#i'm southern and i say so/hj
roxie-roo · 2 years
Day 10: Friend
The sun was high and the sky was a brilliant blue. Mid-afternoon in the village that resided below Stratos and its grandiose floating islands. There were four of them in the outside seating of the tavern. Of course, there was Joel, without a chair, they'd all agreed he didn't need to break one. The god of thunder had a hand of cards, and was eying them with such an intensity the others weren't sure they'd ever seen before. Then there was Sausage, along for the ride purely for fun of it all. He sat near Scott, the two of them managing quiet conversation as to not distract the two currently playing this little betting game. There was a small stack of valuables on the table, gold, diamonds, emeralds, a few iron ingots, all ready for whoever won this last round. Scott leaned over towards Sausage, playful smirk on his face as he gestured towards Joel.
"You think he's got it this time?"
Sausage could only smile and shake his head in response. "We may never know, he seems pretty confident. Maybe he's got it."
"Full house!" The gossip was stopped momentarily as Joel slammed his hand down and beamed, cockily leaning back and eying his opponent with all the practiced arrogance of a fool who truly thinks he's won. This was, after all, his third game in a row with this opponent, surely he's got it down by now, right?
There was a laugh from the other end of the table. Jimmy, his current opposition, raised an eyebrow as he leaned back in his seat, looking over his cards once again. "Full house, huh? That's pretty damn good..." He commented plainly. That didn't seem to deter Joel, though, Sausage and Scott were watching the sheriff by now. He wasn't usually that calm. Unless he had something up his sleeve.
"Better than you, isn't it?" Joel laughed, arms folded over his chest. "Go on, 'Tim, what've you got?"
"Oh, not much.." Jimmy snorted under his breath. "Jus' a royal flu-"
"Thought so, nothing as good as this!" Joel hardly gave him the time to finish, didn't even process what Jimmy had said at first.
But it hit him, a bit too slowly for the spectators' liking, but it hit him. Jimmy was just sitting there, one leg crossed over the other and a calm smile on his face, though there was a glint of competitive fire in his eyes.
"Wait. What?" Joel blinked, almost forgetting what Jimmy had said. It was then that the blond took his hand and lightly threw it down onto the table, allowing everyone to see that he in fact, had a royal flush hand.
"Hah!" The sheriff cheered, hand curled into a fist excitedly. "Read 'em and weep, boys!"
"What?!" Joel nearly shouted, incredulous about the situation. "How- I- what?!" He stammered, then his head hit the table with a groan of frustration.
Jimmy snorted. "What's th'matt'a Joel? Y'ain't nev'a seen a winnin' hand three times in a row?"
"That's it." Joel huffed, picking his head up from the table with a pout. "I'm done playing."
"Aww,, querido.." Sausage tried his best to keep from laughing, hand against his shoulder somewhat comfortingly. "It's okay.. Lo atraparás la próxima vez, gran bebé..."
And for all of Joel's lack of knowledge when it came to Spanish, he could understand that last part. "I'm not a big baby." He grumbled.
Scott, meanwhile, didn't bother to hide the boisterous laughter, head tossed back and hand in front of his face to shield his eyes from the still glowing sun. "Oh my- that was just priceless! I never knew gods could be such sore losers!"
"Well, when y'play as cocky as he did, his bluff was pretty damn easy to call.." Jimmy shrugged, though his face turned just a slight bit red upon hearing Scott's laughter.
Eventually, Joel was over his loss and the four of them played something else. Scott brought out Uno, and then finally was Joel able to get a win, which he promptly bragged about. Jimmy didn't mind.
It was nice to have friends. It was nice to put the past behind them and just move on for once.
Holding grudges was so tiring.
