#i'm trying to fix it but dammit it's kinda funny
batemanofficial · 1 year
fucked around with ublock to try to get rid of the stupid store icon but accidentally nuked my askbox in the process 👍 so in the unlikely event that you've sent me an ask and i haven't answered it it's because i've sent the whole damn thing to the shadow realm. dm me if you want to reach me
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balkanradfem · 1 year
So I had a very accident-rich day, you all have those days, right? When you can't seem to turn a corner without doing damage to yourself and your environment? I had one of those and I'm gonna tell you about it because I think it's real funny. Also trigger warning for some blood/injury stuff ahead.
So first I was shelling sour cherries and I forgot to protect my new tablecloth so I made a red splotch on it, and I quickly ran to get bleach because it was a white part and it could be cleaned quickly, but the bleach managed to spread and damage another part, which is okay, I can just sew a little flower over it, make it prettier. But then I thought, hey I also need to clean my summer shoes with bleach, so while doing that I accidentally poured some bleach on my foot, making a red blotch over there too (it's fine now, I washed it and put cream on it.)
Then I grabbed a scraper on it's sharp side (I threw that scraper into the garbage, it's too dangerous, the razor cannot be retracted), but it wasn't a big injury, so on we go.
Then I decided I needed to go to the garden and dig out all potatoes that look ready because I was very hungry and zuchinni isn't there yet and I needed some food dammit. So you need some context for this; I don't have a real gardening tool, I was using a copper rod until recently it got stolen, then I was using some sticks, and then I found an old fork in the road, and thought, perfect, just what I needed, so I was gardening with that for the past few weeks.
Well it turns out I got distracted while trying to get to potatoes and I accidentally stabbed into my own hand - into my pinky to be more exact. The shock was worse than the pain, the moment of disbelief and wonder that I could actually do something so... badly coordinated. Anyway, I gathered my wits, found some plaintain weed, pressed it onto the wound, it was bleeding but not too badly. I stabbed it on the inside of the first knuckle, it was not a sharp fork, I think it's more the impact of the hit that hurt the finger than the depth of the cut.
So, I wrapped that in weeds and little cloths I had on me for tying up the tomatoes, got home, and I have to admit my pinky is being very weird, it's not hurting but it's very numb and difficult to move. I'm wondering if I should be worried about that? It's not feeling like a big issues, I think it's just trying to tell me 'don't move me, I'm fixing what you broke inside, stay still' and it's not a weird color or anything like that, so it's fine, right.
I have to admit I was kinda curious about how being stabbed into the hand feels like since I saw a scene of that in harry potter, so my curiosity has been super satisfied, I am now very informed about this.
Anyway I have potatoes and tomorrow I will finally get a decent potato meal and I could not be more excited for that!
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lifesliced · 4 months
empathetic sentence starters. accepting !! // * @eclipsemuses
❝ i wish you'd told me sooner. you need me and i … i'm so sorry. ❞ hannah @ josh
"i really think josh is doing better now that he's out of the hospital. i saw him today and he seemed better. he's pretty upbeat, but he talked like he's been doing therapy for such a long time. i guess i didn't know. mom and dad never let on. funny how you can not even know your own brother. i kinda need a good cry thinking about how lonely he must feel..."
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he wonders how hannah feels right now, glimpsing him dead in the eye. she looks at him like he's someone else; like he's not even really her brother anymore. does she know now that the little vacations were hospital stays? how much of it has she already started to put together? or is she still in shock now knowing that she was essentially living with a stranger this whole time?
but josh is stable and clearheaded enough right now to think critically — to think empathetically. that's my little sister, dammit. i have to try.
all the excuses, the tall tales, the lies.
it's not as if josh wanted to deceive her. masking became easy, encouraged even. his dad and mom never wanted to openly admit at the dinner table that their son was suffering so extensively that not even money could fix it. our wealth.
❝ hannah, you don't have to ... ❞ he almost croaks, clearing his throat. shit. ❝ it's not like ... i wasn't trying to ... it's just that ... ❞
none of the usual excuses come to mind; then again, none of them would work anymore anyhow. what's the point?
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❝ let's just ... talk about this later, okay? i wanna enjoy being in my own home with my own family in my own bed. just for tonight. then we can get into all the emotional shit tomorrow. i really missed you guys, all right? besides, i'm so excited to have dinner with you all tonight. those hospital meals are pretty lame after, like, two days. mom said she'd even make koshary tonight. look, i really need this, okay? it's ... it's important for me to feel normal coming home. i need you to just treat me like you always have. if you can do that, i promise to tell you everything tomorrow. ❞
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Superheroes with Secrets: Mangers and Broken Beds (Fic Part 166. Set in 2001)
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Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places. Please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts.
Tags: @tantamount-treason @piratewithvigor
Reference Posts: ‘Giantess’/'Blacklight Bandit’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ’Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
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"You know I'm kidding. I'm a plain ol' human."
"Don't you dare make any jokes like that again, mon mari, seriously not cool."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"I'm Celtic by blood, so I grew up with the stories of the fae folk, I know what happens if they trick you or lure you in… it all ends in death or losing yourself, doesn't help that there are stories of the fae stealing human babies and replacing them with changelings, makes a new mother like myself extremely nervous."
"No one's tricked you or lured you. We're not beasts besides being from No Co." He chuckles.
"Yeah, but ya ain't no beast, fy ngwr, ain't no beast at all, just a very sexy man." Kirby sighs.
"Maybe a sexy beast?"
"Don't push your luck, or I'll call you a leprechaun."
"Green and short and tricky and cute? It might be apt."
"A small mischievous sprite."
"The exact opposite of a 'gentle giant'." Kirby smirks.
"Opposites attract, my love."
"They do indeed, mon ange."
"It's what makes us such a good pair."
"Orange and Green, a perfect team… and the two colours that combine to make the colour of siocled."
"It's Welsh for chocolate."
"Dammit, I knew that."
Kirby chuckles softly, "it's okay, fy ngwr, it's okay."
"I'm working on it, I promise I'm getting there."
"Would you like some help, I can teach you things until I have to actually try and get into the teaching course at NC University."
"I'll be good practice."
"Yeah, so go ahead and ask me about any words that you want me to translate into Welsh for you so you can learn." Kirby murmurs as she readjusts her shirt.
"I'll ask as they come up. I'm getting there bit by bit."
"You still wanna take this upstairs and ya know, ei gael ymlaen?" Kirby teases.
"Absolutely I do."
"Are you gonna carry me upstairs?"
Helms bends down and scoops Kirby up, hardly straining at all to hold her.
"Oh Shane… you're so strong." Kirby murmurs in awe.
"Just for you, my love."
Kirby smirks as Helms carries her to the bedroom, pulling Helms into a heated kiss the moment he puts her on the bed.
"Do have to admit, I have to work out harder to keep up with Lilith."
"Then can I treat you to some lip service, maybe let you cum all over me as payback?"
"Works for me."
"Lay down baby daddy, I wanna make out before we make love."
The moment Helms gets settled into making out with Kirby, the bed creaks loudly beneath them before breaking and falling hard to the floor, making Kirby squeak in shock.
"Jesus, Lilith's getting big…"
"Don't blame the baby, blame the fact that we are probably the cause of the bed breaking, after all you do tend to fuck me rather hard, but I also have a tendency to ride you until you pull me down to fill me up."
"Well, I guess that's true too."
"We are partly to blame, Lilith is partly to blame, and now we have a most definitely broken bed… it is kinda funny though… the thought that we have actually fucked until the bed broke." Kirby murmurs, trying not to laugh.
"It would be hilarious if we had another bed for tonight."
Kirby nods, blushing a light pink and looking away from Helms.
