#i'm sure i had lots of purple clothing before... where did all of it go????
lwieserce · 7 months
I actually think i'm fine enough to go outside tomorrow..... I wanna see my small town thrift shops so bad ughhhhhhhh
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lou-struck · 6 days
A Demonic Plus One
Mammon x reader
~At long last, your mail arrives in the Devildom. Along with it, some exciting news from an old friend that brings you and a date to the human world.
W.C. 1.9k
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You have just made yourself a cup of tea in the kitchen of the House of Lamination when a weak tapping on the front door catches your attention. 
A visitor?
You think that a house guest is unlikely since everyone is home, and no one mentioned any last-minute dinner guests in your group chat. Not to mention, Mammon is cooking dinner tonight, so it's not like random demons are beating down the door to taste the Avatar of Greeds cooking. 
You set your still steaming cup on the tabletop and approach the front door with caution; you are in the Devildom, after all.
You twist the massive door knob and pull to see an exhausted-looking Little D Number 2 hunched over on your porch. He leans against a large cloth bag that he must've hauled all the way up the large stone steps. Your eyes widen in shock as you feel impressed with the little dude; the bag is nearly double its size. 
When his bright, shadowy gaze meets yours, his pointed teeth take the form of a large smile. "Mc," it pants, struggling to catch its breath. "I have some mail for you from the human world," it says with a shadowy smile.
"Mail?" you ask, your brows shooting upward. Come to think of it, you rarely get mail. You thought that the postal system was limited to just the human world. "I still get that?"
"You sure do," it beams. Apparently, Papa was supposed to give you the code to your enchanted P.O. box but never got around to it. So it's been slowly filling up with mail for the last year or so without anyone realizing it."
"Oh dear," you murmur, wondering briefly if you paid off your last credit card bill before you were unexpectedly whisked away to the Devildom. 
"Yeah, Barbatos was really mad when he found out about it. Don't tell him I told you this, but he was sulking all morning, mumbling to himself about how  he should've never trusted Papa with such an important job."
"He puts far too much pressure on himself," you say softly; guilty thoughts begin to plague your mind as you imagine Barbatos, the perfectionist, burdening himself with the weight of this minor inconvenience. "Thank you for bringing me this; please tell Barbatos not to worry so much."
"Will do; I'm sure that if it's coming from you, he will listen," he says, shucking the cloth bag off his little shoulder. 
"Would you like to come inside for some tea before you go?" you ask gently, thinking of your own cup alone in the other room.
"Thank you for the offer, but I have to get back to the palace." he declines your offer hesitantly and scampers away, his little golden horns glittering under the light of the street lamps until he disappears into the darkness, leaving you with so much freaking mail. 
You sling the bag over your shoulder and head off to your room, passing Mammon in the kitchen, who is on cooking duty. He eyes your bag with curiosity and turns away from the vegetables he had been cutting. 
"What ya got there, Mc?" he asks. 
"Lots of mail," you laugh, shooting him a teasing grin. "I guess someone forgot to tell me about a P.O. box or something when I first moved here."
He pales and casts his eyes to the ground. "I dunno who would do that to' ya, but whoever did it probably forgot and didn't mean anythin by it."
"Well then, I guess all is forgiven." you laugh, walking across the threshold of your bedroom doorway and over to your bed, where you dump the contents of your bag onto the comforter. Paper hits fabric with a thwack and you dig through the pile as Mammon curiously peeks just beyond your doorframe. Apparently, junk mail can still find its way to hell. So can the magazine subscriptions you forgot about. The pile, although initially intimidating, turns out to be fairly easy to sort through.
Nearing the end of the pile, a bright purple envelope catches your eye. There are no other envelopes that size or color, so you find yourself drawn to it. You tear it open and see that it is a wedding invitation for one of your closest friends in the human world.
Back when you last saw her, she was head over heels for her new boyfriend, who seemed to absolutely adore her. 
Apparently their relationship has only gotten stronger than that day because now it looks like they are getting married. 
Your heart drops to your stomach as you scan the invite for the wedding date.
Did you miss it?
Finally, you will find it in tiny golden font on the back of the invite. The wedding is in a few months, and there is still plenty of time for you to send in an RSVP.  Additionally, you have the opportunity to bring a date with you as a plus one.
"That letter is different lookin'," Mammon says, peeking over your shoulder. You have no idea how long he has been standing there. 
"It's an invitation. One of my friends is getting married." You smile, showing him the invitation with a smile. "And it looks like I will be able to make it.
"And what's that thing right there?" His tan fingers touch the golden font of the box you can fill out for your plus one.
"That just means I can bring a guest as a date," you explain, watching in fascination as the Demon's eyes brighten at the mention of you needing a date.
"Well, since ya seem to need one, how about ya take The Great Mammon to the weddin. After all, I am yer first. I should be the first to go with you." 
"That is some logic you have there Mammon," you smile. "I guess you should clear your calendar for three months from now."
"R-really?" he asks, his cheeks turning bright pink. "Y-ya mean it?"
You nod, "I would love it if you came with me."
He laughs. "Well then, if ya want me to go so badly, I guess I'll go with ya." his tsundere mannerisms bring a smile to your face until a thin wisp of smoke wafts under your nose. 
Someone forgot about the dinner they were cooking.
After months of anticipation, today is the day. Your stomach still feels uneasy from the portal Diavolo conjured up for you, but you made it to the wedding venue. Looking around, you see at least one hundred guests, and you know exactly zero of them. 
This is actually kinda nice because if you kept running into people you knew, you would have to awkwardly explain the details about your mysterious disappearance. 
Mammon, looking rather snazzy in his suit, is very interested in the large table of presents for the Bride and Groom. 
"Mc, check out all those gifts," he smiles, taking a sip of one of the signature cocktails from the open bar, "maybe we should get married. We'd make a killin'."
"Is that a proposal?" you humm, gently placing your hand on his arm and toying playfully with the golden rings that adorn his fingers. 
He shudders under your tender touch, and you see his cheeks turn a deep crimson. "I was just sayin' that I wouldn't be the worst idea I ever had."
The soft chime of a bell prevents you from teasing your Demon anymore. You look up and see a very stressed man holding a clipboard like it's his lifeline. He must be the coordinator. 
"All guests are now invited to take their seats; the ceremony will begin shortly," he says before scurrying away. 
"I guess we should find our seats," you say to the Demon, pulling him away from the gifts before he gets a bit too curious about their contents and tries to dig around.
You walk through the venue's vibrant grounds to the pristine rows of white chairs. A few people are already sitting and talking amongst themselves as classical piano music sails through the air. 
"Dang, is there gonna be a sacrifice or something up there?" Mammon asks, gesturing over to the elegant wooden archway at the end of the aisle. As you take your seats just behind the rows reserved for family. As the rest of the guests follow behind you.
"No Mammon," you say in a hushed whisper, worried that his strange questions with garner some unwanted attention from the other wedding guests. "that's where the wedding ceremony will be taking place."
"Ohh, that makes sense," he nods just as the music begins to play. 
An elderly officiant hobbles down the aisle, escorted by someone who looks vaguely familiar. You recognize him from the wedding invite as the groom. The poor guy looks absolutely nervous but there is an eagerness in his disposition that makes you smile.
Although you have been a bit preoccupied this last year or so, you still care greatly for your friends and want them to live a life full of happiness. You can tell just by looking at him that your friend has found their person. 
"Mc, are they getting married?" Mammon whispers, leaning in close to you. "The lady looks like his granny."
"Because she is his Grandmother, Mammon." you whisper back. "She is just conducting the ceremony."
"Ohhh, I see," he says, although you reckon he doesn't really know what's going on at all, but he is having a good time all the same. 
"Oi, mc?" he whispers as a little boy who looks to be no older than three years old walks up the aisle with little legs. "How old is that kid? Are ya sure he is old enough to be getting married?"
His question makes you dangerously close to bursting out laughing in the middle of the ceremony. And you have to cover your mouth to contain the outburst. "No Mammon, that's the ring bearer." you explain softly, "their job is to carry the rings down the aisle and give them to the groom for the ceremony."
He sighs in relief, "Good, I thought I was gonna have ta step in there for a second."
You shush him quietly as the music changes and the bride, your childhood friend, takes her first step down the aisle. 
You never thought you would be that person who cries at weddings, but when you see your friend looking absolutely stunning in her wedding dress, it brings a tear to your eye.
Mammon doesn't really get why everyone is making such a big deal about the girl in white walking down the aisle, but he assumes that she must be the bride everyone is talking about.
She just seems like a normal human. 
All of a sudden, he hears the faint sound of a sniffle coming from your seat. 
Are you upset about something?
His eyes widen in concern, and his head snaps to look at you worriedly and see that your eyes are brimming with tears. He has no idea why you are crying, but he is overcome by an almost primal urge to comfort you. He reaches across your lap to grab your hand. You take his hand almost immediately and give it a squeeze. 
He knows that you're okay, but he refuses to let go of your hand. 
How can he when there is so much love in the air?
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Tagging: @sleepyyshroom, @i-need-to-go-like-mangogo, @starbby, @sarah22447, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf ,  @ourfinalisation, @anjodedesgostoeerros, @isaacdaknight @qardasngan
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greywritesthings · 5 months
Complete contradiction
Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Warnings; none I'm pretty sure
A/N; Longest fic so far, not very long by others standards but its 2 and a small paragraph pages so a lot compared to my normal one page fic. I really really like this one so any reblogs & comments would be especially appreciated on this one! (this also isnt proof read srry) also for additional context reader is also a classified genius and I do plan on making this a series :)
Taglist; @reidstheyfriend
SR Masterlist
read on Ao3 instead!
You peeled off your coat and dropped your bag at the door, not bothering to hang them up for now, solely focused on getting to your sofa so you could sit down. You had just gotten back from two cases in a row, meaning you were bone achingly exhausted. you had a case in Arizona followed by an emergency case involving a child in Texas then back to Virginia where you had given pretty much all the team a curt goodbye, texting Spencer a simple I love you and throwing him a smile before getting in your car. You had been with the BAU for a year now but were still yet to let your guard down around them all. You only trusted Spencer fully given he was your boyfriend and you had known him before coming to the BAU, you met when he was doing his third PHD and you were on your second. 
Spencer had spent a lot of time with you while you did your PHD, you were working on your criminal psychology doctorate after finishing your first one in Philosophy while he did his in chemistry. You bonded well, at first spending time in the library or lab together but soon enough you decided to start working together at your apartment, where Spencer had learnt you were very different at home compared to how you were outside. 
You dressed like a typical academic, dark tones with some purples and greens thrown in, your makeup was light but you often had on dark eyeliner and lipstick, you came off as cold and intimidating to everyone in looks and you weren't very friendly in tone, you just had a soft spot for the boy genius. Many would think your house would be the same, covered in books, dark colours throughout too but it was nearly the opposite. Once you walked through the door there was colour near enough everywhere, not migraine inducing neon but there were shades of light greys purples and greens covering the walls with mandala tapestries and other art pieces joining them. A striped rug with shades of pink, yellow and orange covered the floor of the living room underneath a dark coffee table in between two large patchwork sofas, a pink lamp stood in the corner on top of a small green table . Your kitchen was also brushed with colour, bright blue cabinets with light wooden countertops with a rainbow variety of cutlery, kitchen utensils, bowls and plates, your book cases throughout the apartment had books with custom dust jackets on so they were in theme with the rest of the house, you had picked up making them during highschool out of boredom. Your house was the opposite of you, and also the opposite of Spencer, who preferred the darker themes all around. 
You also had divided your wardrobe up into your working outfits and your not working outfits. Whenever you were going to set foot at work or when you met spencer, university, you wore your darker more academic and professional outfits and once you were home you wore colourful outfits. It helped you to compartmentalise the job so you didn't burn out or stress as much. When you were off work you lived in sweaters, dungarees and dresses in colours and styles that made you happy. When you and Spencer were together off work you looked like the complete contradiction of one another for people who worked so well and were identical in many other ways. 
You picked yourself up from the couch and trudged over to your bedroom to go and change into your choice of clothes for the evening. When you look through your closet you decide on a white turtleneck and pastel pink dungarees, putting on some fuzzy socks and leaving your hair down for now so you can settle in for the night making some new jackets for Spencer's books. His books were beaten up from all the travelling he did with them and they were starting to fall apart, especially the older ones, so you were making them in hopes that it would slow down the damage. 
You were so focused on your project that you didn't hear the door unlocking, you were used to Spencer letting himself in so it didn't put you on alert, not until you heard a voice who definitely wasn't supposed to be at your door, let alone inside your apartment. “Oh my god, are we in the right place?” Penelope squealed from your doorway. “I don’t think we should be here, she's private and this is certainly something she doesn't want us to know.” You hear Rossi suggest. “Guys it'll be fine, what's the worst that could happen?”  Morgan assures, you're now almost certain that at least JJ and Emily are here, possibly Hotch given aside from Spencer he was the only one with a spare key for safety purposes. Spencer wasn't with them you guessed, he was coming home after he finished up some paperwork at the university he had been requested to do last minute on a friday so he was coming over around eight PM. 
“You can come in instead of letting my heating out.” You may not look as intimidating but you can sound as cold as ever given you just had six people show up on your door and let themselves in. They all come in, awkwardly standing in the doorway as Hotch closes the door behind him. “Sorry for barging in y/n, I wanted to stop by and drop off your bag as you had left it behind at the office and Reid was gone and then the others, insisted on following me, I apologise again for the intrusion.” Hotch is nearly as formal with you as he is with strangers, you knew it was because the only things he knew about you were the things he was told by Strauss and your file, maybe also your favourite books if he managed to take a look at your open kindle on your desk sometimes. “Go make yourselves at home, leave two seats free on the sofa, also go snoop if you want, just stay out of the last room on the right, that's my bedroom.” you nod towards Garcia who practically lights up, both at your lighter tone and at the prospect of being let in to your personality. The girls and Morgan all go off to explore your apartment while Rossi and Hotch head over to the couches. 
After a while the others are done exploring your home meaning you were all now sat together, you had passed around some hot chocolates and teas, you didn't drink coffee and over time had transitioned spencer to do the same so he didn't dump half a bag of sugar into his coffee just to make it drinkable for him. You weren't entirely relaxed but you were more so in your own home compared to in the bureau. You explained your way of separating work and home through your different ways of dressing, you also opened up on some of your history with Spencer, not quite yet letting on the fact you were together. You both had places of your own for safety reasons alongside not wanting to make your ever snooping coworkers suspicious. You thought you would be safe in hiding your relationship until you lost track of time and Spencer walked through the door and called to you automatically. “I'm home sweetheart!” pausing when he heard the chatter in the living room die down, when he turned around after hanging his coat and bag up on the hooks he looked nervously at you as you nodded at him, signalling you were okay if he was. With that he visibly relaxed as the screeching began from the girls once again while Hotch and Rossi just smiled at you, Hotch having already knew as you had to declare your relationship when you started at the bureau some years after spencer, opting to do some more teaching work and get your third PHD in linguistics before taking up a role in the BAU with him.
