#i'm so glad me and my sis stopped visiting them
onewingedangels · 9 months
i really would never understand my uncle's side of family who are more privileged than my family will ever be and yet that they, especially his wife and her spoiled grown ass kids, will always get jealous and mad that we get better or could pay off something expensive for once in our lives, like why are you like this when you can always afford everything in your life? wtf have we ever done to you that we deserve to be treated with no respect???
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wishfuldivine · 6 months
Gaz waiting for Ghost after a mission?
His heart was beating wildly within his chest. It had been six months, SIX months since he last saw Ghost. It was pure torture, not knowing where his whereabouts were. That was part of being in the Task Force.
There was no guarantee of ever coming back in one piece, which left him with pure dread when he was not assigned for it. But, he had full faith in his partner.
"Glad to have your man back, Garrick?" Laswell asked. She was standing right next to him, waiting for the team to arrive.
The said man chuckled with a smile, eyes on the incoming helo in the distance. His heart soared happily, knowing that Ghost was okay and would touch down soon.
"You have no idea. Six months is far too long for me, Laswell. I need him like my life depended." Gaz replied, his eyes never leaving the aircraft that was now nearer.
Laswell turned to look at Gaz and smiled. It was such a very shocking outcome when it came to the lieutenant and sergeant. She couldn't quite comprehend how was it that they ended up together. But she could SEE the happiness when in each other's presence. Even if there were times when they had to remain serious and focus on the tasks at hand, they always had an understanding. It made her happy to an extent.
"You don't have to worry about that now, Garrick. He's back and will receive the longest break that is well deserved."
Gaz only smiled warmly. He will have Ghost around much longer than before. They had plenty of time to do a lot of things. Travel, visit family, and vacation. Nothing as long as they're doing it together.
The helo touched down, their clothes moving swiftly to the wind created by the blades. Then, the sliding door opened, and a couple of Ghost's team stepped down. Gaz greeted them with a smile and a nod, glad to see everyone safe.
His eyes then landed on Ghost. The masked man looked menacing as ever, but his eyes expressed exhaustion. It made him want to hug the lieutenant tightly in comfort.
The taller man walked towards them and stopped right in front of Laswell, he offered the classified intel.
"Everything is there. It will be of great help now with all this information."
Laswell nodded and grabbed the documents from Ghost, then turned around to walk away to share the findings.
Gaz noticed how Ghost cleared his throat and stared at him. It was a little awkward, like not knowing what to say or do. Then, suddenly, he was in his arms.
"I fucking missed you so much, love." Ghost's deep and tired voice spoke in his ear.
Gaz hugged him back, and a small sigh of relief escaped his lips. His mind was at ease completely.
"I missed you too. So fucking much, Si. I'm so proud of you for coming back in one piece. And taking such good care of your team. You did well." He said, feeling absolutely proud of him. His love growing even more.
"I promised you. I will always come back. For you. To you." Ghost replied, moving his head to press a soft kiss on the temple through the mask.
"I can't thank you enough. I love you, Si." Gaz said with so much love and devotion. He truly, madly, and deeply loved his man.
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silverfoxstole · 5 months
OK. Right. I've sorted my panel photos, which I'll start posting tomorrow (I won't bombard you with them all at once!), so I can get my thoughts straight about yesterday. This is going to be long; sorry! I'll divide it into two parts so that those who want to skip my wittering and just see the pics can.
I hadn't actually thought I'd ever go to a con again; my last one had been back in 2009 and they've got a hell of a lot bigger since then, which sort of puts me off as I don’t really like crowds, and living as I do right down on the south coast they're usually too far away. However, when back at the end of January an ad popped up out of the blue on my Facebook feed informing me that Paul would be appearing at Portsmouth Comic Con (less than ten miles from me) my heart skipped a beat and I started wondering whether I'd be able to go. Of course, there was nothing stopping me but I wasn't keen to go on my own, and I knew my DW-and-anything-else-related-to-scifi-fantasy-etc-hating sister would never agree.
When not long later I saw Sylvester was going to be there as well I mentioned it to my friend P (with whom I’ve attended cons in the past), lamenting that I had no one to go with and not really expecting her to suggest that she try to come down from Manchester so we could go together but to my surprise she did and so the tickets were duly booked. Fast forward to about three weeks ago, unfortunately, and things started to go - literally in this case - off the rails thanks to a driver's strike and then engineering work that meant no trains into Portsmouth for the 11th and 12th and P very reluctantly having to drop out because she wouldn't be able to get down here and back in time for work on Monday. Still wanting to go but not really wanting to do it alone I had no choice but to ask sis to come with me, which she very gamely did and I owe her. Big Time. It’s really not her thing and I know she didn't enjoy it at all. She works in town and made me stand on the outside in the queue in case she saw anyone she knew!
I had been worried about how I was going to react as I do suffer from anxiety and I've not been amongst crowds since before Covid, but much to my surprise I was completely relaxed, even when talking to the guests; I'm obviously long past my 'OMG it's Paul!' phase (thank goodness!) and instead it was a case of 'Oh, yeah, there he is, and Sylv and Sophie (a later addition, and one I'd been hoping for) too.' I don't know whether it's because they're so familiar or I just got used to actors popping in when I worked in a shop near a theatre, but it was easy and I'm so glad! The reflexology session I had in Thursday might have helped keep me calm, too; if you’re feeling tense I recommend it!
I had only previously visited the Guildhall for concerts (sis knows it better as she's had to do presentations to the city council in the past) so it was rather odd to be in there during the day. I have to say that I think they could have put aside more room for the guests as it was difficult to work out who was queuing to see who (ho ho). It was very warm and the setup also made taking photos a bit awkward with people having to dance round each other a bit. We went to see Paul first (of course), and when he clocked me in my NotD cosplay he leaned back, smiled and announced 'It's like lookin' in a mirror!' I honestly can't remember exactly what I said in response to that! Probably nothing that coherent! He asked if I'd made it myself, which gave me a neat opportunity to present the gift I'd made for him: an Eighth Doctor bear and Mr Bush bear.
I think i've wanted to make bears for Paul ever since I put together the first one nearly three years ago, but I never thought I'd get a chance so when I knew I'd be going to the con I started planning. I was originally just going to do the Doctor, and make a Seven bear for Sylvester, but as they were coming to Portsmouth I decided to do Bush as well since I can’t imagine Paul gets a lot of Hornblower-related gifts. Of course, when it was confirmed that Sophie would be there I had to make an Ace bear too and here they all are before I packed them up yesterday morning, sitting on the bags i'd also run up to put them in (not pictured, my terrible embroidery name tags to help me tell who was who):
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I'll do some more detailed posts so you can see them properly another day, but I was so pleased with they way they turned out that it was really hard to give them up! At least I knew they'd be going to good homes!
When I gave Paul the bag he just looked at me in surprise and went 'Is that for me? Can I open it now?' and there was a smile on his face as soon as he saw what was inside. 'That's my career! Doctor Who and Hornblower!' He absolutely loved them, couldn't believe I'd made them and told me 'I have a room where I keep all the gifts I've been given, and these are going to take pride of place.' I couldn't wish for more than that! Well, maybe a photo of him with them but it was busy and I didn't like to ask and possibly hold things up. I hope he's found the alternative Dark Eyes outfit that I added for Eight bear as I had some fabric leftover from my jacket; the sonic for that one took a bit of ingenuity!
He asked about my costume again while we were getting into position (for want of a better term) for a photo and commented that so many people are paying someone to make their cosplays now and spending a hundreds of pounds, something I'd guess he finds quite astonishing given the incredulous look on his face when he said it. I could be wrong, but I got the impression that he likes to see what different fans have come up with; there are a lot of people who seem to be patronising Steven Ricks since Paul got his remade costume last year, which I can understand because the man is a brilliant tailor, but sometimes it must be a bit like seeing clones.
Jen took the photo and we were about to leave it there but then this strangely confident person I found inside me asked Paul a question:
‘Can I be cheeky?’
‘Can I give you a hug?’
‘Of course!’
Well, if you don’t ask, you don’t get! (says the woman who hates asking for things in shops) He gives very good hugs. 🥰
I did manage to let him go (it wasn’t easy!) and he thanked me again for the bears before we moved on to see Sophie, which involved going round to join another queue in the same small space. Confusing? Yep!
I don't know who here has met Sophie Aldred but you should because she is so, so lovely. Ace has always been one of my favourite companions and I was so pleased when I saw she would be coming. I'd already started an Ace bear with the intention of giving it to Sylvester with his, but of course that got changed and Sophie was smitten. She looked really closely at it, remarking on the little details - 'Oh, it's even got the plait. And a rucksack and baseball bat!' - and sat it proudly on the corner of her table, where I assume it stayed for some of the day. Apparently it's the best Ace bear she's ever seen - you can't get a better accolade than that! (My head was swelling somewhat by this point, by the way. I don't like to blow my own trumpet but I don't often get so many compliments, and never in such a short space of time, so i hope you can forgive me for including them.)
Last but not least, of course, there was Sylvester, which meant another queue in the same space, which was just daft as because their tables were next to each other you didn't know whether people were waiting for him or for Paul. I'm sure that could have been organised much better than it was. In the same section there were also two chaps who had somethng to do with Star Wars who weren't getting much attention at all which was a bit awkward. They haven't gone back today and I can't blame really them.
I've wanted to meet Sylv for years and he didn’t disappoint. He liked the fabric the bag was made from because its starry night pattern was similar to his waistcoat, which admittedly was why i bought it in the first place. When he got it open and saw what was inside he said 'Oh! I'm a little bear! That’s lovely!’ and when I said I'd made one for Sophie too leaned round trying to see it on Sophie's table. I half wish I'd made a set of both for each of them now but that might have been overkill, and I would have needed a rucksack of my own to transport them all; my bag was full to bursting as it was. Maybe if I see them again I’ll give Sophie a Doctor bear and Sylvester an Ace. As it stands I am so, so pleased that all three of them liked something I'd made so much, and Sylvester and Sophie were both also taken with the cartoons of the Seventh Doctor and Ace that I asked them to sign.
Phew! If you've reached the end of this, well done! I know I have tendency to ramble on and I commend your stamina! I'll put the photos in a separate post but I was one happy camper, especially as just afterwards i got another compliment on my costume and was asked to pose in the TARDIS! We didn't stay the whole day as it was hot, I'd pretty much seen what I wanted to (the Doctor Who 'exhibition' was just a few monster replicas, most of which weren't that good, unlike the really impressive experience they had last year for the 60th and which I would have loved to see. And there were no daleks! My ambition to hug a dalek sadly remains unfulfilled *sniff*) sis had developed a headache, but I'm very glad I went. 😀
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h3rmess · 1 month
Written by @h3rmess ✰
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S3 : Chapter 9 - Strange Things Keep Happening ☆☆☆☆
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Megumi looked at me, bewilderment strewn across his face.
"Yo, kid. You good?" Shoji asked him, waving a hand in front of his face.
Megumi slapped his hand away, scowling at him before he turned to me.
"Do we seriously have to go with this guy? I mean no offence, but he's so annoying." Megumi whispered.
"I'm right there with you." I agreed. "Why are you even here? You told me you weren't coming."
"Well, I had to come pay my little sis a visit, didn't it?" He patted the top of my head, causing me to hit him.
"You're so annoying... Why don't you stay with Akiko instead?" I asked him with a frown.
He huffed before responding. "Akiko is sooo annoying. And she's so clingy, too! Plus, women disgust me." He fake gagged as I crossed my arms and glared at him.
Megumi was about to jump at him for his insult. "What do you mean by that...?" He was on the brim of exploding.
"Relax!" He said simply, holding his hands in the air.
"No. Tell me what you meant by that, or I'll kill you." Megumi stepped closer to him, looking up to meet his gaze.
"Well, aren't you cute? Come to think of it, you haven't even told me your name!" Shoji grinned down at him.
Megumi was about to summon one of his demon dogs before I stopped him.
"This is Fushiguro Megumi. Megumi, this is my brother Shoji. There, a formal introduction. Now please, don't kill each other." I looked at them, hoping to ease the tension.
"Fushiguro, huh? That name sounds familiar..." Shoji put his finger on his chin, trying to remember where he had heard it.
"Back to my question." Megumi refocused. "What did you mean when you said 'women disgust you' "
Shoji chuckled before answering. "I don't like women, that all. In a romantic sense, that is."
Megumi felt embarrassed. "Right. W-well, none of this is relevant now! Shibuya is in danger, and we need to help."
I nodded I agreement as I looked around.
"Where's Nanami?"
Megumi scratched his head, looking around.
"I could've sworn he was just here..."
"FUSHIGURO!" Someone shouted from around the corner. We all looked in the direction of the shouts. A boy in all back came running around the corner. Megumi's neutral expression dropped into an annoyed one as the boy came to stand in front of him.
"Fushiguro! I'm glad you're safe, my dear junior. Little kids like you need someone like me to protect them!" He exclaimed, placing his hands on Megumi's shoulders.
Megumi looked away in annoyance.
The boy looked at Shoji and I, his face confused.
"Who are these two?" He asked Megumi.
"That's Okumoto Seiko, and that's... Shoji." He muttered the last part.
"Why is that guy so tall?" The boy stared in awe at Shoji, who simply smirked down at him.
"What can I say? When you're this amazing, the height is necessary to showcase your talents!" Shoji boasted, striking a few strange poses.
The boy in black winced as I looked back at him, Nanami having hit his head.
"Ino, leave Fushiguro alone, alright? And stop talking to strangers." Nanami spoke sternly as the boy, Ino, rubbed the back of his head.
"Sir, yes, sir!" He saluted Nanami, earning an eye-roll.
"Pleasure to meet you, sir. My name is Okumoto Shoji. I'm one of the external sorcerers working alongside you." Shoji held out his hand with a smirk, waiting for Nanami to shake it. He took his ID out of his pocket to prove his identity.
Nanami narrowed his eyes, glaring at him with a hint of suspicion as he took Shoji's hand, shaking it once.
"Nanami Kento. The pleasure is mine." He spoke plainly, letting go of Shoji's hand abruptly.
Shoji continued to stare at Nanami. Nanami raised an eyebrow at him inquisitively. Shoji turned to me, a huge smile stuck on his face.
