#i'm surprised by how many people are upset to learn she didn't settle down
aflawedfashion · 1 year
Honestly, I don't think Midge should end up with of the boyfriends/husbands we've seen her with
I think midge having several marriages, none of them lasting, while Susie is the platonic great love of her life would be an absolutely fitting end for this character
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kuromori4 · 4 months
For the ask game!! #4, 22 and/or 23 please!!
Ooh, you asked for some hard ones! Alrighty, let's do this.
#4- A story idea you haven't written yet
By 'Haven't written yet' I'm going to assume this means one I have the idea for, maybe wrote down the idea, but haven't written any actual dialogue or story for. Because out of my massive list of WIPS I have written chunks of story for most of them. So here's one from my notepad, in it's raw 'idea' form. Fic where Adrienette are finally dating, and they get to spend time with each other and date like normal kids (minus their superhero duties ofc) and they slowly but surely start to realize that the more they get to know each other, the more their bf/gf reminds them of their partner. It's not a sudden identity reveal. Just a slow and building suspicion that something weird is going on. There's something familiar about how Adrien looks at her. Something about how Marinette can always find the right solution. The more they relax and get comfortable around each other, the more their alternate personalities come out. Like Adrien discovers that Marinette is actually kinda bossy, and that she gets frustrated easily if it seems like you aren't taking things seriously. (He found this out because he was letting his silly side out, and she was clearly getting exasperated... Not in a way that made him feel bad for being silly, but In a way that really reminds him of Ladybug.)  Marinette could swear that when Adrien's hair gets messed up by the wind he looks a lot like Chat. Plus he's fiercely loyal, and always knows the right things to say when she's upset. Also, besides being very intelligent, she's surprised to learn that Adrien is also witty and a bit silly.  The more they really get to know the other on an intimate personal level, the more it starts to settle into their bones. It comes out in their dynamic as a couple. They eventually (and subconsciously) start treating each other the same way they'd treat their partner. The personalities start to bleed. The banter and teasing starts to inch it's way in. And then, one day, Adrien accidentally calls her M'Lady, and she responds automatically with "Yes Kitty?" and they just stare at each other for a long moment... And then start to giggle.  Because of course. They knew it all along.
#22- Do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
Does anyone *not* worry bout this? Truthfully, I always worry what people will think about my writing or art. It's not even always about whether it's good or not either. Even when I know it's good (Which sounds conceited, but you are allowed to believe your own work is good!) sometimes it's just about if it will be received well, if people will understand what I was going for, if people will accept the content. (I've written some pretty dark things, and I love to write romantic adult content/smut, and I'm always worried that those will be too dark, or too mature for people's taste) How I get past it isn't some special secret. I've always been a strange person, and I used to care far too much about what people think. I've learned thru many years of trial and error that it's much more fun to just put yourself out there, weirdness and all, and hope to find the ones that your weirdness clicks with. It goes into "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" territory. Sure, some people may not like my fic/art. But if I never post it, it will never be seen by those who would. And I'd be more sad if I never shared my efforts with like-minded people who I think would like it, than I would be if someone saw it and didn't like it. Because finding those people who DO like it, is pure magic.
#23- Pick three keywords that describe your writing
1. CHAOS! 2. GoblinEnergy 3. Unfinished (haha)
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andrewjostn · 5 years
So I based this off of this song about a girl who likes to dance with her ghosts and doesn't want to leave, so I turned this into a fic about kit (+livvy, will, tessa, Jem, and some tlh peeps), a sad but sweet kinda thang I hope you guys enjoy it
@allyreynclds bc idk your undying support makes my heart go 💓💞✨
also sorry if there is no keep reading thing, if i use my computer it changes it to look weird if you look at the high school fic you'll understand, it changes into html on my phone when it wasn't on my laptop,, if anyone knows how to help please message me!!
Kit wordlessly walked through the halls of his now home for a year, there was a book placed under his arm and a look of concentration on his face as if he was trying to remember something important.
He silently pushed the door to the ballroom open the only sound the creaking of the door as it was moved. Kit closed the door behind him with a quiet thud, he leant against the door and sighed.
After a moment Kit moved across the floor the only sound his echoing footsteps against it. He reached the piano that was placed towards the back of the room and sat down at it. He placed the book he had purchased on the small stand.
Jem had mentioned how Jace plays piano and how Will had also played piano, Kit didn't know who Will was but Jem had spoke about him with great fondness and love in his eyes. So Kit had thought the only right thing was to try and learn piano and by how he was going it was hard.
