#i'm not gonna neglect writing anymore
fiftytwoeightythree · 10 months
ok, seeing how no one's* ready to write taxi driver fanfics in english.... i might do it if no one will
*(no one: literally 2 people i've seen so far)
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masquenoire · 2 years
OOC// What are some things that make Roman feel sad?
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Few things make Roman Sionis feel sad. Years ago, it might have been a different story; he was a very lonely child for the most part whose parents made it crystal clear to him how unwanted he was, how much harder he made their lives and berated him constantly for how he couldn’t even begin to live up to their lofty expectations. It wasn’t much better elsewhere; Roman had few friends even amongst the other children of Gotham’s upper class families, a little too ‘odd’ and cursed with no filter to be able to truly fit in. Fortunately there were a few positive influences during this time. A few employees hired to take care of the family household and chores treated Roman well enough, caring more about the child than his own parents did. It was the chauffeur who realized he’d gone missing during one particular party and ventured out into the forest to bring him back when he’d been bitten by a rabid raccoon, though had been threatened by Mr. and Mrs. Sionis to not speak about the incident or else lose her job. Receiving so little genuine consideration throughout his life has long since burnt out Roman’s ability to feel sadness, because if nobody ever felt sorry for him then why the fuck should he feel the same about anything (or anyone) else? He’s older now, capable of looking after himself and everything he’s got is entirely his own doing. He doesn’t need empathy, to give or receive and frankly, such feelings are only weaknesses to exploit in Gotham’s crime-ridden underbelly where everybody’s out to get you. On rare occasions, Roman will notice a child who is not happy, clearly not loved or cared for by their parent/s at all. It’s a stark reminder as to how he once was, a haunting memory of how he’d once been and had nobody in his corner. For the briefest of moments he’ll feel the sharp, painful sting of sadness, memories of times he’d thought he’d long since gotten over... until familiar rage overcomes him, wanting nothing more than to -lash out- at the closest thing. To Roman, anger is much more familiar and preferrable to grief.
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Not to alarm anyone but... I kind of made up another separated au. I guess you could say I am... splintered ;P
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kryannoy · 8 months
Hey, can we have a Yan!Andrew Graves with Reader?
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genre: sfw, headcanons + fic
characters: yandere!andrew graves x reader
warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, obsession, possessive andrew
a/n: i don't normally write yandere characters so this was a bit of a challenge. hope this suits your request and enjoyed reading!
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He's so obsessed with you but he's subtle with it—more like whatever stupid thing he does, he'll make sure you don't see it.
When he loves you, he'll make sure to keep you happy just so you will always come to him whenever something happens. He'll open a bottle cap for you without being told, he'll wipe your mouth with his fingers if it's messy—totally not putting them in his mouth afterwards. He'll open the door for you, let you cry on his shoulder, gives you hugs when you need it. Every subtle thing to manipulate you into coming back to him when you need support.
If someone talks to you, he'll be right behind you with arms wrapped around your waist while glaring daggers at the other person.
"No, no. Continue. Don't mind me, pretend that I don't exist."
To you, his tone sounds normal but to the poor guy, it's like a cleaver skinning them alive.
If someone even looks at you without you knowing, it's gonna be hell for them. He somehow won't be afraid to kidnap that person, tie them up and threaten them with Andrew's favorite cleaver until the person is diagnosed with PTSD.
He will shamelessly go back to you with a smile on his handsome face as if nothing happened.
Andrew would kill anyone for you but if you tell him not to, he won't.
Although, he knows you would be scared if you saw him murdering people, he won't do it anyways. The last thing he wants is you running away from him.
You have no idea why people start to turn their backs on you and you would think that you've done something wrong. So, you ask Andrew for advice or if he knows anything, exactly what he planned for.
And he would smile innocently from his success and spread out his arms. You would dive into his comfy sweater without knowing the hands that are holding you are the hands that have done so many questionable and criminal acts.
"C'mere you. Aw, you poor thing! I'm sure no one hates you. Who would? They're probably out of social energy from a rough day or something. Don't you worry!"
He'll kiss your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, your lips. You would smile and he would smile into the kiss while thinking how naive you are.
He admits sometimes that he feels guilty for deceiving you but what can he do? How could he come up to you and admit to all the crimes he's done? You wouldn't look at him the same anymore, would you? Would you still love him despite knowing what he did or what he ate? He wouldn't take any risks. If he has the person he loves the most in his arms, why would he easily throw you away?
If the truth hasn't been told, he'll keep you for himself. He'll keep you forever.
You knew he acted differently than normal people. He's a little different because of his upbringing, and that's normal for kids with neglected parents growing up with a weird habit of theirs and that was just his charm, right?
Because you think it was just a charm of his, you didn't run when you had the chance to. Besides, if he was so sweet to you, so kind to you, so good to you, he wouldn't hurt you, would he?
There's a reunion dinner later tonight with your old high school mates and of course you're coming. You haven't seen your friends in a long time. You've already informed Andrew of this and for the past week he was okay with it, but why is his tone now sounded . . . different?
"You're going?" He asked from the couch. One of his legs propped up on the other and an arm over the couch. His green eyes look up and down at your fit that he knows you chose the best from your closet. You're going to meet some nobodies with that outfit? You didn't even wear something so pretty when he's around! Not that you aren't pretty. It's just you put a tiny bit less effort when going out or being with Andrew.
"I've already told you, haven't I?" You're putting on your shoes at the front door and you hear some shuffling. Your hand is at the doorknob now. "I'll be back before ten. I prom—"
The door slams shut again before you could even open a crack. You can feel him behind you. His hands on the door, caging you between him and the solid wood.
"You are not going." His voice is low, almost threatening.
You turn around to face. You do not want to have this conversation right now. You're going to be late, that is if you find a way to stir this around to go your way.
"Andrew, this is unfair. Last week, you told me I can go so why are you backing out now? Tonight of all days!"
It wasn't his intention to upset you nor ruin your night but why are they taking you away from him?
"Why are you still excited about going? Don't you remember what they've done to you? They isolated you . . . remember?"
They isolated you. Yeah, right. He was the reason behind it anyways, but poor you who loves him too never suspected your own boyfriend was the culprit.
"They . . . didn't. You said they didn't have the energy to talk," your voice was almost a whisper. You weren't even confident of your own answer. You're starting to reminisce about the old days at school. Sure, they didn't talk to you anymore, but the reunion dinner is going to be different, right?
His hand moves down to lock the door but his actions made you take a step back, hitting the door. You forgot you're kind of trapped right now with no way out unless reasoning with him first.
"You don't really have to go . . ." The same hand moves up to your hair, tucking some strands behind your ear ever so gently it's almost . . . unnervingly creepy. "Do you?"
His eyebrow raised in question.
Your heart is starting to pick up its pace. Your fingertips are running cold. You don't understand yourself why you're so nervous in front of him. I mean, you had been nervous around him but this is a different kind of nervous. It's fear. Fear of him. However, he never hurt you yet. He never raised his voice to you. He's always been nice and sweet to you. But you really can't help this weird feeling.
So you slowly tell him how you feel.
"You're scaring me."
And there it is. It hit something in him. It's the last thing he wants, but the first thing to make you listen to him.
You can see his facial expression changes from demanding to guilt.
"Love, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just me!" His caging arms now freeing you while backing away a bit, most likely a tactic to show you he's innocent. "I'm just saying, wouldn't you be left out at dinner? I don't want my pretty girl coming home sad and disappointed when the past week you've been so excited about this dinner."
Andrew takes your silence to continue. "Stay here. With me."
You really want to insist on going yet you don't want to risk starting a fight. But it's unfair! You always let him win you over, now he needs to listen and let you go. Maybe a small chance could probably lead to a huge success.
"But please!" You drag the word longer, hoping he'll give in. "I haven't seen my friends for I don't how many years. It's just this once."
