#i'm not self conscious about my legs its just my brain has a weird thing about needing look 'alternative' all the time
mr-saavik · 1 year
Not wearing tights today so now everyone gets to see my leg hair <333333
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cow-legs · 7 months
Of course it does feel a little silly to make big update posts about how im burned out and am trying to take a break from drawing right in the middle of a time where im uploading new art more relatively consistently than i have in a very long time it feels like but i guess it was still important to make the distinction, between things that i enjoy drawing and can keep doing vs things i dont enjoy doing at all and need to stop immediately, just for my own sake.
Openly telling people "yuuup i'm not going to be drawing anything other than super basic shit from now on for a long time" means that whenever i think of drawing anything post-worthy i know i will feel silly for posting it after saying that, and from there if i still decide to go through with it anyway it was probably something i actually wanted to draw and enjoyed doing while if this thought made me self conscious enough to not go through with it then it was probably something i wanted to draw only due to impulsive obligation rather than something i wanted to spend time making just for the fun of doing it so the spell gets broken. So its a functional enough system, i guess.
&now that this distinction has been made in my brain i can spend more time doing shit i actually enjoy instead of letting it get beaten out by the things i "should" be working on every time
Putting my foot down and going "no, i am not going to keep forcing myself to do detailed clean lineart on even more detailed sketches when i get much more enjoyment out of just doing really rough and simple shit instead" after i have found myself independently coming to realizations about what kinds of art just suck the life out of me over and over again and then just disregarding these realizations every single time to go back to the shit that kills me because "well this is how you normally do it" or "this technically looks nicer, in some aspects" and finally just fucking forcing myself to stop doing that is probably overall more helpful to my mental health than just forcing myself to stop drawing altogether when thats a drastic move that may or may not be the actual solution. Now i am finding and re-learning ways to create things that don't make me feel like i am a walking corpse so i think i will take the feeling of thinking i look a little silly for seemingly disregarding my big life updates over never having found these things out for myself at all any day.
I don't really know why i feel like making update posts in the first place when to be honest i dont think it really matters, people arent paying me for any of this and i stopped feeling "sorry" for "not posting enough" or such things as that a long time ago so it's not like i feel any kind of legitimate need to tell people about what my status is creative-wise. But i guess a large part of it is just that i like talking and have a lot of things to say but for various personal reasons have no desire to post 99% of these thoughts publicly so it's the like rare chance i get to actually start saying shit on any of my art accounts that is actually relevant to the subject at hand without crossing my own boundaries and saying more than i am comfortable with
It is a little weird feeling writing update posts though because i dont really know how to word them in any way that doesnt come off as a fanfic authors note going "sorry its been a whole 20 minutes since the last update i got mugged and all my money was stolen and he broke my leg also but im trying my best to write more despite this" like girl focus on the mugging not this shit. When in reality i actually dont care very much about providing Content as much as the hypothetical fanfic author i just felt the need to say something because why not and didnt know how to word it in a way that makes me not come off like that. which is how you get this i guess. anyway i already forgot what the point of this post was i guess i just wanted to say some shit. which tracks i suppose.
The moral of the story or some shit i guess is that even if you are not doing art as a job it can still end up feeling like one and killing your creative spirit like one would and you need to be able to identify when this is happening and what things you dont actually want to create even though you feel like you "should" so you can kill these practices before they kill you
or something like that
I dont really care about having a point here i wrote this at 2 am
i just like talking
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pt.1: the swapping begins
-> 4-fking-am masterlist <-
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b:katsuki / f.reader
genre: neighbor au, pro-hero bakugou
warning(s)!!: bakugou's potty mouth (ofc)
status: on-going!
synopsis: you had just moved into your new apartment and like every other college student under the sun, you had the worst sleep scheudle known to man.  due to this, you find yourself playing music through your speakers at 4 am. your neighbor slides you a note under your door about your ‘shitty’ taste in music, thus the note swaps begin.
a/n: the first part has arrived! hopefully, updates on this particular series won't be so drawn out since i'm planning to keep all written parts on the shorter side along with the smau parts being just easier since it's all just dialog LOL (ive done smau in the past for other things but they weren't so hot but hopefully i'm better now lol rip)
w.count: 1.3k
Why did you decide to go back to school to pursue further education again? If it wasn’t to stress yourself into early grey hairs or to rip out those grey hairs until you were bald, then why?
