzled at his chest. “Yeah.”
He reached for the gauze and bandages they’d set to the side in preparation. Some of the blood had congealed, half sticking their palms together, and it took a little bit of gentle fidgeting to pull them apart. Lucy hissed as Tommy poured a helping of alcohol over her cut, leaning into the kiss he brushed against her temple in apology. They cleaned and bandaged each other’s cuts with quick, practiced movements, examining their handiwork critically to ensure it was satisfactory and wouldn’t leave the other open to any complications or difficulty in healing.
Once that was done, Tommy was gathering her back up into his arms again, kissing her everywhere he would possibly reach. She giggled, overjoyed at the blatant display of affection, returning it as eagerly as she knew how. Strong arms scooping her up by the back of her thighs, he lifted her up onto his hips, standing in one fluid motion and carrying her towards the bed.  
Still kissing, they collapsed in an entanglement of limbs onto the mattress. Clothes were shed hastily, and then there was just the sounds of pleasure and utterances of love filling the room. Her fingers clenching in his hair as he kissed his way down her body, lips, tongue, and fingers working together once he’d reached his destination to make her cry out, back arching off the bed. 
And then he was over her again, wiping his mouth and looking far too pleased with himself. He grinned when she needily dragged his mouth back to hers, legs wrapping around his waist, eager. They both cried out when he sank into her in one deep thrust, the penetration serving as the second unioning of their bodies that evening. 
The bedframe creaked with the pace of their love making; thrusts steady, slow, and deep. Lucy clutched to him as tightly as she could, never wanting to let him go. Never wanting to have to spend another moment of her life without him. 
She’d given him her soul. And in exchange he’d gifted her his heart. And now, with their blood running through each other’s veins, it was as if the merging of their beings had finally completed. They were one now. No one and nothing could ever tear them apart. 
She cried out his name when his cock hit the spot inside her that made her see stars, his thumb rubbing circles into her clit. Her head tipped back against the pillows, babbling nonsense about how good he always was to her. How he always took care of her. How he knew her more deeply and intimately than anyone else ever could. 
When her walls squeezed around him, Tommy moaned her name like it was a prayer. Like it was the most precious thing in the entire world. And then his lips were at her ear, whispering over and over again how much he loved her. That she felt so good. That he promised to love her for as long as he breathed. Maybe even after that. 
She came with a sob of his name against his lips as he kissed her, felt it as he came with her at the exact same moment, filling her with a groan, hips rolling to a stop to rest inside of her as he emptied while she tightened around him like a vice. For hours, or maybe only minutes, neither of them moved, just laying there, holding each other as tight as they could. 
Later, Tommy laid reclined against the pillows, with Lucy cuddled securely in her spot on his chest. And there, in the dark and quiet of night, they traced each other’s bandaged cuts, and whispered promises of eternal love.
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Thank you for reading! Please consider leaving a comment, reblog, or like. I always appreciate feedback and love getting the opportunity to interact with you and hear your thoughts!
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Hi <3
I loved everything you wrote about Aegon. Could you please write some oneshot/headcanons (you decide) in wich Reader is Rhaenyra’s daughter and Aegon always loved her since childhood but they had a enemies to lovers relationship (she is a girl just like Arya/Lyanna personality and is always teasing him). But in episode 8, she is bethroed to Aemond and he needs to say to her his feelings. You can decide the ending, thank you :)
(Sorry my bad english :/)
Quick up 📅 - I kinda forgot abt the part where she's Rhaenyra's kid. It may have slipped my mind as soon as I read Arya's name lol. Anyhoo-
The Wolf And The Dragon
Aegon II Targaryen x Stark!Reader
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Warnings: Explicit language
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off! Maybe indulge in a battle to the death with your sweet ol' granny. Probably steal your beloved pet.
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: It's kinda long ngl, but sickeningly sweet! Oh, yeah. Aegon isn't married to Helaena in this one. For my own sake, she's with her loving husband, Lord Sth-Sth of Sth-Sth. Cheers!
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One of her father's men was dragging the young lady through the training grounds as the boys trained with Ser Criston and Ser Harwin. They all stopped to stare at her and the knight. She was biting, scratching and kicking at him.
"What do you care?! Seven Hells, let go!"
The man stopped and grabbed her by her small shoulders. He'd had enough of the little lady's antics for one day. He shook her as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Child, I've been there for all your life, I won't stand to watch you try and get yourself killed." The knight's face was turning red with anger. "You're of one and ten, you can't be walking around the capital without anyone to keep you safe! Do you realize what could have happened?!"
"Fuck. You." The girl hissed as she stomped down on the man's foot and spat in his eyes. She bolted, the man following close behind, while still trying to wipe the spit from his eyes.
"You wild beast, get back here!"
"She truly is a beast..." Aegon whispered to his brother and nephews as they all watched the knight tackle the kid to the ground.
"Ser Karstark, don't you think that's enough!" Harwin yelled out.
"Oh, want to come and deal with this thing yourself, Breakbones? It's not as easy as I make it look." Ser Brennard Karstark choked on his last few words, a small elbow slamming into his neck.
The girl got back on her feet, making a run for it once more.
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On the next day, Ser Karstark was dragged the girl in the opposite direction, towards the training grounds this time. He was sporting a big purple bruise on his neck.
"I've told you so many times now, cub. You want to train, fine! I'll teach you! But picking attacking the guards is not the way to do it!"
The little lady only huffed in response as she reached down to her blade. She turned her head to the side, then struck.
Ser Karstark took a step back, the tip of the dagger almost making contact with his face.
"It is customary to wait for your opponent to bear arms before you try and chop his head off, wildling."
"As if anyone would wait for me."
She struck again, the knight dodging once more. Lady Stark circled around her opponent, her small eyes sizing him up.
To everyone's shock, the knight actually swung at her with his sword. The girl fell to the side as she rolled over, her silk tunic now covered in dirt.
"Good, good!" The knight nodded before he swung sideways.
She lowered her head, the blade of his sword passing right above it.
"Don't stay close to the ground for too long, cub..." Brennard warned as his took ahold of his sword with both hands. "The enemy will catch up on it eventually. And maybe do this!"
He yelled out as he put his whole strength into trying to lodge the sword into the girl's skull. She got back up. Her dagger was quick to find its target, slicing the knight's hand open.
Brennard looked at the blood that was spilling out of his hand, then at her.
"You play dirty, girl..."
"I do not wish to fight with honor when I can just do this."
Her small fist was now aiming for Brennard's nose. He let go of his sword, leaving it to stand there with the tip lodged into the ground below their feet. He caught her small hand by the wrist and punched her instead. The girl fell on her back, head slamming into the ground.
"Karstark!" Both Criston and Harwin yelled out, making their way towards the student and her teacher.
"Stand back! She wants to fight, so she'll fight!" Brennard yelled in return."Get up!"
Lady Stark jumped to her feet, eyes narrowing as she wiped the blood from her mouth. She used the moment to tackle her opponent to the ground.
"Finish the job." Brennard whispered to the child. "Do not let your enemies walk away. Do it!"
The girl's fingers found their way around the dagger that was hanging on the knight's side. She pulled it out and put it to his throat. The child was smiling down at him, eyes glowing.
"I win?"
Brennard laughed out as his hand ruffled through the short locks of hair on her head.
"You win! We'll make a fine soldier out of you, you'll see."
The two got up, each sporting a warm smile.
"Ya promise?"
Brennard nodded his head.
"But your training is not over yet." He turned to look at the two knights that stood close behind him. "We've seen you can tackle a grown man down to the dirt, but how will you manage with someone closer to your age and speed? Perhaps you should go against one of the young princes?"
Criston nodded. Him and Harwin went back to the boys.
"Prince Aegon against lady Stark then." He said as he motioned for the boy to take a step forward.
Aegon didn't move an inch towards the younger girl that was now staring at him with a devilish grin on her face. She scared him. She fought dirty and wasn't scared to take a blow to the face, even when it came from a grown man that was thrice her size. The girl didn't stand above stealing her enemy's weapon and using it against them either. On the contrary, if it were a real threat in front of her, she would have sliced the man's throat. The young prince realized everything he'd learned from both Ser Criston and Ser Harwin was useless against someone like her. Aegon had only heard of tales of the northmen, of their cold hearts and brutal ways. But now there was one in front of him. A child of winter and ice. A ball of rage with unruly, short hair. If Aegon didn't know her already, he would've thought it was a boy that stood in front of him.
There were no lavish dresses for her. No needlework. No singing. She was dirty nails. Unkempt hair. Grime. Blood. Sweat. Dirt. Adventure. Flying arrows. Hiss of daggers. Clash of swords.
"Ye fighting or what, aye? Don't have a whole day to wait ye." Her strong accent came through. She'd gone over and picked her weapon back up. The girl was waiting for the prince to come back to his senses, foot tapping impatiently as she twisted and turned the blade in her hand.
The fight was over pretty soon. The lady had knocked her prince down, elbow to his face. Ser Brennard knew what was going to happen, but made no move to stop his student. She broke his nose with that hit.
"I'd say ya fight like a girl, but... ya know..." She shrugged her shoulders at him as Karstark dragged her away with a proud smile on his face.
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Eight years later Aegon had grown into a handsome young man. He'd grown into his soft features. His pale blue eyes stared at his feet, as kicked at some small rocks. Short strands of silver-white hair framed his face perfectly. He kept his hair on the shorter side. It was easier to manage.
Him and his brother stood next to the wide open gates that led into the castle's grounds. Aemond, unlike his older brother, had his hands folded neatly behind his back, waiting patiently.
"I don't understand, why did mother have to send us..."
Aemond nodded his head, signaling to his brother to look ahead. A group of sturdy looking men, covered in steel from head to toe, were coming fast towards them. At the front,just a few feet in away from the rest, a hooded rider. The jet black stallion this mysterious person was riding held its head high. The stomping of the horse's hooves had stopped.
"Prince Aemond! Prince Aegon!" A melodious, yet strong voice rang from underneath the hood.
"Lady Stark." Aemond greeted. "Welcome to the capital!"
The stranger hopped down from the horse and took their hood off. Aegon stared at her slack-jawed. There, in front of him, stood the most magnificent creature that had ever walked the earth. Porcelain skin w a scar here and there she'd most definitely got in battle. Sharp features, almost as sharp as the sword she had on her. Two big, bright eyes that shined with laughter. The only thing that reminded of the girl she once was, was her short dark hair. And her clothing. She'd never been the one to wear dresses. That hadn't changed either. Her long legs were covered in threadbare black pants that matched with her black tunic and boots.
"I trust your journey was pleasant?" Aemond asked out of politeness.
A short "aye" left her full lips, eyes trained on Aegon.
"Yer nose healed well, me Prince. Though it would seem there's something wrong with yer jaw..." She pointed towards his face, calloused fingers showing from underneath the sleeve. Her northern accent made a shiver run down Aegon's spine.
He couldn't bring himself to say something, the words refusing to leave his mouth. He nodded with a faint smile.
"Shall we?" Aemond's voice could be heard again.
"If ye don't mind, me and me men had spent long time on the road without a good challenge. We need a good fight"
Her men had jumped from their horses too, now waiting for their lady. Ser Brennard Karstark was standing next to her.
"Training grounds are that way, aye?" She nodded to the left, her eyes never leaving the older brother.
"Right, let's get ye to the stables, big boy." She finally looked away as she turned towards the stallion and ran a hand through his black mane.
Lady Stark handed the reins to the stable boy that had approached her with a soft smile and a nod of her head. The lad melted at the sight, tripping over his feet as he walked away.
"Ye two comin'?"
The woman walked away, her father's bannermen following close behind.
"Would love some audience while I kick this old bastard's arse to the ground." She pointed towards Ser Karstark as she and her men laughed.
"We'll see about that, Young Wolf." Ser Brennard said, even though he knew that was going to be the most likely outcome.
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Two weeks had passed since lady Stark had arrived to the capital. For Aegon, it felt like it was years ago. They'd been spending most of their time together, much to the Queen's dismay. At least they had the decency to drag Aemond along.
On the first night in the capital, the young woman suggested they go for a drink. When the second born son of Viserys the Peaceful suggested they stay in the Red Keep, both Aegon and her laughed in his face.
They snuck out of the castle later that night in search of a tavern. Aegon, being a frequent visitor to most of them, made the choice.
Soon after they'd entered the establishment, lady Stark challenged them to a bet, saying she'd drink them both under the table. Aemond, being Aemond, refused. Aegon accepted almost immediately.
He was in shock. The woman that sat in front of him was perfect. She cursed like a sailor. Told all the dirty jokes she could think of. Even challenged some stranger to a fist fight to celebrate her winning the bet. The Young Wolf didn't even bother to take his hundred gold dragons she'd won fair and square, but instead slapped his hand away.
"It's not about the money, me Prince!" She laughed out as she punched the stranger square in the jaw. "It's the thrill!"
The three returned back to the castle only when the light of the sun had started to bounce off the waters of Blackwater Bay. Aemond walked in front of them, impatient to get as far away from the two drunk idiots. They walked with a slow pace, hands thrown over eachother's shoulder and words slurring.
"One of them cods got ya good, me Prince, no offense meant" She said to Aegon with a grin. "If it weren't for me, that arse would'a split yer head open."
"Good thing you were around to save me then, my fair lady..." Aegon responded. He came to a sudden stop, his face contorting in agony. His hand unwrapped from the woman's shoulders as he bent forward and let out all he'd consumed right where they stood.
Instead of cringing in disgust, the Stark laughed hard, tears pricking at her eyes. She ran a hand through her short hair.
"Now from that yer knight in shinin' armor can't save ye, I am sorry."
Aemond grabbed his brother by the scruff, pulling him back up.
"We'll get caught with all the noise you're making, we have to go. My lady..." He looked at her, hoping at least one sober thought would make its way back into her head.
The Young Wolf howled again, hand patting Aegon on the back as he choked.
"What got yer knickers in a twist, hm? We've got all the time in the world."
" 'Tis but the truth!" Aegon said through coughs. "Do not worry, brother. I'll escort my, how did you say it...Ah, yes! Knight in shining armor back to her chambers."
Aemond didn't need to hear much else. He turned his back to them abruptly and left. The two snickered as they watched him walk away.
"Yer brother-" The woman threw her hand back over his shoulders as they began walking once more.
"Tell me about it." Aegon interrupted, doing the same as her.
After a detour that led them to the Kitchen Keep where they stuffed their faces with whatever was left from the dinner, Prince Aegon and lady Stark made their way towards her chambers. He'd promised to escort his savior back and he intended to do it.
As they neared the door, Aegon stopped her.
"This was the most fun I've had in a long while. Thank you, my lady."
"Aye, same here. Hanging around those old farts ain't as fun as it may look." She snorted.
The two laughed once more, then she dissappeared into her chambers, ready to sleep off the remainder of the day.
Aegon felt the same. He flopped down on his bed the second he found himself close enough to do it without smacking his head in the floor.
The same thing repeated the next day. Except Aemond wasn't with them. As the good prince he was, he'd ran to tell his mother about what his older brother and the lady Stak were busying themselves with.
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The lady found herself sitting between the two brothers on that feast. She'd pulled her chair as close as possible to Aegon. On their last "walk" around the capital, she'd introduced him to the Skull and Dice game. The two now sat close to eachother, whisper-shouting the word "skull" as they rolled the dice and drank from their cups.
Aegon's grandsire and Hand of the King, Otto Hightower, was sitting across them. He smiled softly. The two were perfect for eachother. They shared the same interests- be it in books, hobbies or drinks. Why his daughter refused to give her oldest to the Young Wolf, he had no clue. She came from a great house, was trained in battle and proved to be quite intelligent, from what he'd heard her say. Sure, she liked drinking and venturing out of the Red Keep, and would also pick fights left and right. But so did his grandson.
Otto had come to the realization that the woman that sat next to his grandson was the way she was, not because she got to grow up in a castle where servants tended to each and every need of hers, but because she was raised amongst soldiers. Something her father had made sure of, once he agreed with the fact he won't be getting a proper lady out of her. The soldiers' ways had simply rubbed off on her.
Another thing that Otto had come to realize was how observant lady Stark was. She could be laughing and telling jokes, enjoying herself and her youth, but her trained eyes and ears were always turned to what was going on around her. She was a true northerner- rough and savage, but also loyal to the core and honorable. She'd be the perfect match for Aegon. If only his daughter would come to listen...
"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems." Everyone's attention turned to the King. His gold mask was shimmering in the light of the candles as he spoke. "My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena..."
Viserys turned to face his second son, eyes darting to his first one and the Stark girl. He could sense it, all Hells were about to break loose with next couple of words.
"And my son, Aemond, will marry lady Stark, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes..."
They all raised their cups, except the silver haired man and the woman that was sitting next to him.
"Hear, hear!" Came from the Prince Daemon as he turned to smile at his brother.
Aegon didn't hear him. He was now staring at the Young Wolf, silently asking if what his father had said was true.
"If you'd excuse me!" He damn near shouted, eyes trained on Aemond, who in turn was staring in shock at their mother. Unlike Aegon, he knew a third betrothal would be announced on this feast. What he didn't know was that he'll be the one marrying the Stark.
"Aegon! Come back!" Alicent yelled after him, ready to follow.
"Don't, me Queen. I'll bring him back."
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"Did you know?"
