#i'm very happy eggman i can finally show off what eggman is like now
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tatck · 1 year ago
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Issue 2 Vagabond Comic Part 4/?
Style change! And I am giving the middle finger to backgrounds.
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hikingsuper · 6 months ago
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Like no! IDW stole stuff from STC (Shapeshifter, business Guy Who uses Eggman's Tech, Eggman gets a sidekick that is high heels over him, robot Who rebels against Eggman, Green lookalike)
Well the Green lookalike can Also be from scourge but considering that Surge did a Forest Fire (Which one Sonic lookalike Also did) i'm moving foward to STC
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superscourge · 4 months ago
Resurrected AU Ch. 1: Alliance
(read on AO3 here!) Warnings (for the fic in general, not necessarily this chapter): Graphic depictions of violence, strong language, general mature themes Chapter Summary: Scourge breaks into one of Eggman's bases in search of a secret weapon to defeat Sonic with, but what he ends up finding is much stranger and much scarier than he was expecting. Though…he finds a way to get some use out of it. Notes: it really took me like a thousand years to get this started huh. lol. well i wanted to at least get the first chapter out before the sonic au collision event fully started, so im happy to present the first chapter of resurrected au's fic!! god i hope yall like it LOLLL, this au means a whole lot to me.. it's become my favorite baby i wont lie. i will also admit that im a Little nervous to finally start posting my actual writing for sonic stuff; i'm pretty self-conscious abt it actually lmao. but hopefully yall end up enjoying how i write these guys. please be niceys idk how long it'll take me to dish out the rest of the chapters, but hopefully i can find the time and energy to get them out steadily!! thanks in advance for reading and thank u so much for ur support and enthusiasm <3
It’s not every day that you get a juicy piece of info that could very well put the odds in your favor. That’s why Scourge was not gonna waste this opportunity.
He’d gotten word thanks to his incredible sleuthing skills [read: eavesdropping on strangers] that Eggman had a new base in the area and had apparently acquired a very powerful “secret weapon” of some sort. That was all he needed to know before deciding it was time to raid a base. After all, if he found that secret weapon? Sonic was toast.
It took a minute to actually find the damn place, but soon enough, Scourge was skidding to a stop at the treeline before what looked to be a large, dome-shaped structure with the patented Eggman symbol on it (or something that looked like it; Scourge figured it was close enough). He smirked, flipping his shades down over his eyes and speeding off towards the entrance.
As expected, badniks littered the area around the main entrance to the base. They looked a little funny, Scourge noted; they seemed a little more…high-tech than he was used to seeing. But, whatever–he figured it wouldn’t be an issue once they were busted to scraps.
… He did have a little trouble with these bots. Just a little. But it was no biggie, since he ended up finding a way inside before he could be overwhelmed. All’s well that ends well, he supposed.
The inside of this place was…confusing. So many twists and turns, rooms that led into other rooms, platforms that moved in weird directions…
“Doesn’t this place have a map?” Scourge grumbled to himself as he ran through the absolute maze of hallways.
After what seemed like forever, he finally came to what was clearly the main, central chamber of the base. There was a very complicated-looking keypad attached to it. Luckily, Scourge was very good at lockpicking.
Stepping back a bit, he hopped up and curled into a spindash before launching himself at the keypad. It took a bit of work, but before long, the whole thing was smashed to bits with sparks flying everywhere. Just as he’d hoped, the door opened once the keypad was destroyed. With a triumphant snicker, he unfurled and landed back on the floor before confidently waltzing into the chamber.
Inside looked pretty much as he expected it to–tubes and gadgets everywhere, lots of high-tech machinery that did Gaia-knows-what, lots of papers littered about several desks that clearly showed the work of an evil mastermind…
Yeah. Deffo an Egg-base.
“Now, where’s that weapon…” Scourge questioned aloud as he strolled through the room. He pulled out some drawers and rummaged around here and there, but he didn’t really find anything interesting so far. Surely this thing wasn’t hidden that well, right?
Just as he was starting to get frustrated, he came across a huge capsule of some kind right in the middle of the room. Pretty obvious, actually. He wasn’t that observant, but whatever. He raised his shades to where they were resting back in their place on his head before he rubbed his hands together with a huge, toothy grin. “That looks promising.”
Making his way to the door of the capsule, he tried to peek inside through the little window on the front of it. He couldn’t make anything out… He decided to just open it to get a look at what was inside, so he searched around for a switch of some kind that would do that for him. It didn’t take long, thankfully, and he quickly pressed the button down that would activate the door.
Smoke spewed out from the door as it opened, making Scourge cough a bit. He waved his hand to clear some of it out of his way as he impatiently waited for it to dissipate enough for him to see what he was in for.
This had to be some sort of cool gun. He knew it was. Some kinda laser shooter or something. Or maybe a bazooka. Oh–a cannon, even! He dearly hoped it was a cannon, actually. The smoke was almost fully cleared, so he leaned in excitedly to see what was inside…!
… It was…a guy. There was a guy in there.
“What the–?” Scourge furrowed his brow once he got a good look at the contents of the capsule. It was obviously a person–a jackal, it looked like? Definitely not a cannon. Who the hell was this? He looked rough, like he’d really been put through the wringer. His drip was cool, Scourge supposed, and the big, gnarly scar on the guy’s chest was pretty intimidating…
Mine’s still cooler, he thought to himself.
Suddenly, alarms sounded throughout the base. Scourge cursed under his breath as he looked over his shoulder. He turned back to the man in the capsule, making a quick decision–he’d snag him and take him with him. He probably had some idea of where the weapon was, so once he woke up, he’d just beat the information out of him if he wouldn’t give it up willingly.
Grabbing the jackal out of the capsule and slinging him over his shoulder, Scourge finally sped out back through the way he came. He was able to dodge any bots that tried to come after him thanks to his speed, and soon enough, he was outside and running through the trees of Mobius once again.
He ran until forest turned to jungle, and before long he was slowing to a stop once again in a small clearing where bits of light showed through the canopy up above. He rested the other man’s body down on a bed of moss near a small pond, figuring that’d be…somewhat comfortable, and he then took a seat on a fallen tree a few feet away.
It was only a matter of seconds before he began to tap his foot. What was he supposed to do now? Just sit there waiting for this guy to wake up? That could take hours… He didn’t have that kind of patience.
Deciding to take the initiative, Scourge stood and started walking over to the jackal, intending to just…lightly kick him until he woke up, or something. However, he didn’t get the chance.
A low, threatening growl could be heard rumbling from the stranger’s throat. Scourge stopped in his tracks once he heard it, then took a few paces back. How long had he been–?
One yellow eye opened to a squint, scanning the area before landing on Scourge. For some reason, the look the man was giving him made his skin crawl… Not that he was going to let him know that, though.
Instead, Scourge popped the collar of his jacket to regain his composure and puffed out his chest. “Took ya long enough,” he teased right off the bat. “I was startin’ to think you were dead.”
The jackal’s gaze lingered on him coldly for a few moments. However, he looked elsewhere when he began to speak. “... I should have been.”
That…wasn’t the response Scourge was expecting. The way he sank a bit betrayed his confusion. “... Wait, what?”
The man sat up, sort of startling Scourge into taking another step back. As he did so, he fully opened both of his eyes so that he could properly take in his surroundings. He was clearly ignoring the hedgehog beside him as he turned his head away, which didn’t really sit right with Scourge.
“Hey!” he barked. “I’m talkin’ to you!”
Giving no indication that he was listening, the man proceeded to rise to his feet, standing at his full height. Scourge sort of…shrank a little once he saw how actually tall this guy was. He knew jackals were generally bigger than hedgehogs, but this guy…
No, no, it was fine. No need to be afraid. He was still in charge here–this guy just didn’t know it!
With an annoyed sneer, Scourge dared to stomp a little closer. “Listen here, pal. If it weren’t for me, you woulda still been stuck in that base. I went outta my way to rescue you, got it? That means you owe me one. So, I’m gonna tell you how this is gonna go down, and you’re gonna–hrk!”
A clawed hand suddenly gripping his neck caused Scourge’s words to get caught in his throat… At least, that was part of it.
The jackal had snapped his head around to glare murderously at him as he grabbed him, which gave Scourge a very clear view of his face. He could see his one piercing yellow eye staring back at him…and he quickly noticed that the other eye had some kind of rock lodged into its socket. It was an eerie sight, and it definitely sent an intense chill up Scourge’s spine.
“You,” spat the jackal, voice deep and commanding, “do not control me.”
Unable to respond, Scourge just kind of…dangled there, hands gripping the other’s wrist as he kicked his legs a little. The expression he wore was enough of a response, though, so he was released after a moment of struggle. Once he was able to breathe and stand on his own again, he gasped for air and rubbed at his throat with an indignant look.
“What the hell?” he managed to say between coughs. “Who do you think you are, grabbin’ me like that?”
Turning away, the taller man didn’t bother to look at him as he replied. “I am Infinite,” he answered simply.
There was a pause as Scourge seemed to wait for him to say something else. When he didn’t, he furrowed his brow a little. “... Like, that’s your name, or…?”