"Sei, you never told me you had hot teachers here! Damn, I've been missing out..." He ran his hand through his hair with a huff, shaking his head playfully.
It was silent.
Everyone looked at him in pure disgust.
"You didn't just say that..." I mumbled in disbelief, surprised by how upfront he was.
"And I'd say it again!" He reinforced proudly.
We all turned away from him, walking off. We walked down the empty road, the streetlights flickering as if they were on their last legs. The icy wind encapsulated us, making it hard to focus on what we had to do. As Megumi and I walked, our steps fell in sync. I looked up at him, a determined and serious expression present on his face.
"Are you okay?" I asked him, slightly concerned.
He huffed before replying. "I know stuff like this happens every year, but sometimes I can't help but worry about what's to come." He took my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him sincerely.
"Yuuji is with Mei Mei and her younger brother, and they're heading to Meiji-Jingu-Mae station. They sent me here to back you guys up whilst they back up Gojo. I believe wholeheartedly that whatever is happening, we will be able to overcome it no matter what. Don't let your nerves get the better of you, okay?" I comforted him with a smile as he took a deep breath.
"Yeah, you're right."
"No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. We'll get through this together." My thumb stroked the back of his hand gently as we enjoyed what we would later find to be our last moments of peace for a long time.
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->why do I post once a month it's actually bad...
-> so like anyways how has everyone been?
-> I've been so stressed bc I got my exam results last week (THEY WERE GOOD!!) now I have to find a school to go to...
-> anyway yeah I've just crying over the fact that jjk is coming to an end LIKE WHAT?
-> I'm going to be honest, where our blue is will also be coming to an end soon
-> I've really enjoyed writing this but 1. I just won't have the time to update it frequently enough and 2. jjk is too damn long for me to write the whole thing
-> so I will still be posting about seiko because I love her, but just know within the next 2-3 months this will be done
-> thank you all so much!! see you soon!!!
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@nyxlai @inlovewithlondonn @sad-darksoul @fushigurioo @httpstoyosi @vivi-loves-penguins @samutoru @lysaray @maya-maya-56 @madison777x
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apinchofm · 2 years
Season 2 AU
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The next time they saw each other, it was at the Bridgerton's Hearts and Flower's ball.
"Mr Bridgerton," Marina greeted politely. She was in a beautiful yellow floral gown.
"Lady Crane, Lord Crane." Colin greeted. Philip smiled politely, and shook his hand.
"My dear, I see a friend." Philip told her, gently "Do you mind?"
"Not at all," Marina smiled, and he left the two.
"He adores his plants. We have a wonderful greenhouse," Marina said by way of explanation.
"I do hope your children are also on his list of cares," Colin said, not without slight bitterness. Her eyes focused on him sharply and he merely raised his eyebrows in return.
"They are. He loves them," Marina defended, "And he is a very good friend to me."
"Better than I was," Colin said and their eyes met.
"Colin. I told you. Stop torturing yourself." Marina said firmly, "We made our choices."
"But I would like you to come over, tell me more of your adventures," Marina said and smiled when she saw his face light up.
"Hello again, Oliver," Colin picked him up, "Babies do change so much, don't they?"
"They do," Marina agreed. She was holding Amanda, the four sitting on the floor of the drawing room.
Despite all that was going on with his family, Colin enjoyed visiting the Crane household. Lord Philip was away a lot, so Marina found his company more than welcome.
"I've always liked the way you say things," Marina said, "You always made everything brighter."
"I am glad I can help you. Sometimes, I don't know what I'm doing. Why did I come back?" Colin asked.
"Men often have time to contemplate their purpose in life. Women do not," Marina said, sitting Amanda down on the mat.
"I suppose. I wish..."
"Stop it," Marina warns but her tone isn't as harsh as it was. Their eyes met, but she was not upset, more pleading. Reflecting on what could have been was too painful.
"I was an utter fool and cruel." Colin pointed out, "I do not deserve your kindness."
"You did as you were raised to do." Marina said, And they left it at that.
The kiss was an accident. Or maybe not.
He was going to leave. Colin told himself not to get too close, as she showed him her lady's parlour, the room tastefully decorated with a large library.
He was standing too close, inhaling her sweet scent as she described the French design that reminded her of her mother.
Marina turned around and he leaned down. She returned the kiss with equal fervour, her hands coming to tangle in his hair as his hands wrapped around her waist, bunching her dress in his hands and soon he was resting her on the large chaise lounge
Afterwards, Marina's head is resting on his chest, close to his heart. Where she has remained. He plays with her hand, occasionally kissing her fingertips and admiring the small ring on her pointer finger.
"May I ask... what else were you doing in the Greek Isles?" Marina joked. He chuckled.
"Thinking of you." Colin said quietly. He would not speak of women he had met. They did not matter, especially when he had the one he wanted in his arms.
"I have not... not since George." Marina admitted quietly. She turned over so she was facing him.
"We share a chamber more as friends, not lovers. He is not a bad husband. Not at all. But you are right, I do not love him." She whispered.
"Marina...I..." Colin whispered but she placed a finger to his lips, shaking her head.
"L’amour fait les plus grandes douceurs et les plus sensibles infortunes de la vie," She whispered and he smiled sadly.
She felt the same but saying it aloud was dangerous.
Philip isn't always looking at his plants and flowers as everyone assumes. He notices more than most realise.
He notices when Oliver wants to be picked up. Amanda likes to be held more, often falling asleep in his or Marina's arms. He notices that Marina is happier. She smiles more. But he knows he is not the cause of it.
And Colin Bridgerton, who he likes very much visits often.
"Colin is a very kind man." Philip said one evening, the two were sitting together. She speaks with him now, "I am glad that the two of you are becoming... friends again."
"As am I," Marina replied, looking up from her book. Philip smiled at her, that kind smile he always offered her.
"I rather expected to dislike him, to be truthful." Philip mused and his wife looked at him, amused.
"My lord?"
"Well, he was rather cruel to you and you cared for him. You mean a lot to me, Marina and so I should not like the man who is in love with my wife. Especially when she loves him in return." He summarised.
Marina shut her book, not even bothering to mark her page, her eyes alarmed, "Philip..."
"I know we married out of obligation, and have become friends, but you do not love me as you do him." Philip said gently, "And it is okay, Marina. It is okay that you do not love me."
Marina shook her head, "Of course I love you,"
"As a friend. Who has occasionally shared your bed chambers. But not in the way you could have loved Colin. I love you too. We are a family." He told her. She was by his side on the chaise.
Marina stroked his face, "I am sorry. I did not... I did not realize how much I loved him and he loved me."
"I just hope it doesn't end up on a pamphlet!" Philip joked, kissing her hand and the two chuckled.
"We shall figure it out," Philip promised, "I have wanted to make you happy in any way possible. And Colin... he loves you the way you deserve. We will do what we have always done - focus on our children and we shall try to be friends?"
"I would like that," Marina said. He truly wanted her happy and she kissed him gently on the cheek, "Shall we look in on the trouble makers?" They both chuckled and went to see the twins.
They could do this for now. Be good parents, and friends.
Penelope was confused to see Lord Crane and Colin speaking with one another. She did not think he would want to stay in contact with a past painful memory.
"Colin!" She nervously greeted him and he smiled at her, "I did not know you still spoke with the Cranes?"
"Yes, Marina- Lady Crane and I have become friends again," He explained, a mysterious smile upon his face, "Lord Crane is a friend too."
"What do you and Marina speak of?" She asked nervously, hoping she sounded more curious than anything.
"We are just ourselves. And her babies are adorable. Have you been to see them?" Colin asked.
"No," Penelope replied. He frowned slightly.
"I was awful to her. We were all awful to her. But she is a good person." Colin continued, "So we have remained friends." Friends was a mere understatement.
"She lied to you," Penelope reminded him, "Tried to trick you into marriage?"
"To protect herself and her children. Not because she didn't feel anything for me," Colin defended, "If Whistledown hadn't done what she did, I probably would have been a lot happier. With her. As her husband and father to her children."
Penelope is startled by his statement, "Truly?"
"Truly." Colin confirmed. His face then brightened when Marina walked over, a smile upon her face.
"Penelope!" Marina smiled seeing her cousin. She took her hands, squeezing them in greeting, "It is really good to see you. You look well. How are you?"
"I am well." Penelope replied, a false smile on her face. It fell when Colin asked Marina to the floor and she nodded
Penelope looked at the two dancing. Friends didn't dance like that. They don't gaze into each other's eyes like that. He certainly does not look at her like that.
She was going to stop Whistledown, but seeing that made her itch to put pen to parchment again.
Translation - Love makes life’s sweetest pleasures and worst misfortunes.
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duhhhr · 2 years
wow! I'm back tumblr!
went to work this morning.. it's tuesday so i thought it's going to be quiet.... oh hell no. i hate it when people are ordering something with lots of changes in the original menu... also if they order something different and not the usual breakfast meal.. meals such us grilled chicken wrap, blt, steak sandwich and ceasar salad.. hnggggg i hate it! why can't they just order breaky special and egg bacon roll? 😋 but i'm really glad that my poached eggs are improving.. hehe.
so there is this person who was formerly working in that cafe as well. i like him, not romantically yet or i don't know. i just admire him for being stern with his decision. i like people who knows what they want and are good in decision making coz i'm not. also the owners kept on telling stories about him so he's been in my mind like everyday! not a single day that they didn't mention his name. 🙄 not to show loyalty or something but since we are both filipino, and i am really concerned coz it feels like we are talking about him on his back. i am telling him some stories that the owners told me about him. hmmm it kind of feel unfair for him and kasi haha i should have heared those stories directly from him but instead it's the owners who told me. so yeah we've been talking for some time now... i am the kind of person kasi na will say talaga how i feel and then regret it afterwards huhu. so kasi.. i was kind of really flirty rin hnggggg my bad. i'll behave na from now on.
also there is this turkish guy who's been wanting to meet me for i don't know how long na. i finally agreed on meeting him again coz the last scheduled date has been canceled. okayyy i don't know i still don't feel like meeting him eh pero maybe i have to atleast try and whatever happens i guess it's fine coz i'll get to see him personally and know him personally naman.
anyway, i lost some kilos nga pala. most probably kasi wala si ate dito. sometimes i only eat once a day.. yeah not a healthy habit. i just want to go back with my previous weight ☹️ hopefully i can reach it this March. my lowest was 54 but it's fine if i don't achieve that right away. i'm just hoping for atleast a 60kgs.
also yeah sometimes i feeeel sad and lonely. it's my fault rin naman coz sometimes i feel like isolating myself. it's really unfair to my friends... i know and i feel sorry. ☹️ i miss them but i don't want them to think na i am just making paramdam coz i need some comfort or something. there are friends who understands me naman specially julia 🥺 i super miss her. i miss my friends in philippines. i know i said i am not gonna visit philippines yet until i get my pr visa. but i think i will next year hehe coz my former work friends are organizing our get together travel. also i am planning on getting a boob job din kasi this december or january next year hngggg
speaking of, i will be needing money for that boob job so i have to really be cautious on my spendings hayyyy i am so magastos my goodnesss.. i have to stop relying on uber! it is where most of my money goes. hngggg i am not really a morning person kasi so it is really a miracle that i am working in a cafe. but yeahhhh.. i have to save money for it. i have been really dreaming of having that done for a really really long time.
what else should i kwento pa ba?
maybe tomorrow naman.. i gotta sleep pa coz i have a practical class tomorrow.
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bookishofalder · 4 years
Rainy Days
Spencer x Reader
Request: @starwithoutdarkness - Hey! I heard you were looking for requests! Maybe Spencer Reid x reader fake dating fluff? Combined with Request: @paulaern  - Hello!  What about Spencer Reid x reader when they realizes they love each other? Like reader makes something for Spencer and he thinks like "I can't deny anymore, I'm completely and hopeless in love with her" or something like that  (G!neutral if you want)
A/N: Thank you so much for sending in requests! Hope this makes you smile!
Warnings: Swearing, moderate BAU violence, creepy men, fluffiest fluff, intense headache description. Set randomly post prison Reid but Hotch is still there because he should have been! WC-2,488
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Spencer was staring at the geo-profile he had been working on all day, very glad to be inside. The weather in Seattle had stayed consistently rainy for the two days the BAU team had been in town assisting in catching a killer, who had been committing serial robberies/murders with no apparent rhyme or reason. And while Spencer didn’t mind the rain, he did mind loud, busy cities. Combined, they usually led to a headache that would take a day or two to recover.
The door to the conference room he was working alone in burst open and slammed shut so suddenly he nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to see-
Spencer hated it when you appeared without warning, catching him entirely off guard and presenting the risk that you would notice the visible effort it took for him to compose himself around you.
While he’d noticed how beautiful and hilarious and empathetic you were the moment you joined the team, he’d fallen in love with you when you had your first case with them. Spencer had begun to ramble about the specifics of casinos, and how ‘beating the house’ was nearly impossible, when the rest of the team had tuned out. A temporary member, Agent Seaver, had sneered ‘I’m sorry I asked.” Effectively shutting him up. But then you had turned in your seat next to him and, after shooting Seaver a look had asked him to continue. And though he didn’t have that much more to say, and it wasn’t all that interesting, you listened to every single word and thanked him.
It had been years since that had happened, your friendship had blossomed into best friends, something Spencer cherished immensely. This was partly why he shoved his feelings down. The relationship did not need to change for Spencer to remain happy; as long as he got to spend time with you at work, or watch movies and make tent forts in his living room. And visit his mom (who adored you and always gave you book recommendations that you would be sure to read the moment you could), or go to comic conventions and museums...yes, as long as he could always do those things with you, he was happy.
No need to risk changing a perfect thing.
Now though, you were shutting the door and giving him your most panicked look, wide-eyed, with your hair damp from the rain you no doubt had run through to get inside, accounting for your breathlessness. If it weren’t for the worry that had sprung up inside of him upon seeing your expression, he would have fixated on how beautiful you looked at that moment.
“Spencer, you’re my boyfriend.” You whisper yelled at him, quickly stepping closer and setting your bag down on the conference table.
“Wha-“ He began, but you cut him off frantically.
“I’ll explain-just, oh fuck-“
Spencer stood frozen to the spot as the door reopened and one of the senior detectives sauntered in, a friendly smile somewhat overshadowed by the almost predatorial glint in his eyes. You awkwardly stepped closer to Spencer, raising a hand in hello.