Moments later he let his head fall with a clunk onto the piano, he couldn't understand these notes for the life of him or understand which keys were which, he closed his book and sighed. He needed something that would take his mind away.
Kit had been having a great time in Devon but even in the times admist that fun the thought of Ty would slip in his head no matter how unwelcome it was.
Kit placed his fingers over the keys and decided to screw it, he didn't need to learn off a book he could learn by how it sounded and what sounded right. Silently he closed his eyes and let his fingers glide across the keys making a beautiful yet heart-wrenching melody.
When Kit had finished he opened his eyes and stared in disbelief, he did that. He looked up from the piano and saw a shimmery figure of a girl sitting on the piano.
"That was beautiful, Kit."
Kit held the urge to get up and run towards her with a hug. "Livvy." His voice was just a whisper but she heard it. "H-how are you here?" He asked slowly getting up, tears now glistened on his cheeks.
"It takes a lot of my energy to leave Ty but I had to pay a visit to see," she faltered slightly, "there are many other people who would like to see you too." Livvy said calmly.
"If you mean anyone from LA then—"
"No, I don't mean anyone from LA." Livvy stood up from the piano and moved over towards Kit. "You play the piano like one of your ancestors, horribly sad music from the heart."
Kit looked at her in question but her gaze wasn't on him it was on a figure who had appeared behind him. Kit whirled around to see another shimmy figure this time with black hair and blue eyes. The man made a disappointed sound.
"What is it with all the Herondales these days having blonde heads," He seemed to be visibly upset by this until he moved his gaze to Kit's face.
"Who—uh Livvy?" Kit asked looking sidelong at her.
"He is rather caught up on how none of the Herondales had inherited his dark hair," She said clearly amused, "He's Will Herondale, Kit."
Kit looked at Will with newfound interest, so this was Jem and Tessa's Will, the person they talked about both with so much love and sadness.
Kit quickly wiped the tears off of his cheeks before turning back around to see Will staring at the ballroom floor.
"How are my Jem and Tessa?" He asked airily.
Kit didn't know what to say really, they are going to have a baby? they are very happy? He settled on the latter. "They are quite happy,"
Will nodded smiling ever so slightly, "Tell them I'm waiting for the days we can all be reunited once more."
In almost a blink of an eye the ballroom floor was covered in shimmering figures. Kit watched as Will moved into the crowd and took the hand of lady with the same dark hair and blue eyes, her own partner frowning in calm dislike.
Somewhere the sound of music started playing and the shimmering figures started finding their partners and dancing.
"Who are all these people?" Kit asked in wonder, watching as the figures moved around the room like water in a stream. It was rather beautiful.
"Well the hand that Will took was his sister's, Cecily Lightwood, she married Gabriel Lightwood who Will and him share quite a dislike for each other though it's settled to they won't admit they like each other."
Kit nodded, so some of these people were his family and others his friends family, it was quite a beautiful scene.
"Who are those two?" Kit had gestured to a couple one with dark hair and gold eyes and the other dark red hair and black eyes. The boy looked like he didn't want to be dancing but was doing it anyways for his partner.
"That's James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs, they are married too. James is one of Will and Tessa's children and Cordelia is Emma's ancestor, back then Cordelia had Cortana."
Kit nodded completely taken in by all these people, "How do you know who all these people are."
"I was dead for a little while Kit, and while they had all moved on sometimes we like to visit the earthly plain." She said calmly.
Kit continued to ask who people were and Livvy would answer. Names were swirling around his head, Anna, Grace, Lucie, Alastair, Matthew, Thomas, Gideon, Alexander, Sophie, Charlotte, Henry... parabatai, married, friends... there were so many families and they were all so close.
Eventually Livvy looked at Kit, "Would you like to dance with me?"
Kit smiled, "Of course."
Kit and Livvy moved onto the dance floor, Kit lifted his hand which Livvy tentatively placed her own over hovering slightly over his. Kit held his hand at her waist keeping from touching her and Livvy keeping her hand a hairs breath away from Kit's shoulder.
At first their movement was clunky until each adjusted to not being able to touch the other and they moved as gracefully as they could.
"How's Ty been?" Kit asked, breaking the silence between them. He looked away from her face, they looked so alike it made his heart ache.
"He's doing okay, he has been better. I'm sure he would be better with you there instead of a ghost sister." She said shaking her head ever so slightly.
Kit sighed, "I—just, yeah—" He gave up trying to form words and decided to look around the room instead.
