jayzioxx · 5 days
Breaking the sky sword master be like:
The Legend Of SWORD DOG
From Mistymountainlegends on insta
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jayzioxx · 5 days
Idk abput everyone else but i do the least therapy (i ghosted my therapist after one session)
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jayzioxx · 7 days
I blame my friend for me crying whenever i see 49, 51
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jayzioxx · 7 days
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jayzioxx · 7 days
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jayzioxx · 7 days
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jayzioxx · 21 days
MC: I swear to god, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one here with a braincell.
Luke and Kieran: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
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jayzioxx · 27 days
Me. Soon.
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jayzioxx · 1 month
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jayzioxx · 1 month
wait a fucking second.
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did they seriously change the title of a 14 year old video????
oh my fuckin God.
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jayzioxx · 1 month
Can we stop comparing Sylus to these psycho booktok men? Please?
Zade: I chopped off the hands of the man who touched my girl and set them on her front doorstep
Sylus: That’s absolutely horrifying why would you scare her like that
Aero: I rubbed my nut on her lips and made her kiss my brother
Sylus: That’s deranged and outta pocket seek professional help
Sylus is a TEDDY BEAR for MC he would never scare her with severed body parts or subject her to deranged antics to feed his own dark & twisted pleasure. He wouldn’t murder any man that looks at her. He’s the epitome of “my girl can wear what she wants because I can fight” and he’s secure in himself.
Have you listened to him take care of MC on her period? A sweetie pie fr.
He’s ready for her WHEN SHE’S READY. He is patient and straightforward with his intentions. He never forced her to be with him. The only thing he forced was trying to resonate with her.
Did he watch us from afar? Yes. Is he rough? Yes. Would he kill for you? Absolutely. Would he ever shove his blicky up your kitty? FAWK NO.
Don’t compare my man to those stalker dark romance book men they’re completely different. & this is coming from someone who is an avid dark romance reader.
(I also read other genres don’t get crazy)
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jayzioxx · 1 month
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jayzioxx · 1 month
This is whats happening to the next chapter of bob
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jayzioxx · 1 month
Honestly fr this isnt the first time either. We lost channies room because of how intolerable some STAY were acting, our idols get stressed everyday because of how some of you keep pushing boundaries that were never meant to be crossed, they're forced to apologize for every minor action, every minor mistake because some of you see them as YOURS, as possessions, when they arent even remotely close to you. Theyre humans, being an idol is their job, their job is to entertain not to work for your every word and praise because they're MUSICIANS and they're ARTISTS not OBJECTS.
They're not your friends, if you deluded yourself into believing that. Yes they care but ultimately they're your idols and role models, and bang chan and the rest of skz have always been so polite and considerate too. Idols are people, they have their own lives, they care about you just as much as you care about the general population if youre not some parasocial weirdo who hates humanity just for existing. They deserve better than to be treated like dolls, to be toyed with and dismembered at will.
Okay but ... what is wrong with you guys? Why won't you let Christopher catch a break? Do you really hate him that much that you have to make every single thing he does a massive deal for no reason?
You found a way to hate on him for the whole chocolate thing, which, shouldn't have even been a thing in the first place ... he was literally just being silly, and if any of you knew him, you'd know he regularly says silly things like that, and there's literally nothing wrong with it? If you're actually offended by a grown man minding his own business and the way he types his messages, then honestly, you need to sit down with yourself and rethink your priorities.
He had every right to tell you guys to stop telling him what to do. Every. Single. Right. He's a grown man - you don't think he knows when to sleep and when to not? You don't think he would go to sleep if he could? Are you forgetting he has one of the busiest roles as a leader, as a producer, as an idol, as a person who just wants some time for himself and rarely has the time for it - being worried about him is fine but to the point where you keep harassing him and telling him to sleep when he's said multiple times in the past that he doesn't need you guys to tell him that? He's not incompetent like you make him out to be. You're all quick to say "he's pushing thirty and behaving like this" when he sends silly texts but you can't keep the same mindset when you treat him like a child for not going to bed on time? He's an independent man with a brain - he knows what he needs, and if he doesn't want to go to sleep, then just respect that and stop ignoring everything he says? You're acting as if you probably don't stay up till 3am, 4am, 5am, for no reason other than scrolling through your phone or whatever ... if someone told you to go to bed at that time, you'd probably get annoyed too, and you definitely wouldn't listen - so why should he listen if he doesn't want to? Doesn't really make sense, does it.