It was several hours later when the team eventually left with you promising you would join them on the next team gathering. You then got to curl up on the sofa in Spencer's arms watching nature documentaries and reading French novels, the way you normally would, with the thought of maybe you could wear something colourful on Monday, maybe a burnt orange to ease into it.
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sturniololoco · 8 months
little sister fic: she’s wearing inappropriate clothes and a lot of makeup and they tell her to change but she says their being too strict and blah blah and u got the rest
Go Change
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: Skin showing, arguing, language, etc.
Note: I'm not 100% sure about all the details of the Maddi controversy, so imaa just pretend it never happened for the sake of this fic.
It was finally Saturday: Girls day! Maddi and I have had plans made to go to the mall forever ago, and the day has finally come!
I curl my hair and throw some makeup on, adding a little more highlighter than normal, then get changed. Feeling myself, I throw on a purple crochet bralette and a pair of short ripped jean shorts.
after spraying some perfume, I grab my phone and wallet, then walk downstairs.
I walk into the kitchen to grab a bagel. after spreading some cream cheese on it, I walk into the living room and sit next to all three of my brothers while I wait for Maddi to come and pick me up.
As I sat down, the conversation my brothers were having immediately stopped, and they all stared at me.
"What?" I asked, holding my bagel up as I talked with my mouth full.
'Where in the hell do you think you're going looking like that?" Chris said.
I looked down at my outfit, checking to see if it matched. It did. I had no stains on anything, my hair was curled, and I made sure my makeup was perfect. What was wrong?
I gave them a questioning look, swallowing my last bite of bagel.
"I mean, for starters, there's more skin showing than actual clothing," Matt says, looking me up and down judgmentally.
I roll my eyes, sitting back on the couch. I pull out my phone and begin scrolling. They're so overprotective.
"SLS/N...we're serious. Go change." Nick says, sternly.
I look up at him, flabbergasted. I can not believe Nick, of all people, is about to make me change. My mouth is hanging open.
"But-" I begin to say.
"Now!" Nick says, not yelling but he raises his voice.
I sigh, standing up and heading back to my room to change again.
Just to mess with them, I put on black cargo pants, a hoodie, and a black puffer vest. In the upper 90-degree weather of California, this fit was not acceptable, but I was feeling like messing with my brothers.
Before I even sit down, Matt says,
"Don't be a dumb ass. Go change." He doesn't even look up from his phone as he's talking to me. I storm back up the stairs, into my room.
After tearing apart my entire closet to find an outfit, I find nothing. Just as I lay down on my bed in frustration, my door opens, revealing Nick.
I give him the side eye, still upset with him. he walks over to my desk, grabs a makeup wipe, and walks back over to me, kneeling in front of me.
He gently takes the makeup wipe across my face, wiping off the excess highlighter on my face. I let him, not wanting to fight with him anymore.
Once finished, he walks back to my closet. He pulls out a pair of summer cargo jeans and a baby tee. he tosses them to me and I get dressed as he goes to my vanity, picking out a pair of sunglasses and gold hoop earrings.
once I'm done getting dressed, Nick walks me back downstairs into the living room. Matt and Chris hoot and holler, clapping their hands.
"That's more like my baby sis." Chris says, giving me a twirl.
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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elllisaaa · 10 months
Omg oMg omG OMG soft dom reader never going through with punishments so he/she decides the boys need one tonight bc minsung was touching without permission and they’re both subs so she/he watches hanji desperately try to fuck minho and minho trying to jerk off and they cant keep a steady rhythm so they switch and minho is on top but it makes it worse bc minho has a small cock. so eventually reader gives in and fucks them hard making them cry and then fluffy after care 💓
omg minsung x reader is my weakness (and 2min, but i'll talk about it another time) and subby men ??? that's another weakness (yes, i have many). thank you so much for sending me this (my first ask, i'm all giggly, kicking my feet and all (don't hesitate to send more)). I hope you'll like it even if I changed some details as inspiration flooded. also, sorry for answering to this a little late, i was very busy with my no nut november serie, but a lot more is coming, don't worry. thank you for your ask anon ! enjoy !
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-> pairing : sub!minho x dom!fem!reader x sub!jisung
-> words count : 3.5k
-> genre : smut, established relation, threesome
-> warnings : dom/sub dynamic, threesome, poly!relationship, punishment, dirty talk, teasing, mutual masturbation, oral (f. receiving, m. implied), swearing, use of 'good boy', 'puppy', 'brat', and 'slut', degradation, face slapping, voyeurism, dry humping, masturbation, body worship, hair pulling, mommy kink, handjob, footjob, cum eating
+ the way i'm depicting minho and jisung does not represent them, it's only a work of fiction !
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist
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You never felt the need to punish Jisung, nor Minho. Your boyfriends were always very sweet, always listening without you needing to be rough or assertive, thus there was no need to be mean. Maybe that’s why they took the liberty of touching each other even when you explicitly told them not to, maybe thinking that you wouldn’t be mad and let it go like every other time. But as soon as you entered your shared bedroom, they felt the mood shift and that you wouldn’t be as kind tonight. Maybe it was because of the stress of work, or maybe you just wanted to put them in their places for once. 
“- Care to explain what both of you are doing ?”
Jisung lifted his head from Minho’s neck where he left a tone of little purple marks, his hand stopping his motion on the other boy’s cock who couldn’t help the little whine that escaped him at the loss of friction. 
“- We… We were too turned on… Sorry, sorry, but we missed you too much.”
You walked fully into the room, your heels clicking on the floor as you threw your suit jacket on the chair sitting before your dressing table, the guys fumbling until they were sat at the edge of the bed while you did so, their eyes scanning every one of your moves nervously. You couldn’t lie to yourself and say that the scene didn’t make you wet. Because it had, obviously. But you weren’t one to let it slide when they disobeyed you like that. 
You stopped in front of them, staring right into their souls, especially at Minho. You knew him. You knew that he was the one who had led Jisung into this. He surely had argued that you wouldn’t be this mad, that you would even be happy to have them ready for you when you’d come back home. But as you tugged his hair back, forcing him to look directly in your eyes, he felt so little, as if your aura was crushing him. It was threatening, but also hot. So hot. You were still wearing your working clothes : black high heels, black suit pants and an elegant white blouse, which was a little see-through, and they both could see your laced bra underneath. Yeah, maybe Minho had a thing for you looking like the attractive businesswoman you were.
“- That’s not a fucking excuse. I only asked you one thing. Do you remember ?”
Minho knew better than to answer without being allowed to and so did Jisung that was squirming in place, dying to have your hands on him too. You smiled down at him in a sickeningly sweet manner that didn’t presage anything good for him. 
“- Good boy, you at least learned one thing. Now you can talk.” 
You had grabbed his jaw in the meantime, making it difficult for him to talk but he did it anyway. He understood very well that if he wanted to cum tonight, he must follow every one of your orders very closely. 
“- You told us not to touch ourselves while you were away.
- That’s right baby, and why did I say that ?
- Because you only left for three days and that you’ll be back soon.
- Looks like you remember after all.”
You squeezed his jaw harder before releasing him, turning away from him to shift your attention on Jisung instead. Even if you suspected that Minho had gaslighted him into making out, he wasn’t innocent either, always testing your patience and being a brat. It was time to put them both in their places
“- So fucking explain me why I find you doing exactly what I told you not to do ? 
- I- We missed you so much, we just want-”
Jisung’s next words died into his throat, replaced by a moan when you slapped him, his head turning to the side with the violence of the impact. But you knew better than to stop at his hiss of pain - you knew he liked it, loved it even, knew that it made his dick twitch without even needing to check.
“- Don’t talk until I fucking tell you that you can, you don’t want to anger me even more, do you ?”
This time, Jisung didn’t dare let out a word, simply shaking his head from left to right, big doe eyes zeroing on your lips as you stroked the red mark you left on his cheek. 
“- Good.”
You stepped back a little, taking in the lustful view of your two boyfriends, seated on your shared bed, entirely naked when you were still fully clothed, their cocks rock hard when your panties were drenched, waiting for your next command. Why didn’t you try that out before ? It gave you such a rush of adrenaline to see how much power you held over them, ideas of everything you wanted to do to them clouding your mind. You could break them in so many ways, the possibilities were endless. But for now, you just wanted to see them suffer and pay the price of their actions.  
You pushed the chair you previously threw your jacket on until it was before the bed, sitting down and spreading your legs wide open. You could see Jisung drooling on your thighs, and Minho’s hands gripping the sheets to stop himself from touching his cock at the sight before his eyes. You smiled cockily at them as you unbuttoned your blouse painfully slowly, taking forever to reach the last one, exposing your chest to their hungry gazes. And as much as Jisung wished you didn’t wear a bra, he also had to admit that it fitted you perfectly, making you look like a goddess. 
“- Go on.”
Both of them stared at you, confusion written all over their faces. You rolled your eyes, annoyed that they didn’t get what you implied. 
“- Gosh, I really have to do all the work, dumb boys can’t even understand what I’m saying.”
Your degrading words went directly to Jisung cock, a moan threatening to escape him. He was almost ready to nob at your words, willing to agree to whatever you said as long as it meant pleasing you. He never saw you so bossy, but he already liked it. He wanted more and more of your mean words. 
“- Continue to touch yourselves like the stupid little sluts you are.”
Minho threw an hesitant glance at the other boy, but in a matter of seconds, they were all over each other again, lips and tongue mingling in a heated and messy kiss, hands roaming over their body and groping everywhere they could reach. They were so desperate for more it was almost cute. Almost because the way Jisung was humping Minho’s leg as he straddled his lap was everything but cute. He looked like a dog fucking his favourite toy, tongue lolling out of his mouth as his hyung kissed down his neck, groping his ass to guide his moves against his thick thigh. 
“- F-Fuck Min ! I need more…”
You bit your lips, resisting the urge to come up to them and wrap your hands around both of their pretty cocks, but seeing them whining so pathetically against each other's mouths was maybe even more satisfying. 
“- Be more specific Ji. What do you want Min to do ?”
Your voice breaking the silence made them halt their grinding for a bit, but they quickly went back to it, both of them hissing at the feeling of skin to skin contact.
“- I- I want his hand wrapped around my cock… Please…”
Minho’s eyes dived into yours over Jisung's shoulder, and he swore he had never seen such determination in your gaze before. He shivered as you cocked your head to the side, your mischievous smile having him wanting more. 
“- Do you think you deserved it though ? You think you deserved to have your dick touched after not listening to me ?”
Jisung turned his head toward you, tears almost spilling out of his eyes from how badly he needed to be touched. Your smirk widened as you unzipped your pants, slipping your hands between your thighs and brushing against your clit still covered by your panties. You let out the filthiest moan, just to tease them a little more.
“- No… I don’t think you’ve been good enough to earn it.
- Does this mean I have ?”
The pretentious smile on Minho’s face was soon whipped off as your gaze darkened. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Maybe he shouldn't have provoked you. 
“- Does testing my patience get you going Lee Minho ? Answer.”
He gulped loudly, not even trying to hide how much your rough tone was turning him on.
“- N-No… Just want you to touch me.
- Then stop being a fucking brat for once.”
Minho only nodded his head, not daring to speak up again and risking to not feel your hands on him tonight, not when you looked so gorgeous, with your legs spread, rubbing at your wet clit while licking your lips. 
“- You’re going to listen to me, and do exactly what I tell you if you even want to see my hands coming near your cocks. Understood ?”
Both of them silently responded, not wanting to further anger you. 
“- Great. Ji, get off of him and sit down. Min, down on your knees.”
They shuffled quickly, moving into the exact position you wanted them to be, Minho staring at Jisung’s hard cock while the second was focusing on you, panting heavily and waiting for your next order. But it seemed like the older one couldn’t resist the urge to lick along the younger length, taking pride in the loud whine he let out. 
“- Close your mouth, slut.”
Minho did as you told immediately, fighting with his self-control to not touch either Jisung or himself. But he wanted to, badly. He needed it. 
“- Touch him, but no sucking or you’re not cumming.”
A small “yes'' left his mouth before he wrapped his hand around Jisung’s cock, watching him as he threw his head back and grabbed the older’s hair, another moan slipping past his lips. As Minho got to admire his boyfriend sinking down into pleasure, the latest got to contemplate the heavenly sight of your panties pushed to the side, fingers slowly working your wet cunt open. 
“- Finally listening to me. Doesn’t it feel so much better than disobeying ?”
Both of them moaned in response once again, and your smile widened at the sound, your fingers reaching deeper inside of you and making you release a noise too. Seeing them giving in to you was the quickest way to get you relaxed after this stressful work trip. 
“- Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’ve been good Min, you can touch yourself now.”
He didn’t let your words go to waste, immediately wrapping his other hand around his aching cock, whimpering at the feeling, pleasure and relief rushing through his veins.
“- S-Shit ! Feels so good… 
- Is that so ? 
- Y-Yes ! Would feel better if it was yours though…”
You let out a huff, and Minho could feel your disappointed gaze on him, but what he was even more focused on was how he couldn’t help but moan at seeing one more drop of Jisung’s precum hit the floor - such a waste they were not dripping down his throat. Jisung who didn’t care about your conversation by the way, as long as he got someone touching his cock. 
“- I’m being kind and you still find a way to complain ? Do you really want me to punish you ? 
- No, no, no, no ! I promise I can be good !
- Then come over here and show me. Prove me that you’re a good puppy.”
Minho never felt so turned on in his entire life, so he didn’t think twice before abandoning a whiny Jisung behind him as he crawled to you, sitting back on his heels between your legs, looking expectantly at you, silently asking you for permission to finally touch you. 
“- Go on.
- Thank you… thank you…”
You smiled down at him as he slowly took off your heels one after another, then slid down your pants to get a better view of your soaked white laced panties that he got rid off just as quickly. Maybe that having mens at your feet was your biggest kink after all because you’ve never been this wet before. Minho squeezed your thighs before he placed a kiss on your left ankle, slowly leaving a wet trail behind him as he got higher on your legs, sometimes sucking a little harshly on your skin. When he got to your inner thigh, he left a noticeable purple mark, his moans answering yours as you tugged on his hair. He was ready to do the same with your other leg but you yanked him roughly by his hair, inching his face closer to your pussy, his nose almost brushing against your clit. Minho was surrounded by the intoxicating scent of your arousal, his mouth watering at the memory of your taste. 
“- Haven’t I made it clear ? Eat me out.”
Minho immediately licked a strip of your wet folds, whining as your delicious essence filled up his senses. His nails were digging into your thighs, but you didn’t mind the slight pain, just as he didn't mind how roughly you were pulling his hair - in fact, you both loved it. You threw your head back when Minho sucked on your clit then pushed his tongue into you slightly, all the noises he made created a delicious vibration against your core that had you release one or two whimpers. But your focus shifted to Jisung when you heard him whine as he squirmed in place, desperate to get touched too. You smiled widely, seeing how tightly he fisted the sheets to keep his hands for himself, thrusting up in the air.
“- Have you been a good boy too Ji ?”
He lifted his head quickly, his teary eyes diving into yours as he nodded his head fervently.
“- Yes ! Yes ! I’ve been so good mommy ! Didn’t touch myself, I promise !
