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Here for You || Matt & Blaine
Tagging: Matthew Davidson & Blaine Anderson When: May 27, 2018 Where: Matt’s house Notes: Matt and Blaine discuss everything that’s on Blaine’s mind.
Things weren't right with Blaine, that much Matt knew from their conversations. His friend hurt, a hurt he'd been through in the past though he tried to keep himself from ever reaching that level with anyone. It was too much to deal with. So Matt extended his home for a place Blaine could go to, that way he wasn't alone and thinking about things because those damn thoughts could make things worse. Besides, he wanted to hang out with the guy, too. Just like they talked about. James was on the floor coloring, Matt glad he laid out a big ass sheet of paper underneath him because that kid was going this way and that on the coloring book. A total masterpiece. They had dinner an hour before but Matt saved a plate for Blaine if he was hungry. James' bedtime wasn't too far from now but at least his friend could get some time in with his son, as James loves to meet new people.
Blaine sighed as he walked up to Matt's apartment door and knocked gently. He'd just gotten done at the gym. His bag was slung over his shoulder and his knuckles were slightly reddened by the force of the punches against the bag. The workout had helped with his anger, but it still wan't helping with the hurt. He ran fingers through damp locks of hair as he took a few deep breaths. He knew it was obvious he was crumbling, but he didn't want it to affect his relationship with Matt.
Matt groaned as he got to his feet, feeling like an old man at that point as he'd not worked in over a month and a half. That'll change soon, thank God, but still he needed to hit the gym in the near, near future. He went down the steps which led to the front door and opened the door wide. "Jesus. You're sweaty. Did you run here?" He joked and motioned for him to come in. "I was just thinking I need to head back to the gym." He told him with a grin, closing the door behind him.
“Gym showers not sweat,” Blaine said as he stepped inside, “figured I try to punch out some of my anger and instead I just made it worse I think.” He dropped his bag on the floor and toes off his shoes, “I know a good gym, and I could always use a spotter.”
"Didn't know you box. I used to back home." He looked down at Blaine's knuckles and recognized those tell-tale red markings. He took his hand, without asking, and peered over them. "Do you want some ice for this. It'll keep it from being too painful and to keep the swelling down." Matt heard his son run to the top of the stairs and he announced himself loudly. "HI!" he waved down at them. "I'm James!" Matt looked up at him and chuckled. "Better say hi or he'll keep introducing himself."
“Yeah I have since high school, now I do mixed martial arts. It provides a better full body workout,” he smiled as the other took his hand but shook his head,”nah it should go down overnight.” Blaine chuckled as James waved down at them and waved back, “hi James I’m blaine.”
"Come draw!" He waved his hand enthusiastically, trying to bring Blaine up the stairs. "Gee. I wonder where he gets his enthusiasm from?" This came out in a playful way. "He'll be right there, buddy. Get your colors ready for him." Matt assured his kid and went back to Blaine. "If you change your mind about the ice, just let me know. I got some ibuprofen, too." Matt also had pain killers but he didn't want to announce that. Before they got going Matt went ahead and pulled Blaine into a hug, which probably caught him by surprise. "Figured you could use one of these."
Blaine chuckled slightly as James waved his hand to get him to join him. He nodded as Matt mentioned the ice and ibuprofen, “I’m good promise. It’s a good ache.” He went to step forward as he felt the other man’s arms wrap around him, and he brought his arms up and paused a moment in the hug before pulling back, “that obvious I’m falling apart?”
“That’s not my falling apart hug.” He said as he looked at Blaine, who broke the hug sooner than he expected. “That’s a I’m here for you hug.” He started to go up the stairs, but only had a foot on the first step as he turned to look at him. “I think if you were falling apart you probably wouldn’t have gone all Mike Tyson on a punching bag. You would have hit a wall or someone.” Matt thought of the time that happened to him but he didn’t stay on it long. “You hungry? I saved you a plate of food if you feel like eating.”
