#i'm tired of going thru my post and queueing them
zhongrin · 1 year
i'm gonna riot am at the last step of the authentication what am i doing wrong tumblr TELL ME WHAT I'M DOING WRONG I DON'T UNDERSTAND-
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
hi there !! i hope you're doing well :) ever since i started reading ur fics i've just been really impressed with how u keep the quality of ur content very consistent. do u take breaks in between writing each fic? i think u mentioned this in a previous post when u talked about editing fics, but i guess i'm wondering how u keep urself from being burnt out/if u get burnt out! i'm going thru a slump rn so i'd be curious to hear about ur experience!
Omg thank you so much!! That is literally so sweet of you to say, much as I doubt the quality is all actually consistent—I'm looking at you, in cinders chapter two.🖕🖕🖕
Also please excuse how long this got, I have a lot of thoughts on this subject in particular!!
Personally yes, I do get burnt out, and I do find it very necessary to take breaks—from writing overall and from a fic if I'm having difficulties with it. In general, I try to write a little bit every day, but that’s not always possible, and there are times when that’s not the right thing to be doing.
If you were following me late last year, you may vaguely be aware that I disappeared for two months straight between December and February. Like, just let the queue run through and did not answer a single ask, post a single original thought, or even look at my ao3 comments. While I was gone I barely wrote a thing. I think at like 1.5 months into it, I started drafting the outline for subtle, but before that, I didn't do shit except focus on my personal life and hang out with my dog.
At that point I was just tired and I thought I could use a little recharging to get excited about writing again. I read a bunch of books and other people's fics, and reread a bunch of my old fave comfort ship fics. That break from my own work really helped me get inspired again. Since then I've been consciously trying to strike a balance between writing all the time and chilling/consuming the things that keep me inspired to write.
When it comes to taking a break from fics, I do that too. My Hawks fic lay low has been ongoing since December of last year, when I normally finish fics in under a month. I actually really love this fic, but I got a little frustrated with some plot holes and then again with the pressure I was putting on myself to characterize him (like, relax, Andie it's a fuckin fanfic) so that's been on hiatus like multiple times even though we're only three chapters in.
I think it was important, though, for me personally to take a step back from it until I had the energy to address the things that I wanted to, and until I was excited to write it again. I'm actually finally working on chapter 4 (!!!), but it really took a long time to let that bad boy marinate, and I hope the fic will be better for it.
And I did that with statistically significant as well. This was more due to my workload at my job at the time, and I worked on this one over the course of five months when prior to that, I had been finishing fics in 1-2 weeks. But slowing down and writing this fic over like ten times the amount of time it took me to write other fics was a really good learning experience for me. It taught me that it's totally fine to step away from a fic for multiple months, and that you can always come back and finish it later.
I think that's also going to be the case with the new Deku fic, and I'm happy I already know it's completely okay to take my time. I'm sure there will be new wrenches that life throws into my path, and I'll have to get hit by those and figure out how to get back up and learn to duck next time lol.
Anyway, I definitely get where you are coming from, and if I've learned anything in the year and a half I have been writing it’s that it's totally normal to hit slumps, be they long or short, fic-specific or related to writing overall. Burn-out/slumps are actually not a big deal at all if you don't psych yourself out about them.
I feel like every time I'm asked advice on anything I say this (but I mean it!!): listen to yourself. You know best what you need. If you don't feel like you have the brain power for writing right now?? You're definitely right, and you should take some time away to chill, just consume things without producing, or do other stuff in life that makes you feel good.
If you're two months into not writing and you get excited about a project outside of the one you abandoned?? There's probably a reason. Work on that instead, and maybe let your enthusiasm for that project remind you of what you liked about the other one you put down.
And if that enthusiasm doesn't return? Then let the damn thing sit until it does. There are literally writers I follow who stepped away from fics for YEARS, only to come back and post a new chapter like half a decade later. They are always, always better for it.
So literally just listen to what you are telling yourself, and ride out the slump however you need to. Please try your best not to feel guilty for it, or think that it is any reflection on you or your work. They're just a natural part of the process, and honestly you will be the better for having had this experience.
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Aww make sure to sleep enough tho, I wouldn't want you to feel too tired🥺 Also your interactions keep getting better, I don't know how you do it but they just make me giggle so much I look like an idiot 👉🏻👈🏻💖💖
I'm on holiday so I sadly won't be able to play Genshin for a few more days (I have it on my pc), but I should be able to finish some things in time when I get back >:3
THE BNHA/HAIKYUU FIC WAS SO GOOD!! I'm super proud of you!! You proved to us that you can write for basically anything🥺💖💖
I'M SORRY I SWEAR I WILL KEEP YOU COMPANY (╥﹏╥) No need to feel lonely anymore💖
As I said, I'm on holiday so I'm relaxing teehee~🏊‍♀️🏖☀️ Kinda had a scare yesterday because of some disasters that happened not far from here, but it's all good now!