Collapsing over your desk- textbook open and notes out in messy piles with doodles across every edge and corner from wandering concentration- you groan. Exams were right around the corner, but you couldn’t for the life of you get your brain to focus on one thing- much less multiple things- for more than a couple hours, so studying quickly turned into a failed attempt to study.
Normally, studying wasn’t so difficult for you and you actually found it therapeutic in its own weird way. You enjoyed learning new things and the pride and wholeness you felt after succeeding to teach yourself something new was well worth whatever the process to get there was to you. But, this current college burnout was making all those end results hard to get to.
You glanced at the clock on one of the elevated shelves of your desk, the dimly glowing orange letters showing the time of 3:54 am. You groaned again, pushing your forehead into your written words and definitely smearing pencil lead on your forehead while you were at it. Maybe you’d soak up the words this way and have the knowledge transferred automatically into your brain if you pushed just hard enough.
Another dull and unrelenting amount of minutes pass you by before you officially call it quits for the night. Giving up, you walked to the other side of the room and plopped down on your bed’s edge next to one of your nightstands, your wrist rubbing your forehead to hopefully clear away the mess of leftover lead on it. On this nightstand was your radio and beneath it along the shelves and below the drawer was a collection of CDs.
In a world where albums were digital and everything was Bluetooth compatible and no one carried around a portable CD player anymore, you felt somewhat awkward sometimes at the seemingly large and ridiculous collection of yours. There were still plenty of people with CDs and even vinyls, but still- the awkwardness of your ‘retro’ thinking at your age did make you feel a bit self-conscious; no matter how idiotic it sounded.
You leaned over the bed and down to the bottom shelf cubby and grabbed a thin, plastic album case. Popping it open, the cheap plastic threatened to break and bend as you pushed open the top of your radio and placed the CD inside, shutting it again and turning it on.
A small little baby blue boombox that resembled a sort of bubble-like structure- a late birthday gift from your friends back in your hometown.
You figured if you didn’t absolutely blast your music, it would be fine to play aloud. Plus, you decided to put your bedroom in the backmost room, and the second room closer to the front room of your apartment was used for storage- since renting a storage unit was way too expensive. In your mind, the room closet to the door for a single living tenant would definitely be their bedroom- so you did the opposite when you moved in.
With your legs still handing off the side of the bed, you threw yourself back onto the mattress with your arms out to your sides. You stared at the ceiling of your room, thinking that at some point you’d need to purchase some cheap glow-in-the-dark stars to tack up there just for nostalgia’s sake.
As you heard the radio read the CD in small hums, you shut your eyes and smiled when the first track started. To be honest, you weren’t really pressed for what music you were going to be listening to, so you just kinda pulled from your cubby and popped the CD in without even looking at what you grabbed. You almost laughed when an older album your mom used to listen to started playing.
You weren’t exactly sure how it happened or when, but the next thing you knew, you were staring blankly and tiredly up to your ceiling again. The sun outside had risen and you heard birds, outside chatter, and basic roadside living outside. Even being up on the fourth floor, you could still hear the world below fairly well since you almost always had your window open with a fan inside of it.
Your body was sore from how you were laying on your back with your arms out, and you felt stiff. Legs partially numb from hanging off the bed all morning when you turned to look at your clock on the desk with squinted eyes.
Almost noon.
“God,” you moaned, forcing yourself up and wobbly making a path out of your room and into the kitchen to solve the problem of your severe cottonmouth. Stepping out of your narrow, short hall, you yawned and stopped before stepping into the kitchen when you saw a note at your doorstep. It had been slid under the front door and was face down, small blotches of black bled through to show that the other side had something written on it in marker.
More intrigued with the mysterious note than ready to deal with your dry mouth and throat that demanded water, you trotted to the paper and flicked it up. Your eyes quickly scanned the note and you gasped, slightly slapping a hand over your mouth.
‘Your taste in music really fuckin’ sucks’
Oh my god, someone heard that? Were you too loud? Was it annoying? Who in their right mind has the further room from the door other than you who did it on purpose so that this situation could be specifically avoided? Would you need to move rooms? No, then you’d have your other neighbors slipping you notes or even knocking on your door.
