#i'm so tired of this drama and i can't escape it
yan-lorkai · 2 months
Since I absolutely adored your fic on escaping Idia, could you by chance do something with a reader that broke up with him only to find out she was pregnant later? Honestly, I just want the drama of the reader raising this child alone and Idia finding out down that his ex had a kid.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I took this request and ran with it, I hope you like the drama! ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, mention of stalking and controlling tendencies, threats, poison mention, afab!reader but no pronouns used.
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"You robbed me from being her father." Idia didn't sound angry. But there was a bitter taste that lingered on his tongue when he looked at you, the love of his life from when he was just a teenager and your child, sleepy on his arms, same blue hair shining under the dim lights. "I may not like it, but I understand why you did it. I'm so sorry that you didn't feel like you could tell me though."
In any other world, you could feel yourself melting at the scene that was so domestic, so sweet. But right now, when you are coming home, tired and hungry and seeing Idia sitting on your favorite armchair while he held your daughter so dearly and carefully in his arms? A shaky gasp left you, your heart starting to beat loudly in your chest as you watched each and every moviment he made, conscious of every chuckle, of his chest raised, of his eyes that lost their soft gaze and we're hardened now.
You still remember how he used to treat you when both of you were younger, he was like a spider weaving his web full of possessiveness, his words twisted to make you feel like he was the only one who could understand, love and treat you like you deserved.
You were dumb and innocent but dumb and innocent people don't survive for long out there. And when you realized that something was wrong, you had to do what you had to do in order to survive and escape him.
For seven long years you survived. But you felt as if a threat of death was looming over you for as long as you were stared by your ex-boyfriend - he didn't reacted well when you broke up with him. Like always, Idia threw a tantrum, begged and cried and screamed for you to stay, holding onto your legs pathetically. Though now he was older and got a more mature beauty to him, his eyes, so yellow, they were like diamonds watching you.
Your eyes followed the way his fingers moved and toyed with your daughter's hair, a tiny smile on her little lips as she got even comfier in his arms.
This was what you used to imagine when you lay in bed awake, thinking about the what ifs. What if you stayed? What if Idia was just a normal, good and plain guy that didn't scared you? Would he love his child? He did thought he was cursed, fated forever to always watch over the underworld gates, he told you himself. There were so many uncertainties, so much toxicity that you just ran away from your problems and him.
And now your past returned to bite you back.
"You should have told me. We could have done this together." Even he sounds unsure at that, a bit contemplative and thoughtful as he ponders what could have been of his life if he knew earlier about your pregnancy.
Toothy grin growing on his lips as he noticed your disgusted stare, so happy he could still make you feel something - anything was better than your hate, after all. The tick tock was the only sound echoing for a long moment before the growing anger bubbles up on your chest, not believing a single syllable that left his mouth.
"You got to be kidding!" You count on your fingers the number of creepy things he did, feeling your whole body shaking. Either from anger or fear, you can't tell. But it surely amuses Idia, who's smiling wider now. "Stalking me, watching me through the cameras, threatening my friends, you even tapped my phone and used to read my messages like they were a magazine, Idia! A kid wouldn't grown up to be healthy and normal around a freak like you."
You pointed in his direction, your finger jabbing at his face.
The illusion of a family had to end before it even begin. It was his fault that everything turned out to be this way and even with seven whole years passing by, Idia still wasn't able to see this. He was helpless, beyond help.
"That's a funny way to see things, Yuu-shi." He giggled softly, making you wince, the sound so unfamiliar now, while he rearranged the covers to wrap around your child tightly, not wanting her to wake up. Not right now, at least. "From the way I see, you hid my child existence from me. And honestly, I bet it was so hard and tiring, wasn't it? You worked two jobs to raise her, after all."
Your child let out a sleepy giggle, mumbling something on her sleep about her mom and dad finally being reunited. Idia looked back at you, smugness irradiating from him in waves.
"The nerve you got, I can't!" In an instant you were before him. Your whole body fighting to suppress fear and disgust, fighting against whatever was trying paralyze you. You had to take your daughter. You had to take her from him. You had to protect her.
He hummed a little, taking your hand on his. His grip was gentle, reverent even but strong enough to let you know he could overpower you whenever he wanted. He was looking at you through his eyelashes.
And you didn't like how he was looking at you. Like you were a collectible that he wanted to bury on his closet, to hide to never be seen again. Like he knew something you don't.
Exactly how he used to look at you in the past.
"You don't deserve to hold her, you don't even deserve to be near her." You told him petulantly. She was nothing like him. She was kinder and radiant, a good girl. She wasn't a calculating monster like her father.
You took her in your arms and he let you do it, crossing one leg over the other as he threw his head back and laughed.
"You tell me that she wouldn't like me but did you know that she was happy to know who I was? Did you know that she confided in me that you were working so hard that she missed you greatly but didn't want to annoy you?" You rolled your eyes at his attempt at lying, unable to believe anything he said.
There were no signs nor change on your daughter's behavior that indicates that any of this was true. At least, that you think so. You knew her better than he did.
You glanced at him, his eyes still smug but there was a pleading glimmer inside them that almost begged you to believe him this time. Raising a child was difficult, even more when you were raising one alone and had to be there for them 24/07, available emotionally and physically for whatever your daughter needed.
Looking at her soft, round face, you felt a pang of guilty. Idia was telling the truth or he was just messing with your head again?
He's lying, you screamed in your head. Of course he is lying. Lying is far easier than admitting that he was downright toxic.
The memories of his lies and half-truths were still fresh in your mind even after all those years, making it difficult to discern the reality now. You had trouble trusting people even to these days because of him. But his words struck a chord inside of you.
What if it was true? Your little one was a little more skittish and silent around you the past few days. You didn't want to believe this possibility. You couldn't. You worked hard to always be there in every moment, to not let her realize how it was to not have a parent around.
Had you failed?
"Why should I believe you now?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "You did nothing but hurt me when we were together. I don't trust and I don't like how you are all cozy on my armchair, in fact, you are not welcomed here at all.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He obviously didn't want to talk about the past, it's not like he didn't know but in his twisted mind everything he had done to you was justified. Idia always do something with a purpose on mind.
"I know I've messed up before, more times than I can count. But this... this is different."
He gestured to your child, looking at her with a soft, fond gaze. You though didn't believed a second that he had a sudden change of heart just because of your child.
"It's true I didn't wanted a child because of my cursed blood and the fate that would await them. But when I hold her like this, nothing else seems to matter."
You scoffed at this, despising how sincere his voice was. "If you're telling the truth, why didn't she told me herself?"
"She was afraid, I guess. Afraid that you wouldn't understand or she didn't want to add to your stress. She thought she was doing the right thing." He exhaled slowly, the emotional turmoil inside him boiling over. Yet he forced himself to remain calm, to watch each and every step you make, every breathe you take.
Like a spider weaving its web.
His words hung in the air and you looked away, trying to sort through the conflicting emotions that surged within you. Trust had been broken before, boudaries ignored, there was no mending this. There was no salvaging the past, no matter how much he looked like a kicked puppy.
You held your daughter tighter. "Well, that was enlightening but I think you should go. Now."
Idia's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flickering within them as he stood up and lazily stretched. "You're still trying to push me away?" He asked, voice low and cold. "I won't stop you, of course, I get that you're still afraid and all but are you sure you want me to leave? I walked right into your house. Didn't you even wondered how I entered? Or where the nanny you hired went? Or why our daughter didn't woke up yet?"
Desperation crept into your voice, a sudden realisition that perhaps he would do something foolish such as harming his own flesh and blood. "Idia, what... What do you mean by all that?"
He tilted his head slightly. hiding the curve of a smile with his hand, studying you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. You could only wonder what kind of things he was thinking and you didn't like it not knowing what to expect. You stared at him, heart beating loudly as held your daughter closer to your chest.
He laughed, studying you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. "You're scared," It wasn't a question but an observation. His smile got bigger. "Good, you should be. You think you have a choice in this? Your daughter… she's already been exposed to a little something I concocted. A slow-acting poison."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked down at your daughter, now noticing that she was starting to tremble. "How could you do this?" You whispered, voice choked with emotion.
"Because I love you," Idia said, voice low and intense. Taking a step closer, he was staring you face to face now, warm breath over you. "And I won't let you go. Not now, not ever. We're meant to be together and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens."
Your heart pounded in your chest, panic and anger swirling within you. "Give her the antidote, Idia. Please; I'II do anything."
"Not yet," He shook his head slowly, a twisted smile on his lips. His tone was almost gentle and soothing. "You'll come with me first. Once we're safe and together, then she'll get the antidote. But if you try anything... if you try to leave or call for help, well..."
He let the threat hang in the air, the implications clear. Like a wreacking ball he destroyed everything you've worked for all these years. You hated it. And you hated how powerless you were right here, right now.
You felt a wave of despair wash over you, the weight of the situation crushing you. Your daughter's life hanging in the balance and there was no choice but to comply.
"Alright," Vou whispered, voice breaking. You looked at him with hatred and something more you couldn't name, too worried with your daughter's health. "I'll come with you. Just... please don't hurt her."
Idia's smile widened, a flicker of triumph in his eyes. "That's more like it," he said, reaching out to gently touch your daughter's cheek. "We'll be a perfect family, just like I always wanted."
With your heart heavy and your daughter's safety foremost in your mind, you followed Idia, knowing that you were stepping into a nightmare again.
But you could always escape... Right?
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sidekick-hero · 6 months
I'm a fool (for you)
Written for the Stranger Things Writers Guild daily drabble, prompt was 'meet ugly'. I don't know what happened here. warnings: implied cheating (not steddie) | tags: meet ugly, hurt Eddie, emotional hurt/comfort, love at first sight with the worst timing, hopeful ending | 1.2k | AO3
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April is Eddie's favorite month.
Winter is finally over and spring is breathing life back into the world. With the colors of spring, happiness seeped back into people's hearts.
As Eddie walks home from work, whistling his favorite tune, his heart swells with it. The sun still shines brightly, a gentle breeze carries the scent of cherry blossoms from the nearby park, and tucked in his pocket is his very first bonus check. He can't wait to tell David, the exhilaration of a beautiful day gives him hope that maybe they can have a nice evening with some wine and dinner before falling into bed together. It's been a while, and he knows it's partly because he works so much, but lately he feels like he and David are drifting apart.
Determined to surprise David with some quality time together, Eddie plans to come home early. Perhaps they could even use the extra money for a vacation, he thinks with a smile on his face.
Filled with hope and happiness, Eddie opens the door to their apartment, only to be greeted by a sight that shatters both.
A stranger, clad in nothing but black boxer briefs, stands in their bedroom doorway.
"I'm such a fool," Eddie murmurs, blinking at the unexpected sight of an almost-naked Adonis standing in the doorway to the room he shares with the man Eddie thought loved him.
The stranger mirrors his shock. "You're not David.”
A mirthless laugh escapes Eddie's lips. "No, I'm Eddie. His boyfriend. Or rather, ex-boyfriend. Guess he forgot to mention me, huh?"
When the man just buries his face in his hands and groans, "I'm such a fucking fool," Eddie almost feels sorry for him.
Almost, because it's his heart that's just been broken.
"Looks like we both are," he agrees with the stranger. He really is beautiful. Eddie can see why David went for him, he just wishes he hadn't.
"I swear, I had no idea David had a boyfriend or I never would have gone home with him. I'm so, so sorry."
The guy looks sincere and Eddie believes him. After all, it was David who decided to trample on their relationship. It must suck to be drawn into the drama of Eddie's imploding relationship, less cause and more casualty.
Closing the door behind him, Eddie steps fully into the apartment. "I believe you -" he pauses here, waiting for the man to tell him his name.
"I believe you, Steve. Where's David, by the way?"
"Buying condoms," he admits sheepishly, and Eddie rubs his hands over his face.
"Of course. How awfully considerate of him." Steve winces at Eddie's tone, but he's too tired to care. He takes a moment to think about what to do next. "I think it's best if you get dressed and leave now, I doubt you'll want to be here when David gets back. To be honest, I don't want to either, but I guess there's not much of a choice."
Steve looks at him silently for a second before turning and going back into the bedroom, presumably to get dressed. Eddie sighs and heads over to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. He's going to need it.
He's thinking about where he could stay tonight when Steve comes into the kitchen, now dressed in tight, light-washed Levi's and a white shirt that looks painted on. Eddie can even see the dark chest hair through it.
It's hard not to hate Steve for making Eddie feel even more inadequate.
"I know you want me to go, but if it's okay with you, I'd rather stay? Just to make sure you're okay. I've been cheated on before and I know what it's like to feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you. You shouldn't have to deal with it alone."
It's hard to hate Steve when he's so kind to Eddie.
"Do I look so pathetic that I need the man my boyfriend cheated on me with to comfort me?" He spits, more out of self-preservation than anything else. Anger is so much easier to deal with than heartbreak.
Steve's response, however, is gentle. "You look like someone just broke your heart and you could use a friend. It doesn't have to be me, I can take you to one of your friends. I just don't think you should be alone right now." With that, Steve walks over to the coffee machine and pours out a cup. "Sugar? Cream?"
Eddie plops down on one of the kitchen chairs in defeat. "Both. More sugar."
Steve prepares their coffee and then they wait for David to get back. When he does, clearly shocked to find his boyfriend and his hookup in the same room, they both confront him. Steve has Eddie's back the whole time and gets downright mean to David, while Eddie is mostly tired and disappointed. After their confrontation, Steve waits for Eddie to pack some of his things and, as promised, drives Eddie over to Chrissy's apartment.
They park in front of her building and Eddie thanks Steve for everything he's done for him, but before he can get out, Steve takes Eddie's hand and squeezes it.
"I'm really sorry, Eddie. Nobody deserves to get cheated on and I hate that it happened to you. I can understand if you want to be mad at me or forget I even exist, but if you ever need to talk, even if it's just about how small David's dick is, I'm here, okay?"
In the palm of his hand, Eddie feels a piece of paper, and he's pretty sure it's Steve's number.
Steve reaches over and tucks a lock of Eddie's hair behind his ear. "You'll probably think I'm weird, but I feel like I almost know you. It sounds crazy, I know, I know. I can’t explain it. I just want you to be happy, and I can't help but want to be the person who makes that happen."
At Eddie's stunned silence, he hastily adds, "Oh God, I sound like a crazy person. Or worse, a psycho stalker. I promise, I'm neither. And that's exactly what a psycho stalker would say, for Christ's sake. Please say something before I put my foot any further in my mouth."
This makes Eddie laugh again, and this time it doesn't sound bitter. Just a little confused, but mostly fond.
"Thank you, Steve. Really. I appreciate it. You... I have no idea what I'm feeling right now, or what I'm going to do, but you've made this totally fucked up evening suck less, and for that alone I don't want to forget that you exist or be mad at you. I just need some time, y'know?"
Steve's smile is warm, if a little sad. "I do. You should. Take your time, I mean. I really wish we'd met differently."
"Me too. Believe me."
Eddie starts to get out of the car again, and this time Steve doesn't stop him. Just watches him, his hazel eyes shining brightly in the light of the street lamp.
"Take care, Eddie."
"You too, Steve."
As Eddie climbs the stairs to Chrissy's apartment, he saves Steve's number in his phone.
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mncein · 10 months
my sweater? or yours?
◖ 🌸 ° ✮ — seeking comfort after an exhausting day is a requirement. maybe hugs and kisses will ease the tiredness you're feeling. from who? of course your lovely girlfriend!
◖ 🕢 ° ✮ — today, serving you with...? pure fluff !! try your best to relax and take breaks, there is no time for drama today; pairing: newjeans ot5 x female!reader
◖ 💌 ° ✮ — mail for you: hi hi! guess who's back! i'll be explaining my semi-long (?) disappearance here. aside all the crazy things i've done in my life, first sem is done! so far i'm not pressured or stressed about any school works, i fixed my schedules, managed my time and all. i grew a lot ! hoping my brain did too, anyways take this as thanks to my loyal readers out there ! special thanks to @ilovekimminji for the kisses and requesting this hc ! ◖ 💬 ° ♪ — word count: 2,731
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in what might some consider as dramatic, your tiredness has truly reached its limit. the silent but audible groans escaping your lips serve as a sign that you're getting more exhausted with every step you take. the walk to newjeans' dormitory, which the girls granted you access to, feels like a long travel at this point. each step is paired with a quiet sigh, a mumble of a protest against the weight of drained energy.
at last, you arrived at the front door of the building; when the view of the elevator opening entered reach of your sight, you felt a feeling of relief for your tired legs, you don't have to take the stairs! you made your way inside the dormitory, hoping that your girlfriend was home...
🌸 — minji
you know she was home because of her favorite slippers all messy on the rug of the front door. you knelt down, followed by a click of your tongue while you fixed the house shoes neat and well-arranged. after, you take your coat off and hang it on the rack, excitement of seeing minji growing second after second. rushing to the living room with a big smile on your face.
there she was, entirely carefree of your presence, but still undeniably beautiful while slacked lazily on the couch. the tv plays a playlist of her all-time favorite old rock love songs on youtube, and she listens to them with you twice or thrice a week, but it looks like she missed you so much that she had to listen to them alone for the 6th time this week.
you wasted no time and jumped on the couch, your mind going back to your intention of receiving hugs and kisses from your girlfriend, and went blank when you felt her wrap her strong arms around your waist. the both of you missed the warmth you shared with each other. it felt so long and cold as an endless winter night without being cuddled up on each other's arms.
