#i've been to a circus once but i was too young to remember anything about it
surveysand · 1 year
Have you ever gotten a flu vaccination? yes, many times.
Do you know anyone who drives a BMW? no.
Honestly, do you give a shit? too much and too little at the same time, lol.
When’s the last time you hugged your mother? a few weeks ago.
What’s the last restaurant you ate at? applebee's.
Double dates: a do or don’t? do, but only every once in awhile.
Do you know any guitarists? no.
Quick, name 3 of your favorite radio stations: i don't listen to the radio.
How do you feel about full length beards? i love facial hair.
Have you ever been to a circus? yes, once when i was very young.
Do you know anyone who’s gone to a Fat Camp? no.
Are you straight-edge? yes.
Do you use Facebook IM everyday? no.
How many surveys have you done already today? this is the first today, technically. but i did a few yesterday.
What’s the WORST show on Adult Swim? i don't watch anything on adult swim.
Do you have any relatives that have shunned you, or vice versa? yes, my mom's brother and his family haven't spoken to me in years because of my view that black lives matter/acab. he's a police officer, lol. i've shunned him for the same reason.
Has anyone ever posted a HORRIBLE picture of you for everyone to see? my mom does all the time, lol, but they're not intentional. i just think i look bad in most pictures.
Which grade in school was the most fun for you? my junior year.
Which would you rather have, a new puppy or kitten? puppy.
Does drama seem to follow you everywhere you go? no.
Do you ever just want to go away to a new place where no one knows you? yes.
You’re ordering a pizza, you can have any kind of toppings, what are they? extra cheese, pineapple, pepperoni, and chicken.
Do you hit ‘quiet’ or ‘ignore’ on your cell? Which one usually? ignore.
Do you ever regret giving your number to people? not really.
Have you ever been told that you’re afraid of your own shadow? no.
Have you ever tried Gouda cheese? i don't remember.
Does/did your high school have pop machines? yes, but they didn't have soda. they had water, tea, and lemonade.
Do you use a public computer, or do you have your own? i have my own.
Do you ever find it odd how you type LOL when you’re not really laughing? yes sometimes, lol (had to do it).
Have you ever gambled? no.
Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? no.
If you could work at any retail store, which one would it be? urban outfitters.
What’s the shortest you would ever cut your hair? a little below my shoulders.
Do you listen to any deathcore? no.
Do you subscribe to any teen magazines? Which ones? no.
Do you know someone who never smiles? no.
Has anyone ever made you feel uncomfortable at work? no.
Do you still watch South Park? no.
Tell me one movie you’ve seen recently that sucked: i don't have that come to mind.
Have you ever carved something into a dinner booth somewhere? no.
When’s the last time you were carded at a bar? a few months ago when i last went to a place with a bar.
Do you smoke little cigars? Have you ever tried them? no.
You’re babysitting, what do you expect per hour for pay? i've never babysat.
What’s the last thing you returned at a store? it wasn't at a store, but i returned an item i received damaged from amazon quite a few months ago.
What’s the name of the last cat you pet? storm.
Do you still look at clouds and make shapes of them? sometimes.
If you had to dye your hair for one year, what color would you pick? if i absolutely had to, the lightest brown possible.
Who’s got your heart? my partner.
0 notes
Chapter 19: ~The Butler & The Maid, Circus arc~
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
In which the young master is invited to a circus that is involved with a series of child kidnappings. Or in the case of Josephine, Sebastian and Ciel going undercover in a circus to help solve the case of the disappearing children.
"You were supposed to be like us! an outcast! with no one to turn too!"
"Truthfully I was like you. However I did have someone to turn to, and for that I will forever be grateful and do anything he asks of me, and if his orders to me are to kill you, then so be it."
-Arc contents-
• Book of circus spoilers!
•Graphic descriptions of:
Hello everyone! this is the final arc before shit gets wild! I guess you could call it the calm before the storm lol! the first chapter for this arc will be up either tomorrow or the day after! thank you again for reading and supporting my book!- Natalia
Chapter 20: The Butler & The Maid, Go to the circus
Chapter Text
"Noah's ark circus huh? I've never heard of them."
"I didn't think you would have. They were only just discovered a couple months ago, which oddly enough coincides with the recent kidnappings."
"Do you think they could have something to do with this? if their recent discovery coincides with the kidnappings ?"
"That could be a possibility."
"Even more so, we know rarely anything about the case itself, so we really don't have any way of knowing if the children are really being murdered by people from the underworld."
"If corpses haven't shown up in either the surface or underworld then theres a pretty good possibility that the children are still alive."
"Well if it's been decided, let's go you two we're going to the circus."The boy sighed as he looked out at the setting sun that over looked his estate. Smiling happily the maid clasped her hands together excitedly before having her and the butler excuse themselves to prepare for there leave. Josephine was rather interested to see such performances once again after not seeing them or rather being in one for such a long while.
She remembered the warmth the bright lights casted on her, the roar and excitement of the crowed and the cries of her name echoing from every which way, it all made her vision become clouded with a long forgotten past.
The Earl just hoped it wouldn't blur her sense of judgement.
-That evening-
"So this is it huh?" The young master spoke as he looked up at the entrance of the rather large blue and white stripped tent, bright lights lit up the dark area almost in a tempting way, as if saying come one! come all! People from all directions excitedly entered the tent, their eyes wide with curiosity as they could only dream about such events that were to take place tonight.
'Doesn't seem to be anything suspicious however, why do I have a nervous feeling about this?' Josephine thought to herself as she and the butler followed their master into the tent and onto the bleachers where they sat in the shadows of the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls! of all ages!" A voice from the stage shouted as a singular spot light shone on him. His bright orange hair was pulled backward into a ponytail and he had three silver earrings in each ear. However that wasn't what made the man odd, but rather the skeletal hand...
However that wasn't what made the man odd, but rather the skeletal hand
"Welcome to the Noah's ark circus! My name is joker. If you'll look here," He smiled as he produced a set of balls from what seemed like thin air, before juggling them, causing the crowd to clap but then laugh when he missed one and let it fall onto his head as well as the other couple he held.
"Whoops!" He chuckled.
" The whole circus is jostling for a chance to give you a fun show so here we go! With one shot from the fire-eating man!" Appearing beside the leader of the circus was a rather tall and well built man with a large tattoo on the side of his bald head, in his hands he held a torch that burned with a flame as bright as the sun. Putting the object in his mouth he ate the fire with ease causing the audience to roar with cheers and excitement.
"THE SHOW OF THE CENTURY BEGINS!" Cheered the leader as he gestured to the ceiling, to see two children dressed in pink and green costumes, fly through the air on the trapeze bars, flying from one swing to the next with such ease one might think they were actually flying! Even Josephine was amazed by their stunts.
"Next is our gasp-inducing flying twins! Peter and Wendy!" Hanging by one of the swings by their knees, Petter reached out to his sibling who was swinging from the opposite bar, jumping off the object she grabbed her siblings hands and together the two gave the audience a heart warming smile that made the crowd cheer.
"He never misses his mark! the bull's eye knife thrower Dagger!" Now the spot light appeared on to a man with light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, as he, at the speed of light, threw knife after knife at the woman who was tied down to a wheel and spinning clockwise. Altogether the blades didn't hit the woman once but instead made a perfect outline of her.
"No music nor anything particularly special." The earl spoke aloud with slight disinterest, causing the woman to slowly nod with her eyes still transfixed on the show.
"There is no sign of the rumored kidnapped children either." Sebastian said in a hushed tone.
"And next is, the princess of our circus and her death-defying tightrope walk!" The light now panning to a fair skinned girl with one sky blue eye and curly white hair, patiently walked across the tightrope, with no guard beneath it to catch her if she fell. In her hands she held a small parasol as she made her way to the very center of the rope where she proceeded to do a split.
"If they don't intend to make a show of the children, Perhaps the circus's movements and the children's disappearances are merely a coincidence?" Josephine suggested as she leaned over a bit so the boy could hear her. Humming at her answer he began to consider the possibility but proceeded to put it off to the side for now.
"Next is the rare snake-human halfbreed! Our snakeman's dance! Snake!"The light now on the floor with a half naked man with silver hair and piercing golden eyes with visible slits in them had an array of snakes drooping and slithering up his body, his face calm and unalarmed as he listened to the crowds gasps.
"And finally! the star of the show, our wild animal tamer! Beast!" This performer struck out to Josephine, oddly. She watched her movements carefully, her leg, the right to be specific seemed to lag just a bit in movement, not that anyone would notice, but Josephine wasn't anyone and quickly took notice of the young woman right away. Noticing how when she stood it seemed as though she was trying to balance her weight on her lower half evenly, the maid furrowed her brows and squinted her gaze at the animal tamer in thought.
'Her leg...its movements are quite odd, they flow so smoothly and yet a since of delay every so often...'Josephine thought to herself as she squinted her emerald green iris at the wild animal tamer who cracked her whip in a manner that seemed so natural that it made Josephine crinkle her nose with slight detest. She never liked the mistreatment of animals nor conditioning them to do such acts but she would be the one to admit she was just like the wild tiger. However, at one point in her life Josephine never knew true freedom and was too remain forever caged up and let out to preform. Failure was never an option her and the tiger had that in common.
"For this act, we'd like a volunteer from the audience!" The ring leader shouted causing Josephine to quickly snap out of her thoughts and give the child her thoughts and analysis of the show so far.
"It appears the final show also has no connection to the children."Josephine spoke as she glanced over to her master who in turn nodded, but quickly stopped when he noticed the butler had stood up.
"What is it? did you find something?" Ciel asked as he looked up at his butler with a raised eyebrow, the woman beside him following his gaze and just as equally curious as to what he found, since she herself hadn't seem to hear or see anything too interesting. Suddenly the skeletal hand of the ring leader pointed to the butler.
"That really distinguished man with the tailcoat! Please step onto the stage!"
'Sebastian you joker-' Josephine thought to herself as she watched the man turn to his master to grant him permission.
"Go." He quickly stated as the man nodded and began to make his way down the staircase. The bright spotlight following him as he jumped over the barricade with such ease it made some speculate the gentleman had done this exact routine before.
"Now sir, could you lie down over here?" Joker asked as he gestured to the opposite side of the stage but the demon just ignored him, his eyes set on something else or rather someone. Stunned by the sudden disobedience in orders the first tier members as well as the young master and maid watched as he walked past the performers and instead towards the tiger.
"Ahh, such round eyes..." Sebastian sighed as he cupped the animals face in his gloved hands, thumbs delicately tracing underneath the creatures eyes causing it to purr softly.
"OH, BLAST! TIGERS ARE CATS!" The earl exclaimed as he watched his servant act completely out of character over such a dangerous creature and acting as though it couldn't maul him to death in minutes
"OH, BLAST! TIGERS ARE CATS!" The earl exclaimed as he watched his servant act completely out of character over such a dangerous creature and acting as though it couldn't maul him to death in minutes.Trying to stifle her laughter the maid but a hand over her mouth and tried to look away from the sight.