You seem energetic again. He takes this chance to step closer, a hand on the side of your face. His thumb brushes along your glossed lips you put on earlier, smudging it. His gaze move up from your lips to your eyes.
"I'm sorry, darling, but no means no." He said it so softly before he kissed you longingly. You somehow melt into him despite your disagreement. He's really not losing—like always.
He broke off the kiss to continue persuading you to stay. "I'm doing this for your own good. Sometimes you're too naive to be staying around them. You're too nice. I've seen it. And it hurts to watch you being used and throw you away."
You exhale a deep breath from the stress. Maybe Andrew's right. Maybe you are too naive to realize. They asked you for homework and notes, but then one day, they stopped talking to you. Maybe they really did see no use in you they've fulfilled their satisfaction.
But Andrew . . . Andrew never stopped talking to you. Andrew never threw you away. Andrew was always there through it all. Andrew never left you by yourself.
Like right now.
"Okay," you spoke softly, like a whisper, before nodding your head. "I'll stay in with you."
Good thing you were looking at the ground because now, Andrew can't hide the big smile on his face. He successfully manages to keep you by his side. His heart beats rapidly from the excitement, his skin was buzzing. He can be with you tonight. He can stay with you. Just the two of you!
He pulls you in his arms and strokes your hair. "That's my good girl. Always so obedient." He kisses the crown of your head before leading you to your bedroom so you can change to a more comfortable clothes.
He dreams of having you by his side forever but he doesn't want to go to extreme measures such as locking you in or tying you up. Maybe not just yet. Since you're so good to him and love him too, you deserve to roam around freely until you start to disobey.
He wouldn't want to do it but tonight, he was close to doing so just from how persistent you were.
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bagdaddyb · 1 year
Self Centered
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Summary: Wednesday realizes just how self-centered she has been. (reader has powers connected to nature)
Pairing: fem!Reader x Wednesday
Warning: slight angst
AN: Love the Wednesday character. Cold emotionless cutoff while also sadistic mean and cruel
"No Wednesday."
Those were the words you'd muttered to the girl before disappearing into the crowd. No. Wednesday was almost unsure how to process it. Since she'd came to this school of miscreants there hadn't been a single person not willing to bend to her will and since you'd started.... whatever it is you have with Wednesday you'd never turned away from any of her desires. So what changed? By the time Wednesday has recovered from the blatant rejection you're long gone and she's left to do nothing but return to Ophelia hall. She goes over the whole interaction again, taking note of your slumped shoulders and baggy eyes. You weren't yourself today, honestly if Wednesday truly thought about it you hadn't been yourself for some time. How long had it been since your demeanor changed? You don't smile at her anymore, you never seek her attention. When was the last time she'd spoken to you before today? She's been so caught up trying to investigate her stalker that she's completely neglected other parts of her life. Entering her shared room she's unsurprised and slightly disappointed to see Enid laying in her bed speaking with Thing.
"I just don't think this color suits your skin tone, the lighter green would go much better."
Thing taps and signs in response causing Enid to gasp.
"You take that back."
Upon hearing the door close the blonde's attention is grabbed eyes locking with black ones.
"Hey Weds, how's the investigation? Did (Y/N) agree to head into the forest with you tonight?"
The ravenette says as she neatly deposits her things on her side of the room moving towards her desk chair to start her writing hour.
"I'm not surprised."
Enid lets out in response gaze moving back to the display of nail polishes she put out for Thing to choose from. This catches Wednesday's attention, turning in her chair she burns Enid with her glare.
"Why is that?"
"Well she literally almost died during your last 'investigation' when she was stabbed and said "I'm never helping you again Wednesday Addams" while I stitched her up."
Before she continues Enid lets out a sigh muttering she's gonna kill me under her breath before continuing.
"And I'm going to tell you this because you're my best friend, (Y/N) has been unhappy for some time. You treat her more like your minion than partner. You drag her along on these dangerous stunts where she almost always gets hurt yet you never put forth any effort into the relationship, the last few things she's agreed to have been purely because thats the only way she gets to spend time with you. She is tired of it all being one sided so you need to get your act together unless you want to loose this relationship you pretend to not care about."
As Enid speaks its like a light bulb pops above Wednesday's head, recalling past encounters, conversations, and arguments she now finds herself feeling conflicted over. Standing abruptly Wednesday leaves her room, completely disregarding Enid and her writing hour. She needed to find you. It was never her intention to use you, or was it? She'd been approaching this like she would approach anything else but she now realizes that in and of itself is the problem. This isn't anything else. As much as she will deny it she cares for you in a way that is completely foreign to her. Arriving at your dorm room she knocks three times. Waiting only thirty seconds before knocking again.
"I'm coming, I'm coming."
Wednesday bites back her snarky remarks when Bianca opens your shared dorm door. The siren does nothing to hide her disgusted face in turn.
"(Y/N) isn't here. She's always in the gardens during this time. Of course you'd know that if you cared about anyone other than yourself."
That is all the ravenette gets before the door is slammed in her face, Wednesday's eyebrows furrow as she turns on her heel. Just how self centered had she been? In her eight months of knowing you and five months of courting she'd learned little to nothing about you. Besides physical attributes and your general knowledge Wednesday never made an effort to get to know you better lazer focused on the hyde investigation then later her stalker you were always kept on the back burner. For the first time in her life guilt washes over her and it makes her bristle. Her feet move quickly towards the garden, entering she doesn't even have to look following your voice carrying through the flowers. Wednesday can't help the way her lips turn in disgust as she walks, the garden was to bright countless flowers planted aimlessly with no value yet she couldn't deny the health of the garden. Every flower in bloom properly watered and glowing. Coming around a corver she sees why observing you as you sang along the the music coming from your phone. You fingers were at work using your powers to meticulously grow different flowers and plants in healthy soil. You worked diligently so immersed in it that you fail to notice the brooding aura observing you. You fill the flower box you're working on with purple lillies a beautiful contrast to the blue bachelor buttons in the box next to it. Stepping back you observe your work humming in approval before turing to head to a different part of the garden. The moment you spin you freeze eyes meeting black ones you'd never once seen in the garden before. You are truly at a loss of words at the girls presence as she'd never once seeked your company and for a moment you consider pinching yourself. Surely this must be a dream.
"Wednesday? Ummmmm.... what are you doing here?"
"I came to apologize."
Okay now you were sure you were dreaming. You look around before pinching yourself.
"I must be living in the matrix."
You say before looking around again. Not sure if this is true reality. Silence envelopes both of you as Wednesday stares realizing she's never truly had to apologize. Especially not of her own volition. She's stumped on what to say or do but you don't wait long scoffing you begin to walk past the ravenette.
"If this is your way of apologizing spare me."
Wednesday stays quiet denying herself the mean and witty response knowing it wouldn't help her situation as she starts to form words in her brain she follows you past a dead section of the garden three planters tucked away in the middle of the garden that you don't even glance at as you continue foreward. Wednesday pauses for a moment taking in the uncared for section in contrast to the overly cared for garden before moving to quickly catch up with you.
"(Y/N) I apologize for my previous actions. As surprising as it may be I have not realized the fault until now. You are more than my pawn but I have failed to treat you as such. So I hope you can forgive me."
You merely hum in response not taking your eyes off the planter you stood infront of.
"Ok Wednesday."
You dig your figures in the soil trying to decide what would look best in the array of colors before you. Wednesday can tell her words have little affect and the fact that she may of already lost you causes her stomach to unsettle. Not easily detered she sticks around watching you mend the soil before speaking up again.
"That patch back there full of dead plants, why did you walk right past it? You seem very keen on keeping everything else in the garden grown and healthy."
You jump when she speaks honestly surprised that she was still there.
You hesitate before releasing a sigh and turning to face Wednesday.
