#i'm still working out how to write him well so any advice would be much appreciated :)
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Strings Neither Green Nor Red
Chapter title: Pink Embroidery (Clickon K. Addison)
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Spamton belongs to Toby Fox, all other characters belong to @brightgoat on Tumblr and Twitter.
Click sighed. Vid had left their apartment keycard in their house again, and yet again, it was up to him to bring it to their workplace.
This had been happening more and more recently, and he was getting sick of it. Not only did it put him out of his way, but it cut into his break time, which he needed to be savoring every second of just to hold himself together.
Ever since the rift in their department opened up with Spamton’s disappearance (which had only grown as Vid and Mags became more at odds), Click had been spending as much time avoiding the others as possible. This pattern forced him to do everything but that, making his mouth twist in annoyance as he rounded the corner towards the shop.
Click threw open the door to Vid’s place (a little convenience store, this week), not bothering to grab it before it slammed into the doorstop. “Hey! I got your keys!” he shouted into the silent store.
No reply came, except for the very faint echo of his voice off the tiled floors.
That kind of silence was weird, even for a depressed Video. Warily, he wandered up and down the aisles, unable to even catch sight of anyone at the register. Could Vid have gone out? But then why was the door unlocked? The yellow Addi had lost their apartment card, not the keys to their store.
Click’s ponytail twitched at a quiet noise, and he combed it over his shoulder somewhat shamefully, hoping nobody had seen that.��
That was nothing, however, compared to how he reacted when the storeroom door swung open in his peripheral vision.
It was sheer luck that his tail didn’t drop more than anything, but it certainly came close, given that he’d screamed nearly loud and high enough to shatter glass. Instinctively, Click summoned an arrow, pointing it at the figure in the doorway.
“…AH, [$!&*].”
That voice…
The pink Addison’s magic fizzled out as a new kind of terror welled up in the pit of his stomach. “S…Spamton?”
“[[The one and only!]] WHO’S IT LOOK LIKE I AM, [the Fonz]?” he shot back, looking decidedly unimpressed.
Click nearly let out a half-hysterical giggle, but choked it back. “N-no…” he said weakly, unable to muster a better response.
He’d been planning for this moment for years. His apology speech had been perfect—just the right blend of sales pitch and argument, sure to convince Spamton of his guilt and his desire to make it up to him. Now, though, he couldn’t remember a word of it.
Vaguely, he wondered if this was what stage fright felt like.
“You’re alive.” he managed to say, and then immediately winced. Way to point out the obvious, Click.
“WELL, DUH.” Spamton gestured to himself, blatantly unimpressed. “YOU GOT ANY MORE [Logical Deductions] TO POINT OUT, [[Sherlock]]?”
“Listen—Spam—” Click began, but he was rapidly cut off.
“NO. THAT WAS A [Answer Not Provided] QUESTION.” Spamton snapped. “I DON’T WANT TO [Here] ANY MORE OF YOUR [[Rated PG-13 For Foul Language]].”
“But I’m sorry—” he tried again.
Spam laughed harshly. “YOU?! SORRY? HA! AT LEAST [[Video compilation]] WAS BELIEVABLE. HE MIGHT’VE LIKED ME, [Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away]. I WAS JUST Y0UR [[Sob story]] [Punching bag]. AND YOU EXP3CT ME<TO [[Return to sender]] BACK T0 TH4T?!”
Click felt like he’d just been hit in the chest. “Wh—I don’t—just let me explain…”
“EXPLAIN WHAT? HOW I’M A [[glitchy little freak]] WHO’S [[going to come running back to us the second you fail]]? NO W4Y. I’M NOT GONNA [Put Up Your Dukes] WITH A [Round 2] OF THAT!!”
The pink Addi felt sick to his stomach. Hearing Spamton spew out his own words as part of his glitching genuinely left him closer to making a mess of the store’s floor than any alcohol could ever have done.
Clutching at his mouth, Click leaned heavily against the shelves, resting his other hand on his knees. All his words were stuck deep in his throat, choked by the impact of his disgusting old speech.
Spam rolled his eyes. “SAME OLD [Drama Queen]. THAT [[Sales Shtick]] AIN’T GONNA WORK ON ME, YOU B[but are you okay?]!”
Click dragged himself back upright, leaning on one of the shelves. “Not really…but I probably deserved that…and more. I mean, I’m guessing you haven’t been okay for a while…”
Spamton seemed a little startled by his last outburst, as though he hadn’t meant to say that. When Click spoke, however, he refocused on the conversation.
“I MEAN, UNLESS YOU COUNT LIVING IN [[the trash like a rat]] AND [Eating the scraps from the table] AS OKAY.” he said, giving the pink Addi an irritated look.
“Oh, god…” Click groaned, as the true force of exactly what his words at the Cyber Grill had done hit him for the first time. “Oh, god, what did I do? I mean, at least you’re not dead, r—no, never mind, that sounds so messed up.”
“YOU GOT THAT ONE [Right as rain].” Spamton muttered.
“How am I supposed to fix that?” he asked (mostly to himself), feeling weak. “How the hell do I—make this all go back to normal?”
“YOU DON’T. [U] CAN’T. [Default settings] AREN’T EVER COMING BACK, [[Clickbait]].”
“But I have to!” he cried, his speech fully off the rails by this point. “I need to, it’s eating me alive! Don’t you understand?! I can’t live like this!”
“Maybe I can help with that!” a voice said from behind him.
“Vid!” Click gasped, never more relieved to see the yellow Addi than now. “Wait, actually, hold on—do you know why Spam’s in your store??”
Video sighed, giving him a half smile. “We started talking a few weeks ago. Now I’m working on making things up to him. Slowly.”
“And you didn’t tell anyone?! …never mind. That makes sense.” he sighed, still a little stung.
“But…how can you help?” Click asked, desperate.
“Okay, so listen, Click. This isn’t the kind of thing you can one-and-done. You’ve gotta prove, over and over again, that you’re not gonna treat him like you used to. Heck, he might never forgive you…I don’t even know if he’s fully forgiven me yet.” Vid said, surprisingly serious for once.
“That’s not helpful!” the pink Addi snapped.
Vid raised an eyebrow. “Aaand that’s the first thing you’ve gotta work on, right there.”
“What?” Click was bewildered.
“Your anger issues! Thing is, man…anyone who you don’t like, you yell at until you scare them the heck away.” Video explained. “‘S what ya did with Spam, right? Though for the life of me I can’t figure out what you hated about him so much.”
“I didn’t hate him.” Click scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I was just…annoyed.”
“Wow. How long’ve you been telling yourself that one?” Vid shot back. “You legit said the words ‘I hate Spamton’ out loud. More than once. And you insulted him, like, all the time! Since when have you ever not hated him? …no offense, Spam.”
“SOME TAKEN. FROM [[Cotton Candy Half Off]], NOT YOU.”
“W-wait, but that’s not what I meant—!” Click cried. “I…”
“YOU KNOW HE’S [Right on the money!], DONTCHA.” Spam sighed.
“But, it didn’t mean anything, did it? It was just…what we did! I mean, how else was I supposed to act when—”
Click cut himself off, unwilling to say the rest of the sentence out loud.
—when you were such a total failure?
“When what.” Spamton snarled, all glitching gone.
“No, it’s nothing! Really! I didn’t mean it!” Click yelped. “Dammit, I’m not messing this up again!”
“Aren’t you?” Vid asked, very little sympathy present.
The pink Addi turned several shades paler.
“Listen, man. I’m gonna give ya one last bit of free advice.” Video continued. “If you’d spent one damn minute actually hearing out Spam’s feelings way back when—geez, even just listening to one of his pitches—maybe you wouldn’t’ve made so much fun of him! Can you even imagine how hard it is to mess up sale after sale and then come home to your resident Pink making fun of you nonstop? And to put up with that for literal years? Don’t you get just how much that takes?”
Click felt a mounting realization building inside him. “Oh, god.”
“Yeah. Just, like, think for maybe five seconds about how the person on the other end feels, okay? Even if Spam never forgives you, at least you’ll know you won’t make the same mistake again.” Vid finished.
“DAMN, VID! WHEN DID YOU [Becomed] THE [[Mom Friend]]?” Spam called from behind Click.
Meanwhile, the pink Addi was having a crisis. “I thought you didn’t care! Are you saying I’ve been kicking you while you were down this whole time?” he asked, stunned.
“UH, YEAH??” Spamton said, like that should be obvious.
“…but, wait—does that mean I’m like the other Pinks?!” he cried.
“Did—did you think you weren’t?” Vid wheezed. “What planet have you been living on?”
“I thought I was better than them!” Click shrieked, defensive.
“TECHNICALLY, YOU’RE THE [#1] THOUGHTFUL [[Magenta]] IN OUR DISTRICT…BUT THAT’S A [How Low Can You Go?] BAR, PAL.” Spamton explained.
“So what you’re saying is, ‘better than Joyston’ is still pretty damn terrible.” Click muttered. “…actually, that sounds really obvious when I say it out loud.”
Click opened his mouth, ready to snarl some insult right back. He could feel a million appear instantly in his head, ready to fire for maximum impact.
And then, he saw Spamton brace himself.
Instantly, he felt sick all over again. He really hadn’t changed, had he? Honestly, he deserved way worse than being made fun of for his love of poppups. Spam should be beating the life out of him right now, not patiently explaining where he’d gone wrong!
“I really am a terrible person.” he said instead, his shoulders slumping.
“I don’t know about terrible, but you’re…really good at hurting people.” Vid said, and Click winced. “But, that doesn’t mean you can’t change that! It’s pretty hard for Addis to change, but I sure have.”
“Yeah, you’re being weirdly rational right now.” Click said. “Why?”
Vid sighed. “Back before…everything, things never went wrong for me. Sure, I might’ve lost a sale here or there, but nothing, like, apocalyptic ever happened. But having your whole life turned upside down kinda changes your outlook…I still wanna live life to the fullest, but now I’m a lil’ more careful to keep an eye on how other people are feeling, too.”
“HEY, HANG ON, [[Video player]]! YOUR [life turned upside down] AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN GET TO GO TO [[Bel-Air]]? ROUGH.” Spam said, suddenly smirking.
“Wh—HA!” Video cackled. “Did I really say that?”
Click’s first instinct was to roll his eyes again at such a (frankly) lame joke. But then, he noticed how Vid was genuinely laughing for the first time in years. And Spamton—Spamton was grinning. For real.
Faintly, ever so faintly, Click felt his expression relax into the lightest of smiles. His shoulders dropped, and he leaned a little more into the shelf.
“Guess that wasn’t half bad, Spam.” he hummed.
Both of the other people in the store did double takes. “SERIOUSLY?” Spamton asked, startled.
Vid just beamed.
Blushing, Click looked away, feeling tense again. “Hey, I have to start somewhere, right?!”
“YOU GUYS ARE [[Full of surprises]].” Spam said, smiling wryly.
“Having the element of surprise isn’t just for fighting tactics!” Video cheered.
Click smiled again, briefly. It was getting easier already, when he allowed himself to be infected by Vid’s energy instead of pushing it away.
“MY [20XX—20XX planner]’S GONNA BE FULL IF I START SPENDING [[Time is money!]] WITH BOTH OF YOU, YOU KNOW.” Spamton said, but not in a way that suggested this was necessarily an issue for him.
“Sounds like a good problem to me.” Click replied, after a moment of thought. It wasn’t too difficult for him to not be annoyed by Spam’s presence, given how long he’d been hoping for exactly this. Responding to him genuinely was still weird, though…it took actual effort for him to think of something that wasn’t a snappy retort.
“...OKAY, THIS IS ACTUALLY [[Stranger Than Fiction!]]. WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH [Clickbait]?” Spam asked, a faint smirk on his face.
“Is that your new nickname for me?” Click said, raising a brow. “I’ll have you know my businesses are all perfectly respectable!” He stuck his nose in the air, only a little bit serious.
It took all of Click’s strength not to slice back at Spamton. Instead, he rolled his shoulders, sighed, and asked, “What are you going to do now?”
Spam’s look of surprise when the pink Addi spoke, however, made all his effort worth it.
Once he’d recovered, though, he asked, “WANNA GET SOME [[Sweet treats]]? I [Seeing Is Believing!] A COTTON CANDY STAND THIS MORNING!”
Click’s eyes lit up, and unbeknownst to him, his ponytail began to swish excitedly. “Really? Where?!”
“DOWN BY THE [[Carnival in town]]! …BUT YOU’RE PAYING.” Spam said, smirking.
The pink Addi winced, but even that wasn’t enough to deter him from the prospect of his favorite food. “I’ll take that deal.”
Spamton beamed from ear to ear, stunning Click into silence. “HEY HEY HEY, WHADDAYA KNOW! LOOKS LIKE I CAN STILL [[Salesman Never Sleeps]] AFTER ALL!”
Click groaned softly, but without malice. “Dammit, it’s not fair! You know my weak spot, don’t take advantage of me like this!”
“HAEHEAHAHA! A GUY’S [Gotta Do What He’s Gotta Do!]!!!”
“Yeah, yeah. You coming or not?” the pink Addi asked, pushing himself off the shelf and heading for the door.
“JUST TRY TO KEEP UP!” Spam exclaimed, already right beside him.
It was only once they’d left, the bell on the door long since finished ringing as it swung shut, that Vid remembered they hadn’t even gotten their apartment card back.
#deltarune#spamton#spamton g spamton#deltarune addisons#pink addison#yellow addison#clickon k addison#videon e addison#i hope spamton's ad-speak is reading okay!#i'm still working out how to write him well so any advice would be much appreciated :)#as for click#he's pretty tough to write just because his pre- and post- big shot era characterizations are so wildly different#so that's been interesting#as always thank you for reading!#and i hope you're doing well wherever you are!
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Cosmo Tips 🦇
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: On Halloween, Eddie finds Cosmo's "Top Ten Kisses to Spice Up Your Love Life."
Word Count: ~3.4k
Warnings: So much kissing, suggestiveness, Eddie is so in love with you
A/n: I'm glad I'm back for another Eddie Halloween fic 🎃 He's so goofy, I had to write this idea. And of course, include spider-man 🕷️🕸️
“Eddie?” you muttered out of the side of your mouth, your lips still occupied with kissing his. You watched his eyebrow raise in question, which — in any other situation — you shouldn’t have been able to see while kissing.
“I don’t think,” you began in between another kiss, looking at the soft brown of his eyes, “this one’s quite working.”
Eddie pulled away with a sigh, pushing his hair out of his face. He reached for the open magazine sitting on the couch next to you both. You just gave him a soft smile, a closed one, while rubbing your hand along his bicep.
“It says right. here.” he told you with a sigh, pointing his finger on the magazine article, “that kissing with your eyes open is supposed to, uh… ‘burn a fiery desire in your belly.’ Are you feeling a fiery desire?”
Your mouth flattened into a straight line, your head tilted to the side. “Maybe a sooty ember? It sorta felt like we were having a staring contest.” You leaned into him, resting along the crook of his neck.
“Yeah, and I was winning it,” he said, making a snort leave your throat. You felt the muscles of his face curve into a brief smile as he grabbed the magazine.
“You know, I’m not sure we should be taking romantic advice from Cosmo, Eds.” You muttered the words against the collar of his shirt, and after the other failed attempts, it certainly wasn’t the first time you’d said it.
Eddie had taken the Cosmopolitan magazine from the doctor’s office and excitedly told you about all the gossip and sex tips in it. And of course, he needed a volunteer to really see how well these tips worked.
The first one, which had you on the kitchen counter with Eddie standing between your legs, had bruised your ego a bit — the unsexy attempts to jump onto the annoyingly high counters and the crumbs sticking to your thighs had not inspired any fiery desires. And the second one extinguished it all together, where you both held ice cubes in your mouths so your lips and tongues would be cold while kissing. Except your teeth were way too sensitive for the ice, and Eddie had nearly choked on his ice cube.
And kissing with your eyes open hadn’t reignited anything. You let out a sigh. “They make these things look a lot sexier in movies. And easier.”
Eddie continued reading down the list. As your hand moved to his leg, you began running your palm along his thigh. The soft material of his sweatpants were warm from his body heat. Maybe you could salvage the moment…
“Okay, babe, one last one. I think we could make it work,” he told you, pulling out of your grasp and standing up.
Or not.
Slowly, you stood up after him, folding your arms over your chest. You watched him read the tip a second and then a third time. You found yourself unable to hold a laugh back. “And I think that you owe me big after all this.”
Eddie faced you, grabbing your wrists and uncrossing your arms. He placed them over his shoulders before his hands went to your waist. The weight of him felt heavy against you, the warmth from him almost intoxicating. He walked you backward, one careful step at a time. His mouth hovered right in front of yours.
You arched into him, finally finding relief rather than following that stupid list. Silently, you begged him to just close the gap. The tip of his nose brushed along yours. You were seconds away from just kissing him yourself when your back collided with something hard, your head hitting it a moment later.
“Oh, shit,” Eddie said, panicked and eyes wide.
Meanwhile, a long groan fell from your mouth. Your hand reached back to hold your head, feeling a dull throbbing radiate along your skull. Eddie pulled you into his arms, walking the two of you back to the couch. You realized that you’d been leaning against the wall of your apartment.
“Are you okay? Do you need any ice?” he asked, pulling away. He gently pushed against your hand, silently asking whether he can take a look at the back of your head.
You let him. “I’m fine, just a little dazed,” you laughed out, wincing slightly when his fingers brushed along the spot where a bruise was likely to form.
“Sorry,” he muttered as he continued looking.
“Was this another one of Cosmo’s greatest sex tips? Cause I don’t think head injuries are the smoothest way to get someone all hot and bothered.”
Eddie finished checking you over and pulled you back into his embrace. “I’m throwing away that stupid magazine. Maybe I’ll burn it. Or rip it to shreds.”
“You could rip it up and then burn it,” you offered.
“God, you’re a genius, baby.”
You answered with a distracted hum. The rise and fall of Eddie’s chest against yours made the ache in your skull a little less painful. “Maybe Cosmo’s tips are spicing up our sex life a bit too much.”
“Maybe,” he said, trailing his hand up to cup your jaw, “Comso’s tips are actually too bullshit for our sex life.” Drawing you back to look him in your eyes, he traced his thumb along your cheek before pressing his lips to yours. You leaned into their softness and warmth, letting your mind turn blank.
Until your landline began to ring. Eddie pulled away, grimacing at the interruption. “You alright if I go get it?” Eddie asked you, dragging his gaze across your face.
You nodded your head. “Only if I don’t have to fight any more walls tonight.”
“Deal.” His lips pressed a kiss to your nose, rising from the couch and pressing another to your forehead.
Resting back against the couch, you listened to him answer and talk to whoever was on the other side. Though it didn’t take long to figure out who it was.
“Christ, Harrington. That’s what you interrupted my makeout sesh for?” he asked into the receiver.
Your eyes widened, your body shooting forward as you sent a shocked look across the room. With gritted teeth, you admonished him. “Eddie!” You mouthed at him to stop as his cheshire grin widened.
“Oh, so now I can’t talk about my beautiful, amazing, hot, intelligent, sexy girlfriend anymore?” He put his hand on his hip, shaking his head. “Where’s the humanity in that? Steve, put this poor man out of his misery.”
His eyebrows slightly furrowed as he listened to Steve, the tip of his tongue sticking out in focus. “Okay, so I can talk about her? Great,” he said, settling in as he leaned against the wall. “Let me start with her ethereal soul capable of all things good in this world followed by the way no man deserves to even perceive her divine body. Then let’s go with her rockin’ pair of-”
“Eddie!” you said again, cutting him off before he could talk about that. And you weren’t the only one, hearing the loud interruption from Steve on the other side of the phone.
“Eyes! Her rockin’ pair of eyes. Get your mind out of the gutter,” Eddie finished, mock disappointment in his voice.
You couldn’t help but roll your “rockin’ pair of eyes” at him as that smirk covered his face again. You watched as he sighed and said, “Yeah, yeah. Got it, Mama Harrington.”
After hanging up, Eddie made his way back, flopping his body onto yours. His arms wrapped tight around you as he shoved his face in the crook of your neck. He snuggled closer, and the hum from his throat vibrated along your chest.
“So are you going to tell me what Steve said?” you asked, rubbing a hand down his back.
“Oh!” Eddie said, as if he’d already forgotten. “He said to be at his place by eight sharp since we’re bringing the snacks.”
You hummed, slowly nodding. “Like the snacks you bought for this Halloween party and then promptly finished by the following morning?”
“Those would be the ones…”
“So,” you began, narrowing your eyes at him as he avoided the point, “we need to get ready now so we can swing by the grocery store and make it on time then, right?”
The groan Eddie let out rumbled from deep in his chest. But you simply raised your hand and smacked it down right on his ass. “Come on. Go face the consequences of your actions.”
Slowly, he raised himself from you, his expression sinking into a grimace from a few inches away. “You were a lot cuter when we were making out.”
Despite his protests, he pressed a quick kiss to your lips before pushing himself up and making his way to the bedroom. A stupidly happy grin covered your face as you got ready as well. It sat there as you pulled your outfit on and as you adjusted the red wig on your head.
In the bathroom mirror, you saw the door creak open to reveal flashes of red and blue and black. Slowly, you turned, eyeing him up and down. “Well hey there, Spidey.”
Clad in a Spider-Man costume, customized by the man himself, Eddie walked over to you. With his hands on your hips, he said, “Hey there, Mary Jane.”
Your fingers crawled up to his neck, your thumb tracing back and forth across his cheek. You leaned in and kissed him through the mask. But as you opened your mouth to tell him that it was time to go, his fingers grasped the edge of the mask.
Eddie had barely pulled it off before bringing you in close and kissing you again. His breath came heavy against your cheek, his fingers pressing into your skin. As much as it pained you, your hands came to push gently at his chest.
“Easy there, tiger,” you breathed out with a grin. You reluctantly slipped out of his grasp, grabbing his hand to pull him toward the front door.
“Easy there?” he asked in disbelief from behind. “There’s nothing easy about how you look right now. In fact, if you ask me, things back here are getting pretty hard.”
You shot a glare back his way as the two of you walked to the van. “Hard like the wall you shoved my head into?” you jokingly asked, thinking again that there wouldn’t be any hard problem had you two not taken kissing tips from Cosmo.
Eddie reached his other hand to caress the back of your head. “Babe, I will spend the rest of my days redeeming myself. You know I’d fight that wall for you.”
You giggled, squeezing his hand before climbing into the van. “Or you could just get us to the store and Steve’s place on time,” you offered with a sweet smile, buckling your seatbelt. “Oh, and love me forever. There’s that part too.”
He beamed at you, his grin crinkling the corners of his eyes. “Now that I can do,” he said.
He held your gaze as his fingers reached for the radio dial, cranking the Black Sabbath song playing even louder. You merely leaned back against your seat, watching him shake his head and drum his fingers on the steering wheel while he drove.
And after you had a bag full of every kind of junk food to exist, the two of you walked up to Steve’s apartment. You continued to adjust your shirt, your jeans, your wig all the way to his door until Eddie grabbed your wrist with a gentle hand.
Even from behind the mask he’d just put back on, you knew the lovesick expression he wore. The one that told you everything you needed to hear.
You only looked away when the door swung open, revealing Steve in a pilot’s jacket and aviator sunglasses.
“Looking fly there, Mav,” you told him, offering the bag of snacks to him. Meanwhile, Eddie posed beside you with his hands out as if he were shooting webs at Steve.
Nodding his head at your words, Steve replied, “You two nerds don’t look too bad yourselves,” before inviting you both in. His place, except for the counter where he began setting up the food, was covered in decorations — everything from spider webs to orange and purple lights to rows of pumpkins. You recognized the jack-o-lantern designs from last weekend, when all of you spent the day carving and throwing pumpkin seeds at one another.
Eddie’s intricate design of the Hellfire Club logo sat next to your carving of a cat wearing a witch’s hat, which sat next to Steve’s unfortunate attempt at a skeleton’s face — but the teeth had fallen off, leaving the skull looking a bit gummy even without any gums.
And as you heard Nancy and Robin’s voices from the next room over, you could take a good guess as to who helped him decorate (and forced him to display his failed jack-o-lantern). And as if on cue, Nancy came out in a similar looking leather flight jacket and aviator glasses — Charlie from Top Gun you guessed. But what threw you into a fit of giggles was Robin coming out in a full flight suit, her hair piled on top of head to look short, and a fake blonde mustache.
From behind you, Eddie said, “Are you a porn star playing a pilot?”
“She’s Goose,” you loudly whispered to him.
Robin crossed her arms over her chest. “Top Gun was the only idea Steve wasn’t a total wuss about for our group costume.”
“Yeah, well you wanted to go as Pumpkinhead, Robin,” Steve shot back while Robin adjusted her fake mustache.
Not long after, you could hear the gaggle of kids outside the door — along with a heavy sigh from Johnathan as you swung the door open to reveal him standing surrounded by the kids. Their costumes looked familiar, especially Dustin’s Hawaiian shirt, but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
In an instant, the kids pushed past you, talking over one another about candy already. Meanwhile, you cocked your head at Johnathan still standing there — in a gray tank top with the sleeves cut off and red bandana.