The man–Infinite, apparently–seemed to hesitate, as if he was surprised that Scourge didn’t recognize him. One of his ears flicked.
“... I suppose enough time has passed that my name is no longer common knowledge,” he mused, half to himself. “Pity. I would have liked to think I made a bigger impact than that.”
Scourge watched as Infinite turned to fully face him again, making him subconsciously take a couple steps back. Man, this guy was kinda scary… Not that he couldn’t take him! He was just giving him the creeps, was all… Cyan eyes flicked to Infinite’s hands as he flexed his fingers.
“I will simply have to remind the world what true fear feels like,” he growled lowly, “and I suppose that starts with you.”
The rock embedded in Infinite’s eye began to glow as he summoned its power, and, to Scourge’s bewilderment, he began to lift off the ground and hover there. It was kind of scary, actually. The guy was floating. What the hell?
Then it hit him. The weapon Eggman had been hoarding wasn’t a gun or a cannon or anything like that. It was Infinite. He obviously held some sort of power that Eggman wanted to weaponize, and that must have been why he’d been locked up in that base… Things started clicking.
Despite Scourge expecting him to do… anything, really…Infinite proceeded to seize up in pain and let out an agonized yell. He suddenly collapsed to the ground, falling to his knees as he held himself up with one hand and gripped his head with the other. “W… What…?!” 
Infinite’s hand moved from his head to his chest where the large scar marked him. When he felt nothing but the scar, he had a look of both anger and confusion on his face, which told Scourge that what just happened clearly wasn’t the plan.
… Interesting.
Scourge stood a little straighter once he was confident that this guy wasn’t about to explode or something, sticking his thumbs into his jacket pockets. “Aaaalright, Criss Angel. If you’re done with all that , I think it’s time we get down to business.”
While Infinite knelt there still trying to figure out what was going on, Scourge began to pace around him in a circle, smirking as he did so. “Look. Like I said before, I rescued you from that base, so you kinda owe me one. But–and hear me out on this one–I’m willin’ to come to a compromise.”
Infinite snapped out of his pained daze long enough to shoot another glare at Scourge as he came around to his front again. “Compromise?” he hissed.
Scourge nodded. “Yeah. So, listen–I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier.” He held up a thumb and pointed it at his own chest, teeth bared in some kind of nasty grin. “Name’s Scourge. If ya haven’t hearda me by now, then you’ve been livin’ under a rock.”
Infinite somehow doubted that this brat had left enough of a mark on the world that anybody off the street would know his name. Still, he let him continue.
“I wanna take out Sonic. I assume you know him, right? Well, I think you’re just the guy who can help me out with that. He’s gotten lucky so far, but I think with you backin’ me up, I’ll be able to finally give ‘em his just desserts.”
The name Sonic caused a spark of recognition to flash over Infinite’s good eye. His breathing began to steady. “... Sonic,” he repeated. “Yes, I am familiar with Sonic .”
The way Infinite said his name let Scourge know that there was some beef there, at least. This worked in his favor. “Good,” he said with a nod. “So we’re on the same page, then.”
He turned on his heel before stopping his walk, facing Infinite to speak to him directly. “Like I said, I want you to help me take him down. Easy, right? In exchange, though… I’ll help you out with whatever you want, too. I dunno if you knew this, but I’m basically just as strong and just as fast as that blue bastard. I could give anybody a run for their money if I felt like it.”
Narrowing his eye skeptically, Infinite mulled this over. He seemed to be recovering from the shock from before, and he stood back up onto his feet. It was evident from how long he took to respond that his mind was…elsewhere.
“... I see.” His tail swished behind him as he thought about his next words. “You are offering to aid me in whatever task I ask of you?”
“Cross my heart.”
Infinite gave a huff before crossing his arms. “... Fine. If you intend to uphold your end of this bargain, then I will do the same.”
Scourge smiled widely, his sharklike teeth almost glistening in what little sunlight was managing to poke through the canopy above them. This idiot. He had no idea that he had every intention of double-crossing him the first chance he got.
He held out his hand for a shake to seal the deal. “Glad to have ya aboard, Infinite.”
Infinite glanced down at the other’s hand before reaching forward and taking it, giving it a single shake. His grip was tight. “Let us make the most out of this partnership, shall we?”
… Infinite was not stupid. He instantly knew that Scourge was going to betray him. That overconfident fool was so transparent it almost made him sick.
But…he could also tell that he had some bite to his bark, even if it was just a little. He was seasoned enough as a soldier that he could see that. That meant he could get some use out of him before he pulled his own betrayal.
He no longer had the Phantom Ruby in his chest, and he was alive, and he had no idea why. If this green idiot could help him figure that out…then he’d play along for as long as he had to.
Either way, he was going to get answers. And once that was done? He was going to rip out Sonic’s miserable little throat.
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egg-emperor · 4 months ago
Does Eggman actually have dark red eyes? I wanted to hear your take on that!
Nah that was just an ongoing thing in non canon media. Likely due to how the US box art Eggman for classic games looked like he had black voids for eyes, then 90s shows seemed to take inspiration but gave him red irises, which the Archie comics then adopted- well pre reboot, as he was later depicted with white sclera there even.
In the games he's always had regular white sclera instead. Even before we knew his actual iris color, he was consistenly depicted with white sclera long before and it was always Sega/Sonic Team Japan's vision. Here I'll compile some times they've appeared in the actual games
This was an unused animation for the Egg Poison boss but it's still a sprite made for a game that depicts what they envisioned his eyes to be:
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They should've kept it because it was very cute and funny, spilling Mega Mack over himself XD
But with that, it dates his white sclera all the way back to Sonic 2, despite what Western classic box art and shows depicted at the time
The Sonic Advance games and Sonic Battle have his eyes very comically pop out when he takes damage:
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He's literally one of these keychains where you squeeze them and the eyes pop out, they need to make an official Advance/Battle Eggman keychain like this lol
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The 2D animations like Sonic Mania Adventures are considerably canon as they take place after the game's events and are in an actual game now through Sonic Origins' museum. You can see them there too:
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You can also see them again in the character sheet art that was also used as reference for the Origins 2D animation:
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Trio of Trouble, which also should be canon as a prequel and promo for Sonic Superstars, also shows his eyes briefly:
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The only time he's been shown with an iris color in a game is Sonic 06, where we finally see that they're blue
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While 06's events were erased from the timeline, Eggman's eye color obviously wouldn't have just randomly changed just for these events and then been some other color after, so this solidly confirms what color his irises are
I really love the light gray-blue shade they went with specifically, suits him best for it makes them look cold and intense which I think works as a much better way to give him a sinister look than much more cliche red and black eyes
And a bonus which perhaps might not be the case but that one CD sprite has always appeared to give a peek at the whites of his eyes behind his glasses to me at least too:
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There are also non canon depictions with white sclera as much as there are of him with red and black but I wanted to compile the appearances within actual games and tie-ins specifically. And as you can see, he has white sclera in all of them and blue irises in 06
Red and black is purely non canon. A lot of people have theories about his eyes changing or looking different because of non canon media but if he took his glasses off in a 3D modern game, he'd absolutely just have blue eyes and white sclera
I really hope they do at some point because they'd be fun to see on his regular model outside of 06 and would look very pretty hehe 🩵 I love to imagine them all the time and I'm very happy that they're the canon look because they're the best!
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the-sky-queen · 9 months ago
Hey! I really admired your idea for the Phantom Rider! I was wondering if you were able to explain a little more about how you've done your AU on it, if you're able to
Aw, thanks! I'm glad you like it! it's a really cool idea and if IDW doesn't go that route, then I definitely will! I haven't gotten very far yet in terms of ideas for this AU, but I've got a few and I'd be more than happy to share them!
My main idea is for how the mind control devices get activated in the first place. Following Surge's confrontation with Phantom Rider, Sonic flies off somewhere to be alone and calm down. You see after Issue 56 where Surge electrocuted him, Sonic gained a pretty big fear of lightning. So right now, he's basically having a mini panic attack since Surge had her electricity powers all up in his face. Sonic ends up in some back alley not too far away from the race. He tries to take deep breaths and calm down, but it doesn't really work and his panic only continues to increase. His heart pounds in his chest. He's hyperventilating.
Then all of the sudden, Eggman is there. (He put trackers in Sonic's suit and came to find him when it detected Sonic's panic attack. Yeah, the suit's got it's own biometric readers as well. Eggman's no amateur.) "Foolish Hedgehog. At least take off your helmet before you hyperventilate." Eggman reaches out and retracts the helmet for Sonic. At the same time, unbeknownst to Sonic, Eggman activates the mind control devices. Though they're not 100% active yet.
Eggman offers Sonic a water bottle and he takes it. Over the next few minutes, he manages to calm himself down. "Heh. Didn't think you cared, Eggy."
"I don't. I just didn't want you overloading my suit with all the distress it was picking up."
Sonic shrugs. The two of them converse for a few more minutes, going over what just happened at the race and what their plan is going forward. With one last snarky remark, Sonic puts his helmet back on and flies off. He plans to lay low until he hears from Amy and Tails and then meet back up with them.