“Agent (Y/L/N), great to see you’re back, I was hoping to catch you before the end of the day!” He said merrily, placing two hands on the back of the nearest chair. Something about the way his hands gripped the chair made Spencer feel...on edge.
You gave the fakest little giggle Spencer had ever heard from you, “Oh, nice to see you too Detective! Just had to catch up with Agent Reid here...”
When his eyes moved from you to assess Spencer briefly, he felt a protective force rear up, instincts entirely at alert. Without hesitating, he casually draped an arm over your shoulder, brushing some hair back as he did, and replied, “And you promised we could get some coffee from the Starbucks down the road, hon.”
He enjoyed the way your cheeks flushed and noticed the pulse in your neck pick up. You glanced up at him, trying to look coy but he knew you too well and could see you were partly surprised, and also trying not to laugh.
“Um, of course, I nearly forgot, babe, let’s go in about 5-unless, did you need something specific, Detective?” She broke off to glance back at the now scowling man, who gave an annoyed jerk of his head before stomping back out of the room.
Once the door banged closed behind him, you let out the biggest sigh of relief, raising a hand to your face in dismay.
Spencer hadn’t removed his arm yet, “I’m assuming I just helped you avoid being asked out, but why-?”
“Uhg, Spencer, I’ve already turned him down TWICE since we’ve arrived! He’s literally the kind of dude who doesn’t take no for an answer unless another man has some fucking misogynistic claim over the woman!” You exclaimed, before moving to stand right in front of Spencer and lean just your head to his chest, staring down at the floor, “I hate everything.”
Spencer laughed, patting your back softly, but internally making note that he wouldn’t be letting you go anywhere alone for the rest of this case-that detective gave him the creeps. And while you were beyond capable of protecting yourself, he just knew he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything if he thought you could be hurt.
“Well, just so we’re clear I would never want to be called ‘babe’ in a relationship.” He joked and the desired effect was his immediate reward when you lifted your head and giggled-your genuine, beautiful little giggle-and then grinned.
“Spencer, you called me ‘hon’ like we were 70.”
Spencer considered a moment, “We could be, you’ll be Gladys and I’ll be-“
“Winston!” You supplied eagerly, and he frowned at you, trying not to laugh.
“It’s really very dignified, the kind of name where people call you ‘sir’.” You replied cheekily, and while Spencer grinned, a part of him felt a swoop of pleasure when your lips formed the word ‘sir’.
He decided very quickly that he liked the idea of you calling him that. And then, just as swiftly dismissed that train of thought and chastised himself.
As you both stood together and laughed, the door swung open and Hotch and the team followed him in, all in various stages of the results of exposure to the rain, looking equally grim. Spencer and you abruptly stopped when you saw their expressions and launched back into work mode seamlessly.
Two days later, the team was closing in on the unsub and everyone was on high alert. Taking the profile and applying it to the geo-profile he had been working on, Spencer had narrowed down this grubby old apartment that sat above a nightclub as the most likely spot the unsub was staying at. Of course, they were arriving at night which meant the club was busy and loud, people lined up out the doors waiting for their chance to enter, pay too much for a drink and grind their bodies against strangers.
Spencer’s headache from the unforgiving rain was thrumming now with the music that seemed entirely unencumbered by the walls of the stairwell, the team slowly climbing. It was bad enough that his eyes narrowed somewhat, but he didn’t lose focus.
You were behind him, watching his six as Hotch and Morgan approached the door ahead and prepared to breach. Spencer slipped a hand behind his back and, on cue, you’re pinky wrapped with his. A brief promise to each other, ‘I’ve got you.’.
They had anticipated violence and heavy arms, so when their announcement was met with silence and the door was kicked open, the tactical response was to secure positions and carefully proceed. Agents and SWAT members lined the building and were, at that moment, securing the club below to ensure the unsub couldn’t flee into a room full of potential hostages.
Spencer and you were the third pair to enter, quickly moving ahead of the others to secure more rooms, eyes peeled for movement. The floor was covered in litter and random spots of dirt and dried substances. It smelled like body odour and axe body spray-which immediately went to Spencer’s headache and caused it to throb in protest.
You had shouted right as Spencer noticed the movement from a back room down the hall, as the unsub leaned out and, not abiding by the command, opened fire. Spencer grabbed you and swung you both behind the wall of the kitchen, out of the line of fire while he shouted the unsubs location.
You recovered quickly, dropping to the ground and leaning out to return fire as Hotch and Morgan ran across to the living room to join the battle. It only took a few moments after that before Morgan managed to get a shot to the suspect's shoulder and he fell with a cry of anguish.
You popped up from the ground, watching as Prentiss and Rossi moved forward to secure the man, and barked into your radio for medics to come in.
Spencer, meanwhile, was reeling. When the shots in the room had all joined together in a cacophony, sound and noise piercing his skull, it had converted to pain and panic in his skull, overwhelming him. He had used his own body to shield yours when he pulled you with him into the wall, and the caution he took with you meant he hadn’t caught himself carefully enough, his head bouncing lightly off of the stone wall.
Which, on a normal day would have simply been annoying. But today, with a headache so severe he was beginning to get spots in his vision, it was detrimental. The scene was secure, so he allowed his eyes to shut, a meagre reprieve but at least it was something, at least he didn’t have to see the beams from the flashlights or the pulsing of the neon signs outside of the windows...
“Winston, take my hand.” Your voice was so, so soft. Spencer let his mouth open slightly, a small rush of air all he managed, trying to say ‘I can’t-it hurts, make it stop’ but you grasped his hand tightly and pulled and he followed, his other hand reaching and grabbing that back of your vest, he let you lead him.
He knew from the reduced foot traffic of agents and crime scene workers that you were taking the rear exit, a stairwell that was narrower than the main. He peeked through his lashes to take the stairs, and then suddenly, the cool night air hit him and the door was closing behind you both.
You kept walking with purpose, leading Spencer further away from the loud building. The rain spattered his face but with each step the noise reduced and after a short walk it became relatively quiet.
“Sit.” You murmured, halting. Spencer opened his eyes and saw that you had led him to the farthest spot in the parking lot from the building, where trees lined the lot along a community park that was probably utilized by vagrants and drug dealers more than families. But there was a bench, and you were waiting for him to take a seat. You had pulled out a compact, expandable emergency rain shield from one of the pockets on your FBI utility belt and tossed it on the bench, protecting you both from soaking your underwear.
Spencer sat, setting his elbows on his legs and leaning forward with his hands pressed to his face. He took deep, steadying breaths as you joined him, your hand on the back of his neck. At first, he thought you were just resting it there because his FBI vest would have prevented him from feeling your hand on his back, however, a moment later it was joined by your other hand and a very cold object.
Resisting the urge to pull away, he gasped at the contact, “What-?”
“On-the-go cold compress, Doctor.” You explained, leaving it in place and then rummaging again. Spencer wanted to look but the compress, combined with the quiet, was already doing wonders. He continued to take deep breaths.
“When you’re ready, try this.” You said softly, pressing something to his hand. Opening his eyes, he saw a mini flask that had his name written on the side.
He turned his head slowly so as not to move the compress and met your eyes, which were assessing him with concern. “(Y/N), when did we start drinking on the job?”
You giggled quietly, “It’s just water mixed with this like, vitamin powder that’s supposed to be good for rehydrating you quickly. I did some research on how to help headaches like yours on the go, just in case, and I made this ‘Spencer’ care bag.” You rambled a little when he didn’t reply.
Spencer looked back at the flask and opened it, quickly downing the contents. It tasted pretty fruity and he realized he was thirsty, this taking the edge off.
“Is it okay?” You asked. Spencer raised his head and met your eyes, searching them.
He was overwhelmed, the headache already fading, in its place an intensely warm feeling building inside of him as he considered the time and effort you had taken to care for him. He hadn’t asked you, or hinted, you had just taken it on to find a way to help him and you were right there when he needed you the most.
You had always been there when he needed you. When he had been shot protecting Blake, when he struggled to care for his mother, when he had gone to prison, when he was freed, you were there.
The words tumbled out, unable to be contained a second longer.
“I am hopelessly in love with you.”
Your mouth opened and closed in surprise, taken entirely off guard. Though he worried what you would say, he couldn’t deny the relief he felt having finally said it out loud. He watched patiently as your mind processed his confession, holding his breath.
“I-Spencer,” And then suddenly your lips were pressing into his and the pain from his headache ceased entirely. Spencer was consumed by the feel of you against him, of your hands holding his face and the hum of content you gave when he returned your passion, dropping his flask and sliding his hands up your neck, gripping tenderly.
After what could have been hours, weeks, or years, you both broke apart, pulling back just enough to make eye contact without your eyes crossing. Neither of you let go, your breath puffing out in wisps in the cold night air.
“I love you too,” You breathed, “I could grow old with you, Winston.”
Spencer laughed, relief and happiness swooping through him at your words, “Gladys, I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.”
Did you enjoy this story? Please consider reblogging or commenting to ease my inner turmoil as a writer. Likes are basically just a bookmark!
You grinned back at Spencer, and then he kissed you again.
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loverofthewindgod · 2 years
🥞Brunch Bunch 🥞
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There are so many ways one can enjoy a lovely Sunday afternoon. Strolling through the park, going to the mall, having a family cookout, sleeping in the whole day, you name it. For these 5 ladies, it's quality sister time that they rarely get to have, and what better way to enjoy that than having brunch at the greatest Café in existence!
'Scuse me, Imma just insert this wholesome imagery of the sisters vibin while makin their way downtown ^_^
Sienna: "When I say 'sister', y'all say 'time'! "Sister!"
Avani, Safara, Xuna: "Time!"
Sienna: "Sister!"
Avani, Safara, Xuna: "Time!"
Xuna: "When I say 'yummy', y'all say 'food'! "Yummy!"
Sienna, Safara, Avani: "Food!"
Xuna: "Yummy!"
Sienna, Safara, Avani: "Food!"
Tootega: "When I say 'shut', please shut up."
The Squad: 😗😗😗😗......
Avani: "Shut!"
Sienna, Xuna, Safara: "Up!"
Avani: "Shut!"
Sienna, Xuna, Safara: "Up!"
Tootega: "I'm surrounded by idiots." 😑😑😑
"Alrighty now, who's ready to have their mind and taste buds blown away?" Sienna asked, playfully walking backwards.
"Pshhhh, as an expert foodie I'll be glad to test that statement." Avani proudly shot back.
"Yea, Gordon Ramsay has NOTHING on you sis." Tootega rolled her eyes at her sister's bravado.
"I'm so happy that we get to spend time together and it's not for training or at some boring meeting!" Safara exclaimed, happily raising her hands to the sky.
"Fujin mentioned his visits to your family business and sounds like he enjoyed himself. Is it true that's where you first learned the art of cooking?" Xuna asked.
"True it be, Madam Sunshine!" Sienna finger gunned, earning a giggle from Xuna.
"Amazing! I can't wait until we arrive!"
"Well wait no longer, coz we've arrived! Ladies and Queens, it is with great honor that I welcome you to my family's pride and joy, ba da da daaaa! The Serene Garden!"
~insert Sienna doing the Will Smith Oscar pose~
Upon entering the establishment, Xuna, Avani, and Safara dropped their jaws in awe as they glanced around, even Tootega gave an impressed nod. The Café had such a warm, inviting rustic ambiance to it. The aroma of freshly made coffee and pastries filled the room, there was lively chatter among the patrons in the dining area, the bar, even the kitchen staff sounded merry. Not to mention there's a secluded library section for book lovers. You know where Tootega's gonna venture off to, heh.
Some of the patrons stopped what they were doing and noticed the ladies walking around, understandably taken aback by height differences and beautiful appearances. If they weren't 5 powerful Goddesses, one would've thought they were simply a group of insanely hot supermodels going out to eat.
As Sienna continued showing the gals around, she noticed her pawpaw Kojoe at a table serving some coffee with a side of smiles.
"Cuckoo Koko!" Almost dropping the kettle after hearing the very familiar voice, Kojoe took a deep breath, politely excused himself from the table, and just dashed his way on over to his daughter.
"MAHH BEBEH GORLLL!!!!" YOU CAME BAAAAAACK!!" What better way to welcome your child back than to hug em tight and spin them around like a mad man while speaking an entirely different language in front of your customers hahaha.
"Oh gods, more weird people." Tootega winced at the unusual, yet wholesome family encounter.
"Lemme tell you sumthin, buttercup. The second I heard Cuckoo, that's when I thought, 'hmm only one gal knows how cuckoo koko be, and that when I knew it was my little rose bud." Kojoe whimsically booped his daughter on the nose, as if he forgot or just refused to believe that his girl is all grown up. Sienna then took the time to introduce the Goddesses to her father.
"Girls, I want you to meet my father, Kojoe. Paw paw, these lovely ladies are Fujin's sisters: This is Avani, Tootega, Safara, and Xuna."
"Well I'll be cornfunded! Y'all are related to Fujin Apple?"
"Woah woah...related to who did what now?" Tootega was straight up dumbfounded by the nickname, while Xuna, Safara and Avani were trying so hard not to laugh.
"Oh, Fujin Apple is his nickname the family gave him. It's a long story." Sienna giggled.
"Ooohhh you don't know what you've done, I'm gonna have a blast with this." Avani maliciously rubbed her hands together, plotting future embarrassment for her younger brother.
"So anyway paw paw, today is a very special day I get to spend with these very special ladies. Think you can help me out with something very special?" Sienna asked.
"Sure thing baby girl. Whatchu need?"
"We need to initiate Operation Brunch Bunch"
Right on cue, the staff stopped in the middle of their duties, looking like a bunch of deer in headlights. It's not very often they get an order like this, and they were pretty excited! Knowing that the order came from Sienna meant that it had to be more wonderful than usual.
"Ohh yea we gotchu, we gotchu wildflower! You and your sisters sit back and we'll handle everything for y'all!" Kojoe kissed his daughter on the forehead before he superman'ed himself through the kitchen window alongside his head chef hubby and the rest of the crew, getting right to work.
In the meantime, the Goddesses got cozy at the outdoor patio and served Raspberry Mimosas, enjoying the peaceful, scenic view of the large fields and mountains.