"Oh dear!" She giggled.
"I've never seen such soft, vividly striped ears, how lovely! Your paw pads too, are plump and exceedingly charming." In the midst of the butlers deep admiration and professing of love for the animal it sudden opened its mouth and put the man's head in between its sharp jaws.
"Ah-" The butler said aloud as the crowd suddenly let out a scream the boy and maid included as they went to go get the damn butler but they had to reassure themselves
"Ah-" The butler said aloud as the crowd suddenly let out a scream the boy and maid included as they went to go get the damn butler but they had to reassure themselves. He wasn't human after all and could therefore take care of himself in situations such as this... even if to a normal human being this was completely out of the ordinary and the butler may look as though he was about to die.
"That damn butler."The two sighed as they felt their nervous sweat slowly disappear from their brows.
Clicking her teeth angrily the tiger's tamer raised her arm high in a swinging motion, as she readied to crack her whip hard onto the animal. But the butler's quick reflexes wouldn't allow such harm on to the beloved kitty, letting the end of the whip wrap around his gloved hand like a snake, he quickly tightened into a fist. Causing the audience to gasp and watch with bated breath the demon pull himself out of the tiger's mouth with such ease, that it even alarmed the earl a little bit.
Standing up right the butler just smiled warmly and put a hand over his heart, the whip still in his grasp.
"She did not do anything wrong, in the face of such loveliness, I was unintentionally rude. And besides that. If you simply recklessly swing the whip, you'll never be able to train her."He spoke politely as he glanced over at the tamer with sharp crimson eyes causing the woman to gasp.Not only at the look and words he had almost pierced her heart and soul with but because the tiger had pounced on top of the butler once more.
-After the show-
"Who said you could go that far!" Ciel snapped as he gave Sebastian an angry glare causing the woman and butler to smile playfully at his sour mood. The rest of their investigation went smoothly as the butler had remained un harmed and the show went on without missing a beat. Surely nothing was too out of the ordinary and yet the three still had their doubts and suspicions.
Turning to face the butler Josephine put an honest hand over her heart,
"I enjoyed it, honestly." Throwing her a nasty glare the woman just giggled and carried on escorting her master to their awaiting carriage. All the while Sebastian seemed to walk as though he was on air, his smile unusually wide and radiant over his little playtime with his new found furry friend.
"My apologies
"My apologies. I've lived for such a long time, but it's only cats whose fickle emotions I cannot read." He beamed.
"What were you thinking!? being far more conspicuous than necessary-ACHOO!"Frowning at this she reached into the inner pocket of her cloak and produced a white silk hanker chief with her initials sewn into one of the corners in a lovely shade of dark blue. It was a parting gift from her manager, before he had dropped her as a client, respectfully, might I add.
Taking it he wiped at his runny nose and proceeded to hold on to it. His cat allergies finally kicked in as the maid feared they would.
"You know I'm allergic to cats!" He exclaimed as he let out a series of sneezes that made Josephine sigh and urge her master to hurry along, as she thought about the consequences to come if they got any worse.
"Well then let's hurry you home, before it gets even w-"
"There you are! hold on a second!" Glancing over his shoulder the butler saw the ring leader come rushing out from the big top, his good hand waving down the butler who stopped.
"You! in the coat-tail!" Not daring to look behind her the woman quickly grasped her masters arm and pulled him off to the side, behind the stalls they were still easily able to hear the conversation between the two men
"You! in the coat-tail!" Not daring to look behind her the woman quickly grasped her masters arm and pulled him off to the side, behind the stalls they were still easily able to hear the conversation between the two men.
"I'm really sorry for earlier." Joker said as he gave the demon a polite smile. Shaking his head the butler refused to accept.
"No please accept my apologies instead."He said as he placed a hand over his heart.
"I was surprised 'cause you suddenly got so close to the tiger. You okay from the bite?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked the man up and down, inspecting for any injures but none were to be found.
"Anyway's we've got us a special doctor here, and I was thinkin' he should check you out," Joker continued as he gestured back the way they came.
"C'mon round to the back." He said as he turned his back to the demon, looking over his shoulder for his masters wishes the boy in turn nodded a yes, which made the creature smile.
"In that case, I will."
-The Manor-
"Huh? why did it end up going in that direction?" Ciel asked as Josephine pulled the covers up to her masters chest. The butler who was catching the two up on the conversation and or what he had gathered from his trip to the infirmary looked over his shoulder and gave his master a questioning look, as if to say elaborate for me please?
"Why did it end up with you saying you had some people interested in working for the circus!" The boy questioned as he tried to figure out what direction the butler was going with this.
"You lot are now signed up for the entrance test, However, Josephine you may be the exception." The butler noted with a grin as he watched the woman hover about her master, making sure he was plenty comfortable.
"Of course." She hummed as she began to untie her masters eye patch and lightly place it on his night stand.
"Just you two infiltrating isn't enough?" The boy complained as he threw his hands up in the air obviously frustrated about the whole ordeal of having to sleep in the bitter cold, and even more so be forced to but on a performance! physical activity was something the young master wasn't rather strong at.
"Living in a tent? what a joke!" He spoke bitterly.
"Would that really be all right? Us living according to our own free will, rather than your orders?" Sebastian asked with a raised eyebrow. Glancing from the butler to the boy the woman smiled and gave her masker a knowing look.
"He does have a point, the stage was my home. I might as well end up in the top performer's tents quicker than we expect which means I could get some top secret information for you."
"...I guess you two are right," He huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"But you need to preform in the circus, right? I can't do that sort of thing." He said as he glanced at the two with a slight pout, as if begging for this to be a valid reason as to why they allow him to stay in the comfort of his manor.
However the two weren't having it.
"How true."Josephine spoke softly as she glanced over at the butler as if asking what to do now. But he just simply smiled and clasped his hands together happily.
"Well, as much as you can, please do your best on the entrance test." Sebastian said as he prepared to take his leave.
"As your servants we will be rooting for you from the bottom of our hearts." Josephine smiled as she placed a hand on her heart. Sighing the boy closed his eyes and rolled onto his side, facing away from the two servants.
"It can't be helped. I'll do it."
Chapter 21: The Butler & The Maid, Audition
Chapter Text
"Whoa, you brought a really cute- wait a minute haven't I seen ya before?"
"I would hope you have."
"That smile, that eye, y-your-"
"Josephine Brandson, it's a pleasure to meet you-"
"No please the pleasure is all mine! I-I've always had a fondness for your talent! It's a shame what happened to ya, but i'm glad you're back on the rise!" Joker blushed as he held onto the woman's hands tightly, before looking down and noticing they were still holding hands, blushing he quickly let go of her and began to chuckle nervously at his actions.
The next morning the three were quick to make preparations for their auditions at the Noahs arch circus. Quickly stuffing their master with breakfast and slipping him into some loose fitting commoners clothing the three practically flew out the manors front door.
"Me too-Oh! I would like to introduce you to my friend, Finnian. He's helped me out a lot when I was in the dumps and I would hate to leave him by himself. So I thought I should bring him here with me." She spoke as she lightly rested her hands on the young boys shoulders, a hint of sympathy hinted in her voice caused Jokers heart to crack slightly as he truly felt pity for the poor boy.
"Well he sure is a cute boy! However cuteness isn't enough to join the circus. If you can't perform, that is."Joker smiled happily as he patted Ciel's head. Giving the ringleader a nervous smile the boy gulped and nodded.However this didn't make the maid's smile falter in fact it widened at the thought of seeing her master perform.
"Of course he can! he trained under me no doubt." She proudly stated causing the boy to flash her a quizzical look. Sure the statement was true but was fencing particularly something you saw in a circus? and even if it was, he was no where near as good as her the two couldn't even be considered a comparison.
"Really? well then, let's see you try your luck with knife throwing. Dagger, lend him a knife." Joker smiled as he turned to the blonde beside him. Giving the child a friendly smile he pulled out from behind his back a simple five inch throwing knife/
"Here ya go." Taking it the boy held the weapon in his hands before watching Joker's hand extend to the target that stood a good couple feet away from them.
"Hit that target from over here." Giving him a nod he quickly glanced over at Josephine to make sure she watched. Which she was, with her arms crossed and head down slightly she watched with seemingly slited eyes as her student began to show off the training he had been given just this morning.
'Puff up your chest! good! now arm back at a full 90 degrees! not too far back just enough to feel the blade still grazin' ya! now throw! ' The woman instructed as she watched the boy fling the blade at a makeshift target. Unfortunately it didn't make it far before hitting the target and falling to the ground. They had been practicing since she had gotten him dressed that morning and yet there still was no sign of improvement and they were due to leave the manor in just a few short hours. Even the butler who stood by and watched couldn't do anything, but watch the training session drag on, his abilities were something to marvel at but surely this he couldn't even help or rather fix.
Looking at the small pile of knives that had no gathered at the bottom of the target the boy groaned and face palmed with frustration and anger. At this rate it was useless but the woman was still as determined as ever.
'Shall we try again master?'
"Ah boss you're too mean, with those skinny arms he can't reach that
"Ah boss you're too mean, with those skinny arms he can't reach that." Dagger spoke as he looked over at the ring leader with a teasing look on his face. Shaking his head Joker sighed and watched as the boy approached the targets with little to no confidence, he had only hit the target twice during their short practice that morning and it sadly wasn't consistent.
"It's not mean. It can be the closer for the show. " Sighing, the boy closed his eyes and gripped the knives in his hand, positing himself in a throwing stance he puffed up his shoulders brought his arm back and threw the weapon. Unable to watch the oncoming failure the woman slowly closed her eyes, just in time to see the dagger re direct itself to the target rather than the ground.
"NO WAY!" They gasped. Covering her smirk with her blue velvet scarf she glanced beside her and noticed the butler tossing a small stone in the palm of his hand, before flicking it in the direction of another misdirected knife.
Smiling with confidence the boy continued to throw the blades with all his might, all the while the butler made sure they landed on the target perfectly. Some even going so off target that it seemed highly unlikely for it to land and yet it hit the red circle dead center.
"Is this alright?" Ciel asked as he gestured to the makeshift target where various knives were stabbed harshly into it, a majority of them striking the head rather than the heart like Josephine preferred. Smiling she walked over to her pupil and gripped his shoulders pridefully.
"See, taught by no one but the best." Still stunned by the tiny boys performance Joker smiled and nodded his head in thought.
"Hm, well ya got talent that's for sure! but the exam isn't over yet!" The boy's confidante smirk quickly fell.
-The big top-
"Tightrope walking!" Joker beamed as he gestured to the contraption above them.
'Oh dear.' The woman spoke as she clutched her hands nervously, the butler who still had numerous tricks up his sleeve could only smirk as he rubbed a small stone in his gloved hand with anticipation.