- Good job baby. Time for mommy to reward you hm ?”
Jisung closed his eyes, thinking that he could cum just from your deep, raspy voice praising him. He certainly would have, if you didn’t offer him something even more appealing. 
“- Oh my god, yes please ! I need you so bad, please… 
- Then come here.”
Just like his hyung before, he didn’t waste a second and almost ran to where you were seated, with Minho still eating you out as if he was a man starved, trying to ignore how painfully hard is dick was. You beckoned Jisung to come closer, until he was standing beside you and you could wrap your hand around his pretty cock. The loud moan that escaped him as you did so only made you smile again, loving to see tears spilling out of his eyes and rolling down his puffy cheeks. Having men crying from only your touch was maybe your second biggest kink. 
“- Aah ! Thank you ! Thank you mommy, f-feels so good…”
And having men calling you mommy was the third, without any doubt. However, your smirk was wiped out of your face when Minho buried one of his fingers inside your cunt, a moan leaving you instead. You knew him by heart ; he was jealous of the attention you were giving to Jisung and not him. You scratched his scalp lightly, another muffled sound coming out from him. He couldn’t put up an attitude with you, becoming putty in your hands every time they landed on him in any way.
“- Yeah ? Feels good Ji ?”
The boy only answered you with a high-pitched moan, one of his hands gripping your breast, just needing something to ground himself in reality. Because you were making him crazy, he was losing his mind over you and how good your touch felt. No coherent thoughts were crossing his brain anymore, the only one invading all his senses being you. 
“- So fucked out and you didn’t even put your dick in me…”
You knew Jisung could and would fuck you good, so good when you’ll let him. But for now, having him leaking precum from only your hand and the view of Minho devouring your cunt was enough to bring him close to the edge. It was also very tempting to put him in your mouth, but the man between your thighs was going feral, bringing you close to the edge. He added a second finger, stretching you out just like you loved, licking all the juices that were leaking out of your cunt. He needed more, more and more of your arousal. But he also needed you to touch him, whatever it was, he needed it. Minho lifted his head, his glossy eyes diving in your lust filled ones, his chin and lips covered in your essence.
“- Can you touch me, please ? I’ve been good for you…”
His hands were squeezing your thighs hard while your own, which wasn’t busy jerking Jisung off, came down to stroke his cheek. Minho sighed in relief to the feeling, leaning even more in your touch.
“- Mmh… It’s true, you’ve been such a good boy for me, eating me out and not complaining, and you’re even begging me… But aren’t you forgetting something baby ?”
His face was already flushed and hot, but at the thought of the words only, he felt his cheeks grow warmer. Jisung never felt any shame in calling you that, but it still got Minho all shy, and it was the very reason why you asked him to do it. Because you loved to see him like that : on his knees for you, totally giving in to you.
“- Please mommy… Touch me…”
The smile stretching your lips was worth it, and even more when he felt your foot caressing his thigh, reaching higher and higher until you pressed lightly against his cock. And the sinful moan Minho let out ravished your ears. Without you needing to ask this time, he dived back into your cunt, and it was your turn to moan loudly, your foot moving deliciously against Minho’s length and your hand still squeezing Jisung’s cock. The three of you were working in sync, your whimpers and whines mixing to create a filthy symphony. 
Jisung was the first to cum, letting out a broken cry of your name as he did so, the sticky substance landing on your cheek and lips. You continued to squeeze his cock, milking him dry and slightly overstimulating him as he was still very sensitive. And seeing him in such a state of desperation paired with Minho’s skilled tongue and fingers pushed you over the edge too. You unconsciously pressed your foot harder against his cock, making him whimper louder, and you felt it twitch before his release was covering your skin just a moment after. 
All of you needed several minutes to come down from your highs, the only sound being your heavy breathings. When you regained enough consciousness to open your eyes again, it was to be struck by the vision of your two boyfriend’s fucked out faces, still in their own little worlds. A mischievous smile blossomed on your face, because you were certainly not finished torturing them now that you discovered how pliant they could be. So you nudged Minho’s face that was still resting against your thigh, getting him to lift his head and look at you with the softest eyes and you almost felt guilty for what you were going to do - almost being the key word.
“- You made a mess baby, didn’t you ?”
Simply looking down at your feet covered in his cum made him hard again. Minho only answered your question with a shaky “yes”. 
“- Then you’re gonna clean it up. Lick it off.”
Without uttering a word, Minho grabbed your ankle to bring your feet to his mouth and he didn’t hesitate to eat his own cum, under Jisung’s intense gaze, who seemed completely out of it. However, all you needed to get his attention back was to point at your cheek that was also covered in cum. In the blink of an eye, he was greedily licking it off of you, and you couldn’t have felt better than with your two men all over you - and it was only the start.
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As you layed in bed between Minho and Jisung, you finally felt at peace for the first time since the beginning of this stressful week. You pecked Minho’s forehead and Jisung’s nose before snuggling even closer to them, if that was even possible. 
“- I’m sorry for being so rude, I hope it wasn’t too much.”
Jisung chuckled, his fingers coming down to trace random patterns on the exposed skin of your shoulders. 
“- Don’t worry baby, we would have let you know if it was.”
Minho nobbed at the other boy's words, not lifting his head from where it was nuzzled in your neck. 
“- It was really good actually.”
The warmth radiating from his face was enough of a hint for you to know that he was blushing again, making you smile softly as you closed your eyes, ready to drift to sleep.
“- I missed you even if you’re two little brats.”
And something was telling you that now that they had a taste of your dominant side, they would test your limits even more.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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skz taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@puppy-minnie @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls
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jensensfanfic · 2 years
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pairing: modern!ellie x camgirl!reader
a/n: so nervous to post this. i didn't want to write a full fic, so this hc kinda thing happened. anyways, lmk what you think...
warnings: smut. mdni. -> sex work via live cam/stream. onlyfans/patreon/etc - no site is stated specifically, stripping, toys, masturbation (reader & ellie), exhibitionism, toys, toy riding (reader), strap-on use, dirty talk, hints of dom!reader, even smaller hints of dom!ellie
[dialogue = purple for ellie, blue for reader]
thinking about ellie dating a girl who cams...
"ellie, i wanna be really clear with you about what i do before we... you know?" "date?" "yeah. i just don't want any secrets where my job is concerned."
imagine her reaction when you first tell her. the way her eyes were half intrigue, half envy. on one hand, she thought it was incredible; the confidence you had in your own body and what to do with it. on the other hand, the confession from you caused her to grow more possessive. she felt almost sick, knowing that people all over the world were logging in to their profiles with only you in mind.
but that was at the beginning. after several months, pride swelled within her. you were making a lot of money through your sessions online, made clear by the fancy clothing, lingerie, even the apartment you'd bought for yourself. she could also tell that you enjoyed what you did. it made you feel confident and beautiful, and those feelings bled through to your sex life with ellie.
"fuck, i love your tits so much. love seein'm all beg to touch." "but only you can, els. c'mere and get them all wet with your pretty mouth."
"mm, babe, you like watching my ass when i fuck my toys, don't you?"
sometimes she worried about 'trolls', but you reassured her that you had a few moderators who would bat away any unsavoury comments before you could see them.
"see? if anyone says anything overly disgusting or offensive, it gets removed." "ever had to report or block anyone?" "mm, only a handful of creeps have made my blacklist."
then it was a couple of years into your relationship, and nine out of ten times when you were cam-ing, ellie would come over, either by yours or her own invitation.
"i'm live in 20, you can come over if you're quiet." "and what happens if i'm not?" "you wanna find out?"
"hey, i'm bored, you live? can i watch;)"
she loved to watch you, and you absolutely revelled in it. even your regular viewers had started noticing how you seemed to be even more enthusiastic than before. you wanted to impress ellie, despite already knowing how much she desired you.
when ellie came over during a cam session, you would make sure to put in the most effort with your look for the night. you would wear ellie's favourite colours, slap on a little extra makeup, and put on your best show.
"you were on fire tonight, princess."
"do you have glitter in your cleavage!?"
"you should do the war paint more often. it's hot."
"fake tattoos tonight?" "yeah, it was a request from a my best tipper... you like?" "hurry up and i'll show you how much i do."
ellie would be just out of shot, laying back against the pillows on your bed, one leg crossed over the other. she could never take her eyes off of you. she adored how you changed your voice just slightly on camera; still confident, but with an edge of shyness.
"y'all like the lace tonight, hm? i'm not quite sure if it suits me... tell me what you think, should i keep it or..."
her eyes travelled all over your body as you danced along to the beat of whatever song was playing gently in the background. and then, when it had been a few minutes into your show, and dollar signs started popping up on your screen, you reached for whatever item of clothing you were going to slowly, torturously remove. from that moment on, she was locked on you, following every glide of your fingertips over the straps of you bra, the soft material of your panties, or the thin lace stockings.
ellie always praised you for a good show when it was over. and whenever toys were used, she'd clean them for you, and on the occasion that you actually came for real after using said toys, she would offer to clean you up too. she'd bring you warm pyjamas and a hot drink and mentally congratulate herself for pushing away the urge to jump you after what felt like hours of teasing.
"god, that was so hot."
"you need water? your favourite snacks are on the side over there, too."
"els, help me up out of this mess, please. ugh, the fake spunk is so sticky." "wanna take a shower? maybe create some real mess?"
sometimes, she couldn't hold back, though. on most cam nights, she would be clenching her thighs and biting her lip, watching you with a wetness forming on her boxers. but she couldn't always hold back from touching herself. she'd watch you lifting your tits into full view of the camera, squeezing them and giggling at the comments that followed. then you'd push them together, wait a moment for more tips and then start to pinch at your hard nipples.
"mm, yeah, feels so good. should i pinch harder? want me to lick them for you darlings?"
eventually, inevitably, she'd end up sliding one hand into her underwear, the other fisting the sheets. as you bounced up and down on one of your silicone cocks, moaning out appreciations for the tips that flooded in on the screen, she'd reach her throbbing clit. her gaze would be glued to your slick hole that wept around the toy as you moved, and she'd match your rhythm on the toy with the circles she traced on herself.
when you first saw her doing this, you weren't surprised at all. in fact, it made you that much more smug and turned on, resulting in less of a need to fake your arousal for the people watching. you'd pretended to the camera that you were turning your head to bite your own shoulder, but in fact you were mouthing encouragements for her to fuck herself faster over a wink and a smirk.
"faster, babe. just like that."
"edge yourself, el. better not come until i'm done here."
then there was this one particular night. ellie had two of her fingers deep in her cunt, while you rode a thick, veiny fake cock that took several pumps of lube to sink down onto.
you'd bought it with only your girlfriend in mind. though, of course your viewers were impressed with it, too.
"ooh-oh-oh, i need it f-faster. you want me to go faster... huh loves? gonna need your help then."
it was her favourite colour, and you'd made sure it attached pefectly onto your shared strap harness. it also came with a companion toy that was a little smaller, but could also attach to the harness, so that ellie could have her own pussy stuffed as she - hopefully, if your little scenario panned out - pounded into you once the camera was off.
of course, this is exactly what happened. you couldn't stop trying to get a look at ellie as you heard her little pants. she was trying to stay as quiet as possible, and watching her slap a hand over her own mouth, muffling her pleasure as she got off to you, only made things worse. you sped up your movements for a few seconds, opening your mouth and letting out an exaggarated moan. you then licked your lips, smiling at the camera as floods of tips came in, a bunch of water emojis flickering on and off. you bid everyone goodnight, promising to be back again the night after next, then ended the session.
"fuuuuuuck yes! mmmm!"
"fucked me so good. thank you, sweethearts. go grab yourselves some water and i'll see you next time. buh-bye, huns. mm."
then you turned to ellie, her hand stilled in her boxers. you slowly pulled out the toy and then pushed it all the way back in with a groan. you watched ellie's eyes flash at the obscene wet sounds your pussy made. once more you pull the glistening toy out, so slowly that it draws out impatient whines from the both of you. you rub the head of the toy around your folds, spreading the glistening wetness all around your waiting entrance.
"did you come, babe?" "uh uh, saving it all for you tonight, love."
"want you to fuck me so hard that i won't be able to move." "fuckin' hell. come here, now!" "need one more thing."
you reach down to your 'cam box' and take out two things. you first toss ellie the harness, which has the smaller cock attached, something you'd gotten ready earlier. then, you crawl between her already spread legs, and make a show of attaching the still-wet toy, your pussy clenching at the sight, greedy for it to be back inside you.
"put it on."
"was thinking about you filling me up the whole time tonight. need it now." "gonna do it. gonna make it so you can't stand."
several times after that night, you'd jokingly discussed ellie joining you on your site.
"if you made me gush like that on live, we'd make so much, d'yuh know that?" "maybe, but i don't want anyone else seeing you like that. all fucked out and dribbling from you gorgeous little pussy. no, baby. that's a show only i get to watch."
if you're after more modern!ellie x cam girl!reader ->
CAM GIRL DRABBLE (ellie helps you film)
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karmalynn500 · 1 year
Sid’s cute sister
character ~ billy loomis
Request~no- yes
warnings ~ drugging readers drink, i love to cuss, use of words like slut, whore and cunt, mentions of sex while under the influence, drinking, mention of kidnapping and murder, one night stand, kind of ooc billy and stu? Mention of death.
Word count~ 4728
“God damn it stu!” Billy was quickly getting frustrated, Stu didn't know how to drug a drink and Billy wasn't there to help. “How will we even know it works, there must be a better way to do this” stu’s whining was only pissing Billy off more. “Just put the shit drug in her shit drink!” Billy pulled up to the Prescott house where all the girls waited. “And hurry up, im picking the girls up now” billy quickly hung up before stepping out of the car.
“Oh come on y/n~ tell us who this mystery man is” y/n was panicking, she absolutely could not tell tate and sid that she was crushing hard on billy, sid's boyfriend. It's not like sid would have to worry, billy hates y/n, but it would still put a rift between them and y/n did not want that. “No thank you, i shall keep this man all to myself” y/n joked trying to shake the feeling of guilt. “Hey it's ok, i understand how hard it is to admit who you have a crush on out loud, it makes it real” sidney smiled in a comforting manner, sadly all her words did was make the knife in y/n’s gut twist. “Yeah.. to real” y/n forced a smile, continuing to look through her clothes.
