#i've always considered law school but a. it would be impossible for me to do it any time soon and b. i want to be sure i actually like it
wehadfaces · 2 years
i do think there is something poetic about me deciding to go back to school but to get a lesser degree than the one i currently have to try to move up
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hey. you went to law school because of ace attorney. would you recommend it? because I've been y'know. Considering. and if it was a terrible idea I will Stop Considering
hi! great question!
ultimately the reason i went to law school was because i realised i had a great passion for justice and social welfare - which, yes, aa helped me discover, mostly because law wasn't an avenue i'd considered before aa turned my attention to it. my interests in law have shifted around a lot over the course of my time in it so far, but even in my lowest moments there was something that felt very right to me about being in it. law requires a very specific way of thinking and i just felt it click. even if i swerved from the path now and never became a lawyer, i wouldn't regret my choice.
however, studying law is really, deeply grueling. not just because it's substantively difficult (it also is substantively difficult), but because so much of it just does not feel rewarding at all. the achievements feel good, but the study itself is not nearly as fulfilling as anything i felt studying, say, literature or linguistics or philosophy. it is a real slog. the community is also kind of bad and you will meet a lot of very shitty people, both peers and teachers. (there are of course also many good people!) it can be very demoralising and WILL be very boring and time-consuming, and you will see the very worst of people, a lot, because case law only happens when things go wrong.
so my advice is - studying law will never be a waste in terms of the knowledge and the unique analytical skills you'll gain. it's intensely valuable to anyone trying to exist in human society. it is one of the most rewarding learning experiences, but it's only really rewarding if you have a legitimate passion for it. for anyone doing law for the prestige or the money, or because you don't know what to do and it seems like a sensible choice, or (yes, this is coming from me) just for a joke, it will be a hundred times harder, just because of how often you have to just sit down and remind yourself to keep going and how much harder that is when you don't have a driving passion. not impossible! just harder. i'd be remiss to imply everyone in law is passionate about it, haha (far, far, far from it) but this is the same advice i give irl when im trying to save my young relatives a bit of needless suffering lol. if you think you might have a more fulfilling path somewhere else you shouldn't take law just as a "safe" or prestigious option because it'll just suck for you. i'm not saying don't do it, though, even if you're not sure! just think it through first. you can always change your mind (it might be an expensive change of mind but it's always possible).
if you think you might be really interested in law, of course i really encourage you to go for it. it will never be wasted information and it's incredibly practical for your day to day. honestly, if it weren't such an Ordeal i would advise everyone to study law because it's just SO useful to being a person. i never really want to dissuade anyone who's interested in law from trying it out, because as much as i whined and cried and screamed my way through my degree... if you sent me back to remake the choice, i'd do it again.
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simmonsized · 7 months
🥑🌻🪐🥐☁️🎨 🧩 for Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
1. 🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Probably the members of my Broblematic server (@outofstrings (bird and fae collectively, u may know of the Post-Cal ask blog), @future-geometries (Jess u are the first person I thought of) and definitely @alexharrier , who I think would probably hide me from the law even if I didn't explain the crime. I am not including beloved @chaton-katreal because I think she is too gentle, i would not want to muck up her life with murder!)
Or you know, my actual partner @notanotherdoodleblog probably LOL
All fantastic people, worth of hiding crimes.
2. 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Honestly most of my friends are pretty busy adulting 8( so we don't get to talk as much as I'd like to. @eggwyrt because our timezones are almost earth opposites. I love u!!!! I miss you!!
3. 🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
- I've got two real life best friends that I get together with and have coffee every weekend together, and sometimes do other things, and this is significant to me because adulthood makes it hard to keep friends, let alone see them.
- I got into the marine ecology lab at my school that I have been pushing for entrance into, despite missing a pre-req. I get to be on a boat for eight hours next quarter! Woohoo!
- I got fanart for a fic I am very proud of but very rarely interact with anybody about, which has boosted my confidence and made me feel really good, and each comment I've gotten since they posted the art has made my heart sing extra loud!
4. 🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Tbh I can't think of anything off the top of my head. My partner and I met through RVB, however, so we reference old seasons to each other fairly regularly, and I like to think we have a pretty good time c:
5. ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
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(i do not even like Simmons that much but it's a solid username and now is part of my brand. also I am classically a blue team girly lol)
6. 🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This is an impossible task. Insurmountable, even. There are several!! Many!!! How can I pick one?? So I will list a few:
A. Everything anyone has ever drawn for my fanfics at all ever.
B. SPECIFICALLY everything @alexharrier has drawn for me, ever. Especially specially specially these two gifs which actually make me fucking insane every time I see them.
Honestly, this had me making sounds so incoherent only dogs could hear them, years ago when I did not consider my fic would be special to anyone. I really really really treasure them.
Also both my birthday gifts, Bro at Disneyland, and Bro at Home Depot 💕
C. This artwork for RNG chapter 66, from @101-sve . It is also special to me, and it's been my wallpaper on my phone ever since c: the atmosphere, the warmth, the halo of their hair i just... Yeah!!!!
D. Recent, probably familiar still, this Holy Fucking Shit Beautiful Atmospheric work of art for metempsychosis!!!! by @askinsufferableprickmod . I really actually cannot stop looking at it. It's so gorgeous, and honestly even if it had nothing to do with me I would still be in love with it. The concept of the kids are Gods, as beings outside the mortal world they made for themselves, all that is visible here, and I really really love it!
* I know all of these are things people have drawn for me, for my content, but honestly that is why they are my favorites! It is touching to see someone put heart into something that is related to something you, yourself, also put heart into!!! I love it!!!! I love these talented artists!!!!!
ALSO: we all know Theater of Coolty, but it is so beloved to me, I can recite it in my sleep lol.
7. 🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately
On top of the other reasons I said I don't like things, you do actually have to convince me 6 times outta 10 if you want me to read a Homestuck fic in the third person. There is just something to the flavor of 2nd person that hits different. There is a reason different perspectives exist, and I think they can all be utilized well, but something about that classic, well-patterned "you, and then you" just gets me, you know?
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stereax · 9 months
15 People 15 Questions with Stereax - thanks @simmyfrobby for the direct tag and @jonassiegenthighler for the GC tag <3
1. are you named after anyone?