Maybe this neighbor has a roommate and had no choice but to take the room furthest from the door. Would you need to move out now before you died from overthinking the situation?
Racing back into your room, you tore out a sheet of lined paper and a mark erfrom your jar of pens, pencils, highlightser, what have you, and began to write in large letters a note back.
‘I’m so sorry about the noise! I’ll make sure not to play it that ungodly early again! (also, no it doesn’t, my taste in music is fine).’
You felt a little silly putting the added small text at the bottom of the paper in parentheses, but you felt the need to nip this particular neighbor’s opinion about your music in the butt- you boiled the choice down to comedies sake.
Making your way back to your door, you unlocked the bolt and unlatched the chain as you poked your head out. For it being almost the middle of the day, you made sure no one was in the halls before you jogged out your door and to the left. Your room was the furthest left room and they heard it, so clearly it had to be the left side neighbor... right?
Taking one last left-to-right look down the hall, you knelt at the door, pushed your paper under it, and dashed back into your own apartment before locking it back up. You let out a breath, as you pushed your back into the door, feeling awkward and almost embarrassed at the idea of passing notes with your neighbor. Trying to be secretive about it and acting like if someone saw you push a note under their door you’d be looked at strangely.
In a somewhat awkward way, you felt like some weird criminal.
“Whatever,” you shook your head, slapping your hands on your cheeks and heading to the kitchen. Finally ready to get that glass of water you had been craving to soothe your aching throat with. You had other things to get done today anyway. Now that you were awake, better get your day started.
Even if you may have just completely fucked your sleep schedule.
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milkytheholy1 · 4 years
We’re not done here
Request: How about a Donnie x Reader where the reader is really self-conscious about their body and has pretty sucky self-esteem? I feel like it'd be cute with how Donnie secretly relates and has enough confidence for the both of them! 💜 (Female or gender-neutral is fine I think! >w
A/N: hey so I didn't really delve in deep to Donnie's insecurities, they're kind of mentioned and if you read into things a bit more you might be able to see them idk. Hope you enjoy!
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Staring at your solum face in the mirror, you frowned at your reflection. Your eyes trace over your features, using your fingers to tug at the bags under your eyes and the acne that could be a dot-to-dot game on your face. Gazing down towards your stomach and thighs, you released a sigh; a lone tear slipping down your cheek. How could anyone ever like me?
A gentle ringing brought you back to reality, wiping away the onslaught of tears that dribbled down your face, you went on the hunt for your phone. The song 'Weird Science' rang from under your blanket laying askew on your bed, rummaging your hand under the plush material your fingers felt the hard contact of your phone. Finally gazing at the caller ID your heart froze, if the song hadn't given it away then you would have been surprised to see him calling you.
"Hey, are you coming over today? I want to show you these improvements I've made with my battle shell, I'd show my brothers buuuuuuut they never appreciate my brilliance."
You heaved a shaky breath, hearing his voice did things to your already shattered confidence. The line was quiet, realising that you hadn't said anything your brain went into overtime trying to come up with an excuse "I-I don't think I can make it Donnie I've got a lot of, erm, school work to do, yeah that's what I'm going with." You didn't want to lie to Donnie, but with the crush coming on so suddenly your mind hadn't had time to process it. Sure Donnie was a turtle, but even a turtle had standards, what would Donnie see in you besides a friend?
Ever since your feelings towards Donnie started leaning to the 'way more than friends' side, it suddenly dawned on you how you dressed and acted around him was extremely important. You couldn't just rock up in leggings and a hoody, now you had to make more of an effort. Over the past few months the guys never saw you without makeup, your excuse was that you just wanted to look nice but in reality, it was because you were ashamed of the way your face was peppered with spots and eye bags that could hold groceries for a hundred families.
The clothes, as mentioned before, changed as well. You no longer came in your oversides hoody and leggings but sometimes in jeans or a skirt, and if you were feeling a little bit of confidence, a dress. The turtles had never said anything about your sudden change and care in your appearance, the first time they saw it they thought it was a one-off; but after the fifth time that week, they knew something was up. With no debates needed, they selected Donnie to be the one to talk to you since you seemed to spend more time with him than the others.