Mr Prescott opened the door smiling warmly at billy. “Ah come in come in” Billy gave a small nod in thanks stepping into the cool house. “Thanks Mr Prescott, are they almost ready” Billy was ready to leave. This plan had to work and for that to happen Stu still had to get his hands on y/n and sid's dad. “I'm sorry to say that i'm not sure, they will come down when they're ready” with that the prescott twins dad left the room. Sid came down first, she was wearing a light blue sweater, a good color to stain red, with some slightly baggy jeans. Tatem was next, there was a lot of light yellow and red, another good outfit to stain red. “Hey Billy,” Sid smiled, giving him a small peck on the cheek. Billy forced himself to wrap his arms around his girlfriend, adding a fake smile to help sell the whole being in love shit. “y/n will be down soon, her heels are giving her some trouble” tatum giggled, billy tuned the girls out after that full attention on the stairs. Finally y/n started to make her way down the stairs. She looked hot, as always, clade in a lilac purple crop sweater, it had a deep v neck showing off y/n’s tits perfectly. She wore a short skirt, matching in color and texture to her top, it was short and Billy had no doubt that if she turned around he would be able to see the bottom of her ass. She paired this with a small lilac checkered purse and mostly transparent heels. “You look like a whore” Billy glared. Watching her smile fall a little broke his heart, he wanted that smile directed at him so bad but he always fucked it up, like now saying the exact opposite of what he was thinking. “Billy” sid scolded him lightly. Billy rolled his eyes unwrapping his arms from around sid, “whatever lets go”
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Stu had finally done it, he drugged y/n’s drink. Knowing if it will work was another story, but for now he was proud of himself. He put it with a few other drinks in the fridge, which guests knew was off limits. “Hey man, where can a man get a drink around here?” some jock that was most definitely not invited asked. Stu pointed to the island where all of the drinks sat, how he missed that Stu would never know. Stu did not invite this guy for many reasons, the main one was that he constantly flirted with y/n, which pissed billy right the fuck off. Stu knew this guy would distract Billy, hopefully Billy killed him before the rest of the plan was being filled out. Stu rolled his eyes at the jock before being distracted by someone jumping on his back “were here!” tatum yelled. Stu smiled at y/n while grabbing onto tatum’s thighs, “hey bestie!! i put a few beers in the fridge for you, I know how you hate warm alcohol” y/n smiled going to the fridge. “Thanks bestie” she yelled as she left the room.
It had been about an hour, y/n was on her third drink and reasonably tipsy. She had been dancing with some jock that had been flirting with her since like last year. She always rejected him, cause she really doesn't like him, but he has a reputation for one night stands and a big dick, and that's what she needed right now a one night stand to help forget about Billy standing in the corner with sid. “Hey, i have a key to the guest room, wanna join me~” y/n whispered seductively into the jock she hasn't cared to learn the name of’s ear. “Hell yeah” he smashed his lips onto hers, hands finding her butt instantly, “knew you would give in eventually” he smirked. y/n rolled her eyes, was he trying to kill the mood. She grabbed his hand leading him to the guest room roughly, telling herself she needed this and not to let him ruin it.
Billy was growing angrier by the minute, sid had disappeared somewhere with tatum and with his only distraction gone he got a great view of y/n leading that shit face joke of a guy to the guest room, though it was basically her room at this point. “Dude you look about ready to strangle him” stu chuckled from beside him, billy was more than ready to strangle him, to watch the light leave his eyes but first he needed his name and him alone. “Stu, when mr jock comes down the stairs, send him to the basement, tell him to get something heavy like a keg, make him feel real strong too” Billy smirked.Billy wanted this guy dead, so he's going to die. Stu nodded with a dark smile, “you got it billy”
“That was great” the jock pantad from his spot beside y/n. “Yeah” to be honest the sex was not good, not even a little bit. She never finished and all she could think about was Billy, it was partly her fault but the jock was definitely a selfish lover. The jock also tried his absolute hardest to not use a condom, saying he would pull out, y/n quickly rejected the idea and told him he would use a condom or he wont get to fuck her. The jock got up, grabbing his pants and pulling them up. “The nights still young, you coming back to the party” y/n was honestly exhausted, she had almost fallen asleep during her and the jocks hook up. “Um no i'm going to go to sleep- you go ahead” the jock smirked, he obviously thought he was the reason that y/n was in this state. “Ok, see you monday” he winked before leaving the room.
Finally billy heard the basement door open, the door was locked and only he and Stu had the key, so it had to be the jock. Slowly the annoying man made his way down the stairs mumbling to himself. “ first i fuck y/n and now im the strongest man here! Tonights really my night, now where's that keg” billy was seeing red at the confession to fucking y/n, but he knew he had to be carful with this, there was a whole party upstairs and if the jock got back to it billy was fucked. The jock made his way over to a still very alive and very scared mr prescott, laid out on a table that stu and brought down just for him, “oh what the fuck man” the jock went to turn around, only to come face to face with a masked billy. If everything went to plan tatum was dying right now, and then the jock and then anyone who gets in the way of sids timely death. “actually what the fuck man” the jock tried to run past but billy quickly grabbed his arm driving his knife into the jocks shoulder. The jock screamed in pain, grabbing his shoulder as he fell to the floor. “ how weak,” Billy laughed. The jock tried to crawl away but billy stoped that by sitting on his back, “ah come on, i thought it was your night, fucked a slut~ the strongest!” billy smirked, he was glad that he and stu built the voice changers into their masks, makes it so they can taunt their victims. “Please don't kill me, come on man” the jock cried, struggling to get away. While the jocks begging amused Billy, he had a plan to finish. Billy grabbed the mans hair lifting his head roughly, “think before you fuck my cunt” and with that he slit the jocks throat. Billy smiled, letting the jock's head fall to the dirt floor. “Bye bye bitch”
Billy's side burned as he climbed the stairs in search of y/n. He had a pretty good idea of where she would be, the guest room or stu’s, she often would move from the guest room to her best friends when at a party. Billy checked Stu's room first, no sign of her there, guest room it is. The cops were on their way and he and Stu needed fresh air, but there was no way y/n would not be out there with them. Billy opened the door, blushing at the sight of y/n who was half under the covers, boobs on full display for him. Billy limped over, reaching out to slowly shake y/n “y/n'' Billy shook harder, “mmm billy?” y/n was groggy, not fully waking up. This was evident in the fact that she didn't cover up, “come on get up” Billy started to gather y/n's clothes “what, why?” y/n sat up still not realizing she was showing off her tits, “here get dressed i'll tell you what happend outside” billy didn't want anyone else to see her this way but he made sure to memorize how she looked in this moment, naked, sleepy and oh so beautiful.
y/n was slow and unsteady as she made her way down stairs. The strong iron smell was scaring her, waking her up fully. “Oh my god billy your bleeding” y/n reached to stop him, she wanted to check and make sure he was ok. Billy shrugged her off with an eye roll. “Let's just get outside, I feel like I'm suffocating" Billy continued down the stairs. y/n followed behind him, still unsteady. “Here hold my hand, you're going to fall” Billy took y/n's hand. y/n blushed, letting billy lead her out of the house. “Billy, why is there so much blood?” Billy and Stu spent a few minutes dragging the body’s out of the hallway so that y/n wouldnt see, but there are still puddles of blood on the floors and walls. y/n got distracted from the question when she saw stu, who was sitting on the porch scrunched up and leaning against the railing for support. Stu looked up giving y/n a pained smile. “Hey bestie” y/n sat beside him, letting him lean against her instead of the railing. she was crying, the tears staining her cheeks. “ what happened?” She turned to Billy who was now sitting next to her. “ your dad went fucking psycho, tried to kill everyone.. Were the only ones who survived” this was definitely not what y/n expected, out of everyone in this town the killer was her own dad.. “Oh” y/n turned back to the road. This was a lot to process, she hoped Billy and Stu would understand that.
Billy was getting antsy, y/n had passed back out a few minutes ago. stu was dying, and fast. Billy wanted to help but the most he could do for stu is maybe help put more pressure on his wounds, y/n he couldn't help. Billy was upset, why would the police take this long when a group of teenagers call saying someone is trying to- he hears it now, even so they are required to come check it out right. “Bro.. do you think i put too much in her drink” stu whined, whether from the pain, or him being stu, billy didn't know. Stu had warned Billy he didn't know what he was doing, Billy should have had him wait and put it in himself, or he should have sent Stu to pick the girls up. It's too late for that now though.”it's.. Crossed my mind, she should be fine as long as the paramedics get here” hopefully soon. Billy didn't want to admit he had actual feelings for y/n, while Stu knew he had a small crush, he did not know that Billy felt as though if she died his world would come down with her. When they decided she would be the final girl it was easy, y/n was stu’s ride or die, and billy had a small crush on her, that means that both were happy or somewhat happy she's alive. “Billy, you know now that sids gone… you can admit it's more than a small crush” billy couldn't say he was surprised that stu knew, he was the only person that could read billy perfectly, no matter what billy was thinking stu knew, same with billy for stu. Their parents used to tell them that they were the same person, they could just look at each other and be up to no good. “How'd you figure it out” stu chuckled shaking his head, honestly too tired to actually joke about it “billy when you see y/n, you relax and your face lights up, and you give her this look, that says i'm in love with you, how sidney never found out is a honest mystery to me” billy's rudeness to y/n had masked it pretty well, sid always thought he hated y/n but stu knew, stu always knows.
Stu had definitely put way too much in y/n’s drink, it had almost killed her. It's been three weeks, no one suspected it was them and both Billy and Stu have been released from hospital, they still spend most of their time there, seeing as y/n still hadn't woken up. “Dude!” Stu yelled from across the room, he had just got off the phone with his mom. “What” billy grumbled “oh don't get upset, you can stare at y/n all you want after this, my parents got us all an apartment, told them that the house was to traumatic for me and that i hated being away from you and y/n, plus that gives y/n a place to stay now, seeing as her whole family’s dead” stu shrugged, sometimes billy thought stu was the stupidest person alive, he really just shrugged about y/n’s family's death and didn't think about the fact this is a hospital it has cameras. Billy's only concern about the apartment is that Stu's family would pick, they had already been trying when Stu was looking at apartments near the college he was going to go to. “Are they picking?” stu smiled wider, “nope, we get to pick, trama works well huh” stu chuckled. Billy rolled his eyes, deciding watching y/n sleep was a better time waster then listening to stu.
Bright lights blinded y/n as she woke up from what felt like four weeks worth of sleep. She moaned in discomfort trying to blink the blurriness in her eyes away. Finally being able to see clearly she looked over her right, Billy sat there half asleep and holding her hand. y/n genuinely thought that billy hated her, so why is he here, holding her hand like its his lifeline? “Billy?” her voice was hoarse and she knew Billy just barely heard her. “y/n!” Billy was awake now, he had let go of her hand in the process of sitting up, a large smile splayed across his face. “One sec let me call the nurse, then i'll tell you what happend” y/n remembered what happened, her dad went psycho and killed her friends, and her sister. Billy pressed the button on the end of what looked like an extention cord attached to her bed. “Um, I'm sure you're wondering what happened to you” Billy started, honestly y/n wasn't, so what she slept for a few hours she would be fine. “Apparently someone drugged you.. The doctor found high levels of rohypnol in your system, she said you must have had both your drinks laced with the stuff” y/n was so confused, what even was rohypnol? “The only person- wait no people who could have drugged my drink was stu or that jock, never got his name, but he's been flirting with me all year?” y/n didn't think stu would drug her drink, i mean why would he? So that left the jock, who did have a reason kind of? He did look proud of himself when she was border line passing out. “Well there was a dead jock found in the basement.. So if it was him he got his karma” y/n was unsure about billy joking at a time like this, but it's billy and she gave him a weak smile nonetheless. “Hows stu” y/n was more then concerned for her best friend, she remembered how fucked he was. “Hes ok, he's in a lot of pain but he's been released from the hospital..” y/n let out of sigh of relief, her best friend was ok, she wasn't alone “he's umm he's looking for and apartment so he doesn't have to stay, you know..” y/n nodded, it would be traumatic to ever go there again, most of all for stu and billy. “We were wondering if maybe you.. Would like to stay with us, we know that staying at your house will be hard and expensive” billy seemed to rant, even though his words were calculated and thought out. Living with billy and stu seemed like a good idea, y/n knew staying in her house was a no, she couldn't bear being there without her dad or sister, and while she was still pretty sure billy hated her, stu was her best friend and it might be fun to live with his crazy ass. “Yeah sure, I'll move in with you guys” Billy smiled. Damn the doctor is slow.
Billy was relieved y/n said yes, this was his chance to fix there fucked relationship and maybe even get her to be his. “Hey bills” y/n whispered, the nickname was a shock. Not necessarily cause it came from y/n, she was kind of known for that, it was the nickname itself, he had heard billy, bill, will, even just a simple b, but he had never heard bills, not even once.”hm” he hummed to tell her he was listening. “How are you, you know.. Feeling” billy could tell she was trying to make some sort of small talk, she was trying to be nice and Billy couldn't be happier. “Mentally or physically” Billy was doing fine, Stu went a bit deep but other than that he had no other injuries. And mentally he was great, he got away with murder twice now, and Sidney's dead, now there's nothing stopping him from pursuing y/n. “Both” y/n said quietly, she didn't want to set him off or have him hate her again. Billy took a moment to plan his words, so that they came out in the best way for y/n. “I don't know where to start, i miss sid a lot, it was hard knowing i had broken up with her only for her to die that night..” y/n was shocked at the news of their break up, she thought they were happy. “Physically i'm fine, i got let out on my second day in the hospital, your umm, the killer wasn't able to get me to bad” billy shrugged, with a weak smile, in hopes that would get y/n to believe everything he said.
y/n was absolutely heart broken. Billy pulled up to the old house slowly, “you don't have to come in if you don't want to, me and stu can get all your stuff” Billy put his hand on y/n’s thigh, trying to comfort her. She shook her head, determined to say goodbye to the house, and to grab some of the things her dad kept hidden. “No, it's fine billy i want to go in” billy nodded reluctantly, “ok but if it gets to be to much for you then you come back to the car, or you sit on the porch, just look out for yourself” y/n nodded but billy wasn't convinced, “hey, just- promise you will leave if it becomes to much” y/n couldn't help the smile that started to form, billy seemed to care for her, and it made her happy in a way she couldn't explain. “I promise” Billy nodded, getting out of the car, moving to the trunk to get the boxes. “You ok?” y/n turned to the back where Stu sat patiently waiting for his turn to check in on his best friend. “Yes stu, i might need to hold your hand though” while y/n said it like it was a joke, it wasn't and stu knew that, so he nodded his head with a goofy smile to show he was comfortable with it.
Billy had been checking in on y/n the whole time. He could tell she was having a hard time, seeing her glossy eyes and hearing a sniff every now and then. “y/n, you ok.. Do you want to switch? I can help stu with the bed” billy asked as he shoved another piece of y/ns clothing in the box in front of him. Billy got put on clothes duty, which he was not complaining about since he did undies first, while y/n was taking apart her bed with stu. “Yeah, it's just weird knowing that this is the last time i will be in this house” y/n sighed, stu reached over to rub her back from where he sat. Billy felt bad for making her feel this way, but he felt no regret in killing Sid, or anyone for that matter. “Do you need a break, me or stu could sit out there with you” y/n just shook her head going back to unscrewing the bedpost from the frame.
