#i've been pecking my whole life and got VERY fast at it but if i'm gonna be a programmer i need to learn home row for speeds sake
finally learning to type using home row. this is more thrilling than the idea of sex has ever been and I mean that with my whole fucking chest
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torchlitinthedesert · 4 months
"#but john had a pattern of asking for proof of commitment and pulling away once he’d got it" can you elaborate on this? I can't think of an example of it, off the top of my head
Yes! This is a very late response, both because life got away from me and because I wanted to think it through some more.
In the tag you quoted, I said "asking for proof", which I now think is too sweeping (I've updated my earlier tags to reflect this). It's may not be as clearcut that, or not verbalised that way. And it involves other people's expectations/choices: some of this is just about how intensely people sought John's approval. But even with all those caveats, I do find it striking how making a big commitment to John could lead to *loss* of closeness.
Some examples (unfortunately including the Beatles being ableist):
Stuart Sutcliffe wins his art prize, and gets talked into spending the money on a bass guitar so he can join John's band. It's a big commitment from Stu. So what happens? The band goes on tour to Scotland, where they all picked on Stu. “We were terrible,” John told Hunter Davies. “We'd tell Stu he couldn't sit with us, or eat with us. We'd tell him to go away, and he did.”
According to Davies, "At one hotel they stayed at, a variety show had just left. There had been a dwarf in the show and they found out which bed he had slept in and said that would have to be Stu's. They certainly weren't going to sleep in it. So Stu had to. 'That was how he learned to be with us,' says John. 'It was all stupid, but that was what we were like.'"
John frames the status drop as a rite of passage: making the commitment isn't enough, you have to go through being pushed away, too. And it's John doing it: it's not just Paul and George being jealous of the new guy, John is actively joining in.
Fast forward to Hamburg, where it's Paul's turn to drop down the pecking order. Fandom often focuses on Paul leaving his job at Massey and Coggins, but I think Hamburg is a much, much bigger turning point.
Paul's exam results were disappointing, but good enough for further education. That had been the family dream his whole life, particularly for his mother - that Paul would get a professional job that would lift the family into middle-class security. And other trusted adults agreed: Paul asked his favourite teacher Alan Durband for advice, and was told he should play it safe and get his qualifications.
Paul ignores this, rejects the future his family dreamed of and demanded for him, and goes to Hamburg. Where he finds himself out in the cold, unpopular, stuck in a windowless back bedroom. (Beds again: important for hierarchy and for bonding - see George insisting that Ringo roomed with Paul when he joined.) This happens right at the start of Hamburg, too. It's not just about getting distracted by the cool exis: this is the dynamic the Beatles brought with them.
This isn’t all John. The teenaged Beatles were a seething messy friendship group, a bunch of jealous rivals kicking out at someone else’s success. Both Stu in Scotland and Paul in Hamburg had reason to feel homesick and rejected. Those are hard feelings to have, and can make people harder to be around, especially when other friendships and opportunities are opening up. So there are other factors involved, but to me it does feel like a pattern.
I misremembered my next example, conflating two of Cynthia's later acid experiences. John asked her to try acid again: she had a horrible time, but he did stay close and try to comfort her. So that's an important example of John not pulling away, even if it didn't work out.
What I remembered was the last time Cynthia tried acid - I think spontaneously, rather than at John's encouragement. I'm fairly sure John was already high when this happened, which I'm sure affected his behaviour. It's still a brutal example of Cynthia pushing herself to fit in with John's world, and being knocked back. She takes acid:
“At Brian's house I followed John around, hoping he would comfort me as I went through what was, for me, a horrible experience. But he was not in a good mood: he glared at me and treated me as if I were a stranger. I felt desolate. Upstairs I found an open bedroom window and contemplated jumping out. For a few minutes, ending it all seemed like an easy solution…”
Then there's George. May Pang describes his anger at feeling he'd made multiple commitments to John:
“Then George’s anger really burst forth. ‘Where were you when I needed you!’ he snapped. It was the first of a series of explosions, each of them followed by moments of tense silence. ‘I did everything you said. But you weren’t there,’ he repeated. ‘You always knew how to reach me,’ John would reply evenly to each of these outbursts... George said that repeatedly in the past he had sung what John wanted him to sing, said what John wanted him to say. Because John wanted it, George had gone along with the decision to go with Allen Klein. In the nearly four years since, John had virtually ignored him, a fact that pained George deeply. George’s voice grew even more harsh as he blasted John for his sudden appearance, as if out of nowhere, to offer an evening’s worth of help. Yet again George said furiously, ‘I did everything you said, but you weren’t there.’”
I think there's miscommunication here, and mismatched expectations. George felt he'd made commitments and been frozen out; it may have seemed very different from John's perspective. But if John's not responsible for other people's choices, he's also not just standing there passively while all this happens. And if people felt they'd made big commitments, only to be knocked back, that's still part of the collective dynamic.
Quotes: Hunter Davies, The Beatles; Cynthia Lennon, John; May Pang, Loving John.
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bi-bard · 2 years
The Collection of Failed Date Nights - Angus MacGyver Imagine [MacGyver (2016)]
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Title: The Collection of Failed Date Nights
Pairing: Angus MacGyver X Reader
Word Count: 2,067 words
Warning(s): none
Summary: Mac and (Y/n) didn't expect their relationship to be the same as many "normal" people. Still, they were ready to do everything in their power to have some time for just the two of them. They had to learn the hard way that their plan was far easier said than done.
Author's Note: I've been considering one of those "____ Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with ____" for MacGyver, so (besides Taylor Swift because I get the joke) what artist would you like to see featured in that?
Oh, I used late season 1 for reference to the team members.
Night One: Matty couldn't call at a convenient time to save her life
Dating when you work with the Phoenix Foundation wasn't easy. When both of you work with the Phoenix Foundation, then there were times when you were going to feel like you two were less dating and more trying to work in excuses to hold hands at work.
Mac and I learned that lesson fast.
Regardless of the circumstances, we tried to fit in some of the "normal" things. Movie nights and dinners and dates.
Easier said than done.
We learned that very early on.
I smiled at the little diner that Mac pulled up to.
Mac tried to explain, "I know it's not very fancy, but it was all a bit last-"
I leaned over and pecked his lips. "It's great."
He grinned at me before shutting off the car.
The night went on pretty well. We got seated, got our drinks and food ordered, and were just waiting. It was starting to look like we were going to have a normal night.
Mac was in the middle of some story from filming Bozer's short film when my phone went off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and groaned.
He chuckled at me. "Who caused that reaction?"
"You're kidding," his face dropped.
I nodded and answered the call, "Hey, Matty."
"Sorry to cut you and Mac's dinner date short, but I need you guys to come in," she said. I sat up a little straighter, looking around for some sign of her or anyone from the foundation. "You two were talking about it in the hall."
"The fact that you knew to explain doesn't comfort me."
"Just hurry up and get here."
She hung up before I could respond.
"We gotta go," I told Mac simply. He groaned. "I know. Come on."
He pulled himself out of the booth and got out his wallet. "We would have much better luck if we just started ordering our food to go."
I just nodded.
Night Two: Jack is a lost puppy (even if he refuses to admit it)
We thought drinks would be easier than most things.
Not as big of a commitment as most things, easier to pay for in a rush, and it allowed Mac and I to actually talk.
We were both leaning on the table while Mac was attempting to show off after I questioned the whole paperclip habit. He was trying to prove that it was incredibly useful.
I leaned on his shoulder, chuckling as he rambled about the paperclip.
I looked away from Mac when I heard Jack's voice. The small pang of disappointment made me feel guilty because I liked Jack. He's a great guy. But also, I was on a date.
"Hey," Mac greeted him.
"You two mind if I sit?"
Mac nodded, motioning toward the other side of the booth.
"How are the lovebirds doing," Jack asked.
"(Y/n) was making fun of how much I mess around with my paperclips."
"'Making fun' makes me sound mean," I said. "I was more questioning."
"Don't worry, I make fun of him too," Jack replied.
I let out a laugh and leaned back against the booth.
Mac just scoffed, "I'm happy you two find this funny, but I have saved both your asses several times with these paperclips-"
"And a crap ton of other stuff," I shrugged.
"Usually involving my phone," Jack added.
"You are both rude," Mac muttered.
I leaned on his shoulder again and he placed his hand on my knee. It was nice. I wish we had planned for our night to involve more than just the two of us, but this was nice.
I didn't feel right complaining about it.
Night Three: Bozer said he wasn't going to be home
I could barely remember what Mac had been talking about at the time. He was pacing a bit and rambling about something. I was sitting on his bed, occupied with other things. Like the fact that we finally had a night to ourselves.
"You're not listening," he said, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Excuse me? I always listen to you," I made it very clear that I was lying.
"Oh, really," he asked, stepping over to me. "What was I saying then?"
"If you mix hydrogen and a paperclip and... other... stuff..."
"What- woah-"
I pulled on the front of his shirt so I could press my lips to his. He managed to catch himself by placing his hands on either side of me. He chuckled as he kissed me back, making me grin into the kiss.
I started moving back, pulling Mac along with me. I laid down, moving my hand into his hair. He lowered himself onto his elbows. My free hand moved to his shirt buttons, starting to undo them. It was not as easy as I thought it would be.
His lips moved to my neck, moving down from the spot below my ear.
And then... Bozer's voice sounded from the main room.
