#i'm realising now that i dont think his hands and feet are supposed to have those black bits on them lol
moonhze · 18 days
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first full moon.
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that looks?? are you ok angel.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Fic idea
how would Matty respond if teenage Gigi came home drunk and he had to look after her. Maybe he doesn’t want to give her into trouble so she is scared of him and thinks she can’t tell him stuff but he wants her to be safe
the first sign that gigi is in trouble when she rings him, other than the time being 2am, is that she calls him daddy.
"daddy?" she says on the phone when he picks up, before he has even had chance to speak. she hasn't called him that since... well ever really. he's always been dad. or matty. or matthew.
"gi, what's wrong?" he says, shooting up and out of bed. gigi is supposed to be at a sleepover at her school friend claire's house. she is fifteen years old, just turned.
"i've made a mistake daddy," she says. her voice slurs. his heart is in his throat. then he hears her throw up on the other side of the line, fainter, away from the phone. someone, some people, laugh and jeer in the back ground.
"gigi where are you, baby? where are you?" matty yells down the phone, pacing, running his hands through his hair. he has already shoved on some trackies but his feet and chest are still bare. you wake up in bed, and start panicking, asking what is wrong. matty snaps at you, tells you to wait, holds a hand up. you are yelling at him that that is your baby. he isn't responding.
"gigi!" he is yelling down the phone, "gigi! august!"
"yeah, i'm here. i'm here," her muffled voice reappears. she starts crying. "i'm so sorry dad. i'm so so sorry."
"honey ,where are you?"
"claire's. she had a party. i'm so so sorry."
"what have you had, gi?"
"just like shots and stuff," gigi says.
"nothing else? it's okay baby you can tell me. just please tell me okay so i can help you."
"nothing else."
you are clutching matty's arm and so he turns to you and mouths, "drunk" and then strokes your face quickly as an apology, his heart rate slowing in his chest as he realises it might not be as bad as he first thought.
"right, stay on the phone my love, i'm coming to get you."
he holds the phone in one hand while he shoves on trainers and a shirt. you talk to gigi, saying its okay, and she starts sobbing.
"i didnt want mum to know, dad, i didnt want mum to know!"
"it's okay darling, i'm not mad okay. i just want you home safe."
matty gets in the car and drives over to claires. he keeps gigi on the phone the whole time, getting her to confirm she is okay, which is all she can really do right now, as everything else comes out slurred. when he pulls up to claire's, there is music blasting in the house, kids are out on the lawn and there is laughter and yelling everywhere. gigi is sitting on the pavement, eyes running with make up, hair everywhere. she has a bag in front of her, holding it in case she is sick again.
"oh baby," he says, running to her, "oh my sweet baby."
"daddy i'm sorry," she says, looking at him.
"oh honey it's okay," he says. he runs his fingers over her forehead to get the hair out his eyes. "your dad is experienced in this kind of thing, ey? you're just gonna feel rough for a while."
gigi moans.
"where are your friends, baby?"
she shrugs.
"so..." matty looks around at the house, at the pavement, empty except for them. "...so they left you out here? noone came out to make sure you were okay?"
he can feel the anger seeping into his voice. he never like that snot nosed little claire. bossing gigi around, making snide comments. and now this.
"dad," gigi says, looking up at him, "let's just go."
"they just left you out here? no one came to check on you?"
"it's fine," gigi says.
"no it aint fine!" he yells, "they call themselves your friends and they can't even stay with you?"
"let's just go. i wont hang out with them anymore okay, i dont want to. just take me home?"
matty already has his phone out.
"yeah police, thanks. i need to report a party with underage drinking. thank you."
gigi groans. he gives them the address and starts helping her into the car, whispering to her that she is going to have some water and a sleep and then a movie day and she is going to feel much better. someone starts laughing behind them, near the house.
"look at gigi healy!" a boy says, "can't handle the drink and has to be rescued by daddy. rock star daddy."
"not very rockstar of you gigi" another boy yells. gigi closes her eyes. tears roll down her cheek. matty watches. then turns.
"oi!" he yells. he is storming over before he can stop himself, "think you're dead funny do you? think you're smart? you're just a fucking ugly little shit who doesnt deserve to be ten miles from my daughter okay. now i'm sorry your mummy and daddy dont love you enough to give a flying fuck where you are, but i'm taking my daughter home and i'm shutting this whole thing down."
"aw what?" someone from the doorway says. the boys matty has just yelled at are stunned silent.
"that's right!" matty yells, marching up to the person in the doorway and then peering in. "if you cant fucking look after each other. you dont deserve to party. that's fucking basic etiquette. clearly you dont fucking know anything."
he turns to leave.
"you're like twelve years old. all of you. go read a fucking book for gods sake."
him and gigi are driving home quietly.
"sorry for that," he says, rubbing his hands over his face. "i hope i havent made it weird with your friends."
"they're not my friends," gigi says, "not the ones you yelled at anyway."
"nah, they're shit."
they drive quietly for a bit longer.
"thanks dad," gigi says, almost a whisper. he puts a hand on her leg.
"you need me baby, i'm there."
when he pulls up in the driveway, gigi gets a text.
"oh no," she says, "they're yelling at rosie now because she is my friend. and gemma. they can't even get home because their parents don't know."
and that is how gigi ends up in bed, you watching over her, and matty ends up ferrying back and forth to the now shut down party, giving a bunch of teenage girls a lift home.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
If this is a sensitive topic I totally understand and you don’t have to write it, but if you can, how would Uzui and his wives react to reader trying to unalive themselves upon seeing them again? Basically choosing death over being around them? Would that finally make them understand how terribly they behaved? Would it encourage them to change their ways? Bc if no they might as well just be psychos instead of yanderes
Let's set the scene:
You were probably supposedto be sleeping their room, and Uzui was away on a mission and his wives were busy with house chores. So they didn't notice you getting up and sneaking a knife away from the kitchen.
Uzui wasn't supposed to come home early, but he wanted to surprise his girls. Now imagine the moment he walks in on you holding a knife to your neck.
"Y/N!" His yell scares you, making you drop the knife as his his wives come rushing in.
You tremble as he walks towards you, and you're too afraid to look at him.
"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Uzui snarls, making you further cower away from him. "EXPLAIN YOURSELF!"
"I- I- I dont know- just- I didn't think-" you yelped as he grabbed you by the scruff your neck and shook you.
"You didn't think what?! That I wouldn't catch you trying to kill yourself?!" His wives gasped.at the revelation. Is that- is that why you had the knife?
You wept. "I- I'm sorry- d-dad- please-"
"Oh you will be sorry. I'll make sure of it." Uzui promised as he began dragging you out of your room and down.
Now there's 2 ways this could play out:
The first scenario is that Uzui drags you down the basement, the place where'd your gotten your first whipping. And honestly, Uzui and his wives hoped that it would've been your last. Guess not.
Uzui ties you up again, but instead of your feet this time, it's your hands that are whipped. And girl, that's like 100× more painful.
The three wives know they can't do anything to stop Uzui, so they just stay outside the basement, heart beating the more you scream. He alternates between using his leather belt and a coarse bamboo stick with thorns to flog your hands and arms.