Nope! As far as I'm aware, I was named from one of those baby name books but my parents fucked up the spelling on purpose to be "special".
2. when was the last time you cried?
Probably just before Christmas when I was realizing just how fucked up my childhood and family dynamics are in a chat with a friend. Before that, in class while I was bombing a presentation. Before that, in class when the teacher told me to... raise my hand before I spoke... I don't really ever cry unless in public and it's always for a stupid reason.
3. do you have kids?
I have a lot of stuffed animals! And a bunch of kids I tutor. But none of my own, that's not in the plans.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
My parents tried me in everything, but mostly tennis stuck. I'm not that good at it, I'm not really athletic in general and my forehand was busted to the point where I would only do lobs with it, but I was fairly okay, especially when it came to my backhand, so I got by. Haven't played in a few years though.
5. do you use sarcasm?
A lot more in real life than online.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
One of the things I try to pay attention to is the hands. I also end up looking at teeth a lot. Both of those can kind of give you an idea of who a person is. I don't know if I'm good at eye contact or not, but I don't really think so?
7. what’s your eye color?
Hahahaha. It's kind of... everything? Not in a Mary Sue way but like, the outer ring is a greyish blue-green and the inner ring is like, a golden hazel-y green? And depending on the lighting or glasses, that changes? So... my ID says green.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies mostly annoy me, so happy endings. I don't like sad endings that much; I tend to dwell on them too long.
9. any talents?
Um, I used to be a mathlete when I was a kid? So I can do a lot of math in my head, generally exceeding the capabilities of most people I know, and usually with speed too. But that's not really a "talent". I guess I speak several languages, but again, not really a "talent". I don't really know. I don't really consider myself good at anything, you know? I write? Sometimes? But not well either. So.
10. where were you born?
Ridgewood, New Jersey. Apparently because my parents thought it would be a "good city to be born in" and that it would "always be on my birth certificate". I don't know the logic either.
11. what are your hobbies?
I really like mobile games! I'm currently obsessed with Path to Nowhere, used to play a lot of King's Raid before they destroyed that game with awful updates, and also play Pokemon Go and Pikmin Bloom regularly to motivate myself to leave the house. Also puzzles, both solving and sometimes creating my own! And I'm also slowly getting into the NFL as well as the NHL (obviously). My thing is that when I get into something, I need to know everything about it and be the "best" at it, which screws me up a lot, but. Knowledge!
12. do you have any pets?
I used to have fish when I was a kid. I'm not in the right conditions to own a pet, both logistically and mentally.
13. how tall are you?
I don't know exactly but I think around 5'5" to 5'6", or 165 to 167 cm. I always wanted to end up around 5'9", so 175 cm, but I didn't get enough tall genes, I guess :( still have markings on the wall about ideal height :')
14. favorite subject in school?
When I was growing up, math; more currently, probably law classes.
15. dream job?
I've always envisioned myself ending up in law or business or especially politics, but like, not as a scumbag? If that makes sense. Like, a senator or even higher than that, but not a corrupt piece of shit. Which I know is impossible and an oxymoron. So I guess the answer is, most generally, a leader of some sort.
I'd tag the GC but Eliot did that already sooooo um, if you're following me and see this consider yourself tagged!
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ziie0-0 · 6 months
Course? What course?
Have you struggled with picking a program, If so, how did you deal with it?
As I approach the end of my Senior High School , the idea of pursuing pre-law after college tugs at my heartstrings, driven by my love of advocacy and justice. However, despite the thrill, uncertainties regarding my preparedness for law school continue to loom, clouding my goals. My dream is to work for the government, my other impossible dream is that I want to be a judge.
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I stare at the scary prospect of law school, I keep having doubts about my capacity to succeed in such a demanding setting, which casts doubt on the certainty of my decision.
I set out on a path of self-discovery, seeking mentorship (from my mom-- who is by the way, not a lawyer, and her friend who works as a lawyer and for the government) and delving into the pre-law realm in pursuit of answers. I start to sort out the complexities of my goals through discussions and investigation, and I take solace in the experiences of those who have gone before me on this journey.
And yet after a lot of thinking and consideration I've done, I am still unsure of what to take. Pre-law? I am afraid of public speaking and has anxiety. I can't read straightly and always stumbles on my word. What if the professor is a strict old woman? I may not be able to pass, but probably pass away.
Pre-med? Not for me, I was once enrolled into a medicine focused school in Manila for Senior High School, but I also enrolled in the University of the Cordilleras so that I don't have to deal with it. I once escaped and will never look back again.
Engineering? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I don't even consider it. I cry over General Mathematics, do not expect me to even think of taking an engineering program.
Business or Accounting? Might be good, but I am not good with numbers.
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After of all the careful reconsiderations, I think the best for me is not to study College.
Just kidding. My parents would kill me.
It's pressuring for a Senior High graduating student who still has no sense of direction where path to go to. I don't want to regret in the future that I did not like what I pursued, but I also don't want to regret the consequences of picking my course out late.
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sumzysworld · 3 years
Get to know me! Tagged by @girlinthemikrokosmos
Sorry, I took a long time to reply to this!
when is your birthday?
September 6th!
What's your favorite colour?
I'm a designer and this question makes me sweat. Personally, I end up picking blacks, reds or whites
What's your lucky number?
I like 9 though I don't know how lucky I am when I use it.
Do you have any pets?
No, I wish I did!!
How tall are you?
I'm short. Exactly 5'
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Three. One for running, one for work, one for parties.
Favorite song?
What's with these impossible questions?
I have a lot of them. Currently listening to Non Believer by London Gramnar on loop.
Favorite movie
Tough, again. One of my Go-to.kovies will always be "Guns of Navarone"
Have you gotten in trouble with the law?
Nope. The closest encounter I had with the law was to report a public groping incident.
What colour socks are you wearing?
Grey, cos they're easy to replace
Bath or Shower?
Shower. Something feels absolutely cleansing about sitting under a hot shower letting the water wash the day's troubles off me.
Favorite type of music?
I listen to a wide variety but enjoy songs where the guitar/drum/instrumental portions come out beautifully
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Rather than pillows, I surround myself with heavy cushions, like a nest
What do you have for breakfast?
Hot steaming Idlis with Chai.
