#i'm writing a reply to liesl
valorshwn · 5 years
when you realize that faramir grew up not knowing what it was like to have a mother and all the motherly love that comes with it
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sinful-liesel · 6 years
Thank you for existing (つ≧▽≦)つ
aww this made my day! ♡ Thank you for existing too! ⊂(≧▽≦⊂)
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stillsolo · 6 years
Vincent, you are such in incredible writer. You pour so much love and detail and care into absolutely everything you write, you're a writer that I aspire to be more like. I'm constantly impressed by your beautiful writing, and your wonderful portrayal of Han.
so, i just sat down and read this and i fucking burst into tears.  i am legitimately crying on my bed right now haha wow.  i know it’s because i’ve been having just about the worst time in life lately, with myself and my general confidence in everything i do, why i can’t seem to maintain friendships, and just?  why don’t i have a main writing partner after all this time?  im sorry, i know it probably sounds childish but i just?  see all these people have a main to write and ship with and i.  can’t seem to get that.  nor have i ever gotten it, really.  more than once, i’ve been told that my replies are exhausting, and that’s why they take so long for them to reply.  ‘cept, they eventually fade off, anyway so, at the end of the day, i always end up asking myself if my writing is too boring?  is it too repetitive?  too lengthy?  is it lacking formatting or pretty enough icons?  am i too serious for the casual rper, and i just scare people off after a while?  because that’s usually what happens to me.  and i tend to just hate myself and stop writing on here for a while before coming back with my usual apology about having been gone.  that’s also why i’m goddamn baffled by this ask.  we’ve never even interacted, liesl, and yet, here you are, saying this to someone who—i don’t know?—doesn’t compare to someone so dedicated to their muse?  wtf.  oh my god.  i am just.  crying a lot and i feel overwhelmed and legitimately stupid but seriously, i look up to you so much.   in fact, i’m still intimidated by you.  you’ve always been someone i only watch from afar.  you’re probably thinking that i’m being dramatic but no, i am not because this is how i feel.  you’re one of the few shining beacons in the swrpc and i?  feel good when you bother commenting/liking one of my posts.  like ‘wow, liesl noticed me today’  lmao.   i just.   thank you for this message.  im capping this and saving it forever; you won’t ever know how much this means to me.
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