"It was a patch of flowers I grew for you when we first began our relationship. I grew them in the beginning as a gift symbolizing the start of our bond. I was going to show them to you the first time I invited you to the garden but as your rejections grew harsher and the light of what our relationship truly was shined brighter..... I stopped caring for the flowers. Now the bushes are barren and dead yet still as symbolic as ever."
You release another sad sigh eyes dropping to the ground before turning back towards the soil.
"If you don't mind Wednesday I'd like to be alone. I'm sure you have more important matters to attend to."
More important. The words Wednesday used everytime you've invited her to the garden. Everytime you've asked to spend time together in Jericho. Everytime you've tried to have conversation about anything other than her current obsession. Everytime you tried to engage her in a subject or activity revolving around you. She'd made you feel unimportant.
"No I don't."
Wednesday pauses a moment unhappy with how unstable her voice sounded.
"While I have failed to prove it in the past you are the most important thing in my life. I...... care for you deeply and I do not wish for our relationship to be forgetten, barren, and dead. This is all new to me..... these feelings, this bond.... but I won't allow myself to be held back by my lack of knowledge. So I will sit here all night if I have to. Today, tomorrow, and the next if that is what it takes for you to forgive me."
Your vision becomes cloudy as tears form in your eyes, the once grey sky becoming dark with clouds and as the first drop falls so does your first tear. This was all you ever wanted, effort. Tears fall as your heart pounds in your chest after finally being showed you meant something to the Addams girl and if that wasn't enough the feeling of a hand wrapping around your forarm was.
"I'm sorry mon cher."
Another apology things that were unknown from Wednesday Addams coupled with physical contact something you'd never experienced from the girl.
"I forgive you."
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jhoneybees · 8 months
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Okay, I HAD to write this. It's just too cute and I love Winnie the Pooh so much, I just couldn't wait 😫😣🫣🥹
Characters: Late 60s/70s Elvis X little!reader
Warning/triggers: I'd say nothing, it's flippin adorable I'm gonna combust :(
When Elvis comes back from tour, every time he’d have a gift for you. Rewarding you for being a good girl for him, leaving you at home to find ways to entertain yourself does make Elvis feel guilty and sad which is why he’d always come home with something. Of course he always makes sure there was someone you both trust to look over you, he would tell them to play with you whenever you wanted even if they had to pretend that they enjoy it just to keep you happy but that doesn’t stop him from feeling like he’s a bad caregiver, just leaving you while he goes off having a blast.
The gift he got you this time, he’s quite proud of and he was so excited when he sat you down on the living room couch and placed the wrapped up gift on your lap to open it. Your eyes lit up and a small gasp escaped your mouth, he got you a new book collection of children’s books. Not just any children’s books though, he got you your favourite ‘Winnie the Pooh’ picture books. Oh you couldn’t hold in your excitement when you saw the covers, manoeuvring them onto the couch for your legs to scatter up under you, giving Elvis a big hug as you happily squealed “I love them!”
Elvis was so glad you loved the books but when you started reading them, he noticed that he wasn’t getting your attention anymore. Although at first he didn’t mind it, he started feeling a little neglected. Without his baby’s hugs and kisses and now he’s determined to get your attention back.
Looking through every room in the house, he doesn’t find you in any of them until he peeks his head into his bedroom. Seeing you reading quietly, right in the middle of the bed with your legs folded under and little sooties wiggling. The sight makes him smile before he walks in and closes the doors behind him.
Keeping his eyes on his mission, he makes his way over to the bed, lifting a leg as he sits down and waits to see if you notice in which disappointedly you are so immersed in your new picture books that you don’t bat an eye. It makes him feel a ping of sadness if he had to be honest. His baby is too distracted to give him, your daddy, some affection.
With a small pout on his face, he reaches a hand to tap your hip gently “Darlin?” and that got your attention “mm?” turning your head around “Oh! Hi daddy” he snickers “Hi baby” but before he could say anything else, your head turns back at the book in your lap. His eyes saddening, he calls for you again “Little?” earning absolute silence. He clicks his tongue and shuffles closer behind you. Elvis slithers his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder “yittle?” he calls again in a softer tone.
Your eyebrows rise just barely and a hum emits, still keeping your eyes on the book.
Tightening his grip around you “Daddy’s missin’ ya” he drawls, you answer back with soft hum. Not really paying attention to him because you want to know what happens to Piglet.
Almost pains him that you don't seem to acknowledge him. Yes, you said hello, to him though that wasn't enough. Nuzzling his nose against your jaw a little and pecking your cheek, he mumbles “Baby” in a ‘notice me’ kind of tone but it doesn't phase you.
He groans slightly and sighs, starting to lose hope until an idea pops up. A small grin grows on his face and his hands retract a little to your sides. This would have to work, Elvis begins tickling you and watches your face. His grin falls when he hears you whine and push his hands away.
Oh what is he gonna do?
He mutters an “Alright…” and lets you have your space by lying on his side next to you, his head propped up with his hand, facing you as his feet slide under his pillow. He pouts again as he watches you suck your thumb, Elvis reaches up and pulls your hand away from your mouth, secretly hoping that would grab your attention but it only just makes you move your hand to rest on the book. Your eyes stayed glued to the story.
He sighs again and rolls onto his back. “Yittle” extending the word with a bored voice, earning another hum from you “hm?” running his fingers through his hair “Can ya stop reading for a moment? Daddy's wanting a hug..” he asks, you hum again “Mhm…just wait Daddy” you say with a lifted finger. He groans again and decides to just wait til you're finished which seems like you're finishing up anyways.
The moment you close the book and look at Elvis, his face lights up “Ya done readin’?” and when you nod. He throws himself onto you making you lay flat on the bed and Elvis wraps his arms around you tightly as you giggle and squeal and kick your feet. “Daddy!” playfully munching on your neck, mumbling against your skin.
“I regret buying ya those books, they takin’ my baby away f’om me”
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poppy-metal · 2 months
poppylicious i hope you know if you did write biodad!art i would read it no problem <3 in fact i encourage it
stepcest isn't enough I need him to actually be my father <////3
tw: incest. of the father/daughter variety. dubcon cause he's drunk.
hhhhh I'm thinking of being daddys girl and tragedy strikes. your mother passes away and you see your dad become a shell of himself. and you love your dad so much. you think when mommy was alive he was happier - brighter. maybe if you became like your mom, and did the thing's women do for their husbands, daddy would be happy again?
thinking of dressing in one of her flowery sundresses - because art hasn't touched her side of the closet. refuses to get rid of her things. you'd stayed to take care of him instead of heading off to college because you're so worried about him - drinking himself to sleep every night on the couch because he can't sleep in his - their bedroom anymore - you have to fix things. you even do your makeup how your mom did - how daddy liked it.
thinking of art being drunk when you come down the steps in your mother's dress and makeup and for a few moments he thinks you're really her - open mouthed and in awe as he watches you float across the room to straddle him. he comes back to himself when you lean into kiss him and he sees your eyes - your eyes that are different from your mother's - and he's horrified - but it's too late - you're already kissing him. and your mouth is warm and soft and you're warm and soft. and you smell like your mom.
he sobs against your mouth - trembles when you pull back and tell him it's okay - you're going to take care of him now. "shhhhh dad. its okay. you can touch me -"
and he shakes his head, his hands coming to your waist as if to push you away "baby stop - what - what are you wearing.." he tries to invite reason into his body, but you're not getting off his lap, you're moving in closer - reaching down into his sweats to palm his cock. and he's hard. he's fucking hard.
"oh god," he cries when you stroke him. he tells himself it's because you smell like her and you're wearing her things and he misses your mother so much - misses her body so much and he hasn't so much as touched his dick in months. he's been so fucking depressed. he hasn't been a good father. he's neglected you. that's why you're acting out. he grabs your wrist. weakly tries to pry your hand from around his hard dick, "stop. take that off - this is - you can't be doing this -"
and you take your hand away and he thinks you're going to listen to him - and you do - you do but not the way he wanted you too. you do take the dress off, peeling the straps down your shoulders until the material flutters down to expose your bare breasts.