Uzui doesn't stop whipping your hands until the skin breaks, and blood starts pouring. When he picks you up and carries you out of the basement, you're beyond exhausted, tears and sweat dripping off your body, and his wives can only watch in horror at the condition of your hands.
The wives clean you up and they try to comfort you, console you but at the same time, admonish you for trying to hurt yourself.
When they bring you upto their room, Uzui is already there with herbal medicines and bandages. He takes you from them, and you whine as he settles you in his lap, grabbing your elbows as he holds them outwards towards his wives.
They begin applying the ointments and dressings to your swollen and beaten hands, and all you can do is hiss and whimper and cry as Uzui continues to scold you for your actions.
Poor reader can't use her hands for months onwards, and having to rely on her dad and mamas for everything- eating, showering, etc. They keep an even closer eye on you now, breathing down your neck every second of the day, intentionally ignoring the way you stiffen up and cower away from them.
(Now this was the 1st scenario, the easier punishment.) The next scenario is this:
Uzui would drag you out of the house and he makes you start digging a grave. You looked to the side, and you saw he'd brought a dead body in a bag, and you realised that Uzui was gonna make you dig that guy's grave and make you bury him. Shit.
You're crying pathetically as Uzui yells at you to hurry up. Once you've dug deep enough, Uzui makes you drag the coffin from the shed and place if in the grave. You're about to bring the body as well when Uzui narrows his eyes at you and gives you another command.
"Get in the coffin."
Uzui pushes you towards the coffin in the grave.
"Get in the fucking coffin." Hw pushes you in it when you don't move. You start wailing and trying to get out when he begins closing it on you. "Stop moving!"
"Dad- daddy, please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I won't do it again-"
"You wanted to die, didn't you? Well, here you fucking go." And with that, Uzui slammed the coffin shut and you began screaming for his forgiveness. Outside, you could hear the wives crying and begging Uzui to not do this, but he shut them up with a glare.
You began hyperventilating when you heard the dirt being thrown on the coffin- he was burying you alive!
You beg and cry for him to let you out, you cry out for your mamas to help you, but no one answers. You scratch your nails against the coffin, try to bust it open, but you can't. It's too heavy, or maybe you're just too weak.
Your voice dies down after a few hours and you realise that they've truly abandoned you. You start losing yourself, sanity starts withering away, and you become almost catatonic after accepting your fate.
Unbeknownst to you, there is a pipe connected to the coffin to supply air to you, and while you think they've abandoned you, Uzui is sitting on the porch, watching your grave. His wives wanted to sit with him too, but he knew they'd pester him to let you out, so he told them to stay inside.
After a whole day and a half, Uzui finally digs you out. You're still in your catatonia because your brain still is in survival mode of being buried alive. However, after a few hours, your brain finally realises its out of the grave and you find yourself in a cuddle pile with the wives and Uzui.
Uzui looks at you and he smiles when he sees the light back in your eyes. You're back to reality. You hug him, out of fear as you apologise for your behaviour, promising you'll be a good girl from now on. All Uzui can do is kiss your forehead and pat your hair, telling you he knows.
He knew you're angel deep down, he just need you to go through this... intense punishment to bring that sweet, submissive aura out of you.
He just hopes you've buried all your rebellion down there. If not, he might have to bury you for longer next time.
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Ooh but can you imagine ghost papa Yoriichi and Mama Muzan finding out that their child was BURIED ALIVE???????
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Ok ok so that Yan!Dad!Diluc (just the yandad series in general tbh) had me feeling some sort of way...and me and my horny, dick deprived, very depraved brain couldnt help but think about Dil-Daughter being stolen away by lol you guessed it Kaeya.
I dont really have any direction on this whether or not its before diluc gets his hands on his cute little daughter-wife idk or whatever but just imagine...
Midnight on a weekend at Angel's Share truly was the worst time. Diluc despised working these nights, especially when he knew his little darling would stay up waiting for him to return, but Charles had specifically requested this one night off. When he mentioned that it was a close friend's birthday and that he wanted to be with him to celebrate, Diluc thought nothing of it. That is, until he realised that it would be on the busiest night of the week. Alas, the crimson haired man is not one to break his word, so as promised, he was behind the counter all night.
Drunks, bards, adventurers, even those inefficient knights were all tightly packed in the tavern. Yet, there still was no sign of that person. And while Diluc would like to thank Lord Barbatos for the absence of that person's presence, something was...off. That person would never miss these busy nights, whether it be for the numerous bits of information thrown about, the sweet burn of the alcohol, or even the occasional warm body to wrap an arm around.
His concerns were well founded.
Unbeknownst to Diluc, his daughter had wanted to surprise him, and had bargained with one of the newer maids to let her leave. She had dressed inconspicuously and used the borrowed key to unlock the door to the surprisingly modest room on the third floor.
Unfortunately for her, Kaeya was already nestled in the corner across from the top floor's door. And while most people would easily mistake the young woman for someone else, Kaeya could never. Those crimson orbs were burned into his memory. Curious as to what she was up to, he carefully followed her up the stairs, making sure to sneakily hide when she went back down to lock the door.
Along with the sound of feet shuffling up the stairs, Kaeya could make out some of what the young lady was muttering. "Daddy...won't...mad...surprise him...don't like...alone..."
Those few words brought a wide smirk to his face and gave his lone starry eye a mischievous shine.
So she's lonely is she? I'm sure I could fix that.
"Now, now, sweet cheeks, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be up here hm? Unless, you and Diluc are hiding something..."
The sudden voice from behind her was enough to make her slightly jump. That sickly sweet voice could only belong to him.
"Sir Kaeya!" upon realizing the hidden meaning behind his words, she was obviously flustered. Waving her hands in front of her face, she managed to speak, albeit with a stutter, "I wasn't...no um its not what you think! There's a good explanation for this I swear!"
He took a large step towards her, craning his head high so that she had to look up to him. "Is that so? Well then pray tell my dear, just what did you have in mind coming up here? If you can't come up with a reasonable excuse for your behavior then I guess I'll just have to drag you down to see Master Ragnvindr himself hmm?"
Again, another step forward, but this time he lowered his head so that his lips brushed the shell of her ear.
"Or maybe I'll just take his place."
Here lena just....take this half finished POS from me...I couldnt finish it lolol....horny brain....bonk...
I have been NOURISHED thank you for this meal!!
Especially with dad Diluc being so protective... Can you imagine the devastation? He's gonna straight up attacc
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go-dark-turtle · 4 years
(This is for @kakyoin-shades thank you so much for inspiring me. Anyhoo I hope you enjoy my first Jotaro x reader fan fiction. Let me know what you think. Thank you~ 😎)
Overdrive into Platinum
Jotaro x Gender Neutral reader fanfiction.
After the events of facing N'Doul, Kakyion had to spend time in the nearby hospital which meant the Stardust Crusaders were a member short. However it wasn't until Avdol received a telegram from his fromer shop assistant that they were in the area in the town outside of Luxor.
"Oi Avdol who exactly is this person?" Polnareff asked while placing his cheek on his palm leaning over the table to try and read the telegram.