"Maybe this is something we can fix."
Kirby nods again, biting her lip to stifle her giggles.
"Kinda is funny, isn't it?" He chuckles.
Kirby looks at Helms, unable to hold back her laughter anymore and she starts giggling. Her giggles only make him laugh harder.
"I don't mean to laugh, but… it's so funny that we've actually…" Kirby takes a breath, struggling to talk without giggling.
"We finally fucked too hard?"
Kirby nods, blushing a deep red as she tries to stop giggling.
"Hope to do it again someday."
"It's funnier because this bed was reinforced to take both my weight and dad's combined." Kirby murmurs.
"We just wore the ol' girl down."
"Exactly, it has taken us less than a year to wear down a bed I've had since I was ten." Kirby chuckles softly.
"Well, if you've had it for over twenty years, that means it was on its last legs anyway."
"You're probably right, mon ange."
"I mean, mattresses should be replaced twice as often."
"The mattress is from three years ago, it's fine mon mari, still comfy… for one of Show's old mattresses." Kirby murmurs, hoping Helms doesn't hear the full sentence.
"Show used this?"
Kirby nods, blushing a light pink.
"Yup. We're gonna need a whole new bed." He chuckles.
"We may have to get the bed made custom built because I am particularly tall in case you have forgotten that the world is much smaller than my proportions."
"I never forget, sweetheart. In all honesty, I think the only thing that broke this one was the age. If we got one just like it, we should be fine."
"Can we… can we get a canopy bed, like a dark green one… please, Shaney baby?"
"That depends, do you get dust allergies?"
"No, do you?"
"I'm clean."
"So… canopy bed, so I can live out my regal dreams?" Kirby asks gently.
"Yay… I love you, mon mari."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
"You are my Prince Charming, mon ange."
"You're my beautiful princess."
"Am I a beautiful gothic princess, my love, would you defeat a dragon for me?"
"Better, I would befriend the dragon and convince it to come defend the house and be at your beck and call."
"Is that because I'm Welsh, you would befriend a dragon because your wife is from the one place with a dragon flag, I don't speak draig." Kirby jokes.
"I'd befriend it because dragons are cool as fuck and if I could trust it, it would be better than any guard dog."
"Ooh, like in the Munsters."
Kirby's eyes light up with excitement, her breathing hitches slightly as she gets lost in her thoughts.
"Anything else you wanna redecorate with?"
"Uhm… can I draw up some design plans and then tell you about my ideas so you can add your ideas into it?"
"Anything you want."
"If I could get up, I would start working on that now, but I kinda want to make love to you before I move…" Kirby murmurs.
"On the broken bed?"
"Well, I still have my leg in a cast, so it's either laying down or nothing."
"Yes, ma'am." He grins.
"You wanna get freaky, mon amour?" Kirby teases as she kisses him gently.
"As freaky as safe for your leg."
"I can fuck you without putting weight on that leg."
"Get as freaky as you want, Princess."
Kirby shifts her weight to get on top of Helms, kissing him deeply and grinding her hips against his.
"Gonna tease like this all night, or are you gonna whip me out?"
Kirby smirks as she pulls Helms' pants and underwear down, kissing his neck and wrapping one hand around his cock, stroking slowly at first before upping her pace. His head tips back as he groans deeply. Kirby slides her underwear off and starts playing with her clit as she continues to stroke his cock.
"Ain't gonna rub your clit on me?"
Kirby nips at his neck, moving to do as Helms asks. She takes a deep breath before shifting herself again to slide Helms' cock into her wet heat, moaning pitifully as she does so.
"God, you feel so perfect…"
"Says the guy with a giant slayer dick." Kirby chuckles softly.
"I only slay giants cause you like riding me."
"I like riding you because you're my one true love."
"And you're mine."
"A match made in heaven, or are we too sinful?"
"A perfect match made in hell."
"A vampiric sex god with complete power over a giantess, but a sex god who only wants to see her happy and pregnant."
"You got me." He grins.
"Shane, I reckon if we have more than just Lilith, like your supposed plan is, we'll probably end up with the reverse of the Harts, mostly girls and all of whom can kick ass." Kirby murmurs.
"They'll kick ass for sure. Gender is up to the kids and my swimmers."
"Yeah, I'll support them no matter what, but uhh, I always thought the worst insult you could give someone is that your shocked that they're the swimmer who won the race."
"Well, technically, they are the swimmer who gets inside the egg first, but it's usually billions of other little swimmers who first tunnel through the protective barrier."
"Alright, Shane, I have a lack of sexual knowledge, so I have no idea what that means."
"Well, the egg has a protective barrier, that the sperm has to tunnel through, so the first one to reach the barrier has to tunnel and by the time they're done tunnelling, one of the slower-swimming sperm will use their reserved energy to get to the egg first."
"Ahh, so the real insult would be that you wish another sperm had won the race… this is good, I can now insult Sunny next time she tries to be relevant." Kirby murmurs.
"Good call."
"I love you, mon mari, you are my favourite person."
"And you're mine. By far."
"Ooh, tough question for ya, which Hardy brother do you prefer?"
"Well, that's just not fair," He laughs, "They're both my baby brothers."
"That doesn't count as an answer… I'll change the question slightly, including Shannon, which one of those three idiots is your favourite idiot… and no choosing Lita or Delilah instead of one of the boys."
"I mean… I only fucked one of them…"
"Regardless of if you've fucked 'em, ya goof." Kirby whispers.
"Just saying I could have fucked any of them and I picked Shannon."
"Now I have the mental image of you and Matt fucking, Jesus."
"Us fucking Jesus? Not my fantasy three-way, but whatever gets you off, babe." He winks.
"I will absolutely stop fucking you for a week, ya dingus."
"It's a dad joke. I gotta get in practice."
"Thought dad jokes weren't sexual."
"They are when my wife's riding me."
"Wifey will stop riding you if you make dad jokes during sex."
"Yes, ma'am."
"But," Kirby pauses to stifle a moan, "for now, I'm all yours."
"That's right. All mine."
"Shane, my love, you can grab me if you want, get a little rough." Kirby whispers.
After they come back downstairs from their steamy love making, Kirby starts singing in Gaelic to herself.
"Gonna serenade me as we cook?"
"Maybe, would you like to hear Amhrán na leabhar?"
"Yes please."
