#i'm still not 100% sure if he's completely aware they're Actually brothers.. + his connection to k.enjaku
vessuna · 9 months
Look into my eyes [ Choso ]
send “look into my eyes” & my muse will bold what they see.
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absolute conviction | aggression | ambition | anger | anxiety | apathy | arrogance | bloodthirst | bravery | compassion | confidence | conflict | courage | darkness | defeat | denial | desire | despair | determination | devotion | disappointment | distrust | dominance | emptiness | an enemy | enlightenment | envy | excitement | exhaustion | elitism | experience | fear | a friend | a future | gentleness | greed | grief | guilt | honesty | honor | hope | hostility | ignorance | an illness | insecurity | integrity | intoxication | kindness | lies | loneliness | longing | loss | a lover | loyalty | malicious intent | mania | melancholy | misery | negativity | overcompensation | pain | paranoia | passion | perseverance | pettiness | pity | positivity | pressure | pride | a purpose | racism | regret | resentment | resignation | resolve | sadness | self-hatred | sexism | shattered remains | a shining light | something familiar | spite | stress | stupidity | submission | tranquility | trauma | trust | vengeance | warmth | wisdom | wrath | a cry for help | something eating your mind | the years have changed you
animalistic | approachable | broken | closed-off | cold | crafty | crazy | defensive | devious | difficult | disheartened | emotionally detached | frightened | frightening | genuine | guarded | headstrong | heartless | human | immature | impatient | inhuman | insane | intuitive | lost | mature | noble | patient | pitiful | primitive | pure | reliable | remorseless | reserved | resourceful | short-tempered | simplistic | sly | soft-hearted | struggling | a threat | trapped | a troublemaker | trusting | understanding | unique | unpredictable | unwavering | a victim | wicked | feeling vindictive | guilty of something | hiding something | lost in thought | planning something | scared of me | scaring me | someone i can trust | someone i can’t recognize anymore | someone to fear | someone worthy of respect | weak to manipulation | weighed by something
aren’t being yourself | belittle yourself | don’t want to hurt me | don’t want to leave me | drown yourself in something | feel alone | feel empowered | have a plan that involves me | have no one else to turn to | have nowhere else to go | have seen some things | haven’t been sleeping | lie to yourself | lost faith/trust in me | lost something/someone important (because of me) | need me/my help | no longer believe me | see me as a thing | see me as someone else | seek to hurt/harm | seek to manipulate | think highly of yourself | think i’m hiding something | think little of yourself | think you know best | want to hurt me | want to protect me | want to use me
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aki-chan2014 · 2 years
Signal-a small bunch of happily-ever-after headcanons
In lieu of an actual second season for the original version of Signal (at least, that's the case at the time of writing this) and a lacklustre movie follow-up in the Japanese remake I have been thinking about what I imagine would happen next. TBH I finished watching Signal a little while ago, it's just taken me this long to actually make a headcanon post. I'd vaguely been thinking of writing fic, but couldn't quite pull the ideas into fic form so decided a headcanon list was the best way to go. That, and I recently finished a different k-drama and immediately thought I wanted to do some happily-ever-after headcanons for that, too. So that'll be next, eventually.
But anyway, here are all my happy ending ideas, under the cut because spoilers: (as a side note, I might still try and turn this ideas into fic in the future. I just don't know when)
There's no real way around it, in all timelines Jae-han does go missing. But, in the final fixed timeline, it's only a few years.
Most importantly, he's found alive. Injured, most likely, but alive. And he's cleared of murdering Kim Bum-joo and whatever else was pinned on him when he disappeared. The corruption in the police force and government is also exposed and there's a lot to sort out there, but steps are made to sort it.
Jae-han goes back to working as a homicide detective once he's recovered and the stuff directly tied to him is cleared, and builds a proper connection with Soo-hyun. They do start dating, but it's a very slow process. Slow, but steady. They are happy.