“The Goonies,” Johnathan muttered, his voice clearly tired from wrangling the kids.
You made a quiet “ah” noise, raising your eyebrows. You give him a kind smile, letting him in and pointing him toward the drinks.
As you helped Steve finish putting everything together, endless laughter filled in the gaps of silence. You watched the smiles etched onto every person’s face and couldn’t help grinning in return. “Monster Mash” played in the background, Robin was ranting about the themes of different “final girls,” the kids were throwing M&Ms into each other's mouths across the room, and you were grabbing a handful of candy to keep you going for the night.
And the party continued like that — blurring between catching up and laughing so hard your stomach began to ache. Or maybe that was from the obscene amount of candy you ended up eating. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care, not as the smell of popcorn filled the air and the TV lit up.
The group had settled on — unsurprisingly — Ghostbusters once again. The theme song started while everyone gathered on and around the couch, which included Mike and Lucas fighting over one of the many available blankets.
But you walked over to Steve pouring the popcorn into large bowls and whispered, “Hey, do you mind if I hang out in your room for a minute?”
He turned to you, his eyebrows furrowing for a second. “Course. You okay?”
Waving him off, you said, “Yeah, just need a little break from all the commotion.”
A quiet huff left his mouth as he shook his head. “Don’t blame you. Not with–” his head whipped to the side. “Dustin, put that down!”
You just grabbed a handful of popcorn before backing away slowly. You giggled as you crept away to Steve’s room down the hall. Keeping the door ajar, you let out a long sigh. You pushed the wig hair out of your face and sunk down to the floor, your back resting against the frame of his bed. You leaned your head back and listened to the muffled sounds of the party.
Quietly snacking on the popcorn, you sat there enjoying the time alone. And just as your jaw was beginning to unclench, you heard the door creak open. You cracked an eye open, bracing yourself for more commotion, but peaked over to find Spider-man walking over to you.
“You left,” Eddie said, quite astutely, the words nearly coming out as a whine. You closed your eyes again as he climbed onto Steve’s bed behind you.
“You’re a little needy, you know that?” you muttered with a grin, no bite behind your words. He settled on his back beside you, his head barely hanging off the edge.
He bumped his temple against yours. “But you love me.”
Your smile widened, soft and sincere. “Yeah,” you breathed out. Humming softly, you leaned further into him. Loose curls of his tickled your cheek as you tilted your head his way.
The weight on the mattress shifted again. When you opened your eyes, you were face to face with an upside down Eddie, who had scooted his head farther off the mattress. It almost felt like the air around you both had shifted, electrified.
Your gaze flitted between his warm eyes and soft lips, his breath ghosting across your skin. His hand moved to rest along your cheek, the tips of his gloved fingers holding your neck.
He still made your stomach flip when he looked at you like this. Like nothing else existed in his eyes but you.
All you could do was whisper, “Hi.”
A slight smile crossed his face. “Hi,” he whispered back. And thankfully, he pressed his lips to yours so you didn’t have to search your clouded brain for words.
His touch left a trail of heat in its wake, from his mouth to his nose nudging yours to his palm cradling your jaw. The feeling of kissing him upside down was different, but with each push and pull of him against you, the more you melted into it.
Your hand curled into his hair, your grip growing tighter as your breathing grew heavier. His tongue slipped past your lips. You felt the quick beating of his pulse against your skin, and every inch of your body sparked alive.
A near whine fell from you when Eddie pulled away, but it quickly turned into a soft sigh when you felt him move down. From this angle, he easily kissed along your neck. You tilted your head back to give him more access.
“Eddie…” you whispered out, and you swore you felt a grin against your skin. When you couldn’t take anymore and you began pulling him toward you off the bed, a loud chorus of laughter erupted from the living room — making you jump and reminding you that the outside world existed.
Eddie nearly landed on you, a quiet groan leaving his mouth as he hit the ground. Quick breaths still fell from your mouth, your tongue licking your lips in his absence.
With a slight scowl, Eddie rubbed his back. But it quickly disappeared when you replaced your hand with his and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“So…” Eddie said with that distracting smile of his, “did that ‘burn a fiery desire in your belly’?”
You nudged him with your arm, playfully rolling your eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
“That wasn’t a no, sweetheart,” he pointed out, his voice deeper than usual. And he wasn’t wrong, you thought, while your body still calmed itself — which was never an easy task with him so close.
You kissed him again, slowly this time, to savor the feel of him. The hungry look he gave you as you pulled away said that he was going to stoke that fire until it burned you alive. And you were happy to let him, but Dustin’s voice called from the living room, telling you two to come back or you’d miss the best part.
Hand-in-hand, you two made your way back, sitting on the floor with your back surrounded by your friends. The movie and company were good, but you found yourself happily watching Eddie the entire night instead.
#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson x fem!reader#eddie munson x female reader#stranger things
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Hi k have a kinda specific request that I thought would make a good fic! I was thinking that maybe we see the BAU and y/n and Spencer the morning after Yk… the girls figure out that y/n just got layes and they do the whole bonding girl gossip thing. Derek sees Spencer wearing a scarf and makes a joke about it, only to realize that he was right. Penelope tells Derek and then without y/n or Spencer realizing like everyone knows. They also figure out why Reid is the only one with hikeys 🫢 and yeah…. Thanks queen! I hope this makes sense
New Message ✮⋆˙
Hey gorgeous, I love this idea so much, it was very fun to write I hope you like 🎀 🩷
our secret, not so secret - Spencer Reid
Sumary: You and Spencer try to hide your relationship, but it's hard when you have hickeys on your neck.
Warnings: fluff, jokes, hickeys, the bau being chaotic, I think that's all, this is pure fluff,
A/n: I'm sorry if there is something wrong or not understood, my first language is not English.
⛧°。 ⋆༺ ✮ ༻⋆。 °⛧
It was a chaotic morning for you. You woke up a little late and the mess was evident in Spencer's bathroom mirror, with those little reminders on your neck that not even the concealer could completely hide. You were aware that you were trying a desperate maneuver, but well, Spencer had already warned you that the makeup would not last the entire day. Still, you were determined not to leave any evidence, you applied the last layer of foundation before leaving his apartment, determined not to give any clues about what happened the night before.
For Spencer, the situation was not much different. She decided to cover the marks with a scarf, trying to act normal as they prepared to face another day of work at the BAU, as if everything was perfectly under control. The two of you looked at each other knowingly before leaving, in an attempt to keep your relationship a secret... again.
Arriving at the office, you said good morning as if nothing had happened. But it wasn’t long before Emily and JJ, who seemed to have a radar for these matters, caught you in their line of sight. They looked you up and down with a mischievous grin, and without missing a beat, JJ raised an eyebrow and fired the first bullet: “And that face, Y/N? Long night?”
You tried to shake your head with a nervous laugh, avoiding looking at the two too much, but Emily stepped closer, lowering her tone so as not to draw too much attention. “Oh, come on, babe. There’s a sparkle in your eyes… and, from what I see, on your neck too.”
With your heart in your throat, you quickly glanced at your reflection in a nearby frame and noticed that the base had already begun to fade, leaving a faint purple mark showing. Emily and JJ glanced at each other, and then Penelope, who appeared out of nowhere as if she had smelled the drama, also joined the small circle. “Please let me guess… was anyone busy last night?”
Between laughs and accusations, you tried to defend yourself without much success. You knew they were trying to provoke you and that, at this rate, the secret wasn't going to last long. Emily and JJ's laughter soon attracted Derek, who approached with a mocking smile. “What's up, girls? Something I'm missing?”
Emily gave him a knowing look and pointed towards the entrance, where Spencer had just appeared with a very inconspicuous scarf. Derek narrowed his eyes and laughed. “Since when does Spencer wear scarves? It's spring, for God's sake.”
They all looked at each other, hiding their laughter, as Derek approached Spencer. With an attitude that only Derek could adopt, he patted him on the back and gave him a knowing smile. “Pretty boy… do you need some advice on how to handle the weather?”
Spencer froze for a second, trying not to lose his cool. He knew he had been caught. He tried to respond with a vague excuse about “changing his style” and “protecting his throat,” but Derek simply held up his hands in an innocent gesture. “Sure, sure, I imagine the weather was intense last night, right?”
Meanwhile, you were trying not to burst out laughing at Spencer's obvious blush and despair. But Derek, who had caught on to the whole situation, turned around to join Emily, JJ, and Penelope again, winking at the girls. “See what I'm saying? Our genius boy is growing up.”
Before Spencer could respond, Hotch walked past the group, observing the laughter and commotion with his usual seriousness. But something in his expression betrayed that he fully understood what the conversation was about.
“Anything you want to share?” he asked, without losing his composure.
Derek shook his head with a smile, but took the opportunity to continue provoking. “Nothing, Hotch. It just seems that some of your colleagues have… interesting extracurricular activities.”
Hotch cast a quick glance at you, who were trying to make yourself small at your desk, and then at Spencer, with her suspicious scarf. For the first time, a barely perceptible smile crossed his face.
“I guess ‘activities’ require a little more discretion next time, too, huh?” Hotch said, before continuing on his way.
As the team laughed and threw around comments, Rossi walked over with a cup of coffee, assessing the scene like the veteran he was. “Ah, youth… that energy and lack of subtlety. There’s nothing like first love at work.”
By then, the rumor had already spread throughout the office.
Hours later, as you tried to continue with your work, Penelope approached with a whisper. “Honey, we all know. You two don’t have to hide anything.” Your surprised expression was enough to make her laugh. “Did you really think you could keep it a secret? Come on, we’re profilers. Wait not me but thay do. Plus… you’ve never come to the office so… happy.”
You decided to give in and accept it, and just as you were about to approach Spencer to tell him, he appeared at your side, still wearing the scarf. When you turned to look at him, he already had that resigned expression on his face that made you laugh. “How much did you hear?” he asked with a sigh, looking around and catching everyone’s smiles.
“Everything?” you said with a mocking smile.
Finally, Derek, with an air of triumph, approached the two of you and announced loudly, “And that’s how it’s done, ladies and gentlemen! Our boy has become quite the man.” The office was filled with laughter and jokes as you and Spencer exchanged glances that were somewhere between nervous and amused.
Emily approached you and, not missing the opportunity, added, “So… how long did you think you were going to last without us finding out? A day, maybe two?”
You bit your lip, embarrassed, and looked at Spencer, who didn’t know whether to laugh or faint. In the end, there wasn’t much else to say.
JJ laughed, giving you a gentle shove. “Relax, Y/N. We knew before you guys realized it. We were just waiting to see how long it would take you to admit it.”
You and Spencer exchanged a resigned look. Maybe their “secret” hadn’t been so secret after all.
⛧°。 ⋆༺ ✮ ༻⋆。 °⛧
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated dearly, and feel free to leave a request ✮
#⭑𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 ᯓ★.ᐟ.ᐟ#dr spencer reid#doctor spencer reid#spencer reid#spencer reid angst#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid smut#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fic#spencer reid one shot#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds x reader#bau fluff#bau x reader
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Hey Pookie so there is this very sexy man named Mark Sloan and I was wondering if you could write some beautiful Fluffy/Smutty dating Headcanons for him PLZ
Dating Mark Sloan headcanons
Paring: Mark Sloan x Shepherd!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Mark Sloan dating Derek's little sister -SMUT warning!
💚MasterList ML2 💚Dating Mood board
You guys started fake dating... That's how it all started. He wanted to make Addison Jelouse and you just want to get back at her for hurting your brother Derek.
You had 10 rules to this plan:
NO Sex - you
Never break rule #1 - you
Be on Mark's services/work in plastics if needed -Mark
Go on dates at least twice a month to make the act look real - Mark
No kissing or touching - if you have to just kiss forehead/cheek and don't touch anything below the waist - you
No sex with nurses, Mark - it'll blow the cover - you
Be nice to my friends(I don't care if you hate interns) - you
Trust each other - mark
Don't play favorites in the hospital - includes not helping with most surgeries/patients - you
Don't fall in love with each other - you
Derek hates it at first, even during the time you guys were faking it all. “stay away from my sister” Derek snapped at mark.
“too late... We're already together”
Derek and Mark got into a fight... That ended with black eyes, bruises, and Mark needing stitches on his face.
“I'm sorry this happened” you mumbled softly as you stitched his jaw for him. He stared at you with those blue eyes you love so much. “don't worry about it”
“maybe we should stop this whole thing” you suggested, Mark shook his head. “no, we got this. Rule #8, remember?” but really he was already falling so hard for you and he wanted to keep you close as long as possible.
Spoil alert you guys broke rule #10 and fell hard for each other. Well he fell first, but you fell harder. “I want this for real... No more fake shit, I love you”
After that ordeal you figured you owed Derek an explanation. Derek never found out about the fake dating, but you need to tell him where your feeling stand. “you love him, don't you?” Derek asks.
“I do... And I trust him” you say.
“if he hurts you... Cheats on you, I'll kill him” simply Derek said and you guys moved on with your lives.
Once you guys start dating for real he faithful and his heart now belongs to you.
Even Derek gave him credit for that. During the few months of you guys actually dating, deek would keep an eye on him. A hot nurse would walk by and Mark wouldn't even look at her.
You see a different side to Mark. He stops looking at any other woman. He just looks at you.
His sweeter, gentler side is only reserved for you.
Callie is your biggest supporter. Always hyping your relationship up. Mark might go to her for relationship advice. Callie might even be a referee during arguments.
Callie is definitely your best friend. You, Mark, and her the hospital's main trio.
Double dates with Callie and Arizona or Derek and Meredith.
He needs physical contact all the time. Rather it be cuddling on bed or on the couch or holding hands in the hospital.
He's a big cuddler. Sometimes he'll just wrap his arms around you and pull you to his chest without saying anything.
He's so flirty with you. No matter how many years you've been together, he still thinks you're the sexiest, most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
Like I said, he flirts with you so much. Some times he'll come up behind you while your working and whispere suggestive comment in your ear or grab your ass.
“stop it! We're at work” you quietly scolded him after his gabered your ass. “I can't help it... You have a nice ass”
You steal his leather jacket all the time, even though it looks big on you he thinks it's hot as hell on you. Now and days the only time he sees that jacket is if your wearing it.
Dirty jokes all the time. If you hear something remotely dirty you'll whisper, “that's what she said”
If he's had a hard day, he either needs one of two things. A rough fuck or he needs to curl up beside you and cuddle.
The way he kisses you makes your heart race. He holds your face in his hands and you honestly feel like you and him are the only things that matter in the world.
But he is a rough kisser, but mostly he's a passionate kisser. He pours all his love and emotions into it, he makes sure your the only one on this earth he wants to love.
He's soft with you when it comes to holding you and give affection. He's so gentle and delicate and you can tell through the way he brushes your hair from your face or the way he nuzzles his face into your neck that he just absolutely adores you.
Your is Angel and he feels so unworthy of you. He's so lucky to have you in his life and he doesn't want to screw it up.
Mark's not the jelouse type and neither are you. Dispite his man-whore past you both have a lot of trust in your relationship, but if you be-friend Jackson I think Mark would get jelouse.
Mark hates the way Jackson looks at you, Mark knows he likes you. But your completely oblivious to it because all you see is Mark.
Doggie parents at the beginning of your relationship. You brought home a rotwiler puppy home without him knowing one time.
That dog is your protector rather or not Mark is there or not. He also gets jealous of Mark and will nuzzle his way between you too if your hugging or kissing.
Sometimes you guys will get home so late from the hospital you'll just want to set on the couch and watch TV because your both sleep deprived.
You guys really don't know why or how you got into it, but you found a Chanel that shows re-runs of American Ninja Warrior and old WWE matches. You guys just stated watching them all the time.
He calls you Angel
You guys play wrestle all the time. Sometimes he'll just let you win because he loves seeing you being so happy about.
He steals the covers all the time and if you get cold you'll cuddle closer to him to get warm. He's relized this, so he'll intentionally steal the covers just to have extra cuddle time.
You get upset if he makes the interns that are on his service get him coffee or get his dry cleaning. “they aren't your servants, Mark” you say, taking the money back from the intern.
If you want Mark to do that stuff himself, you have to threaten to do it yourself. “I'll get it, I'm going that way anyway” you say and mark will quickly stop you. “no, no, I'll do it... You don't have to do that crap for me”
You guys don't fight often, but if you do it's usually a couple of days of the silent treatment. Both of you are too stubborn to say sorry or admit your wrong too.
Watching old Universal monster movies, your favorite is The Bride of Frankenstein. You even got him to dress up at the two monsters with you on Halloween one time.
If your sick he'll drop everything and take care of you, he doesn't care if he catches whatever you have he wants you comfortable and cared for.
His apartment getting the 'girlfriend touch', everything is just cleaner and more organized when you start living with him. “where's my belt?” Mark asked looking all over the bedroom floor where it used to be.
“in your dresser where it's supposed to be... And if I step on it one more time it's going in the trash”
✨Passenger princess✨
If you have a Stanley or a water bottle, whatever you drink out of, Mark will probably be drinking out of it too. You guys kiss and have sex all the time, so he doesn't care if he drinks after you.
NSFW headcanons:
He’s an expert at foreplay. He’ll spend as much time as he can trying to get you hot and bothered or worked up.
He has a tendency to grip the headboard when he's close to cumming.
He has this mischievous kind of charm to him and he uses it to his advantage when it comes to getting your attention. He knows all your ticks and can easily get your riled up.
Mark loves bitting your neck just to hear you moan. When you finally give in to him, he'll lay you down on the couch or bed and start pealing your clothes off to reveal your chest.
He's definitely the dominant person in bed and your not complaining, he'll get rough and pound hard enough were the bed starts rocking.
The sex maybe rough, but Mark isn't not big on insults. He refuses to degrade you and will only use sweet words.
If you’re struggling to take him in or taking long to adjust, he’ll whisper reassurances that you’re doing a good job while rubbing his hands on your back and thighs.
He prefers missionary, growling in your ear while his hands grip yours above your head.
Mark also loves watching your face while you bounce up and down his dick. He loves the expressions you make when he thrusts up into you when you least expect it.
Mark just likes to lay back and just watch you ride him, he loves the feeling of your thighs and ass in his hands.
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
He loves the sounds you make. The moaning, the begging, everything.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
He love getting head. I feel like he’d like having you on your knees. Plus, feeling your lips around him pushes him closer to cumming in your mouth.
Bondeg kink, handcuffs, his ties, belts, he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it.
There's also a tone of jealous sex. If he sees Alex shamelessly flirting with you expected to be tied to bed as fucks your brains out. If he sees Jackson touch you in a way thats reserved only for him you’re pinned against the wall.
There has been a couple of times Derek has walked in on you while you both are getting it on in one of the on-call rooms, it's safe to day Derek has lernd to knock.
“Mark, he literally saw it” you gasped from under mark.
He kissed your neck. “I was too busy to notice”
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
#Mark Sloan headcanons#Mark Sloan x reader#Mark Sloan imagines#Greys anatomy#Mark Sloan smut#Smut headcanons#greys anatomy headcanons#For my pookie#Mark Sloan
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heyyy! i really love your writing🥹🥹 btw can i request a hc with riddle and jamil (separated) with gn!reader who’s very lazy and they have a test and only study the morning before the test? but somehow pass?? i wanna see their reaction
anyway sorry if i made any mistakes, this is my very first request and english is not my first language😔 it’s fine if you can’t do it!!
no worries! this is a great request, their reactions would be very funny
summary: reader miraculously passes a test they last-minute studied for type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, jamil additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is not specified to be yuu, reader is gender neutral, not proofread
Jamil knew that it wasn't his place to judge
after all, being raised with the al-Asims, he'd been taught to keep his bitter thoughts to himself
but something about your carelessness reminded him all too much of Kalim
...okay... maybe you weren't exactly partying, or spacing out, but your complete lack of conviction is almost identical
and, so, Jamil decides to give you a word of advice the day before the big exam
"Worried about tomorrow's History of Magic test?"
he even gives you a big smile, trying to play it off as a casual question
you shrug. "Eh, not really,"
"If I were you, I'd be a little more concerned. The grading system is very strict at NRC,"
and with that, he's gone
his sly remark, spoken as if in friendly conversation, leaves him feeling a little more satisfied with himself
he doesn't even feel irked when Kalim nearly sleeps through the test, or when he forgets his notes, or when he absent-mindedly reads the questions aloud during...
in fact, Jamil is quite confident that in any case, you'll do much worse than Kalim, which saves the both of them
after the exam scores are posted in the hall, you find him
"What did you get?"
Jamil hates answering these kinds of questions, especially knowing that he could be in the top of the class if he was allowed to try. "Passing. And you?"
"Well..." you smile. "I really thought about what you said, so I studied this morning."
Jamil's sour mood at his own score seems to lighten
you studied the morning of the exam? oh, this was going to be rich
"...And I got full marks!"
you show him the paper and it takes all his strength to keep his usual poker face
otherwise, his jaw would drop
"How did... how?"
you shrug. "Good study plan, I guess,"
"Hmph," he crosses his arms. "Well, then... you'll have to come tutor Kalim sometime. What works for you must work for him,"
Riddle spends the entire week pestering you about studying
"I just don't feel like it," you groan
goodness. you sound just like that terrible Floyd...
"It's not a matter of want, it's a matter of need. This exam counts for a significant amount of your grade!"
"Eh... I'll just wing it,"
wing it?! oh, now you've really done it
"Consider yourself lucky for not being a part of Heartslabyul. I would have your head for that!"
and then he storms out. how graceful!
when he sees you the following afternoon, that calm, unbothered look of yours is still on your face. it drives him mad
"If I were you, I'd be praying," he says. he's almost smug about it
Riddle earns full points on every exam- it's just a given. he's sure that the two of you will be on polar opposites of the grade spectrum once the results are posted
you shrug. "Yeah, about that... I thought about what you said, and decided that I don't want to have to retake this class. So I studied this morning,"
he almost smirks. "One last-minute cram won't be enough to raise your grade above failing, I'm afraid. But perhaps this will serve as a lesson, next time you-"
Riddle stops dead in his tracks as Trein posts the exam results on the wall behind you
his eyes widen
"Full... full marks?! We're in the same percent!? How is that possible?!"
You chuckle as his face goes all red, both frustrated and flustered
"Hey, you should count this as a victory for yourself. You give great advice,"
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Before I start writing angst, let's go with something pleasant. I just recently started reading and watching MASHLE which is why I don't knowe many characters well.
Main 5 falling in love with you!
This one is oblivious. He doesn't realise he holds special feelings for you. I believe at first he could have though of you as sibling.
You're just as important as his father so why not? The three of you could be a fine family.
He would share creampuff with you... just like with others. Honestly, it would be difficult to notice he likes you in that way. This man is so indifferent or more like he forgot to train his face muscles.
The thing that betrayed his feelings is the fact that he has been following you everywhere like a little duckling his mom.
Whether you have classes together or not. If you had them together — he would sit with you or at least close to you. Some rather prefer to sit alone, which helps them focus. On the other hand, if you have separated classes, he would always escort you to the class and only leave after making sure you sat down.
Mash's main love language would be act of service. I don't find him as a touchy guy — he would respect your personal space. The most he would do is grab the snip of your sleeve to not possibly lose you in crowd. (I find it cute honestly, like he would be to shy to grab your hand, so he would be happy with bare minimum.)
Going back to act of services. I think you would have a special privilege — flavoured creampuff. Coffee, chocolate, strawberry, etc., whichever you want. This guy would take you to kitchen and make you bake them together. Unless, your cooking is hopeless and you can set the kitchen on fire, then you're simply watching him work and talk about the silliest things.
Mash would definitely listen to your rambling. Well, at least he will try to. At some point, he would pass out, if he was overflowing with many new information. Please, go slow with him.
When asking others for help with you, he first would try to figure things out himself. Only if he had no more ideas, would he ask his friends for love advices (most likely Lance or Finn).
This guy is so sweet yet so clueless. He loves you so clumsily and as a boyfriend he doesn't change his attitude much. He already treated you in special way. Well, maybe he'll get more intimate with you. I'll leave it to your imagination.
I simply adore this boy. His love is as innocent as he is. Literally, he would be all red and shy when he realised his feelings for you.
He would get nervous around you and every possible physical contact would make him explode. He's too focused to not make any mistakes in front of you, that he forgets to relax.
Well, it's not like he's always like that. His heart would explode at this point. There are some moments, when he is even sweeter than he is now. It's when you simply sit somewhere and do nothing, just enjoying your existence. He feels so calm that he wish those moments would last forever.
Finn likes DIY. So I bet he would make some for you, it might be jewelry, plushie or something more practical. Whatever you'll ask for he will do. (If it's in terms of his skills.)
If you ask him to teach you how to make some, he would be more than happy. Who wouldn't be happy to spend time with their crush?
He would carefully explain everything and help you if you have any difficulties with the project. Sometimes I wonder where he gets all this patience from. Whether you would get discouraged or curse how hard it is, he would try to calm you down and explain your mistakes.
