#i'm not going to go into a full rant about how much/why i hate jelsa so much but again: GROWN WOMAN. TEENAGE BOY
rhys-ravenfeather · 2 years
Hey, remember back in 2012-2013 when people were shipping Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians with a grown woman from a different movie:
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And a grown man who murdered one of the other main characters, onscreen, and tried to depower the other guardians, if not cause them to die/disappear?
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lilmissbacon · 4 years
Jack Frost is more powerful than Elsa, get over it.
The reason I'm finally ranting about this is because I've been trying to watch some gacha on YouTube where Elsa reacts to Jack or just some Jack in general and (even when I just search 'Jack Frost gacha') all I see is "The Guardians react to Elsa/Frozen" or "Jack reacts to Elsa (Jelsa)" and it's finally made me snap.
For one, because I hate jelsa as I've mentioned in another post already. Second, because of this stupid idea that Elsa is more powerful than Jack.
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Bruh, since WHEN?!
I understand there was a message of girl power that people got off of Elsa but that doesn't mean she's more powerful! So, I'm finally gonna go into an analysis of how Elsa is clearly not even in the same league as Jack and wouldn't even impress the other Guardians.
Elsa's Case: she has control over...
Wind (to an extent)
She can freeze the kingdom of Arendelle. That's the given plot of the movie. But it's never been said that the freeze goes outside of the kingdom and it's a proven point when the land that the trolls live at, isn't frozen.
Near the end of the movie, when Elsa breaks out of the dungeon, she ends up creating a storm over the kingdom alone.
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She has no control over her magic and she's not even trying to hold it back at this point, so it's going as far as it can from where she stands. Meaning that the castle+fjord is how much land she can cover all together. The only reason snow had spread any further than that was because she dragged the storm with her when she ran to the north mountain.
Like a paintbrush smearing paint on a canvas, Elsa smeared snow on the land. That's the only reason she managed to cover the entire country.
You may not have noticed but when it showed Arendelle –as well as throughout the entire adventure with Anna– it never physically snowed. It only snowed when Elsa ran away and when she made the blizzard. Both were moments where Elsa was within the area of the events taking place.
Her powers did not grow from any point in the sequel either. If there was any indication of such, the movie would've pointed it out. When Elsa's dress changes in Ahtohallan, it is signifying her full power, meaning she has reached her full potential and her powers have no more room to grow. Her powers are fully realized and so is she.
Jack's Case: he has control over...
I don't understand why so many people think Jack can't control ice. HE'S THE EMBODIMENT OF WINTER! He makes ice in Antarctica when he fights Pitch, he makes ice when Jamie + guardians are sledding down the streets. He controls all. Things. Winter.
Jack could potentially have the ability to freeze the entire planet within minutes if not seconds. In the books that inspired rotg, Jack was a being of the golden age named Nightlight. The man in the moon states that "within every Nightlight is the energy of a star. No other being has more power."
And even if the movie doesn't follow how powerful he is in the books, it is clear by the Guardians reactions to his outburst at Sandy's death, that he's on a level that they've never seen. And they've been around for hundreds of years, they've seen a lot. There is a layer of his powers that he himself hasn't tapped into, purely because he never thought to.
Not to mention the fact that Jack can focus the wind so precisely that he can fly without blowing back the people around him. That takes a lot of precision and power to control it to such an extent. Elsa can't even fly let alone with such precision.
And we can't leave out the fact that he can manipulate people's freaking emotions! He does it with Jamie and Cupcake during the snowball fight and with Bunny when they make eggs for easter.
It's a whole nother level of magic that they don't even talk about in the film.
And all of this was before he even had any believers. Believers are what give spirits their raw power and Jack had none, yet he was still that powerful? Imagine him now when the number of his believers start growing.
Jack is one of (if not) the most powerful beings in his universe while Elsa was never said to be the most powerful spirit of her's. It's clearly stated that the fifth spirit is special because they are the bridge between magic and nature; keeper of peace between spirits and people. Meaning she is special because she can talk to humans, they never said anything about her power. Why would the spirits make her more powerful than them anyway? They gave her the magic, it doesn't make any sense for her to be the most powerful of them. She doesn't even beat the other spirits in battle anyway.