"missed you so much."
words were muffled as you stuffed your face in her chest, she chuckled at your words as a reaction.
"same here. i had to play the songs all day because i can't get you off my mind."
"i knew. but at least give time to fix your slippers on the front door!"
you two shared a moment of laughter before staring into each other's eyes, closing them after feeling your lips touch. sharing the sweet moment passionately and expressively that lasted for a minute.
"i love you bro."
you pecked her lips between every word, her smile growing after receiving every kiss.
"i love you too, miss bro."
minji whispered as a distraction, for her to sneak her hands on your waist, fingers preparing for the right time to attack you with tickles.
"no, i love you more."
you teased.
"god, you're so annoying, i love love you more!"
minji replied after you, and she knew it was going to be an endless exchange of "i love you's", all set and go!
laughs escaped your mouth as minji's fingers turned into tickling machines, squirming and weak under her touch. you desperately tried to escape the torment to catch your breath.
"i swear! if getting tickled by you is a workout, i'd be really fit right now."
you blurt out, calming yourself after laughing too much, you then lay back on her chest, breathless and grinning from ear to ear. minji welcomes you again into her embrace, holding your head softly, this simple gesture sends sparks into your heart.
she rambled away, sharing how her day lacked its usual spark without you around. but excitedly, she spoke about some new songs she discovered, recommending them to you. as she was getting carried away with a new topic, she yearned to steal a few kisses from you. however, you remained silent. minji glanced down and found you peacefully sleeping on her chest, looking utterly adorable in your slumber.
she wouldn't dare wake you up, she knew you were tired, and you deserve a good rest. maybe she'll get those kisses tomorrow morning.
wait! before she closes her eyes and go to sleep with you...
"hold on, who's sweater are you wearing? my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — hanni
of course, the familiar sounds of what she self-assuredly called "hanni music" echoed through the living room. it was visible that today was her specified lazy day. the remnants of her favorite delivered food were scattered messily on the floor, with even the plastic containers adding to the mess. straw wrappers had flown chaotically, and you unknowingly stepped on one.
now, she's sat on the sofa with her ipad in hand. it seems like she's busy doodling and playfully experimenting with the drawing app she shared with you. funny to you how it was so obvious what she was doing based on her crazy hand movements and a big lopsided grin on her face.
you break into her childlike moment by turning off the speaker that's been playing her songs. responding quickly, she wears a mix of guilt and silliness on her face. putting down her ipad next to her, hanni gazes up at your figure with crossed arms, resembling a scolded child caught in the act.
"hehe~ i'm done now, see...?"
hanni opened her arms and offered a hug, together with a gummy smile to ease the mood around the both of you. you're going to forgive her, right? she swore she'd clean up her mess, she was just too lazy to do it right away.
hanni, with a tender gesture, unfolded her arms and extended them towards you, warmly inviting you for a comforting embrace. hoping you'd give in to her, hanni's lips curved into a gummy smile, an easygoing expression showing to clear off any tension lingering in the air between the two of you. the atmosphere seemed to soften as her arms remained open wide, offering comfort in the form of an affectionate hug.
the unspoken question floats around in the air: were you willing to forgive her right there, right now? her eyes, filled with sincerity, pleaded for your understanding. she assured you that she would settle the situation, promising to tidy up the outcome of her apparent laziness. her intention was clear, seeking reconciliation through the simple act of offering an apology wrapped in a warm, embracing hug.
"sorry babe, i'll clean that up later. so why don't you get into these arms and cuddle with me?"
in that moment, a wave of conflicting emotions swept over you. despite the remaining second thoughts about fully accepting her apology. the hug felt nice, it was a gesture that goes beyond words, and you found yourself succumbing to the pure comfort she offered.
hanni, with a smile gracing her face, was content. having you back at home, embraced by her arms. though unsaid, her emotions showed that she missed you like how much you missed her too.
and the both of you had that connection between you, understanding each other without any effort. reciprocating the embrace, perhaps; in this instance, you would let her win, recognizing that sometimes the embrace of understanding speaks louder than the words left silent.
"i feel so small in this sweater."
"is that why you acted like a kid?"
"you know i look cute when i do."
you didn't really care when she wore your clothes; you both practically shared them anyway. however, with a glance at your tired expression, hanni sensed your weariness. so, she leaned back, inviting you to rest your head on her chest. the longing for her company was so strong that you ended up falling asleep there. well as she promised, when you wake up tomorrow, you'll find everything around you magically cleaned.
"maybe you should wear it more then. wait- is that my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — daniellle
you can tell danielle's definitely home – dishes cleaned, table looking shiny, and neat. plants by the hallway appear refreshed, probably just had their daily hydration session. the living room, bathed in a cozy purple glow, the mist of the diffuser, leaving a trail of lavender goodness in the air. it's all relaxing as soon as you set foot inside. danielle's turned the dorm into a zen paradise, and you can't wait to spend your night with her.
she just knows you best, danielle had the movie you both agreed to watch. she obviously planned all this, as she was aware that you were coming home a little late and exhausted. your girlfriend always wants the best for you and is ready to do anything to help. you appreciate her for it, and like her, you'd do the same in a heartbeat. love works both ways.
you hurried to the room where she was, so eager to see your girlfriend. danielle was lying all cozy in a sweater and waiting for you, she had the remote resting in her hand, thumb hovering over the play button. noticing the familiar shadow, her eyes met yours. you were greeted with a soft smile and a flying pair of soft clothes she had prepared, hitting your face.
"think fast!"
she laughed while you rolled your eyes, picking up the clothes and changing into them inside the bathroom.
"i would if you didn't throw the clothes first."
you replied, finding a cozy haven on her chest, now she had her arms wrapped around you. inhaling the subtle fragrance that enveloped her, it felt like an immersive experience, almost ethereal. the scent, a delicate blend uniquely hers, it was her favorite, and wears it almost every day (which became your favorite on her as well), evoking a sense of comfort and security. it wasn't just a fragrance; it was an essence that described her sweet personality. all of those gave you a feeling that, at that moment, could genuinely be described as heavenly.
"how'd you do all these?"
"learned them from you."
"i see, welcome to my world."
a few minutes had passed and you were falling asleep in the position you were both in, the movie continued playing, danielle was keeping her focus on it while giving your head massages (that she knew would help you relax even more). you had your hands gripping gently on her clothes, feeling the familiar texture, you recognized it was the shared sweater of you two. you took note that it was her turn to wear it this week, danielle giggles when you rub your hands on her sides sleepily.
"i thought we shared this, i don't know if i should still consider this as my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — haerin
in the dormitory was all silent and inviting compared to the busy city outside, and there was food in the cat's bowl. the presence of haerin was a quiet yet reassuring sign that she was indeed home. haerin, an up-to-time cat feeder, maintained a schedule, making sure that the fluffy friend was never left waiting for its meal. not even a minute too soon or too late.
as you stepped inside, you swiftly hung your coat before joining rangheo. soft purrs filled the space as you engaged in a playful moment with him, and he enough reminded you of haerin when she's away.
having slipped into a set of fresh, clean clothes, you make your way to the living room where haerin awaits. greeting her with a warm hug, your head finding a comfortable resting place on her chest. in an instant, she releases her hold on the phone, reciprocating the hug with a lovely smile on her face.
"didn't know you like laufey."
"i may or may not have been going through your playlists."
the soft sounds of laufey's music fade into the background as the two of you share this moment. that when the soft, tired breaths escape you. without a word, she senses your exhaustion and knows well how to give you an embrace full of relaxation around you, offering serenity in the warmth of her arms.
"how was your day?"
"boring without you."
"i'm here now though."
"day went better."
you softened at her words, you're glad you can spend the night with her (and rangheo); then you felt soft paws climb on your back and up to your head, resting snugly on your nape. haerin can't help but let out a giggle at the cuteness overloading in front of her. she had one of her hands on your head giving small scratches, and one rubbing under rangheo's chin.
suddenly, a set of gentle paws made their way up your back, reaching up to perch on your head, settling cozily on your nape. haerin couldn't contain her delight, and a let out at the sheer cuteness overloading before her. she had one of her hands on your head, sending small, sweet scratches. the other one rubbing gently under rangheo's chin. the scene was surely going to be in her gallery of memories, the picture of shared joy and the adorable bond between you, haerin, and the furry friend atop your head.
how easily haerin made you sleepy, just from the gentle touches she gave, it was better than you daydreamed about.
"i love that on you."
you point to her top,
"which one? my sweater?"
claiming it's hers and she's wearing your clothes again.
"huh, really... my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — hyein
the hallways looked like the aftermath of a fashion hurricane! there were paper bags from famous clothing stores, a pastel pink beanie doing its best to blend in with the chaos, a random brown fur coat hanging off a doorknob, and the missing pair of purple socks in the middle of the floor. no doubt about it – hyein had turned the place into her very own fashion runway.
sure, you'll do her a favor and clean her mess but has to be repaid by hugs and kisses. hyein may forget about her own mess, but she does things for you willingly and without asking. once you're done tidying around, you change into your cozy house clothes and have a fun time cuddling with your girlfriend.
as you entered, relief washed over you at the sight of the living room, neat and tidy, it's pleasing to the eyes. however, a sudden click of a camera shutter broke your moment of silence, drawing your attention to the source. there she was, sitting gracefully on the couch, looking all gorgeous, capturing multiple pictures in various poses.
you couldn't help but assume that this unplanned photoshoot was destined for her phone gallery. curiosity sparked, and you wondered you wonder if she did the same with the tons of clothes all folded neatly at the edge of the sofa.
"oh, you're home! sorry for the mess in the hallway, i'll clean-"
"don't bother, i already cleaned them for you."
setting aside her phone, she created a space for you to lie down beside her. without hesitation, you accepted the invitation, sighing in contentment as you lay your head on her chest.
"very much."
arms wrapped around you in an instant, showering soft kisses across your face, exactly what you were yearning for earlier. maybe cleaning up her mess wasn't such a chore after all if the reward was this. aside from that thought, you found yourself blessed with daily affection from her, and you cherished every single gesture.
"any more plans for today?"
asked her, you shook your head no, you were too tired to think or do something.
"great! i just have one more request, and i'm dying to tell you."
you were getting sleepy at that very moment, well oh well, maybe you can make an exception, you hummed for her to continue.
"since you're here, let's take photos together! i've been wanting to try this sweater for soooo long."
she raised the familiar fabric, and it was yours.
"that's mine."
"nuh uh, found it in my closet."
"whatever, so is it still my sweater? or yours?"
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◖ 💌 ° ☏ — you've reached the end! hi's and hello's once again, i hope you had a fun time reading! i enjoyed working on this, i can finally voice out my thoughts about the girls 😭 totally went crazy on danielle's, i love newjeans so muchjksjdjjdy
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392 notes · View notes
berberriescorner · 3 months
“Echoes of Redemption”
Characters: Jay Halstead x Black!Reader.
Summary: After a tumultuous relationship marked by Jay Halstead's absences and affairs, you begin to rebuild your life.
Warnings: A smidge of profanity, a bit of humor, angst, anger, fluff, and a lil’ smut👀😆.
Word Count: 5,000+.
A/N: This is my first Halstead fix, but hopefully you lovelies will love it🩵.
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Inspired By🩵:
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Adam cradled your work bag and purse in one hand, his broad shoulders carrying the weight of your exhaustion. His free hand pressed the down button for the elevator, the soft ping of the mechanism cutting through the silence. You sighed deeply, closing your eyes for a brief moment, letting the weariness wash over you.
“Tired?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.
“Exhausted. I could sleep for days,” you responded, the fatigue squinting your eyes. A massive yawn escaped your lips as the elevator doors slid open. You leaned against the wall for support, stifling another yawn. “Sorry,” you murmured.
“It’s all good. I hope you can get some rest once you’re home,” he said, as his voice comforted your frazzled nerves.
“Thanks, Adam. For everything. You've all been so supportive. Even if it's a bit awkward.”
The elevator dinged, and Adam gestured for you to step out first. He spotted a nearby vending machine and asked, “Did you eat today?”
Not waiting for your answer, he walked over to the whirring machine and purchased a bottle of water and a bag of smart popcorn. You sank onto a bench, grateful for the brief respite. Adam returned, popping open the snack and handing you the bag and the beverage. The two of you continued on your journey to the parking lot.
“Maybe this can give you a bit of energy.”
“Adam, you don't have to make such a fuss. You, Kim, Kevin, and Voight have already done enough. I can't believe she made a time chart so everyone can take turns escorting me to these appointments. She even has poor Dante in on it. That baby has his hands full taking care of himself. Bless his heart.”
“Are you kidding me? You're family. That’s what you do for loved ones,” he assured you, his eyes steady and sincere.
“Is this not awkward for you guys? Hailey’s your friend too,” you grudgingly admitted.
“Yes, but we knew you first. We're not going to abandon years of friendship over drama. We support her just as we do you. J—”
“Adam, please don't. The thought of him is even more stressful. Thanks for the snack. I can finish this in the car. I'm ready to get home to my comfy bed. It's been a long day.”
You caught a flicker of emotion in Adam's eyes, but he quickly masked it. Clearing his throat, he agreed, “You’re right. Let's get you home. Kim’s making me and Mak’s favorite dinner tonight,” he bragged, trying to lighten the mood.
“You bring baby girl next time. I miss her cute wittle face,” you demanded.
“Yes, ma’am.”
The walk to the exit grew quiet and tense. You glanced at Adam out of the corner of your eye.
“You good?”
“Y-yeah. Just thinking about a case,” he lied, his voice unconvincing.
As he opened the door, you started to press about the case. But your words caught in your throat at the sight of a figure standing across the parking lot. Your gaze locked onto the face, shock coursing through you. You spun around, the question about the case forgotten. "Tell me you didn't. What is he doing here?"
Adam scratched the back of his neck, looking apologetic. “Sorry, sis. The moment Hailey found out, she said he deserved to know. It was either she’d tell him, or Kevin and I. Kim was against it all. Voight was neutral.”
“I told you I would tell him on my own time!”
“When would that have been? You've been putting it off for three months now,” Adam argued.
“You don't get it. None of you know the entirety of the situation. I'm not just some home-wrecking whore. If anything, my home was the one that took the damage. You might want to remind Hailey of that, given that she's out here giving an ultimatum based on my life.”
Your gaze fixated on the once-sparkling eyes that had the power to make your heart flutter. Now, those same eyes left your heart in ruins, a painful reminder of what was lost.
“Why are you here? Shouldn't you be somewhere across an ocean or something?”
Jay walked up slowly like he was approaching a wounded animal. He stood a few inches away from you, hands buried in his pockets, looking down. “I just want to talk,” he begged.
“Now you want to have a conversation? Why, Jay? Why are you here? You made your choice.”
“Did I make my choice?”
“Walking—sorry, running—away was a choice. Was it not?”
His eyes locked with yours as he pleaded, “I know you hate me, but please, just one conversation? I took leave as soon as I found out.”
“Are you supposed to get brownie points for that,” you snapped.
“You don't get to call me that,” you growled.
Adam’s hand rested on your shoulder, the turmoil between two of his dearest friends cutting deep. It reminded him of the trying times he and Kim had gone through. He held out hope that you two would find some resolve.
“You know this exchange needs to happen. Maybe you'll find clarity,” Adam said, looking you in the eyes. “I'm sure he’s come to his senses over the past couple of months. Surely he realizes he could have handled the situation better and that he was being stupid.”
"Thanks, Adam. That's incredibly helpful," Jay retorted with a sarcastic edge.
Ruzek shot him a glare. “As I was saying, this needs to happen. Do me a favor. Let him drive you home. Give him however much time you want to explain himself. Discuss the most important things. Then you can either reconcile or tell him to go to hell.”
Jay threw his hands in the air. Adam cut his eyes to him. “Being my bro doesn't give you a pass. I'm going to call you on your shit. You know that.”
“Reconcile? You must have confused me with Hailey.”
“Damn it, sis.”
“Fine,” you snarled, turning to head toward Jay's truck.
“Thanks! Love you,” Ruzek shouted as you flipped them both off.
Adam shoved your belongings into Jay’s chest. His voice dropped into a menacing, judgemental tone. “Glad to have you back, brother. Try not to leave things as messed up as you did the last time. When are you going to stop screwing her over and flipping her life upside down? You better make this right.”
“I will make it right with everyone involved.”
“No, just her. You've got to choose, and it needs to be her.”
“Who says I hadn't already tried to do that?”
“Yeah, and then you changed your mind.”
“That's not what I meant to do. You know what, Ruzek? I know I screwed up. Can we pause this lecture so I can try and rectify my mistakes?”
Adam paused for emphasis. He needed Jay to listen to the advice he was about to give, to let it sink in truly.
"You messed up, Halstead," Adam said, his voice gruff but laced with concern. "But you gotta fight for her. Show her you mean it this time." Jay clenched his jaw, the truth of Adam's words scraping at his already sore conscience.
“I hear you, brother. Truly. I’ve been stupid far too long, and it’s time I get my life in order. I just–needed to get away. To finish something I’d run from for far too long. I took that time away to figure out how to stop sabotaging the things and people I love most.