"Go Cuan Bhéil Inse casadh mé, Cois Góilín aoibhinn Dairbhre, Mar a seoltar flít na farraige, Thar sáile i gcéin. I Portmagee do stadas seal, Fé thuairim intinn maitheasa, D'fhonn bheith sealad eatarthu, Mar mháistir léinn. Is gearr gur chuala an eachtara, Ag cách mo léan! Gur i mBord Eoghain Fhinn do chailleathas, An t-árthach tréan. Do phreab mo chroí le hatuirse, I dtaobh loinge an taoisigh chalma, Go mb'fhearrde an tír í 'sheasamh seal, Do ráib an tséin." Kirby begins singing in Irish Gaelic, "Mo chiach, mo chumha is m'atuirse! Mé im iarsma dubhach ag ainnise, Is mé síoraí 'déanamh marana, Ar mo chás bhocht féin! Mo chuid éadaigh chumhdaigh scaipithe, Bhí déanta cumtha, ceapaithe, Is do thriaill thar thriúcha Banban, Mar bhláth faoi mo dhéin. Iad bheith imithe san fharraige, Ar bharr an scéil, Is a thuilleadh acu sa lasair, Is mé go támhach trém néal; Ba thrua le cách ar maidin mé, Go buartha, cásmhar, ceasnaithe, Is an fuacht a chráigh im bhalla mé, Gan snáth ón spéir! Ní hé sin is mó a chealg me, Ná chráigh mé arís im aigne, Ach nuair chínn féin fuadar fearthainne, Gach lá faoin spéir; Neart gaoithe aduaidh is anaithe, Is síon rómhór gan aga ar bith, Tinte luatha lasrach, Is scáil na gcaor. Chrom an uain ar shneachta 'chur, Le gála tréan, Ar feadh deich n-uair gan amharca, Le fáil ar ghréin. Na doitheanna cruadha peannaide, A líon rómhór den ghalar mé, D'fhág suim gan suan ar leaba mé, Go tláth i bpéin! Dá shiúlfainn Éire is Alba, An Fhrainc, an Spáinn is Sasana, Agus fós arís dá n-abrainn, Gach aird faoin ré, Ní bhfaighinnse an oiread leabhartha, B'fhearr eolas agus tairbhe, Ná is mó bhí chum mo mhaitheasa, Cé táid ar strae. Mo chreach! mo chumha ina n-easnamh siúd, Do fágadh mé! Is mór an cúrsa marana, Agus cás liom é, Mallacht Dé is na hEaglaise, Ar an gcarraig ghránna mhallaithe, A bháigh an long gan anaithe, Gan ghála, gan ghaoth. Bhí mórán Éireann leabhartha, Nár áiríos díbh im labhartha, Leabhar na Laighneach beannaithe, Ba bhreátha faoin spéir. An "Feirmeoir" álainn, gasta, deas, A chuireadh a shíol go blasta ceart, Thug ruachnoic fraoigh is aitinn ghlais, Go gealbhánta féir. Scoirim as mo labhartha, Cé chrádar mé, Is ná cuirfeadsa aon ní ar fharraige, Go brách lem ré; Moladh le Rí an nAingeal ngeal, Mo shláinte arís a chasadh orm, Is an Fhoireann úd ón anaithe, Gan bá 'theacht saor!" Kirby finishes the song, blushing a light pink and smiling sweetly at Helms.
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daisylincs · 4 years
It's time to see what I can do! To test the limits and break through// no right no wrong no rules for meee// I'm freeeeeeeeee (and i was glad lincoln died)
*utter, shocked silence*
Well, Birdie, I only have one thing to say to you --
Why Lincoln Campbell Shouldn't Have Died: A Small Essay By Lily [Redacted]
#1. It’s Lazy. There was all this fuss about how “heart-breaking” Lincoln’s death was, and how it was the most shocking choice, and I’m just like... really? Was it? Because frustrating as it is to me, it’s true that Lincoln didn’t have any significant relationships on the show aside from his with Daisy, and he also didn’t have the time/the writers didn’t invest the time to make him a character the audience could become really close to. 
And I don’t see how that’s a shocking choice at all? That’s just taking the easy way out of things. If they had really wanted to make a heart-breaking death, it would have been so much worse to choose literally anyone of the OG team.
Or, heaven forbid, not to make anyone die at all!! (Yes, I hate the Fallen Agent arc. Yes, that’s a conversation for another day.) But think about it: it would have been way more original, way more shocking, to have Lincoln not die, or find a super original/Fitzsimmons-esque way to get past the vision. It could’ve been way more shocking and ultimately satisfying if the whole team had worked together to avoid someone dying, and succeeded in avoiding that. It would have made excellent bonding.
And it wouldn’t have been lazy, because Lincoln staying alive would force him and Daisy to have some tough conversations, i.e. Hive and SHIELD and what’s next. It would also have meant an equal amount of tricky conversations with the rest of the team - especially surrounding the whole Hive debacle and methods used during it (*coughs in murder vests*). It would’ve actually been much harder than just having Lincoln die... and isn’t that what good storytelling is supposed to do? Make the harder choice for an ultimately far more satisfying resolution? 
Because choosing Lincoln to die makes it feel like that was his only purpose on the show, and I can’t help but rage against that. I know that’s how a lot of people actually do see Lincoln, and it just makes me so furious, because that’s actually such a disservice to his character?? He was so much more than just Daisy’s doomed boyfriend, and he could have been even more. Which brings me to my next point - 
#2. Wasted Opportunities. I’ll always believe that one of the biggest missed opportunities on the show was that we never got to see Lincoln properly bond with anyone on the team - it was like the writers started, but then decided he was going to die, and then went all, oh, RIP that. Which, honestly, is stupid - because they created this amazing character that had so much potential, and then decided to drop it just like that. 
And I mean, dammit!! Aside from Daisy, Lincoln had prime opportunities to bond with at least five other characters on the team - May, Coulson, Jemma, Fitz, and Mack, and that’s not even starting on the other Secret Warriors. 
He had a little bit of bonding with May when Lash/Andrew was still a thing - but then, whoops-a-daisy, unequivocally dropped. And like... Lincoln and May could’ve been such a good friendship?? Imagine May initially terrifying the living daylights out of Lincoln, but slowly seeing that he’s not actually that different to Daisy, and he makes her happy? And maybe inviting him to t’ai chi with her, to help control her powers? And him in turn helping give her some closure over Katya Belyakov/telling her that she really did make the only choice? They could’ve developed a mother/son bond just as beautiful as Daisy’s, if AoS had only tried. 
Then there’s Coulson. Daisy’s (basically) dad. We got to see a little bit of this, especially in the 3x14-15 era, but I would have loved to see even more of Coulson not-so-subtly threatening Lincoln, but grudgingly coming to accept him as a good agent (and, though he’d never admit it, kinda liking the guy.) Ugh, it could have been so funny and GOOD!!
Fitz and Jemma, to do them in a package deal, could also have been a GREAT BroTP with Lincoln if they had only actually developed it. I would have loved to see a) FitzSimmons initially distrusting Lincoln and being like “if you hurt Daisy...” and then eventually growing to bond with him over science and, well, adoring Daisy, b) a Lincoln-and-Simmons-specific friendship starting after Maveth, for example, Jemma can’t really be around her friends because they keep pitying her and trying to help and she doesn’t want that, so here’s someone new who’s nice and can also distract her with a common interest, and finally c) Lincoln and Fitz bonding over, oh, Daisy, and being ridiculously in love. Just. C’mon. It could’ve been WONDERFUL - and, just think about it, the picture of a Fitzsimmons-and-Lincoln triple alliance out-science-ing Daisy. FAB.
And Mack!! Someone who’s basically Daisy’s older brother, and, I do believe, another one for the Don’t-Hurt-Daisy pile. But Mack’s also very just, and an excellent judge of character, plus he was literally listening in on their first kiss, lmfao. So I think he’d be that “ugh AGAIN you two stop *eye roll*” big brother, but secretly be very happy for them. (I would’ve LOVED to see it, ahhhh.)
Then, of course, the Secret Warriors!! If anyone would listen, I could R A G E for days about how we only had one episode with the Secret Warriors, and that only barely before it all blew apart. But what snippets we had in that one episode!! Lincoln comforting Joey when he gets stressed before a mission. That’s canon. Now imagine Lincoln learning Spanish for both him and Elena (and so the three of them can fuck with Daisy.) And him encouraging them to follow Spanish traditions, because he picked up a lot of “traditions are important” culture from Afterlife. And, of course, them all going to Pride together to support Joey...
My point is just, there is so much MORE AoS could have done with Lincoln’s character, but especially his bonds with the other main cast. Instead of highlighting his relationship with Daisy, I would’ve preferred a lot more focus on his bonds with the rest of the gang. Because, most simply put, he’s a nice guy and loves Daisy - but that’s not all he is, and also, that love for Daisy would mean he WOULD go out of his way to bond with her family. (Point made.)