Avdol placed the telegram in his chest pocket and gave the Frenchman a glare for trying to read it. He gently clasped his hands and softly spoke "Ah lets see well Y/N came to me about 4 years. They asked me for a reading. They wanted to know more about the world so I took them under my wing teaching everything I knew. Then a year later it was discovered they had a unique ability."
"So they are stand user?" Joseph asked while holding his cup.
"No, they use Hamon. I know now it's a very old practice..." Avdol nodded
"That can't be, the only Hamon users left are myself and my mother..." Joseph scratched his chin trying to figure it out "The Hamon tribe was wiped out after I defeated Straizo..."
Just then you walked into the cafe and smiled at Avdol and charged at him and pinned him against the table glaring down at him. "Long time no see Avdol ha ha ha ha ha!"
"What the heck Y/N! What in the world has gotten into you." Avdol struggled to get you off him.
Jotaro walked up behind you and pried you off Avdol and holding your arm and looked at your face. " Listen here, I don't know who you think you are, but pulling this sort of shit off isn't funny."
You grunted and glared at the young teen and took a deep breath. "KWOOOOOOOO"
"Watch out Jotaro! KWOOOOOO" Joseph tackled his grandson to the ground and used his hamon to deflect yours.
"Ah if it isn't Mr Joestar, HA HA HA HA, Oh it's going to be an absolute pleasure taking you out." You cackled at the older gentleman.
Polnareff ran over to Avdol and helped him up while Jotaro dusted himself down and marched up to you and used Star Platinum to hold you down to the ground, you struggled against the invisible grip and grunted and growled knowing you couldn't move against his tight grip. His aqua eyes scanned over your face and that's when he nodded to his grandfather who took the place of Star Platinum to hold you down. Jotaro held your cheeks and Star Platinum brushed your fringe back and right in the centre of your forehead a fleshbud.
"ORA!" Star platinum yanked it out at full force.
"YUCK!" Joseph used a hamon kick to make the fleshbud into dust.
You sat up and held your face like you woke up from a dream and you noticed Avdol.
"Mr Avdol, I am so sorry. I... I was too weak to overcome him..." You rushed to his side and placed your hand on his and bowed in his presence.
"Y/N, Im so sorry you were under his control...how did it happen?" Avdol placed his other hand on yours and looked at you.
"2 years ago, after discovering my hamon powers I began to research my past a little. But I only got so far, the records of my grandfather and before him were gone from all existence. That's when that night I came back to your shop to ask more but Dio was there outside of your shop. standing there in the dimly lit street his skin was so white and eerie looking I was frozen on the spot unable to do anything. His voice was so calm and yet I felt more terrified. The last words I heard before under his control was 'It's ironic that a Hamon user is under my spell.' Mr Avdol I'm so ashamed of myself I let him take over." You hung your head in shame.
"Y/N, I am to blame if I had run the other way that night I could have saved you from that terrible and terrifying encounter. Please don't feel ashamed, he is a terrifying monster." Avdol patted your shoulder "But what matters is now you are safe with us, Y/N these are my friends Mr Joestar, Jotaro and Polnareff, everyone this is Y/N."
Everyone except Jotaro shook your hand and when you approached him with an open hand he smacked it away and walked outside to have a smoke.
"Ah don't mind my grandson Y/N he keeps himself to himself dont take it personally. So you are a Hamon user? I don't understand how that can be. The Hamon race died out a long time ago." Joseph tiled his head in confusion.
"Well I only got to meet grandma Zeppeli once before she passed on but she didn't say anything about Hamon..." You smile at the memory.
"ZEPPELI?! OH MY GOD! Now it all makes sense." He laughed and ruffled your hair and cried a little "My old training partner Ceaser, he's your grandfather... I had a feeling he had a girlfriend on the side back then, heh heh I miss the training days."
Jotaro walked back in and saw you and his grandfather laughing and chatting, he glared even more and pushed you aside. "Don't think that because you're free from Dio's control we can be friends. The others might not see it but I'm still suspicious of you!"
"Jotaro would you calm down, they are actually more connected to us more than you think. Caesar, my old training buddy, was their grandfather...." Joseph folded his arms at his grandson .
"I dont care, I still don't like them." Jotaro glared at you and sat down to join Avdol and Polnareff having a cup of tea.
You put your hands on your hips and shook your head at how disrespectful he was not just to you but to his own flesh and blood.
***Later at the hotel***
There were only 3 rooms available and Polnareff was insistent he had his own room. As much as Joseph was up for sharing with Jotaro, Avdol voted against it and went with him. That ment by default you shared a room with Jotaro, thankfully the room you two were put in had a bunkbed and a bit of space to sit and watch TV. Joseph and Avdol's room were a few doors down from you both. But due to single rooms being smaller Polnareff's room was directly belows yours.
"Good night Mr Joestar, Avdol, Jotaro and Y/N. Hey and you two don't you be fighting all night I need my beauty sleep." The Frenchman spun his key around his finger and headed down to the second floor.
You both glared at the tall haired man but then followed the older gents down the hallway, you stopped with them as Jotaro carried on to the room.
"Ah this is our spot good night Y/N if you need me or Mr Joestar just come on by." Avdol smiled.
Joseph smiled at you both "Now listen up you two, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow so get some rest okay." You smiled and waved them good night before catching up to Jotaro.
"Ugh what a pain..." He gritted his teeth and opened the door knowing tonight was going to be a rough and challenging night.
"Oh wow what a lovely room." You looked all around the room " Ah I want top bunk."
"No top bunk is mine, back off." Jotaro started to climb the ladder
"I called it first." You janked the back of his belt
"Dont touch me...." Jotaro turned around and towered over you and backed you into the wall.
"Ah I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you can have the top bunk just dont hurt me.. " You felt helpless in his icy glare.
He huffed and climbed up the ladder to place down his rucksack while you sank to the floor and sighed with relief and closed your eyes.
Your eyes widened and you looked over and noticed he helped himself to one of the beers in the fridge without asking permission.
"Hey! You should ask before opening that!" You sprung to your feet and pointed at him
"Pfft, I don't need to listen to someone like you." He shrugged and proceeded to bring the can to his lips.
You shook your head in disbelief and held the can "KWOOOOOOOOOO!" you breathed deeply.
You smirked as the liquid inside came out like a big blob and encased itself around your finger and you walked towards the door.
"Oi gimme that back." Jotaro marched up behind you.
"You need to ask permission first..." You smirked more turning the doorknob and the door opened ajar.
Jotaro slammed his hand on the door and forced it to slam again. You looked up at him and you sighed.
"Fine if you really want it back then here take it!" You charged Hamon through the liquid, but due to the force of the Hamon charged it exploded over his jacket and forced him backwards in shock.
"Ugh... oh you are going to pay for that. Star Platinum." Jotaro threw off his jacket and clenched his first and glared at you more.
"Oh you wanna fight then alright. KWOOOOOOOO!" You charged Hamon in your fists and watched him approach you. (ha ha yes he is approaching you lol)
He was getting closer and that's when you smirked knowing you had the upper hand.
"OVERDRIVE!!!!!!" You punched his stomach and he landed on the floor.
You stepped forward and nudged him while he was paralaysed on the floor. He looked up at you and realised how strong you were and gritted his teeth and charged Star Platinum at you and pinned you against the wall which caused you to hurt your back being slammed so suddenly.