"I know I have my own temple and land, but man oh man! This is the life!" Avani raised her glass, feeling on top of the world.
"Sienna, this place is absolutely beautiful! I'll have to bring Raiden here sometime, even if i have to drag him from his chambers."
"I can guarantee you he won't be mad for long once you do. Sienna suggested.
Safara happily spun around dreaming as if she was back at Strawberry Fields."I'm certain Grey would love this outdoor space, almost as much as Kiva and Hana would."
~cuts to scene of Tootega sipping her beverage in the library, reading~
"Oh look! The food's ready!" Sienna gestured over to the group of servers emerging from indoors with trays of food.
Pancakes, chicken and waffles, a french toast bake, a garden frittata, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, roasted potatoes, danish cream puff pastries, croissants, muffins, biscuits with butter, honey & homeade jams, and a fresh fruit platter. The spread layed out across the table looked like a grand buffet, truly a sight to behold.
"Bon Appétit, Mademoiselles." The servers bowed before returning inside, ending with Kojoe and Sienna exchanging two thumbs up.
The ladies gathered together at the table, taken back by the tasty offerings brought before them. After a short and sweet prayer, it was time to chow down!
"Where to start, where to start..." Avani, now in expert foodie mode, contemplated from the vast amount of food to choose from. She went for the French toast, took her first bite and she went silent, shutting her eyes.
"Soooo...what's the verdict?" Sienna teased.
"Shhhhh...I can't even look at you right now." Avani waved her fork around like she's in a dreamy haze. She was on cloud nine, a delicious fluffy toast cloud in French heaven.
"I think I'll be coming back for the chicken and waffles here."
"Oooh, the cream danishes are soooo tasty!!"
"Don't sleep on biscuits with honey, it's insane."
"Hmm, the frittata tastes pretty good."
A delectable feast such as this fit for royalty, let alone 5 Goddesses, the verdict was unanimous. Overall score gets 10 thumbs up. A Flawless (and delicious) victory!
Buuuut....it doesn't end there. Even after demolishing all that food, there was still plenty of room for early dessert! To the bakery!
"So we get our own box of whatever pastries we desire?" Xuna asked, admiring the many selections. Donuts, cupcakes, tarts, you name it. Tootega was busy keeping Avani and Safara from drooling all over the display glass.
"You sure can! Go on and help yourselves!" Sienna gave them the green light to satisfy their sweet tooths. Avani and Safara ended up getting 4 boxes each. One for the way back, one for their students, and two for a midnight snack. Safara just had to get more of those danishes that stole her heart. Tootega, Sienna and Xuna just settled for 2 boxes each. Business was real good for the bakery that day.
Now cut to the scene where the gals are heading home, sampling a few treats while just reflecting on the wonderous day they had.
"Three cheers for Sienna, who graced us with this wonderful get-together!"
"Hip hip hoorah!" Safara and Avani cheered with their mouths full.
"Today was nice." Tootega shrugged, acting like she didn't enjoy herself. She ain't foolin anybody.
"Aww, I'm touched. But I think we all deserve a cheer. Strong, beautiful, amazing, intelligent Queens who get to call each other sisters. To sisterhood!"
"To Sisterhood!!"
"Yea, I guess. Just no more sing-."
🎶Makin our way downtown, with some treats, havin fun with my sisters🎶
"Why? Why me?..." Tootega pleaded to the heavens.
Today has been nothing short of phenomenal. Each and every second was cherished. Filled with amazing food, laughter, (except Tootega lmao) and just pure vibes. Operation Brunch Bunch was a success.
Lady Xuna - @bisexualjohnnycage
The God Sisters - @ninibear3000
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satorugojooo · 3 years
Working together with genshin impact characters would include:
Characters included: Albedo, Xiao, Diluc
Working with Albedo was truly a dream, he was soo talented in everything he did
He was the chief of the alchemy team from the knights and you were some how a right hand of Jean.
You two spend lot of time together expecially when Sucrose didn't need extra alchemy lessons.
"Oh hello darling!" he greeted you as you made your way trough the door of his lab.
"Hello Albedo how are you?" you asked with a sweet smile as he smiled.
"Just doing some research about the traveler, can you believe that they have elemental power but actually its working without a vision." he said fascinated.
"Oh well they earned the Anemo power when they touched the statue of the seven." you said and he looked at you.
"Hmm but why it happened? They are not the first ones that touched a statue." he said more to himself.
"Maybe it was an elemental reaction? I mean there might be a connection between their power of purifying poisoned things and the elemental power? Maybe some reaction happened exactly like when, they purified that tear from Dvalin." you said and he looked at you.
"Why of course... And I think I know now how to find that out Y/N your a genius!" he said and lift you in the air spinning you while he hugged you.
"I'm just trying to help." you said with a giggle burying your head in his chest.
"And you always do." he said touching his forehead to yours. You stared in his teal eyes and felt like you will get lost in them.
"I love you Albedo..." you said and he chuckled.
"I love you too my dear." he spoke and when you both wanted to share a kiss someone opened the door.
"YIKES YOU TWO ARE DISGUSTING AGAIN!" the little red girl said and you both got back to your places embarrassed.
"Oh Klee I didn't expected you here..." Albedo said and Klee looked at you both.
"Why of coulse you didn't but I did expect to find you two cuddling hele like 2 love bilds." she said and you buried you face in your palms as you felt your cheeks heat too much.
"Klee I heard the traveler wanted to know how you make your bombs wouldn't you want to show them?" Albedo said and Klee gasped.
"Oh gosh this is my time to shine I'll talk to you latel see u!" she said and left quickly.
"Done now you don't have to hide anymore my love." Albedo said and grabbed your hands so you won't hide anymore.
"Come here." he said and gave you a kiss but you ended up blushing even more.
Working with Xiao was a little tricky. I mean just look at him he is always silent and sometimes difficult too.
He was an adepti while you were one of the four winds from Mondstadt, it wasn't easy for both of you since responsibilities are responsibilities.
Today though you both had the same job to do, and that was to fight the huge Vortex monster that wanted to destroy Liyue.
You were in a visit to Liyue when you saw the huge monster rise, so you went to the Jade chamber as quickly as possible.
"Y/N??" Xiao said as he looked at you.
"Xiao! Tell me there is a way to fight this thing!" you said and he looked at you.
"I fear we can't do much, but we will try." he said. As the other adepti started attacking the monster with the Balista you gave your blessing to the traveler.
"Use my wind to make tornadoes that defeated the dragon Durin once..." you said and Xiao gave his speed to the traveler. After the monster destroyed the balista Xiao quickly saved the traveler.
"What will we do now?" paimon said panicked.
"I'll sacrifice the jade chamber..." Ningguang said and you all left the chamber.
When you finally got safely to Liyue Xiao came to you.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Yes, what about you?"
"I am too, thanks God that your fine, what you were doing here anyways?" he said as you hugged him.
"I was in a short visit when I saw that monster... I couldn't stay and do nothing..." you said and he nodded.
"It's alright, I'm just glad your okay." he said and you smiled hugging him even more.
Your work was usually quite easy. You helped him sometimes at the tavern, but most of the time while he was gone to the tavern you were at the Dawn Winery helping the staff and of course protecting it from any danger.
Diluc was grateful to have you next to him and he was even more glad to live with you. He proposed you to move to him a couple of weeks ago when you almost got attacked by some abyss mages while leaving the Winery.
His pint was that as lovers it's not an unusual thing plus he would feel better knowing that your under his protection, so who were you to say no?
"Diluc I think someone is at the door." you said.
"Can you see who it is while I make these raports dear?" he said and you nodded.
As you opened the door it was Kaeya.
"Well well well if this isn't my sister in law-" he said but you already closed the door in his face.
"If you don't stop I won't let you in." you said.
"Fine fine sis I'm don- OUCH!" he said as you stepped on his feet.
"Warned you," you said.
"Yeah yeah never mind where is my charming brother?" he said.
"In his study but- HEY!" you said as he walked past you to diluc.
"Kaeya what the heck your doing here?" Diluc said.
"Oh being uncivil again I see, well such a shame because I just came with these from Jean, she said you needed them." he said and handed some papers to diluc.
"Okay thank you now bye." Diluc said and got out Kaeya.
"Good riddance." you said with a chuckle.
"Why of course." he said and wrapped his hands around your waist.
"I don't need him expecially now that I have you here." he said and buried his head in your shoulder.
"Aww I'm touched." you said and giggled.
"You should be." he said with a smile.
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feralandmoonstruck · 2 years
Falling In Love Will Kill You Pt.7
WC: 1784
Taglist: @adie-dee @pheita @kainablue @jezifster @aschlindartroom
After she checked out of the hotel, she wandered aimlessly around town. She bussed where she could in order to visit some of her favorite stores where she purchased clothes she had always wanted but could never afford without dipping into her savings. If I’m dying tonight I might as well make the most of it. Go big or go home, or, well, in my case it’s go big and die.
After shopping she decided to swing by her apartment. The caution tape had been removed and her door had been replaced with a sheet of plywood. Well fuck. Guess that's not an option anymore. She sighed and asked the driver to drop her off at one of the tourist attractions at the edge of town.
"You planning to hike with all those bags?"
She rolled her eyes, glad that he couldn't see her. "Gonna change in the gift shop."
"Alright, whatever you say."
"Thanks for the lift. Have a good one."
"Yeah, you too. Have fun!"
She didn't answer him as she stepped out of the car and back into the sun.
"Hey there," she said to the cashier of the gift shop, "is it cool if I change in the bathroom? I know it's super weird to ask, but I didn't have anywhere else to change and forgot about just wearing the stuff out of the store. If you want, you can even follow me back there."
"Yeah, that's fine."
"Thanks sis," she grinned.
The bathroom wasn't much cleaner than one at a gas station, but she changed there anyway. A new dress, sturdy knee high boots, and a leather jacket left her grinning at herself in the bathroom mirror. To complete her new look she added plum lipstick and thick black eyeliner. She shoved her old clothes into a trash can.
"Thanks girl," she called to the cashier as she headed for the door.
"Have a great day!"
Mara waved and left the shop. Her jacket was regrettably too hot to wear so she carried it as she began the long climb up the stairs that led to the top of the cliffs.
By the end of the hike her calves were burning and she was gasping for air. It felt good. She took a seat on the edge of one bench to catch her breath. The sun beat down on her and for a moment she regretted her boots, but it subsided when she looked at them and her heart filled with excitement. I might only have them for a few more hours, but I'm making the most of them.
When she’d caught her breath, she started the shorter hike up to the top of the falls. It wasn’t hard to avoid and ignore the families coming up to stare in awe at the waterfall and the expansive view below them. She stayed back near the treeline. Most people were too busy to even notice her. She settled against the base of one of the trees, facing away from the cliffs and towards the forest. Slowly, the groups of people became more and more infrequent, slowing to a trickle as the sun began its descent in the sky.
Dusk began to fall and Mara pulled her jacket on before slipping deeper into the trees. The park would be closing soon and she didn’t want to be found. It would have been unfair for whichever employee found her body, but she hoped that Cal had the strength to yeet her as far from people as possible.
Caldizaar was suddenly in front of her. She stumbled back with a shout. Her heart immediately kicked up in her chest. Her breath was fast and shallow.
“Are you ready, Tamara?”
She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself. “No, I’m not ready Cal, I’m just not.”
“You do not seem comfy. I thought we were meeting at your comfy place?”
“It’s- It’s over there,” she pointed behind her to where the falls lay.
“We should go there then. Then you can be comfy and I can Claim you.”
Hot tears burned her eyes as they began to fall. She hadn’t expected to fall apart so quickly, but every step shook as she led them back through the trees. She stopped when they could see out over the cliffs. Caldizaar drew up beside her.
“This is your comfy place?”
Mara’s breath hitch into a sob, “It is. I feel- I feel like I’m un-untouch-able.” She sank to her knees, entirely heedless of the way her dress got pressed into the dirt. She tried to wipe away her tears, but that only made them fall harder.
“You’re beginning to sound like the others.”
“No shit!” she screamed through the tears. Her voice came out thick and raw.
“Stand up,” he said, “We can hug and then you will not remember anything after.”
“No,” she sobbed, “I won’t. I ca, I can’t.”
“Mara, stand up,” Caldizaar repeated. He leaned down and took her arms and began to pick her up. She fought against him, struggling to get away. “You cannot overpower me, Tamara. You can either go in a way that makes you comfy, or you can go here in the dirt. You can choose.”
Mara let herself be lifted until she was standing. She wiped her tears away with a hollow laugh. “You should at least get a chance to see what’s so great about this place.” She gulped down deep breaths of air. “Here, look.” She approached the edge of the cliff and gestured to it. Caldizaar looked down at the trees stretching out into a green blanket beneath them. Mara stepped back just enough to throw her weight in as she pushed him off the ledge.
A moment later he reappeared next to her, his skin flaming once again. “That was fucked up, Tamara,” he growled.
“This whole thing is fucked up! It’s been fucked the entire time!” She threw her arms up, “I don’t even know why you’re killing me! Out of everybody, why was I picked?”
The flames surrounding Caldizaar faded until he looked like his normal, charred self. “You’ll die no matter what.”
“You mean when I’m eighty-something? Or am I sick?”
Caldizaar ran a hand over his face and looked away. “You have no idea how much trouble I’d be in if I told you.”
“You know? You’ve known this whole time and you lied??”
“I did not. I had no idea until today.”
“Are you going to tell me? I’m dying either way, right? I should at least know before you tear out my soul.”
“Mara, I can’t. It is not my place to share that kind of knowledge.”
“It shouldn’t matter then! Nothing you say should matter.”
“I will not tell you, Mara. Stop asking.”
She sucked her teeth, “Tell me or I’m going to jump off this cliff.”
“That is not how you wanted to die. You said you wanted to be comfy.”
“Yeah, well you’re pissing me off. So whatever, right? Doesn’t matter either way.” She stepped towards the edge of the cliff, but Caldizaar grabbed her wrist.
He yanked her away from the edge and wrapped his arms around her. “You die, Mara. You die in six months. A car hits you while you are on your way to work and you do not survive it.” She gave a little gasp, her tears welling up anew. “This is why we do not tell mortals. We take them quickly before their deaths can creep up on them.”