Adam nodded his head before laying into him once more, “I swear to God, Jay Halstead, if you mess this up again—if you don't manage to pull your head out of your ass—Kevin and I are going to knock you out cold.”
“It sure is good to be home,” Jay sighed, walking toward the passenger door. He unlocked it and helped you, vertically challenged as you were, into the monstrous truck.
The minute your butt hit the seat, you snatched away from him. He slid into the driver's seat, reaching across to buckle your seatbelt as he had in the past. He jumped back as you slapped his hand away.
“I’ve got it. Just drive.”
Half the drive to your apartment was filled with tense silence. Jay couldn't take it any longer. He cleared his throat, attempting to engage in conversation.
“How have you been? You look as beautiful as ever.”
Your head snapped to the side as if you had been struck. Jay kept his eyes on the road, but he could feel your piercing glare.
“Look, I'm trying not to raise my blood pressure these days. Do me a favor and keep the stupid ass questions to a minimum,” you hissed.
“Jesus, Y/N. No matter what I say, it’s going to upset you. I admit it’s well-deserved, but can't we be civil until we at least get to the house?”
“Civil? Are you trying to gaslight me right now? You don't deserve civility. How about we ride in silence? Nothing I say to you is going to be nice, Jay.”
“Silence it is.”
The sight of your driveway eased the tension in Jay's shoulders. He shut off the engine, the rumble fading into the quiet hum of the neighborhood. Stepping out of the dusty truck, his legs ached from hours on the road, but he glided to your passenger door.
"Hey there," he greeted with a hint of breathlessness in his voice. He started to reach out, but you mumbled a quick "thanks" as you slid out and brushed past him, already digging in your purse for your keys.
Jay lingered on the curb briefly, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features before the familiar puppy-dog eyes returned. You rolled your eyes playfully, the sound masking the growing unease in your stomach. "Alright, alright. I'll hear you out," you conceded, finally finding your keys. "But I swear if you—"
Your playful threat was cut short by the sudden seriousness in Jay's voice. He reached out, his fingers brushing against yours as he placed the keys inside your pants pocket. "I've got it," he murmured, his gaze dropping to the worn metal in his hand. He chewed his lip nervously a stark contrast to his usual confident demeanor.
"Why keep my spare key?" you asked, suspicion evident.
Jay hesitated, his shoulders slumping slightly. When he met your gaze again, his eyes were a storm of hidden emotions. Sadness mingled with something deeper, something you couldn't quite place. "I wasn't planning to leave," he admitted, his voice thick with regret. "Not for good, that is."
You sighed, the energy draining from your body like air from a punctured balloon. The weight of his words settled on you, heavy and unspoken. "Right," you said, your voice flat. "Just unlock the door, Jay. My feet are killing me."
As Jay unlocked the door and pushed it open, you stepped inside and felt a wave of relief wash over you. The familiar comfort of home was opposite the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling. You kicked off your shoes and trudged towards the living room, dropping onto the couch with a heavy sigh. Jay followed, lingering in the doorway as if unsure whether to stand or join you.
You looked up at him, the silence between you charged with unresolved tension. "You can sit, Jay. I won't bite your head off. I'll try not to that is."
He nodded and sat down on the opposite end of the couch, his posture rigid. "Thanks."
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the quiet settling around you like a heavy blanket. Finally, Jay broke the silence. "I know you're angry. You have every right to be. But I need you to know that I never meant for things to get this bad. Before I get into all of that. I have to ask. It’s a stupid question, and I probably already know the answer. Why didn't you respond to any of my letters? Did you read any of them?”
“Not even the emails or texts?”
“Nope,” you responded, emphasizing the letter p.
“If you had read them. You would've known that I tried to explain myself even if they were selfish reasons. Part of you may have understood why I did what I did.”
“Well, I didn't, Jay. You left without even saying goodbye. You didn't deserve another moment of my time. Be grateful you're getting it now.” You glanced at him, your expression guarded. "Why did you come back, Jay? Really?"
He took a deep breath, his eyes searching yours. "Because I found out you're pregnant."
Emotions crashed over you all at once. "So that's it? They tell you I'm pregnant and you come running back?"
"It's not just about the baby," he insisted. "I want to be here for you, for us. I realized that running away was a mistake. I thought I was protecting you, but I was just being a coward. I want to make things right, if you'll let me."
"Make things right?" you echoed, a hint of bitterness in your voice. "You think you can just come back and fix everything with a few words? Every time we've faced an obstacle, you've chosen everything over me. Your career, your fleeting moment of weakness for Hailey, even leaving to return to the army. How do I know this time will be different?"
Memories of your tumultuous past resurfaced. You and Jay had started dating years ago, your connection was instant and intense. Things got serious quickly, but Jay's fear of commitment led him to break things off and pursue a relationship with Erin Lindsay. When Erin left for an FBI job, Jay came running back to you, realizing he'd only gotten involved with her as a means to run from commitment as always.
You took him back, and things got serious again. Only that time his career became increasingly dangerous, and your constant fear for his safety caused a rift. He chose his job over you, and the two of you broke up. That time it hadn't hurt as much. You had no right to force him to choose between a career and the woman he loved. You took it as a sign that perhaps you just needed time apart.
After some time, you started to slowly rebuild your relationship, only for Jay to start having feelings for Hailey Upton. Though you know the responsibility lay mostly in your man. You still felt a way about Hailey deciding to pursue him anyway. She knew the two of you were amid reconciliation. Even with that knowledge, she still initiated the kiss and confession of attraction that confused Jay.
You argued over his feelings for the both of you and eventually, you broke up. Jay pursued things with Hailey, and while at first, it was just hooking up, things eventually got serious. Your weakness for him led to the two of you still sleeping together, but when Hailey discovered the two of you were still involved. Suddenly she wanted a committed relationship, Jay chose her. They got married (out of Jay’s perverse sense of loyalty and obligation to the team), and you tried to move on. But Jay's jealousy and selfish attempts to sabotage your relationships made it clear he was still not over you.
He soon realized he made a mistake getting involved with Hailey. You refused to take him back until he was a single man, and after a quick divorce, Jay struggled with wanting to serve a bigger purpose. It was as if he was in the midst of an early midlife crisis. Just as you two had started to rekindle your romance and rebuild, he up and left to rejoin the army.
As you were trying to pick up the broken pieces of your heart, you discovered the pregnancy. Jay found out from your friends and returned home to explain himself, determined to make things right this time. The touch of his fingers gliding across your cheek brought you back to the present. You tilted back from his touch.
“That's what you always do, Jay,” you began, your voice trembling with suppressed emotion. “Run and leave me to deal with the fallout of broken promises and heartbreak. At every turn, you've chosen everyone, everything else, over me. Erin. Your job. Marrying Hailey! Not to mention she's not the first wife, but the second. What is it three times a charm? You’ve already knocked me up. Now all you gotta do is marry me and run. Just like you always do. Hell, you chose the military over me, Jay! So tell me, why? Why should I let you back in and risk you breaking this baby’s heart in the future? Why do you always run, Jay?”
His expression softened, his eyes filled with regret as he listened to your words. He reached out, gently cupping your face in his hands. The pads of his thumbs swiped at the tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Because I was scared, honey,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “Scared of messing things up, of not being good enough for you. But I realize now that running away only made things worse, that I can’t keep hiding from my mistakes. I want to be here for you, for our child. I want to make things right, to be the man you deserve.”
Jay met your gaze, his resolve hardening. "No more running," he vowed silently. The fear of losing you forever was a terrifying prospect, but it paled in comparison to the regret of never trying at all. He had to face his demons and fight for the future he longed for.
More tears fell as you looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of sincerity. And there, amidst the pain and regret, you saw it – a glimmer of hope, a flicker of determination.
The weight of your history hung in the air as you sat together, the past intertwining with the present. Jay reached out, his hand gently covering yours. “I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and I’ve hurt you more than I can ever make up for. But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. I want to be a part of your life, and our child’s life, if you’ll let me.”
“I’m tired of being hurt, Jay,” you whispered, your voice barely audible. “But if you’re willing to try, if you’re willing to fight for us, then maybe... just maybe, we can find a way to make this work.”
Jay nodded, his grip on your face tightening ever so slightly. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes, sweetheart. I love you, and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”
You looked into his eyes, seeing the pang of regret. “It’s not going to be easy, Jay. We have a lot to work through. But I want to believe that you’ve changed, that you’re here for the right reasons.”
“I am,” he said firmly. “I know I’ve chosen wrong in the past, but I’m choosing you now. I’m choosing us.”
“Okay,” you said, your voice steady. “Let’s take it one step at a time.”
Jay nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. “One step at a time.”
As you sat together, the first glimmers of hope began to shine through the darkness. It was a long road ahead, but with determination and love, you knew you could face whatever challenges came your way, together.
But there was something Jay had kept from you, something he had been working on while he was away. As you looked into his eyes, you saw a hint of hesitation, a flicker of uncertainty.
“There’s something else I need to tell you,” he began, his voice hesitant. “While I was deployed, I... I started talking to a therapist.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in surprise, a million questions flooding your mind. “A therapist? Did something happen while you were away? Are you okay,” you rambled as your mind raced with a thousand different scenarios.
Jay took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. “Honey. Honey, relax. I'm not hurt. I realized that I needed help and that I couldn’t keep running from my problems. I needed to confront my past, to understand why I kept making the same mistakes over and over again.”
“And did it help?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. “Yeah, it did. I learned a lot about myself, about the things that drove me to make those mistakes. And I made a promise to myself – and you – that I would come back a better man, that I would do whatever it takes to make things right. I'm going to continue my journey with therapy. After all the pain I've caused. I think it wouldn't hurt to do couples counseling. Only if that's something you're interested in pursuing.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, a mixture of relief and gratitude flooding your heart. “I'd like that. Thank you,” you whispered, the words barely audible.
Jay reached out, gently wiping away your tears. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through. But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. I love you and I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right.”
You leaned into his touch, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. The weight of the past slowly began to lift, replaced by a sense of hope for the future. It wouldn’t be easy, you knew, but with determination and love, you were ready to face whatever challenges came your way, together.
Things grew quiet as the two of you looked longingly at one another. The faintest gasp slipped and you whispered, “Jay, you can't look at me like that.”
His voice low and husky, he responded, “How am I looking at you, sweetheart? I haven't seen or held you in quite some time. Admittedly, I'm the one to blame for that, but there isn't any other way I could look at you right now.”
“Please,” you begged. “Damn it, Jay. Look at me like I disgust you. Just, anything but the way you're staring at me now.”
“You want me to look at you with disgust,” he questioned, already shaking his head no. “That's not possible, honey.”
“Listen to me, Jay Halstead. I'm very pregnant and hormonal right now. I need you to be the bigger person and say that what I'm thinking is a bad idea. You need to be strong for both of us. Go home, Jay. If you don’t, we may give in to temptation. Why did you have to wear that damn uniform?”
He gave you a megawatt smile, slightly nibbling at his lips as if he was embarrassed by your compliment.
“Why, Mr. Halstead, are you blushing,” you questioningly teased.
N-No,” he spluttered.
A brief silence was followed by laughter. Once it ceased, Jay spoke in a soft, warm voice, “To answer your question. This is home, sweetheart. It is in my heart.”
And then, in a moment of weakness, as the pregnancy hormones surged through your body and desire flared between you, you found yourselves giving in to the longing that had been simmering beneath the surface. In each other’s arms, you found solace, comfort, and a renewed sense of hope for the future.
Jay didn't want to ruin things, but if something were to happen. He'd not only need consent and for you to set things in motion. He'd been given a chance to make things right. Jay wouldn't risk it all by making you believe this was the only reason he had come to talk.
“Don’t make me regret this, Jay.”
Before he could answer, you surged onto his lap, kissing him with all the pent-up passion you could muster. You both sighed and moaned as your lips met. Pulling away briefly, you pressed yourself into him. "There's no time for foreplay," you murmured.
Jay groaned as his eyes snapped closed. He grabbed hold of your waist, anchoring you to his lap. Slowly, his eyes peeled open. They were filled with hunger and uncertainty. “Are you sure, honey? I'd understand if you wanted to wait.”
Your hand trailed up his back, sending shivers down his spine as it glided sensuously up his neck and into his hair. Your fingers tangled gently in his light brown locks, tugging playfully. Your other hand encircled his throat in a delicate caress, “That depends. How badly do you miss me riding your thick, veiny, co-.”
Jay's growl silenced you abruptly, shattering his composure.“Ever the little tempting brat. Aren't you, sweet girl?”
In a feverish rush, you tore at each other's clothes. Pushing Jay onto the sofa, you straddled him, reclaiming your dominance. You descended slowly, savoring the sensation. Your pants joined his symphony of groans as you moved your hips. Alternating between rocking and moving in a circular motion. Pleasure washed over you both, leaving Jay breathless.
“F-fuck. Baby, if you squeeze me any tighter, this won’t last long.”
Being the petty brat you are. You allowed your muscles to contract around him again. Jay couldn't help but shake his head from side to side and chuckle. His eyes found yours, turning dark as they simmered with heat. Jay’s hand collided with your soft, ample, flesh. He reveled in the half moan, half whine it pulled from your lips.
His hands pawed at your hips possessively forcing you up to his tip before quickly pulling you back down. You both cried out and you begged him to do it again. Jay repeated the motion as he freed one hand to toy and pinch at your bundle of nerves. With every pinch and circle of his fingers, you climbed higher. The closer you came to falling over the edge the more your walls gripped his flesh.
“Let go for me, sweetheart. Can you do that for me, sweet girl? Hmm? Yes, you can. Can't you, baby? Come for me, sweetheart. Soak me and this damn couch just like I know you can.”
Jay slammed you down one final time locking you into place as he circled your nub. Your face buried into his neck as violent shakes paired with sobs. You ground against his lap riding out the orgasm. Jay held you close as he left kisses against the side of your head. He talked you down from an intense orgasm. “You’re okay, honey. You're okay. You did so good for me.”
He tensed hearing sniffles muffle into the side of his neck. “Baby? Are you okay?”
“Promise you won't leave me again, Jay.”
He lifted your head, his eyes filled with reassurance. “I promise, baby. Never again. Okay?”
You nodded in agreement as he wiped your face. He stole a quick kiss before pulling you back against him to cuddle again.
“Jay,” your question muffled against his neck again.
“Yes, baby-.”
His response caught in his throat as you clamped down on him once more. Your lips trailed from the side of his neck up to his ear. You playfully bit his ear and moaned, “You didn’t get to come.”
“Keep doing that and it won't take long, sweetheart,” he groaned.
The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as you stirred in Jay's embrace. The events of the previous night played like a dream in your mind, a mixture of vulnerability, longing, and desire. You glanced at Jay, still sleeping peacefully beside you, and couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you.
As you lay there, basking in the afterglow of your shared moment of weakness, you couldn't shake the feeling of hope that filled your heart. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, you knew that you and Jay would face them together, united in love and determination.
With a soft smile, you pressed a gentle kiss to Jay's lips, feeling a surge of warmth and affection between you. The kiss pulled Jay from his slumber. Blinking a few times to clear the sleep from his vision, he rubbed at your small but noticeable bump.
“Oh, I see put me back to sleep so you can nap some more,” you teased. “Fine by me, Halstead.” Jay smirked and continued rubbing in circular motions. Just as you were about to drift off to sleep, there was a loud knock on the door, causing you both to jump.
Jay chuckled, planting a kiss on your forehead before pulling away. "I'll go see who it is."
As he made his way to the door, you heard familiar voices on the other side. "Come on, man. We gotta make sure Jay's still in one piece," Adam's voice rang out.
"Yeah, and see if they've reconciled yet," Kevin chimed in.
With a grin, Jay swung open the door to reveal Adam and Kevin standing on the doorstep, wearing matching grins and teasing expressions.
"Hey there, lovebirds. Just making sure Jay survived the night," Adam quipped.
Jay rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his expression. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the concern, guys."
Kevin nudged Adam with a smirk. "Did y’all kiss and make up, or do we need to start planning your escape route? Blink twice if you need help bro."
You couldn't help but laugh at their antics, shaking your head in mock exasperation. "We're working on it, okay? Now, if you don't mind, we were kind of in the middle of something."
Adam and Kevin exchanged a knowing look before raising their hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. We'll leave you two lovebirds to it. But just remember, we're always here if you need a referee," Adam teased, earning a playful swat from Jay. Kim told me to say she expects a full run down over lunch tomorrow. She kept saying she wanted all the tea. What does that even mean?”
Kevin shook his head in disappointment. “Come on big dog. I'll have to teach you some new lingo on the way back to the precinct. Jay? Voight said you always have a job where he's concerned. Before you decline. Hailey is joining the FBI,” he finished with a wink toward you.
As they turned to leave, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the friends who always knew how to lighten the mood, even in the most awkward situations. As you snuggled back into Jay's arms, you felt a surge of passion coursing through your veins, igniting a fire that had been smoldering between you since the moment you first met.
With a mischievous glint in his eye, Jay turned to you, his gaze filled with desire. "Well, that was unexpected," he whispered, his voice husky with longing.