"Mac! I was thinking and-"
"I'm gonna kill him," I muttered.
Mac laughed at me, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.
"You said he was going to be gone for the night," I groaned.
"I know, I know," he pushed himself off the bed. "I'll go talk-"
The door swung open before he could finish his thought. Bozer froze in the doorway. He looked between me lying on my back and Mac's shirt being half-undone.
"Did I interrupt something," he asked.
"Wanna take a wild guess," I replied, pushing myself up on my elbows.
He just nodded. "Well, I was gonna order some food if you guys..."
I raised an eyebrow at him. He just smiled guiltily before walking out.
I let my head fall back onto the pillow and shut my eyes. I felt a kiss get pressed to my forehead. I looked at Mac for a moment to grin, hoping to show that I was upset with the situation and not with him.
One day, I thought as I reached up to touch the side of his face. One day we'll get a normal date night.
Night Four: Mac needs to check his pockets before going out on a mission
We had honestly gotten lucky the trip was as quick as it was. The two of us had invested in some tickets to a small concert. The idea was that the show was small enough that we wouldn't break the bank if we weren't able to make it.
But here we were, standing in line for a concert. We were going to get a couple of hours together just to enjoy what was going on around us. It was a dream.
When we got to the door, Mac went to pull the tickets out of his pocket. He insisted on keeping a hold of them "just in case". I don't know what he thought would happen if I kept them, but I wasn't going to argue about something that didn't matter.
But as a nervous smile formed on his face, I wonder if I should've argued more.
He reached into his other pocket before starting to frantically check every pocket he had. Small scraps, a paperclip, but no tickets.
The guy at the door finally waved us away. I crossed my arms over my chest and started walking back to the parking garage that we had paid for. Another waste of money.
"(Y/n)," Mac followed close behind me. "I'm sorry."
I tried to blink away the tears of frustration that had formed in my eyes. "It's fine."
"No, it's not," he grabbed my arm so he could turn me around. "I... I screwed up our whole night and I'm sorry."
I closed my eyes for a moment. His hands cupped the sides of my face. I felt him press his lips to my forehead.
"I'll make it up to you," he was basically speaking against my skin. "I promise. I'll figure something out. I am so, so sorry for this."
"I just wanna go home," I mumbled, feeling the tears starting to fall. Mac pulled me forward into his arms, guiding my head to rest on his shoulder.
"Okay," he replied. "That's okay. Maybe... Maybe we can find a good movie or something. And then we can relax and cuddle, yeah?"
"I want to go home alone," I corrected my statement as I stepped back. "I'm sorry."
"No, no, don't apologize," he grabbed my hand, starting to lead me to the car. "That's okay. It's your choice."
I felt bad for being so upset, but I had been looking forward to tonight. It felt like everything in the world had gone right for us to be there only for us to get smacked down right at the end. It hurt.
Mac was understanding when he dropped me off. He kissed me gently, continuing to mumble how sorry he was.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," I replied before getting out of the car.
Mac refused to drive away until he saw me walk inside. I waved at him from the door before stepping inside.
As I locked the door behind me, I leaned my head against the door.
I just wanted one night with no interruption or mishap. I never realized how difficult that would be to achieve.
Night Five: Does it count as escaping an escape room if we never went inside?
The other three hadn't even known about the escape room until Mac and I were getting ready to leave.
And then, Bozer asked if he could join. He was completely oblivious to the idea that Mac and I may have wanted to do something on our own. I looked at Mac, letting him make the decision. He looked back at me for a moment before looking at Bozer and nodding.
And then, Bozer asked to let Jack and Riley tag along, saying that it would be good for the team to see each other outside of a life-or-death situation. Mac nodded to that idea too.
"I'm sorry," he muttered to me as he kissed my head.
"It's okay," I promised despite my disappointment.
The other two met us there.
It all seemed to be going fine until it was actually time to go into the room.
"Wait, gotta tie my shoe," Mac touched my arm as he knelt down. I stopped, scoffing at him for grabbing my arm.
Just as Mac finished tying his shoe, he jumped up and pushed the door shut. He nodded at the workers and grabbed my hand.
"What are you doing," I asked, letting him lead me out. "We can't just abandon them."
Mac stopped outside the building, pulling me abruptly into a kiss. I almost squeaked out of shock as he did. My hands touched his sides as I kissed him back. He leaned back a few moments later.
"What do you say to picking up dinner and going back to my place," he suggested.
"And just leaving them trapped here?"
"It's an escape room. That's the point."
I chuckled as he leaned in and kissed me again.
I hummed and pulled back. "You've got yourself a deal, MacGyver."
He grinned. "Good."
He started pulling me along with him again.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket when it started ringing. Before I could properly look at the name, Mac grabbed it and declined the call.
"We've earned a night together," he explained as he handed my phone back to me. "No interruptions."
"I didn't realize that it was upsetting you so much."
"I love the team," he replied. "I really do. But there are times when I want to be with you. Only you. I don't want to be a jerk, but... I felt like this was the only option."
I frowned at him. "We should probably sit down and talk with them about that."
He nodded.
"Instead of locking them in an escape room."
He chuckled, looking down for a moment. "That was a little rude, huh?"
"Maybe a bit," I confirmed. After a moment, I pulled on his arm. "Hey... I love you."
"I love you too."
Mac was right. We deserved to have time to ourselves. And we were getting there. It was just a learning curve.
A very complicated learning curve.
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dazz-linglight · 3 years
Pairing: Werewolf!San x Werewolf!Reader
(should I make this a series?)
Genre: AU Fluff/Smut
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Every werewolf knew that when they completed 18 they were ready to find their respective mates. Mates are made for each other, chosen by the Moon to be their permanent love. San was already 21 and had yet to find his and thinks about her everyday, asking the goddess to bring his mate soon and his wish was finally granted on his first day of the second year in college. He was just walking in when a sudden new scent caught him off guard. A strong, sweet and powerful scent in its ability to tug at something deep and primal within him giving urges he had never truly felt until this moment.
You were walking through the campus with a friend when he got hit by the strong scent of cinnamon and coffee coming from you, making him dizzy and euphoric, his heart beating faster and even faster when your eyes met his. He couldn't contain the big smile that occupied his lips, instantly being full of love while you went through the same, falling hard for him and leaving your friend to follow the path until the two of you were just centimeters apart. His scent of honey embraced you all over when he reached to touch your face, wanting to know if you were real or if he was dreaming again.
"My Luna.." When you smiled at the nickname he wanted nothing more than to kiss you and he did exactly that, smooching your cheeks first and then going to your lips, hugging you by the waist while you brought him closer by the shoulders, getting on the tip of your toes to match his height. You separate after a minute to recover the air, keeping close to each other.
"Choi San." He finally presented himself.
"Ah.. I'm ________" You said laughing softly until remembering where you were. "Oh, I have to go to class! Here, give me your number.." You took out your phone and gave it to him, he immediately typed the number and saved it as My Sannie ❤️, soon giving it back to you.
"Can I take you there?" He asked biting his lower lip.
"No, you have class too, I don't want to make you get late. We can get lunch together?"
"Yes! Okay, then you better go, then I can see you sooner." He said pulling your hand to his lips, leaving a cute kiss on your skin and then letting you go.
"See you soon, San!" You said waving at him and going back to your friend, also a werewolf, who was closer watching the whole thing. The two of you went to into the Business building, telling her everything you felt finding your mate.
During class, San had saved your contact as My Mate ❤️ and sent messages to you, starting a game of questions to get to know you better and you got to know about him too, going back and forth with preferences, dislikes, food, family and friends and so on. At the end of classes, San told his friends and the alpha that he finally found his mate and they were happy for him, a few of them already found their mates and some of them not. On their way out of the campus, San kept looking around trying to find you but you found him first, coming from behind and covering his eyes and he smiled turning around to see you.
"Guys, this is my mate, _____." He said looking at his brothers proudly then back at you, burying his face on your neck to rub his scent on you and you waved at them.
"Hi.." You stand on his side to get a better look at his brothers, still holding San's hand and one of them laughed at San who hasn't stopped looking at you with his gold eyes.
"This is our Alpha Hongjoong, the taller ones are Yunho and Mingi, Seonghwa, Yeosang, Wooyoung and our youngest Jongho." The one who laughed was Wooyoung.
"It's funny to see hyung so whipped." Wooyoung was one of the the boys that didn't meet his mate yet, so he found funny how mates seemed hypnotized by each other.
"I bet you will be worse when you meet your mate, Wooyoung." Hongjoong said laughing at the thought, knowing Wooyoung was already clingy with the members of the pack and everybody agreed. You were happy to see that everyone in San's pack had a light spirit and good sense of humor.
"Well, let's eat? I'm starving." The youngest said between them.
"Chicken!" Yeosang smelled chicken from afar and started walking in front of them. San squeezed your hand and led you inside the restaurant.
Finishing lunch you pulled at the hem of San's shirt to get his attention and he immediately looked at you, passing a hand on your shoulder and bringing you to peck your cheek.
"San, will you come home with me?" You asked him quietly, wanting to have time alone with your new found mate, which quickly accepted.
"Guys, we'll be going first." San told them already getting up from his seat and pulling your bag on his shoulder, you following after saying your byes.
"Don't forget to use protection!" Yunho said before you two were far, receiving a slap from Hongjoong and making the others snicker.