I'm thinking that over the next few days leading up to the next race, Eggman starts to slowly exert more of his will over Sonic's mind. It starts with little urges to do things - things not too out of the ordinary. Sonic 'gets the idea' to grab a quick chilidog when he wasn't planning to. Before long he finds himself reluctant to take off the Phantom Rider suit - he doesn't want to run the risk of someone seeing him and blowing his cover . . . better safe than sorry. Then he stops meeting up with Amy and Tails, only talking with them when they contact him first. And when they do talk, he's only interested in talking about their mission. That's normal, right? They need to get this taken care of as quickly as possible. Then they can go back to their lives.
It all culminates at the next race. Phantom Rider makes his next appearance, but something's off this time. Jet immediately goes for him, but instead of taunting him like last time, this time Phantom Rider is dead silent. Nothing Jet or Suge do gets a reaction out of him. He stays completely focused on racing. Then when security shows up, Phantom Rider out maneuvers them without breaking a sweat. Once he's done disrupting the race, he leaves, again without a word.
Sonic gets a hold of himself right as Eggman finds him again. He seems shaken and the doctor asks smugly what's wrong. Sonic says he's been feeling . . . off lately, then angrily asks what Eggman's done to him.
But it's too late.
Eggman finally turns the mind control device up to full power. Sonic feels it immediately. He tries to fight back. He tries to resist. He tries to call his friends for help. But he can't. Sonic struggles, slowly get weaker and weaker as Eggman watches, a wicked smile on his face. Until finally, Sonic becomes still. His face becomes blank.
Eggman is in control.
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daddy-eggman · 2 months ago
Imagine Eggman getting sucked off while making those PA announcements in Sonic Colors. He tries to focus but he struggles to stay composed as he moans a bit and it's all recorded for everyone to hear.
Oh yeah I love to imagine pleasuring him in casual settings. He's sat back in his seat having a blast living out his dreams of running an evil deadly amusement park but what visitors don't know is his legs are spread and between them under the desk someone is kneeling with his big hard thick cock in their mouth, sucking obediently, further heightening the excitement of getting to boast his beautiful park. He occasionally grins at them and guides their head down on it but mostly pays more attention to his recording session.
They know the point is to be quiet while he's recording as it's important to him, in fact he used that as a reason when demanding it, to shut them up with his cock so they can suckle on it and stay nice and quiet so he can record without interruption, though of course he's just very horny too. And they're happy to obey by sucking him but who could resist temptation to make it feel really good for him, enough to get a reaction? It's more rewarding than when he hardly pays attention so they decide to be a bit naughty and mess with him.
They begin to tease him by suddenly removing his cock with a wet pop and only suckling and kissing his swollen tip, only kissing and dragging light licks along his cock and caressing and playing with his balls and giving them attention with the mouth too. He starts to shift a little in his seat, his cock twitches and a bead of precum drips onto the floor so they know it's working. Especially when he tries to grab their head again under the desk to put it back in their mouth but his hand swipes nothing but air as they move their head back.
He's clearly getting worked up and his stomps his feet a little and almost trips over his words and it's frustrating that he can't say anything because he's in the middle of a recording. He's clearly very needy now according to plan and it's very cute and amusing to them but if they try it any more, he's probably going to start getting angry so now it's time for the next step. They suddenly take it back in and really start to go for it with their tongue, slobbering on it and taking it deeper than he thought they could manage.
He's quite surprised for his aching needy cock to first be unexpectedly teased and then suddenly pleasured so passionately and enthusiastically full force again so he sucks in a sharp breath between words that he hopes could just pass as him catching a breath. But they only pick up the pace bobbing their head on it faster and sucking harder and it's really wet and sloppy now it makes him shiver as his cock throbs and twitches harder. It's getting so difficult to act unaffected and he starts to crack.
"Enjoy every moment in the luxurious grounds as if th-they uh- ngh..." That's his first slip up as he stammers and grunts. He tries to continue thinking people will just think it was a bit of a flub of his words but he's really struggling to keep his composure now. It's not long before he can't resist longer, he hisses as he grips their hair and pushes them down deeper to bury it in their throat. He makes the mistake of still trying to keep going because he's determined to not let them stop him making these recordings.
"We here at Eggman's amazing Interstellar Amusement P- haaah~" Finally it's too much, he squeezes his eyes shut and a very obvious moan slips from his lips. He can't help it when they're bobbing up and down on it so passionately as they swallow his entire cock and his balls are hitting their chin and they caress them. They're sucking so loudly now that it's surely picked up faintly too. His cheeks flush embarrassment to reveal he can moan like that and how it's very obvious what's happening with the sucking sounds too.
But then he's soon thinking like "you know what why not show off that I'm getting some action for all those who may have doubted it" lol. Or perhaps he doesn't even get to truly decide how he feels as he's finally had enough and groans deeply as his cock explodes in their mouth and pumps his hot thick load down their throat and he can't think clearly in the peak of ecstacy to turn off his microphone before he says "Ohhh yeah... That's it, swallow it all~" and with that he leaves absolutely nothing up to the imagination hehe 🥴💜
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darkjanet2 · 1 year ago
Sonic Adventure 2: Sonadow
Chapter 20: Shadow’s Sacrifice
Outside the space, Super Sonic and Super Shadow were facing Biolizard, now The Final Hazard. It was going to be an epic battle. The Ultimate Lifeform and his counterpart were ready to battle against the prototype for their final showdown.
A communicator buzzed in. “Sonic, Shadow, can you hear me?” It was Tails’ voice. "Everyone is here rooting for you. Good luck!"
Sonic and Shadow began to fight the monster together. They worked as a team, taking out Final Hazard from all angles. “Let’s see what this new form does,” Sonic said. He sent out a barrage of energy blasts at Final Hazard as it roared painfully. The monster opened its mouth to fire a laser at Sonic, but he dodged with ease.
“I don’t like this, but we need to end this quickly before the damage gets too critical," said Sonic.
The two hedgehogs attacked simultaneously, blasting Final Hazard into a massive blast of yellow light. A large explosion rocked the area, knocking them back, but the light eventually subsided.
"Sonic, Shadow, can you hear me? He's very weak without his life support system. Aim for the red swelling areas to damage him! You're our last hope!" said Eggman.
Sonic nodded, "Got it."
"Leave this to me," said Shadow as he dashed off to go after Final Hazard. He raised his hand to shoot another burst of energy at the creature. "Chaos Blast!!" He released a beam that exploded against Final Hazard. The monster roared in agony.
Shadow winced in pain. His energy blasts hadn't been much help on top of that, but he didn't let this show.
"You okay, Shadow?" asked Sonic.
"I'm fine. Just hit my limit, that's all. But this should be enough." said Shadow.
"Let's finish it up fast then," said Sonic. "It looks like he won't be able to survive that anymore. Finish it quickly and I'll take care of him."
"Okay," said Shadow.
"Sonic, Shadow!" It was Knuckles' voice in the communicator. "The colony is heading close to Earth in about 4 minutes! Hurry!"
"We haven't got much time left! You do the blast, and I'll do the homing attack," said Sonic.
Shadow nodded, and then they charged at the Final Hazard at full speed. Shadow shot his own blast toward the monster, aiming for a mass where a few tendrils had appeared. And Sonic curled himself into a ball and hit the red swellings on its back. He was able to cause some pain, Final Hazard roared painfully.
'Maria... watch me. I will fulfill your wish!' thought Shadow. "CHAOS SPEARS!!" he threw the yellow arrow-like spears at the monster’s back. They penetrated the monster and struck several organs, causing more suffering. Final Hazard roared painfully.
"That was great, Shadow!" cheered Sonic, giving him the thumbs up.
Shadow smiled and replied, "Thanks."
"You guys!" It was Rouge's voice as a communicator. "The colony is getting close to the planet in 1 minute! Please hurry!"
They flashed and appeared in front of the space colony and they held out their hands.
"No way that's getting through!" yelled Sonic.
A girl's voice was heard from Shadow's mind.
'Shadow... I beg of you.'
"Maria...?" whispered Shadow, confused. "Maria, is that you?"
‘Shadow... Give them a chance to be happy. Please take care of the village and protect everyone. Make sure that everyone survives…’ said Maria's voice.
Shadow closed his eyes and came back to the reality.
"Now, Shadow!!" yelled Sonic.
"CHAOS CONTROL!!" both yelled in unison.
The beam of white light engulfed Final Hazard, and it was completely destroyed. The colony ARK was above the Earth. Far, far above the Earth, and the planet was saved.
Inside the Space Colony, they were cheering and celebrating. They hugged each other and celebrated the victory, and they looked at all of the surviving residents. They were all so excited, and even though it had just happened, they felt like it was just yesterday. The moment they saw each other, they realized how much they missed one another.
“They did it!" exclaimed Tails.
*Outside the space*
Sonic laughed, "We did it, Shadow!"
No responded.
"Shadow?" He turned around to Shadow was exhausted and his breathing was shallow. Sonic flew to Shadow to check on him and placed his palm on Shadow's face, making him open his eyes. "Shadow, what's wrong? You okay?" he asked softly.