“I don’t want this,” she whispered.
“I cannot explain how many rules I have broken for you. I did not want this either.”
“I guess that means it’s time for me to die then. No use in you getting into more trouble because of me.”
He let her go abruptly and backed away, “That’s- that's. No. I'm not ready for you to die. You can have another day."
"Another day, really? All this shit and you're going to give me another day? Cal, just fuckin kill me. Kill me or don't, but 'one more day' is already becoming hell. I can't see anyone, I can't talk to anyone, I can barely travel, and I'm running out of money fast since I thought I was dying and decided to splurge on a new outfit and can't really go back to work yet." She bumped her fist against her forehead. "Just kill me, Cal. It'll be easier for both of us."
"Fine," he sighed, "I'm not killing you."
"You'll probably get in trouble for that."
"I'm already in trouble," he snapped.
Mara's anger boiled down to a simmer, "So what does that mean for you?"
"I don't know. I don’t think this has ever happened before. Demons do not often break rules. And none as bad as this."
"Huh. I assumed you guys would break rules all the time."
He hissed at her and took another step away. "Those are lies you have heard. We do our jobs, and we do them well."
"And yet here we are."
“Here we are.”
“So now what,” Mara sighed.
“We could see if your home is open yet. You seem to be comfy there as well.”
“Cal, I already told you that you can’t follow me like that.”
“I will simply return to you when you are there.”
“It’s too late to try to go home tonight. Office is closed, so even if they replaced the door I couldn't get in."
"What will you do then?"
She shrugged, "Get another hotel I guess."
"I do not wish to be in the void any longer than I have to."
"We can walk down together. It will probably take me a while to find a hotel, get to it, and get checked in."
Cal looked uncomfortable. "I will wait."
"Here, let's do this. I'll look for a hotel now and get a ride on its way here. They shouldn’t take too much longer for them to get here after we've reached the bottom of the mountain. I'll even find a hotel before we go down. It'll keep you from having to stay in the void any longer than it takes me to get to the hotel and get checked in."
Caldizaar nodded. "That is nice of you."
"Letting me live was pretty nice of you, too." She pulled out her phone and began searching for hotels. There was one nearby that didn't look terrible. From there she opened her ride app and punched in her destination. "Alright Cal, let's head down now. Said the ride is fifteen to twenty minutes away so they should be here not long after we get to the bottom."
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nightshadeshadow123 · 4 years
Jealousy: Part 2(A.M-R)-(C.G)
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You lazily trailed your fingers up and down Ally's bare back as she laid against your side, still recovering from her previous orgasms and the way you've dominated her when she tried and failed to when you reminded her who's in charge.
"Do we really have to go to the academy?" Ally asked, moving her head to prop up on top of your breast, her brown eyes connecting with yours, her arm lazily wrapped around your stomach and her bare legs interwined with yours.
You smiled at her warmly, tugging a strand of her hair behind her ear before cradling her warm cheeck, admiring her beauty as her eyes flutter close for a moment before snapping them open to look at you again.
"Yes, I really miss the academy and the others. That place was my safe place before I came here and met you. And it would be good to see the others again. It's been so long." You said, a look of nostalgic crossing your face that have Ally's heart tug.
"Okay love. I just don't..." Ally frowned.
You continued rubbing her smooth back again and shot her a confused look.
"You just don't what my lover?" You questioned as you trailed your thumb softly over her cheekbone, forcing her to keep eye contact with you.
Ally smiled before nuzzling your palm, kissing your wrist affectionately.
"I just don't like the way that woman looks at you and touch you." She finally admitted, her arm tightening around you.
You blinked confusedly for a moment before chuckling. "You mean Cordelia?"
"How does she look at me?" You asked, half unsure if you should actually ask that and what she would say.
Ally rolled her eyes and let out a huff before looking up at you again.
"Like you hung the moon and all the stars in the sky just for her." A hint of jealous clear in her tone.
You laid still, for a moment unsure and confused at what the older woman said.
"I'm sure you are just looking too much into this Ally. She's just being her usual self like she was with me in the Academy. And besides she knows I have you. I'm sure she won't try anything even if that's true." You assured after awhile, kissing her cheeck.
Ally smiled at the affectionate gesture before turning serious again. "I don't think I'm reading into it too much, I know how someone looks at the somebody their in love with. But if that's the case she better know that you are mine and she can't have you." She said lowly, lowering her head to your neck and began to suck at the soft skin there, making sure to leave marks there.
You let out a moan before chuckling at the older woman, digging your nails into her back with the hand on her back while digging your other hands fingers into her hair, pressing her into your neck more.
"I like it when you get all jealous." You said.
"I'm not jealous, I'm simply protective of what's mine." Ally mumbled against your neck, sucking one last hickey into your flesh before pulling away to admire her claim on you.
You let out a laugh before pushing her head downwards and crashing her lips onto yours in a bruising kiss, electing a yelp from her but she returned the kiss eagerly.
After a few minutes you break away from the kiss much to Ally's dismay and pecked her just below the ear and squeezing her as with both hands that have her jolting in surprise but before she could kiss you again you've already rolled away and have gotten up from the messy bed, smirking cheekily at the older woman as she glared at you.
"You damned tease." She mumbled and watched adoringly as you get dressed while leaning on her propped up palm.
She stuck the tip of your tongue out at her while pulling on your jeans.
"Well we should be getting packed." You said after awhile, walking over to your wardrobe.
"Now? But I thought we were going to wait before going to the academy." Ally sat up, pushing away the wine red satin bedsheets.
"Yes now. And I pretty much am excited for this trip. To see the others and also to hear out what Delia and Myrtle have to say." You pulled out some older academy robes you used to wear and some more modern clothes too, neatly putting them down on the bed next to Ally.
Ally only grumbles before getting up too, lazily walking over to a dresser to pull out two Suitcases. "Okay, if to you say so."
You took the two suitcases from her and set them on the bed, immediately starting to pack your stuff in while Ally got hers ready.
"I think you'll really love the academy. But just a early warning, try and don't take too much offence to Madison. She can be a bit bitchy, but she's my bitch sis." You said, looking at Ally for a moment before packing in your earphones and phone charger.
"Wait, you have a sister?" Ally asked and stopped packing to look at you, a confused look.
You kept your eyes focused on packing, not looking up at the older woman.
"Uh, had." You cleared your throat to distract her from that one. "But Madison isn't my real sister." You spoke quickly before walking over to the bathroom to get toothbrushes, toothpaste and body wash and other necessities.
Ally shot you another confused look as you walked away when notching your behaviour but chose to ignore it for the time being.
-Time skip-
You looked to the familiar acadmey in front of you before giving Ally a smile and squeezing her soft hand in yours softly as she looked up at the academy in awe and wonder.
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"It's...It's so-." Ally tried to get more out but she was too in awe to finish that sentence, brown eyes focused on the white towering building in front of you and her.
"It's so what? Beautiful? Magnificent?" You heard a familiar warm voice question from the your side, pride in her voice.
You and Ally both whipped to the side to at the familiar voice, a smile on your face as you faced your Supreme while Ally gripped your hand tighter at being startled.
"Delia." You greeted her warmly, heart fluttering for a moment at her beaming smile, the sun's rays shining on her hair making it appear golden, you are certain people will mistake her for an angel instead of a witch, hell you did when you met for the first time when she found you all those years ago.
"(Y/N), I'm glad you decided to visit so fast. The others will be so glad to see you." The blonde stopped near you and pulled you into a tight hug, one that you eagerly returned with the arm that isn't holding onto Ally's.
Ally narrowed her eyes, the hug happening to long for her comfort and she squeezed your hand before tugging your arm slightly until you break away from the hug and stood straight next to her.
"I hope you don't mind that I've brought Ally with me." You looked to your girlfriend, giving her a warm smile before looking at Cordelia again.
Cordelia forced a smile, her eyes briefly flicking to Ally before looking back at you with a certain warmth in her eyes, taking in every detail in of you that is absolutely perfection in her eyes. How she just wanted to treasure you forever.
"Oh, no I don't mind at all." Cordelia lied, a bit upset for not being able to spend alone time with you.
Ally could pick up the tone of disappointment in the Supreme's voice but she can only bring herself to feel pride as she tugged you closer to her, planting a kiss on your cheeck that have you smiling like a dork.
Cordelia clensed one fist at her side, trying to keep her powers and jealousy at bay as she watched the way you smile at the brunette, wishing it was her that you look at with so much adoration and love.
She watched a moment before clearing her throat, grabbing both you and Ally's attention to her.
"Let's go inside and greet the others." She walked past you and up the stairs as you and Ally followed close behind her.
Upon entering the building you took notice of Mallory and Queenie bickering over something, Zoe and Madison both on their phones while on the couch, completely ignoring the small bickering.
You quietly putted your suitcase on the floor and sneaked closer to the two on the couch before hugging Madison's shoulders from behind and saying loudly.
"Suprise bitch, bet you thought you'd never see me again!"
Madison threw her phone to the floor, eyes wide as saucers at being startled, her hands flying to your arms.
"OH MY FUCKING G!!" By that everyone's focused on you and Madison, Zoe glaring at her at the sudden yell but beaming when she saw you hugging the bitchy girl.
"(Y/N)?! What a surprise to see you!" Zoe got up from the sofa and walking around it to pull you into a welcomed hug that you returned.
"God bitch, you made me drop ma fucking phone." Madison glared at you over the couch but you pick up on the hint of a smile tugging at her lips as Queenie and Mallory rushed over to greet you eagerly.
Cordelia stood next to Ally, a adoring smile on her face as she watched the interaction between you and the girls.
"What's all this ruckus for young ladies?" Myrtle demanded as she walked down the stairs, looking around in alert for a moment until her eyes landed on you.
"My gosh. Am I seeing ghost or is this for real?" The red haired woman questioned jokingly as she walked over to you and pulled you into a hug.
"Myrtle. Am I glad to see you too." You spoke and returned the hug.
Ally could feel herself smiling at the interactions between the lot, glad to see the joy you rarely displayed.
"Just look at you. All grown up. I think I might just cry." Myrtle joked and you just rolled your eyes at her playfully.
"Hey! I was only away for six months, you make it sound like I was away for six years."
Myrtle chuckled at that. "Well, it certainly felt like you were away for six years dear."
You, Ally, Cordelia and the others sat on the sofa say to drink some coffee and catch up for awhile before Cordelia showed you to a guest bedroom that you and Ally will be sharing while Ally stayed behind to talk with the others.
"Thank you Delia." You thanked the blonde after putting your and Ally's suitcases in the room.
"It's not a problem Sweetheart." Cordelia said warmly.
You felt your heart raise at the pet name, choosing to brush it off along with the feeling of her eyes focused on you, becoming a bit tense under her gaze.
"Myrtle is still looking a bit into that earlier thing you told me about your magic. I think she's close to solving it, she was kinda excited and intrigued by it when I brought it up."
You stood there for a few moments and, your mind drifting a bit.
Cordelia walked closer to you, brown eyes focused on you intensely as she brushed a warm hand against your soft arm, noting the goosebumps appearing on your skin at her touch while you turned your head to hide the flush appearing on your cheecks.
The blonde leaned her head closer until you felt her breath against your cheeck. You could feel her eyes burning into you, thinking back to what Ally have said.
"(Y/N)." Cordelia whispered. "Look at me."
You shook your head slightly, thinking back to Ally's words, mind going on overdrive.
Cordelia could see you were lost in your head somewhat but she wanted your attention on her.
"Please look at me Sweetheart." She urged softly, her hand gripping your arm softly and tugging you closer.
You finally snapped your head towards her, (e/c) eyes meeting with her intense brown ones, emotions you couldn't quite place dancing behind her eyes.
Cordelia leaned closer, her lips brushing against your cheeck softly for a few moments, waiting to see your reaction and scared that you'd push her away as her lips stayed on one spot, both her hands trailing up your arms before cupping your cheecks.
"Cordelia." You whispered half shocked and half in a daze, your eyes falling shut as your heartbeat sped up.
She hummed, her lips trailing closer to your lips but you snapped your eyes open and immediately pushed her away.
A look of hurt crossed her face as she watched you put as much distance as possible between you and her.
"What the fuck Delia?" You asked dazely, feeling guilty at enjoying that a little too much as you thought of Ally.
"I'm...I'm sorry. I don't...know what came over me." Cordelia apologised, trying to mask her true feelings at this.
You looked at her for a moment before muttering. "I have to go." with that said you turned and walked down the stairs.
Cordelia stood still, her mind running wild, the feeling of your soft skin still lingering on her lips along with that familiar peaches and cream scent of your body wash as she fiddle with her hands, feeling a sense of longing tearing through her in a strong wave.
'What the hell came over me. She probably hates me now. The only person that gave me meaning even when she was lost and broken.' The blonde thinks loudly in her own head, one of her hands clenching into a fist.
"Miss Goode? Are you alright?" A voice startled the blonde but she calmed down upon seeing Nan standing a few feet away.
"I'm...I'm fine." Cordelia lied.
Nan only shook her head. "You aren't. Your thoughts are really loud and all over the place."
Cordelia collected herself a bit before looking at Nan again. "It's nothing to worry about. I must go." She said before walking to her own room, not ready to be asked more questions by Nan.
Nan only watched with a knowing look as Cordelia closed her door behind her, knowing the blonde have a crush on you from all her loud thoughts that is constantly focused all around you.
"Miss Goode. You can be such a fool sometimes." Nan whispered to herself before also going down the stairs to greet you eagerly.
You sat next to Ally, not paying, much attention to the others as you are lost in thought, your hand resting on Ally's upper leg while she covered your hand with hers on her leg, answering any questions the others asked her.
Sorry for the long wait and that's it's super short, was not feeling well and things are a bit hectic. Who do you guys think the reader should end up with? I'm kinda conflicted but I also have a idea I may want to use with one of them. And sorry for this crappy part but I didn't want to take too long and leave ya hanging. I've also not added Ozzy in here.
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lovemalecforever · 3 years
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Chapter 12
Family isn't always blood
Alec looked at his Parabatai then to his sister then to him again and sighed heavily before speaking. "Because there is something I want to talk about which needs all of your presence."
