#i'm not david haller or am I
losinmortalesperdidos · 6 months
David Haller as the epitome of BPD.
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Done with it/you/self:
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gerec · 21 days
hi do you have any recommendations for fics based more on the comic verse characters of cherik??
Hi Anon!
I'm currently taking a little break from fic recommendations, but I am happy to direct you to some of my favourite comicverse cherik writers on Ao3! Definitely check out works by:
Sotano (amazing Krakoa era fics) winter_hiems (strong focus on David Haller/Ruth Aldine + David Haller & Charles Xavier) joshriku (Cherik and Magneto's family) hllfire (crossover xmen movie & comics verse)
Happy hunting!
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danamegido · 8 months
I absolutely did just not fucking buy all three hardcover Legion comics spending around 50 euros.
I absolutely did not lose all self-control to buy this.
I definitely am not going to have to stuck three books up my ass at the airport cuz I'm flying with one bag only.
Nah, Dana bffr
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Anyway, probably will have to make a well made post for commissions cuz yeah, I probably should have not brought them in the first place but again, no self control:33
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alarajrogers · 7 months
Correct me if I'm wrong but In "journeyman of magnetism" Magneto implies that Gabrielle Haller claiming he wasn't Jewish but in fact Sinti to the UN was some sort of deliberate disinformation campaign or psyop as she knew full well he was Jewish in UXM 161.
In finding a Doylist explanation for 'the retcon' what led you there?
Yes. He's been obviously, blatantly Jewish since Claremont started establishing it -- non-practicing, but a lot of what he says makes no sense if he's Romany. So before that retcon was re-retconned, a whole lot of us were absolutely sure that the whole thing was wrong... and the entire "Magneto is Romany" identity thing came from Gabrielle Haller, who is an Israeli ambassador who survived the Holocaust. Throwing Magneto's Jewish identity under the bus to prevent a resurgence of antisemitism (similar to what we're seeing since the attacks on Gaza started) and protect Israel and Jews worldwide is exactly a thing I still believe she would do if necessary. (Rude to throw the Romany under that bus too, but in the world of Marvel, Dr. Doom is Romany; any extended harm that may come to the Romany people from being associated with a supervillain, has already happened, and Doom has made a big thing about his heritage and about protecting his people. Latveria is probably full of Romany people who migrated there because Doom wouldn't let them be treated like shit.)
Personally I am annoyed that they got rid of the name "Erik Lehnsherr" (which was never either a Jewish or Romany name -- it means "lord of the land" and neither group was allowed to own land -- but if it had to be one or the other it made more sense to me that it might have come from a gentile man marrying a Jewish woman, since Jewish identity is carried from the mother, at some point in the past.) They could have gotten rid of the Romany thing without getting rid of the name. "Max Eisenhardt" is just... it's one of those too-apropos Marvel names, given that Max and Magnus mean the same thing and Eisenhardt means "iron strong" or something like that. It's got the word "iron" in it, is the point. (Some people at the time claimed it meant "iron heart" but that's inaccurate, German heart is "herz"; hardt means something like "hardy, brave, strong" in names.)
But even if it was Magneto who set up the Erik Lehnsherr identity... Gabrielle would have known better. Romany didn't go to Israel, and in Israel, Magnus probably did practice Judaism, at least enough of it to not stand out.
Part of my entire problem with the removal of the Erik identity, aside from the fact that it had already been assigned to him in the movies by that time, was that in Age of Apocalypse, David Haller addresses him by that name. If he only used it for a brief time while he was hunting for Magda, and then ditched it to be "Magnus" when he went to Israel, why would David even know it? Also, Charles calls him that name. Charles has been inside his head, Charles has to know his real name. Does Magneto consider "Max Eisenhardt" a deadname? Why would he? He got rid of the name because he was wanted in the Soviet Union for murdering half the town of Vinnitsa, not because he wanted to reject the memory of his family. (Not then, anyway.)
