#i'm not even talking about ryder and olaf omg
Ok prompt: Kristanna and Elsamaren double date? :3
ajasgfdkjhjfds but what if it’s not planned lol 
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here??”
Anna’s tone had been slightly more accusative than Elsa’s. 
“What do you mean?” Frowned the blonde. 
“You’re not supposed to be here.” 
“Excuse me? I had planned to come here tonight for a long time.” 
Anna snorted. “Oh, I surely planned longer than you.” 
“This is ridiculous.” Sighed Elsa, and she walked past Anna with Honeymaren following her. 
The redhead however put an arm in front of her to stop her way. 
“Elsa, this is unfair. This is my spot and you know it.” 
“Yes, and that’s exactly because you introduced it to me the other day that I found it romantic, and--” 
“That’s still MY place! And I showed it to you, which means that I have the right to... Wait, what? Did you just say romantic?” 
Elsa furiously blushed, her pale face becoming all red. Honeymaren smirked. She had suspected something was up, and now it was clear thanks to her slip of the tongue that she meant do have a romantic stroll, not a casual one like she pretended when they walked out of the castle. 
“There are plenty of other pumpkin patches in the village.” Mumbled Elsa, searching for an excuse to make her sister leave. 
She didn’t mean to be rude, she only dearly wished that the situation wouldn’t ruin her evening with Honeymaren. Bad habits died hard, and she couldn’t help but push away the problem. 
Anna lifted a sarcastic eyebrow, her hands on her hips. “I’m not giving up my spot. We’re not leaving.” 
Kristoff chuckled next to her at their dispute. “Come on, you’re not gonna argue about this...” 
Honeymaren smiled and shook her head, also agreeing that the sisters were being dramatic. It wasn’t the first time she assisted to such a scene. 
“Elsa, this is fine... It’s the first time I visit Arendelle, every spot of the village is new to me.” 
The blonde pouted slightly. 
“So everywhere we will sit will have a romantic setting.” Added Honeymaren with a teasing smirk. 
Now the blonde blushed even more, if that was humanly possible. Anna giggled discreetly. 
“Are you sure that you don’t mind then?” 
Elsa was unable to formulate a sentence since she had frozen still at Honeymaren’s deep hazelnut eyes staring at her at the word ‘romantic’. The Northuldra thus answered. 
“It’s fine. Truly. Elsa, this is a lovely night, I’m sure that the harbor will be beautiful with the lights and the docks. I’ve never been in a harbor for my whole life, remember? And I never get tired of admiring this fjord.” 
It took a moment for Elsa to be convinced, but she didn’t add anything else than a ‘humph’ and turned around, followed by a grinning Honeymaren. She gave a wave of the hand to Kristoff and Anna in excuse, and followed her date down the hill to the heart of the village. 
Kristoff eyed Anna as she walked over the barrier to enter the patch. “You truly are a drama queen, you know that, feisty?” 
“With a sister like that? I’m no match.” 
She then gestured to a spot further, which had been entirely prepared; there were lanterns, candles, a picnic set, with wine, sandwiches, raisin grapes, cheeses and slices of bread. Anna dramatically showed her preparation with stretched arms and hands. 
“Waow.” Smiled Kristoff, his eyes sparkling. 
“See? That’s not something Elsa would have made.” Smiled Anna. 
She bit her lip with emotion at his reaction while he admired everything she had done. 
They sat, and he patted the ground under the picnic cloth, then smirked. “You’re right, Elsa would have crafted ice chairs so we could get more comfortable.” 
Anna twisted her head and glared at him with fire in her eyes and a big frown. 
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