"Sonic..." Shadow murmured. His super form was depleted back to his original form, and he slipped unconscious from falling to the Earth.
"Shadow!!" Sonic cried, flying down after him. He was trying to catch Shadow, but he was a meter away from him.
"Shadow, wake up!! Wake up, dammit!!" Sonic cried.
He was unresponsive as Sonic used his full speed to fly toward him trying to catch him. But when Sonic was close enough, he managed to grab one of his hands from the gravity.
'C'mon! Just a little more!' thought Sonic, trying to reach him.
One of the Inhibitor Rings flew out of Shadow's wrist and Sonic grabbed it. Shadow was far away from him and it was too late to save him.
'Maria... Is this enough...?' Shadow asked in thought. 'This is what you wanted... right? This is my promise I made to you...' He spoke his final words as he fell down to the planet and disappeared with a flash.
Sonic stood there in outer space, hanging his head down, defeated. 'Why couldn't I save him?! Why am I such an awful friend..!?' he cried in thought, gripping his ring tightly in his hand.
Sonic screamed at the top of his lungs in despair, and then he cried uncontrollably. He was gone. His lover was gone, and now Sonic had to deal with being all alone. It was his first love since he met him in the city when the G.U.N. mistook Sonic for stealing Chaos Emerald from the museum. Now that Shadow was gone, Sonic was alone again. Sonic felt lonely, abandoned, hurt... And he hated it. He hated his fate and he hated everything about it. After a while, Sonic collected himself and flew back to the ARK.
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silverisbestboy · 5 years ago
Sonic Boom x Reader
Requested by @blackace1993: Conversation was accidentally deleted but from what I remeber of it, they wanted hc for the Sonic Boom characters who has a partner who frequently gets into trouble and/or captured by Eggman. They didn't specify which character they wanted so I just did all of them minus Tails. Hope you enjoy!
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There's no denying it
Sonic was smitten
The moment you set foot on the island Sonic was taken aback by you
To him, you were drop dead gorgeous with a great personality so I guess you could say it was love at first sight for him
This boy is a fool for you
It's actually quite funny watching him zip across the island at the slightest remark that you need something
"Man, you what? I'm feeling kind of hungry"
"Say no more!" He'll say as he zooms away and reappears seconds later with a chili dog in hand
But, unfortunately for you, being in any sort of relationship with Sonic is not wothout complication
Eggman sees you as a new oppurtunity to best Sonic and ends up taking you hostage on a regular basis
The first time it happens, Sonic all but destroys Eggman's fortress looking for you
But after it continuously happening, it starts getting kinda old
"Greeting Sonic! I see you've come to rescue your little girlfriend"
"Yeah, yeah. Can we just we just get to the part where I clobber you?"
It gets to the point where Sonic starts teaching you how to defend yourself so you can hold your own against Eggman
Not that he doesn't mind rescuing, it's just he can't always be there to protect
With the amount of times they've had to save you, the team are already very familiar with you and consider you apart of their friend group
But as you get better is self-defence, Sonic officially announces you as part of the team and you start joining them on missions
While Sonic does tend to stick to your side more than his other teammates during battle, he's glad to have you fighting alongside them
After all, he's happy to spend as much time with you as possible, even if that means having to bash Eggman's robots to do so
You're not a bad person
So what if you have anger issues
So what if you get into fights from time to time
So what if you've been in trouble with the cops before
Doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you've.... got some issues
One day you're not in the best mood and have already had a pretty shitty day, and you're just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode
So it's no wonder that when a big guy bumps into you and causes you to drop the tray of food you're holding, you go off on him
Unfortunately for you, this guy is huge, a tall red echidna with bulking arms that looks like he could punch you into next week
But you're not one to back down from a fight, you've beaten up guys twice your size before and you're not afraid to do it again
"Woah, hey, sorry about that, didn't see you there."
What, is he dense?! Who does this guy think he is barrelling into anyone he pleases just because he's big? You bet he was just gonna walk off without even helping you. Well, you'd show him!
Without warning, you lunged at the echidna with the intent of knocking him over the same way he almost did to you
But you underestimated his initial strength and reflexes and he caught you midair with your legs kicking and your hands clawing for his face
"Woah, dude chill! I said I was sorry!"
He just kinda holds you up in air at arms length with you kicking and screaming until you eventually tire yourself out
The echidna stares at you cautiously
"Are you good now?"
After a moment, you reluctantly nod, and he gently sets you back on your feet
He then carefully leans down without takong his eyes off you and grabs your burger which is still wrapped in foil and reaches it out to you
"How about we start over? I'm Knuckles."
You thought after that encounter, that was the last you'd see of him
But one day, you've gotten yourself into another fight, and to say you're losing would be an understatement
It's once again, a guy twice your size and he's absolutely beating the crap out of you
But by some miracle, Knuckles happens to be walking by and immediately notices you
He steps in to save you, and the guy you're fighting knows about Knuckles being part of Sonic's team and doesn't even bother attempting to fight him
Knuckles takes your half conscious body to Tails's work shop where they fix you up
After that, Knuckles refuses to leave you alone
Even if you try to leave, he always ends finding you to make sure you don't get into more trouble
He helps you find outlets for your anger by sparring and working out with him
You grow a soft spot for Knuckles that you'd never thought you'd have for anyone
He's your big goofball that somehow always manages to calm you down and get you out of whatever trouble your in
Though it's beyond you why anyone would want to put up with you, eespecially a lovable ray of sunshine like Knuckles, you're so grateful that you have someone like himin your life to keep you in check
A/N: Might make more hcs for that because I absolutely love the idea of big, strong goofball Knuckles having a little ball of pure rage as a partner.
Amy Rose:
Some would say you're a pacifist
Some would say you care too much
Some would say you're too nice
But you like to think that you're just trying to do good in the world
You're definitely the type of person that hates conflict and wants everyone to get along, and you're more often than not a bit of a pushover
You like to give people benefit of the doubt and prefer to see the good in people, although sometimes, this affects you negatively
A kindly looking (or at least in your opinion) wolf with a showman's top hat and a certain glint his eyes one day stops you in your tracks and asks you ever so politely if you would kindly lend him some money to help feed his family
Of course, you're quick to help, but little do you know that this is none other than T.W. Barker himself, and he's been watching you carefully for some time
He notices the way you jump at the oppurtunity to help someone in need, and he being a con man at heart, decides to take advantage of that
But before you can lend the man all the money you have in your pocket, a certain pink hedgehog decides to interfere
"Hey, you leave her alone Barker! Go find your own ATM machine!"
Amy Rose herself stands not far behind you, hammer in hand and ready for trouble
"N-now, now, let's not be too hasty. I was simply accepting a generous donation from this unsuspecting-- I mean self-less young lady."
"Yeah right. Beat it before I hammer you into next Tuesday, punk!"
You're in utter shock as the seeming wolf in sheep's clothing (pun intended) makes his escape
"Gotta look out for scumbags. Seems this village is getting more and more of them everyday. Anyways, I'm Amy, what's your name?"
Since then, Amy keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don't become prey to anymore scam artists
Now Amy will never admit she has anger issues, but she does get... irritated from time to time
On more than one occasion, you're there to help her calm down and have a sleepover planned or a spa day for when things get particularly rough for her
Whenever she needs help choosing which paint to redo her wall with, or which dress she should wear to a party, she calls you up, because no matter what you're interests are or how inconvenient the timing might seem, you're ready to help a friend, even with mundane things
Amy has you become a part of the Sonic family, and while you never do join them in battles, you help keep the peace between the team whenever there's an argument
And Amy always makes sure your overly caring attitude isn't being taken advantage of
No matter the time or the place, Amy knows she can always count on you, and you know she's always got your back
Well this is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into
A lot of people would descibe you as clumsy, but you knew you just bad luck
And to prove just that, here you were dangling upside from a rope trap after deciding to take a liesure stroll through the forest
What are we, nomads? Who sets out traps in the middle of the woods anymore?!
After about 20 minutes, the blood is rushing to your head and you're starting to feel faint
But just as you think that your bad luck will finally be the end of you, figure bursts from the bushes with a fierce battle cry
It's a badger girl with a boomerang clutched in her paw, ready for a fight
But after a moment she realizes just who's gotten caught up in her trap
"Hey, what's the big idea?! Why're you in my snare?"
"Why am I in your snare? Why did you put out a snare you loon?!"
After about 5 minutes of arguing, Sticks reluctantly cuts you down, begrudgingly explaining that she set out a trap for any woodland monsters
You run into her again on another walk, crossing a small stream before tripping on one of the stepping stones and almost falling in before a furry arm wraps around your waist
"You outta be more careful out here. The wilderness is no place to be a klutz."
"Hey, I'm not a klutz. I just have bad luck is all."
And what more to gain the attention of a superstitious badger than the possibility of supernatural forces at play
"You could've been hexed by a witch. Or worse, there could be a vengeful spirit after you! We gotta get you an exorcist!"