Finally done, y/n looked back at her door for the last time. “Bye guys” she sniffed, she missed her family, she missed the good days. It was weird that she would never go back in, at least she didn't plan to. It felt like she was just going to stu’s for a movie night and would be coming home in the morning to her dad scolding her for spending the night again, on a school night. “You ready” she jumped, not expecting someone to be beside her. “Yeah, just saying goodbye” she wiped her face of tears, billy nodded with a sad smile. Billy wrapped his arm around her, gently turning her towards the path. “You're being so nice to me why” y/n couldn't stop herself from asking. “What?” y/n sighed at Billy's confused tone. “Your being nice, a-and caring, but i was sure you fucking hated me” y/n knew she should have waited for this conversation, stu was waiting in the car and they stood right outside of her child hood home, but she needed to know if this was a trick, or if he actually cared.  “I never hated you?” y/n frowned, how could he say that when he was such a dick, “really? Cause it really felt like you did” she looked down to her shoes, suddenly becoming way more interesting then normal. “What's taking you guys so long” stu called from the car, clearly bored. Billy rolled his eyes, dragging me with him towards that car. “Lets save this conversation for when we get settled in at home” billy whispered in her ear, y/n nodded in agreement.
“Billy?” y/n knocked on his new bedroom door. Billy had been planning what to say to her, he knew this conversation was coming and he was not excited. “How do you tell a girl you love her, after you dated her now dead sister” billy whispered to himself. “One sec” he called out. Standing up from his bed, he realized just how nervous he is. He quickly threw on a white shirt before making long strides over to his door. “Yes?” he asked as he opened the door. “Can we have that conversation now?” y/n continued talking after that, and billy wanted to listen he really did, but her soft frown and glossy eyes distracted him. Billy must really be fucked in the head to think she looked hot like that. “Hey come in, stu’s nosy” y/n chuckled but nodded in agreement before stepping into the room. Billy watched as y/n observed the room. “You really like this band huh” she asked pointing to one of his many nirvana posters, “yeah” y/n smiled “i'll keep that in mind”  he smiled ignoring the flutter in his stomach. “So.. you left off saying you never hated me?” Billy sighed nodding. “I really never did” he sat on his desk chair rubbing his face as he thought about what to say. “Then why were you such a dick to me” she walked over standing right infront of him. “I don't know” she laughed sarcastically, “Billy you made me feel like shit, the least you could do is tell me why” she glared. Billy really did not want this to turn into a fight, “Billy why!” he looked up to tears falling down her face. Billy stood up brushing the tears from y/n's face. “Billy.. Answer me please” billy knew he was going to regret this.. He sighed, smashing his lips onto hers. y/n wasn't kissing back, he didn't know if she was shocked or didn't feel the same way, but she wasn't returning the kiss and that scared the shit outta him. Billy frowned as he pulled away looking into her beautiful glassy wide eyes. “I-shit” billy bright his hands up from her face and into his hair, coming through it. “Billy do- do you have feelings for me?”
y/n was ecstatic, billy just kissed her “yeah… i do” she smiled wide, now he was admitting he had feelings for her, how was she supposed to feel. y/n leaned up pressing their lips together in a quick kiss. Billy looked shocked, but y/n couldn't really blame him, she was too shocked to kiss back the first time, and she saw what that did to him, he looked like a kicked puppy. “I have liked you for so long, you don't even want to know.. But you were dating my sister and i thought you hated me, so i pretended the feelings weren't there, i think stu knew though” y/n and billy’s smiles turned to lookes of annoyance when they heard stu yell “i did” from right outside the door. Billy rolled his eyes, smiling at y/n, a smile she now realized only she got to see. He then leaned down, connecting their lips in a soft kiss. Maybe living with billy wont be so bad.
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1wingedtraveler · 2 years
Family reunion
Scaramouche x reader
Warnings: a bit of family drama between Raiden and Scara, Reader and scara have a kid, no pronouns mentioned for the reader
You have been walking around the inazuma city for a while now. Scaramouche insisted on buying Koharu new clothing saying the old ones were already worn out and ugly (they weren't. He bought them for her about 2 weeks ago)
"Tch, why is every merchant in this city so incompetent that they can't sell at least one good quality kimono?"
"I think you're a little bit too harsh on them darling. I sure they're trying their best to meet your expectations"
You tried calming down your husband. Last thing you want is him exploding at some Innocent shop keeper
"Besides look, Koharu seems to be having lots of fun!"
  It was her first time in the city. Scaramouche didn't want to show himself with his family in a public place like this too often. He said it can bring unwanted attention and put his loved ones in danger. Although you felt like there is more to it than that
You stopped by the shop and looked at certian kimono on display. It was light purple with beautifull wisteria flower pattern. It seemed that it also caught your husband's attention as well because He stopped to look at it
"Oi vendor! Im intrested in this kimono right here. Lets talk details"
As you started talking with the seller, you didn't notice little Koharu wandering off somewhere on her own
"Well (reader), what do you think about it?"
"Its certainly very beautifull, but are you sure we should buy her something so expe-"
"We will be taking it then"
Scaramouche cut you off before you had the chance to complain about the price
"A daughter of mine deserves to wear only the finest of silks. Price is unimportant"
You decided that there's no use in arguing with him. It was getting late, almost time for supper. Koharu must be starving by now
"Koharu let's-huh?"
You noticed that the little girl that was clinging to your leg was gone
"Where's Koharu!?"
"HUH?! Wasn't she with you?"
"She must have walked off and get lost in the crowd while we were talking to the vendor!"
Panic started to rise between you two. You quickly decided to split up and search the city.
Adrenaline was rushing through your veins as you pushed through the crowd as quickly as you could. Worst case scenarious apearing in your head. Kunikuzushi's job is dangerous, what is someone kidnapped her? You felt like throwing up when you thought about it
You asked many shop keepers with no luck. Such a small girl is hard to spot in a place like this. Your heart started beating faster and fatser like it was about to jump out of your chest. You decided to head towards dango milk stall, there you spotted a familliar mop of dark indigo hair
"Koharu!" You yelled and rushed towards her
As you got closer, you noticed that she was with someone. A tall woman in short violet kimono with long hair of similliar shade as your daughter's. She was drinking dango milk accompined with some sort of dessert. She had strong presence making people around her stay away
"Raiden shogun?"  You could hardly belive it. Koharu was pulling at her sleeve white looking at her with deep blue eyes
"Child, im afraid im not your parent. Did you get lost?
"Ah, Raiden ei! Im so sorry. I've lost sight of her when I was shopping with my husband"
"Its quite alright. Young children are full of curiousity about the world around them they do tend to go on their own adventures. May i ask your name?"
"My name's (reader)! Im her parent. I hope she didn't cause you any trouble"
Raiden shook her head
"Not at all. She seemed intrested in my dessert here"
"Haha, yes she has quite the sweet tooth. I have to hide sweets in deepest corners of the house so she doesn't over eat"
"I can understand her passion. I'm also quite fond of sweet things"
While you were chatting with the Shogun you didn't even notice a figure approaching
"Hey (reader)! Have you-"
Scaramouche paused mid sentance, freezing in place with wide eyes. Ei's eyes also widend in suprise. Two of them stood of them in silnce for a moment before scara seemed to snap out of it
"You-! What are trying to do to my daughter?!"
He stormed towards his creators side, quickly dragging Koharu away from her before picking her up in his arms
You were awere of his past and his feeling towards his mother but you would have never guess they would end up in such uncomfortable situation like this. The atmosphere was tense, like a storm was abou to break out. Raiden's expression was by no means hostile. It was clouded with regret and guilt. She knew that she'll have to face him someday but didn't think it will be so sudden
"I understand that you feel wary of me. However i promise i mean no harm to you or your family"
"Why should i belive you, traitor?"
Scaramouche's tone was harsh and unforgiving. Masking all the pain he has been carring for these long centuries
"I know i can't  expect you to forgive me and i won't try to make excuses for myself, all i ask is for you to hear me out"
Raiden tried to mask it but you could hear slight desperation in her voice
Frown deepened on his face, his deathly stare didn't break even for a second. He hugged his daughter tighter but didn't say anything. Raiden took it as a silent premission to continue
"The decision about leaving you in shakkei pavilion, right after your creation, was one of the biggest regrets in my live. I am deeply sorry for everything that you have to go through because of that"
Something wavered in Scaramouche's eyes. You could see his jaw tighten
"I'm very glad that you have overcame all the diffculties my decision might have caused and you found happiness nevertheless. I love you very much as my son, i wish only the best for you and your family"
Balladeer's eyes opened wider, the harsh glare he tried to up hold was filling up with more despair than anger. Biting his lip, He started visbly shaking now. You've came closer to him, putting your hand on his shoulder, silnetly trying to comfort him
"You and your family are welcome in tenshukaku, any time of the day. After everything i've done im glad you have blessed me with such beautifull grandchild"
Tears threatend to fall from kunikuzushi's cheeks. But before they had the chance to, he quickly hid his expression behind his hat before turing away and storming off with Koharu. He refused to show her that weak side if him again in fear that she would mock him for it.
You stayed there looking in his direction with a shocked expression, not being able to say a word. Raiden looked at the ground with guilt in her eyes. You looked at her before speaking up
"Im sure thats a lot for him to take in right now. Please don't take his behavior to heart"
"There is no need to comfort me. His reaction is understanable. He was a child abonded by his mother. Left to wander the world he knew nothing about. No mother to teach him about it nor correct him when he've gone on the wrong path"
Two of you fell silent. You had no idea what to say to her. Sadness filled your chest. The sorrow she felt all those years must have been uimaginable. Ei hesitantly spoke up, her voice full of pain she could no longer hide
"...please just.. take care of him for me"
She looked up to the sky. Seemingly not only asking you but any devine being that was listening
You smiled softly before replying
"I will"
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arcadekitten · 4 months
Hello! Before I ask anything, I just want to say that I really adore your games. I've been interested in INMIMB since I saw Gloom's playthrough a  couple years ago, and I just really enjoy them in general. I've been searching everywhere for places to play them but I can't find them (I've only played  INMIMB, and it was sooooo good) so a little advice would be nice. I have a few questions (mostly about Embry bc they're my favorite and i love them sm) You don't have to answer anything if you don't want to, but it'd be nice if you did since I love you and your content and I think you're awesome :)
Okay, so a few questions:
1) I've seen someone ask if Dr d light had a favorite flower and I remember you answering sunflower, so just wondering if Embry has one?
2) is Embry's middle name confirmed or do we have to theorize about it forever? (I wouldn't know if you've talked about it since I only joined Tumblr a few days ago and it's tiring to scroll through blogs lol)
3) What's your opinion on Embry x Ryo as a romantic pairing? I'm asking this one for very personal reasons and I really don't want to make you uncomfortable by shipping it because I relate to Embry a lot and them having a partner just gives me a sense of comfort. Like it makes me feel warm inside.
4) Is Embry more of a chorus kid, a band kid, or an orchestra kid? (This is based on the context of my middle school where we have to pick a certain type of music for the whole damn year. I don't know if other schools do that but it's what I'm used to, and personally, I see them as a chorus kid because like I said, I relate to them a lot and I am a chorus kid.)
5) Does Embry have a specific preference with clothing, as in fem or masc, or do they just wear whatever? Just asking because I see them more often in masc outfits than I see them in fem.
6) are there any confirmed specific ages for any of the characters? I get the general idea that the tricks n treats group is all kids and the cemetery mary cast is all adults, but I'm just curious if there's anything specific.
7.  Dr d light's color scheme is very close to the pansexual flag (like literally you could take away the black and white and boom) so I'm just wondering if that's a coincidence or not.
Sorry that this was so long! You don't have to answer any of these (especially number 3 if it makes you uncomfortable) but I just wanna let you know that I think you're really amazing and even if I haven't played all your games yet, I'm positive I'm going to enjoy every single moment of every single game and I hope that makes you as happy as it makes me. So just....you're awesome, your games are awesome, and I'm really excited for the answers to these questions if you feel comfortable answering them.<3
(also one more thing: what are your fans called? Like Taylor swift has swifties, but what do you call us? Just wondering:))
Thank you! I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my games so much!! ♡ All of my games are available to download (for free!) on my itch.io account here: arcadekitten.itch.io
I will try to answer your questions the best I can!
Not sure! Maybe something purple or white like the kind of flowers they'd grow with their mom, but I don't have anything exact yet. ---
Nothing confirmed but I don't think it has to be a "theory" thing either. It's just a name beginning with G and there's nothing more complex to it than that! ---
I don't answer questions about ships unless they're ships I've explicitly shown interest in already (Ex: Mary x Reginald, Capella x Most Circus Members, etc). You can read more about why this is on my FAQ: https://arcadekitten.tumblr.com/faq ---
I don't think Embry is a music kid at all! They are more of a gardening + artwork kid! ---
I feel like Embry's style of clothing is heavily androgynous and it's just that androgyny is sooner associated with masculinity than femininity. Sometimes their outfits might lean more one way than another but in general I keep them pretty androgynous. ---
Nope! I don't do specific ages, just age-ranges. ---
Entirely coincidence! He currently has no confirmed orientation + sometimes colors just look nice together
Thank you very much again for your kind words!! You are terrifically sweet and I do so hope you enjoy my other games as well whenever you may have the chance to play them or interact with them! ♡
Also, I'm not really concerned with fan names! I think someone could just say they're a fan of my work and that's good enough!
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hey!! Are are you?!?! Hope your having a great day/night whenever you are seeing this, I'm obsessed with your work and was wondering if I can request a lady lesso x fem reader where r is having really bad period cramps at school so she takes the day off, so lesso goes to comfort her but the lesso manspreads so r gets all shy and horny but she's on her period but lesso says she doesn't care then lots of smut ;) BUT then lots of aftercare and fluff.
If you decide to write it thank you so much!! I saw this with a larissa one and id just like to see it with lesso, have a good day :)♡♡
Cramps from hell| mixed
*Authors note~ ooo okay so this is a new take on the idea I'm hoping I can do it some justice*
a/n part 2~ only one fic tonight as a family member was in a car accident early hours yesterday so that’s kinda taken over today should be okay to post normally tomorrow I’m sorry guys
Trigger warnings~ period pains, period sex, mommy kink magical strap on bell rubs marking
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
You always hated your period, the pain it had brought you over the years. You'd often had to take days off to rest and get over the worst of the pain. Despite how painful it was for you, you never really had heavy periods. It was like you went through all the pain for nothing. Leonora knew of your situation and it became a pattern during the months you'd been together. It was all that made sense, your periods were kicking your ass and she heard recently that sex could help elevate the horrid cramping.
You were miserable in bed, blankets wrapped around you as you withered around in pain. "How we doing little dove? Still sore darling?" Lesso's voice washed over you causing you to instantly reach out for the woman. "Mmm hurts Leo" you whimpered  as your girlfriend came to sit with you. It must be lunch hour for her to be here. Her hands found your hair to soothingly scratching at your skull.  You turned to nestle closer to the red head when you noticed her sitting with her legs spread wide open.
"Mommy?" You whimpered before you could even catch it. Clearly your hormones were on a wild ride due to the period. You were struggling with the urge to just beg for her to rail you. To help make the pain go away for a while. "Dove?" She mumbled to you before catching a glance of your flushed face. "Oh baby, do you need mommy?" Her teasing was certainly enough to have you ducking your head before nodding in admission. "Mommy, I know it's yucky there but you spread your legs like that, I just want you to take me" you explained before rolling away from the woman feeling truly embarrassed for even asking.