Have you ever tried archery?
If you count improvising a bow and arrow in school with pens and rubber bands and a pencil for shooting, then yes.
Favorite fruit?
Favorite swear word?
"Bloody" - the way the Brits use it 🤣
Do you have any scars?
Acne scars - yes. Battle scars - no. Clumsy scars - no comment.
What's your personality type?
What's your favorite type of girl?
Someone honest, direct and the type to not give up on a bond.
Left or right handed?
Favorite food?
Keeps changing. I prefer savory to sweet though
Are you clean or messy?
I consider myself "organized messy". Like I know where my stuff is and why I categorise them there. But it doesn't look terribly clean to someone else.
Favorite foreign food?
Lately I've been tripping on Tibetan Thukpa
How long does it take for you you get ready?
30 min
Most used phrase?
Holy mother of all fuckin' Gods...
Are you a good singer?
Yes I am. I've been asked multiple times why I haven't made a career out of it
Do you sing to yourself?
Yes I hold impromptu concerts at home for an audience of none save me frequently
Introvert or Extrovert?
Introvert with a dash of cynical humor for my Extrovert friends.
Favorite school subject?
Horrible question - I excelled in all of them so I couldn't pick. But I'll say, Art.
What makes you nervous?
Realising I have to match up to higher and higher standards all the time.
Who was your first real crush?
The head of our college theater group - the wisest most sensible guy I had met at that time.
How many piercings do you have?
Two - one in each earlobe.
How fast can you run?
Very slowly
What makes you angry?
When I don't live up to my own standards
Do you like your own name?
What are your weaknesses?
I hate opening up. Being vulnerable. Asking for help. I have a prideful streak.
I would rather conform to rules than actively flout or slyly break them. I allow people to treat me like shit in proportion to my self esteem at that time.
What are your strengths?
Being able to see another's point of view. Questioning myself or others ruthlessly. Accepting and supporting those who have often been sidelined, or to stand up for a principle (I've vocally and actively supported bullied classmates, stood up to family who did the same and sided with friends who had trouble coming out, or female relatives who were suppressing themselves for tradition)
The colour of your bedspread?
Dark blue
The colour of your room?
Teal (landlord's choice, not mine)
I'm tagging @weirdgirls4eve-r @sunshyngal @xjoonchildx @afangirllikeme-blog
If you guys haven't already played and don't mind, please share a little bit about yourselves!!
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storyofmyownlife · 5 years
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End of The Decade
I started this about 9 years ago for a very simple reason-I was hooked on the tv show called Akward. Jenna, the main protagonist of the show, likes to write blogs about her life as a way to cope and express how she feels. Awe inspired, I decided to create my own anonymous blog with the hopes that cathartic venting and documenting the past can help me navigate the present. For the last couple if years, l had been given many opportunities to taste the bittersweet feelings of life. Truth to be told, I have never thought I would be here writing this blog to end the decade. The earlier entries can attest to this. Ten years a go my life was in shambles. I had a broken family, broken English, and the broken will to live.
My father, two siblings and I arrived in Canada on April of 2009 to finally live with my mom. With little regards of the past, I cherished the brand new start to live a life without prejudice. I felt very little emotion when I left the Philippines because I knew deep down I could finally escape the invalidation of others of how I suppose to love. Of course, then, I was naive to think that I wouldn't felt that way ever again- I was completely wrong. It did not take long before everything start to turn sour. Us siblings did not get a long. We did not group together and we did not know how to live with one another. My mom and dad started to fight a lot. Almost every night. My dad started drinking a lot for many reasons that I know now and understood, but not completely forgiven. He misses his old life back in his home country- the life of the party and his other family. My mom push him to work and help with bills. Just like my sister and my brother and I, My mom and dad did live apart for many years. The feeling of living with my whole family was foreign to me. A month after arrival, the incident happened. The police came and for many months the social worker came and visit us. The resentment between us siblings began to build up. For many months, my brother and I blamed my sister for telling the truth. Knowing what I knew now she did the right thing. Nevertheless, my brother and I alienated her.
I also had broken English. I did not make a lot of friends in Grade 8. I was that loner kid who would spend every day during lunch alone and would walk on the school ground by himself. My sister and my brother got their own friends. I wanted to make my own but couldnt. On the bright side, my brother became friends with the guy name Denver. He is one of the only few people in our lives who never left for the past decade. He is still with us.
I started high school. I made more friends who are Filipino. We all kind of form this group. Denver is also part of it. Within that inner group, we had more inner clique called cajibo. I'm not going to disclose who they are because I no longer associate myself with them and it does not matter. There were also four girls who called themselves kimfejeny and they became part of the inner group. Regardless of what happened in the end, they taught me a lot of things about life. For the first time, they made me feel what is like to find a family in a group of random strangers. I must admit they helped us work throughout with some of the traumas. We had crazy dreams together, we spent so many adventures together, and they taught me the life is not as simple as black and white. It all ended because I cared too much and told the truth when it was not my place to do so. Inspite of if all, there were some silver linings to it.
I worked hard to improve my english and move in advance english. My ESL teacher helped me a lot. I improved my academic performance in no time. I also began to developed new relationships. My brother and I became more close to Daniel, Alen, Kith, and Alden. I also began to listen to Taylor Swift's music. She did help me cope with unreciprocated love, broken hearts, and the unpredictability of life. I swear I had crush on couple of people at my high school. I'm just gonna name them here for memories sake- adam, alden, aiah, and andrew.
As time went by, I started thinking about my future. After taking few courses, I knew that I have a passion for literature and history. During my junior and senior years, I took classes in philosophy, history, and law. I was no good in math. Science was okay. I actually got the biology award college level and made it to the honor roll in grade 11 and 12.
In my senior year, this girl name Chelsea asked me out to go to the prom with her. I tagged a long with her friends. They were also friends kimfejeny and some members of cajibo. It was an okay time. I didnt really have an ecstatic time. Suffice to say, I got to go so it was a check for one of my bucket list. Since I'm on the subject, I also went to Red tour concert instead of going to my own school prom. Ed Sheeran performed with Taylor swift! They were both great. Another item checked off!