"I'm fine, I'm just unlucky. Always have been always will be."
"We should still burn some sage in your home just to be sure."
You let Sticks do what she wants with you, after all, her superstitious perspective is a nice change from everyone just thinking your clumsy
You think her attempts to "cleanse" you are endearing, she tries something new everyday, and you end up learning a thing or two about survival and the corruptedness of politics from her
Weeks later, her attempts slowly dwindle down, and she just comes to accept she's just gonna have to keep an extra close eye on you, especially when she sets out booby traps
The time y'all have spent together, although it was somewhat motivated by Sticks not wanting to get whatever curse you exposed her to, lead to y'all having a close bond
Everyone has their quirks, she's paranoid and you're clumsy, but you two always manage to work things out
And that's the beauty of a relationship
A/N: Sorry I haven't been that active lately, so take this as an apology. Four hcs for the price of one!
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mobius-prime · 5 years ago
254. Sonic the Hedgehog #185
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Mogul Rising (Part One: Needful Things)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Josh Ray
Mina is finally back from her world tour, having returned to New Mobotropolis rather than Knothole for obvious reasons. Sonic meets her at the airstrip to welcome her and Ash back, and she informs Sonic that she and Ash have discussed some important things while they were away. Ash reluctantly but sincerely apologizes to Sonic for his jealous behavior in the past, saying that it came from a place of truly caring for Mina and worrying about Sonic's influence in her life, and Sonic likewise apologizes for being an insensitive jerk at times. Back on good terms, Ash leaves to go check things out in the city, while Mina insists Sonic accompany her to the site of Knothole's ruins so she can see it with her own eyes. 
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Mina is happy, to see Freedom HQ still standing, though currently in the process of being rebuilt due to the damage Eggman's attack caused. Sonic reassures her that there's still a room for her and Ash to stay in if they want despite not being Freedom Fighters, and they enter, greeting Mighty and Tails, who are helping to fix up the roof of the main room. Sonic and Mina enter the lab to find Nicole on screen, calling Sonic back to New Mobotropolis, as apparently, Mammoth Mogul wants to meet with him in the prison. Sonic reluctantly heads back to speak with him, and Mogul wastes no time in arrogantly demanding that Sonic surrender to him, as he claims they find themselves in a "stalemate." Obviously, Sonic finds the idea laughable, as Mogul is currently contained within a cell that blocks all his magical and psychic powers.
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I mean, Mogul, can you really blame him for not taking you seriously? The vast majority of people are not gonna find any threats very convincing when they're made from within a cell. That night, Nack irritably talks about how annoying he finds Sonic's attitude, and when Mogul says he's about to be vicariously vindicated then Nack reminds him that Sonic is right and none of them are really about to go anywhere. Mogul simply informs Nack that he's had the foresight to make plans for exactly a situation such as this years in advance, and "marked" several individuals so they can be contacted by his psychic powers even from behind his cell walls. I'm… not sure how that would really work given that the walls are supposed to block all psychic abilities, but sure, whatever! First, he calls out to Mina, reminding her of a memory he erased from her a year ago - that when she was running for her life in Eggman's retaking of Robotropolis, he had projected a vision of himself to give her her powers of speed before removing that part of her memory to create an effective sleeper agent. She "lost her way" when she only used her powers to try to grow closer to Sonic, but now he's finally ready to use her for his own purposes. Second, he calls out to Mighty. We already know a bit of his past, like being imprisoned in the slave labor camp when he was a child, but now we get a little more insight into his backstory and how he ended up alone without his family in the first place.
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Well, how fascinating! Somewhere out there, it seems Mighty has a sister, as well as criminal parents locked up in a jail. This is important information, as it comes into play in some plotlines later on. Finally, we have none other than Tails, whom he of course marked when he was holding him prisoner as Turbo Tails while the sentient duplicate took his place. The three individuals wake up, brainwashed and with green diamonds on their foreheads to symbolize their mental enslavement, and simultaneously head for Sonic's room - hey, good thing for Mogul that his three marked subjects and his target are all sleeping in the same general area, right?
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The three brainwashed friends tell Sonic as one, in Mogul's voice, that he was warned, leaving Sonic to face off against them and try to find a way to bring them all back without hurting them…
Misfit Badniks: The Salty, Soggy Sequel
Writer: Mike Gallagher Pencils: Dave Manak Colors: Aimee Ray 
Welp, we've finally reached Michael Gallagher's final story in the comic! Obviously he hasn't been head writer for many years now, but unlike other former head writers, he's come back every once in a while to contribute a story here and there, presumably just for old times' sake. However, this is his final story - after this, we won't be seeing any more of him. While his silly style isn't much to my taste, and I've definitely had certain problems with his writing, overall he did guide the comic through its earliest years and was the driving influence behind how the preboot's story, world, and characters started out, and I think he deserves a fair bit of respect from that alone. So with that, let's read Michael's final story and say our goodbyes!
So if you'll remember from his penultimate story, the Island of Misfit Badniks has been deliberately sunk to the bottom of the sea so that the badniks and Pseudo-Sonic could continue their evil plans undisturbed. We find out that apparently, Pseudo-Sonic was equipped with a switch that would allow him to grow to an enormous size, so the other badniks flipped it and allowed him to grow outside their submerged island, before getting to work repairing him so he would be operational again. Personally, I think it would be a much better plan to repair him before making him bigger, so you would have to use far fewer materials in the repair process… Anyway, I'm sure you already have an inkling, given the setting, of who's about to come along to save the day. It's the Forty Fathoms Freedom Fighters, of course, ready to murder some more sentient beings, because that's what they do! Several of the badniks charge in to fight them, while the others retreat to speed along their repairs on Pseudo-Sonic so he can defeat the F.F.F.F. properly.
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After a bit of fighting, all combatants find themselves being smacked aside by a giant metal-gloved hand, and the gigantic Pseudo-Sonic arrogantly claims that as the biggest thing on the planet, he declares war on all of Mobius! Unfortunately, he's forgotten that there's one last member of the F.F.F.F. that still has yet to show up…
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Beautiful. Fluke orders his friends to sweep all the badniks into a pile while he rips the head off of Pseudo-Sonic's metallic corpse for no reason, because really, I cannot overstate enough how bizarrely bloodthirsty these guys are. He then uses his tail to compress Pseudo-Sonic, the badniks, and the artificial island into a single, small cube of metal that can be easily disposed of. With that, the F.F.F.F. make a few last water-related puns, and the story is over. Goodbye, Michael - we've had some good times, and we'll miss your silly style!
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cgmayra · 7 years ago
Hello Mayra :D Could you do an Amy and Cream friendship prompt? I'm regrettably unsure of the scenario, be it the two of them adventuring in a mysterious new location or maybe having mundane fun ^_^; But I'm good with anything you decide on ;D So long we get to see Amy and Cream's sisterly bond and dynamic
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(x A special thanks to the artist for this preview image!)
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN - Do not request prompts until further notice. Thank you.
“Wow! What a pretty dress you bought, Amy!” Cream flew gently beside Amy down the city’s streets, as Amy held her head and nose high, walking with her eyes closed in confidence.
“Chao, Chao!” Cheese showed off a sparkling new bowtie he received, before looking over to Amy and seeming to agree that it was as Cream stated.
“Emhmm. Hopefully, it’ll make that Sonic respect me!” She nodded, as Cream admired her a moment with Cheese.
“Ohh… are you and Sonic having a special day planned?”
“Why, yes we are.” Amy stopped at the bus sign, looking haughty and mischievous as ever as Cream continued to praise her.
She flew high up a moment, hands bundled by her face. “Oh, Amy! That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you! It sounds like you’re truly growing closer to Sonic now than ever before!”
“Chao, chao!” Cheese flapped his arms around, also showing his enthusiasm, before Amy frowned and gave her a stink-eye.
“Suggesting that we weren’t close before?”
“Ah… O-of course not, M-miss Amy…” Cream flew back down, looking a bit frightened by Amy’s shift of emotions and sweated a little in her fear.
“Don’t make eye-contact, Cheese.” She closed her eyes in humble submission and whispered to her friend her loving warning.
Cheese nodded and lightly spoke back, as if getting the message and also sweatdropped with his eyes closed, growing awkward…
“What was that?” Amy fully shifted her body to face her, hands on her hips as Cream got spooked and moved back.
“N-nothing, Miss Amy! We’re just so glad that you’re getting to spend more time with M-Mr. Sonic!”
Amy lowered her eyes, “Then why are you saying that way over there..?”
They were now hiding in the bushes, “Oh, no particular reason, R-right, Cheese?”
“Chao!” he shivered and caused the bush to rattle.
Suddenly, the sky went dark.
“H-huh? What could that be? A balloon?” Cream innocently blinked her eyes up.
“Chao…” Cheese looked up too…
To their shock and horror, Eggman attacked the city at that very hour. Taking a few hostages and laughing at Amy and Cream’s ‘dumb luck’ for always being placed in ‘unfortunate’ situations~
Taking them to the hold, Amy kicked and squirmed in her chamber pod, refusing to be a ‘damsel in distress’ again, when she truly thought she was finally having a breakthrough with Sonic.