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joshriku · 2 years
hi!! I saw a rec list of yours where you were like, "i actually have more but some of them are just the real popular ones so im like. Yeah youve read it." -- but I HAVENT!! I'm brand new to cherik and looking for those ultimate recs, those smash hits. could you rec some ultimate cherik fic, if you have the time? i'm not big on fluff but anything too cutesy but otherwise I'm totally open!!! thank you in advance!
hiii :D i would absolutely recommend you to also browse the tag filtering it by kudos because i tend to filter out some things and i also tend to be picky with stuff so there's probably Smashing Hits(tm) i overlooked bc i was like 'nahh im not in the mood today' and my god there are so many good authors and fics that probs go undiscovered by ME. so do make sure you don't miss out on Those Hits
that being said i went through my bookmarks and i'm grabbing those ones with thousands of kudos (bc to me A Lot of Kudos are anything over 100 but i know some cherik fics have liek 5k or more so. i rec going thru the tag fr) so if i repeat myself from the other recs im very sorry but teehee here you go!!!!
these are all like. well. they don't have major trigger warnings or bad endings so enjoy
two lonely souls in a fish bowl by blarfkey: this is really more centered around pietro and erik but the cherik in it is mmmmmwah and also it's jsut so fucking good if you need to scratch that itch of 'damn i wish pietro had told erik he was his dad' like the rest of us. it's so so so good and IT'S A WHOLE SERIES SO CHECK THAT OUT THEY'RE ALL SO GOOOOD.
been there, done that by asyouwish: time loop fic! fucking love that. erik gets stuck in a timeloop before the cuba thing happens. i love seeing littl emen suffer trapped in time
i don't want to wake up on my own anymore by pocky_slash: my bookmark tag here says 'something about erik sleeping' so i reread it and i was like oghggoghg erik sleeping....so YEAH.
orphans of forgetting by pocky_slash: AHGP okay this one's fucking good listen to me. i like men going through emotional trials that fucks them up but gives them an emotionally fulfilling result. this fics good
the pretender by clocks: au where erik fake proposes to charles to get free food. they're still mutants. apparently i bookmarked this one saying 'im going to cry' and now i remember i was jsut really emotional that day and there was no reason to cry as it is a very good and funny fic. help
the whole world wants what we're on by waketosleep: and there was only one bed!
mi casa, su casa by zairaA: i love this one. it's so fun to read. charles moves into his new apartment only to find out erik already lived there. i love this fic.
shalom malakh by zairaa: ive read this oen so many times and only now ive connected the dots that it's the same author. david haller is in this fic. 10/10 showstoppin gi love MY BOYYYYYY !!!!!! but other than that it's so fucking good. what's better than coming back from the dead to haunt ur loved ones AM I RIGHT..
still life with cookies by ren: this one's cute. like a romcom. the pining on this one is so good and enjoyable i liked it so much
a nice boy (the family matters edition) by pocky_slash: IVE RECCED THIS BEFORE. BUT LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO I REREAD IT AND I CRIED SO LIKE HERE IT GOES AGAIN
x marks the spot by the hoyden: i fuckign lvoe this fic. every time i reread it i blink and it's over even though its like 20k words but it's jsut THAT good!!!!
the courtship by danveresque: what's better than canon characters cherik. REINCARNATIPON FICS . fuck my life thsi fic stresse dme out so bad but it was so good. i love it.
never too late to be who you might have been by acetamide: charles and erik wake up in the future (the 2000s timeline movies) and only remember up until what they know before the cuban missile crisis. chaos but also sweet shit :)
tessellation by nekosmuse: i feel like ive mentioned this one before. no MATTER. it's GOOD. IT FUCKS ME UP SO BAD. it does messes with comic canon and also the xmen animated series so it's PERFECT FOR ME and i really do feel it's a classic. liek. 3k kudos should attest for a classic yeah. magneto is a charles xavier enjoyer. they meet. fall in love. Shit Happens. but like it's my favorite.
i think those are all the fics i have that are over 1k kudos long weeps.. again i SUPER encourage you to filter it by kudos when you go the charles/erik tag bc there are SO many fics with SO much content so please enjoy! i accidentally opened the tag and filtered it on august 2021 and i keep going through it. 2 years later yeah. i'm in like page 157 of it. we all make mistakes. but thank you for the ask and i hope you enjoy! :)
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thequiver · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 6GA, 11, 14GA, 20GA, 21, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42GA, 48, 50. Please and thank you.