When I'm still talking about teaching. Study session. I just see with my eyes of imagination. The two of you sitting in library beside each other and bending over books. It depends on you — whether he's teaching you some subject or you just enjoy your company.
Finn loves animals. I think, he would always tell you many random fact about them and won't stop talking, until he gets a hold on himself.
When he finally remembers himself, he will start apologising and feeling bad about being the only one talking. Then you kave to reassure him that you really don't mind and he can continue.
As a boyfriend, he treats you very well. People might say he's a perfect boyfriend material, but you can see how much he tries and I hope you do as much for him as he does for you.
Honestly, I can't imagine him giving someone else attention than his sister. Like this sis-con on has Anna in his head. So you can imagine how everyone was surprised when they noticed his unusual behaviour towards you.
And it wasn't some big change. No. It was more subtle. He was less strict with you than he is with others. Whenever you seemed sad because of his, sometimes mean, comments, he would apologise. (It took him a lot of courage to say this simple words.) He was more careful with his act to not sadden you.
I believe that after some time of knowing each other he would tell you about his sister and maybe if he happens to trust you a lot — about her illness as well.
He strikes me as a gentleman at some point. He would hold the door for you, help you with school work and follow you almost everywhere as if it was his duty.
Unfortunately for you, his sister will always be his number one, so unless you accept this fact, I don't think he will try to do anything with your relationship.
As well as it was with Finn, you two would have study session together. This guy is so clever that it would be stupid not to ask for help with the subject, spell or other thing you have difficulties with.
He truly admires you. You saw him in numerous embarrassing situations, for example when he was talking to Anna's pictures etc. Everyone' else would already start avoiding him. Maybe that's why he finds you as a perfect match for himself. Someone who wouldn't judge his behaviour and just accept his 'imperfections'.
Lance would respect your personal space and it would have to be you who initiates physical contact (mostly before your relationship). But he would place his hand on your waist with excuse not to let you bump into others.
He looks like the guy who would give other people, who are talking to you, nasty glare, when you don't look. It's not that he doesn't believe in his charm, it's just the fact that he doesn't like others being to close or touchy with you.
As a boyfriend Lance becomes more possessive and clingy. He would hug you from behind and gets touchy when you least expect it. Well, at least you're never bored.
It's easy to captivate this hot-headed guy's heart... if you're a woman of course. Male readers have it harder. But now we are talking about the stage he is already in love.
He would always boast to his friends about how he's going to marry you with no shame. Of course, always when you're absent. If by chance you will witness him saying it. He would want to hide under ground.
He would always scream at the person, you would give too much attention. He gets easily jealous, but he act like thata with every male that gets too much attention from others.
That's why you don't realise he holds any special feelings towards you. He still acts like he act towards women, so you don't think any special of the way he treats you.
I believe Dot would be touchy with you. Like put his arm over your shoulder or surprise you from behind. Honestly, if he would have ever touched you in a way that would make you feel uncomfortable, as a man he is — he would never forgive himself.
In his eyes, he gives you special treatment. He doesn't play pranks on you and even with Lemon in room, he always focus on what you're saying and so on.
After some time, he gets more obvious that others notice his strange behaviour. He always stares at you, daydream about you two being together. His eyes are always following your person.
When you're close, he catch himself on enjoying your fragrance. Later of course, Dot will blame himself as well call himself a pervert. But you cannot be mad at him. He just can't get enough of you.
If he only could he would almost always hold you in his arms and never let go, while being too scared you might run away from him.
He is energetic, so as a boyfriend he would take you to many places. Date? Let's go to amusement park, if not, we have many other options. Of course, sometimes you two have home dates, where you just cuddle and enjoy eachother company.
Congratulations. You just won over Mash and captured Lemon's heart. This turn of event surprised everyone, like literally everyone, even Mash.
Lemon would act similar like she did while having crush on Mash. She would be so delulu and talk about how the two of you are engaged and all (in fact you aren't... for now).
She would randomly grab your arm and hug it. People got used to seeing you this way. The two of you walking through the corridor, you look like those couples who always stick close to eachother.
She gets easily jealous of other people you're close with, expect for Mash, Lance, Finn and Dot, since she knows they won't try anything with you. When she feels threatened by someone, she would get closer to you or (in most cases) panic.
She would definitely share Cupid Gummies with you. Like she would buy it and almost immediately run to you only to give you some. She thinks of it as a special bond between the two of you.
Lemon blush a lot around you, that's for sure. You get too close? With red as tomato face, she would slap you. She gets a little violent when nervous, it's the fact you have to accept. But who can blame her? She's so happy to have you around that she cannot control her actions.
She's like a ray of sunshine, which is why whenever you're sad, she will try to make you feel better. Sometimes when words won't help, she just sits next to you. She wants you to know she will be always here for you.
You would get a lucky charm from her. One reason is that to keep you safe, other is to have her close to you. While making a design she would try to match with your taste. Like when she made Mash creampuff plushie, she would make something similar.
Whenever she would have problems with spells, she would go to you. Perfect excuse to spend time together! In exchange, she would teach you theory you would have problem with.
As a girlfriend, Lemon is very sweet. She wouldn't have to find excuses just to spend time with you. You would be often seen together eating lunch or walkings around while holding hands.
#mashle x reader#mash burnedead x reader#lemon irvine#lemon irvine x reader#finn ames#mash burnedead#lance crown#finn ames x reader#lance crown x reader#dot barrett#dot barrett x reader#mashle#writing
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Cruel Summer (05/10)
Ocean's Whisper
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader
summary: non-communication, misunderstandings and bad times happen at Crown's, which will make or break your situation with with a certain rich boy.
words: 11.7k
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hello! I hope everyone is well 🤗 i had a lot of fun writing this chapter, the writing was easy and i'm very happy with the result. I really loved this chapter and I hope you love it too.
and also, please comment, let me know your comments, and reblog for the story to be more recognized, please 🙏🏻thank you so much for reading and enjoy it!
warnings: language, angst, Floris.

After that kiss in the ocean, you haven't stopped thinking about Aemond Targaryen for a single moment.
The feeling and the more than detailed memories are still fresh in your mind. The way he held you, the way he looked at you and the way he kissed you, remembering every movement of his lips and his big hands on your waist, marking your skin underwater.
Even at work, in every move and every thing you do right there, you do it thinking of him and only him.
And before you go to sleep, you go back to the same thing, remembering the way you both were clinging to each other, in a slow, passionate kiss as you stare at the ceiling of your room with your headphones listening to music.
You can't help it, it's more than clear.
And the urgency along with the excitement of telling Alysanne everything from the beginning until now, grows more and more with each passing moment.
But it's been four days since that night and you haven't heard anything from him.
After the fireworks were over, both pulled apart from one and the other to return to the beach. And neither of you mentioned anything about what happened, you just went back to sitting by the fire to dry off, watching the ocean, the sky and nothing else.
Even though the two of you didn't talk much afterwards, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, but you could feel how he was thinking about it just like you were.
And because you can't try to tell what he was probably feeling from his expression, you still didn't feel any kind of regret. Because you didn't feel regret at any point.
But now that the two of you haven't spoken again, you're slowly doubting that it was a good idea.
You even thought of texting him, just to know if he is okay, but if you had told Alysanne, you could already hear her scolding or advice as she likes to call it, telling you that if he hasn't talked to you, it's because he doesn't want to and you won't be the first one to look for him.
Honestly you are one of those girls who have the thought that girls can also take the first step without leaving it all to the men, but... sometimes.
And now is not one of those 'sometimes'.
Because you've done the math and... you mean... Aemond Targaryen and you? The richest guy in all of Crown's with you? A poor one?
Maybe it's your fault for getting your hopes up for a simple kiss, maybe at the time he didn't regret it but now that days have passed, he must already think about it and that's why he hasn't contacted you... because it was a mistake.
Who rich guy would want to be with you? And of all guys, precisely him?
It's basically a forbidden law among guys and girls your age that a rich guy and a poor girl can't be friends, but now a couple? It's even more scandalous and impossible.
Maybe what happened between him and you was due to the emotion of the moment. And although his relationship with Floris is neither reciprocal nor true, the reality is clear and you don't compete with her for all that she can offer Aemond.
Now you know that the relationships among Crown's are rarely not convenient but that's how they have to be. And you have nothing to offer or share with Aemond.
However... you have the small hope.
The hope that he will seek you out and tell you to meet him at the pier. The hope that he doesn't think it was a mistake. And the hope that there are no regrets.
But the days continue to pass, there is no signal from him and you keep your same routine as always, disappointed and foolishly watching your phone waiting for a text from him. But nothing.
And the kiss won't leave your mind.
"Hurry up, Blackwood. Table three and four."
Mr. Frey says to you from the cash register, watching you with a serious, annoyed look on his face, wishing you were some kind of super human so you could do everything he ask's at the same time.
You avoid rolling your eyes and giving him an ungraceful look, as you're annoyed enough to have to put up with it, but quickly grab your pad and pen to head over to the new customers.
One thing you like about your job is that it keeps your mind busy most of the day. Sometimes the hours go by fast and sometimes not so fast. But you prefer this to overthinking most of the time.
So the minutes tick by, you find yourself taking orders, when suddenly, voices and giggles that you know very well enter the restaurant and catch your attention.
You part your lips and look towards the doors, where you see Floris and Cassandra Baratheon with Cerelle and Tyshara Lannister. But that's not the worst part, the worst part is that Aemond enters behind Floris with an expressionless but almost bored look on his face.
You think instantly, feeling the bitterness but also the nerves completely invade you as well as the memories intensify more at that moment as you bite your inner cheek and only pray it's not your turn to ask them for the order.
But it's not in your favor, as Alysanne is busy writing down orders and immediately Mr. Frey's menacing gaze lands on you.
You feel yourself become small in your place and nerves invade your whole body, feeling your hands and legs begin to tremble.
'Oh God'.
You think completely terrified, then steel yourself with a bit of courage, take a deep breath and head towards them with the best look possible and already mentalizing yourself not to stare at him too much.
And pretend that you don't care at all about what happened between the two of them just like he does.
The four girls let out a too outrageous laugh that intimidates you as you start to approach, seeing their impeccable and expensive outfits, besides those accessories that scream all in them money.
But Aemond stands out more.
And it bothers you how damn good he looks with those sunglasses now on his forehead and his typical silver chain peeking out between the collar of his black t-shirt.
You start praying again and finally reach his table.
"Welcome to the Lord of the Crossing, what can I get you?"
You feel his gaze instantly on you but you remain firmly in watching your pad and occasionally them, but you don't watch him.
"I'll have a burger without fries and an iced tea," Cassandra speaks and you quickly write it down, "I don't want to eat any seafood today," she tells her friends.
"For me it would be shrimp broth," Cerelle then says.
Then the others go on telling you and you continue to write it down, though you don't miss Aemond's gaze on you and also her's... Floris.
You watch her back for a second and see how she watches you attentively, with a small amused smile on her lips. But you look away when they continue to tell you what they want to eat.
"Are you going to order a burger too?" asks Cassandra to Floris.
"Ew, no," he says with a disgusted face, "Do you know how many calories that has?"
"And what are you going to order? Salmon toast?"
"Are you crazy? I'm not eating any of that, so gross."
She tells her still disgusted and you don't understand her attitude or her behavior at all. But she clearly has no manners and saying such a thing, where the whole restaurant can hear her, is disrespectful.
"I'll have a sushi, with seaweed and no tampico, please," she says and you write it down.
But you don't miss the way she said it either, so polite and sweet, which is rare. But you ignore her and then turn slightly to Aemond, who is the only one left to order, but you don't look directly at him, you just wait for him to order.
"Just a soda, please."
'May the sound of his voice not affect you.'
You instantly say to yourself as you write it down and are about to ask if that will be all, when Floris' delicate and tender voice speaks first.
"Aren't you going to eat anything, babe? Are you feeling well?" she says worriedly, placing her hand on his arm.
"I'm fine," he replies in a completely different tone of voice than hers.
You press your lips and watch them all with your best look.
"That would be all?"
They all confirm yes and you walk away from there as if they have a contagious disease, really hoping they won't stay long.
You give the new orders to the cooks and clear the unoccupied tables for the next customers. You try not to look in their direction, just keeping busy with your work.
Then Alysanne appears and you point your gaze towards her table, where the Baratheon's and Lannister's are, to which she makes an annoyed face that makes you chuckle under your breath, and then you both continue working.
Then you finish delivering some orders when you see out of the corner of your eye how Aemond get's up and heads for the bathroom, so you quickly turn your back on him and put more distance between you and him.
When you are called to deliver the ready orders.
You place almost everything on a tray and head towards the table, more confident because Aemond is not with them, although you know he may appear at any moment, so you try to be as quick as possible.
You give their dishes first to the Lannister's, then to Cassandra and finally to Floris, and then tell them that you will bring them their drinks right away.
And just when you come back with the drinks, Aemond also goes to the table almost at the same time as you, so once again, you try to be quick and repeat the same process, first to the Lannister's, then to the Baratheon's and finally to him.
But just as you place his soda in front of him, Floris speaks. Or rather shouts.
"Hey you," she says, annoyed, towards you, "What the hell is this?"
'Uh oh.'
The voice in your head tells you and you watch as she shows you her sushi rolls.
"I told you I wanted sushi without seaweed and look what you brought me."
You frown and despite your nerves, which are on edge, you defend yourself with the nicest tone possible even though you would also like to talk to her the same way she is talking to you.
"Excuse me, but you specifically asked for it with seaweed," you say, remembering.
"Are you deaf? Or are your ears dirty or something? I'm telling you that I asked for it without seaweed."
"Floris," Aemond says next to her, looking at her seriously.
"What?" she says defensively, "It's not my fault she doesn't know how to do her job well."
"I can bring you where I write down the orders to show you where it says you ordered the sushi with seaweed," you suggest.
But the nerves and humiliation is great as everyone at the table is watching you, especially him and some customers from other tables around.
"Well, clearly you wrote wrong so take this away, will you? And bring me my order just like I asked you to," she says looking at you completely annoyed and folding her arms.
"Is there a problem here?"
'Oh, oh, again.'
Mr. Frey appears and you feel like you're going to die. Just as you can already anticipate all the stress and exhaustion you'll have to go through to make up for this.
But you're absolutely sure she ordered that seaweed sushi. You must have figured something like this would happen, though.
"Yes, your incompetent waitress here doesn't know how to write down the orders as we asked."
"But you ordered the sushi with seaweed," you explain, clearly offended by her words.
"Y/N," Mr. Frey's serious, restrained voice and his hand on your shoulder makes you tense up, "Go and bring her her food just as she asked. Now."
Resigned, you are left only to obey and completely embarrassed, you make your way towards her, stepping past Aemond to take the plate.
And once you have it in your hands, just as you take the first step, you clearly see how Floris slyly sticks her foot in you and as if this couldn't get any worse, you fall and the food lands on Cassandra and Cerelle's clothes.
"Oh my God!"
"Oh you idiot, look what you've done!" cries Cerelle in horror, jumping to her feet.
"Can't you do anything right!?"
Worried, embarrassed and nervous you quickly stand up, apologizing, but Mr. Frey immediately comes to your side with restrained fury.
"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose," you try to defend yourself, "She stuck her foot in me!" you point at Floris.
"Stop embarrassing me and get the hell out of here, Y/N."
You look at him completely shocked, not expecting to hear those words, starting to feel the urge to cry.
"Yes, get out, that I didn't do anything to you," Floris corroborates, "That's how you treat customers here? Without serving them properly and accusing them with lies?"
"Will you stop?" you hear Aemond's voice also with restrained fury.
With your lips trembling, feeling all eyes on you, you hold back the urge to cry and quickly walk away from there, where on the way Alysanne stops you, annoyed and worried, but you tell her not to worry and head for your things, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.
Once you leave the restaurant, the area and Crown's to finally enter Black Waves, you finally allow yourself to cry in freedom.
And when you get home, your uncle and aunt are there and are confused to see you come home so early, so you tell them about what happened.
Crying again from the rage, with all the anger and humiliation coursing through your veins as you tell them that none of what happened was your fault.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry," your aunt embraces you in a warm hug as you let it all out, clinging to her, "Nothing that happened was your fault, sweetheart. Nothing."
And your Uncle Ben is looking upset and thoughtful, unable to believe everything he just heard.
"That fucking ungrateful Frey," he says annoyed, "All of them, rotting in money and having no values, treating the people who do everything for them like that," he points at you, "If I didn't have a job to lose, I'd smash the son of a bitch's face in this instant."
"Ben," your aunt gently reprimands him, still hugging you.
"Look how he's dropped our girl!"
He says incredulously, pointing his hand at you.
"Humiliating her in front of all those people and not giving her the benefit of the doubt to give the reason to all those fucking arrogant rich people who make your life impossible for not being like them."
You sniffle and turn away from your aunt, wiping away your tears and trying to calm yourself.
"It's okay," you say in a broken voice.
"No, it's not okay. Nothing they do in there is okay," your uncle insists.
"I'll just... look for another job," you say, "After all, I couldn't stand to be working at that place anymore. Maybe... this that happened was a good thing so I could find something else."
"No, honey. Having to go through that humiliation was not good," your aunt tells you in a soft tone, "That was very wrong of them and you didn't deserve that."
"Yes but already happened," you say without emotion, "It doesn't matter anymore."
Just then, the door opens and the three of you see Alysanne entering the house, worried.
"What are you doing here?" you ask her instantly confused.
"Did Mr. Frey do something to you too?" her mom asks her.
"No, I quit," she says simply, setting her backpack down.
"What? Why?" you ask her in surprise.
"Why?" she repeats incredulously, as if it wasn't obvious, "You still ask?"
"You didn't have to do that, Anne."
"Of course I did. It was only a matter of time," she says as she approaches you.
"But the money—
"Fuck the money. We'll find another job," she interrupts you then hugs you, "I'm so sorry."
You let out a long breath and hug her back.
"What did Mr. Frey tell you?"
"He was obviously upset," she tells you as she pulls away, "I told him what he did was wrong. That there are cameras and he can see what really happened. But he basically didn't give a shit to give the stupid of Floris the reason to make himself look good to his father."
Uncle Ben let's out a snort.
"Then I told him I was quitting and he kind of got worried, then he tried to convince me to convince you to come back so we could both keep working because we are the only ones who have endured him for so long, but I sent him to go fuck himself as well as him to you, demanded our final payment, he gave it to me with his murderous look on his face and I left."
A silence settles in the living room, then your aunt lets out a small breath.
"Well, at least you won't be working for that horrible man anymore."
"And don't worry," your uncle says, "Both will find another job."
Afterwards, you both go to your room and you take a nap, finally resting properly after so long with no more on your mind that the next day you have to go to the restaurant to work.
Despite what happened, you sleep peacefully and then wake up in the night, where you see Alysanne asleep next to you with her headphones on.
You let out a yawn and stretch, thinking you can go back to sleep, but you turn on your phone screen to check the time, when suddenly, you see Aemond's message notification, taking you by surprise.
You frown and read them from the notification, not wanting to go into the chat directly: "I'm so sorry about what happened.'
'Are you okay?'
'Can we meet?'
A bitter feeling runs through your body and you shake your head.
Of course he would eventually decide to text you out of pity, not really because he wanted to or because it was in his plans. And now you're the one who has no interest in hearing from him.
So you delete his notification messages, pretend he didn't send you anything and lock your screen, settling back to sleep.

"Fucking old man."
"If I'd been there I'd have broken his few remaining teeth."
"Besides, it's not like the food is good. That shrimp soup they make, it tastes like shit."
"And how do you know that?" asks Daniel to Chase confused.
"Cregan once came to his port with a bowl of those when I was working."
"We can cancel him on social media, you know? It's not a bad idea after all."
"Getting cancelled by a bunch of poor Black Waves people isn't a bad idea? Do you think we'll even have relevance against all of Crown's who also have more rich friends and connections all over the country and who knows how far beyond that?"
A brief silence settles in.
"Well, when you put it like that... yeah, it sounds bad. Very bad actually."
"Then I propose we set fire to his restaurant."
"Or we fill it all up with live octopus and crabs."
You look at your friends with an amused smile, and all three of them gesture innocently.
"We want to defend your honor."
Sam says to you, draping one of his arms around your shoulders as you all walk together along the shore of the beach.
"You see, if you mess with a poor person, we poor people will attack you back. And Mr. Frey has been deserving it ever since the two of you started working for him."
"You're going to burn down his restaurant?" Alysanne inquires.
"What does it matter?" he shrugs, "That he doesn't have the money to make another one?"
You continue to listen to your friends' jokes, planning a plan worse and worse than the last on how to make Mr. Frey pay, all for the purpose of making you laugh.
For which you couldn't feel more grateful to them as you all spend an afternoon at Sunset's Pier.
Although they did get very upset when Alysanne told them everything that had happened, but the harsh reality is that a bunch of poor people can't do anything to a rich man from Crown's. So all that's left to do is settle for imaginary plans.
"Anyway, let's go surfing?" proposes Daniel.
"Hell yeah!"
You and Alysanne exchange a glance.
"Hum... we'll catch up with you later," she says, standing next to you.
"Why? Where are you going?" asks Chase in confusion.
"To find a job," you reply.
The search to find a new job has started exactly two days ago, so the only chance you both have and the best chance is here at the pier, but still nothing, though you're not giving up yet.
"Okay, good luck."
"Come back soon!" exclaims Daniel, trotting out to sea with his surfboard.
"And make sure it's not another dick boss!" exclaims Sam as well, following Daniel.
You watch the three of them with a small smile and walk away from the beach in the direction of the establishments, hoping to get lucky this day.
"Are you going to the party tonight?" asks Alysanne.
"Another one?"
"It's been almost two weeks since the last party here," she tells you incredulously and you let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, you're right."
"Crown's, with Cregan."
"Oh no, no, absolutely not," you say quickly, shaking your head.
"Oh Y/N, come on!"
"Are you crazy? How do you think I'm going to stand at Crown's after what happened?" you stare at her incredulously, "Surely everyone already knows, as if it wasn't humiliating enough already."
"They'll all be drinking, having a good time and I highly doubt they'll be talking about or remembering at that point the poor girl who threw food on Cerelle and Cassandra."
"And the poor girl who supposedly took Floris' order wrong," you remind him annoyed.
"Come on!" she squeals, insistent, "You need it. We need to have some fun."
"They will all be there, what if they see me and again something bad happens?"
'Not to mention Aemond will probably be there too.'
Your mind reminds you and it's one more reason not to go after you've been ignoring his messages.
"Please, they're all always on the yachts. They never get off there and they won't see us."
"But they might," you suggest.
"They won't," she tells you with an absurd tone, "They think they're the queens of the city and that's their exclusive area, they won't," she repeats confidently.
"No, I really don't in the mood to go."
"Please, Y/N," she tells you desperately, "If you go with us, I'll wash all your clothes for a week," she proposes.
This inevitably gets your attention and you watch her really interested.
"All of it?"
"All of it," she affirms.
"Two weeks," you change the deal.
"One week," she repeats back to you with a frown.
"Two full weeks or no deal."
"Ugh, don't be like that," she reproaches you.
"Do you want me to go or not?"
"Two and a half weeks," she proposes.
You shake your head, with an amused smile and folding your arms.
"Two full weeks and I won't change my mind."
She rolls her eyes and you hold out your hand.
"Fine," she reluctantly shakes it.
"Fine," you smile victoriously.
That same day, instead of looking for a job, the two of you buy bikini sets for the night with Mr. Frey's final payment.
Alysanne wanted to buy more but you were responsible enough to stop her and yourself as well, since you can't spend all the money until you secure a new job.
Then you go surfing for a while with the boys, hours pass, you go home and in the evening, Cregan comes by both of you in his car, with the guys already in it.
And again, you find yourself walking into Crown's, where you start to reflect and think that this is probably a bad idea.
But everyone is so excited and deep down inside you, after the horrible days you've had, you also want to have fun, de-stress and not worry for a while.
And the funny comments from the guys, that they are spreading the excitement to you and that it feels like any other party, helps.
When you arrive at the party, they have not yet arrived, so you are instantly relieved, although the nervousness is still present. For despite Alysanne's words, your mind keeps going back to what happened at the restaurant, all fresh in your memory.
Fortunately, though, Sam, Chase, Daniel and Cregan decide to spend the party in a more secluded part of the beach, to protect you in case anything happens.
You appreciate that and soon enough the party begins.
It's quiet at first, just everyone talking and laughing with everyone, drinking, dancing, Sam and Daniel trying to distract you and keep your spirits up, telling bad jokes, while Chase talks to Cregan about surfing and the waves he hopes to catch tomorrow.
And of course, Cregan throws in jokes about the party and lets everyone know of more dramas that have been going on lately at Crown's with the rich families and how they came to his and his family's ears.
And of course, they all make jokes and throw curses towards Mr. Frey, not leaving him alone, while Alysanne and you laugh.
Also, Sam does a perfect imitation of the rich girls at Crown's, especially Floris and Cassandra Baratheon, who cry if they don't get what they want and always ask for things in a bad way, so shallow and arrogant.