They do get married, eventually. They're low-key about this, but they do have a wedding to make their parents happy (esp Soo-hyun's mum, who 100% relishes getting to help her daughter pick the prettiest wedding dress). They do not have biological children, but are foster parents for a while and eventually adopt an older child. Most likely, this child is someone they meet from one of their cases, maybe a dependent of a victim or culprit who has nobody else to take him or her in. They will also probably end up having to occasionally babysit Soo-hyun's chaotic nephews, though they are less chaotic as they grow up, thankfully
Hae-young also gets married, probably either to a journalist or someone who works with children in some capacity. They have two, maybe three children together. Their names aren't directly honour names (from what I understand that isn't really a thing in Korean naming tradtions? Might be wrong?) but one kid's name will probably share a syllable with the names of Hae-young's brother and the other a syllable with girl who'd died in the bridge accident that Jae-han had known. I'm not sure who'd be a good pick for name-syllable-sharing for a third kid, so maybe just two.
Soo-hyun does end up a team leader, and of the Cold Case Team. In this timeline, it's formed in response to a completely different case but seen as a much more positive thing. There are still some snags, a few people who feel it highlights police failures to have such a team. But on the whole, the team is made with an expectation it will last-there are a whole lot of unsolved cases out there, after all.
As for Hae-young, the difficulties in his homelife didn't disappear once his brother was posthumously exonerated. His parents did get back together, and tried their best, but they had their own grief and trauma to unpack and that took a while. So he still needed to be fed by the porkhouse lady, and once Jae-han reappeared he continued to watch over Hae-young. Time would go by, and he'd decide to be a policeman just like the detective who cleared Sun-woo, not yet aware that that same detective was still looking after him.
They would eventually catch glimpses of each other during Hae-young's training. But the first time Jae-han and Hae-young properly meet is when Hae-young graduates his training.
With his memories of past timelines and all he learnt as a profiler there, Hae-young quickly garners a reputation for being 'clever' and 'well-read', 'insightful' and someone who has 'interesting ideas'. Various ways of explaining how he has knowledge someone his age shouldn't have, basically.
Jae-han introduces him to Soo-hyun socially (their first meal as a trio is omurice, which becomes a tradition, though they'll eat other things together on different occasions) she then takes an interest in him professionally and has him work with the Cold Case Team to see how he fits. She then gets the higher ups to send him on profiling courses, so he eventually becomes a profiler.
And after that, the Cold Case Team is a lot like it was throughout the series once the camaderie had been established. [side note: I loved the Cold Case Team dynamics so much they are a GREAT team]
Soo-hyun mentors Hae-young the way Jae-han mentored her. Hae-young gets called '0.25' by most of his close colleagues as a result (after all, Soo-hyun is the only '0.5' they can have).
All three of them garner reputations to be dedicated, hard-working and particularly brilliant in their departments in different ways. As mentioned above Hae-young is known for being clever, while Jae-han is known for persistence/earnestness and Soo-hyun compassion and composure in equal measures. They're all very committed to stamping out corruption and looking out for the underdog.
The walkie-talkie continues to be a lucky charm for Jae-han. It doesn't ever work again...well, not for most of their life. It only works right at the very end of Jae-han's life (illness related, when he's very elderly, so while it is obviously tragic it's more expected and natural, just as it should have been). He gets to say a proper goodbye to both Soo-hyun and Hae-young this way.
But with the goodbye for Hae-young, it happens while he's helping Soo-hyun and their adoptive child (plus one of Hae-young's children, plus possibly grandchildren of both) clear Jae-han's things after the funeral. They had shared the stories of the walkie-talkie but of course weren't really believed. Not that any of the three of them really expected them to believe it (well, maybe Jae-han did want them to, a little), because they told the stories as if they were an unusual kind of myth or something. But they hear the walkie-talkie, and talk to Jae-han one more time, and they realise it is real.
Of course, the walkie-talkie doesn't go off again after that. But it continues to be passed down between their families, and the stories shared too.
There will also be plenty of photographs, because one thing Soo-hyun becomes quite fixated on is having 'proper photographs' of all the people she cares for. It gets to the point that people assume she has a hobby of photography and start buying her cameras and camera equipment for birthday presents and things. She still keeps that silly photograph of her and Jae-han posing, but doesn't hide it behind the batman. Instead, it sits in a seperate frame next to it on her desk.
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lowkeyorloki · 2 years
If you'd rather leave it a mystery, that's fine but I was wondering how you think Narvi would react to the pregnancy and throughout it?