The halls were silent, all that could be heard were the muffled, hushed voices of his family, as the lot tried to listen in on the conversation.
"Did you know about it?!"
The woman stomped her booth on the ground, the sword that was hanging on her side shaking with the intensity. It was a warning for the prince to lower his voice.
"Aye, my father sent me for a reason. I didn't know I'd be marrying yer brother though..."
The young woman had shut the doors as she made her way out and into the corridors. There was no point, the whole room was now sitting in silence, listening on Aegon scream his lungs out.
"You can't!You won't!" The prince yelled out.
"Oh, what do ya care? Yer not the one gettin' tied down against yer will! Yer free to do as ye wish!" She said, her voice booming over his.
"So you don't want to marry him?"
"Are ye fuckin' jokin' , Aegon, yer brother is a twat and a half!"
Inside the room, Daemon could be heard laughing without shame. Aemond's jaw clenched, his smirk dissappearing as he stood up. Rhaenyra slapped her husband's arm, even though she herself was sporting a smile.
"Then don't fucking do it!"
"And what am I supposed to do, huh? Get back in there and tell yer father, my King, that I don't approve? That I, the daughter of the man that had sworn an oath to him, will not do as I'm commanded?"
"You and your oaths and orders... Is your pride so important that you'll willingly go against what your heart desires?!"
"Pride?" The word came out as growl." If it were for me pride, I wouldn't even be here. But I gave a word to me father and did as I was told... And what do ya, ye spoiled cod, know of what me heart desires? Hm?!"
"I know I've come to love you. Just as you have." Aegon took her hands in his, soft thumb rubbing over her rough skin. "I know that I love spending time with you. Just as you do."
Silence fell upon the halls once more as the prince thought of his next words.
"I've never met someone like you before. Someone that is so...me. You like to drink, you curse, you fight. You know all the dirty jokes and all drinking games. And even with all that, you know when to put an end to it, even if you don't want to. You're not afraid to sock me in the face when you know I'm being an arse. Or drag me all the way to the small council meetings, so I could fulfill my princely duties. Sit with me through those never-ending history lessons, even though you'd rather go outside and train. You keep me grounded. You always know what to do. You always know what is right. I'd like to think that I, for once, know too. It's you. But if you insist on carrying out this order..."
His hands reached for her face.
"Marry me instead. You came here to a marry a dragon, right? There's one in front of you right now. Begging, pleading for you to take him."
Silence. Again. Aegon searched for her eyes, searched for an answer in them. But found nothing. He sighed heavily, hands falling to his sides. The prince walked around her, head hanging low in embarrassment. He reached for the door handles, ready to get back inside and drink himself into a stupor. Or untill the high-pitched ringing in his ears went away.
"Ye sure talk a lot... It's a good thing though, I won't have to waste my breath no more...with ya around."
Their eyes met.
"What? Ye plan on standin' there all night?"
The doors swung open before Aegon could reach her. He turned back around, his eyes meeting those of his father.
"Or both of you could just come back inside and sit down? Your King is to make a new toast..."
Rough fingers wrapped around Aegon's. She was standing right there, next to him. He looked up from their intertwined hands. A toothy smile had found its way on his future wife's face.
"As me King commands..."
Viserys turned his back to them as he slowly made his way to his seat. The two followed close behind.
"We're finishing the game, right?" Aegon whispered to her.
"Go find the dice, ye threw it as ya stormed out." She laughed quietly.
The Wolf and her Dragon entered the room once more, hand in hand.
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hockybish · 7 months
Baby Sister
l luke x the cute photograher l luke x maisie l masterlist
part 2 of meeting Luke and Maisie's kids
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"We have to tell him. He's going to be so excited" Luke used his thumbs to rub small circles in his wife's small bump.
She wasn't that far along, but far enough that they were able to find out the gender of the new little one and they hadn't told Axel yet that he was getting an upgrade to big brother.
"You think? What if he doesn't want one? The what?" Maisie bit her lip. Luke squeezed her hand reassuringly as they went to talk with Axel.
"Axel, how would you like a baby sister?" Luke asked the little boy who very contently petting the cat that was sitting across his legs.
"Hmm" Axel hummed. He had to think about this for a minute. Did he really want a baby? To be honest? Not really.
"No tank you Daddy. Me and Rosie are good" He hugged his best friend closer, caressing his face in the cat's soft fur. He didn't need anyone but his best friend.
"But won't it be fun to have someone to play with? You can show her all your toys." Maisie pointed out a couple of positives.
"I got my Rosie, she my best friend. I no need baby." The toddler turned back to the cat. He was done with conversation.
Maisie and Luke tried everything under the sun that they could think of to get Axel used to the idea of mommy having a baby and he was going to be a big brother. They looked at baby pictures and read books. The parents even got him a baby doll.
Axel just never seemed interested. He didn't really care about the doll preferring to carry in by its foot and coloring on its head with marker. Maisie thought that was going to be some sort of indicator, what that was remained to been seen.
But things started to change when the little family babysat baby Lacey.
"Do you want hold her?" Maisie bounced her seven month old infant niece in her arms. Lacey grabbed ahold of her hair and started tugging on it.
"No" He was too busy playing with Rosie and Candy. They had a jingle bell ball and were playing a soccer like game.
"How about helping us feed her?" Luke tried a little later around dinner time. He had both a bottle ready and a little bit of mushy food.
This time Axel acted like he didn't hear them. He didn't want anything to do with helping out with his little cousin.
Until she started to cry. Lacey was having a hard time settling down for a nap. Maisie swayed and patted her back for well over an hour. Lacey just cried and screamed until she red little splotches all over her face.
Axel had enough of the crying. He ran up to his mother with his hand covering his ears the best he could and tapped her arm. He was gonna take care of this.
"Shh baby Lacey. It okay, don cry." He tried patting the fluff on the top of her head to calm her, but it didn't really help any. Luke and Maisie looked at each other, maybe this would work out after all.
"Lukey what do you think of the name Asa?" Maisie looked through another list of baby names, hoping they could agree on one.
"Asa Hughes?" Luke questioned making a face. He wasn't too sure about the name. Sure it worked and sounded fine. But Luke just didn't like the name.
"Well I don't know then. I've suggest a lot of names and you keep shooting them down and then you haven't come up with any names." Maisie threw her phone.
She was so stressed right now. Luke had just been dealt to Detroit, they were currently living with Jim and Ellen, and to top it off she due any day now.
"I don't know Maize. You're the one who comes up with all these things." He shrugged again. He didn't think he was being picky with the name, its just the right one hasn't come along yet.
"Whatever" She managed to awkwardly hoist herself up. She waddled over to the kitchen for a snack, but changed her destination halfway through because she had to go to the bathroom.
Luke sighed throwing his head back against the sofa and running his long finger over his face. Why was picking a name so difficult? Why couldn't they just agree on one and call it good?
"'scuse me Daddy" Axel poked at his father's knee cap.
"What do you want bud? Do you have a name for baby sister?" Luke asked when he saw Axel inching closer to him. Axel nodded and whispered his idea in his father's ear. "I like that one. I'll have to tell Mommy."
"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" Axel excitedly called running down the hallway towards Maisie's room. He held out the new stuffed bunny toy he had picked out for her.
The day before his mommy and dad dropped him off with Grandma El and Papa Jim and they didn't tell him why. Or he doesn't remember if they said. When he ask his Papa Jim this morning, he said it was because that Mommy was having the baby.
And now he gets to meet her. He kept talking the whole ride to the hospital about her and how cute she was going to be. It honestly reminded Ellen and Jim of when the boys met Lola when she was little.
"Mommy, mommy!" Axel took off even fast when he spotted Maisie peeking her head out of her room.
"Hey buddy." Maisie smiled when she saw her first born. She bent over the best she could with a newborn in her arm. Axel had warmed up quite a bit recently to getting a little sister but he was a bit nervous as to how he was going to react to seeing her.
"Baby?" The new baby was sleeping in his mother's arms. She had little bit of dark hair on her head and the cutest little nose and cheeks. Axel loved her already.
"Freddie" Luke crouched down by the mother and children to introduce her. He grabbed a hold of the little boy and brought him in for a hug.
"Baby Freddie" Axel smiled. They used his name. He couldn't believe it. He petted her head and kissed her cheek. "Look baby I got you bunny"
"Would you like to hold her?" They posed the question. They were a bit unsure of it he wanted, since he never seemed interested when Lacey was around.
Axel nodded. Maisie returned to her bed and Luke help him up next to her. Maisie placed Baby Freddie into his arms. And if it were possible his smiled grew bigger as he kept babbling to her telling her all about his toys and the cats.
"Look she smile at me! I love you Freddie!"
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hrtbrkwthrs · 1 year
Second Chance: Stupid things...
Ricky Bowen x OC
this is episode two of my series Second Chance.
Summary: EJ tries to make amends with Blake while Ricky tries to get Nini to see him in a new light.
Trigger Warnings: Blake's home life is tough, abandonment? from parent, violence, this is angsty asf, Ricky makes an oopsie idk
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Blake stepped foot into Salt Lake's black box for the first time. Props were all around, and desk-chairs made a circle in the middle of the room.
Each desk had a name tag sitting on it, every name was of characters in the musical. Blake meant to go and read each nametag, but she watched as Ricky and Big Red walked through the door.
She made a bee-line to the two boys, dodging everybody standing around.
"Guys, this place is insane. Have you ever been in here?"
"I haven't," Red replied, studying every inch of the room.
"I have," Ricky informed the two of them, "I've been down here a few times when I came to talk to Nini after rehearsals."
Blake bit back a frown and an eye-roll. As she was thinking of any words to respond with, she got a whiff of Ricky, and she playfully made a gagging sound.
"Ricky, why the hell do you smell like that," she covered her mouth and laughed.
Red snorted at her words with a chuckle.
"Are you wearing Throb again...?" Blake asked him hesitantly, a teasing smile on her face.
Throb. The infamous cologne that Ricky wore every single day when he was with Nini because she told him it smelled nice once. Only this time, he smelled as if he took a full-on bath in the stuff.
"No....." Ricky tried to lie, but Red countered his attempt.
"It's Throb," Red confirmed.
Blake couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips, "Ricky," she said his name with playful disappointment, and Red quickly joined in on her laughing.
Ricky threw his hands up, "What? You don't like it?" He teased her, using his hands to waft the scent towards her.
"Stop!" Blake laughed, trying to grab a hold of his arms to stop him. He dodged her grasp multiple times before countering her, this time he was trying to grab her arms.
She hid them behind her back, thinking she could throw him off, but he only reached around her and quickly grabbed a hold of her forearms.
"Ha!" Ricky taunted her as he pulled her arms in front of her again and held on. She rolled her eyes, acting as if she was annoyed with him despite all of the giggling.
As they laughed together, just about to continue their conversation, Ms. Jenn silenced everybody. "Could everyone take their assigned seats, please?"
Ricky freed her arms with a smile before he walked away, heading towards his desk that sat next to Nini's.
Blake faced Red, not completely sure where to sit. She looked around the room, finding a few props and tables to sit on along with the other extras and understudies. Red walked with her to find her seat.
"Who is Natalie Bagley and why do I care if her glands are swollen?" Ms. Jenn asked Carlos, who was showing her the screen of his phone.
"Our stage manager," Carlos answered, "Guess she's not coming."
She only heard their voices in the background of her conversation with Red, not even processing their words until Ms. Jenn turned to Blake and Red and asked, "Yoo-hoo, Ginger Boy. Can you read?"
Blake raised her eyebrow and looked at Red, waiting for his answer.
"Uh... Not really..."
"Well you're reading now. Just the stage directions. Thank you," she smiled at him with confidence before walking past him and over to her own seat.
Red turned to Blake and a janitor who happened to be walking by in the back of the room. "Do you know what that means?" He questioned, face full of confusion.
The janitor shrugged, and Blake covered her mouth to stifle the chuckle that escaped her lips. "You got this, Red" she reassured him.
"Don't forget to silence your phones!" Ms. Jenn reminded everybody as they took their seats. "I realize that you all walked in here as strangers," she folded her hands that rested on her desk and crossed her legs, straightening up her posture.
"Oh, actually, EJ's my cousin," Ashlyn said happily. The silence she was met with turned her kind smile into an awkward nod, looking back at Ms. Jenn to proceed.
"But after today... You're a family," Ms. Jenn continued quickly, ignoring Ashlyn's comment, "One tribe. Committed to lifting this classic film to new heights."
Carlos sat next to her, posing with his nametag stating 'Choreographer' in front of his face, the click from his phone chimed as he took a picture of himself.
Ms. Jenn stared at him and he slowly moved his head to face her as she nodded towards his phone, gesturing for him to put it away. He complied, shutting off the screen and placing it down on the desk in front of him.
"Please take your neighbors hands," she proceeded seconds later, grabbing hands with Carlos and her other hand reaching out for Red's. He looked up from the script he was studying, staring at her inquisitively. "Hand," Ms. Jenn repeated to him, and he hesitantly took her hand, an almost fearful look in his eyes.
Blake took the hand of the people next to her, looking around at everybody else questionably taking the hands of their peers.
Ricky held his hand out to Nini, a little bit too enthusiastically. She looked at him uncomfortably, slowly taking his hand too.
"Hands," Ms. Jenn repeated one more time, looking right between EJ and Ricky. They looked at each other, annoyance evident in both of their faces, taking each other's hands and both rolling their eyes in sync.
"Feel each other's energy. Let the silence speak volumes. In a world full of 'no', this is a space full of 'yes'."
As Carlos leaned closer to Ms. Jenn and whispered something inaudible, Blake watched as Ricky looked over to Nini, eyeing his hand holding onto hers. Nini looked towards him, past him, smiling at EJ who sat on the other side. Ricky followed her gaze, his emotions noticeably shifting when he saw EJ smiling back at her.
Blake frowned. She didn't care to see her best friend pining over another girl, but she hated seeing him hurting.
Ms. Jenn's voice pulled Blake out of her thoughts as she began singing 'We're All In This Together' from the original High School Musical soundtrack, slowly and in a high-pitched tone. Blake's brows furrowed as Ms. Jenn continued to sing.
Blake watched Nini pull her hands back from Ricky and the girl sitting next to her, Gina. She took out her highlighter and began highlighting all of Gabriella's lines on her script. Ricky looked at her sadly, slowly taking his left hand back before almost aggressively taking his right hand away from EJ and sighing.
Ms. Jenn articulated the last word of the song she was singing, her voice hit a high note that very few people would be able to hit. A few people nodded, praising her talent, while others looked around awkwardly.
Red pulled his phone from his pocket and started texting. Soon enough, Blake's phone made a quiet ding! and lit up with a new notification.
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Blake tried to stifle the snort that she let out when reading his text. Thankfully, Ms. Jenn had finished her song and Ashlyn began applauding her, so nobody focused too much on Blake's laugh.
Soon, they all began learning the dance for curtain call. Carlos started with Ricky and Nini's part. Blake leaned against the wall, trying to make herself scarce in the room. EJ being around made her feel a bit claustrophobic, if she was being honest.
They all watched as Carlos counted, Ricky and Nini dancing in time... well, at least Nini was in time. Ricky seemed to be struggling to focus on the steps of the dance, growing overwhelmed.
EJ moving to stand next to Blake distracted her from Ricky and Nini's dancing, and her body tensed up a bit at his presence.
"Hey..." EJ said slowly, careful to interact.
"What," she asked frustratingly without looking towards him, the scowl on her face unwavering. This was the first time the two had spoken since the day he embarrassed Blake in front of his friends, telling them all about how they had hooked up, claiming that she was an easy target.
"Look... I'm not sure if this is the time or the place, but..."
"It's not," Blake bit back quickly.
Whatever he was going to respond with was cut off by Nini's voice progressively getting louder as she spoke. "You're wasting everybody's time by making fun of something that the rest of us take seriously."
EJ's presence forgotten, Blake was now focused on what was going on in front of her.
"Okay, that's a five! On a break, people! Everybody out, get out!" Carlos shouted, his voice being the only thing to slice the tension between Ricky and Nini. The crowd started to disperse out the door, leaving Ricky and Nini behind. EJ, Red, and Blake slowed behind the crowd, looking behind as they listened to their conversation.
"No, come on... Hey, I take this seriously," Ricky said, walking to Nini who was very clearly over the conversation.
"No! No, you don't," Nini shouted, "you don't take anything seriously, you just... you coast. And the second somebody asks you to make a commitment, you make a joke or you... you sink into some imaginary hole on the floor."
"I didn't sink, Nini," Ricky responded, a hint of sadness in his voice, "I just wasn't ready to say it then..."
Before Blake could hear any more of the conversation, she was out the door and waiting in the hallway while the two argued in the black box.
She sighed, leaning up against the hallway wall with a distance between her and the rest of the crowd. It shouldn't have surprised her that EJ followed suit, once again leaning against the wall next to her.
"I know I don't deserve your attention, but please," EJ almost pleaded for her to look at him as he spoke, "just hear me out?"
She sighed, closing her eyes in frustration as she thought for a second. "Fine." She threw her hands up in surrender, finally turning to face him. She drew in a deep breath. It was time she confronted this. She couldn't keep running out of the room every time EJ was around.