San drove you to the other side of the city where your pack belong, holding your hand while you guided him. Your fellow friends were surprised to see you with company, but were quick noticed it was your mate by the way he held you and the cute smile on your faces. Getting inside the house, the two of you left shoes and bags at the door while your inner wolf was screaming for you to pounce on him.
"We have the next 3 or 4 hours to ourselves before the girls come back.. I want to confess something before we go to my room." You said nervously picking on your fingers and San frowned, petting your hair to try and calm you down.
"You can tell me anything, baby" You lay your hands on his chest looking up to his brown eyes.
"I have plushies in my bed.." You broke eye contact to look at his broad shoulders not for long until he held your chin up to look at him again.
"No need to be ashamed for that. Wanna know why?" You nodded at his questions and he brought his face closer to your neck, whispering the next words.
"I have plushies too." He smiled looking back at your surprised face.
"Really, I'll show them to you anytime or even bring them here so they can be friends." He showed his dimples and you smiled too, touching his cheeks with the tip of your fingers, happy to be surrounded by his warmth.
"I'm so glad that you're here.."
"Me too, I've been waiting for so long to find you." He rested his forehead on yours and closed his eyes.
"Please mark me.." You voiced your desire before being able to control your words, your inner wolf excited to finally get into action while San's wolf was also happy to oblige to his instincts, bringing you up to wrap your legs on his waist and followed your scent around the house to find your room. He placed you down in the middle of your bed and you pulled him for a heavy kiss, trying to cease any little distance and soon San was leaning down to kiss and bite your neck, all the clothes coming off one by one until you were both naked and exposed.
"You look so perfect, love.." San kissed down your throat, collarbones, chest and everywhere he could till reaching your core, inhaling your arousal and held your thighs apart, connecting his lips onto you. Every bit of self control he had until now we're thrown out the window as he eats you out, driven by your wetness, moans and the way you pulled on his hair so deliciously. His tongue moved fast and strong, giving you waves of pleasure and he felt delighted for making you feel good. You were almost there and tapped on his shoulder, making him look up.
"San please.. I want to cum with you.." Your legs twitched and he stopped, sitting up and lifted a hand to clean his lips, licking the wetness on his fingers at the same time he stroked his hard on, getting closer to you once more and positioning you in dog style and making himself comfortable behind you on your center. He pushed in slowly to not hurt you and when he finally got it in you listened to the deep growl coming from his chest as he bottomed out and soon his pace speeding up gradually, making you get louder and louder.
"Can I?" He whispered nuzzling under your ear and you knew he was talking about the mark, wanting to hear you say it again.
"Yes, make me yours." He let out a low groan, brushing your hair out of the way and planting his fangs in the space between your shoulder and neck, creating the mark only mates could to seal the bond. It gave you both a rush of adrenaline and happiness that caused you goosebumps, your scents getting mixed in the air, sharing the warmth and fondness of each other and it made you cum faster, squirming under his hold for a few seconds as he continued to thrust in and out until he reached his own climax, knotting you and having the two of you stuck together for the next minutes.Soon he laid you down in a spoon position and pulled you in for a kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
"This is the best day of my life." He giggled a little breathless, his chest shaking against your back you smile at the feeling, scooting impossibly closer to him.
"I can't believe you're real."
"I'm very real." He squeezed your hip and you hide your face on your pillow with a laugh.
"Do you to go for a run later?" You asked curious to see his wolf form.
"Oh yeah, I bet you're the prettiest wolf ever."
"I bet it's you." You bicker playfully and San covers your face in kisses, tickling your sides.
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❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.5k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party." — Nick Hornby, High Fidelity
THE NEXT DAY, Y/N COULD STILL NOT BELIEVE that they were doing this.
Everything felt like slow motion the moment she and Tom went inside the cafeteria of the school. His hand was in her back pocket and both of them walked together.
Just like in the Sixteen Candles. Y/N thought.
People were looking at them with trays on their hands and all you had to do was smile. It was definitely working. As they got into the middle of the cafeteria, he spun her around while his hand was still in her pocket until her body faced his.
Y/N giggled at his action and Tom looked down at her, their foreheads almost touching and their body close to each other.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked while giggling.
Tom reached out to his pocket and got the small note he wrote for Y/N and gave it to her.
"This one is for you," Tom said and Y/N could just smile and received the handwritten note. Even though they were just pretending, she could feel her stomach flutter as she received the note.
"Thank you."
Tom smiled at Y/N but he could see a glimpse of his ex-girlfriend, Camille across where they are and he saw her face stern the moment he gave the note to Y/N.
It's working.
Tom tucked a strand of hair to Y/N 's ear and whispered to it. "Good job."
Y/N looked up to him with a smile on her face.
"I'll see you in a bit, okay?" Tom said.
"Okay," Y/N answer and pecked on his cheek before walking away from the center of the cafeteria. She could see the look on people's faces but she couldn't care less about their reaction.
After all, this is all just pretend.
"Hey, Y/N!" An arm suddenly wrapped around her shoulders and Y/N jumped a little.
"Why didn't you tell me that you and Holland are a thing now? How long have you been keeping this from me?" Erika asked as they went out of the cafeteria.
"You should've seen the look on my cousin's face. I could just imagine it all day and make fun of it." Erika said and Y/N slapped her arm playfully. "Hey! What's that for?"
"Still can't believe you say such things to your cousin like that," Y/N said and chuckled.
"Couldn't care more," Erika said. "So tell me. How did things between you and Holland go? How? When? Why? Where—"
"Okay, you gotta stop asking a lot of questions. I am going to answer them." Y/N said.
"So you guys are not official yet?" Erika asked as she munched onto her burger.
"Nope. Hopefully, we will be." Y/N answered.
"Weird enough that he could move on from Camille because they have been together for a long time now," Erika said.
"I know. He even promised me that he will give me small notes every day and he never did that to her." Y/N said.
Keep acting. You can do this.
"Is this like a competition now?" Erika chuckled.
"I mean, she's the one who broke up with him," Y/N said.
"What about Aiden?" Erika suddenly asked and that made Y/N almost stop moving.
"W-what about him?" Y/N tried her best to not crack her voice. She could still feel her heart beating fast.
"Weren't you all over him days ago?" Erika asked.
Y/N sighed and placed down her soda on the table before speaking. "I just realized that he was just that typical crush that we all have."
Erika just raised one of her brows before she replied. That judgmental look she gives you.
"Well, you seemed happy with Holland. Just hoping that he won't break your heart or else." She stopped to drink her soda. "Or else he'll have a taste of my fist." Erika formed a fist with her free hand and Y/N just laughed.
"He won't. He promised." Y/N said, trying not to cringe at what she said.
Y/N was, as usual, walking towards her locker and placed her things inside. It was a Friday and thank God she could have rest.
As soon as she closed her locker and turned away from it, Aiden suddenly walked towards her. She could feel her heart beating fast as he was approaching her.
No. No. No.
"Hey Y/N," Aiden said.
"Hey, Aiden," Y/N replied with a small smile on her lips.
"So, you and Tom? You finally had the courage to confess to him ever since you had a crush on him during middle school." Aiden said.
"I-it stopped for a while but then it came back after a while. We aren't officially together—" Y/N was interrupted by a familiar British voice. An arm was wrapped around her shoulders that made her startle.
"Yet," Tom said. He turned to her and gave kissed her head. She giggled and playfully slapped Tom on his chest. She wrapped a hand to his and looked at him. "I'll walk you home?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and looked at Aiden again. "I'm going to walk with Tom now. I'm sorry, Aiden."
"Oh, I-I don't mind, Y/N. I have song practice anyway." Aiden said and scratched the back of his neck. "Take care." He said.
Y/N gave a smile. "You too." Tom and she walked away towards the crowd. A lot of people were still staring at them and she could hear people murmuring but she didn't mind that.
Several minutes later, both she and Tom walked together on the sidewalk. His hands were on the pocket of his jacket and his eyes just looking everywhere. They were already in Y/N's neighborhood and he wanted to be familiar with the place. If he would always walk her home then might as well be familiar with the place.
"Your place is peaceful." Tom suddenly spoke up and broke the silence.
"One of the reasons why I love to live here," Y/N answered.
"At least it's close to school. I don't have to drive you anymore." Tom said.
"You're lucky it's just near. I know you're not that walking-your-girlfriend-home type of a guy." Y/N said and she could just hear him chuckle.
They finally reached her house and they stopped at the doorstep.
"Thank you for walking with me," Y/N said.
"Great job today," Tom said and Y/N could just roll her eyes.
"I tried not to cringe for the whole time. It worked though." Y/N said.
"How about a kiss?" Tom joked and she punched his arm. "Ow!"
"No kissing, you dork," Y/N said. "We're alone now, we don't have to pretend."
The door suddenly opened revealing Y/N's dad with an apron around his waist.
"Thought I heard talking." He said. "Your home, sweetheart." Her dad gave Y/N a peck on her head and turned his head to Tom. "Who is this young man?"
"He's Tom. Tom Holland, dad. My-"
"Her boyfriend, Sir." Tom blurted out and shook hands with her dad. Y/N glared at Tom for what he said.
"How come you never told me about him, Y/N? I could've made more pasta." Her dad said.
"No. It's okay, Sir. I'm just here to drop Y/N. Didn't want her to be alone." Tom said with a smile.