"Excuse me!?" Jace exclaimed, "Alec, I can feel your nervousness, what is going on? You're making me scared buddy, we almost lost yo-"
"Jace, calm down. I'll tell you when everyone will be here, and it's nothing bad, okay?"
Even after the reassurance, Jace was still not convinced. He could feel how scared and nervous Alec was through their bond. There were so many probabilities running through his mind, minding that Magnus wasn't there with him when that man never leaves his brother alone.
"Jace, stop. I can literally feel you getting stressed up, I told you, Jace, it's nothing, just... wait for a while."
Jace sighed and nodded. He had met his Parabatai, his brother after a long time, and making him upset or angry was the last thing he wanted. "Sorry Alec, but really, you told Izzy that you're coming but not me? Seriously? Am I not important to you anymore?" he dramatically put his hand over his chest. "You have hurt me, dude."
Alec rolled his eyes. "Stop being overdramatic, Jace. Besides, the look on your face told me that it was worth it."
"Boyzzz!" Izzy interrupted, shaking her head at her brothers for their silliness. "So, big brother, whom do you want to meet first, Clary or Simon?" Out of everyone, Izzy knew really well that Alec considers them family now, remembering the fact that he admitted it when she and Simon visited him.
"It's been long I've seen nugget in training mode. I would like to see her training and meanwhile, tell Simon to come here, I want to talk to you both privately before talking to everyone else."
"What the hell!? Alec, First, stop giving my girlfriend these stupid nicknames, and second what are you guys are up to?"
"Jace, stop." Izzy spoke firmly, "Don't bombard our brother with questions, he just arrived. And, besides, I want to see how Clary's doing so can we move now?"
"Fine, let's go." Jace sighed, and they left for the training room.
While heading towards the training room, Alec didn't miss the changes that had been made at the Institute, especially the weapons room. He knew he made the right decision to make his sister the Head of the Institute when he accepted the post of Inquisitor at Alicante, and she's doing a brilliant job. He couldn't help but feel proud of his sister.
It's been around an hour since Clary started her training, her hair was tied up in a ponytail, she was wearing a perfectly fitted navy blue sports bra with red stripes on it, the back having cross straps with blue-grey yoga pants and red and blue colored sports shoes. Her hands were wrapped in boxing bandages, blowing punches and kicks to the punching bag, which had now started to tear.
"Slow down Parabatai, looks like you're having a bad day, or did you not get it last night, huh?" Izzy teased as she walked towards her soon-to-be Parabatai, a smirk playing on her face, and Jace's face flushed.
"Izzy, Hey!" Clary greeted then held the towel that Izzy offered her. "And to answer your question, both. Bad day because Jace was being an idiot last night, and this morning too." She said, making Izzy burst into laughter.
"Really Clary, discussing our sex life with my sister!? Not appreciated!" Jace said as he walked in.
"She's my best friend, Herondale. I can discuss whatever I want." Clary shrugged and snatched the water bottle that he offered her.
"Oops! Looks like someone screwed up badly." Izzy said while suppressing her laugh, earning a glare from Jace.
Clary almost choked on the water she was drinking and dropped the bottle on the floor in the process when her eyes fell on the third person present in that room, standing by the door frame.
"Hello, Carrot!" Alec walked in and laughed when she literally jumped on him. "Get down, carrot, you're drenched in sweat."
"Really! Carrot, Carrot!? Seriously, Alec, I told you to stop giving her names, don't you-"
"I find it cute," Clary said, interrupting her boyfriend and making him dumbfounded. "Alec, when did you come? And where's Magnus?" She asked when her excitement died down and was back on her feet.
"Just now, and Magnus didn't come, I had some work."
"Okay, now I'm jealous, what had Simon done, big brother? Jace? Why do you both treat him like that?" Izzy pouted.
"I like him, but that vampire gets under my skin sometimes. No offense, Izzy." Jace said flatly.
"Izzy, Simon had done nothing, you know I like him, I just don't feel like being like that around him. There's nothing else." Alec reassured, making her sigh.
Izzy's phone buzzed, breaking their chain of conversation. She picked it up to check the message. "It's Si, he'll be here in some time. Your room or my office?" She asked.
"In my room," Alec answered while Jace and Clary kept glancing between the siblings. "I'll tell you both later."
Clary nodded. "I'm going to get a shower, see you later, Alec." With that, she picked up her stuff and left the hall.
"Wait, Clary! Excuse me!" Jace said hurried after his girlfriend leaving the other two laughing at their situation.
"It's good to have her back, you know," Izzy said when they both left the room. "Jace is a different person now, and happier too."
"I know. I can feel it. I'm happy for him, he deserves this. Looking back at how broken he was 3 years ago, I'm really happy that Clary got her memories back. They didn't deserve what happened 5 years ago."
"What's wrong!?" She asked when she noticed an unknown expression clouding her brother's face.
"Izzy, promise me you won't tell Jace what I'm about to say, else I won't hear the end of it."
Izzy raised her brow but eventually nodded.
"You know how much I used to hate Clary when she first came into our lives, she's still annoying, but looking at her now, at them, they are meant for each other, they complete each other. And I'm really happy that they found each other, all over again." He said, having a bright smile on his face.
"You're right, big brother. Jace will never stop teasing you if he'll hear what you just said. And, I agree, they are meant for each other."
Clary came back to their lives almost two and a half years ago. It took her almost a year and a half after meeting Jace at her painting exhibition to regain her memories of the shadow world. When she remembered Jace at the alley of the building where her exhibition was held, Jace frequented their meetings in the hope that she'd remember everything but hid it from everyone else. That was until Simon found out and confronted him, in the process bumping into her becoming the second person she remembered.
Clary always had an empty space in her heart, a void, which kept telling her that something was missing. That was until she met Jace, and she knew that she knew him from somewhere. There were bits and pieces in her mind of a club, bike riding, or some similar events, but they were never complete.
When both boys told everyone about Clary, it was Magnus who advised them to take things slow and not rush her memories. She met everyone, remembered them one by one, Luke being the third one, then Jocelyn, followed by the incomplete memory of her death, which resulted in regaining her memories at a great pace.
What broke the floodgates of her memories was when Jace and Clary were returning from their date, and they were attacked by a shapeshifting demon, which Clary killed with complete ease, shocked at first, but the sudden appearance and disappearance of her runes made her remember that she's a Shadowhunter.
The most beautiful thing which happened between all this was Clary fell in love with Jace all over again, oblivious about their past and Jace's feelings, making him the happiest person in the universe.
When she remembered everything, and stepped into the institute once again, and got all her runes back, she was visited by her mother's soul once again telling her that the Angels had forgiven her, she still has her extra share of powers, but she needs to be careful this time and not repeat the mistakes she made in the past. From that time on she became a completely new person. Better than before, more fierce, stronger, but still stubborn, annoying, and irritating at times.
The most epic thing to happen was Alec and Clary's relationship. From hating each other to frenemies to friends to a weird brother-sister relationship, they came a long way. The bitter comments Alec used to make about her were now more of teasing and mocking in a good way. They had started understanding each other, making everyone around them shocked with their bonding.
Simon was already pacing in Alec's room when Izzy and Alec entered, making Alec sigh out of frustration. "Stop digging holes in my carpet, Lewis," Alec commented.
"Boys!" Izzy shook her head. "I can't with you people!" She mumbled, then turned towards her brother. "So, what did you find Alec?"
"Everything!" He answered and explained to them the complete process of becoming immortal. When he was done both of their faces were filled with shock and astonishment.
"So, you have to drink Fray's blood and ask her to talk to Angel Ithuriel on your behalf, that's... interesting. Do you think she'll agree?" Simon asked curiously.
"That we'll see. Are you both okay with this?" Alec asked hesitantly.
Simon and Izzy exchanged a look. "Of course we are, big brother. I'm really happy for you." She hugged her brother tightly. Alec looked at Simon who nodded and smiled at him, he smiled back and mouthed thank you to him.
They broke their hug and Alec sighed with relief. "I'm glad to have your support, but, Izzy, I need advice, I'm confused."
"What is it?"
"Should I wait for everyone to arrive and talk to them tonight altogether, or I'll talk to everyone privately? I don't know how everyone's gonna react, especially Jace and Clary."
Izzy didn't know what to say to that. She looked at Simon than at her brother, trying to form words when Simon broke the silence.
"Um... I don't know what you think, Iz, but I think you should talk to everyone privately, talking to everyone at the same time would mean too many emotions in one place when you don't know how will everyone react which can become uneasy for you. But it's completely up to you." He said carefully.
"I think you're right Simon, thank you. It might take time, but I'll get a fair amount of time with everyone. And I think I'm going to make Jace and Clary wait for the last." He said with a chuckle.
"Now, Izzy, till the time mom and Luke arrive, why don't you and Clary show me what I've asked for!?" He asked with a wide smile.
Simon had a confused expression from his question, making Alec chuckle with the realization that neither of the women had told anyone about the gifts he had asked them to help him make for Magnus.
"Come on then, big brother. It's in Clary's room." She wrapped her arm around her brother's, dropped the silencing rune, and walked towards Jace and Clary's shared room. When they were near their room they heard loud arguments coming from their room making them exchange looks.
"Can we come in Fray? Or are you both going to continue with whatever you were arguing about?" Simon asked while suppressing his laugh, earning a flying pillow from Clary, which he dodged successfully, making Alec and Izzy burst with laughter, and Jace completely embarrassed.
"Are you people done?" Alec asked.
Clary cleared her throat and steadied herself. "Yeah, come in."
"Are you still working on it, or is it completed? Alec wants to see it." Izzy said the excitement was clearly visible in her voice.
"Oh, are you sure Alec? It's not completed yet."
"Completed or not, I want to see both of your's!"
"Okay, it's in my art room."
"Art room?" "What the hell is going on!?" Alec and Jace said at the same time.
Jace was carefully listening to their conversation, making a frown appear on his forehead. He looked at Simon who was mirroring his confused expressions, but no one else, making his nerves rise.
Alec sighed. "Izzy and Clary, may I know why you both kept it hidden from them?" He waved towards Simon and Jace.
"We thought it would be nice to surprise them too, we want to see their expressions when it's done," Izzy said.
Jace and Simon exchanged a look, Jace was about to say something when Alec raised his hand to shut him up. He shook his head in disbelief. "I didn't get my answer, Art room?"
"Oh, my old room, now that I share the room with Jace, I converted that to my personal Art room. Are you really sure, Alec?"
"Yes, and anyways I want it completed before I leave for Alicante."
"Are you sure, big brother? Will you be able to hide from Magnus for that long?" Izzy raised her brow at him.
"Alec, if this makes you relieved, I got permission from Angels to use the portal rune as a permanent rune for me, and anyways I and Izzy are gonna portal to the lakeside to complete all the decorations you've asked for. You can meet us there and take the gifts from us." Clary said.
Alec looked at Clary in disbelief. "You got permission? That's something. Okay then, take your time, but it should be completed by Wednesday."
"We're almost done, big brother. Don't worry!"
They all walked towards Clary's Art room, Alec was way too excited to see what they've done. Clary opens the door, which was filled with the scent of fresh colors, different shapes of brushes were spread in the whole room and a bunch of them were kept in a pen stand with several watercolor bottles and charcoal pencils on a wooden table in the corner of the room. There were different shapes of canvases filled in the whole room.
Clary went forward and removed a red-colored cloth that was covering a medium-sized canvas, only to reveal 3 frame-sized paintings pinned on the canvas, the 4th one was ongoing and one was empty. Alec's jaw fell on the ground seeing them.
"You... you're painting them!?"
"You like it?" Clary asked nervously, biting her nails, and looked at Izzy.
Alec went forward and traced his fingers over the painting of their wedding, both in tuxedos, holding hands, a look of pure happiness on their faces. "Put this in the center, and frame them properly. Magnus is going to love it. And I do too. Thank you, redhead!"
Clary sighed with relief and nodded with a warm smile.
"What the he-"
"Wow, these are beautiful Fray, so that's not the only surprise you're planning for Magnus? It's so lovely!"
"Yes, there's more Simon. I told you and Izzy alre-"
"What is going on!? And why am I the only one who doesn't know anything!?" Jace yelled.
Alec sighed for the billionth time that day. "Jace, are you really not getting it, or are you seriously not remembering!?"
Every eyes were on Jace now. "Remember wha... oh shit!" He gulped when he realized the paintings were from Alec's wedding to all of their following anniversaries. And it's his brother's anniversary next week.
"Sorry, Alec. I forgot about your anniversary. So, that's why Magnus is not here, you're planning a surprise, huh?" He said teasingly knowing that his brother is bad with surprises.
Alec rolled his eyes and smacked Jace on the back of his head, earning a whiney 'Ow' from him while others burst into laughter. "So, Izzy!?"
"It's in the weapons room, come on!"
They were all in the weapons room, Izzy had vacated the room for some time, and they were the only five present there. She went towards the right side rack, opened the second last drawer and took out a black-colored box, and walked towards the center table where everyone was standing.
"Big brother, it's yet to be completed. The whole engraving is remaining, you sure!?"
"Engraving?" Others said in unison.
"Yes, Izzy! Just show me whatever is done!"
Izzy opened the box to reveal a set of 3 diamond rings, sitting on fake fingers, two on the base and one in the middle of the finger, each connected with silver chains having tiny emeralds covering the whole chain. It was a really beautiful ring. There was a bundle of diamond cuts sitting on the base of the box.
Everyone's jaws were dropped on the floor. The ring was shining brightly in the dullness of the room.
"Why extra diamonds?" Clary asked curiously.
"These are going to be fixed on the engraving. Alec, thoughts?" She asked, her voice filled with nervousness and excitement.
"Wow! I... I'm speechless. You did a great job, Izzy. Magnus is definitely going to fall in love with it."
"I already am," Clary confessed. Her eyes were shining with the lights the diamond ring was emitting.
"I didn't know my girlfriend was this talented!" Simon said. He and Jace were completely dumbfounded.
They all got out of their trance with a loud squeal Izzy made, way too excited and proud of her work. They all exchanged a look and shook their heads at her.
Before Izzy could say, her phone buzzed and her expressions went from excited to soft.
"What?" Alec asked.
"Mom and Luke are here, you're ready, Alec?"
Alec sighed. "Let's get this over with!"
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes : RELOADED
Let's make the next chapter pink.