On my last year, I was also determined to move out. My mom was very supportive of it. We started to look for school. I got in to all of the ones that I applied to. I was torn between u of t and Mac. To be honest, I would not have considered or let alone knew about mcmaster if it wasn't for Andrew. I visited both schools. I thought that u of t provide more classes and opportunities for what I wanted to do. But, I wanted to have an experience like those in movies. Also, deep down I wanted to run away in hope that I could find myself and be. I decided to go to mac
My brother and I graduated. I said goodbye to my favorite high school teach who gave my brother and I a gift. But she did not need to because she has already given me so much and more. The summer was filled with excitement and anticipation. I held a get together before I leave for college. I said goodbye to my friends and left a note for my brother to read. There were crying involve because I felt that I did not deserve them at all. They were so good to me and I was not in return. That summer was bittersweet.
I started my university experience. I would not go in a lot of details because I pretty much documented my first year here well enough. Grace, Shane, nicole and devone made a difference in life, especially Grace. She saved me from myself.
In second year, it was interesting because it started off as bad. I was seeing this guy and wanted to be with him but couldnt. I also was very insecure about myself and my sexuality. Everyone went on dates, make out with someone at the party, etc. I risked my life a couple of times in pursuit of getting the same experience. With the help of my friend and after going to group support, I got through it all. I started joining clubs: board games society, humanities,etc.
Devon came back. Turns out he is bi. I've always liked and wanted him. I had wanted his approval but It was an impossible task. He was drunk and toxic. He liked one of my roommate to who kind of like him too, but did know it was right. She was also the only person who knew about my feelings towards him. Suffice to say my relationship with Devon was severed after the end of that year. Shane was also a drunk and feel like he would not approve of my sexuality so I cut my relationship with him slowly.
I also started dating someone name T. It was an okay relationship. He was a really good guy but I don't think we were meant for each other. I loved how he held me, but I knew I was not the one for him. I was not a good boyfriend to him. I think I tried to look for things in him that I want from my partner. Older, and hopefully wiser, know now that it was wrong. I ended it.
I had great times with my friends and old roommates. Spontaneous drives, adventures, and they gave me opportunities to experience things I never experienced before. Like going to demetris, hiking to trails and falls, random trips to McDonalds etc. Alicia also became my support on my last year at mac. I also became hers as well.
When graduated, I did not find a job immediately and was kind of down. I started to work out to motivate myself. I lost about 75 pound in a couple of months. With the help of family friends, I got hired at a law firm. I learned a lot of things from there. What it's like to practice law, experience to use office equipments, how to network, etc. The perks were great. But the coworkers and the work are not as great. Couple of coworkers come and go. 2 years and a half I still work with them. I also met Ashley, Selena, clarice, bryce, mike. Fun fact: Ashley's wedding was the first wedding that I attended that was not affiliated with my family.
A year ago, I woke up one day and decided to apply to post grad HR program. I was supposed to apply right after I graduated university but I knew I needed to take some time off. But, that day, I was determined to start a new. I got in to the program but was not able to start until last january. The program taught me so much about myself and others. I worked like I've never work in my life. In the end, I got 3.64 GPA. I've made friends and enemies.
My friends from high school that I mentioned before are still with me to this very day. We've gone through so many late night adventures together! I finished my internship last week and I now work as a full time employee at COC. I've traveled couple of times outside Canada for the past 2 years.My family and I recently went to punta Cana. I'm hoping to go to either Mexico or California next year!. I know in my last post I may have mentioned my struggle with the changing times. I know everyone in my life is starting to build their own life without me and that's okay. It is part of growing up. I'm also having short term memory lost lately but hopefully I get better. I'm hoping that my friendship with mike and Bryce would last longer. I wish my family the best in this new decade.
They say, life gets tougher as you grow older. My hope is I became tougher and more resilient still. I will ride the every changing tides of time while always looking up to the daylight.
I'll tell you the truth but never goodbye.
December 31st, 2019
Ps: pic 1 shows the books that I accumulated and read over the years. Pic 2 my favorite things the I received and owned this year.
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Don't be an asshole; don't be like Trump. Give a fuck.
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I'm not and have never been a liberal (I've never voted for a Clinton) - I'm a registered Independent and always have been, and I agree with every word of what's below the dotted line.
I don't consider this to be a liberal standpoint at all. I consider it to be a "I'm not an asshole" standpoint, or a "We could solve these problems if we actually gave a fuck about other people" standpoint, but too many people in power or privilege are too threatened by these ideas. They think liberty and dignity and rights are finite commodities, and if someone gets equal amounts, another person might get less - less liberty, less dignity, fewer rights. This is stupidity in action, but Americans, in general, are not known for critical thinking, and politicians prefer citizens dumb and pliant.
Think again. In a country that put a man on the moon and won two world wars, we can't solve these problems? Sure we can. But we won't because too many people are too happy to let their neighbors suffer. If you're one of them, read this, then go slam your hand in a door, then come read it again and get a fucking clue...maybe the pain will help you think clearer and you can salvage some of your humanity.
You're welcome.
"I'm getting a little tired of being told what I believe and what I stand for. I'm liberal, but that doesn't mean what a lot of you apparently think it does.
Let's break it down, shall we? Spoiler alert: Not every liberal is the same, though the majority of liberals I know think along roughly these same lines:
1. I believe a country should take care of its weakest members. A country cannot call itself civilized when its children, disabled, sick, and elderly are neglected. Period.
2. I believe healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Somehow that's interpreted as "I believe Obamacare is the end-all, be-all." This is not the case. I'm fully aware that the ACA has problems, that a national healthcare system would require everyone to chip in, and that it's impossible to create one that is devoid of flaws, but I have yet to hear an argument against it that makes "let people die because they can't afford healthcare" a better alternative. I believe healthcare should be far cheaper than it is, and that everyone should have access to it. And no, I'm not opposed to paying higher taxes in the name of making that happen.
3. I believe education should be affordable and accessible to everyone. It doesn't necessarily have to be free (though it works in other countries so I'm mystified as to why it can't work in the US), but at the end of the day, there is no excuse for students graduating college saddled with five- or six-figure debt.