"Doll! tie the lifeline tightly! it's dangerous if a beginner falls!" The ring leader called as he looked up at the two with a gleeful smile. Nodding the tightrope walker tightened the rope around the boys waist tighter causing him to gulp and nervously look down at the crowd of on lookers.
"Can't I do some sort of music test instead!?" He shouted down.
"Hmm? Already giving up then?" The man called back as he gave him a questionable look.
"N-No! but if there's something else-"
"If you're serious don't dawdle and do it fast!" Letting out a shaky breath the boy slowly began to make his way to the rope that held his fate
"If you're serious don't dawdle and do it fast!" Letting out a shaky breath the boy slowly began to make his way to the rope that held his fate. Letting his right foot rest upon the rope he sucked in a deep breath and quickly let his other foot follow, quickly though he began to falter, his arms flapping up and down at a rapid pace as he looked for help to balance him, but no one came to his rescue until a sharp pain dug its way into his back, causing him to straighten up immediately, but still falter.
Surprised by this the young woman looked over at the butler to see him holding a stone and quickly throwing them at the boy as he maintained his balance all the while he made the slow walk to the other side of the rope.
"My, is this some sort of punishment?" She asked with a small quirk of her lip.
"In some form or another." The man mused as he gave her a closed eyed smile.
"He recovered after all!" Joker shouted with amazement as he and the rest of the crowd watched as he collapsed onto the other podium.
"That's great! I didn't really think you'd be able to do it!"He mused as he clapped his hands.
"So don't demote this cute lil' kid, boss!" Dagger smiled as he helped the boy down the ladder and onto the safety of the bit top floor.
"Not yet! the boy hasn't done something real important." The leader spoke as he leaned down to look at Ciel with an almost serious expression. Fearful of what that might be, he gave the man a nervous look, even the servants were hesitant as to what the last trial would entail.
"A big ol' SMILE!" Slapping a hand over his mouth the butler turned and looked away, the woman beside him could only look to the floor and cover her laughter with a cough, causing the two to laugh even harder.
"C'mon, smile!" Joker gestured as he pinched the boys cheeks
"C'mon, smile!" Joker gestured as he pinched the boys cheeks.
Red with frustration he looked down at the ground and furrowed his eyebrows at such a nauseating request, how dare he ask this of him. Such a stupid demand and yet the pressure to get this over with made him push his pride and angered thoughts aside and instead produce the most glorious smile the man had ever seen.
-That afternoon-
-That afternoon-
"Everyone!~" Joker hummed as he called all the workers to attention, his smile wide and inviting as he gestured for everyone to come around and hear the news.
"From today on, we have some new friends,"
"First off we have the famous, 'Blue velvet beauty', fencer Josephine Brandson!" Looking around at the group of performers with her signature smile she gave a small wave that made a majority of the men nearly faint. She was still a stunner even years later, her charms had not faded and neither had her talents and everyone was ready and or excited to see her in action once again.
"Hello!" She spoke with a cheerfulness that made hearts of ice melt.
"It's an honor to have you join our circus, m'lady! truly!" Joker went on as he held her hands excitedly, cheeks tinged pink as he couldn't believe he was speaking to his childhood crush. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be able to speak to her so casually let alone stand next to her!
"Oh, please! I though it was about time I got back on my feet again." She said as she wavered her hand to dismiss the man's comments as he gave her one last smile before gesturing to the smiling demon beside her.
"Moving on we have 'Black'!"
"It's a pleasure!" He spoke with an unusual cheerfulness that made the woman almost glance at him funnily.
"Also this one is...SMILE!" Putting her scarf up higher on her mouth the maid began to excuse her laughter for a cough all the while the butler snickered and clutched, his top hat in his hands. Luckily nobody noticed but the boy who just gave a nervous smile in response.
"Let's get along well everyone!" Joker smiled as he clapped his hands together.
"Well come on then Smile! greet your elders!" He spoke as he gently pushed the boy forward as to greet the older members of the circus who in turn smiled and waved to the boy.
"It's nice to meet you..." He muttered shyly causing the servants to continue their secret snickers.
"C'mon, Smile!, Smile!"
Chapter 22: The Butler & The Maid, Blend in
Chapter Text
"New people practice over here, aiming at making their debut in a real public performance."
"Josephine since you're already a star you get to work with us, I'll show you the way."
"Sounds good."
"Newcomers work on the basics first. Warm up carefully-"
"JOKER! It's almost your turn!"
"Yes'm'. Josephine please excuse me but I forgot I had some important matters to take care of. Do you mind training here for today?"
"Of course not! please take care of whatever it is you have to do."
"Such a lovely lady! thank you!" Joker gushed as he walked out of the tent. With her smile now vanishing from her eye her facade slowly came down as she heard the master and butler talk in hushed whispers. Walking towards their stretching forms she made it just in time to discuss what they had found out so far.
"The poisonous snake tent is the entrance to the first tier, members' tent huh?" Ciel said as he looked from the butler to the ground.
"So instead of a guard dog, it's guarded by snakes, is it?" The boy muttered to himself.
"To enter the private tent, we have to become first-tier members?"He asked as he looked up at the two.
"Indeed, which won't be a problem, Joker has told me that I have been promoted to first-tier. I'll try and gather as much information as I can."Josephine spoke as she unraveled her scarf from around her neck and left it by one of the barriers that separated the audience from the entertainment.
"Have the two of you sensed anything regarding the children? Perhaps a sign of some sort?" He asked as he looked to the two servants with a hopeful glance, but they only replied with a shake of the head.
"I hear no children." Josephine sighed as she took her cloak off, to reveal her in a simple shirt and pants. Stretching her arms high above her head she began to follow everyone's lead and prepare herself for a long days work.
"Nor do I sense them." The butler sighed as he lightly leaned against the boys back in an effort to help him stretch.
"I couldn't hear anything in the form of a child like whisper of endangerment, nor a sound of struggling." The woman said as she remembered the auditions and how she heard nothing out of the ordinary.
"I couldn't feel any sign of the children's presence either last night or during today's tour." The butler elaborated.
"Even so, we have no evidence there's no relation to the children's disappearances, you have searched every nook and cranny have you?" Ciel spoke sternly as he gave his servants a warning look, which they returned back with a slow nod.
"That's right. There's a possibility their current condition is such under wraps that we are unable to sense them," Josephine said as she stretched her arms behind her back.
"Hey, Don't stretch so sluggishly you guys."Dagger spoke as he raced over to the trio. His face laced with worry when he noticed how the boy's stretching would render him injured if he didn't correct his posture.
"Apologies, um boss Dagger? what about your performance?" Ciel asked as he looked up at the blonde.
"Today I was the top batter! I'm already done and observing practice. Oh! Josephine?"
"Hm?" She hummed as she looked over at Dagger.
"Turns out we'll be working together for quite a bit." He said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. Sure he was also her celebrity crush when he was younger but Beast was the only one for him, and besides Josephine belonged to Joker. Everyone with in a five mile radius could see that.
"You don't say?" She said with smile as she raised her eyebrow with interest.
"Yeah instead of me throwing darts at you, your gonna throw darts at me! " He grinned as he put his hands on his hips.
A tad bit nervous about the whole ordeal of throwing knives rather than jabbing them at someone who was equally jabbing at her the young woman gave the man a nervous smile which made him sigh and rest a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"I trust ya! You and those skills of yours!"
"I won't disappoint you!" She beamed.
"Oi, Smile I'll be teaching ya how to throw knives, What about you Black?"
"I don't have any particular preferences." The demon chuckled.
"You've got good reflexes don't you? If there's something you see and it looks like you can do it. Give it a try!"
"Indeed." The man smirked to himself as he launched himself towards the hanging trapeze bars. Hanging by his knees he swung himself back and fourth and proceeded to produce a set of balls from out of thin air.
"First is Juggling!" Together the performers and lingering stage hands watched in, awe as the butler preformed such tricks that left them amazed and stunned.
'My that butler is talented.' Josephine smiled to herself as she stood and watched him whirl around from corner to corner showing off his numerous talents that led every single performer in the tent speechless. Sebastian was indeed a one man circus inside and out.
From pole climbing, to leaping through fire, to hanging on a high wire the butler stunned and amazed all that watched. Even the master for a second was perplexed and amazed by the demon's power but surely it was nothing he hadn't seen before.
"Amazing! way to go Black!" Dagger clapped once the man had finished. Frowning slightly Ciel lightly nudged him causing the butler to glance down at him.
"You're getting too carried away, act a little more like a new-" The boy harshly whispered to the butler, the young woman giving a slight nod in agreement.
"C'mon, honestly! another super newcomer's appeared? I won't lose y'know!" A voice from above shouted.
"See he already has his eye on you-" Dagger chuckled.
"Do you hear that?" The butler asked as he glanced over at the woman. Hearing the familiar slow and almost non-existent heart beats of those that lurked more than demons, the young woman closed her eye and sighed.
"Indeed I do."
"Heeyy! come down for a sec! you gotta meet the new comer's they're wickedly talented!" Dagger shouted to the tightrope walker who stood above the crowd. Hearing him groan with disgust out came a long pole used for cutting tree branches, un-wavered by the sudden object landing by the feet of the two servants they watched as the man from the shadows slid down and appear before them.
"SUIT!" Dagger shouted enthusiastically as he gestured to the man in a bright yellow suit and red and white polka dot tie.
"I thought I sensed an unpleasant aura. So it was you, was it?" He asked as he looked at the demon with distaste, the butler equally angered with the reapers presence.
"Honestly." He said as he pushed his glasses up before glaring down at the boy. Feeling her motherly instincts take over the young woman put a hand on the boys shoulder and pulled him back a little. Her smile unchanging as she looked at the man with an iris as dark as evergreen.
"Careful." Josephine seethed with a smile laced with edge. Glancing at her with his yellow-green eyes he squinted at her before raising an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry have we met?" The reaper asked, well more like stated.
"I'm Josephine Brandson." Josephine said proudly as she placed a hand over her heart. Humming at the name the reaper had remembered hearing that very same name and face quite some time ago, for he was the one who was to reap her soul when she had her unfortunate accident. But she prevailed and saw through the veil that was quickly covering her eyes, she would always be known as the one who got away.
"And you're with this fiend aren't you?" He asked as he gestured to Sebastian, his eyes never sparring him the glance.
"Indeed." She nodded.
"I thought so," The man sighed.
"What did you come to fish around for this time? you devilish fiend!" He suddenly spat as he pointed his shears at Sebastian causing him to look at him with confusion, the woman and child equally thrown off by such a statement.
"Devil?" Dagger questioned as he looked at the two men oddly.
"Even under the best circumstances, in this time of grim reaper shortages-"
"The hell are you goin' on about?" Josephine questioned as she gave the reaper an odd look, obviously still playing into the game of being her former self with the dissociation of the Phantomhive's. The crowd that had now gathered looked equally confused as they too were curious to know what they were talking about.