All the shimmering figures together were beautiful, Kit's breath hitched in his throat so he turned his gaze back to Livvy.
"When will you go?" Kit asked the feeling of sadness washing over him like the ocean does over sand.
"Soon, my energy is draining," She hesitated for a moment, "Once I leave they will leave too, except Will he'll stick around a bit longer." She said smiling a little sadly.
"I'm sure he'll keep great company," Kit said smiling slightly, "not as great as yours though."
Livvy smiled. "I must go." She said sadly reaching up to Kit's face to wipe away a tear he didn't know he had shed, she quickly dropped her hand realising she couldn't touch him.
"If I never see you again, this was nice." Kit said wiping away his tears as more took their place, he watched as Livvy slowly disappeared and soon the others began fading too and the music coming to a halt.
Kit now stood alone on the dance floor, not exactly alone just as Livvy said Will had stuck around.
"I know I'm not exactly the one you wanted to stay, but I'll do my best." He said warily offering a smile.
Kit nodded, quickly wiping his tears away, "It's okay, she has a brother that needs more care than me besides I have you." He grinned openly, barely any hints of sadness.
Will smiled too.
Kit heard footsteps on the echoing floors and looked away from Will to see Tessa and Jem walking towards him.
"There you are, Kit," Jem said smiling warmly. He always smiled at Kit and looked at him with a kind expression, Kit appreciated it a lot.
"Dinner's ready, we didn't want to start without you." Tessa said smiling too. They both smiled and loved Kit so much, it was almost a shock sometimes.
"Okay," He looked over to Will who was watching the two a sad smile on his face, "But we are going to need an extra chair for our guest." He said smiling. Will looked over in surprise but he too smiled.
"Guest?" Tessa asked raising her eyebrows slightly, clearly intrigued.
"Yeah, Will." Kit said smiling at Jem and Tessa looking sidelong at Will. "I guess there will be some catching up then."
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pink-writer-girl · 5 years
Am I a Knight? Or am I a Fool?
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Chapter 1
The moon shined providing the only light through the dense dark forest, a taravan of soldiers walked ethier on the ground or sat in on top of an old carriage was being pulled by a horse...though this wasn't any ordinary carriage....no this held a prisoner....an enemy to their Lords...an enemy who was dangerous not only for his crimes but for his  non-human nature.
*tck!* It took forever to capture this freaking dweller!" Knight Gawyn said with a scowl.
Dweller...it was the name of the race the creature they had captured...well more of derogatory term for them ...their true name was Dweldilin...though there are very few who call their race by their actual name...the creatures who dwell below the surface...the female wasn't proud to admit that this race was treated horribly by her own kind for what they are.. along with many other human races...she couldn't help but take a glance back at the prisoner in the back of the carriage...like true to his name he stayed out view clothed in darkness...he was hunched over with his hair in his face… his clothing was ripped and dirty, he was covered in bruises and slashes...he definitely put up a fight as they said...he refused to give up...the only reason they were able to capture him was because he was weak at the time.
"Relax Gawyn, we caught the beast now will receive great rewards and praise *haha*" Knight Berthelemy laughed.
"  *haha* knowing you Berthelemy the Heartbreaker you'll probably ask for women as a reward!" Gawyn said now laughing too.
Both laugh grotesque.
The only female knight Elysande couldn't help but wince in slight disgust  at what these too were implying as she turned her head back towards the front but tried to keep a serious straight face the whole time ... sometimes she wondered how these disgusting excuse of men became knights... though she knew better then to speak out against them do to them having seniority and because she was a woman….
Yes she passed the brutal training and was knighted much to the shock of most of the men in her class...but that didn't mean that they accepted her worth... and she still dealt with much harassment and scrutiny... 
" Ahhh look I think you making Lady Knight here uncomfortable" Gawyn Teased. 
Berthelemy snickers cruelly at this" She's probably just jealous that I'm  talking about other woman in front of her," he said as he leered at her. 
Elysande just kept her straight face not letting him get to her...the was a reason the called him Berthelemy the Heartbreaker because of all the brothels he would busted and all the broken hearts he left behind...she was surprised he hadn't contracted syphilis yet... Elysande did admit there where so features of him that women could find attractive about him with his golden curls of blonde hair muscular body and very extravagant armor but other then that the female found him repulsive.
" Alright both you shut up" the third knight said sternly.
Both men turn to look at their commanding officer Ives the Undefeated who was sitting next to Elysande on the carriage, he frowned at the men.