“Ugh! This is just great! And on the night I was gonna try and get him to kiss me too…” Amy drooped down to her knees, sighing as Cream and Cheese’s heads perked up.
“Oh, Amy! You really were going to get Sonic to kiss you tonight?” Her expression made Amy smile, looking over at her friend, before looking down in disappointment again.
“Yeah… That’s why I wanted to go shopping today. I was gonna make the best dinner!” she livened up, forming a fist and narrowing her eyes—straight ahead!
Her imagination wobbled into view as she laid down her hedgehog-catching meal, winning heart-eyes from Sonic.
“Then I was going to pretend that I didn’t have any napkins and-“
The image in her mind showed her face being mushed with the food, and Sonic’s too.
“Since there’s no other way into a man’s heart than his stomach, he’d obviously-“
She stopped when the image in her mind had them looking mischievously into each other’s eyes before she snapped out of the daydream and waved her hands slowly to Cream, growing embarrassed.
“W-well, we’d clean up after ourselves,… ah-ha…” she decided to not tell Cream the rest…
Cream looked confused anyway, “But won’t you be dirty?” she tilted her head, the action being mimicked by her best friend, Cheese.
“Ah-ha… haha…” Amy nervously laughed, placing a hand behind her head and then looking off. “W-Well now… we really should try and figure out how to get out of this place.”
Cream stood up then, looking determined. “Miss Amy…” She formed a fist by her side, as Amy was shocked to see her stand with so much courage.
“In order for you and Sonic to have your dinner and first kiss… we can’t give up.” She nodded, very sternly, and looked to Cheese. “We may be small… but me and Cheese won’t rest till you can get home and get changed for when Sonic gets there. Right, Cheese?”
“Chao, Chao-chao-chao!” Cheese, angling his appendages up, looked ready and game for anything.
Cream then flew up and hit her feet against the hard glass, “We. Won’t. Give up!”
“Chao! Chao! Chao!” Cheese also punched and bolted into the shielded fiberglass.
“Cream…” Amy’s eyes sparkled at being touched by Cream’s words. “Cheese…” she wiped a tear from her eye and smiled. “You’re right… hmph.” She pouted and put on her own game face, summoning her hammer.
“If we’re gonna get out here, we’ve got to work together!”
“Ah! That’s the spirit, Miss Amy!” Cream cheered.
“Chao, chao!” Cheese was right behind her.
Amy took out her hammer, and used it as a leverage to crack the bottom of the glass out, and then hammer her way to bending it out of place.
Once out, the three fought their way through hordes of robots, evaded explosions, and combined their forces to fly off Eggman’s cargo-battle ship while saving the passengers onboard.
The ship exploded later with the help of Super Sonic, who personally thanked Cream and Amy for their bravery.
“Without you two, I don’t know if I could have stopped Eggman that fast. You two really saved the day.” He gave them his signature wink and thumbs up. “Not bad.” He complimented.
Amy was swooning too much, so Cream decided to answer back for her. “Of course, Sonic. We’re always willing to help. Right, Cheese?” she looked to her trusted partner.
Cheese took a big breath, sticking his chest out and trying to look tough.
“Haha, that’s the spirit.” Sonic nodded and then looked to Amy, tilting his head and showing a more tender side to him.
“So… 8 o’clock, right?”
She burst back with shrieks of glee, hearts flying everywhere as he gave her a friendly wink.
“Ah! So it really is happening…” Cream blinked her eyes innocently while she watched Amy fawn on the floor, unable to control herself.
Super Sonic looked over to Cream, hands on his hips and seeming a bit confused. “Huh? What’s happening?”
“Oh, wasn’t 8 o’clock your date?”
“Date? Amy only mentioned food.”
“Ah!… I-is that so?” Cream sweatdropped, realizing just then that…
Cheese also scooted away, tugging on Cream to join him.
“W-well… I’ll just… leave you two to it then! E-enjoy your meal, Sonic… Amy…” she speedily flew off, shaking her head a moment at the chilly breeze and moment they just endured.
“I wonder if Mr. Sonic and Miss Amy ever will truly be a couple someday… what do you think, Cheese?” she looked to see Cheese having hearts in his eyes, daydreaming about him and the cheesecake waiting at home.
Cheese couldn’t say it—nor really understand what exactly the conversation was about— but all he knew was that Amy and Sonic were getting their faces covered in good food, and wanted to do the same!
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egg-emperor · 2 years ago
I very much love how Eggman just. fucks off once he realizes he's having to team up with Sonic once again. He is not happy about it XD
also where exactly was the last emerald? the purple one so far always went to the titans. Does that mean that he went and grabbed the purple emerald off of the final titan?
Lol yeah I did really love seeing how pissed he was with the idea of working with Sonic again like "fuck that I'm not doing it again", stated the true reason for teaming up in the past, got snappy and left all huffy. He reflects how we're all feeling about it after his many times!
And as much as I enjoyed hearing the calmer Eggman in this game, I do appreciate how the scene of Sage's suggestion gave us the precious little moments of hearing the extra gruff growly angry Egg that I always want too, he sounded great 🥴💜💕💘
His stubbornness and grumpiness at the end was cute and accurate too. I like how it was clear how much my man really hates it even when necessary, to the point he had to command Sonic to do it for the empire to feel like he at least was doing it his way to some extent.
And oh yeah it never occurred to me how exactly he got the purple emerald. I was busy wondering why his hand was going down there and thought maybe he'd unzip his nonexistent bodysuit zipper and show me his- I mean wondering where he pulled the emerald out from.
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Now I'm way more interested in how he got it during the time Sonic was running around the most boring stalling island in the game- ahem. I want to see his side of it just like everything else when he wasn't on screen! Show me what matters, the memos just weren't enough!
All the more reason for an episode Eggman to exist and give the answers smh. That would be pretty awesome if we got to see him daring to go and take the last emerald from the titan and doing what he can to get a hold of it. He deserved to get to do something cool!
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egg-emperor · 3 years ago
hmm after finding out someone I used to be cool with wrote two big angry rant posts about me before blocking me because of opinions and thoughts on Eggman that I share, despite them sharing their own but actually much more harshly and aggressively than me, making them a big hypocrite, I finally realized something instead of being offended.
what people said to me on anon not long ago are so right, when you share your thoughts and opinions, there's always going to be people that get pissed off no matter what. some hate to see things they don't agree with and can't agree to disagree to the point they'll take great offense, accuse you of all sorts, and make you out to be hostile and hateful.
it happens regardless of intentions and presentation, even if they do the very things they accuse you of. no matter how hard I try to make myself clear and how careful I am with what I say, it happens. I see now that it can be a lot of projection from them too. I need to stop putting myself down and blaming myself because that's what they want.
I'm not going to try so hard to please people that never will be as long as I embrace my freedom to think and say as I please on my blog and I'm not going to be sad when they leave because I realize there's nothing I could've done to make it better when I didn't do anything wrong, which is why they can never answer when I do get the chance to ask.
some people just want you to be sorry for thinking and feeling differently and having opinions over something harmless like a series and fictional characters and that's wild. I don't want get into fights and drama about something that's supposed to be fun and entertaining to me, I'm passionate about it but not willing to fight constantly.
they're not going to make me forget why I made this blog and what I enjoy most, how I'm free to be myself and express my passion. those that truly understand and accept me won't accuse me of being hateful when all it's ever been about it showing my love for something and being free to be who I am and say how I think and feel. others won't ruin it for me
I appreciate everyone that enjoys my blog and can sensibly agree to disagree on certain things, which I'm always happy to do too. you'll always matter most and I'm not going to let angry hateful people ruin it, I'm going to keep having fun and treasuring the good and giving my energy and focus to that instead. and thank you all for the support, it means a lot 💜
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egg-emperor · 4 years ago
Merry Eggsmas, I hope everyone is having a good day/night! I'm going to show off the Eggman/Sonic stuff I gifted myself as a reward for getting through the year. I'm sure you can guess what most of it consists of heheh
I got:
The 25th anniversary Tomy classic and new Jakks Pacific modern plushies! 💖💕💜
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I almost got the Tomy plush in 2016 but I didn't have money on me, he was sold out the next time I visited the store, and he became pricy on eBay. But I finally found him for a good price! He’s one of Tomy’s better quality Sonic products and I love the shiny look to it. The Jakks Pacific modern plush is beautiful too! He's small and simple but still an adorable and worthy addition to the collection! The material of his coat is nice and soft.
I already bought the bigger Jakks Pacific Eggman figure a few months ago, so I now have the mini one too.
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The paint is slightly off on mine, especially on his nose but I’ll touch it up when I can. It looks great for a smaller figure! The size comparison is funny. I love them both! 💜
This unofficial Eggman Lego mini figure and official Nanoblocks figure!
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The Lego has such impressive detail and paint for a bootleg! I wish there was an official figure for the beautifully round Eggman in Lego Dimensions though, because he was supposed to be a big figure rather than a mini one. But I still love this! As for the Nanoblocks, it was a pain in the ass to build because it's so small and complicated but it looks cool!