"With a demon appearing like this, I suppose it will throw off my schedule."
"Give it up forehead! You said it with such a straight face, I couldn't tell you were joking!" Dagger laughed as he slapped a hand on the man's back.
"Since the first day he came here this guy's been telling jokes! Stuff like;" how about this soul?" he's a real hardcore occult fan!"
"Though they're not actually jokes." The reaper muttered as he pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.
"I'll introduce you. These guys just joined today, The small one is Smile and the big one is black, It seems you've already met Josephine,"
"Well, bond over your hopes and get along well!"
"I'm sorry but there's no way i'll get along with a savage beast." The reaper spoke bluntly as he wavered his hand to dismiss the thought.
"AH! No way!? The circus is about teamwork!"
"Why is a Grim reaper in a place like this?" Josephine muttered as she leaned a bit over towards the butler. Her eyes still transfixed on the well dressed man.
"A grim reaper personally infiltrating a place is rare. Now we know one thing is for certain,"Grasping the boys attention now he glanced up at his butler and maid with interested eyes.
"There is something in this circus after all." And with that being said the investigation commenced.
-That evening-
"Thanks for waiting! It's now time for the new arrivals room assignments! For fairness these're the results of a lottery. Smile in tent B here's your roommate!" Joker smiled as he patted the shoulder of a brunette child with one blue eye, the rest covered by her hair, cheeks and nose littered with light brown freckles. As she smiled warmly at the boy before giving him a slight wave.
"Blacks in tent 9."
"Seba- Black and I aren't rooming together!?" Ciel gasped as he looked at Joker surprisingly
"Seba- Black and I aren't rooming together!?" Ciel gasped as he looked at Joker surprisingly.
"Ahhhaa Smile really sticks close to black huh?" The man chuckled causing the boy to blush and shake his head on refusal.
"T-That's not it-"
"Then you'll be surprised when you find out Josephine isn't rooming with you either!" Feeling as though he was at a huge disadvantage now the boy just sighed and put on a fake smile, even if it hurt to make it.
"Wh-or I mean th-that's fine hehe." Giving her master a pitiful glance she turned to look at the butler who was glaring daggers at the reaper who was making sure to keep a close eye on the demon, but the glares hardened even more when they heard the announcement of who would be rooming with who.
"Black your roommate is Suit!" Feeling the tension thickening between the two the woman could only stile her laughter when she saw the look on both of their faces
"Black your roommate is Suit!" Feeling the tension thickening between the two the woman could only stile her laughter when she saw the look on both of their faces.
"And as for Josephine while we get your tent set up you'll be roomin' with Beast for a day or two, I hope you don't mind." The ring leader said causing Josephine to look away from the two and instead to the man who called her name. Giving him a happy smile she nodded and showed that there was no ill will of the idea of sharing a tent, even if the latter refused the idea immediately, but when push came to shove Beast reluctantly agreed. Even if she was her bosses favorite.
"Of course not! I'd be happy to actually!" She spoke kindly causing the man's smile to widen even more, his heart racing a mile a minute when she flashed him that signature smile.
"Right then! follow me!" Gesturing for the crowd of newbies to follow him, they did as they were told and let the man guide them out of the tent and out into the cool mid-afternoon. Due to the sun being hidden amongst the grey clouds, it provided little to no warmth for the group, especially for the young master who was shaking like a leaf.
"First, these're the tents you guys'll be sleeping in. It's where the backstage an' newcomers- or second tier members live, 'bout two or three people share a room."
"Black and Smile already get along well, so this is your chance to make new friends!" Dagger commented as he gave the boy a friendly smile.
"Exactly why look at Josephine! she's excited to make new friends aren't ya love?"Joker asked as he turned to face her.Giving him a smile she nodded and clasped her hands together in front of her.
"Oh! of course!"
"See! Alright then moving on allow us to show you the rest of the circus!" The ring leader began to show the rest of the crew all the odds and ends about the circus, from the mess hall, to the store room, to the first aid tent. Nothing was missed and or sensed to be out of place by the two Phantomhive servants. Josephine couldn't hear anything related to children, no crying, sniffling or prayers for a release from their cages, the butler was also having trouble locating the kidnappies as well, even his demonic prowess couldn't have helped and this troubled the trio very much.
"And here is where you'll be staying Josephine, Beast's is just that one there at the end. For the rest of you newbies these are the private tents which you'll get if you're really good. that's snake's tent by the way, so stay away from that one if you know what's good for ya, theres a bunch of poisonous snakes roaming free, so if you get bit even once you're off to the underworld!"
"By the way Smile..." Joker suddenly asked as he looked down at the boy with a sympathetic expression.
"What happened to your right eye?" Putting a hand over his eyepatch the boy was slightly taken aback by what he asked, surely people gave the one eyed boy odd glances here and there but never were they brave enough to ask.
"What happened to your right eye?" Putting a hand over his eyepatch the boy was slightly taken aback by what he asked, surely people gave the one eyed boy odd glances here and there but never were they brave enough to ask
"Eh? ah...this is- there was an accident." He stuttered.
"Is that so? so young, but you've been through a lot." The man sighed as he gave the boy a sympathetic look, he too knowing what it was like to lose something precious to him. Quickly shaking his head he smiled and rested a gentle hand on the boys shoulder.
"Everyone here's been through something so you'll get along with the rest of them!" Giving him a smile Ciel nodded in agreement, still disturbed by the fact he would be no where near his dear servants and even more so that he would have to share a room with someone he didn't even know.
Chapter 23: The Butler & The Maid, Make an enemy
Chapter Text
"So you're my new roomie for the next couple a days aye?"
"I'm Jose-"
"I know who you are,"
"Joker wouldn't shut up about how excited he was to have such talent like you come to our circus."
"Don't think you're so high and mighty girly, just because you're a head liner now doesn't mean you think you're the top dog. That's Joker's position and no one else's."
"I understand that. I'm not here to take any one's position believe me. I just simply wanted to get back into the swing of things. Fame then and even now doesn't appeal to me...I just...wish to make people smile again. That's all." Her acting was far better than she thought. Anything more or less would seem suspicious, she was determined to be convincing.
"Really? making people happy? that's what you've rehearsed?" Beast chuckled bitterly as she turned to look at the woman from over her shoulder.
"You gotta be joking! someone of your caliber never gave a damn about money or fame!? I don't believe that making people smile crap for even a second!" She spat as she crossed her arms over her chest, eyes narrowed in disgust over the woman's half assed words which they were but she would never express that verbally.
"You stars are all the same." She gritted as she threw on her scarf. With her back to her Josephine scowled at the cloth tented walls before peering over at the woman who was preparing to leave.
"Believe what you will, but my words are as true and blue as the velvet I use to wear." She said with a smile. Rolling her eyes she lifted the flap of the tent and gave the woman one last glance.
"Tch. I'll believe that when I see it."
-The next morning-
"Good morning all!" Josephine smiled as she and Black entered the mess hall. Looking up and over at the duo the group of men and women could only give the woman a tired smile and wave as she floated in like an angle with her dark and ominous shadow falling behind her.
"Morning Josephine!" They all called as they held cups of strong coffee in their strong calloused hands. Tired eyes with heavy and dark circles under them watched as the two walked over to the two youngest members of the camp one of which was peeling potatoes...
"Making friend's already I see..."Ciel growled as he continued to peel away. His form visibly shaking due to the cold weather. Tempted to take her cloak off and wrap it around his shoulders she knew it was against her better judgement. She couldn't be his mother in this situation nor a loyal servant. She had to let him be as much as her heart told her not to her mind said otherwise.
"Of course! Kindness get's you places don't it?" She giggled slightly as she remembered saying those exact words to him some time long ago. Sitting down next to freckle the woman and child began to strike up a conversation while the butler could only concentrate on the knot the young master tried to make to keep his eyepatch on.
"You're gonna have a hard time untying a dead knot on your own." The man tisked as he began to untie the knot all the while the boy and two women looked at them confused. Suddenly letting out a laugh Freckles pointed and said,
"Smile, Black ain't your mum!" Nodding in agreement Josephine giggled and shook her head.
"Let the boy do it on his own Black!" Looking at her with a slightly confused face the butler couldn't believe what he was hearing. That was until he saw the look in her eye.
"He's a man after all."She finished. Gritting his teeth at the humiliation the boy just gone through he let out a low growl before facing the butler with reddened cheeks. Grabbing his tie he yanked him down and whispered in his ear,
"Don't treat me as your master while we're here! follow Josephine's lead!"
"Understood I shall at once."Straightening up again the butler dusted off his tie before noticing the shreds of potato 'skins'.
"Straightening up again the butler dusted off his tie before noticing the shreds of potato 'skins'
"Um. Smile, what do you plan on making with those peels thicker than meat?" Sebastian chuckled as he pointed to the tick slices of potato skin and actual potato. Looking down at his work the boys cheeks turned an even deeper red once he realized he hadn't done it right.
"SMILE WHADDYA THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Freckles shouted as she walked over to see his efforts only to be disappointed and completely embarrassed. Picking up one of the skins Freckles pouted and stuck her tongue out.
"Blimey what part of this can we eat?" Cracking his knuckles the three looked towards the butler and watched as he pulled his gloves on tight.
"It cannot be helped, I shall deep fry them as they are into crisps and make fish and chips." The butler said as he picked up the container of them.
"SWEET! I LOVE THOSE!" Freckles cheered excitedly.
"Good to hear. Josephine?" The butler hummed. Grabbing the other basket she nodded and followed suit.
"Must you ask for my assistance?" She giggled.
"No I guess not." He mused as they carried off with their goodies to begin making breakfast. As they walked away Freckles smiled and looked over at Ciel who could only hold himself as a bitter chill ran through his spine. The thin layers of clothing and scarf not doing him any justice as he tried to keep himself warm.
"Black and Josephine seem to really get along huh Smile? Are ya sure they aren't ya parents?" Freckle laughed as she nudged the boys shoulder. Looking over he gave a shy smile and nodded his head.
"Hehe yeah I'm sure..."
"Come and get ya breakfast while it's hot ladies and gents!" Josephine shouted over the commotion as she stacked her hands and arms with plates of fish and chips which the patrons hungrily took away before seating themselves at the wooden tables and benches.
"Blimey this is great!" One person said as they dug into the fish.
" Oi! Black and Josephine this is bloody amazing!" Another man called as they stood up from their seat and gave them a smile and thumbs up. Smiling the woman continued to pass around plates and gave the man a nod in approval.
"Why thank you!" She gushed as the butler handed her two more plates. Hearing the congested breathing of a familiar child the woman peaked over the varies hungry people and watched as Freckles came barreling through the crowd, Ciel mercilessly dragged behind her as she continued to push and shove her way through.
"HEEEEYYY! OUTTA MY WAY!" She shouted as she knocked people twice her size out of the way. Impressed Josephine smiled and handed them each a plate.
"Here you lot go!" She giggled as Freckles took both plates and giving the woman and man a loud.