You couldn't help but smile at the intensity of his gaze, feeling a rush of heat spreading through your body at the thought of being so close to him again. "Unexpected, but not unwelcome," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
As Jay leaned in to capture your lips in a searing kiss, you melted into his embrace, the passion between you igniting like wildfire. In that moment, all the doubts and uncertainties melted away, leaving only the burning desire that had brought you back together.
“I’m insatiable, sorry.”
“No need to apologize. That makes two of us, sweetheart,” he responded, brushing curls from your face. His heart warmed that he was able to hold you this way. Jay had missed the feel of your skin and moving the hair from your vision. “You might want to put your bonnet on this time. I don’t want to get in trouble for ruining your hair, love.”
“Smart man, Mr. Halstead,” you giggled, leaving feathery kisses along his jaw.
And as the passion between you intensified, you couldn't help but joke, "Maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones," eliciting a laugh from both Jay and yourself, knowing that the truth was far deeper than a mere hormonal surge.
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How y’all feeling about this one? I hope I did Mr. Halstead justice. Be sure to comment and reblog lovelies🩵.
Tagging a few lovelies🩵:
@darqchilddaydreamz @sunshine-flower @astoldbychae @1andonlytashae @alertyoulikeitsamber @thirtysomethinganduncensored @starrynite7114
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seoafin · 1 year
I need your thots on house husband geto,,how he cooks and cleans and all he asks from you is a kiss every now and then [ever since i read nitc all i've been thinking about is how he asks rip!mc for a kiss in exchange for anything]
"You don't cook at home?"
When Shoko had dragged you out to a girl's night with some of her old friends from medical school, citing that Satoru and Suguru had kept you cooped up in the apartment for themselves for too long, this was not a question you anticipated to be answering. At first you were overwhelmed. It was a large gathering. Ten became eight, and eight had dwindled to six and then four. Right on the verge of retiring for the night, conversation had shifted to the topic of boyfriends and relationship woes.
And now three pairs of eyes look to you. An amused chuckle escapes Shoko's lips, a lit cigarette neatly slotted between her lips.
You blink, embarrassment washing over you. "I—well." You stare down at your lap. "I'm not really that good at cooking...so my boyfriend...does all the cooking."
Suguru does the cooking. And the laundry. When Suguru's away, Satoru takes care of it. Satoru washes the dishes. Cleans. He sweeps and vacuums and tidies after the kids. You had tried to help, once, but Suguru had directed you away, and now the realization is quickly dawning on you that it may have been because you are simply incompetent at housework.
You may not be able to cook, but nobody is incompetent at cleaning!
Except…maybe you. You don’t know. You’ve never needed to clean. Nothing more than a perfunctory clean every once in a while when you lived alone. You weren’t a messy person. Shoko remarked often that your first apartment was cleaner than it had been when you had originally moved in.
"How sweet," Kuriyama sighs out. "My boyfriend can't even cut a vegetable! He cooks for you? Everyday?"
"U-usually," is your response while your mind races, trying to think back to the last time you had helped with anything around the house. Anything.
"The only thing my boyfriend can make is ramen. Not to mention he's super picky about his food!" Mori shakes her head. "He's so difficult! Honestly I think of dumping him everyday for being so incompetent!"
You stare at her.
Shoko clears her throat. "I'm sure it’s not only that—”
“I agree,” Kuriyama says, nodding, face fiercely determined. “It gets so tiring sometimes taking care of everything. Maybe it’s time to move on!” She leans in. “Your boyfriend wouldn’t happen to have any good looking friends?”
Out of all the reasons that constantly filled your head with why Satoru and Suguru would break up with you, you hadn’t expected your inability to do household chores to be one of them.
Well, it would certainly be understandable. If anything, you think you would prefer them breaking up with you over something as mundane as not being able to do housework, instead of the many flaws to your character. It would settle easier. It would hurt less. Now you just had to prepare yours—
“Let’s call it a night!” Shoko interrupts, cigarette disposed, taking you to stand up by the arm. “I have to get her back before people start calling,” she says, interlacing your fingers.
Kuriyama sighs. “Just when we were getting to the best part, Shoko!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mori grins. “You should come to our next night out. You can invite your boyfriend too! We’ll make an exception!”
Shoko waves them off, pulling you outside the izakaya. 
“I can’t cook either,” she says as the two of you wait for a taxi. You know that. But Shoko bakes. Cookies and cakes and occasionally other baked goods. You spent nights over at her apartment eating cupcakes until late in the morning, watching American dramas and horror movies. Delicious, mouth watering desserts.
“Who expects women to cook nowadays anyway?”
When the elevator parts to your apartment, you immediately go to Mimiko and Nanako’s room and check their pink laundry hamper. Empty. Then to Tsumiki’s room. Empty. Megumi’s room. Empty.
You’re seated on the floor of Megumi’s room when the door opens again.
“How was the—”
You push past Satoru to go into your shared room at the end of the hall to check your laundry hamper. Suguru is reading on the bed when you open the closet. Empty. You sit down, knees flush to your chest, dejected.
You don’t need to look behind you to know Satoru and Suguru are exchanging glances.
From your knees, you mumble. “Did you do the laundry?”
It’s Suguru that answers you. “We just finished a load.”
You sit in silence.
At least, until Satoru gently yanks you up into his arms, and carries you to the bed. You immediately turn face down on your comforter, covering your face. 
You think they must be having another one of their silent conversations. You squeeze your eyes shut. Tomorrow, you resolve, you’d wash the dishes after dinner.
You hear the door open yet again with Satoru’s departure, and Suguru softly says your name. You sigh, picking yourself up. You really can’t refuse Suguru when he says your name like that.
“Where are the kids?” You ask, even though you already know where they are. They’d be back early tomorrow morning, before school.
“Educational overnight field trip with Yaga,” Suguru replies, amused as your attempt to delay the inevitable. He plays along, lightly teasing. “It’s not like you to forget these things.”
You don’t meet his eyes. Suguru calmly waits you out until you lamely say: “I don’t help around the house.”
You can tell he’s taken aback. “Is that why you were looking for…dirty clothes?”
You’re embarrassed just thinking about it. “...”
“I like cooking,” he says. “I like cooking and watching you, Satoru, Megumi, and the girls enjoy what I make. And I definitely, don’t think it’s a burden. We order out a lot too, don’t we?” He continues. “As for the laundry, I grew up doing it with my mother. It reminds me of home.”
You reluctantly look up. There’s a soft smile on his lips. “I can wash the dishes.”
He chuckles, hand caressing your face. You nearly close your eyes and lean into it. “You don’t need to. You don’t need to do anything.”
You still want to. Try. It makes you feel better. Slightly. The knots in the pit of your stomach loosen. “Can I help you with lunch for the kids tomorrow…?”
He pretends to think about it. The fondness in his barely suppressed expression gives him away. "Maybe if you give me a kiss first."
"Suguru," you grumble.
He only replies with your name, face erupting into a full blown grin.
Your face warms as you lean close and cup his face with your hands, bringing your lips to his. He pulls you on to straddle his lap, wrapping an arm around your waist and breathes you in. His lips briefly part, and you feel his tongue run over your bottom lip.
You pull away, about to rest your face onto his shoulder, into his neck. His dark purple gaze draws you in. “We can take care of you,” he says, softly. Then he kisses you again, and this time you let him take you apart with his tongue. Against your lips: “We can take care of you.” 
You draw apart, breathless. You pointedly stare at the wall behind him while you attempt to regain what’s left of your composure. Suguru laughs and presses a kiss to your collarbone, one hand sliding underneath your shirt onto bare skin, thumb lightly dragging over the scar of raised flesh on your side.
“Besides,” he murmurs, lips still attached to your neck. You can feel the slightest kiss of teeth. “Satoru makes more of a mess than the kids. It’s only right that he cleans up after himself.”
“Hey!” The sound erupts from behind the door. 
You should’ve known. 
“I’m so sorry,” you bemoan.
Ten minutes prior, Nanako had run into the kitchen, brush in hand and horrified, ("Papa, something's burning!"), then she had looked at you, brightened in understanding, and called back into the hall: “Everything’s alright guys!”
Satoru looks over at the unrecognizable charred pieces of salmon on the stove top, face unreadable. Then he shrugs and drops a light kiss on your nose. “You tried.”
You hide your face in your hands.
You also pretend not to see Satoru discreetly handing Megumi a pack of bills as the kids shuffle out the door for school.
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assistant-of-drama · 5 months
Assistant Noah's World Tour!
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Hello, my name is Noah.
And around 2 years ago, I had made the biggest mistake of my life.
I got into a show called Total Drama and now I can't escape this overrated series or its crazy host.
How did this happen to me?
Well, I'm going to tell you...
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When I first entered the show, I thought that I was gonna stay at a fancy resort or something like that, while trying to win the 100,00 dollars.
But instead that hotel turned out to be a crappy, ancient campsite. They only have one outhouse and there's a camera inside of it. The food is disgusting and served by a violent psychopath of a Chef. The host is basically insane and probably gonna get crazier. With the cherry on top, being that our first challenge was to jump off of a giant cliff.
Yeah, the money just wasn't worth it.
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I decided to trick my team into voting me off.
So, when the dodgeball challenge arrived, I saw it as the perfect opportunity since I hated sports anyway. I simply refused to help and gave my team the occasional rude comment here and there, to irritate them even more. It was almost too easy.
I smiled and chuckled to myself as I left the dodgeball arena, forgetting about the cameras recording my satisfaction.
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When I wasn't given a marshmallow, I had to resist the urge to smile, while acting angry and disappointed. I even subtly insulted their intelligence one final time as I left, getting pelted with marshmallows in the process. It was totally worth it.
I couldn't fight the smug smile anymore as I reached the boat, nor the sigh of relief as the boat left the stupid island.
If only I knew that being unable to control my joy would've sealed my fate.
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I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was a resort after all; a resort of the losers.
How ironic, but I wasn't gonna complain.
However, a few days later, Chris and Chef learned that I got voted off on purpose. They were furious. They called me back to the island, explaining that as a punishment, I would have to come back to the island as Chris' assistant for the rest of the show. My jaw dropped in disbelief. Apparently, I missed the fine print in my contract; if anyone leaves on purpose, then they're forced to work for Chris.
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As I reluctantly went on the boat back to the island, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anger, disappointment, and a bit of fear. I didn't know what Chris had planned for me, but I knew it couldn't be anything good. When I arrived at the camp, I immediately put on a disguise, so the others wouldn't recognize me.
I was exhausted. Chris had been working me like a dog since my return to the island. He had me doing all sorts of tasks. I'd never been so tired in my life. Every time I thought I'd finally catch a break, he'd find something else for me to do. It was relentless.
But at least I get paid more than the other interns.
Then later to my surprise, Chris began to ask me for new ideas for the challenges. I was confused at first, but then he explained that he was impressed with how I managed to trick my team into wanting me off the island. He saw it as a sign of my true potential. I couldn't believe it. Chris, the insane host, was actually praising me?
I decided to take advantage of the situation and give him my best ideas. To my surprise, he actually liked most of them. Over time, my role in the show became bigger. We would brainstorm ideas for challenges together, and I would help him execute them. It was a weird kind of partnership, but it worked for us.
As the days went by, I learned to accept my new life on the island. Sure, it was still a competition, and there was always the chance that someone might figure out my true identity, but for now, I was content. I even started to enjoy the challenges again, if only because they were more interesting with my unique perspective. The gross eating challenge was one of my favorites.
When the finale arrived, Chris, Chef, and I were thrown into the water by the contestants as a form of revenge. We didn't see it coming; one minute we were announcing the winner, and the next, we were soaked to the bone.
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Then my wig came off, revealing myself to the others. They were angry at first, but after I explained everything, they decided to forgive me… except for Heather. We all had a laugh about it and even became friends.
I thought it was over.
But then Chris made everyone chase a case with a million dollars inside of it, while I simply stayed at the resort.
Then Chris revealed that he tricked everyone into doing a second season of Total Drama, I didn't care at first because I thought that I was gonna leave.
The apathy turned into horror, when Chris reveals that I'm still his assistant, according to my signed contract.
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Life, why do you hate me so?
In Season 2, everyone became extra nice to me, hoping that their kindness would somehow get them special treatment in the future episodes.
Even Justin began flirting with me, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance. I mean, sure, he was gorgeous and all, but I'm immune to Justin's charms. He's just another generic pretty boy that everyone loves drooling over.
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I was so relieved when he left.
While the others finally took the hint that I wasn't gonna give them anything and now leave me alone, thank god.
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Now that Season 2 is over, Chris is currently preparing a third season which is gonna take place in a unstable plane traveling across the world and singing random musical numbers.
Chef was right, that is the worst idea ever.
At least I'm not expected to sing.
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The making of Season 3 is how I met Alejandro. The perfect combo of beauty, brawn and brains. Basically Justin, but with upgrades. The man who could charm the pants off of most species. At least that's what Chris says. Because personally, I think that guy is as overrated as the show I'm forced to work on.
That doesn't stop the Prince Charming Wannabe from flirting with me. In fact, it only seems to encourage him. He's constantly circling around me, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. It's amusing, in a pathetic sort of way. I mean, really, how can someone be so convinced that they can win someone over with a few well-placed compliments and a big, fake smile? It's almost insulting.
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Then there's Sierra. She's… interesting, to say the least. There's something about her that suggests she's not quite right in the head. When she was an interviewer, she followed the cast around like a lost puppy, constantly scribbling in her notebook and asking questions that no one seems to understand. She's also obsessed with Cody.
Her obsession with Total Drama is borderline creepy. She knows every contestant and knows personal things about us too. Even Chris himself. It's unnerving, actually. She even seems to know some things about me that I'm pretty sure I haven't told anyone.
They are the two weirdest people that I've ever met… and I'm about to be trapped on a plane with them. Great. Just great.
I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for myself or laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I mean, here I am, stuck as Chris Mcclean's assistant, while everyone else gets to compete for a chance at a million dollars. And now, we're all going to be singing and dancing our way around the world. It's enough to make anyone's head spin.
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Pray for me.
(Inspired by total-drama-brainrot's anonymous questions!)
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Summary: You and Pablo have ben going out on dates when a false rumor made you doubt yourself and shut him out...until he finally gets to confess his feelings.
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: slight angst/ smutty themes/ fluffy ending
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You met Pablo at one of the after parties through shared friends, and since you guys started talking you fell madly in love with the Barça golden boy.
He was so caring and knew just how to make you feel like the only girl in his word. Everything seemed to be perfect unless a particular rumor sparked your interest.
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Barça Golden Boy, Pablo Gavi, caught with his new girlfriend, young influencer and model, Jessica Sin. What are your thoughts on this newest football couple???
After reading that title and looking at that picture for what felt like eternity, you shut off your phone feeling tears fall down your cheeks.
"Was he really pretending this whole time!?" you said out loud to yourself in utter disbelief.
After reading the rest of story which claims they only started dating a few weeks ago, you remembered that Pablo told you he will be a little distant due to preparation for El Copa del Rey. Yeah, right! He was probably fucking her during that exact time!
"I'm so stupid! Díos!" you said in defeat getting your backpack and packing some of your clothes you kept at Pablo's apartment leaving before he came back.
You weren't even gonna tell him 'goodbye'. He didn't deserve any sympathy from you after this!
When Pablo came home, completely exhausted from yet another all day training session, he was surprised that you were not waiting for him.
Last time the two of you texted, you made a plan to do dinner and a movie at his apartment and he was planning on begging you for a sleepover as well...after so many busy days, he just missed spending time with his girl.
He took his phone to text you.
pablo: why are you not here bombón?? don't tell me you forgot about our date :(( Read 10:30pm
Pablo finished his shower, putting on some grey sweatpants before taking his phone and raising his eyebrows after seeing that you just left him on read.
His first instinct is that something must have came up and you couldn't talk right now. He trusted you enough to give you space and wait for your call.
The next morning, you didn't even have the strength to get up and go to school from crying all night thinking to yourself how impossible getting over Pablo is going to be...he was your first real love...first time you thought you found someone you wanted to build a life together.
But of course he wanted a model and an influencer! It should have been strange to you that he ever showed interest to such a normal and boring college girl.
Pablo woke up late cause he had a day off from training expecting to see a message from you pop on his phone but there was nothing. Just his read message from last night...he was starting to get worried so he decided to text you again.
pablo: amor, is everything okay? pls answer me, I'm starting to get worried. Read 11:12pm
You read the text tossing your phone away as more tears escaped your tired eyes. Was he really acting like nothing happened!?
Seeing that again just read his message, Pablo was seriously freaking out at this point. Did he do something? Were you mad at him? A call from Pedri interrupted his thought process.
"Hermano, have you heard of the gossip yet?" Pedri said and Pablo rolled his eyes never being the one to care much for fake internet drama.
"Pedri, I really don't care which Kardashian cheated on her husband this time! I can't reach Y/N. She is mad at me and I don't know why!" Pablo said irritated.
"I know why she is mad! It's because the gossip is about you cabrón!" Pedri said sending Pablo the link to the exact story you read yesterday night.
"Mierda!" Pablo said now realizing what had happened last night.
Of course the story was bullshit and Pablo felt horrible that you had to deal with it but that's part of his career as well (unfortunately!). He needed to explain everything to you as soon as possible!
Pablo Gavi (12 missed calls)
He just wouldn't give up for hours and ever when you turned off your ringer, you just couldn't stop thinking about answering him. You wanted to hear his voice again..hell you wanted to kiss him right now..but you knew you should't. You needed to distance yourself until you get completely over him!