"I'm sorry," he looked into her eyes. If he hadn't done such an awful thing, she could almost say he seems genuine in his apology. "I know what I did was fucked up. Those friends? I don't hang out with them anymore. I shut the rumors down a few weeks ago. I don't deserve to be forgiven or whatever, but I just need you to know," he looked at her with sad eyes as he spoke.
"A few weeks ago? You mean like a few months too late? The damage has been done, EJ. I was harassed and talked about for so long. I was alone in all of it, and you knew that," her words slowly growing louder.
EJ flinched at the escalating volume of her voice, "I know, and I'm not asking for for forgiveness, Blake," he spoke gently, "I just... I wanted to try and make things right. You know, since we'll be working together and stuff... I just," he stumbled over his words, "I'm not that guy anymore."
Big Red finally stepped up to where the two of them stood, and if it weren't for Red's concerned look and EJ's apology for making her cry, she wouldn't have even realized she was crying. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she looked to the ground, "Just leave me alone, EJ."
When she turned to walk away, Ricky had just walked out the door of the black box, his eyes were focused on Blake. She wiped her tears, keeping her head down as she pushed past him and walked out.
"What did you do to her?" Ricky huffed, walking up to EJ.
EJ threw his hands up in defense, "I just apologized, I swear..."
Ricky's hands clenched into a fist, already amped up from his conversation with Nini. An impulsive decision even he couldn't stop himself from, he winded up his arm and his fist collided with EJ's face. "Stay away from her," he hissed before running through the halls to go catch up to Blake.
Ricky and Red busted through the front doors to the school, looking for Blake as Red spoke, "dude! You could literally get expelled for that, you know?" His voice laced with concern.
Ricky looked around for a moment before his eyes found Blake, sitting on the ground against the wall, her knees pulled in against her chest as tears flowed down her face. She sat in peace, letting the wind blow over her face, cooling down her warm skin.
"Blake!" Ricky called out, quickly running to her side. "What did he do? What happened?"
She rolled her eyes and sighed, wiping her tears as Ricky's voice interrupted the peaceful noises of the wind and the rustling tree leaves. "He apologized. That's all."
Red frowned, keeping a little distance between her and Ricky as he watched, concern was all that was in his mind. Concern for Blake, concern for Ricky... Concern for his two best friends.
"He shouldn't have talked to you," Ricky stated, taking in a deep breath as he tried to keep himself calm. He stood up, reaching his hand out to her, "let's just go home."
Before she could take his hand, Carlos ran through the front doors, "There you are!" He shouted, running over to the three of them.
"Ms. Jenn wants everyone back in the room," he exclaimed, taking a minute to catch his breath. Ricky helped pull Blake up from where she was sitting, the three of them ready to leave.
"Tell Ms. Jenn I'm done, okay? Sorry I can't dance like Fred Rogers," Ricky responded in frustration.
"It's Fred Astaire," Carlos corrected him, making Ricky roll his eyes, "Fred Rogers is Mr. Rogers. He never danced, he potty trained puppets."
"Seriously?" Red lost focus, "I was impressed that they made dolls that could cry."
Carlos continued, ignoring Red's comment, "Ricky, please. You have to —"
Ricky cut him off, "Nini's right!"
Carlos frowned at him, and so did Blake.
"I'm taking up space. I don't belong on stage," Ricky finished.
"So untrue," Carlos started, but was quickly cut off by Ricky again.
"Save it, Carlos. You don't want me in this. If I go back, Nini will probably quit. You need her a lot more than you need me."
Blake ignored the tears that stained her cheeks, looking to Carlos as Ricky began walking away.
"Blake?" Carlos looked at her in a desperate attempt. Maybe she could get him to come back. Only instead, she apologized. She wasn't going to stay either.
"I'm sorry, Carlos," she sighed before following suit.
Blake caught up to the boys and Red asked Ricky, "Do you want to go to my house?"
Ricky shook his head without looking at either Blake or Red.
"Alright, we can go to yours..." Red tried.
"Nah, it's, uh... weird there right now," Ricky denied.
"Is your mom back from Chicago yet?"
"No. And I don't think she's there just for work..."
Blake frowned and watched as Red tried to think about why Ricky's mom, Lynne, could still possibly be there instead of here.
"Why would she wanna be there, then?" Red asked carefully.
"Because my dad isn't..." Ricky trailed off, scoffing quietly with a frown.
Red took a minute before trying to respond, "Well, I mean, if you wanted to, we could —" But his words were cut off by Ricky.
"Thanks, bro. Really. I just... need some alone time," he sighed, putting his skateboard on the ground and looking at Blake, "I'll skate you home," he said quietly.
She smiled sadly at Red and the two of them skated off, leaving him standing there.
The way home was quiet, just the sound of the wheels rolling against the pavement and the feeling of wind against their skin. When they got home, Blake didn't want to be alone. She wanted to be with Ricky. But he wanted to be alone, just as he told Red, so she didn't say anything, picking up her skateboard and heading to the front door of her house.
Ricky picked up his skateboard, but he didn't move. Blake was about to look behind her as she noticed the absence of footsteps, but he called her name first.
She turned to him, "what?"
"Can, uh..." he cleared his throat, "can I hang with you? My house is just..." he trailed off.
"Weird," she finished his sentence for him and he looked at her for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah," he confirmed.
She nodded back at him, turning to unlock her door. He followed behind her, shutting the door as they both walked in. She propped her skateboard against the stairwell next to the door, haphazardly discarding her backpack next to it. She sighed at the sight of her dad knocked out on the couch, drunk again.
"Let's get something to snack on first," she suggested, not caring about how loud her voice was. It wouldn't wake him up anyways. He could sleep through a hurricane in this state.
Ricky nodded, walking to the kitchen along with her. He frowned at her dad on the way by. It was nothing new, they were both used to it... but he still felt bad all the same.
She searched through her pantries along with Ricky, not being able to find anything more than some chips and a jar of peanut butter. She scoffed, tears welling up in her eyes.
Blake and her father had been living off of any money her mom left them when she passed. That money, however, was slowly running out while her dad got drunk every waking hour. They rarely ever had food in their kitchen anymore. She didn't even want to think about what they'd have to begin preparing for sooner or later.
"Hey," Ricky said softly, moving towards her and wiping her tears. "We can just order pizza or something. I'll pay," he assured her.
She nodded with a small smile, "thanks," she whispered.
Ricky grabbed a few paper towels, running them under cold water at the sink before returning to her side, carefully pressing the napkin to her face. He traced it along her cheeks, softly wiping the tear stains away and cooling down her face in the process.
The two of them made eye contact the entire time. His eyes comforted her, like a safe haven that consumed her. She could only wish that he would ever feel the same about her.
She broke eye contact, finally noticing the colored bruises along his skin, and his swollen knuckles.
"What the hell happened to your hand?" Blake took his hand, inspecting the injury with furrowed eyebrows.
He flinched, but let her take his hand anyway. "I, uh... may have punched EJ in the face," he told her hesitantly, sounding almost more like a question than an answer.
Blake's eyes met his, "Ricky why the hell would you do that?"
Without breaking eye contact, he didn't hesitate to answer, "I told him to never talk to you again," he cringed in pain as her fingers traced over his bruises.
Blake sighed, "Ricky..." She couldn't pretend like her heart didn't flutter at the thought of Ricky being protective over her, but she swallowed the feeling with a frown. "Don't do stupid things for me," she instructed him.
"He doesn't deserve you giving him any time of day," he clenched his jaw, "I hate that guy."
She let go of his hand, leaving the kitchen and heading to the bathroom to help patch up Ricky's wounds. He followed her without question.
"You hate him because he's with Nini now," she stated, her lips curled into a small smile that she had to force, turning on the cool water from the faucet.
"True," he didn't try to hide it, "but I also hate him because of what he did to you."
She took his hand again, carefully guiding it underneath the running water. She washed the dried blood off of his knuckles and he grit his teeth in pain. She paused as he hissed, looking back at him. "Are you okay?"
He nodded, sucking in a breath, "I'm good. Don't worry."
Blake nodded back at him, cleaning the rest of the blood off of his knuckles. She grabbed a dry towel, one of the softest ones she could find, wrapping it gently around his fist and drying it off.
Ricky looked at her, and he couldn't bring himself to stop. He worried that if she looked up and saw how he was staring, it'd freak her out... but he couldn't look away. He was captivated by her kindness, her gentle soul, the way she focused on him, the way she took care of him, the way her face softened as she wrapped his hand up in gauze to keep it protected.
Ricky and Blake had a rough day, emotions getting the better of them both, he thought. It was the heat of the moment, no doubt... but he couldn't deny how much he wanted to kiss her right now. How he could press his lips to hers, give in to all of the overwhelming emotions, throw caution to the wind and say fuck it.
He didn't see her in that way, no. She was his best friend. She had been since they were in diapers. He wanted Nini. He was in love with Nini.
So he shook the thoughts away, vowing to forget he ever even thought those things. He'd never ruin everything he had with Blake, or with Nini, just because of one hard day.
She looked up as she finally finished wrapping the gauze around his hand. Thank God, he thought. He desperately needed something, or someone, to pull him back to reality and away from whatever was racing through his mind.
He let out a long breath, not even realizing he was holding in one to begin with.
"Is it too tight?" She looked at him with concern, noticing the way he had only just let himself relax.
His eyes met hers and he shook his head, "no," was all he could manage to whisper out.
She nodded, "okay," she breathed out, "you're all patched up, Rocky," she teased him lightly.
He forced out a quiet chuckle, nodding at her. "Thanks, doc."
She took a second, trying to pinpoint the exact moment when the tension thickened between the two of them. But he was looking at her, waiting for her to say something as she looked into his eyes, waiting for her to say anything. So she said the first thing she could think of.
"Follow me."
Ricky nodded, not hesitating to follow along as she led him out the back door.
"The tree house?" Ricky questioned, "It's been years since we've been in there."
She shrugged without saying a word, climbing up the ladder and stepping into the tree house. Ricky quickly popped up behind her as she sat on the ground, the dirty carpet beneath her. Ricky sat in front of her.
"You're my best friend. Always have been, always will be. You and Nini are, like, the only people who get me."
Blake smiled, his mention of Nini not even phasing her.
"You're my best friend. Always and forever," she reminded him.
"Always and forever," he repeated.
"And for the record... I don't think you should quit. You're allowed to take up space. You're not wasting it by being there. I don't care what Nini said," she flashed him a small smile, "I'll even stay, too."
He smiled back at her, "You really think so?"
She nodded in response, whispering, "yeah."
"Okay," he said, holding her gaze, "I'll stay if you stay."
A moment of silence fell between the both of them as he looked around at their surroundings, and his nose scrunched up. "You know... maybe it'd be good to clean this place up... it's kind of disgusting in here," he laughed, lightening up the mood and making Blake laugh, too.
She nodded as he helped her up, the two of them getting to work on cleaning the tree house. Surfaces caked with layers of dust were wiped down, the bean bags were thrown into the wash, and they even used a mini vacuum to finish up the carpet.
Blake would go rummaging around to find some new decor and some fairy lights or something of that nature to add to the freshly cleaned tree house tomorrow. But for now, for the first time in years, the tree house was ready for Ricky and Blake to hang around again... and maybe it's finally time to introduce Big Red, too.
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It had been a day since Blake cleaned up the tree house with Ricky, she stood in the black box with Red and waited for everybody to arrive. Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arms and watched as EJ walked through the door, sporting a bandage on his nose.
"I can't believe Ricky punched him," she said to Red, still a little shocked.
"Or that EJ didn't tell Ms. Jenn it was Ricky that broke his nose," Red pointed out. He noticed the pink that shaded her cheeks when she looked to the ground, but he decided not to mention it.
"Guys, I think Nini and I just shared a moment," Ricky said excitedly, greeting Blake and Red suddenly. She turned to face him, taking in a deep breath.
"What?" Red asked him to elaborate.
"I'm saying, Nini and Ashlyn were in the theater and playing the piano and singing and I walked in to tell them that Ms. Jenn is ready for us in the black box, and Nini was singing these lyrics that just sounded a whole lot like our current situation," he said quickly.
Blake looked at him almost dumbfounded, trying to take in everything he had just told them within one single breath.
"Ricky, I don't think —" Red began, but was cut off by Ms. Jenn calling everybody to circle around her. Blake sighed and shook her head, pushing herself away from the wall she was leaning on and heading to join the crowd.
A large cardboard box sat in front of Ms. Jenn as she unpacked all of the bubble wrap filling it, finally pulling out one roll that had something wrapped up inside of it.
Nini showed up, taking a spot next to EJ as he greeted her, "Hey, I missed you. Where have you been?"
Blake watched as she looked from Ricky and back to EJ, "What?"
"Before you came here," EJ elaborated.
"Oh, um, I was hanging out with your cousin," she flashed a smile at him.
Blake shook her head in annoyance and looked ahead of her, seeing Ms. Jenn unwrapping the bubble wrap to reveal an old cell phone. "Here it is, people."
"Is that a garage door opener?" Seb replied inquisitively.
Ms. Jenn looked at him quietly, "no, Seb. This is Gabriella's phone... from the film." Everyone around her let out gasps.
"I plan on creating a time-capsule display in our lobby," Ms. Jenn explained, "if they can have forty sports ball trophies, we deserve a little movie museum."
Her calm voice quickly changed into an excited one when she told everybody, "Okay, people, enough dazzle! Fetch your scripts, please."
Blake sifted through her backpack to grab her own script before rehearsals began.
. . .
Flashback ->
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little-corritrice · 5 months
Fred & George Weasley - Departing
Standing outside the office with Fred and George, there was a kid crying from Umbitch's cruel punishment of the Red Quill. George was sitting next to him, while I crouched in front of him, Fred crouched next to me. "What's your name?" Fred asked the young boy. "Michael." He answered. I held his hands, only letting go to wipe his tears. "It's going to be fine." I smiled softly, rubbing his hands with my thumb. "Yeah, it's not as bad as it seems." Fred said, showing the kid his injury from Umbitch. The kid still cried slightly. "See? It's fading already." Fred continued to comfort him. "You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while." George finished. The kid cried still, and I sighed. Harry walked over as well.
A sudden annoying voice cleared their throat. "As I told you once before, Mr. Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished." She said with her stupid smile, walking off as if nothing happened. I scoffed, about to step forward, but George held me back. "You know George, I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement." Fred said, staring at her with a smug smile. "Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing." George replied, making me smirk. I knelt back down to the kid, telling him to go to his dormitory. I got up, seeing Harry gone but the twins waiting for me. "I really hate, Umbridge." I said through gritted teeth. "That's why we are leaving." They said, and I turned. "You better be taking me." I said, seeing them look at each other. "What about school, and everything?" Fred said, stepping closer. "I don't have parents to nag on me for getting bad grades." I said, seeing them think. "Okay then. Here's the plan." George said, all of us walking to the dormitory.
Next Day ~
All the 5th years were in the Great Hall taking their O.W.L.S exams. I double checked everything before rushing over to the twins. "Alright boys. You ready?" I asked, seeing them nod. I set off the first bomb, and nodded. We got on our brooms and started flying towards the Great Hall. The explosions were still going off, giving us some time. We heard the doors open, and I nodded at the waiting boys. They sent in their little firework spark which circled in front of her before going into the Great Hall and exploding to its big firework. "Now." I said, watching them fly towards the Great Hall with me in tow. We flew straight past her, almost knocking her over. "Now!" I yelled, seeing them throw their bombs. I made everyone's papers fly off their desk and into the air. All you could see were fireworks in the Great Hall. I saw some of my pixies mess with Draco and his goons. I laughed loudly sitting on my broom sideways in the middle of the room.
I smirked at Umbitch's angry face. "Now, y/n?" Fred yelled. "Ready when you are." I yelled back, throwing the best one yet in the air. The dragon firework. I laughed as it chased her, then engulfed her at the entrance of the Great Hall. The pixies destroyed all those stupid rules hanging on the wall. "Voila!" I said smirking, raising my arms in a 'v'. "Let's go guys." I said as we flew out past Umbitch. Everyone started cheering and ran out, basically shoving past her. We all flew in the air, and they threw the last two fireworks. The Grand Finale. In the sky, there was a big 'W', standing for 'Weasley'. I smirked at everyone before riding off into the sky with the twins, laughing and cheering as we left Hogwarts behind us. "That was amazing!" The twins yelled, high-fiving each other. "All thanks to y/n for helping us plan though." George said, making me smile. "Anything for my boys. Now how about that shop of yours?" I asked, sending them a smirk. Definitely the best day ever.
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bemylord · 3 years
ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ᴋᴀɪꜱᴇɴ ʙᴏʏꜱ ᴡᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴜʀʙᴀᴛɪɴɢ
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↳ characters: itadori, megumi, toji, satoru, kento, sukuna + surprise.
↳ warnings: oral [fem/receiving], nicknames [for reader], fingering, mirror sex [mentioned], tie up, daddy kink, spit [once], edging.
↳ form: drabble.
↳ butler's remark: hello~ while i'm keeping my cuties guessing about part two, let's read this work. i've got a surprise for you at the end ;) toji and nanami your husbandos.
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ:
his first reaction will be - am i not good enough? when he opened the door, watching as you're rubbing your clit, eyes focusing on his as if you were waiting for him - he'd be confused. you turned your body to yuuji, allowing him to see your wet spot as you were making circles on the needy place.
like a snap, he felt the bulge in the pants as he ogles at your naked body. your fingers massage the spot he likes to lick the most.