"THANK YOU!" Before shoving the plate in the boys hands and running off to a free spot in the large tent. The boys visible blush growing brighter due to the running and exercising he's done through out the morning. Continuing to pass out plates of food to hungry workers and performers the woman couldn't help but think.
'Hopefully he makes a friend while we're here...'
-That afternoon-
Sweaty and seemingly almost out of breath the woman wiped the sweat from her brow and stretched her sore arms, pulling her ponytail tighter she gave the butler a knowing look which he returned with a nod as he grabbed onto one of the trapeze bars and began to swing back and forth. Grabbing the one on her end she pushed herself off the landing with her legs and feet pointed straight, before flipping herself upward and going straight into a flip, releasing herself from the bar she held on to, the butler following suit as they briefly passed each other mid-air before catching one another's bars. Neither one of them missing a beat as they seemed to resemble the circus's stars Peter and Wendy.
"WOAH! LOOK AT BLACK AND JOSEPHINE THEY'RE BLOODY BRILLIANT-NO WAY SUIT AIN'T HALF BAD EITHER!" Freckles gasped as she caught Ciel staring at the two of them, still so amazed and stunned that these were the two people he had employed. More or less his amazement was drawn to the woman as she was particularly known for knife tricks and swords .
But this new form of art? he never would have expected from the likes of her.
But within the blink of an eye, mid swing, she flung herself forward on to the safety net where she landed, before bouncing back up where the butler who clung to the bar by his knees caught the woman's outstretched hands before flinging her back to the still swinging bar. Hooking her legs onto the swing she smiled and proudly to herself before making a small finally and flipping herself back onto the podium, the butler following suit.
"WOW!THEY'RE AMAZING THOSE TWO! SMILE! ARE YOU SURE YOU TWO LIVED TOGETHER!?" Freckles asked as she looked over at the equally stunned Ciel.
"For a time yes hehe..." He chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. While the shenanigans of the butler and maid continued up front the fierce competition of the seniors pursued behind the curtains. Gritting her teeth the woman's cheery red lips curled into an angry snarl as she saw the woman receive compliments and praise from other performers. Her smile as sweet as honey made her sick with envy.
"Tch. Damn bitch." She snarled as she caught the attention of a passing Joker who instantly stopped and turned to look at her with a menacing look on his face.
" She snarled as she caught the attention of a passing Joker who instantly stopped and turned to look at her with a menacing look on his face
"You better respect her, she's a class act, we are nothing but fortunate to have her on the team." He spoke sharply causing Beast to gulp and nod in understanding. Even the great Joker was wrapped around her finger now! something she wished she could do.
"R-Right. Sorry..." She muttered before watching him walk away.
The rest of the afternoon was uneventful after wards, all the woman and butler had to do was their share of chores and team work while also cautiously spying on the head of the troupe. The butler was now on the other side of the site having needed to help the other performers set up for tonight while Josephine did a quick load of laundry.
"Hmmm, mmm-" Beside her she could hear the sound of her master shivering with frustration and chill, the sound causing her to sigh softly and look around to make sure no one saw her duck between the tents. Noticing his curled up form she grabbed a clean blanket from the basket and wrapped him in it. The sudden warmth making him sigh with relief.
"Are you alright?" She asked as she began to dry his wet and matted hair, such things could most likely contract a cold. Something he did not need during this time.
"I fear you'll contract a cold, let me get you a change of clothes
"I fear you'll contract a cold, let me get you a change of clothes."She said as she searched through the clean laundry basket to find something that would fit the small boy.
"ENOUGH ALREADY! I'M GOING TO FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT IF I CONTINUE TO LIVE LIKE THIS!" He snapped causing the woman to sigh and rest a hand on her hip. Her eyebrow raised in a fake shock.
"Don't tell me my great and powerful master is surrendering already? We only just started! Why, this isn't like you to feel so defeated."
"It shouldn't be like me, the head of the Phantomhive family, to live like this," He sneezed as he wiped his nose against the scratchy blanket she had put over him.
"Let's bring this to an end quickly." He stated sternly as he watched the woman pull out the necessary clothing for him to wear.
"At once dearest." She said as she began to peel off his clothes and quickly dry him with the blanket.
"I already have the investigation of the troupe members underway, while Beast is out on stage tonight I won't be able to search her side of the room, Joker has his eye on me no matter where I am."
"Out of suspicion?"
"Even worse, I fear it's admiration." Rolling his eyes at that he scoffed and shook his head.
Such frivolous emotions.
"Sebastian is unable to move at night due to the reaper observing him, so you'll have to go in and infiltrate her things. There's a chest that I've been keeping a close eye on so search there first." She spoke as she buttoned up his shirt with quick and nimble fingers. The tips of them red due to the bitter cold but she didn't mind it, as she quickly pulled up and buttoned her masters trousers.
"Right, however we need to think of a way to shake off that Freckles that has attached to us. I must move or else it'll be pointless." He said as he felt the sudden warmth of wool socks cover his freezing feet as well as a pair of poorly insulated shoes.
"I understand me and the butler will try to be as swift as we can." She said as she placed a hand over her heart to signal her promise. Before slipping another jacket over his shivering shoulders and scarf around his neck.
"...Let's get back soon I want to eat sweet's while drinking warm tea." Smiling in thought she giggled and stood up.
"I shall prepare them for you...when we return to the estate of course."Giving him a teasing wink she grabbed the basket of laundry and carried on with her chores and spy work.
"Tch. Blasted woman."
Chapter 24: The Butler & The Maid, Perform
Chapter Text
-The following evening-
"D'ya know where my headdress is? "
"Here it is."
"EVERYONE! the performance is about to begin so hurry up!"
"Good luck tonight."
"You? Wishing me luck?"
"Would you have rather I say break a leg?"
"That suits you much better." The woman smirked as she rushed off with the other performers.In the back of her mind she knew she had to keep the act of being happy when in reality she was ready to get this entire matter done and over with.
She really didn't mind performing...
So she says until she actually has to do it.
She didn't like to be reminded of her past but then again this was a past she once had a fond love for believe it or not. Maybe tonight it would come back to her? sometimes it was nice to revisit the past the young master is a good example of that...but in this case? maybe not?
"Ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls! of all ages!" Jokers voice rang in her ears as she began to stretch her limber body that was decorated in the color of blue velvet and silver. Trying not to lick her lips in anticipation she closed her eye and listened out for her call.
"First up we have our most newest member! some of you folk out there might know this fearsome fencer now turned acrobat! The legendary blue velvet beauty! JOSEPHINE BRANDSON!" Sucking in a deep breath the woman exhaled and put on her award winning smile. Walking out into the bright lights that the setting had to offer all she could hear was the deafening ringing in her ears. Screeches of the crowed were muffled due to her sheer adrenaline rush that just suddenly emerged out of no where.
The sights, the sounds and the smells of being a performer again brought her to a state that she hadn't felt in a long time...a state she never thought in her wildest dreams she would ever come back to.
"JOSEPHINE WE LOVE YOU!" She suddenly heard to her left causing her to look over and smile graciously.
"WELCOME BACK JOSEPHINE!" Waving to the audience with a wide and proud smile she blew them a big kiss which made them go even crazier. Putting her hands on her hips she smiled and shouted out loud,
"IT'S SO GREAT TO BE BACK! I'VE MISSED ALL OF YOU!" The cries of those young and old became louder as she felt her heartbeat suddenly thump in her ears. Her blood rushed with adrenaline as she felt herself become heated by all this excitement. This sudden rush of power that coursed through her wasn't anger or bloodlust it was a sudden rush of... joy?
'She sure knows how to please a crowd.' Joker thought as he watched her from behind the curtains. A childish wonder and amazement glimmering in his eye as he watched a true master at work.
Just as she was about to begin her routine she suddenly felt an odd but never unfamiliar presence lurk beside her.
'What is he doing here!?'
"HELLO ALL! I'M JOSEPHINE'S ASSISTANT AND NEW COMER TO THE CIRCUS!MY NAME IS BLACK! ALLOW ME AND MY MISTRESS TO SHOW YOU WHAT WE CAN DO!" He smiled as he picked the young woman up and threw her up into the air where she caught the trapeze bar and began to swing herself back and forth. The two decided before hand to repeat the same actions through out practice since that seemed to be a show stopper to even the senior members of the troop.
The two decided before hand to repeat the same actions through out practice since that seemed to be a show stopper to even the senior members of the troop
Their performance marveled the crowd as they watched Josephine do most of the work, while the butler mearly assisted her. Her smiles and waves to the crowd were just like they use to be way back then, causing former fans to scream and shout her name with praise. All of it made flashbacks of her past performances flash through her eyes as she envisioned the crowd throwing roses to her, not a single person would sit by the time she defeated her opponent as they all clapped for her amazing win and elegant skills.
But that was no more.
She could not stand to be blinded by such past thoughts as she knew this was only temporary.
And besides these people didn't love her.
They never did.
The only thing they did love was her pretty face...not the talent she possessed.
Because if they did, they wouldn't be cheering the way they were.
Finishing their act the butler decided to add an interesting twist and catch the woman in his open arms, while his legs clung onto the trapeze bar. A bit shocked by this, she landed perfectly in his arms bridal style, with one arm wrapped around him and another waving to the audience of ecstatic fans.
"Where is the young master?" She asked through her smile, her chest heaving up and down at a rapid pace as she tried to make her final appearance a memorable one for the already impressed crowd. Smiling to himself the butler held her close before flipping himself off of the bar and landing perfectly on the ground with Josephine still intact.
"Infiltrating Beast's room like you said." He said as he gently put her down on the ground. Nodding in satisfaction she continued on with her act and gave the crowd a bow along with Sebastian who grabbed her hand and held it up high for everyone to see, his other hand gesturing to her as if to say, 'praise her! she did more work than I! '. Looking at him with stunned and amazed eyes the young woman couldn't believe it, the butler was smiling so happily at the audience and the way he had grabbed her hand made her believe that she was back in her prime for just a brief moment.
Regardless, Sebastian managed to make her forget reality for only just a second and bring her back to a time she had long since forgotten about though she was now a bit older and realized the bitter truths of that past she left behind, the butler was the one who made it seem as though it wasn't all that bad and that maybe, if she had chose a different direction, she would have never suffered such a nasty fall.
-After the performance-
"No, really I'd rather rest for the night I'm quite tired-Oh! why thank you! great job everyone! good night!" The young woman smiled as she waved to the group of performers who suggested going into town and grabbing a drink to congratulate everyone on their amazing work today. However, the woman had other plans after the show she was instructed to meet up with Ciel and Sebastian at his tent where they would catch the female up to speed and give her , her new orders.
But just as she was going to disappear into the mass of tents a sudden voice called out to her. Making a slightly irritated face, she turned and gave the person a smile. She couldn't allow that side of her to show especially in the midst of an investigation.