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lazorbeanz · 3 months
Sez, first of all
And also
🥰 , 😊 , 😇 , 🤠 , 🎨 , 🍟
Oh don’t worryyy, I’m gonna get a very beautiful solid 4 hours of sleep tonight 👌 /hj /gen /it depends lol
🥰 - I love your blog
Aksnjsjsjsnd really?! :O
😊 - I'm so glad I follow you
I have been approved by the writer. I am honoured 🫡
😇 - You're one of the kindest people on this site
Aaaaa what am I doing to earn all these kind points today?? 😭🩷
🤠 - Yeehaw vibes
Enlighten me, Marie….what exactly do you mean by this?? 😭
Okay, I feel as if I tend to say “y’all” much more than the average southerner…BUT COME ON-
🎨 - Your gifs/edits/icons/etc. are fantastic
Thank you! I should really get back into making them me thinks 🤔
🍟 - I would share my fries with you
Tumblr media
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
for the wedding thing, if there’s an alcohol bar venti is spending the whole time there 100% /hj
no but rlly I feel like he would be very polite? especially around your family members, even if they aren’t like your immediate family. He’d probably want to make a good impression (honestly the kinda guy that would make some aunt or something lean over and be like “he’s a keeper omg”)
I also just got the image in my head while typing this of venti watching the first dance of the couple completely in awe, and just offhandedly saying something like “we should dance to this song at our wedding, too” or mention whatever song he would want it to be. I would absolutely break. my heart would stop right there fr
🌱 anon
🌱 anon ily, you're a godsend
I just got out and I swear I'm convinced that going through that without a single drop of alcohol in my system was actually the secret 10th circle of hell no one talks about, whatever sins I've committed in my life have been fully atoned for
Honestly tho, imagining Venti trying to make a good impression is like,,, so cute???
He probably would be loved by all the aunts, and the little kids, he might have a slightly difficult time getting alcohol though—
But *sigh*, dancing with Venti, my heart ;-;
I will say he'd be mildly horrified at the actual ceremony, my family isn't Catholic or anything but we are southern Christian, so there were a few "it's the wife's job to serve her husband, as is God's will" in various different forms, and we were literally lead in prayer like four times, sooo— I can't even imagine the reaction to all that tbh
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rosie-kairi · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about the khux gang?
Oh anon I am so glad you asked this because I totally do!!! These lil guys have lived in my head rent free for over 3 years at this point and you have given me an excuse to talk about them. You will live to regret this /j
First off, Brain has a country/southern accent. I don't really have a good reason for this other than that when I first saw him my mind immediately gave him an accent. It's because of the boots, I think. Anyway, I just think it'd be funny if this super smart guy who you assume would be a stickler for proper grammar and such say "Y'all" and "Ain't" on a regular basis. If Luxord can be British than brain can be Southern.
Out of the two of them, Lauriam is more extroverted than Strelitzia. However, he's more than an extrovert introvert than a pure extrovert (Ambivert I think it's called?). He gets along just fine with people and has no trouble talking to them, it's just he prefers to be alone with his flowers or something.
Ephemer is not allowed in the kitchen without supervision. he knows what he did /hj
Okay but in all seriousness, Ephemer cannot cook to save his life. He burns anything. Pancakes, Cookies, Water, somehow. Skuld and Lauriam are the only ones who know how to cook properly. Strelitzia knows a bit about cooking, but she usually messes it up somehow, at least her's is still edible (cough cough Ephemer). Brain knows the bare minimum. He can make ramen and operate a coffee machine, that's all he needs for sustenance. Ventus is 10, he knows how to microwave stuff, but other than that he is outta luck (do microwaves exist in the age of fairytales? they do now)
Ephemer and Skuld can get really competitive over things. Like, obsessively competitive. They once spent a whole week trying to continuously one up each other, much to the chagrin of everyone else.
Elrena's keyblade is Olympia (though I'll be surprised if that doesn't end up being canon)
Bit of an unpopular opinion, I think, but I headcanon Brain to be the oldest out of the group. He just gives me those vibes. He's, at most, a couple months older than Lauriam, but everyone just defaults to assuming Lauriam's the oldest because of his height.
Speaking of Ages, my headcanons for them are as follows:
Brain: 18.
Lauriam: 17-ish, almost 18.
Elrena: 16.
Skuld, Ephemer, and Strelitzia: 15, in that order.
Ventus: 10/11.
Strelitzia constantly feels like she needs to be exactly like Lauriam. Growing up, Lauriam was framed as the "Perfect Child" and Strelitzia always found herself compared to him. These days she tries to break away from that thought process, but she still finds herself falling back into it sometimes.