Blaine looked at Matt for a moment as he looked back at him, “I feel like I was rejected by the one person that has always understood me. I didn’t want to force him into more cause that’s not the type of guy I am so when we talked we agreed it wasn’t working and I stepped back. I didn’t expect something over a few short weeks would hurt me so badly, but all it really did was I think stir up old crap.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, “food sounds good.”
"But it doesn't mean you're falling apart. You're still on your feet. You still went on a trip. You still went to the gym and made a bag your bitch, though it looks like it put up a good fight with how torn your knuckles are. "That rejection. That rejection sucks. It might be the type of thing which'll weigh on you for a long ass time. And it wasn't something over a few short weeks, man. It's something that's brewed for many, many years. That's why it hurts. This is something you've wanted and you didn't even get a chance to enjoy it when you had it."
“Sometimes I overdo, push through physical pain and keep going when I should stop,” he stopped as Matt spoke. It was true he had felt something for Sam for a long time. Sam was his go to when Kurt was not. He could turn to him when things go rough so to know that the other felt something for him and wanted to pursue something, but then just gave it sucked hard. “I feel like he just gave up.”
“Is that what hurts the most?” His son was calling him by “Dad” and he knew the boy was growing impatient. “That you were willing to see how things go but then as soon as they got started it ended?” Matt took another step up. “What do you think caused it to happen?” Then, “On our way, bud. Sit tight.” Not that that will work. He wouldn’t be surprised to see him at the top of the stairs again, which was blocked by a gate.
“I think so, it sounds horrible to say but I felt led on,” he shrugged, “and I know that was the furthest from Sam’s intentions. He’s a touchy feely guy. He doesn’t see wrong with cuddling with his friends, but I saw something very wrong with it. Especially when it involved an aloe rub down.”
“From what it sounds to me, and tell me I’m wrong, but what you wanted was to be given a chance and not to have to worry about the whole dating around aspect. Not so early on into this? Or maybe you rather have exclusivity?” Matt leaned against the railing and looked to him. “So. Let me ask this. If something were to happen between you and me will you want it to turn into something serious or to keep it casual?”
“I wanted definition, he didn’t want labels, but he wanted exclusivity, yet he didn’t want to behave in that way. At least that’s how it felt.” Blaine looked at the other, “I’m looking for a serious relationship, but it doesn’t have to start that way, as long as it’s defined. Sam and I didn’t have any definition, because the night we finally sat down to figure it out, he broke up with me.”
“I can see why this is hard to get over. It had too many confusing elements to start with but when the talk finally came at the end did you feel it was best to set the dating aspect aside and just go back to being friends? Or was that more to get the inevitable out of the way?”
"I agreed to what he wanted so that I wouldn't lose a friend," Blaine sighed, "I didn't see the point in fighting because I wouldn't win, he had his mind made up going into the conversation." He licked over his lips, "I feel used."
Matt sat with this for some time and sighed. “Let’s put this conversation on pause because I have a kid up there who wants attention and he’ll be hell to get to sleep.” Matt said as he took another step. “We’ll get back to this when we can lay around together.”
Blaine nodded and headed up the stairs. He stepped over the gate and looked around, "James, bud show me what you're working on coloring okay?"
Matt dropped to the floor and went ahead and listened to his son explain everything in his unique way. As much as he have this kid a hard time he loved him, which was clear with the way he asked questions and ruffled his hair. He even tried to draw something but when it didn’t live up to James’ standards he asked him how it could be better. “I’ll be back. Gonna warm up your food and take care of something.” He told Blaine, leaving them.
Blaine watched Matt's interactions with James. It was clear the other was a natural father. He picked up his own crayon and doodled a bit on some of the paper and when Matt got up he nodded and continued sitting on the floor with James, "hey little man can you show me how you drew that turtle again?"
Matt placed the food in the microwave, which was spaghetti and meatballs with grilled zucchini and squash on the side because he wanted James to eat vegetables. He tossed a good sized hunk of garlic bread in the oven before he went to his bedroom to tidy, mostly moving toys to James’ room since they played and napped earlier. When Matt returned he dropped onto the sofa and watch Blaine and his kid draw together.