He protested at first, quoting that he wasn't good with 'girl stuff' but when Leo gave him an unamused frown and a snarky "None of us are!" it shut him right up. For days Donnie paced back and forth in his lab thinking of ways to ask you what was wrong, he knew how stubborn you were and expected that it wouldn't be easy to get the information out of you just like that. Consouling the internet, April and even Splinter (which was a massive mistake on its own), Donnie had given up and just opted to be straight with you.
"Oh come on (Y/N) you're the only person that will listen to me about this stuff," he begged. Shaking your head, you could feel your brain laughing at you amused that you were listening to your heart and not logic. With a shaky voice, dually noted by Donnie, you gave him your reply "I-I don't know Donnie, my school work is really impor-"
"If it's that important to you just bring it with you, then maybe I can help you with it, you know, if I have time and stuff." You knew you weren't going to be able to get out of this, with an irritated groan you agreed to see him "OH, FAB-O BOOOOTS!" he yelled into his phone, causing you to wince in pain. When the call ended you stared at your phone screen, watching the illuminated screen fade away and your saddened reflection staring back up at you.
-At the lair-
Your shoes barely made a sound as you strolled into the lair, it was oddly quiet, maybe the boys aren't here? "Ah (Y/N) you made it and just in time too," Donnie's lanky frame popped out from the kitchen, his eyes shifting between you and his tech-brace. Walking to you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder allowing him to drag you to his lab. Ignoring the blush that covered your cheeks, he continued to rant as he unwrapped his arm from around you and carried on poking his fingers against the tech-brace.
"Listen my brothers are going to be out of the lair for a while, something about finding the perfect pizza toppings, which gives me ample time to demonstrate to you all the new things I installed onto my battle shell."
You stood at the entrance of his lab, watching as he waltzed in and started digging around for some technological thing. Turning back to you, he tilted his head in curiosity, eyes tracing over your blushing form "Where's your schoolwork?" he asked with a smirk. Your eyes widened in surprise, how could you forget? I mean, sure, the school work didn't exist in the first place but Donnie didn't know that.
"I, er, I-"
"Oh give it up (Y/N), I know there wasn't any schoolwork you just wanted to-" he stopped himself, his snarky smirk quickly vanishing and replaced by a frown. His voice came out as a whisper "Avoid me." Oh how he could not be any more wrong, you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him. But you couldn't. Donnie was many things: strong, talented, intelligent, funny and what were you? Adding on from your useless personality, what did you have to offer him physically? Some fatty thighs and a jiggly stomach.
Tears started forming in your eyes, cascading down your cheeks like a running river. Donnie faintly heard sniffing, casting a glance to you he saw you curling in on yourself. Your shoulders were bent forward, hunched around your neck, your fingers were tangled together, writhing underneath his gaze. You looked so...small.
"(Y/N)" You'd never heard Donnie's voice this soft before, not sparing him a glance you turned your back to him, "I think- I-I think I'm going to go now." Donnie bolted forward, trapping you from leaving. Finally looking up at him, Donnie saw the flare of your nostrils, the black mascara staining your cheeks. He rubbed his thumb over your soft skin, pulling it back he saw your foundation slightly smudged on his green skin. Donnie grabbed your hand and pulled you to the family bathroom muttering a small "Come with me."
It was quiet, neither of you spoke a single word as you watched him rummage around the bathroom cabinet. Hearing a muttered, "There you are.", Donnie came back to face you with a pack of make-up wipes in his hand. Lifting a wipe to your face, he saw the feral look in your eye, indicating to the wipe and then your face he asked for your permission "May I?" You meekly nodded, awed at how gently he wiped away the mask of make-up you had been wearing.
Once he was done, he turned to throw it away, catching your face in the mirror he saw how disgusted you looked. Raising a brow at you, he sat by you on the edge of the bathtub "What's going on with you recently? You've been acting...different. Did I do something? Did I cause you to change?" You were getting sick of how many times you had to push the tears away, but no matter what they still kept falling.
"I-it's not your fault D, it's just in my head. It's nothing."
"Well, it has to be something. One day you come in here not caring about the whole make-up fad and then the next day you can't leave the house without it? Did someone say something to you, is that why you decided to change?"
