#i'm so sorry this is so much but y'all i am deeply insane about bee applebees i could talk about her forever
rrat-king Β· 4 months
For Bee Applebees (I'll take any excuse to hear about your trans!Bucky headcanons, so please feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like!) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ˜‡πŸ‘»πŸ‘½πŸ’πŸ«‚πŸ’”πŸͺ’πŸ““πŸ‘—πŸ«πŸ–•
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK I COULD TALK ABOUT BEE FOREVER I LOVE HER!!! (also thank you @allthecastlesonclouds for introducing me to this headcanon originally <33)
πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ A gender headcanon
she is a trans girl! she uses she/her pronouns!! bee kinda always knew she was different from her brothers and the other boys in church with her, but she didn't really have a chance to understand or accept who she was until she got to aguefort and got the chance to be around different types of people and realize that difference isn't evil
πŸ˜‡ A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
i know a lot of folks want her to join kristen in following cassandra but i personally think that casssandra and like letting in doubt could be a part of her finding a way to worship helio in a way that feels good to her. similar to the way that tracker follows and influences galicaea, i see bee devoting herself to a reformed, more inclusive helio. we've only ever seen a very extremist standpoint of the harvestmen side of helio worship, but bee, worshipping the god of the harvest, of change and growth as a trans girl? i think thats lovely.
πŸ‘» A headcanon about what scares them
bee is so scared of the fact that their is so much that she just doesn't know. where kristen was so curious and excited coming into aguefort, bee is just scared cuz that's what she was taught to be. it's hard especially cuz she sees so much of herself in this stuff that she doesn't understand, and she was taught to hate what she doesn't understand
πŸ‘½ A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
she is super particular about stuff being designated as 'hers' especially with the amount of things that she has to share with her brothers. she has to sit in the seat behind the driver's seat in the car, she has to use her yellow plate and if she has her comic book mug that no one else is supposed to use
πŸ’ A headcanon about their love language
she is little miss words of affirmation. a lot of her growing up was seeing her sister being so praised and cherished in the church so when someone would take a moment and give her a little bit of affirmation too she just. melts.
πŸ«‚ A friendship headcanon
she joins the gsa in sophomore year and she becomes fast freinds with torek. she's kinda obsessed with the fact that torek is not traditionally feminine by human helioic standards but still is like confidently and obviously a girl as well as torek just being cool as shit and not taking any crap.
πŸ’” An angsty headcanon
pretty much her entire life she existed in kristen's shadow and for so long she used to wish that she could just get a little bit of that attention, that she could be *special*, but then all of a sudden kristen is gone, and she is getting that attention she thought she wanted but she realizes really quickly that it's not good attention. she has to deal with all of this pressure from her parents while realizing what her sister had been going through, and all through it she doesn't know whether to feel bad for her sister or hate her for leaving.
πŸͺ’ A headcanon about their family
her and bricker are the closest in age so they did a lot of activities together as kids just cuz it was easiest but they are such total opposites. they were on a peewee soccer team together as kids and while bee was on the field trying her best and failing miserably, bricker, who was the best kicker on the team was sitting on the sidelines eating grass. they also shared a room until kristen left and it was a constant battle between bricker who is a slob and bee who Is Not
πŸ““ A headcanon about their hobbies
she is a cub scout! she's been a scout since she was pretty young, used to be part of the kinda helioc version some folks at her church ran, but she eventually grew out of it and had to beg her parents to let her joinng the elmville scouts but they eventually let her. she loves camping, hiking, general outdoorsy stuff as well as all the folks in her troup
πŸ‘— A headcanon about their clothes
before she transitioned, she was a pretty typical polo and khakis church kid, but as she was able to wear more fem clothes and experiment a little bit, she is a lot more drawn to looser, more flowey and floral materials. a lot of her stuff isn't necessarily explicitly feminine cuz a lot of the girls in her life aren't really tradionally fem so she doesn't force herself to do more than she's comfortable with. also she fucking loves cardigans
🍫 A headcanon about food
she cannot cook to save her life but she isn't half bad at baking. she's great at following directions and it was one of the things that she got to do alongside her sister growing up when their family needed to bring something to a bake sale or a potluck. she has made so much cornbread in her life she can do it without even having to look the recipe she could honestly do it with her eyes closed
πŸ–• A headcanon relating to anger
the applebees household was not a place that allowed for tears, so growing up she was taught the only appropriate way to deal with negative emotions was through anger, so she is just so angry all the time and even though she hates it, it's hard for her to rewire her brain to think about it any other way. for a while she tried to just shut down, figuring if she doesn't feel anything than at least she's not angry but it just festers till she explodes. as she kinda deconstructs and reconstructs her religion and the righteous anger that seems to go with it hand in hand she quickly realized that anger can be used as a tool, those emotions leading her to let her feel that anger and then move with it and past it to fix the problem.
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