"Don't you know who my father is?" threatens Sam pretending to be Floris Baratheon with indignation and superiority, placing a hand on his hip and watching everyone with a raised eyebrow.
You and Alysanne laugh, as do the guys, who continue to corroborate Sam's imitation for all they know of everyone's rich attitudes and phrases.
"Hey," your cousin gives you a slight elbow and points at you with her gaze, "I told you."
You follow her gaze and there they are, the Baratheon's and the Lannister's, who just as your cousin had told you, with bottles of wine and champagne, amid laughter and expensive outfits board their luxurious yachts.
Although this catches your attention, without being able to help it, you look for a specific person with silver hair, but there is not a single Targaryen accompanying them.
"We'll be fine," Alysanne tells you, beginning to truly relax.
You let out a long breath and take a long swig from your beer bottle, also definitely starting to relax.
There's no way they can recognize you from the great distance, though you still have to be alert because if one of them decides to come down, which you doubt very much, but it could still happen.
And even though your friends are still partying, you can't help but think of him... Aemond.
Where is he? Why isn't he here? Why didn't he come with Floris? Is he thinking about you too?'
You know you're the one who decided not to answer his messages and you know that's the right decision to make after what happened. But still... that fucking kiss keeps replaying in your mind.
But you also know it's not right. Him and you... together? Deciding to get involved like that?
It's a very bad and dangerous idea in which you could get yourself in serious trouble, and him too, after all. You with all of Crown's and him with his family and the Baratheon's.
So, although it hurts you, this is good, so that no one is harmed in any way. It's best not to see him anymore.
"Hey, smile."
Alysanne's voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you watch as she wants to take a selfie of everyone together, so pretty soon the guys pile up behind you, with Daniel's arm around you hugging you and on Alysanne's account, all smiling, then striking a better pose, then making a funny face.
"I got my eye closed."
" In which one?"
"On the second one."
Then you hear the huge laugh Chase lets out toward Sam.
"You look like the baby from Toy Story three."
The guys do their antics by dancing, playing games of who finishes drinking the bottle the fastest, telling stories, and following the pretty girls around with their eyes. Which makes it all the more enjoyable, except for the last part.
“Hey man,” Daniel says to Cregan, ”When are you going to take us to meet your yacht?”
Cregan looks at him amused.
“My yacht?”
“Yeah, I mean, I was waiting until we were confident enough to be able to tell you.”
“The more subtle one,” Alysanne says.
"We have reasons," Daniel defends himself.
"Yeah because the time you were going to take us on your parents' yacht, the damn yacht was suddenly invisible," Sam backs him up.
"Okay, first of all, that wasn't my fault," Cregan clarifies, "I didn't know my parents were gone on it for the weekend because they didn't tell me either."
"I was totally devastated."
"You stole my illusion, man."
"Okay, you want me to invite you guys?" asks Cregan genuinely curious and unconcerned.
“Dude,” Sam looks at him incredulously, “You've been listening to us talk for months about yachts, champagne bottles and partying,” he lists off with his fingers, ”And you ask us if we want you to invite us?”
“It's not like you've been more direct,” he justifies himself.
“If we've been talking about yachts, champagne bottles and partying,” Daniel repeats now, also listing, “What do we really mean when we have a rich guy in our group of friends?” he asks him, expectantly, crossing his arms.
Cregan is about to speak, hesitant, but Sam speaks first.
“Exactly,” he points to him with his index finger, ‘That our friend Cregan, who has a yacht and bottles of champagne, because no one else of us does,’ he says obviously, ”invited us to have a party, just us.”
“You know how convenient you sound, don't you?” you ask them, taking another sip from your bottle.
“No, it's okay,” Cregan says instantly, “All my life I've known people to be conventional. But you guys aren't.”
“So we'll go to your yacht?” asks Daniel excitedly.
“Yeah, sure,” he says nonchalantly, ”Anytime. Just let me know.”
“It's not like it's that cool, really,” Chase says, unconcerned.
“What did you say?” Cregan gives him the expectant look.
“I've seen it. And I think the Targaryen yacht is bigger.”
Your heart flips slightly at hearing the last name.
“It's bigger than all of those,” Cregan points out those now on the dock.
“Not so cool, still.”
“Oh, okay, all right. Then let's have the party on your yacht,” he tells him condescendingly, “Oh right, you don't have one.”
Everyone starts laughing, you included, as Chase shows him the middle finger.
“I was just kidding.”
“Yeah, me too baby.”
“Hey, come here.”
Sam's approaching voice makes you watch him and he takes you by the hand, wanting to dance with you, so soon everyone starts making fun, while you laugh and Sam tries to lead you to the beat of the music.
And you have a good time, laughing, having fun and drinking, trying to do Sam's impossible but funny dance steps, starting to feel the alcohol starting to take its effect on you.
And everything seems fine until a high-pitched, familiar laugh interrupts you and cuts the mood.
“Well, well, look who we have here.”
'You've got to be kidding me.'
You think, feeling your stomach turn, turning your body to see Floris straight ahead, standing there, accompanied by Cerelle and Tyshara, all with malevolent smiles on their faces, especially Floris.
And you wonder; in what moment did she come down here? And in what moment did she recognize you?
Alysanne rises from the sand as Floris faces them both with a sharp gaze, sweeping over each one, especially you.
“What are you doing here?” she asks with disdain, “Pretending to be one of us? Really?”
You feel Alysanne tense beside you, clearly ready to answer, or rather attack. But you hold her arm, trying to keep things from getting out of hand. But the venom in Floris' words grows.
“How funny to see you like this, when in reality you are poor people from Black Waves,” she says with disgust, “Though now I see how you manage to mix among us, bringing with you more people from your dumpster,” she says with disdain, watching with a serious look between Cregan and the guys.
Cregan lets out a long breath, really not wanting to deal with this now, but it seems he has no choice. So he speaks, his voice serious and firm, not caring at all about defending you.
“They are here because I invited them, Floris. And I don't care what you think, nor do the others. Just like I don't care if you don't like the idea, because then you can get the hell out,” he clarifies, “You're not the owner of the beach and you're not the owner of Crown's.”
“You're also no one to be disrespecting us,” Chase tells him, stepping in as well.
Floris looks at him with a raised eyebrow and an offended face.
“And who are you to talk to me like that, you poor shit? Do you even know who I am or who my father is?”
Sam lets out a chuckle, unable to help it, with an obvious look at you, but suddenly Alysanne jumps up, fury in her eyes.
“How dare you!?” she yells at him, with full intent in her posture, ”You think you can come in here and insult my friends!? You think I can't really break your face after what you did!?”
The tension mounts and you quickly stop her, along with Cregan, as Sam, Daniel and Chase step in.
“Look at her, always so wild, all you from Black Waves, wanting to beat people up,” Floris says, wanting to leave them as the bad guys.
“Y/N didn't do anything to you at the restaurant! It was you who accused her of bringing you the wrong order and who made her fall on purpose, humiliating her in front of everyone and you think you don't deserve to be taught a lesson!?”
“You better get the fuck out of your shitty side of town, will you!?”
Floris yells at her too.
“All of you and especially you!” she points at you, “How dare you come here after what happened? You should be ashamed of yourself, wanting to pretend you belong here.”
Cregan walks over to her.
“That was enough. Stop it and leave,” he tells her in his firm but not aggressive voice.
Floris ignores him completely, her eyes glued on Alysanne and you, as if they were an insect she can crush effortlessly.
“You're pathetic. You should get the hell out and not come back before you humiliate yourselves any further. You don't belong at Crown's and you know it. All you are is some ridiculous fucking poor people with miserable lives.”
Floris' words hit you with a force you had not expected. You feel the rage burn inside you, but also the pain of humiliation. You can't escape that feeling of inferiority, of being less and being seen as little, instead of what you are, a human being.
And now you react, turning to her, with restrained fury.
“What did you just say?”
“Hey, no, no,” Sam stops you.
“You think I'm going to let myself be humiliated by you again?”
Floris lets out a laugh.
“I'm humiliating you?” she points out, ”But you're humiliating yourself, coming here.”
“We're not pretending to be like you, Floris. Do you think I would like to be a fucking spoiled brat like you who likes to humiliate others to feel good about herself?” you tell her, furious, ”We would never do that. But you're a liar and cruel, and you know it.”
Floris raises an eyebrow, indifferent.
“Oh, please. No one's listening to you, you poor thing.”
Cregan again interjects, turning to her.
“That's enough. We're not going to let you bother us anymore.”
Floris barely pays any attention to him. In her mind, these guys, nor you along with Alysanne, have any value. And she finds it an insult that you're here, at Crown's.
“How lovely. You defending all these,” she points at them with disgust, ”But really, Cregan? That's how you choose to spend your time, with Black Waves trash instead of us?”
“I already told you what you think doesn't matter to me.”
Again the tension begins to build, along with the expectation that everything will explode at any moment.
The guys hold Alysanne and you, but more so Alysanne, while Cregan tries to get Floris and all of them to leave and calm everything down, but in vain.
Floris keeps talking, Alysanne's blood boils and suddenly, your cousin throws a cup of beer at all of them, soaking them and insulting them, so everything effectively explodes.
Basically the guys try to stop all of them at the same time, trying to calm the matter down, drawing the attention of the other people on the beach, while Alysanne desperately tries to have Floris' head, deciding not to let her insults and humiliations pass once again.
“That's enough!”
“Calm down, girls!
“Hey, no!”
“Stop it, Floris!”
They're all in a circle, sticking with each other, trying to avoid hitting each other at all costs.
“Hey, dude! Could you calm down your crazy girlfriend here!?”
“Hey! Floris!”
Your breath catches.
And your heart starts pounding at the sound of that voice.
And just as you look to the other side, where they are, Aemond appears, running towards Floris, his face serious and his eyes fixed on her, with his brother Aegon behind him, fascinated and excited by all the drama and fighting, like many others at the party.
“Hey!” Aemond holds her firmly, pulling her away from Alysanne, “What the hell is wrong with you?” he inquires serious and tired.
“Let go of me!”
“Doing this again? Have you gone crazy?”
Floris doesn't say anything to him, she just arranges her hair and gives you a murderous look, as well as Alysanne and then, you watch Aemond with your parted lips and he watches you too.
For a moment, everything else seems to fade away, where your mind remembers the kiss, his hands marking your skin, his breath hitching against you, the fireworks and his face close to you.
But the memory and sensations are only for a second, as both you and he focus on stopping this. Which, you finally succeed.
The last thing you see is Floris being led by her friends towards the yacht, with Aemond and Aegon following, watching him going after her, his posture tense.
When Cregan lets out a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“It's unbelievable. Her and all those fucking arrogant, thinking they own everything.”
It's obvious that neither he, Alysanne, the boys or you are in the mood to stay.
“Let's go,” Chase says, having no choice.
Alysanne nods, still furious.
“It's not worth it.”
You press your lips together, still feeling the helplessness coursing through your body.
You watch again where Aemond is going, when suddenly, he turns his head without stopping walking and looks at you, giving you one last look. But you turn around, following your friends, leaving the party along with the lights and music behind.
And as you leave, the sound of the waves seems to envelop you, but the weight of what happened crushes you, reminding you once again that you will never belong in this world.

You know it might be a bad idea to come but... you couldn't help it.
After everything that has happened, more bad things than good, you needed it. Walking onto Crown's beaches, you always feel that change in the air and it feels like a different place. Which is understandable because of the clear difference between Crown's and Black Waves.
But... it's not exactly that. You feel space and time differently, like it's running slower.
And you feel like you're on a distant island because of all the feet of the ravines that surround this section, enveloping you, making the view even better and feeling the tranquility in a better way.
And looking out at the deep ocean, sitting at the end of the pier, rocking your feet gently in the salt water, you wish you could have a place just like it in Black Waves, so you wouldn't have to come here and risk more.
Although you know that if you change places, it won't feel like it's like being in this place.
There is a calmness and a unique essence here, something that only this place seems to have and that is irreplaceable, just as nothing else compares to it. And you know and feel that every time you come here.
So you just have to resign yourself, close your eyes, take a deep breath and try to forget everything that bothers you, repeating in your mind that what happened, already happened.
You can't change it and you can't be hurting yourself by overthinking it all the time.
You fill your lungs with the salty air that envelops you, let the ocean breeze caress you and let the waves crashing against the shore be the only thing that reaches your ears.
You try to think of all the good things that will come next, a stable job, money and the finish line getting shorter and shorter to finally be able to go to college and fight for your dreams, which is the most important thing for you.
So you let all that fill you up and let the place do its job, which is to fill you with peace and tranquility.
When then, the creaking of wood near you catches your attention, interrupting and completely disappearing the whole moment, to quickly turn your head, alert and scared, fearing that it is one of the guards or a member of the Targaryen family.
But strangely you didn't think it might be Aemond. For you see him in surprise, entering the pier, just as surprised to see you here, neither of you expecting that.
And you both somehow just stand there, paralyzed, not knowing what to say or what to do.
It's as if both of you at the same time have memories flooding into your minds, of absolutely everything, the kiss, the restaurant, the party and the looks.
But you're still paralyzed, having no idea how to react.
When you are the first to look away, you press your lips together and swallow hard, nervously, feeling somehow vulnerable and having no idea what to do, as you continue to feel his burning gaze on you.
Then you stand up, shake your feet and put on your sandals, not intending to stay here any longer.
And Aemond seeing that, takes a cautious step towards you, watching you attentively and almost too... hopeful.
"I didn't see you when I was coming."
He tells you in a soft voice, not wanting to scare you or push you away, as you keep your gaze down and hug yourself as you feel a strong breeze with icy wind wrap around you, bristling your skin.
"I didn't hear you coming either," you tell him, somehow staying even.
He watches you silently, looking like he wants to tell you something else, but he thinks his words very carefully before he speaks. You, though, feel the slight tension in the air as the two of you stand here, in each other's presence, not knowing what to do.
'Great, weird.'
You think with some irony and disappointment, taking this as a sign to leave, since it's for the best and because he, like you, needs his peace and quiet.
"But don't worry, I'll leave so you can be alone."
You say to then start walking, passing by one side of him but making sure to keep a huge distance, fully intending to leave, when that exactly makes Aemond react and quickly act.
"Wait," he gently but firmly stops you by the arm.
You feel a strong and unexpected electricity run through your body at the contact, tensing you up and Aemond releases you almost immediately upon sensing this, your body rigid and seeing the surprise in your gaze, really not wanting to pull you away.
And he pulls away from you a little, bringing a hand to the back of his neck, nervous and a little uncomfortable, having no idea how to behave nor finding the right words to speak.
"I-I..." he begins, "I texted you. Multiple times."
You let out a long breath, beginning to feel the nervousness completely envelop you. You have no idea what to say or how to evade the conversation, as he clearly waits for an explanation.
"Um... yeah, I know. I-I'm... sorry, I was busy."
He frowns and watches you more closely.
"Are you sure that's all it is?"
"Yeah, very sure," you try to sound convincing, acting nonchalant.
"Really?" he gently inquires you, having none of it.
And that starts to bother you, so you straighten your back completely and raise your gaze to him, almost looking tired, crossing your arms.
"What's your point?"
"That you didn't really want to talk to me," he answers you honestly, watching you intently and with a soft gaze.
"Look I-I... I don't know, I just... I thought it wouldn't be a good idea."
He frowns again.
"Why not?"
You shake your head, not wanting to have this conversation, because you know it won't get you anywhere.
"Forget it. I should go."
You try to walk, away from him, but he again stops you.
"Wait... please," he tells you insistently, "I just..." he lets out a long sigh, "I just wanted to apologize to you for what happened with Floris. She—
"It's okay," you interrupt him, shaking your head, downplaying it and not seeing the point about talking about it, "It... it doesn't matter anymore, Aemond. And I really should go."
Again you try to leave, to walk away, but he again stops you.
"You have somewhere else to be?"
"And what's that for?"
"I want to talk to you," he tells you bluntly, not wanting you to leave.
And you feel the bitterness run through your whole body, watching him in the same way.
"Now do you want to talk?" you inquire, unable to help yourself.
You had been holding it back too long, especially since he texted you, that it needed to be said and you see the slight surprise appear on his face, clearly not expecting to hear that from you.
And you look at him seriously, daring him to tell you something about it, but he remains silent, having no idea what to say.
And the bitterness inside you intensifies, feeling that really all you're doing is wasting your time. And you don't want to do this anymore.
"Look, it's clear that neither of us expected to see each other tonight..." you say firmly and clearly in your tone of voice, "And the best thing, for both of us, is for me to leave."
Again you try to leave, but eventually Aemond loses it too.
"You're upset with me, is that it?"
He asks you, stepping in front of you, his brow furrowed and his expression slightly confused. It's as if, finally, he's starting to lose patience too.
"Cause I didn't look for you after we kissed?"
You feel your heart start to beat too fast and you watch him with your parted lips for a moment, not expecting him to be so direct in finally speaking the things that have been going on between the two of you.
"Because to be fair, you didn't look for me either," he reproaches you, not feeling like the one completely to blame for the whole situation.
"I'm not the one with a girlfriend, Aemond," you remind him, firm with your words.
He lets out a long breath, tearing his gaze away from yours, looking around as if that might help him continue the conversation and show him what he has to say, ruffling his hair in frustration.
"Well, yes, I... that's part of why I didn't contact you," he confesses to you, "It wasn't right if I did, nor for her in spite of everything and nor for you."
You press your lips together and lower your gaze for a moment, feeling the icy, salty air caress your face and blow your hair as well.
"Yeah, it wasn't..." you shake your head, "It wasn't a good idea if you did. Certainly what happened was a mistake because of your commitments and responsibilities and..." you nod, "It was for the best."
"A mistake?" he repeats looking at you confused and bewildered.
"I'm just telling you what I see," you explain, serious.
"Do you think that I think that kiss was a mistake?" he asks you incredulously.
"You don't?" you inquire back, "I mean...you and me? A rich guy and a poor girl doing this? Having this... whatever it is?"
You point between him and you with your finger, watching him in confusion, as he watches and listens to you intently, wanting to understand you.
"I could confide things about my life to you and I wanted you to finally express yourself to someone. I didn't see it as such a big deal because of our differences but... this?" you inquire, "Getting involved in this way when you have a girlfriend, risking your relationship and your position with all the people at Crown's? Do you even understand the trouble that will be made if people find out?"
Aemond understands very well everything you are telling him and what you are referring to specifically.
He also thought about it every night since that kiss happened, remembering your closeness, your touch and the sensation. Then reality hit him like a bucket of cold water and snapped him out of his fantasy.
The fantasy that this... it can be. Even he doesn't know how but maybe, just maybe, it can be.
And being here, with you, having you so close, with that kiss replaying in his mind over and over again, he doesn't think straight.
He doesn't think about the consequences, about what could go wrong, about how dangerous it is and he wants to feel it all again, to be close to you, to breathe and feel that sense of freedom he feels only when he's with you.
He knows he shouldn't, he knows what's at stake, that he has all eyes on him but still... he can't help himself. And he only wants to do it because it feels right.
"And you were thinking all this when we kissed?" he asks you in a low, soft tone.
You let out a long breath and lick your lips.
Obviously no, you didn't think about it because you didn't even think or imagine at any point that you would end up making out with Aemond Targaryen himself.
But now that it's happened, it's also a reality check and it only makes you see more at why it shouldn't have happened and why it can't go on.
"Do you regret it?"
He asks you suddenly and you swallow hard as you watch him nervously, again taking you by surprise by asking that question. But you decide to be honest.
Then he again comes closer, placing himself in front of you, looking somewhat desperate, as if the idea of you walking away is unbearable to him and he will do everything he can to make you stay, that answer being all he needs to hear.
"I know we're both different," he tells you, his voice now low, as if he's confessing something, "You and I... we don't belong on the same side and that's why I shouldn't... we shouldn't."
He doesn't let go of you and although you could easily pull away, you stay in place, watching and listening to him intently, feeling the tension inevitably grow between the two of you.
"But I... I haven't stopped thinking about you," he tells you and watches you with an overwhelming intensity that captivates and paralyzes you at the same time, "Ever since that kiss... I haven't been able to get you out of my mind."
Your heart pounds in your chest and you say nothing, surprised, disoriented and longing, unconsciously, for that more.
"And another reason of why I didn't contact you was because... what I feel when I'm with you, it's... dangerous."
He confesses to you, his gaze becoming darker, more intense and more honest, as his hand comes up to touch your arm gently, moving closer towards you.
"Because I don't measure the consequences, I don't think straight, and being with you makes me want more, so much more than I should."
His honesty hits you hard, and for a moment, the air between you both seems to grow thicker, more charged with an electricity that is impossible to ignore.
You feel your breath hitch, and though you try to keep your composure, his words disarm you.
"I know it's not a good idea, I know this can bring us a lot of trouble and I know we shouldn't but I've spent my whole life letting my father and almost everyone around me make decisions for me that now... I want to make this decision," he tells you sure of his words.
"I-I've never done this before," he interrupts you, wanting to make it all clear, "I don't even know what I'm saying exactly. But I want to do it because it feels right and because I feel like it's the right thing to do... for me."
He pauses, but doesn't look away from yours. You can see the internal battle in his eyes, the struggle to maintain control as emotions consume him inside.
And you, you're speechless, not expecting that he was going to tell you any of this.
"And I want you," he makes clear, voice firm but soft.
Those four words float in the air, suspended between the two of you, as you watch him with parted lips, the weight of his statement crashing over you like a wave and you feel the world around you seem to fade away.
You look him straight in the eye, searching for some sign that what he is saying is not a lie, with the slight hope in your gaze.
But there is no doubt in his gaze, only sincerity and you see him as you have seen him before in this place; vulnerable, honest and completely exposed.
Then you feel your own emotions swirl inside you, overwhelming, contradictory, but undeniable. And before you can stop or think, you take a step toward him, closing the distance between the two of you.
"Are you sure?" you ask him in a shaky whisper, because, suddenly, it all seems too much, the words, the emotions, the moment, everything.
He doesn't answer you right away, he shortens the distance between the two of you and his hand goes up to your cheek, caressing your skin with a softness that surprises you and you too raise your hand to caress his skin.
His fingers trace a line from your cheek to your jaw and the warmth of his touch envelops you completely.
His nose touches yours and you are both only inches away from each other, letting the closeness and the feeling envelop you completely along with the magic of the ocean and the shore.
"More than sure. I want you," he repeats, his voice low and soft, honest.
Then he leans his face closer to you, tilts his head and his lips meet yours.
It's as if you've been waiting for it for weeks, replaying the moment and reliving the sensation, which you reciprocate immediately, leaning closer to him if possible.
It's not rushed, nor is it gentle. It's intense, full of what you've both been waiting for.
And definitely the world around you fades away, because there is nothing but the contact between the two of you, the warmth of his lips on yours and the press of his body against yours.
Your arms curl around his neck and you feel him wrap his arms tighter around your waist, clinging to you.
The kiss becomes deeper, more demanding, and you find yourself losing yourself and letting yourself be completely carried away in it.
Everything looks and feels out of control but, at the same time, it feels absolutely right.
And you smile in the middle of the kiss, not wanting to let go of the moment, as you feel his long, pale fingers mark your skin, as you run your hands down his neck and through his hair, gently stirring it.
When you both run out of air and separate a few centimeters, catching your breath, with his forehead touching yours. Then a small smile also appears on his lips and he brushes his nose against yours.
"I have something to show you."
This catches your attention and you watch him through your eyelashes, still smiling softly and putting no distance between his body and yours, still hugging him.
"Hm?" you say slightly confused.
"You'll like it," he says to again leave a kiss on your lips, sounding like a promise.
Curiosity overcomes you and it is he who takes distance again between the two of you, to then entwine his hand with yours and begin to lead you, off the pier.
All the way off the beach you ask him what it's about, but he won't tell you anything about it, just that it's a surprise, which frustrates and confuses you but excites you more.
When you both leave through a main entrance to the beach with a booth and security guard and not jumping over a wall, as you are used to, and then he directs you to a black Jeep.
And you watch in surprise as he pulls some keys out of his front pocket.
"This is your car?" you ask in surprise, unable to help yourself.
"Yes," he observes you with a small smile, "I went to take care of some business at my father's work and on my way back, I didn't want to go home yet nor did I want them to know I was around so I decided to stop here and go to the pier," he explains to you.
You pay attention to him, but your attention is more on the beautiful Jeep he has. And he watches you almost tenderly, watching as you stare fascinated at his car, opening the door for you.
"Get in."
"But where are you taking me?" you ask amused.
"You'll see."
He doesn't give you any details and you enjoy the little ride in his car, so clean, so modern and having that very expensive smell, clearly.
The ride is not long and soon enough, he parks at Crown's pier, a pier that only he has access to and all the people who live on this side, obviously.
A pier where the rich pay to have their yachts or boats cleaned, maintained and cared for. And he clearly has no problem getting in, and then directing you towards a row of huge, expensive and elegant yachts tied up to the dock.
You've never been this close to one before and you have to remember to close your mouth at certain times and remove your fascinated idiot face when Aemond directs you and watches you.