As mentioned above, Lauriam was the "Perfect Child" of he and Strelitzia's family. He just gives off the vibes, y'know? Maybe it's just the flower motif giving Isabela from Encanto vibes, idk.
Ventus would frequently go on missions with tougher heartless than what he was assigned so that he could "prove he was strong enough" or whatever. This got him into quite a few situations where he had to be helped by a party member/a wielder passing by.
Brain can play piano.
Ephemer and Skuld like to explore the clock tower to see what's in the random rooms scattered about the tower. They share the nonsensical stuff they find with the others.
Lauriam and Strelitzia are both unreasonably tall. One day Lauriam just shot up a foot overnight and was 6'1" at the age of 15.
Lauriam is also very thin, I think? When he got taller his body didn't quite catch up immediately so he's just like, a twig. This changes when he's older (obviously, have you seen Marluxia?), but khux-era Lauriam is the literal definition of a beanpole.
Strelitzia is also very tall, but she's definitely not as tall as Lauriam. Maybe 5'8-ish? I'm tall myself so I don't really now want counts as "tall", my perception of height is all skewed.
And I think that's all for now!! I'll think of some more later on, for sure. Thank you for asking me though!! I really love getting an oppurtunity to ramble about them, makes me feel less like I'm being a nuisance when actually directly asked about it sdfghjhgfd.
Hope you enjoyed!! :D!
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Ok I'm gonna take a bit to chip away at rewriting these headcanons
You ever get like.. totally conflicting headcanon vibes for a character. Because for the weirdest fucking reason WordGirl gives me demiboy vibes and also lesbian vibes but I literally can't even wrap my head around why because those conflict with my actual headcanons
I... have like two tropes I like I guess. Becky's blood is yellow/gold, and as a result, she blushes gold. (the reason I point out the "two tropes" thing is because this is also true of my Shadow design.) Similarly, this is why my Lexiconian design of her (which is still in development) has yellow skin.
The Botsford family is southern Asian-American, and the reason Becky looks so similar to them is just because that's the environment she grew up in.
She has a lot of repressed anger. It's just how she is. She holds onto it super tightly and she cannot let it go it's a curse
She gets so stressed so easily, it's basically her natural state of being. As much as she protects the city because it's important to her, it's also fucking stressful. If you were to take a substantial amount of pressure or anxiety off this girl's conscience she would probably pass out from sheer relief and may or may not suffer cardiac arrest
Her powers, just like your AU version of her, also get triggered and act out of control in high emotional stress, but she's really resistant to that because of just being in... constant distress.
I also have an idea that she sort of... shifts between her "natural" and Lexiconian form in relation to her emotions. A lot of emotional reactions, because she's a prepubescent kid with the weight of the world on her shoulders. It gets... easier as she grows up. But it gets worse before it gets better 'cause teenage years as an alien superhero lying to everyone you trust with totally jacked up emotional regulation SUCKS. I would know from experience /hj
She's not the only alien in the city. The area is surprisingly something of a hotspot for supernatural activity, which is why Becky remains to fight danger.
From one convo w my sister about WordGirl, she proposed the idea that Becky's parents actually know she's WordGirl- basically, there's this one scene in, I think, The Amazing Spiderman 2? where May is talking to Peter, because he wants to know more about his parents and May doesn't want to tell him about them, and it's this whole conflict about keeping secrets from each other, and my sister says that scene shouldn't have gone the way it did because it sucks, instead that should have had Peter admit to May that he's Spiderman, and then have May, who's seen Peter return home beaten up after disappearing randomly, probably heard his voice through the Spiderman mask, most likely seen his costume at home, etc., respond with something to the effect of "I know, I just needed you to tell me". Her idea is that in terms of Becky and her parents, that should sort of be the idea. I mean, the secret has to come forth at some point, and honestly, it's not one that she's too great at hiding around family. TJ is pretty young, so I can see it continuing to fly over his head, but their parents are adults and they're certainly aware of a lot of oddities about their daughter.