"He's a good kid" Her dad whispered to Y/N and she just looked at him. "Dad." She heard Tom chuckle at her dad's actions.
"I'll get going now, Sir," Tom said.
"I'll leave you two love birds alone for a while." Her dad said. "It's nice to see you, Tom. Don't go breaking my girl's heart, okay?" Her dad said.
"I won't, Sir," Tom assured with a smile and that made her dad finally go back to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about my dad. He's just like that." Y/N said.
"He seemed chill," Tom said.
"He is. Very." Y/N answered. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course. I don't wanna miss my girlfriend at school." Tom said before walking away to go home.
"Take care, Holland," Y/N said and Tom looked back at her with a smile and his hands on his pockets again and walked away.
Y/N leaned against the wall and watch him walk away until he couldn't be seen anymore. She remembered the note that Tom gave her in the morning and got it out of her pocket. She opened it and read it:
thank you for accepting this, y/n. can't wait to be your boyfriend. - T.H
A smile formed on her lips as she read the note and at the thought of Tom and the pretend they just did.
That wasn't so bad after all.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
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Pairing: MusicProducer!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13; Alcohol Consumption, Fluff
Word Count: 2,037
Synopsis: Reader gets asked what is the most romantic thing she could dream of Bucky doing for them, Bucky pulls out all the stops with the help of their friends.
Info: This goes out to @imerdwarf who inspired this little work. One of my all time favorite songs and videos growing up was Take On Me by a-ha. I knew this had to be written. Thank you @jacobs-pup for some help! The dividers are provided by @firefly-graphics. Sorry this was written on my phone, and posted from my phone I cannot add not read more. (Laptop is broken.) I hope you enjoy this!
*Моя Маленькая звезда — My Little Star (according to google translation)*
Y/H/C = Your Hair Color
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Taylor Swift's voice blared through the flat as the final coat of Berry Naughty was drying on Y/N’s fingers. Looking down at them, she was oblivious to Darcy, Wanda and Natasha talking with their eyes and sitting down at the coffee table around her, staring at her. Y/N was the topic of their non-existent conversation and Natasha, clearly getting annoyed, rolled her eyes, got her phone out, setting it on the table and finally catching the other girl’s attention.
“Моя Маленькая звезда, now that we have your attention, we have a few questions for you.” Natasha smirked as she set down four shot glasses, starting to fill them with premium vodka. Y/N felt a chill run down her spine, both trying to recall anything she had done since the last girls night and whether she had anything to do tomorrow. When the vodka came out, the wills and ability to do anything the next day were impossible.
“Way to scare her. Is it not yours and Bucky’s four year anniversary on Friday?” Darcy made grabby hands for the first shot as she looked at Y/N, one eyebrow up with a smile on her face. Y/N laughed as she took her shot from Natasha, clinking with Wanda. She was worried for no reason. She quickly downed the shot and the burn was felt all the way down to her stomach.
“Yeah, four years, holy shit, can you guys believe it? It feels like just yesterday we were at the cafe, studying for finals, and he passed me that note asking me to be his girlfriend,” she sighed dreamily, leaning her head on the palm of her hand with a smile.
She had kept that very note in every wallet she’d owned so those days when things got hard, when they fought, or when she just needed a smile, it was there. That note was a reminder of Bucky’s love for her.
“He’s always been a sap, no?” Wanda started to pour more vodka into the shot glasses, lifting hers and clinking with Darcy as Natasha shook her no.
“My brother did not become a sap till he fell for Y/N, before that he was more of a laid and ditch 'em type.” Both Darcy and Y/N found their jaws dropping to the floor, before Natasha shrugged and motioned for them to take their shots. Y/N tapped her glass on the top of the table and leaned back, the burn hitting fast once again.
“Anyway. Y/N, what is something so romantic you wish would happen to you? Like, something that you’ve always dreamed about, but would never dare bring up to Bucky because you think he would laugh at you or just brush you off?” Wanda passed out mini cans of Ocean Spray cranberry juice along with candy bars, while maintaining eye contact with Y/H/C.
Biting her lip, a habit of her which she had been trying really hard to break, she sat there, thinking, trying to decide if she would admit her main desire or lie. Natasha could tell a lie from a mile away and Wanda had always been able to read her, so there was no use in lying.
“Okay, so you know I have a thing for 80’s music? Well I’ve always wanted to have Bucky pick up his acoustic guitar and sing Take On Me by a-ha, nothing could be more romantic than that. Extra points if he wears that leather jacket his mom got him for Christmas, because that just does things for me.” Y/N started to pour shots of vodka as blood rushed to her cheeks and her body heated up from all the attention on her. She was so focused on pouring shots she didn’t notice Natasha fiddling with her phone.
“Interesting, now do you think we should have something to eat? I’m thinking we should order a little bit of something from all our favorite places and have a smorgasbord.” Clinking her shot glass with Y/N’s, Natasha pulled it to her lips, knocking it back in one go. The girls didn’t ask her to elaborate, and it was like that girls night was back to being a girls night, gossiping, talking about TV shows and complaining about work.
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*6 Day’s Later Bucky P.O.V.*
Bucky stepped back and looked around the living room, the stringed lights Darcy had provided from her and Steve’s wedding hung from the ceiling, providing mood lighting. Candles that Natasha had found were burning all throughout the apartment, reminding him of that day when he had asked Y/N out. Sitting on the back of the couch was the leather jacket his mother gave him for Christmas, waiting to be put on till last minute.
His palms were clammy from nerves. He needed things to go perfect, because the past four years he had with Y/N had been the best four years of his life. She loved him, supported his dreams of wanting to be a writer and music producer, encouraged him when times were hard, looked at him with adoration, and she never gave up on him. He loved Y/N so much, it ached the days they were apart when she was working in DC for Senator Potts as her personal assistant, but, when she came home, he felt whole. She made the days worth it, she made love worth it.
“Bucky, Darcy said she just dropped Y/N off.” Steve, Bucky’s best friend handed him his leather jacket, along with his acoustic guitar that Y/N had gifted him for this past birthday. She has gotten it signed by the music legend Bruce Springsteen, when he had done a charity show thrown by Senator Potts and her husband Tony. Needless to say he cherished this acoustic guitar greatly and showed it off to anyone who stopped by the apartment for the first time.
Steve took a seat at the piano that sat under the TV, leaving room for his best friend to sit beside him. Bucky strapped the acoustic to his body as he pulled the guitar pick from his jean pocket before he sat down, he let out a long breath. Never before was he so thankful for the elevator being broken in the apartment building than he was in that moment.
Bumping shoulders with his best friend, Steve pressed a few keys on the piano getting his attention. “You got this, don’t sweat it.” Bucky just nodded his head before moving his neck side to side, cracking it, making Natasha who stood in the corner of the room with her camera chuckle. Bucky out of reflex, showed his middle finger to his adopted sister, she stopped when they heard keys go into the lock of the door and the key chains rattle.
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*Y/N’s P.O.V*
Y/N pulled her key out and threw it in her open purse as she grabbed her suitcase from the hallway, it had been a really long 3 days in D.C. helping Senator Potts with her speech, of the announcement for the run for president. Pushing the front door open, she called out to Bucky but soon noticed the lights were out, minus beautiful sets of string lights hanging from the ceiling. Immediately soft acoustic guitar was playing as she hung her purse up making her turn around in a rush, where she found Bucky sitting at the piano bench beside Steve, whose back was to her.
“Talking away. I don't know what I'm to say. I'll say it anyway. Today's another day to find you. Shyin' away. I'll be coming for your love, OK? And… Take on me. Take me on. I'll be gone. In a day or two.” Y/N gasped immediately as she realized what Bucky was doing as she walked her way into the middle of the room.
“So needless to say. I'm odds and ends. But that's me, I'm stumbling away. Slowly learning that life is OK, and. Say after me. It's no better to be safe than sorry.” As Bucky serenaded Y/N, tears slowly started to weld up in her eyes.
“And… Take on me. Take me on. I'll be gone. In a day or two.” As Steve took over playing his piano solo, Bucky stole a quick peck on the lips from Y/N before quickly sitting back down at the piano bench.
“And oh, things that you say. Is it life or just to play my worries away? You're all the things. I've got to remember. You're shyin' away. I'll be coming for you anyway. Take on me. Take me on. I'll be gone. In a day or two. I'll be gone. In a day or two. In a day or two.” Ending the song with a smile on his face, Bucky looked Y/N in the eyes, who was looking straight back at him with adoration and a matching smile. Taking his acoustic guitar off, Bucky placed it behind as Y/N walked into his arms placing a kiss in his neck, breathing thank you to him.
When they eventually pulled apart Bucky wiped her tears, smiling at her as he got down on one knee. Y/N eyes starting to grow big, her hands again going over her jaw as she kept saying no over and over again.
“Bucky, are you kidding? This isn’t funny.” His hands reached up to grab Y/N’s from her face a dopey smile on his face the same one he gave her every morning they woke up beside each other, the same one he gave her when she made him a fresh cup of coffee, the same smile he gave her when she said I love you to him.
