#i'm not gonna tag will because i don't wanna be cruel to the girlies out there
happyk44 · 2 years
Nico being forced to choose between saving Percy or Will's life and Percy is telling him its okay, he lived a good life, and Will is sort of feeling conflicted because Percy's a good person, but they both know Nico is gonna pick Will, the love of his life.
Except when Nico arrives and is given the choice, he hesitates. Will is staring at him, suddenly terrified. Nico isn't moving towards him. The chains feel heavier.
Nico tries to find a loophole - even offers to sacrifice himself instead. But the deity or whoever is adamant that he must choose. Will's heart absolutely shatters when Nico turns to Percy and unchains him. Percy looks shocked. But then he smiles. It's shaky smile that vanishes as quickly as it appears, as soon as his eyes meet Will's from across the room. Nico doesn't even give him a passing glance.
"Really?" he hears Percy whisper as they head to the exit.
"Of course," Nico says. "It's always been you."
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