"Hija. There is a chico looking for you at the front door?" your mom said peeking through your bedroom door and you froze knowing exactly who it was...you couldn't face him now...no freaking way!
"Tell him I'm not home, please mamá!" you say and she waited for you to change your mind seeing how genuinely worried the boy was but after a few seconds she respected your wishes.
"Lo siento but she isn't home. Is there a message you'd like me to leave?" when Pablo heard those words from your mom, his heart broke..you didn't want to see him.
"Um..just tell her it was a misunderstanding..por favor" Pablo said before leaving stealing a glance at your bedroom window with a small hope of seeing your face but you never came.
pablo: I know you are seeing my messages, so please just give me a chance to explain to you what happened. none of it is true, mi amor. i don't even know who that girl is, I promise you. I never had someone in my life like this, someone so genuine and kind. I can't function without you mi vida, please just come back to me and we will talk about everything. i love you so much <3
Reading that message you were crying ugly tears. You didn't know what to believe anymore...everyone online kept saying Pablo will end up with a model...the girl from the picture fits him perfectly..she isn't average like you...but Pablo's words were always genuine and you began wondering if you should have given him a chance to explain himself before jumping to conclusions.
"He's sitting in front of our house...waiting for you..and he said it was a misunderstanding? I don't know what's going on hija, but the boy seemed sincero..maybe give him a chance?" you mom said and you smiled wiping away your tears before peeking through a window seeing Pablo sitting on the edge of the road looking straight at you.
When Pablo met your eyes he got up moving across the street and standing underneath your window..it was corny but he didn't care when it came to you.
You gulped opening your window slowly looking down at those warm eyes you fell deeply in love with.
"I wanna be only with you...nobody else. Please let me explain bombón" Pablo spoke first and you felt your heart tighten at the familiar nickname.
"Bueno..we can talk..but that's all" you say and he nodded waiting for you happy that you were still giving him a chance which he fully intended to take.
"We should go somewhere private?" Pablo suggested and you nodded letting him drive you to his place although you were still keeping your guard up.
The drive was quiet for awhile...it was a little awkward because you both obviously wanted to hold hands like you always would but kept your distance instead.
"You look beautiful amor... com siempre" Pablo needed to break the silence and you just took the compliment blushing a little in response.
When you arrived he opened your door and led you inside while making sure to give you enough space so that you are not uncomfortable by his presence.
The moment you both sat down on the couch he began talking.
"None of it is true. I was signing some stuff for the fans and she asked for a picture, that's all. I haven't even asked for her name...and I would never betray your trust like that. Amor, I love you...like this isn't just a crush for me anymore" Pablo opened up and hearing those words leave his lips made something in your melt.
"Pablo..I'm scared...I don't want to get hurt" you admit deep down knowing that even if this wasn't true, you were way too "normal" for someone like him..he deserved more.
"I would never hurt you...I would rather beat myself every single day than do something to bring you pain mi vida...you have to believe me please..I don't know her.." he felt his eyes fill with tears as he came down on his knees besides you holding your hand and kissing them repeatedly.
"I believe you Pablo..but this happened because I know I'm not for you..I'm not a model or an influencer or someone that fits with the famous footballer..I'm just a college girl! I don't have the body or the fame!" you finally admit what's on your heart and he looks up at you as tears fall down his cheek.
"Don't you ever talk down on yourself in front of me Y/N! You are the most genuine and kind girl I have ever met in my life. You want to know something? I am the one who is lucky you chose me to be in your life. You are smart, selfless and real...unlike all those models out there, you are real mi amor..and that's precious because it became so rare" Pablo's words were making your heart tighten and tears spill down your cheeks. Never did someone say something like this you..and truly meant every word.
"And as for the body..amor..you got me weak every single time I see you..trust me on that one" Pablo added with a little smirk seeing a smile creep on your face.
"Come here.." he got up opening his arms welcomingly and you couldn't resist anymore hugging him tightly and resting your head against his strong chest listening to his sped up heartbeat.
"You're mine and now everyone knows it too..." Pablo whispered caressing your back and you were too busy listening to his heartbeat to register it right away but when you did you pulled away looking up in confusion.
"What did you do Gavira?" you asked and he chuckled taking his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and showing you his newest Instagram Post.
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mi bombón <3 @y.n.bebe
@gavibarca @jessicasinthequeen used this story to grow followers while this girl didn't post anything...shows you who is the real one! good choice @pablogavi !!!
@gavinhofans: I knew it!! he would never date someone so superfiecial like @jessicasinthequeen liked by 10K others
@pablitoo: this is soo cute <33
@gavifan: pablo dating a normal girl is so adorable <33 she is a real one pablitooo!!
@barcafans: this just proves how fake all the gossips are!! this is real love!!!
@pablosgirl I'm sad he is taken but I'm glad it's by a normal girl! we love the queen! @y.n.bebe
"Díos mío! Tu eres tan loco!" you said reading all the loving comments his fans gave you being overjoyed that you were not a model or an influencer..you were so wrong.
"Estoy loco por ti, bombón." he answered and you put the phone away snaking your arms around his neck while kissing his lis passionately.
"I thought we are just talking and nothing else" he teased reminding you of your words while you were running your hand through his hair leaving small kissed on his face and neck.
"Shut up! I love you too...demasiado" you whisper and he rises your chin kissing your softly while grabbing your thighs remembering that there are other ways to show just how much he loves you...;))
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jaeyunluvbot · 3 months
chapter twelve. dinner date
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𝜗𝜚 You and Jake arrived at the restaurant after a short drive, talking and listening to music the whole way. You found his music taste endearing and appreciated how similar it was to your own. You also found his singing adorable. He'd look over at you every so often to make sure you were enjoying it too.
The two of you were seated at a semi-secluded booth, with Jake taking charge of looking over the menu and deciding what to order. As he looked over the menu, you looked at him, noticing just how stunning he looked in the dim restaurant lighting. When he finally decided on what to order and the waiter came over to take the order, he turned his full attention to you, asking about your day and work.
You blushed slightly under the feeling of his eyes on you, hoping it wasn't noticeable, especially since you couldn't blame it on the cold this time. "You look so cute today, Y/N." He offered you a compliment after a moment of silence, desperately wanting to talk more.
"Thanks, Jake, you look good too," you replied, feeling a little flutter in your heart at his kind words.
"So tell me about soccer, isn't your season almost over?" you asked, not wanting to come off as awkward or standoffish with your short response to his compliment.
"Yeah, we have a few games left, then maybe playoffs if we do well for the rest of the season." Jake smiles and you can tell he's passionate about his sport.
"I'm sure you guys will do well. I don't know too much about soccer, but from what I've seen, you guys are an amazing team." You gave him a quick thumbs up and he giggled. Internally, you were dying from the sound that just escaped his mouth, but externally you didn't show it.
"Now I wanna know about you. I feel bad that we never talked before the other day."
You laughed. "Ok, I'm an elementary education major, my favorite color is pink, and, ummm, I can't really think of anything else."
"Elementary education? How'd you pick that? Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course!" He backpedaled quickly, not wanting you to think he's judging your chosen course of study.
"I just really enjoy working with kids and I know how a good teacher can impact a student's life, so I wanted to be able to do something like that, you know?"
He agreed and stated that he admires people who can work with kids, claiming they stress him out. You agreed, but said that the pros outweigh the cons.
Time passed and the two of you talked more, generally getting to know each other as you ate. The atmosphere was pleasant and calm, filled with a soft happiness that emanated from both of you. Once the bill was paid and the meal was finished, and you and Jake headed back out to his car, you felt a hint of sadness that your time together was ending.
"So I know you only agreed to dinner, but would it be too much to go to an arcade or something? I know a really fun one close to here," Jake said, making your heart flutter once again.
"That sounds fun, but don't you have practice tomorrow morning? I don't want you to be too tired..." you said hesitantly.
"Yeah, but it'll be fine. I'm not even tired yet, plus it's only 10:15, so I can still get a good amount of sleep later."
"Then let's go."
He grinned and gave you a high five. "You're the best." 𝜗𝜚
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𝜗𝜚 author's note - y/n getting hate we DO NOT love to see it, but i needed to add some drama so i can make myself sad. ignore if the writing is shitty it's 6 am and i haven't slept. like and leave a comment pretty please.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @jakesaverse @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @dreamiestay @lilifiedeans @rikisly @nctsshoes2 @dojaejunging @noobgod1269 @bluxjun @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie
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allkordelia · 4 months
Keep Me Near Your Heart 19
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"Jaenara, why are we here." Aemond asked as he was pull along by his wife while he glance around the castle with a look of discomfort.
Jaenara didn't answer him as she turn down a corner before walking towards a door, she opened the door and sigh in relief at the familiarity, she let's go of Aemond's hand to walk further in with a faint smile.
Her old chamber in High Tide.
It been so long since she been here, only venturing there to escape her mother or just to get away. Her grandfather was so happy when she first visited, Corlys didn't have a very close relationship with some of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Rhaelle's elder children loved their grandfather, but since Aeron and his family live so far away along with his statue as king, they couldn't visit him as much and Rhaelle kept her children with Daemon away from her father after years of no contact.
Corlys's relationship with Jaenara and her brothers was basically none existent until she started spending more time at High-Tide, Jaenara could never understood the drama between her elder relatives, mostly because none of her cousins know what happened so many years ago to make our family walk on egg shells around each other.
"We should get back." Aemond said from behind her as she goes over to pick up a lute, "I have no doubt my mother have sounded the alarms for our disappearance--we should definitely leave." Jaenara stop playing with the strings before turning towards her husband with a frown.
"Why?" She asked sadden, "This is the pefect place to get away and at the perfect time, we need to be alone to talk about what we gonna do to Rivers and your mother." Jaenara explains, she place the lute back where she got it before going to seat on the end of the bed.
Aemond crossed his arms with a uncomfortable look.
"I rather not talk about her...or my mother for that matter," Aemond sighs, "I rather more to forget--" Jaenara made noise causing Aemond to look at her.
"No, no more forgetting or ignoring the problem." Jaenaea snaps getting up, "We must face this, I am tired of being push around by your mother and I'll be damn to be push around by a bastard harlot."
"And what do you wish me to do about it, hmm." He raised his brow in a sarcastic way, "I can't command her to leave, she won't listen, and my mother refuse to listen to caution." Jaenara walks to her husband grabbing his hands with a smug smirk.
"That is why, sweet husband, I have a plan."
Aemond furrow his brows curious.
"You do?" Jaenara nodded her head.
"Yes, I do. But, we must stay here in order for it to work."
Aemond look at his wife with a grimace, making Jaenara's smile falter a bit at the look on her husband's face.
"Must we? Can't we just stay at Dragonstone instead--"
"No, that would be the first place they will look for us."
"But...not here?" He drawls out, furrowing his brows.
"I mean, it depends on my aunt and grandfather," She comment, Aemond glance away from his wife with an unsure look.
"I don't thi--I don't think its a good idea to stay here." Aemond admitted, it was Jaenara turn to furrow her brows.
"Why?" She frowned confused, Aemond look at his wife with a conflicted look before sighing.
"Please, don't make me say it."
Jaenara became even more confuse, she didn't understand the problem with laying low in Driftmark for a few days, it's was a perfect paradise to getaway and relax with a brilliant view.
"Aemond, I'm not going to spend these next few days arguing with you about this, so just say it." Jaenara took her hands backand folded her arms under her chest and look at her husband with a fretful look.
Aemond lock his jaw and squeeze his hands into fist nervously, Jaenara caught the movement making herself ease down.
"Jaenara, I..." He stop as he stare at his wife, and memories he buried away  slowly start to resurface, causing him to close his eye and shake his head before looking at her, "I cannot say it, it is too much...it is too painful for me to revist, can't we just go somewhere else. We can go to Braavo like Alys or maybe Lys." Awmond recommend, but Jaenara wasn't hearing it as she roll her eyes.
"You know what, forget it." She says, making Aemond look surprise only to feel nothing but relieved, "Why don't you go back home, and I stay here." Aemond frowned.
"Jaenara, you know I ca--"
"Yes, you can Aemond, because if you don't than these next few days are gonna be hell...for you." She threatened, "So, you have a choice you either stay here with me and your unborn child..." she starts as her hand move along her round belly catching Aemond's eye, "Or go back home and destroy our marriage again." She shrugged, Aemond look up at her with a frown.
"You think I would do that to you?" Aemond asked hurt before looking upset, "After everything we been through--"
"Don't be draft, my love." Jaenara counter back, "Your mother is obviously unhinge and I wouldn't put it pass Rivers to not try something, so..." she steps close with a small smirk, "That's why we must stay here, away from those vultures, so we can keep our marriage intact and at the same time teach them a lesson." Jaenara grin at her husband, but Aemond look at her unsure, he didn't feel comfortable staying here but he also didn't want to make his wife mad than she already is.
"I...I guess your right, my love." Aemond said reluctantly as his eye stray from her.
Jaenara snarl with an eyeroll, she ignore his reluctance and instead grab his sleeve and turn them towards the bed.
"Do not fret, sweet husband." Jaenara purr after pushing Aemond onto her bed, "Atleast we have each other as our plan thaw out," Aemond glance up to look at her face as she climbs on top of him.
"Our plan?" He asked, Jaenara smirk a little as she straddle his hip.
"Of course, darling." Jaenara purr again, moving her hand to slide down Aemond's chest, before she leans forward to start kissing his neck, "You are the key for this plan to work, as long as you are by my side, you will never have to worry about that wench again." Aemond shudder once Jaenara's hand slip through his breeches and grasp his semi hard cock.
"B-But, what if...they find us?"
"They won't," she promise, "I trust my family to keep your mother in the dark  until our return." Aemond let out a pathetic whimper.
"But--" Jaenara tighten her grasp a bit causing Aemond to choke and moan at the same time, Jaenara lift her head from his bruise neck to look down at her husband.
"What is wrong, husband?" She cock her head to the side, her hand starts to move up and down making Aemond grasp her forearm, "Don't you trust me?" She pout, Aemond open his eye with a frown as he gaze up at his beloved wife.
"I-I do." He strutted, Jaenara move her hand a bit fast with hum.
"Good," she whispered, she leans down capturing his lips as she use her other hand to unbutton his vest.
「                            ⊹₊♚₊⊹                           」
It had been three days since Jaenara and Aemond arrived at Driftmark, and it has been going absolutely terrible.
Aemond has begun to sulk around the castle, something about missing his mother and their tea time, Jaenara roll her eyes and tone him out at the time.
Jaenara has become rather ambivalence towards Aemond lately, it feels like everything he does annoys her. Just him sitting next to her reading a book makes her blood boil and her heart beat with resentment, while other times she wants to fuck him. She beginning to think she's going mad, she can't tell if it's her own feelings or the pregnancy making her feel this way.
Either way, Jaenara didn't seem to care in the end, and neither did Aemond.
It felt like a power trip, she never imagine stooping so low like Alicent and Aemond, she always thought her compassion and kindess was a way to show how better she was than them. But, when she belittle or order Aemond around, a little feeling in her chest she realize was giddy lock away all those thoughts and she took a little joy in making Aemond's days here hard.
Jaenara notice her change behavior the day after they're arrival, she would snap at him for the stupidest things and call him names when she get fed up with his sulkening. At first, Jaenara was shock and confuse, shock at herself with how cruel she was being to Aemond and confuse because Aemond just took it.
Jaenara also notice that he begin to do it a lot lately, it reminds her of the little stray pups in fleabottom always pawing at her gown for food.
She had more sympathy for the small pups than her weak husband, but maybe, she shouldn't be mad at the fact but be proud. Her husband has finally crumbled, he was no longer that scary man she feared a year ago, but rather a pathetic boy wanting nothing but  her attention and love.
"My love." The sound of Aemind's voice snap Jaenara out of her thoughts.
She didn't move to look up at him as she knits her son a new hat.
"Can we talk?" Aemond asked, making her stop and look up at him finally, he wasn't in his usual casual clothing but rather in his dragonriding attire.
"Where are you going?" She asked ignoring what he said.
"To clear my head," he answered as he took a seat on the armchair next to her, "I wanted to talk to you before my departure, I think it's time...we talk." Jaenara raise her brow at Aemond.
"About what."
"Rivers--" Jaenara look away from him with a roll of her eyes.
"Aemond, what did I say yesterday when you ask me this." She inquired, Aemond gulp before clearing his throat.
"This isn't about the plan--"
"So, this is about you leaving me for her again, then?" She stop to look at him again, making the corners of aemond's mouth curve down.
"Of course not, you know my heart only belongs to you--"
"Good. So, are we done with this convention now." She asked flatly, Aemond parted his lips to say something but clasp them shut when she gave him a look he become all to familiar too.
Aemond bow his head before nodding.
"Lovely, because I am famish and i would like some peaches." Jaenara demanded, putting her needles and hat aside, Aemond stood before helping Jaenara up.
"I'll stop by the kitchen--"
"No!" She snapped, pulling away from him, "Have a servant do it, the last thing I need is for you to bring me plums instead of peaches...again." she glower, moving the covers to the side before taking her book from the side table and got into bed.