I have Tubbz Ducktor Roquacknik at last!
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It’s easily the best looking of the set because it was really weird how Sonic, Tails and Knuckles had noses and hands on top of beaks and wings. The mustache on the beak for Eggman works perfectly!
This neat mug with Sonic Mania Adventures art! It’s my second Eggman mug since I got one of Eggman’s head last year lol
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It's been a while since I've brought any kind of physical comic or book so I decided to get this Universe #75 variant cover and a sticker activity book!
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I don't need physcial copies of Archie or IDW since I own them all digitally. But I had extra cash, so I bought one of my favorite variant covers of Eggman demanding the spotlight he deserves! I'm slightly disappointed that they reduced the amount he’s spitting in the final version but I still love it. XD The sticker and activity book doesn't have as much Eggman as I hoped for but it's pretty good! I might show the contents sometime.
I also got some stocking fillers like a face mask, pins, keychain, dangler, magnet and gloves. If you couldn’t tell already by the very small Eggman socks I have in my collection, I don’t care if the items fit me or not. I just want to grab literally any Eggman merch I can!
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A couple of days ago, I finally went into a store for the first time since like February or March and found Metal and Knuckles in store. The Eggman trap spring is my favorite accessory yet because you can actually push it in!
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I finally decided to get the Cable Guys Tails, since they still haven't made an Eggman. When there’s only team Sonic merch available, I always go for Tails. I would trust him the most out of them to take care of my devices.
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On a Sonic Official stream they said they weren't sure if they could make a Cable Guy Eggman work because of his big belly. But his arms are long enough to put out in front of him to hold things! Especially if it was modern because they’re longer, but I’m sure classic could work too! Plus, I think his belly would be great for devices and controllers to lean against. So that's no excuse! XD
That's all the stuff that arrived in time for Eggsmas! There's still something that hasn't arrived yet, but I'm happy that most of it was here today. I'm pleased with the amount of modern and classic Eggman because they're always what I want most! I hope there's more new merch for the two best designs for the anniversary next year. :D
I'm eager to see how all of this will look on my Eggman shrine once I'm done rearranging it. I'll make a new up to date post to replace my current pinned when it's done!
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cgmayra · 7 years ago
alright this is super angsty, but would you consider doing a prompt where amy dies? and sonic is holding her in his arms as she loses consciousness and i'm in an angsty mood i'm so sorry
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WHY!? I mean, don’t you want a happy ending!? I can’t live without closure and this would literally destroy the souls of hopeful shippers, WHY??? (-laughing while crying-) I don’t wanna make people sad with no resolution, oohh….
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Trust me, this is gonna hurt me as much as it’s gonna hurt you.
Is it okay if…. I keep something for closure? Just a little smackerel of a something? To lighten the blow?
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Y-you’ll thank me later. (hopefully lol I’m just trying to avoid horrific SADNESS. I mean, I know you want to feel human and see Sonic show intense emotion but- COME ON! This is sad stuff! lol)
Amy stared down at the emerald.
Her hammer had rested on it’s tilted tip, lowered by it.
It was the last surviving Chaos Emerald…
Having been fought horrifically over by an alien race and her own planet’s heroes… Amy knew that they wouldn’t stop till they’ve destroyed the very things they feared most.
However, with each Chaos Emerald destroyed, the backlash of Chaos’s uncontrolled fury would erase that individual who destroyed it from existence.
And she meant… all of existence.
She saw the terrifying power above her. Eggman’s forces were parading the skies with an all-out defensive strategy to at least push off the invading alien battleships. It was an armed military, kamikazing down to her planet to destroy their lives to keep anything from overpowering their extraterrestrial empire.
With Shadow having hidden the last… but the earth being rent in the earth, the sky turning black with war, and the land covered in ashes from Chaos’s painful struggle to live…
She looked down at the stone.
Just a piece of rock, housing the most powerful essence in all the galaxies… in all the realms…
If only Eggman hadn’t made contact with them. Asked them to use their astounding tactical intelligence to defeat Sonic… And if only he hadn’t mentioned Super Sonic…
She realized that if the last emerald fell… Sonic and Eggman’s forces could still take down the alien race… they wouldn’t be so focused on keeping ultimate power… and Chaos might just unleash his full fury on the aliens…
Though it would mean sacrifice.
She looked down at the emerald.
Everyone was growing tried. This silly rock. This stupid piece of stone was ruining her and her friends lives! Everyone who lived here… was suffering because an alien race wanted to harness a power they couldn’t control. Each time they destroyed one, trying to absorb its power into their super-technologies… they would become nonexistent. Forever… doesn’t just mean the future. It can also mean the entirety of the past…
Amy shook her head down. What was she thinking? Sure. With everyone worrying about just taking the enemy down, they wouldn’t put all their efforts into protecting a power source that wasn’t even needed.
Everyone seemed selfish… wanting to keep the greatest power source alive.
But Sonic… he wouldn’t think that way… would he?
She looked back at the dulled edges and sliced curvature of the emerald… it’s green, sleek surface with the scratches of ages…
She hated it suddenly.
Her nostrils flaring.
But then, as she lifted her hammer up, she hesitated.
She squinted her eyes shut and looked away, on the verge of tears.
She loved this world…
She wanted to keep the emeralds too. Even one could help Sonic…
But Sonic didn’t need the emeralds.
She glared back at the cold piece of earth.
Her mouth formed a deep frown of conviction.
He always had the power to do what’s right. Even when no one else could.
She rose her hammer directly over her head and readjusted her legs to stand firmly in front of the fallen emerald.
If Chaos is rampant, Sonic will find a way to defeat the aliens and calm down Chaos. Knuckles can reseal him, like his ancestors before him. He said he could… but it was a last resort.
The aliens would gain confidence once it was gone… but she believed Sonic and her friends could do it.
Even Eggman…
She suddenly started crying.
She didn’t want to die.
She didn’t want to be erased from existence, from the past and the future, and have everyone forget who she was.
When the first emerald broke, no one noticed… it was like there was always 6 emeralds.
Then the second one broke, but no one batted an eye. 5 made sense.
Then 4… to 3… people couldn’t understand why, but the universe felt out of order. Like something was going terribly wrong.
‘…The dimensions split and our friends from other realms came to help us… we were gonna be okay… but then… the aliens began to notice something was off. They couldn’t exactly understand why, but they knew something, or someone, was missing from their folds. If I disappear… does that mean Sonic and the others won’t remember me? But if I don’t exist… or never had before existed… it could be dangerous. Tails warned that the aliens histories must have been changed, and using Chaos control to go back in time and see the emeralds shatter… it was the only way we knew how life was before this happen. Chaos shielded us… when the 2nd emerald broke. That’s how we knew the universe was falling apart. But I’m just simple Amy Rose! If I die… If I die nothing would change… it wouldn’t matter… I can’t lie like this.’
Amy dipped her head and cried. Unable to convince herself that erasing her existence wouldn’t cause any real, significant change.
‘Every life’s important but-!’ Amy shook her head, refocusing. ‘But this life has served its cause! I will do anything to help Sonic! Even if that means..’
‘breaking his heart!’
Her hammer swung true. The world rippled as the sky turned into the northern lights, parallel to each other as all the universes could look through the cracks from the emerald and see one another… each fighting their own version of the catastrophe.
She first saw herselves… all from multiple timelines… different and alternate realities she didn’t recognize.
They all slowly turned, stumbling back as if they’d just been stabbed in the chest, and looked at her with fear and betrayal in their eyes.
Amy couldn’t look at all of them long.
She swung her head away, and cracked the emerald further.
Up in the sky, Sonic could see his classic self suddenly slam down on the spaceship’s surface, twitching.
“Little me!” he cried out, getting down to aid him before looking to see another him slam to the ground.
“Something’s wrong!” The other Sonic called out, struggling to get up. “Gravity isn’t working… ah!” he felt the push fall heavily down on him again.
“What’s going on..?” Sonic got up, looking over the side of the ship.
“Huh? What’s with the light show?” The lights were like a fabric being shaken up and down, lightly trailing the black sky and giving it some color and greater light.
It was hard to tell if it was day or night… but the alien invasion wasn’t holding off much…
Sonic turned to glare at them. “They don’t let up… even when their own realities are shifting.” He felt the surge of impact the ship’s exterior was taking from the alien battleships fire. He kept his balance and grabbed a passing alien fighter-ship. Knocking out the pilot, he tossed him, grunting with the punch. “I’ll take this, thanks!”
‘I gotta find out what’s going on down there… isn’t someone watching the emerald?’
He tried to figure out the odd controls, before lifting his hands, one by one, up and down off the controls to try and figure out the mechanics.
Unable to comprehend, he jumped out of the cockpit and positioned himself like a surfer on the tail-end of the fighter ship till it entered orbit.
That’s when he saw her.
That’s when he saw it.
Her final blow struck the emerald, causing the whole of the different dimensions, universes, and times to crash into one of the triangular planes of existence.
Classic, Boom, Comics,… so many splits that rippled through time and finally fragmented below the main surviving universe…. Modern.