'yuuji, come closer.' your broken voice has signaled an oncoming orgasm as your boyfriend replaced your hand onto his tongue, you melt under his brisk tongue.
'you can't wait for me, honey? can't wait for my tongue, yeah?'
notwithstanding on itadori's kind nature - he's gonna teach you a lesson, thus you'll wait for your boyfriend to come back to please you.
after, you and yuuji will be experimenting: you're sitting in front of the mirror, back pressed against itadori's chest as you masturbate yourself, watching directly in yuuji's eyes.
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ:
i've got two opinions about megumi: the first one, he'll act like a sheepish boy, who's frightened to meet you, will be watching in the corner of the room as you're cumming on the bed.
the second - the dna in his blood will make itself known [toji], by taking your hand away of the delicious place, staring at the oozing pussy as you spread your legs together. fushiguro's hand doesn't allow you to end your action, caresses from the inner thighs to the vulnerable but needy bug.
'gumi, gumi~' you stretched out the name, giving yourself up to his long, deft fingers, letting him do rub the clit as you unbelt his pants.
'having fun without me, baby, tsk, tsk, tsk, teasing me?
he has been in the room less than two minutes, already having the bulge to brainwash you, having the force to fuck you all night, as a punishment for not waiting for him.
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ:
i doubt that you'd masturbate on your own, without your husband in the room so he could be watching as you caress your little clit. although, i do not doubt that you'll not be able to walk.
as toji came to the room fill with your fragrance, ogling as you covered your mouth with a hand, quelling your delightful moans - he'll, ohh, he'll be a little pissed off that you're touching his pussy. however, your divined view on you naked, as your body covered in a drop of sweat - god, he has a rock hard boner in no time.
'take your hand off my pussy.'
his low voice has brought you out of the trance, urgently took off fingers from the hole as toji comes closer. if not his strong hands, you'd fall out of bed, afraid to envision what he'd do.
'look at yourself, can't hold your arousal, little one?'
without your permission, he put two fingers inside you, feeling your gooey walls as they clenching around thick toji's fingers.
'fuck, doll, you were really a bad girl, you know what daddy will do, do you?'
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ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏᴜ:
the one who'll tease you after your intercourse for a while, calling you a needy girl at least a couple of weeks, whenever he wakes you up by licking your pussy.
the one who'll order you to put your finger in your mouth, to taste the juices he loves to drink. gojou sits in the chair to jerk his big cock while his sweet little angel is rubbing her clit, asking for his dick.
'you haven't deserved it yet.'
despite you've cum, did the huge mess on the sheet while sobbing and begging to be fucked like whore on the bed, gojou smirks at the evidence of your juices.
the one who'll tease and tease you 'till you'll be a dumb girl underneath his cock, fucking you relentlessly as you about to cross your limit, milking his cock to paint your redden walls into the white color.
'you're a fucking mess, fucking dumb whore for me, just for me.'
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
your husband wrote you the message that he'll be late for dinner, you had decided you'll be playing with some toys, such as 'preparation' for the night.
you didn't hear as the door opened, rewatching the video about you and nanami have filmed on the honeymoon. as you put the dildo in the wet pussy, whispering your husband's name, you heard his voice:
'so insatiable,' he untied the pratt knot you tied this morning, stripped the jacket. 'maybe you want to replace the toy with a real cock?'
you looked down, seeing the outlining of his cock, you threw away the toy, watching as he takes off his shirt, exposing his toned, strong body - your hands are willingly want to leave an immeasurable number of red stripes.
'allow your husband to please you, making you the happiest woman in the world.' all you can do, is to spread legs wider, letting nanami kiss your pussy. 'give me your wrists'
just imagine it jeez.
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ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ: [it's quite silly, pls don't hate me after]
if the king will return his previous body, you won't be doing dirty by your own - four hands, girl. four palms are ready to please every your need, but, who said you can't tease the great king when he is stuck in yuuji's body?
as you were in itadori's room, waiting for him to arrive [bc he's a vessel for sukuna], you're sitting on the pillow near to the kotatsu, with opened legs, rubbing your clit.
'the day was terr-' yuji with muttering came to the room, noticing you after he tossed he raised his head upward. 'y/n-cha-' he didn't have time to continue as sukuna took possession of his body.
'i've told you not to do it in this bastard room.'
he quickly came to your body, as you wrapped your hands around his neck, snuggled in for a kiss. as you were 'leading' the kiss, you pressed his hand on your pussy, deepening the kiss, adding your tongue, greedily kissing his lips.
'you're gonna squirt on his bed, naughty girl.'
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ɢᴇᴛᴏ ꜱᴜɢᴜʀᴜ:
a bonus for getou's simps <3
the one who'll stop your action as he entered the room. he'll instantly make you stare intently into his eyes, as spit on your pussy, not touching your clit.
as you wobble, attempting to have attention on the oozing place, he just laughed.
'remember the eighth rule? don't do it on your own without daddy knowing.' you nodded, started to cry due to the lack of attention. he traced his finger on the strip from the asshole to the dripping hole, teasing the entrance with an index finger.
'use your words, bunny, or else you won't get it.'
'punish me, daddy. please.'
the last word you practically purred feeling as he caresses your clit. he kissed your lips, going down to your pussy. you know what will be next: he's gonna edging you for hours and hours, 'till you forget to count your orgasms.
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moonshineboyz · 3 years
Pairing: volleyball player!Juyeon × volleyball player! fem reader
Genre: Smut, enemies with benefits
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, rough/hate (?) sex, usage of the word slut, mentions of choking and spanking, lowkey public sex, brief fingering
a/n: i know juyeon is not holding a volleyball but let's just pretend. i got this idea from listening to lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off by panic! at the disco 🤠 i'm not sure if i like the ending but,,, (@annyeongffs enjoy bb)
masterlist ♡
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“Okay guys, let’s wrap up for today. Both teams did great!” The coach called and everyone got out of their positions, stretching out the tense muscles and walking out of court. “Nuh uh, minus you two Juyeon and Y/N.” He called again making you stop in your tracks. “You’re gonna take the volleyballs and net to the equipment room and pump up the basketballs. That’s what you get for arguing and swearing at each other every five minutes even during practice.”
You cursed under your breath sending a death glare towards Juyeon, who just looked at you expressionless. ‘Stupid son of a bitch.’
The coach left the court with the remaining of your team mates that waved at you from afar. You waved back and went to collect the scattered balls letting the boy get the net, since he was taller.
“If you weren’t so annoying, I could be going to my dorm right now.” He said when you walked past him on your way to the equipment room. You thought in giving a rude reply but bit your tongue not to curse back at him, already feeling your blood boil. “I'm talking to you.” You turned on your heel to face him.
“What do you mean? It’s your fault! You were throwing the ball too far for me to catch it in time!” You snarled.
“Isn’t it the whole point? Make the ball touch the floor on your adversary's side? I think you're just complaining because you're not that good of a player." Juyeon had just finished getting the net out of the first pole and glared at you with a raised brow. He really was getting under your skin.
"For your information, I'm the second best in the female team. I just can't deal with bullshit coming from a jerk like you."
Fuming, you turned your back again, walking away to fight back the temptation of throwing one of the balls in your arms directly at his annoying handsome face. Juyeon knew exactly how to get on your nerves and you couldn't stand having to be in the same room with him for too long without getting annoyed or bickering.
You were looking into the lockers searching for a second air pump, since there wasn't any other way and you had to pump up the balls, the best option was to you two do it separately so you could go home as soon as possible. While you were at it Juyeon entered the equipment room bringing the net and you quickly thought of a way to get yourself out of that situation.
"Here, the air pump." You handed him the object, to which he accepted but kept looking at you puzzled. "I didn't find another one, so, you do it."
"And what you're gonna do?"
"Go home!? What else do you expect me to do? Blow out the balls like they're balloons?" Your eyes rolled at how he scoffed at you, arms crossing in front of your body.
"I mean, I know something else you'd like to blow." A cheeky grin grew on his lips and past scenes of his dick on your mouth flashed through your mind.
“Shut the fuck up, will you? You’re so fucking annoying.” You raised your voice taking the boy aback for a moment, your jaw clenched and brows furrowed. “I can’t even stand looking at y-"
The words died at your throat as Juyeon dropped the air pump to grab your jaw firmly, pushing you up against the nearest wall. He was close, his tall figure towering over yours as he looked down at you with dark eyes.
“If you want to yell at me so bad, then I'll give you a reason to do so.” He muttered through gritted teeth and you could feel he was getting mad as well.
“Fuck you.” You scoffed trying to masquerade the fact that your heart was beating fast.
“Oh, you just did on semi-finals night, darling.” Juyeon let go of your face to brush his knuckles against the skin of your cheek, trailing south till it reached the side of your neck. You wished you didn’t shiver at the light touch, making it obvious to him that you enjoyed it. “Speaking of which, where have you been these past weeks? Were you too busy with that asshole from the basketball team?”
You didn’t even notice when you started to hold your breath but you were already feeling intoxicated by the low tone of his voice, knowing exactly what he was implying. His longs fingers wrapping around your throat not helping at all, and you thanked the sound of your racing heart wasn’t audible.  
“Why? Jealous much?” It took everything in you to let that out in a disinterested voice, sticking to an attitude not to let him win in any circumstance.
“C'mon, doll, you know I'd never date you; this is just for the fun. You’re just someone to hook up with.” He took a step closer, few inches away to press his body against yours. His skin was still glistening from the after practice sweat and you could almost say he looked hot, even though your mouth told otherwise.  
“And that’s all you can get after all. You’re good in bed but you’re as charming as a rock. No surprise you’re single.” Juyeon quirked a brow, his eyes dark as ever.
“Aw, you’re not attracted to me? Yeah, keep lying to yourself, darling. This is the most fun you can have besides taking your clothes off, isn’t it?” His breath fanned at your lips as the grip on your throat tightened, making him chuckle when a small moan dared to scape you. “Gosh, I really missed your pretty little pussy swallowing my dick and you screaming my name.”
You hated Juyeon to the moon and back with your whole being. He was arrogant, full of himself and egocentric, but what you hated the most was the fact that he knew how to touch you and make you feel things in a way you’d never experienced before, and you’d never admit that out loud. You'd never admit to his face how you also missed him pounding into you while you hooked up with other guys.
It was hard to recall when or even how you two started having this type of relationship, an 'enemies with benefits' kind you could say, because you clearly weren’t friends at all. You would pay not to have to spend the practice time looking at his face, and Juyeon would rather die than bumping into you in the hallways.  
But both couldn’t deny the sexual tension, and maybe that’s what led you to it, or maybe that was only a tactic to release stress, and you just happened to be there for each other. What’s a better way to calm your nerves than fucking your enemy? The sex was great after all and you couldn’t name any other boy who has ever made you cum so hard. Perhaps the hate towards each other really did add fuel to the fire and made things more interesting, competing who could make the other orgasm the fastest.
"I hate you so much." You said trying not to moan again when Juyeon pressed his torso against yours, sneaking his knee between your thighs, to which you rolled your hips grinding down on it.
"It's reciprocal, I just like to fuck you dumb." His hands went to your waist, grabbing hard and pulling you more into him. You were already melting at the tip of his fingers and didn't think twice before crashing your lips together and tugged at his hair with force as he moved his leg to cause more friction on your core. His big hands roaming all over your body roughly and squeezing your ass. A hiss came out of Juyeon's lips when you scratched his back underneath the shirt, sure to leave red marks. "Don't start a game you know you're gonna lose."
Juyeon pulled you by the wrist to the old desk to careless bend you over it. You couldn't lie saying you didn't like how everything was rough with him, it made a shiver run down your spine every time he kissed you hard and pulled your hair as you cursed at him digging your nails into his skin. He never cared about whether or not he was leaving bruises on your hips, neck and inner thighs, but neither did you. You secretly enjoyed admiring them later in the mirror.
“Here? Really?”
“It’s not like we haven’t done this before. Plus, everyone left, you can scream all you want.” A hand came down hard on your right ass cheek making you yelp. Another smack on the left side and you winced in pain arching your back. “You look good in the team's uniform, but look even better when I'm filling you up.”
He massaged your ass before harshly pulling your tight shorts down to your ankles and you stepped out of them, feeling his hands travel up your legs and holding your hips to press his hard on on your clothed core. You sighed grinding against him, your mind already getting hazy.
The boy brought you up to leave hungry kisses down your neck and bit on the curvature. Your breath hitched when his short nails raked the skin of your belly and you let your head rest on his shoulder, closing your eyes lost in the sensations. “Now tell me, is it still me that makes you sweat? Did you think of me when you were in bed with them?” He growled in your ear biting your lobe, making you grind harder.
“Not even for a second, didn’t even cross my mind.” Lucky you your mouth worked faster than your body so you didn’t dumbly nod agreeing with him. “You’re good but not the best.” You weren’t even ashamed in lying.
Juyeon let out a dark chuckle and grabbed your throat while the other hand squeezed one of your breasts. “We both know I've got a hotter touch, a better fuck than any guy you’ll ever meet. Or else you wouldn’t be coming back begging for my cock whenever you feel horny.”
“You wish.”
“Then why are you still here?” He teased licking your neck and smirked when you shuddered.
“Didn’t you say you missed my pussy? Then fuck me already.” You huffed impatient to which his only answer was to rub circles in your clit over your damp underwear. Juyeon pushed you back to bend over the desk, quickly and roughly pulling your panties down that you’d had stumbled if you were standing straight. “You’re gonna rip my panties, you asshole.”
He scoffed, slapping you once again. “You didn’t complain the other times I did.” His hand palmed himself through the shorts while the other went to your core, fingers playing with your wet folds. You whimpered when he slid one digit inside and added a second right after already moving, making your back arch. “Think I need to remind you that you’re just a fuck toy, not some porcelain doll. They must’ve treated you so nicely, but you like it rough, don’t you?”
Juyeon removed his fingers from you and pulled his own shorts down just enough to free his member and teased your slit with the tip, making you bite your lip in anticipation. Your breath got cut short when he gripped your waist and pushed in in one quick thrust, his cock disappearing into your warmth and your pussy clenched at the feeling of every inch of him stretching you open.
He didn't give you time to even take a deep breath and started moving in a fast pace, grabbing your hips with force. You could feel your whole body getting hot, sweat starting to form on your temples, skin prickling. "How someone so annoying like you have a pussy so good?" He groaned giving a hard, sharp thrust making you gasp and lifted your right leg to put over the desk. You were there so open for him; bent over that he could do anything. And you enjoyed every part of it.
Breathy moans were leaving your lips mixing with obscene wet sounds from your dripping cunt and his hips slamming yours recklessly now, going deeper and deeper inside you. Juyeon was holding you so strong and digging his nails in your skin that you were sure it'd leave bruises. "F-fuck, Juyeon!" You screamed out when he pulled almost all of his length out just to pushed it back in with a quick motion. He smirked to himself and kept repeating it, just to see you writhe and lose your mind.
His hand pulled your ponytail to which you winced but couldn't contain a moan. Your knuckles were turning white holding onto the desk for dear life as Juyeon completely rammed into you. "Not so talkative right now, huh?" He grabbed both your arms, pinning them behind your back with his own hands. "Look at you clenching so desperately. Gonna cum on my cock like a good slut?" His voice was low, watching your whole body shake as you approached your high, loud and breathy sounds escaping your lips.
You came crying out his name, shaking violently and trying to roll your hips back to get more of him. Juyeon pulled out slowly, feeling your walls fluttering and you whimpered at the emptiness. Even though you were sensitive, Juyeon's dick was so good that it never failed to make you want more and more.
A last sigh left you before you got pushed to your knees facing his cock. "Now be the good little slut and you are and put this mouth to a better use."
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suna-reversed · 4 years
HQ boys as Taylor Swift songs-folklore
characters- Oikawa (exile), Atsumu (my tears ricochet), Meian (illicit affairs)
tags/warnings- ANGST, breakup, heartbreak, cheating, mentions of alcohol, manipulative behaviour, fluff in Meian’s if you squint
suggestions for pt2 would be appreciated (currently thinking of cardigan with Bokuto and hoax with Tsukishima)
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“I can see you standin', honey
With his arms around your body
Laughin' but the joke's not funny at all”
He had told himself over and over again to not look; in the flight, in the ride to the hotel, even as he passed the entrance gates of the exquisite banquet hall where the reunion was being held. All he had to do was keep his eyes away. 
But you were here, and he had never been good at withstanding the cosmic pull you always held. Even if you were in the arms of another, laughing like you always used to, with him. 
I think I've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending
“What changed, Tooru?” Your eyes were red and puffy, you had exhausted all your tears while he simply stood in the corner and watched. 
“This isn’t going to work out y/n. We’re both miles away, with different lives, in different time zones, around different people; we can’t have a relationship built on nothi-” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose,  “...I’m saving both of us from the pain that would come with splitting a few years down the line.” 
“Do you still love me?”
Oikawa was familiar with the grief that came with loss; the grief of giving something every single bit of your soul, only to come out empty-handed and wounded. 
“Go back home, y/n.”
You're not my homeland anymore
So what am I defendin' now?
You were my town
Now I'm in exile seein' you out
Perhaps he had damned himself to ruination. Given up without a fight. But that didn’t matter now. 