Aemond bow his head at the tone in his wife's voice, "Apologies again, my love." He said as he lift his head to look at her, jaenara clench her jaw to keep her from rolling her eyes at how pathetic he is being.
"That's not the apology I wanted yesterday," she sass, making aemond look embarrassed.
"I told you I couldn't...I couldn't get it up that night." He murmur the last as if their was others in the room.
"Or this morning or during tea time, it's as if your cock and eye stop working at the same time." She snickered as she shook her head and turn to the last pashe she was on in her book.
Jaenara look up at her husband to find him standing there with solemn look, Jaenara sighs and lay the book open on her stomach.
"Do not look so fretful husband, I was just jesting." She says, Aemond looks at her before smiling timidly.
"I know, my love."
Jaenara smiled up at him.
"Good, because I expect you to pleasure me once you get back from your ride, a woman can only go so long without what she needs."
Jaenara looks away and pick up her book missing the disappointed look that shadow Aemond's features.
"Of course," He utter before step close to lean down and press a kiss to her belly before moving to peck Jaenara's forehead making groan in distaste.
Jaenara wave him away when he tried to kiss her on her lips, Aemond frown at the irriated look on her face.
"I'll be back before dinner..." Aemond trails off, moving away from the bed towards the door before turning to Jaenara, "...I love you, jaenara." He says in the softest voice that had Jaenara glancing up at him.
Aemond frown again as he wife turn her attention back to her book, Aemond didn't say anything before he left. When the door closed, Jaenara closed the book in her hands and toss it across the room as her mood shifted from irriated to bothered.
She hated when he goes soft like that, she hated it and carved it, sometimes she wish she didn't feel anything at her. Her emotions was all over the place and it was beginning to be draining to figure out what she wanted, why is it that when she's truely alone she starts contemplating her whole life.
Jaenara turn on her side and close her eyes, she ended to stop thinking and start relaxing. The whole point of coming here was for her to get away from all the crap going on back at King's Landing, she needed peace and calm, maybe tomorrow she go out for a walk on the beach, the snell of the ocean always calms her.
All she got to do is make sure her insufferable husband won't be there to ruin her day.
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thelonelysoulhome · 3 months
Doumeki is the first person ever to reach out his hand to Yashiro:
Part 4 (part 2)
(this time it's really the last part lol)
(Reminder to read the other parts before this one, if it's not already done, thank you)
(TW: suicide)
To go on, living a worn out life
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Yashiro is done, so done with this shitty life, give him a break, the poor man is exhausted, living a life that never been his.
Would that be the answer to ALL of this suffering ? Wouldn't death put out this fire that been lighted inside of him since his childhood ? And that he never been able to put out, how could he do it alone, all alone. Letting it consume him till this very day.
(After he been shot, Y talks with kage in the hospital in chapter 10.5)
"Dont they say 'My whole life flashed before my eyes?' in my case, not a single good thing popped up though"
(He is awareee💔)
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"But there have been some good things, you know? One or two... Or three" And Bam! D pop up in Y's mind, because D is one of the few or even the only good thing that happened to Y.
He comes in his life without warning and give him so much in such a short period of time, dismanteling so many hard belief he have, but it's too much for him, he doesn't have the time to proceed any of it, he just got out of the hospital that he already is in danger of death, again. And he knows it, he rushes straight into it.. Into his death, his only escape ?
Yashiro is tired, so tired of this worn out life, he is so over any kind of hope, he don't believe in himself and there are very few things you can do for someone that threw themself first.
Let me... Let me put an end to it..I'm tired, I'm tired of thinking, I'm tired of living, Ah.. I never lived, I just always survived, it's enough... Let me rest.
And that when Doumeki appear again:
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Even if he been shot by Y just a few hours ago, sensing the danger Yashiro is in, he runs towards his side, he don't let go, he don't let him, he doesn't let Yashiro's hand fall, he tries desperatly to reach it again.
It is precisely because he is at the bottom of the abyss that he must reach out to him, he needs even more help. Even if this one person pushes him away, now that he knows, he can't ignore what's inside him anymore.
He don't want to let him face it all alone, not anymore.
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If Yashiro doesn't have enough straight to fight anymore, Doumeki wants to fight for him, if Yashiro is not attached to his life anymore, Doumeki would be attached to it instead, until he finds a taste for life again.
He want's to also carry the burden, even if it only gives him a tiny bit of relief, he want's Yashiro to rely on him, and to share the burden of all those years with him.
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Yes, Doumeki saved you my dear ❤‍🩹
Indeed without Doumeki, Yashiro would be dead.
He searched for him and he saved him from a death that would end a life he did not really live.
Doumeki saved Yashiro's life but not only that, he also saved him from the coldness of being ignored.
Even if it's really hard for Y, and that he is not ready for it yet, maybe not even realising yet, that he always deeply, truly, wanted someone to notice, someone to see, to see him, the litlle boy, stuck in the dark of this closet.
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Even near of his one death, all of Doumeki's thoughs are going toward Yashiro (in the cd drama we can clearly hear him pant a "kashira.." out).
He is so devouted, so persistent cause he knows, he saw Yashiro for who he is, and he love him unconditionally. Those fragmants of the real Yashiro are enough for him to want to stay.
He is ready to do anything for him.
He is ready to overcome everything for Yashiro.
But it's without counting that, Yashiro is not ready.. Not ready to accept all of this.
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(Seing Doumeki's face here fucking hurt..)
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It's only here that he perceive a glimpse of Yashiro's trauma, cause even if D sees Y for who he is, he in reality have very few index and understanding of the causes and how far and deep Y's suffering goes.
And he at this moment realise that even with all the best intentions in the world, certain things can't be resolved.
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We don't really know what conclusions D does of all of this, but there is one that I am sure that he did:
Doumeki understand that even though all he want is to love him
That will only hurt Yashiro.
He "give up's", he makes up his mind the moment he understand that he is shatering Yashiro, and that sadly, without Y's will he can't do anything about it.
He is at a dead end, and he quickly understands that he is obligated to make a very difficult decision.
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(OMG that hurt so baad...cryinggg❤‍🩹)
The two of them have taken all their courage to let each other go.
Yashiro let go Doumeki, his only light, the only hope he ever had, to protect Doumeki (and himself) from further harm, the yakuza world is indeed dangerous and Y don't want D to be in any danger, especially not because of him. D still have his family: his mom, his sister Aoi, he still have a home, Yashiro doesn't have to be part of it.
(To know that he is the one that called D's family when he was in the hospital..💔)
Seing Yashiro make (what he think to be) his last goodby to what could be his only light in the darkness is trully heart wrenching.
This encounter with Doumeki make such a big impact, and changements in Yashiro's life in such a small amount of time (2 or 3 monts at most) I believe they needed to pass trough all of that, it's being part of their journey, to let's hope, someday become each other support.
In the end of the day, they are only, unfairly, deeply, wounded human beings, with qualities and flaws, and we can already be thankfull that their path crossed.
They both need to work on themself so they can after try to find each other.
The path is still long, but I believe in them, I believe that there is still hope, that someday, they'll help each other to heal, to live.
Thank you very much for reading ❤ See you soon.
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Trigun Thoughts Vol. 1 Pt. 2
So now that I've finished with volume 1, I just wanted to write down a couple thoughts I've had and neat things to point out so far
When I was watching Stampede, I took note of a few kind of textbook avoidant behaviours Vash engages in, and lo and behold, here he is in the manga displaying even more of them. I'll list out a few here.
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In order, we have:
Casually asking for a time limit on the interaction (ie. "How long do I have to keep this up before I can leave?")
Attempting to lose people in a crowd
Leaving without saying anything (and as a bonus, dreading being recognized in public)
Over-indulging or over-involving oneself in social events to create a viable excuse to leave suddenly (in this case, he uses alcohol as a reason to "pass out")
Sleeping to avoid unwanted conversation
Escaping to the bathroom to get away for a bit (and also to grumble about it haha)
Playing off sincere reactions by deliberately allowing them to be misinterpreted to avoid personal questions
It's really obvious, even this early in the manga, that Vash is intentionally avoiding prolonged interaction with people, and only involving himself in situations by necessity. He doesn't like attention on himself - the only reason he intentionally draws it is to divert it away from others.
The reason for this is a bit muddy though. It does seem that Vash doesn't particularly enjoy being caught up in drama, and it is also very likely he wishes to get in and out of places as quickly as possible to avoid them getting caught up in his drama too. It may even be that he finds prolonged socializing kind of tiring; that he needs a certain amount of time to himself.
But then there's also this bit, shortly after the celebration, where he pretends to pass out.
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This brings in a bit of a guilt aspect to it. It likely has to do with July, or maybe it's due to something else (at this point, we can't say), but I think it's notable that Vash cuts things off shortly before they become intimate. He can play along to make others happy and to share in their joy for a bit, but the second things get too personal or focused on him, he will quietly slip away. Now this is specifically an instance of physical intimacy, but I think it'd probably hold for emotional intimacy as well, given the continuous avoidance and misdirection he does to prevent too many questions.
I made some commentary on Stampede Vash's self-punishing behaviours - specifically, the way he denies himself food. I don't want to get too into it because I don't know if everyone reading this has seen Stampede, but food is framed as something to be shared in the show - so, denying himself food is denying himself the right to share with others, which is denying himself belonging, which is denying himself any semblance of intimacy. (It means other things too, as food-sharing is associated with Rem, but I don't want to get too into it here.)
Vash in the manga doesn't seem to have the same issues with eating, but this is a similar premise - he's denying himself intimacy out of a sense of not being deserving of it.
So, then, there are probably many interwoven reasons for Vash's avoidance - he's sick of the chaos that follows him around, he doesn't want others getting hurt, he gets tired from having to "play it up" all the time, and he seems to also feel that he doesn't deserve that closeness. I'm intrigued to see how Vash's avoidance will be tackled going forward (I'm assuming it will?), and I suspect, more than there being one right reason for it, that all these reasons are actually true to an extent.
On a completely different note, this panel here is the biggest mood. I feel it in my bones.
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nsyncat · 5 months
OK, so this is my first post EVER since I joined Tumblr like ten years ago. Always been a lurker, enjoying all of the wonderful things here, the gifs, fics, ships, art, all the knowledge and all the amazing heritage posts, but never posting and hardly reblogging, I don't know why, was always afraid I would make a mistake or reblogg incorrectly...
Anyway, the reason this is my first time posting is because THAT amazing moment that happened a week ago, and I've been losing my mind ever since, and unfortunately I have nobody to share this excitement with that will understand... So I had to get it out somehow, and here seems like the perfect place to do so.
I don't know if anybody will read this or pay it any attention, but never mind, I just have TO. GET. IT ALL. OUT!
So I've been a loyal fan of 9-1-1 this past six years, got hooked to these kind of first responders dramas, also Station 19 and then of course Lone Star. I fell in love with the writing, the drama and action, the characters of course, the emotional and moving stories, both of the regular cast and the people in the emergencies (am not afraid to admit that I cried more than a few times, especially when I was pregnant... woooh, that was a tough season for me).
Anyway, like everyone else, got invested in Buck's storyline and of course hopped on the Buddie train in season 2. And obviously there was something between them, and the fandom always clowned themselves that "in the next season SOMETHING is going to happen!" and I always wanted to believe it, and also fooled myself a few times but always was the cold harsh realist and realised it was not going to happen... But enjoyed the ride nonetheless, read amazing fics, saw wonderful fanart, read interesting breakdowns and analysis.
And then 704 happened and I'm not joking or exaggerating, my life changed!
Confirming that Buck is Bi was amazing! I'm ashamed to admit that I really thought it won't happen, EVER! So I still can't believe it actually happened (thank you soooo much ABC!) and like a lot of you, I've been on cloud nine this past week and can't wait for tomorrows episode (also not from the US), literally counting down the hours.
And look, I love Buddie, I really do, but I fell in love with TEVAN (my favourite one yet) 😍 and been OBSESSED with them this past week. Just from those few moments between them and what we barely know that is going to happen the next episode, I truly fell in love with them and really hope they make it as far as they can. I think its an amazing thing for Buck and also CANT. STOP. WATCHING THE KISS! The actors did an incredible job, especially Oliver, also with his spoken support of the storyline and his love for Buck. Such a KING! So this whole thing is huge.
And I have a one-year-old, my life is hectic with taking care of a little human being, a hubby who is also very busy, work, family and a million other things and this past year with a heavy heart I kinda neglected reading fics, and it was my main hobby, my escape, my one and constant thing in my LIFE since I was 12. I do read here and there, but not like I used to, reading hours and hours and into the night, multi chapters and long oneshots, in multiple fandoms, and now whenever I do get to read something once In a blue moon I'm not fully invested or enjoying it because either I'm tired or have something else more important to do. And unfortunately, eventually I noticed that I lost this fire, the passion in me and it left me sad and heartbroken...
And then something incredible happened. Ever since that earth-shattering kiss, the fire and passion came back! Holy shit! I've been reading and ENJOYING fics nonstop this whole week, I can't concentrate on work thinking about everything and reading in-between tasks, I use every single free minute I have to search new fics and scroll through the tags, I go to sleep late because I need to read just one more fic(!!!) even tough I have to wake up very early in the morning and I DON'T EVEN CARE. I'm thinking about it sooo much and imagining new scenarios in my head, and feeling giddy and happy, in a good mood a lot of the time, more optimistic, knowing I have a new and exciting place I can "escape" to, like I had in the past.
Its not that i'm not happy, I have an amazing son and a wonderful husband and I cherish every moment with them, but these are hard and difficult times and life can be hard and stressful and I'm a different kind of happy... So these past few days have been nourishment for my soul and my mood, it sounds so silly but its true! I'm feeling a bit like my old self and it's amazing.
And if someone did read this or did pay attention and got to this point, sorry for the long rant and thank you so much for the patience and understanding 🙏 I love you and wish you a wonderful weekend and happy Buck's-first-date-with-a-man day! 🥰
So I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, ABC, Oliver, Lou and you crazy lot for resurrecting my old fangirl self 😌 I'm so grateful for all your posts, your takes, your similar enjoyment and of course your amazing fics you're writing and sharing 🩵
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tokischaaaaa · 2 months
si las más puta' son las más fina' pt.3
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!hamzah x !poc reader
warning! : fluff, cursing
word count!: 1.8k
part 1
part 2
"hamzah, get your ass in here! it's the baby!" y/n cried.
hamzah ran into their bedroom, shirtless with only a towel messily wrapped around his torso.
"oh fuck! what happened?" hamzah screamed, obviously scared shitless.
"it's the baby, she's kicking." y/n said, tearing up.
"oh my god-- wait, the baby's a she? you found out the gender?"
"i wanted to surprise you," y/n said with a small grin.
another surprise was that a few weeks ago y/n moved in with hamzah. hamzah spent weeks trying to convince y/n to move in since it would make the most sense to have the baby live in hamzah's apartment since y/n's was hardly able to fit a couch.
therefore, after they both were fully aware and processed that they were gonna be parents, they made a promise to one another to try to spend more time with each other, for the sake of their relationship, and for the baby.
"why didn't you call me? like, let me go to the appointment?" hamzah asked, somewhat offended he wasn't there to experience the news with y/n.
"i did, on the calendar. and i put them on post-its all around your house." y/n said, tearing up.
y/n's hormones had definitely made themselves present. since she was six months pregnant, her bump, hormones, etc., had become visible.
hamzah easily got overwhelmed by the increase in hormones, so recently he would spend more time at martin's as an escape from y/n. y/n still worked as a dentist office's assistant, however there was drama at work and y/n felt obliged to tell hamzah.
hamzah was okay with it for a few weeks but soon got tired of the constant gossip. hamzah's lack of explaining how he felt was hurting y/n more than she could describe. the fact that her 'partner' can't even explain how he feels about even the weather was driving her crazy and made her even more emotional.
"oh baby, please don't cry. i'll try to be more aware and check the calendar." hamzah said.
"try?! that's it, try? i'm not trying when it comes to us. i understand i'm not perfect. neither are you, but the fact that you can't even try for such a small thing that actually is a huge deal, is absolutely fucked, hamzah." y/n said, walking out of the room and elbowing hamzah on the way out.
y/n left the bedroom, picked up her keys, and headed for her car.
y/n got into her car and headed for the nearest chick-fil-a. she assumed that her outburst could've been also provoked by her current cravings. as she plugged her phone into the aux, she noticed hamzah hadn't texted her or even followed her.
'does he even care?' she asked herself. she started playing music on her car to get her mind out of such a negative thought. all she knew was that she wanted to get away from hamzah and grab some munchies.
meanwhile, hamzah was pissed. pissed at y/n. the fact that y/n didn't try harder to grab his attention about the important appointment made him feel not heard since hamzah had been very talkative about his dream of having a daughter.
hamzah decided that he needed somewhat of help with y/n since he's never been with a pregnant woman, especially lived with one.
he dialed mandy's phone number and waited for her to pick up.
"what did you do, hamzah?" mandy groaned.
"y/n didn't bring me along to find out we're having a girl," hamzah said in a stern tone.
"you're having a girl?" mandy screamed.
"you don't sound happy." martin said on the other line.
"because y/n didn't bring me along."
"you have got to be fucking kidding me," mandy said.
"yeah, she just went out and i don't know where she went, but I need to talk to her, she's too hormonal." hamzah cried.