"They didn't have to say anything Don," you muttered, your eyes boring into his own. Donnie looked back at you, his mind running through all your interactions with him and his brothers trying to figure out who upset you and how he was going to deal with it. But what if it was him? What if he was the one that said some off-handed comment to you and you took it to heart? Donnie would never be able to forgive himself if he were the reason that you had so desperately changed.
"I...Can you elaborate?" holding the edge of the bathtub in your tight grip you shunned away from his gaze. Staring in the mirror ahead of you, your eyes trailed up your form mindlessly speaking out all the things you thought were wrong with you. Donnie listened to you throughout the whole thing, he had no idea that that's how you felt about yourself.
"-my thighs wobble and shake when I walk and I hate it, I see people out in New York all the time with their short skirts and shorts. I could never wear anything like that." Taking your silence as a cue that you finished, Donnie waded out the possible outcomes of his next words "But there's more, isn't there?" You released a shaky breath, slowly nodding your head you gaze was glued to the bathroom floor "I could never be enough for anyone, I could never be enough for you. You could never fall for me like how I fell for you, just spare me the time and go out with April or some other person better looking than me." you grumbled, anger slowly rising in your tone.
"Well, I can't do that because the most beautiful person is sat right next to me and I would be but a fool to miss such a presented opportunity." Looking back to Donnie, a soft smile on his face, you blinked up at him confused "I-I don't understand, what are you saying right now." It was more of a statement than a question, you had heard and understood what he said but you didn't believe it. Your mind had been so focused on the thought that Donnie could never be more than a friend with you, that it never even entertained the opposite thought.
"(Y/N), sure I'm a turtle and you're a human, but you are by far the best-looking human I've ever seen. So what your thighs wobble when you walk? I love it. You're so warm, like, all the time and as someone from the cold-blooded species, I appreciate that more than you'll ever know." Donnie continued to ramble on, things ranging from compliments to scientific studies of body fat and how beneficial it is. Although once he saw the confused look on your face he stopped.
Taking his hand in your own, he looked down at you fondly, smiling to himself "I like you way too much to care if you're wearing make-up or not. By the way, I love the make-up look, I really do, but I want to see the (Y/N) who would walk around in a hoody that looked like it was drowning them." Laughing at his awkward confession, you leaned forward and lightly kissed the end of his snout. Donnie turned all shades of pink as a result of your actions, making you laugh more, grabbing his hand you heaved him up and pulled him back to his lab "C'mon, you said you wanted to show me something, right?"
"But I'm not done complimenting you yet," he argued, trailing behind you like a lost puppy. Donnie stared at his hand intertwined with your own, turning your head to him, you shrugged "You can do it later." Catching up to your side, you walked to his lab in silence. Donnie gave you the side-eye muttering "You know we're not done talking about this right?", you turned your head to face him, offering him a quick wink and a seductive smile you replied, "I know."
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dadsbongos · 3 years
Insert Coin - Chapter 2 / Series Masterlist
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Waking up to the cursed sound of Monokuma’s voice, (Y/n) let her body remain in the warm confines of her duvet. Her eyes were heavy and burned whether she had them open or not. Turning, she let her back rest against the mattress, endless stare settled on the ceiling.
Every time she went to close her eyes, Byakuya’s bloody corpse was staring her in the face. His voice festered between her ears as it called her name. Quite possibly the last thing he’d said to anybody was him calling her name for help.
Stabbed over ten times between his abdomen and throat.
It must’ve been excruciating. To be working to bring everyone together only to be brutally murdered in your endeavors.
She can only hope death was quick to lay its merciful hands upon Byakuya’s soul.
And to be boiled alive, even.
A hand came up and over her heart, scrunching up the fabric of her sleepshirt, a new wave of misery banging at her brain as she thought of Teruteru. The Ultimate Cook. No, their Ultimate Chef. The least she could do was honor his wishes in her mind.
To be slathered in slimy batter and caked with breading was a mere inconvenience in comparison to being boiled - being cooked. The heat. The bubbling and popping of your skin as you quickly simmer.
It made her queasy just to think about.
All that pain, all that suffering - brought about by the hands of Nagito Komaeda. The sweet-faced, gentle-smiled boy of luck. The same boy she was planning on meeting in the dining hall.