"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?" Joseph slammed the door opened and saw you pinned against the wall by Star platinum and Jotaro was on the floor stunned by hamon. "Y/N! JOTARO! I WANT AN EXPLANATION NOW!"
You both started to bicker and talked over each other and Joseph held his hand up "I don't want to hear anymore pettiness. You are supposed to be a team. Now stop all this fighting and for the love of hermit purple get some bloody sleep. Avdol and myself could hear you fighting all the way down the hallway. Just be thankful he's not in here otherwise you'd both be sorry. Now make up and get some rest."
Joseph left the room and Jotaro called back his stand and you fell to the floor. " I'm sorry Jotaro, I didn't mean for your jacket to get drenched in beer." You crawled over to him and used Hamon to get rid of his paralysed state before dusting yourself down and standing up.
"Y/N I'm sorry too, are you okay?" Jotaro stood up and looked to the floor not wanting to make eye contact.
"I'll be fine, what about you? I just sent Hamon on your stomach. I hope it didn't leave a mark..." You felt bad and clenched your fists nervously.
"Ah I wouldn't worry about that, the old man is right let's get some sleep, ugh...." Jotaro turned to climb up the bunk bed and that's when he realised his abs felt like a thousand bruises all appeared at once.
He lifted his tank top and saw a huge burn mark left by the Hamon. Your eyes widened and you dashed to the bathroom, you grabbed a face cloth and some badges from the first aid kit and encouraged him to sit down.
"Y/N thank you..." He smiled softly at you.
You nodded and placed the wet cloth on the burn and wrapped the bandage around his waist making sure it was secure.
"There we go all fixed. Again I'm so sorry I've never been in a fight before so I have no idea how strong my powers are really..." You looked down and admitted
"Until today you've...never been in a fight? I...I feel such a dick... Y/N I was so angry hearing you are a Hamon user and letting Dio take over you so easily. I started to blame you for this mess with Dio, but you aren't to blame at all. You were all alone in the dark unable to ask for help, of course you would be terrified.... Y/N I hope you can forgive me." Jotaro looked up at you with such sad eyes.
You nodded " It's okay, Jotaro I forgive you. I understand now why you were so hostile towards me. Friends?" You held out your hand.
He nodded "Friends!" He shook your hand and smiled softly. "Anyway I'm going to sleep now."
"Good night Jotaro." You smile at him.
You turned off the light and switched on the lamp on the table in the corner by your bottom bunk and you smiled and grabbed another beer can and quietly charged Hamon through it and walked over to the bunk bed and smirked while using your powers to make the can float up to him. It nudged his arm and he opened his eyes and shifted towards the edge of the bed and saw you tap your nose and place your finger over your lips.
"Our secret" You whispered
Jotaro smirked and opened the can and took a sip while adjusting himself to look up at the ceiling. You got into the bottom bunk and leaned over to turn off the light, jotaro finished his beer and used Star Platinum to gently place it in the bin. He shifted himself to nestle into bed and that's when his eyes sprung open with the realisation his heart started to race and his cheeks flared up. He tried to shake off the feeling but then he took a deep breath and leaned over the bunk bed railing carefully seeing you sleep soundly and softly, the feelings got stronger and his heart raced even more. He sat back up and closed his eyes and shrugged it off and fell asleep.
*** The next morning***
You and Jotaro went out shopping to get a few bits for breakfast to eat on the train to Luxor, the streets were bustling with vendors on every street and cars drove in the streets. Jotaro was very quiet and you wondered if his injury was worse than you thought.
You looked up at him as he looked forward to the busy street you grew more and more concerned, but you took in his features, his dark hair and his aqua coloured eyes, the more you looked up at him you soon realised you started to blush. You were lost in his beauty and at that moment you were about to open your mouth to ask him if everything was okay but,
"Y/N watch out!" He pushed you into an alleyway
You both landed with a thud and you could hear a truck drive by with police cars chasing after it.
"Y/N are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?" Jotaro held your side.
You blinked a few times and realised that everything happened so quickly, you looked down at your side and saw he was holding onto your waist and saved you from falling onto the ground. You looked up at him and smiled and nodded.
"Ah sorry Jotaro thank you i wasn't paying attention...." You leaned your back against the wall.
He sat next to you and sighed with concern "You did seem a little spaced out, I hope it's not from our fight from last night..."
"Ah no no not at all. We are cool? friends right?" You shyly smiled at him
"Of course Y/N." He smiled back.
He tried to stand up but his hand brushed against yours and he gasped and his face lit up
"Shit sorry I didn't mean..." He was a little flustered.
"Ah, I'm sorry did I hurt your wound?" You looked at his flustered state.
"No, I mean yes, I mean we should get going... yare yare daze..." He slid his body up the wall and he pulled down his hat.
"Jotaro, are you honestly okay?" You tilted your head at him.
"Y/N... " He tipped his hat up and you saw his bright red blush on his cheeks.
"Whoa Jotaro are you...." Your eyes widen and you also blushed seeing him stand there in a shy state.
He looked down and reached for your hand and held onto it softly blushing like crazy and pouting the entire time.
"Y/N yes I am. anyway we should go..." he held your hand a little tighter and walked beside you.
You smiled and enjoyed the feeling of his warm hand holding yours so softly.
"Ah Y/N I never got to thank you properly for fixing me up last night." He smiled at you, his eyes shining with joy.
You waved your other hand as you were nearing the end of the alleyway "You don't need to do anything Jot..."
He leaned to your side and placed a soft kiss on your cheek he smiled and then within minutes you were back in the streets, your face was beaming red.
"Oh there you two are.... Oh?! O la la~" Polnareff noticed you both holding hands " Tres bien! Oooooohhh wait until Mr Joestar and Avdol hear about this!"
"Ah don't you dare tell Mr Avdol!" You pouted at him
"You dare tell the old man.... I'll never hear the end of it..." Jotaro pointed at him.
"OOOOOOHHHHHH~ Hey Mr Joestar Avdol guess what!" Polnareff started to run up to the train station.
"Polnareff! get back here!" You ran beside Jotaro and chased the Frenchman
"Yare yare daze..." Jotaro sighed and used Star Platinum to trip him up.
You both looked down at the Frenchman and pointed at him.
"You say anything about us to the old man or Avdol and I swear your head will be as smooth as a baby's butt got it!" Jotaro glared down at him.
"And I'll use Hamon to make sure it doesn't grow back. got it!" You huffed at him.
"Ahhh yep got it.. got it... ha ha ha.." Polnareff gulped and nervously giggled.
"Good." Jotaro smirked.
"Glad we agreed on something eh Jotaro." You laugh.
You both giggle as you board the train with Joseph and Avdol confused why Polnareff is on the ground.
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silksandcravats · 4 years
Well well well... you're just in time Zimmermansbrat... Morby is sending out asks tonight...
You are a new follower and dont know me perhaps very well, but sometimes I like to send out litte challenges and stuff to you writers out there, and I have one you may like to sink your teeth into...
Use the following to write a story...
https://youtu.be/Tk46D1eFXZo "Dont Wanna Go The Other Way" by Cody Chesnut.