And getting mad at him for finally sticking up for himself when he's nothing but polite and kind all the time is actually insane ... you get mad when he doesn't put people in their place, and then get mad when he does - honestly, just give it a rest. He can't even breathe without you getting angry about it. He gives you guys everything, he's always there for you and he's always trying to help everyone as much as he can - you have no right treating him like shit? "Oh but he was really rude" No, he wasn't. He was respectful but straightforward. If someone in your day to day life told you to stop telling them what to do, you wouldn't say it was rude. But because it's him and you love picking him to pieces, you had to turn it into a massive scene. Again. It's like in your heads he only has one job, and that job is to show his body off so you can gush about him online. Which, is disgusting. You're forgetting he's a real person, with a real heart, and feelings. If you just want a body to gawp at, just go find a stripper or something instead of constantly criticising and hating on him for every single thing he does other than flashing his abs on stage.
You're making this man's actions your entire life and personality and it's actually really pathetic to see ... don't you get bored of bashing him constantly for the silliest of shit?
You can not like him and not make a big fuss about it. You can't like everyone and not everyone is gonna like you - but hiding behind a screen and saying whatever the fuck you want without a single thought is really not it ... you wouldn't dare to say half the shit you say to his face. So why say it at all? Find something else in your life to occupy yourself with ... go do something that's actually beneficial instead of micro analysing the breathing patterns of a man you don't even know.
Put some respect on his name and just leave the poor guy alone ... he's been through enough as it is.
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jayzioxx · 1 month
These campaigns have been brought to my attention via asks and messages; please take the time to read through and share their stories, and contribute whatever you can.
Please note that the amounts raised may have changed by the time you're reading this post, so for accuracy I encourage you to check the gofundmes for yourselves. To everyone who has been tagged here, please feel free to inform me of any changes/additions you'd like made to the listed information! I'll make an effort to update this periodically with new campaigns and amounts raised.
I also realize that there may be multiple accounts linked back to a single family/campaign, and apologize in advance if I don’t initially list them together. If an account link doesn't work anymore, I will do my best to track down any existing alts or backups.
@lailashaqoura - gofundme (€27,305 raised of €45,000 goal)
@wafaaresh - gofundme (€17,467 raised of €100,000 target)
@4-zien-yousef - gofundme (€10,835 raised of €23,000 goal)
@mahmoud1995 / @mahmoud-1995 - gofundme ($10,311 raised of $50,000 goal)
@88mohammed - gofundme (€3,122 raised of €100,000 goal)
@ghaziyounes1967 - gofundme ($3,572 raised of $50,000 goal)
@bilalassadabedrabou - gofundme (€5,085 raised of €80,000 goal)
@karamrafeek - gofundme (€12,335 raised of €20,000 goal)
@musababed - gofundme (£2,508 raised of £8,000 goal)
@save-hijazi-family2 / @save-family - gofundme (€11,090 raised of €20,000 goal)
@aseelo579 / @aseelo680 - gofundme ($6,948 raised of $20,000 goal)
@basel-1995 - gofundme (CHF5,216 raised of CHF60,000 goal)
@mohammadyaser1980 / @m905506028 - gofundme (€14,310 raised of €35,000 goal)
@ehabayyad23 - gofundme (€699 raised of €50,000 goal)
@mahmoudayyad - gofundme (€2,227 raised of €100,000 goal)
@hanaa987 / @hanaa-yousef - gofundme (£8,531 raised of £20,000 target)
@falestine-yousef / @yousef-falestine - gofundme ($9,483 raised of $40,000 goal)
@heba-baker - gofundme (€2,042 raised of €60,000 goal)
@amlanqar - gofundme (€6,727 raised of €50,000 goal)
@ranin3344 - gofundme (€6,784 raised of €80,000 goal)
@zeanyahya4 - gofundme (€3,447 raised of €25,000 goal)
@saveyouseffamily - gofundme (€10 raised of €20,000 goal)
@ashraf-family2 - gofundme (€16,027 raised of €20,000 goal)
@odayalanqar / @odayalanqar-2002 - gofundme (€2,152 raised of €50,000 goal)
@yasminalbalawiigaza - gofundme (€31,464 raised of €50,000 goal)
@frhatfamily - gofundme ($2,106 raised of $29,500 goal)
@hayanahed - gofundme (€63,170 raised of €100,000 goal)
@momenalostaz / @momen-alostaz - gofundme (€16,389 raised of €70,000 goal)
@ayaalanqarsblog - gofundme (€6,658 raised of €15,000 goal)