4. I don't believe your money should be taken from you and given to people who don't want to work. I have literally never encountered anyone who believes this. Ever. I just have a massive moral problem with a society where a handful of people can possess the majority of the wealth while there are people literally starving to death, freezing to death, or dying because they can't afford to go to the doctor. Fair wages, lower housing costs, universal healthcare, affordable education, and the wealthy actually paying their share would go a long way toward alleviating this. Somehow believing that makes me a communist.
5. I don't throw around "I'm willing to pay higher taxes" lightly. If I'm suggesting something that involves paying more, well, it's because I'm fine with paying my share as long as it's actually going to something besides lining corporate pockets or bombing other countries while Americans die without healthcare.
6. I believe companies should be required to pay their employees a decent, livable wage. Somehow this is always interpreted as me wanting burger flippers to be able to afford a penthouse apartment and a Mercedes. What it actually means is that no one should have to work three full-time jobs just to keep their head above water. Restaurant servers should not have to rely on tips, multibillion-dollar companies should not have employees on food stamps, workers shouldn't have to work themselves into the ground just to barely make ends meet, and minimum wage should be enough for someone to work 40 hours and live.
7. I am not anti-Christian. I have no desire to stop Christians from being Christians, to close churches, to ban the Bible, to forbid prayer in school, etc. (BTW, prayer in school is NOT illegal; *compulsory* prayer in school is - and should be - illegal). All I ask is that Christians recognize *my* right to live according to *my* beliefs. When I get pissed off that a politician is trying to legislate Scripture into law, I'm not "offended by Christianity" -- I'm offended that you're trying to force me to live by your religion's rules. You know how you get really upset at the thought of Muslims imposing Sharia law on you? That's how I feel about Christians trying to impose biblical law on me. Be a Christian. Do your thing. Just don't force it on me or mine.
8. I don't believe LGBT people should have more rights than you. I just believe they should have the *same* rights as you.
9. I don't believe illegal immigrants should come to America and have the world at their feet, especially since THIS ISN'T WHAT THEY DO (spoiler: undocumented immigrants are ineligible for all those programs they're supposed to be abusing, and if they're "stealing" your job it's because your employer is hiring illegally). I'm not opposed to deporting people who are here illegally, but I believe there are far more humane ways to handle undocumented immigration than our current practices (i.e., detaining children, splitting up families, ending DACA, etc).
10. I don't believe the government should regulate everything, but since greed is such a driving force in our country, we NEED regulations to prevent cut corners, environmental destruction, tainted food/water, unsafe materials in consumable goods or medical equipment, etc. It's not that I want the government's hands in everything -- I just don't trust people trying to make money to ensure that their products/practices/etc. are actually SAFE. Is the government devoid of shadiness? Of course not. But with those regulations in place, consumers have recourse if they're harmed and companies are liable for medical bills, environmental cleanup, etc. Just kind of seems like common sense when the alternative to government regulation is letting companies bring their bottom line into the equation.
11. I believe our current administration is fascist. Not because I dislike them or because I can’t get over an election, but because I've spent too many years reading and learning about the Third Reich to miss the similarities. Not because any administration I dislike must be Nazis, but because things are actually mirroring authoritarian and fascist regimes of the past.
12. I believe the systemic racism and misogyny in our society is much worse than many people think, and desperately needs to be addressed. Which means those with privilege -- white, straight, male, economic, etc. -- need to start listening, even if you don't like what you're hearing, so we can start dismantling everything that's causing people to be marginalized.
13. I am not interested in coming after your blessed guns, nor is anyone serving in government. What I am interested in is sensible policies, that just MIGHT save one person’s, perhaps a toddler’s, life by the hand of someone who should not have a gun. (Got another opinion? Put it on your page, not mine).
14. I believe in so-called political correctness. I prefer to think it’s social politeness. If I call you Chuck and you say you prefer to be called Charles I’ll call you Charles. It’s the polite thing to do. Not because everyone is a delicate snowflake, but because as Maya Angelou put it, when we know better, we do better. When someone tells you that a term or phrase is more accurate/less hurtful than the one you're using, you now know better. So why not do better? How does it hurt you to NOT hurt another person?
15. I believe in funding sustainable energy, including offering education to people currently working in coal or oil so they can change jobs. There are too many sustainable options available for us to continue with coal and oil. Sorry, billionaires. Maybe try investing in something else.
16. I believe that women should not be treated as a separate class of human. They should be paid the same as men who do the same work, should have the same rights as men including decisions about their own bodies, and should be free from abuse. Why on earth shouldn’t they be?
I think that about covers it. Bottom line is that I'm liberal because I think we should take care of each other. That doesn't mean you should work 80 hours a week so your lazy neighbor can get all your money. It just means I don't believe there is any scenario in which preventable suffering is an acceptable outcome as long as money is saved."
Author unknown
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purghhappenings · 6 years
I'm sorry if this seems random but I've recently been called boring, by people at school and it hurt me so badly, could you please do hcs about the Supernovas of your choice reacting to their s/o being called like that, please?
I wish it were random! I’m sorry that people are so self conscious of themselves they chose you to pick on and no one person is boring because we all can and do such amazing things.
I will definitely do these for you :)
Monkey D. Luffy: He heard several people call you boring, and that’s not his style to let something go like that. He’s gonna be the pirate king and anybody who hangs with him is not boring. He’ll grab your hand and give em all a Zoro worthy glare. Most back off at this because he didn’t become a supernova by just smiling. If they didn’t back off and continued to tease you Nami and you would def give him and the monster trio permission to let all hell loose.Afterwards he would definitely cuddle you and even go as far as to list all the reasons you aren’t boring.
Roronoa Zoro: Zoro wouldn’t be too thrilled to see you down and out about what some scum decided to call you. However in his training Mihawk told him a few different things and somehow two of those things are clashing “pride is never too great, because look where you are now”(in reference to him challenging Mihawk when he was basically a baby and now being trained by the greatest swordsman in the world) also “don’t worry about insignificant words and people” (pretty point blank). But as we all know Zoro doesn’t let people trash talk his crew and that means you. He won’t ask for permission, but he also won’t use his swords. He’ll just kick their ass with his hands and that’ll do the trick.After all is said and teeth are with their proper owners, he’ll ask if you’re okay and how could you not be? seeing your swordsman fuck people up without his swords and then he smiles so sweetly to you.
