#i'm very partial to short haired midnight
tues-dayy · 6 months
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i wanted to mess around and make a space rocks! uniform design and instead of actually deciding on what to do, i've just made a bunch of uniforms that i really like and can't even begin to decide between
also messed around with my captain midnight and jason designs a bit :]
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mrvilschoenheit · 7 months
What hair colors do you think look best with really pink skin and on short short hair? Like almost entirely shaved.
Cool colored hair would most definitely neutralize a reddish undertone. If you would like to go lighter, I would suggest an ash or champagne blonde. For darker, a midnight blue or black with green undertones....I'm very partial to blonde though. It gives an editorial-model edge to a stylish buzzcut.
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tealeavesandthorns · 11 months
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it - @dontcxckitup Under a cut because it got long!
"Night." Maria called to the receptionist as she made her way to the doors of MI6, home time, at last. It'd been a long day. Too long and she couldn't wait to get home, to put her feet up on the sofa and curl up with the book that was waiting spread on the arm. Tea would be something calming of course. It was too late for anything else. Almost midnight in fact.
"Good night Maria." There was a pause and then, "Goodnight sir." and the sound of other footsteps on the linoleum. Maria looked around to see Gareth, Mallory, M coming towards her and looking like he'd had a hell of a time of it. There was a tussle to his hair, his tie was slightly askew, like it had been messed with, loosened and tightened too many times. There was a weariness in his face before he spotted her and Maria didn't miss the smile that appeared on his face when he finally did spot her.
It's nothing. She's just a friendly face after a long day, the association of that sanctuary below. She knows that.
"Maria-" He said seemingly taken aback by her presence. "-it's almost midnight."
"I wanted to get some things finished, I may have gotten a bit lost reading some old files too." Not entirely true. There had been reading but there had also been those flustered moments of panic and unease that still haunted her from time to time. The ghost of a 00 crossing her path. "It's very easy to lose track of time down there. I rarely check my watch when I get lost in something and the other clock is on the laptop. Politics or agents?" Maria asked him, referring to his own late night at the office.
"Politics." M said running a hand through his hair. "Although 003 is partially responsible for the need to have the talks."
They stepped out of the door and into the small cavernous entrance.
"Oh my word-" Maria said staring at the rain, mouth slightly open. "It was a glorious day at lunch."
"Do you have an umbrella? I have in my office but I didn't think I'd need it." M said turning back towards the door that had now clicked shut. He pressed his pass to the door, the highest clearance meant that M shouldn't have to wait for locks to open, however, at this time of night, given breaches in the past, new policy had come into play. Anyone entering the building needed their pass and then clearance from the front desk. M pressed buzzer and Maria peered in through the window.
"I think we may have to battle on." Maria said frowning at the rain and looking down at her lack of suitable attire for the rain.
"Come on." M hissed quietly pressing the buzzer again and again.
"Shift change time. Daniella and Tobias will be having a catch up and probably a chin wag before he takes over the desk until the morning." Maria said gently.
M pressed the buzzer a few more times before giving up and looking out at the rain.
"It's not too bad." Maria said optimistically, that was a lie though, it was bucketing and she was in her light jacket, no umbrella and a work dress underneath. She was going to be soaked in the 2 minutes it would take to walk to the tube and then she'd be even more soaked on the walk home after that if it was still going.
Gareth, Mallory, M caught her gaze before he let out a short laugh at her optimism.
"It's a stupid system," He grumbled before turning to Maria. "Are you far?" M asked.
"Two tubes and a walk. I'm in South Kensington, Kynance Mews." Maria admitted. "I doubt they'll be a cab at this time they'll all be further in the city for the tourists and the night life. It's only two minutes to the tube. Are you far?"
"South Kensington too." M smiled, he turned and tried the buzzer one last time and his pass but it was no use. Locked out of his own building because of some bureaucratic nonsense that probably sounded like an excellent idea at the time.
"Come on, it'll be fine, you're wrapped up, pull your collar up and you'll barely feel it." She chuckled.
"And what about you?" He raised a brow.
"A little rain never hurt anybody." Maria replied, determined that her spirit would not break, even if she ended up soggy and with a cold.
"That is not a little rain." Gareth, Mallory, M countered. "I have an idea, the tube isn't far, 2 minutes." He began shrugging out of his coat.
"Sir, M I don't-" The names all sounded so wrong and foreign on her tongue. Gareth fit right but she refused to say it in her head, let alone out loud and she almost felt like she was waiting for permission, some sort of sign she could use it. Maria stepped forward, she didn't know if he was going to offer her the coat but she couldn't take it. Firstly she didn't want to know what it felt like to be so, surrounded by him. Not even a taste. Secondly if either one of them got sick it didn't matter if she did, but he was the head of MI6 and she could almost guarantee that even if he was almost keeled over he'd still be at his desk tomorrow.
Maria took a step out into the rain and as she did M's body came up beside her, arms holding up his very expensive jacket like it was some sort of rain cover. His side bumping gently against hers, his arm almost cradling around her head, holding the jacket up and keeping them dry.
"If we move quickly enough I don't think it'll do too much damage." He smiled at her and Maria just stared at him for a moment swallowing and nodding.