Blaine was sitting with James a while, listening to the preschooler talk on and on about his drawings. They drew a few trucks, zoo animals, and a raptor. He looked up as Matt walked back in, " care to join us in drawing the tyranosaurus or stegosaurus."
“I think you guys have this.”He said, needing just a bit of Matt time. Plus he knew it was getting to the point to give James his bath and put him to bed. Which could turn into a disaster quick. After another ten minutes he said, “Okay. Time for your bath, little dude.” Before he could bolt Matt was on him and flung the kid over his shoulder. ”This can take awhile. Food is ready. Just have to get it out of the microwave and oven. Drink whatever you’re craving. I got a lot in the fridge.” Matt walked out with a not so pleased four year old protesting bath time.
Blaine nodded. He continued to draw with the other and when the time came for bath, he couldn't help but chuckle as he walked into the kitchen to help himself to the meal the other had prepared. He walked around the kitchen pulling silverware from the drawer and a glass from the cupboard before pouring himself a diet coke. He grabbed his plate from the microwave and then grabbed the bread from the oven before sitting down at the table.
As predicted it took awhile and when Matt emerged from the bedroom, shirt still wet and hair up in funny angles, he joined Blaine towards the end of his meal. “I made that from scratch.” He pointed out. “There’s a Dutch apple pie too if you want something sweet.” Matt went to the kitchen and pulled a beer from the fridge. He popped the top and took a long drink while he leaned against the counter. “You and James looked cute together.”
"It's really good, thank you," Blaine said as the other came into the kitchen and he nodded his head as the other mentioned the apple pie. He sipped his soda and watched as the other drank from his beer, "I've never hid the fact I like kids. I think I'm pretty good with them too."
“If you ever want to play with him just let me know. I try to keep up but even I don’t have that type of energy anymore.” He swirled his beer around and said, “Don’t worry about the dishes. I’ll get to those later.” Matt took another pull from the cold beer and licked his lips to rid the wetness. “Want to hang in the living room or my room?”
"Sounds good," he smiled at the other, "No I'll clean up really quick." He stood to rinse his cup and plate before setting them on the side of the sink and making sure the oven was off, "which do you prefer we hang out in?"
Well, Matt wasn’t going to fit this and he finished his beer in the meantime. “Eh. Let’s go to the room. I want to lay down and we talked about us laying around while we chat.” He said as he set the empty to the side and went to his room, glad he cleared the toys. Matt kicked his shoes off and collapsed onto his bed, but he rebounded quickly and rolled to his side. “All aboard.” He joked.
Blaine nodded and followed the other into the bedroom laughing as he kicked off his own shoes and sat on the edge of the bed as well, "the only thing that makes that make any sense if this was a 1980s water bed." He licked over his lips, "thanks for having me over."
“If I had a water bed that fucker would’ve been popped the first night. James would find a way.” He joked and went to his back and laid his arm out, “Come here. Now I can hold you while you unload about what’s on your mind. I might not be able to offer much in advice but I’m gonna listen to whatever you want to say.”
Blaine sighed and curled into the other's side. It felt nice to be held in someone's arms. He let out a long deep breath, "I don't know I think I'm frustrated because I feel rejected and used. I know that wasn't Sam's intent, but that's how I feel."
Once Blaine laid next to him Matt used all his strength to pull him closer, practically rolling him onto his chest, but not completely. His other arm joined in and he held Blaine securely. Now he could see him while he spoke. “From what I gather from Sam I think you’re right. It wasn’t his intent. But intent or not it still left you with this gaping hole in your chest, right?” His hand smoothed up and down Blaine’s back. “What is it that you want? If you could make things right again with what happened between the two of you?”
Blaine took in a shuddery breath. He really didn't want to cry, not while in the arms of this really hot guy who was being so kind and understanding of him and all of his flaws. He closed his eyes as Matt asked what it was that he wanted and he thought for a moment. He let out another deep sigh, "I don't know, probably just for him to define what we were better. He lead me to believe that he wanted me, but at the same time I don't think he wanted me in the same way."