#3. It Conflicts With The S5 Time Paradox. During the Fallen Agent arc, all we’re hearing about is how time is fixed, and a death is inevitable. And then in season 5, we have the same thing with the time loop... except, they manage to break it then. We’re literally told, “there are many different futures.” And, cool. But, uh... that’s exactly what you guys didn’t say in season 3!!
Because someone saw a death, a death had to happen. My question is just: if the loop could have been broken in s5, why couldn’t the death have been avoided in s3?? It wouldn’t even have been that hard to make it still fit with the vision - Daisy can quake the controls to destroy them, then Lincoln pulls her out of the quinjet, but she leaves the jacket behind. Hive dies, but no-one else - and the best part is, that even still fulfils the original vision, because someone did die. Hive. Click boom.
And if I can figure that out, then, come on, surely AoS could have done so much better!! It just... really frustrates me, hrrrg.
#4. It Becomes A Plot Point To Hurt Daisy. We all like to joke about how much AoS hurts Daisy, but... this is extreme?? Like?? She only just went through probably the biggest trauma of her life, being freaking possessed, and now you want to make her lose someone she loves too? Cruel. 
The only real reason the Fallen Agent arc ever existed was, let’s be real, to force Daisy into that spiral of hurt and depression. And, like... she already had more than enough trauma just from Hive. Nobody would have blamed her for running away then - in fact, how very Daisy it would have been, leaving before she could hurt anyone else she loved.
And then, of course, we could have had Lincoln and the team working together to find her and bring her back, and, heyo, bonding!! It could also have been such a good point for Staticquake’s relationship, what with Lincoln helping Daisy recover after depression/withdrawal, because who better suited, and Daisy slowly forgiving herself and them becoming that much more of a deeply caring, solid ship.
So in short - though, 🙈🙈🙈, I suppose I should really say in long, because it would seem I am incapable of doing anything in a short fashion - I don't think anyone should be "glad" about Lincoln's death. If anything, we should all be FURIOUS, and super frustrated, because if he had only lived, there could have been so many excellent storylines, both bonding-wise and regarding THE ACTUAL PLOT (his powers could have been SO HELPFUL, just, argh). Lincoln Campbell should not have died, and I will stand by that till the day I die.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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mistaeq · 4 years
Caught in his fangs, freed in his claws.
Chapter 1.
TW // blood will be implied, kinda non-con relationship, vampires, werewolves, spooky things.
So. This is Dora's interactive halloween fic. What do I mean with "interactive". You choose your ending! Yay! At the end of every chapter, I'll give the reader a choice to make. You don't have to necessarily tell me your choices, you'll just have to keep them to yourselves and remember them as you go. Both endings will be posted - four, counting the not nsfw ones -, since the choice will be based on how many answer "A"s and "B"s you personally gave. But still, if you want to, you can share with me your choices! It'll be funny to know how would you behave!
Lord Higashikata x neutral!reader / Butler Nijimura x neutral!reader [depends on your choices <3]
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom... a young creature who was nothing more than a duchess/duke, was sitting in a carriage, waiting for their destiny to come. This is not about a princess/prince, no knights galloping on a noble steed, but the story of a pure, untouched creature who was sold to save their family. This was deeply illegal. This is why from the day they were born, their parents never declared their birth at the government. They were noble people, god dammit. They would have never let such a shame fall on their surname's fame, on their dynasty, on their family's reputation. So they waited, living their misery in secret. They waited until their eighteenth birthday to sell them to someone who they knew would have never aged and would have never died, in the meantime.
You had heard of this person. He was a Count, mercilessly buying people to gain pleasure from them. To be satisfied. Almost like a tribute, almost like the Minotaur myth. It sounded just like this man could never be without someone beside him, pleasuring him. But you spent eighteen years of your life with your parents by your side, reassuring you about the fact that this person would have treated you well and properly, and he would have given money to your family after every year of your life spent with him. He had never had the chance to ask for something like that before... but since your family had promised you to him since the very start, since the day you were born, he asked for them to make sure you made it to him as a virgin.
Did this mean... he wanted you to have your first time with him...? He wanted you sexually, someway? Maybe making sure you were untouched just for him? These were the questions that were bugging you all the way towards his castle. The carriage felt always colder, and you stared at the coachman, hoping he would someway reassure you. "Excuse me...? Do you know anything about the man I'm being brought to...?" as you asked, the carriage stopped, and the man turned towards you, clearing his voice. His cyan eyes looked so deep, they were cutting through you as the sharpest sword ever.
"You mean my uncle, Lord Higashikata, I figure." what a deep voice, you felt the goosebumps it caused creeping up behind your spine. Lord Higashikata? At least now you knew about his surname. The surname you maybe would have taken.
"Y/n Higashikata..." you murmured, just to hear how your name would have sounded with his surname, slightly whispering and fighting hard against the tears that were forming in your eyes. Your parents had made you use to this thought. But all you would have wanted, watching all the lovebirds flirting and kissing in the streets, you realized you would have rather chosen to slowly fall in love with someone, rather than being forcibly paired with that Count. Meet someone, make friends, spend time together... passing time making you fall in love. This is what you craved. But you would have never found it now. It was too late. Maybe.
It took waking up from your daydreaming, to notice that the coachman who was talking to you, had no body at all. Or better, he did have a body... but it was driving the carriage, while the thing that was talking to you was his head only, held up by a single hand of his instead of being on his neck. "What the heck?" you almost shouted, terrified, as you curled up against the carriage's seat. "What... what are you..." your voice broke, as the man put his head back on his driving body with a sarcastic laughter. Your eye fell on a notebook, which was right beside the coachman. It had a name on it. Probably his. "Are you possibly... Kujo Jotaro?"
"Why even bother asking. Does my head scare you, young creature?" Kujo's deep voice answered in a melancholic way, as his back relaxed against his seat. "You'll see way better shit than this, in that castle. My uncle did this to me. He's the only one who can fix me, so that I have to be loyal, if I want my reward." what? You didn't know why. But your instinct told you to investigate. The more you knew about your future husband, the better it would have been.
"Lord Higashikata did this to you...?" your soft voice asked, even if you already knew the answer. "Is he evil? Possessive?"
"Are you asking to know whether you have a choice without dying or not?" your breath hitched. Dying? What kinda man was he? And if you parents promised you to him as soon as you were born, how can he be as young as they said he looks like? Now that you thought about it... you had heard of this man wanting young boys and girls for his own pleasure during a time which was located way before your birth.
"Why hasn't he been killed yet?" when this question left your lips, you thought you were nuts. How could you let yourself ask such a thing to the Count's coachman? "How old is he...?" you immediately tried to cover up your last question with a new one, which anyways bugged you a lot as well. Jotaro shrugged.
"Nobody really remembers it precisely apart from him and his advisor. I think he's around two hundred..." No way you heard what you just heard. Were you gonna marry... an elderly man? But no, come on, two hundred years isn't even considered elderly, it's basically... dead? "You know..." Kujo continued. "...Vampire stuff." Oh. OH. So that's what it is. Vampire. Great, good to know your family had been planning to sell you to an edgy bat for eighteen years so far. Now, if possible, you were twice as terrified as before. You didn't dare to ask any more questions to the coachman, considering he sometimes even sounded pretty pissed at the thought of solving your doubts himself.
The jacket you had taken off while you were in the carriage, returned on your shoulders as it stopped in front of the scariest view ever. A castle, a giant, castle, where the only light available to make it clearer to your sight, was the moon. It wasn't even full, that night, so that there wasn't a great light to dispose of. Great. You waited for some seconds, as the coachman opened your door out, interrupting the whistle lingering in everyone's ears, when it all suddenly gets too silent. Only then, you had the occasion to notice two things. The first one, was that Kujo was ridiculously tall and muscular. The second one, way more scary, was that the carriage, since the beginning of your road, had been carried by... nothing. You swallowed, as your gaze decided not to stare at that too much. This counted for both Jotaro's muscles and the lack of horses. "Just get to the main door. Someone will be waiting for you."