Trafalgar D. Water Law: most wouldn’t say anyone who hangs out with the Surgeon of death is boring. But Law’s a stickler for plans so that’s maybe how those fuckwads worked out you were boring(you’re not. Luffy likes you) Even Bepo would be ready to square up but Law wouldn’t let any of them. You can’t run with a crazy son of a bitch like Law and not know he likes to play with his prey before he kills them. He’ll ask you what you thinks he should do and no surprise there you say “fuck em up” and if he’s feeling generous(he’s not) he’ll let his crew handle it while he goes over why you’re not boring and other people are just idiots who are jealous. But usually(and by that I mean always) it ends in death for those who dare disrespect Law or any of his crew.After the bloods cleaned and the marines are off their tail, where nobody can see he’ll hug you and ask if you’re alright and well, you can’t be in love with the surgeon of death and be thinned skinned. Plus you’ve got you’re wonderful boyfriend to protect you.
Basil Hawkins: He seems like a pretty laid back guy(I’ll be honest I only know like two things about dude) but nobody disrespects him or his s.o. He’ll lay out his cards and with a creepy smile just look at the offenders dead in the face and not even really tell their future just be like “oh no, death” and you want to point out that is not what the cards said. All of it is already over. He doesn’t like to deal with small fry and he also doesn’t want you in a sour mood.After the blink of an eye and everyone is somehow gone(how the fuck does his power work?!) he’ll playfully tell you with cards “this one says you’re a god and god’s can’t be boring” “this one says that even if people say that I know the truth” and because he is so dependent on cards that he would jokingly say all that you feel better in the end.
X Drake: He may of been a marine, he may be a pirate. But if he knows anything it’s that companionship is a rareity in the grandline for anyone. So he does not take you for granted and truly whenever you are happy he is happy. So when his crew comes and says you’re being bullied well he’s not one to fuck around. He’ll show up and observe for a minute and then walk his ass in there as a motherfucking t-rex and just be like “word? ya’ll wanna fuckin talk shit? well guess what, talk shit gET HIT!” and then he eats them. Plus they were small fry and they shouldn’t even be considered to putting you in a less than pleasant mood.When he un-dinos, he’ll ask if you’re alright and then ask if there were anymore, when you ascertain he’s eaten all the offenders he’ll smile and say “good, now they can’t spread lies” and idk about you but Drake smiling at anything is fuckin grand. Of course he also says “i wish you were boring so I’d know you would stay out of trouble” and well, he can’t really argue that as you hug him. Can he?
Jewelry Bonney: Bonney is known for her love of food but she also loves you almost as much as she loves food and that in itself should show anyone that you don’t fuck with her s.o. She overhears them saying it to you as she’s on her way to bring you a plate of food. You all had been standing all day and you wanted a rest and well, some city scum just couldn’t keep their mouth shut. By the looks of it, they’re all a lot younger than both of you and well she can’t hit children. But it’s fuckin great her power can fix that. She will beat old people up. And she does. When their asses are formerly kicked and hips are broken beyond repair does she turn to you and offer her slice of pizza. “are you hungry?” and she doesn’t need to say anymore cause that was her slice and pizza and nobody thought they’d see the day and live to tell of it that Bonney was sharing her food.
Eustass Kid: (I call him all the time Eustass MOTHER FUCKIN CAPTAIN Kid and I implore everyone to do the same) Kids a fuckin hot head and this is canon. Now lets do some simple math  hot head+sad s/o=deathSo when people start making his s/o sad by calling you boring, well there is only one end result. “Killer hold my s/o until I get back” “Captain no” “captain yes” The fights pretty one sided and its really over before you know it and there were a lot of innocent casualties but trust kid to have sound logic “the other people should have kicked their ass before I found out”And that line is so funny in the midsts of burning buildings and screaming people that you bring him down to kiss his cheek and thank him for his service and for making you feel better.(This confuses him because he did that for himself)
Capone Bege: Now Bege is basically a mafia don and well boring for his s/o would be great because then he doesn’t have to worry, but you’re mostly inside his castle ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).(BOW CHICKA BOW WOW) so he doesn’t ever worry worry. but he let you out at a town and some people thought it in their best interest to call you boring. But it wasn’t for long see it’s super hard to say anything when you’ve got canon ball fire coming at you. Everyone is cleared out and Bege asks if you want them pursued and maimed and of course you say no when he barely broke a sweat and protected you.(Plus you’re really tired of running from marines)
Hey anon I hope you like these and remember no one person is boring. It’s basically genetically impossible and liking anime proves you’re not boring because boring people don’t like anything.  😉 DON’T LET PEOPLE PUT YOU DOWNOne friend said something to me one time and hopefully it’ll help “If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit”( i like the saying cause it’s funny) Also I know validation is important for emotional wellbeing but you don’t need anyone’s approval and if you feel you do, you have mine
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magpiefngrl · 7 years
As I completely understand your frustration - I've had the same problem all school year and it really makes one exhausted - I will of course try to help you with your writer's block! So... how about Musicians AU..? Like... one of them plays a string instrument and the other a wind instrument.. there is some rivalry tension there, for sure...
Thank you for a great prompt! I liked the idea of competing instruments, but the story took me in a different direction: Harry in a band, looking for a vocalist. Guess who applies! Hope you like what I did with it :))
Many thanks to @lower-east-side for the fast beta and music industry insights ❤❤
My heart’s a tart, your body’s rent (Mature, 3.5k) Story on AO3, an excerpt here:
The Interviews
When the door shut behind the ninth person they’d seen that day, Harry letout a sigh. ‘This is hopeless.’
‘No, it isn’t,’ Padma insisted, ever the optimist. ‘We still have twocandidates to interview. Maybe one of them will be the vocalist of our dreams.’
Cho scoffed from the corner.
‘I’m with the Kraken,’ Harry said, pointing at Cho.
‘Shush, children,’ Millie said, coming back in the rehearsal studio slashdrinking den they’d created in Cho’s parents’ shed. ‘Patience. We’ve two moreto go, both men. The next one has a lot of credentials. He’ll be here in atick.’
Candidate number ten strode in a few minutes later. Tall, slim and blond,he sported a sneer Harry instantly disliked. He sat on the edge of the batteredleather sofa as if it was contagious.
Strike two, Harry thought.  ‘Your name?’