"Josephine! hold on a minute!" Joker called as he ran up to her, lips curved into a smile once he saw the woman.Deep down Joker still had a fond love and admiration for the woman, she was strong, talented, intelligent everything he loved in a woman she was it. But in a way he figured all men saw her that way, he knew he was just another desperate fan who could only dream of getting to know her like Black and Smile did so he humbly put his true feelings away...
With the exception of a couple of nice gestures here and there...
"Oh Joker-" A bit out of breath he huffed and puffed before giving her a happy and pleased smile for stopping when she did.
"I-I just wanted to commend you on a job well done, you and Black are certainly something!" He chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck with his real hand. Taking the compliment to heart she put a hand over her heart and blushed slightly. All though she didn't like preforming anymore she surely couldn't get over the rush it gave her and nor the tendencies to take such compliments to heart. It wasn't like she was asking to be complimented but sometimes these words of encouragement and praise would creep into her head at night and make her believe she missed that life when in reality she didn't.
"Thank you!"
"I got you a little something but I can't seem to find it, now where did I-Oh! found it!" Shuffling through the pockets of his pants he finally found his magicians wand, wavering it around he had his hand cover the top of it and produce a bouquet of pink peonies.
"I got you a little something but I can't seem to find it, now where did I-Oh! found it!" Shuffling through the pockets of his pants he finally found his magicians wand, wavering it around he had his hand cover the top of it and produce a bouquet ...
"These are for you my lady."He said as he handed her the flowers. Stunned she took them from his outstretched hand and brought them to her nose for a good whiff. The scent that radiated off of them was incredible so much so it made a tingle run up the woman's spine.
"They're lovely! thank you so much Joker!" Although he felt he had seen it all the man couldn't help but see the wonder and joy that sparkled in her emerald green eye. The posters he would see of her on the streets gave off a similar feeling but that joy she radiated could never be copied onto paper.
"Yeah well, I looked up to you ya know...your talents are somethin' else."He blushed.
"I appreciate this really I do! thank you! Well I better be off then. Good night." She giggled softly as she gave him a small wave before turning around and walking towards the demons tent. Watching her disappear into the inky black darkness he couldn't help but think that some one like her just couldn't be real.
But indeed she was.
"Good night."He whispered into the cold night air as he put a hand over his beating heart.
Continuing on to the butlers tent, the woman tightened her scarf as she felt a bitter chill run down her spine. This winter wind was sure a vicious beast this year surely the young master couldn't wait to get back to the warmth of his manor and neither could she. Walking closer and closer to the tent she was able to hear the commotion of the boy and butler, the last sentence capturing her attention right away.
"You released the venoms snakes even though you knew I was in there!"
"Yes. I did." Sebastian admitted.
"Why Sebastian I never knew you to be so cruel towards our master." She stated as she pulled back the flap of the tent. Smiling the butler looked to her and said,
"But it was only his orders. He ordered me earlier to release the snakes once the crew members got back." Looking from the boys flustered face to the man the woman just shrugged and said,
"Well if it's an order than it must be completed no doubt."
'Damn the both of you.' The earl growled to himself as he began to shiver suddenly. The scarf and jacket the only thing keeping him warm, provided little help.
"Do be careful with how you word your instructions will you dearest? I would hate to have you be taken away from me so soon." She pouted as she gave the boy a saddened look before placing the bouquet of flowers down on a near by crate.
"I thought the young master who is greedy for games would think the same." The butler grinned.
"It's in bad taste to play games that make me feel like throwing up, demon!" The earl spat.
"It's an honor-" Before he could even finish the child let out a harsh round of coughing that made the woman's heart quicken with worry as she watched him almost hunch over due to how powerful it was. Once he finished he shook his head and looked up at the woman.
"Well then let's catch you up to speed."
Chapter 25: The Butler & The Maid, Overwhelmed
Sorry for the short chapter! -Natalia
Sorry for the short chapter! -Natalia
Chapter Text
"As an added bonus to our discoveries, I also found a piece of paper that has my name on it in Joker's tent."
"From what I saw they have my rank, my address and a sample personal history. The sender is-"
"-are intruding on my private property by three centimeters,"
"Incapable of staying apart as you both decided, exactly like a dog to its owner."
"I will make sure my master abides fret not, Suit."
Letting out a muffled cough the boy pulled himself away from his maid before turning to the entrance of the tent.
"Outside you two." He gestured to the two servants to follow him.
"Yes." The butler hummed as he gave the boy a nod.
"At once." Josephine said softly as she and Sebastian followed their master out into the bitter cold.
"...So the sender's name is the Piper's son?" Ciel asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"As in Tom the Piper's son?" Josephine questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"It's a character from mother goose I have an idea as to what it means, Tom the piper use to luer children out of the beds at night with the sound of his piper, there the children would follow him out of the village and dance till their death." Sebastian answered as he looked at the woman from the corner of his eye.
"Hmm, also there is a hallmark of a horse in the sealing wax along with the initial K." Suddenly losing all interest in what her master had to say Josephine could only concentrate on the boys breathing which had become short and heavy. Almost as if breathing had become a challenge of sorts.
Almost as if breathing had become a challenge of sorts
"Then it's the same as I saw in the photograph...all of these crests are recoded by the heraldry-" He said from in between coughs.
"No matter how many records they have, I know that you are capable of finding it with this information alone," Ciel said as he looked to the demon, his feet paced back and forth as his huddled form tried to keep himself warm in this bitter cold.
"Disappearing children, a circus, Tom the piper's son...and me...I wonder how all that connects..." Looking from the butler to the boy the woman couldn't take the sound of his horrid coughing any longer. The butler didn't seem too worried about his masters condition which only made Josephine worry even more.
"Dearest, please calm d-" The woman said as she gestured for him to take a seat on one of the various crates, but he just brushed her aside. He was on the verge of a break through and nothing was going to stop him...
"Firstly we have to return to the town house-" Suddenly he stopped, hearing his heart rate sky rocket the woman looked down at him and spoke with a tone of worry, the butler equally concerned as to why his master suddenly froze.
"Young master whats' wrong?"
"Dearest please si-" Before she could finish the boy suddenly threw up, his hand and mouth covered in vomit.
"Dearest!" Josephine gasped as she bent to his aid, her green iris laced with worry as she wiped the vomit away from his mouth with her cloak. Surprised by this the butler rushed to his masters aid as well, this seemed to be different than the other times he would catch a cold. Something wasn't right and it put Sebastian on edge.
"Smile!? what's wrong!?"Freckles suddenly appeared as she looked at the boy worriedly.
"Alert the infirmary stat!"The woman urged, nodding the child quickly ran off, all the while the boy seemed to be fading in and out of consciousness. Listening to his breathing it sounded ragged and almost as if he was out of breath, furrowing her brows she picked up her master and let the boy wrap himself around her like a child to its mother. Resting his head on her shoulder he watched with half lidded eyes as the world around him grew hazy and blurry as the woman ran at lightening speed with the butler beside her. His expression equally worried as he noticed the visible tears spring in her eye.
"I got you dearest it's going to be okay just hang on..." She said as he suddenly slipped into sleep.
Chapter 26: The Butler & The Maid, Worried as always
Chapter Text
"It's Asthma."
"Asthma? this is the first I've heard of the condition in three years."
"If he hasn't had an attack in three years then it's considered as being recovered."
"However all you need is a sudden chill or sudden stress then it can come back abruptly."
"We've seen him have colds before but never this bad, I should have known something was wrong when I heard his breathing yesterday, I feel like such an idiot-"
"Josephine you are not to blame, you didn't know any better, the science around it is still fresh."
"Ah..." The boy muttered weakly as his lone good eye slowly opened, peaking up from her arms Josephine smiled through tear stricken eye as her beloved master had finally awoken.
"Oh! that's great! you've regained consciousness." The doctor smiled as he removed the rag from his forehead. Leaning towards him a bit more the woman was excited as could be to tend to her masters fragile state, this was the only way she could truly be as strict as she would like with him. He couldn't do anything work related which gave him some down time to relax which she knew he needed now more than ever considering the stressful environment they were in.
"Are you alright de-Smile?" Josephine asked.
"W-Water." He faintly spoke. Pouring him a glass of water he tilted his head up and began to drink almost half of its contents.
"There we go
"There we go."She spoke softly as he stopped drinking and rested his head back down on the pillow. Setting the glass on the night stand the doctor cleared his throat and began to ask the Earl some questions.
"Smile? you have had bad asthma since you were very young right?" He began. Giving him a slow nod the doctor let out a concerned hum and nodded.
"There have been cases where people have died from it. You should be careful even when you think you've recovered ." He said sternly before placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"Rest until the fever and coughing has stopped okay?"Looking over at the three guests he smiled and wavered them off.
"You guys should get going then." Nodding Freckles gave a small wave before turning and leaving, but the woman remained still, afraid of what would happen if she left him alone. Putting a hand on her shoulder the butler gave her a knowing look causing her to sigh and nod.
"Right, get better my dear friend." Grabbing his hand she brought it to her lips and placed a kiss on the back of it. Getting up from her spot the servants gave their master one last look before leaving the tent. Glancing over at the woman the butler chuckled and said,
"You worry too much." Looking over at him she shook her head and wrapped her cloak around her shivering form tightly. Bitting her bottom lip she looked down at the ground then to the sky above. All the beautiful and lovely stars twinkled and glowed high above them while the moon remained hidden between the naked branches of the near by trees. The scene was romantic but what with all the chatter going on in the near by tents and the drunk carnies that stumbled around made it seem anything but.
"It's not worry...I just..." She did worry that much was true, especially for his health since it was so fragile now more than ever but she would never fully admit her worries to someone like Sebastian. Her actions were all he needed to know.
"I never worry, I just care a bit more than necessary. Do I not have the right to care?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow to the demon beside her. Smirking at her sassy tone he chuckled and nodded before turning his attention back to the stars above.
"You have all the right, however I can't help but feel as though we've had this conversation before."
"We have and yet even with all of your amazing talents and skills, I still feel as though I need to be concerned. Sometimes even the best have there bad days," She muttered as she buried herself deeper into the warmth of her scarf eyebrows knitted in concern.
"I just feel as though someday hopefully never, something will happen to one of us and we won't be able to do anything to protect him..." Stopping in his steps Sebastian looked down at the woman with a confused expression. How could she say something like that? Was she really have doubts about a demon protecting his master? How dare she.
"Are you doubting yourself? are you doubting what I'am capable of? what we as Phantomhive servants are capable of?" Stopping at the sound of his stern and confident voice the woman slowly turned and looked up at him with her wide green iris almost...
"Are you doubting yourself? are you doubting what I'am capable of? what we as Phantomhive servants are capable of?" Stopping at the sound of his stern and confident voice the woman slowly turned and looked up at him with her wide green iris almost amazed at his sudden quick questioning.
"As Phantomhive servants we have a job and that is to protect and serve our master no matter the case. Are you truly saying that we one day will fail such demands?"