"hamzah, pregnant women are hormonal because they're pregnant," martin yelled into the phone.
"yeah, i forgot that," hamzah sighed.
"listen, i'll call her and see where she is. you better be planning what to say to her in the meantime." mandy said.
"okay, thanks mandy." hamzah said.
"yeah, next time tell her how you're feeling. maybe that's the problem, hamzah." mandy groaned before hanging up.
y/n just got her food and was about to drive until she saw an area to park. she noticed her phone ringing.
mandy's contact popped up on her phone.
she pulled over at the nearest parking lot and answered.
"hi mandy," y/n said, grinning.
"hi y/n, what are you doing?" mandy sighed.
"about to drive somewhere to eat chick-fil-a."
"what's up with you and hamzah? he just called and said y'all are having problems again."
"what a pussy," y/n hissed. "no, the thing is that I told him previously about the appointment, but he was so busy and whatever that he couldn't check." y/n said.
"yeah, he's a little dumb, y/n. but don't you think you're acting like sassy hamzah right now with the stomping out and chick-fil-a?" mandy asked.
silence filled the phone call. y/n took a minute to think about what mandy was suggesting.
"you're right, mandy. also, i wanted to surprise y'all with the news. sorry you found out this way, but next time we hang out, i'll make it like a surprise for you." y/n smiled.
"i can't wait. love you, y/n." mandy said.
"love you too. i think i'm gonna head home now." y/n said.
mandy was shocked at the word 'home' that came out of y/n's mouth. y/n's childhood was rough. she never really had a home since being kicked out at 17. even since she moved in with hamzah, she kept referring to it as hamzah's house, not theirs.
hamzah tried to encourage her to call it their home since now y/n was helping with rent.
"okay, stay safe. love you." mandy said, obviously smiling hard now.
after ending the call, mandy urgently texted hamzah.
she's at a chick-fil-a rn, she's heading back to your place.
but you're not gonna believe it, she called your place 'home.'
you and i both know how fucking huge this is.
hamzah looked at his phone in disbelief. he felt tears of happiness leave his eyes.
he knew how important 'home' was to y/n and how bad she wanted to have somewhere she called home. she refused to call their home theirs, but the emotional barrier y/n had up was now broken.
hamzah immediately called y/n.
"hello?" y/n said.
"you driving?"
"yeah, i'll be home in 3. what happened?"
"nothing, just can't wait for you to come home, and I'm sorry. i need to talk more. i love you, y/n. seriously, and I will do more to be present and strengthen our relationship." hamzah said.
y/n was silent on the other line for a few moments.
"oh baby, that's so sweet. i love you too. we'll talk more when I get home, but I really appreciate that." y/n said.
they both said their goodbyes, and y/n was urgent to get to their apartment.
as soon as she used her key to open the door, she was welcomed by an embracing hug from hamzah. he kept some distance so the baby wouldn't get hurt.
y/n laid her chin on hamzah's shoulder and whispered, "i got you food, baby."
"thank you, babe." hamzah said, then kissed y/n's forehead.
he led her to the couch table to set the food down. once they both sat down, y/n got comfortable. before she could grab some food, she got slightly pushed back against the couch by hamzah.
he hungrily started kissing y/n, kissing all over her neck. he placed his arm under her shirt to feel her swollen nipples, which had led to her boobs getting bigger over the past weeks. y/n let a moan escape her lips and grabbed a chunk of his curly black hair.
as hamzah started playing with her boobs, he felt quick taps on his arm. he quickly pulled his arm out of y/n's shirt. "babe, I think she's kicking."
y/n stood straight up. "wait, put your hand here," she said while placing his hand on the side of her stomach.
hamzah felt it. he looked at y/n in the eyes, his eyes began to well up in tears.
"y/n, she kicked." he said, choking on tears.
"i know, honey, i know." y/n said, crying, wiping hamzah's tears away.
hamzah got closer to y/n again and gave her a deep kiss, just like the kiss of the first night they met. but this time, this night wasn't full of lust and clubbing but, a night of an argument and now understanding.
later, hamzah pulled over the food to them to munch on. y/n placed her head on hamzah's shoulder. meanwhile, hamzah had one hand on a burger and another on y/n's stomach.
moments later, hamzah heard soft snores from y/n. he looked down and saw y/n sleeping peacefully. he quietly grabbed his phone and recorded the baby kicking, found the photo of the first sonogram he saw of their baby girl, and a picture y/n sent him while working a few days ago.
he opened instagram and placed two photos on his Instagram story.
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hamzah looked down at y/n's stomach after posting those photos. "princess, let's hope your mom doesn't get mad at me for posting our family." he gently rubbed her stomach until he felt the strong kicks.
that awoke y/n. "hamzahhh, she kicks so hard," she groaned.
"she's definitely a daddy's girl," hamzah grinned.
"boy, bye," y/n said before kissing hamzah deeply on the lips.
a large grin appeared on hamzah's face. "can we do something… spicy?" hamzah asked, leaning on y/n's boobs.
"nooo, I'm tired," y/n groaned.
"please, it'll be quick," hamzah said, mocking her.
"no," y/n said, lightly pulling on hamzah's ear.
"okay, okay, don't pull anymore," hamzah cried.
"okay, we can get spicy, but you clean up first," y/n groaned.
hamzah's eyes gleamed. "bet," he said before running to clean the living room.
as y/n waddled toward the bedroom, she jumped on the bed and was about to get ready, but she got a little too comfortable and knocked out seconds later.
"you ready?" hamzah said, bursting into their bedroom. as he saw y/n still asleep, he realized that the other version of quality time wasn't going to happen tonight. hamzah didn't care. he realized what he has, how his dreams are becoming his reality. he has a girlfriend, a baby to come, a baby girl, a princess, a princess that will be welcomed into the world in less than three months.
before hamzah went to join y/n in deep slumber, he took one more photo of the moment.
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"goodnight to my princess and my queen," he said to himself.
2 months later,
"Hamzah get in here!" Mandy yelled as she was holding y/n up with both her hands around y/n's arms....
tokischaaa talks: wait this so cute, hope yall like it <3
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praisethegabs · 1 year
before sunset
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x reader
synopsis: When Leon gets injured during one of your assignments and there's no way to call for help, all he has is you.
warnings: mentions of death, injuries, blood, and a lot of drama. nothing explicit at all. no use of y/n, second person (you)
author's note: this is a three-part story and has the same name as the before trilogy by richard linklater, although there's nothing related to the film. this first part is inspired by episode eight of the last of us
word count: 4423k
before: part two | part three
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You could hear the sound of your steps hitting the dirt filled with snow.
The sun was fading away, indicating the end of the day and the start of the night. Time was something you guys didn't have at that moment; you could say you both were running against the clock. A few more steps before reaching a safe place, an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere, protected by the woods and the dark. It was perfect for you to hide.
You could feel his weight on your shoulders as you helped him run somewhere safe. You passed his arm above your shoulders, preventing him from falling on the ground. And you could hear him groaning in pain.
Your hands were holding him tight, you knew if you let him go, you both would fall to the ground. And at the moment, it was something you couldn't even consider. That's why you hold him with every strength you had in your body and kept walking. You had to make sure he was alright. When you both entered the empty house, you laid him down carefully on the old couch and started to use the furniture to block the door.
Then you realized your hands were filled with his blood.
It was enough to feel the panic running through your body like lightning. You glanced at Leon, he was barely conscious; his breath was poor and you knew he was starting to faint. And you couldn't let that happen.
"Leon, look at me," you say, kneeling closer to him. "I need you to stay awake, alright?"
"I'm trying" his voice is low and weak.
"I know, but I need you to try harder... You can't fall asleep" your voice trembles a little. "I'm gonna look at your wound, alright? I promise it'll be okay."
He nods, his face slowly turning into an expression of someone who was in deep pain. During the escape, Leon told you to run, but how could you leave him behind? And it was because of your stubbornness that he got that injury. He tried to keep you safe, using his own body to prevent you from being hurt. Now, he was bleeding and there was nothing you could do to stop that wound.
"How it looks?" his voice is weaker than before and you can tell he's trying hard to stay awake.
"Horrible" you replied, trying to make a joke.
"I guess you'll turn me into Iron Man" he laughs but then groans when you touch his skin.
"I can try" you smiled at him.
You knew at that moment that he was close enough to die from blood loss. And you needed to stop that bleeding. Your hands were shaking, you searched the entire place to find something that could help, since herbs were unavailable and there was no one around besides those who wanted to kill you both. Desperation was the only thing set on your mind when you noticed the house was empty. Your eyes were tearing up, you knew you were failing with him.
When you throw a drawer on the floor, the silver needle shone, and you didn't think twice before grabbing it along with the sewing thread. He was there, in the same way you left him. You could see the sweat on his forehead, you knew he had a fever. His skin was like fire, he was so hot by now that the only thing you thought was throwing cold water on him.
"Hey, I found something... But this is gonna hurt" you say, removing his brown jacket.
"Do it..." he whispers, slowly closing his eyes.
"Don't fall asleep, Leon... I promise I'll let you rest when I finish stitching you" Your voice is soft, but you know it was a desperate try to comfort him.
He nods in response, keeping his words to himself, tired to the bones and unable to say anything at all. He wanted to sleep so badly, all he wanted was close his eyes and fall into darkness. Unfortunately, Leon knew you wouldn't let him sleep until you were sure he was safe.
"This is gonna hurt, I'm so sorry" you whispered, trying harder to keep the tears in your eyes. You needed to be strong for both of your sakes.
He didn't respond, you knew he was still bleeding and you needed to stop that. Without thinking twice, you started to stitch his open wound. His groans of pain made your stomach twist, he tried to push you away, stop that pain he was feeling, but you were faster and held his arms with your knees. You saw when he started to cry, begging you to stop because he couldn't take that anymore.
Leon was suffering, and you knew that. He tried harder to escape, but you wouldn't allow him, you needed to stop his bleeding. You fought harder against your tears, your hands were shaking and filled with his blood. When you finished, you cut off the sewing thread and looked at him.
"I'm so sorry..." your voice trembled.
He was too weak to talk. You could see him sweating from the fever, you knew he needed to rest. Thinking about that, you searched the entire place again to find something to clean his blood, to prevent any possible infections. It was crucial and you were running out of time. Luckily, you found some old clothes and the fabric of those shirts would serve well. You checked the windows again to make sure no one was around and at no sign of danger, you finally permitted yourself to breathe.
When you returned to the living room, you saw him sleeping peacefully. His breath was weak, you thought he would die at any moment, despite your efforts to keep him alive. And then, at that moment, there was nothing else you could do for him. You cleaned his injury and covered him with the old blankets you found upstairs. Then, you tried to fix the comms, since it got damaged during the escape.
It was going to take a while to fix the comms and keep Leon alive, but you knew you could do that, you made him a promise, and you owed him one. With that promise in your mind, you wiped the tears away and started to work harder to get you both home.
By the beginning of the night, feeling completely exhausted, you tried your best to stay awake. You weren't used to loneliness, you always had Leon around to chat about anything, to hear his dad's jokes, and to complain about the weather. You started to feel alone and you hated being like that. You missed him more than ever, especially now, when you knew he would probably tease you to make you blush or laugh. You took a deep breath and checked on your gun, making sure it was fully loaded and without the safety lock on. You put it back on your holster, grab your knife, and your jacket, wearing it properly because of the cold weather outside. You checked on Leon again before leaving.
You were always a good hunter. Your grandfather taught you well when you were just a kid. You grew up hunting in the forests with your grandfather until he died. When he passed away, you just stopped hunting. You just couldn't imagine that one day your life would depend on your hunting skills.
Thinking about your life, you started to ask yourself about your job. Sure, it wasn't the first time you risked your neck to prevent the end of the world, but it was the first time that your choices led your partner to almost die at your hands. How selfish you were. Now, you had two different tasks: keep him alive and fix your comms so you could call for help. But first, you needed to find food.
You were walking, making sure it wasn't far from the home where you left Leon hidden. You looked around, hoping to find anything to eat. Maybe luck was on your side, maybe it wasn't. In the worst scenario, Leon would die and you would be found again and tortured until they decided to kill you. At least, you would be dead, and Leon could probably curse you for eternity.
"No, stop that. He won't die. We will survive" you said to yourself, angry with that thought.
And truth be told, you were lying to yourself. You knew Leon could die at any moment, he was so weak, and you couldn't understand why he was still holding on to his life so bravely. If that were you, well, you wouldn't be around much longer. Then, you hear a noise, and by pure intuition, you grabbed your gun from the holster. It was quick and the noise of the shot was muffled by the silencer on the end of your gun and the bird fell along with three others you shot.
When you were training to become an agent of the government, you were left all alone in the woods. They wanted to see how far you would go to survive, and see how willing you were to do sacrifices. Of course, you succeeded by hunting animals in the forest; when you returned, you noticed how skinny you were. Time couldn't change the survivor you were, no matter how hard it would be, how dangerous or deadly it was.
You would do whatever was necessary to survive.
With that in mind, you took the three dead birds and returned to the house you were using to hide. Leon was exactly where you left him. Your hands touched his sweaty skin, he was hot, burning skin like he was fire. You took snow from the outside and used it to lower his fever; it worked for a while. Then, you started to remove the feathers to clean the birds. You searched for water and decided to go downstairs to the basement and risk lighting up a small fire to cook the meat. Sure, Leon was completely knocked out, he couldn't eat anything solid, but you knew from experience what was like being outside in the cold with nothing to eat but birds meat. He couldn't complain.
You started to prepare the soup, and you knew it wasn't the best you ever did since there was no type of seasoning to be used. It was only water and meat. You went upstairs again, feeling your heartache. At least, your hands finally stopped trembling and you were feeling much more relaxed than before. That feeling was caused by the hunting, you had no idea how much you missed that and the adrenaline you felt hunting those birds made you realize you could protect him. You could keep him alive until rescue arrives.
Those guys who wanted to harm him had no idea about the animal inside you.
The type of animal who could slip them in half just to protect Leon. Of course, it was your fault that he got that wound in the first place, but you definitely would cross the limits of what was wrong and right to keep him safe. If it was necessary to kill them, you would without hesitation. Now you weren't scared of them anymore.
They should be scared of you.
You were a hunter. You were a survivor. And at this time, they were nothing but prey. God help those who decide to cross your path because you wouldn't have mercy.
The smell of cooked meat began to waft through the cellar, filling the air with a somewhat comforting fragrance. You took an empty bowl and started to prepare a small meal for Leon, mixing the bird meat with some broth and canned vegetables that you found while searching the house.
When you approached Leon with the bowl in hand, you noticed that he was awake, although his eyes were vacant and his expression tired. You sat down next to him, holding the bowl carefully so he could eat, then helping him sit comfortably.
"Leon," you whispered. "I made you some food. It will help you get better"
He looked at you with gratitude in his tired eyes and just shook his head, his consciousness wavering every few moments. With slow and careful movements, you started giving him generous spoonfuls of the soup you prepared, as Leon looked much weaker than you could imagine. With each spoonful, a small spark of hope seemed to light up in his eyes. You continued to watch his fever, feeling relieved to see him eating.
"Tomorrow morning I'll go see if I can find anything to fix our comms," you said when you finished giving him the soup. "Plus, I'm gonna see if I can find any medicine"
"Be careful, please" his voice is soft, but you know he's been doing a lot of effort to stay awake.
"You need to rest, alright? I'll make sure to watch over you tonight" you said gently, cleaning his mouth.
"No, I'm fine" he protested, chuckling a little.
"You can't even stand up, Leon. Don't be stubborn, just do what I'm telling you to do and I'll take care of the rest" you sighed heavily.
You glance at him, waiting for some other stubborn commentary or some joke he has on his mind, but there's nothing.
"Thank you" he whispered, catching you by surprise.
"For what?" you ask, raising an eyebrow completely confused.
"You saved me," he said, his eyes shining as he speaks.
"Yes, but I'm responsible for that wound you got. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be hurt like this" you said, trying to not feel guilty.
"I was protecting you. We always have each other's back, I couldn't let you get hurt. I'm glad it was me, not you" Leon said seriously, sitting properly on the mattress.
"It was my fault, Leon. Don't try to convince me otherwise" you insisted, sighing again.
"Look, it wasn't. And I would do that again without thinking twice. You know I care a lot about you and I would never let anything happen to you, even if that means I'm getting injured, do you understand?" he looks at you very seriously. You hated that look.
"You're so stubborn" you laugh.
"And you love me for that" he winks at you.
And there he was, the same Leon that you loved. The same Leon that would always put you first, and the same Leon that would make you laugh during the worse times of your lives. Suddenly, you weren't alone anymore and all that feeling of emptiness slowly faded away, since you had him awake again.
"How's your wound?" you ask after a moment of silence.
"It hurts like hell, but I'm not bleeding, I'm just tired," he said, his voice so soft.
"Well, I did my best to stitch you up, although there was nothing I could do, I'm not a doctor and you know, you were bleeding a lot" you explained calmly to him.
"I'm not complaining, I know you did your best" he smiles, a comforting gesture you knew so well.
"It could've been worse, trust me" you laugh, seeing the way he was looking at you.
"I know" he smiled again, his hand reaching yours.
Leon was like fire. He could burn you inside and out, and he could make you see the stars with his touch. He was, indeed, something else. That was one of the reasons you felt responsible for his wound, that's why you needed to protect him. You couldn't lose the only person you truly cared about. The entire world could burn, as long as he stays with you.