I think he'd be really excited and a great big brother, but I can also see him feeling insecure since he isn't biologically theirs and the new baby is. I think he'd definitely worry about being replaced (whether or not he'd voice those worries, I don't know).
I don't think Narvi would be very insecure at all!
First, while he might not biologically Loki's, they are still biologically related. They're half brothers, and I think that's something Narvi gets increasingly aware of as he gets older. He and Loki have similar medical information, they look VERY similar (like father and son), etc etc. This means there is a very, very obvious physical connection that Narvi can fall back on and that is actually tangible.
If we're going off of the epilogue at the end of asis, then Narvi is 12 years old. This is far and away old enough for Loki to have a conversation with him about any fears he might have, and I think that's exactly what happens. I imagine they go on a long car ride after you and Loki tell Narvi (together) that you're pregnant. Loki would ask Narvi how he's feeling about everything, and reassure him that both of you will love him just as much. I could also see Loki recognizing that Narvi is now old enough for Loki to tell him that Narvi coming into his life was the best thing that's ever happened to him, and open up the opportunity to really talk about Laufey for the first time. I'm not sure if Narvi would want to talk about it in that moment, but it would give him confirmation that if he has questions, then Loki has answers.
If anything, Narvi is worried about you. He's very aware that Loki loves him, he remembers life before you when it was just him and his dad. He doesn't think that's going to change, and there's always going to be a shared past between Narvi and Loki. But he doesn't have that same type of percieved promise or past with you, and so I could see him becoming anxious that he won't be as important to you anymore. This would be devastating to him - you'll recall in the canon epilogue chapter (written by my beta) that Narvi is a mama's boy. I don't think Narvi could help but internalize things you do that he knows he shouldn't be worried over, like step away from helping him with his homework to take a call from the doctor or something like that.
I can also see him feeling guilty, because realistically, he knows you wouldn't do that to him. He calls you mom, you hang out one on one multiple times a week, and you officially adopted him a year after marrying Loki. He is your son. Narvi knows that, and he does know you love him, so being anything but 100% positive over your pregnancy makes him feel horrible (like he doesn't take your love seriously) because he knows you would never. Maybe it's because he knows you wouldn't that he's so scared - it would be a complete change, out of the blue. One he wouldn't know how to handle.
Narvi would never bring it up with you, but you can tell it's there. So one night, you kick Loki out of the house, whip up some snacks, and set up Adventure Time on the tv - just like you and Narvi used to do. You don't say anything super deep, you just chat about the show and characters as they come on the screen. Narvi smiles, laughs with you, and cries a little bit. You don't need to say anything, and Narvi doesn't want you to, but you've given him the validation that he wanted, but didn’t actually need: things are going to change, but your relationship with him won't. And when Loki comes back, it isn't even that late, but he gets to see his pregnant wife asleep on the couch and his son passed out on the floor, and I imagine his heart gets very full. He's so, so happy and content - and so is the rest of his little family.
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dingobabywrites · 4 years
 so, in light of recent events, people have been discussing when they think Dean and Cas realized that they were in love with each other. While I 100% believe dean realized in purgatory, I dont think Castiel realized until Dean broke Naomi's connection.
I also think that is around the same time Sam realized it too. Obviously Charlie already knew ( " what about Castiel, he seems helpful and..Dreamy" she's a lesbian. That comment wasn't for Her!") I think Charlie was the one to point it out to sam and I think the two of them agreed to keep it to themselves since neither of those two would have been able to handle that information. So, I wrote a little thing about how I think it went down.
I also wanted to give myself an explanation for those wierd looks and mystery note from the end of the episode...so yeah...here's that.
Sam hobbled down the hall to the guest room, his hand still throbbing from knocking Dean unconcious . It was…worrisome, to say the least, that he was having this much trouble with healing from such a minor injury, not to mention the other things that were happening to his body; the fatigue, coughing up blood. Troubling, but, as much as he hated to admit it, worth it. Dean had been pissing him off more than usual lately anyway. It wasn't just the trials. Sure, he was frustrated with Dean for thinking he wasn't strong enough to handle them (he had fought against Lucifer in his own mind for christ's sake) but it was everything else too. His loyalty to Benny still didn't sit right with him. He had been so quick to kill Amy, just because she was a monster. He didn't care that she was just feeding her kid. She was just a monster to him. But for some reason, Benny got a pass. Sure, the guy saved both their asses, he was grateful for that, but even Bobby knew it was wrong.