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : Undying Admiration
Chapter 21 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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back at it again with the piccrew
If I Remember Correctly
Maxine Winters
Safe House 110197, Brazil
Maxine looked at Samantha and smiled. They were finally together once again, as roommates, but this time, the room was huge and they were surrounded by strong men who were willing to risk their lives to protect them.
"How are you holding up?" Maxine asked.
"Everything's a swirl of hazy incomplete memories. It feels like I'm mostly recalling them back, but the details are a bit mixed. It doesn't feel right that I recall Alex as someone from work, right?" she chuckled. She must've been going through a lot of things right now, and it looked like Alex successfully helped her recall most of her forgotten memories. Maybe all she needed was someone to influence her.
"Hey Sam, what kinds of things have I told you about my past? France already told me some of my unforgettable memories but they still seem too unclear." She asked, Samantha looked excited as she began recalling something from the unaltered part of her memory.
"Well, for starters you told me a lot about your little sister. However since your mother died, the two of you were always together solving the problems as a team until you both decided to enlist her in the army. You told it was both the happiest and saddest moment of your life." She said with a smile on her face. Maxine never felt anything but knowing that that was their situation, it made sense how France was trying hard to win her back. She was the only one she had. And it must've hurt that the only companion she ever had didn't even remember her.
"I… I didn't know that…" she faltered. Samantha quickly reached out a hand to hold hers.
"Just take your time to remember… I'm sure France understands the situation." Samantha replied, turning to the door as it slowly pushed itself open. Alex peeked from the said door and asked.
"Am I disturbing any girl talk?"
"A little. But I'll forgive you for now." Samantha grinned as Alex entered the room, dressed in comfortable sleeping wear.
"I made a deal with France to swap sleeping positions for tonight. Make sure skipping tomorrow's pancake will be worth it." he winked as he settled behind Samantha, the spooning was awkward as his metal leg was unbendable and heavy, but Maxine noticed the smile in Samantha's eyes and how it quickly forgot the uncomfort he was giving her. Maybe that's true love.
"Aw… I was about to add extra honey to your plate, Alex. What you did to Samantha was the sweetest thing ever. I guess France is up for a treat." She joked, making the girls giggle while Alex furrowed his brows.
"Well then, this night better be worth it." He proceeded to tickle Samantha and they found themselves rolling and rolling. Maxine took a minute to admire the scenery before her eyes slowly closed itself to sleep.
Ever since being brainwashed, Maxine wasn't able to dream of something, every morning she would be greeted by the same empty feeling, her thoughts would always consist of recent events.
This night was different. She vividly recalled a rainy afternoon. She and Francine stood by their mother's grave.
"I'm going to the army next week, Mom. It might take a while since I'll be seeing you again." Francine knelt and placed a small floral pot they arranged.
"Yeah Mom, your daughter finally used her toughness somewhere other than fighting me!" She remembered herself joking and nudging her sister. These were things that they did on a weekly basis, visit their mother’s grave and talk about their week.
“And since she’s out training for the rest of her life, I decided to move to California, maybe look for restaurants to work on maybe look for someone special.” Maxine mused. She could hear France giggle.
“I, on the other hand, won’t let myself fall for any of those tough army men.” France added.
“Are you sure about that? It’s like… turning down a million dollar offer.” Maxine teased.
“It really depends on the person. But while I’m in training, I’ll focus on improving.” She amended.
Then the memory faded, it felt like tv static started to consume her whole dream until she found herself awake, gasping for air.
“You okay?” Alex groggily asked her, cuddling Samantha who was sound asleep. She nodded and got up, she felt very thirsty.
Maxine hurriedly walked down the stairs quietly passing the empty command center. Oddly enough, the kitchen light was open and she could hear soft clanking of cutlery. She took a peek at Gary Sandersom, who’s sticking his tongue out and too busy making finishing touches on a cake of sorts. She knew they didn't have the right mould for basic pastries but seeing him actually holding a cake, surprised her.
“So this is the reason I wake up to missing ingredients.” She spoke firmly and crossed her arms, walking closely to Roach who scrambled and immediately hid the cake behind him.
“I’m just trying out new stuff. Baking looked fun.” He lied, stepping further back until his butt hit the sink.
“I already saw what you’re working on Gary. How did you form the shape? We didn’t have any mold.”
“When there’s a will, there’s a way.” He smiled proudly and showed her his cake. It was cylindrical, almost like that of a
“Mugs.” he explained as Maxine crept closer to his work, her eyes probed around it like a judge from masterchef.
“Wow. This looks nice. Is this for you?” she asked, feeling Gary’s body shake differently.
“Actually, it’s for you… France told me about your birthday and since I already missed it. I wanted to share one with you. You know… for uh… formality.” he stuttered. It was obvious that Gary was nervous. She felt this ever since they started cooking together, and she noticed that he was improving around her.
“Aww… thanks. No one’s ever baked a cake for me. Samantha just buys them.” Maxine chuckled and sat on the chair as Gary pulled out a candle and lit it.
“I’m supposed to give you one before we leave tomorrow. I guess you got too excited.” he laughed nervously and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. Maxine gently reached for the hand and grazed it softly, smiling at Gary’s excited face.
“Make a wish.” Gary whispered, his minty breath tickled her nose. Maxine closed her eyes as the warm flame heated her cheeks. She would have wished for something personal, but instead she wished for something she thought needed to happen first.
“I wish… that this war will be over.” she opened her eyes and blew her candle as Roach silently clapped and cheered.
“Belated Happy Birthday Maxine.” He greeted with a warm hug, Maxine slowly gave in to his embrace and faced him. Tension sparked in the air between them as the chemicals moving between them started to react to each other, drawing their lips closer to each other. It was almost automatic, none of them held back as their lips clashed into a soft yet intense kiss. Their tongues were too shy to act but the lips were eager to meet again, soft smooches filled the quiet kitchen as their hands started to climb up to their faces.
“I.. um..” Gary shyly held back, his hands parted from her cheeks as they both stepped back from each other.
“It’s okay…" She whispered quickly, turning back to get herself a glass of water to calm herself from her nightmare and to cool off the heat of her body.
"I take it you're going back to bed?" Gary asked, leaning his arms across the table, looking at the cake.
"I think I can't sleep after that dream." She muttered. The reply signaled Roach to grab a fork and sit beside her.
"Dream? You're having dreams now?" Roach asked curiously, taking a slice off the cake and pointing the fork to her mouth.
"Yeah." Maxine continued with a vivid description of her dream, Roach momentarily spoon feeding her with cake every after thought.
Maxine actually stayed all morning talking to Roach, they discussed mostly about her dream and Roach was there to listen. He was what Maxine needed at the moment, a great listener who happened to be someone she's starting to fall for. She could also feel him growing close to her, that wasn't just any birthday kiss… I felt something else.
Maxine was almost jealous of Roach's colorful life. He shared so much of him that she actually felt guilty that she was only able to share one. He had lots of stories involving encounters with animals and most of it was about his dog.
"If you were to choose… Which animal would you prefer as a pet?" Gary asked curiously. The question made Maxine stop and think, admiring the slowly rising sun as she goes.
"Parrots sound fun. They talk back."
"Only if you teach them to…" Gary responded. He always does that, he's adding comments to her replies until they both agreed on a thing.
"Why do you keep doing that?" Maxine finally asked.
"Do what?"
"You know, influencing me to agree on your opinion?"
"I just want you to think I actually have something to say… Plus it keeps the conversation going… because I never really wanted it to stop." He smiled.
"Oi, Roach. Why is there no hot water yet?" Price yelled.
"Hang on Captain! The kettle isn't whistling yet!" Roach replied running to the kitchen leaving an amazed Maxine behind. A few minutes later Francine approached her.
No words were spoken as Maxine immediately wrapped her sister around her arms, she was really all she had and she was guilty that she couldn't remember her when they first met.
"I'm glad you found me… even amidst this mess." Maxine whispered to France's ears. She could feel her tears falling on her as they enjoyed the tender moment of their reunion.
"I remembered only one memory. Of us before we separated and lived independently. I think it's all I needed to truly tell who I am." Maxine said as Francine sobbed.
"I love you sis." France hugged again as they both cried.
Next Chapter : Going Dark Part 1
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @whimsywispsblog @beemybee @ricinbach
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sofreddie · 4 years
This Is How We Heal (Part 12)
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Summary: Jared and Reader meet due to an unfortunate accident. They talk and end up leaning on one another because they feel no one else understands.
Characters: Reader, Dani, OCs
Warnings: Minor Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1,113
A/N: I sat stagnant. My whole existence became about my depression and I couldn't escape. One day I realized I hadn't thought about the things that had caused my grief or pain in so long. That realization suddenly reignited my healing process. I finally felt I got to a place where I could write the ending of the story. I caught up to my characters in their healing process.
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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"Alright, boys, we're headed out," Dani said as she looked between Jared and Jensen with a smile.
It was the weekend following her nightmare and conversation with Jared. Dani came by out of the blue, insisting that her and Y/N were taking a spa weekend. She had a feeling Jared was behind it somehow.
"Are you sure?" Y/N protested one again, which she had done from the moment Dani arrived and all through Dani's whirlwind packing of her things, "It's really not necessary. I can stay here-"
She was cut off by Dani slapping a hand over her mouth before turning to the guys, "See? Proof she needs this." Dani insisted again, the guys laughing and nodding as Dani drug Y/N from the house.
Jared had urged her to take the weekend and relax. She was long overdue for a rest. Even Liam told her she needed a break and he promised he'd be fine while she was gone.
He was maturing so well. He was sad over the loss of his father. But he handled it gracefully. Y/N admired his strength. He was the happiest she had ever seen him.
She was having moments of happiness too. Ones that surprised her, that broke through the storm clouds of her mind like bright, warm rays of sunlight.
Liam's happiness was a big part of that.
Jared was another huge part.
He helped her to feel less broken. He listened to her fears and concerns. He didn't disregard them or push them aside.
Other than the occasional chaste kiss shared between them in moments that seemed to demand the action, nothing had really changed between them.
Y/N was still scared, her nightmare still weighed heavily on her mind. But she couldn't figure out why she struggled to move past it. As they pulled up to the lavish building, Y/N hoped maybe she'd find the answer. Or at least feel a small bit of peace from whatever lay beyond those doors.
Later in the day, after having undergone several treatments together and chatting away, they found themselves lounging in robes, towels tied on their heads, and cucumber slices over their eyes. Though to be honest, half of them were being eaten.
"I want you to know, Y/N, that I really care about Liam, and you," Dani said after a while of quiet between them, "You two have come to be part of our little, awkward, bundled together family," she chuckled warmly.
Y/N wasn't sure what to say to that. She knew she cared, but she didn't know the extent of her heart for her and her son. Family? She was honored, but did she really fit in there?
"I'm grateful to have friends like you."
"Family, Y/N," Dani insisted, "We've adopted you and you're stuck. Try to run, I dare you, Jared's like a freakin' gazelle!" she chuckled, Y/N laughing with her. She wasn't a runner herself. But she was glad Jared had such a productive outlet.
Not to mention how great he looked all sweaty and panting. She tried hard to ignore that, but it stirred there anyway every time. She knew Jared wanted more with her. She'd be lying if she said she didn't either. But her grief and guilt held her back.
"Can I be totally honest with you for a minute?" Y/N asked timidly. She hadn't really talked with anyone about anything important, other than Jared. But she often felt maybe his opinion was skewed.
If there was one thing she'd learned about Dani was that she was no BS.
"Of course," Dani responded with a nod, tucking her legs under her as she shifted on her lounger to face Y/N, giving her her complete attention.
Y/N took a deep breath and closed her eyes to steady herself. She explained the dream she had and how she felt after. She explained what happened with Jared, and then of course the kiss. Kissing, she supposed. It hadn't really stopped.
Dani listened to her every word, silently taking it all in. She nodded along and observed Y/N's body language as she spoke. The grief, the guilt, it was visible.
"I knew Gen for many years," Dani said with a smile after Y/N had finished venting, "She was amazing. Lively and down to earth and silly and smart and so beautiful," she said wistfully, forcing back the tears from missing her, "Someone everyone loved," she sniffed.
Then she turned serious, her gaze leveled on Y/N, "I think she would be so happy that Jared and the kids have you and Liam," she insisted. Y/N started shaking her head, but Dani put her hand on her forearm, silencing her, "They adore you. We adore you. I know you don't see it or understand it yet, but you really are our Angel."
Y/N felt the tears welling up. She knew she was gonna cry. Dani pouted too and they laughed as they hugged, soothing each other through the moment. Y/N was so very grateful to have someone like Dani in her life.
There was a time she wasn't very warm to her. When Dani had taken charge of her life and made her do things she didn't want. But in retrospect, Dani was fighting for her and forcing her to fight for herself and her son.
She'd be lost without her.
She was broken from her thoughts as she heard her name being called. She turned, looking for the source, and finding it quickly.
"Sara?" Y/N responded, a bit shocked to see the woman who had been an old neighbor and friend of her and Brian's many years before.
She hadn't thought about him in - well, she wasn't sure how long. But she didn't feel bad about it like she thought she would. After a quick catch-up and heart-felt condolences, she was gone as quick as she appeared.
Dani turned to Y/N, ready to see a negative reaction to the situation. But Y/N was surprised at herself. Not only had she not thought about her guilt for a while, but it didn't hurt.
"Dani," Y/N spoke with a smile, "Thank you. For your help and support and what you said about Gen," she relaxed back into her lounger with a sigh, "I think I've been so deep in grief for so long that it's just become a part of me. But I think maybe I can start to let it go."
"See," Dani smirked, "Told you a spa day was necessary. Obviously this means more spa visits are in order," she chuckled, Y/N laughing right along with her.
Maybe she was right. With the way she was feeling, it had to count as therapy, right?
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milasartblog · 4 years
Sometimes humans need to let things out and ask for help those, who are capable to do it. These people call themselves psychologists or therapists. But sometimes even divine creatures need such people. Seemed a bit silly for them, you say. Well, one of few deities doesn't think so, an angel called Nicole. Today she was in her office in a thought, when suddenly she heard a knock.
Nicole: Yes, come in.
When the door opened, she looked at a person, whose face was familiar.
Nicole: Sir Michael, good day. Pleasure to see you. Please, come in.