"Go rest, Leon. I'm gonna go outside and prepare some traps" you said, standing up and grabbing your gun.
"Do you need help?" he asks, trying to follow you outside.
"It's fine, I can do it on my own" You smiled gently at him. "I need you to go rest. You need to recover soon so we can get out of here, alright?"
You didn't have to say twice. Leon was still burning with the fever and his face was pale from his blood loss. He sat down on the mattress, groaning in pain and nodding to you. He was so stubborn, but he always obeyed your orders. He instantly fell asleep due to his high fever, it was a miracle he was awake for a long time. After checking on him again, you sighed and left the house, walking the perimeter to prepare traps for the guys who were certainly trying to track you both. The snow was in your favor, it was covering your footsteps and making sure no one could find you. At least, you both were safe.
It was a basic hunter thing.
You always made traps when you went hunting with your grandfather, this wasn't so much different from these days. They were only animals, and you were the smarter one. Stalking was always your favorite strategy when you hunted, you never missed when you stalked your prey, your grandfather used to say you were better than him, probably that was why you were an excellent agent; your stealth skill was one of the best the agency ever saw and you were praised for that. You decided then to know your perimeter to take advantage of your enemies, taking precautions to not be noticed. Having practiced this skill for almost your entire life, you were a pro.
After checking the perimeter you established, you made the traps and prepared again your weapons. It was time for hunting. And you were gonna have fun hunting your enemies.
The forest lay hidden beneath a thick blanket of snow, the icy flakes swirling in the frigid air. You moved swiftly through the trees, your senses keen and your heart beating normally inside your chest. You had to remain calm, although you knew your enemies were close, lurking somewhere in the vast wilderness. With each step, your boots left deep imprints in the fresh snow. The silence of the forest was broken only by the soft crunch of your footfalls and the distant howl of the wind. You pulled your fur-lined hood tighter around your face, shielding yourself from the biting cold. Your breath escaped in white puffs, adding to the eerie atmosphere. It was very cold outside.
You were determined to keep your enemies at bay, to protect Leon, and to ensure his safety. You knew they would stop at nothing to find him, to exploit his vulnerability and use him against you. You had to remain one step ahead and outsmart them in this treacherous winter landscape.
Your keen eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for any sign of movement or disturbance. You had trained yourself to be a predator, to adapt to any situation. You moved with the grace of a hunter, navigating the dense forest as if it were an extension of yourself.
Suddenly, you caught a glimpse of movement in your periphery. You smiled when you noticed what it was. Then very carefully, you crouched behind a snow-covered boulder, using it as a shield. Your hand instinctively reached for the dagger at your side, ready to slice them. Through the veil of snowflakes, you saw two figures cautiously making their way through the forest. Your enemies. They were armed and dangerous, their breath visible in the frosty air. You knew they were searching for you, determined to find Leon and probably kill him.
Your mind raced as you plotted your next move. You couldn't allow them to discover the abandoned house where Leon lay vulnerable. You had to divert their attention and lured them away from their target. You glanced around, searching for any signs of a distraction. Then, you saw it.
A nearby grove of trees, their branches heavy with snow. It was the perfect opportunity. You silently moved towards the grove, careful to remain hidden in the shadows. With a swift motion, you grabbed a low-hanging branch and shook it vigorously. The snow cascaded down, falling in a glorious shower that caught the attention of your enemies. Their heads turned towards the disturbance, their focus momentarily diverted. You seized the opportunity, darting deeper into the forest, your agile form disappearing amidst the trees. You moved swiftly, your senses sharp, your knowledge of the forest guiding your steps. You left a trail of false footprints in the snow, leading your enemies further away from Leon, straight to a trap. You knew you had to stay one step ahead, to protect him at all costs.
When your enemies parted ways, you took one from behind and used the dagger to slip through his throat, his blood falling into the snow. One was down. You disguised in the dark, and turned around, trying to find the other one. You heard his voice screaming in anger when he found his friend's dead body; you knew he was right behind you. And when you saw him, you did the same.
The dagger found his skin. His blood fell as he did the same, but not before trying to hurt you. And so he did.
You felt his sharp knife on your arm, opening your skin and making you bleed. It was nothing compared to what you did to him. He was there, lifeless. His eyes were shining with fear of the animal you were at that moment. You were the last thing he saw before his death. And you weren't feeling sad.
You made your way back to the old house. Leon was there, still sleeping. And, unfortunately, he was still burning with the fever. You sighed again, removing your jacket and going straight to the kitchen to get some towels, so you could leave the wet towels to put on his forehead to bring down the fever. Although you didn't want to express how concerned you were, it was starting to make you nervous again. He needed medical attention as fast as you could call for help.
"Hey," he called you, his voice weaker. "You're back"
"Yeah, I had to deal with something," you said, trying your best to not show him how concerned you were. He tried hard to open his eyes.
"What happened?" Leon asks, his eyes heavy shut.
"I took two of them down" Your voice sounded confident for a moment. You weren't exactly proud, but you didn't have a choice. It was you or them.
"They were close to us?" he looks at you, now his eyes slowly opening. "What happened? Are you hurt?"
"One of them cut me with his knife, but it's nothing. Don't worry about it" you said, looking at your bleeding arm. Indeed, it was nothing, you even forgot it was there.
"You're bleeding" his voice is filled with concern now he's fully awake again, as he reaches your arm to look better at the cut.
"I'm fine, Leon" You didn't want to sound so harsh, but you couldn't help it. He sighed heavily. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak like that"
"I know you're under stress, I know I can't help you..." Leon started, trying his best to sit properly, his hand reaching his wound where you stitched before.
"Leon, that's okay, you need to rest. I'm taking care of you, and to do that, I can't have you worrying about me" you sighed, trying to convince him to lie down again. He was very stubborn sometimes.
"Then who's gonna take care of you?" he asks, his blue eyes mining yours, full of concern.
"I can do both" Your answer wasn't so convincing, but you had to try. You couldn't allow yourself to worry about something else. He was your only priority.
"Don't be so stubborn, I'm the only one allowed to do that" he smirks, trying to make you feel better. And he was so good at that.
You laughed at him. You touched his forehead again, then you noticed how hot he was. Then, you gently put the wet towel to lower his fever, he closed his eyes and you knew he was trying harder to stay awake, although you said a few times he needed to rest. You needed to find supplies, whatever you could find. You gave him soup again before you glanced outside. It was night and you had the time in your favor. It was now or never.
"I'm going outside again, I'll search for medicines to lower your fever," you said, grabbing your jacket and knife. "And with some luck, I'll finish fixing our comms"
"I'll be here" he nods, slowly closing his eyes.
You left the old house again, walking in the middle of the snow to see if you could find anything. You were starting to lose hope. His fever was higher than before, and you were starting to fear he wouldn't make it. You didn't notice when you reached an old village, although it looked abandoned, just like the house you were hiding him. You searched the entire village to find medicine or any other thing you could take to help him, or even fix your comms.
Luck was, indeed, at your side.
You were able to find medications and gladly, one of the old houses had an old phone. You made sure it had the energy to call for help and you thanked all gods all there when you were able to call Hunnigan. She was worried, it was almost two weeks without news from you both.
"Condor One is heavily injured. He needs medical attention right now" you said to Hunnigan. "We're in an old house not far from where I'm calling"
"Understood, Condor Two. We're sending the extraction team to your coordinates" Hunnigan replied, authorizing the rescue team to leave.
"There are civilians in the area, they're fully armed and they're dangerous," you told next, glancing outside the window. "They're closer to our location"
"Alright, Condor Two. The rescue will be there in one hour, can you hold them?" Hunnigan asks, tracking the source of the call.
"I will. Thanks, Hunnigan. Condor Two out" you said before ending the call.
You made your way back to the old house you were with Leon. You were running, you had to tell him you both were going home, and he was going to be alright. He would receive the medical attention he needed and he was going to recover. You were relieved, you could keep your promise. He was going home.
But Leon wasn't breathing anymore when you found him.
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sunnynwanda · 1 year
Friends & Enemies
The rain hits hard against their burning skin as Hero rushes down the street. Their clothes are wet, their eyes - even more so, but the rain has nothing to do with the latter. Today was a record day, and they… they were the champion.
How many people can disappoint a person in one day?
The stakes weren't particularly high, given that Hero had two and a half friends in total. The half being their new sidekick, who turned out to be a double agent that had infiltrated with the sole purpose of revealing Hero's identity and making them an easy target for the criminal minds of the city. Turns out, their parents were criminals that Hero had arrested.
They sigh loudly. I didn't even kill them, so what's the drama about?
But that was only the half of the harsh truth. The other two 'friends' of theirs, as Hero found out just now, had their allegiance changed by the mayor. Money can buy anything in this city, the man had claimed with the most disgusting of smiles. Even you can see it.
Hero could. Yet they refused to become a pawn in the game led by the highest officials. What devastated them most was the realisation that all of their hard work had been in vain, always drifted in the wrong direction. They felt like a clown that tried their best to do good but ended up as laughing stock for those using them.
They managed to escape with a gunshot that grazed their skin and a deeper wound to their self-esteem - the second one, despite not being physical hurt significantly more. Everything in their life had been a ruse, leaving them a puppet that never knew of their strings. Not one person had been honest with them, yet they were constantly blamed for not trusting anyone with their identity. Turns out that was the right call after all.
They cross the yard and sneak into their apartment building and up the stairs, careful not to attract attention. Their roommate has a night shift today, so they don't bother shutting the door to their room as they stroll into the bathroom.
Damp clothes discarded on the floor, they return to their bedroom, plopping face down on the bed with a satisfied groan when a familiar voice drags them out of their sleepy thoughts. "Anything wrong?"
Hero could as well fly in front of their roommate - that's how high they jump up. "Why are you home?"
Their voice is panicked despite knowing full well they sneaked in unnoticed.
"Why, I can't be at my own apartment now?" Amusement seeps through their roommate's voice.
"That's not what I meant." Hero props themselves up on their arms to see their interlocutor. "Aren't you working today?"
Hero begs them not to question their reasons for knowing a roommate's schedule so well. They don't. "There was a power shortage in the city, so we closed. Have you seen that shower outside?"
Hero almost growls. Even their bones are cold, muscles stiff as if the damp clothes are still touching their skin. They get up, moving to sit on the couch. Their roommate follows behind, a concerned look touching their eyebrows. "What's up?"
"Nothing." Hero hates the way their voice sounds so whiny. They don't want to talk about this. "I'm tired and cold after walking under that rain."
Their roommate nods, searching for a blanket before returning to their place. "Listen. I might be dense in many aspects, but this ain't one." They claim, watching Hero intently. "What happened to leave you all moody?"
"I'm not moody!" The side eye says everything their roommate doesn't utter. So Hero repeats. "Am. Not." They sigh, letting their head drop back. "I'm disappointed."
"In?" Their roommate is restless, which would be irritating if only they weren't so endearing.
"In everything. And everyone." The room is quiet for a moment. Their breathing and the rattle of the raindrops are the only sounds. "But most of all - in myself."
"Hey, I'm not sure what it is, but don't be too harsh on yourself." Their roommate starts. Hero can barely hear them through the sleep haze. "You're so overworked a mistake was bound to happen."
Hero smiles at the softness in their voice. Maybe the count of their friends wasn't correct after all. Maybe, it should have been three and a half. Except they never talked with their roommate unless it was necessary.
"Is it that bad?" They ask, shifting on the couch to face them while talking.
"To the point that I'm doubting if I'm on the right side." Hero blurts out without thinking.
"Of… what?" They freeze. Both of them. Hero can feel a chill run down their spine. Shit.
"Forget it." Is all they can muster, knowing full well it's not going to satisfy their interrogator.
"Wait, no." The shakiness in their voice should be alarming, Hero thinks. Yet they cannot bring themselves to care. "You can't say something like that and then request me to forget it. What are you talking about?" Hero shakes their head, moving to get up when their roommate places a hand on their forearm. "I have a feeling this isn't about selling ice cream anymore."
Hero knows this is a bad idea. They know they are going to regret it. But the loneliness consumes their entire being, and honestly… can it get any worse at this point? They don't know. What they do know is they want to pour their heart out to the most random person in their life. Well, at least they are still in their life, unlike their so-called friends.
Ah, fuck it. "I'm Hero." They say matter-of-factly. They can sense the breathing pattern of their interlocutor accelerating. "And today, I discovered that everyone I trusted is a traitor."
Their roommate is gaping. Appropriate reaction. They keep chattering to ease the tension.
"I know it's shocking, and I shouldn't have unloaded this on you. I'm sorry." They shake their head, already remorseful. Too big of a secret to share with a neighbour. "Forget I said anything. Let's think I was drunk."
"No, no, no, no. You cannot backtrack from this. Not after this kind of a revelation." They sound panicked as if Hero's identity matters more than it presumably should. They pause, looking blindly into the darkness of the room. "You're Hero? You're Hero! God damn it, my roommate is…"
"And this is exactly why I never told anyone before." Hero interrupts their monologue of thoughts with their own. "Shoulda kept doing that."
"To be honest," their roommate starts, focusing on the conversation. Their mind is reeling, but Hero has no need of knowing that. "You are on the wrong side."
"Huh?" Hero turns, looking at the flushed face of their newfound friend. "Are you a Villain apologist or something?"
"Suppose I am." They admit with a barely concealed smirk. "Can you blame me for it?"
Hero stops. Entirely. Their brain collapses for a long moment before they can restart it.
"Are you alright?" Worry laces their roommate's voice when they touch Hero's arm again.
"Yeah." Hero squeezes out, licking their lips to collect their thoughts. "Apart from realising I was looking for the enemy in the wrong place this whole time." They shake their head, rubbing their eyes with the palms of their hands. "They're not the evil one, are they? Villain."
"Well, no? I like to call them a villain with a cause." The claim makes Hero chuckle.
"That's quite fitting." They accept, wondering what their nickname would be. A loser with no brain? Their roommate offers them a crooked smile before getting up. Dazed, Hero doesn't realize they are thinking out loud when they say. "The whole leather aesthetic makes more sense now."
"Hey, what's wrong with my aesthetic?" The words roll off their lips before they can stop them. They bite their tongue, but it's too late.
"What did you just say?" Hero is staring at them with the widest eyes they have ever seen on a human.
They know they fucked up. Doesn't mean they cannot try to salvage the situation. In the dumbest way possible. "N-nothing."
Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Ooh, you can't backtrack from this one." The excitement of the revelation tingles their fingertips. And then it dawns on Hero. "Damn. You're my hot archnemesis? You?! Out of everyone?!"
"Excuse me, I'm your what?" Villain's voice reaches an uncomfortably high pitch on the last word, scratching the back of their throat. Hero beams at how flustered Villain is by their unintended confession.
"I do think I was on the wrong side." They admit, standing up to face their nemesis without any masks in the way. "Not anymore."
"I'm still not over the fact you called me hot, but…" Villain starts. They laugh when Hero rolls their eyes at that. "Want some hot chocolate?"
"By all means, yes!" Hero sits by the bar of their shared kitchen, watching their foe-turned-friend fuss around, making hot chocolate with adorable smiley marshmallows. They still feel like an idiot for being blind all along. But, the disappointment eating at them dissipates with every little gulp.
Sometimes what the city needs is not a noble hero to save the day. Sometimes it's a villain with a cause, ready to dirty their hands to fix the problem at the root. Once and for all. And Hero? Hero has chosen their side.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
What about yoongi just not able to keep up his cold persona and ends up laughing at one of mcs antics?
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He hears it the first time, and thinks it's just you trying to annoy him. That's what you've been doing for hours after all- and at this point he's sure you must have some medical shit going on because how on earth can you be so energetic the entire time?
He suddenly clicks his tongue when he hears that noise again, ready to scold- but you're stuck to his window, nose touching the glass and hands flat against it as you stare at something outside.
You're cat-chirping at the birds outside.
At this point he just breaks watching you, a snort escaping him as he can't help but laugh at your behavior. "Aww Detective, you scared them off!" You whine suddenly, falling down to your butt on the mattress you sleep on, glaring at him with crossed arms.
"If you wanna watch fucking birds to watch TV." He tries to argue, attempting to hide his smile by licking his lips- but you've clearly noticed already.
"But that's lame." You shake your head. "Thats like me telling you to go watch a police-drama instead of doing your job." You shrug, and he sighs.
"Dont you ever like- take naps or something?" He complains, and you stare at him suddenly, a grin spreading. "No, absolutely not-"
"You don't even know what I wanna ask!" You laugh, and he still shakes his head, looking at his laptop screen again.
"I do and my answer is: Absolutely fucking not." He growls more or less to himself. "You're an adult woman, go nap by yourself."
"But that's lame!" You repeat your earlier sentence, now rolling around on his floor again, until you're close enough to pull on his pant leg. "Come on~! A pretty cat is asking you to take a nap with her~!" You sing from the floor, and he grits his teeth.
"I'm not tired, and I have to work." He argues weakly.
"Ooh, so you think I'm pretty!" You laugh, sitting on your knees as you puff out your chest in pride. "You're not to shabby either, Mister Detective." You tell him, and he throws back his head in defeat.
"My fucking God, alright alright, you won!"
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