When he stops in front of a huge three-story yacht with terraces, very luxurious and screaming money and power to the owners.
"This is my family's yacht," Aemond says to you, as you stare at the yacht with big bright eyes.
"And we're going up?" you ask him excited, thrilled and surprised.
"Yeah, come on."
You follow him and watch as he strides confidently toward the gangway connecting the dock to the yacht, where you can't help but notice the familiarity with which he moves in this space, as if it were as commonplace to him as walking through his house.
However, for you, this place is a completely different world.
You contemplate the immensity of the yacht in front of you as you walk. And Aemond watches you over his shoulder, noticing your reactions again.
His lips curve into a small smile, and he holds out his hand, inviting you to come up.
You don't hesitate to take his hand, your eyes still watching the yacht, feeling your heart beat faster and faster with excitement with every step you take, because you've never been on something so luxurious before.
And once you set foot on the main deck, everything stretches out to you, with the air seeming to feel different, lighter.
And you stare in amazement at the deck furnished with huge white leather sofas that look very comfortable, as well as glass tables, expensive decorations and exotic plants in designer pots.
Aemond walks around the deck, showing you every corner as if it were the most normal thing in the world. He also shows you a huge dining table and an outdoor bar.
And you follow in his footsteps, feeling like you're in a dream.
"This yacht is mostly used by Aegon to bring his friends, girls, have his parties or when he wants to be alone. Daeron and Helaena also come when they don't want to be at home, sometimes I come with them or I also come when I don't want anyone to bother me," he explains to you as he gives you the tour.
"This isn't the yacht that was at the pier when you caught me, is it?"
"No, that one was smaller and my mom's."
You look at him in surprise.
"How many yachts does your family have, then?"
"Only three," he tells you amused, "My mom's, this one and another one about the same size as this one."
And he says it so simply, as if it's the most normal thing in the world to have three luxurious yachts and as if it's so easy to buy them, which... yes, it is easy, because his family has plenty of money.
"The other one is used more by my dad and when my mom wants to go on little trips, celebrations or things like that, it's on that yacht that we all get together but never on this one."
'I wish I had a lot of money too.'
Your mind tells you, making all your poverty clearer to you.
You listen to everything he tells you, but you're also too focused on absorbing every detail, from the sleek, minimalist design to the breathtaking views of the nighttime ocean stretching out in front of you.
Everything here looks like something out of a glossy magazine, and at times, you find it hard to believe you're really here.
He says to you, as he slides the glass doors that take you inside the yacht and you follow him, stepping inside with him behind you.
You think, gazing in wonder at all the interior that is most... extravagant.
White walls, white floor, black and gold details decorate the whole place. First is the large living room with white sofas, black furniture, soft carpets and windows big enough to give you an amazing view of the outside.
You can only imagine how beautiful you would see both from the deck side and from in here the whole ocean if the yacht was in motion.
Everything here is spacious, with those expensive decorations, air conditioning and a huge TV that takes up almost an entire wall.
And on the other end, there is a huge kitchen with black cabinets, refrigerator, stove, oven, dishwasher, island and basically equipped with absolutely everything, with nothing missing.
"Wow," you murmur, walking around the kitchen, observing everything.
Aemond doesn't stop watching you, because there's something about your expression, the way you watch everything in wonder and how your smile widens with each new discovery, that makes him smile too.
But you just can't help it. All of it breathtaking, every corner screams richness and exclusivity.
Then he briefly shows you the bathroom and takes you to the second floor, where you climb the stairs all too excitedly, peering in every direction.
"This is so cool," you say with a smile, watching the second floor hallway.
He shows you room after room, which is four in all, where each has its own luxurious bathroom, king-size beds, television and ocean views that look like something out of a dream.
Your mind tries to process all this, but it's as if every time you look around, something new surprises you.
Then he shows you the second-floor terrace, where there are also sofas, glass tables, an open bar, loungers and a hot tub.
"No way," you murmur in amazement.
You approach the edge of the hot tub, touching the water with your fingertips and feel the warmth of the water against your skin.
If Daniel were in this place, he would have passed out. And when you tell him, he definitely won't believe you. Or he'll believe you but he'll be very envious.
"I've always wanted to get on one of these yachts. But for some strange reason, I never thought they'd have hot tubs. I mean, I should have guessed," you tell him with a little smile, "It's great."
Every step you take inside this place makes you feel smaller and, at the same time, more excited. You enter a world to which you have never belonged, but which now opens up to you in the most unexpected way.
And deep down, you feel a strange mix of emotions, excitement to be here, but also a slight regret as you remember that this is not your world, that this is Aemond's life, not yours.
But Aemond doesn't notice any of this. He just keeps watching you, drawing his attention to the way you are amazed by everything.
There is something in your innocent amazement that moves him, something that makes him smile every time your eyes light up at the discovery of something new.
He knows that all this is new to you, and he likes to see you enjoying yourself, exploring this world that, for him, is so familiar but for you is completely unknown.
Then he takes you to the top floor, where there is also a small terrace that allows you to have an incredible view of the whole yacht and the ocean. And also where is the cabin to navigate the yacht.
"And do you know how to navigate this?" you ask him as you watch and walk through everything, looking at the details of the control panel and the helm, curious.
"Of course," he tells you slightly offended, "What's the point of owning a yacht and not knowing how to sail it?"
You can't help but let out a small laugh at the way he says it, almost as if it's a duty for someone like him.
"This is like a house, it already has everything you need and you could basically live here with no problem and without needing to sail."
"Yeah," he says thoughtfully, in agreement, "But the point is to sail it and show it off."
You let out a small laugh.
"Typical of those who live at Crown's."
He watches you with a small smile on his lips, realizing that for you, being here, getting to know his yacht, is enough. But not for him.
"Do you want to go sailing?"
"Now?" you look at him surprised, "In the middle of the night?"
"No, not now."
He answers you in a soft tone, moving closer to you, raising his hand to cup your cheek, watching you attentively and tenderly.
"But someday. Soon," he tells you then.
And you watch him in complete anticipation, leaning into his touch.
"Yes," he tells you softly, "We will."
You smile, excited, thrilled, excited, surprised, incredulous, all of it.
"I'd love to."
The idea of being here, of coming back and sailing the ocean together, seems almost unreal. It's something you never thought you could experience, much less with him. But the illusion settles deep within you.
Your smile widens even more, your eyes shining with excitement as you lean slightly into his touch, wanting to feel more of that warmth he brings you.
He watches you silently for a few moments and leans closer to you, kissing you softly.
His hand on your waist burns your skin and you cling to him completely, enjoying the taste of his lips, the warmth of his body, the way he makes you feel and the way he makes you forget everything and focus only on him.
And in the middle of the kiss, he pulls away just enough to murmur against your lips, his breath mixing with yours.
"We can spend the night here... if you want."
You watch him, somewhere between confusion and surprise.
"Here? Really?"
The idea is exciting, but forbidden, yet more exciting.
And he nods, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he watches you intently and gently, where you watching him back, you notice now that you are this close with him, his real eye and his prostatic eye, being able to see the difference.
But you don't care. He is still beautiful. Intrigue comes over you, though.
"Yes, yes we can. There won't be any problems. No one from my family comes here," he assures you, his tone calm.
"Are you sure? And Aegon?"
Aemond flashes a half-smile, cocking his head slightly to one side.
"I doubt he'll show up. He hasn't in a while.... Besides, if he come, he probably wouldn't even notice we were here."
Your thoughts race at full speed, the thought of staying there, in such a luxurious and private place, just you and Aemond alone, causes you a mixture of nerves and excitement.
You look around once more, feeling the cool evening breeze and the calm sound of the ocean in the distance. Everything seems magical. And you don't want to miss an opportunity like this.
Aemond leans into you again and kisses you more intensely this time. You cling to him, your hands exploring his neck and hair as the kiss grows deeper, more desperate, as if neither of you want it to end.
After a few minutes, when you both need to breathe, Aemond pulls away slightly, his lips barely brushing yours as he murmurs to you in a voice that is barely a whisper.
"Come. I'll show you where I usually sleep."
Without letting go of your hand, Aemond leads you back inside the yacht, down the stairs. The atmosphere inside is warm and welcoming, with dim lights illuminating the way.
You pass through several doors until you finally arrive at the last one, the room he showed you before and which is the largest of them all.
And as you both enter, tension, anticipation and excitement envelop both him and you. Where Aemond wraps his arms around your waist when your back is turned to him and rests his chin on your shoulder.
"Do you like it?" he whispers, his voice deep and calm.
You don't respond right away, as he begins to leave soft, wet kisses on your shoulder, then moves down to your neck.
You close your eyes and tilt your head to the side, giving him more accessibility, feeling the shivers run through your entire body and your breathing heavier.
"Yes," you reply on a shaky sigh.
His large hands caress your waist without ceasing to mark and kiss your skin, only for you to begin to lose patience and turn towards him in his arms, kissing him deeply.
And you feel how the ocean whisper mixes with yours.

general taglist:
@zenka69 @strangersunghoon @deliaseastar @thefireblaze @kythefangirl25 @p45510n4f4shi0n @saturnssrings @bellaisasleep @primroseluna @tinykryptonitewerewolf @barnes70stark @tssf-imagines
#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen fanfic#aemond targaryen fanfiction#aemond targaryen x you#hotd aemond#aemond fanfiction#aemond targaryen x y/n#aemond one eye#aemond targaryen angst#modern aemond#aemond x fem!reader
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𝑅𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐻𝑒𝓇𝑒
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)

𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after getting dumped by a guy you'd been talking to, you decided there wasn't much of a point in looking for love. You were better off just staying home and drinking while watching your comfort shows. well... perhaps the sheriff may be able to change your mind.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader gets dumped, alcohol, friends to lovers, smut MINORS DNI, Soft!Dom Beau, pet names (Sweetheart, Darlin(g) Princess, etc.) oral (fm receiving), cuffs, unprotected intimacy (reader's on birth control). Overstimulation. I think that's it???
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: hey guys, bare with me as this is my second smut. If anyone has any tips on how to better my writing when it comes to this sort of content please feel free to comment. Any advice is appreciated.

What was the point of getting all dolled up for someone that wasn't even going to give you the time of day?
You'd been trying to go on some dates here and there since it had been a while since you'd given it a shot. Besides, everyone deserved to have a little love in their life right? Why would you be an exception? You had plenty of things to offer. You were smart, and you were at least decent looking. Granted, you were no model or anything like that, but you didn't look like a potato grew arms and legs or anything. You took care of yourself, you were educated and had a decent job that you actually enjoyed. You thought you had a pretty good sense of humor and you at least tried to get along with everyone you met.
So what was stopping you when it came to finding a long term relationship?
About two months ago you downloaded a little dating app that Jenny Hoyt was telling you about. She recommended it because she claimed it was helping her at least talk to more people before she got back onto the dating scene. Now she was in a relationship with someone who was also a Private Investigator.
If it worked for Jenny, why couldn't it work for you?
So you gave it a shot.
A few days after you had downloaded the app you had started talking to a guy. His name was Preston. You didn’t expect anything to happen so fast and you didn’t want to get attached. Quick attachment was both dangerous and a little unrealistic, but you still found yourself getting excited to message him and you smiled every time you got a notification from him. When you two called you started to grow fond of hearing his voice before you went to bed. He had an adorable southern drawl that sounded like he was from the southern part of North Carolina and it cute whenever he said your name over the phone.
The both of you had even video called on numerous occasions so you knew what he looked like and he knew what you looked like. He was handsome and you thought the two of you would make the cutest couple if he ever asked you to be his girlfriend. Honestly you thought you could even be willing to move out of state just to be closer to Preston if things ever got serious.
The past two months flew by so fast and you were growing more and more fond of Preston. When he said he was going on a road trip and Montana was one of his stops, he said he wanted to meet you in person and that there was something he wanted to tell you. That excited you even more and you couldn't wait to find out what he wanted to say!
Preston told you when he was finally in Montana that morning and he would see you in a couple of hours. You had told him which diner to meet you at and when the time came you were practically on the edge of your seat. But as the time went on, he was about ten minutes late - which was fine, you had assumed maybe he got lost.
Then ten minutes became twenty. Then thirty. Then three hours suddenly flew by and that was when you finally got a notification on your phone.
The message Preston left you was heart breaking.
"Y/N, I'm sorry to have to do this... I wanted to tell you in person but I'm not good at this kind of thing. I just don't think we can work out. I just don't think we can really be that compatible with each other. It was nice talking to you, but it's time to move on... I'm sorry"
Before you even had the chance to type out a response, Preston had blocked you on practically everything. You couldn't even ask if there was anything you could do to at least try changing his mind.
And all of this brings you to where you are now...
With slightly puffy eyes and a reddened nose, you had just entered the closest liquor store. At least now you could see since the tears had stopped for the time being. You were roaming around the aisles, trying to decide how fucked up you wanted to get that night since you didn't have anything to do tomorrow. Then you heard a familiar voice.
You glanced over and you saw one of the sweetest women known to mankind was in the liquor store with you. Denise had the biggest smile on her face as she walked over in your direction, but her smile faltered the closer she got and her brows knitted with concern. That was your sign she must've noticed you'd been crying in your car for the past thirty minutes.
"Awe, sweetie.. you look terrible! Did something happen? Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked and you shook your head a little.
"Thanks, but no ma'am. It's just some allergies." You lied, though you doubted it was a believable story.
Nevertheless, the assistant at Dewell and Hoyt Private Investigations pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose before adjusting her cardigan a little but the look of concern never left her face. You had told her you were talking with someone on the phone, so she knew you had some little app like Jenny had and Denise had been so excited for you. It had been a while since she'd seen you happy over a boy.
"Allergies... Sweetie if it's allergies, I don't think those wine coolers will do the trick if it's an allergic reaction to a fractured heart." She frowned and you could feel your eyes water again and you looked down at the wine coolers you'd been looking at when she noticed you.
"Recommend anything a little stronger?" You asked, trying not to have your voice crack.
Denise frowned a little, but she took you by the hand and the two of you walked over to a different section.
"What are you doing here anyways, Denise? I didn't take you for a drinker." You said and the woman smiled a little.
"I was just picking up wine to cook with. Then maybe another bottle to have a glass with a good book." She admitted, causing you to grin a little.
When the two of you made it to the selection of vodkas, you started looking at the different brands before you picked up a bottle of Absolut Vanilla and you looked over at Denise.
"I hope your cooking goes well. You'll have to tell me what you made next time I come over to the PI's office and see you." You said and Denise nodded.
"Just make sure you message me when you get home. The waterworks is dangerous for driving too." She warned and you chuckled a little before you nodded. Even when your heart was broken, this woman could still somehow make you smile.
"I will." You promised.
"The ache will pass, sweetie. There's plenty of people out there waiting for the right one, even some locals." She said and she gave you a soft hug, which you returned. Then when she let go, she gave your arm a little reassuring squeeze before she walked off to the wine section.
As for you, you went to the register and bought the bottle you wanted before you walked out of the store, paper bag in hand. Finally, you could go home and drink in peace and try to forget all about this disaster, forget about love altogether even.

Beau was sitting down at is desk, gaze downcast at the paperwork he'd been filling out related to an investigation that's been closed that afternoon. It didn't help much that his back ached because he had to chase a perp on foot that afternoon since he was a suspect for a different case.
Just as he closed the file, Beau heard his phone beginning to ring. He groaned a little to himself before he took his phone and looked at the caller ID only to grin when he realized it was Denise. He answered the call and lifted the phone to his ear.
"Denise! I thought you'd be at home relaxing, what are you doing calling me so late?" Beau asked as he looked at the computer screen in front of him to look at the rest of the work he needed to do.
"Hey Beau, on your way home tonight can you do me a favor? It's about Y/N."
Once Beau heard your name slip through the speaker he stopped what he was doing so he could pay attention to Denise.
"What's going on with her? Is she alright?"
"Calm down, Cowboy. She's okay. I just need you to do a little wellness check on your way home tonight."
Beau looked at the time on the computer screen and he realized he was about to head home anyway after printing off some work he could take with him, "Looks like you caught me at a good time. I'm about to head out in a few minutes anyway. When did you last hear from Y/N?"
"Oh just a few minutes ago here at the liquor store. I was picking up some cooking wine when I saw her and Beau.. she really needs someone to talk to. She wasn't hysterical or anything, but she does seem to have an easier time talking with you about things." Beau rubbed the back of his neck at Denise's words.
"I'm not sure what gave you that idea." Beau chuckled a little but Denise scoffed.
"Oh don't give me that. You and I both know better than that." She said.
"If you say so. But I can stop by before heading home tonight." The sheriff promised with one last chuckle.
"Thanks Beau. I knew I could count on you. I'll talk to you soon, 'kay?" And with that, Denise hung up the phone.
Beau shifted his eyes at a picture on his desk. It was an image of you, him, Denise, Jenny and Cassie. The five of you had taken that after a state fair the previous year. He'd originally gone alone that year since he wanted to find something to do that night since it had been your day off. Then he ran into you since you were by yourself too. Then somewhere along the way you both had ran into Cassie, Jenny and Denise and the five of you spent that evening together.
You had always been sweet to him ever since he came into town. The both of you hit it off pretty well and he'd ended up inviting you to several movie nights whether it was with just him or if it was with Jenny, Cassie and Denise included. And all of this was while Beau was here as a temporary sheriff, but the more he was around you, the more Beau was finding a reason to stay here indefinitely.
Beau had to admit, he had a soft spot for you. Well, maybe it was more than just a little spot but he didn't think you'd be interested so it's just better if he put those feelings on a shelf. And if Denise called him to do a wellness check on you, something must've been wrong.
Beau got up from his desk after he'd started printing off whatever he needed to and he shut off the computer. Once he had everything together, he grabbed his jacket and paperwork that was now in a folder and he was out of the door before he made it to his car.
Finally, after leaving the station Beau made it to your house. He parked the car and got out before he started looking around the premises just incase something was wrong. Nothing seemed to be out of place, and there didn't seem to be any red flags when it came to the exterior of the house but he wanted to be thorough. When he walked up the porch he noticed the door was closed so it's not like anyone broke in from what he noticed. So Beau lifted a hand and gently knocked on the door.
He heard the sound of a TV going as well as a thump and Beau heard you curse from the other side of the door. A couple of seconds later the door opened up and Beau saw you rubbing your shin a little before standing upright. You were wearing nothing but a hoodie and some biker shorts, your hair was in a messy bun and he could tell you were trying to recover from crying, though you'd taken your makeup off already so the mascara wouldn't run down your face.
"You okay, Darlin?" Beau asked and he caught a whiff of some alcohol on your person.
"Yeah, just hit my shin getting up from the couch. Something I can help you with Beau?" You asked as you leaned your head against the door.
Beau noticed your cheeks were a little red but you were still able to annunciate your words. So maybe you were a little buzzed since you didn't seem to be drunk at the moment. You still had your senses about you, at least he hoped so.
"Um.. Denise asked me to check up on you. She seemed worried about you. Is... it okay if I come in?" Beau asked and you nodded a little before letting go of the door and you started walking back over to the couch.
"She really shouldn't be worried. I'm alright." Beau heard you say as he shut the door. Then he walked over and sat down beside you on the couch.
"Sweetheart, a person that's 'okay' doesn't just show up teary eyed at a liquor store intent on drinking alone." He replied and he turned the bottle around to take a look at what you were drinking.
"And drinking vanilla vodka no less. I might've gone for whisky myself." From the corner of his eye, Beau watched you shrug a little. Then he sat up again and looked at you.
"So... you gonna tell me what's going on?"
You sighed a little as you took another sip of the vodka before setting your glass down. You stared blankly at the TV that was just playing an episode of Friends since you weren't sure what else to put on.
"It's stupid. You'll think it was a waste of time for Denise to even have told you to come and check on me." You said and Beau put his hand on one of yours, covering the top of it.
"It's not a waste of time. Whatever you're going through, it matters. No matter how big or small the issue is, your feelings matter. You don't need to invalidate yourself because you think it's a waste of someone's time."
You looked at him, not sure why he felt the need to tell you something like that. But whatever the reason, you could tell Beau was being genuine with you. Then again, you couldn't exactly recall a time when he ever lied to you about anything.
You sighed a little and you looked down at your phone that was laying on the coffee table next to the bottle of Absolut. The screen was black since you'd turned it off after letting Denise know you were home. Would Beau really care if you told him everything? Might as well tell him since he was here.
"It's just... I should have known dating apps were stupid and this guy was too good to be true." You said, then you proceeded to explain why you got the app in the first place and the ordeal with Preston that evening.
"Wait, if he wasn't going to tell you in person, why bother coming to Montana at all on his road trip?" Beau asked and you shook your head.
"I don't know...."
Beau softened at the defeated tone in your voice. He reached out and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. You didn't resist and Beau felt you relax against his touch as he placed a soft kiss on your head.
"I'm just so tired of being alone.... This isn't where I wanted to be in life right now." You said.
"And where did you think you'd be?" Beau asked as his fingers started running through your hair softly as he massaged your scalp.
"I thought that if I wasn't married by now... I'd at least be in a serious relationship with the right guy. Like yeah I'm independent, I have a great job and it's not bad living by myself. It's not like I desperately need to have a man in my life but.. being alone gets tiring. It just sucks after a while." You began.
"It gets too quiet in the house sometimes and it's just nice to have someone to come home to. It's nice to actually feel wanted by someone. I thought I'd be in a relationship with a guy that if I'm home before he is after work, I could be in the kitchen doing whatever task and he'd be the guy to surprise me out of the blue with some flowers, maybe he'd turn off the water if I'm in the middle of dishes and he'd pull me into his arms and dance with me right there in the kitchen just because we could." You continued and you could feel your eyes starting to water up and burn with tears again.
"But that shit's not in the cards for me and I get it now. I must be defective or something." You scoffed and got up from leaning against Beau, rubbing one of your eyes with the palm of one of your hands. Then you reached over to grab your glass again but then a large hand grabbed your wrist, preventing you from drinking anymore.
You turned your head to look over at Beau, who's gaze seemed to soften and he pulled your wrist softly which caused you to stop reaching over for the vodka. Then you felt him let go of your wrist and he reached up before he started wiping whatever tears you'd missed from your cheeks.
"You aren't defective. Far from it." Beau spoke with such sincerity that you almost wanted to believe it.
"You're saying that because we're friends..." You rolled your eyes and looked away at the TV screen.
Beau's jaw tensed and he cupped your face in his hands before he made you look at him again.
"I'm not just saying that. You should know by now that I wouldn't lie to you." he insisted and you looked down at the space in between you.
"Then what's wrong with me?" You whispered and closed your eyes, doing your best to stop anymore tears from forming. You were so tired of crying, tired of feeling this way.
Beau watched you divert your gaze away again but this time he didn't force your gaze to look at him. Instead, he carefully pulled you into him again and let your head go back to his shoulder.
"Nothing is wrong with you, Y/N. I hate that some random asshole on a stupid app made you feel this way. Any guy would be lucky to be with you. It would be a privilege to be with someone like you. You have so much to offer, and if what's-his-face couldn't see that then all it means is he's to ignorant to realize what he walked out on, or he's clearly incapable of seeing a good thing even when it's right in front of him like other people." Beau said as his hand rested against the back of your head.
"I just feel like whatever person I'm supposed to be with is just stuck in a different timeline. I can't find him no matter how hard I try." You sighed, but this time your voice didn't sound quite as broken which was something you were grateful for.
"Maybe.. maybe you just need to look in a couple of different places. Or maybe..." Beau trailed off, nearly hesitant.
"Maybe... the sort of person you're looking for might be closer to you than you think they are."
You slowly lifted your head from Beau's shoulder and you looked at the sheriff. Your eyes met with his and there was a lingering silence between you before you found yourself looking at his lips. Would it be wrong of you to wonder what his lips would feel like against yours?
You looked up into his eyes again and placed a soft hand on his chest, "Maybe... you could help me look in the right places for that person."
Beau nearly couldn't believe his ears, and the way you were looking at him almost made him wonder if he was dreaming this up in this head. Maybe he was at the station again slumped over sleeping at his desk or something.
The moment you started getting closer, Beau relaxed and put a hand on your cheek, "I'll show you more than that, Darlin... only if you let me."
After you nodded, Beau slowly leaned in before his lips barely grazed over yours, giving you a chance to pull away if you had second thoughts. You, on the other hand, put a hand on his cheek before deepening the kiss and let him know there wouldn't be second thoughts.
The kiss started sweet, slow and gentle. Beau was so careful with you, almost like he was scared he'd break you but he loved the way your lips felt against his own. You loved how sweet Beau was with you in this moment and you couldn't help but melt all because of a kiss. You didn't know how long you've been kissed, but this felt more right than anything you'd done before. But it wasn't long before the swirling feeling in your stomach made you want a little more.
With your lips still attached, you slowly moved to where one thigh went over Beau's lap and the next thing you knew, you were on top of him. He placed one of his large hands on your thigh while the other was behind your neck as if trying to pull you closer into the kiss. You could tell he was still trying to be careful and not push any boundaries, so you reached down and moved his hand from your thigh and pulled it up to where it was on your hip and you slid forward into him so where both your cores touched.
