#i've been meaning to write this for months now whelo
inseparableduo · 2 years
I've mentioned before that twins will try and help ghosts pass on when they can. Usually, if said ghost already had a religion before they died when they pass, that's kinda what is going to take care of them. If said ghost was atheist or agnostic, they have the chance of converting to twin's religion.
This is not something twins will really try and push but, considering twins helped them finally move on, some ghosts want to be taken care of by them. When I say worship twins I truly mean that too, they aren't worshiping Lyra and following those rules of the afterlife (which to her means you will become nothing), Twins without trying created their own paradise, heaven, just in general a 'good place' for spirits to go when they pass.
Twins do have their own cult, mainly because they see twins as the Goddess reborn because of that they are able to do things like this. There is no 'bad place' for spirits to go at the moment as all the people they help pass on, no matter what crimes they may have committed, they forgive them (so far the worst crime has been murder). Sometimes spirits are so grateful that even though they have moved on, twins can summon them for help if need be.
The very first spirit they saved was a knight who even in death was searching for a reason to live. In his life he had been the king's best knight and had never failed in his duty. Even when he was asked to kill his lover for being a spy from a neighboring kingdom, he didn't hesitate, as he was loyal to his king above all else. It's only when his king cast him aside after the war did he ever regret what he's done in his life.
He had been wondering the woods for centuries before twins came across him and decided to help him move on. Mainly because the ghost of his lover begged them to help. It was this event that led the twins to create a 'paradise' in the first place. After helping the knight move on, he pledged himself to them. It's rare but, if twins need some time to create an escape or opening, they will summon the knight to fight for them for a time.
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