"honey - no -" he chokes - but then you're coming in again, holding the back of his head and bringing his face to your chest. your warm tits envelop him and he's delirious. you smell so good. his brain is fuzzy. his throat is dry. his dick jerks in his sweats and when you reach down again he can't push you away.
he starts to cry then. and you coo at him, "im gonna take such good care of you daddy." you tell him. "you won't feel bad ever again." and then he feels it, your slick pussy at the head of his cock - he makes a wet sound deep in his throat, pitiful and weak and then you're sinking down on him, gasping - and you're so warm.
"oh baby." he cries. doesn't know if it's out of guilt and shame or pleasure because goddamn it feels - it feels good. tight wet heat. sucking him in. wrapping around him. hugging him. he's been so cold and miserable lately. you rock in his lap and cling to the back of his head as you start to bounce.
"daddy," you whimper. breathless. his lips brush against your nipples when you go up and down and you clench around your dad's cock. feel him let out a half groan half wail as you ride him. "you just needed a h-hug that's all. I'll be your girl - I'll give you hugs, daddy - with my pussy - "
he wants to die. he wants to die and be with your mother. he should die. he should die right now. but he wouldn't be with your mother. he'd be in hell.
hell for the way he's hard and twitching inside you - hell for the way he's moaning through his sobs. hell for the way he's so much stronger than you, even drunk and confused and he hasn't thrown you off him. hell for the way his hands eventually curl around your waist, start helping you bounce more properly on his dick. hell for the way he can feel his balls starting to draw up and tighten with impending release.
"I love you, dad." you moan in his ear.
oh god, he thinks and closes his eyes as he starts to cum inside you - I love you too, baby.
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seb-reads31 · 5 months
As wholesome as your previous requests seem from reading, I'd love to request an angst fic for Camilla x g/n reader.
Reader feeling ignored by her due to work commitments and not much effort on her part to make up for it. The moment they mention it, it leads to a big argument with the reader leaving despite being late evening. She thinks it's just a bluff until she wakes up the following morning and they're still not back (clothes gone and phone turned off). Hopefully a slightly better/comfort ending where she can start to win back their love.
Cautions - Carmilla being a workaholic, her snapping at you, Clara, and Odette, reader and Carmilla argue, me suffering at the hands of dialog, mean Carmilla ☹️, bad Spanish (please don't cancel me 😭 I'm learning I swear)
Type - angst, eventual fluff
Genre - head canons (I'm gonna try bullet points on this cause the hyphens are starting to tick me off)
Comments - FINALLY ANGST- Like, I thoroughly love me some fluff, don't get me wrong, but I wanna know what it's like crying while writing something. So thank you 🙏🙏 (I decided to make reader and Carmilla married, I hope that's okay!) AND THANK YOU TO THAT PERSON WHO COMMENTED CARMILLA PET NAMES (let me know if I'm using them right I beg of you 😭)
You were serious..?
We all know Carmilla is a work oriented woman, and sometimes around the beginning of the month before the extermination, she gets some VERY large orders, causing her to neglect her own health sometimes to make sure everything is done precisely and without any issues
And you loved her for that, really. It inspired you to be more helpful, doing some shipments here and there, help with some paperwork, the usual
But recently, there's been a random spike of orders right after the extermination, not giving anyone a break.
And it's drowning the entire company into a work frenzy, and it feels like it's never going to end
After a couple weeks of this, it slowed down a little, not by much, but enough to have a little time to yourselves, including some time with your beautiful wife, Carmilla..
..who didn't even respond when you knocked on her office door. It's been like this for the past 2, nearly three weeks, what is going on??
The only times you two talk is when you're going to bed (if you're even awake when she does decide to get in your shared bed, or if she falls asleep at her desk for the hundredth time) or whenever you need her to sign off on certain orders here and there throughout the day
But after that.. nothing. She doesn't even message you throughout the day with random 'I love you's, 'I miss you', nothing. Just radio silence cough like Alastor cough
You messaged Odette and Clara, asking if they had spoken to her aside from work talks, and they said the exact same thing, nothing
However, they had actually tried talking to their mother, but she brushed them off, saying "I'm busy, go find something to do that isn't bothering me."
Now that really pissed you off. So, you did the sensible thing and marched over to her office, giving it a harsh knock.
"Carmilla, love? We need to talk. Now. I'm not taking no for an answer." It was short, but straight to the point. As much as you wanted to be gentle about this, you couldn't when she snapped at your sweet girls for just checking in on her
Nothing came from the other side of the door, which ticked you off more.
"Carmilla, this is serious. Open the door, we have to have a discussion about your working as of late."
Now that, got you a reaction. You heard a small thud, possibly slamming her pen down on her desk, then a rough "Come in" came from the other side
You immediately swung the door open, and slammed it behind you.
"What is up with you lately?? You haven't been talking to anyone, you refuse to take breaks, you snapped at our children for checking on you, and you don't want to talk about anything that isn't work related!"
"I don't even see you come to bed anymore BECAUSE you're so engrossed in your work. I get that it's been super busy lately, but that's no reason to-" Before you could finish your sentence Carmilla stood up and slammed her large hands against her desk
"I work this hard because I need to! I didn't ask for you to care about me, I thought I made it VERY clear that I didn't want to be bothered, but apparently you're too stubborn to see that." Her voice was cold, and her eyes were a sharp glare, much like the weapons she sold
"If you wish to continue and whine like a child then do it somewhere else, I don't need anymore distractions." Her words sunk into your heart like a blade, tears starting to prick your eyes
"C-Carmilla.. take it back." There was a waver in your voice, your eyebrows still angry, but pain and sorrow were evident in your eyes and words.
"Why should I? You've done nothing but bother me and keep me from my work."
"If you don't, then I'm going to leave. If you don't apologize by tonight then you won't see me tomorrow morning." A tear ran down your cheek, but you didn't look away from Carmilla, keeping a challenging glare in your eyes
"Go ahead, see if I care." She scoffed, then sat back down and continued with her paper work.
"Fine then." You stomped out of the room, slamming the office door as you went. The slam throbbed in Carmilla's head, but she took a small breath, then continued her work
Carmilla awoke with a yawn, her back hating her for her slumped position on her desk.
She noticed a blanket on her back, courtesy of her daughters. She felt.. guilty. After thinking about exactly why, she remembered how she snapped at her daughters then.. you. Calling you a distraction, a bother, whiney, all for asking what was wrong.
She was stressed, but that was no reason to treat you that way, you and your daughters.
She stood up, cleaning herself up before leaving her office, looking for Clara and Odette so she could apologize and ask where you were.
When she did, her eyes became misty, pulling in her sweet and kind girls into a heartwarming hug and whispering how sorry she was into their ears
They, of course, accepted the apology, also feeling misty eyed at how sentimental their mother was as of now
"Clara, Odette, where's mi vida? I need to apologize to them too. I said some things that need to be addressed."
The two girls both looked at each other, then Carmilla again, with a concerned look etched on their faces
"They.. uh, weren't here for breakfast, so maybe your bedroom?"
Carmilla nodded, then kissed them both on the forehead. "I'll go apologize and bring them down, then we can all have brunch together." The two girls nodded, and Carmilla made her way upstairs to find you
The only problem is.. is that you're not there. Some of your clothes, bathroom necessities, shoes, and even a couple of picture frames are gone
Carmilla was startled, then began searching for you, calling your name around your shared grand bedroom
It was when she walked close to her side of the bed when she saw a note (WE JUST GOT A LETTER) on her side of the bed
(I'm not in the mood to right a note, so sorry, but basically you need a break and you're staying with Rosie until you forgave Carmilla for being mean :(( )
Carmilla didn't even think before she was running out of her building, through her territory, and could see the beginnings of Cannibal town
Her lungs were screaming, but her heart was aching at the pain she caused you, making her continue to run until she saw Rosie's parlor
She bursted inside, panting as she stood in the doorway with many black and damn near soulless eyes with sharp teeth to match stared at her disheveled form
She didn't even get a word in before the crowd parted and revealed a tall, slender, and pale yet sophisticated woman, our darling Rosie has appeared!
