#i'm tired of condescending posts about what the president can and can't do
xaverie · 2 years
When the law is the tool by which people are being brutalized, it is immoral to tell them we cannot put an end to that brutalization because of the law.
When the system is the thing depriving people of their life and liberty, it is amoral to insist they can only ask for solutions that are allowed by the system.
Our government does not want what we want. If they did, they would give it to us.
And yes, we know how the system works. It’s literally what’s killing us. The way that it works is the problem. The fact that we have a Senate is the problem. The fact that so much power goes to unelected officials is the problem. The fact that Some voters have so much more power than others is the problem.  The fact that the people we did elect to help us do not have the power to help us is literally the problem.
Vote local. Run for city council. Find out who your DA is. Save your neighbor’s life. The Big Three branches deserve no credit, no sympathy, no understanding as institutions. Give them nothing but warnings, contempt, and the promise that we will use every tool in our grasp to reshape it into the society we deserve.
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