Leonora got up and you thought she was leaving. Only then did you hear the tale tale signs of the door to her bedside table opening and closing. Leonora happy slipped on the double ended strap, before coming back to the bed. Her lips instantly attaching themselves to yours in a loving passionate kiss. You were truly addicting and if Leonora could help you then she would. After all she could watch many suffer pain, but never you.
"Up dove, gotta put a towel down gorgeous" she murmured, using her finger glow to summon a red towel.  "Now mommys gonna make it all better sweetheart, let's get that hoodie off" she muttered against your neck as she helped get rid of the clothing. It wasn't long before you were bare besides your underwear, covered in purple marks. "Are you sure mommy? You don't have to" you whispered feeling slightly insecure now. "It will help with the pain dove, toys can always be cleaned love" she moved her kisses down your stomach, with a quick glance to get some more confirmation it was okay before carfully riding you of your underwear. "Such a pretty pussy for mommy" she purred as she added lube to her shaft. "Ready darling?"
You could've cried when she entered your sensitive folds, "Mommy!"  A smirk on her lips as she purred at you, "so good darling, so good for mommy. I'll make those cramps go away for you." It didn't take long to bring you over the edge due to your added sensitivity, she came for you at the same time. You couldn't help but cling to Lesso as she stilled her hips. "Let's clean you up precious girl" she murmured before helping you get clean, magicking the strap clean for coming to hold you, her hands rubbing slow and firm circles into your abdomen. "How's my girl feeling?" With a happy sigh you snuggled closer to the woman, "better thank you my mommy."
Word count ~ 787
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fluffytriceratops · 2 years
𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔]
Notes: the gif makes me think of the "i got it" moment between Mike and Leo. You'll understand when you read it. My writing is rusty and this is unedited because I'm lazy, so it might be shit. :D Possibly part one? I might write a part two- idk yet. I was in the mood for angst and this has been sitting in my drafts for literally ages so I figured I'd finish it up and post it since it's also been ages since I've posted a TMNT imagine! ALSO- REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN! If you would like to submit a request, please do so via asks, and please read my rules on my blog before hand, thank you! &lt;33
Warnings: mature language, ANGST, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol, mental/emotional abuse, mentions of depression, brief mentions of self harm, etc.
Tags: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @digitl-art-monstr @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @drowninghell @squirrelfurs @lec743 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @bibiz82 @raphslovemuffin80 @raphielover @tmntspidergirl
(If you would like to be tagged in my future TMNT realted posts (let me know if you want just reader insert stuff or if you want OC related content included) feel free to lemme know and I'll happily add you!)
Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day/night! Stay safe and make sure to take care of yourselves! I'm sending all the virtual hugs to you~! <3
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Her gaze was locked onto the screen of her phone. She had opened her camera app to double check her appearance before going in, but what she saw caught her off guard. The large purple bags under her eyes, the paleness of her skin. All the weight she had lost was visible in her face alone, no matter how hard she had tried to hide it under baggy clothes. She didn't need anyone worrying about her. She could take care of herself... Y/n knew she hadn't been sleeping well. Not at all, actually. The only time she got the chance to get some rest was when she passed out from sheer exhaustion. Was it unhealthy? Oh absolutely. But she couldn't help herself. It didn't help that she worked two jobs. Ever since her father got fired, she was the one who had to keep everyone afloat. It was driving her mad.
Taking in a shaky breath, she shoved her phone back into her sweater's pocket and began to walk the rest of the way to the lair. It wasn't far. It didn't take long at all for her to get there. Once she stepped inside, she was greeted by the smell of pizza. Her stomach turned and she felt nauseous immediately. Y/n hadn't told anyone that she had gone on a diet. Not yet, anyway. Nor did she tell them she had stopped eating much at all. She was fine, they didn't need to know.
Y/n tucked a few strands of loose hair behind her ear, she took in another shaky breath before walking up to where they were. Their voices were loud and expressive. Raphael let out a bark of laughter, slapping Mikey on the shell in amusement. Leo was busy talking with April, and Casey was stuck chatting with Vern. It was Donatello who had noticed her first. "Hey, Y/n! We were starting to think you wouldn't make it!" He greeted with a cheerful smile.
She tried not to flinch under their sudden gazes. Pulling her lip between her teeth anxiously. God, she felt like vomiting. She needed to leave. "Yeah! You're late dude! What took you so long!?" Michelangelo whined, walking over and moving to sling an arm across her shoulders. She ducked under him before he got the chance.
"N-Nothing, really. Just took my time." Y/n shrugged, shuffling over towards the rest of them hurriedly. She had been dodging their embraces recently, and they were starting to notice. Mikey pursed his lips in a pout, missing the skeptic look on his brother's faces. They had all been brushing off her behavior, but this had been going on for what felt like forever. She was starting to look worse each time they saw her. There was one turtle who knew more than the other's. One who had suspected something was off a lot sooner than everyone else. Leonardo watched Y/n closely. Blue eyes practically glued to her.
"What kind of pizza would you like? We got meat lovers, cheese, veggie-" she cut Donnie off. "None, thanks. I'm uh, dieting." She shrugged, rocking on the balls of her feet nervously. Y/n could feel his eyes boring into her. Her heart rate increased rapidly. Pounding against her rib cage in a desperate plea to flea. Don looked at the other's briefly before turning his gaze back to the female. He nodded slowly, "Okay. Um, would you like something else?" Y/n's hands tightened in her pockets, curling into fists. She simply shook her head. "No thanks.. Not hungry.."
The room grew oddly silent for a few beats. Vern coughed obnoxiously into his elbow just to clear the silence. Leo had yet to look away from Y/n. It made her feel more nervous than anything else. Why was he starring at her? Couldn't he look somewhere else? Just when she was about to say or do something she'd definitely regret, Casey had spoken up. "So, uh, Y/n- I saw your dad today." Her head snapped towards him in a matter of seconds. It was a wonder how she didn't get whiplash. "You did? Where?"
She sounded nervous, and the other's picked up on it immediately. Raph and Donnie caught each other's gaze before the red clad turtle looked towards their leader. Leo was silent and observing. He stood still with his arms folded over his chest. Lips pressed into a flat line and brow ridge lightly furrowed. Raphael watched his brother closely, but his attention was moved else where as the conversation continued.
Casey, who was glad to get away from Vern, stepped forwards. Snatching himself up another slice of pizza. "Convenience store, on West Street. I was grabbing the drinks for today and bumped into him. His hand was all bandaged up, apparently he went to the ER today." He said before taking a merry bite out of the delightful pie. Y/n's gaze darkened.
Stop talking. Shut up. Don't say another word. Please. She all but begged, starring at him numbly. She knew this already. She was the one who dropped him off at the hospital. If it were possible, Y/n felt sicker than before. Her hands began to shake, she was just glad they were hidden in the pockets of her hoodie. She bit her tongue to stop from bolting. Everyone else was quiet, listening to Casey's story. Looking between the both of them as he spoke. She wanted to cry. "I know." She said, barley managing to get the words out.
Casey didn't seem to catch on. Or if he did, he continued to speak about it anyway. "So you know he put his hand through a window?" He was looking at her intensely, hell everyone was. Especially Leo. His gaze felt like fire, burning holes into her skull. She wanted to combust into flames. Right then and there.
"Yeah. Anything else." Y/n's tone grew bitter, and she couldn't help but glare at him. Hoping, praying, that he would just drop it and leave her alone. Casey ignored her. "Well, I know it's your mom's birthday. And I know it's been hard for the both of you. So y'know, we just wanted to check in." He gestured towards all of them, and she barley managed to peek towards them. Had they been talking about her?
"Casey-" April warned, shaking her head subtly at him. Either he didn't see it, or he ignored her as well. "And he was very charming. But he seemed kind of sad. I'd hate to see it happen again, so maybe you should keep a better eye on him." Was he serious? He couldn't be fucking serious, right? Y/n felt like she had swallowed cotton balls. Her nails punctured her skin and she igno red the light stinging. She was staring at a random crumb on the table. Gazing at it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. Completely and utterly silent.
Leo's arms unfolded and he took a step towards her, but she quickly turned her gaze back to Casey. "Everyday is my mother's birthday.." She started, gaze icy, voice venomous. Leo stopped in his tracks, everyone was looking at her, but she focused on Casey solely. "My mother was born in December. He lied. He's a liar." Tears glazed at the corners of her eyes but she's refused to let them fall. Voice rising in anger.
"And I'm glad- really, I'm glad that you found him charming. I'm sure he was delightful. He's a blast after five drinks. Not so much after nine though, he get's a little weepy and mean." Mikey's eyes widened and he looked towards his older brother's worriedly. She hadn't uttered a word of this before, it was the first time anyone was hearing it. Leo's jaw clenched but she hadn't noticed it. Too busy focusing all her pent up anger on Casey. "He's a drunk. He probably came in and told you how wonderful you are. How he wished he could have a son like you. And how sad he is because he doesn't get to spend more time with me." She hadn't meant to cry, but the tears had started to slip down her pale cheeks. Y/n wiped at them angrily.
Casey stood there in shock, taking in her angry words carefully. He didn't dare say anything, all he did was look at her and take it. "Yesterday he said that I was his favorite daughter. The day before, I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before- he wrote me a check fortwenty thousand dollarsbecause he said I deserved everything life had to offer. Because he was so proud of me. A lifetimes worth of proud..." her voice cracked and her bottom lip trembled. Y/n looked down, forcing her hair to partially hide her face. She tried to collect herself as she wiped at her tears with her sleeve. "You can't listen to a word that man says. Everything that comes out of his mouth is about as many bottles as he can stomach before he either vomits it up or passes out."
"But thank you for telling me to keep a better eye on him." Y/n shook her head and turned on her heal. Storming out of the room and out of the lair altogether. She was tired of all this bullshit.
"Y/n! Wait!" Mikey moved to go after her but Leo clamped a hand down onto his shoulder. "I got it..." He muttered, casting an annoyed glance at Casey from over his shoulder before he chased after the h/c female.
"Well that was a train wreck." Vern muttered, wincing at the glare Casey shot in his direction. "How was I supposed to know." He hissed. "It's not like Y/n's a very open person."
"We all knew something was up, I'm sure Casey just wanted to make sure she was okay." April said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Case smiled at her briefly in thanks.
"I wish she would have said something..." Donnie whispered, twiddling his 'thumbs' nervously. "Maybe we could have helped her somehow."
"Y/n's stubborn. She doesn't wanna rely on anyone else. She doesn't wanna be a burden." Raph grumbled, shrugging his shoulders. "Still. I wish she would lean on us a little more. I'd like ta give her father a piece of my mind." He huffed.
Michelangelo's lips pulled into a frown. "You.. You don't think he hits her, do you?" The room fell silent, and everyone turned their gazes towards the area she had left.
"Leo'll make sure she's okay." Don spoke quietly, hands clenching each other desperately.
She knew he was following her. But he didn't approach. Not in the sewers, and not outside of them, either. He was waiting for the right time. Giving her a chance to cool off. If anything, the fact that Leo had come after her only pissed Y/n off more. She didn't want to get a lecture from him. She didn't want to rant. She wanted to lay in bed and cry. And she wanted to do it alone.
Y/n managed to hold herself together pretty well. She only let a few tears and sniffles slip out on her way back home. She lived in a sketchy part of the city in a small and dinky apartment. It was her, her two sisters Lucy and Amelia, and their father. Her mother had died a few years back. Her father was never the same after that. He ended up losing the job he had since before he met his wife. He couldn't keep a job afterwards, either. And he started drinking. He drowned his sorrows in alcohol. Any little bit of money he made went straight into alcohol. Lucy was the youngest, she had yet to start high school. Amelia was the oldest. She spent most of her time at her home with her fiance and their newborn son. She couldn't stand to even look at their father. She refused to see him. They always fought, too. Amelia wanted to take Y/n and Lucy with her, but Lucy was in custody of their father. And Y/n refused to leave him to rot.
Y/n's keys jingled as she pulled them from her pocket and jammed them into the deadbolt on the door of her apartment. She knew Leo would already be inside when she entered. And if not, then he was waiting on her fire escape.
The door slammed shut behind her, she kicked her shoes off by the door and walked further inside. There was no sight of her father, so he must be out. Most likely at the bar down the street. It was within walking distance and it was the weekend. There was no way he wouldn't be there. Lucy was sleeping over at Amelia's for the weekend, which meant she was home alone.
The thought would have been extremely comforting had Leonardo not been lurking around the corner.
She passed through the kitchen and walked down the hallway that lead to the bedrooms. Amelia's old room was first, it was completely empty now. Y/n shared a room with Lucy. She was supposed to move into Amelia's room after Amelia moved out, but Lucy didn't feel safe alone. And it wasn't just her father making her feel that way. Y/n was comforting to her. Knowing she was sleeping in the same room kept her calm. Their father's room was the last one. The door was always closed. No one was ever allowed in. He slept on the couch more than his own bed.
The second Y/n pushed her bedroom door open she saw Leonardo standing at the foot of her bed. Patiently waiting for her.
Y/n's gaze hardened, but she said nothing. She kicked the door shut behind her and walked past him to her desk. She needed to do something. Anything. She just needed to keep busy. So she started to organize her college assingments.
Leo remained quiet, simply watching her. After a few minutes of Y/n shuffling papers and slamming drawers he opened his mouth. "Y/n."
"Don't." She snapped, tensing at the sound of his voice.
"You don't even know what I'm going to say..." He breathed, blue; blue eyes glued to her. Scared that if he looked away she would crack and break into a million pieces.
"I don't want you to say anything." She mumbled, voice strained. Her movements had seized. She simply stood there, back facing him. Honestly she was afraid that if she turned and caught sight of his ocean colored eyes, she'd burst.
The room grew quiet again. Y/n knew he was looking at her. She could feel his intense gaze plastered to her back. Studying every small movement she made. The light tremble of her hands. The slight shaking of her shoulders. The wobbling of her knees. Y/n tried to hold herself together. Keep the tears at bay. It was a fools wish.
She could feel his presence. Feel him walking closer. Till he was just a few meesly inches away from her. Leo was so close she knew if she took the tiniest of steps backward his chest would connect with her back. His hand grazed her arm and she broke the silence with a sharp inhale.
And she crumbled.
Tears blurred her vision as she gasped out a shuddering sob. A sob that shook her entire body. One that stole the breath from her lungs and broke her heart into millions of microscopic pieces. She collapsed against him and he held her tightly against his plastron. Strong arms hooking around her waist and pulling her flush against him.
Leonardo said nothing as she cried. It wasn't the first time she cried in his arms. And it most certainly wouldn't be the last.
Nothing was said or done. Neither of them moved. He just held her tight as she let out everything she had been holding in. By the time her cries had quieted, and tears dried on her skin. The sun had started to set. Basking the room in its warm fading glow through the window. Painting the two of them in a lovely array of yellows, oranges, and pinks.
Leo slowly turned Y/n around. Even when she was crying, she was utterly beautiful. Achingly so. He placed his hand under her chin and slowly tilted her red face upwards. Her e/c dewy eyes met his own. There was no longer a wall between them. He had managed to break it down in a matter of seconds. And now, all her pain was visible to him in her eyes.
There was a reason they say eyes are the windows to the soul.