Ok fuck this I'm going to bed this is in-fucking-comprehensible and not at all the headcanons I wanted to share I'll do this later
Oh god, your Becky is starting to sound too much like me- /hj
My poor child, I love her sm-
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berryunho · 2 years
hiii I love love The Answer 😭 it’s so fun to read I literally cannot wait to see what happens next. I was wondering, what inspired you to write this story? was there any specific stories/cults that you’ve heard of that you took inspiration from? I love thriller stories so muchdkfk so I’m just so happy to have found your blog!! also do you usually read thriller or do you prefer reading other genres? tysm for sharing your work you’re so talented!!!❤️❤️❤️
omg hi!! first of all thank you so much for reading hehe i'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying it!! and aaaaaaa thank you for the questions omg this might get kinda long (edit from future lauren: yeah it did so im adding a read more lol) but im excited hehe
sooo to answer the first question of what inspired me hehe it was definitely a mix of a few things!! biggest inspiration was me reading mists of celeste and being like "what the fuck. can i do that?" bc ... im sure you've all read it and yk what i mean LMAO its just so good and i wanted to know if i could write something as impactful hehe i had already been a writer but i had never shared my writing or tried to write a longfic so it was a big challenge to start and im so happy i did!!
and soooo after i decided i wanted to write my own fic i figured some things out like i definitely wanted to do an au and i pretty quickly decided that i wanted hongjoong to be an antagonist so i started pondering what situations make Bad People into People Of Power and ... the cult idea plopped nicely into my brain and then everything started falling into place after that hehehe
and YES there are specific cults ALKJFKDJFDK the way im majorly freaking out getting to talk about this thank you again for asking omg anyways. scientologists (so sorry if any of you are scientologists but fr...) heaven's gate. branch davidians (mullet hj is canon in the answer for 1 reason and 1 reason only. david koresh’s mullet.) and like ofc the manson family and the people’s temple (though more so just jim jones himself idk that whole 900 people thing… not intimate enough for the vibe i was going for) and honestly the characterization of hongjoong is derivative of a few irl people too LKFJSDFKLJSD like im not gonna name names bc then yall would be like “oh god …” and judge yourselves so ill save you the torment lol but you could Probably Guess
and yes!! i definitely mostly read thriller/horror novels hehe but i also really love fantasy & sci-fi & lately historical fiction ?? and my favorite book ever is none of those genres hehe i would love any and all recommendations for any of these genres!! i know you didn’t ask this one but im gonna give some book recs anyhow hehehe so my Favorite Book Ever — the secret history by donna tartt … literally in love w this book. the amount of times ive pondered an au…… shhhh my Second Favorite Book Ever — the long walk by stephen king. idk what to say other than literary masterpiece. (its actually super weird but the characters … ugh chefs kiss) the Scariest Book Ive Ever Read — gerald’s game by stephen king. there were just moments of tension that were so perfectly written that it was almost unbearable like wtf not to be that person but like fr i dont get scared by books or movies or documentaries or anything but … yeah this was something an Interesting Series — the southern reach trilogy by jeff vandermeer !! crazy world building very intriguing books a Fantasy Novel — the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon … yes i know booktok book but it was really good okay a Historical Fiction — circe by madeline miller !!!! bawled but it was really good !!! annnnd a Sci-Fi — project hail mary by andy weir ... glakdjfkasj me feeling emotions over a rock alien ... anyways
… SO YEAH AKDJFASDKFJ; THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THE ANSWER AND FOR ASKING ME QUESTIONS AAAA i hope i provided some good commentary lol idk hehehe tysm ily <3
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roxie-roo · 2 years
Emptober Day 6: Night
Night falls on the Empires. With the nighttime, brings a promise of rest, of peace, and of a new day rising ahead.
Nighttime also brought with it challenges. For Katherine, those challenges lied within monsters. Taking care with her battle axe, she raised it above her head as she slammed it down onto yet another undead riser. Monster slaying by night was her one outlet for stress and anger. It just so happened that it also saved her kingdom from harm. Wasn't that just the perfect coincidence? She certainly thought so. So with a heavy breath, she picked up her axe again and turned around, smirking as she saw a creeper try to ambush her. "Oh no you don't.." she snorted as she sliced it in half. Tonight was a good night for a monster hunter.