His deep voice then left you, all alone, as he took his place back in the carriage, and you could swear you heard him murmur something on his way back, on the line of "This is the nth youngster that I bring for him... I feel like Charon." Seriously? Charon? Was he implying he had just brought you - and many others - to basic hell? You huffed and held back your tears, a true miracle. No need to cry now, this won't bring you back home, not that you're this much eager to see the two people who sold you to a vampire murderer. And probably an old man, too. Your feet moved, shyly, to the main, giant, iron made door. A short, smiling, reliable-looking guy, and a tall, muscular, serious-looking sentry, were waiting for you. You decided to talk to the short one first, as you noticed the white part of his right eye was black, instead. Plus, the iris of that eye was red, whereas the left one was blue.
"Uhm... hello?" you murmured, trying to smile the best you could, as your breath suddenly hitched at the feeling of the cold tip of something sharp against your neck. You didn't dare to move your face, or the blade would have wounded you. But you turned your eyes toward the taller sentry, the golden wolf decoration attached to his double-breasted jacket almost blinded you, as it reflected the moonbeams. You swallowed. The blonde, braided haired sentry didn't even think about backing off. Until...
"Keicho." the shorter guy talked, putting his hand on the sentry's. "You don't wanna slice our Lord's betrothed, do you?" he giggled. The man, Keicho, was it, backed off, and retracted the weapon from your neck. Now that you had a good sight of it, it looked like a long, heavy arrow.
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"No, I don't." the sentry hid the arrow behind his back, right where it probably was before, since you didn't even notice it until he attacked. "I apologize, Koichi." wait. For real? Koichi? Keicho and Koichi? Like Tweedledum and Tweedledee? Keicho and Koichi? You avoided giggling about this. The last thing you wanted was getting your head threatened to be cut off again. The little guy just nodded, and gestured you into entering the door. He would have followed and guided you. To keep on following Kujo's reference, Koichi would have been your Virgil in that hell. Keicho remained at the entrance of the castle. As a sentry, he was required there. He was, anyway, the most normal one you had met so far. Almost. ALMOST.
"So... Y/n, if I'm not mistaken?" the short one asked, his smile not abandoning him. He looked like a pacific person. You nodded. "Good, good. You're talking to Lord Higashikata's advisor. I stay by his side when he needs so, and he requested me to welcome you myself, since..." he smiled, to probably reassure you. The corridor looked neverending. "...you might have noticed Keicho isn't the most graceful man on Earth." Lord Higashikata's advisor... you're sure Kujo spent some positive words about him, previously, but you remembered none of them. You could just think you probably agreed, so far. "You're a special guest. Not like all the other people I've witnessed disappearing during my career." disappearing? Oh dear God. "You're a virgin, he mentioned that to me. Such a fresh creature never happened to him before. Higashikata Josuke wants to marry you." oh... Josuke. You now had found out his name, too.
"Do I have any hope of escap-" as you pronounced it, Koichi grabbed your arm.
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"Don't say it. Just don't." his voice didn't sound menacing or threatening. Just... scared. Scared or hopeless. As if his smile was just a way to hide a deep, stressful story. "Accept it the way it is. Just fall in love with him or... force yourself to do so. Or else, you'll die." the way he switched from this sentence, to a toothy smile, totally hurt your heart. Koichi was broken inside, yet you could just watch this happening and vaguely imagine your destiny beside that vampire. Old vampire. Probably. "Anyways..." he huffed. "It's all straight through this corridor, you're almost at the end. Just get the last door in the middle, at the end. The only door." Koichi bit his lip. "I'm sorry I'm leaving you like this... but I just heard some sounds... I'm afraid Keicho's fighting with the Lord's snake." oh great. Higashikata has a snake, you thought to yourself as the small guy left you alone in the corridor.
Great. Charon brought you to hell. Virgil brought you here, a step closer to Lucifer, who you saw in Josuke. What's next, a Beatrice? You almost chuckled, thinking it was so absurd you could have woken up right now back in your bed at home and be unimpressed. You felt a sudden goosebump, all of it in a single instant, but couldn't even have time to process what you felt, that you heard a loud sound of a door being angrily closed. "Guh! Shit..." what? Was there someone at the end of the corridor, now? You thought, processing the sight of someone lying on the ground, quickening your steps to get closer enough to see who it was without being suspected of something or attacked. There was, in fact, someone. It looked like a young guy, a long - almost waist long - grey braid coming from his hair, which were black on the top, was now squished to the ground, the double-breasted jacket was similar to Keicho's, as you noticed it had the same golden wolf shaped decoration on his chest. His skin, though, was much different from the usual. Flesh colored, yes, but grayer. Way grayer, as if it had no saturation at all. You saw him trying to stand up, planting a hand on the ground to lift his chest up, but he fell back down. You could notice that his right hand, the one he used to help himself, was covered by a crimson glove.
As you looked at him struggling, you knew there was only a thing to do. You would have...
a) ...helped him to stand up. You couldn't look at someone struggling without helping.
b) ...been careful and waited for him to stand up, to see if he was really harmless.
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reluctant-fan-girl · 3 years
My thoughts on 139 as an Ereri shipper
Buckle up for a long read and some unpopular opinions haha. Feel free to add on/ correct me but this is only how I feel so take it with a pinch of salt, I'm not asking anyone to change how they feel because we're all feeling some feels right now and your grief is valid. I just really wanna talk about the chapter before I go back to my Yaoi ship. (Forgive my grammar errors and all I wrote this at 5am and I'll probably come back and fix the spelling and stuff later today)
Thoughts on ch 139:
Well... here we are guys. The last chapter, it's been one hell of a ride and even though I have only been a part of the community for three years I'm still sad it ended. (Not to mention it finished 4 days before my birthday but that's just an extra oof) I keep seeing a lot of Mikasa hate and even though I used to despise her this chapter really got me thinking and damn, she's definitely one of the strongest characters (second to Levi at least in terms of resolve but hey I'm biased lol) she killed the person she loved, who pushed her away time and time again, and until the very end wanted to save him yet she was the one who ended it all. I doubt I could do that if my girlfriend was doing something similar... but I guess most people are like that. I admit, when I read the chapter at work I began crying in the break room, not because the ending caught me off guard, it was about what I was expecting, but I'm still sad Eren died. All this stuff was foreshadowed through especially the last few chapters and I kind of hopped into the manga around when Zeke blew Levi up, and even then... I feel like I knew this would be how it turned out some time last year? It was mostly predictable since this story, from it's inception, has done nothing but break the shonen stereotype time and time again and this was just the kind of ending that would shatter the mould and make it worthy of that moniker. Now am I happy that Eremika is canon? Not really, in fact not at all I'm mad. Although tbh it's not that I really expected a same sex, age gap relationship to be canon in mainstream manga, but this is what fan fiction is made for right? Besides as much as this manga has challenged or straight up ignored it's very obvious what the intended ship was going to be from the start. Even still the confession at the end by Eren is honestly OOC from most of everything else he's said/done and feels forced but, 🤷🏻‍♀️ like... the ending would have been better if Eren's feelings stayed vague so we could come to our own conclusion. If I had my way I'd have Eren confessing to Levi and they'd run off to live in secret but again... that isn't how it ended and I'm accepting that even if I don't like it. (Plus I can read/write a fanfic of a 'better' ending to make myself feel better) but I'm glad I stuck around for such a bitter sweet end.