"Of course not. I would never." She said with an equal amount of prided. His words hit her deep as she felt herself become moved by his words. She had always told herself that no matter what she would protect her master, her and the butler both vowed this to themselves. And yet why did she suddenly find herself doubting those words. Apart they were strong, together stronger but what if...one of them...
"I should surely hope not." He said as he turned his back on her and continued walking. Slowly she caught up next to him, his long strides slowing down so she would be able to catch up. The rest of the way they kept silent. The only sound they could hear were the ramblings of other workers and such as well as the sleepy, lazy words of those who were passed out from exhaustion.
Upon approaching the sectioned off part of the tents the butler went to bid her good night but she spoke first.
"Sebastian?" She asked her eye still looking down to the ground but her face uncovered from the comfort and warmth of her blue velvet scarf.
"Yes?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. Slowly looking down at her with a raised eyebrow. Letting a small smile creep onto her lips she looked up at her friend and said,
"Thank you." Her cheeks dusting pink due to the cold air. Feeling his heart suddenly skip a beat the butler only gave her a slight smile and quick nod.
"I did nothing to be thankful for, I just hope you realize the severity of your words." He said as he quickly reminded her of her doubt.
"I do. Thank you." Stepping over the roped off section she gave the butler one last look, while he did the same to her.
"Good night Josephine
"Good night Josephine."
"Good night Sebastian." And with that she disappeared amongst the eerily colored lights of the campsite as well as the fog that slowly began to roll in. Almost like a phantom.
-Later that night-
"Come...the both of you." He softly spoke as he tried not to wake his friend who snored nosily beside him.
"You called?" Sebastian asked as he held the tent flap open for the woman. Stepping in she smiled and rested a hand over her heart over the sight of her master and his new friend sleeping in the same bed together.
"Oh my it seems your little friend has grown concerned for you as well."She whispered as she and the demon made their way to their masters side of the bed.
"Tch." He gritted as he gestured for them to come closer. Gesturing to the female she opened her palm to him and allowed him to right his orders. The butler looming close was able to read and understand the words as well.
"This is an order
"This is an order. Sebastian go to the crest office and find out who owns that seal, the crest office in London is the England heraldry college of arms. At Edinburgh there is a Scotland heraldy, the lord of Lyon. Waking him could cause too much trouble so I will escape in the morning. Josephine keep on high alert and listen out to anymore details about anything between the higher ups. Come and pick me up." Looking over her shoulder to see if the butler understood his demands he nodded and so did the woman. Taking his hand she wrote out,
"Yes my lord." Kissing the back of his hand good-night she and the butler gave their good-byes before heading off to their tasks.
0 notes
missjoker96 · 4 years
Hey my lovely clown friends!
Here is a new written short fanfic about Arthur Fleck and Joker.
Enjoy it! :)
Arthur/Joker and Reader
A surprise with consequences
I woke up on my couch in the afternoon and didn't recognize that (Y/N) left the appartment before I fell asleep. It must have been before I closed my eyes, because I could feel how she kissed my lips and told me good bye sweetheart. It always made me happy when I get kisses and compliments from my one and only true love. She made me happy in every way and no other person could ever be like her. She was the missing part in my heart, my once broken and damaged heart. My soul was lonely for my whole life and I never thought that I would ever find a girl who could love a mental loner. I still can't believe my luck, but it was true.
I took a look at the watch and it was already late afternoon. (Y/N) said she would only leave to buy some food, but who could know how long it would take? I forgot to take my meds again and this wasn't a good sign for me eighter, but I didn't want to feel bad anymore. I lit myself a cigarette and had a crazy idea in mind. What if I surprise her and dress as Joker and walk the streets towards the super market where she buys the food? It was insane, but if not me then Joker should surprise her. Perfect, I am going to surprise her with the red suit, my painted on clown face and my green dyed hair. It had to be perfect and as everyone knew, perfection took time.
I took my time and put some Frank Sinatra music on, of course my favourite song and sang the lines while I danced to my bathroom to dye my hair green again. It has been already a while since I used my hair dye the last time. I only needed it when I dress as Joker, because I need him as my protector against bullies and criminal attacks. He was the protective clown, the dangerous one and sexy one. (Y/N) loved him, but more important was that she loved Arthur Fleck. She loved ME and this made me very lucky. I would do anything for her and threat her like my princess.
Once I finished my cigarette, I began to dye my hair green. It always fascinated me how the green covered every single brown hair and my body moved while I sang to That's Life.
"That's life.. (That's life) That's what all the people say.."
I felt great listening to my favourite song while turning into Joker again. After my hair was complete green, I waited and let the hair dye dry and lit up another cigarette. It was needed and I began to paint my face white, step by step. Arthur slowly disappeared, Joker appeared. The next step were the blue triangles above and below my eyes. I painted them very careful, because I wanted it to look perfect. And then I used the red for my eye brows above the triangles, the red nose and finally the big red wide smile.
I smirked at my mirror reflection and it smirked back. A real smile under the fake one since I met (Y/N). The only missing part was my red suit, Joker's skin. He wouldn't be Joker if he didn't wear his suit. I grabbed my red trousers, my green shirt and the yellow armless vest. Not to forget my red jacket, the full ending outfit! Before I left, I took white socks and put my shoes on. One last smirk and I left my appartment.
Nothing could stop me now, because this was Joker's time and he could do what he wanted to do. He only had one target, to surprise his beloved girlfriend.
...The clown in red suit lit himself a cigarette and walked through the streets of Gotham City...
I walked the way to the subway station, because the super market where (Y/N) prefered wasn't close to our appartment, so I had to use the subway. People noticed me and I loved it, because they recognized me and SEE ME. It was Joker who roamed these streets, but behind the mask was Arthur Fleck and people noticed me. They even looked at me and greeted me, but all I hear is.. "Hello Joker. What's up?" I smirked at them and winked them.
"Hey guys.." I replied and blew a dark mist of smoke out of my mouth. This feeling of being accepted and noticed made me happy, but I wish that they also respect Arthur. I am Arthur and Joker at the same time, but they were two different characters. People eighter didn't know that or they were blind to see the truth. I continued my way and noticed more and more people look at me and then I saw a mother with her little boy who smiled at me and pointed with his finger at me. I could hear him speaking.
"Mommy, look! There is a clown. Can we go to him?"
It warmed my heart and I checked my pockets. The luck met me, because I found a balloon and I could make an animal balloon for this little boy.
The boy's mother smiled, because of her little son's happiness and came closer to me.
"Joker, hm?" She said to me.
I smirked and shook my head. The balloon was blue and I decided to make a balloon cat. I was good in making balloon animals, because I've worked as party clown a few years and have practise.
"Yes, my name is Joker. May I know your name, little boy?" I gave him the balloon cat and smiled at him, because I wasn't sure how children react. The boy's smile widened as he got the balloon cat and offered his hand to me. "I am Bruce.. Thank you for the balloon cat. You are a very nice clown, Joker." Suddenly I remembered this Wayne guy. Thomas Wayne was his name and he had a son called Bruce Wayne. The boy I wanted to smile for me, but I wasn't funny for him. It broke my heart as his butler told me to go or he would call the police.
It was Arthur's past. This was Joker's time and he brought a little boy to smile. His mother smiled too, but only because her son was happy about my gift to him. It felt like my day just began. As I continued my way, I noticed a group of young men arguing with each other. I decided to ignore them, because I wanted to avoid stress. (Y/N) would tell me the same if she were here now, so I slowly passed them and acted as if I didn't see them. Suddenly one of these guys turned his face into my direction and spoke to me.
I stopped to walk and turned around to look at him. "Yes?"
"Where are you from? You look as if you escaped from a circus."
And there was it again. The insult with the circus involved. How often did I have to tell that I am not a fucking circus clown? It made me angry, but I stayed calm and suddenly I bursted out in laugher. It wasn't Arthur's laugh, it was Joker's laugh.
"Hahahahaha.. Hahahahaha.."
It was my real laugh and I could control it. I took a breath before I answered.
"I am Joker and not a fucking circus clown. But if you want stress, then let's have some huh?" They wouldn't get my joke, because one of them looked confused. The other one stepped already back and the rest of them stepped closer to me.
It looked as if they wanted some stress.
They could have it.
"What about a joke?" I tried the usual way.
My hands were looking for my gun, but it wasn't there. WHERE THE HELL WAS MY GUN???? I asked myself without using words and could only hope that these guys didn't carry a gun with them.
I never left my gun at home.
Whatever, I waited for the guy's answers.
"A joke you say? Alright, tell us one of your jokes." The head guy crossed his arms and chewed on something in his mouth. The other one stood beside him and grabbed a knife without being noticed. At least he thought that I didn't see the knife.
"What happens if some street guys cross the clown called Joker and insult him? The punchline is, you all get what you fucking deserve."
I made sure that nobody watched me, ran towards the guy with the knife and kicked him to the ground. I grabbed the knife and laughed. The guy looked scared and begged for his life. "Please don't kill me, Joker! We only made some fun and of course we respect you. Right?"
The head guy quickly shook his head, because he didn't want to see his friend getting hurt from me.
"Forgive us, Joker.. We didn't want to insult you. Of course you aren't a circus clown."
I loved it when they gave up and almost begged for their lives. I would also hate to kill them, but they were part of clown haters and it means that I have to make it a final end.
I let them time to breath before I used the knife and killed them. Blood everywhere, but not my blood this time. The other two guys didn't watch the scene and I got rid of the dead bodies before I cleaned the knife and my hands.
Good that my suit wasn't stained.
(Y/N) wouldn't notice what I have done.
I continued my way and suddenly I heard my name. The voice was familiar and I stopped to walk. It wasn't the police, because I would have heard the loud siren.
"ARTHUR.." The female voice said and it was (Y/N), I recognized her voice.
I rolled my eyes and called out my other name. "JOKER, please.." And finally I looked into her eyes. She wore heavy bags full of food and didn't look happy.
Did she saw what I've done to the group of young men?
I hope not.
"I wanted to surprise you, (Y/N)."
She looked disappointed at me. Her facial features told me that she noticed the blood covered knife and the corpse's on the ground. And who else would have killed them, but Joker?
"Surprise me? Is this your new kind of surprising people? You have killed humans, Arthur." Her voice was almost a yelling at me and I felt like the bad guy again.
She had to know the truth.
I took a deep breath. At least she saw me as Arthur while I was Joker. This was one good thing and I wished that all others would see me like (Y/N) saw me.
"Listen, I wanted to surprise you with my Joker outfit. But these guys, I didn't greet them or bothered them and they insulted me. They insulted Joker! And I have seen how one of them prepared a knife to kill me. Do you understand?"
I was out of breath and looked at the knife in my right hand. I could see myself. My make up was no mess, it was like after I painted it.
My hands began to shake and I remembered that I forgot to take my meds. I didn't hallucinate, but almost and could be glad that (Y/N) was with me now. Only she could calm me down and I listened to her.