This was one Matt had to think over. “Maybe If has a lot to do when dating history. I only know of you and Kurt and when you guys met. Was Kurt you’re only serious relationship or did you have someone before? What about Sam? A lot of a person’s past carries into how they handle things and maybe there is something there to figure out or to help make sense so it can ease your mind a little?”
“Kurt has been my only serious relationship. I haven’t really been wanting to date until now, and I want something serious again, I like having the closeness and dependability in someone, physical closeness as well.” He sighed, “Sam dated girls mostly, there was Mercedes and she and he were close to the same level as Sam and I but as far as how serious he got with anyone between her and Quinn I don’t know.” He nodded, “at this point I don’t think knowing anything like that would help.”
“How can it not? Your relationship experience is different from his. He dated girls and from you said there were at least two. Was he friends with these girls?” Matt sighed. “I just want to make sure I’m giving the best advice I can. You guys have a lot of history I don’t know about and I was always taught to get both sides of a story. But know this. Just because I’m asking doesn’t mean I want you to feel your feelings aren’t justified.”
“He dated women mostly, I only know about Quinn from Kurt and don’t know the extent of their relationship he lived with Mercedes awhile in college, and he dated one guy briefly in Ohio.” Blaine licked over his lips, “I understand.”
Matt took that in and said at last, “Just those three?” Not that that mattered and he didn’t know what to do with that information but what he did know was he had a friend next to him who was clearly not fine with how things went. Matt looked down at Blaine and brought a hand to run through his now dry curls. “Do you want me to go to the gym with you and spar? Get in a ring? Anything that’ll help unload some of this tension?”
“There were more, and he was always willing to label things then, so I don’t know what changed that.” Blaine breathed out a bit as he felt Matt’s fingers run through his hair, “that’s up to you, I don’t really want to burden anyone with my tension.”
“Well...” his fingers continued to stroke through Blaine’s hair, going slow but also dipping his fingers in more so it would graze his scalp. “Maybe having all those others and them not working out could be a reason why he wanted to try something different. You’re also a best friend of his and that has to be treated a certain way, too.” His other hand smoothed down Blaine’s back and he rested it there. “Nah. I can handle it. I used to go to a ring when I was in Calgary. It helped with a lot of my anger.”
"I get that," Blaine sighed, "I guess what bothers me the most about this situation is how angry I am. We agreed it wouldn't get weird, but now it is weird. I feel threatened by Peter, which I know I shouldn't but I do because Sam has spent more time with him than me since that night they stayed together. Idk the more I think about it the more I feel replaced."
“Do you think that weirdness you’re feeling is something Sam feels, too? Because that might be way you haven’t spent as much time with him as before. As much as you guys are friends it’s hard to just ignore any type of tension that might’ve shifted the dynamic of a friendship.” He said, speaking soft and slow; just like his fingers as they messed with his black curls. “How often does what happened get brought up?”
"We text, but that's about it. I haven't actually seen him since I got back from Germany. I mentioned I want to have people over for dinner, but that hasn't happened yet. I also told Quinn I thought she was rushing things with Derek, and I pretty much just don't want to deal with either of the situations right now, but I'm at the point where if I don't then I'm just going to explode."
“What situation? I’m lost. Quinn came up out of the blue here. Is she mixed in with what’s happening with you and Sam or is that something else entirely?”
"Kinda it's weird, but basically I'm frustrated with Sam, and Quinn has been doing nothing but gushing about Derek and when she said she thinks she loves him I basically went all devil's advocate on her and said are you really sure? I asked her a bunch of questions to think about and she just completely shut down on me. I guess I'm just a cynic lately," Blaine shrugged
“Why shouldn’t you be? Your crush didn’t pan out the way you thought it would and then there is someone who has things going the way you wanted it to be so it does leave you bitter. You also want to make sure she’s not getting into something she’ll later regret because she’s caught up in the puppy love stage. It’s only natural when it comes to friends. Hell, Kel and I married pretty quick and that marriage didn’t last.” Matt’s hand stilled in Blaine’s hair and his green eyes looked into his. “This cynicism won’t last. You’ll get back to how you were before everything happened with Sam. And your divorce as that has to have some remnants of pain there that’s subconsciously poking through into this.”