Sighing through her nose, (Y/n) slowly rose from her bed before swinging her legs over the edge of her bed frame and pushing up to a complete stand. Her body felt like gelatin, mind in a foggy haze as she moved towards her closet, pulling off her makeshift pajamas and trading them in for cleaner versions of the clothes she already had on.
Exiting her cottage, (Y/n) was sure to lock her door before stowing the key away and heading towards the dining hall before anybody sent out a search party for her. The sand crunched under her shoes as she made her way to the dining hall, hopefully, the others had somehow forgotten about the entire night prior. If she could be the only one with the horrid memory of their friends’ deaths, she’d be happy.
Ultimate Peacekeeper and yet she couldn’t even keep two people alive.
Clenching her teeth, (Y/n) shook her head - if she thought like that then she’d be too busy throwing herself a pity party to focus on any of her peers. She reached out to open the dining hall door and stepped inside, and for a split second, her heart picked up at the thought of finding another body.
A corpse laid across the floor and Monokuma’s wretched voice bringing about another body discovery announcement.
Once again, she forcefully shook off her thoughts and pushed forward. Everyone was there. No, two people were missing.
Fuyuhiko, which was no surprise, seemed an avid supporter of being the “lone wolf” of their group. Nagito, on the other hand, was almost never by himself - despite his previous exclamations of being unworthy of a friend, he surely liked the company of the people on the island.
(Y/n) sidled herself up beside Hajime, giving the boy’s side profile a gentle, unnoticed smile - he looked exhausted, “How’re you feeling?”
“Hm,” Hajime flinched at the sudden noise, turning to lock eyes with the mediator, “I feel…” he looked down at his plate sadly, “fine.”
“Alright,” she pat his back, “if you need anything, I’m always available. It’s what I’m here for, Hajime.”
“Right,” the brunette nodded, he let his shoulders droop, defenses falling ever so slightly, “thanks, (Y/n).”
“Of course,” she nodded, looking around the dining hall once again and quirking a brow, “is it just me or… are there people missing?”
Before Hajime could answer her question, Monokuma appeared suddenly inside the cafeteria - frightening a few of the students. Hajime’s brows furrowed, “You can't just pop up out of nowhere like that!"
"Puhuhuhu, but I can!" what a high-pitched drawl, (Y/n) suddenly thought - she’d always been taught that villains have sickeningly deep voices and here Monokuma was, proving her entire life wrong, "I'm here to deliver the next motive!"
"A motive?" Hajime tilted his head in the midst of his confusion.
"It's not that I don't think you all love participating in my super fun killing game or anything..." Monokuma fidgeted, faking a new shy persona, "But, of course, I thought it would be even more fun to give you guys a motive!"
"Well, we've taken care of everything,” Kazuichi immediately rebuffed, “No one is going to kill anymore, no matter what your motive is!"
(Y/n) swung her head to look at the Ultimate Mechanic, “‘Taken care of’, what are you talking about?”
"Whatever you say!" the black-and-white bear waved off, clearly in disbelief of the boy’s words anyway, "If you're interested, there's an arcade machine in Jabberwock Park with a game on it that might have some cool info for you! And that’s as much as you’re getting from me, bye for now!"
"Ooh, fun!" Ibuki blurted out as Monokuma disappeared.
"Fun?” Hajime shook his head, irritation clear on his face, “No! Guys, we absolutely cannot play that game. This is Monokuma's attempt to trap us. Who knows? The game could be filled with lies to get us to kill each other!"
“Hajime’s right,” (Y/n) nodded, “If anyone plays that game, a murder is likely. I know it’ll be hard but we have to do our best to keep alive.”
Hajime could be a good leader. Strong, independent, commanding - a good man. He could be great. Then again, so was Byakuya.
Mahiru looked around and asked the question (Y/n) had before Monokuma arrived, "Wait, where's Nagito?"
Hiyoko giggled, covering her mouth with her hands as she did so, "He's probably too ashamed to show his ugly face around here.”
"No," (Y/n) interrupted, “I don’t think he’d be so self-conscious.”
"Don't worry about it,” Kazuichi waved off, locking his hands behind his head, “He isn't going to bother us anymore."
"What did you do?" (Y/n) pushed herself away from Hajime and toward the mechanic.
"Kazuichi, you probably shouldn't say stuff like that..." Nekomaru’s voice was strange - hasty, as if he was trying to hide something.