Leo had built his own wall. One he kept up at all times. Around everyone. Everyone except her.
No words needed to be expressed between either of them. They already knew exactly how the other was feeling. With one simple glance. That's all it took. All it ever took.
Leonardo leaned down instinctevly, slowly and cautiously. Waiting and watching to see if she would pull away. Y/n never did. Instead, she slowly and hesitantly moved closer. That's when their lips connected.
A soft and deseperate kiss was shared. He held her face delicately, as if she would crumble into dust in his arms. Y/n clutched at him desperately, afraid he'd see how truly broken and damaged she was and pull away. Leo wasn't going anywhere. Something he told her with his lips as he peppered her skin with kisses. And when he reached her mouth again, he kissed her hard. He poured his soul into her. She drank him up.
As they parted for air. Y/n gasping for a whole other reason. He grabbed her hand and pressed a few more tender kisses to her knuckles. Eyes locked. Chests heaving. Hearts pounding.
Their souls danced the same.
"You don't have to hide around me. There's no need to barricade your feelings anymore." Leo whispered, brushing his thumb against the back of her hand. "You can show me the darkest and scariest parts of yourself. I'm not going anywhere."
A few more tears slid down her tender red cheeks. They caught the light of the sun and shone like tiny falling stars. He brushed them away with his lips.
"Even if I'm destined to crumble into nothing?" Y/n breathed, placing her hand on his chest. Fingertips tracing the markings engraved into his plastron from years of battle and training.
"Even if you're destined to crumble into nothing." Leo whispered, pressing a loving kiss to each rosey cheek. "I'll always be here. Right here. In your arms, where I belong."
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clericofshadows · 6 months
a beginning
Description: In the aftermath of a one night stand with an older soldier named Nyx, Kaidan starts to fall for the man and his obvious mysteries...
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Pairing: Kaidan Alenko/Nyx Shepard
Rating: M
Note: Felt inspired to finish this after making some gifs of Nyx and Kaidan.
Kaidan wasn’t quite sure what to think about the man lying in the bed a couple of feet away from the bathroom, watching him with those deep purple eyes that said a lot about him.  Gene modded, clearly, with a deep hue that contrasted his rough exterior.  He had to have been at least in his fifties, if not more, the skin marked by both war and natural aging.
But one thing’s for sure, Nyx knew how to charm a man, even one that wasn’t normally for one night stands.
“Doing okay in there?” he asked, making no move to cover himself up, turning towards him with a grin.
“Just thinking,” Kaidan replied, dampening a wash cloth with warm water, testing it with his hand before wringing it out. 
“Dangerous,” he teased, running his hand down his chest, toying with those pierced nipples–and what a fucking surprise that was.  “Penny for your thoughts?”
He was thinking about a lot, actually.  About how he thought he saw a flash of light blue rimmed around his eyes while he fucked deep into Nyx, pressing his weight into him, keeping a steady gaze on him, watching for any reaction that wasn't complete pleasure.  Biotics from a man far too old to be part of the first gen, much less any other stable gen.  Far too pure to be a trick of the light.  But maybe it was.
He didn’t ‘feel’ like a biotic, nor did he notice or feel a port in the back of his neck.  Could be underneath the skin like Kaidan’s, but there was no tell-tale scar either.  A mystery to be solved later.
Because not only did Kaidan find himself taking the man back to his damn apartment on Arcturus, they also negotiated something beyond just a quick fuck between two soldiers.  Nyx wanted to be used, and he said he saw a man he could trust at the bar. 
And Kaidan didn't want to disappoint. 
"Thinking about what we should order for takeout," he replied, walking back over to the bed.
"Bullshit," Nyx snorted, pulling his hair out of his undercut bun, already well-mussed after their fuck, the silver strands flowing down around his shoulders. "You fucked me within an inch of my life.  I think we've earned a little honesty?" A southern accent started to leech into his words. Something he hides? He's known some Alliance to hide their local accents and stick to a "galactic standard" but he didn't expect that from Nyx.
Kaidan started to gently run the washcloth around his thighs, careful to not be too rough, ignoring him for now.  Nyx took it from him with a roll of his eyes and cleaned himself up. "You're such a gentleman."
"You almost say it like an insult." Kaidan stretched himself back out on the bed. 
He chuckled, tossing the washcloth on the nightstand next to him. "No. Just an observation. Anyway, come on… whatever you are thinking about can't be too bad?"
"Why me?" Kaidan asked, because he was genuinely wondering.  Some had tried to approach Nyx, but he sent them all away, instead heading towards Kaidan.
Nyx smiled, seemingly happy with his response. Good. Maybe that will get him to back off for a moment. "I'm good at reading people.  And I got a good vibe from you.  Looked like you wanted something more, and you seemed like the kind of guy that cares about everyone.  You were talking to the bartender like an old friend, and yet I saw no recognition between the two of you when you walked in.  Thought I would test the waters, see where things go."
Kaidan knew the man was an N7, seeing it emblazoned on his jacket clear as day.  Hearing their observational skills in action was a bit unnerving, but perhaps it wasn't too bad hearing how highly Nyx rated him before he even talked to him. 
"Did I prove your observations correct?" Kaidan asked. 
"You did and more," he replied softly, full of sweet honey.  "How long are you on the station?"
Kaidan raised an eyebrow. "Depends.  You told me to be honest, so I will.  I'm not the kind of guy who's just here for benefits. This was great, but–"
"No, no, that wasn't why I was asking.  Not really.  Maybe not the best way to enter into something, but you never know..." he interrupted, trailing off with an expectant look. 
Kaidan couldn't deny that Nyx was attractive in a rough sort of way.  Scars framed the sides of his face that told a story, one that made Kaidan want to get to know the man more.  A grey beard that matched his hair, kept longer at the chin, but braided nearly in a small plait. Hell, there was something familiar about the man during their whole encounter, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what. 
He probably should get his name. And contact info, too.
Kaidan did want something more these days.  Never really getting close to much of anyone during his service so far, his biotics almost setting him apart from most.  Too many seemed to treat him like an outsider, nothing overt but it was clear to him that he was different. 
Even more so after seeing him out on the field, unleashing his biotics amongst soldiers who have probably never seen them outside of vids and sims.  
Hell, Nyx wanted him to flare out, encouraging him and his biotics to let loose. Maybe it was just a kink for him, but something lingered behind his gaze.  
And it's been too damn long since Kaidan had someone he wanted something more with, had someone who saw his biotics and grinned. 
"A few months," he replied. "Working on some new potential training for new biotic recruits. Nothing concrete for now.  But word says I might be back in the black soon, so no promises."
"Then we have similar schedules.  There's a couple of little Ns that need to be taught how to use their damn omnitools properly," he chuckled. "And unfortunately I'm one of the few tech-inclined Ns who was free enough to do it."
"Not much of a teacher?" He asked, curious. 
Nyx nodded, motioning for Kaidan to come closer.  He shook his head but moved closer all the same, cuddling up against his chest.  Sure, why not.  He was warm and his embrace was nice.  "Yes and no.  To my fellow nerds?  Of course.  To the ones that think an overload and a sabotage are the same fucking thing?  I would rather be in the most backwater UNC in the galaxy.”
Kaidan made an exaggerated shudder.  “They do completely different things!”
“Exactly my point.  Say, what was your designation?” 
“Ah, that’s what I figured.  My favorite specialty to work with, as your type tends to know a bit of everything,” he replied with a wink.  “As you demonstrated this evening.”
Kaidan rolled his eyes. “So, you said we have similar schedules.  Does that also mean you have a posting in the future?”
“I do,” he nodded, resting his chin on Kaidan’s head.  “A long-term mission, likely out in the black for a while with a command of my own on a frigate.  Still new and they haven’t fully put together the roster, but it’s something different.”
“Sounds interesting,” Kaidan said, biting back a yawn.  “I wouldn’t mind having something like that, too.  Smaller ship, smaller crew.”
“Maybe you will. Come on, let’s order that take out you were supposedly thinking of,” Nyx said, untangling himself from him.  Kaidan gave him a once over, the scarred, hairy chest and arms, the coarse trail that led to the man’s impressive cock.  Gleaming, gold rings on his nipples, hidden underneath his fatigues.  Scars lined his body, faint and hidden and long since healed, silvery in the light.  Black whispy ink on his arms that reminded him of magic, of biotics even and a styled design on his neck–a phoenix.  A play on his name, perhaps?  A call sign?  Or did he just think it was pretty?
Nyx was an enigma, and Kaidan wanted more.
He smirked at the attention and reached down to grab his uniform.  
“You know, we are fairly close to the same size… you can borrow something of mine,” Kaidan suggested, motioning to the set of drawers against the wall.  
Nyx nodded.  “Thanks.  Have a place I can throw these in for a quick refresh?”
“Just down the hall.  I’m lucky, I get all the accommodations in my room.”
“Fancy.  What rank?”
“Staff Lieutenant.”
“Not too far ahead of you.  Staff Commander.”
Not as high ranking as he expected, given his age. Joined the Alliance later? It was odd. A rarity.
Was he a veteran of the First Contact War? Could explain the gap, if he left the service after the war.
“Guess it’s a good thing I’m not serving under you,” Kaidan purred, getting up from the bed and pulling open a drawer.  He grabbed a clean set of joggers and a tank top and tossed it over to him.  
Nyx smirked once he caught the clothes.  “Agreed.” 
“Anything in particular you like to eat?”
“Nothing on this station is great.  But I do have a fondness for that wing place nearby.”
“Since you paid for my drinks, I’ll pay for our order.”
“I like your offer.  Keep this up and I’ll never leave.”
“Maybe that’s what I want.”
Nyx shot another heated glance at him before heading out of the room, pulling on his discarded briefs as he headed towards the mini laundry room.
Kaidan wasn’t sure what the hell he was doing, but honestly?  It’s been a long time since he’s been with someone and hell, maybe Nyx will be the one.
He’ll start by judging by his taste in wings and sides.  Something easy, something benign. 
Something to distract him from a quick, growing attraction within his heart to a man that seemed to be one hell of a puzzle. 
"I never did get your info!" Kaidan yelled, getting his attention.
He poked his head out of the doorway, holding up his omnitool with a smirk. "I'll transfer it to you. Lest we forget..."
Kaidan prepped his omnitool for a transfer, waiting for the contact profile to pop up.
Now that's why he seemed so familiar.
Butcher of Torfan. Well known veteran of the First Contact War.
And today was the anniversary of Torfan.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
A throw back ask if I may. I myself have only just fallen down the BL rabbit hole ( what was life before this?) and currently watching 1000 stars with Earth and Mix. ( Mix is adorable, is that adorableness even legal?)
And I wanted to know if you did a Color theory for this show? Because I know Tian seems to be a Blue boy but the others are confusing me ALOT! and I know there is something very telling with these torches and fire lanterns but I’m sure you have/can put it into much better wording than I ever could!
Yours faithfully,
A watcher who could watch any show in peace before I found your tumblr and color knowledge!!!
Dear a watcher who could watch any show in peace before you found my tumblr,
Short answer - I got nothing for ya!
Long answer - I got something for ya!
Let me start with some of my nothing-to-do-with-colors items:
Tian's growing heart is on full display when the waitress spills red wine on his suit right where his new heart is beating.
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And while filming the scene where Phupha gives Tian his heart (the ring), Mix actually passed out from stress and the weather. In the BTS for the episode, Earth, in character, yells at Tian to stop counting the stars, then Mix's body goes limp, and immediately Earth begins to yell Mix's name. Aof, the director, called cut, and everyone rushed to Mix, while people had to console Earth because he was upset and crying.
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So in the sake of transparency, it was hard to focus on the colors in A Tale of Thousand Stars knowing the issues the crew faced working during a pandemic to bring us such a masterpiece.
But also, the cinematographer for the series was Rath Roongrueangtantisook who tends to rely more on lighting the situation rather than wardrobe to color code the characters (although the colors still mean something on the clothing).
For example, the distance (coldness) Jim and Wen had at the beginning of Moonlight Chicken versus the love (warmth) they had at the end, which was seen with the other characters as well.
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Or how angry and pained Nueng was until Palm showed up and subdued his color in Never Let Me Go
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It even happened when Nueng left Palm in the hotel. He stepped back into red from the purple.
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Rath documents some of these instances on his Instagram and usually writes about trying to catch the natural light for the perfect effect.
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The most color coding he has done based on a characters' personality rather than the situation was in Dark Blue Kiss.
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But even then he still used lighting to reflect the merging of feelings.
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So what *I* noticed more in A Tale of Thousand Stars was the lighting of situations which was reinforced by the fire from the torches and lanterns (you're about to get a lot of innuendos).
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Like in episode three, when the heat starts rising between Tian and Phupha
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Only for Tian to turn away, so both end up awkward and distant in the blue, with some heat coming from Phupha and most of the coldness coming from Tian (notice their shirts' colors)
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The clothing supported the narrative, so Tian putting a red blanket over both of them in an attempt to "warm up" (to) Phupha reinforced the situation
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And we immediately get an exterior shot of the house lit up
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The more we see Tian warm up to Phupha, the more we see him in warm colors compared to his normal cool colors, while Phupha was always a solid earth boy with greens and browns due to his uniform.
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Like when Phupha outs Tian to the entire village, we see Tian back in his blues as he returns Torfun's orange journal (the source of his heartbeat and a wearer of warm colors) to Phupha
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I'm not claiming Tian and Phupha were the reason for the school going down in flames, but Tian asking Phupha if he wanted Tian to stay longer all while EarthMix eye-fucked each other in that specific way they can only do which concluded with Tian giving Phupha his pouch did make the temperature rise in my house, so I can't imagine what it did to that little wooden school.
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But look at the difference in the lighting and clothing between Tian realizing his feelings for Phupha versus Phupha denying his feelings for Tian:
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Even when Tian leaves to go home in the same shirt he arrived in, instead of seeing the blue sleeves, they are covered by Phupha's green.
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However Tian returns, and this time, Phupha literally and figuratively steps up and admits his feelings for Tian by asking him to stay.
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And Phupha and Tian's world is once again lit up as Phupha begs Tian to sleep in the bed with Tian.
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But they get "blue-balled" by Yod
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So we just have to remember the moments that brought the 🔥🔥🔥
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And the moments when their love for each other lit up the screen
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Team Let EarthMix Kiss Before the Finale!
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babygirl097 · 3 months
Raphael x reader
Shredders first attack on New York. No one knew who took him down, but what happens when a local photographer was able to snap a picture before the true hero's were able to make it into the sewer.
Part 2 of 4
*2 years ago, turtles pov*
Jumping down the man hole cover, cheering and laughing as they made it to the layer.
Heading to Splinter, fixing him up. They leave him to rest heading out into the main room.
"So, are we going to talk about the chick with the camera?" Mikey asked
Leo sighed, "maybe she didn't catch anything? I mean we were moving pretty fast"
"Yeah baby, cuz I'm as fast as lightning" Mikey said
"I can scan the area and look at Intel to see if I can find anything?" Donnie asked
"Or maybe we go look for the chick and make her delete it" Raph said.
