#i'm trying to conjure my favourite unhinged women in my mind but i'm struggling ahsjsdhdb
derelictheretic · 1 year
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Finally getting to this (a day before wednesday but shhh) I was most recently tagged by @clicheantagonist @detectivelokis @ishwaris @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @kyber-infinitygems Thank you all <3
Sending tags out to @deputyash @wrathfulrook @trench-rot @florbelles @unholymilf @v0idbuggy @shallow-gravy @strangefable @bluemojave @trashcatsnark @megraen @wewillryesagain @henbased @jollybone @rejected-beater !!
FIRST a Lola wip that is technically apart of a long fic wip that is. Rough. It's going rough, need to slow down the pace by a hundred. Pray for me :">
Warning(s): Canon-typical violence, Lola saw the copter go down and chose violence, shoot first have rational thought later, tries to pull a bullet out of her shoulder but shit is slippery, no one is being niceys to her rn....
The bullet lands between his eyes, tearing skin and cracking through the thin layer of skull. Red blossoms like a flower on his face as he falls and Lola's eyes skitter away as shouts and rushed footsteps come from the buildings. Peggies flood out like roaches—and that's just what they are. Lola knows it, soulless, brainless, roaches with no direction and only one goal. And she was the exterminator, each bullet and each body that dropped another act of good service she'd be praised for when she and her friends were all safe and sound back in the sheriff's department. 
Staci would pat her on the shoulder and Joey would raise her bottle in cheers, Dean and James would lift her up on their shoulders and walk her around the office as everyone applauded her bravery and saving the day. That's how it would go down.
She smiles at the thought, as more bodies drop and her clip runs out. She races forward to one with a rifle, hitting the barrel upward and feeling the heat as it fired and she rammed her shoulder into the owners sternum. The woman grunts and falls back into the dirt, Lola steals the rifle from her hands and brings the butt of it down onto her cheek, hearing a brutal crack with the force before feeling a sharp sting in her shoulder. She hisses and whips around, rolling and falling onto her ass as she aims at the offender who held a gun aimed right between her eyes. She gets the shot off first and he falls in a mangled heap on the ground.
Reaching around Lola expects blood, and there was a lot of it, but a small bullet was poking out of her skin and she grunts as her fingers slip over it, trying to find purchase. She'd pull it out if she could only get a grip on it.
"Don't hit anywhere vital! The Father wants them all alive!" 
A disembodied voice shouts from within the chaos, distant as Lola's head becomes heavy and dizzy. She uses the rifle to push herself to her feet, shuffling to cover as more bullets whiz past her. She shakes her head and readies the rifle for another shot. She was the exterminator, a small bite wouldn't dissuade her from finishing the job. Even as her limbs begin to tingle, she rises from her hiding spot and fires off more shots, they were sloppier than before and only two bodies dropped from her four wayward bullets.
Her grey eyes drift at the sound of familiar voices and her body goes stiff at the sight of Joey and Staci. A gaggle of peggies hold onto them, dragging them kicking and screaming across the dirt. Dogs run past them, big and angry and headed straight for Lola. Those weren't roaches, she whines, eyes flickering between the animals and her friends. Joey's eyes meet hers, tearstained face an infuriating and painful sight and Lola can't tell if she screams for her to run or help. It had to be help, she had to be screaming for help.
Lola pushes her body forward again, her limbs uncoordinated as she forces herself into a run, jumping onto one of the ugly benches and jumping over the gnashing teeth of the dogs. Her boots hit the dirt and another sting of pain blooms but this time from her calf. She gasps but keeps going, raising the rifle and taking a shot at one of the men holding Joey's arm. She gets his shoulder, Joey elbows him in the face and she falls to the dirt. Lola grins and cheers weakly, happy she gave her friend an opening. But it's all short lived as a blunt force makes impact with the back of her head. 
And I've got a thousand art wips (on top of the comms i'm workin on lmao) so here's a peak at a Single Parent Crossover AU piece, the peggie dean wip, deputy squad short comic, anya illustration I fear will never be finished annnnnd a set of paintings of the Seeds I'm working on (Jacob's is already done, these are taking so long to do I may perish)
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