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Yep I know, this looks totally nuts right?
It's a technique my mums writing group use to create new stories, or perhaps brain storm around problems in their work.
There are rules... you can add whatever you like, but you have to use the song and at least three pictures.
I'm gonna do one myself, so I can see if it works as a new idea to get out of my writers block.
Please dont feel obliged to answer, it's totally up to you if you'd like to participate... but it would be awesome if you did!
Have Fun and Thanks for the follow
Morby! So nice to hear from you again, thank you for this wonderful ask! This collage just seems so Sackler to me so I had to, lol. I feel like the final product ended up being a bit jumpy, I had a bit of trouble smoothly stringing along the different aspects into one imagine plotline, but I had so much fun with this challenge! I hope I did it justice!
summary: y/n spends the day with her weirdo neighbour and nobody could have predicted how things pan out.
warnings: swearing, a poor understanding of New York geography
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You stood by your front door, jaw clenched, keys gripped tightly in hand, ear pressed against the wood as you listened as closely as you could for the telltale sign of your weirdo neighbour across the hall retreating into his room. 
“Oh shit, fuck are you going speedy?” 
“Oh shit, fuck are you going speedy?” 
“Oh shit, fuck are you going speedy?” 
Your eyes squeezed shut and you cursed silently. You didn’t have to look up to know who was speaking, the booming, goofy, tone. You took a deep breath to compose yourself before pulling backwards, at least as much as you could with his vice rip on your arms still present.
“Hey Adam, ugh, I was just going to run some errands I-”
“I was wondering what the fuck everyone’s been up to? It’s been quiet as shit down this whole hallway, felt like I was in a ghost town or some shit.” He interrupted you.
“That’s great um.” You tugged your arms slightly and he got the message, he released your arms finally with a quick ‘sorry’. “Anyways, um I was just headed out, I’ve got some shopping to do so.”
“Yeah so do I, that’s just where I was headed we can be like shopping buddies or whatever.” He offered, showing off a toothy grin, big eyes meeting yours. He was attractive, with his big strong nose and his long floppy black hair, you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t. You’d found yourself rather drawn to him in the beginning, but that had only lasted until the first few times he had opened his mouth. He turned out to be rather strange and awkward and it just wasn’t something you could get past, and so you had begun avoiding the pretty weirdo at all costs. 
You were ready to turn him down and be on your merry way but you were tired of avoiding him and you didn’t know how much fight you had left in you. Not to mention it was well into winter now, which meant the sun would only be up for another hour or so, and you never fancied walking through your part of New York alone after dark. And so you found yourself agreeing, how long could a few groceries take after all?
“Great but you’ve gotta come along to some to do some of my errands too.” He said, turning and walking ahead, making it halfway down the hallway in just a few long strides.
“What like drycleaning?” you asked, trotting along to catch up with him. 
“No, not really.” He answered vaguely, hurrying down the steps two at a time. 
You started with your shopping, which he let you get through without too much trouble. In fact, the whole ordeal had been almost pleasant, you were trying to pick out an onion when you looked over to see him holding two different zucchinis in his hand.
“Hey y/n. Do you think I’m more like this one or this one?” He asked rather loudly through the store, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“I think,” you paused, settling on one of the freshest looking onions near the top of the stack, “that it’s a wonder you’re still allowed out in public.” 
“Oh shit,” his expression shifted, his grin deepened and he looked somewhat surprised by you, “You’re a little feisty after all.” he sounded impressed, “Well if you can guess which one is right, I’ll buy all your groceries.” 
“Ok fine.” You crossed your arms, pretending to seriously contemplate the vegetables, you decided to be generous, opting for the slightly larger one. “Left.”
“Actually the answer was neither, it’s bigger than both of these.” He winked, tossing the vegetables down and circling around to your side of the display.
“Oh, I’m sure that’s true.” You jabbed sarcastically.
“I can show you later if you’d like.” he teased, walking into your space.
“Shut up let’s go.” you tried to be serious but a little giggle slipped out anyway as you playfully pushed him forward towards the checkout. 
Adam’s errands turned out to be a somewhat chaotic stroll through a small corner park. You must have spent much longer in that little park then either of you had been expecting, you sat on a little bench for a while just talking. You told him about the work you had been up, and he turned out to be an actor, telling you about an audition he had recently been to, and how he thought he did really well but honestly he didn’t really like the movie’s concept so if he didn’t make the role then it was no big deal.
Never being one for small talk, you were sure that your little day out with Adam would slowly trudge by, loaded with plenty of awkward silences, but it turned out being with Adam was easy. He had no trouble keeping the conversation going, and he always managed to bring up things you actually wanted to talk about. And he was so funny, you’d be willing to listen to his jokes all day except that at one point he made you laugh so hard your stomach began to hurt and you couldn’t get a full gulp of air down your lungs for almost a minute straight.
It wasn’t until the sky began to turn a pinky-orange that you realised what time it was and suggested to head back. You had wound up rather far from your apartment complex so you both made the decision to take the subway home. It was rush hour by now so you had to push and shove a bit to get down the stairs and over to the platform you needed, and it was an even tighter squeeze when you got onto your actual train. You ended up shoved tightly against him for the first few stops, it was silly, but you tried not to let yourself dwell on the giddy feeling you got being so close to him.
As you made your way out of midtown, the car cleared out some, and Adam appeared to be growing restless, surveying his surroundings to find something to occupy himself before settling on the fire extinguisher by the door. He played with the features of it for a moment before pulling it off the wall to examine it closer.
“Adam, put it back.” you quickly scolded when you caught wind of what he was doing.
“Relax I’m just looking at it.” 
“You’re not supposed to touch it!” You insisted.
“If I wasn’t supposed to be touching it then they should have attached it to the wall better.” He continued playing with the extinguisher, pulling the tiny safety bar out, dropping it carelessly, letting it rattle against the floor.
“They can’t do that, what if someone needs it, Adam, please put it down,” you begged, trying to grab it from him, but he pulled it away quickly.
“Oh come on, this thing’s probably been in here like a kajillion years, shit wouldn’t even work anymore.” He continued, twisting it in his hands.
“Yes, it does! Now leave it alone, I’m serious.” You begin to panic at the thought of him doing something dumb.
“Wanna bet?” You could see the mischief practically glittering in his eyes as he suddenly mounted the extinguisher. You felt the blood drain from your face.
“Adam I swear to God if you-” 
But you were too late, suddenly a thick cloud of fire retardant burst through the canister filling the car with smoke and panic, the force sending Adam a few feet forward before his weight pulled him back to the ground and he toppled over in a fit of laughter.
“Adam!” You screeched humiliated as the car erupted in coughing fits and a few swears. You glared straight at the floor as you marched over to him, avoiding the heated glares and shouting, as you pulled him up quickly.
“Come on this is our stop.” You announced sharply, pulling him towards the doors as the train came to a stop.
“No, it’s not.” He looked at you confused, still halfway smiling, proud of his own stunt.
“Yes. it. is.” You say through gritted teeth, pulling him onto the platform. 