"We really don't need another girl fainting especially after what just happened" Leo replied
"Plus maybe she didn't even really take the picture" Mikey said shoving pizza into his mouth.
"Did you not see the flash numb nutts?" Raph growled with a shove and a whine from Mikey
"It will be fine" Leo replied
*2 years later, readers pov*
Taking night strolls wasn't safe but being that Casey was out after basically putting me on house arrest it would have to do.
Hardly being able to leave the apartment when he was home. So sneaking out it was.
Mindlessly walking down alleyways was borning but being cooped up wasn't fun either. Passing an ally something caught my eye.
Taking a look, something stuck out from a pole. Walking closer to inspect it was a sai. I researched a lot about these after taking that picture. The red one had two of these.
Prying it out of the pole I tuck it into my jacked and rush back home.
Slamming the door shut I run to my laptop laying the sai on the table in the living room, pulling up the picture and zooming in.
The sai had the same red cloth on it like the ones in the picture. Zooming in more. Could it be?
The front door slammed open, "hey-" Casey paused his face paled
"Where did you get that?" He asked
"Found it" I replied
"Give it to me" he said walking over to grab it
Snatching it before he could, "what? No I found it, its
mine finders keepers"
"Y/N I'm serious, you don't know who it belongs to" he growled
"Oh, and you do?" I asked
"Yes!" He shouted "Wait, wait no i- I don't"
"Don't you dare lie to me Casey Jones" I seethed
"Fine, fine. You might want to sit down" he sighed
Setting the sai away from him I sat, "the picture you took, i- I met them tonight" he said
"If your trying to poke fun at me again this isn't funny Casey" I said going to stand
" I'm not! The blue one is Leonardo, the orange one is Michelangelo. The purple one is Donatello and the red one is Raphael. It belongs to Raphael. He's a dick by the way. They are working to stop shredder and the foot. We believe he will attack again we just don't know how or when yet " Casey replied
"I-" not knowing where to start
"I'm being serious here" Casey said
"I believe you. I, I want to meet them" I said
"What? No are you crazy? Their huge mutant turtles who are a bunch of jerks no" he said
"Your not the boss of me, house arrest is one thing but I've invested 2 years of my life on this one picture of them and don't forget you didn't believe me. So set up a time and place. I want to return this to him myself" I said holding the weapon up
He groaned, "I'll see what I can do"
"So, shredder what do you know about that?" I asked
"Well i know he's after some more of that mutant liquid from the last time he attacked but, this time his plan it seems more sinister" he said
"Oh, well I'm sure of they stopped him last time they can stop him again" I smiled
"You have a lot of confidence for things you don't even know" he laughed
"I know"
Smiling triumphantly I picked up the sai heading to my room, "Hey wait" Casey said stopping me
"Hm?" I mumbled
"I'm sorry for not believing you" he apologized
I smiled, "its okay, sorry for not believing your garbage truck story" I said turning around
"You said you believed me!" He yelled
I laughed, shutting my door.
*next day*
Casey sent out the message about me wanting to meet.
I'm not crazy! I knew they were real, I knew that I saw them and I wasn't going crazy.
Rethinking them and their names and old memory came back, frowning.
I head to my room and rummage through my closet, opening old unpacked boxes from my childhood.
Finding what I was looking for, pulling out an old diary my phone rang, startling me.
Not looking I answer, "hello?"
"Is this Y/N?" An unknown voice asked, looking at my phone realising it was a restricted number.
"Um yes, who is this?" I asked back
"Leonardo, you may have heard of me" he replied
With a gasp I stop what I was doing, "i-um yes, yes I do"
"Alright, good. You see my brother Raph wants his belongings back and he's not very patient. Tonight where you found it, at 11 and come by yourself." he said
"I- yes okay" I stutter
"Oh, and Y/N?" He stared
"Yes" I whisper
"Bring your camera" the line went dead
Storming out of my room, startling Casey making him spill his beer
"Hey! What's your problem" he asked
"You told them about the picture?!" I yelled
"What? Of course not!" He yelled back
"Then how do they know? Leonardo just called! He knows!" I yelled
"I don't know! The brother Donatello is good with computers and shit maybe he found out!" He said
Groaning "ugh, fine"
I head back to my room.
I'm screwed.
*time skip*
Tossing and turning was all i could do last night, sighing I turn over and look at my alarm, 2:30pm?!
I shoot out of bed, nerves and excitement making an uncomfortable mix in my stomach.
What if they were upset? How did they even know I had the picture from 2 YEARS AGO?!
Wait, what if they knew this whole time? Why wouldn't they have done anything? Its been a long time, wouldn't they have found me sooner in hopes not to blow their cover?
Sighing I head to the bathroom to shower, mind racing.
Once I'm finished and change and head to get some food in my system, just as I reach the kitchen I see Casey pass.
"Where are you headed?" I asked
"I have a lead on the two criminals, something big is going to happen I know it" he said
"Oh, okay. Well be safe and remember I cant afford rent myself" I mumbled nerves still running
"Yeah, yeah" he said while he walked out the door.
I think the clock on the wall is mocking me, an
annoying tick as the minuets pass.
Doing every little thing I can to try and make the day go by faster, I go back to my room and go for that old diary again.
Their names are familiar, an old memory I had.
Opening the book and flipping a few pages, I find what I'm looking for.
When I was a young girl I was sent here to live with my uncle and aunt after my parents passed, I remember making a friend with this one girl named April.
She would take me to her dad's lab to meet her pets, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello.
There was a rat too, splinter.
What coincidence is this? They were experiments as far as I knew but they died didn't they?
April and I were close, separating after highschool due to different career paths.
As college became more and more time consuming, our communications slowly drifted away.
Grabbing my phone, I open my contacts to see if I still have her number.
My fingers hovering above her name. What if she's busy or doesn't remember me?
Sighing I turn my phone off and throw it one the bed.
The rest of the day goes by as a blur and soon enough its 10:30
I finish getting ready, strap my camera around my neck pick up the bag with the sai in it and head out the door.
Finding the alley seemed to be a bit of a challenge but eventually I found it.
Looking around a bit, the suddenly being grabbed and blindfolded
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moongothic · 5 months
Remember my first crochet sweater from forever ago? The one that turned out like shit?
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Frogged it and now it's a knit 😎
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So to recap; I tried making a crochet sweater based on a YouTube tutorial like years ago, and although while making it I could tell it didn't seem... right... I just kept on telling myself to "trust the process" and that "it'd turn out okay in the end"
It did not
The sweater ended up being so square-ish and massive I could've fit three of myself inside of, going well beyond "comfy oversized sweater" straight into "clown clothes" territory. It was bad. On top of that, although I tried to get the same yarn to do the top of the sweater in a pastel purple, I ended up leaning about this thing called "dye lots" the hard way, as the yarn I had needed to finish the sweater ended up being a completely different shade from what I had used for most of the sweater.
So yeah. The sweater turned out like shit, and I wore it maybe once before putting it into my closet and refusing to even look at it for like IDK two years.
Now I have some nicer yarn that I'd like to make something with, something preferably knit because I like knit fabric more than crochet, but I don't want to practise knitting clothes with that nicer yarn. And so I figured, if I frogged this crochet sweater I could then practise knitting sweaters, reuse the old yarn (=don't have to buy jack shit), and maybe remake this failed sweater into something I'll actually wear
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And so the sweater was frogged, this being all the usable yarn from the project. Pastel purple dyelot on the left while the more pinkish yarn (the stuff I had originally used while trying to convince myself it wasn't pink)
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You can see the difference in the hue better here
So yeah. Now admitedly after frogging the sweater I did lowkey think about just trying to re-crochet the sweater and did kinda start on that, but I very soon realized that I probably wouldn't have enough yarn to remake the sweater the way I wanted to, and just trying to crochet with it made me double down on how much I just I don't like crochet fabric as clothes. It's just so bulky, man
So I got to knitting instead. And because I'm deranged I chose to... mostly wing it. I did look at a few YouTube tutorials for top-down raglan sweaters to get an idea of what I was supposed to be doing, but in the end, I do kinda learn the best by just winging it. But what I did make a big note of while remaking the sweater was just trying it on as often as possible, just to make sure I didn't make it as oversized this time.
I did want to make this process relatively simple though and because I didn't want to risk losing out of yarn at an inconvenient point I chose to skip the stripes of the original sweater and just make it a simple two-color sweater. This also had the added benefit where I was able to use up all of the purple yarn on the yolk and just go as far as I could go with it before switching to black.
But yeah, the end result?
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It's decent!
Like let's be real, my raglan increases are an absolute fucking mess and the shaping on the yolk is a little funny, AND I did make the collar too big (I was so worried my giant head wouldn't fit through so I made it way bigger than it needed to be, but honestly it's better that way than it being way too small. It looks a little silly but it's not the end of the world), and the sleeves ended up being like maybe 4-5 centimeters too long they could've been a smidge shorter.
But aside from that?
I'm honestly really happy with it
Because the fabric is super soft and nice, it's not too bulky, and most importantly, it fits me. It's not obscenely massive on me, it's just the right size.
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And really, that's all I wanted. A sweater I'd actually USE, and yeah, I'm gonna wear the hell out of this next fall/winter when the weather gets cold again. It's not perfect, but it's more than good enough for me. And most importantly, I now feel infinitely more confident in maybe using that nicer yarn sometime soon to knit something
Now what the fuck am I gonna do with the leftover yarn 'cause boy howdy do I have a ton left
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Lifeboat 06 Store
[full chapter in link]
Normally Sesa would not linger too long in town. A combination of wanting a quiet place and the realization that it would be wise to get Lana some air, had her taking up Asin’s offer to use the restroom in the back. 
To be honest Sesa was more than a little impressed with the room. It had two sections, one for washing up in a basin, another section for where you did business around a half walled section. The woman paused, standing still and listening before confirming that she was alone.
The little window was covered by one of those nice, almost full fancy knitting… lace? That was the word, lace weave? It made an interesting current that was light looking.
Sesa took a deep breath, setting the small towels she had been lent on the counter. Pulling the font of her shirt down and out, peering down into her under shirt, “Lana?”
The little bitta blinked up at her, looking to be if not asleep, had been zoned out and unforced. Lana did not really react at first to being lifted up and out, but small arms gripped tight to Sesa’s fingers. Now looking much more awake she was slowly lowering the fairy down to the almost smooth countertop to the left of the sink.
“Are you okay?” Sesa worried, watching the tiny being sit on the side of her hand, taking deep breaths. 
“Just a little warm,” Lana said as she blinked around, then again but slower and looking upwards. Taking in the room and looked, almost seasick? “Oh…gods this is…this is strange… everything is so big…”
Sesa glanced around the small room then carefully cupped her free left hand down half over Lana. “Keep taking deep breaths, but slowly bitta. You look seasick.”
“I think it's vertigo.” Lana said, her voice dropping. From the consent movement with not a lot of anything to see, and the constant heat. Now being still for the most part, and seeing everything so massive… It was making the tiny human heady and not feeling well. “Is there water for drinking?”
“Yeah… ah,” Sesa paused, before the giant woman reached for the smaller of the two towels, shaking it out after carefully making sure Lana was sitting on the counter. Making it not really a cave, but an arched section over her so the Bitta had a bit of a buffer from seeing the small room. Or really massive to her scale of things. 
The woman patted down her pockets, finding the small bottle of cooking oil she was given by the store owner. Twisting off the cap and set the bottle farther back towards the wall and then reached for the sink. A large, more purple tinted glass bowl that sat up on the counter instead of inset into it. A simple spigot for water was arched into the bowl and there was running water. 
Sesa offered the cap to the tiny girl…woman. Smiling despite herself at feeling minuscule hands gripped her fingers for balance before taking the cap and sitting back in the half cavern of towel. The cap was now sitting in Lana's lap like a big mixing bowl.
“Thank you.”
“I'm going to leave you here for a minute,” Sesa pointed to the half wall that blocked off a corner of the room. “I need to, ah, well I'll be busy for a minute.”
Lana giggled, looking down and carefully scooting back into her space. “It's a busy room after all. It didn't look like there was a bathroom on the boat.” 
“No, not anything easy for me at least,” Sesa agreed as she shrugged off her vest, careful to fold it on the other side of the counter. Making sure not to drop anything in the pockets. “Be right back.” 
Lana waved a bit to show she heard, focusing on getting an awkward few sips. Just sitting and focusing on rehydrating, then using a flexible corner of the cloth to dip in the water. Try to clean up as much as she could before Sesa came back. Lana ended up laying on the cool, solid countertop, head resting on a part of the cloth. Thankfully the big cloth was holding its arched fold and not dropping down on Lana.
Even when the semi distant sound of thundering and the vibrations of footsteps signaled that Sesa was coming back. Only Lana was not disturbed as the giant woman was washing her hands. Thankfully she seemed to be taking a good half minute to do so. 
“Feel better?” Sesa asked in a soft voice. As much not to be overheard as to hopefully not scare the Bitta.
“Yeah, it's nice and cool.” Lana said, at first not moving and as she was not disturbed. The world was slowly settling down from tilting here and there like she had been in the lifeboat or on Sesa.
Hearing fabric move and the water again, Lana rolled over slowly and pushed herself up to blink outside of the cloth cavern. Hazel eyes widened as Lana got her first real unhindered look at the giant. Just the upper half of Sesa was really visible. With that green long sleeve off now she was in what must be her people's version of a tank top, though a lighter green shade.
Maybe if this had not been so strange, or if the size scale was alike… matching? 
Lana might have tried an awkward flirt. She could only stare right now in a mix of awe and some worry. That was just solid muscle over Sesa's frame, hell she could see the giant's abbs and… and a rib?
All at once, Lana realized she saw no fat really on Sesa with the distance. Very little on her face, and what small curve of the stomach that she had must just be from what Sesa ate when fishing. She was using a wet corner of the other cloth, hand towel, to clean around her neck, chest and shoulders. 
Lana could actually see that Sesa had darker brown hair that was pulled back into a tight braid and then wrapped around her head. The golden eyes unfocused partly as Sesa now used the dry side of her cloth over her chest. Lana watched the muscles of Sesa's exposed arms, then just focused on the copper skin and realized it was not a pattern she was seeing, but scars. A lot of them, both what looked like a few layers of animal bites and some too-clean lines. 
What was Sesa's history? There looked like more pale scarring going to her shoulders, and under the hem of the tank top before it was tucked in. Sesa pulled her long sleeve back on, and then the vest before looking down. Golden eyes blinked down at Lana as Sesa was buttoning up the shirt, though not as much as before. Leaving a few undone at the top.
“Hopefully this will help with air flow for you?” Sesa asked as she awkwardly fussed with her clothes as if not used to it, and then froze. A thought clearly having just occurred to her as Sesa looked at the wall she had stepped behind. “Oh, gods, I…do you need to go too?”
Lana blinked, almost innocently up at the giant. Then startled as she understood belatedly, “Ah… well, that would be nice… I've been stuck with a bucket in the lifeboat. Is there anything that could work for me? Everything is sized for you.”
Sesa paused, looking all around before peering into the sink bowl.
“Oh dear.” Lana muttered, then hid her face as she realized this was about to get awkward again.
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