Shelby sat alone in her study tonight, pouring through journal after journal and book after book, searching frantically for answers. Tortoise watched her from afar, noticing the twitch of her eye, or the tremble of her hand as she flicked another three pages. There was something wrong with the Evermoore, she knew there was something wrong with the Evermoore, but for moon's sake what is it?! Tortoise jumped on top of her notes, looking up at her with his big eyes, and only one message was clear. He was not moving. It was bed time. The young dropout slumped back in her seat and smiled, her hat drooping low over her face. She pushed it back and stood up, scooping Tortoise into her arms. "You're right, bud.. bedtime." She could finish this mess in the morning. She'd get nothing done if she was exhausted.
Joey had fallen asleep in his creeper farm. Exhaustion had caught up with him, and the thought of returning to the bed above the parrot shop just irritated him. He found that the hissing, the crackling soul fire, a cacophonic symphony to others, but a lulling melody to him. It reminded him of being out at sea, where there was never an ounce of quiet on his ships. There was always a creak, or groan, or gentle splash around him. The silence proved to be disturbing, and frankly kept him up rather than helped him sleep. Though, the thought of spending the night with chirping, screaming parrots just made him want to rip his hair out. So there he was, propped up against the wall of the creeper farm with his hat slumped over his face, snoring about as loud as the machine itself. Pete could swear he heard it from the library. The avian rolled his eyes and preened his feathers again, before turning over and going back to sleep.
The Moon rose over Stratos, reflecting on the lake and casting a lovely shine over the kingdom of the sky. Joel was putting the last few touches on his new temple, standing back at a decent enough distance and putting his hands against his hips, a proud smile on his face. "There... that should do it." He nodded. Another temple to honor a long forgotten friend. Or foe. Joel wasn't quite sure how one could begin to describe Jeremy. But regardless, the temple was done. "Now if only I could remember the rest of you lot." He half joked to himself, sitting on the steps of the temple with a sigh.
The Historian raised his torch higher, feeling along the wall of the cave as he traced across the ancient markings. "Hi semper tyrannis, in aeternum cadent..." He read aloud, squinting and tilting his head. "Such always to tyrants, forever shall they fall.." He translated. Further exploration showed a hideout long abandoned. Days crossed off on a wall, rations scattered across the floor, and the remnants of a fire, nothing left but burnt kindling. "Curious.." Pix muttered under his breath. But the groan of a zombie and the rattle of bones snapped him out of his thoughts. Frantically whipping around, thankfully before he was attacked, he set a hand to his head to keep his hat in place and ran. Maybe some other time.
Scott settled against his bed, humming softly to himself as he let himself be transported into the world between pen and ink. He often found himself lost in his journal writing, and his thoughts from the precious hours of the day. Today's was tricky, difficult to place exactly. It felt kind of like a blur, but then again, that damned Warden took up most of his time. Oh, of course. That warden. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, continuing to scribble down his thoughts of the day. It hadn't really been all that eventful, besides the Warden, thankfully. The Moon rose higher and Scott huffed quietly, closing the binding once again and setting the quill down on his makeshift end table, the book right beside it. If he was going to get anything done tomorrow, he needed his beauty sleep.
The mayor of Critter City was hard at work by the time night fell upon Animalia. While her citizens slept, and the Iron Golems patrolled the streets, she was down in the community center, going over her collections. The warden head in the middle as her prized possession. She then looked towards the skulk on the floor, gathering in a mass in a corner and,, spreading? The mass seemed to be growing, if not moving. Lizzie shrieked and blindly waved her sword near it, her eyes shut tight as her tail shot straight up. Though, after a few beats of silence, she slowly opened her eyes again. And the skulk was stationary. Huh. She frowned a little and tilted her head, stepping just a slight towards it and lightly batting at it. It didn't move. Maybe she was just seeing things. She laughed nervously, stepping away from the skulk and putting her sword away, before quickly scampering out of the room. That was enough of that for tonight.