Of course, it wasn’t really your stop, and you could’ve saved yourself quite a few blocks of travelling time by staying on, but the thought of carrying on with those passengers, after what Adam had done, for even a second longer was too much to bear. It wasn’t until you were nearly at your building that Adam seemed to pick up on just how upset the whole thing had made you. 
“Hey look I didn’t know it’d be such a big deal to you.” He offers, kicking a small rock along the pavement as he trudged on.
“That was so embarrassing, you can’t do shit like that Adam.” You grumble, not willing to forgive him.
“It’s New York, people do fucking weird shit here every day,”
“This is the worst apology I’ve ever heard.” You stopped on the first step of the building, turning to look at him.
“I’m sorry? Ok? I won’t do shit like that ever again when we’re out together? Happy?” He said, moving onto your step next to you.
“When are we going out together again?” You asked, cocking your head slightly. 
“Have you ever been on the roof?” He asked back, ignoring your question entirely, backing up the steps.
“No? Wait I don’t think we’re allowed on the roof!” You followed him up into the building.
“Drop your shit off and meet me in the hallway, I’ll make things up to you I promise.” He winked.
“Do you keep your bike up here?” You tried and failed to hide a smile at the sight in front of you. Adam was in front of you twisting and turning his handlebar, trying to show you how he could lean back and balance on the back wheel.
“Sometimes I do, no assholes have tried to steal it yet so,” his speech comes out almost in grunts, as he focused intently on performing his trick for you.
“You wanna try it?” He asks, dismounting and moving some of his hair out of his face.
“That’s ok, I’m not a stunt master like you,” you excused, “besides, I’m not sure my feet would even reach the pedals, that thing’s huge.”
“Hey look at this!” He dropped the bike, moving to the ledge of the roof, “you can see for fucking miles up here.” You followed him over, pulling the hoodie you had grabbed from your place tighter against you as a cool gust of wind flew by. It was pretty much dark now, and you could see the lights of your city clearly from here. It wasn’t a particularly tall building you lived in, there was bigger on either side and across the way, but you could see clearly down both sides of the street. New York felt bigger with all the lights on if that was even possible. There was something about the bright city lights that set off curiosity in you. People really lived in every single one of those windows, they had a whole life, and family and friends and jobs and dreams and you’ll never know most of them.
“It’s amazing isn’t it.” you sighed, staring at as much of the world as you could possibly see from your little perch.
“Yeah, it is.” He said, watching you watch your city.
You really had meant to go back to your place after that, but Adam had coaxed you into coming into his apartment instead, insisting that it was only fair for you to see his place after the day you had together.
“Do you want like juice or anything?” He offered, trying to be hospitable as he closed the door behind you. 
“No thank you.” you smiled, taking in the place. It was messy for sure, but you’d seen worse, there was a lot of open space in the middle of the room, there was a couch at the far end of the room, but it was covered with clothes and things at the moment.
“You like music?” He asked, messing with something that must be sitting on a small table by his front door, he moved slightly and you could see the device he was hiding.
“You have an actual record player? That’s crazy, I didn’t know people still had those.” Your feet were ready to give out after the day you’d had, so you decided to sit down on the floor, watching him shuffle through records before settling on one and moving to put it in place on the player.
“You know what they say, no music, no life.” He moved the needle, letting it drop near the edge of the vinyl. An R&B artist you vaguely recognised began playing through the apartment. 
“You listen to this stuff?” You asked, watching him sit next to you on the floor, moving directly to a lying position on the floor.
“Come on, it sounds better down here.” he insisted, patting the empty wooden panels next to him. You obliged, leaning back against the hardwood, shuffling slightly to get more comfortable. 
“I really am sorry,” he added after a while, another apology filling pushing into the brief silence of the room as you both waited for the next track on the record to begin. You kept your eyes trained on the ceiling, but you could feel his gaze move to you. “Guess I’m just a shit flirt.” Your eyes grew as you took in the weight of his words as if on cue the opening lines of the next song began softly through the apartment. You held off on laughing at him for the song choice, focusing on holding onto the words which had just come out of his mouth.
“You’ve been flirting with me all day?” You ask, turning on your side, propping yourself up on your elbow, staring at him.
“Oh fuuuck yeah,” he shrugged, turning to look at the ceiling again. “I flirt with you all the time kid,” he added casually, tapping his foot against the wood as the chorus began to pick up. 
“W-what?” you asked, dumbfounded. “You were flirting… with me?”
“Of course I was, you’re funny and I think you’re pretty smart.” he listed off easily, still staring at the ceiling, “ also you’re fucking so hot, I fucking just wanna look at your face all day.”
“Why didn’t you ask me out of something?” You hummed, looking down at the floor.
“I guess I thought that was kinda what today was.” He rolled over, suddenly his face was only an inch or so from yours.
“It can’t be a date if I don’t know it is, it only counts if we both agree that-”
“Can I kiss you?” he cut you off, eyes darting between your eyes and your lips. 
“O-okay.” your face suddenly felt hot, but you had little time to dwell on it before he leaned in, kissing you eagerly, nose prodding against yours, his hand coming up to cup the side of your face. He nipped and nibbled at your bottom lip for a moment before wiggling his tongue into your mouth, kissing you more eagerly. His other hand came up to your side, and in one swift motion, he tugged you on top of him. 
You got lost in kissing him for the tiniest moment before you mentally re-entered the room, ears perking up at the sound of the song entering its second chorus. 
“Can we redo all of this in about 2 minutes?” You giggled, pulling yourself off his mouth slightly to stare down at him.
“What? Why?” his face scrunched up in confusion and then he gripped your face, pulling you down again.
“Becaaaauuussse,” you groan, pulling back again. “Don’t wanna go the other way by Cody Chesnutt cannot be our song.”
“Too late now kid,” He hummed pulling all of your weight down to him, tucking you into his chest. “Too late now.”
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Saving Grace - Part 15
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A/N: Just a quick update because i've been slacking!! 💕
As lovely as my weekend away with Bucky had been i was so happy to be back with Harrison and Grace. Harrison had been so excited to see us when we got back to the compound.... he crashed out an hour later, clearly he wore himself out!
The next couple of days i mostly spent with Wanda, she was helping me with the kids while we sorted out the details for Harrison's birthday party. Bucky, Sam, Steve and Clint had all been kept busy with work. Bucky and Sam had had so many meetings with Ross while Clint and Steve had been training recruits.
"I can't believe our little Harry is 4 the day after tomorrow!" Wanda smiled sadly as we finished sorting some last minute party details "i missed so much of those years..."
"Aww Wan, dont be sad. You're here for him now thats all that matters, Harrison loves his Auntie Wands"
"I love him too! And my little miss Gracie, Y/N you seriously have the perfect kids!"
"They are pretty great, but i'm totally biased" i laughed quietly trying not to disturb Grace who was fast asleep in my arms.
"How's the house hunting going?"
"We've seen a few places online" i shrugged "but honestly, we just haven't had time to properly look yet what with Bucky being stuck in meetings most of the day. He comes home exhausted most days, i can't expect him to sit up for hours looking for houses"
"Ross has definitely kept them busy since you've been back from your dirty weekend" she smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Funny" i laughed shaking my head at her "I think i preferred it when he didn't want Bucky and Sam involved in whatever god awful plans he's making"
"I think we all did" she chuckled.