And she was... not smiling.. oh boy
"Now you listen here young lady!" Rosie had started to sassily walk over to Carmilla, grabbing her ear (does she even have ears omfg, if she doesn't then pretend she grabs her cheek) and begins pulling her towards the back rooms of her parlor, scolding all along the way
"Don't you have some nerve showing up here after your spouse came here bawling their eyes out!" Carmilla felt like she should feel offended that Rosie was embarrassing her like this, but she couldn't after how she treated you.
Rosie finally let go of her, rubbing the pinched bit to relieve the stinging, then, she laid eyes on you
"Oh, mi corazón, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to treat you like that! You didn't deserve me snapping at you, I was stressed and took it out on you and our sweet girls. None of you deserved it, and I deeply apologize." She hung her head in shame, hoping you would accept her apology, so she could do more to show you how much she appreciated you.
She was already planning a nice dinner, several at home dates, and some family activities for you all to do together and bond again, as well as take a well deserved break from working.
She didn't look up until you hugged her, her arms quickly wrapping around you too
"You really need to work on this. What you said was hurtful, and I won't forget it. But I will forgive you, because I still love and care about you."
And that's all she needed to squeeze you tighter and murmur more apologies and thank you's, and even promises of taking breaks and not lashing out on others from stress. <3
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truetogaia · 2 years
i saw ur post about sub!jake, imma be waiting for that fic ‼️ ur literally writing has me a chokehold bae
I'm just gonna post it answering you bc I can hihihii I LVOE U
Pairing: Sub!Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
Genre: smut, 18+
Warnings: Blowjob, strong language, explicit and mature themes, like use of "Good boy" once, I don't see how thats a warning but YK
Synopsis: Jake is needy thats all
Notes: It's 2:40 am and I JUST finished it, please excuse any bad grammar, i'll edit and fix it tomorrow *SOB* It also lowkey sucks bc IM STILL SUFFERING FROM WRITERS BLOCK IT WONT GO AWAY!!
Word count: around 600!!
Jake’s breathy moans filled your ears as you skillfully planted sloppy kisses along his neck, occasionally letting your sharp fangs drag across his hot, tender skin. His form trembled slightly beneath you, your hand busy tracing gentle shapes up and down his shaft. He mewled when you carefully ran your thumb against his slit, his hips bucking into your hand. 
You cherished these moments, adored how obedient and submissive he was, how his ears flicked around intently, listening to every word that seeped from your mouth. But the one thing that made it so satisfactory for you, was that you were able to give him pleasure. The look on his face when he finally reached his climax was etched into the walls of your memories, and you were obsessed with it. 
“Please,” his voice was croaky from the hours you had spent teasing his poor, neglected cock, “stop teasn’.. can’t take it anymore y/n- hmnn” You smiled up at him, finally wrapping your warm hands around the base of his needy length. His mouth fell ajar as your smaller hands worked his precum along his shaft, choked moans escaping his throat with each stroke. 
You placed a light peck on his angry tip, increasing the speed of your hands, before finally taking it into your wet mouth. The sounds of you gagging on his big cock made Jake’s moans increase in volume, his hands finding a place to sit on top of your braids. You swirled your tongue around his bulbous tip, which earned a loud groan from your mate. You looked up at him through your heavy eyelashes, doe eyes sparkling with stinging tears from taking so much of him, and he swore he could cum right there.
“You’re s’good to me baby, mmm, so so good..” His hips lifted from the ground subconsciously, jerking his cock further into the warmth of your hot mouth. You felt his hands grip your hair tightly, and you braced yourself. Jake was so needy, so desperate for release that you finally decided to let him take control. He began pounding his thick length into your mouth, forcing you to deepthroat him. 
His tip abused the same spot in the back of your throat with each lustful thrust of his snapping hips, and you were sure it was going to leave a bruise. “Oh baby, yes, fuck- hnghhh.. your mouth is so good-” His heavy balls slapped against your chin with each buck, thrusts turning erratic as he fucked himself deeper down your sore throat. His orgasm was approaching rapidly and he could no longer control the noises and moans leaving his mouth. 
You held out for as long as you could, but considering you couldn’t get any air with the way your nose was basically buried in Jake’s abdomen, your vision was fading bit by bit. The feeling of Jake’s hot seed finally releasing itself into your welcoming mouth made you jump. When he was finished, he slowly pulled out of your mouth.
“Sorry, baby.. I got a bit carried away. I didn't hurt you, did I?.” His eyes carried a genuine, apologetic look, and a warm smile settled on your features. You placed a hand on his thigh, lifting yourself up to stand above him. 
“No, It’s okay, love. You were a good boy anyway.” He looked up at your figure with an admiring gaze, taking in all of your ethereal curves and shapes. And just like that, his cock was rock hard again.
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linskywords · 10 months
Hockey RPF Recs from 2023
I realized recently that I haven't done a great job keeping up with hockey fic beyond the authors I was already subscribed to, so I did some reading in the tag for the past year (and of course fell in a hole and neglected other parts of my life, you know the drill). Mattdrai is even bigger than I thought?? (She said, having been living under a rock.) Also, wow, *amazing* writers out there I had no idea about! Here are my favorites of the stories I've read so far:
so is the longing by dogjuice (mattdrai): This one might win as my favorite fic of the year. You know how sometimes you read something that's not quite as well written as you want it to be but it's doing the thing you want so you read it anyway? This is NOT that fic. It hits such good juicy trope buttons and also is clever and hilariously written. Top marks.
i'll tell you when to stop by dogjuice (mcmattdrai): Sadly this is the only other fic dogjuice has posted, but it is also excellent. The premise could be ridiculous in someone else's hands but rings so true. I was on tenterhooks for it all to work out.
In From the Cold by makeit_takeit (TK/Patty): FERAL. OVER. THIS. All three stories in this (loosely related) series are impeccable, but this one gave me the most feels. I am weak for a repressed closeted character gradually discovering happiness, and the depth of characterization is breathtaking.
Baby, I'm a Wildcard by wearemany (mattdrai): The writing!! This fic is mostly developing/established relationship, which is not usually my fave, but somehow I loved the entire thing?? Just really compelling character-focused writing that had me completely absorbed without needing to rely on angst or drama (much as I love those in other stories).
Edmonton 10 by Helenish (mattdrai): Helenish is incomparable. I cannot express how happy I am that they've (she's?) gotten into hockey lately. Read everything; I don't even know if this is the best one because I *am* subscribed to them so I read the stories as they came out and didn't rank them or anything, but this one is excellent and also you can't go wrong.
this must be the place by rafting (Jamie/Trevor): Love me some sexuality exploration. The USNTDP ensemble was so vividly and delightfully present in this one. Also, Trevor is so dumb. How can you not love it.
let me look at you by isozyme (mattdrai, mcmattdrai): This one is emotionally ROUGH but so well done. Heed the warnings, but there's plenty of emotional satisfaction as well. I read it several weeks ago and it's still living in my head.
roughed up in the afterglow by notthequiettype (mattdrai): This one is pretty short but gets a lot done in not too many words. Really excellent character interactions and dialogue.
linger by bropunzeling (mattdrai): Top-notch A/B/O content. Sometimes you just want Matthew to have heat sex with Leon and pretend not to have feelings until he can't anymore.
in the honey by donderwalk (Jamie/Trevor): Okay it's been a while since I read this one but I remember it as the highlight of my Jamie/Trevor tag search at the time, so I'm gonna say it's probably great. 😄
Serenity in Those Deep Waters by angry_geno_is_score (larsdunn): This mashes the D/s buttons sooooo good. Has it inspired me to write more D/s? Oh yes. Check it out; You Will Have Feels.
how lovely are thy branches by quadratics (mattdrai, Brady/Tim): Hilarious premise, charming execution. This isn't even about characters getting together and yet I loved it.