Blaine nodded and smiled at the other, "I'm glad someone sees that it's okay for me to be feeling this way, because I get the impression that I shouldn't because it was so short lived." He looked down and then back up at the other as he felt the other's eyes on his as his hand stilled, "I know that won't last. I just needed to work through things on my own and explain to him why I disappeared. I don't hold anything against him really." He nodded, "and you're probably right about my divorce playing into this a bit too."
“So what if it was short lived. There are people out there who have a whirlwind romance during a weekend and it leaves a lasting impact. It’s just the way things go. You’ve been texting but why don’t you do something? Go bowl or play some games. Something that isn’t just sitting and staring at each other and feeling that weirdness. Get back to what made you guys best friends in the first place and that talk will make its way in. The apology. Because the more this carries on the way it is now, you will lose that spark with him and I know that’s not what you want.”
Blaine nodded, "Yeah that's definitely what I want to do." He smiled at the other, "earlier you asked about what I would want if this turned into something? Did you have something in mind?"
Well. That was a question he didn’t expect and he chuckled, dropping his head back onto his pillow. “You already know I’m not ready for any sort of relationship but I’m a guy who doesn’t mind fooling around. As long as the person I’m with is cool with it. I feel like it’s been awhile since you’ve been kissed. Like really kissed and I know that makes me feel better when I’ve been having a shit day.”
"Sam kissed me," Blaine said softly, but the last time I was really kissed with that heart stopping, I need more, loss of breath type kiss was my ex husband." He chewed his lip, "I've also never been one to try casual sex. Yes I cheated on my ex with a guy I barely knew, but it was a one time indescretion and I never really did that since."
Blaine mentioned his infidelity before and Matt nodded, keeping quiet. “This doesn’t have to lead to sex. Not tonight at least but if you want to just lay here and kiss and not worry about anything for awhile , I’m game.” His fingers went though Blaine’s hair again; his voice soft. “We can keep talking, too. I’ll just follow your lead.”
"Do you want to kiss me," Blaine asked, "like really kiss me for me, or just because you think that's what I need?" He paused to collect his thoughts a moment, "because I know you want casual, but I fall easily are you sure you want to take that risk?"
“If you think doing that will cause issues between us them it’s for the better to not do it, especially with things are right now. But to answer your question this is me wanting to kiss you, but it is also to make you feel good and clear your mind for awhile.”
BlAine looked at him, “I want you to kiss me when you’re ready and have to just because. I don’t want our first kiss to be just to make me feel better.”
"Are you okay me touching you at least or do you want me to stop?" He asked, thinking about what Blaine said about casual sex. Maybe it wasn't something that he could do, not like Matt was able to, but there was nothing wrong with that. He knew himself and went with what made him comfortable. And he respected the same for others.
“If I wanted you to stop I already would have asked you too,” Blaine said softly as he looked at the other, “I really like you. We have fun together, and you’ve never led me to believe anything would happen without making sure we were on the same page.”
"Very well." Matt said and even though he didn't ask he pulled on Blaine and brought him on top of his body, wrapping his arms around him better. The tingles which came on his left one told him his arm had fallen asleep while they laid around. "We do have fun together. And we talk. It's important to me to always have that line of communication going."
“Please don’t take this comparison as odd, but you and I have the same friendship I have with my ex. Open, honest, dependable. Sam and I usually have that too.” Blaine nuzzled next to him.
"I would say you described a dog but I don't know a whole lot dogs who are open and honest." He was glad Blaine didn't roll off him and Matt's large hands rested on either sides of Blaine's body. "If you want to stay the night you can. Have a type of sleepover. I can even get the cookies and put something on the TV in here."
Blaine nodded, “I don’t know if I’ll stay all night, but I will watch a movie or two before I leave.” He sighed tiredly though.