Michael: Hello, Niki. Glad to see you too.
He walked in as he closed the door behind him.
Nicole: Please, take a sit.
Both of them took their seats as Nicole prepared her tablet for work.
Michael: Hope you got my message.
Nicole: I did and honestly, I'm a bit surprised that you need my help. I mean, it's not like I mind, but knowing how archangels are powerful.
Michael: You know that even archangels need help from people like you, Niki. Plus, you're the only one whom I can trust for advice.
Nicole: That's very kind of you, Sir. I will do my best.
Michael: Please, just Michael. And well, the situation is not one of those that I can't handle, it's....I just got stuck on what to do.
Nicole: It's connected with recent events that you told me in message, right?
Michael: Yes.
He sighed deeply and heavily, feeling like not going into too much details, and yet hiding such obvious thing is also not good.
Michael: You know about my relationship with Luci, right?
Nicole: Well, everyone knows. If you're worried about being judged by me, no worries, I'm not a gossip person and not the one to judge.
Michael: I know. Just, the news about fight between Lucifer and Algaron flew so fast and now some angels and demons can't stop talking about it.
Nicole: There were a lot of talkings about it. But I guess the problem is deeper.
Michael nodded as put his hands in pray possition, sighing heavily.
Michael: Even tho I trust you, I can't tell the results of the fight. But because of this situation, Lucifer is....not like himself. I mean, he still acts like Lucifer, but....sometimes they seem fake to me. It's unlike him. He even does those demon things with me rarely. I-I mean, it's good that I had a break from it, but....
Nicole: He didn't even pay attention to his job, to you and others, he felt a sudden feeling of guilty and spends more time isolated, right?
Michael: No, it's not like this. I just feel like....he hides something from me. He kept repeating "I failed you....I'm not the one whom you should hope for....I'm sorry". I tried to talk to him, but he kept repeating "I'm fine, it's nothing. Don't worry about me" and so on. I don't want to force him to talk with me, but also I want to help with a problem he is dealing with....
Nicole: So you just want to talk with him, but he keeps dodging your questions. That's so demon likely.
He looked down, closing his eyes, trying to think. Meanwhile Nicole took time to analyse the situation with what she had. Then, she sighed.
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Nicole: Look, Si- umm, Michael, I know that you're a soft person, but if you really want to talk with him, you have to make up a situation, comfortable for him.
Michael: I tried. Even at the sea cost, his favourite place to be, he felt like not being honest with me.
Nicole: Then provoke him.
Suddenly Michael's expression changed to puzzled and stunned.
Michael: What?? But why??
Nicole: You said that nothing you do works. As I understood, you tried to solve the situation from angel's side. However, you know better than me that demons are natural liars. So, instead, just provoke him for chat.
Michael: But isn't it a bit harsh?
Nicole: I didn't say to provoke in a bad way. Plus, some demons like unusual provocations. Just try to do something that is not like you, something that Lucifer has never expected from you to do it.
Michael thought about things that Lucifer ever did and immediately blushed.
Michael: I can't do any of this! W-What if he finds it more entertaining for him??
Nicole: You're sometimes too simple, Michael. I didn't say to do it all the time. Think about the thing that will be simple and yet will not cause damage to angel reputation.
Michael got into thought again as he kept blushing.
Michael: Well, there is one thing I can try. But what if this is not going to work too?
Nicole: It has to. If not, then it's his demon side. But if it works, the only thing you need to do is telling straight that you want to talk. Even if it's hurtful thing.
Michael:....I still want to try to be not harsh, but I will try this thing. It's just I'm not used to be that serious.
Nicole: I know. I'm not forcing you to follow exactly what I say. I just hope that it will somehow helps. I mean it.
Michael looked at her with smile.
Michael: And how can you still look serious while talking about it?
Nicole: I'm always serious about my job.
Michael: Well, then you should be a bit soft from time to time.
Nicole: Not when it's about job.
Michael giggled softly as stood up and was about to go.
Michael: Well, thank you, Nicole. I felt a bit relieved to talk with you about it.
Nicole: That's my job to do it, Michael. I hope to see you again some time.
Michael: Will do my best to pay a visit outside of work. For now, take care.
Nicole: You too.
And he walked outside of the office. Nicole meanwhile walked to her table as sighed deeply.
Nicole: Remind me why I still do this job.
And that's another story of our universe^^ And a new character appeard thanks to the chat XD Soon will post a reference about her^^ For now, hope you will enjoy the story^^
Michael and Nicole belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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minthysugamon · 5 years
Everybody wants to rule the world.
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Noble Assistant! Namjoon x Assassin! Reader.
1789! AU
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Mention of dried blood,gunshots and other stuff...i mean..it's the revolution..so yeah.
(Credit for the Original Photo: @/athenaa. I only edited it a little bit. But all credit goes to the original artist who posted the photo first in it's original version)
(Painting: La liberté guidant le peuple by Eugène Delacroix)
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14 Juillet 1789,
The streets were overcrowded,people were standing for hours in front of the Bastille. Everybody knew...the reunion of the General Estates was chaotic. The deputies spent months to collect all the reviews that could help them make a reform,that could help the Third Estate to have the same rights as the nobility...but instead of that,King Louis XVI refused all the changes that should have been made. So...the whole Third Estate was back to case one. It was no surprise when the King had dismissed the assembly to go back to his residence. But what surprised him was the determination that the future National Assembly had. They swore,they will give France a constitution,they make up the large majority of the country,they can do it without being harmed too much. The King still didn't care about the 1200 Deputies plea for equality. But dear lord,the Regent was wrong for ignoring all the warning signs about the revolution.
But there she was,waiting for her brother to come back,in a house near the Bastille..waiting for the three volounteers to come out with the gun powder. Not as if she wanted to kill or wound someone..but..she wanted to participate. She wanted to see how people will take over the power. Her brother is a Lawyer...Maximilien Robespierre is his name. But since she is a woman..she will never have the chance to become one...she can only learn from him,in secret,because work is a taboo for women.
"Why are you here?" Her brother grabbed her wrist,looking her dead in the eye. He wasn't amused,at all. "I..i just wanted to come..to see if everything was alright...Mère s'inquiète pour vous¹..." He sighed,letting her wrist go,and he bowed his head. "I told you clearly to stay in Arras,didn't i? You are too curious for your own good. One day it will bring you trouble." She cracked a small smile,only for a moment though,and while she exhaled,she whispered a small "Je le sais,mon frère.²" As she sat down,in front of the window,Maximilien went behind her and watched the chaos unfold in front of the Bastille. "What are they trying to do?" She looked up at him,with glassy eyes. She would never admit it but as much as the revolution gave her adrenaline and excited her...she was also scared. Scared of what will happen. "They are trying to get the gun powder...i guess Launey still didn't give in to take the cannons back." He watched as the people were getting more and more impatient,and then,he headed out of the small townhouse. Since she was also the curious type,she headed out after him. "LA POUDRE. LA POUDRE. DONNEZ-NOUS LA POUDRE³". The crowd was screaming for the gun powder. While Launey was still discussing with the three peasants.
While the crowd was roaring outside,Launey was talking with the three peasants. "Monsieur Kim,would you please tell the soldiers to retract the cannons?" The young immigrant who became Launey's assistant just looked at him confused. "But..Maître...it's nearly impossible to get them retracted,we don't have the King's authorisation." And as the three peasants looked at him with an evil expression,the assistant hesitantly said "I will try to persuade them...but i may need your help if anything goes wrong." The keeper of the Bastille just looked at him with a reassuring smile and said "Don't worry,Mon fils,everything will go alright. Just do as i say." The boy went up,and tried to tell the soldiers what was bound to happen if they don't take the cannons back. The soldiers just laughed and told him to piss off. But at the view of the weapons not getting retracted,the crowd was growing louder with every second that passed. The chance of them getting into the Bastille was also increasing with every shout that left their throat. The assisstant of Launey was running back down to the study of his mentor.
"Maître Launey,what are we going to do? They don't want to retract them. I tried to persuade them,but they aren't listening." Launey only sighed,and stood up. "Si vous pourriez m'excuser,je vous en serai reconnaissant.⁴" With that said,he went up with the young man that he swore to protect after his own son died in his arms due to pneumonia,and looked at the Soldiers. "I sent the message of retracting the cannons. Then why do i still see them here?"
One of the armed men was brave enough to say "We thought that your assisstant maneuvered on his own..." and to that,the Master of the Bastille answered clearly,exercising his authority on them. "Whether it's me or my assistant,you are obligated to comply to my wishes and my commands. Whether you like it or not. Now get those cannons retracted before the people think that we want to hurt them."
At the same time,the youngest Robespierre was following her brother. What Maximilien didn't know was his sister's abilities. Nobody knew,but she was the one of the best trained assassins of the country. She went in the crowd and got lost in it,so no one could see what she was about to do. Her plan was to climb to the first floor and open the gate. And it was going well until ths crowd heard a gunshot inside the court of the Bastille. "THEY KILLED THEM. THEY KILLED OUR ALLIES. LET'S SHOW THEM THAT THEY CAN'T MESS WITH US." "Merde...⁵" The swear word escaped her lips as she was near the backyard of the Bastille. But that didn't stop her. Just like how the crowd didn't stop running down the doors.
Namjoon was scared for his life. As soon as the people swarmed in as bees in a beehive,he was becoming more and more nervous. "Maître,what are we going to do?" And his mentor looked at him,with his pale face,then shouted at the brigade. "RASSEMBLEZ LA POUDRE.⁶ GET ALL THE POWDER. AND TAKE IT DOWN. WE WILL ACT ACCORDING TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN." Then he looked back at his assistant,sending him a look full of emotions and calmly said. "Son,go and hide in the study. Lock all the doors. Don't do anything wrong,and they won't get in." And for once,he spoke to him in an informal way,like how a father would tell his son how to hide. "But,Maître-" Namjoon objected to the idea of letting his mentor,but also his adoptive father in some ways,fight for the Bastille. But before he knew,he was pushed into the study by Launey,and he locked the door before going back to his soldiers. "Que Dieu...aie pitié de votre âme...Père...⁷" And with a heavy heart,he blocked the door with a cupboard and the handles with three swords..the more,the better.
While the crowd was swarming in,(Y/n) was trying to get a better view of the situation by climbing the wall of the gigantic fortress which served as the royal prison. "Pour l'amour des cieux⁸...why did that idiot have to cry wolf when nothing was going on..." and as she finally climbed the first floor which had a corridor,she sneaked in,just like a shadow,almost invisible. The people were or too busy trying to free the seven remaining prisoners,or trying to kill any guard that came their way,or to find the gun powder and leave. She was feeling nauseous from the smell of dried blood on the walls of the hall,but she won't vomit here and now,or people will think she's one of the guards or just a simple whore who paid visit to Launey. But speak of the devil. Two men saw her,and started chasing her,so in the first turn,she turned to right,then to the left and continued this pattern until she fell through a passageway to the Study.
Namjoon was shocked when he saw the girl fall through the secret passage,but nothing shocked him more than to see a girl being armed like a professional assassin. "Qui diable est-tu?⁹" his voice came out more shaky than expected. And the girl only answered "Be glad that i'm not here to kill you. Who are you? You don't seem to be from here." If she was being honest...she never saw someone like him. She could only think about the fact that he wasn't here. Thanks to the books of her father and her brother,she quickly guessed that he was from the Far East. "I asked first,mademoiselle." And she looked at him,unfazed. "Look,i don't have the time to play this. Where is Launey,i have to talk to him." And the young man picked a sword up and quickly took her in his arms to put the blade against her neck. "What do you want from him? Seeing how you are dressed and what you're carrying,i am pretty sure that you mean no good. And most probably,you're on their side. Aren't you?" The only thing she could say was a determined "Yes. But,I only want to talk. That's it. If i wanted to kill him,he would be already dea-" her voice was cut off by loud banging on the front door. "LAUNEY,ON SAIT QUE TU ES LÀ.¹⁰ STOP HIDING AND BE A MAN." And Namjoon only looked at the unknown girl,with panic in his eyes,and she looked back at him. "Go,find somewhere to hide. I'll tell them that no one was here." The assisstant looked at her with confusion plastered on his face. "But..you have the chance to kill me now. Why won't you do it?" And she laughed but in a bitter way,trying her best to keep the door closed. "The stars aren't alligned for that today. It's your lucky day today,Sir. Now go. Hide before they kill you." With a quick nod he started to run towards the secret passage,but quickly turned back and looked at her. "Name's Namjoon." And the youngest Robespierre just looked at him,with an amused look and replied "(Y/n). Remember that name when you'll say grace to God for keeping an eye on you. Now go." And as soon as he was out,she let the door break free. With a half smirk and playful eyes,she cocked her pistol towards one of the peasants. "Good Morning gentlemen,beautiful day to cause a revolution i see. It would be a shame if something..or someone stopped this. So i advise you to turn back around,and go on your way to find the much-wanted powder." One of the peasants just laughed at her,but when she shot him in the arm,the other two,unarmed,were quick to run out of the study.
Namjoon still didn't understand why she spared his life,but he was thankful. For once,his luck was immeasurable,and he felt good about it. But the same went for her...(Y/n) still didn't understand what took over her to spare his life and shoot someone,who was playing on the same side as she was. But sometimes...life puts you in a situation where a plot twist is inevitable.
As the battle was still going on in the court,after what felt like an eternity,(Y/n) but also Namjoon realised...whether you're a revolutionary or a nobleman...you have one thing in common. You want to rule the world. Because if there's something in common in the power hungry humans...is the will to rule the world..because Everybody wants to rule the world.
¹ = Mother is worried about you.
² = I know it,brother.
³ = The Powder,the powder,give us the powder.
⁴ = If you could excuse me,i would be grateful for it.
⁵ = Shit...
⁶ = Get all the powder.
⁷ = May God have mercy on your soul,father.
⁸ = For Heaven's sake
⁹ = Who the hell are you?
¹⁰ = Launey,we know you're inside there.
(A/n: I know the end is rushed but i hope you guys still liked it. The idea came to me when i had my history exam,and that was in December,but i didn't have time to finish it...so here is a bit rushed-ended one shot about Namjoon in the 1789 French Revolution. Thank you again for your patience,and i hope you guys are doing well! ❤)
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