Beau let out a soft groan against your lips before he pulled away and he looked up at you again. You looked down at him, confusion on your face.
"Is something wrong?" You asked.
"Nothing's wrong, Sweetheart. It's just that.. you've been drinking and I don't want this to turn into something you regret later on. Are you sure this is something you want?" Beau asked.
"Beau, it takes a lot more than a glass and a half of vodka to make me delirious and incapable of making decisions with a sound mind. You caught me before I got to that point and I'm okay right now. Whatever happens tonight... I won't regret it. It'll be a sober choice so there's nothing for you to feel bad about. I promise." You reassured in a whisper, then you leaned in and kissed his cheek.
After that, Beau seemed to be a little less tense beneath your touch now that he knew you were sober enough to consent to whatever would happen next. The last thing he wanted to do was take advantage of you and make you uncomfortable. Beau leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your shoulder before he started kissing up your neck gently. He smiled against your skin at the way you'd giggle at the way his beard would tickle your neck.
"Ticklish, are we?" He asked and you blushed a little.
"Maybe just a little sensitive." You confessed and Beau hummed a little before he leaned in and kissed you again.
This time, with this kiss Beau seemed to have more certainty in his actions. He was still just as gentle as before but this time it was like he had a little more ambition. It was more than a chaste kiss to start. He tilted his head and you could feel the tip of his tongue lightly graze your bottom lip as if asking permission to slip inside. As soon as your lips parted, you felt his tongue slip past and he kissed you deeply like it was his personal mission to take your breath away.
As he kissed you, you could feel your heartbeat hasten. Goosebumps were starting to form on your arms with the adrenaline you were beginning to feel. You hadn't been kissed like this in so long that you'd practically forgotten what it felt like. Your cheeks were heating up and your hands went to the back of his neck, fingers threading through his hair at the base of his neck.
Beau loved the way your fingers felt in his hair. If he could melt in your arms he could right then and there and he didn't want this feeling to go away. You kissed him back with passion and he was glad things didn't seem to be one sided at least for tonight. You deserved to be loved, deserved to be shown just how beautiful you were.
He slowly let one of his hands slip beneath your hoodie and he realized you weren't wearing a shirt underneath. The second he felt your skin beneath his fingertips he felt like he could get lost in you. What caught him by surprise though, was when you wrapped your pretty lips around his tongue and sucked on it softly. It was like you were trying to make him lose all the self control he had.
Beau placed his hand on the small of your back and pulled you closer to him, letting your cores touch again that way you could feel exactly what you were doing to him. You moaned against his mouth and around his tongue before he pulled away from your lips.
You were just as breathless as Beau was but all it took was that simple word and you knew exactly what he wanted you to do. You slowly began to move your hips and you could feel the hardness beneath his jeans against the thin material of your biker shorts. You were already beginning to feel his affect over you but this took things to a different level as you felt him against your clothed core. He already felt so hard and so big and rocking against him like this was enough to drive you crazy.
Your thighs were already beginning to shake when Beau put both his hands on your hips and pulled you down herder against him. You moaned softly as he moved your hips and you felt even more of him and once Beau hit a certain spot, you gripped down on his covered shoulders.
"Steady now, Sweetheart. Keep going. You can do this." He said sweetly though his movements were getting faster and he started to move his hips up into you.
You were beginning to moan a little louder as you continued to let Beau rub your cunt against his bulge and your thighs were shaking a little more and you gripped down harder on his jacket. Your movements were becoming more erratic and you were so close to coming undone.
"Beau, I'm-"
"Go ahead, Princess. Don't hold back."
As soon as he said those words, you came undone in your biker shorts. You could feel the wetness soaking the clothes between your legs as your core throbbed around nothing. Your legs shook against him, but Beau let his hands gently rub over your thighs in a soothing fashion.
"I'm so sorry... that's so embarrassing." You said and hid your face in your hands, causing Beau to chuckle before he took your hands away from your face and kissed your palms.
"Don't hide from me, Y/N. And don't be sorry... that was perfect. You did amazing for me." You nodded a little but you still felt flustered.
"Where's your bedroom, Sweetheart?" He asked as he placed a soft kiss on your temple.
"U-Upstairs. First room." You stammered, though you were getting the feeling that he was far from done with you.
Beau lifted you up in his arms with little to no effort at all and he carried you up to your bedroom. He felt your soft lips against his neck and he smiled to himself. He had no clue you could be adorable in times like this, and he couldn't wait to make tonight all about you.
Once he stepped into your bedroom, he walked over to your mattress and carefully laid you down. When you let go and he got a better look at you, he swore his heart was about to leap from his chest. Your cheeks were dusted with pink and your lips were swollen from his kisses. You were so cute like this.
"Would it... be okay if I undressed you, Darlin?" Beau asked.
"Only if I get to see you too." You compromised and Beau smiled as you sat up.
You reached up and started with the sheriff's jacket. You slid it off his shoulders and Beau tossed it onto the floor somewhere. Then you started to unbutton his flannel shirt only to reveal his chest but before you could slide it off his shoulders and get a better look, Beau took your hands to stop you.
"Your turn, Sweetheart." He said and you nodded a little.
Beau reached down and carefully gripped the bottom of your hoodie before he slowly began to pull it up. Once the hoodie was over your head, you could feel your body grow cold but you quickly crossed your arms over your chest covering them up since you didn't have a bra under your hoodie. The next thing you knew, Beau held one of your hands but didn't pull them away from your chest - instead he gave you a soft gaze.
"Y/N... I told you already. Don't hide from me." He said as he let his thumb graze over your knuckles.
Your cheeks flushed again but you nodded a little before you slowly pulled your arms down from your chest so he could get a better look at you.
"God... you're so pretty, Sweetheart." Beau said when he saw you. He couldn't get enough of you when he saw you like this. You were so breathtaking and he wanted to make sure you knew that.
He leaned down and you laid down on the bed as he started to hover over you. But when Beau leaned down next to your ear, you bit your lip at the way his breath felt against your skin as he spoke.
"If you hide from me again, then I'll have to do something about those pretty little hands of yours." He said as he kissed your temple again.
That statement alone made you get butterflies in your stomach. A part of you couldn't help but be a little curious about what he would do but you wanted to comply. When he pulled away, you looked up at him and you swore you were seeing some kind of vision above you.
Beau hadn't turned the light on when he brought you into the bedroom, and the curtains of your window were opened so the moonlight was hitting him just right and he looked absolutely divine hovering over you like this.
"Fuck.." You breathed out as you took in the sight of him, just for Beau to chuckle.
Beau bit down on his bottom lip before he started to take off his flannel shirt since you'd unbuttoned it already. You're eyes widened when he slipped the material off his shoulders and tossed it somewhere with the jacket. You had no idea he would look this good. His top half was a sight to see and you couldn't believe this was real. You slowly reached up and let your fingertips touch his chest before it trailed down his abs.
"God I must be hallucinating this whole thing." You said and Beau chuckled a little before he leaned down and kissed your forehead.
"Believe me, you aren't." Beau promised before he pulled away from you and he slowly started to kiss down your neck again.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N... gorgeous in every way." Beau whispered between kisses.
You could feel his kisses grow hot and the feeling of his teeth against your skin made you feel almost ecstatic. His mouth continued to trail down your body and the next thing you knew, you felt his hot breath over one of your breasts, causing you to shiver before his lips wrapped around one of your nipples, making your breath get caught in your throat. Then, Beau's other hand glided up the skin of your stomach before it cupped your other breast in his palm. He gave your mound a little squeeze before he took your erect nipple between his fingers and pinched it softly, causing you to moan his name.
With every movement of his mouth and every pinch he gave, you could feel yourself losing your mind. You squeezed your thighs together as he switched and gave your opposite breast his attention. His tongue swirled around your nipple. Both nipples were growing hard beneath his touch because of his actions and soft little whimpers were making their way past your lips.
"Beau.. y-your mouth feels so good." You breathed out as one of your hands went to the back of his head in an attempt to bring him closer.
After a few moments, Beau moved away from your chest and his kisses trailed down your stomach before he stopped. His hands were at the waistband of your biker shorts and he looked up at you.
"You doing okay, Princess? Do you want to keep going?" He asked and you nodded instantly.
"God yes..."
Beau smirked up at you and the moment you saw it, it about killed you. Even his smirk could make you weak in the knees.
Beau found it adorable how easy it was to get you flustered. You were so adorable like this and he loved the affect he had over you. He bit down on his lip as you slowly lifted your hips and he tugged down your shorts, revealing your glistening core that was still wet from your previous high.
Before he could get a good look at it though and spread your legs, your hands flew down to cover them up again, making Beau glare up at you.
"What did I tell you about that?" He asked you and you bit your lip.
"S-Sorry, I couldn't help it." You admitted but Beau shook his head a little.
"I told you, I'd have to do something about those hands if you covered yourself like that again, Princess." He reminded as he reached behind his back.
"Give me your wrists." He said in a way that told you this wasn't up for debate and he pulled out his handcuffs that had been in the back pocket of his jeans.
Flustered and speechless, you nodded. When you offered your wrists to Beau, he took them and put the cuffs on one of your wrists, looped it around a part of your headboard before hooking the other cuff around your second wrist, leaving you helpless with both your arms above your head so you couldn't try hiding yourself from him again.
"How does that feel, Princess. Are they too tight?" He asked and you shook your head.
"N-No. They feel fine." You promised.
"Good." He nodded a little before he went back to your lower half.
Then, he parted your thighs so he could get a better look at you. Your folds seemed to drip with your arousal and release and Beau couldn't help but ache in his jeans at the sight of you like this.
"So damn stunning..." He breathed out as he slowly kissed from one of your knees down your thigh. Then, he started to nip at your skin the closer he got to your core.
Beau settled between your legs and draped your thighs over his shoulders before he let his tongue gently glide through your folds as slow as possible. He groaned at the tase of you and his length twitched in his pants because of it. He didn't think he'd ever tasted something so heavenly and your moans sounded so pretty in his ears as he continued to lick through your folds.
You were trying your damn best not to lose control of yourself, but Beau's mouth did absolute wonders on your body. His tongue went through your folds so effortlessly and it felt like pure ecstasy. Without even realizing it, you were beginning to raise your hips in an effort to get closer to his mouth. But the moment he found that special little bundle of nerves, it was over.
"Fuck, Beau." You moaned as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked on it.
Then, you started feeling something poking at your entrance. With a slow thrust, while Beau's mouth was working its magic, he took his finger and slipped inside of your core with ease. He curled up his finger and found your spot almost instantly.
The way he moved his finger was so blissful mixed with the work of his tongue. You could feel his beard scraping between your thighs, making them burn in the best way possible. After a while, Beau slipped a second finger into you, making your core stretch around his fingers. You moaned softly and your hands turned into fists above your head. You wished you had listened so you could run your fingers through Beau's hair.
"Beau-fuck.. please, d-don't stop." You pleaded and when you tried to raise your hips again, Beau took his free hand and pinned you down to the mattress and started to devour you as if he'd never get another chance.
Beau couldn't get enough of the way you sounded, couldn't get enough of your taste. If he could, he would absolutely drown himself in you. He slipped a third finger inside you and you moaned even louder for him. He could feel your legs beginning to shake around his head as his fingers curled and hit that sweet spot of yours again.
He pulled his lips away from your clit and he looked up at you, seeing you struggling against your restraints. Your cheeks were so red and your face looked so adorable like this when you felt good from just his fingers alone. He loved watching the way your body was squirming against him, watching the way you were moving your hips into his hand but then he started to feel your walls clench around his three fingers.
"B-Beau, I'm c-close.."
"Go ahead Princess. Relax and let it happen. Let go of yourself on my fingers." He encouraged as he kept his pace steady.
Then, Beau watched in awe at the way you came undone all over his fingers. He slowed the pace of his hand and used the other to rub your thighs soothingly before he finally pulled his fingers out of your sensitive core.
"You did so well for me, Beautiful." Beau whispered before he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
You hummed into his mouth, not caring that you could taste yourself on his lips. His kisses were so addicting and if you could, you wondered if you could kiss him forever.
Unfortunately you couldn't find that out because Beau had pulled away from your lips and when you opened your eyes, you realized he was grabbing a key from his pocket. He reached up and unlocked the cuffs, releasing your wrists and without hesitation you grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss him again.
He gasped in surprise but he relaxed against your touch and closed his eyes again. He let his clean hand cup your cheek before he pulled away and he looked down at you.
You already looked so worn out in the prettiest way possible and he almost didn't want to ask if you wanted to keep going because he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. But when Beau felt your fingers hook themselves around his belt loops to pull him closer, he knew he needed to say something.
"Y/N... if you let me do this I can't turn back." Beau warned you, but you reached your hand up and caressed his cheek.
"Who says I want you to turn back? I want you to keep going, Beau. I trust you." You whispered and moved a stray hair away from his face.
Beau smiled softly before he leaned down and let your noses nuzzle together in a little eskimo kiss before he pecked your lips before he pulled away. Then he reached down to start unbuckling his belt, but that was when he felt your smaller hands over his own.
"Let me do it." You told him as you sat up.
Beau bit down on his lip as he took his hands away and let you start to unbuckle his belt. Your hands were so delicate and he smiled to himself as he watched you start to unbutton his jeans and unzip them. Your reaction when you slid his jeans down was priceless. He didn't think you could possibly get any redder until you saw what was under his jeans.
"You're cute when you're flustered, you know that Sweetheart?" He asked and you bit your lip and looked up at him again.
"Are you sure it'll fit?" You asked.
After all, you had never seen a shape that large even if it was covered up by his boxers. You had to admit it was a little intimidating, but then you felt Beau move a strand of hair from your face.
"It it ever gets to be too much, you can always tell me to slow down or stop." Beau promised and you nodded a little.
"Lay back down for me, Princess." He said and you did so obediently before he started hovering over you.
"Do you have any protection, Sweetheart?" He asked and you shook your head a little.
"I'm on the pill. You'll be okay." You insisted and he nodded a little.
You gazed at him as he started to slide his boxers down and finally revealed himself. You gulped harshly, unsure if you'd ever seen anything quite like him. Scratch that, you were positive you hadn't seen a man quite that size.
Beau hovered over you again and you spread your legs out for him. As he lowered his hips into yours, your breath got caught in your throat again. His shaft slid between your folds and it felt so good against your clit. Your eyes fluttered shut as you focused on the feeling of him rubbing against you and your hands roamed up from his forearms up to his shoulders before you wrapped them around his back.
"Beau.. don't be a tease. Please.." You whispered your plea as you kissed his collar bone.
Beau smiled to himself when he heard your soft spoken words before he nodded a little. After that, he took his length and carefully pushed the tip against your entrance. Then he finally pushed it in and your walls wrapped around him in the best way possible. Beau let out a groan at the way you felt around him, so warm and tight despite having stretched you out.
"Fuck, Y/N... you're so damn perfect." He breathed out.
You moaned in pleasure at the stretch. He already felt so good inside you and you loved the way he sounded because of you. You didn't think you were capable of making someone feel this good, but it felt so reassuring. Rejuvenating even.
After a couple of seconds, Beau slid more of himself inside you and you bit your lip to prevent yourself from screaming at the pleasure of it all. You could already fill him so deep inside of you and you knew this was past the point of return for the both of you. You reached beside your head and gripped onto the sheets of your mattress as you tried to adjust to his size again.
The moment Beau finally pushed the rest of himself into you though, you white-knuckled the sheets and cried out his name. This feeling was so much more than you could fathom and you felt breathless with the pleasure of having Beau filling you up to the brim like this. You didn’t think you’d ever felt this stuffed in your life.
“H-Holy shit…” Beau grunted, loving the way you sounded as he filled you completely to the brim. When he looked down at you, he gulped harshly at the sight of a bulge showing in your stomach.
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so beautiful.” He said and he lifted a hand before he pressed it down against your stomach. The both of you moaned in response to the way that pressure felt and Beau sure that if he wasn’t careful, he’d lose it right there.
Beau leaned down before he started to kiss your cheek, causing you to relax your grip on the sheets and he felt your gentle hands on his arms. Then he felt you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He placed one hand on your thigh and his other arm slid behind your back and pulled you closer into himself. Your chest was pressed against his and he could feel the way you hid your face into his neck as he stayed still inside you, letting you adjust to everything.
“Are you feeling okay, Princess?” He asked you softly, you nodded into his neck in response.
“Is it alright if I move?” Another nod came from you and he slowly began to move his hips.
Beau heard the sweetest sounds escape your lips as you whimpered softly with his slow movements. The friction between the two of you felt so good and he didn’t remember the last time he had felt so good with a woman. He continued to move slowly against you and he felt the way you started to grip at his shoulders. He hissed a little at the way your nails began to dig into his skin and he started to gradually move faster.
“Beau.. I-I need you to go faster.” You begged and Beau grunted deeply.
He paused for a moment before he parted your thighs from around his waist and pressed your knees against your chest. You screamed at the deeper angle and he started to move his hips faster. The sounds in the room were wet and lewd. When Beau looked down he could see you practically creaming around his cock. His length was covered with your slick and it was beginning to leak onto the sheets.
Your heart was racing and you felt like you were losing your mind. You walls were clenching around Beau’s length and you swore you were about to come undone again. The pit in your stomach was starting to tighten again and you felt like you were about to cum for a third time and you felt so sensitive as it is.
Beau felt beads of sweat start to roll down his temple as he continued to move. He bit down on his lip at the way your walls clenched around him so tightly. He could feel your body trembling beneath him before he started to slam himself into you again. He started thrusting even faster, deeper and Beau couldn’t restrain himself anymore.
“God, Y/N… you’re too fucking good.” Beau cursed and he took one of your hands before placing it beside your head, holding your wrist to the mattress.
“Beau, I can’t h-hold it. C-Close.” You warned and Beau nodded.
“Can’t hold it either. Give it to me, Sweetheart. Need you to come undone on me like.” Beau said though his voice was strained.
You listened to his words and you focused on the way Beau pounded into you. You focused on how deep he felt inside you, how he hit even the deepest parts of you that made you see stars. The next thing you knew, Beau had his fingers on your clit again rubbing harsh circles against those nerves. It didn’t take long after that for you to arch your back and you came harder than you had before. You screamed out his name and you swore you could even see white for a moment.
Beau watched as you came to your release. It had to be the sexiest thing he had ever seen. When your back arched he looped his arm behind you again and held you close to his chest as he rode out your high while you shook in his arms. He felt something warm spray onto his abdomen and he let out a curse. When he looked down he realized there was a clear liquid between you two and that was when Beau realized you’d squirted onto him.
“Holy shit…” He breathed out. He didn’t know he’d made you feel that good but he loved the way he could make you feel if this was the reaction he’d get.
You opened your eyes and slowly looked up at Beau through your lashes. Then you lifted a hand and caressed his cheek.
“Beau.. N-Need you to cum inside me. Please.” You begged and Beau was already so close as it is.
Beau was so hard that it physically ached and he didn’t know how much more he could take. But when he heard those words escape your lips, it was over for him. He took your hand away from his cheek and pinned it down to the bed again before he intertwined your fingers with his.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so perfect. Shit..” Beau cursed as he squeezed your hand tightly.
After a few more thrusts, Beau finally released into you. You shuddered against him as he filled you up with his release and you could even feel his release coming out and running down your ass onto the sheets.
Both of you stayed still while Beau was still buried deep inside of you, You carefully leaned up and started to place soft kisses on his shoulders before making your way up his neck. Your free hand was lightly scratching his back with your fingernails in a soothing manner to try and calm him down from his own high while he still held your other one beside your head.
Beau trembled beneath your touch, feeling more sensitive than he’d expected to be. Then again, it had been a while since he’d slept with someone too so maybe you both needed a night like this more than you thought you did.
“Thank you…” Your voice broke Beau from his thoughts.
He hummed a little as his brows narrowed before he looked down at you.
“What are you thanking me for?” He asked softly.
“For checking on me tonight. For making me feel like I can be worth something to someone.” You whispered and Beau softened before he took the hand that was beside your head and pulled it between you two. He flipped your hand and kissed the back of it, never breaking eye contact with you.
“I told you.. all you had to do was look in the right places.” He said and smiled down at you. Then he leaned down and kissed your lips softly. Then he started to pull away and when he was about to pull out of you, you wrapped your legs around him again.
“Don’t go just yet.” You whispered.
“Y/N, I won’t be going anywhere. But I do need to clean you up and get you into some clean sheets before you get some rest.” Beau said and you hummed softly.
“That can wait a few minutes… couldn’t it?” You asked and Beau smiled softly.
“I suppose it could.” He replied and he leaned down, placing soft kisses on your own shoulder.
“For the record… dating apps are over rated. You could do so much better than total strangers.” Beau said softly between kisses.
“I think I may have found better.” You whispered and Beau lifted his head and he smiled down at you.
He leaned down to kiss you once more and you knew that you could trust Beau with everything. You wondered if maybe he could be everything you wanted, and needed. Maybe this was the opened door to something you had always dreamed of and Beau was right. You just needed help finding where to look.

Tag List:
@deans-spinster-witch @roseblue373 @nancymcl @jackles010378 @hobby27 @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @blackcherrywhiskey @prettyinplaid94 @suckitands33 @muhahaha303 @winchesterwild78 @ladysparkles78 @stoneyggirl2 @kr804573 @n-o-p-e-never @deansbbyx @k-slla
#jensen ackles#supernatural#spnfandom#beau arlen ff#beau arlen x yn#big sky beau arlen#jensen ackles beau arlen#beau arlen x female reader#beau arlen smut#jensen ackles smut#jesnen ackles big sky#jensen big sky#jensen ackles big sky#big sky fanfiction#big sky fanfic#jensen ackles imagine#spn
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maybe us being extremely stressed with work / overload of responsibilities and husband!nanami seeing us break down and comforting us? 🤍 + love ur work sm i love ur writing 🌸
devotion , nanami kento
x gn!stressed!reader ! nanami is the biggest green flag, he calls you 'love' and 'darling', the reader calls him 'baby', very short kissy moment at the end (spoilers!!!!1!2)
author's note: writers block has been hitting me hard but i wanted this to be the best it could and ive been like "why is this taking so long to finish???" i scroll down the notes app from the top... this feels like SO much more than how much i would usually write 😭 never mind that, but thank you for your request and the compliment! i actually squealed of joy when i first read it!
i hope you like this and it fits well with what you envisioned 🫶
another sleepless night. the piles of papers were all just too blank, too white, it made your brain dizzy. not the mention the screen of your laptop blaring into your eyes, even on the lowest brightness. everything was just too much. you had too much to do.
it all seemed to be stacking up, each one more complex than the next. the house would've been in complete disarray if you hadn't forced yourself to clean every morning, and the black trash bag by your feet was definitely more than full at this point, overflowing, filled to the brim with take out that you never finish. offering advice to others was a mistake, considering you couldn't listen to them yourself, and your phone was unread messages, and some whom are left on seen. who the hell lives a life like this? built on lies and hiding it from your husband... and did you even pay the bills? or was that on auto-pay?
you're constantly checking the clock, waiting for the time where six o'clock hits. your eyes are barely open, but they just manage to glance over at the ring on your finger. pretty. it only has to sit there, be a sign of devotion and loyalty, and do nothing else. would it be pathetic to say you envy it? perhaps.
oh, how desperately you want to close your eyes. to drift away, not have any weight on your shoulders. maybe on a beach...
you're close to gasping, but two large hands resting on your upper arms just about cuts it off. warm, and a familiar warmth too. "kento?" was the only thing you could squeeze out, your body making an effort to turn your head towards him.
"it's nearly midnight. why are you still awake?" nanami's voice is as soothing as always. you swear you nearly fell asleep right then and there.
"it's not—" you glance at the clock. five minutes to midnight. how did you miss six? "oh... why did you come home so late? i was waiting for you."
nanami doesn't say anything. your excuse was silly, really, your prominent eyebags and red eyes making a clear point.
he turns the chair around. "i don't like it when you lie, love."
"what? no, no. i just—" no matter how much you lie, nothing could hide what was welling up in your eyes. "i..." a shaky sigh leaves your lips, and you avoid his gaze.
"you can be honest with me. it's okay." one of his hands come to cup your jaw, his fingertips tickling your hair. in a soothing motion, his thumb rubs light circles on your cheek. you can't look away. "what's wrong?"
"nothing. nothing. please, it's nothing." it's growing difficult to speak. "there's nothing— nothing—"
"you're stressed."
"i'm not." the tears streaming down your face are saying otherwise. you couldn't hide, no, you didn't want to hide it anymore. "...kento..."
"i hear you." his hands drift down to yours, a firm grip around them, and he crouches further down than the level you're sitting at. through your tears, you can see nanami taking off his glasses, setting them down ok the ground. the love and concern his eyes when he looks up at you was almost too much to handle. "talk to me."
"i can cope with it, baby." you whisper, an involuntary sniffle being added on at the end. clearly, that was the wrong answer.
he sighs, and his fingers twist the ring on your left hand and he lifts it up a bit. "do you see this?"
you nod.