And then there was Cas.
Sam wanted nothing more, than to tell Dean that he should have learned his lesson the first time with the Angel. It wasn't like he didn't like Castiel. Of course he did. He was appreciative of everything the guy had done for them. Dean was right that he had saved their asses more than once. It was just….at the end of the day, whether they liked him or not, Castiel had betrayed them. He understood that perfectly. What he couldn't understand, was why dean was so suprised by him doing it again. Hell, Dean had been the one to bring up that fact that the guy wasn't acting right since he got back and yet, there he was, praying to him, putting his trust in him again. It was maddening, to say the least. He had tried to talk to his brother about it, but Dean immediately shut down.
So, yeah, his hand was still hurting, but it was damn worth it.
He turned the corner to find Charlie stuffing her things into her duffle. He knocked on the door frame with his uninjured hand. "Hey, there."
"Sam." She half smiled, when she turned around, her eyes still a little bleary from crying. "Hi, I'm just…just packing up to head out and…" she sniffled and plopped down on the bed, covering her face as she began crying anew.
Sam walked into the room and pulled up the desk chair, sitting down in front of her. "Dean told me what happened, while you two were under." He said. "I am so sorry about your mom, Charlie." He placed his hand on her shoulder as she began crying harder. "I know how hard it is to let go like that…"
"Dean was right," she sniffed. "I needed to stop holding on."
Sam let out a bitter scoff and pulled his hand back, squeezing both hands between his legs. "Yeah, Dean's always right, isn't he? Too bad he can't follow his own advice."
Charlie looked up, her eyes sad and confused. "Holding on to my mom was the reason I was stuck there. If he hadn't made me let go, I would have died.we both would have."
Sam shook his head at himself, trying his damndest to let go of his own bitterness to be there for his friend. "Ya, I know. I'm sorry…just…I know you're hurting right now, I just want you to know I'm here for you."
Charlie sniffed again, wiping her arm across her face to dry it before leaning back and staring at Sam. "I don't get it." She said, as firmly as possible.
Sam, leaned back and shrugged. "Me neither, really. I always thought all djinn fed off happiness. It's like every time we figure stuff out, something new comes along to throw us off our game."
"Not that." Charlie said, waving his statement off. Sam looked at her, confused, not sure what she was referring to. She took a breath and pulled a book out of her duffle throwing it on Sam's lap. 'Mystery Spot' By Carver Edlund. "You say these books happened in real life. That everything written in them actually went down…but the past two times I've been around you guys…you certainly dont act like you do in the books."
Sam skimmed the first page of the book and chuckled, tossing it back on the bed next to Charlie. "Yeah, well, things have just been different, I guess."
"So, you used to love and support each other, no matter what and now you just, what? Stopped?" She asked.
"It's…" Sam scoffed and shook his head. "things are just, more complicated now…"
"You maybe, wanna elaborate there buddy?" She asked. "I may be a genius, but a mind reader, I am not."
Sam let out a breath and scrubbed a hand through his hair. He figured it might feel better to at least get something off his chest. "To be honest Charlie, I dont think Dean is cut out for the job anymore."
"Why not?"
"His judgment, for one thing." Sam answered. "I don't know, just ever since he got back from purgatory… he's been…it's like he can't think straight anymore. He used to be no nonsense when it came to killing monsters and only trusting people he knew he could trust and now… I mean, I get it. Purgatory was rough on him, but the guy has literally been to Hell and back. I don't see why this time is any different."
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked softly.
"I mean like, being friends with a freaking vamp." Sam answered, coldly. "Yeah, Benny wasn't like the others, and I get the whole 'brother's in arms' aspect, but it still doesn't make sense." He waved his hand, gesturing back at the book before letting it drop. "That Dean? That Dean would have never put his trust in a monster. That Dean wouldn't let people back into his life that had screwed him over, and now…I don't know, now it's like he just doesn't care about letting people in that who could hurt him, or…people who already have."