You look ethereal, with stars in your eyes and glee in your smile. It doesn’t matter if he’s not the one behind it. You would have been a shell of who you are right now if you had stayed with him anyways. 
He turns around, heading for exit.
Just one last time. He promises himself. His lips curve upwards into a bittersweet smile as he turns around to get his last look. Instead, he finds himself staring into the expanse of an entire galaxy. A cosmic explosion coming his way as the floor shifts from beneath him. 
No, you definitely don’t sound the same.
How long has it been since he heard that voice?
“Not even gonna say goodbye before you leave Oikawa?”
What happened to your precious “Tooru”?
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Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe
All the hell you gave me?
The clock reads 01:27 am. You’ve been sitting on the couch for the past 3 hours, the untouched dinner on the table gone cold long ago. You hear the sound of a door slamming shut, hushed footsteps making their way towards the center of the apartment, coming to a halt at the sight of you.
“Why are you still awake?” 
“You promised we’d have dinner together tonight.”
“Listen, it got late at practice, you could’ve just eaten without me.”
“You could’ve at least dropped a text.” You murmur, trying to keep your voice from breaking. This wasn’t the first time he had stood you up.
“It’s not that big of a deal y/n. You realise how important the upcoming match is to me, don’t you?” He sighs, shaking his head in disappointment, “Let’s just go to bed okay, I’m tired.” 
“Okay.” You mutter, loosening your grip on the 2 year anniversary gift hidden below the couch cushion. A platinum ring with yours and Atsumu’s initials carved on the inside.  
You wear the same jewels that I gave you
As you bury me
Atsumu’s vision is blurry, shirt drenched in sweat, his head pounding as he’s pushed against the wall. He doesn’t know whether it’s from the screaming match he just had with you, or from the two bottles he chugged at a shady bar right after he walked out. 
All that matters right now is the feeling of the hands of the girl that’s kissing his jaw. The same spot where you had pressed a chaste kiss not too long ago as you told him that you were going to leave- 
No, he’s not going to think about it. All that matters is the touch of skin against skin, filling in the void you caused as he kneads the supple flesh of her thigh with his hand. The same hand that bore a platinum ring, the letters engraved inside of it now fatuous and futile. 
You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
You turned into your worst fears
No, no, no. 
Why are you here?
Why are you back?
“I had hoped we could talk-” You take a deep breath, feet stuck in place as you lay your eyes upon the marks littering his jaw, his neck, going much farther down-
A sob comes out from deep inside your chest. 
No, no, no. 
He’s looking at you, your crestfallen face, tears falling off of it like british showers. 
He’s acting before he can think, falling to his knees, grabbing onto your waist as you try to walk out. 
“No! Angel, please just let me explain. I thought you were never coming back- I would've never-”
“Never what Atsumu?!” Your voice is louder than you expected it to be. 
“Never what? A single fight is all it takes for you to discard everything we ever had? For you to step over everything I put into a relationship that has barely even existed for so long!” 
He’s never heard you shout before. But it's okay, it’s okay if you shout at him, if you break a few things, hell you can wreck his whole apartment if it means that you’re staying for even just a moment longer. 
But you’re not. You’re pushing him away, movements stern, as you try to make your way to the door. All he can do is cling onto you, crying your name over and over again as he racks his brain for a way to make you stay. 
Why was it always you who knew what to say when it came to fixing things?
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Make sure nobody sees you leave
Hood over your head
Keep your eyes down
Tell your friends you're out for a run
You'll be flushed when you return
You knew there were aspects of his life he had no control over. After all, he was watched by thousands of eyes everyday; the star player, the golden boy; the captain of MSBY. So how does it matter if you had to go a mile extra to hide what you had?
You loved who he was as a person and how he made you feel. Good-morning and goodnight texts, warm cuddles after matches, dancing in the kitchen to songs you don’t know the name of, late night drives to get takeout or go stargazing, laughing till you were on the floor crying. You loved him so much.
And that's the thing about illicit affairs
And clandestine meetings
And stolen stares
They show their truth one single time
But they lie, and they lie, and they lie
A billion little times
“Volleyball player Meian Shugo spotted with a blonde beauty at the MSBY vs Adlers afterparty. Could she be his rumoured girlfriend that we’ve been kept in the dark about all along? Read more for exclusive deta-”
You can’t shed a single tear staring at the cover of the magazine. Not because your heart hasn't just been ripped out of your chest, but because you’re in public, standing in line at the grocery store picking up snacks for you and...Meian. 
Why did you not see this coming? What hurt more was that you knew the girl. Meian had introduced you to her as a friend, and her as his social media manager. So this was clearly a misunderstanding right? It had to be. Despite telling yourself that over and over again, you still couldn’t get the picture of his arm wrapped around her waist and the smile etched onto his face out of your mind as you drove home, tears blurring your vision.
Don't call me kid
Don't call me baby
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
“Baby please listen to me-”
You’re sitting on the edge of the couch. You don’t know how long ago you stopped screaming, how long ago the anger dissipated and the rage turned into silent sobs, leaving behind a gaping hollow feeling in your chest. 
You feel him shift closer to you but you don’t at him, still sniffing, your head buried in your arms. 
“She was at the party because she’s our manager, you know Jessi-”
“Don’t say her name.” you hiss out. 
“I wish I never met you, I wish I never got into this stupid arrangement. I wish-” You’re rambling now, sobs escaping between every few words as you try to comprehend the situation, “I hate this. I hate you.” 
Heavy silence hangs in the room. 
And you know damn well
For you I would ruin myself
A million little times
You find arms being wrapped around you and your head being pulled into a warm chest. You try to fight at first, but you’re tired; your throat hurts, your eyes burn and everything feels so cold, so you let yourself guiltily fall into his comfort, pathetically sobbing into his neck.
He patiently waits for your sobs to quiet down, one hand rubbing gentle circles onto your back while the other cradles the back of your head.
“She was at the party with the whole team and the publicist used it as a way to create gossip. That’s all there is to it. I had not given my consent for them to go ahead with this, but they refused to make our relationship public. Apparently, they didn’t think that the age gap between us would reflect well on my reputation.” 
Meian’s heart breaks at the sound that leaves you as he says that, your hand gripping onto the fabric of his shirt as you start sniffing once more. 
“I don’t care about what they say princess, you know that.” He kisses the top of your head, pulling you even closer to himself as if he could absorb the pain from you. 
“I’m so sorry, give me another chance please. I didn’t tell you because I knew it’d hurt you. I promise I’ll make it up to you, please?” 
You look up at him. His eyes are filled with tender love and pure adoration, it makes your heart melt. You nod, burying your face into the crook of his neck. Of course you would, he's your precious Meian, you’d always forgive him. Why did you ever think he’d do anything to hurt you?
Meian smiles into your hair, ignoring the sound of the notification popping up on the phone kept on the table, 
Jessica: hey, we're still on for tonight right ? ;)
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angellesword · 4 years
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Summary: You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It's simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if...Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
"A future without you is a world without color."
 Genre: soulmate au, e2l, slow burn, angst, fluff, roommate au 
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
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The best thing about Red was that she wasn't just your assistant; she was also your friend.
Your one and only girl confidant.
Growing up, you didn't really have a lot of friends. It was probably because you used to be so shy.
Unlike other children, you weren't forced by your parents to interact with kids your age. Why would they do that when you already had everything you needed?
You had the latest toys so you didn't have to play tag or hide and seek with your neighbors. You were also a smart girl. You didn't need to ask for your classmates' help. The only weakness your parents saw was the fact that you only excelled in the academic field. You weren't blessed with a golden voice. You couldn't dance, you couldn't ride a bike. You couldn't even do the basic household chore.
This was all because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You didn't have to try harder. You had a handmaiden to do all sort of things for you. Your parents paid the school so that you wouldn't have to attend P.E classes or any other extracurricular activities.
You were contented to be alone in your big, princess-like room.
In fact, you only met Jimin, your best friend who was two years younger than you, during college days. He was your classmate in your first ever P.E class. You were already a junior that time. You thought you could skip P.E the way you did in high school, but you were wrong. You ended up in Jimin’s class that time.
The two of you didn’t stop being friends after the semester ended. Actually, you guys became even closer. Jimin was the only person who was by your side when you were breaking down because of school. He cried with you, slept late with you, and he also set you up with a lot of his friends. Unfortunately, you weren't attracted to any of them. You weren't picky. You were just a sucker for soulmates and happy endings. His efforts didn't go to waste though. You became good friends with some of these guys. You were particularly close to Jung Hoseok, a boy your age who was in Jimin's dance class.
Hoseok was a great person, but you still craved the idea of having a girl best friend.
Luckily, you met Red.
You met her months ago—back when she was still a struggling student who was looking for a job in the company where you were working.
"And why would I hire someone like you?" Gahee, your co-worker, snarled at Red. The former didn't like the latter's answers during the interview portion. She said Red was too slow, too soft. She wasn't fit to become a lawyer like the rest of you.
"I'm sorry..." This was another issue. Red kept on apologizing. She had a very low self-esteem.
You knew right there and then that this girl wouldn't be hired. Out of the five interviewers, you were certain that you're the only one who was in favor of this intern.
It was because Red reminded you of your younger self.
As stated, you were a shy kid. But then law school changed you. To survive, you needed to act tough—you constantly needed put on a mask just so you could reach the 'standard' of what a lawyer should be like.
Most of the time, it worked. There were cases, however, wherein you became clouded by your own judgment. Some of your colleagues said you were too empathetic—always rescuing people from their misery.
You were doing it again.
"I'm going to hire her." These were your exact words just as Red was about to leave.
She stopped walking. Red turned to look at you. Confusion was apparent all over her face. Were you serious?
The other interviewers couldn't believe the words that came out of your mouth, so naturally, they protested.
You simply raised your brow at them.
"I said what I said. She's going to be my new assistant." You pointed at Red who still looked so shocked.
"But we don't want to work with her!" Gahee groaned.
Gahee's face turned pale because of your response. You arched your brow higher.
"It doesn't matter if you don't want her. She's going to work for me."
The interviewers went silent.
You see, no one could ever question your decision. You might be 'too soft' for some of them, but they still couldn't deny that you were damn good at your job. Your personality in the office was very different from what your family and friends knew. For them, you would always be that quiet little girl who couldn't speak for herself. In here, you were young, but sophisticated. A lion in a world full of kittens.
"Ms. Red Lee's my responsibility from now on. If you have a problem with her, you can talk to me."
This was the beginning of your friendship with Red. At first, she was skeptical of your intention. Why would you want to work with someone like her?
"Because I believe in you." You offered her a smile when she finally found the courage to ask you the question that had been bothering her since the first time she met you.
Red had been your assistant for months now; however, your co-workers still didn't like her. It was as though they were waiting for her to make a mistake.
She did.
"How's our case going? Did our client take the color vision test?" You inquired days before the trial of your client who wanted to sue the business person who sold her fake whitening products. This was a simple case. You didn't understand why your client wanted to go to trial; this could simply be settled without going to the court.
"There's no need for that. I've already talked to her."
"Well..." Red took a seat beside you. She was blushing. "Remember when I told you I've met my soulmate?"
"Oh. Right!" You beamed at her. How lucky. "So did you break up with JK?"
Red told you she had a boyfriend named JK. You honestly didn't know much about him or their relationship, though you were informed that they had been together for almost a decade, unfortunately, they weren't soulmates.
"I did." The smile she gave you was sad. "But he didn't take it well..."
You didn't know what to say after that. Admittedly, you had urged Red to breakup with her boyfriend because you didn't appreciate that she was keeping him in the dark. It was unfair.
"But anyway," Red sounded so excited that you couldn't help but giggle. "I've talked to your client. I'm sure she can see color since her answer was right when I asked her if she can tell me the color of the shirt I'm wearing."
"Okay, then."
It was stupid of you to rely on Red's words and you knew it. This was the reason why you couldn't defend yourself when your boss humiliated you in front of everyone. As if that wasn't awful enough, your superior also excluded you from the biggest case you were working on.
Gahee was the new head of that case.
"I'm sorry!" Red was crying. You took accountability for what she had done. She was your assistant after all.
"It's okay, Red." You smiled despite the fact that you were breaking inside. Your boss made you look like a fool. You couldn't erase the image of your colleagues smirking that was circling inside your head.
You were no longer a lion.
"I-It's not okay! You lost the case!" She knew that you spent months working on the mentioned case your boss removed you from. Everyone was jealous of you. They wanted to handle that case. Now, Gahee had the chance. You lost yours.
You embraced Red. You couldn't bear to see anyone crying.
"But I'm still handling Mr. Kim Seokjin's case." You stared into her eyes. "That's the only case I want to handle. Trust me."
Red sobbed even harder. She understood what you meant. You lost the biggest case, but at least you were still Mr. Kim's lawyer. Again, his case was more important to you and Red.
"I'm going home. Is that okay? Can you handle yourself?" You couldn't work with a heavy heart. You needed to see Miri. You needed a bath. You needed a break.
Fortunately, Red let you go.
Ever since that day, your assistant became more hyperaware of your needs and wants. She was certain she owed you a lot. This was the reason why you couldn't understand why Jeongguk was crying now.
"G-Gukkie?" You swallowed hard when you saw tears streaming down his cheeks.
Again, Red knew what you needed. You were sure she gave you the correct recipe for kongnamul guk. So why was Jeongguk weeping as he ate the soup you made?
It couldn't be because it didn't taste good. You followed Red's recipe. It was perfect! Everyone loved her soup.
Your soulmate didn't answer you. He also refused to look at you. It was embarrassing enough that you could see his overflowing emotions.
Jeongguk wondered why the world was so cruel to him. He woke up a few minutes ago with a heavy head, and then the first thing he spotted was you.
You were standing near his feet; a lovely smile was plastered on your face. Jeongguk didn't understand why you were grinning at him like that.
Weren't you mad? He remembered everything that happened last night. He acted like an asshole.
Jeongguk's suspicion grew when you handed him an ibuprofen and a glass of water. Not only that, you also told him that you cooked soup to help him with his throbbing head. He was too tired and shy to refuse you, so without saying anything, he let you drag him to the dining table.
You prepared everything for Gukkie. The only thing he had to do was eat. The thing was, he couldn't even do that.
Tears filled his eyes the moment he tasted the soup. He was looking directly at you while bring the spoon closer to his mouth—this was how you acted last night. This was what pissed him off. You were scowling, making him feel like he was the worst cook ever.
How was he different from you when he was acting the same way? The only thing that changed was his expression. As said, he was crying instead of frowning.
It broke your heart.
"Say something please?" You begged. You felt your chest tightening. Did you make him cry? Were you wrong? Red's recipe was perfect, maybe it was you who fucked things up. Did you put too much salt? Too much bean sprout?
What was wrong?
Jeongguk shook his head, harshly wiping his tears away. He didn't say anything. He didn't make it seem like he hated the soup. Actually, he finished it within a few minutes.
"I'm going to my room." He abruptly stood up, hanging his head low.
"T-Thanks for the food."
The way Jeongguk acted made you realize that you couldn't really cook, not even when the perfect recipe was literally in front of you; however, this didn't stop you from making dinner that same day.
Your soulmate locked himself in his room since morning. He hadn't eaten anything other than that soup and frankly, you were getting worried. You didn't want him to get sick.
It was going to take a while to have your food delivered, so you just decided to cook instant ramen. It had always been your life savior.
"What are you doing?"
You stopped trying to open the stove when Jeongguk suddenly spoke up.
He instantly realized what you were doing, causing him to grimace.
"You can't eat instant ramen for the rest of your life, you know? It's very unhealthy." Jeongguk shook his head, disappointed.
You bit your lower lip. It was the only food you knew how to prepare by heart. You didn't want to upset him again by trying to cook something that didn't taste good.
"I'm gonna prepare our dinner." He announced and you nodded.
You were starving. It was Sunday, but you still needed to work. You stayed in the living room the whole day, talking to Mr. Kim Seokjin about his case. Miri wasn't around to keep you company. That cat of yours stayed with Jeongguk the whole day. What a traitor.
"Okay. I'll be in my room if ever you need help." You said.
"Wait!" Jeongguk held your wrist, stopping you from leaving.
"I-Is gimbap okay?" His voice was soft as he asked this. He realized he needed to talk to you about your likes and dislikes. He couldn't just prepare something and get mad if you ended up disliking it.
Jeongguk could feel your hesitation. It wasn't like you hated gimbap, but you had too much of it yesterday. Red made twenty five pieces when you told her you were craving it.
"Tell you what," Jeongguk let go of your hand. "Why don't we just eat out? Do you like pizza? What about pasta?"
He kept on suggesting food you could try, but nothing was registering inside your mind. The only thing you could think of was this:
"We're going on a date?" Your eyes were sparkling.
"What?" Jeongguk asked, dumbfounded. Out of the many things he had said, this was the only thing you could think about?
"You said we're gonna eat outside! It means we're going on a date!" You were smiling shamelessly.
Jeongguk's eyes widened. He was panicking. He didn't know why his heart was beating so fast just by the thought of going out on a date with you.
"I-I..." He swallowed hard. "We could invite T-Tae and Jimin."
Jeongguk panicked more upon realizing what he just said. No. He couldn't bear to see his best friend right now. Jeongguk hadn't told anyone that he could see colors now—well, except Yoongi.