Princess Gem was already asleep before night fell. Apollo was the newest citizen of Dawn, and he was most certainly comfy. He was so fluffy and warm, and he was a perfect pillow! So could someone really blame Gem if she wanted to fall asleep against him? The bear curled up under a tree, eyes shut and asleep promptly after. Gem yawned softly, sitting against his side and laying her head in the soft fur. Her tiara rode up on her head a bit as she settled in to get more comfortable. It had been a long day in the kingdom of Dawn. She'd been hard at work building, and organizing, and all around, she just needed the rest. Apollo, to be quite honest, didn't care one way or the other if the human was laying against him. He just curled up further, the both of them drifting off into peaceful sleep.
False didn't sleep that night. She stayed up and wondered, and watched, and observed. She couldn't sleep, even if she tried. And lords above, she did try. Head hit the pillow repeatedly, she tossed and turned, until she fell off the bed, a twisted mess of blankets on the floor. She grumbled to herself and rubbed her head, letting out a huff as she shoved the blankets from her. Sleep had come so easily the past few nights. Why now was it frustrating her? She had everything, right? She had a name for her area, people were nice to her, why was this so hard? Maybe the paranoia was getting to her. Maybe the statue moving scared her too much. She huffed softly and went outside to check, having a quick fly to the other end of the bridge. He was still here. Floating, and ominous, but he was still there. Thank god. She let out a sigh of relief and went back home, past the strange sign in her entry way, to try and fall asleep once again.
Fwhip was certainly not a forgetful goblin. Definitely not. And he definitely didn't forget about his deal with False. And he most certainly didn't forget that the day and night cycles happened outside of the cave. So going outside to check on Gobtopia, he absolutely expected the phantom shrieks raining down upon him. Oh who was he kidding? He was Fwhip of the Goblands, and he was one of the most forgetful people among the twelve rulers. Hell, his memory could've rivaled that of False, or Joel for that matter. So he promptly screamed when he heard the phantoms descending and divebombing him, wildly swinging his pickaxe as if that'd do any damage. Quickly running back into the safety of the Goblands, he went straight to his home and hid under the covers. No, no, that was enough outside for tonight. He'd check later. When those damn demon birds were burned.
Tumble Town was cooler at night. Without the sun beating down on it, the weather was actually quite nice. The sheriff often found himself wandering his town at this time of night, admiring the progress made, and sparing a half glance towards the still unfinished railroad. "That'll come.." He reminded himself. "It'll get done." It was an arduous process, not to mention incredibly expensive. And sure, he could use the iron in his vaults, but that still wouldn't be enough, and then what? He'd have no more iron in his vault! He'd have to talk to False... He nodded to himself and looked back at the water tower, Judy, as he liked to call her. She was up and running again, perfect. He'd be back in business soon enough. With a satisfied smile and a tip back of his hat, he went back into his office and ran his hand along Norman's back. "C'mon, fella. Time for bed."
Sanctuary was just as alive at night as it was in the day. The sounds of the fountain, and the axolotls chittering inside, along with the quiet murmur of townspeople settling down to bed. And of course, animals intermingling and taking their homes in the nature. Hermes snuggled up under the covers, sheriff plushie clutched tight in his arms, and Bubbles curled up beside him. Sausage came in to check on his son, smiling fondly and pressing a little kiss to his forehead. "Buenas noches, mijo.." He whispered, turning out the last lantern and closing the door quietly. He was somewhat avoiding sleeping that night. After all the weird visions, and dreams, and sleepwalking, the thought of anything else happening almost frightened him. But after the recent events, after being turned human again, maybe tonight he'd be protected. Santa Pearla would be there to help him, he knew that much. Eventually, the moon was getting to the point where it would likely be early early morning, and Sausage let out a frustrated sigh as he went to his own home. Maybe some sleep this time around might do him some good.
Night brought promise of a new day, and new experiences. Night brought a sense of tranquility, that provided somewhat of a break, finally, as things were finally brought to their close. Until, of course, the sun's fateful rise yet again. The new day was upon them, now a new beginning.
Only time would tell what that day would bring.
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