“Darling, it’s been four of the best years of my life, and I would like to think not just mine but ours. You make getting out of the bed in the morning not a chore, eating vegetables, worth it because I’ll live longer just to spend more time with you. You support my love for music and my career when some of my family had their doubts. It’s been an honor to watch you grow into one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met. So courageous, hard working, loving and charitable. I would be one lucky guy to get to spend the rest of my time with you, so I guess what I’m trying to get to is.” Bucky leaned on his left knee as he reached into the right front pocket of his jeans to pull out a ring box opening it up to show a beautiful sterling silver garnet ring.
“Y/N Y/L/N would you do the honor of spending the rest of our lives at my side whether it’s here in Brooklyn or Georgetown, I can’t picture it without you.” Y/N pulled Bucky up by the collar of the leather jacket she loved so much and kissed him on the lips. Natasha and Steve whooped at the couple making Bucky chuckle as they continued to kiss, tears of joy streaming from Y/N’s eyes. Bucky slipped the ring onto her ring finger as they pulled apart smiles on their faces.
“I would be honored to become Y/N Barnes. Who told you?” Y/N looked down at her ring then back at Bucky who motioned hand to his sister who stood to the far corner of the room holding the camera filming the engagement for their families. Natasha waved as Y/N laughed recalling the Saturday night where the girls had questioned her.
“You are right, the voice memo app really does come in handy.” Y/N laughed when she realized that Natasha had recorded the questioning and must have sent it to her boyfriend, now fiancé, to help plan this. Thanking her soon to be sister-in-law, Y/N turned to Steve and hugged him and thanked him for making her romantic dreams come to life.
Bucky pulled her back towards him and hugged her close to his body kissing the side of her face, “I love you, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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prompt: puns (prompts are by @jojosmilktea)
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word count: 1,329 words | themes: gen!reader. bokuto being a sweetheart. mentions of death but just a teensy bit. tried to make this as fluffy as i can don’t worry !!
tags: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @sparkleswritings @brinthie @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @bitchtrynafck @astrxrism @animatedarchives @deephasoceanmagic @strawberrysalwa
rv: this is so cute i can’t even describe how soft i felt for bokuto here. enjoy reading!!
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✒︎ make you smile
you had a feeling that today was a special day.
your hand shoots up to your forehead as you tried to hid your face by bowing down, chuckling on your own, your shoulders shaking as you try to not let your laugh as loud as possible or else to make the situation worse.
"if you can't stop him, (y/n)-san, i can't." akaashi says, he himself looking away from bokuto who seems to be unstoppable by this very moment.
you only look up to your boyfriend, now talking to his other teammates as he was probably inserting a pun in his each and every conversation.
"hey coach! are we not gonna practice? come on, let's get the ball rolling!"
you sighed loudly and you could see akaashi shake his head as he takes a step to join the group on the corner of your eye. you watch from the sidelines as the fukurodani volleyball team just like you always do, eyes boring to each and every player that receives the ball before eventually landing onto bokuto’s, finding yourself be pulled into his presence like a boulder would to gravity—probably just as much as the usual days would.
there were times when he’d meet your eyes and flash you one of his big and wide grins, waving at you then gesturing you to watch him closely as he does whatever is needed during the training, may it be a receive, spike, service, or even any kind of exercise or stretch.
“that was spiketacular! oh yeah!" you could hear bokuto's exclamations even from afar, his hands raised to the sky as a sign of victory—as if his spike was not just a training for the team. you could almost see akaashi slap his face at the utter stress he most likely feels. as for you, no matter how embarrassing he was acting, he still makes that curve of a smile appear on your face, making you forget of everything else aside from him.
"your boyfriend is really something." kaori, one of the managers of the team, says with an unsure tone, probably feeling the same as the others who had noticed the chirper bokuto that day. of course, you noticed it too, ever since the sunlight hit the corners of your bedroom, in the morning when he woke you up with a peck on your forehead, he attempt to cook you breakfast and bring it to you on the bed.
the food was edible, to say the least. but then, you could remember how he said he tried to make the egg perfect, only to fail before then making a pun over it.
"yeah, i've got to agree." you say yourself, gazing over bokuto's way with an emotion you couldn't particularly identify. and as if he could sense your eyes over his own figure, he looks your way and flashes a smile and raises his thumb up—which you knew was his way of showing that he was incredibly happy to have you on the court like every time you do visit him. and that he likes receiving your attention too.
time passes by until it was finally time to wrap things up. going home meant that bokuto would walk you to your apartment and that you'd have time talk to him without anyone else around you. these moments are what you try to relish in the relationship with the said man, especially since he's always busy with volleyball and his studies, of course.
you may not have spoken it out loud but deep inside, hidden in the corners of your brain and your heart, you knew that you wanted to spend more time with bokuto, becoming hungry for more quality time that were stolen by his love for volleyball and trainings. you admired his passion and tenacity, you really did,  especially at the start of the relationship. but as time went by, you juggled to find more intimate one-on-one moments that volleyball takes from you.
your attention was pulled away from the dark thoughts circling your head, a familiar warm and comforting hand encasing yours that seemingly cuts your train of thoughts all of a sudden.
"so babe, what do you think? i think having eggs in a cake has plus points because that's gonna be tough to beat, right? as a baker what do you say? did you get it?!" bokuto looks at you with a bright face, turning to you like a bright sunshine beaming underneath the dark sky above. his words processed in your brain like a broken internet connection, unable to process fast with the intensity of the previous thoughts that you were pulled away from.
the smile on bokuto's face vanishes and a look of worry and concern appears in his face in an instant, his eyes boring into yours as he reaches out for your arm and halts the both of you. "are you alright, babe? you've been out of it since we got out of the gym. is it-i mean, do you uh-is there something bothering you?"
for a moment there, your heart sank at the thought of bokuto sensing what he shouldn't have. as someone who didn't want to trouble your boyfriend with your problems, you were doing a terrible job at it.
"no, i'm fine. we should resume walking, anyone can pass by here." you try to get him to move but he held you in place, a serious look already plastered on his face. and by this, you already knew he wouldn't back down whatever your reason may be.
sighing, you were about to speak when he interrupts. "is this about your worst day ever? did i make it worse with the puns?"
you didn't even realize you were avoiding his gaze until you whip your eyes back at his, seeing the saddened look on his handsome facial features—one that always has a grin and smile whenever he sees you. one day, akaashi praised you for always brightening up bokuto's mood, rescuing the whole team eventually. his other teammates and managers also encourage you to come to their matches because there is a good chance they win just by your mere presence.
and now, you're one of the reasons why he doesn't act that way.
but what is he talking about anyway? "my worst day? what-what are you talking about?" you inquire carefully, brows furrowed as you try to scan your memories for any hints that may come up for his words.
and then it hit you.
"are you talking about my uncle's death anniversary... today?" slowly, you came to a realization. each and every smile, gesture, and word that bokuto made to you the entire day, it was all to make you happy.
to make you smile.
"uh-yeah i saw in your calendar that you have this day crossed out and when i asked you about it, you told me that it was your worst day—about... the anniversary." you could tell just how much he was being careful with how he was choosing his words and prevented whatever may trigger you. honestly, you didn't even feel and remember the sadness that this day was supposed the bring because of the positivity that bokuto immediately welcomed you in just from his morning shenanigans, and throughout the day. even if you didn't want to admit it, his puns may have helped in your mentality.
for you, it was more than enough reason to not feel anxious anymore.
"h-hey why are you cry-"
"you remembered." you say, suddenly tackling the boy into a big hug. you didn't care if there was anyone around you who could have seen the scene. right now, you were feeling overwhelmed with the warmth of bokuto's caring personality and you've never felt so lucky your whole life.
bokuto was enough. his mere presence is enough to make you happy. and now, you know why he always brightens up at the sight of you.
you make him smile too.
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saymynamewithluv · 4 years
Yoongi CEO AU
This is for the winner of the Yoongi Raffle @bangtan-sonyeonddaeng ​
Me and @btslovsyou ​ hope you like it! I wrote the beginning half leading to the smut while @btslovsyou ​ wrote the smut and the ending. 
Summary: You and Yoongi have been coworkers for a long time and you two developed a friendship. You two had feelings for each other but never said anything. Until one boring meeting turns into an unexpected confession with a little twist. 
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning: smut
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Here you are at another boring meeting with your coworkers. You walked into the conference room and took your seat as you waited for everyone else to show up. After a few minutes, Yoongi walked in and when he saw you he smiled. You didn't like a lot of people at your job but that all changed when you first met Yoongi. You and Yoongi became really good friends as you two started to hang out after work. You two would text each other when you got bored at work and you need a distraction. For being friends for almost two years now you started to develop feelings for the blonde businessman. Yoongi walked up to you and sat beside you. 
"I'm so glad you're here. Now I have someone to suffer with me through this boring meeting." You said as you chuckled and looked at him.
"Right! Now we can suffer together but if it gets too boring maybe we can get away and have some fun." He looked at you with a smirk on his face. 
You didn't know what he meant but it made your face light up like a tomato. You looked away and cleared your throat as you tried to avoid eye contact. 
"S-so how is your day so far?" You asked him. 
"It was ok but now it's better because I got to see you."
You just smiled and looked down. More people started to enter the conference room and the last person to enter was your boss. 
"Ok everyone let's begin the meeting."
You sighed as you were not ready for this meeting. 
A hour has passed and you dozed off so many times that Yoongi had to nudge you when he caught you falling asleep. It's not your fault though. You didn't get much sleep last night because of your noisy neighbors. Yoongi leaned over to you and whispered in your ear. 