"Nekomaru, Kazuichi," (Y/n)’s brows furrowed as she looked between the boys, “Tell me, right now, what did you two do?”
"Well, we..." Kazuichi glanced at Nekomaru, "Took care of him this morning."
"You guys killed someone?" Mahiru exclaimed, face running pale.
"No! What the hell? Of course, not, we didn't do that!" Nekomaru shook his head as if he couldn’t fathom how his suspicious behavior could lead to that conclusion, "We found him on the way here and... tied him up. So he couldn't do anything drastic again! He's on the floor of the room we had the party in, he's- he'll be fine."
"So you guys - without telling anyone - kidnapped Nagito this morning and just left him tied up?" Hajime turned his head between the two, obviously done with the idiots, "Do you understand why that possibly wasn't the most fantastic idea?"
"What were we supposed to do, just let him run around acting like that?" Kazuichi asked, exasperated, "It's fine! He'll live, we just have to bring him food or something once in a while..."
"Now that we're in this mess, it will be difficult to pull us out," (Y/n) crossed her arms, thinking over the situation, “I’ll keep watch over him. I was going to do so anyway, but two people,” she glared directly at the boys of the hour, “decided to act without consulting the group,” as Mahiru prepared a plate, (Y/n) continued, “Just leave Nagito to me, I’ll be a babysitter for him - if anybody has an issue with him, please don’t act on your own until necessary. It could do more harm than good.”
Handing over the plate, Mahiru gave the peacekeeper a nervous smile, "Be careful, okay? Just run outta there if anything weird happens."
“Right,” (Y/n) nodded, taking the plate, “Kazuichi, Nekomaru,” the two hesitantly looked over to her - it felt horribly similar to facing a disappointed parent - she pursed her lips before giving a sympathetic grin, “I get where you two were coming from and I appreciate it, but don’t do something like this again. It’s dangerous.”
The two murmured out their agreements as (Y/n) left.
Crossing from the dining hall to the old building, (Y/n) flexed her fingers as she walked, gut knotting up inside her. Byakuya died there. Her friend, and to some extent, a role model. All because of the man she was going to be spending the rest of their stay at Jabberwock with. She had to. She needed to keep tabs over him if they wanted to avoid something like the party again.
Her hand stopped at the door handle, fingers resting against the cool metal.
She could just let him starve, it’s not like anybody would care. Nobody would check the old building anyway.
Shaking her head, (Y/n) pushed the door open - she’s supposed to be the Ultimate Peacekeeper and she was already dropping the ball with two deaths and a kidnapping. Letting Nagito starve was just a cruel and unusual punishment. An impulsive thought she'd never act on.
And so, putting one foot in front of the other, she continued down the hall Teruteru did. To find Nagito.
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our-heroes-rise · 4 years
so i'm just a bit pudgy and get anxious to wear summer stuff and i know i shouldn't but still lol 😅 maybe hcs for deku/baku/todo/kiri/denki with an s/o trying to boost her self confidence by wearing more revealing clothes? what do the boys like to see their s/o in too?
as someone who is also a bit chubby, i very much appreciated this request, i love writing things with soft pudgy readers. they’re just so c u t e! anddd body positivity ya know, you have every right to love yourself hehe. also don’t be so hard on yourself about being anxious to wear something, i still get the same way too when i’m picking out my clothes for summer. it’s totally okay, regaining confidence takes time and you have no reason to rush yourself. i’m proud of you for putting in the effort to love yourself bb! anyway, hope you enjoy my lovely vigilante!
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for being the type of person who pays attention to detail in almost every other aspect of his life, fashion really is not one of them. he’s not one to put an excessive amount of care into what he’s wearing. he’ll try to get his hair to do something. . . decent, but then he throws on a nice enough looking outfit and he’s out the door. he doesn’t always have enough brain function for that, considering it’s constantly running a mile per second with a million other things he has to do that day. so, it does take him a second to notice your change in wardrobe.
the first time you walk down to the common room in a pair of shorts cut a bit higher than your normal pair with a loose t-shirt, he notes out loud that you look really cute and comfortable before asking if you’re ready for your run together. doesn’t really think much about it after that.
it’s not untiil around the second or third time that he realizes this is something out of the ordinary for you, especially once you’ve put together an actual going out outfit that shows off more of your legs, arms, and chest. he’s red from his neck all the way up to his ears.