" You both are Knights of Shea Grein...act like it" Ives told the firmly.
Both the men nodded and turned their attention back to the road not wanting to upset the their commander not even Gawyn the Brute who lived to his name for his loud personality, huge his stature and and his brutality on the battlefield didn't dare go against him...the bald man knew just how strong and fierce their Raven haired commander was...Ives the Undefeated was master swordsman not with one but two swords at once...no had been able to beat him in their country...no one exempt the mysterious person who took his eye and refuse to mention till this day…not only was he strong he was very calculating and wise... Elysande could help but admire him because unlike the others he actually stood for what a true Knight is...not to mention he was quite attractive, there where many women back in their country who had great desire to be his wife or just to lay with him once, even Elysande had a slight crush on him even though he was 15 years her senior...the older man noticed the that she was staring at him making his one blue eye stare at her coldly.
 "Is there something wrong Elysande?" He asked her.
She turns red slight and brings her gaze back to the front
" No, nothing's wrong" she replied.
He frowned at her for a bit before turning his back as well.
" You better stay focus too Elysande, I know women get easily distracted but you knight first and foremost" He told her firmly but cruelly...yes Ives was a better man then the two here but that didn't mean he didn't hold prejudice that at a woman being a knight...it made her depressed when he treated like this.
" Yes sir…" she replied Meekly
It wasn't long before the saw light from a small village, the village had many cottages, with much much grass and texture to the structures and few people walking about due to being due being so late, it was small but comfortable. They decided to pull and wait for the rest of the night and get up early the next morning.
Berthelemy wince insulted that they had to stay in a such " low class" In once he caught sight of it but did speak up knowing Ives had already reprimanded him, The Heartbreaker came from a noble family so he had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
" Great I hope they have gin*haha* Gaywn chuckled.
Ives gave him a look" just don't over do it." 
Ives looked back into the carriage to make sure that their prisoner was still restrained, Elysande couldn't help but take a peak curiously but by then Ives had already closed and locked the door, they went inside to see an In with wooden walls, chairs, table a cozy fireplace with a bear rug in front of it, some paintings on the walks and a check in desk in the back, it was very homey.
At the desk what appeared to be a kindly old innkeeper with a white hair, beard with a tan button down shirt and brown vest greeted them with a warm smile.
" Hello travelers, how long will you be staying in our town?" The Innkeeper greeted them.
"  Just room and board for a night for the four of us and then we go the next morning" Ives said simply.
The innkeeper nodded as he went to grab some keys and handed them to Ives
" that will be 6 pieces of silver* he said with a smile.
Both Gawyn and Berthellemy looked appalled at this while Elysande looked at them like they were over privilege idiots...6 silvers was actually a decent price.
Gawyn wrapped his huge arm around the poor keeper acting like all friendly but the young woman knew it was to intimate him.
 Now now my good man when are Knights of Shea Grein on important mission from our Lord's, do you think it's right to make important men to pay for there stay on suck a mission" Gawyn said as he got close to his face.
Elysande couldn't help but be appalled by this behavior.. The man became very nervous….
" I-I-I.." the Innkeeper stuttered.
Before Elysande say anything Ives had already yanked the huge man off him making Gawyn hiss and rub his shoulder at the rough treatment.
Ives takes out his coin bag and handed the silvers to the man.
" I'm sorry about this, here take the 6 and here's a little extra for the trouble we've caused" he apologized.
The man nodded in thanks in surprise to have now 12 silvers I'm his hand. A warm feeling went through out Elysande body seeing her commander noble nature yet again. An hour passed and the knights were called down to meal that was prepared for them after they settled in there rooms, the meal appeared to be beef stew and smelled very fresh and good.
The young woman couldn't help but glance outside... curious about the prisoner...she them turned to see Berthelemy trying to use sweet words to woe the barmaid serving them making Elysande scoff lightly before getting up and taking out a bowl of stew.
Ives raised a brow as he watched her.
" where are you going?" He asked her
"  he needs to be alive to face his crimes, that means he needs to eat…" Elysande responded.
Gawyn laughed loudly" that beast rather wish for death then face what the Lords has prepared for him" he said cruelly.
By then Elysande was outside walking towards the door of the prison carriage slowly...she sighed deeply before unlocking it and stepping in...her figure shielding the light of the torches in the village...she could see the make Dweldilin eyes slightly glow in the darkness as he opened them and stare at him emotionlessly.
Art by: BrinBrin(ghost)
We've been working on short story for contest :)
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