1. Who's your favorite character and why? So I don't.... have one. I have a lot of characters that I like hyperfixate on? But I don't necessarily think I have a favorite. I definitely do have favorites but not one in particular. So like Ollie, Roy, Mia, Connor, Dinah, Emi, Jade, David, Pietro, Wanda, Terry, Kurt, etc.
2. Who's your favorite supporting character and why?
I don't.... think I actually tend to classify characters as "supporting characters" to me they're all just.... characters, but uh... Shado.
3. Who's your favorite comics hero/sidekick duo?
4. answered already!
6. Who's a character you love seeing interacting with Green Arrow?
for Ollie I LOVE seeing him interact with Shado- and for Connor I really like seeing him interact with his civilian family and Master Jansen!
11. already answered!
14. What's your favorite thing about character Green Arrow?
for Ollie I love all of his contradictions, they make such a fun character, and for Connor I just really adore the depth to his character, how strong he is and his constant desire to be better and do better in really meaningful ways
20. If you were given a comic run for character Green Arrow, what would you write about?
Definitely a book with both Connor and Ollie teaming up as Green Arrow and sort of them working to find a balance in that dynamic for sure, definitely push and pull in their methods of being Green Arrow, sort of showcasing how they learn from each other
21. Share a favorite piece of comics lore.
GA writers have been investigated by the CIA :)
24. What's your favorite crossover event?
I'm really fond of the Battle of Muir Island, which is apparently a lot more niche than I thought it was
26. If you got sucked into a comic, which one would you pick?
uh..... this would end HORRIBLY FOR ME, but Once and Future
29. What are some of your favorite comics blogs?
definitely @batphobique @lomakes @cissie-queen-jones @zibah-ho and @lesbianspeedy plus more friends but is late and I am bad at remembering urls
30. What's been a good change to comics status quo?
definitely hit or miss but greater understandings of mental health and the inclusion of more diverse characters - I am NOT saying these are always done well, but just the fact that they're existing is something that gives me more hope for the Big 2 especially
31. Shine a light on a character you think deserves more love.
32. Who are two characters you'd like to see interact more?
33. What's your favorite tv show adaptation?
X-Men: Evolution babey
34. What's your favorite movie adaptation?
It has SO MANY FAULTS but the vibes of X-Men First Class were immaculate (also X-2)
35. What's your favorite video game adaptation?
much to the chagrin of my boyfriend and my students, I do not play video games nor am I super into watching other people play video games
37. Any characters you used to dislike but now you like? What changed your mind?
I used to really not like Pyro, but I'd only seen him in the movies and in X-Men: Evo, but I just came to really enjoy him in the comics, all it took was actually reading lol
38. What's your favorite comic book trope?
"Any last words?" being said by an adversary and then their opponent not dying- it gets me every time
41. What's a comic that keeps on giving (you enjoy rereading)?
Green Arrow: Quiver, but issue specific Legion of X #6
42. What comic had the best characterization of Green Arrow?
For Ollie it's O'Neil or Grell, and for Connor it's Dixon
48. What's your favorite elseworld/AU story?
I've never really been into elseworlds like I like making my own AUs and such, but idk... I'm a canon compliance bitch they're just not my thing
50. Share anything you'd like to about a character of your choice - a favorite fic, comic panel, an original work you made, anything!
okay so I bought this super awesome sticker of David holding his father's skull with a Hamlet reference on it and I've had to explain the context to at least 10 of my coworkers and it never gets old
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rphunter · 20 days
Hello. I'm a 25+ non-binary (she/they) rper. I know this is a long shot, but I'm searching for someone (18+, of course) who would be willing to write David Haller (Legion). I'm fine with him being written as his X-Men comics version or the version from Legion FX, either or some combo of both is fine! I would like to write as either Rogue or Ruth Aldine (Blindfold), but I would be willing to write as Sydney Barrett or an OC, as well. I would also be willing to write as more than one of them, if you'd like a polyship situation or if you'd like multiple different threads / universes to expand upon. The rp would include MxF shipping between David and whichever muse you'd like me to play. I want it to be a little bit of a slow burn- not too slow, but I don't want to just jump into them just being together. Smut is preferred but not necessary as I like to make things more plot heavy. Though if you'd like to have a higher focus on smut as well, we can always have a separate thread or text channel (on discord) for just smut writing when you're not feeling up to plot writing! Any specific kinks or anything can be discussed in private.