Hourglass Theory by puckedup (mattdrai): So short, and totally managed to punch me in the chest (in the best way).
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yeahspider · 11 months
I have a request if they're open! Can you please write something with Han or Felix based of the song Matilda by Harry Styles? I relate to that song more than I want to 😭
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE REQUEST !!!! tysm for stopping by my inbox i love this song it means alot to me so this is gonna be based off of my personal experience a little bit and i hope that's okay. also its a lil short im sorry . this is only semi proofread but just know that it was written passionately. abrupt ending as always and to all readers this is sfw but allusions to triggering topics such as parental abuse and neglect . enjoy and feel free to stop by again ! <3
(also i have something to confess …. this was originally written with lee know in mind bc i’m dumb and read your request wrong ….so i altered it i hope you still like it i’m sorry 😭😭)
Grape juice 🫀
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"Do you think I'm a terrible person for leaving?" you asked felix as you both sat in silence on the hood of his car. The night was warm despite the cold thoughts making their way into your head. It's been six months since left your home and three since you met him. In that time you've never felt more free. Your home life was never that good. Your stepfather was mean and your mother was blinded in love She did her best and you know that, but you were suffocating. Never enough money to go around and even less love. Your childhood was cold and ended all too soon. your family was struggling and you wanted out. As soon as you came of age you left. Starting a life of your own a world away. A life that was significantly better than the previous one you led. Every so often though, those thoughts would creep back up.
you abandoned them
you're being selfish
a coward
but felix was always there to chase them away. he didn't know every sad detail of your life but he knew enough to know that your home life was slowly killing you. Taking your hand he rubbed his finger over your palm, tracing the lines and curves.
"Your mother called again?" you nodded as you mulled over what details of the conversation you had with your mother earlier that evening. Calling it a conversation is a kindness you apply for her sake. In reality, it was thirty minutes of your mother berating you for leaving. From the sound of her slurred words, you could tell she was drunk, not a new thing for her. On most days you can ignore her hurtful words but today for some reason unknown to you, they stuck around in your heart.
"Just more of the usual stuff. She wants me to come home. Says Im a terrible person for leaving, that I abandoned my family. you know the usual stuff." you tell him as you pick at a peeling piece of paint on the hood. you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes and it made you feel so pathetic. How could someone miles away hurt your feelings? Crying felt stupid and pointless, you weren't taught to cry.
"You can cry you know? I'm not going to judge you." felix said as he wiped an escaped tear on your cheek. Something about those words made you so confused. Why wasn't he telling you to stop? To suck it up and be an adult? That you weren't a child anymore so it's not okay to cry when someone hurts your pathetic little feelings. An anger surged through you as you jumped out of the car and turned to him.
"Why are you so nice to me? I mean we barely know each other yet here you are comforting me on my mommy issues. What do you want from me?" you shouted at him as he just blinked at you, taking in your frenzied state. You weren't mad at felix and he knew that. This is just how you were taught to respond to kindness. Vulnerability was punished growing up, that lesson was still deeply embedded in your consciousness. He waited until your words washed over you and with the water came a calmness. He's seen plenty of your outbursts at this point in your friendship, although infrequent he handed them with grace every time. It surprised you never gave up on yourself like everyone else. Your brain wanted to be suspicious, your heart felt otherwise. felix waited until you released a breath and sat back down on the hood, muttering an apology as you went.
"You owe them nothing. All your life they've done nothing but tear you down as soon as you try and build a life for yourself. Your family robbed you of a childhood don't let them do the same to your adulthood. You deserve to live for yourself. That doesn't make you selfish or a coward. I won't let them ruin all the progress you've made. You're a good person. No one should make you feel any less." He finished his speech with a pat on your thigh, signaling you to get up and into the car.
"where are we going?" you asked as felix reached over and buckled your seatbelt for you. a habit he never seemed to forget.
"Somewhere, anywhere, everywhere. As far as we need to go for you toshake off those feelings. I'm gonna remind you how fun life can be. "
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leonsdoll · 8 months
I dont remember if you write smut BUT if you do, I would like some delicious Antler Queen Natalie hurt and comfort smut. Like, y/n feels like shes being neglected by Natalie cuz of her Antler Queen duties and when y/n tries to talk to her, one of the girls pulls Natalie away from her. I need like a breakdown and then soft sex.
warnings: fingering (r!receiving) oral (r!receiving)
notes: this is my first smut so don't be mean!!!!!!!!!!!!
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natalie was slowly distancing herself from you and you could tell . you didn't know if it was on purpose or not but you knew you hated the feeling, you felt neglected to say the least, you knew she was busy and had a big job but she could still pay attention to you right? you decided you needed to talk to her, you couldn't live like this anymore, you couldn't live without her attention .
you waited for a moment where she was alone, you lightly knocked on her door and stepped in, she smiled and stepped closer to you, 'hey' you smiled back at her
'i wanna talk to you for a sec-' your sentence was cut short by someone on the team rushing into the room whispering something and pulling her away . your heart dropped to your stomach and you quickly felt your face get hot and your eyes sting, you didn't get why you just couldn't talk to her . someone always needed her or she was too tired to talk, but she never even tried to make time for you .
you went up into the attic in a fit of rage and sadness . you laid on the floor, letting your thoughts swallow you whole, you suddenly heard someone creek up into the attic . you raised your head and saw natalie climbing up the latter, you sat up with your knees to your chin as she quietly made her way to you from across the small space
'hey are you okay' she said she sat beside you, she put her arm around you and put her head on your shoulder, 'I'm fine' you responded witb a flat tone . she raised her eyebrow and moved off of you, she changed her position so she was sitting in front of you, staring into your eyes
'whats going on? you can tell me' you scoffed and rolled your tear filled eyes, 'you never spend time with me anymore nat! it's like you don't even care about me' you voice shook as you yelled . 'awh sweetheart' she leaned in to give you a hug, she hugged you tight while leaving small kisses on your neck
'msorry I haven't been taking care of you' she laid you back as she continued to leave a trail of kisses down to your cleavage, you propped yourself up on your elbows and ran your fingers through her hair . 'i love you, you know that right?' she looked up at you and you nodded
'i miss you nat' you confessed, 'let me make it up to you yeah?' she started to un button your pants, you grinned and stroked her cheek with your thumb . a small whimper slipped out your mouth as she stared to draw tight circles on your clit, she slid your panties off and laid her tongue on your wet core, she pulled her mouth away and slid two of her digets into your slick covered hole
'fuck nat!' she grinned at your whiney voice and proceeded to pump her fingers in and out of you, she sped up her pace and latched her mouth onto your clit, carefully sucking on it . she continued to pleasure you until you felt a familiar sensation build up in your stomach . 'nat I'm gonna cum' you said panting
'c'mon let it out for me' you moaned as you painted her fingers white, she continued pumping in and out of you till you came down from your high . she pulled your panties and pants back up and buttoned them, she laid down next to you and began stroking your hair . she sighed and cuddled up closer to you and soon fell asleep
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aokoaoi · 2 years
Can you pls do a shuri x reader where they are dating but shuri has been neglecting reader so reader gets mad and they fight and in a fit of rage, reader takes off her kimoyo beads and disappears from the places for some hours and shuri gets worried+ even more upset...etc etc
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭. part one.
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᪥ pairings : shuri x fem!reader.
᪥ warnings : arguing. yelling. meanie shuri and mc. horribly written angst.
᪥ authors note : im genuinely horrible at writing arguing scenes.. but I tried so:p
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Being the Queen's significant other was the last thing you've expected what your future had in stored for you. That's right, Queen.