"So, it's not just about the vampire." Charlie said. "Who else has Dean been trusting that you don't think he should?"
Sam gritted his teeth and shook his head. "Cas really messed him up Charlie. I mean, the guy already turned his back on us once and Dean just let him back into our lives like nothing even happened."
"Ah." Charlie said, with complete understanding. "Okay, I get it now."
"Get what?" Sam asked.
"I get why Dean has been acting wierd, duh." She said, like it was obvious. Sam sat, staring at her, trying to peice together what puzzle she seemed to have completed. "Oh, my God. Do you really not see it?" Charlie laughed.
"Um, no?" Sam said, skeptically.
"Wow," she scoffed. "And here I thought you were the observant one." Sam waited for her to explain herself, still utterly lost on what she was talking about. "It's Castiel." She said, speaking to him as if he were a child.
"What about him?" Sam asked, hoping like hell that she wasn't talking about the angel brainwashing his brother or something.
"I've read the books, Sam." She said. "I know all about Dean's special Angel friend."
"No." Sam shook his head. "No, chuck stopped writing after Dean went to hell. There's no way you could have a read anything about Cas."
Charlie scrunched her face and bobbed her head back and forth. "Mmmm, not exactly." She reached into her bag and pulled put her laptop, turning it on. "Remember how I said the books were online now?" Sam nodded waiting for her to continue. "Okay, dont get mad," she said as she typed "but, he may have kept writing a little bit longer than you thought…."
"He what?!" Sam said, furious. They had told that dick to knock it off after that stupid convention."How long?"
"Relax." She said, scrolling through some page on her screen. "He stopped after you sacrifice yourself to Hell, actually. It was beautifully written by the way, super emotional, but no one has seen or heard from him since."
'Good!' Sam thought to himself. He felt a little bad for that thought, since Kevin was now the prophet it meant that the reason no one had heard from Chuck was likely because he was dead, but at least no one else could know more about their lives than they already did. "Okay, but what does any of this have to do with Dean? Why would Cas be the reason he's acting wierd?"
Charlie sighed, cringing to her self a little. "Well, as you already know, where there's a fandom, there's most likely fanfiction…"
"I'm aware." Sam said, peeved by the memory of stumbling upon the fanfiction written about him and Dean.
"Look, I'm not saying anything is definite, but alot of people who write fanfiction are really good at reading between the lines." She clicked her mouse a few times before closing her laptop and setting it back in her bag. "I mean, I've read all the books myself, and I totally know that you guys are real people and not some fictional characters, and it's completely not okay to speculate on your lives and feelings or whatever...but I mean, it's kinda hard not to see where they're all coming from."
"What are you talking about, Charlie?"
"Dean said that Benny helped him fight through purgatory, right?" She said. "He met him pretty early on in his time there, no?"
"Yeah," Sam said, still completely bemused, "I guess…Dean hasn't really talked a lot about what happened while he was there. He told me some things, but he never really went into detail."
Charlie nodded and shrugged sheepishly before continuing. "Okay, so he met Benny early on, and Benny told him he had a way to get back, right off the bat. So, why did it take them so long to get out of there?"
"Dean said he spent alot of his time searching for Cas." Sam answered.
"Exactly!" She exclaimed, like that should have been the answer.
"I'm sorry Charlie, I still don't understand what you're getting at here."
"Sam, he could've come back at any point after meeting Benny. They only spent as much time as they did together, because Dean wanted to bring Castiel back with him. Even after everything he did. Don't you think that's a little…suspicious?"
"That's exactly what I've been saying!" Sam said. "Why would he do that?!"
"Yeah, Sam, why?" She said, still trying to lead him. "Why would someone run back into a fire, when they have a way out? I mean, I think you, of all people, would know the answer to that."
Sam gaped at her in shock. It took a minute for him to register what she was implying, but once he did… "Charlie, that's…"
"Just a thought!" She defended before he finished. "I'm just saying that Dean doesn't normally put his trust in people. Except, maybe…the people he REALLY cares about and the people that protect them. Maybe there's more to the story when it comes to his trust in Benny than you thought. I definitely feel like there's more when it comes to Castiel."