"You ok y/n?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't get much sleep last night because of my neighbors."
"Well, maybe I can help you stay up." He smirked at you as he turned his gaze back to his notes. 
"What do you mean-" You were cut off by your boss. 
"Y/n do you have something you would like to share?"
"N-no sir I-"
"Y/n was just reminding me that we have an important deadline and I totally forgot about it, silly me. Please excuse us." Yoongi chimed in. 
"Very well. You two may leave."
You and Yoongi stood up as you thanked your boss and left the conference room. Yoongi grabbed your hand as he led you to his office. 
"Yoongi we don't have a deadline."
"I know but they don't have to know that."
As you two entered his office he closed his door and locked it. 
"W-why did you lock the door…?"
"Y/n I have something to confess. I've liked you for a long time now and I can't hold back my feelings any longer."
"Y-yoongi… I like you too a lot actually."
"Good that means I can do this."
After he said that he went up to you and started to kiss your lips gently. 
"What should I do? Should I try to seduce him?" You thought to yourself, wondering if you should take this to the next level. "This is too much! We just confessed our love to each other's love! I should stop it and take things slowly! But yet again….. I kinda want this to happen!" You thought to yourself as you pushed him down to his chair, hearing Yoongi give out a light grunt due to the force of you pushing the chair. 
As you straddled his lap you decided to lean down and kiss his neck, sucking on it and giving him dark purple hickeys, knowing that they will stay for probably quite awhile! You slowly leaned down and kissed his stomach, his arms, his veiny hands, his thighs, and went until you reached his boner which is hard and ready to fuck you to the touch. 
"Well what do we have here?" You said as you trailed your hand to his crotch and gripped it, hearing him give out a loud moan, possibly knowing that your coworkers heard that and probably would tease him later on in the day. "Please…" Yoongi grunted out while thrusting in your hand. "Please what?" You said, knowing that he was begging for you to either do one of the two things, to ride him, or to suck him. You didn't wait for an answer, you unzipped his pants, pulled both his boxers and his pants down to his ankles, seeing that his member sprang out, and started to stroke it ever so gently. 
"Fuck!..." Yoongi muttered out as you stroked it faster, seeing him winter to your touch and slowly drowning himself to your mercy. Never in your life had you seen your boss like this, and you were pleased by it. Only you could control this powerful man. "Let's take this a step further.." You whispered to him as you pecked his tip, seeing that his eyes were rolled in the back of his head. You slowly went to lick the tip next, finally you took his whole length and forced it down your throat bobbing your head up and down. Yoongi looked down and saw that you were looking back at him as you sucked him off, wanting to grip the back of your head, loving it as you purposefully moaned on his member, sending vibrations throughout his entire body. 
As you knew he was close to releasing he decided it was his turn to take control. "Babygirl, get on the desk now!" Yoongi said as he pushed your head away from his twitching member, seeing a string of your saliva connected with the tip of his erection, wanting to just fuck you right then and now. 
As you bent down over his desk, your ass ever present, he pulled your skirt up and pulled your panties to the side, seeing you were wet to the touch as he rubbed the tip of his member. "God… you're so wet for me already?" He said and without hesitation he pushed his member inside your folds, hearing you give out a loud shriek, not knowing that he was going to do that. He stayed still and waited for you to give out the "ok" for him to continue. 
As he pushed back he watched your face just to make sure that you were ok with him to push back in. He started off slowly but after a couple of minutes of him thrusting deep inside you, he was so close to coming that he roughly thrusted deep inside of you, not caring that others were hearing yours and his moans together. "Aaahh! You feel so good!" Yoongi yelled out as he was about to reach his climax, knowing that you were probably close as well. "Are you close kitten?" Yoongi muttered out in between his moans, seeing that you gave a quick nod of your head, already at a loss of breath. "Then come for me…" He whispered into your ear. 
As soon as you heard those words, it was like a burst of fireworks exploded inside of you. "That's it…..That's it…" Yoongi spoke as he thrusted sloppily before he pulled out of you and came on the floor while stroking his cock at a fast pace. After he finished himself he instantly sat down on the nearest chair and gave out a loud gasp of air watching as you gave out deep breaths as well. 
"You did so good…" Yoongi told you as he looked at you and saw your eyes shining, as if only he could control you like that and only him. "We should probably get dressed… You know why…" You said as Yoongi sat up and got his pants back on and tightened the belt of his pants and held your hand to get you right back on your feet. 
As he walked you out of his office with his hand behind your back, rubbing it every so gently he whispered in your ear "I'll meet you after work. I'll pick you up and drop you off at home." As he kissed your cheek, seeing that you gave a smirk in response to his order. 
To conclude on this day, you, my friend, was going to have a wonderful rest of your life at work, now knowing that you are in a relationship with the boss from your work! 
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nowandgenpad · 6 years
Elopement || Hemslecki (Nov 01)
Chris: Vegas. The place where what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Only that proved difficult when someone as known as him walked through the airport and hotel. It was no short effort of asking fans for his privacy and that he'd take pictures with pretty much each and everyone that he could reasonably manage if they kept it off Twitter, Instagram and any other social media for at least 48 hours. He didn't need anything ruining Gen and his wedding. Especially if someone found out that could potentially try and ruin things. It seemed to take forever just to manage his way to the hotel front desk and ask for one of the private presidential suites on its own floor, wanting as much privacy as possible.
Gen: Were they moving fast? Maybe, but Gen was at the point in her life where if she wanted something she was going to do it. She had devoted her life to Jared and the kids, relocated to Austin so Jared could be in his home and now she wanted to live her life for her. She and Jared weren't poor but they certainly didn't have money like Chris seemed to. When they walked into the huge suite she walked over to the window to look at the view. "You know you don't have to spend all your money on me," she meant it too. She was a simple girl and was after love, not material things.
Chris: "Today and the next few days are special, I wanted the whole package." Once Chris set his mind to something he did it. "Annnd a little secret I've stayed here before, Chris Hemsworth spotted at this hotel at some point at the end of our trip, good publicity for them, and I get some perks out of my job." It wasn't like he got the room for free but certainly not at the price that anyone else would pay. He didn't do it often but it happened and for this occasion he'd accept it. "Enjoy it, it's our night. Whatever we want, it's ours." He smiled.
Gen: Gen felt very overwhelmed with the happiness that kept washing over her. She turned around to look at him and smiled, "I'm going to take a quick shower and change into my dress." She had packed a simple white dress for the occasion, not needing anything fancy or flashy.
Chris: Nodding he moved over to his own suitcase and dug out the simple suit he had picked out for himself. It wasn't fancy, just a navy blue jacket and pants with a simple white button up. "We have to go pick out wedding bands before. Hopefully find something nice that'll go with your ring." He said as she headed toward the bathroom.
Gen: "Something very plain and simple would be ideal for me since I have this beautiful rock already. Maybe we can find two matching rings we both like." She kept the bathroom door opened while she showered and started to dry off. She only washed her body so her hair was still dry and it only took a minute to wipe down her body. A few minutes later she was dressed and putting her shoes on. She went over hair with the flat iron and touched up her makeup. "I'm ready."
Chris: "I'm sure we can find something, Vegas jewelers have everything it seems." He said now that he was dressed. Making sure to make everything look presentable he turned to see Gen. "You look beautiful." He said pecking her cheek softly. "This is your time to back out and change your mind. If not you're stuck with me for good." He grinned teasing the brunette.
Gen: She blushed when he kissed her cheek, "I'll gladly be stuck with you for good...or until you decide to leave me like the last guy." She kept her tone light, she was trying to joke, but deep down there was a layer of heartache there. She had been a hopeless romantic all her life but when Jared left she became a little bitter and cynical. Grabbing her purse she headed toward the door, "Let's go hubby."
Chris: "Well my records pretty good, I technically didn't leave my last wife, she left me after I pushed having more children. So you know, I think I'm a pretty damn good catch. Maybe I need to watch out for you." He grabbed her hand gently. "There's one thing we have to talk about first and I don't even want to, you're not this person. But to be fair I spoke to my family, I told them I was getting married and they're happy for me, and then I talked to my lawyer." He sighed, "They think it's in our best interest to each sign a prenup..." he paused. "I said I wasn't worried at all, but they think the general bases should be what we both had before the marriage remains ours and anything after the marriage we will divide in the best sake of the children involved. I don't plan on divorcing you, and I don't think you're in this for the money. So if you don't want to, I'll take it. But I had to let you know because I don't want you to meet my attorney and him ask and it be awkward that I didn't say anything."
Gen: She was a little taken aback by his words. Not that he wanted her to sign a prenup but because he had told people what they were doing. "You told your family? I thought we were keeping it between us until we left Vegas...I didn't tell anyone except Dani and only because it was her idea." Part of her had felt like she needed to tell Jared beforehand but she had kept it to herself from everyone. She was bummed but at the same time she figured he was excited and not ashamed to be marrying her if he was broadcasting it to everyone. "I'll sign if you think it's important."
Chris: "By family I mean my parents, I love you but I am not walking into my mum and have hidden that. She raised three rowdy boys, she can still take me." He said, "Besides that Liam doesn't even know, he just knows we're engaged." He hoped she understood but his mum was one of the closest people he had, closer to her than his dad and him and his dad were close. "And they're not gonna say anything. They're just excited at the prospect of more grandchildren." He sighed, "With Elsa I had nothing when we married, I was barely in the business so we were together when I became something. Which is why the divorce was messy in the beginning. I don't think you want me for my money, i feel like you would have shown that if that was the case." He murmured, "I do...like the part that says things will be divided in the best interest of the children though. Should anything happen, I mean maybe down the road you're unhappy with me...I would never not make sure you're okay."