She pushes Gale [wind spirit] off and then it takes a liking to her because it realizes that she's the bridge they chose, so they stop fighting.
She corners Bruni [fire spirit] and then befriends him.
She outwits Nokk [water spirit] (because she was clearly losing) by managing to ride him.
And she doesn't even interact with the earth giants.
So let's compare between scenes. Jack vs Pitch and Elsa vs Bruni
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These are both moments where both characters use so much magic that it drains them of their energy. But the entities they are fighting have an obvious power scale difference.
Elsa is winded after putting out a bunch of fires while Jack is freezing over an ancient darkness created by the embodiment of fear himself.
You can argue that the fire is magic but like Elsa, Bruni can only spread the fire to a certain distance, aka; wherever he crawls/shoots. While Pitch is completely covering an ENTIRE city and had just managed to kill Sandy. You know... one of the most powerful out of all the spirits.
And once again, Elsa doesn't even defeat Bruni, she befriends him. Meanwhile Jack basically did but then the guardians retreat because they are in shock about Sandy's death, so they left to regroup. Then at the end of the movie, Jack has the ability to finish off Pitch but he decides to just let Pitch's nightmares do the work. And once again, you could argue that Elsa could've finished off Bruni if she wanted but he would've most likely just melted through the ice she made.
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Pitch had no way out of his predicament, unlike Bruni.
And you can't try to give the excuse of "Jack can't do anything without is staff." It is clear in the scene where Jack fixes his staff that it is not the source of his power but a conductor. Like Thor and his hammer in the MCU. Plus, Jack is described by the creators as creating snowflakes just by his mere presence.
And let's not forget how Elsa completely relies on her powers (quote: Anna, no. I have my powers to protect me, you don't) and she is never shown physically fighting. Even in 'Ralph Breaks the Internet,' when Venelope glitches into the princesses room, Elsa's first instinct is to open her hands (unlike all the other princesses who fist/weapon up) and use magic. So it's fairly certain to say that she has no clue how to throw hands.
Meanwhile, as it states in Jack's official bio, he is a master of parkour and kendo (way of the sword). Using a mix of those to make his own fighting style. Adding to the fact that Jack has had over 300 years to practice his talents and powers.
So if Jack and Elsa were to fight –with or especially without magic– Jack wins hands down.
Elsa's not that impressive
Elsa can create life = so does Jack with the frost rabbit in Jamie's bedroom.
She has an ice castle = so does North at the north pole, and Tooth's palace, and Bunny's whole warren, and Sandy's island of dream sand. All of which are much more impressive/cooler than a simple castle of ice that isn't even nearly as big as any of the guardians homes.
She can play back moments in time = Tooth can excess EVERYONE'S memories. Not to mention that the idea of water having memory in Frozen 2, literally comes out of nowhere and if Elsa can do it, so can Jack.
She protects a forest of spirits = the guardians protect the children of the WORLD! A much grander scale of importance. Compared to them, Elsa's contribution is pointless.
Also not to mention the fact that Elsa was never confirmed to be immortal by anyone other than the fan base. I can't be 100% sure but I've heard that the creators actually debunked this idea. Not only because it completely contradicts both movies being about sisterly love if Elsa were to outlive Anna, but the creators love Elsa too much (and have stated so in interviews) to put her through that.
So if Elsa conventionally dying by being frozen and then brought back, makes her immortal, then Anna would be immortal too. And you can't say their circumstances were different because Elsa's powers come from Ahtohallan, therefore they were frozen by the same ice. Anna's not immortal because she has clearly aged by the sequel, and if she ages then so will Elsa.
In Conclusion
This whole idea that the guardians would be so impressed or that Elsa is so much more powerful than Jack is just all false and it irritates the fuck out of me when people ignore the clear facts for the sake of "girl power."
I'm all for girl power, trust me, I am. But I'm not gonna create falsehoods for the sake of it. Elsa just isn't impressive in any way compared to Jack, let alone the other guardians.
I'm a simple girl with simple desires, just give me some accurate gacha!
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