"this is physical proof that my mind, body and soul will always love you." he shifts a little, his gaze returning back to yours. "i remember what i said at the alter, and i always will. 'in sickness and in health', and i promised that. if i don't hold up what i promised, would i really be a good husband?"
for a while, it was silent. it was like he was waiting for an answer, but he knew he didn't need one. you felt different, like something inside of you was telling you to give in. telling you that you're safe, and in the comfort of your loved one's arms. you hadn't even realised that your arms were wrapped tight around nanami's neck, sobs you never thought would come out of your own mouth being more frequent than you'd like.
"i'm here, love." he pulls you closer by the waist, and his hold is tender. "can i carry you?"
you don't give him a verbal answer, just silently clinging onto him as he slowly lifts you off the chair. then, he makes his way towards the bed, sitting down on the edge with you curled up on his lap. "you can tell me about it when you calm down. or do you want to sleep first?"
"no... 'm just stressed, kento. i've been so worried about us, the future, other things... i just— i'm doing too much." "i need a breather or something. it's all too much."
"is there anything i can do to help?"
"i don't know. i really don't." naturally, your eyes start to close.
"get some rest."
the next time your eyes open, it's bright outside, and you're lightly tangled up in the blankets on the bed. one thing that didn't change however, is your husband's face in front of yours, his affectionate gaze remaining on you and you only. you miss this. you miss appreciating this.
nanami admires you, tugging down the comforter so your arms had a bit more freedom. "good morning, love."
"morning, baby." immediately, you eye the blond strands that somewhat disrupt his vision, there's a soft smile on your face, and your fingers run through his blond locks, feeling a bit of his undercut. "your hair isn't styled."
he hums quietly, his crossed arms on the mattress moving closer to your figure. "i'm not going into work today."
your eyes widen. "why not?"
"you're always my first priority. the last thing i'd want is you to be handling hard situations without me." his voice is just above a mutter. "i need to take care of the person i love."
"you don't have to." you whisper, pangs of conscience fizzing up in your mind.
to match your volume, he whispers back. "i want to."
so doting, it makes you feel guilty. would you feel more bad for taking his help or rejecting it? "when you're ready to wake up, i can get a bath ready and..." he takes a breath. "i'll cook you some breakfast. your favourite."
sitting up a little, you glance over at your desk. the papers were piled on the sides of the surface and significantly reduced in size, the trash bag was gone, and only a few of your favourite trinkets are presented in the middle. "my work—"
"we can talk about work after you feel better, okay?"
you turn your head towards him again and nod. slowly, you bring both of your hands up to his cheeks, focus shifting from his eyes to his lips. "can i have a kiss?"
"of course you can." and nanami smiles, his lips coming to close the distance and press against yours.
#jjk fluff#jjk headcanons#jjk imagines#jujutsu kaisen#jjk x you#jujutsu kaisen headcanons#jujutsu kaisen imagines#jjk#jjk x reader#nanami drabbles#nanami headcanons#nanami x you#nanami fluff#jjk nanami#jujutsu nanami#jujutsu kaisen nanami#nanami kento#nanami x reader#jujutsu kento#jjk kento#kento fluff#kento x reader#kento x you#asks ౨ৎ
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hello. chill if nah but do you want to share some advice for teasing/flirting w people? I know this guy, trans, loses it every time I call him "good boy" or "handsome" but I'm running out of tricks!! But he's so fun to teaseeee I don't wanna run out
I mean it depends on the person but if he’s into that kind of thing I can tell you other stuff he might enjoy, leaning more praise because of the examples you gave me. Pretty boy, an actual pet name like puppy, doggy, pet, or something, or like a overly cute nickname based on his name are some options to incorporate. Something id suggest is kind of dropping something teasing on him very suddenly in conversation. Innocently asking him to do something and then being like “aww what a good boy, you’re so good at doing what you’re told” is an easy example/ way to set it up. It’s just super cute to watch them get all surprised and clearly turned on.
Another thing I enjoy for teasing is like a demeaning compliment. Situation dependent but something like “it’s a good thing you’re so handsome/ cute because you’re not the brightest, puppy” after he like doesn’t understand a thing or makes a little mistake. Maybe if you helped him with something random you could say like “what would a pet like you do if I wasn’t here to take care of you”. These are just examples in the nature of what you’re going for, you’re gonna need think of little comments based on what’s happening in your conversation and cater them to what the guy likes. Also think about whats gender affirming when you’re choosing what to compliment and insult. For trans men I usually like to insult their intelligence since being like a dumb blockhead is just kind of a guy thing and usually won’t actually hurt any feelings, I’d lift them up in like appearance (handsome, cute, pretty etc), usefulness/obedience, (good job, good boy, what a good listener,you take it so well etc), or any other trait you know that specific person would enjoy being complimented on.
I’d also suggest possessiveness if everyone’s comfortable. My puppy, My pet, My pretty boy. Be a good boy for me, touch yourself for me, cum for me ( obviosuly more risqué but just add for me to most commands). I find most people enjoy the security and feeling of being wanted that comes with possessive talk and it just makes the praise all the more addictive.
Another thing is if hes responding very positively start making him directly participate. Who’s good boy?, you’re really so desperate for me huh? Tell me how bad you want it?. Just prompt him to respond. Either he does it and it’s adorable and embarrassing or he sputters out because answering is too embarrassing for him and you get to watch him get all flustered. Works well for some degration to, “you’re really such a slut huh?” Or something similar so that he either agrees or pathetically tries to deny it while still actively getting turned on which you can make fun of him for. It’s kind of little conversational trap.
Also keep in mind tone for all of this, I think that kind of condescending, patronizing, overly sweet tone is my go to. It’s kind of like everything he is doing is so cute but in a way thats actively demeaning to him. You don’t have to do that though. A Genuine sounding sweet voice can be very fun if you incorporate a bit more degration. Like someone sounding 100% sincerely nice while they’re calling you degrading names and making fun of you is super hot. Just find what works for the both of you. If it’s flirting over text then there’s only so much you can do but writing out the occasional condescending “awww” or telling him how irl you’re giggling at him can kind of bridge that gap. But like say those things honestly, don’t make up how you’re reacting just share it with him if it’ll add to the dirty talk.
Anyway hope this all helps, break that guys mind for me <3
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🎱 Trust In Me When I Say 🎱
Chapter Four of That's What You Get
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Female Reader
Summary: What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas, and now that you're back in Quantico, you and Spencer decide to seek some advice.
Warnings: none!
A/N: My laptop gave up on me tonight, so this one was typed out on my phone, just as the fanfiction gods intended. This one was fun to write, though, and I'm so excited for the next few chapters! Hope you enjoy it!
Check out the series masterlist and my general masterlist. Requests are closing in September for 1 month!
Spencer slept all the way back to Quantico, not once budging his hand from your leg or letting you know peace. You enjoyed the warmth of his hand between your legs, but masking your expressions after your original wake-up time was like working on a case all over again.
You wished you could just curl up into his side and sleep again for another ten hours, still feeling the exhaustion of your night out. When the PA system pinged with an alert from the Pilot saying you were close to landing, you panicked slightly about how the hell you were going to get the man off of you.
If you pushed his arm away, surely they'd see the movement under the blanket and think you had been doing something way less innocent than you had. If you just stood up and let his hand fall from your lap naturally, you'd be stuck awkwardly standing in your seat with nowhere to go. If you woke him up, there was no way of knowing how he would react. These thoughts chased each other around your brain the entire descent, while he slept on peacefully.
Luckily, the landing seemed to wake him up naturally. Without a chance for second thoughts, you grabbed and squeezed his hand under the blanket, pushing it so it wouldn't move too much as he rose from his slumber.
"Well, good morning, Spence," JJ laughed as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"Looks like someone had a long, sleepless night. What was it? Got drunk and did some math for fun?" Emily teased. Your heart was jumping out of your chest now, praying that he wouldn't make any sudden movements and would realise the situation he'd gotten himself into.
"Yeah, I guess it was a long one," he yawned out, finally moving to stretch his arms a bit when he realised the position they were in. He made a small jolt, the kind that you'd only know was a reaction if you were looking for it, and luckily, you didn't think either woman were.
He turned his head to you, tracing his glance down his own arm, down to your lap, and pulling it back up to your face before sending you a questioning glance. He gently turned his hand over so it was facing palm up, and you held it in yours for a second. He squeezed it as if to ask what was going on but you shot him a look that said "don't ask," and thankfully he was able to understand you.
"Hey, Y/N. How's your head today?" he asked, initiating the conversation so that your prolonged eye contact wouldn't be seen as suspicious.
"Pounding. Uncomfortably. What the hell did I drink last night?" You let go of his hand now and bought the leg that he had been gripping desperately in his sleep up now, crossing it over the other. The movement was large enough to mask his hand, pulling away, and luckily, he did just that, taking the chance you gave him.
"Three tequila shots, five high balls, six Long Island Ice Tea's, an ill-advised Jello shot from a promoter on the street and… And after that your guess is as good as mine." You rolled your eyes at him.
"Listen up, team, the Director has taken into account the hard work we've put in this last month and granted us some special leave. You're free for the next four days unless there's something urgent." Hotch announced from the front of the jet, letting you escape the eavesdropped conversation.
You hung back as everyone exited the jet, still trapped into your seat by Spencer, who was taking his time moving and grabbing his stuff.
"You two coming?" Rossi looked back at you, the last of the team to exit before you.
"Yeah, if wonder boy ever gets his move on. We'll be right down," you answer for the two of you. Rossi nods and doesn't ask any follow-up questions, leaving the two of you alone on the jet.
"What the hell was that?" You whisper-yell at him quickly, somehow still afraid of being overheard.
"I'm sorry it wasn't intentional! How long was my hand…. down there?" You could see him blush as he asked, and you had to hold back a laugh, entertained by his meek reaction.
"Practically the entire time you were asleep, Reid. God, I know we've grown closer in the last twenty-four hours, but you don't need to be attached to me physically, you know?"
"It was an accident, I swear!" he moved away from the seat now, his hands coming up in a surrendered position. "Why didn't you push my hand off, we were under the quilt. They probably wouldn't have noticed."
"Because I remembered a certain somebody blabs in their sleep if they're moved or disturbed, and I didn't want to explain why you were saying my name in your sleep."
"Oh, you think I'd say your name, Y/N? Do you think I was dreaming about you?" he questions you, suddenly growing in the space, standing a little bit taller, more confidently.
"Yeah, I just– I just assumed you were… YouYou had that vice grip on my thigh and…" you tried not to stutter, sending a stressed hand through your tousled hair. You had just assumed that his dreams had been similar to yours. That he'd wantes you so badly that, even in his sleeping state, he'd reached out for you unconsciously.
"Y/N, if I was dreaming about you, I wouldn't be mumbling your name in my sleep," he said, matter-of-factly, grabbing his bags and making his way to the exit. You stood silently waiting for him to continue.
"I'd probably call out for my good little girl instead," he smirked and quickly left before you had a chance to hurl the blanket in your hands at his head.
You quickly followed him down the steps after that and joined the rest of the team back at the bullpen to collect your things. Rossi and Hotch had retreated to their respective offices by the time you reached your desk, never ones for letting paid leave get in the way of them doing their jobs. Penelope had also practically sprinted back to her tech cave, and you could hear her cooing sounds as she checked in on her system.
"Well, I, for one, am heading out." JJ spoke confidently, grabbing her car keys and making her way to the elevators.
"I'm right there with you, blondie," Derek said, stretching out his arms. "Four days off does not sound bad right about now."
"Are you coming, Y/L/N? Reid?" Emily asked, making her way to the elevator ahead of you.
"I'm gonna finish up a case file so I don't have to worry about it when we get back," Spencer replied.
"I'm gonna check up on Penelope before we leave, see if she needs a ride." She shrugs but doesn't question the two of you, and you wave them all off to the elevator.
Once the doors are fully shut, you're left alone with Reid in the lobby. Putting his earlier teasing aside, you turn to him with a serious expression.
"What do we do now? Surely we have to tell Hotch, right?" you ask, finally acknowledging your marriage outside of Vegas.
"I don't know, I don't particularly want that lecture."
"Yeah, he kind of just has a way of staring at you that makes you disappointed in yourself." You shudder at the thought.
"We have to start somewhere, though, right? And it's not like Hotch was one of our witnesses. He'd have sooner arrested us than let us do that." You mutter to yourself.
"What about Rossi?" Spencer poses the question to you, and you look directly up at him for a second. He has that look on his face that he gets on cases where his eyes glaze over, and you can see he's remembering important information that could be relevant.
"Rossi's third marriage was a Vegas marriage, and they separated pretty quickly. It might be useful to go to him first. At least we'll get no judgement." He looked up at you when he finished, his eyes soft with a hopeful look, desperate to see if he'd made a helpful suggestion.
"Yeah. Okay, let's go ask Rossi."
You made your way up the stairs quietly, doing your best to act natural. Luckily, Hotch's blinds were drawn, and he seemed deep in paperwork, so he didn't notice your unusual path.
Spencer led the charge and knocked on the office door quickly twice before opening it.
"Spencer, Y/N, I thought Aaron was clear when he said we had time off now. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He looked up at the two of you from his desk,and you awkwardly glanced at each other before turning back to him, unable to find the right words to say.
"That bad, huh?" He laughed up at you from his desk but still waited for you to talk.
You took the plunge first.
"We fucked up and we need your help," you blurted out quickly, unable to stop the rambling when it took hold. Rossi only raised a single eyebrow at you in question, so you powered on.
"We got super drunk last night and ended up at the marriage licence bureau and now we're legally married and we need your advice because this happened to you before, too, and we thought it might be helpful to ask you for your opinion on what we should do next." You hardly took a breath throughout,only cutting yourself off when Spencer grabbed your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"Well, I'll be damned," Rossi pushed himself back in his seat, looking upon the two of you with fresh eyes.
"I guess celebrations are in order, correct?" He chuckled as you squirmed under his stare.
"We just wanted to know what the best way to go about this is. Should we register the marriage with the bureau, let Hotchner know, that kind of thing?" Spencer managed to ask, his fingers entwined with yours and his thumb drawing small circles on the back of your hand.
"Well, I can't say I'm surprised," was all Rossi offered from his desk, and you snapped your eyes back to his. "But I don't know what advice I can really offer you right now that doesn't come straight from the FBI Handbook, and I'm sure you have that memorised, right, kid?"
"All interpersonal relationships must be reported to your direct supervisor or team leader. Failure to do so could lead to termination or suspension if it is deemed to negatively affect your work," Spencer approximated the official guidelines.
"Here's what I will say. Take some time with it, but only a week, tops. If your problem goes away in that time, perfect, nothing to worry about. If it doesn't, tell Aaron at least."
"So tell Hotchner in a week that we're getting a divorce, great, thanks," you tried your best not to sarcastic but you were tired and you were stressed and the words had a mind of their own.
"Hey, what was that thing you said to me a while back, kid? You never know when you're going to get the chance to experience new things at your age?" He smirked up at Spencer, happy enough that he got to feed him that line back from the case you'd worked in Atlantic City.
"Give it a week and tell Aaron. I don't care what you tell him, but only a week, okay? Because if you don't, I will. I don't particularly want to acclimatise to your replacements when you're fired for not disclosing this."
You nodded your goodbyes to the man and swiftly exited his office, making your way back down to the bullpen.
"I think Rossi's right. We should wait and tell Hotchner after we've got this annulment thing finished. And we still have to figure out who our two witnesses are." You let out the sigh as you turned to face Spencer, quietly engaging him in conversation.
"Yeah, that sounds good. How about you meet me at my place tomorrow and we can talk about details and get the ball rolling?" he asked, looking at you with hopeful eyes. "Maybe we could see if we can jog our memories a bit as well, I have a few books on memory loss that I've been meaning to read recently, I'll get through them tonight and maybe they'll have some tips to help us figure out what happened."
"Yeah, yeah, perfect. It's a date!" The words left your mouth before you could stop them, and you had to stop yourself from instantly clapping a hand over your own mouth in surprise.
"Like an appointment, something scheduled, not like a… not like a date-date. You know what I mean." He laughed at you a little before looking side to side, checking if anyone was in the vicinity. When he saw that there was no one around, he stepped closer to you, closing the gap between the two of you, and placed a small soft kiss to your temple before moving away quickly.
"It's a date. I'll send you my address later, but for now, you should go check on Garcia. Keep up our cover story, right?" He began walking backwards to the elevator having grabbed his bag while you were stood mouth slack in surprise.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll go do just that. Bye."
"Goodbye, Mrs. Reid," he said, stepping into the elevator, the doors closing before you had a chance to chastise him.
You stood there for a solid two minutes, just staring at the place the man had been, desperately willing your heart to go back to beating at a respectable rate. When it didn't, you knew you were in trouble.
Turning on your heel, you ran down the hall as inconspicuously as possible before throwing the door to Penelope Garvia's office wide open.
"Penelope, I fucked up and I need your advice."
🏷 @w-windy @multifandom-on-the-side @reidandhotchsgirl @babybluecakes @bluecandycake @hugyourlungs @prentissesredtanktop @reidscaffeine @bethanyhaas01 @average-sunflower @academiareid @sailortongue @lover-of-books-and-tea @star0055 @daddy-dotcom @zaapsite @high-functioning-cosplayer @anniewhalelover @abbyshmaby @isabel-ffl-xoxo @sujan39 @frxcless @bluestuesday @busy-buzzing @breadbrobin @maxinehufflepuffprincess @l0v3cam @booksandwonderlands @myescapefromthislife @kat453 @ferrjulie @kapeyama @scoobydoopoo @aelinismyqueen @littlesingingbean @jamiemuscatosslut @sharkcat1928 @xohoneybun @anchovy89freya @dysphoricsanity @alyssaxstan @ghostheartbeat @zada-quinn @beguiling3lavender @Casss2111 @zatannas-wand @rebloggiest-reblogger @wishyoudaskme @imawhoreforu @kspencer34
@academiacoffeelover @softservepunk @andiebeaword @r-3dlips @cow-parsley @wakaladjarin @itsyagrillkat @ratbastardchild @crazyforreid @mcira @danika1994 @stargurl99 @whovianwholikesgirls @myinnerwonderlandmind @axionn @bastard-chicken-3 @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @doriantomybasil @shqwqrma @shits8gigs @rosiehale23 @sadroses97 pt. 2 of tage in the reblogs!
#spencer reid#criminal minds#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid smut#criminal minds fanfiction#mgg#criminal minds fandom#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x reader smut#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x oc#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid self insert#spencer reid series#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid cm
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How do you think things would play out if insecure human Tav had feelings for Dammon, but she mistakenly thought he was hitting on Karlach all those times he helped her with her heart? With Tav being oblivious and mistakes that it’s because she is human and that Karlach is a tiefling that he has no interest in her, but in reality he does. How do you think Dammon would respond if there’s a little comment like: “I know it’s Karlach you were hoping to see.”
I'm not sure if I leaned too into the insecure descriptor in the prompt, especially after not doing any writing for so long, but I hope everyone's able to enjoy. I missed my main man so much <3
She isn't you
"I know it's Karlach you were hoping to see."
You can see the whites of Dammons eyes grow as soon as the sentence leaves your mouth, shock washing over him. It's something you'd tiptoed around for months. The way Dammon looks at Karlach, how he gravitates towards her, how that kills you inside. No one could blame you for falling for the sweet blacksmith with his easy smile and firm confidence.
He'd spent these past months giving your companion the gift of touch back, laughing at her raunchy remarks and looking at her like she'd hung the moon and stars. Hours were spent in his forge fixing her heart, idle chatter between the three of you the only real entertainment. Hours of inadvertently third wheeling them all because of your own unrequited crush. Karlach was your friend though, and if they were happy then you weren't going to interfere.
His lips part slowly. Beautiful, chapped lips you so desperately want to kiss but know you never will. Soon, Dammon finds his voice again. He seems so genuinely confused, as if he can't understand where you got that idea.
"Why would I want Karlach when you're here?"
A long tail flicks behind him, nearly taking out a table leg. A concerned look covers the blacksmiths face as he leans in, hands spreading over his workbench. "Not that Karlach isn't lovely, she is, but I'd prefer to have you here." Dammon clarifies carefully.
It's your own turn to gawk now, looking at the teifling standing there in the firelight. You'd never expected this, to have him so quickly disagree with something you were so certain of. "But... Aren't you and Karlach..." You trail off, unsure of how to word things, picking at your nails.
"Aren't we... what? Seeing each other?" Dammon asks, rounding his work bench with a small chuckle, the wooden floor creaking under steady steps. "Is that assumption what's held you back?" His calloused hand takes yours, smoothing a thumb over your skin as the tiefling draws in your gaze. Blue eyes crinkle at the corners with a small grin, a teasing smile appearing on the blacksmiths face.
"Well, isn't it true?" You gape, gripping his hand. The new brazenness draws a full laugh from the tiefling, topped off with a shake of his head. It's a dumbfounding revelation, after months of near torture watching the two of them only to find out none of your assumptions were true. "Stop laughing, I'm being serious-" You insist, a small frown growing on your face.
Dammon calms himself, still grinning down at your pout. "I know, and I'm sorry." His voice is lower now, missing that teasing lilt you love so much. "There's nothing happening between Karlach and I, promise. I did ask her for some advice, though." He adds, gently squeezing the hand enveloped in his.
You cock your head, wondering whatever advice he could've gotten from Karlach. Something to do with Avernus or leaving the hells? Something tiefling related? The visible confusion almost makes Dammon laugh again, but he contains himself. Instead, a firm tail snakes it's way around your leg, winding around you with a firm pressure.
"I wanted to know how best to ask one of her friends out."
#naming this was the absolute hardest#i just gave up and kept its draft name#bri answers#baldurs gate 3#bg3#baldurs gate 3 x reader#bg3 x reader#baldurs gate 3 dammon#bg3 dammon#dammon x reader#bg3 dammon x reader
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Enemies to lovers Eddie Munson x Cheerleader! Reader, maybe some months ago Reader was trying to tell Eddie that she liked him, but Eddie was talking with his friends about how he doesn't like cheerleaders and jocks and that made Reader angry at him bc she thought that he liked talking to her (she was his client) so after that Reader started to act cold towards him, and Eddie did the same with her. One day, they got paired together for a Literature project, and they went to Reader's house to work on that but they only spend the afternoon fighting, a day later they went to Eddie's and they were fighting, again, but then they just stayed in silence and started kissing each other and that's when Reader confesses her feelings for Eddie and tells him that's she heard what he said, and he's like I wasn't talking about you, I liked you too, I still like you, and then they have make up sex (if you're comfortable writing that!) and start their relationship
No smut :/ I'm sorry
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Y/N spent as much time thinking about Eddie as she did talking about Eddie. If she ever wanted to hide the fact she liked him, she couldn't. It was written on her face.
Which is why her friends are sick of her doing nothing to make a move. Chrissy was a girly girl herself, she knew Y/N wanted Eddie to make the move. She wanted Eddie to go after her so she felt wanted. But Chrissy also knew Eddie would never ask out a girl he believed to be out of his league.
After weeks and weeks of Y/N's friends pushing her to ask out Eddie, she was ready to do it.
She tried to shake off her nerves. Her fingertips gripped her textbooks tightly as she walked toward Eddie and his group of friends.
She was a few feet away, close enough to hear him but not close enough for anyone to recognize her.
"You asked my opinion and I gave it. I think asking out Rachel is a disgrace to our kind. She's a cheerleader and friends with all those jocks. Is she going to stand up for you when your ass is being kicked? Nah, I don't think so. Because she's a cheerleader and those are heartless shells."
Y/N felt herself freeze at Eddie's words. Any bit of confidence was washed away as his words traveled down the hall. She knew Eddie didn't like the popular crowd, but she thought he moved past it. She thought she was changing that perspective. Is that all he saw her as? A cheerleader?
Before she heard anything more hurtful, she raced right past.
"Oh yeah? What about Y/N?" Mike snapped back, ever since his breakup with El, he's had his eyes on someone new. And all he wanted was advice and instead, he pissed off Eddie.
"She's different." Eddie shrugged, in his mind there was no comparison between Y/N and any other girl.
"Because she's yours?" Mike argued.
"He wishes!" Dustin laughed.
"No! Because Y/N has shown to be sweet, kind, and accepting with everyone. She's more than just a cheerleader, but I can't say the rest about the team. Mike, you need to understand some girls are only cheerleaders when the outfit is on, find one like that." Eddie said, smacking down on Mike's shoulder.
Y/N felt too embarrassed to be near Eddie. She didn't know if this whole time he couldn't stand her. They never hung out outside of deals, maybe he only dealt with her because he had to.
She stopped buying from him and went cold turkey. She didn't bother talking to him in the halls, didn't look in his direction, and acted like he didn't exist.
Eddie noticed the cold shoulder immediately, and it hurt. He didn't understand the sudden change of attitude but he also didn't give it a second thought. Maybe she wasn't as good of a person as he thought.