‘Smith. Zach Smith. People like to call me Honey Voice.’
‘Um, what?’ Millie bit her lip in an obvious attempt to stop laughing.Harry shared an eloquent look with Cho: hopeless.
‘Honey Voice,’ explained Zach Smith patiently. ‘A nickname from my days atmusic school. As I said on the phone—was it to you, Melinda?—I graduated fromthe Royal Academy of Music. It’s—well, the teachers called my voice exquisite.I have a very unusual timbre, you see.’
The more Smith spoke, the more Harry wanted to deck him.
‘Right,’ said Padma, who by then was the only one managing to keep astraight face with ease. ‘What drew you to The Witches?’
‘The who?’ Smith asked and Harry groaned internally. At least theirprevious candidates had known which band they’d applied to—or in a memorablecase were even blinded by what little fame The Witches enjoyed and had comesimply to ask for autographs.
‘It’s the name of our band,’ Cho said in the flattest tone everuttered by a human voice. Lucky that Ginny was at work; she’d have evisceratedthe bloke.
‘Oh! So with me, it’d become The Wizard and The Witches?’
‘No, the name doesn’t change,’ Padma explained. She should’ve been ateacher; her patience was extraordinary. Harry barely refrained fromthrowing Smith out.
‘But I can’t be a Witch.’ Smith’s face took on a patronising tone. ‘I’m a man.’
‘So’s Harry,’ Cho gritted out.
‘Zach,’ Millie interrupted before the bloodshed began. ‘One last questionand we’ll let you go. Have you been in a band before?’
‘I’ve had loads of offers,’ Smith sneered. His honey voice gratedHarry and he decided he’d use his veto for Smith and only Smith. ‘… Radiohead,in fact, wanted to work with me. Thom, well… he was very impressed with mysinging. But the timing wasn’t right for me, I had other commitments. And I didhave to turn down Pulp, too. But: me and Jarvis. Great pals. And—’
‘So you’ve never been in a band, is that what you’re telling us?’ Harryinterrupted.
Smith pursed his lips. ‘Not yet.’
When Smith left, the four of them descended to the garden for a fag and aquick beer before the final candidate arrived. Harry rubbed his face, resignedthey’d never find the right person. It was impossible; the formerly fivemembers of the band knew each other from school. If Ron hadn’t decided to fuckoff to the States to pursue a career with his new girlfriend, they wouldn’t bein this mess.
‘The last bloke is going to be ten minutes late,’ Millie informed them,hanging up her phone.
‘Great start,’ Harry deadpanned. ‘Can’t wait to meet this responsibleperson.’
Twenty minutes later, Harry had returned to the shed and had picked up hisbass to give himself something to do when the girls came in from the garden,ushering the new arrival.
Harry’s initial indifference changed swiftly as he took in the man, whoflopped on the leather sofa as if he owned it. Tall and blond again, butdifferent to the previous man, the way a moth is different to a butterfly. Thisone sported black nails, jeans so tight they seemed painted on him, and whitehair that fell to his chin, making him toss his head back with careless graceevery five minutes.
‘Hullo. I’m Draco Malfoy.’
Oh god. A toff.
‘Draco,’ Millie started. ‘Nice to meet you. I’m Millie.’
‘Mad Dog Millie?’ Malfoy said. ‘An honour. Your riffs are unreal.’
Millie preened, and Malfoy went on to offer compliments to Padma, ‘and ofcourse, the Kraken’s drumming is legendary.’ Cho grinned at him.
Then, he turned his grey, unfathomable eyes to Harry. ‘You must be Potter.’
Nothing else. Harry narrowed his eyes at this blatant discrimination. Hewasn’t too pleased with Draco sodding Malfoy clearly implying that hefound nothing to praise about Harry. Malfoy sounded and looked like an uttertosser and Harry didn’t want him in the band.
The girls wanted him in the band.
‘Look, I’ll veto,’ Harry said in Padma’s flat, where they were debating theissue while cooking some pasta. ‘We each have one veto, right? I veto him.’
‘If not Draco, then, as much as I hate to say it, Smith is the only otherpossible candidate,’ Padma pointed out.
Fuck. ‘This is all Ron’s fault for gallivanting in Americaand leaving us in a lurch.’
‘My brother,’ Ginny said, who’d arrived late and had gone straight for thearms of her girlfriend, ‘fell in love. When it happens to you, then youcan blame him.’
‘Just don’t fall for one of us, Harry,’ Millie said helpfully, stirring thesauce, and the girls laughed.
‘Ha ha.’ The running joke had grown old for Harry.
‘So tomorrow then?’ Ginny, as the band’s manager, always managed to whipthem into action. She glanced at the creased leaflet Malfoy had left with them.‘This Draco—what a name— will be singing tomorrow in Camden. We’ll go check himout, see what he’s like on stage.’
‘I’ve asked around, you know,’ Harry told his band mates over the blaringmusic. A band that seemed to be made up entirely of sixth-formers wasperforming with great inexperience. He hoped Malfoy’s band, which was to playnext, didn’t veer so heavily into metal.
‘Asked around about what?’ Padma shouted. She’d worn a hot pink jumpsuitand, as always, drew the eyes of everyone in the club.
‘About the bloke we’re here to see. Do you know who he is?’
The girls ignored Harry, so he shouted louder. ‘He’s the son of LordMalfoy. A Tory dick.’
‘So?’ Ginny said, her hand in Cho’s.
‘So?’ Harry huffed, annoyed they wouldn’t take him seriously. People werejostling him as they passed, the music was too shrill and his voice startedhurting because of all the shouting. He really wasn’t having fun. ‘So he simplywants to rebel against daddy for a month before he fucks off toCambridge to study Law or some sort.’
‘What’s your beef with him, Harry?’ Cho asked. ‘We’ve all agreed he was themost reasonable of the people we interviewed.’
‘I just don’t like him,’ Harry insisted, knowing he sounded like a ten yearold.
‘Then maybe don’t go out with this one,’ Ginny deadpanned and the otherssniggered.
Harry rolled his eyes and turned his back to them. The fact that, at onepoint or another, he’d been involved with each of them (even if it was simply asingle Year 9 date with Padma or a drunken shag on his birthday two years agowith Millie—which they’d agreed to never ever ever mentionagain) had never failed to amuse them. His protests of ‘I never dated Ron!’made them laugh even harder.