Gen: Gen had her own money from her days on Wildfire and the short time she had spent on Supernatural. She also had some money that she got in the divorce from Jared, not a lot, but enough to get by and now with all the sponsors she had for her blog, she was doing really well for herself. "I'm too scared to tell my parents until after we're married, but I understand you wanting to tell yours." She shook her head, "First of all, I don't ever foresee a time When I'm going to be unhappy with you and second, I'm not a materialistic person. I couldn't even buy myself a necklace a couple weeks ago, though now I wish I had, it would have looked good with this dress," she giggled. "I just want you, Chris."
Chris: "Is your father going to do the whole threaten to shoot me and make me disappear if I ever hurt you kind of thing?" he teased, "My parents and I have always told each other everything I'm not sure I could have fully agreed with this if I hadn't told them but I should have told you first. My mum is excited to meet you." He said, "I know you're not materialistic, I know you're in this for the marriage. I'm just being honest in what my lawyer is requesting." He gave a small smile, "I know it seems like it's not trusting you and I hope you do know that I do but to get the lawyer off my back what if we sign a base minimum one. Just stating what I said earlier everything we had before the marriage will remain each of ours. Your home in Austin mine in Australia." He offered. "Then anything else I don't care about because I don't foresee anything happening. I just wanna make sure everything is no bumps in the road. Just like I double checked three times the place we're going to get married to make sure they're not some half assed place and suddenly we're not actually married.
Gen: "Do you have this prenup with you? It's not much of a prenup if it's not signed before the wedding." Once they were married she could decide not to sign it, that's why it was usually done way in advance. She didn't want to sign, but if it meant she got to marry Chris she would.
Chris: "It's in an email my lawyer sent me." He said walking over to his phone and unlocking it. "I can print it and they can have a witness sign it before anything." He didn't like the idea but he understood where his lawyer was coming from and after his divorce with Elsa he understood a lot more of what went into a high profile divorce. "Unless this is going to upset you. I'm not trying to do that." He said softly.
Gen: She shrugged, "It kind of ruined the mood to be honest." She still wanted to go through with the marriage though so she finished her walk to the door. "I guess we could go find the business center and use the printer."
Chris: "We don't have to right now then, we can wait til later. I couldn't exactly ask you after we were married." Which was true and he knew that. The talk with his lawyer had only been earlier so really this had been the only time. "There's one up here, office room off the side of the hall." He said pointing.
Gen: "Might as well get it over with. Print it out and take it with us...sign it when we sign the certificate." She certainly understood where he was coming from and didn't want him to feel like she was only with him for the possibility of getting his money one day, but the conversation also erased some of the blissful high she had been feeling. She stepped into the hallway and let him lead her to the office.
Chris: He knew she was upset and he wasn't exactly happy. Pressing the wireless print from his phone that he had connected just then to the printer he lead her into the office. Closing the door behind her while it printed he pressed her body up against the door and kissed her hard. His mouth lingering on hers before biting down on her lip. His hands tangled in her hair. "This changes nothing, I want you because I love you, Gen. It's just a piece of paper. I love /you/." He breathed against her lips.
Gen: Gen wasn't expecting him to pin her against the door but she was happily surprised by it. She moaned into his mouth, feeling her panties already getting damp. "I love you too, Chris. I know it is. It's not about the paper." If they had a real wedding she would have been told about the prenup then had time to get over it before the big day but they were literally on their way to get married and she lost a bit of her smile when the legality stuff came into the mix. She didn't want to think about the legal nonsense when all she wanted was to be in his arms as his wife. "If you keep this up I'm going to have to go change my panties."
Chris: He nodded, as he pulled back and went to grab the documents and folded them up and tucked them into his coat pocket. It was just paper, for both their best interest. That's all that mattered, "Oh," he pouted, "And here I thought you'd wear nothing but a sexy lingerie bra underneath."
Gen: She smirked, "If I did that you'd have me dripping down my leg." It was crazy to her how much the man in front of her turned her on, not even Jared had brought out this level of lust within her. "But who said I'm wearing a bra at all?" She winked.
Chris: "Well I don't think they'd be a comfortable feeling for you so I guess they can stay on." He murmured. "That will work, I love everything about your body so that gives me something to look forward to tonight." Grabbing her ass he pulled her forward. "Come on, we may have all night but I wanna celebrate our night.
Gen: She giggled and kissed him lovingly. She was ready for them to leave the casino and go to where they were getting married so they could hurry back here to the room. When she pulled away she opened the door and headed back down the hall to the elevator.
Chris: It didn't take long to get down to the lobby where he had ordered a driver for them for the night. He figured they needed to have at least one or two drinks to celebrate their new marriage. Taking her hand they were ushered privately into the car wanting to keep it under wraps until the very last possible moment.
Gen: Gen sat close to him in the car, keeping her hand in his. She wasn't nervous, more excited than anything. It seemed fitting to her that they were getting married on the first of the month, start the month off right. Arriving at the place they exited the car and started walking inside. "I hope there's not a lot of people in there."
Chris: "So we have to get the marriage license, this signed, and we should be good to go. Something tells me we're not gonna have to wait long. Oh wait..." he said, "We need to stop at the jeweler inside first before anything." He had made every arrangement possible to make this smooth and under the radar as possible. "We have the store to ourselves for the hour so don't feel like you have to rush either."
Gen: "Did you buy out the whole place for while we're here so we have total privacy?" She asked curiously as they made their way into the empty jewelry store. There were a few workers but no customers. Gen's eyes scanned the room until she found the wedding bands and headed over to the case. It didn't take long before she spotted a set of platinum bands, "I like these."
Chris: "Buy out seems so...Beyonce. I just simple explained who I was and they undersood the need for privacy." He didn't want her to think he had spent an outrageous amount of money. Most people were fair to deal with him just because they wanted to help with his privacy. Following her around he moved forward seeing the different bands. Some simply just a thin band of platinum, others with a few diamonds and others and entire diamond covered band. Luckily they had men's bands to match. "Which one do you like best?"
Gen: "I like the plain one. The one with the small diamonds is pretty but this is such a huge diamond," she said motioning to her engagement ring. "I want something simple. We don't have to get matching ones if you want to pick out something more you."
Chris: "It's whatever you want." Whatever she picked out would be hers. "Don't feel like you can't get the one you want." He said. He knew himself would only go with a simple band with maybe a little something fancier than a plain band since this is all he would wear. Seeing the one ring he tapped the glass and he pulled the ring out. Luckily the man would be able to size it for them on the spot in the store thanks to paying extra.
Gen: Gen picked out her ring, it was like his but didn't have the diamonds on it. While they waited for the rings to be sized she opened her phone to play with snapchat. "I look adorable with this filter."
Chris: "You look adorable all the time." He said leaning against the counter. "My kids love when I play with the filters, though no one knows about my secret snapchat." He grinned.
Gen: She squinted her eyes at him, "You have snapchat and you haven't added me? I'm highly offended."
Chris: "It wouldn't be a secret if I just gave it out." He scoffed. As if it actually was this big deal. "Couldn't have my kids missing out on the cute filters."
Gen: "But I'm your wife," she playfully pouted at him. Finding a filter she loved she moved so she was standing partially in front of him and made sure the filter hit both of their faces before she took the picture. "This will be my favorite picture from the day we got married." She smiled.
Chris: "You're about to be my wife, not quite yet. Wait til it's official. I don't wanna go jinxing anything." He laughed. He let her move in front of him and smiled when she positioned the camera with whatever filter she had picked out. "Just this picture? They take photos at the actual ceremony too." He knew they weren't as fancy as someone having a big wedding but he figured when they had a party to celebrate maybe they could have a beach celebration back in Australia with all the kids and family, give her the true look at his life down under.
Gen: "I've thought of myself as your wife since the second you put this ring on my finger." She told him honestly. "I'm sure I'll like all the photos but this one will probably be my favorite."
Chris: Pressing a kiss to the top of her head he checked his watch and not long after the man came out carrying their rings in a bag tied with a ribbon. Chris paid before taking Gen's hand. "Just a few pieces of paper and we're getting married." He said as he escorted her out and toward the area where any documents that would need to be signed and sealed would be taken care of.
Gen: Walking into the other part of the building they signed all the paperwork that needed to be signed, the only thing that would be left to do would be sign the actual certificate once they were married. Before she knew it they were standing in front of the officiant and she was saying, "I do."
Chris: Any and all information was signed, including the prenup, and sealed ready to bring them into their new life together. he was sure once media outlets found out that this was the case it would be a different story. Still he didn't care. He heard Gen's I do and soon after he said "I do." Slipping the thin platinum band onto Gen's finger.
Gen: Because of how fast this was there was a part of her that wondered if he'd back out but hearing him say I do made all her worries disappear. She put his ring on his finger, they both said vows and then the officiant pronounced them husband and wife and Gen stood there waiting for him to kiss his bride.
Chris: Leaning in he cupped the back of Gen's head and pressed his lips firmly against hers. They were now married. It was crazy but he couldn't see anything else but their happiness as his lips caressed hers.