Holy crap they - they’re so hot - I mean, is that disrespectful to think of them? No, I don’t think so - M-Maybe, I shouldn’t say that out loud, I might sound super weird but, I’ve just never seen them like - they’re so cute, oh my gosh! Ah, right I’m supposed to be paying attention to them! C’mon Izuku get it together!
will then stutter out the most flustered and chopped up compliment you’ve ever heard from him so far. he’s never seen you in summer clothes before and he thinks you look so good, so he’s a little overwhelmed by it.
he literally adores your every breath no matter what you’re wearing, but, well he’d be a horrible liar if he said that your summer outfits weren’t some of his absolute favorites.
shoto is much more observant than people give him credit for, he’s just not as obvious about it as midoriya is. he’s a quiet people watcher, who will silently take in all of the little details about someone or something that has done enough to catch his interest. and you have certainly done more than enough to catch his interest since you are the one he loves.
from day one he has been tuned into every shifting detail of your presence. it’s just not hard for him to tell when something is different with you, especially something pertaining to you physical appearance. so, yes, he immediately notices when you’ve switched to wearing clothes that are more revealing and he will say with a straight face that it makes his knees weak.
the sight of you in summer clothes is never one he thought would knock the breath from his lungs so hard, but he loves every second of it and will not hesitate to shower you with compliments. he was already abundant in the praise of your beauty and personality, but just expect even more from him.
if he ever figures out the reason why you changed your style or if you tell him, he will let you know how happy he is that you are finally seeing what he has seen all along. breathtaking beauty with lips he would kiss breathless.
katsuki notices the second he sees you but won't let you know verbally that he loves your new summer look. his way of showing his appreciation is clear through his roaming fingers. literally cannot keep his hands to himself even if you’re in public, and he’s never been a fan of PDA other than the occasional hand-holding or arm around your waist.
it doesn’t matter how hot or humid the summer gets, expect at least one of his hands to be somewhere on you. resting on your exposed thigh while you sit with your legs slung across his lap in the common room. if you’re wearing a shorter cropped shirt while you’re out, his arm is around your waist and his fingers trail lightly, sometimes ticklish, absent patterns into your soft side. when he thinks no one is looking he’ll press a warm kiss to the top of your shoulder blade.
he knows what its about without you having to tell him and he truly is proud of you for being confident enough to show off whats yours because that means he gets to parade around with you at his side like a peacock with its feathers fanned out.
Hell yeah, this is my partner. Keep your fucking eyes off creeps, their too damn good for you anyway.
very much has to act like the cool guy when he notices your style change because he’s having a full freak out in his head, he just can’t let you know that. but will give you his usual cheeky compliment that you know is entirely genuine despite the mischievous twinkle in his eye and give you a quick wink for added effect. 
“But no really babe you look amazing. I’m digging the new look.”
He’s a complete giddy dork the entire time, walking around with a big dopey grin on his face because, hah my baby looks so amazing and the guys are gonna be s o jealous. can’t wait to brag to sero later.
he likely doesn’t know the reason you’ve gone out of your way to change your look for summer, other than the immense heat, but he does know that he’s super happy that you look super happy with what you’re wearing. and that’s all that really matters to him.
the only one who verbally announces his appreciation for your new look immediately after giving you his usual sweet greeting kiss and pulling back to admire you, taking you all in.
“You look even more amazing today baby! What the hell who gave you the right to be so cute all the time?” he’ll bring you in for another sweet kiss, then shower your whole face in light kisses.
kirishima has known that you get a little self-conscious sometimes, though you’ve never had to tell him this. he’s picked up on the same sort of nervous ticks he use to show when he was a bit younger and not as sure of himself, the ones that he, quite honestly, still has today. and he’ll let you know that he’s happy you’re beginning to feel more comfortable with not just yourself but around him and others as well.
he’s sort of the same way as bakugou. his hands roam a bit more, just because he wants to appreciate the newly exposed parts of you. not to mention, he’s just the slightest, tiniest bit more protective over you. and he wants to make sure others don’t get the wrong idea. you are his partner and his partner only.
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