Shuri took the title of Queen after her beloved mothers death. But she has thought about making you Queen after marrying you while she continued to be black panther. Plus, she thinks you'd fit the role.
You two were always seen together. Doing all sorts of reckless and fun things together. You both were basically called 'inseparable' by practically half the population of Wakanda.
But you can't help the question of 'where's shuri' trigger you when you walk alone in the streets of Wakanda.
'Where's Shuri?' You may ask? Oh, back in her lab doing 'something' as she said.
Lately, your lover hasn't been giving you much time unlike before. When you try to visit her, give her her usual favorite pecks on the faces, she'd just reply with a simple 'hello, dearest' give you a peck on the cheek and go back to her work.
Now, you tried to be an understanding lovable partner, but this has been going on for days. Days, for good Lord!
All this 'I'm doing work' was driving you shitbat crazy. You barely see her everytime you go to sleep because of how long she stays up to finish her work.
'Oh, (name), it might be for you'
No. It wasn't. Not that you were upset it wasn't. You were simply upset because of how little attention you were getting nowadays.
You miss when you both were constantly smothering eachother with affection. When you both to constant dates for practically everyday. When you both lull one after the other to sleep, with the other in the embrace of the other.
But now it was like she was losing all love for you.
She barely looked at you anymore, barely came to greet you goodmoring because of how early she wakes up just for her work.
Okoye has seen the masked irritation you hid, and all she gave you were wide, concerned eyes, praying for what may come to their Queen.
The stabbing of utensils on the plate was enough to drive her insane as well. Like, just listening to the sound of the utensils scraping on the plate, how could you not hear such irritating sounds you were making?
Probably because you were irritated yourself.
You've tried to give Shuri a subtle talk. And guess what, she was barely listening. It all happened with a 'shuri, are you listening.' Then a 'What was that, love?' And an irritated sound came from your mouth, leaving you stomping out of the lab.
Were you being childish..? Perhaps.
Was the reason of the childishness fair? Of fucking course?
You were done being treated like you're invisible by your own lover. So you're gonna go back into that lab, have a serious talk with her, and probably rant about how much irritation she's been giving you.
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As always, as soon as you stepped into the lab, no one else was in there. Shuri probably kicked everyone out because she wants some alone time with her work.
You immediately walked towards where you think she's at, the heel of your heeled sandals loudly clacking on the floor.
"Shuri." You called out as soon as you saw her. She didn't turn, nor did she even glance. She went on to her work as if she hadn't heard you.
"Shuri, dearest, we need to talk." You ordered. Finally, she looks at you, a neutral look on her face, "(name), I'm busy, can we do this later?" She questioned you, turning back onto her work.
You snapped. Your hand moved to cover the paperwork laying on the white marbled counters, loudly making a thud sound. Now that it's covered, she didn't have anything to focus on aside from you.
Her dark eyes landed on your face, her furrowed brows matching with a glare.
"See, this is what the problem is." You began, loudly huffing. Your hand stayed covering the papers, putting pressure on it as if someone's gonna take it from you.
Shuri grunts, "What problem? There's no problem here, (name). Now can you give me my papers so I can finish this?" She says dismissively, trying to pull away your hand from her crumpling papers.
You looked at her I'm disbelief, shaking your head. "Are you honestly oblivious of how much you've been neglecting me?" The latter looks at you, confused.
"Why would I be neglecting you? You're my lover." She questioned incredulously.
"For now! Shuri, you barely even go to sleep anymore. I've tried to be understanding, but it's been dragging on for far too long." You stated, outraged that she could be acting so casually.
"(name), I have work. You seriously expect me to be around you all the time when I have other things to be worrying about?" Shuri questioned you. You heaved an inhale, your lips quivering.
"I'm not saying you have to be with me ALL the time—"
"You basically are."
"Shuri." You muttered, brows furrowing. "Please, you've been neglecting me for weeks. I barely see you anymore! You don't even come to dinners. Tell me, how long have you went out of the lab?"
Shuri pauses at your last sentence, as if trying to remember.
"Please, my love. All I ask is for you to take a break. I don't want to see you overwork yourself." You pleaded, trying to grasp her hand. She refuses your touch, pulling her hand away from you. Your eyes widen, taken aback.
"You don't understand, (name)." She mutters under her breath, frustrated.
"Of course I don't. I don't, is that what you want to hear? I don't, because you barely tell me anything anymore. You're so—!"
"I'm so what? An awful partner?"
"That's not what I was gonna say." You grunt.
"You wouldn't even be walking around the palace right now of it weren't for me. Don't go telling me I'm neglecting you when all I've done for you was be there for you. I've done everything for you. I often went against my mother for you. And you tell me I'm neglecting you?"
You sighed. You hated that she was right.
"Shuri, just want you to understand my point! Those were before, what I'm talking about is now, shuri, now! You can't turn this against me. All I'm asking is for you to take a break, maybe get some sleep, and EAT?"
"You're practically locking yourself inside this room, drawing yourself in work! 'I'm busy, (name)' 'it's important, (name)' what's so important that you forget to take care of yourself?" You yelled as the latter stays silent.
"I'm not just talking about you neglecting me, Shuri. Don't make me repeat myself."
Shuri takes a step back, letting about a deep exhale. "Get out." She says, her voice below a whisper. You raised a brow, scoffing in disbelief.
You outstretched an arm, bowing sarcastically. "As you wish, your highness." You said, smiling passive aggressively. The stormed out of the lab, throwing away the kimoyo beads the second you stepped out of the door.
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part two.
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nxnarui · 5 months
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Introducing my DoL PC, Evelyn the Two-faced.
I've been playing this game for a while and this character of mine has been in my head for quite some time.
I'm kinda aiming for a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" vibe to her. She is seen as an ideal student and a holy child by others.
I've put quite some effort into grinding her stats to fit what I have envisioned for her. I'm gonna write down here her story.
"She is like an angel, but remember that demons can shapeshift."
Evelyn lives in the orphanage with a strong will to fight, when she was 18 she had problems paying off her debts to Bailey, so she took many jobs such as working for the cafe and taking shifts from the office building, but none of these are enough to get by the week. So she resorted to knocking at the doors of Danube Street to get more cash to pay off those weekly debts. But ended up being r//ed in the process, being molested in the bus all the time. She tried fighting back but it was never enough because of her weak physique. Every morning she was tired and if it wasn't for her friend Robin, she wouldn't have the energy to go to school. She would often get bullied by Whitney most of the time, but when she fought back once to him she gained the motivation to work out. As time passed, she worked out most of the time, sometimes neglecting her studies and having low grades. She started talking to Sydney while she studied to gain more understanding of her subjects, and she found out Whitney also picked on him. She had more reason to gain motivation, the bus wasn't any different but this gave her the motivation to work out till she reached the peak physique she desired.
The more she exercised the more she got r//ed, she was always in Harper's office because of pushing herself every day trying to keep working out, studying, and socializing at the same time. She went to the asylum once because of all the trauma she endured from all those circumstances. She went back in again because she couldn't pay off her debt to Bailey and was sold off to Eden. She felt like she had no hope for herself, she was soiled. Every inch of her body was touched by strangers. She vents these problems to Sydney, who she has the last hope for. Something in her decided to corrupt this pure and innocent man, so she did. She joined the temple to break the vows of the Temple with him. Her whole life changed when she met him, she had more control over herself, learned how to fight back, learned how to take care of herself, and prayed and prayed to gain grace for the church. But all of this is a facade, she's only here for Sydney. Her grades went up, and so did her popularity. Everyone thought she was very cool. Whitney tried intervening in this popularity but the more control she has over herself the more she wants to corrupt everyone else. Make them her dogs, obeying her every move. She wants to do this to Whitney especially, as time passes she becomes a worse bully than Whitney. Even if people send her to detention, Leighton always wonders why she's there. Even if they scream for help, no one will come to their aid.