“Sounds good.” He said as he leaned forward and kissed Blaine’s forehead before rolling him off his body. Matt moved to the side of the bed and got to his feet to grab the controllers, which he kept on the top of a shelve so James wouldn’t run off with them. He pressed a few buttons and turned the TV on, bringing Netflix to the screen. “Sorry about all the kid stuff. I watch more that than my own things.” He dropped back to the bed and tugged at Blaine to get next to him again.
Blaine sat up a bit against the pillows as Matt got up and got the remotes. He smiled as the liner talked and shook his head, “why do you apologize? I don’t mind.” He scooted closer to the other, “I haven’t watched much of anything lately.”
“Then we’ve got a whole lot to choose from.” He gave the remote to Blaine and brought his hand underneath the pillow to get comfortable. “Pick whatever you’re feeling. I’ll be good with it.” He could sit though just about anything .
He nodded and took a few minutes to find a show they could watch and leaned back to relax.
As the show played, Matt pulled Blaine in and he slid down enough to be as comfortable as he. It was anything he’d seen before and it didn’t take long to get into the plot. He knew that in less than a few weeks I’ll struggle to keep awake while watching shows so he needed to get this in now. Matt’s fingers went up and down Blaine’s arm before he encouraged him to lay it across his stomach. “You glad you came by?” He asked after there was a small break in the show where he knew he could talk.
Blaine settled in with Matt. He was surprised he was able to keep his eyes open and get into the show as Matt’s fingers went up and down his arm. He nodded, “I am. I’m happy I’ve met you too. I’ve had a rough few days of my friends telling me things like “could the divorce be the issue” and “I don’t think other people would get this upset as you.” I was even told I was being irrational, but I must be wrong with being angry.
Matt looked from the TV to him. “Yeah. The divorce thing can follow you around like a bad smell. Things could have ended on okay terms but you still got this big D branded on you.” He would have made a joke there but it wasn’t the time. “People are gonna assume and ask and act like they know what has you behaving the way you do. It gets old.” He wished he could tell him how to go about this but he didn’t figure it out himself, which was another reason he wanted to be somewhere new. “Just do you, man. People will either come to you and want to know instead of assume or not.”
Blaine nodded, “some of those things were said by my ex husband.” He licked over his lips, “I shouldn’t have to apologize for feeling wronged, but I guess I will just to move on. Take one for the team so to speak.”
Matt's lips pressed together and he looked down at him confused. "Apologize for what exactly? For reacting to something you had a right to feel?" This didn't sound like a great course of action to him. "Or is this more to move on and get passed it all?"
“Move on get past it, pretty much say hey I’m sorry I was a jerk and acting weird let’s be friends still okay,” Blaine said, “not expect an apology in return and move on.”
"Well." he said after Blaine said what he needed to say and he looked at him once again. "Don't apologize to me because you've done nothing that tells you to make one."
“Glad to hear it, although my so called friends think I have I guess,” he yawned, “how did you get through divorce you seem so leveled out.”
“I had a therapist. After going through something terrible at work I started to see one and kept with them over the years. This is the longest I’ve gone without them and I can feel it eating at me. I know I have to get a new one soon.” He moved his hand and kept it against Blaine’s cheek. “Trust me I say I know about this anger and how people don’t understand. I was lucky to go through an easy split with Kelly but it doesn’t mean it didn’t leave me feeling a certain way. It fucks with your confidence. How you see yourself and makes you think you might be undateable.”
“I’ve always struggled with anxiety since junior high. I came out as gay freshman year of high school and when I asked another guy to the Sadie Hawkins dance we were both beaten senseless. Then my struggles in my relationship with Kurt, and no matter how much I learn it’s still a struggle.”
“Fuck.” He whispered at this and rolled to his side and pushed his arm underneath Blaine and wrapped his arms around him again. “But you still manage to do things you enjoy such as Hedwig and traveling. Life itself is a struggle, I don’t think there is ever a thing as easy sailing. Not for long but it just comes down to how you perceive things and what you learn. About people and yourself.”
Blaine nodded, “I do. I spent awhile depressed over my divorce but then realized that I could still do things I wanted to do. I came to visit Sam in Amsterdam, auditioned for Hedwig and the rest is really history.