Jeongguk wasn't ready yet. He felt guilty. He knew he was the reason why you couldn't see colors. He didn't want Taehyung and Jimin to be disappointed in him. Besides, he didn't want the couple to pester him about liking you. Again, that wasn't going to happen.
Jeongguk was about to withdraw his statement, unfortunately, you were already telling him that it was a good idea.
"So how are you, Guk?"
This was the story how Jeongguk ended up eating sushi with Taehyung.
The couple accepted your invitation. The four of you were supposed to eat together, but Jimin claimed he needed to talk to you. Alone.
Taehyung didn't protest. He missed Jeongguk too. It had been a while since they last talked. This was the perfect time to finally catch up.
"Nothing new." Jeongguk shrugged nonchalantly.
"Really?" Taehyung raised a brow. He could tell when his best friend was hiding something. "So you don't consider being able to see colors as something new, huh?"
Jeongguk's head jerked up.
"You know!?"
Taehyung laughed. Of course he knew. You told Jimin and Jimin told Taehyung. The latter was simply waiting for Jeongguk to open up.
He couldn't wait forever though. Jeongguk could be stubborn sometimes.
"She also told us that you cried earlier..."
Jeongguk pursed his lips into a thin line. Damn it. You couldn't keep anything to yourself, could you?
"I did not." Jeongguk gritted his teeth. The tears forming in his eyes were in contrast to what he was saying.
Jeongguk indeed cried earlier. Taehyung could tell because the younger boy was crying again.
"Guk..." Taehyung caressed Jeongguk's clenched fist.
"Wanna tell your hyung what happened?" The voice of Jeongguk's best friend was like a lullaby.
Jeongguk cried even harder.
Truthfully, he was surprised with himself too. Jeongguk had always been emotional, but his stubborn ass refused to let other people see him cry. This was new. The Jeongguk Taehyung knew would keep his mouth shut.
The Jeongguk today couldn't stop talking.
"I got so drunk last night, hyung. She..." Jeongguk looked at Taehyung to make sure that he understood that the she he was referring to was you.
"She cooked kongnamul guk for me."
Taehyung was silent after that. He tried to understand what Jeongguk was saying. Sadly, he couldn't.
"Are you telling me that you're crying because she prepared a soup for you?" Taehyung sounded unsure.
Jeongguk shook his head; tears were still streaming down his cheeks.
"No. I was just reminded of..." He trailed off.
"Of what?"
For a moment, Jeongguk was silent. His heart was hurting.
"Of the mean things I've said to her." Jeongguk sobbed.
It was a bad idea to look at you while he was trying to eat. Jeongguk's eyes accidentally fell into your lips. It was swollen—a reminder that you still ate the garlic shrimp even though you were allergic to it.
Jeongguk felt like an evil person.
Why were you always so kind to him? No one treated him the way you treated him. It was too good to be true.
"Oh." Taehyung broke into a huge grin and suddenly, he was chuckling.
"What's so funny?" Jeongguk was talking in a pout.
"Nothing!" The best friend's laugh had died down, but he was still smiling. "Is she tricking me, then? Can't she really see colors?"
For Taehyung, it was impossible that you were still living a monochromatic life. It was obvious that Jeongguk cared for your feelings. However, Jimin thought the opposite.
"Seriously? God. I hate that brat so much!" Jimin didn't know that he was capable of hating Jeongguk, but after listening to your story, he couldn't help the annoyance he felt for your soulmate.
You were currently inside a restaurant that was just across the sushi bar where Jeongguk and his boyfriend were at.
Jimin missed you as much as Taehyung missed his best friend. The last time you two communicated was three weeks ago. You did tell him that Jeongguk was your soulmate and that he didn't seem to like you.
Jimin brushed it off at first. He told you to give Jeongguk some time. He failed to tell you that your soulmate just went through a tough breakup though. Jimin knew it wasn't his story to tell.
"Don't. Gukkie's a good person. He just didn't know any better."
"It’s because he isn't trying!" Jimin crossed his arms. He was aware that it was unfair to get mad at Jeongguk, but your best friend could tell that you were getting hurt because of your soulmate's insensitivity.
"If I were you, I would give up on him."
You shook your head instead of agreeing to his statement.
"Jeongguk reminds me of law school."
When Jimin raised his brow, you started to elucidate what you meant.
No one, not even your parents, believed in you when you told them you were going to law school. Sure, you were smart, but you weren't strong like others. You cry immediately. You couldn't handle harsh opinions. You couldn't even handle sleepless nights and intense competition. You hated conflict. You had always been a mediator.
Even Jimin tried to stop you. He asked you so many times if you truly wanted this. It's not that he didn't trust you. Your best friend was only concerned about your well-being. He was there when you were having a difficult college semester. Undergraduate life was clearly much easier compared to graduate school. Jimin couldn't let you lose yourself just because of law school.
But you were determined to prove them wrong. Yes, law school was hard, but you were stronger. If you remained passionate about learning the law, you knew you would become a lawyer.
Guess what? You did.
This was what you were holding onto every time you felt like giving up on Jeongguk.
Pain was nothing if you could make him fall in love with you.
"Jeon Jeongguk!" You shouted when you saw Taehyung and your soulmate walking out of the sushi bar.
You and Jimin had also finished eating.
Your soulmate looked at you with furrowed brow. He didn't understand why you were shouting when the two of you were just a few meters away from each other.
"I LIKE YOU!" You shouted once again. Your voice was so loud that people couldn't help but look at you.
You were gaining attention.
Taehyung and Jimin were laughing their asses off. Jeongguk tried to run away, but his best friend held him down.
"You're fucking crazy!" Jimin shook his head, still laughing when you started to form a big heart over your head.
Jeongguk was dying of embarrassment, but you didn't care.
You were sure.
Jeon Jeongguk was going to love you.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: I have been insecure about my curly hair lately and was wondering if you can you write something with one of the weasley twins where the reader is insecure about her curly hair and one of the twins makes her feel better.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Hufflepuff!Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @wildcat1434
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: So like, incoming fluff bc this idea was cute and sometimes I do be needing fluff, that's about it, enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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The relationship between me and my hair had always been... Bumpy, you could say.
There were periods in which I would find it quite lovely; during those times I would let my curls free, showing them off with a proud demeanor, knowing my hair was unique. Those times began to turn less and less usual since the middle of third year, though they were still there.
However, after the summer prior to my sixth year, those moments had banished; I only wished to hide my hair, and my friends ended up noticing. They told me surely there would be a spell or potion able to change my hair.
As if they had summoned it, the next day in Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall introduced us to what seemed like my salvation; Crinus Muto, an advanced spell that modified the caster's hair with no restrictions.
My best friend advised me against using it, claiming it wouldn't help my insecurity— if only, it would worsen it.
I really wanted to do as she had told me and completely dismiss the spell's existence, but two nights after I had a big mental breakdown about it, caused by the most stupid thing ever.
"Is Weasley staring at you or am I blind?" One of my friends whispered, her eyes trained on the Gryffindor table.
I didn't even bother to look up, not wanting to know whether it was true or not, before responding with a quiet "You're blind."
"I mean, it's hard to tell with two rows of students between us but," She nudged me, urging me to avert my gaze from my dinner and redirect it to Fred. "it kinda looks like he's... staring."
Curiosity killed the cat, I guess. My eyes finally left my plate and were, in fact, met with Fred's brown ones. As soon as they met, though, he looked away, pretending to be focused on his food, just like I had been doing seconds ago.
"Of course he's staring." Hannah Abbot, who sat right in front of my friend, commented with her mouth full. "Have you seen your hair?" She swallowed her food, looking me up and down before adding, "No offense, but it's an absolute mess." My eyes opened widely in shock at her bluntness. "You should take care of it, really."
"Has someone ever told you you're an ill-mannered bitch, Hannah?" I heard my friend talking back at the younger girl while I got up and started to make my way out of the Great Hall.
Of course, I didn't see Fred shooting up and attempting to go after me; ultimately he decided to stay in his place, since he saw my friend walking out too.
I was very aware of all the pair of eyes that had been laid on me the very moment I entered the greenhouse where we would be doing the Herbology tasks.
When I had met my friends at the Hufflepuff common room that morning, I had received divided opinions about my straight hair. At first I had been very convinced that it looked way better than my curly hair, but seeing my friends' reaction, I wasn't that confident about it anymore.
I didn't have time to undo the spell before class, so I decided to go along with it and see how the day unfolded.
I took a deep breath, my eyes trained on the ground as I made my way to an empty seat; maybe there weren't that many people staring, maybe it was just my anxiety.
I finally gathered the courage and looked up, nervously scanning the glasshouse so I could shake off my fears.
There was only a couple of my peers staring, which would have put me at ease, if one of them wasn't Fred Weasley.
On top of it, of course, he wasn't even trying to be subtle, it was almost as if he wanted me to notice his judging eyes; I could feel his gaze on me for the entire class.
The instant Professor Sprout dismissed us, I shoved everything in my bag and left the greenhouse, thanking a couple of Gryffindors who complimented my hair on my way out.
Again, I didn't notice Fred leaving the class as soon as he could to run after me.
I threw my bag against a tree near the lake shore and, as I fell against it, I heard someone jogging in my direction.
"In a hurry to sit by the lake, Y/l/n?" I followed the tall ginger with my eyes while he circled me and sat down by me. "You alright?"
"I just needed a break from... People." I vaguely explained, focusing on the water instead of on the boy besides me.
"Understandable." He hesitated for a second before adding, "Do you want me to leave?"
"No, it's fine." I surprised myself at how calmed and collected I sounded, as if I wasn't chatting with my crush.
"What happened to your hair?" His genuinely curious inquiry took me aback, and I struggled to find something to answer.
"Why?" My heartbeat picked up, anxiety inundating me once more. "You don't like it?"
"It looks weird." Fred looked at me up and down with a grimace. "You don't... Look like yourself." I was about to enter fight or flight mode, but he seemed to notice, and panic made its way to his face. "But it doesn't matter what I think," he was quick to add, his eyes wide open as if he knew he had said something he should have not. "I mean— I think it shouldn't matter, if you like it, that's great— I mean, you don't need my opinion about that either!"
"Calm down, I understand." I tried to reassure him, before his rambling drove the both of us crazy. "Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded with pursed lips, surely afraid he would fuck up if he spoke again. "I've been very insecure about my hair lately— like, very." I sighed. "My best friend told me not to straighten it, but last night I got a not so nice comment and—"
"So that's why you left?" I nodded, tugging my sleeves. Fred went silent for a moment, and then cleared his throat and scooted closer to me. "I know this won't do much, but I really love your hair. Kinda reminds me of fireworks and streamers." He gestured around his own head, mimicking the fireworks' movement. "Dunno I think is fun and pretty awesome." I raised my brows at him in surprise. "Like you."
"Aw, that's very sweet." He offered me a sheepish smile as I felt my cheeks blushing. "It does a lot, actually." I confessed, fidgeting with my rings. "I guess I kinda needed to hear something positive about my hair."
"Well, whenever you need to hear something positive about your hair," he pointed at himself. "I'm your man." He winked at me and I let out a chuckle. "I can also tell you positive things about you in general, but that has a price."
"And what is it?"
"You'll have to let me buy you a drink at The Three Broomsticks this Saturday." I tried not to let panic slip through my recently eased demeanor; was he asking me on a date? "And give me a kiss after." He wiggled his brows at me and my face turned red. "the kiss is negotiable."
I casted my gaze down, fixing it on my shoes, not sure of what I was supposed to say at that. His foot tapping mine snapped me out of my thoughts.
"So?" My eyes traveled to him once more, only to find his studying me already. "What do you say, Y/l/n?"
"Well," I shrugged, trying in vain to play nonchalant. "Seems like an affordable price, so it's fine by me."
"I'll pick you up after lunch, yeah?" Before I could agree, he gasped, his eyes going wide. "I'm a genius."
"Come again?" I frowned, confused as his sudden frantic behavior.
"Don't mind me, love." He jumped up and jogged towards the castle, leaving me puzzled in there. I was about to grab a book from my bag when Fred rushed back, crouched down and pecked my cheek. "Your hair's amazing." He assured me. "See you!" My fingertips graced my now flushed cheek as he headed off.
I was finishing my lunch when two towering redheads entered the Hall running; while George, slowed down, Fred made a beeline to the Hufflepuff table, his casual clothes already on.
"Ready?" He asked breathless.
"Yeah— you didn't have lunch, did you?" I pointed out, getting up to stand in front of him.
"No, but I'll eat something later—" his eyes roamed over my carefully picked outfit before stating, "You look... very pretty."
"Why, thank you." I offered him a smile and looked over my shoulder at the Gryffindor table, where his friends were very attentive to all we did. "You sure you don't wanna eat something?"
"Hundred percent." He tilted his head towards the gates. "shall we?" He prompted to walk before him, and it was then that I realized he had his hands behind his back. Once we were out in the yard, he tugged my hand and made me turn to him. "I made something for you."
"You didn't have to." Was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard his words. Then the wording dawned on me; he didn't get me something, he made me something. "What is it?"
"So, you know that I told you your hair reminded me of fireworks and streamers?" I nodded, not quite knowing where he was going with that. "Well—" he then showed me what his back was hiding; a delicate, tiny firecracker with my name written on the side. "George helped me so I could finish it on time."
"I'm—" at my loss of words, I could only let out a happy laugh. "This is so cute— am I supposed to ignite it?"
"Duh!" I gently pushed his shoulder in response to his teasing. "Do you know how to do it?"
"I've seen you do it plenty of times." I admitted, grabbing the firecracker with one hand and my wand with the other; it looked so pretty, it was a pity I'd have to ruin it.
With a brief firemaking spell, the firecracker set off. Fred pulled me back slightly before it happened, though.
I was in awe at the beautiful fireworks before us, which looked like a color-changing, expanding version of my hair.
When the colors died out, I turned to Fred, whose attention was already on me, awaiting for a reaction. Surely, he was not expecting the kiss he got, but he didn't complain either; while my hands rested on his chest, his traveled to cup my cheeks before I could pull away.
"So you liked it?" He questioned quietly against my lips.
"I loved it." I whispered back with a wide smile. "You're a sweetheart." I pecked his lips before retreating. Holding his hand in mines, I made my way back into the castle. "We're not leaving until you have lunch."
"You are a sweetheart." He responded, following my lead without offering resistance. "By the way, your hair looks gorgeous." The corners of my lips twisted into a bigger smile at the sweet words he spoke only for me to hear as we went back into the Great Hall.
Maybe my hair wasn't that bad after all.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 3 years
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Title: Eyes on you
Pairing: Shaw x You
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 2,901
A/N: You (Y/N) are not the MC in MLQC. This is a plunny that's been bugging me for quite a while, I had to write it. I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I do not own MLQC or its characters, but I do own the concept of this fic.
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There were a few mysteries in this world that the esteemed Archeology Graduate Professors at Loveland University can't explain - for instance, the formation of the Stonehenge, the exact location of the lost city of Atlantis, the origin of the Nazca lines… and your presence at the Metro Art Gala dressed to the nines, positively gleaming as you strode arm in arm with your classmate and Thesis partner Shaw, who seemed like the perfect gentleman that evening. Thanks to your work at the Loveland Museum, you scored two invites to the gala featuring the recently discovered works of a well-known artist - an event any Archeology fanatic wouldn't let pass. The two of you walked along with LFG's Exhibition Hall, pausing occasionally to admire one of the recently discovered sculptures by the Renaissance artist D'Romani. As you both looked at the intricacies of the artwork in front of you, your charming companion would lean in slightly and whisper something in your ear, causing you to roll your eyes or stifle a giggle. 
To the guests in the prestigious gala, the two of you looked like two young people at the cusp of falling in love, but the members of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Archeology saw it differently - this was a real-life mystery if they'd seen one. 
As your eyes swiftly swept through the entire room, you could see that your professors only had one question in mind - how'd this happen? How did two people as different as day and night, who argued with each other throughout Graduate studies, end up amiably enjoying each other's company tonight? 
You drew a sharp breath and sighed. The answer was simple: Your Thesis defense was right around the corner. You needed him to cooperate, you were willing to go to great lengths to make it happen. And your Thesis partner (unfortunately) was ready to take full advantage of the situation. 
"Tell me why we're doing this again, " you said through the door that separated you and your date, as you were putting on the dress you bought (or invested on, as he casually stated) for tonight's gala, which he insisted on attending with you. It was six in the evening on a Friday, and you had just arrived home after cramming your workload at the Loveland Museum and foregoing your meal breaks just so you could leave work at exactly five-thirty. 
"I already told you a couple of times - you want me to cooperate with you so you can pass our Thesis, and I need a reason to be around her," the purple-haired man waiting at the other side of your bedroom door called out nonchalantly. "You can drop your fantasy about me asking you out because I'm attracted to you."
You hissed silently at his snarky remark and counted to ten. You haven't even left your apartment yet you already wanted this night to be over. "How do you even know she's gonna be there?"
She - the Miracle Finder Producer, the object of your Thesis Partner's fantasies, and as fate would have it, his brother's girlfriend. 
"They're doing a show featuring our Thesis adviser. Didn't he tell us about it during our last consultation?" He asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
"I wasn't listening," you shot back, as you took off your ponytail and started styling your hair with your curling iron. You chose a one-shoulder fitted black dress that stops right above your knees, so you thought of wearing your hair down for a change. 