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Once the final details for Harrisons party were sorted i headed down to the gym to meet Bucky while Wanda stayed with the kids. We had arranged for some refresher training after the break in and realising how rusty i was, it was decided it would be a good idea for me to get back into fighting shape.... of course Bucky volunteered to help me. Walking into the gym i looked around for that man of mine but he was nowhere in sight, i sat and waited for 15 minutes and still nothing.
Y/N: Hey babe, i'm at the gym.... you still okay for our training session? Xx
Bucky: Fuck, sorry baby i'm still in this meeting with Ross..... can we reschedule something for tomorrow? Xx
Y/N: okay not a problem, i'll see you later xx
I tucked my phone into my bag and grabbed my water bottle ready to head back to the living quarter's when i heard my name being called, I turned around and was face to face with Steve.
"Hey, you leaving already?" He asked looking confused "you just got here"
"Yeah i was supposed to be meeting Bucky, he was going to train with me. After the break in and realising how out of practice i am we thought it'd be a good idea" i shrugged.
"He ain't coming?"
"Nope, Ross has them stuck in some meeting"
"I could help you.... i mean its not like i haven't trained with you before and im done for the day"
"I don't know....."
"Wow, you're really gonna turn down the chance to land some punches on me huh?"
"Well when you say it like that..... sure! Lets do this" i smiled shaking my head "just go easy on me its been a while since i've done this"
"We'll go slow, come on" he nodded towards the sparing mats and i followed him over, Steve tossed me some gloves while he took off his hoody and rolled his shoulders out.
"When was the last time you trained?"
"Before i found out i was pregnant with Harrison" i replied avoiding eye contact with Steve, i remembered it clearly. The second i found out i was pregnant i decided i was out of the avenging life, and being a new mom i just didn't have the time for training.
"I know, i should have at least tried to keep up with some of it...."
"No, its not that, its just you look good"
"Having two kids keeps me busy" i shrugged "besides, i could use the tone up. Im still carrying some baby weight..."
"Well not that my opinion counts but i think you look great" Steve said blushing slightly, it reminded me of when we first started dating. Steve would always get embarrassed when paying me a compliment, it was cute. I finished fastening the gloves and stepped onto the mat to stand in front of Steve who held up his bare hands.
"You don't wanna grab some pads??"
"Im good, i can take it" he smirked.
"Lets do this then".
It only took 10-15 minutes before i was finally getting into it, the moves suddenly falling into place, my confidence increasing.
"Okay i think we're good here for today my hands are gonna bruise" Steve smirked after a good 40 minutes of sparing.
"It'll be gone in seconds don't be a baby Steve..... besides i'm enjoying myself"
"How about we change it up then, lets work on your defence. Gloves off, i'm gonna come at you.... stop me"
"Stop you?? Steve you're a super soldier!"
"I'll go easy on you sweetheart don't worry" he chuckled, his laugh quickly dying when he noticed his slip up of calling me sweetheart, old habits die hard i guess. I didn't react to it i just pulled off the gloves and turned to throw them off to the side. While my back was turned Steve lunged at me wrapping his arms around me so my arms were pinned to my body.
"Hey! Cheater!" I moaned struggling in his hold.
"Break free..... remember what i used to tell you?"
I tossed my head back hard hitting Steve in the nose, he wasn't expecting me to hit him so hard and loosened his hold on me enough so i could elbow him in the gut, i turned in his arms and was about to aim for the groin but he quickly blocked my attack and swept my legs out from under me. I landed hard on my back, Steve was then straddling my hips with my hands pinned to the floor.
"Nice try..... did you have to head butt me that hard though?" He laughed.
"It wasn't that hard, maybe you're outta practice too old man".
"Whats going on here?" I heard Bucky from behind and i turned as much as i could to look at him.
"Hey babe, Steve offered to train with me.....but i'm not so sure he's up for the job. Old man Rogers can't even take a head butt to the face anymore"
"Still kicked your ass though"
"You can get off of her now man, you've proved your point. I'll take over from here" Bucky said throwing a death glare at his ex best friend. Steve quickly got up and went to reach his hand out to help me up but Bucky quickly beat him to it. I took Bucky's hand and he easily got me to my feet before pulling me close.
"You wanna carry on training for a bit longer or are you done?"
"I think i'm done for the day" i smiled up at him "i need a shower".
"Okay lets go"
"Thanks for the training session Steve"
"Sure, anytime".
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Bucky was silent on the walk back to our room, unusually quiet.
"Hey, you okay? Did you have a bad meeting with Ross?" I asked closing the door so we had some privacy.
"Meeting was fine" he mumbled.
"So whats wrong?"
"Oh maybe it was walking in finding your ex straddling you in the middle of the gym....."
"Buck come on, he just offered to help me out for a bit"
"I know but i dont like it! Seeing him like that with you....." he shook his head and i knew he was thinking of Steve and I together.
"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. You know that right? Im yours.....Completely"
"I know that, i do, but i can't help but worry when i see you two together. You've got history and kids....."
"We have a shitty history incase you forgot? And the kids are yours, you might not be their biological father but you have been more of a dad to them than Steve has been"
"Im scared im going to loose you.... all of you"
"Baby you have nothing to worry about i promise you. I love you Bucky Barnes and im yours"
"I love you too doll, i love you so much" he leant down and kissed me hard pulling me tight to his body.
"You wanna come join me for that shower Sergeant?"
"Yes m'am".
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Saving grace tags: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam
@captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us
@lets--be-honest @ms-betsy-fangirl
@damnaged-princess @farfromtommy
@disneylovingal @lbuck121 @billweasleey @heathens-takeitsl0w
@lacontroller1991 @supervengerslock
@perpetually-tuned-out @thummbelina
@marvelousstyles @broco8 @ineffableg-irl @ilovesupersoldiers
@writeroutoftime @ek823
@Imjstaghoststory @cap-just-said-language
@xxloki81xx @death-unbecomes-you @bellemile @buckyandsebastian @afuckingshituniverse @i-ran-out-of-fanfics
Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly
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cool-guysyndrome · 6 years
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(I was gonna post this to Instagram first but the story got too long so here sees it first skkdhdh)
Title: dammit why do i always give the angst a resolution
TW: anxiety attack, heckloads of angst, swearing because virgil+stress=i get to write swearwords
Patton paced the dimly lit room, becoming more agitated with every step. He didn't know where he was, why he was there, how he got there, anything. It was awful being completely in the dark, thrown randomly into some foreign place with no forewarning or instructions. He had so many questions that it was hard to think at all. Where were his friends? Were they okay? Were they even in the same place as him? What if they were across the country or something? How would he find them? Where even was this country? Was he in a country? Why was he in a weird castle thingy on a mountain? It was scary up so high. What were these weird clothes he was wearing? What was wrong with him? Why could he suddenly create a weird green fire with his hands? Was he going crazy?
Patton sat down and leant against the cold stone wall, trying to steady his breathing. Was this how Virgil felt when he had an anxiety attack?
He looked down at his hands, scared to accidentally replicate the spectacle he had made when he went outside and set a tree on fire.