"Charlie, come on." Sam laughed a little. " You know Dean. He's…"
"More complicated than people give him credit for." Charlie cut him off. "He also knows how hard it is to let go of the people he loves. He's actually really bad at it. Maybe, worse than you know."
"Charlie," Sam started, before being cut off once more.
"He's definitely more concerned about you than you think." Charlie said firmly, standing up as she did. She began packing once more, keeping her eyes averted from Sam's. "He's not trying to control you, you know. He raised you, Sam. You mean alot to him. You ever think for a moment that he's just really scared for you? Scared of losing you? I mean, back to my point, he is really bad at losing people."
Sam sat in silence, petulantly mulling over Charlie's words. She was right, probably. Dean may have been scared, but it was still possible that he just couldn't hack the life anymore. Sam wasn't some child. And the other stuff she was saying…she was way off base. There was a big difference between reading about someone's and living it.
"I sent you the link to the website I used to read the books." Charlie said as she zipped up her bags. She slung her backpack over her shoulder crossing her arms as she stared him down. "I know you lived through it all and everything, but not every part was about you. There's a few things you may have missed."
"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen." Sam shook his head.
"Just a suggestion." She shrugged. "It might open your eyes to a few things you don't understand. I get not wanting to relive those times but…if you ever decide that's something you might wanna do, hit me up. I can tell you what chapters to skip, or whatever. And, if your really curious about Dean's relationship to Castiel, 'On the Head of a Pin' is a good place to start. The torture chapters are pretty rough, and I know you'll want to skip over your parts…but the other stuff.…" she shrugged.
"Okay." He said, at a loss for more words than that.
"You ready to roll?" Dean said, from the doorway, knocking on the door frame before entering the room.
"Looks, like it." Charlie smiled up at him as he entered.
"I didn't interrupt anything did I?" Dean asked looking between her and Sam with concern written all over his face. "You guys look a little spooked."
"Ew, gross, no." Charlie said, scrunching her face at Dean's implications. "Sam, was just helping me with my bags. Right Sam?"
"Uh, yeah…" Sam said, standing up and grabbing her duffle off the bed.
"Eh, come on, you know I'm just teasin ya!" Dean chuckled, jabbing her on the shoulder playfully. "He may have the hair, but the body parts are all wrong, right?"
"Definitely." Charlie agreed.
"Come on." Dean said, tilting his head toward the door. He waited for Charlie to leave the room, then cast a skeptical glance at Sam before following after. Sam was sure he was in for an earful after she left. He began dreading it as he said his goodbyes, anticipating the lecture as he told Charlie she was welcome to comeback at anytime. But it wasn't the only thing on his mind now. After bidding Charlie farewell, he went inside, giving the two of them their time alone. He hesitated for a moment, convinced that the trials were seriously messing with his head if he was even considering this. Then again…
He headed to the library, grabbing a peice of paper and a pen on his way and sat down. 'This is just stupid.' He thought to himself as he wrote down the words 'On the Head of a Pin'. He heard the bunker door open. Dean walked up, the look on his face telling Sam that it was time for his ass- chewing, so he decided to cut it off before it could start.
He clicked the pen closed and stood up, ready to defend his actions. "Okay, look you were right. I-I should laid low. I-I know." He said as Dean approached him."I should have hung back. I'm glad I was able.."
Then Dean grabbed him. Then Dean pulled him into a hug. It wasn't at all what he was expecting. He was lost, but relieved and hugged his brother back.
Dean chuckled and patted his back before pulling away. "What do you say we find our prophet?." Dean smiled, before smaking him in the chest and walking away.
Sam was left to himself, completely bewildered by what had just occurred. Dean had certainly not been acting like himself, but this was a whole new level. Maybe there was some truth to Charlie's words? Maybe he really was just scared? Maybe Sam really didn't know everything about his brother. Now, wasn't the time to think about that, though. Dean was right, the had to look for Kevin. They had work to do. Research.
But Dean had to sleep at some point. Maybe Sam could do a little light reading in that time.
If Charlie was right about Dean being scared for him, who knew what else she was right about?
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