I am open to suggestions for plotting and I do have some small ideas in mind, myself.
I'm a fairly slow paced writer, so you don't have to worry about being badgered for replies if you're busy. I can write here on tumblr or over on discord!
If you'd be willing to discuss a possible plot, please like this post and I'll reach out to you! Thank you!
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gaboavilesh · 1 year
– You seem cheerful today.
I smiled as he sat down.
– I'm wrecked.
He replies joyfully
– That's not usually how being wrecked looks.
– I am heartbroken, my friend.
– And why is that?
I inquired
He dug something from underneath the sofa. It was a comic book.
– David Haller.
– Legion?
– Legion.
I motioned him to go on and elaborate.
– They nerfed him.
– How so?
– They made him off himself.
I was surprised, for a while now we've loved the character of Legion and wished for more of his content on comic books so hearing he had a new story brought us joy, but these news... They brought the opposite of joy.
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X-Manson by Doctor Benway - Annotated by Tsar 4
X-Manson or X-Mansion is an X-Men fanfiction written by someone under the username Dr Benway; because there is no discussion of it online, I have decided to annotate it piece by piece to dissect it via Tumblr. If you are interested in helping, please message me with things that i have missed or questions. My text notes will be like this but in pink, while Benway's story will be written in white. I will mark text with the story in red like this to drive attention to narration points that will be important later.
tw for future content involving sexual assault, rape, and other related horrors.
Part 3
Part 5
[Shot of a couple in a very expensive and very Central European hotel suite. The man is handsome, with snow white hair and features that might be called noble. His wife, in her 60s, has jet black hair. Together, they might pass for a couple immortalized in a mosaic on the walls of Pompeii, or perhaps Leptis Magna.]
[Caption: Professors Erich and Gabrielle Lehnsherr, Vienna, Austria]
*Magneto's name is not Erik or Erich Lehnsherr in the comics. It's Max Eisenhardt, thought that was revealed years after the fic's original publishing.
EL: You are certain that you are able to go through with this?
GL: I'm not a flower, Erich.
EL: I didn't mean to suggest-
GL: They aren't here to watch us argue. Yes, I knew Charles Xavier.
Int: Where did you meet him?
GL: At the Institute in Haifa, only he was calling himself Charles Marko then. Doctor Charles Marko.
*A reference to Charles stepbrother, Cain. Not the last we'll see in this fanfiction.
Int: This was where he brought you out of your coma?
GL: Yes. But I'm sure now that we met earlier, or at least that he saw me in Tangiers.
Int: That was where you went into the coma.
*another reference to Tangier. This confuses me more, I'm not sure why Erich would have been in Morocco following WW2.
GL: Yes. Collapsed in the street. Woke up in Haifa.
*They transported a man who fell unconscious in Morocco all the way to Israel?
Int: Under the care of Charles Xavier.
GL: Yes.
Int: And you, Professor Lehnsherr, you were her physician?
EL: What have they been saying about me? No, no, I was an orderly.
GL: Erich was badly hurt during the war.
EL: What she means is that I was written off as a terminal headcase.
GL: He was in-
EL: Uh, uh. None of that. They don't need to hear of that.
GL: I am sorry. Erich could not hold a conversation when I first saw him.
EL: This was true. I had no words.
GL: Until you saw-
EL: Until I saw what he was doing to you.
*a reference to the past of Charles and the conception of David Haller (Legion). But with a horrible, dark twist.
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kazz-brekker · 3 years
Just finished the first season of the TV Legion and I have come to the conclusion that it’s a great show so far and even better if you like feeling smart about being able to understand what’s happening
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wastrident · 7 years
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No, no, no, no. You're you're lying. You're trying to confuse me, and no. David. David. No. David! David. Just take a deep breath. Try to be calm. Just try to relax, David.