Over the next few weeks, they didn't speak to each other. Until they got paired together for a school project. Y/N immediately wanted to beg for someone else but the teacher was strict and didn't handle the backtalk well.
It was awkward, and they both hated that feeling. Eddie sat on her floor, her feet dangling off the bed. She read out loud the book, but his mind was elsewhere. Her room was what he thought it would be, and he adored all the framed photos she had. Her room looked just as sweet as he always thought she was.
"If you aren't going to pay attention, I'll just do it myself." She snapped, and the heavy book slammed shut.
Eddie jumped at the noise but recovered quickly. "Sorry, I was just observing your room." He admitted.
"Well don't. Not like you'll ever be in it again anyway." She snapped again. It hurt her a little to say, a small reminder that they weren't friends and they wouldn't hang out like she wished.
"Yeah, got it." He said back, same snappy tone.
"Look you don't get to have an attitude with me!" She argued she didn't do anything wrong.
"Oh, why? Because we don't get to speak unless it's on your terms? And I'm just supposed to be cool with that? You completely flipped the script on me so yeah, I'm a little pissed!" He argued back. If anyone was allowed to be annoyed, it was him. He was ignored without an explanation.
"Flipped the script? No, what happened was you talked shit behind my back and I finally figured out how you thought of me." She said, her anger leaving as a small amount of sadness settled in her chest.
"Who told you that crap?" Eddie said he felt the want to roll his eyes.
"YOU!" She yelled, she stood up and towered over him. "I heard everything you said to Mike. You went on and on about how cheerleaders are heartless. I can't imagine the other things you said before or after."
Eddie tried to remember what she was talking about, the realization hitting him. He stood up fast, a fast apology on his lips.
"No no no! I did say that yes, but not about you! I would never say those things about you." He tried to grab her hand but she smacked it away.
"Ow" he muttered
"How did you not say that about me? I'm a cheerleader!"
"I know!" He panicked, "but I said so many things after that. You must have walked away or didn't hear me because I explained you were nothing like that."
Y/N felt a part of herself believing him. He sounded so panicked, which meant he was caught or he was trying to prove his innocence and needed her to trust him.
"What did you say?" She asked
"I explained to Mike that the girl he's interested in doesn't care about him. And I knew that because of what you showed me. I see how sweet and caring you are. You're nice to everyone and you don't use your popularity to have power over anyone. You aren't just a cheerleader, you are so much more than that. That's why you are different and that's why I'd never say mean things about you." His words and eyes were pleading for her to believe him. "I'm so sorry you got hurt."
"Well I shouldn't listen to people's conversations," she shrugged, " I appreciate your apology and I accept it. I'm sorry for not talking to you about it. I was hurt because I like you. And I was planning to ask you out when I heard everything." She admitted she turned her head to the floor, her cheeks flamed with embarrassment.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed, "You like me? And like me enough to want to ask me out?" Eddie couldn't believe his ears. He wanted the same thing, obliviously, but he never thought he had the chance.
She gave him a look and he moved on. It was clear she liked him and she gave him an opening.
He moved his feet forward until there wasn't space between them. His eyes searched into hers for a sign, when her eyes flipped down to his lips he got his answer.
He licked his lips nervously, his hand reaching to cup her chin as he leaned in. His heart raced when she leaned in, both closing their eyes in sync.
Her stomach fluttered when she felt his lips. He smiled when he felt her kiss back, her hands slid around to his back. Her palms were flat against his shirt.
They kissed for as long as they could. Whenever one of them went to pull away, they'd drag them right back in.
Eddie couldn't wait to shove this in Mike's face.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson#eddie munson fanfic#eddie stranger things#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson request#eddie munson angst#eddie munson fluff x reader#eddie munson angst x reader#eddie munson x cheerleader#eddie munson x cheerleader!reader
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🗝️ ”Keys Are People, Too” 100 Chapter Q&A ⭐️ (ongoing!)
(Last edit: 12/20 10:40 CST)
Hi! :) If y’all don’t know me my name is Inco (it’s not but shh) and I write a fanfiction for Cinderella Boy called Keys Are People, Too. It’s not finished, it’s ongoing and rapidly approaching 100 chapters XD (yes we are like four chapters away but shh rounding) (I PROMISE WE’RE ALMOST TO THE LAST ACT). So because of an ask from @isitamia and, we’ll say the 100 chapter milestone… tada Q&A??
I don’t know how many people are going to engage with this but that’s totally okay :) I love ranting about stuff and I’ve put a lot of thought into this story, so it would be cool to have an outlet to answer some questions where they don’t get forgotten in AO3 comments. And if you guys also have general questions about writing advice/things like that, I am not an expert but I do also like talking about stories.
So please ask! I’m not planning to close this at any specific time—I was thinking y’all could comment questions under this post or via reblogs (I might miss them in reblogs though) and I will edit this post to answer them, and also reply to you so you know your question is answered. This might get like 10 notes and that’s fine haha (I have zero idea how many people regularly read my story beyond the ones who leave comments), but if there are a lot of questions I’ll try to categorize them. Really just a place to drop info for fun :)
Q&A below ⬇️
I tried to make it organized. It's... kind of organized. Kind of.
"What key archetype isn't one of the siblings? Do we get to know their archetypes soon?" asked by @spookieee28 12/20
I'm not gonna say the archetypes at this point in time because it risks spoilers. You will find out by the end of the story and hopefully by that points all of the archetypes should be relatively clear. Some have already been mentioned like the chapter "Heralds and Thieves" for Jade and Cooper, I think (?) Cora has been mentioned as the Innocent archetype, etcetera.
"Which character do you struggle writing the most and which feels easier for you, if you have preferences?" asked by @isitamia 12/20
"Do you ever struggle with keeping Cinderella Boy's canon characters in character?" asked by @isitamia 12/20
I'll answer both of these together. Chase is pretty easy for me because I just channel chaotic gremlin energy and it seems to work. Buddy is OKAY although I am struggling right now making him vulnerable while still retaining him Buddy-ish-ness if that makes sense? Deacon is just Deacon... I am sorry, I feel like I don't really do anything to characterize him, he's just there as a sounding board XD I will say- I daydream situations for CB ALL THE TIME which gives me a lot of comfortability with the canon characters and considering what they would do and say and how they would react. I do have a little bit of difficulty characterizing the human keys so I just kinda went like "oh WELL that's because, UUHHHH, the key siblings don't match the keys exactly! That's it that's the answer!" because I felt like Silver wasn't quite Silver-ish and stuff. As for struggling writing the most I have two main answers.
BRONTE. For those who maybe haven't read this but are scrolling through it anyway, or aren't there yet, Bronte is the "human" version of Bronze and I kinda accidentally eliminated him from the story until like... the 80th chapte ror something like that. I had a lot of trouble actually writing his dialogue and scenes with Chase. It just did not have Bronze's snarky energy. So that was tough and I feel bad because I really feel like I did not do him justice :c
DUKE RAVENELL!!!!!! Ravenell hates me. He gives me so much trouble primarily because I just plunked him in at the beginning and didn't give him a real personality beyond a few vague notions. I've really had to sculpt his character as I went and it's especially difficult because Ravenell is intended to do a lot of plot device-ing. He perpetuates a lot of themes in the story and he is a HUGE character foil to Chase, because he often reflects the opposite of Chase's (and Idonea's) values and intentions. I want him to be morally grey and I am constantly fighting a BATTLE with this man to make sure he isn't too likeable or too hateable. I posted on Tumblr like a week ago really just asking for a diagnostic and the response made my day because people are all OVER the place about this man, some people love him, some will never forgive him, some are like "he's alright but there's something off about him and I can't help but distrust him" and others are like "I know he keeps making mistakes but I can't help but trust him" and I LOVE IT. Fortunately I think he's finally in a place perception-wise where I want him. I want the confusion. So badly. Only now I have to continue to fight this stupid tug-o'-war to keep him properly dividing until the end of the story XD
Behind the scenes
"How did you come up with the plot for KAPT? Was it just a little thought that popped up in your head one day, or did you have like inspiration or something?" asked by @xcitrix 12/20
"Did you have an idea for how you wanted the story to end when you first started writing or did you come up with more ideas while working on it?" asked by @lapileaf 12/20
I'mma answer both of these (and any others if they are asked) in kinda the same go if that's alright. In August I was wanting to write some fanfiction for CB, and one idea rotating in my head was, what if Chase went into a nonfiction book? Like he thought it the most effective way to study for a history project, or he saw a mention of Ex Libris, or something. So, completely directionless, I drabbled out the first chapter of KAPT where they find the book in the museum and... adopt it. And then it sat there in my Google Docs for like two weeks while I worked on a different fanfiction, Violets and Chains. I tried to return to it a little bit and got through the first anthology chapter where they're in the Chartesia battle, but that too did not have a plot behind it, I was like "myeh... trebuchets... uh... and now there's a guy... oh maybe they're PRISONERS..." And then brain did not work and I gave up. Eventually got myself together, BS-ed the rest of the scene, and then sat down and essentially ranted to myself about potential ideas until I figured out the plot.
More ideas have kept cropping up as I've worked on it. There are certain puzzle pieces that are foreshadowed in even teh first ten chapters that I didn't even mean to foreshadow because I hadn't thought of the yet - the plot was generally mapped out but has defintely been refined and added to as time goes on. Eventually you get into the flow of a story and everything just starts clicking into place, like you yourself are theorizing about an external work. Keep in mind that because I am publishing it as I write each chapter, KAPT is a first draft, and I have to hatch out plot points and main parts of the story as I write and make my best effort to recover any loose threads or things like that. It's a fun exercise!
"Do you plan to stick to the story you have already till the end or is there a possiblity you'll have to change some things if we get to know more about canon Ex Libris/Buddy lore while it's still ongoing?" asked by @iwikpines 12/20
There are some new bits of information that are kinda iffy for KAPT, but ultimately because KAPT takes place inside a book most of the Buddy/Ex Libris lore is not applicable. Regarding Buddy's situation I am going to go ahead like I was planning to originally, and I'll add a disclaimer when time permits. I don't think either way throws a wrench in the plans too much but I would rather be confident in the themes I've already set up as opposed to trying to hastily recover new lore in the last third of the story, if that makes sense.
"How did you come up with your ocs? I know some, like Jaime, come from another original story of yours ... but what about characters like Ravenell, Galeus, and Rose? What inspired you? How did you decide their personaltiy, their struggles? Did you take inspiration from yourself for anyone, similar to how Punko took inspiration from herself for Chase? Do you follow any specific process to come up with ocs, like follow a list, scheme, or coming up with hypothetical scneraios?" asked by @isitamia 12/20
A lot of the characters are cameos from a passion project I've been working on for years called IFI (no I will not tell you what it stands for) - Jaime and emma are from there, as well as several others including Alexei, Nishan, Mattheo, Kelitia, Indie (the Marchioness), King Aarius, and King Olivyn. So those are just plunked in and then Jaime decided to become part of the plot. As for the other original characters made specifically for KAPT, they just kinda got plopped in for one reason or another (I wanted Rose to connect to the Chartesia lore, Ravenell to have a foil for Chase, and Galeus because, well, there had to be a king) and then I slowly worked to build connections, themes, and character. Often times I don't specifically sit down and think "this character will be this way", it just emerges naturally from their dialogue, like I'm chiseling something out that was already in the stone like an archeologist, as opposed to carving my own new sculpture. I've always written that way and it makes it difficult when I am required to add structure to my writing or explain why I do things the way I do. I will say it is all VERY inspired from my own life and beliefs; Rose exists as a confidante in the story, and many of her more preachy dialogue pieces are things I'm getting out of my system. So yeah, not really a lot of structure to it, they just appear... and I figure them out as I go... most of my characters are in some way facets of myself or the way I percieve life. As I get more experienced with writing I'm sure I'll be more intentional with them, but for now, they are Athena and I am Zeus.
"How do you post daily" (kind of) asked by @isitamia 12/20
To give an actual answer for this because I know it's a lot to post a 2-4k chapter PER DAY - I am a student and have a LOT of downtime in class where I can't really do anything but write. That is how. Also, I have taught myself to be a prolific writer because that is the thing in my life I can always rely on when other things are unstable.
"How did you extend the story so far? I love the plot and it's kinda insane how you were able to develop it so much, at this point it's a full novel and I kinda live for it LOL. Also how long would you consider one act?" asked by @shyve3 12/20
Two parts to this question, I will answer them both;
I didn't mean to. I am really bad about being concise; I can't. When I write and get passionate about a story there's so much I want to stay and I can rarely fit it into what most people consider a pallatable length. I just get going and... idk... unstoppable force or something lol. And yes KAPT is at least the length of a typical trilogy XD ITS BEEN FIVE MONTHS
Regarding the act question, I ORIGINALLY said KAPT would be three acts, with the first ending when Chase goes down into Rose's "tomb" for the first time, the second ending with the Bronte part, and the third being the final one. It is actually more like four now, with the "second" act split into two at the masquerade ball. We are so close to being onto the actual final act, which should be a 4th of the total fic, so we have maybe 30 chapters left (?) (we'll see lol)
I don't have a specific length, it's just the way the story tends to ebb and flow if that makes sense?
General stuff
"Do you have any advice as a writer?" asked by @iwikpines 12/20
I AM SO BAD ABOUT THIS because I really do just go type type type and words appear. I know there's more to it than that but I've spent a lot of time writing and not a lot of time learning how to write so I have the experience without the actual education behind it. Write what you care about :) I mean NO DUH but like - your best stories will come from the heart. You will find prolificness (is that a word?) in PASSION. If I didn't care about Cinderella Boy or the themes I'm trying to communicate in KAPT would I spent my days writing a chapter a day ABSOLUTELY FRIGGIN NOT I'd be writing a different story. So yeah - write what you love and your audience will find you. What the world needs is a buncha people doing what they love really well because it's what they care about. Also, I didn't include your full comment here, but I am excited to read your fanfiction! <3 Please post it on Tumblr when you also post it elsewhere!
#cinderella boy#cinderella boy webtoon#cinderellaboy#keys are people#kapt#keys are people too#am i allowed to do this#is this conceited#qna
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Hello hope you are doing well, I am not quite sure if you are taking requests but if you are could you please write Yandere Deon hart i'm not that kind of talent
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 never had the time to truly give the idea of a romantic relationship any thought. he’s a busy man, having grew up in a disorganized family and forced into the army at a young age, all that he had ever known was the cruelty of others and the rustic scent of blood. even when he crawled his way into the hero’s group, there was only ever more bloodshed and sacrifices. he’s only ever been exposed to war, not the affection which one shares with their lover.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 honestly expected his life to stay that way. what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, and having never experienced the gentleness of a lover, he never cared much to yearn for one. he already has his hands full enough with playing spy for both the lunatic emperor and the clingy demon king, all whilst trying to survive. it’s not like he’d ever have time to fall in love with anyone, right? well, that’s what he thought, until you came along.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 singled you out from the rest of his subordinates immediately. you had been assigned as his assistant. you, a demon that could easily overpower a weak human like him. you, a demon that was supposed to be bloodthirsty and cruel. and yet despite being a demon, he’s never met anyone as perfectly human as you.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 thinks you’re more human than demon when you smile at him so sweetly, exchanging kind gestures every now and then as an appreciation to your commander. you’re always going out of your way to take care of those around you, always smiling and complimenting and humming with that ridiculously melodious voice, the same voice that would call out his name so excitedly. you were never like the other demons who were constantly seeking to test their powers against him or were blindly subservient to him, although you didn’t quite see him as an equal either. you simply saw him as someone who “works hard and has a respectable work ethic. someone admirable.”
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 fell hopelessly in love with you right then and there, a metaphorical pink cupid’s arrow shooting through his heart at just how absolutely precious you are. it truly baffles the commander just how you could manage to be so wholesome despite hailing of the demon race.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 finds himself quietly pining for you after that moment. he’s not very experienced with the concept of crushing on someone or falling in love, therefore he’s absolutely clueless on what to do with his feelings or how to act on it. he doesn’t know what course of action he should take, and it’s not as if he could just ask one of the demons for advice. he’s left completely in the dark, yet there was still an instinctual human need to be closer to the object of his affection, and so the commander finds himself loitering around where he would usually spot you, hoping to catch a glimpse of your sparkling smile within the nest of havoc.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 is satisfied with just catching glimpses of you for a while. it’s enough for him that he could see your smile almost everyday, that is until you pick up on his regular appearances around the places you often visit and instead of calling him out on it or attempting to murder him, you instead invited him to chat with you.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 slowly but surely grew on you, and your little chats with your commander here and there gradually grew into longer conversations with topics focusing more on yourselves than the fleeting events around you. on some days, you even find yourself loitering in your commander’s room late into the night to continue whatever deep conversation the two of you were having. occasionally, you’d fall asleep and spend your night in his room, and deon never had the heart to disturb you, so he just let you be. although more often than not, the moment you’re asleep, deon finds himself quietly admiring you. he doesn’t do anything more than that at first, merely noting the way you breath and the murmurs you would say sleepily. it was honestly just heartwarming to him.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 considers you his close friend after all that time the two of you spent conversing and learning more about each other. you’re his friend, so he wants you to stay closer to him and spend more time with him. you’re his friend, so he wants you to move your room closer to his’. you’re his friend, so he wants you to always stay by his side every minute of the day. you’re his friend, so it’s fine if he gets a little possessive, right?
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 is an over thinker. who could blame him after all the horror he’s had to witness in his youth? he’s always been surrounded by people with ill intentions, those seeking to use him and those seeking to ruin him, yet in the midst of the chaos, there was you; a shining beacon of benevolence, practically heaven-sent with your generosity and beaming smile. yes, that’s right, you really must be an angel. an angel sent just for him, your touch just for him, your voice just for him, your smile just for him — it’s not as though anyone else in this world could be deserving of you.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 develops some odd habits after that realization. sure, he might’ve grown closer to you, but he never found the chance to express his feelings, and they’ve only grown deeper after the two of you became friends. his heart is untamed and clumsy, like a toddler handed destructive power when it barely knew how to walk. he doesn’t see the wrong in manipulating you to constantly stay by his side because “his body is still weak from the battle with the hero.” you’re his angelic friend, so there’s no way you could leave him be when he’s unhealthy, right? you’re always so generous too, so you won’t mind if he snag some trinkets from your room for safe keeping either, right?
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 develops these habits unconsciously, half the time not even realizing what he’s doing before it’s already done. perhaps it’s a true testament to how deep his feelings run for you to the point that he doesn’t even realize that he’s acting on it.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 is still inexperienced, but if by chance he somehow confesses to you about his true feelings, and if you were to accept, than expect his behavior to grow tenfold. deon will get more protective of you. he completely disregards wether you can protect yourself or not, it’s better if he is the one to protect you. oh, and those demon friends of yours, it’s better if you distance yourself from them too, they’re no good influences on your mind. if you don’t listen to his advice the first time, deon has no qualms using his title as the commander to seal those demons manipulating you behind a cell.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 usually doesn’t act on a whim with violent tendencies, but doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty if it’s for his beloved’s benefit. you’ve become the center of his world the moment you accepted his affection, so there’s no way he’d allow anything or anyone to ever lay a hand on you with ill intent.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 is exceptionally needy. he’s constantly clinging to you, seeking for affection like a touch-starved puppy. it’s almost as if he’s seeking out the affection that he couldn’t receive during his childhood, and just who are you to reject his advances when he sadly tells you the story of his past? deon has no problems guilt-tripping you into accepting his affectionate hold, and you’re just too kind for your own good.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 believes you can do no wrong. it’s not as if you’re a troublemaker like the other demons he’s been forced to meet in the first place, but deon’s so convinced that you must be some perfect saint that he practically worships you. in his eyes, you can do no wrong, but anyone who does you wrong can expect to have a glinting blade swiping at their neck when they least expect it. whatever you say or do is law, and deon will be the faithful servant who carries out your will.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓, his other personality that was crafted upon his insatiable bloodlust and ruthlessness, needs some time to adjust to your presence, however he’s more or less the same as the usual deon when he’s not faced with an enemy. demon arut is definitely more protective and controlling of you, always making you the first priority whenever a battle arises. he needs to keep you in his range of sight or else the he goes absolutely mad trying to find you, destroying anything that hinders his path.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 is more sadistic than your usual commander. unlike deon who cares about your image of him and therefore has placed some restraints on himself, demon arut has no such concerns. he openly likes to tease you, almost going overboard with it because he likes getting any kind of reaction from you. he won’t intentionally be malicious towards you, he still loves you after all. however, if you receive a few cuts and bruises from battle or the likes, he will mock your competence and press on a few bruises, only after he’s made a bloody mess of the perpetrator who dared to touch an inch of your body.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 will insist that you train with him so you can polish your skills. as a demon, you’re not lacking by any means, probably even better than the strength of five soldiers combined, however that doesn’t mean that you stand a chance against him. demon arut has beaten entire armies by his lonesome, so don’t be too disappointed when you fail for the nth time. he won’t praise you often, however, he will go easier on you compared to his unrelenting nature on the battlefield. although, it’s not as if you would ever need to put these skills to use and lift even a finger, he’ll always have you as his first priority to protect and get to safety.
━━ ✧ 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 is, like his name suggests, a demon. a demon who’s cruel and bloodthirsty and a hundred times more possessive and easily jealous. he won’t hesitate to make an example out of one of your comrades by gutting them in front of you if you get to chummy with them. well, he won’t hesitate to make an example out of anyone really, even his fellow commanders as long as he gets it through that cute head of your’s what lengths you’re capable of pushing him to.
━━ ✧ 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍, you’re basically holding onto the reins of a catastrophe that could take empires by storm, just be careful not to take your eyes off him for too long or that storm might just ruin you… although, it’s not as if he’d particularly care for your opinion on this matter. the two of you are lovers now, so it’s only right that you never part. even if the sky falls and the world is coming to and end, even in life and in death, the two of you will always be together, deon hart will make sure of it.
#manhwa x reader#yandere manhwa x reader#yandere x reader#im not that kind of talent#intkot#—ichigo 💭#deon hart#demon arut#yandere imagines#male yandere#intkot x reader#im not that kind of talent x reader#yandere im not that kind of talent#webtoon#_𝟏𝐊𝟏𝐆𝐀𝟏_
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Do you have any advice on how to write Dirk and Hal or know of anyone I could get tips from :0?

okay so first of all i want to say that i don't think that i'm really an 'authority' on the subject, or that anyone else really can be aside from andrew herself. but i do have some thoughts and opinions that i'm willing to share
#1 piece of advice is to reread the comic once in a while. or at least reread bits and pieces if that's too daunting or not feasible. the POV cam extension is really helpful for that because you can specifically reread just the parts where dirk is there (does not work for hal though iirc which is where the dialogue directory is the next best thing) anyway i suggest doing this because it's always better to have their canon depictions fresh in your mind so you aren't accidentally working off of purely fanon ones
i think this is more of just a writing tip in general but try to think about how much you intend to transform the character. and by that i mean how much you want to stick to canon characterization. no matter how far you go with it, your depiction should always be informed by canon, but you can go as far with it as you want as long as it's intentional. so for example, if you want to stay really close to canon characterization, go for it. but if you want to stick them in an AU, ask yourself how that will change their behavior, personalities, etc. and it you specifically want them to act differently than they do in canon, that's okay too as long as you justify it and make it believable to your reader. you don't have to be afraid of changing them as long as something happened to cause that change
i feel like these are the two biggest pitfalls people fall into, usually a combination of the two. either they just don't understand the character well enough to give a believable portrayal of them, they don't give the audience enough reason to believe their portrayal of them, or both. for example there are a lot of hal fics out there where he is evil and kills people for fun, which to me just tells me that the author didn't really get him. but the takeaway isn't that you should never make hal evil and kill people, just that you need to provide basis for the audience to believe that he would be evil and kill people while still feeling in-character for doing so. that's what i mean by intentionality, you need to understand why you make the artistic choices that you are making
i wrote down some common tropes (?) of hal writing i tend to see that are along the lines of "i see these a lot and they wouldn't be bad if the author just made them feel believable" if that's at all helpful. i can do some for dirk as well if anyone wants me to
3. avoid being reactionary. the homestuck fandom is so reactionary with its portrayal of characters, meaning that one mischaracterization will get popular, and people will complain about it and swing the complete opposite direction, leading to a different mischaracterization becoming popular. an example of this is everyone thinking dirk is the coolest ever, and then switching to think he's the lamest ever. just try to focus on your own perceptions of the characters based on what you read from the comic and what you agree with others on, don't form perceptions based on trying to break away from something else
4. this goes more for dirk than hal because hal isn't as popular, but just keep in mind that dirk isn't the main character. i think a lot of people attribute main character energy to him when they don't really have to. obviously if you write a fic about dirk, he's literally going to be the main character, or if he's your favorite character you're going to care about him more than the others. but that doesn't mean he's any more important, more special, more traumatized, more mentally ill, or what have you, than any other character. going back to the example from above, the people who treat him as both the coolest OR the saddest character are both portraying him as the Special Boy. when the reality is that they are all pretty special and he's not an exception
i hope that all made sense... if not feel free to ask and i can explain further if needed
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