"Ah, yes. You were too busy looking at your notes, trying to prove me wrong as always."
You closed your eyes, as you continued to make big beach waves and prayed to the gods you wouldn't commit murder tonight. 
"How much longer are you gonna take?"
"Excited much?" You asked, smirking while you now removed your glasses and put on your contacts. "You sound like a teenager excited to see his crush in a school fair!"
"Don't compare me to you!" 
"I don't have designs on anyone in the party," you called back. "Unless your brother's attending the event, that is. From what you've been telling me, he seems like a great guy."
Silence. You arched an eyebrow as you strained your ear to listen for any sign of life outside your bedroom door. What must your grunge-rock skater boy-turned-date-for-the-evening be thinking? 
"Do you want to pass our Thesis or not?"
You struck a victory pose at his remark. Finally, one point - you, Shaw - about twenty. 
"Are you done yet? This suit is really uncomfortable. Damn, why do people even wear these?"
"Because they're decent?" You shot back. "You know, you can always go home if you're not comfortable in your attire because when we get there, you need to act decent, too. Can't have your usual swagger in a formal affair."
"Just hurry it up already!"
You rolled your eyes as you applied your nude-colored lipstick to finish off your look before putting on your black stilettos, and stuffing your phone, wallet, and your makeup in your purse. 
"All done," you replied, as you finally emerged from your room. 
A part of you wished that the dynamics between you and Shaw were different. While he was a pain in the neck, and too carefree for his own good, you also thought he made for a good intellectual sparring partner, quite attractive, and it was hard to deny that he's got your heart beating double-time whenever he got too close for comfort like he was at that very moment. 
"My, you two kids seem to be having fun tonight."
You gasped, at the sound of the voice behind you, and you felt your date nudge you ever-so-subtly while straightening.
"Hey, Professor Adler," he said in his usual unruffled tone, his lips stretched into a smirk as he held his hand out to your Anthropology professor and Thesis adviser, who watched you both amusedly. His gesture made your eyes shot wide open, you thought they'd fall right off. Shaw shaking someone's hand? That's one for the books. 
"Shaw. Fancy seeing you here," the stout middle-aged man greeted while shaking your date's hand. "This isn't your usual scene though."
"Yeah, I know, but I can't exactly turn a pretty lady down, can I?" 
"I can see that," your professor said as he looked at you appraisingly. "Well, well, you clean up well, Miss (y/n)."
You fought the urge to squirm at the older man's words when you heard your date cluck his cheeks with his tongue and suddenly felt his arm around your shoulders, pressing you protectively close to his side. 
"All done!" You happily announced as you stepped into the living room of your small apartment where your date was impatiently waiting for you. 
You could've sworn he was stunned for a second or two before he shook his head and tried to regain his usual impassive expression. Finally, he stood and walked closer to assess you better. 
"You're not wearing your glasses. I thought you said you're practically blind without them?" 
You cocked your head to one side. Out of all the things he could've complimented or called out, that's the first thing he noticed? 
"Wouldn't it look awkward if I wore glasses to a formal event?"
"Your hair is all curly," he continued as if you didn't say anything. "And your shoes are so tall, won't you trip? Also, surely you have a jacket to go with that dress, right?" 
You stared at him in disbelief. Why did this carefree, bass-playing skater boy turn into your dad all of a sudden? 
"Well, at least you're not wearing red lipstick. You don't have to try too hard to look sexy. Geez! I've got plans of my own this evening, so don't expect me to be your bodyguard," he continued to mumble as he circled around you. Before long, you felt something warm and heavy on your shoulder. His coat?
"It's just until we get to the venue," he shrugged as he led you to the car he borrowed for tonight. "I don't want people seeing you freeze to death."
You sighed, your shoulders slumped as you followed your date to the car. You already expected he wouldn't throw you a compliment for looking like a proper human tonight, and you cursed yourself for feeling gutted over it anyway. 
"So, which one of these sculptures did you like best, Professor?" You sighed in relief as Shaw changed the subject, his arm still wrapped around you, making you blush furiously. 
"Oh, I have to say I liked Eros and Psyche best. In case you haven't seen it yet, it's located a little further down the hall near the bar area," the older man was starting to explain when someone tapped his shoulder from behind. 
"Excuse me, Professor Adler," a gentle voice called out, making both the professor and Shaw jump. From behind the old man, a pretty petite with brown hair and big brown eyes, and the biggest smile on her face stepped up. "My name is MC from Miracle Finder."
Almost immediately, Shaw withdrew his arm around you, almost causing you to stagger backward. He straightened up and feigned disinterest. 
"Hey. It's a little rude how you stepped in while I was talking to the Professor," he said, his tone teasing. 
"Oh, I didn't notice you here. Do you mind if I talk to your Professor? We've invited him for an interview about the exhibit," the girl said sweetly. 
Based on how unconsciously coy she acted around Shaw, and the way he kept egging her, there was no doubt that this was the girl he was crushing on. You felt like the odd person out all of a sudden and needed to step away. 
You backed away slowly, careful not to rouse their attention because it would probably suck if you knew how Shaw would introduce you to his little crush. As soon as you were in a safe distance, you turned and walked aimlessly down the hall, pausing briefly at paintings or sculptures that caught your fancy, looking at its intricacies as you did so earlier. But somehow, it wasn't as fun as it was before, so you moved on quickly, to give way to the other guests who also wanted to view the artwork.
Finally, you came upon the bar and decided to rest your tired feet at the far corner, hidden from the rest of the world. Sighing, you slipped your feet off your stilettos and quietly watched as the guests around you - mostly couples - happily chatting away as they enjoyed the beauty of the art around them and the wonderful music that filled the air. You knew somewhere in the crowd, your date was fawning over his lady love, probably getting in the way of her filming your professor. 
You knew he liked her - he always told you he did. And why wouldn't he? MC was pretty, seemingly sweet, and dainty - the kind of girl any guy would like to protect. And you. You were the opposite. You lived for your work, were 'one of the boys', and didn't need anyone to protect you - that's just how you were - and now you started to realize that maybe guys don't exactly like that. At least not Shaw. 
Wait, what were you thinking? You scolded yourself as you shook your head. Why were you even thinking of what he liked when you don't even like him to start with. Or did you? 
"Ugh. What the hell is wrong with me?" You groaned when a cold bottle of beer and a frozen glass was placed in front of you. 
"I was gonna ask you that myself." 
You straightened up in your seat and shot a look at the guy seated beside you. Dressed in a nice grey suit, he smiled as he raised his beer bottle in front of you. 
"You look like you needed a drink. I hope the beer is okay. They don't have fruit beer or soda," he said calmly, his amber-colored eyes never leaving yours. 
"Y-yeah. Beer is perfect," you replied while pouring the amber liquid into the glass. "Thanks," you muttered before raising the glass to your lips to gulp down some liquid courage. 
"I saw you with Shaw earlier -"
The name on his lips drove you to a coughing fit, as you choked on your drink. "Sorry, " you mumbled in between coughs. 
"No, I'm sorry," the brown-haired guy said, as he cautiously and politely patted your back. "I didn't mean to bring that up. I was just curious."
"It's fine," you replied when you finally regained your composure. "Yes, we're just classmates in Grad school who decided to check this exhibit out for the heck of it."
"Classmates, huh?"
"Yeah, that's what we are," you said, taking a sip off your glass. "Grad school classmates."
"Are you telling me or telling yourself?"
You looked up and saw him smiling. There was something about Dreamy McHandsome who was seated beside you that felt so familiar yet different at the same time, but you couldn't point a finger at what it was exactly. 
"We're classmates, and we're working on our thesis together. But we're not friends - far from it even. We hate each other's guts."
"Can't blame you for doing so," he shrugged as he drank his beer. 
"Yeah. He dragged me here so he can get with someone he's been crushing on for so long," you rambled on, frowning. 
"Oh? And who might that be?"
"The Miracle Finder Producer. You know, the pretty girl in a blue top and white skirt. He's been going on and on about her for weeks…"
"You mean my girlfriend?" 
His girlfriend. You choked on your drink once again. "Y-y-your girlfriend? You mean to say…" You gasped. Has the beer made you stupid? You've barely drunk half of it, you thought as you fought to regain your dignity. This was Shaw's brother you were talking to - and boy, we're they blessed with good genes…
… And the same social awkwardness, you noticed, judging by how he kept his hand at your back, but not exactly touching it, as if trying to assess if he had to pat you or not. 
When you finally calmed down, he cleared his throat and gave you a small smile. "Don't worry. She talks to me about their conversations. I know what that guy is playing at, and I most definitely know he's not after my girl," he said, his voice broke no room for doubt. "My name is Gavin..."
"Yeah, I know…"
"You - what?"
"Oh," you said, tapping on your glass nervously. "Shaw kinda mentioned it in passing before."
"I see."
"So, what were you saying earlier about Shaw?"
"Oh. From what my girlfriend tells me, he's got his sights set on…"
"Ahem," you heard someone say loud enough for you and Gavin to turn your heads around. And there, standing behind you, was an angry-looking Shaw. You sat up, your gaze shifting between the two brothers as the air started to thicken with tension. "I talk to someone for a minute and the next thing I knew, my date walks out on me and right into the one person I'd hate for her to meet."
"Well, if you were just honest with her as with a lot of other things in your life, maybe she wouldn't have left your side earlier," Gavin retorted flippantly. "Is she finally done with filming?"
Shaw simply grunted in reply as he watched his older brother finish his bottle of beer and stand. "Well, Miss, there's a lot I've heard about you. Seems somebody couldn't stop talking about you, but I'll leave it at that." 
With a wink and a mischievous smile upon his face, the brown-haired guy sauntered off to look for his better half, as you and Shaw watched in awkward silence. 
He cleared his throat and glanced at you. "Hey."
"Hey," you replied, shakily. 
"So, about what that jerk said -"
"Yes?" You asked, feeling your heart hammer against your chest by the second.
"Whatever he said is not true," he said dismissively, as he took his coat off and draped it over your shoulders. "I told you before, I don't find you the least bit attractive."
You felt tears starting to sting your eyes, as he continued with his harsh commentary. "You're tough, highly opinionated, and you always want to come out on top. I don't find those attractive at all," he said. "I prefer a damsel in distress. I want someone clingy… someone, needy."
"I know that -"
"Oh do you?" He teased, his amber eyes twinkling. "You seem to know a lot about me."
"We've been working together for months now," you said. "Of course, I'd know more about you."
"I see," he said, as he took a step closer to you and touched your cheek, rubbing the stray tear that had managed to slip down the side of your face. "So, you must know I'm also a good liar. After all, I've kept all these feelings to myself for quite some time."
He snickered when he saw your frown deepen and he bent down just as he had done so earlier, to whisper. "I made you think I liked someone else when in fact," his low voice made you shiver. "I've always eyes for you."
The End.
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iha-tepeople · 3 years
Training Session
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pc: quotev.com
18+||Slight cursing||Oral Sex||Intercourse||Deku x Reader (They/Them pronouns)
Red Book (18+)
It's a week before the UA entry test and you're in the middle of nowhere practicing for the test* (quirk: underground explosion- you can make explosions from anything underground from up to 90,000ft under)
Deku is looking for a place to train outside of his training with All Might. He's in the forest looking for an empty space and sees you training and thing to himself *I wonder what their quirk is*. He stares at you in awe because he wonders if his quirk will be like yours when he gets his. He starts walking up to you to ask what your quirk is but then he sees you get frustrated. "FUCK!! My quirk will never be good enough to get into UA I have to try harder.". you start practicing again. Deku thinks *Well, maybe I should walk away they seem frustrated right now. I heard them say UA maybe I'll see them at the exam* He walks away in hope of seeing you at the exam. *Timeskip* It's the day of the exam and you are about to walk into UA but then you see this really handsome boy walk past and you think *Wow, maybe if I get in I can get to know him better.* but then, you see him walking with a pretty girl with brown hair who says she has a gravity quirk. You think *Damn, they look like boyfriend and girlfriend maybe I won't have a chance" you know that it's not the end of the world though so you head into UA and get to the Exam spot they assigned you. You realize that you aren't in the same exam spot as the handsome boy. The exam starts and it's over before you realize it, the exam is over. They are announcing who got in and you see that the handsome boy made it in. But once they are done they say "Attention, if you did not see your name and picture you did not make it into UA and you may now leave." you get sad and leave. You are at a cafe thinking *FUCK FUCK FUCK I could've done wayyyyy better, I'm gonna march my ass in there and tell them to give me and the other people who didn't get in a retake. NOW!!* as you're getting ready to make your march you bump into the handsome boy. Your face gets red and you start stuttering saying "O- OMG I'm so sorry." you pick up your dropped things and he says "It's fine I've been meaning to talk to you" you guys sit down and you tell him everything. He says "Wow I'm sorry to hear that. But, I don't have anything to do why don't you come train with me?" you answer with no hesitation and say "Of course, thank you for offering. Also, what's your name?" he replies also with no hesitation saying "My name's Izuku Midoriya!" with a big smile you say "Nice! My name's y/n" and you guys go train. *Timeskip* you've been training for about an hour and a half now and you are sweating and you accidentally trigger an explosion under you. Izuku rushes under you and catches you. There you guys are face to face like you are about to kiss then you both let out an awkward chuckle. He says "Maybe that's enough training for today. Why don't you come over to my place tomorrow and we can chat for a little." You say okay, get his number and you guys leave. The next day you show up at his house he lets you in and you guys go up to his room. You can see his very strong All Might obsession but you don't mind it. So you guys are talking learning more about each other. Then you start stuttering and he says "That was cute." and picks up your face by your chin and kisses you. He can see the obvious blush on your face and says "I'm sorry did I make you nervous?" He then picks up both your arms and moves back pinning you on the bed. He says "How about we play a little game? How about we see how long you can last until you finish while I tease every. single. inch of your body" You whimpered as you couldn't hold back the urge of wanting his touch. "Why are you holding back don't you have something you want to say?" you whimper and nod your head no. "Oh, come on you don't have to hold back around me." he says as he traces his finger down your body. He says 'I think I know what you want." then he traces your curves with his hands down to your pants and unbuttons them then he goes "Hmm nevermind I don't think you want
that." he then get off you and you have a look of disappointment on your face realizing he trying to get you to say it. So you say confidently "Please, fuck me" he turns around acting surprised "Oh, is that what you really want?" you nod your head yes and he gets back on you and begins to take your pants off. He then begins to trace circles around your clit with his tongue going slow just to see the look of pleasure on your face. He then goes "Oh, you like that, huh?" He then proceeds to go faster seeing you struggle to hold back. He then puts his tongue inside swirling big circles around. He sees you whimpering and gets back on top and kisses you "You're surprisingly good at this game." he says as he takes his pants off. "Why don't I try a little harder" He's taking his pants off and getting undressed as you think to yourself *Try a little harder?* as you realize this game is about to switch difficulties. He comes back over to you and starts kissing you and then he puts his hand over your mouth as he starts sucking on your breasts. You let out a moan, he smirks saying "Just as I thought you're holding back a lot, aren't you?" you nod your head no being a bratty sub. He says "Oh, no you aren't? Hmm interesting" he smirks as if he's planning something he then proceeds to start fingering you. He fingers you for a while then he suddenly stops and inserts his cock inside of you going deep until he can't anymore. It was so sudden that you let out the biggest moan even you hadn't heard yourself. He says "Oh, I thought you weren't holding back." then he chuckles. After that, he chuckles he starts going harder. faster. deeper. Until you can't take it anymore. You start moaning uncontrollably like your not in control of your body anymore. Then he takes it out flips you over and puts it back in. Whispering "Hmm, let's see how much longer you can hold out" then he proceeds to go faster and faster and faster until finally, you say "This is not a game for one is it?" You force him out of you pin him down and start to ride him as you can see him moaning over the sudden dominance in you. You say "I told you I would be able to hold out" as you start going faster and deeper. With his big rock-hard cock pounding deep deep inside your tight little pussy. You can see him starting to hold back and you say "Hmm, look who's holding back now." you go faster and faster until you both can't take it. You say "How about this why don't we call it a tie if you know what I mean." he nods his head in agreement You go faster and deeper until he cums inside you warm cum dripping all out of you. You put it back in and then you cum after a while. You fall on top of him whispering "Ha, look who held out longer." falling asleep in his arms. He chuckles and takes you to the bathroom to clean you up. You wake up and he's there playing video games and you say "Did I fall asleep?" he nods his head yes. You say "Get off the game let's go train asshole." he chuckles and smirks and says "Ok ok" laughing at your small but effective dominance.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Tom being in love with your baby niece
Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Prompt: You meet Tom at a hospital and he’s immediately infatuated with the little girl in your lap (inspired by this video I found on tiktok)
Warnings: F L U F F, Tom being amazing with kids, mentions of alcoholic/drug addict mother, mentions of child abandonment, but overall fluff and feel good story
Word Count: 2379 words (this was supposed to be short but oh well)
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: me, sweating profusely: calm down, just finish writing this, you are stronger than your baby fever, you are too young to have a child CALM TF DOWN
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So, funny story, you met at the hospital
Tom had dislocated his shoulder while doing a backflip *dejected sigh*
And you were just trying to keep your baby niece calm while waiting for the nurse to come get you
You were sitting on the bed, Tom was right next to you, only a curtain separating you
But there was a tiny crack near the end from where it was pulled too far
And when you pressed Olivia closer to your chest, her head resting on your shoulder, she made eye contact with him
He saw her tear-filled eyes
(broke his heart)
So he started to make funny faces at her
Which made her start to giggle and coo and make grabby hands towards him
You turned around, visibly confused because hellooo she was just crying a second ago and now she’s???laughing???