The teenage disasters on stage ended their set in lukewarm applause. Milliepromptly arrived with a bloke she’d pulled—‘knows the organisers of Glasto’ shescreamed in their vicinity—and they pushed forward in the crowd to see Malfoy’sfriends’ band. He’d said he was doing it as a favour, as their regular singercouldn’t make it and they needed the gig.
‘The Flu Fighters?’ Padma scanned the leaflet. ‘What a name.’
The Flu Fighters consisted of three blokes on drums, guitar and bass, andDraco Malfoy, who strode on stage and held the microphone as if he was going tohave sex with it.
The lights went down. The crowd hushed. A spotlight illuminated Malfoy’ssilver hair and bare chest. Harry adjusted his trousers.
He’d had to adjust them a few more times as Malfoy on stage was—well, hewas hypnotising. Harry found it impossible to look anywhere else for theduration of the set. A cross between Jim Morrison and Debbie Harry, Malfoyoozed charisma from every pore. His posture, his tight leather trousers, hiseyeliner and painted nails, the way he glided and slithered and writhed onstage aroused Harry beyond comprehension. There was no way he’d be able to workwith Malfoy. Going out with Cho and Ginny at school was a thing of the past, achildhood memory they laughed about now, but lusting after a band member Harrywould have to see regularly sounded like a terrible idea, especiallyconsidering that said band member seemed to despise Harry.
The first notes of T-Rex’s 20th Century Boy started playing—an unusualchoice for a band who’d stuck to rather old-school rock so far—and Milliewhooped from beside Harry. It was a favourite tune of theirs. Cho and Ginnyjumped up and down and Padma swayed with some bloke she’d pulled. Harry sippedhis beer and turned to the stage where Malfoy crouched, holding the microphonebetween his legs, as he sang the chorus. He swept his white hair back andlocked eyes with Harry: ‘…Well it’s plain to see you were meant for me/Yeah, I’m your boy, your 20th century toy…’
Malfoy’s gaze sent a thrill down Harry’s spine, even though he knew thatMalfoy most probably hadn’t been looking directly at Harry. Harry’s skin felthot and his lungs struggled for some air, as Malfoy held that gaze before hejumped up and stalked to the other end of the stage.
‘He’s fantastic, isn’t he?’ Ginny shouted in Harry’s ear, and Harryknew it’d be futile—if not stupid—to argue against Malfoy.
‘Better him than Honey Voice,’ he agreed.
 The Rehearsals
Working with Malfoy proved to be hell for several reasons, one being theyway he lit Harry’s insides on fire just by existing; the other being that hewas an insufferably annoying posh git.
They met the following day in their rehearsal studio. Millie and Cho pushedthe leather sofa to the side to make room and Ginny explained to Malfoy thatthey had a gig in three week’s time. ‘It’s a pretty important one,’ shestressed. ‘We released a single before Ron left and this is our chance to playit to a much wider audience than we’re used to.’
Malfoy tied his hair back in a ponytail that left wisps falling on hisface. ‘Will it be mostly covers or will we include some original songs besidesthe single?’
‘About 50-50, we think.’ Padma thrummed her guitar.
‘We’ll rehearse some covers today,’ Harry said. ‘The Pixies. Heard ofthem?’
The look Malfoy gave him would have withered blooming flowers. ‘Whohasn’t?’ His accent seemed more pronounced the more disdain he poured into hiswords.
Harry’s blood rose to his head. ‘How should I know what posh kids like youlisten to between tennis lessons and Latin?’
Malfoy glared at Harry, who was amazed at how he could hate Malfoy andstill fancy the socks of him. ‘You know nothing of my life.’
‘I know a public school boy when I see one. Aren’t posh schools where Houseof Lords peers sent their sons—’
Malfoy stalked to Harry, right in his face. ‘Do not talk about myfather,’ he hissed.
Harry and Malfoy turned to see that the girls had been watching them, someamused, Ginny glowering. Ginny was the one who’d coughed. ‘As fun as this,’she waved a finger in their direction, ‘is, I say we get started. If you’restill spoiling for a fight after the rehearsal, feel free to take it to thestreet. I won’t have you destroying our studio.’
Malfoy nodded curtly and returned to the mike, and Harry picked up hisbass, furious at himself for losing control around Malfoy.
Ginny flopped on the leather sofa. ‘Let’s go then while the grass isgreen.’
‘With your feet in the air…’
Harry would never admit it out loud, but playing music with Malfoy turnedout to be an exhilarating experience. Having known the girls—and Ron—sinceschool, Harry’d assumed the intuitive communication they’d shared was foundedon years’ long familiarity. It shouldn’t have been the same with Malfoy, butMalfoy gelled with them in a way that baffled Harry, even if deep down itthrilled him. Malfoy could anticipate the subtle changes Millie or one of theothers made while playing, but particularly Harry’s; he seemed attuned toHarry’s playing in a way that that was almost mystical. Harry found he couldalso sense the way Malfoy would drag his vocals or speed them up and adjustaccordingly, which would lead the band to new directions. Everyone had grins ontheir faces. Experimenting with each other and their new addition made this oneof the best rehearsals The Witches have ever had.
Ginny clapped in the end. ‘Fucking amazing.’
The next few rehearsals proceeded in a similar manner. Malfoy would show uplooking like sex on legs, he’d argue with Harry about something—usuallyeverything—but when they played music, they created magic.
After the rehearsals, the band had usually headed down the pub or toPadma’s flat for some dinner as she was the only one who lived on her own—everyoneelse had flatmates. As they wrapped up their third rehearsal, Malfoy surprisedthem by inviting them to his own pad. He glanced at Harry as he spoke, cheeksfaintly blushing, while the girls accepted with enthusiasm.
Harry declined, ignoring the girls’ pointed looks. Being around Malfoyduring rehearsals was bad enough. Wanting to snog and also hit the same personcould be exhausting, as Harry had realised this past week.
Malfoy didn’t comment on Harry’s refusal to join them, but his eyesglinted. Harry returned home and heated up a frozen dinner, turning the TV onand eating absently, his mind on the fun he imagined the others having atMalfoy’s.
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