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wxrldkillerarchive · 4 years
tag post.
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Forgot to add that I am especially interested in mad scientist content! Little Herby West is such a gem. No pressure to respond of course. I just thought you might know some other good ones! :)
As far as mad scientists go, Herbert West is by far my favorite. I wish there were more quality mad scientist content in the same vein as Re-Animator. Most of what I've seen takes itself a lot more seriously than our darling Herbert hehe.
I can give you a list of some of what I'd consider the most influential and/or just plain fun to watch movies with mad scientists.
The Fly (1986, Dir David Cronenberg)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920, Dir. John S. Robertson)
Bride of Frankenstein (1935, Dir. James Whale) - this one and Frankenstein (1931) are absolute must watches, they are the yardstick by which all other mad scientist movies are measured for me, and Colin Clive is magnificent.
The Curse of Frankenstein (1957, Dir. Terence Fisher) - this one was very popular when Hammer Films released it, and it was followed by their own versions of The Mummy and Dracula. All Hammer Films are worth a watch in my opinion.
Frankenstein (1931, Dir. James Whale)
Frankenstein Created Woman (1967, Dir. Terence Fisher)
Frankenstein Unbound (1990, Dir. Roger Corman) - if you're familiar with Roger Corman and his extensive library of films, you'll know what to expect from this one. I'm including it because it isn't winning any Academy Awards, but I enjoyed it and it stars John Hurt, one of my favorite actors.
Frankenstein's Army (2013, Richard Raaphorst) - this movie was an absolute blast and a really fun take on the Frankenstein story.
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994, Dir. Kenneth Branagh)
The Invisible Man (1933, Dir. James Whale)
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971, Dir. Robert Fuest) (this is one of my all time favorite movies, horror or not)
The Astro-Zombies (1968, Dir. Ted V Mikels)
Atom Age Vampire (1960, Dir. Anton Giulio Majano)
The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962, Dir. Joseph Green)
Die, Monster, Die! (1965, Dir. Daniel Haller)
From Beyond (1986, Dir. Stuart Gordon)
Get Out (2017, Jordan Peele)
Sharkman (2005, Dir. Michael Oblowitz)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977, Dir. Don Taylor)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975, Dir. Jim Sharman)
Swamp Thing (1982, Dir. Wes Craven)
Teenage Zombies (1959, Dir. Jerry Warren) (this one is interesting in that while it isn't a particularly amazing film, the mad scientist in question is a woman)
Tusk (2014, Dir. Kevin Smith)
Frankenhooker (1990, Dir. Frank Henenlotter)
I know not all of them will appeal to every type of horror fan, but they're all films that I really enjoyed and some of them really defined the Mad Scientist Horror genre. In terms of horror in general, my list would probably be too long to post, but if there are any other subgenres of horror you're interested in, I can point you to some new movies to watch that you might not have seen yet. Feel free to message me anytime, hope this helps!
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theresatvjoe · 8 years
me: *takes a deep breath*
me: I lo-
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love David Haller, i know, you love David Haller so much, he is the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love him to bits, i KNOW, you love David Haller you fucking love him okay i know, i get it, YOU LOVE DAVID HALLER. I GET IT.
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checkmate-cherik · 6 years
DID YOU KNOW CHARLES XAVIER HAS THREE BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN IN THE 616 UNIVERSE AT THIS MOMENT????? I'm crying he has more children than magneto what is happening to marvel. Erik: 1 dead kid, 2 kids who were retconned not to be his, 1 magneto daughter Charles: David Haller, Charles II, and Xandra I'm not ok what are the xmen comics doing why is this hapening what t is gong on
Seriously though I am so gleeful that you have brought me this knowledge. >:D Marvel Will Not Stop until all the new mutants are descended from either Charles or Erik, and tbh I am going to be chuckling about this for days.
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thequiver · 2 years
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I'm still working on it and it's taking FOREVER because I am not Jewish but am trying to write a fic dealing with David Haller's Jewish identity as he finally has the time to mourn his mother while living on Krakoa and I've had some lovely lovely people volunteer to beta read and I've been doing a lot of research, and I can't wait to be able to share it
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