And don't worry, I'm eating PLENTY😊
Omg I'm so glad you liked my interaction jeosjridif🥺🥺💖💖 and YES PLEASE WRITE IT, I WOULD BE SO HONORED🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖
Also I'm still blushing from your/Tsukki's response 👉🏻👈🏻
I need to manage my time better honestly lmao, I'm up at 1:30am doing working on the interactions (although this wont be posted til later cuz it's in my queue) but I do need to get through lots of asks! i'll work for like ~35 more mins! then sleepies!
aww you can always try mobile genshin! it's not that bad and I did start out with tablet genshin ^w^ though i do favor it on pc xD
thank youuu <333 i was so happy with it! now i just need to write more of that? well for other characters & fandoms! I just have so much going on TT^TT
aww you're so sweet <3 thank you! but dont force yourself! i'm not that important and I was just kidding ^w^
ooh i hope youre ok >.< and that it doesnt come back or happen again!
yayy!! i've added it to my list lmao and one day i'll get thru them all <333 i have hope xD
good >:) that's how he likes it!!
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heleneplays · 3 years
I forgot to answer, but thank you to @ravenclaw-craftsgirl, @annabelle-tanaka-official for the tag!
Keeping it short HERE with the handy read more bc my answers will be long <3
1. why did you choose your url?
Honestly, heleneplays-- it's pretty self explanatory that this was gonna be a gaming blog, dedicated to whatever I was playing... which was HPHM at the time.
HOWEVER as u can see, the focus shifted to my comfort milfs characters and my own player characters,,, who are extensions of me, if not a direct self-insert
so here's to my clownery for games and the characters and/or plot that hook me to them
2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
yes but no thank <3
u may percieve, just this once.
THIS is a sideblog. my main is @h-doodles
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I'm celebrating my 9th year of being in this hellsite on September 21st.
4. do you have a queue tag?
yes but i forget to use them usually,,,
it's tagged #queue or a variation of, but i'm small and lazy bc I scroll on my phone and tumblr labs' quick queue function is on </3
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
this blog was for the good ole HPHM, but also to actually to simp for Patricia Rakepick on the side, as it was only Y3 back then and I am but a small, hapless lesbian for she
also I was. ig tired of having everything under my main, untagged, unfiltered; so here I am with a very handy sideblog
6. why did you choose your icon?
Right now it's Helene Spillane in with a boquet of sunflowers, and I picked bc this is my OC!!! and I want her to be displayed!!!
7. why did you choose your header?
It was time for a change
(dionysus!helene i love u sweetie but i'm in love with maría just stealing me rudely for a dance)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
lemme check......
oh wow. i expected it was my shitpost on tall vampire mommy but apparently it's the most regrettable ship i ever considered making.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I counted 51 in here, and 55 in my main, so in the range of 50-60 since some share between them.
10. how many followers do you have?
Here? around 340, already excluding the pornbots our lord and savior can't seem to flag properly.
11. how many people do you follow?
I used to follow over 500 something but most were inactive and I went through them with a paper shredder, but after like. I went through like 3 hellsite unfollow glitches by then.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
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13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
It doesn't shame me to admit that yeah, I have. Back on my old tumblr tho. Here? Well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”?
I kin with the message, but honestly sometimes i'm conflicted bc I already go thru so much so. yea. personal prefs if and when i'll reblog such posts
16. do you like tag games?
But in long posts? Good luck having me continue!
17. do you like ask games?
sometimes, they're good to personalize the traits and characteristics of my OC, but also gives like. a template if I run art ask requests.
I get fatigued easily tho, so that's why some asks are just lounging on the edge of my askbox
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they're really, really, very good artists so im gonna assume @helgship, @lgvalenzuela, @rymushu, @astrejlau are! also @haniiebeedraws and @jayrart and @kyril-but-magical and @slytherincursebreaker as well, based on engagement <3
writers as well, esp one (1) James Shaw who I am too shy and baby to tag
@annabelle-tanaka-official, @dat-silvers-girl, @weasley-adoptee, @carewyncromwell definitely, if based on the amount of traffic I see on their asks and tags.
19. do you have a tumblr crush on a mutual?
no, but i do admire some of my mutual's themes on PC
also god, what even is a tumblr crush if not a crush?
No tags for future because i'm p sure most my tag game mutuals already answered this, but go ahead and steal if you want!
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