Eren's character:
Now I love Eren as much as anyone else, but I see lots of people crying "character assassination" and I feel this personally isnt true at least not completely. We're all grieving right now and I know he was so cute and lovable at the start (hell in a way he still is) but this has always been his character. He is the one who most desperately yearns for freedom because feels trapped by his fate more than anyone else. The line "I felt like I had to and I let myself get caught up in the flow" is proof he *knows* he isn't free despite his father's reassurance, and his own repetition of the phrase. There's a common phenomenon with mantras or the practice of repeating something over and over in your head, the more you say it, *the less you believe it* and IMHO Eren never really felt free from the start. He knew his fate was sealed and he probably could have, no... *should* have acted differently yet he himself couldn't change what fate had in store. He just kept moving forward for no other reason than he wanted to save Mikasa, Armin, and his people. He (may have?) sacrificed Carla, not to serve as motivation, but so that he could save Armin later on by eating the Colossal titan instead of burning to death. It must have been a heart wrenching choice to make but he cares for his friends more than anyone else. He gave them a fighting chance and his death gave the alliance a good name so the world (or the 20% left of it) would see they aren't the same as him. Of course I'm thinking, "What if he had Dina free Carla or just let her eat Bert I mean Grisha probably would have passed on the Attack titan to Eren even if Carla had lived," but Armin very well could've died in another way or things could've turned out so much worse for everyone else. But even if Eren hates his choice I think something to note here is he doesn't seem to regret it, taking some of Levi's advice with him to the grave (quite literally) Plus you guys have to remember he died at 19 years old, that is *young* and I may only be a few years older but 18-21 is a huge period of change and you wont make the best choices, he's dealing with all that on top of the memories of the other titan holders, and the founding titan which I think really messed with him more than anything. He even says he only wants to live 10 more years ;-; the poor thing deserved a full life too even if his perception of time is warped and he never got a chance to become an adult.
The aftermath:
Well, everyone seems happy for the most part which is great! The one thing that I didn't expect was for the ending to be bitter sweet rather than total annihilation. Historia really does seem... fuck it I don't know and this is the part that bugs me most is she never really got the ending she deserved and felt kinda... forgotten? It's hard to tell but I think she ended up loving her child in the end... maybe... she's smiling while holding her... right? Levi is out beyond the walls and he may be wheelchair bound and half blind but he's still alive! Now this is honestly my saving grace here I mean god imagine him surviving a literal bomb only to die such a lame and pointless death in the last chapter. My boy made it through everything though and he's still got them dad vibes with Gabi and Falco which is kinds sweet... but I still hate Gabi. I still really hate Gabi, but it's nice to see that they're all somewhat okay. (Plus okay... Eren Canonically being reborn as a bird is kinda hilarious yet fitting since he got his freedom... Parasitic Jaeger haha good one Isayama.) Who knows if the war will ever end, heck Isayama himself said this is only the begining and while the fight goes on they have a chance thanks to Eren sacrificing himself the way he did. He could've made so many other choices and I don't know what could've/would've been better. Maybe Isayama knows but time travel and altering the past opens a whole ass can of worms that is just... like the killing your grandpa paradox kinda thing and if I were writing this story I wouldn't wanna try and deal with that either, especially after writing one story for eleven years.
(LEVI LIVED MY BEST BOI LIVED WHOOOO YESS 😭😭😭 ALL I COULD ASK FOR AHHH) *cough* sorry I had some crying fan girl in me that demanded to be seen too
Anyways this was just my thoughts for now, I may eventually write more and hell I'll probably go back to sweet sweet denial myself, posting contradictions because dammit I love my ereri too much and some people have good points or some posts are just funny in general. Have a good day, stay safe, and we are all in this together <3 Thanks for reading all the way if you did! (And here's a good meme to lighten the mood too)
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stimmypaw · 3 years
Stimmypaw reads Darkest Night! The fourth text post!
Back with these uh live reading comments! Remember those? yeah! I'm on the fourth book of Warrior Cats: A Vision of Shadows :D I read The Apprentice's Quest and Thunder and Shadow and Shattered Sky and now!! I'm here :D and boy did I have a time. Click read more to see it!
These guys are weak and dumb skyclan is epic and sharing the territory with them is good, but of course sparkpelt isn't dealing well with change wink wink nudge wink nudge nudge huh???? (this is a nod to how I project into her and say shes autistic)
I am getting anxious for tinycloud SERIOUSLY how much longer until those kits??? Everyday you show up and its WOW my tummy ssure is HUGE AND BULGING I just Wonder Oh When They'll Be Born, probably pretty soon!!! :) and then they arent!!!! Birth dammit!!!
Cherryfall cut the sick and hurt cats some slack jeez youre Fine, youre not feeding half the forest and you have THREE medicine cats ready to help you if youre not feeling well
Bastard Cherryfall I hate you /lh
Dovewing and Tigerheart have relationship drama again. What is UP with those two I simply do not understand them
Watching Bramblestar trying to control this bizarre situation is actually funny he is so close to screaming "PLEASE dont be mad :c"
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Get her, Alderheart
They LITERALLY said something about sharing the territory, they were like "Stars have five points baby and we need those 5 clans togetherrrr" what else do these cats want??? I know its a big change but its necessary
Wait everyone shut up that cat is named Podlight this is so important to me
Dang these cats are really still struggling :c I wish they didnt blame each other
Harestar is so cool
What the FUCK mistystar????
God what a disaster of a gathering Starclan is gonna be so pissed everyone is doing the opposite of what they should
I was holding my breath oof
I hope thunderclan gives some territory too thats too small a space for Skyclan
Oh boy oh boy oh boy i am Anxious for these Kitties
Violetpaw is me having nightmares every night
Macgyver is a heavily gringue name and I have No Clue how to say it how the hell do you say it
Update its either Mick Guyver or Mac Guyver apparently
Its fun to see how different the sisters are from one another, I love them both
I also love their mom with the name identical to puddleshine wish I got to meet her
Sadly Twigpaw is for gender binarism 😔 /j
Twigpaw is often in her thoughts and doesn't pay attention to anything around her and I love her for that
Bad news Finpaw is gonna lose his tail, good news I can draw his tail fin-shaped
Puddleshine surgeon moment!!!
I love Graystripe and Millie
And I love that being flirty is a part of Sparkpelt's personality, I don't know what Alderheart is talking about she's always been dandelion-headed
Ok this is epic, I’m glad we’re breaking gender roles in Warrior Cats my heart dropped when the books called Briarlight cr*ppled, that’s the thing they promised not to do anymore recently right? I’m not sure but, I could use some uh less ableism on my Warrior Cats, the series is old but the newer books should be better, so yeah, good modernize these cats babyyy
OH COOL Skyclan journey!!! Fun I hope they find someone :] also fuck Molewhisker and Cherryfall bastards.
Jayfeather is gonna miss Alderheart too much for him to leave hehehe
ALL of Starclan showed up just to call out Riverclan pahahah
oooo is shadowclan haunted?????
I wonder why Twigpaw wants to stay behind, there has to be more than just the camp stuff
"I wish I were more positive like Twigpaw, but at least I'm just as scarred by the death of my loved ones as my dad :] I like being like him"
Violetpaw witnesses a car crash 😔 that was a bit messy what happened to those cars also why the hell was one of them smaller was it a bike??? Or ???? Idk what's up with it!!!
Needletail just happens to have slow-down turned on for her on the discord chat so she can only say like a few words each hour :/ why the hell is she here tho Violetpaw needs to get OVER your death!!!!