Gen: All she wanted was to keep on kissing him but they were in front of people and it wasn't the right time. She smiled into the kiss though, overjoyed that they were married. On their way out they signed the last document, the certificate that was basically all the marriage was. All they would have needed to do was sign this paper and they were legally married. As soon as it was signed and they made sure they had their copies of everything, they took a few pictures, had a glass of champagne and then they were back in the car. "I don't know if you had something planned for after the ceremony but I really want to go back to the hotel room."
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tellytantra · 5 years
Intro: It's been 2 years that Kaira got married. Now Kartik has no problem with his family. They stays in Goenka House. Naira is now 4 months pregnant and her crazy mood swings and cravings are driving Kartik crazy. But no matter what Kartik's love for Naira increase day by day as he actually finds her more cute with her little baby bump. Chapter 1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""As the sunlight peeps into the room, running the sleep of the sleeping beauty, she snuggles more into prince arms, trying to block the sun rays from her eyes. Her frog prince happily pulls her tightly into his arms. They stay like that for about 5 minutes, that when Kartik realizes he has important meeting at 9 am. He tries to pull himself out of Naira's tight hold, but no way will Naira let go. Kartik: Naira i've a very important meeting in 1 and half hour, I need to get ready jaan. Naira: No please 5 minutes more na mendak, I want to stay in your arms forever. Kartik: Ok only 5 minutes more and no more. You have become so demanding with your mood swings (whisper this line to himself, thinking naira didn't heard, but she did) Naira mouth forms into a "O" shape. And her pregnancy hormons mood kick in action. Naira's mood swings starts running in. Naira: What did you say? I am demanding? How dare you, how can you say that to me, am that much a burden for you?(starts to cry) Kartik: No jaan, I didn't mean like that! (in his mind, scolding himself) way to go Kartik, couldn't you keep your mouth shut? Kartik pulls Naira into his arms and turn to shhh her. He places kisses to both her eyes and wipes her tears. Kartik: Naira you can never be a burden for me. You're the most amazing thing that has ever happend to me. I love you jaan and stop crying.  Naira smiles though her tears.But quickly pretends to be still angry with Kartik. So she tries to get up, but kartik won't let her, he hugs her tightly and cups her face. Kartik: Don't cry jaan, I can't stands your tears. I love you so much and i love my little baby soon to come into this world.  Kartik bends down on his knees and places a kiss on naira's tummy. Kartik: baby tell your mamma that papa loves her so much and can't stand her tears. Tell mumma that i love you and her a lot. The baby kicks. Kartik places a few kisses on naira's tummy and then looks into Naira's eyes and hold his ears and says sorry. Naira melts and hugs Kartik tightly. Then they share a kiss and get ready and goes down to hall. Kaira eats breakfast with the whole family and Kartik, Manish and Akhilesh leaves together for office. But before leaving Kartik warns Naira not to mess around and not to work in kitchen, To take food and medicines on time as she had to rest and take care of her and their baby. Manish and Akhilesh already left and Kartik tells them that he is coming afterwards. Naksh and Keerti was married 6 months ago after Aditya been exposed. They had also a love marrige though. Dadi was in temple as she held a puja for Kaira and their baby. Swarna was in Kitchen and Sulekha was in her room. And Luv Kush in their school and Mansi in her collage. Kartik is about to leave but Naira calls him and he turns around. Kartik: Jaan do you need anything? Naira: Kartik do you really have to leave? I am going to be so bored. Please can i go with you (pouts) Handsome please... Please kartik.. Kartik: No. this is not going to happen. I'll be back in 2 hour as soon as my meeting finishes i will come home that we can spend time together, i will do the rest of the work at home if needed. He kisses lightly Naira as she still has her lips into a pout. Naira: Okay Kartik. I love you, bye. And pecks his cheek. Kartik: Bye and I love you more.. Naira: Nope. I love you mooorreeee.....1 Kartik: Okay got it, You love me more but now let  me go else i'll be late for office Naira: Okay go and come asap. Bye. Then kartik gives her a flying kiss and leaves """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Writer: Mimi_Kaira ...Leap of 6 months... Now Naira is 9 month pregnant with her heavy baby bump. Everyone had went to wedding, and Kartik was sitting on the bed next to Naira, as she was watching a movie. Kartik didn't pay any attention to what Naira was watching as he was working on a very important deal.Suddenly Kartik hears Naira crying and weeping silently. Kartik turns to Naira and panics, thinking she maybe in her labor pain. Kartik puts his laptop aside and turns to Naira. His heart beats very fast, hoping nothing serious happened to his jaan. Kartik without even asking Naira why she is crying, quickly picks her up and starts carrying her towards the door. Naira: Kartik what are u doing? (while tears are flowing from her eyes) Kartik: Hold on Naira. I'm taking you to the hospital, hold on jaan. Naira (screams and shocked):Whatt?? Why are you taking me to the hospital?? I am FINE!! Naira quickly jumps out of his arms leaving Kartik dumbfounded! Naira stands right in front of Kartik. Kartik: Naira then why are you crying? Naira: didn't you see how the hero give up his life for his love, thinking that he can make it easier for her to live. Kartik: Unbelievable !! Naira come here baby, do you even know how scared i got?? I thought that you are in labor pain.+ Naira: I'm sorry Kartik, i was watching XYZ ( think any of movie) and it was so touching that i couldn't control my tears. I am very sorry for scaring you like that. NOW is shocked, no that would be an understatement, she is beyond shocked. He is left speechless by the cute antics of his lovely wife. But then he smiles thinking of her khushi and her mood swings. Kartik: enough of these silly emotional movies now. You better watch out any romantic movie. It will also help to refresh your mind.  Naira: okiee Naira then plays a romantic movie in tv and starts watching it. Some times later a intense scene comes on the film and Naira gets an idea. She comes closer to Kartik. Kartik: Naira what are you doing?? Naira leans more closer to Kartik. Naira: You know na baby what am i doing??/ She caresses his face with her fingers.  Kartik: Jaan pls it's not the time Naira (in a seducive voice): It's the time. Karrik then loses his control and places his rough lips to her soft ones. He sucks her lips and Naira equally response to it. He tastes every corner of her mouth, They keep kissing passionately. After some minutes Kartik breaks the kiss. Kartik: I'm sorry naira. I know naira you want me to love you as i want. But i can't take risk with you or our baby. Doctor advised us na not to make love until your delivery. But after your delivery i won't stop you to make love with me. Naira: Promise? Kartik: Pakka wala promise. Then they sleep with cuddling each other. Naira: Kartik wake up. Please. Kartik wake up with shock. Kartik: What happened jaan? Is it hurting? If it is then tell me where? Naira: Sshhh Kartik. It isn't paining. Actually i was unable to sleep. Kartik: Why? Naira: I wanna eat ice cream. Kartik: What? At this hour? No shop is open right now. I'll get you ice creams ai morning. Okay??? Naira (screams): Noooo, Not okay . I want ice creams now only. Kartik; Okay baba. I will get you ice creams now. Happy?? Naira: Yess. More than any one. Kartik: Okay bye. Jaata hun. i mean jaake aata hun.  Naira (smiles): Bye Kartik then leaves and come back after about one hour. Kartik: Naira see i.... Kartik comes and sees her sleeping.  Kartik: Uff...kitne mushkil se to mila ice creams. And here madam is sleeping.  Kartik then goes to the kitchen and places the ice creams at fridge and comes back and sleep besides her.  Kartik wakes up and sees Naira drying hair after having bath. Naira: You woke up? I'm sorry for midnight thing. A/ctually idk what happened to me that i was craving for ice creams at midnight.  Kartik: It's absolutely okay jaan. Don;t be sorry. Kartik then left for washroom. After having shower, Kartik: Naira, chalo. Let's eat the ice cream together. Wait i'll get it. Then they eats ice cream together Suddenly Naira feels pain and something wet in her down.  Naira: Aahhh... Kartikk.. I thinkk my water has been broke. Aaah.... Kartik then picks up her and rushes to the hospital. All of the family members were present there. Kartik was pacing here and there. He was worrying like hell by listening her loud scraems. He never wondered that delivering a baby gives much thta pain. He was crying hearing her screams. Suddenly he hears a baby crying and Naira's screams goes off. Seeing a nurse with a baby in her hand coming out from the OT, he rushes to there.  Nurse: Congratulations, Mr. Goenka. It's a girl. His happiness knows no bounds. He felt as he is the most happiest and luckiest person of the world that time. Nurse hands over the baby to him. He was almost crying in happiness. Kartik: But Naira? How is she? She is alright na? Can i see her??? Nurse: Yes. She is alright. But the weakness is still in her. She has been moved to a private ward. you can go now and meet her. Kartik then enters to the ward in which Naira has been taken. She smiles broadly after seeing  her husband with her baby.Kartik then comes and places the baby in her arms. He immidietely clicks a selfie of them and placs a kiss on her cheeks Kartik: Thank you naira for giving me the best gift of my life. Thank you for everything. Naira: Nope. All thanks goes to you. Thanks for fulfilling me as a complete woman. Thank you so much. dadi then enters the room and takes the baby in her arms. Dadi: Haay.. meri gudiya rani. She is choo cute. And you both, have you decided any name for her??+ Naira+Kartik: Yesss. SHE IS OUR KAIRA. 
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