And then you saw him
oh shit he’s hot
He smiled at you
You smiled back, cause what else are you supposed to do?
He got up and pushed the curtains back 
And sat on the chair instead
Still on his side of the curtain
But looking at you straight in the eye now
“So... what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a nasty place like this?”
Poor boy thought he was smooth
But he rested his weight on his injured arm
(that idiot) 
And it lead to him hissing in pain and cradling his shoulder with a pout while you laughed
“Fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle. You?”
“Dislocated my shoulder while doing a backflip.”
Meanwhile Liv was now resting on your lap
Looking at him with a smile on her face
And clapping while he smiled at made funny faces at her again
But then he noticed you were watching
And he was kinda making a fool of himself in front of you
(cue the blushing)
(so cute)
So you decided to help him out a little
"Thanks for putting her in a good mood again."
"No problem... is she yours?"
He didn't want to seem rude so he kept the judgment out of his voice, but you seemed a bit young to have a kid already.
"Nah, she's my niece"
"Oh, okay... Why'd you bring her to the hospital with you? It must be hard having to take care of a kid and get your ankle checked."
You looked a bit sad for a while.
"My sister left her with me as soon as I turned eighteen. My parents were never in the picture so it's been me and her for almost a year now."
"I'm sorry..."
"'S okay. Besides, at least I'm not alone all the time you now? I mean, it's hard to take care of a 13 month-old, but at least I know she won't grow up like I did... afraid... wondering if her mom was gonna come home drunk or half-dressed with another guy on her tail, wishing her sister would let her sleep on the bed instead of locking herself up with her boyfriend there."
He watched you smile as you looked down at the little girl in your arms that seemed to be a perfect reflection of you.
That was the moment he fell in love with you
Dark circles under your eyes and all
He got your number (yay!!) and had to work (read: pester you) for two weeks before you agreed to go out on a date with him.
Liv stayed with Harrison (after you checked that he was a good babysitter)
He took you to a nice little restaurant near the beach
They served giant burgers
Which you liked at lot
Conversation was easy 
He asked you what you were currently doing
"I'm working as a waitress in a little diner downtown."
He also found out you were doing online college to get your creative writing degree.
You told him about your family life. 
How your dad died in a car accident when you were three. 
How your mom was an alcoholic junkie and OD'd when you were fifteen.
How your nineteen-year-old sister had to take care of you for there on out. 
How she left soon after you graduated high school and left you with a three-month-old baby to take care of.
In turn, he told you all about his life
How he became an actor and got his big break as Spider-Man
He told you about his family and how much he misses them
How thankful he is to have Haz with him
You excused yourself to the bathroom just before dessert
And that bastard took advantage of that tiny window to pay the bill
You scolded him for that obviously
And tried to pay him back
He laughed and said no
Then he bought you a giant cotton candy
"Tom, seriously I can pay for my own stuff."
"I know but I like spoiling you."
You finished the cotton candy together while strolling down the beach
Then once it was done he threw out the cone and took your hand
The sun was just setting so it was like a picture-perfect moment
So he took advantage of that and kissed you
(so cliche)
You tasted like strawberry from your chapstick
The cotton candy you just had
You tasted like sweetness
And comfort
And home
You started dating officially not long after that
And that's when it all really started
You knew he was good with kids
That first day at the hospital told you as much
But you didn't expect him to be this good
Olivia was very much in love with him
They were practically glued at the hip
She constantly wanted hugs from him
He took her to the park and threw her up in the air while she squealed in delight
He picked her up and carried her while you were making dinner so she didn't feel left out
She sat on his back while he did push-ups
He'd kiss her nose every time he did a sit-up
They would have kissing contests
He kissed her cheek
She kissed his back 
Then he kissed hers again
And so on
Her first word was Tommy
You'd never seen him so happy
You, on the other hand, were not
"I raised you on my own ever since you were three months old and this is the thanks I get?"
They'd often fall asleep together on the couch
Your camera roll was full of photos of them sleeping
Her favorite thing to do was grab him by the sides of his head and kiss his curls
(a d o r a b l e)
He helped you plan the perfect birthday party for her
"Only the best for my best girl"
"I thought I was your best girl"
"Only the best for either of my best girls but in this case the youngest one"
She loved it
You're pretty sure he loved it more
But who can say for sure?
On your six month anniversary, he told you he loved you and that he had no plans on ever leaving you two.
He forced you to quit your job at the diner
"You're overworking yourself. I have more than enough money to take care of all of us and that way you'll be able to focus on your studies and travel with me since you do online college. Everybody wins."
So you went wherever he went
Including filming for Infinity War/Endgame
He took you to set one day
Everybody loved you
But as always, Olivia stole the show
They passed her around like a little doll
She loved the attention
It was quite funny seeing such a tiny baby being held by the mountain of a man that is Chris Hemsworth
She only referred to Chris Evans as 'Cap'
And Robert would forever be 'Tony'
But they didn't mind one single bit
"She just looks so cute when she says it, I can't be mad at her."
You met his family when the filming ended and he went back to London
Dom was ecstatic to finally have a little girl to take care of
"At least she laughs at my jokes, not like those idiots"
"You can leave her with us whenever you want"
Nikki was very happy to have one more girl in her corner
"I swear, if I hear one more second of golf talk, I'll go nuts"
Harry loved taking pictures of Liv
"She's just so photogenic, it's so easy"
You learned a lot of recipes from Sam
"Finally someone that won't wreck my kitchen and taint my food's good name"
Paddy liked playing with Liv and Tessa in the backyard
"It's nice to take care of someone for a change, I'm always the one being babied"
You made your relationship public while you were in London, a year and a half after you started dating
The public loved you
Because he just couldn't help but brag
And Tom with kids is the content the fans live for
tomhotland: omgggg they're so cuteee
spideysbae: the heart eyes thoooo
peterpprotectionsquad: i hereby declare that Olivia is the cutest baby to have ever existed and she must be protected at all costs
He took you to the Far From Home premiere
Your dress matched his suit
The fans went crazy
Olivia was living her best life in her little red and black dress
She'd gotten used to the flashes after Harry's numerous photoshoots
So she was just smiling and clapping a lot
The paparazzi loved her
The interviewers kept asking about you two
"(Y/N)'s the love of my life and Olivia's the sweetest baby I've ever known, I couldn't love her more if she was my own"
"So, do I hear wedding bells ringing?"
"Well, you never know"
That caught your attention for a second but you let it go in favor of posing with Liv after the paps all but begged you to
"Livvy say bye-bye"
She sent a kiss a said bye-bye in all her baby glory
They awed so much
His Instagram was filled with pictures of the three of you
Zendaya took a bunch of selfies with her as well
"Our dresses match, I have no choice"
She kept pretty quiet during the movie
But hugged Tom especially hard when she saw him cry on the big screen
The next morning, you were all over the headlines
"The sweetest little family in Hollywood"
On your third anniversary, he took you on a week-long trip to Bora Bora
Liv stayed with his parents
He took you on a walk to the beach
(déjà vu much?)
And proposed
Clumsily, but he proposed
How can a proposal be clumsy, you ask?
Well, he kneeled on a rock at first
"Ow! Fuck my knee, hold on a second"
Then he kept stuttering because he was so nervous
And in the end (after you said yes and he checked about five times cause "Wait seriously?") he started freaking out cause the ring didn't fit
But she wears the ring I used as a reference all the time!
"Um, Tom?"
"Yeah, babe?"
"The ring's supposed to go on my other hand..."
Ah, that explains it
The wedding was simple but beautiful
Livvy was the flower girl cause she wanted to throw petals in the air
Tessa brought the rings
His heart almost stopped when he saw you walk down the aisle
He was convinced you'd never looked more beautiful than that day at the premiere when your clothes matched 
But right now, looking at your smile and how gorgeous you looked in that dress, he realized he was wrong
He sniffled, trying to hold his tears, but Haz just handed him a tissue
"I came prepared"
You two adopted Liv
She was your daughter anyway, you just made it official
She started calling you 'mommy' and 'daddy'
"She called me 'daddy'."
Oh, the tears
To Tom's great delight, she started picking up a British accent, as she grew
It didn't help that she stayed at Nikki and Dom's all the time when you started teaching at a university in London
So they dialed they're British-ness up to eleven so she'd pick up on the accent
"Mummy, what's for pudding?"
Good Lord
After two years of trying, you found out Tom was unable to have kids
He cried a lot, and felt like he failed
You shut him up with a kiss and immediately mentioned adoption
"There are hundreds of children begging for a home and parents to love them."
You adopted an eight-year-old boy named Lucas and his five-year-old sister Cleo
Olivia loved having another girl her age
They had tea parties
And played dress-up
And forced Lucas to play the prince
You taught them to bake so they could have cookies for their tea party
And Tom found himself often ambushed in one of their games
"No, daddy, you gotta pretend that the big bad dragon took you so we can save you."
They rolled around on the floor and made 'pew pew' noises to imitate guns
Lucas was always quieter
He was your little angel
You two were very close
He shared your love for writing and literature
As well as cooking, to Uncle Sam's greatest delight
You often sat down on the couch, the five of you (and Tessa, obviously) and someone read a book out loud, while the others just laid back and listened
Cleo became very interested in Uncle Harry's camera and took a bunch of photos of her sister and her dad with the polaroid camera she got for her seventh birthday
Olivia still loved the attention and remained the bright and photogenic child she'd always been
She became a model, to no one's surprise
Cleo became a freelance photographer, which allowed her to fulfill her dream of traveling the world while taking pictures and earning good money
Lucas became one of Hollywood's best and brightest screenwriters
But everyone still made time for each other
Attending every single one of Liv's fashion shows
Every time Cleo showcased her pictures in a gallery, they were the first ones there
All of Lucas' films
Going to all of Tom's premieres and wearing matching clothes, per Liv and Cleo's request
"It's for the aesthetic"
Everyone was happy
And life was good
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i’m pretty happy now, ngl
i need a Tom in my life
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awesometeen · 4 years
PJM x reader smut |
~Soulmate of the celebrity ~ part 1
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Today was the day you would find your soulmate . The name of your soulmate would show up on your wrist when you lock eyes with him . There were a few letters of his name on your wrist but not enough to figure out what the name was. Your mother used to tell you that when the complete name shows up on your wrist it will painfully sting for a second and you'll realise you found him . You were thinking all of this when your bestie barged in your room jumping up and down with excitement . " God misa ! You scared me ! Why are you here anyways ? " You said. She gave you a angry and disappointed look. " Don't tell me you forgot about the BTS concert because you are too worried about your soulmate." She said angrily . And the it hit me . I forgot about THE BTS FREAKING CONCERT !!!!!!!!!! . " No I remember " I lied but she bought it . I quickly wore an seductive dress for the concert that didn't reveal too much 👇
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" GURLL U LOOK HOT !!!!" misa said looking at me. "This is for your soulmate finding isn't it " " yea...but it's suitable for the concert and the fan meet as well " I replied . " Hmm you're not wrong " she said giggling .
We were enjoying the concert when it hit me . I still had to find my soulmate . I needed to look for him . But all I could see was a crowd of girls surrounding me and fangirling over the boys on the stage . " I guess I'll need to find him later " I said to myself .
We headed over to the fan meet and I tried to find him anywhere I could see . But no one's eyes locked with me . Misa dragged me to the stage where the boys were sitting . "Misa I need to find him!" "Find him later it's our turn !!!" Misa said to me whilst dragging me to the stage . I also wanted to meet my idols as badly as I wanted to find my soulmate so I didn't argue any further. My bias was Jimin . I had been to a lot of fan meets so he knew who I was so did all the others they recognised me when I went to their fan meet for the third time . They all knew me . But back then I was 18 . Will the recognise me now I'm now 24 and I'm grown up enough to find my soulmate .
I walked over to RM who immediately recognised me . " Oh you're Y/N , you came to a lot of our fan meets , how come I didn't see you in a while ?" He said . " I got busy with my job and also it's a honour that you remember me " I said while he was signing the album I brought .
All the boys recognized me easily only Yoongi had trouble figuring out who I was .
I went over to the last boy there . Jimin .
"Hi, Jimin" I said " Hi how are you ?" He asked without looking up while signing the album "I'm fine , do you remeber me" I asked . It caught his attention and he looked up at me . And our eyes locked . I got lost in his beautiful brown eyes . Suddenly both of us winced from the sting in our wrists . "Ow!"both of you said it unison loud enough for Hoseok and Jin to hear us . "Are you ok ?" "What happened?"jin and Hoseok asked both of us in surprise but neither of us paid attention . I brought my wrist up to Jimin and his eyes immediately turned to it . I looked at my wrist along with him and my eyes widened in shock . "Park Jimin" I said while staring into his eyes . He put his wrist up to me and said "Y/N L/N" while looking at it . The other boys got curious on what was happening and came up to his seat only to find his name in my wrist and mine on his . Their jaws dropped looking at us. " Um Y/N, can you please back stage" Jin said with a concerned expression. I nodded and went backstage without hesitation . Later a guard came to me with my bestie and left leaving me and her alone. " Y/N WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED !?!!?" She started. "Did you slap Park Jimin or something " "no I didn't" I replied still half emerged in my trance . "Then what happened " her angry expression turned into a concerned one . I show her my wrist which is red due to the sting but with jimin's name engraved on it. Her eyes widened and she pretended like she was struggling to breathe . "Your SOULMATE IS FREAKING PARK JIMIN !?!!??" She whisper shouted at me . I nodded . "Miss we have to go now your friend will have to go with the boys " said a bodyguard from behind us . She didn't protest but looked at me and said "stay safe " .
Soon after, the boys came up to you . "I'm sorry to say this but you have to come and live with us right now "RM said clearly understanding that it was hard for both me and Jimin . " What!?, I can't live with you my mom will kill me !" I said . "Your mom has been informed " Jimin said giving me a reassuring smile and put a hand on my shoulder. " And she agreed ?" I asked nervously. "She did since she said she could do nothing about the soulmate topic and said it was fate " Jimin said and the boys nodded. I didn't argue since I now knew that she was okay with it .
I got into the car with the boys I sat next to Jimin since it was a small traveller bus for the seven boys with tinted glasses and there were only two seats in each row
Jimin intertwined his hand yours grabbing your attention . You look up at him and he gives you a 'its ok I'm gonna be here with you' look . I smile back at him . The rest of the ride was quite. We reached there extremely large mansion and they took me to the living room . We all sat down in the biggest fucking living room I've ever seen on a big ass couch . " Listen Y/N we have to tell you something and you have do what we say for your and jimin's safety so please co-operate" RM said. I nodded knowing it's useless to argue and that what he was saying was true . " So the thing is that you will have to live with all of us for the time being and your mother has agreed as we told you earlier , but the thing is you cannot tell anyone about this um.. incident except you best friend Misa who is already aware of this and she has agreed to keep it a secret . You and Jimin can be in a relationship if you want to, we have no problem with that since you and Jimin know each other enough through the many fan meets . So is that okay with you? " I nodded . " But if I move in with you guys here where will I sleep since I've been told that there are only 7 rooms, one for each of you but then, where do I go?" Jin looked me with a shy look on his face after I said that . RM sighed and answered " with Jimin . You will be living with him in his room" . My eyes grew wide and I looked at Jimin he just looked at the floor . He was scared like me ." Your stuff has been brought here so you can go to bed if you want . Goodnight everyone . " RM said as went up to his room and so did the others only me and Jimin were left there . " Come on " he said and I followed .
We both sat on his bed as we chat. We already knew a lot about each other as we realised ." What do you like about me the most " I asked . "Your eyes . And what bout you ?" He asked ." I love all of you ." I said with a smile . Suddenly I felt a soft a soft pair of lips on mine . Jimin kissed me. He moved away and looked me in the eye as if asking for permission to steal another kiss. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him into another passionate kiss . He licked my bottom lips causing me to gasp and he took the chance to slide his tongue in my mouth exploring it giving me a sensation I've never felt before . I was getting wetter by the second . He took off his white shirt he was wearing and threw it somewhere in the room He started leaving wet kisses from my collarbone to my neck . He stopped and pulled off my seductive black dress only to find me in a lacy black bra and panties . He licked his lips in the most sexiest way possible . By now I was dripping . He crawled over me making me lie flat on my back . The way his eyes looked into mine had been sending chills down my spine. He tucked some stray hairs on my face behind my ears and said " have I ever told you beautiful?" I shook my head . He smiled and kissed me again . His hands reached down to my panties pulling them down and throwing it across the room wher ethe other pieces of clothing were . He pushed two fingers into me without a warning causing me to moan . He smirked as he stared at my eyes that were looking back at him . He started thrusting his fingers at a slow pace while rubbing circles on my clit with his thumb . "F-faster j-jim-i-n" he obeyed and sped up. After a few thrust I came and as I got down from my high went to him to return the pleasure but he stopped me " today was about you y/n " he laid me down and we both went to sleep in each other's arms .
A/N: tell me how it was and also part two coming soon 😜💜
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