@fatma93-gaza - gofundme (€3,400 raised of €20,000 goal)
@noorabd1992 - gofundme ($4,682 raised of $45,000 goal)
@yahyaahmed5 - gofundme ($910 raised of $50,000 goal)
@ayuwbfamily - gofundme ($470 raised of $50,000 goal)
@gazaway13 - gofundme (€13,312 raised of €40,000 goal)
@azaxa - gofundme (€32,100 raised of €45,000 goal)
@abdelmutei - gofundme (€9,549 raised of €25,000 goal)
@dinamahammed99 - gofundme ($1,895 raised of $6,000 goal)
@ahmeadhilles - gofundme (€4,038 raised of €80,000 goal)
@salahaldinahhorsblog - gofundme (€4,671 raised of €40,000 goal)
@mohammednasers-blog - gofundme (€822 raised of €38,000 target)
@abedalazeiz - gofundme (€25,761 raised of €50,000 goal)
@alaakh2025 - gofundme (£27,008 raised of £56,000 goal)
@yomnaahmed3 - gofundme / paypal (€0 raised of €50,000 goal)
@saveemanfamily - gofundme ($3,235 CAD raised of $50,000 target)
@nedataya - gofundme ($4,074 raised of $29,500 goal)
@save-salam-family - gofundme (€20,585 raised of €40,000 target)
@abuadamfamily - gofundme (€54,361 raised of €58,000 goal)
@bshaeromars-blog - gofundme ($12,538 raised of $40,000 goal)
@shadowyavenuetaco - gofundme (£831 raised of £50,000 goal)
@salem-baker - gofundme (€4,587 raised of €38,000 goal)
@mahmoudkhalafff - gofundme (€22,565 raised of €30,000 goal)
@abedallhferwanagaza - gofundme (€1,989 raised of €35,000 goal)
@hadeelchilds / @hadeelmekki / @hadeelfamily - gofundme (€12,568 raised of €35,000 goal)
@monashamali - gofundme (£13,283 raised of £30,000 goal)
@malakabed - gofundme (€5,578 raised of €25,000 goal)
@sameer-17 - gofundme ($709 raised of $50,000 goal)
@mohamed-mikki - paypal ($1,582 raised of $20,000)
@ahmad-syam-blog - gofundme ($1,189 CAD raised of $40,000 goal)
@kefahfamily - gofundme ($750 raised of $40,000 goal)
@fatimaalbalawi - gofundme (€34,803 raised of €50,000 goal)
@sarah-family - gofundme ($5,505 CAD raised of $48,000 goal)
@razan-2000 - gofundme ($3,990 raised of $50,000 goal)
@ezzaldeens-blog - gofundme (€93 raised of €20,000 goal)
@amna-merwan - gofundme (€13,497 raised of €40,000 goal)
@hala-15 - gofundme [cw: graphic imagery] (€171 raised of €5,000 goal)
@yasermohammad - gofundme (€15,131 raised of €35,000 goal)
❤️ Do your daily clicks
🌈 Share the Rainbow Campaigns
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jayzioxx · 1 month
The way i went from "author chan this update was so good" on wattpad to "author nim this male lead is such an asshat" on webtoon to "here's your monthly dose of trauma im going on hiatus for half a year again" on ao3 needs to be studied
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jayzioxx · 1 month
scaramouche is so freaking hilarious to me cause like. look at him. he's a short man with so much rage. he's famously very pretty when he's not snarling at you. he wears an ostentatious hat that can be seen from a mile away. he was 'set free' by his mom/creator for having a heart then proceeded to spend the next five centuries looking for one. he was adopted by a bunch of swordsmiths when found in the wild. he knows how to make a sword as he was taught by the best professional swordsmoths of his country. he knows how to take care of babies and small children, even if they're sick. he also knows how to make a nation collapse on itself and gained a whole moniker out of it. those qualities somehow exist simultaneously. he killed the entirety of raiden gokuden but spared the descendant of the man he thought had betrayed him because even then he held love in his heart for him. he literally endured dottore's mad experiments for probably centuries. he's been to the abyss. he figured out that Teyvat's sky is fake. he straight up reached into the tree of life and erased himself so that he could reverse the fate of those he had wronged. not even vengeance. that wasn't even priority, no he wanted to save the ones he loved. when that didn't work he accepted his memories and decided to work on atonement and vengeance. at the same time. he enrolled in the akademiya – the highest educational facility in Teyvat – by getting into an argument with a bunch of researchers because he has to have the last word. he woke up in a fantasy world and scoffed at the prophecy handed to him. he saved the replica of one of Gold's most dangerous creations by saying 'you need head pats, friends and therapy'. he then proceeded to give the head pats, friendship and therapy to his baby-sized dragon friend. he wakes up everyday and chooses violence, then somehow managed to be kind anyway.
he's so funny. I love him so much.
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