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This short exchange has made me love Dewpaw
Also, I love Twigpaw, I still wonder why she stayed behind tho
Ahh, is it cus she feels too estranged from her family :c ? I wish her mom was around maybe that would help
Jee Twigpaw be a tad more empathic, I can see Twigpaw struggles with that sometimes
You can't cheer him up right now he's grieving, just find him on common ground, talk to him, don't try to make him happy just try to keep him company
Oh wow finpaw that's a dangerous thing to say I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure to never be sad because people like her because she's happy and her being sad would be bad
Okay I'm glad they're getting along this is nice
Oh look twigpaw you Are like your father :] this is cute
Skyclan begins to fish competitively I'm glad
I like it when medicine cats bicker about their leader's behaviors ehheheh, Jayfeather talking about how weak Shadowclan is, Alderheart being annoyed at his father for wanting to stay silent, the others worried about the tensions this is all cheff the kisser
Jayfeather spitting the truths about how Starclan doesn't know shit, and he is very much one to speak
Puddleshine: Rowanstar stepped up the patrols :c
Leadstar: He has warriors enough for that?? Damn good for him
Dang poor Skyclan I hope they manage stuff better soon
Oooo the girls are fighting!!!
Alderheart starclan anxiety time dang
Sheep :]
Needletail :[
I'm sad Ravenpaw isn't here, this is a lovely reunion scene but knowing Barley will be alone when they all leave breaks my heart
Oh, maybe not, but if they stay I'll be sad also cus Skyclan needs its warriors
Aw man, Twigpaw is struggling :c
Omg crimes
That sounds kinda possessive twigpaw!
omg tigerstar 2 real
Whats he gonna do to rowanstar???
Aw, I'm glad they're having fun tho, and that twigpaw sees herself as skyclan
Alderheart, as he meets someone for the first time in a while: ARE YOU OKAY???
Blackstar protagonist moment
The medicine cats: our gods are toying with us again and destiny is uncertain
Leaders: I cannot DO this right now PLEASE leave and let me care for The Real Issues
Alderheart: YOU WILL hang out at my house Willowshine this isn't up for debate
Riverclan suffered enough and it's their turn to throw a tantrum about it, honestly good for them hsghahah
Alderheart asks his father to go on a quest to check people's feet
Alderheart and Willowpelt sitting there watching Shadowclan fight
This is really funny
Puddleshine, in his eyes: help help
I love Skyclan
Ok this sounds like it's gonna be very very fun
Mission impossible: Escape From São Paulo
Oh, is Fallowfern deaf? That's so poggers omg I wanna see more of her
Edit: fallowfern is an elder that lost her hearing with age and retired after that happened :/ boring
I love leafstar so much
Juniperclaw: aren't you gonna punish her????
Leafstar: why
Juniperclaw: when I tell rowanstar he's gonna be pissed
Leafstar: don't tell him
Juniperclaw: the fuck is wrong with you and your clan??? Where is everyone???????
Leafstar: busy
I don't trust abled people specially able-bodied people telling disabled people they just have to train harder and feeling sorry for yourself won't help.
But this is the closest to a positive message to disabled people we have ever had in warriors so I guess I'll take it but I want better
Dang ivypool what a way to show someone you miss them hahaha
Twigpaw: uhhhh how's dovewing?
Ivypool: what do you mean did she do something illegal I'm sure she did
Ivypool is a seriously funny character WHY are you yelling at the young adult about your sisters illegal activities she doesn't know anything about it!!!!
Alderheart goes on an adventure
Feet inspector on the road!!!!
Jasper is so funny I love him
Omg what's he got against clan cats??? What's his sad backstory????
YEESSSS SPARKPELT MY LOVE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕
Sparkpelt your opinion sucks but I love you
I'm really really glad they had this moment this is really sweet, they hadn't talked for a while but this is genuine like, we hadn't had this sort of relationship in so long in the books with just, dialogue yknow??? THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THINGS
And the pause Sparkpelt takes between her speaking to fix what she's saying "I'm sorry for saving you :c no wait uhh not exactly but like" this is so good so natural so fun I love you sparkpelt
I get why she has a diferent opinion on Skyclan it's good for someone close to Alderheart to have a different mindset from him and for him to have someone like uh be opposites from him a lil yknow contrats his characteristics makes both siblings fun round and full of kitty do you get what I'm saying???
I love this
I love Sparkpelt, love her lil anxious moments, love her, love that she just wants to fool around with toms and enjoys Larksong but doesn't want to get serious you go girl
They wanted to write smart-ass they wanted to write smart-ass so bad
They're doing this in the rain?????
I'm quite certain Violetpaw is a young adult by this point its valid for her to go
Wh why did you let your cat out in the rain dude!!! When it comes back it's gonna dirty up the whole place it's wet out there!!!! And the cold is gonna get in the house!!!!!!!
Oh this is so epic
That moment when your cat nearly dies and then it runs off and you go after it and then a bunch of other cats show up and start running with it
I hope Twigpaw can see the others soon
Glad to see her keeping her medicine cat knowledge ehehehe
Sandynose I hate you you are so abled
Sandynose: I don't want my son to feel distanced from his peers so I'm distancing him from his peers
Angry sad upset why
Thanks graystripe
Ok who's dying this time
Ok no one just a background cat got hurt he will survive otherwise it would be relevant
This was intense though what will happen now???
Oh this is lovely so good they're here!!! The rest of skyclan has arrived and we are all happy together
That dream felt good
Where were you at!!!!
Check this man's feet how many toes are there this could be good
Hegshahwha what the fuck is up with this guy
Okay I like him
Ohhh THATS tree
Change your name if you don't like it you sound trans already
Yeah nothing makes one smarter like dying
This is very fun I'm excited for more of whatever happening
Twigpaw :c
Oh no
Hhhhnn I want Twigpaw to be happy so bad, I hate seeing her struggles
Sandynose you are so evil and very detested by me
You can and you SHOULD feel angry at Sandynose he SUCKS and he is being needlessly mean at you!!!!! There are much better ways to bring up the possibility that maybe you'd be happier with thunderclan!!! Fuck off Sandynose
Oh so Snowbush hasn't improved, maybe he will die?
Poor Alderheart
Oh fuck there he goes
Aw man, rip to the background cat
That was a heavy death too
Aw, I was hoping the rest of Skyclan would show up before the gathering, maybe just after it???
I wonder what's going on in Shadowclan
The couple was kidnapped
Oh my lord oh fuck
Can't anyone step up to lead why do they depend on Tigerheart so much???
Jesus christ
Alderheart kills his gods
This is so chaotic and funny I'm worried as hell for shadowclan but excited a lot is happening
Tawnypelt >:(
Oh dear
Twigpaw :c
TWIGPAW :CCCC Man rememebr when I said I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure of being happy for others? yeah
I'm so heartbroken for them
Uh pdhsgahab okay then
Bye finpaw
Wow that was easy for him
This is fun
I'm still sad as hell
Okay there's a lot going on right now wow
The owl scene was funny as hell to picture, this dramatic prophetic moment and the cats just "uuggh is that a prophecy??? Nooo"
Okay so
There's some shadowclan cats missing, considering the many sleekwhisker maps I'm sure she's up to no good but I have no clue what happened to the others and I hope they're okay
Wow! That was really something
Fantastic ending to a very good book its, definitely a different energy from the third but I'm really enjoying this I'm still excited as hell!!! I got worried things would get kinda bad from here but nope!!!! Very fun stuff for now this is very very good and I am enjoying it
This is definitely one of the most fun arcs I've read so far!!! The drama the stakes the little moments everything is tying together really well into a very fun story I'm enjoying a lot!