Amy felt her consciousness start to leave her. Small, glowing flakes of her being started to fly off and glow out of sight. Flickering like her life, they made her look like she was softly burning into ashes…
She found the light… strangely terrifying… but also easy to go numb into.
As she closed her eyes, thinking of everything she wished to say to everyone… the emeralds pieces floated up as Chaos’s power began to backlash her.
She felt her body forced to bend back, then arch forward, as it was ripping into her life.
She then heard his voice.
She let her eyelids lightly drift up to see better.
Through the light, she saw Sonic dive down, arms outstretched towards her.
He didn’t look mad.
He didn’t look terribly sad either.
He looked…
He was always trying to keep her safe… heh, funny the tables could change so drastically…
“I… I just hope you find someone to love you, Sonic…” She smiled, seeing his body get caught up in the light and float him in his spot.
Realizing the strange shift, he looked down and realized the whole of that spot around them was a pillar of light. Having witnessed through chaos control what happened to the last alien that broke the 2nd emerald, Sonic’s eyes jolted up in absolute terror.
Without voicing anything, he squirmed and tried to move through the light, not voicing any complaint other than his struggles to reach her.
“..A.. Amy!” he finally let something lose, but Amy could hear his voice-crack, and the sound nearly destroyed her before Chaos had the chance to.
She gripped her heart.
“Please don’t… I chose this. Now you can fight the aliens without just playing on the defensive. You can win now, Sonic. You have everything else to protect. They still haven’t won.”
She found herself surprised, opening her eyes fully to see his frantic and unyielding struggle to get to her. Through his odd ‘swimming’ of sorts towards her, the light was being manipulated and he was, in fact, moving closer to her.
She shouldn’t be surprised he was fighting to still save her, or maybe even be with her,… but she knew there was no hope of saving her now.
Half her body had formed into light and was being taken up in the pillar… only a half of her face and body were still intact.
“Sonic…” her eyes shook in love for him. “I hope this time… you can find it in your heart to love too.”
“Grrk!” His body froze a second, as if her words penetrated his concentration.
“You’re not going anywhere!” He suddenly cried out, moving faster as his feet sped through the air. “You’re coming with me!”
He tightened his fists and closed his eyes, propelling himself through sheer willpower towards her.
Finally, he got close enough…
“Amy!” He reached out, grabbing what was left of her being.
The second he pulled himself forward, Chaos got disrupted, and a huge lift up captured both of them in its wake.
The world started to fall apart, as Eggman and his other him started to teleport as if time and space weren’t existence to the ground, crashing and looking up to see their spaceship fading in and out of known reality.
“Blast it all!” Eggman cursed upwards, seeing the two other Sonics looking down and start to fade as well. “He can’t die! If he falls, then we’ll all die too! Sonic is the reason we’re all still in this cursed universe!” He slammed his hands down the earth, being on his stomach… “Everything falls on him!”
“… But… wouldn’t it be better if Chaos takes him too? We’d win something for a change!” The other Eggman, his Classic self, looked up after thinking.
Eggman shook his head, his shoulders bouncing as he held back tears. “You old fool… Sonic’s… he’s everything to every world…” his tears started to float upwards.
“This world is dying and falling apart because the central life source of all order is being destroyed. If Sonic goes, the main Sonic, then we’ll all go with it!”
Sonic was plunged down, away from the light source taking Amy, who had already lost consciousness. “S…Sonic….” Only an arm and half her face remained.
“NO!” Sonic grabbed a fragment of the broken Emerald, and zoomed back up through the pillar of light. He jumped into the path of Chaos power, feeling himself rip away and leaving what was left of Amy unharmed.
His eye twitched, feeling memories being destroyed simultaneously as his body began to flake off in little ashes of light.
“He’s halting the process of her being erased… causing all of us to suffer instead of just one.” Eggman retorted as he looked up, seeing Sonic’s mouth open and head dip at the pain.
He then swung his body up, closing his mouth to try and keep it together, fighting against it.
“He’s a fool…” Eggman stated…
“We’re all fools..” Classic Eggman hung his head, seeing the spaceship fail and the aliens start to disappear one by one… then the universes as each emerald shard broke into further pieces and turned into light.
“…We’ve split ourselves to the whims of so many designs and ideas…” Classic Eggman looked over the expanse of all the crippling universes. “Time and time again… loved, rejected, remade. An endless cycle and for what? Trying to look good in front of critics on the small, square screens in their living rooms.”
“What?” Eggman turned to Classic, who laughed and smiled.
“Nevermind, you. First, let’s do what must be done!” He turned to Sonic. “We need that emerald shard!”
Sonic refused to step aside and let the last piece of Amy die, and so, the Eggmans, with the help of Tails, got the emerald from him and got another Sonic to use Chaos control.
With the small sliver of hope left, they used Chaos’s last amount of harnessed energy to go back in time to the exact moment the other Eggman contacted the alien race.
Stopping him, they fled out of existence.
The northern lights whipped and spiraled around Chaos’s ultimate form being unleashed from the now non-existence Master Emerald, and before the entirety of the combined universes were destroyed, they sucked into him and stopped him from his ultimate revenge.
-After the great light that restored balance to the universes-
Sonic was running, carefree as usual through the nature-trimmed scenery and life of his world, before feeling an awful spark of light burst in his chest.
“Ah!” he gripped the area and swerved on his figure-eight step.
He skid to a halt before looking down, flexing his hand and then looking confused.
“…What was…” He felt a profound need to check on Amy… “That..?”
Worried, and with a strange sense of purpose, Sonic burst towards Amy’s home.
As if by no accident, she was home and about to cook something before startled by a fierce set of knocks on the door.
“W-who’s that?” She wasn’t expecting Sonic to impatiently walk in after she opened the door and look around, surveying her home as if expecting trouble.
“Sonic..!” She exclaimed, happy to see him. “….Sonic?” she then lost some of her enthusiasm by his strange behavior. “What-?” she stepped forward before he turned around and embraced her.
“…..Sorry.” he pulled away, and put his hands to his hips, looking away. “That was… strangely involuntary.”
Amy blinked her eyes, so he continued as he tried to hide away his shame at the random action.
“I.. Um…” he fought with the truth, and how much to tell her about the strange burst of light from his chest…
He scratched his nose and hid his whole face, not daring to allow her to see the faint shy pink under his eyes and on the very tips of his muzzle… “I just felt a really deep longing to… to see you.”
“…Pfft!” she tried to keep her mouth shut.
He flinched, and with total embarrassment, refused to turn back and look her in the eyes.
“Ah-ha-ha-ha! Can that happen more often?” Amy laughed, just letting out the pent-up surprise she had felt, before waving to him to stop acting so estranged and look back at her. “Honestly, I thought for a second you had a nightmare or something.”
“…It felt similar to that… I guess.” He looked down at his chest.
“Well! I’m glad you were worried about me. Even enough so to come check on me. Makes a girl feel special, you know? Hehe!” She cutely put her hands behind her, resisting the urge to make a marriage proposal, seeing as he was pretty overcome at the moment…
Sonic moved the couch, faintly hearing Amy mention something about dinner being made anyway, before his mind flashed to a fading memory…
He saw himself holding Amy, his head dipped with tears, teeth grinding against each other. He heard the deafening cry of his head lifting back and declaring her name again and again in hysteria. It was as if he was repeating it to not forget it.
But as the body he clung to disappeared in light, his breath caught off and he closed his mouth, unable to remember the name he was begging not to go away.
The Sonic looked strange, as if not truly himself…
The image faded into light as this Sonic rose his head back into his reality.
The last thing Sonic could remember was Amy asking him if he was spacing out, and him trying to play it off as just a ‘spur of the moment’ ordeal…
Amy bought it well enough… but all through dinner he was silent. Relishing in her voice. Her company soothing him for some unknown reason. And then…
Feeling like a thousand thanks, from small whispers all throughout the galaxy…. We’re thanking him for not stepping aside.
“…Strange.” Sonic finally spoke, still chewing some ham from his sandwich.
“Huh?” Amy peeked up, about to take a bite of her own meal.
“Hmm?” He blinked to her again.
“Ugh… Soooonic… Are you ignoring me again?”
He swallowed, smiling sheepishly.
“Ohhh!!! You really need to learn to listen when you’re so silent! Geez!” she puffed up the side of her cheek. “After bursting in here acting like I had died or something, you’d think you’d act a little more considerate!”
Amy jolted at his chair scooting back with a sharp noise that pierced the air, and his hand smashing down on the table.
“No! Anything but that!”
….The sound rippled through time itself.
Amy stared… “I.. I was just joking.” Her ears bent back slightly…
‘W…Where did that come from?’
Sonic thought as his eyes shook.
Amy then gasped.
“Sonic!” she cried out.
“You’re crying!”
(This coincides with my ‘Sonic universes’ theory and idea I mentioned in another prompt. I’m sorry, but I needed my closure lol! -cries-)
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hikingsuper · 11 months ago
Amy: ☺️💞
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Issue 2 Vagabond Comic Part 4/?
Style change! And I am giving the middle finger to backgrounds.
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