"Maybe i can control it?" He thought aloud. Worth a try.
Patton shut his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts on the tingly feeling that had spread through his fingertips when he made the fire the first time. Sure enough, he felt a soft heat begin to emanate from where his hands were outstretched, and when he opened his eyes he saw the small green flame dancing across his fingertips.
He found that he could make the flame larger or smaller by mentally compressing it, like a camera's focus lens. It was amazing, but at the same time it scared Patton more than any fear he'd ever felt before. This wasn't a kind power. This was something destructive, something dangerous. If this power was any clue to why he was in this strange place, it was not a comforting one.
Patton released his mental hold on the fire and it dissipated into nothing. He realised with a start that he had been crying while watching it, and he wiped his cheeks dry with a sleeve.
Whatever this was, it wasnt going to be easy, and how his heart ached every time he thought about the others was really not helping. Especially Virgil. Sweet, lovely Virgil, who was always kind and worried for Patton as much as his mother did, was probably hurting just as much as he was. That thought would have killed Patton, but his thoughts were mercifully interrupted by a-
"Fuck. Just when i thought my day couldn't get better huh."
Virgil glared at the fallen ornament like it was personally responsible for all the wrongs in the world, which it probably was in his eyes.
He crouched down with a sigh and picked up the broken pieces of ceramic. There were far too many breakable things in this stupid palace for someone as clumsy and lazy as him to be around.
He found some servant to give the pieces to, waving off their apologies and persistent praise. It was exhausting, all this social interaction. Virgil wondered how Roman ever wished for this kind of thing, but he supposed Roman was the only person crazy enough to like it.
He kept walking, slow enough to still pass as a walk, but fast enough that he could escape to his room as quickly as possible. Finally he reached safety, locking the door behind him. He sunk to the floor, exhausted.
"This place is fucking crazy. I think im going crazy." He told the empty room.
"I dont know what they want me to do half the time, and they treat me like the fucking king of the universe more than some stupid prince. I just want to go home and not have to deal with this stupid, stressful, nonsensical place and its mad inhabitants!"
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Inhabitants? What am I saying? Fuck, i sound like Logan."
Logan. The others. Shit. "Great now thats just a whole other problem as well. Wonderful. Fucking fantastic!"
Virgil stood up and took his cape off, tired if the heavy and unnecessary clothes. He started to anxiously pace the room, caught up in a flurry of thoughts that were making it a little hard to breathe.
"Shit. Shitshitshit. The others. Are they safe? I need to go find them. Are they even here? What if theyre in trouble? Logan and Roman might be okay on their own, but Pat..."
Virgils voice trailed off as his mind thought a horrible, terrible thing. Patton. Gentle, bubbly Patton, the light of his life, could be in danger. Or worse, already hurt. Virgil fell back to the floor, every inhale more of a struggle than the last. His whole body filled up with an overwhelming sense of dread that drowned out any of his attempts to calm himself down. His heart began to pound like it wanted to escape his chest, and he pulled at his hair like he wanted to rip it out. He thought he heard a strangled scream from someone nearby. Why were they screaming? He should be the one screaming. Then he realised that it was his own voice, and he was the one emitting the heartbroken cry. He managed to stop his screams but there was no ceasing the sobs that wracked his body as he lay curled on the floor, his mind repeating a single horrible thought a million times-
-over Patton's head flew a tiny streak of black, and it seemed to be hurt because it wasnt flying in a very coordinated fashion. One wing was flapping a lot less than the other.
Patton waited for the little animal to settle, then he stood a few feet away from where it had landed on the table.
"Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya. You look like you need a bit of help, actually, little guy."
He started moving towards the table very slowly so he didnt startle the creature.
"Hey, its okay, im gonna help you, alright? Lets have a look at that wing."
Patton continued to talk soothingly to the little creature until he was close enough that he could reach out and touch it. He saw that the animal was a small black bat, and one of its wings had a splinter of wood in it, not enough to do bad damage, but enough to affect its flying ability.
Patton slowly outstretched his hand, and waited for the small animal to make a move first, as a kind of permission. The little bat looked up at him with big black eyes with a shine of blue in them, and if it were human Patton would have sworn it was studying his face.
Then, all of a sudden, he heard a voice say, "Help?"
He nearly fainted.
"What?! Did you- did you just speak?!"
He watched the bat carefully, but its little face didnt move an inch even though he heard the voice clear as day. "Help wing?"
Patton couldn't help staring at the little creature.
"How are you doing that?!"
"Person help wing? Yes, no?"
"Oh my goodness gracious. And i thought the fire was weird."
"Help wing, yes, no?"
"Yes, yes, sorry, yes, ill help you. May i?"
Patton held out a hand to the bat's wing. The little creature obliged and lay its wing across his hand.
"If i ever see him again, i will definitely tell Virgil about this. He'll hate me for it because he's always wanted to talk to animals."
"Yea, hes my boyfriend."
"Oh. Boy Friend Virgil." The little animal seemed to think for a second, then it spoke again.
"Boyfriend, Virgil. I, Jazzy. You?"
"What?" Patton took a second to realise what the little creature meant.
"Oh, is that your name? Oh! Its lovely! I'm Patton!"
"Pat..ton. Patton. Patton help Jazzy."
"Yes, thats right, im helping you! By the way, are you a boy or a-
-Gurl you are a mess. You're lucky i can pick locks hun."
Remy closed the door quietly and went to sit beside where Virgil still lay on the floor.
"I heard you scream. Good thing i convinced those other losers that I'd handle this." He glanced down at Virgil again, noting his fists still clenched in his hair.
His voice was a bit more firm as he continued. "Virgil. Can i touch you?"
The purple-haired boy hesitated a moment, then shakily nodded through his hands. Remy gently pried his hands down from his hair.
"Can you sit up for me?"
Virgil did.
"Okay. Can you copy my breathing? 4-7-8 yeah?"
Virgil nodded.
Once Remy was sure that Virgil was no longer in such a bad state, he got him to sit on his bed and gave him a glass of water.
"Thanks." Virgil managed as Remy handed him the glass.
"Youre fine, gurl, i get this kind of thing a lot. The staff here get stressed all the time and someones gotta help calm 'em down, y'know?"
"Besides, gotta have you in top condition so i can 'scold you' as Perce puts it, or as i like to say, roast your sorry ass."
"Really? What did i fuck up this time?"
"Oooh gurl you wouldnt believe it. So much that the cat wants your hide."
"The cat?"
"The cat."
Virgil wasn't quite smiling, but his eyes werent as sad any more.
Remy lay back on his bed like he owned it.
"Nah, I'm messing with ya."
"I know." Virgil couldnt help a small smile.
"Its not the cat, hun, its the rats that cat's chasing that want your blood. Have fun arguing with rodents."
"That bad huh?"
"Nah not really. Percy wants to help you with some stuff you were struggling with today."
"Struggling?" Virgil raised an eyebrow at the other man.
Remy chuckled. "Gurl, you and i both know you aren't really the prince. Gotta have someone in on the secret to help before everyone is."
After Remy left, Virgil lay back on his bed, realising just how exhausted he was. This wasn't going to get any easier. But maybe it could, at the very least, be possible.
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