"I understand, darling. But you have to be more careful. Gotham is full of villains, ignorant people and criminals. And the police could have arrested you if they noticed you."
She was right. I had to be more careful also as Joker. He was my protector and always found a way to get out of trouble. I let the knife fall and walked towards her and placed my hands on her cheeks.
"Please forgive me. I promise to be more careful. I love you so much, (Y/N). And to let you know. Joker and Arthur were talking to you know." I smirked and took her heavy shopping bags. She kissed my lips and whispered into my ears. "I forgive you my handsome Joker. Let us go home now and make ourself comfortable? I could cook us a fine dinner and then we can cuddle up together. How does that sound?"
I smirked wider and agreed with her.
My meds wouldn't let me eat much food, but I forgot to take them and it didn't matter. I would definetely eat her food, because she was the best cook for me. And she knew that I tried to eat more to gain more weigh in time.
I began to daydream once again, but this time (Y/N) woke me and smirked back at me.
"Joker? Or is it Arthur?"
I heard her asking me.
Of course I knew the answer right away.
"I would say it's Joker, but it's both of them. You are speaking to Arthur and Joker at the same time. And I would love to cuddle up with you on our couch after we ate dinner together."
I noticed the blush on her cheeks and she squeezed my hand. It felt good and I felt better, because I wasn't only Joker anymore when I wore the make up and the suit. I was also Arthur at the same time.
(Y/N) was proud of me and we both forgot the tragedy that happened in this street.
"I am glad that you found the way to your true self, darling. And now let us go home. A comfortable evening awaits us and a romantic one too." She kept smiling as she walked back to Anderson Ave with me.
I walked with her hand in hand and spoke to myself.
"I guess /that's life/ then.."
#JokerFanfiction #ArthurFleck #Joker #ShortStory #Joker2019 #DCUniverse
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
Los Angeles, California in 2003-
Had you seen her while out and about, it would have been impossible not to notice Lana Clarkson. She was a statuesque blonde who stood at 6 foot tall, and drop dead gorgeous. But Lana was so much more than a pretty face; friends remember her as an intelligent woman with a wicked sense of humor. She had been outgoing, caring, friendly, and the life of the party wherever she went.
Though she'd been the leading lady in many B rated movies and played small roles in a handful of well known films, at 40 years of age Lana was still awaiting her big break. Due to this, the actress took on a job as a hostess at the famous House Of Blues nightclub on the Sunset Strip; her job had been to take good care of the VIP guests in a special area called The Foundation Room where LA's biggest celebrities were known frequent. Lana had not been working here too long, but it seemed to be a great fit for her; though she officially made only $9 an hour, celebrities tended to tip pretty well, and Lana had hoped to meet the right people while there.
In the very early hours of Monday, February 3nd of 2003, less than a hour before closing time, a celebrity by the name of Phil Spector walked into the club and attempted to enter the VIP area. Phil was an extremely wealthy music legend in his sixties, but Lana had absolutely no clue who the heck he was so she refused him entry. If that weren't bad enough, she accidentally misgendered Phil - Lana addressed the celebrity as "Ma'am"! Once the actress was informed of who exactly she had been interacting with, she apologized profusely and, as it was her job to cater to each VIP patron's slightest whim, that's exactly what she did. Sadly, as Lana was about to discover, Phil was much like a grenade who's pin had just been pulled - he was very soon to explode.
There's no denying that the musical genius had some serious demons. When he was only 8, Phil's daddy had committed suicide. As a teenager he was in a musical group called The Teddy Bears; Phil wrote a song called To Know Him Is To Love Him, the name of which had actually been taken from the epitaph engraved on his father's tombstone. By the age of 21 Phil was a millionaire; not only was he an accomplished song writer and musician himself, but he invented what is known as The Wall Of Sound. Phil had discovered a way to layer music, which sounded better on the radio than anything which had been discovered thus far. This was a really big deal, and Phil has been called one of the most influential music producers of all time! Since all of the biggest artists wanted to work with him, the producer became very egotistical; the older he grew the more eccentric, erratic, and violent his behavior became. He was well known for constantly packing heat, and he was absolutely not afraid to threaten someone by pointing a firearm at them - sometimes he even fired it! If this weren't bad enough, there have been a long line of women throughout the decades who claim to have been abused in various ways by Phil; several even swear to have been held captive for several days or longer in the music mogul's mansion! His ex has written a book about the hell on Earth she endured while under Phil's control. Of course Lana had no way of knowing any of this, she barely knew who Phil was.
At closing time, an intoxicated Phil needed help getting outside to his vehicle; the man was a good tipper, and the hostess was happy to oblige. Phil's limousine driver, Adriano De Souza, had been waiting outside the club. Phil insisted that Lana come back to his 33 room mansion known as The Pyrenees Castle for a nightcap. Lana declined this offer several times, but finally relented. Adriano later recalled that Lana had been adamant that she would come inside for just a quick drink, then the chauffer would drive her back. Sometime around 3 am on Monday morning Phil and Lana entered The Castle; the chauffer remained outside, awaiting the actress's promise of a prompt return.
Much of what occurred over the course of the next two hours is still up for debate, mostly we know what the driver has told us. At approximately 5 am Phil walked out of his home carrying a gun in his hands and stated, "I think I killed somebody". The chauffer called the police, with whom Phil refused to comply. He would not show his hands; a scuffle ensued, resulting in the suspect being tased and tackled to the ground.
A deceased Lana was found still seated in the white French provincial chair in the foyer, she'd taken a bullet from a .38-caliber Colt Cobra to the mouth; a firearm lay at the floor near her feet. It was obvious that Phil had attempted to clean up before notifying authorities. Blood was found on the staircase and multiple other areas, and in a bathroom near the foyer lay a cloth diaper drenched in the lady's blood.
The music mogul's account of what had transpired changed multiple times. Phil reportedly told police "I didn't mean to shoot her. It was an accident". After he'd sobered up a bit, Phil claimed to be an innocent man. He'd startled the actress as she'd been playing with the gun, and it had accidentally discharged.
Investigators did not believe Phil's story, and the autopsy agreed with them. The bullet had traveled in a slightly upward trajectory which had severed Lana's spine, and the recoil from the firearm sent several of the actress's front teeth flying to the floor. It was not a pretty death, but thankfully Lana did die instantaneously. The actress's tongue had been bruised, which the coroner stated had been from the gun forcibly entering her mouth - blunt force trauma. An acrylic fingernail from Lana's right hand was missing, had likely broken off during some sort of a struggle. There were bruises on her right arm and wrist, two of which have been described as significant. The lady's leopard print purse strap had been over her right shoulder at the time of death, which indicated that she'd soon intended to leave the premises, and the firearm was found on the floor near Lana's left foot though she'd been right handed.
Phil was arrested for second degree murder, but released on a one million dollar bond. While awaiting trial the music producer married a 26 year old deli waitress named Rachelle Short whom he would show off daily throughout the spectacle of a trial. After trying on a string of high profile attorneys, Phil finally settled on Mafia Boss John Gotti's lawyer, Bruce Cutler. The defense's stance was that Lana had discovered the firearm inside the millionaire's home and had committed suicide. The prosecution and the defense argued about both the gunshot residue and the blood spatter, with both calling experts to prove their point. The prosecution claimed that Lana had likely been grabbing for the gun while Phil was forcing it in her mouth, which would explain why there was so much GSR on her hands. Either way, a good washing can remove GSR from the skin, so Phil could not be eliminated as the killer based on that. The prosecution called a few of the women who had been victimized by Phil, some of which swore that the defendant had pulled a gun on them through the years. One witness, a former friend of the defendant named Dianne Ogden-Halder, claimed that Phil had attempted to rape her at gun point back in the 80's. She had been a guest at Phil's mansion when he'd abruptly changes from friendly to "demonic"; at this point Phil pulled out a gun and threatened to "blow her brains out". Dianne claimed that he refused to allow her to leave the home, and pressed said firearm against her forehead and cheek. Dianne claimed that she was shocked by Phil's behavior as it was unnecessary, had he been romantic with her that would've been fine. This is definitely worth mentioning as there had been sexual activity between Lana and Phil on the night of her death. There was DNA (saliva) which proved that Lana had performed fellatio on Phil, and Phil's DNA was discovered on Lana's breast. The defense called a witness to testify that Lana had been very depressed at the time of her death, and this may have been the tipping point. In the end, a couple of the jury members did have their doubts; after 12 days of deliberation a mistrial was declared.
18 months later, on October 29th of 2008, a second trial began. This trial was not the media circus which the first day been, and Phil did not have the same caliber of a defense. This time around the wealthy music mogul was found guilty of second degree murder and sentenced to 19 years to life; he is currently spending his days in the California Health Care Facility in Stockton. His health is rapidly declining, and it's said that he's not been physically capable of speaking since 2014. In 2016, after 10 years of marriage, Phil divorced his young wife. He stated that Rachelle was "bleeding him dry" with her excessive spending. She'd purchased very expensive jewellery, an airplane, a Ferrari and an Aston Martin. Rachelle had more than one plastic surgeries, bought her mama 2 nice houses, and at the time of he filed, she was in the process of getting herself a jet. All of this spending while Phil was supposed to live off the $300 a month that she placed on his books. The musician wants his daughter to control his money.
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*While researching opinions, I've found that the belief of Phil's innocence is blamed largely on David Mamet's HBO movie starring Al Pacino, "Phil Spector". This movie paints the musician in a completely innocent light, but it is not a documentary. While it's a decent film, it's just not completely factual.
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likeclarabow · 2 years
18, 23, 43, 51, 54, 80, 102 <3
hi i love u
18. your least favourite book ever
there aren't really any books that i have an actual burning hatred for (or maybe i've just blocked them out) however a few years ago my dad lent me a book i can't even remember the title (it was like where if and the or something like that 4 words strung together that don't make a sentence) and it was about a guy at a dinner party who locks himself in a guest room and refuses to come out and there are 4 chapters about 4 people who've met this guy like once and they're basically unrelated and it made no sense and i was definitely not the target audience/too young to get it but it made no sense i had a bad time and i still don't really understand my dads love for conceptual literary stuff idk
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
the book on my most immediate tbr is last night at the telegraph club by malinda lo i've been waiting to read this since it came out and i finally have it i'm relly excited
43. a book that you have read more than three times
the series that should not be named, the hunger games, matilda, pjo, stuff like that
51. a book that you found underwhelming
addie larue i wanted to get it SO BADLY but it fell so flat for me😞
54. a book with the best opening line
i could probably think of something more original or better if it wasn't 12:45 am but "the circus arrives without warning" gave me chills the first time i read it
80. a book that reminds you of a loved one
a wrinkle in time reminds me of my dad its one of the books he read with me as a kid and i just have really fond memories of those times
102. your favourite dark academia read
if we were villains ofc i could never say anything different
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