"Her big red lips are filled with lies."
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Here's what she looks like in game!
Also she's not entirely evil, she still has kindness inside her, she just doesn't see the world as a nice place anymore. And all you need is to survive, and she doesn't want to be prey anymore.
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purpleheartskies · 3 months
Happy Father's Day!... but not to Robby's "father", Johnny Lawrence. He doesn't deserve the honor of that title: "father" or "dad".
You know, in s5e9, Johnny told Chozen,
"My whole life was haunted by one stupid kick. I thought if I could go back in time, do things different, dodge it, block it, my life would be fixed. The kick wasn't the problem. I had to stop focusing on what was behind. Start looking at what was in front of me." [points at Carmen]
Johnny made this decision in s3e10, when he left Robby behind with Kreese and did nothing to make things right with Robby. Robby was in Cobra Kai with Johnny's abuser who had strangled him twice, and Johnny made no attempts to convince Robby to leave Cobra Kai. Instead, Johnny just got impotent over Miguel hanging out with Daniel and was making his favorite dinner to coax him back to him. (Johnny trying to convince Robby in s4e4 doesn't count because Robby is the one who came to him for that conversation, and Johnny didn't even care to really listen to what Robby was saying to him.)
In contrast to Johnny, in s5e9, Robby went to Cobra Kai and took a stand against freaking Silver to make things right with Tory and Kenny:
"I came here to apologize. I let you down. Turned my back on you. I didn't understand at the time but I realize I was wrong. I shouldn't have just left. I should have taken you all with me. Everything you're taught here is bullshit. There is pain in this dojo and it's built upon fear, because this man is not your sensei, he is your enemy. But it's not too late. You're not past the point of no return. And I promise, there's still another way."
Wouldn't it have been amazing if Johnny had done this for Robby when Robby was in Cobra Kai? But, no. Johnny didn't do this. He had decided to "stop focusing on what was behind. Start looking at what was in front of [him]." s5 was even worse for Johnny and Robby and was sad, sad proof that Johnny isn't worthy of being a father/dad to anyone. Silver spoke truth: Johnny will screw up another kid.
In s4e4, Johnny dismissed Robby when Robby told him:
"For as long as I can remember, I've been afraid... afraid that I'm gonna end up like you. But that's not gonna be my fear anymore... because I am better than you."
Johnny once told Miguel that he can be better than Johnny, but Johnny freaking turned Robby away when Robby said that he is better than Johnny. In s5e9, Robby proved once again that he is better than Johnny. Hell, even Dom in Fast X, a ridiculous character in a ridiculous, over-the-top movie franchise with bad writing and retcons galore, has the right idea about fatherhood. Dom said about his son: "Pass it down. Each generation, better than the last... That's fatherhood." and "You will be better than me." Johnny never passed down anything to Robby, other than the generational trauma. Johnny never cared or thought to teach Robby anything. Instead, Johnny replaced Robby with a "second chance" and passed down his legacy to that "second chance". Johnny has been choosing that "second chance" over Robby ever since. In s5, Johnny encouraged that "second chance" to use that legacy against Robby (apartment fight). Johnny's also getting ready for his "third chance", all while continuing to neglect and abuse Robby so that Johnny can feel better about his failures with Robby.
One question for s6 is "Will Johnny ever put his "real" son above his own ego for good?"
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Hi! I love the Touchstarved headcanons you made! Do you have any ideas for being with Leander? Fluff (and maybe a little dash of angst regarding MC's hands or the dangers associated with it) please! He has just completely stolen my heart and I love him already <3 Happy writing!
Hi!! I literally squeaked when I got this! You've made me so excited, I've been itching for Touchstarved requests and yours is the first! Eeee!!!
I'm so happy with how this turned out!! I might make one for the other four, too, even without requests...
Fandom: Touchstarved Characters: Leander Warnings: Spoilers below the blue text! Very fluffy, mildly angsty...
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Dating Leander Headcannons:
He is literally. The softest. You will not meet anyone sweeter to you than he is.
He blushes alllll the time! It's adorable, frankly. The slightest touch or compliment just makes him all 😳
He'll literally do anything for you. Those things he offered you when you met, the bed, food, clothes, whatever? Yeah that was just the beginning. Don't even joke about wanting things around him unless you actually want them, because if it's physically possible, he will find a way to get it for you. My man is devoted.
He does magic for you all the time. He'll greet you every morning with a flourish and a magical flower, tucking it behind your ear and giving you a kiss on the lips or forehead as it dissolves. One time he was in the middle of something important and forgot. He remembered only after you'd left, and he literally stopped what he was doing and chased you down because he can't miss his morning ritual!!
Also he literally just does random magic tricks to cheer you up whenever you're not happy. Sad, disappointed, sick, mad -- whatever, he's gonna find a way to make you smile if he possibly can.
He wears his heart on his sleeve with you most of the time, and is outwardly pretty affectionate. You're his person and he's not afraid to make sure everyone in Eridia knows it. As a bonus, not many people will dare mess with you.
Mild spoilers below! Nothin' major, just things from the demo
He makes sure you have the respect of the Bloodhounds. You end up as practically their second-in-command, after a while. They all take care of you, too, because they respect him and they know you're important to him.
So the thing with the curse. He promises you that he'll do everything in his power to find a way to break your curse, and he does. But, of course, that takes time, and meanwhile, you're still living with it. So, Leander does everything he can to make you feel normal. You deserve it, in his opinion. He doesn't want you to have to live in fear anymore.
When you're alone together, he'll encourage you to take off the bandages and just... be yourself. Live life like a normal person, not a cursed person.
He encourages you to touch him, to touch objects, to feel anything and everything you want with your touchstarved hands. They've been deprived of sensation for so long, and in some ways you're like a curious child, trying to grab everything within reach just for the experience. He laughs the first time you touch something metal, jerking your hand back with a gasp because cold! Don't be too upset with him for laughing, though. He finds it adorable.
He has a morning ritual, but he has a nighttime ritual, too, regardless of whether or not you two sleep in the same room/bed. He'll sit you down and unwind the bandages from around your hands, and softly kiss them both, and then gently massage some magically-enhanced lotion into your hands and wrists. They've been neglected for years, because other than seeking relief when they ache, you've done everything you can to hide and ignore your hands - but not anymore. He showers them (and you) in affection, and encourages you to sleep with the bandages off. Yes, even if you're sleeping with him. Especially if you're sleeping with him.
Play with his hair. It looks like it would feel nice and soft, and with your hands... yessss. It's like touching a cloud, almost. You've never felt anything so soft in your life.
On the... less upbeat side of things, though. He's very serious about your curse. He makes sure all of the Bloodhounds know not to mess with your hands, ever. He probably tells them you have a condition of some sort, or that your hands were badly burned in an accident of some variety (probably magic if you're the alchemist, maybe some sort of cooking mishap if not) and they're very sensitive. He is very clear about this. No one is to touch them, even bandaged, and they are not to ever try to remove the bandages or tease you about them. This leads to the Bloodhounds having a tendency to grab you by the elbow or arm, which is sweeter than it should be.
Also, this means that he's the only one who gets to hold your hand :) Because he really really likes holding your hand :) and he's the tiniest bit possessive over them because they're so special and sensitive :)
Should anything happen, if someone somehow got touched... he would defend you. Doesn't matter who it was or how it happened, he's on your side, and he's not letting you be punished without going through him first.
He definitely gets you a pair of gloves, if you want them. Something soft on the inside but durable. Maybe he even enchants them for you, if such a thing is possible, makes it so that the gloves are impossible to remove except by him or you, so you won't have to worry about accidents.
Anyway back to the fluff to end this on a high note
Imagine cuddling up with him at night, tracing your bare fingers across his chest and face, pressing your palm flat against his chest to feel his heartbeat. Just. Being able to quietly satisfy your desire for physical contact without fear or judgement.
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