"Then lets try to focus on the good things, along with the shitty because you don't want to sweep that under the rug. But if you feel you need to do this apology thing to move past shit, then do it. But you can came to me if you need someone to vent to because I imagine that's gonna eat you up inside."
“Well I do feel kinda shitty for shutting him out, but at the same time I feel like he did me wrong, so it is what it is...,” blaine sighed. “I think I’m most hurt because I know he didn’t mean too, but I feel like he broke my trust.”
“If that’s the case then it’ll take time for it to come back. It might take a bit for you guys to be back to good but just try to remember what made you guys friends in the first place all those years ago. Because all this time you’ve been missing your best friend too and that’s like losing a hand. And I know I’m the new guy in this mix but I don’t got that history like you and Sam have.”
Blaine just nodded and after a moment of silence whispered, “would you like to go on a date with me? A real date, dinner, no interruptions and just see if we have connection you’re willing to possible settle down with? I know you said you aren’t ready, but maybe you aren’t cause you haven’t found the one. You know?”(edited)
Matt sat with the question, a hand went through Blaine's curls and he looked at him while he went into it a little more. "I think you're the first person to ask me out like that." he chuckled, fingering a dark curl and looked back to him. "Yeah. Lets go out. Though I don't know if there is such a thing as the one but I like to see how things will go."
“I know it probably seems odd me asking you, just now after pretty much turning down a kiss a bit ago, but you’re really the only person besides Sam that I feel connects with me on a deeper level, but you differ in that your not afraid to be blunt, and I like that. I need someone like that in my life no matter if it hurts. And a date to me doesn’t have to be a serious thing, I just want to know you even better.”
"Yeah. It's a little odd but it's not like it's the weirdest thing to ever happen to me." He laid his hand against the back of Blaine's neck and smiled. "You just want to share this part of yourself with someone you know what chuck your heart into the trash. I get it." He then added, "You're right. I'll continue to be blunt and honest and it's good you know me well enough to see that this might not go past a date. Maybe a few. Though there is a chance this could be something else. Who the hell knows. But hey. It'll be fun, right?"
“It’ll be fun, I know that, and I do know you well enough,” Blaine licked over his lips and yawned, “I know you care. I know you’re honest. I know you’re blunt and I like that. I like that I can be on the same page.”
They hadn’t gotten that far into their show but he knew Blaine been going through a rough patch. “You sure you don’t want to stay the night? It’s not a far walk to your place but you don’t have to go anywhere.”
“I can stay,” Blaine said as he looked to his friend, “I sleep better with someone next to me, holdover from marriage I suppose.”
“Then get up so we can get under the blankets. We’re not a couple of savages here.” He said as he moved off the bed. “I’ll be back. Need to check on James to make sure he’s asleep and not reading.” He caught his boy doing this a few nights ago. Before he left Matt said, if you want to borrow a shirt or sweats there are some in those drawers over there.”
Blaine nodded and smiled as he stood up. While Matt went to check on James he pulled the covers back and then grabbed a tank and a pair of shorts from the drawers he had motioned to on his way out the door. He laid back down when he was one changing and closed his eyes as he did so.
Thankfully James was asleep and Matt returned to the room. He closed the door and went to undo his jeans and pushed them down, leaving him in his boxers and tee. Though that went off too and soon he was in bed with Blaine, only wearing his boxers. Matt didn’t settle until Blaine was wrapped tight in his arms, the glow from the TV enough for him to see him. “Are you comfortable?”
“Yeah I’m comfortable,” blaine smiled at the other. He placed his hand on Matt’s bare stomach, “I probably needed this more than I realized. Sometimes I just need to escape.”
He knew Blaine told him to kiss only when he wanted to and not because he felt Blaine needed it, but hearing that Matt brought his lips to the corner of Blaine’s mouth and pressed a soft kiss there before he brought his head to rest on the pillow. “You probably did. Just relax and get some sleep. Who knows, tomorrow may be a brighter day.”
Blaine shivered as Matt kissed him. He smiled when the other brought his head to rest on the pillow, “Thanks for listening. I think tomorrow is going to be much brighter.”
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