I worry for Twigpaw and hope for her happiness, and Violetshine too, hope her and Hawkwing deal well with missing her. Tree is being interesting. Alderheart wasn't much of a focus here but always fun to see him trying to solve the damn prophecy no leaders seem to care about. Mousewhisker was okay??? Lots of very fantastic turns for all events and uh let's see where this all goes next!!!
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palaugranetes · 6 years
Luis: No.
Geri: Say it!
Luis: Not gonna happen no. Forget it.
Geri: Big mistake bro
Luis: What else can you do.. You've done everything already.. How much worse can it get.
Leo: You really wanna push your luck there mano?
Geri: Challenge. Accepted. Gordo.
Leo: Well you've gone and done it now.
Jordi: Everytime I see you two interact I get the urge of getting some popcorn and a drink
Jordi: And a helmet..
Ivan: 😂😂
Marc: 🙈
23 January 2019
Masche: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
Puyi: What kind of BS?!
Xavi: Really..
Andres: 🙄
Puyi: I really don't get you guys
Leo: Guys, let's just remain calm.. before we start kicking people.
Puyi: I am trying but y'all are making it really difficult for me. Making me lose my hair here..
Andres: Ouff I know that feeling..
Masche: 🙄 Yeah...
Puyi: I will NOT have it. Something has got to change.
Puyi: And by something I mean everything.
Puyi: And by everything I mean management.
Andres: A bit harsh no?
Puyi: No
Xavi: There are no other options though Carles
Puyi: You go coach them.
Xavi: What? No. Not ready yet. Not happening.
Puyi: Well we have to find someone.
Leo: I get where you're coming from Puyi but what can we do? If we act up we'll hurt the club. If we do things in spite of management the media will have a ball. You know how it is.
Leo: Hell they made it seem like Geri and I are fighting and not getting along.. Imagine that..
Masche: 😂😂 I can't even imagine that happening ever..
Leo: It will never. But try to calm the people down after seeing those headlines.
Xavi: I read those and I couldn't stop laughing.
Leo: So if we have to do anything it will have to be in silence. We don't want to cause panic among the fans nor do we want to cause a media frenzy
Puyi: We have to talk to Abi.
Andres: Abi has been doing a good job I gotta say.. but could he keep it from the board and management?
Puyi: True.. Nobita will have to be informed.
Leo: We have to do endure and hope for the best. But what I do know is that things cannot go on like that. @Sergio @Geri @Sergi we have to do something. There will he a team meeting next week after the Girona match. We'll talk about the details on the team's group.
Xavi: Valverde is not a member in it?
Leo: We have 2 😂 Geri made a side chat.
Masche: @Geri how many chats do you have?!
Leo: We'll figure something out. But most importantly we have to find a suitable replacement.
Puyi: I'll help.
Leo: Great.
Geri: Uhh what the hell happened here
Masche: Adults actually having a conversation. That is what it looks like.
Geri: I'd laugh.. but I would imply that that was funny..
Puyi: Change nanu. We are talking about change.
Geri: See @Leo I am not the only one.
Leo: Not that kind of change Geri. Management.
Masche: What kind of change did you think you big tree..
Geri: None of your business baldylocks.
Masche: Like I said.. Adults converstion.
Leo: lighten up you two. Geri was just thinking of changing his Luis-Prank-technique.
Geri: We wouldn't want to be stuck in a routine now would we Gordo.
Luis: Just Leave me alone.
Geri: Shouldn't have done what you did. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Sergio: Of course Leo.
Sergi: Just sent out a text to everyone.
Leo: Great. We need to fix things.
Leo: starting this sunday..
Puyi: I sure hope so.
Geri: We will try our very best to turn the table at home.
Xavi: And more
Geri: Absolutely.
Puyi: We'll see. But if that does not happen..
Geri: I know I know... you'll come here and kick me.
Puyi: And I'm bringing Jefecito with me
Geri: Of course.
Masche: Dammit now I kinda almost want you to mess up..
Geri: Ha ha ha hilarious
Jordi: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Puyi: DO NOT.
Geri: Sir yes Sir!💂🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️
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What I like about voltron S7
- I liked the subtlety of Adam and Shiro's relationship. It was kinda clear that they weren't "just friends" and the conversation was something like what people in an actual relationship would say. They managed to get her point across without having to say "As your boyfriend..."
- The backstory between Shiro and Keith. Oh my God.
- While traveling Pidge playing her games and aline while everyone is forced to share. Rip Pidge having to carry everyone and suffering momentarily.
- Romelle touching everything inside of Lance's lion.
- The wolf using his teleportation to transport people around before going back to Pidge.
- Hunk's bravery. You're doing great sweet I love you.
- The wolf I love you. You're a good pupper saving Pidge and Lance.
- Poor Coran going to help Kolia and the universe saying "nope". But I guess he Universe had other plans to make Coran useful.
- that Ezor and Zethrid ship tease though.
- Lotor's rebellious general Acxa. She looks good work her hair down. Acxa so done with Lotor's shit.
- The mice attacked and beat up a guard. I'm so proud of them.
- Poor Coran. You did your best and I'm proud of you.
- RIP Ezor and Zethrid. Though I feel like they'll be back and there was another galran that looked like Ezor. Maybe Ezor's mother or relative?
- Holy fuck it's been 3 years since anyone has seen voltron.
- The game show filler episode was actually pretty funny. Probably my favorite voltron filler. Okay scratch actually... It's really funny. I'm dying.
- Its okay Lance. I ain't remember the name either. I don't remember any of their names lmao. I fucking died seeing Lotor saying "Go galra" with that other subordinate.
- Pidge fucking attacked Bob and I'm living for it.
- Keith just not wanting to be stuck with Lance and trying to get him out. Lmao. But all of the reasons they voted for someone else were heartwarming.
- It was all some cosmic dream. That they all had. Damn Bob chill with the cosmetic judging.
- The wolfie is getting a name. Yay. I think cosmo is a good name for the space doggo.
- And here i thought they finally had an ally. Looks like the Blade of Mamora has fallen.
- The moments between Keith and Kolia.
- Where is Shiro's real body????
- Jesus christ they can't catch a break. Universe stop torturing them. Finally a break! Nope Nevermind. Wait nope Nevermind they finally got a break!
- Nevermind break over apparently.., but they're back on earth!
- Hunk’s family!!! Lance’s family!!!
- Iverson stood up for Sam and his wife and I'm glad he did. Chief lady is a bitch. Maybe listen to the man who has had DIRECT contact with galrans and built tech for them when he says your tech isn't good enough. Iverson is smart... There will not be a court listening to this woman.
- The resistance. I'm living for it. Lance's sister is cute.
- Allura being worried about the mice and cow. Nah they're just chillin.
- Lance's sniper skills.
- The reunion of families. Im so glad. Oh God where is Hunk's family.
- Hunk opening up with Keith. Keith opening up with Hunk. This was unexpected and I love it. Awe and they hugged. Them having help to get Hanks family back. I'm ready for it.
- Aye Allura got an arm for Shiro. It somehow started messing up but she fixed it. Hopefully this Shiro stays and I'd fucking okay.
- Red!!! Respond please!! Oh thank God red responded just in time.
- That fucking lady bitch. God dammit she had one job and now has completely fucked voltron and earth. That chick needs to be stripped of her command. Did you really think??? Sendack??? Would help you??? Or just leave with the lions???? Like-- you fucking hoe was bitch-- you fucked everyone's plan. HE WILL NOT LEAVE!!! IF YOUDA-- FUXKIB--/ LIST--
- well shit Lotor's back. Nope wait no wasn't him.
- Jesus christ the Atlas is huge af
- Holy shit nope they can't be gone-- I refuse to believe it. Oh thank god they're okay. Jesus that was a tense moment.
- I love seeing everyone all together.
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