"Course, yes." She said giving her head a short sharp shake as though it might remove the warmth that had spread outwards from her chest. "Thank you." She added, an almost whisper of the word.
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rosie-x-rose · 3 years
Back from the dead sorry this is in 2 parts just ignore or delete lol I was so tired last night 💀
How you treat each other: the way they show love throughout is mostly through communication and short tasks. As extroverted they are in public they have a side to them that seems more like a monarchy in weird ways. You'll show them your love by being along for their downs and even the small fights here and then. You know they love you even with the frustration. I feel you aren't the one to really want to be someone's savior but that's all I see. When you met them they might've even contemplated. They felt locked in and you somehow had keys.
(a downer don't read if so sorry if it's a trigger!) For love this relationship has a lot of delusions later on or in general. It feels like they're trying their hardest to feel good and they're still learning at times, may even suffer from medical or mental issues. I see them in a parking lot struggling to pull their keys out and having a panic attack possibly or something that made them feel panicked. (I think panic attacks more make you freeze up? Idk) I see a possibility of bipolarity too.
After every human interaction all they want to do by then is come home to you and relax. To talk about your day or do some midnight shopping. They want 5o join you wherever you go.
Things: orange juice or oranges, brown or black hair possible faded into blonde at some area or all throughout the hairstyles. Partial mid hair to short hairstyles. Dragons, purple or dark midnight blue suit, piercings. Brown eyes. 5,2-5'8 maybe even an inch taller or to 5'10 but I feel shorter side more. They could've been bullied because of it or they felt so. I see want tea, chai tea of some kind. Mya meet at an event or party involving business or family, could be a family friend even or from a different country in general. I see a shop of some kind also, or a parking lot you may meet in. It's hard to fully place, look for dragons of all sorts and tassels. Glows of some kind also, green surrounds this energy really. They may even want or take an architectural job. I see nice black shoes. If female, leather jacket somewhere, may be into fashion or designs and would be trying to sell some things to a company or technology wise. A sundress or some slacks. Mid hair on the shoulders or long held back. I heard dancing of some kind, hear me out. They may REALLY hate the song dance monkeys😭, idk I just heard it😍, snoring, twirling a wedding ring or ring of some kind. Looking down at it. Nervousness, an audition of some sort or big meeting. Files and cases. Apricot, peach, mango smells or tastes somewhere. If you smell ginger, pepperoni (weird), medicine, herbs, flowers or plants strongly then they may be near. "Ah, hold on!" Going to get somewhere fast. "Waiting". Large green trees, islands, resorts, falling in the sand, Ragnarok, rise of smth maybe a movie. Cathedral, loud, humane, human, "don't say that" - "don't make me cry". "Y'know what! Forget you!" Walking away. Star trek, signing, acting, business, Aries, Gemini, Scorpio moon/sun/mars, absolute history. Mark on the hands, feet, forehead, back. May be larger on the back.
I forgot my initials sorry ⛹🏽‍♀️ they're LC or LJMC
Sorry this one isn't colored I'm running late now lol
Okay thank you so much for taking the time to write this again. Omg it must be tiring and frustrating. I just want to ask whose POV is this? Like mine or theirs? But anyways the "things" part sent me into a frenzy for some reason lmao. I'd love to do more exchanges for you in the future or even just readings. Just send an ask or DM me lmao. I appreciate your hard work and thank you for acknowledging mine too😊
Lets get to your reading!
What does K think of you?
They may have thought of you as trouble as first? Like they saw as someone pretty aggressive and controversial. Someone they wouldn't like to mess with. They did take notice of you but weren't attracted to you. As time passed they started having some feelings? (not necessarily romantic take it as it would resonate) and they had this conflict between their head and heart. Like heart wants it but head knows its not good.
Right now they have not necessarily found the balance but I see they know deep down that there's some connection between you two. They are not quite sure of it seems. But they know it. Its almost like they don't know they have feelings. I see them worrying and thinking about this a lot. They may daydream about this. But at the end they will realise what they feel. Idk why but I feel this is a romantic connection? If not then just ignore it but the whole thing felt like they just let their heart win the conflict.
What people have a crush on you?
Okay so I'm not getting a direct answer but a sort of your journey towards finding love? I see you are too deep in your imagination these days which don't necessarily work in your favour. There's a hint of running away from reality. A lot of mental instability even though you may not realise it. Considerable degree of falsehood, deceive, misjudgement, fantastic narratives, exaggerated complaints, imaginary wrongs. The thing is the victim and assailant both are you. You need to learn to take control over these emotions. Remember its you that needs to control your emotions not the other way around.
You need to take action. Action towards taking control of the situation. Of yourself. The keyword here is 'swiftness'. You need to find happiness within yourself rather than in others. Be content in what you are. Feel whole in yourself. The message is to trust your intuition. There may be things that are hidden below the surface. If you are single be careful of who you meet. People may not be what they seem to be. If you think something is not right then its probably not. Follow your gut feeling.
I see 3/4 people taking an interest in you but they aren't that sure of what they feel to come and talk to you. You may not know these people very well. But they are around you. They see you often. Probably a mutual. But I see you aren't really ready for a relationship right now. You have a journey before that.
Hope it resonates and I could be of some help😊
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